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Chemical Abst. V01- 48 No. 9 hay 10, 1954 itnalytical Chemistry G. Bespalov andiX. 1. Smirnova. Afed. Pram. S.S.S.R. 1949, No. 0, 2G-8._-_A-7ffEUrdd-T& tlctg. fructose In the presence of glucose, mannose, or galactose Is described, Fructose, ia contrast to other monosaccharides, gives -a greenish color with Na nitroprusside tinder certain condi- tions. To 3 cu. nim. of sample of VH 3.4 add I m). of freshly prepd. I % Na vitroprusside soln. and 10 drops of N. alkali hydroxide. After 15 min. add 5 drops of coacd. AcOH. After an addal, 20 min. the characteristic green.' ish color develops fully. Two series of fructose-glucose soins. were prepd. One series was acidified with AcOH and' the other with HCI, with I drop of concd. HCI equal in. H ion conca. to 77 drops of AcOH. The colors were meas- ur-d 15 min. after ~he acidification. The resulting conen.- absorption curves were almost parallel lines (in the range 2-10% fractose) with the HC1 series giving higher absorp- tionsoflight: The It, tensity of the color varies so much that a simple conivarator can be used. Eurilla Wayerle BOGOMOIDV, A.1.5 SMIMICIVA, A.I. Cataly',ic properties of natural clays containin (.g h,,,rgrosc-p, c -TC !:, R A moistua-e. Trudy TN M no.174:54--60 161. 14:!2) (Clay) (Catalysis) KIRYANOVA, Z.V.; a"ITRIYEV, M.V., doktor ekonom. nauk, prof., red.; SASS-TISOVSKIY, B.A., doktor takhr.. nauk, prof., red.; SMIRNOVA, A.I., ved. red.; YAZLOVSKAYA, E., tekhn. red. [Ptoduction factors and means of lowering the cost of caustic soda] Faktory formirovaniia i puti snizheniia sebestoimosti kausticheskoi sody. Moskva, Vses. in-t nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1959. 96 p. (MIRA 15:6) (Sodim hydroxide) SMIMIOVA, A.I. Mitorials on hydrochemical characteristics of the Karadag area. Trudy Kpxad. biol. sta. no.160-15 (BLACK SEA-WATER-COMPOSITION) Black Sea in the 160. OURA 13:9) Ye-T. Li-IL"i-f: A.S.(Trehubov-, EE - c. , 11REG U B 0 V A j - O.A.'Kysylenko) T L L - 1.11 Kr.7.AY LOVA, O.i).[:.y-',haJlova, 6.15.1; D'i-HAS'~E'lliKC, A.l.; ,T Oz, I.I.F.; K. Yu.!.L;~ k: A-I-Z-1-:BZRG, - 11 llu R 1. MPRKOV, V.I., red. L A~r c c 11 s. e i. i c-.anual or, Trovince A--roklimatychnyi De--zhsillh spvy- -0 ciav b9' (V17iA 17:6) 1. ukl-aainc~. ";'i rvollinnya gluzhiZr. 49-5-5-3-5/19 A.Ta. ~-nd S--irnova, A.!. TITLE: Clouds in the Stratosphere (Oblaka v stratosfere) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geofizicheskaya, 11:5 i~r 37 pi) 337--31[G (USSR) ABSTRACT: According, to KbLrr--ian (Ref.1), nacreous clouds at altitudes 0 Card 1/3 between 20 and 30 km are observed exclusively during the wintez and predominantly in Scandinavia, Finland, Britain and Alaska. Therefore the authors considered it of interest to investi-ate a case in which nacreous clouds were observed in the stratosDhere at a different time of the year and a different latitude. At an altitude of 22.4 Im the authors .-ho'-UoZ;-ra1)hed a cloud which was illuminated by the beam of a projeotor (Fi,-.1) at 4.00 hrs of September 1', 1953 in the Caucasus (410 44' latitude at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level durin-- a windfree, dry but cool nig C.: ht -when the sky was perfectly clear. During the same day at 18.00 hours the cloud was photographed again. Tile projector had a mirror of 150 cm diameter and a rating of 11.5 kW. The projected beam was directed at 750 to the horizon and the exposures viere taken at points spaced 9.6 -m a-Dart, usin- 3 identical camr--ras7fitted with 1:1.1 objective lenses as well as with 