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IL'INA, N.P., kand. takhn.nauk [deceased]; IVANCVA, A.V., mlad. nauchn. sotr. .5 St., nauchn. sotr.; QJJ6WEVA T.N. TARASOVA, SMIRNOVY R.f%p red.izd-va; KHENOKH, F.M., tekhn. red., [Manual on the repair of building facades by using oil- less (perchlorvinyl and lime) painta) Rukovodstvo po remontu fasadov zdanii a primenexiiem bezmaslianykh (perkhlorvinilovykh i izvestkovykh) krasok. Moskva, 1963. 97 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akedemiya komnunallnogo khozyaystva. 2. Sektor ekspluatatsii zhilykh I kowmunallnykh zdaniy Akademii kommunallnogo kho- zyaystva im. K.D.Pamfilova (for Illina, Ivanova, Smyshlyayeva, Tarasova). (Painting, Industrial) ;I- @ , :-- I . .-I, iA- . ..- I . Pli: i -- -.15 ";a ,s of bu-1-linigs by gas dryers. Nov. tekh. @ a". I . . - '- - ' 161:) no.2:28-34 : @hil. (jj.-IRA 18-6) @s ". pf " i , . I y, -TT . F."i. ; 1. , . I @' . , _, 14 y-hy@: '-,i ' - an-,: - --- @y : tilcns 4_1 n s pace on the San' -,ar ' . - - dehwTdlaiflca@,;.wi @,%:ld'.ng5 w4tY, gas dev'ces. Na,i@h. tru@y AKKH zic,.23. L - - 82-.96 163@ (MIRA 17@U) S14YSHLv-AYEV h -r,,,jp Par c)17@ng 'is e-fe r, para 2 rl @ n*1 6 RE :n 7puajr work. r Ich. @-,,,,Iy AK a. 31 (MIRd, 18-9) PISAREVSKIY, N.N. I SI-ESEMYEVA, T.V. Equipment for graduating microphones at high levels of pressure due to squnds. Prom. aerodin. no. 18:54-64 160. (MI-RA 14:5) (Microphone) TORBAN, V.A.; 5fff""'WAYEVA, V.I. I roline. Zhur.anal.kbim. @Iolorimetric method for the determination of P 16 no.5:64,1-@46 S-Ou '61. ( /, I !-L@ 14, : 9 ) 1. Stavropol Scientific Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums. (Proline) TORBAN, M.A.; SMMHA@A, V.I. Method for determining reducing sugars in the presence of peptone and its use for the study of polysaccharides. Lab. delo 7 no.10: 40-45 0 161. (MIRA 14: .10) 1. Stavropollskiy institut -vaktsin i s:Norotok (dir. - V.M.Kruglikov). (Pl."PTONES) (POLYSACCILAIUM) based cl! .- I m k r (D b o e t;l raun. no. s j'I C) r 0 t 0 K v r,,*,,l-,@) k I v i ns T, 63351-65 YNA (.1 ICCESST N-NR: AP5011279 UR/0016A5/oOO/004/0073/007 IAUTHOR. Illyatovich, A, Yuo;,SmyshIZ va, V. I,; Rakhman E. Z.; st iTITLE: Immunochemical investigation of tetanus culture filtrates iduring detoxication ISOURCE: Zhurnal mikroblologil epidemiologii i immunobiologii, no YZ-49 1965j, 73-78 4TOPIC TAGS: tetanus# bacteriologic culture method,,' detoxication @antitoxinp immunochemistryq amino acidj, nitrogen amino acid,-nitrogen Icompound,, proteins molecule, precipitation .IABSTRACT: Amino acid composition changes of tetanus culture filtrates iwere investigated during detoxication antitoxin, Tetanus Tulture samples were taken at regular intervals (3 hra UP to 30,daYs)Ij_-_@*__. to determine the following: nitrogen -of peptide fractions preeipita- -and'phosphoromo: @ted by different concentrations of trIchloracetie Ljbw' idenie aciday free amino acid levels amino acid composition of acid !hydrolyzates of nitrogen compoundsp and the antigenie structure Of Card 1/2 L 6335@-65 !ACCESSION NR: AP5011279 antitoxing by agar diffusion precipiltation. Findings show that,durin 9 'tetanus detoxication,, the nitrogen levelof. all peptide@ fractions,,. '(protein,, albumose, peptond) i' ticularly In nitrogem nereasesp par @compounds with medium sized- molecules@.' The nitrogen increase in all peptide fractions coincides with a.decrease in -the number of ipitate lines formed, The free amino-acid levels fluctuated 'Poo 'p ,7i,thout displaying any definite dynamics, Howevorp-the, results for 1 It ,g amic acid., alaninep phenylalanine .