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BORODAYEV...Tu.S., Ltranslatorl; MU10KH, Te.F. Etranslatorj; TAKOVLNVA, Te.B. [translator]; SMIR11OV, V.I., redaktor;R%W;0TICH, G.P., re- daktor; KLIMMO, eskiv redaktor. CRegnerat6d ore deposits; a collection of articles. Translated from the German, French, and Polish] Rudnye regenerir6vannye mestorozhdeniia; sbornik, statei. Perevod s nemetskmgo, fran- umqkoi-o i pol'skego IU.S.Borodaava. I.Y.Simnokh, 1 1.3. lAkovlnvoi. Pod red. I s predial. Y.I.Snirnova. Meek-ra, lid- vo inostr.1i'*-ry, 1957. 2-51 D (Mipu 10:6) (Ore depositsi SM 'NOY VI-A4 r-lvanovich- MAKSIMOV A.A., nauchuyy redaktor; LTU3IMOT,I.M., redaktor iz~da ; GURT~N67, V.P., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. e s va [Geological principles of prospecting for are-dezo-sits' GooloKichnskie osnovy poiskov i rR%vedok rudnykh mestoroshiienii. Izd-vo Mosk.univ.. 1957. 587 p. (MIRA 10:11) (Prospecting) (Ore deposits) , SMIRNOV,-V.I. Six types of primary zonality of hydrothermal ore bodies. Izv. AN SSSR.Ser.geol. 22 no-3:15-26 Mr '57. (MLRA 10:5) l.MoskovskiT gosudarstvannyy umivernitat imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (0r@ deposits) or U BU ;?R I e -,olE!. -:~Fjviewed b7 i. Smirnov). -)kh.anar 2133 0 universitet -eni Lomonosown, ~'.ines and sd'ne~al resources) SMIRNOV, V.I.-,,,, -1~ '57. -11 Density of exploratory nets. Sov. geol. no-58:150-162 r (MIRA 11:2) 1.1-loskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univcrsitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova. (Prospecting) SMIRITOVO -.70;- Achievements and urgent problems in the theory of ore formation. Sov. geol. no.60:87-104 '57. (XIRA 11:3) 1. Hookovekly goeudaretvennyy universitet im. H.T. Lomonosova. (Ore deposits) TS1SSARTS. A. [Cissarz, Arnold], prof., doktor; GAIJ)Ilq, N.Ye. [translator]; SMMOV, red.; ZNAMPINSKAYA, V.K., red.; IOVLVVA, N.A., (Mineral deposits in Yugoslavia] Poleznye iskopsemye lUgoslavii. Pod red. I s predisl. V.I.Smirnova. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry. 1958. 238 p. [Translated from the German] (MIILA 12:5) (Yugoslavia--14ines and mineral resources) 3(5) MASS I MOX ZMADITATIOU SW/1923 Akad--dya nauk =R. Otdolenlys, 90010SO-geograflobeak1kh nauk. IX-lasiya on Erobleas 'Zakonomarnosti razzaahchenlys pol~xMl& sko Vvzykh. p Zakonc-ornostl razz-aahohonlya polaznyla Iskopayes7kh (Recularitles In F7 the Distribution of Kineral Deposits Vol 1. Roscow, ltd-va AX SM, 1958. 532 P. Zrrata slip Inserted. 2,500 copies printed. Reap. Ed.t U.S. ahataklyt Acadealclanj ZdItorW Doardr U.S. Matskly# Acado.1clan, D.I. 24--herbakov, koadcrAcIan, N.A. rlyayevskly, N.M. Dolgopolov, O.D. Levitakiy, Tu.n. Pushcharovskiyp G.A. Sokolovi Rd. Of Publishing Houset 0.1. Mosovi Web. IU.z X.M. Ousova PVRPO=s This book in Intended for goolortats and petrographers, partle larly those Interested In the ucrldwida distribution of minerals and the reasons underlying their occurrence. COVLUG3t On the basis of particular -~Slonal studies this book atta--pts to establish the rules governing the distribution of metalllo and non-metallic or* deposits. The work Includes articles on the metallogeny of Individual minerals# an broad methodological Problemi, and on the possibility of predicting the oocurrence of a minoral in the CM on the basis of Its occurrence throughout the world. Six maps depleting the distribution of a partl4mlar mineral throughout the world are Included with the work. References Accompany !sob article. TAW- 07 COT.LWTS _Smirnov,.V.1. Conditions of the Deposition of Regenerated Deposits 160 t :yvnko, T.T., and Ts.T. Shatalov. Dlel-me'.Ivv D'Islocatlons. geatisation, and MInerallsation In No;~'thsastsrn WM 169 aftevich, Y*.A. Ifforte In the Study of the Metallogeny of Ore Region& &A.Bateplifled by Primorlye 241 : ard 3/6 Sow Features In the and L.N. Ryzhanko. 0. , orma an and Distribution of Mercury Deposits 269 SMIRITOV, V.I. Formation of regenerated ore deposits. Zakonem. razie. pelezn, iskop. 12:3) 1:160-168 158. NrU I.Mookolvolcly godiuiarstvennyy univereitat Im. l4wenevoya. (0-6 depollta) SMIRNOV. V.I.; ~YYZHENKO, L.M. Formation and distribution of mercury deposits. Zakonom. rasm. polein. iskep. 1:289-301 '58. - (YEIRA 22:3) l.Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. Lomonoseva i VsesoyuznyT ggsudarstvanny7 fond MiniaterstwL geolegii i okhrany nedr SSSR. (mercury areB) SMIRNOV, V. I._ Inhoritance In andoponous mineralization. Ilauch.dokl.vys.shkoly; gool.-nauk-i no.4:29-25 158. NIRA 12:6) 1. Aonkovskiy univorsitst. goologicbeakiy fakulltet, kafedra polezrWkh Iskopayomykh. (Ore deposits) SMITRNOV. V.I. z;fficient geological prospecting twith summary in e;ngli5hj. 50v. 8-001. no, ):104-109 My 158. (MIRA 11:10) 1. Mosicovkiy -osudarBtvennyy universitat imeai M.V.Iomonosovs. 0 (Pronpecting) 26-58-71-8/46 AUTHOR: Smirnov, V. 1. , Corresponding Member of the AS USSR TITLE: Ore From Magma (Ruda iz magmy) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1958, Nr 7, Pp 51-54 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Leningradskiy gornyy institut (Len 'ingrad mining Insti- tute) is a traditional center of Russ Iian and Soviet mining research. K.I. Bogdanovich, V.A. Obruchev, A.E. Fersman, S.S. 13mirnov (deceased) and Yu-A. Bilibin are quoted as ominent advocates of the theory of the magmatogenous origin of the ores. The article then gives a positive appraisal of contemporary Soviet research results with respect to the origin of the ores from magma as laid down in the book "Fundamental Problems in the Study of Magmatogenous Ore De- posits" published by the Publishing House of the AS USSR in 1955 and written by Lenin Prize winner A.G. Betekhtin, Academician A.N. Zavaritskiy, CorrespQ4ding Member V.A. Nikolayev, Academician D.S. Korzhinskiy and Member-Corre- spondent O.D. Levitskiy. Card 1/ ,2 There are 4 photos. Ore From Magma 26- 58-7- 8/46 p ASSOCIATION% Moskovskij gosudarst,,rennyy unive-_rsitel~ imeni M.L. Lomonasova (The Moscow State University imeni VI.V. Lomonosov) 1. Ores--Sources Card 212 YAKZ11111, Alokuandr. Androyevich; KRY-TV141t, VJI., prof., rotoolizent; ,_~~MOV.,-V*1*,,,,prof., nauchnyy red.; MMIN, S.S., red.izd-vn; KRYNOCHKIIIA, K.V., EProspecting for mineral deposits] Poiski i razvedka mesto- rozlidenii poleznykh iskopaemvkh. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-takhn. izd-vo lit-ry po -Sol. i okhrane nedr, 1959. 567 P. (MIRA 12:12) (Mines and mineral resources) (Prospecting) S1,111XV, V.I. - Concgrning the books on prospecting for uranium deposits. Geol. Y,.ul. mestorozh. no.2-.104-I06 Mr-Ap '59. (MIU. 12:9) (Uranium ores) (Books-Revievs) 18(5), 28(0) SOV/30-59-3-46/61 "'UTHOR: Smirnov, V. I., Corresponding 1'.!enber, Aca~emy of Sciences, VS13R7- TITLE: Principles and Methodsof Metalloaenetic- and Prognostication Maps (Printsipy i metody sostavleniya metallo.-enicheskikh i prognoznykh kart) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Nr 5, pp 12o - 122 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Otdeleniye geologo-geograficheskikh nauk Akademii nauk SSSR (Department of Geo.-raphical-Geological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences, USSR), the Akademiya nauk Kazakhs- koy SSR (Academy of Sciences of the Ka2akhskaya. SSR), the Ministerstva geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR i Kazakhskoy SSR (Ministries for Geology and~he Protection of Soil Products in the USSR and the Kazakhskaya SSR) organized a joint ,scientific conference a~ Alma-Ata from Dece-mber 8 to December 12, 1958, which dealt with problems of metallogenetic- and prognostication maps. The conference was attended by more than 800 persons representing various geological institutes Card 1/4 and organizations of the USSR. The greatest interest was Principles and Vethods of Metallo,~enetic- and SOV/30- 59- 3-46/6 -1 Proonostic-%tion Maps Saimples of metallogenetic prognostication maps in a large scale (1:200000 and larger) of a teamof geologLats of the Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR ( AS of the Uzbekska.,,,-- SSR) for the Chat kal o - Kuramin skaya gornaya oblast'Of TYan-Shan were shown by the President of this Academy, Kh. 11. Ab- dullayev, and the geologists of the Altayskiy nauchno-insledo- vatpllskiy gorno-mete-Ilurgicheakiy institut Akademii n--uk Kazakhakoy SSR (Altayskiy Scientific Metallurgical "ining- Research Inztitute of the AS Kazakhska,,,a SSR) P. F. Ivankin, A. K. Kanyupov, G. N. Shcherba showed one for RudniYy Alta-y. A. V. Orlova, and Ye. T. Shatalov, Ye. A. Radkevich dealt with the general methodic bases of metallo,3enetic lar.-e scale map plotting. N. P. Semenenko demonstrated a schene of metallogenetic regioning of the Ukr-::ine. The Ural geologists M. M. Aleshin, V. P. Pervov, P. V. Lszarev, and I. V. Lennykh spoke about the production of metallo.-eretic and prognostica- tion-maps for copper, iron, and nickel. U. it'. Alchmodsafin spoke about the proemostication methods for waters of the Artesian basins of Central Kazakhstan. At the conference proonostica- 3/4 tion maps for phosphorites -f.-ere demonstrated ( B. !A. Gim,.-.ell- 3 W U'2 H C ~mirnov, "l, 1. SOV/11-59--4-1/16 TITLI%:~, An Atl.e~ip~ of MetallcjE;eni~: Zoning ol ,-Oc U`IR T1,,.rrit~)ry (Opyt me ta, 1 loge ni cheskoGo ra.~,,onirovaniya territorii 333R) F'_"RIODIC.%L: Izvestiya ~1.kademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geologicheskaya,1959, -T 41 pp 3 - 21 (USSR) !,BST.-ACT: The author proposes a scheme of metallogenous division of the 'J1`,3R into five zones of occurence of endogenous mineral deDositis.-. Alpine, 1.1esozoic, Hercinian, Caledonian and _11roterozoic. ',.'ore than one mineralization Droces3 occurs in each of these zones., the "younger" one superimposed on the older, thus creating zones of polycyclic mineralizat- ion. ach of the five zones is divided into ore-provinces as followsz I.-Alpine provinces: a) Par 'North-_East, b) Caucasus, c) Carpathians, d) Ko-oet-Dag; II. Mesozoic Provinces.- Transbaykalian-Diaritime zone; III.-Hercin-Jan provinces-. a.) Ural, b.) Kazakhstan, c) Central Asia, and Card 1/2 als,-J _Dontass, Ncvaya Zemlya, South Taymyr and Tom'-Kolyvan Inv 111.-59-;-, -1 /1 (D A-n. Atteq)t of the USSR Te.rri-tai-Y ~V. -'I'aledotijan provinces. the Altay-Sayan zone and the Northern T-r-q:,y--'- 11. Proterozoic pr,.)nvinceo: 'Y ... a) oart of the Siberian Plateau, b) Baltic shield, urid Polycyclic mineralization is ob- i~,,tve,,t ,!i all The author wives a deLaflod dos- clipt.jcn c-f ~h~-se provinces, and of the 3UCCOSSlVe nineralizat- Lon ;~:rocesse:: occuring there. The following geologists are mentioned in connection with this article, 14'. ---. Shatskiy, A. -A, Bo~-danov, IN. A. Belyayevskiy, M. V. Muratov, S. S. iv, f. Shcherbakov, Ye. D. Karpova, and V. IL e r Ji ye vs ki y ~ There are I map, 1 diaclram ard 15 Joviet references. A S0 C 1 111 T Rul-11 LY EOSUdarstvennyy unilrersitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (The -o'co-s State University imeni Ii!. V. Lomonosov) S U 11 ',-1 T T;' ~eptemler ~,, 1951" Card 2/ 2 3(8) 6017/26-59-4-4/471 AUTHOR: Smirnov, V.I., Corres.ponaing MemberIAS USSR JTTLTLB: The Evolution of Endogenous Ore Formation (Evolyut- siya