'Hoollaston -prisms and filters. The data of the prisms and 149-58-3-5/19 Clouds in the Stratosphe--re. of the filter are given. The results obtained by photo- ,-raDhi-ng by means of polarised light', are compared with D CD 0 aerological data and weather chart data. Polarisation data permit expressing certain assumptions on the nature and ainiension of the particles composing the cloud which was photog a-o ed. The case of a laminated turopopause is con- ,r _h Sidered2 the fo--r-i!),ation of which was followed by means of probing with a -projector. Th;i results of probing of the U stratospht--re by the projector beam are in good qualitative agreement with visual observations made in England (Refs.G and 8), and also with observations of a complex tropo-pause under anti-cyclone conditions (Refs.9 and 10). The data obtained by 'he authors of this paper on the stratosphere cloud (altitude, vertical thickness, transparence, average particle dimensions, refraction index of the particles) lead to the assumption that t'h- cloud pho-tographed by the authors in the Caucasus and the nacreous cloud are of exactly the same nature in spite of the fact that the latter has not been observed in the Caucasus re-ion. There are 12 Card 2/3 49-58-3-5/19 Clouds in the 3tratosphere. fi-ures and 10 references, 6 Englishl 2 Russian and 2 0 German. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics of the Atmosphere, Academy of Sciences, USSR Olkademiya nau:~: SSSR, Institut fiziki atmos- fery) SUBMITTED: January 31, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 3/3 49-58-5-5/15 7 AUTHORS.- A. Ya, . V,11, Zolotavina.. Polozcva '-_N. and TITLZT~ Determination of the A-11i,,iosDheric- Stratification and Products of C.Dnderasation by BearchliGht Mebh-~od (Stratifikatusiya atm-osfery i obrazovaniye produktov kondensatsli po danz4 7m prazhek't-rornc1crc zondirovaniya) .D PERIODICAL: I2:17estiya. Akademii Yiau'K SSSR. Seriya Geofizicheskaya. 1-9158, Nr 5 pp 617-624 (USSR) ABSTRACT-. Th.e 1:tin layeve of semi,-transDarent clo-ads are often seen to b6 fofmed at about 18 000 m high, The cbservation,7 es-~;ab- lished the fact thhaL these clouds are produced when the tropo- p,al;se is steadily lifted with a simultaneous cooiing 1 4 a~. Uhe c-lould layer. It was observ--d in Great Britain that this D112romenon is a,:companied by a lowering of the upper layers over the antii~~yclones, The dynamic press-oxe appears to be the main factor in the production of water condensation, Its intensity can be affected by speed of rising air and an inflow of moisti-Lve from the surrounding areas, As the water condensation in tiie atmosphere greatly affects light scatter I)roperties ol" the air it is evident that the problem of Card 1/5 L~9-58-5-5/15 Determination of the Atmospheric 'Stratification and Products of Candensation by Searchlight IMethod. optical methods of observation becomes important. Of the methods of application, the searchlight proved to be one of the most precise, This work gives an account of an optical sonding through the atmosphere carried out for four consecu- tive nights in lJoscovi region in conjunction with the aero- logical data and synoptic charts, The resulting observat- ions are presented in the form of graphs showing various aspects of light scatter, temperature distribution and polar- isation, Fi-J gives the intensity of light scatter of the beam as measured at various heights through a blue filter. Fig.2 represents the thermoisoplets for the period of exper- imenting. Fig.3 shows a degree of polarisation of the light scatter for various