@and tyrosine are more regulart, indicating possible participation in the.structural change of the- otein molecule during detoxication, The amino acid-,composition 1P.r,anges of nitrogen fraction hydrolyzates'refleat a constant atructu ;ral rearrangement of the.protein moleculeis, These changes also point @to the complexity of the detoxication process which cannot be- iaxplained solely In terms of blocking the free amine groups* Origo- Art, has: 3 figures And I table, .A ASSOCIATION: Stavropolfskiy Institut vaksin I syvorotok '(Stavropolsk Institute of-Vaccines and llein@s) 'SUBMITTED 11-Tan64 ENCL' 00 @'SUB CODE: LS FM SOV: 004 OTIM: 007 rd S/277/63/000/004/006/013 A004/A127 AUTHORs @TITLEi Device for testing the service life of bearing materials or antifriction bearings -sk P@IODICALt Referativnyy zhurnal. Otdelfnyy vypu 48- Mashinostreitel nyye materialy, konstruktsiiA raschet detaley mashin, no-4, 1963, 38, abstract 4.48.244 P. (Czech. pat. al. 42k, 3VIO1, 42k, 38/02, no. 101905, 'December 15, 1961) TE@r th h s T e au or suggests a device for evaluating the-service life of bearing materials and assembled bearings at temperatures exceeding 2000c'! measuring at the Pame time the test temperature and the moment of-friction*,:! The tests can be carried out by using liquid? gaseous orconsisteni lubricat-@' -ion. The contact fatigue tests are performed until the contact surfaces are@' destroyed. The ball-shaped bearing material specimen is clamped in a chuck placed in the vertical hollow of a shaft rotated by an electric motor via belt trans ' mission. The ball rotates on three other balls of the same dia- meter made of the same material; the balls are rooled on the bearing race. _.Card 1/2_. S/277/63/000/004/006/013 Device for testing the service life of... A004/Al27 ...The loading rod, which is connected-with the lower ball bearizig surface, has cooling ribs and grooves for feeding and removing the lubricant and for feeding the thermocouple. Axial pressure is transmitted from a load via a loading and switching-off device mounted on the lower end of the load-,' rod. The working space is heated by a resistor-type furnace. When the ..specimen being tested chips or breaks, the motor is switched off automatic- t'ally and an electromagnet is actuated stbpping the-axial pressure. The device is fitted with a recorder of the moment of friction. [Abstracter's notes Complate translation.] Card 2/2 OW A-7 M 60838-65 !WT(l)/EWT( )/EPY(c)/f7dA(d),/tWP(t)/EldP(z~/U.4i~(~6)@ mjtq ACCESSION NR: AR5018409 UR/0081/65/000/007/K004/K604 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs,1 11K23 AUTHOR: Miklashevskaya, V. S.;*Zdyurenko N.V.; Kovngri-M. L Smyslenovi_A- VY, 5-5 YY1 SY Yf TITLE: On the question of thecorrosion resistance of silumin, CITED SOURCE; Tr. Leningr. in-t aviats. priborositr.5 vyp. 43,J964, -156-46 J TOPIC TAGS.- sil i4min i. co-r-rosion- 'Al --41: :TRANSLATION: The coi@rbs ion-- resistance @.o @s` .0f .41 esx* gated. It was established that their coftiosi, sta'nce- n -a.-ser .1 @,Mhis apparentl is e,,, -considerably lower then normal for th[s @tion of the alloy with other admixtures. Methods of increasin corrosi r 9. were recommended. Authors' abstract. 