endogennogg rudoobrazovaniya) PERIODICAL: Priroda, 1959, Nr 4, pp 17-22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author investigates the geological conditions for the evolution of endogenous ore formation from ancient up to the latest geological epochs and the possible determination of regularities in the dis- tribution of these deposits on Soviet territory. Mostly endogenous deposits are concentrated in pli- cated areas framing the Russian And Siberian plat- forms and also in the Baltic, Ukrainian, Aldan and Allabar regions. The author enumerates the main form- ation periods and gives a map dividing the USSR ter- ritory into metallogenic districts and showing that OV4 all USbR ore pr _Lnces cover plicated or polycyclic areas. Considering only the most important mineral- Card 1/3 ization epochs, the respective ore provinces can be The Evolution of Endogenous Ore Pormat! bn SOV/26-59a~4-4/43 divided into bicyclic and tricyclic ones and the author lists the main geographic regions belonging to them. Purthermore, he divides endogenous depo, sits into magmatic, pegmatic, greisen, skarn and hy- drothermal genetic groups and gives a short descrip- tion of each. Several particularities in the chrono- logical development of big ore accumulations corre- spond to the g6netic groups of endogenous deposits in a certain degree. The author divides ore depo- sits into 6 different groups quoting three Soviet scientists, Academician D T. Shcherbakov, N.A. Belyayevskiy and Ye.D. Karpova who pointed to the recurrence of the same are deposits especially 'Itypomorphic" ones, in ancient and recent epochs of ore formation; not only the geological conditions for ore formation are the same, but also the genetic groups. The author reaches -the concluei-on tha't the distribution of endogerious deposits in ore provinces, Card 2/3 is very often subject to the law of regional zoning, %fIMV, V.T. Classification of ore-bearing comagmatic provinces. Uzb. geol. zhur. no.6:3-12 '59. (MTRk 13:6) 1. Inatitut geologit rudnykh meatorozhdenly, petrografti. mineralogii i geokhimli AN SSSR. (Ore deposits-Classification) V11 "i n - i ~ j Smi r n o T11T7E: J e rmin in t h e Rezui a ri. ties, of Dil s tribut on of ilor.,ai Depoo-:1. tf-,, on 7erritory - the Foremost -Pur-)ose of ~Geolo~~ic,-al '~-~-Plorations U PERIODICAL: izveztiya ,,kademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geolo,-,iches- kaya, 1959, Nr 9, pp -3-11 (USSR) ABISTRACT In con-nection ,,i-;th the foreseen expansion of the Soviet industry, the author stresses the importance of finding a _'urther ine--ease of reserves of mine- the solution of the ral raw materIals. Therefore , problem of elatorating and establishing the regula- rit-lieg of distribation of mineral deposits in the earthis Crust on +he 'oviet territory requires 'he utlMost at'ention of all Sov_iet ~-eologists -and geo- 1 o El _- a 1 -4. n s t iC- S EL11C.1 0 r -an i z a t i o n sThe problem ivas posed by Academilician ".S. Shatskiy and its z~a +4--r-i-to- -ognized by 'he AS USSR ry SolUtiolt was re- a -1 -,ost roblemn vias tackled az~ a task. The p -)V -59 0 - o-~:' ,-; nrraL , D - -t al olo- r , t e !Os err h, TTC7 r)n - O-,ls ',CIICV 711- 0 0 , (~brl -4 ~ - "' .-I ' I') f 3' o, ; - 0 -ions Y ecl s 0 1~'c e 0:7 r a e th~ r -,--sma n t -- Lrid-?d by 1 , 01)0 be - -Ileori-~-- ~)- 1- - -oln i f - ty o lOiZ -0-nal i-T, 0- 'he o 0 P a OT. a ba~,e Oil !'E'- Fo' '0,-' o ny 0 7 o f 0 !C! t m c- t a 11 as t ZO!"cs O~ -:' al -1 - -P -t 4- n r 0 n o t 1, s - ~ ,l ,I 7~ o -1- J e oo c K h -T ~.r, C.C or --a- ny -- ' 4 -7- - ..'a 7 a.. y - ~ t h e Savet ~h ere a t for- -. -z -0 -ia c), I a Y 0:: . L f h J 0e --,SR e wincil fo li P t:: tion of th~: o s t 7 0 tan t e 0 t tz 'I'e, 7 or e0 S t 0 e o lo,~ 2 O.I.Lz IL a7 i r TT~ C s cm nt:y teinz~ st-,_id'ed '2' Jj flvr~her SztreSS-e : Th I i th e e e t em e s ~~..rort~ce Ot pereparing d:aE-~ra= and -rese-arch on t,.-- _-:'o-mation c..-" exop~enous mineral 1 az- wa_:~ done by N.I~i. Strakhol- on the accu- rnila-~-ion epochs of sedimenta-ry iron, nian-anese znd ar c-res e- by F.I. Ste- nov on the u i ja strati,-rraphy of' .,oal accunrzlation, The elabora- tion of theoretical ba,:;e2 of natural- .-egularities of dl',_:~tribution of mineral de-cosits is combined with the compilation of geological maps indicating the already existing and -foreseen dePosits. Such maps ., ind i:_-.ating de iDosi - s divided in groups accord- ing to theil- rre-ologi--al age, can greatly facilitate t h ea 9 lk- o fo I o,t "he ex-erience of geologists of t1-1 -a-,akhSICan, ~,vork`n a 0 7 nc- r711 C) ~je- C, nC 6 or em, o 1 1, : o o o 1 ; 1 t ~ 1: o :-Dat naye!:- vror.-es ,i L -1 4 - 4- e h e . ~5 ro d I o f `3 ~,7 t 2 r n C t s- ~i e a tln- om n, e 7 -L or. o - T T"-G 1 f7 r '12 Imp r 1 ~T rN n o n I on 0- r I 'a -:,o o:- La - -j C) 0 0 f Tl:~ S -a :, m ap - - - ~i r -n- -p r o v n and m- o f o a I a o n , - ~:' 0 0 .1 f f 0 the -arth. 1 ~ 7 Z O'g t a v, r o1 OV/11 - -9 9- 9 - 1/1,B `ies of Distr4*rnz-f-ion of 74-neral :)e-,,o- the 7e,~ularf t, - - -4tory - 'he '~'oremost Turrose o' 'eolo-ical _~xit`,or-iti ons o f M 41-, eral Fuels of the A S USSR) supervises the compilation oC maps rf p,~~troleuun and ga2 bearing .-egions of the USSR. In Zeneral, only organized C~ Zroups of Zeologists of ~:ciientilfiic or industrial o-runiza-tions can cope ,-.rith -the problem and -it was therefore decided to create the alre~~dy mentio- ned special Interdepartmental Council, as well as special central and local committees. This Coun- cil is composed of representatives of the AS USSR, republican Academies, the Ministerstvo Geologii i okhrany nedr SSSR (Mlinistry of Geology and Con- servation of Mineral Resources of the USSR), and of the Vuzes, and presided over by Academician D.I. Shcherbakov. It is composed of five Commis- sions which are: 1) Commission of Sedimentary 7,14.