heights, It is interesting to see how 0 the height of "he light spot was rising during the first three nights. It rose from 2-3 km to the region of the tropopause by the second night and showed a height of 22- 25 km during the third night. The measurements at 22-25 km were carried out also with a photographic camera. It should be noted that while the scatter intensity was changing at higher levels., it remained constant at about 8 im. The oserved data agrees with the theoretical calculations of Card 2A ci 49-58-5-5/15 Deterlfqinat-ion of the Atmos-oheric Su"'-abificration and Products of Condensation by Searchlic;-ht I`Aethod~ I-) the an,,-l(,, of it is shown on Fig.4,. where the theoretical curve is being plo-tted to-ether with the 0 observed ones, The graph of temperature isoplets indicates a definite lowering ofL' temperature at the observed heights. 0 The surface synoptic charts are shown on Fis-5. It sliould 0 also be noted that the degroe of polarisation in the lower C~ -0 atmosphere lies always in the range of light scatter 135-159 as sho--~~-n o-q Fig.6; t1ais was pre-Dared from the data obtained on many occasions for different localities, The degree of accuracy of the measurements is someuhat lower for heights above 15 km, due to the star light interfering with the searchlight, The tests with a green filter showed that it Laakes measurrin- more dIfficult owin- to the absorDtion of some of the light intensity. Fig.? shows an example of the results obtained through it. Entirely different results were CD . u obtained on another occasion off sonding the atmosphere. Fig.8 shlows the re3Ul'V-S Of searchlight measurements made every 3.5 C~ hours for two consecutive nights, The degree of polarisation is sHovin, on Fi-=,9, The curves are rather smac'uh, giving Card 3/5 49-58-5-5/15 Determination of the Atlmosz;heric Stratification and Products of Condensation by Searchlight Method~ evidence of no layers of an increased scatter, This proved Uhat the upper atmosphere up to 15 km was homogeneous, Fi.-.10 represents the temperature distribution for that period, The syno-pti-. charts are shown on Fig.12, The following can be derivea from the experiments: 1. Mhere the synoptic situation represents a high with the pressure 1030 mb at its centre and a sufficiently developed low to the North, while the upper atmosphere is of a uniform condition., the searchlight method will show a slight decrease of light scatter intensity owing Uo very sinall dimensions of free particles in the air (aerosol 0,10, 2. In the case of a vertical decrease of temperature the light scatter e:%poses the particles of an increased size due to water condensation. 3. The products of condensaticn in such a case at heights of 14-23 km axe in the shape of water droplets of 1.5~t diameter. This method also makes possible an exact determination of the -relation- ship of condensation products -in the stratosphere to the vertical movement of the air at certain synoptic situations, thus contributing to observations of the least known sDhere Card 4/5 49-58-5-5/15 Determination of 'he AtmosDheric Stratification and 1~roducts of i Condensation by Searchlight- Method. of the upper air. There 2 of whicl a-re Soviet,) 2 ASSOCIATION-. Akademiya nauk (Academi of Sciences., AtmosDh-,2re). SUBMITTED! TanUar- 31 i9c SSSR, USSR, are 13 figures and 12 references, German ando 8 English, Inst-itut Fiziki atmcsfery Institute of Physics of t1le 2. Searchlights-ApplicaLiozis Card 5/5 SIMONOY, Ts.P.; SALEPOYA, A.I.; SMIRNOVA, A.I.; MTSOYA, Te.M.; MIKHATLCYA, A.D.; T91"1110YA, K.A.; MORN,' T'F ; GUK, Tu.I.; 141KOLAYEYA, Z.A.; AYZENBXRG, M.M.; MIKHAYLOYA, K:L:; ROGOVSKAYA, Ye.G., red.; VOIKOV, N.Y., [4,roclimatic reference book on Nikolayev Province] Agroklima- tichaskii spravochnik po Nikolaevskoi oblasti. Leningrad, Gidro- meteor.izd-vo, 1959. 103 P. (MIRA 13:2) 1. Kiyev. Gidrometeorologicheakaya observatoriya. 2. Nachaltnik otdela agrometeorologii Kiyevskoy gidrometueorologicheskoy observa- torii (for Salepova). (Nikolayev Province-Crops and climate) A.A.; ~-~j',LLFOVA, A.I.; 51-~IRMVA, A.I.; 5YRTSC-VA, Ye.N.; GUK, Yu.l.; NIKOIAYEW, Z.A.; ~G , '~I'K~-AYILZV A , K. L. ; U 'ST,'AKOV A , T.V. , red . Lf'-'-,r,7rGclimatolo-,ical ratinual for Strdino Province] Agrokli- spravuelmik po Stalinskoi. oblasti. Lenin rad, 1~159. 101 P. li:eS 1. Ukraine. Upra-vleniye girdrometeorologicheskoy --lwhby. - Nae"I.allnik Otdela agrumeteorolaCii Kiyovskay -idro- 2 observatorii (for salepoval SIMOE1011 Ya.F.; SALEPOVA, A.I., SYRTSOVA, Ye.M.; y $ ABOVICH, F.B.; AYZRIBERG, M.M.; MIKHAYLOVA, K.L.; USHAKOVA, T.V., red.; SERGEYEV, A.N., tekhn. red. [Handbook on agricultural CliLatology in Zaporozhlye Province] Agroklimaticheskii spravochnik po Zaporozhskoi oblasti. Le- ningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 1959. 111 P. (MIRA 17:4) 1. Ukraine. Upravleniye gidron.eteorologicheskoy sluzhby. SMIRIIOVA, A.I. Waste removal device for a mobile-carriage circular saw. Sbor.vnedr. rats.pred. v les. i meb.prom. no.2:56-57 159. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Mobelinaya fabrika tresta "Lengorles.N (Circular saws) I SMIT-UTOVA, A. I. Utilization of glued plywood wastes. Sbor.vnedr.rats.pred. v les. i meb.prom. no.2:121-122 159. (MIR& 13:8) 1. Mebel1naya fabr1ka tresta "Iengorles." (rlywood industry) SMIRITOVA, A. I. Improved hand cart for hauling cabinet-type furniture-inside.the sUop. Sbor.vnedr.rats.pred. v.les..i mebiprom. no."2:130-131 1119. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Mebellnaya fabrika tresta Olengorles.ff (Furniture industry-Aluipment and supplies) (Hand trucks) USSR/4141edicine - ALetino mycosia Sep 48 Medicine - Penicillin "Mild Cases of Actinomycosis Treated With a Com- bi.-L- tion of Penicillin and Iodine," A. I. Smirnora, First Burg Clinic, MONIKI, I p "Sov Mad" No 9 Subject affliction is one of most difficult to treat effectively. Reports results of penicillin- iodine therapy which appears to be more effective than methods now in use. 24/49T61 XONY111HINA, I.A.: ODREYETh, V.I.- IYSTRYAKOVA, L.V., KUS'IINOVA,G.A.: S?IIR;','OVA, A. 1. Clinical characteriz-,tics of dysentery in young children. Pediatriia no.2:Mr-Ap '55. (MLRA 8:8) 1. Iz kafadry infetskonnykh holezney-tLdetey (zav.-prof. M.G. Duni- levich) Loningradskogo pedintrichaskvgo meditainakogo instituta (dir.-Prof. IT.'. Shutova) i Detakoy infektsionnoy bollnitay Lenin- skogo rayona-(glavW vrach A.,H. Belyayeva) (DYSENTMY, BACILI~M, in infant and child) SHUMKIN, B.N., SMI"~..A .,~_,,,r.DAjjjLOV, A.I. the Acader-Y of Medicine of the U.S.S.R. held in Astrakhan Sess;on Of - on th- ns. Vest.AW SSSR 13 nO'9: e problem of intestinal o-f infectio 65-74 158 (INTIESTI-IMS-DISBASES) (mm 11:10) SH04KIN, B.N., dots., SMMOVA, A.I.. DANILOVO A.I. Astrakhan session of the Academy of Medicine of the U.S.S.R. on the pro'hlem of intestinal infections. Vest*AMN SSS a R 13 no-10:7L" 158 (MIRA 11:10) (=ST =-DISEASES) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w- w ww 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 IS 0 0 Preparation of butadient from pstudabutylene (2- butent). B. P. Fedorov, .1, 1. &Ilirtluva and P, A. : S