-neral Deposits - chairman Academician TT . 3 . _t Shats- 'a--' U I -L , t kiy; 2) Endogenous T i neral Depos -1-s --ro'essor - SivIRNOV. V.I.,--PIZOD, 1.0. Yor the rise of Soviet geology to a higber level. Vest.14osk.un. Ser.biol., poeliv., gool., goog. 14 no.1:3-3.0 '59. (141WL 12:9) (Gooloe,v, Economic) 3 (5,B) Smirnov, V. I., Corresponding Member, SOV/20-126--i-38/62 USSR, Gone arova, T. Ya. TITLE: On the Ore Pebbles in the Upper Rocks of the Urups-koyepopper Pyrites Deposit. in the North Caucasus (0 rudnykh -allkakh Nr 0 porodakh krovli Urupskogo madno-kolchedannogo mestor~zhdeniya na Severnom Kavkaze) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 126, Nr 1, pp IA2 - -1143 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The deposits mentioned in the title are in the north-western part of the Feredovoy (front) chain of the Bollshoy (Greater) Kavkaz (Caucasus) in the upper course of the river Urup - a left tributary of the Kuban'. It is related to sedimentary- -volcanogenic sediments which were transformed into greenstone strata under the influence of the regional metamorphism. The age determination of the containing complex fluctuates between Middle Devonian and older formations since the fauna lacks. The ore deposits form a gently sloping stratiform body of mas- sive copper pyrites ores which are concordant with the con- taining rocks. It has distinctly marked contacts and lies on Card 1/3 the base of the tuffs of average composition which rest upon On the Ore Pebbles in the Upper Rocks of the U-r-aDskcye SCV/20-1126-1-38/62 Copper Pyrites Depnsit. in the North Caucasus the quartz albitophyres'. The ore body suffered an intensive metamorphism together with the containing rocks. Splinters of pyrites ores were found in tuffs splintered into large frac- tions in the upper rocks by means of boring 65-90 m above the ore body. The formation of the ore which yielded these splin- ters b e f o r e the formation of the volcanogenic-clastic masses is confirmed among other things also by the lacking of the ore disseminations and hydrothermal changes in the rocks beside the ore splinters. The occurrence of angular clasts and the lacking of a limonite crust on their surface is indicati7e of a rapid displacement over comparatively short distances. F`urther deposits of ore pebbles in the Ural, Malyy Kavkaz (Les- ser Caucasus) and Zakavkazlye (Transcaucasia) (Refs 1-3) are enumerated. All these research workers are of the Gpir.4on that the ore splinters in the mentioned upper rock point to a part- ial destruction of the ore deposits at the time of the accumu- lation of the rocks of the hanging wall and thus fix quite distinctly the period of mineralization. The above mentioned Card 2/3 On t'ne Ore Pebbles in the Upper Rocks of the Urupsko'yeS07/20-1,26-1-38/62 Copper Pyrites Deposit in the North Caucasus observations must, however, be taken into account with respent to the formation time and its conditions. There are 3 Soviet references.- ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M. V. Lomonosov) SHMITTED: PebruarY 3, 1959 Card 3/3 AWBOV, Mikhail Nikolayevich,- SMIRNOY, T.I nauchnyy red.; PANOTA, A.I., red.izd-va; IVAIIM, _i7r. -red. [Secondary zoning in gold deposits of the Urals] Vtorichnais zonallnost' zolotorudnykh mostorozhdenii Urals. Moskim, Goso nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrene nedr, 1960. 214 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Smirnov). (Ural Mountain region--Gold ores) SURAZHSKIY, Daniil Yakovlevich. Prinimali uchastiye: PUKRALISKIY, L.Ch.; POSIK, L.N.; SHASHKIN, V.L.. SMIRNOV, V.I., red.; ALYABIYEV, A.F., red.; POPOVA, S.M., (Methods of prospecting and exploration of uranium deposits] Metody poiskov i razvedki mestorozhdenii urana. Pod red. V.1. Smirnova. Moskva# Izd-vo glav.upr.po innolizovaniiu atomnoi energii pri Sovete Ministr4v SSSR, 1960. 240 p. (MIRA 13:7) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Smirnov). (Prospecting) (uranium ores) SMIRNOV, V.I.; PROKOFIYEV, A.P.; BORZUNOT, T.M.; DYUKOY, A.I.; ZIMANOY, M.A.; LYUBIMOY, I.A.; NEKIPELOY, Y.Te.; PLOT'VIKOY, N.A.; ANTROPOY, P.Ya., glavnyy red.; FKDOTOYA, A.I., red.izd-va; GLTROVA, O.A., [Estimation of re;sprves of mineral deposits] Podachet zopaBov e mestorozhd eznykh iskopaemykh. Pod red. V.1.Smirnova i A.P.Prokoflevo./-* P.IA.Antropov. Moskva, Goe.nauchno- toklin.izd--vo At-ry po'geol. i okhrane nedr, 1960. 671-p. (KIRA 14:1) (Kines and mineral resources) S,',',IRDIOV,, V.I,~ GONCIDiROVA, T.Ya. Paleozoic volcanii--- complexes in the Northern CaucasuB and p.yrl".-e deposits a3suciated vith them. Zakon. razm. pole zn. I skop, 3~-349-363 160. (MIRA 14 ' 11) J~. rlclsllcovsk-i~, c T r -- -~,C~.Itvcrinyy vniv-ersitet imeni M,l L-omonoso~rd. (C,..~u~aaus. Nor therr~--FYr lte s) BARSAITOV, G.P.: BOGDANOV, A.A.; YMk%-KOV, N.F." KRA~HMFINIMKOV, G.F.; SERCTEYEV, Ye.M.; SMIRROV, V.I.; Y.AKUSHOVA,, A.F. IntermAtional geological congress in Copenhagen. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4,- G-Gol. 15 no-6:3-12 11-D 760. (miRA 14:1) 1 1 (Geology-Congresses) SMIRSOV, V.I.; GONCEL"OVA, T-Ta. Geological characteristics of the formation of pyrite deposits in the vestarn part of the Northern Caucaons. Isy. AN SSSR- $or. geol. 25 no-2:3-15 7 '60~ (KDU 13:10) 1. Koskovskiy gosudaratvemW universitat. (Caucas,de, Northern-Pyrites) ZELENIN, N.I.; CHERNYSHEVA, K.B.; SMIRNOV, V.I.; ANTROPYANSKAYA, Ye.A. Developing methods of cold fractionation of shale tar. Report No.2. Investigation of heavy oil. Khim. i tekh. gor. slan. i prod. 1kh perer. no.9:172-183 160. (MIRA 15:6) (Distillation, Fractional) (Oil shales) VINOGRADOV, Sergey Sergeyevich; YERSHOV, ...D., glavn-jy red.; KREYTM-, V.M., zamestitell glavr-ogo red.; GRIGOROVICH, M,B., red.vypuska; KPJiSNIKOV, V.I.J. red.; 1-101-fl)ZHI, G.3., red.; S.A-AKY-Afll, P.S., red.; S1,1IPJ1OV,-V-T,-red.; MRUSHCHOV, N.1%., red.; C11E-TU'OSVITOV, Yu.L., i~e-&.-;-16,1ANOVA, G.F., red.izd-va; BORISOV, A.S., [Dolomites] Dolomity. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.i-zd-vo lit-ry p0 geologii i okhrane nedr, 1961. 173 P. (Otsenka mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkakh, no.17) (IMIRA 14:11) (Dolomite) SMIRNOV, V. I. "Formation of rare metal deposits in central, Kazakhstan" by G.N. Shcherba. Reviewed by If.I.Smirnov. Geol. rud. mpstorozh. no.2: 136-138 Mr-Ap 161. MRA 14:5) (Kazakhstan-Metals, Rare and minor) (Shcherba, G.N.) S'Cldjfjv v 1. Some ore dellysits in the United States. Geol.rud.mestorozb. n0-4:79-90 Jl-Ag 361. (1-URA 14.'10) 1. Wiskov8kiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. (United States--Ore deposits) SMIRNOV, V.I. History of the classification of rdneral reserves. Och.po ist. ,ueol.znan. no.9;14&165 '61. 4 14:10) OUnes and mineral resources-Classification) ABDULLAYEV, Kh.M.; ALYAVDIN, V.F.; AAIRASLAVOV, A.A.; ANIKEYEV, N.P.; ARAPOV, Yu.A.; BARSANOV, G.P.; BELYAYEV6KIY, N.A.; BOKIY, G.P.; BORODAYEVSKAY-A., M.B.; GOVOROV, I.N.; GODLEVSKIY, M.N.; SECHEGLOV, A.D.; SHAKHOV, F.N.; SHILOI, N.A.; YARI-IOLYUK, V.A.; DRABKIN, I.Ye.; YEROF=p B.N.; YERSHOV, A.D.; IVANKIN, P.F.; ITSIKSON, M.I.; KARPUVA, Ye.D..; KASHIN, S.A.; KASHKAY, M.A.; KORZHINSKIY, D.S.; XOSOVI B.M.; KOTLYAR, V.N.. KRMER, V.M.; XUZNETSOV, V.A.; LUGOV, S.F.; MAGAKIYAN, I.G.; 14ATLMOV, M.P.; OIE NTSOV, M.M.; PAVLOV, Ye.S.; SATFAYEV, SOBOLEV, V.S.; SOKOLOV, G.A.; STRAKHOV, N.M.; TATARINOV, I.M.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A.; TSAREGRADSKIY, V.A.; CHUKHROV,F.V. In memory of Oleg Dmitrievich Levitskii; obiturary. Sov.geol. 4 ho,5;156-158 14Y 161* (MM 14:6) (Levitskii, Oleg Dmitrievich., 1909-1961) V. I. Convergence of pyrite deposits. Vest.Mosk.un.Ser. 4: Geol. 15 no.2:19-26 Mr-Ap 161. !. OIERA 14:4) 1. Kafedra poleznykh iskopayemykh 14osk6vskogo universiteta. (Pyrites) WIRNOVP V.I. Hotallogeny of tectonic sectors in geosynclines. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 16 no.2:3-14-3a-F 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Kafedra poleznykh inkopa]remykh Mookovskogo universiteta. (Ore depopito) (Folds (Geology)) SMIRNOV, V.I. A month in America. 4: Geol. 16 no.3:74-79 L,tr-je 161. (KMA 14:6) (United States-Ore deposits) (Geologists, American-Education and trainin ) SMIRNOV, V.I. Problems of the geology of ore deposits at the 21st session of the . International Geological Congress. izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 26 no. 4:1.10-113 AP 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Geology-Congresses) SMIRNOV, V. 1. Some problems in the ma-tallogeny of geos-.,nclines. Izv,Al,,' SSSER. Ser.geol.26 no.10:56-71 0 161. (MIRA 14:9) 1. 14oskovskiy gosudarstvannyy universitat. (Ore deposits) KHRUSHCHOT1 ;:.A.; YERSHOV, A.D., glavnyy red.; KREYTER, V.M., zamestitell glavnogo red.; BUT"EVICH, T.V., red.vypuska; FRASNIKOV, V.I., red.; MOYLDZIfI, G.S., red.; SAAKYAN, P.S., red.; red,; GHERN(SVITOV, Yu.L., red.; ENTIN, M.L., red.izd-va; GUROVA, G.A., [Molybdenum] Molibden. Moskva, Gos.nauchro-tekhn.1zd-vo lit-ry po geol.i okhrane nedr, 1961. 269 p. (Otsenka mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkakh, no.19). (MIRA 15:4) (Molybdenum ores--Sampling and estimation) SHIRNOV . Vladimir Ivanovich; SKIRBOVA, N.P., red.; RAKIT1N, I.T., , I - tekhn. red. [Ore belts of the earth] Rudriye poiasa zemli. 1,,oskva, Izd-vo "Znanie," 1962. 31 p. (Novoe v zhizni, nauke, tekhnike. XII Seriia. Geologiia i geografiia, no.6) (MIRA 15:6) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Smirnov). (Ore deposits) SMIRNOV, V'J~ Georgii Alekseevich Krutov; on his 60th birthday. Vet.Moak, un.Ser.4: Geol. 17 no.2:71--74 Mr-Ap 162. (MM~ 15:5) (Krutov, Georgii Alekseevich, 1902--) SVdRNOV$ V.I. M,V.Lomonosov's role in the development of the theory of minerals. Vest.Mosk.un. Ser.4iGeol. 17 no.3:3-9 Fq-Je 162. (FJRA 15:6) (Lomonosov, Mikhail Vasillevich, 1711-1765) (Mines and mineral resources) VASILIYEV, Petr Vasillyevich; YERSHOV, A.D.3 glavnyy red.; KRE7TERp V.M.9 0 zam, glavnogo red.; KALMYKOV.9 G.S.9 red; BRITAYEVP M.D.# redo; MISNIKOV, V.j.q red.; 14ALysBEV, I.I;, red.; MOMDZHI, G.S., red.; SAAKYAN, P.S., red.; red.; SOLOV"YEV, D.V.p redo; CHERNOSVITOV, Yu.L.,, red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; PANOVA, A.I., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., [Coal) Ugoll. Moskva, Gos.nauchn.-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po geol. i okhrane nedr, 1960. 31+3 p. (Otsenka mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkakh, no. 5) (MIRA 1/,:2) (Mine examination) (Coal) SMIRNOV., V.I. Metallogeny of geosynclines. Zakonom. razm. polezn. Iskop 5:17-81 162. (MI.*--,A 15 -12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvemyy universitet. (Ore deposits) SMIRNOV, Vladimir IvanpAch; BABINTSEV, N.I., red.; BYKOVA, V.V., - (Outline of metallogeny] Ccherki metailogenii. Mosk-ra-, C-o5- geoltekhizdat, 1963. 182 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Ore deposits) GCRSKIY? I.I. otv reci , BE11YAY-EVSKIY, doktor geol. - min. nauk, zam. otv, red.,; AFANASIYEV, G.D, red, !EOGDANGV "A.A. , dokror geol.-rcin. nauk-, red, i VCROB'YEVA, O.A., dr,k-.,or geoi-mur- nauk, red.) KATUSHENCK, I.I.- kand, zeol.- min, nauk, I-ed, j MENNE1119 V. V, , doktor geol.-min. naukP red.; YENYAYLOV, A.A., doktor geol.-min, nau-k,, red..; SMIRNOV. V.I akademik, red.., SFATALOV, Ye.T,, dokt,%r geol,mlh fiaUK,red., CHEPIKOVA, IT., red, lzd-w,' TIKHOMIROVA, S.G., ;ekhn. red, [Problems of F--ecl--gy at the 21st sessslon of the Internationai Ileolcg-cal Congresa] Problemy geologii na XXI sessii Mezhdu- narodnogo geo-log.;1--heskogzi, kong,essa. ll-loskva, Izdx-vo AN SSIR 19n,3 p (M i R.A 16 t I I L Akadeimiya nRul-- SSSR, Natusional;ny-y kom-itet geologrov, 2. Clilen- korrespondent AN SSSR (for Afanas've-,-, Gorskly). (Geology-Congres-ses ) AUTHORt Azizbekov'! Sh. A. 3/011/63/000/001/0OZ/Ou A0061AI01 T=i The Third hll-Union Conference on regularities in the formation and distribution of endogenous mineral resource deposits PERIODICALt Izvestlya Ahademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geoiogicheskaya, no..l, 1963, 126 - 128 TE kT-. The Conference was held in Baku from September 18 to 23, 1962;.it was attended by 455 representatives from scientific and industrial geological organizations including 24 Academicians and Correspondin .g Members of AS USSR and AS of various republic, 49 Doctors-Professors and 164-Candidates of Geological and MineralogicaLl Sciences. The-Conference was opened by Academician D, It Shcherbakov, secretary of OGON, AS USSR. The program of the Conference was di- .vided into three main groups- a) r1gularitles In theformation and distribution of endogenous deposits in the Caucasus; b) regularities in the formation and distribution of endogenous deposits of other folding regions of the Alpine cy- cle; c) general problems of metallogeny. In group a) reports on b"Ic features Card 1/ SMIRNOV2 V.I. Metaliogeny of Caledonian formations in the Western Sayan fountains. Geol. i gqofiz.!no.2:l2-18 t63. . Off-RA .16"5) 4 Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univerettet. (Sayan Mountains-Ore deposits) k(Sayan. MounLains-*614 (Geology)) SMIRNOV V. akademik Caucasian ore belts; AU~nion conference at Baku, 'lest. AN SSSR 33 nol.,Llg-121 ~Ja 163. (MIRA 16.- 1) (Caucasus-Ore deposits) EGEL'Y Lev Yevenlyevich; YERSHOV, A.D., glavnyy red.; ZUBREV, I.N., zam. glavnogo red.; GUDALIN, G.G., red.; KPLASNIKOV, V.T., red. [de- ceased 1;KOPES1EOV, B.Ya., red.; MOIE)ZHI, G.S., red.; PO"11HARITSKIY, K.L., red.; 6MIRNOV -T.I.., red.; SOLOVOV, A.P., red.; TROYANOV, A. T., red.; ~?'OMSMYi_,"T.B., red.; KHRUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; CHER- NOSVITOV, Yu.L., red.; GINZBURG, A.I., red.vypuska; PROKOPYEV, A. P., red.vypuska; SOKOLOVSKAYA, Ye.Ya., red.izd-va; BYKOVA, V.V., [Rare-earth metals.] Redkezemellnye metally. Moskva, Gostoptekhiz- dat, 1963. 332 p. (Otsenka mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkakh, no.21). (MIRA 17-2) SMIqNOV, V.I.; BORLODAPEV, Yu.S.; BOCH.-'WVA, G.I.; GONCHAROVA, T.Ya.i DEMIDOVA, N.G.; OPLOVY R.Y,-,. Characteristics of the igneous activity and metallogeny of geosyrlinal and platform starres in the development of the 0 western part of the Greater Caucasus. Zakonom.r-qzm.polezn.iskop. 7t2lo-218 164. (MIRA 17.-6) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstirennyy viniversitet imeni Lomonosova. D -Eh I1 1; G~A.j jE.' T' C' r' r. .'Ed 1 pn ` kh f-, r L) 1 1; j,V,.Y'j'H#jV, A.A,; I&PIQIKOV, B.,Ya.; S.'.HRNG7, V,I~; SY~-6,1YATINIKOV, V.A, I 1 11 - .. Petr '.,;kolaev-*c.','! ",arkov, !804- ; on his -0 th bJrthdaY- Vest- losl-. un. Ser. it GecL 19 no.,1:83-F4 !1-'a ;64, .4 - - 4 1 Irl, 0,11PA 11.) SMIRNIC-)V) V, l... akadami k, red.; YE,U-.AK'V, N. F, , red,~ ; DOLGOV, Yu. A. , red.'; SOKOLM', G.A., red.; HITAIROV, N.I., red. [Mineralog.ica-l thermometry and barometryl Mineralogicheskaia tenr.ometriia i barometriia. Mosk-za, Nauka, 1965. 327 p. (MI-PLA 118: 5) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Nauchnyy Sovet po rudoobrazovaniyu. SMIRBOVY V.I., akaderjAk. otv. red. '; ROZILKOV, I.S., red,; TROFTMOV, V.S.,, red.; SHILOY H.A... red.; FAMSHILINA, Ye.14., red. (Geology of placers] Geologiia rossypei. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 399 p. (MIRA 18:6) y sovet po rudoobrazovani-yu. 1. Akademiya nawk SSSR. Nauchny- Ti, -;,' I", .0- V.I.y akademik, red, (I"'e-lation of endociene ore formation to igneous activity ~,rid metamorphism; introduction to the rreTal loge iry of the ~ -rd L I .-~r;fnetic D--ocp~ises cf ore forr.-.ationl Sviazt endogen- to c- -.-udcobrazo,,an4-'ia s magiriatizi-nom i metamorfizi.-.0.1- vve- ~4e-. C~ v metalJogeni-iu endo~-eniVkh FrotseoScw rmc)orrazov~- 0 t2 r -L' i a. 114oskva Nedra, 1965. 209 p. 18 t 5 VlNCF,'RAl')0'J, i'.P. ; K-"R'H,NSF I Y, D.S.; SMEANOV, V.I.; SHC H, HBAKOV, P. I.; AYI)IN"YAN, ?!.Kh.; VINOGRADOV, V.I.; VOLIFSON, GENKIN,' A.D.; DANC1115:11, V.I., LUKIN, L.I.; 02EHOV,'., N.A.; PE"E'LIMAN, A.I.; RT-;'KF.ARSYIY, V.I.; Sl/VPCHKtV, I.Ye.; FFODCfPYW, SHADLIJN, 77.N.; SKIPULIN, F.K. Al~ksan-ir Al,~ksandrovich Saukov, 1902-1964; obituary. Geol. rud. mestorozh. 7 no.1:124-125 Ja-F 165. (MIRA 18:4) SMIRNOV, V. i. Geological classification of hydrothermal deposits. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 19 no.3:3-12 My-Je 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra poleznykh iskopayemykh Moskovskogo universiteta. GAZAit',N01, Levon Marterogovich SVIIRNOVI V,!., prif., retsl-rizent.~ SAFLA.DZHAT;, A.A.,Y GUILINIA, N'V.) red, y of copper] m-edi, 2 ~ --' za~ " ; (.Pyrometallurg- perer. i dop. Mosk-va, Pietallurglia, 3,57 P. I. M MA IS,- 4 " L 29233-66"'JEW'T"(1). .1JP(VY- GG/W ACC NRs AP6019370 SOURCE CODE: UVMMA57003700670560/0563 AUTHOR: Zhukovo A.G.; SmIrnov, V.I. 41- 0 ORG3 none TITLE:- Polarizing properties of echellette gratings in the long-wave infrared regior SOURGEt Zhurnal prikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 3p go 6.t 1965., 560-563 TOPIC TAGS: light reflectionp light polarization ,spectrometer ABSTRACTs DAa are given on the polarizing propertiesi 'fiF_thb'62`tb'650 m]Lcron band.. of dispersion and filtering schelette gratings used in the monochromator-, ;,!of a long-wave spectrometer (see A. G. Zhukov., Optika I Spektrookopiya, Vol l7p,~. .!p 284., 1964: English translation in Optics and Spectroscopy). Reflection of polarized light bjr the gratings was measured as a function-- of the orientation of an electric field to the grating steps, Two wiro'gridej having periods of 30 microns and spaced a-few millimeters!' .~,'apart, served as a highly effeptive polarizer in the 62 to 650 micron band' Two cases are considered: 1) in vhich the.electrical field vector is. t~: right angles to the plane of incidence and parallel to -the grating steps, and 12) in which the vector is parallel to theylane of incidence and at right.angles', Ito the steps. The ratios aodaos and alpfals (vher d ),-are the zero' aOR snand al. are the: .(order coefficients of reflection for the two cases Ld 1P 'first order coefficientsp respectively) are used aa the measures of grating Curves are platted for the two cases showing the -absolute vall~e- ..of the coefficients and the values of the ratios as dependeht on the ratio,of..., a./a, :,the wavelength to grating period. Also shown are curves of summed' ratios plotted as functions of wavelength for three sets of gratings studied. Somb ol~ the resq1ts differ from those of other authors. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 table. LjP SjW SUM4 DATEz l3Nov_4/_ORIG REF: 003/ M W; '005 Cora 2~ ti Yo/ UDC: 535.5 -f'r(_.-T rola--~ in izv. V.-5. ',-~vet* meto 7 no. !~!73 T 7. 1 il*.-,kiy politekhnichesk'y stitut, kafedra metallurgi` Urn tsv-etnykh metallov. EN'AY EV, A.K.; EM,11RINO, V.1.1 Y;BLONSKIY, YU.A. Elect-ric c~jrductlvltv of a zinc c~,.arge ~L--:tare. jZ'.r. V7S. ~lcheb. zav. ; t3vet. met. 7 no. 4t96-100 164 (V ~- 7~ II-a ~l 1. Tiral '3ki-y poli teklurdcht:-sldy in5t-l tut, lkaf edra me I.n III-,rg-il tya-zhel vkh tsve-Ln--!-:h motallov, S"M-~Ovv V.1- PolmrIzing proportion of M-atings~j, tim 1mg-va" 56C 5 r3lx 3 7.bni-.W Fovenber 13, 1%1w jD/H L__l4k72_66 - rvjT(m)/ffV'P-(W)/FWT - ------ ACC NN AR5027746 SOURCE CODE: UR/01_37/65/000/000013/'~013 AUTHORi -Fedorov, A.K.; Smirnov.-y.10 ORG: none TITIR: Fatigue strength, of steel pipe joirrbs welded by induction heat 41q, SOURCE: Refe. zh. Metallurgiya, Abs. 8E84 REF SOURCE: Tr. Wee. n.-i. In-ta tokov vysokoy chastorty, vyp. 5, 1964, 38-42' TOPIC TAUS., steel, pipe., weld heat treatment, fatigue strength TRANSIATION: A method was developed for butt welding pipe by induction heat, which gives a welded joint without an inside burr. The contact surfaces of the pipe to be joined were evenly' heated to a plastic state (temperature ~r~ 1250-1280*C); this procesi was followed by the application of pressure resulting in a weld. Tests were made on welded steel-10 pipe of 38/32 m diameter with changeable bending on an 15-2 machineia, ass A conclusion-mas reachedLthat joining steel-10 pipe by induction heat welding ure sufficient strength under changeable bending conditions. The presence of an outside. re 4L inforcement of the seem joint decreases the fatigue strength of the weld. Heat treat- ment (normalization) does-not affect the increase in the strength of a welded joint with a changeable bending. V. Yomenko. SUB CODE: 3.1 -462 L-5;0-rd lLl Rl~ UDC_i 621-791-001:539.4-629.9 ~L4379-66 E WT (m)Am (h) .2 ACCESSION HR: AP5020258 tIR/0367/65/002/00.1/0092/0096 AUTHOR: Dyachenkoo Pie P, X Ghernukhift, Vj L. i~ Chubarov, S. I. TITLE: Kinetic energies of fragments with various masses in the fission of U-235,- by thermal and fast neutrona SOURCE: Yadernaya fizika, vL 2, no. 11, i965'9 92-96 TOPIC TAGS: uranium, nuclear fission, fission products fast neutron, thermal neutron g ave ABSTRACT: The kinetic energy-diatributions of.fragments with various masae h been investigated in the fission of U235 by 'thermal neutrons and by neutrons.of mean energy 720 kev, for the purposeof comparing the dependence of the total fragment kinetic energies on the fragment mass ratios at the tvo fissioning-neutro energies. The fission vas produced in a layer of uranium enriched 90%'in U235 , deposited on a thin organic filmi and the fragment energy,,was measured with two surf ace-barrier silicon detectors i . The ~ detector signals'were -an alyzed after: v6pli fication by a two-dimenniontl 128 x 128 channel pUlse-hdight laftalyzer j vhiCh L sorte the pulse heights and stored all the ilikormation, obtained during the measurementai Card 1/2 t~ h. ~5, I Cord 4 2 2773-6 EWT(m)/T--- -1J-P(c) ACCESSION NR: AP5021339 UR/0120/65/000/004/0100/0106 539.283.078 AUTHOR: Matalin, L, A.; Smirnov, V.'I..., Ttnokhin, L. A-.; Chubarov, S. 1. TITLE: The reduction of counting losses in multichannel recorders by preliminary grouping of events SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 4, 1965, 1007106 TOPIC TAGS: multichannel analyzer, nucleaw radiation spectrometer, pulse counter. ulse counting, group theory ABSTRACT: The majority of registering devices used in nuclear spectrometry ex- hibit fixed dead time Pulse equalization devices are able to improve some- what the situation a the quantity NiiL Z_ (equal to the ratio of the average rate of inpu [np) to the maximum possible regiBttation rate ~t pulse arrivals (Nj Npmax = 1/( ) may attain a magnitude :~ 0.5-0.7,- New experiments now require rates corresponding torNinp The Present authors studied an approach to coutiting loss reduction during the registration of statistically distributed pulses by ifttroducing preliminary grouping of events.'A theoretical analysis described in detail In the present paper shows that a simultaneous use of group- COW equilization devices substantially redudea the influence of the.magnitude~'. 2 2 lCard 341IRNOV, Vasilly Ivanovich; ME-SHCHERYAKOV, Vasilly Vasillyevich; tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ALISHITS, I.M... nauchn. red.; SIIAKHNOVA, V.M., red. [Testing and inspecting glass reinforced plastics used in shipbuilding] Ispytanie i kontro.11 sudos-troitellrykh stekloplastikov. Leningrad, Sudostroen-le, 196r,. 186 p. (MIR-A 18: 6) BOGDANIOV, A.A., irof.; YEIZ'.',KUV'H.P.; KOPTEV-DVORNIKOV, V.S.; 'A NOV, V.I. akal. G.F.; LEONOV, G.Fl.; SLUR, International Geological Congress in New -jelhi. Vest. 0 Mosk. un. Ser. 4: Geol. 20 no.3:3-16 l4y-J-3 "5. (MIRA. 18:7) I I ~ E A FE-i"Y If ~ I., in zh. ; ZE Lit! SK I Y, i . B. , rkanu. 6e~-hr I. I I a ur, do -us ent; S1.11I V.1., kand.tekhn.nauk ECfect of the velocity of the -,urrounding miedium on the disinte- gration charact-istics of cylindrical Jets of liquid. Izv,vys. ucheb.zav.; energ. 8 no.4:101-1C4 Ap 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. institut khLm-ic'-eskogo inashinostroyeniya. in In :a. -ec r- ..c ir; aimphi L ty o~ I e ad ~,rjd zi no ,3'!b I 4mdte!3. Izv. tsvet. me~-. A no-4,-62-67 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. llrallskiy polifekhnicheqkiy In--,titutl 1 Vsesoyuzn~-y nauchno- .9;-,'i-dovatzal Iskly goi-noire',l-u-gi-chr--sk4.,.r --'nst--, ut tsvetryk- 7ni- t 1- 11 nl/ .2. :'..N KazSSR (for 4nery. Triviv (Metal cpstings) iSiectric welding) 81534 SO-V/137-59-5-11224 Translation from.,, Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallux-gi.71a, 1959, Nr 5, p 247 (USSR-) AUIF.ORS?, Tarnovskly, I.Ya., Smirnov, V.K., Kotsar', S.L., Bed1n, N.A., Belyakov, V.I. TIILE~, Rolling of Track Links for Tractors PERIODICAL,, Tekhn. ekon. byul. Sovnarkhoz Chelyab. ekon. adm. r-na, 1958, kJr 7, Pp 43 - 45 ABSTRACT, Information is given on technical possibilities and economical effectiVeness of changing the manufacture of track links for S-80 tractors from stamp:Lng to longitudinal periodic rolling, Experimental rolling of links on a scale of 1 : 2, 1 i 3, 1 i 4, was carried out on a C-hTZ test mill with rollers of 470 mm in diameter and on a UPI laboratory mill with rollers of 200 mm in diameter. Technical Specifications were do-Veloped for-the design of a rolling mill and the principal scheme'of tfi6 technological process was set-up for the production of links on a continuous automatic line, The rolling mill has rollers of 1,100 mm in dia- Card 112 meter, revolving at a speed of 10 or 15 revolutions per minute, atIRNOV, V.K., insh. Research on the process of blocking of a mine conveyor chain. Vop. rud. transp. no-4:50-60 160 (MIRA 14:3) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut im. Artema. (Chains) (Conveying machinery) I1~ SMONOV, V.K., Inzh. Using computation to determine the mechardeal characteristics of S&fety turboclutchas. Izv. vys, ucheb. zav.; ror. zhur. 6 no.7:105-113 163. WRA 16:9) 1. Dneprapetroiskiy ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni gorn,- I y institut imeni J-~rtenm. Rakomendovana kafedray rudaichnago transperta Dnepro- petrevskago gornoge instituta. (Clutches (Machinery)) SMIRNOV., V.K. Operation of safety turboclutches in the braking process. Vop. rud. transp. no.7jl62-168 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Gonveying machinery-Safety appliances) (Clutches (Machinery)) SMIRNOV, V.K. Distribution of forces in the chains of two-chain scraper conveyors. Vop. rud. transp. no.7.-168-171 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dnepropetrovskiy gornyy institut. (Conveying machinery) KATSOBASHVILI., Ya.R.; GARBER, Yu.N.; ELIBERT, E.I.; BELENKO, Z.G.; Prinimal uchastiye-SMIRNOV, V.K., laboraAt ilydrocracking of high boiling fractions of coal tar in a catalyst stationary bed under the pressure of 30 atoms. Koks i khim. no.10:48-52 0 161. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Institut neftekhimichaskogo sinteza AN SSSR (for Katoobashvili). 2. Yuznetskiy filial Vostochnogo uglekhimicheskogo, instituta (for Garber, Ellbert, Belenko). (cracking process) (Coal tar) SHTOalAN, I.G., prof.; TDIOSHKIN, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; Mdus!LOVSKIY, L,S., inzh.; ILICHENYO, A.I., inzh.; BERLIN, M.Ya.., inzh.; SMIRNOV, inzh.; EPFELI) L.1~) iwh.; FILIPPOV, A.M., inzh. New two-member sectional TsDR traction chain for underground scraper conveyrre,,, Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.2-33-34 F ',62. (HIRA 15:2) (Conveying machinery) SMIWIOV, V.K.., inzh.; FILIPPOV, A.M., lnzh. Dynamic celculation of the BTST3 chain-type pusher. Vop. rud. transp. n0.5-400-405 161. (1141RA 16:7) (Mine railroada--Cars) SMIRNGV, V. K. Moscow Tire Plant. Kauch.1 Ja '57. (mLRA lo:4) (Moscow--Tires, Rubber) SY.MTOV,-Vy-acliezlav--Y,,onstantinovich; TULIPA, 33.14., naucmV~- red.; 30INDAROVSMAJ G.V.., red.; TOMt, A.E., bekbn. red. [Boring lathe operator]Tokarl-rastochnik. Moskva, roftekh- izdat, 1962. 362 p. (MI 15-10) (Motal cutting) (Lathes)