'SUB CODE; MH ENCL, 00 Car-d.1/1. SMITUTOV, A.A.. inzh.; SMTSL!"fOV, VAT, in--h. Mi:,,tures solidifying by chemical means used 4n nold ana core nalcing for steel and iron founlin Trudy YNTILMASH r-c-1-5-I6 1:;9. (Founding) AUTHOR: Suslo'y A: A TITLE: Radioactive Ele-ents 4. n1@@neous '-R cso I or trK k h s t an (Radioaktivnyye elezenty v @izverzhennykh porodakh Severnogo Kazak,hstanai 'R PERIODICAL: Geokhimiya@ 1958@ Nr 3. pp, 19-' , 2o5 (USS ABSTRACT: According to A. I,, Seilenav the developzenT. of the region is divided as follows: First- and early sta-es. development of the geosynclinal (FCm..--Cm)c. Middle stages: development of the geosynclinal and its transition to the folded belt (o,--S?) Late- mid final staj@es.,. development of the folded belt and tran- sition to a t)lain. The sariples were collected by the author and other assistants of the team of A- 1, Se-.enoY4V,S.,MalayaT- kin ` N 11,hi-arochkin,Yu, M. Shuvalo,@-.. The easily soluble uranium 0 was separated by neans of 3111furic acid at 3o 4o it corre- sponds approximately to the hexavalent uranium, The samples were decomposed bf means of a mi-zture of hydrochloric- and sulfuric acid and araicnium fluoride; uranium was determined ,T means of t@ie lu-nineseence analysis, thoriusi radlochemically. b Card 1/3 The investigation results are conpiled in four tables; two Radioactive Elecents In 1,,j;e0us RorkF, of North 7 58 5 15 Kazakhstan east viest sections show gr. ubicaily the distr:.bution of the radioactivity. The folloviii @ final conclusions i-ar, be drawn: 1) During the nagaiatic aot-.@-fity thc content of radioactive and the Th/ U.-ratio increase up to the end of the niddle stages; in the late staires tiiie thorlum -and uranium con- centration and the Th//U rati-0 decrease again. Similar pheno- mena were observed in other re6ions of the Soviat Union (Zapad- naya Tuya, Kandykta5,rountains,. etc@). 2) The igneous rocks of the various intrusion covpltxea and development staies in their content of radioactive elements differ to a @;reat extent. The radioactive data can therefore be used for the distinction of the intrusion complexes, 3) Only in one massif of North Kazakhstan it was found that the radioactiTe elements were enriched in the roof of the intrusion bodl. Ba-tholite-like intrision massifs of t@ie middle sta@;e of development rather show a reduction of ui-aniu-:@i in the up@@er parts. Uranium and possibly also thorium cigrated 4nto 'he depth during cooling down. 4) Also in varioua samples taken at dCDth@.Of loo-2oo r. Card 2/3 easily soluble uraniuc was fturd. It is very well possible that Radioactiye Elezients in, Ka,.akhstan already in V-ie for:iatton of uranium is oresent as well. the migration oi' -aranilin and dif,'erent Th/u--ratio. Thert references. lo of which, are ta--- rock-3 Th-s -Lr, dIc-AsiYely in in ti,-ie fcriation of roc1-s -.-ith are - fit--@r-9, 4 taable,)M@ and 13 Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Vsesoyuz-.q,-ry institut, Lcnin!3rad (Lenin; Hesnarch instit-ate of Peolozy) :i-z--dfAll. Union Sc@,@ itM- SUB'@ITTED: Pebruary 18, 19510 R Card 3/3 of inethodn in i,etalloEeneti, -,&a-i Pun Trit ---ria.sbor. VSE-^!!,,l no,22,.1)?-, tv';TRA 12) ng ABRAMOVICH, I.I.; SMYSLOV, A.A. -1 n c C., I @ @ So,,r,,-- orcblems Lf 'a--;iog7e-,p'r.yslcs -.rect.,or: -netallogenetic invest,igations. "n]CIY VS,7,,Fl 95;@'--'! 163. (MIPA 17:11 ) SFI,U-'.NOV, A. I.; SMYSLOV, A.A. Petrographic and geochemical characteristics of th-p- granites of the 13orkutinskiy l4assif (northern Kazakhstan). Trudy VS-EGF! 9-5: 45-60 '63. (MIRA 17:11) BAROOV, G.M,,; SMYSLOV, A.A.; KHARLWOV, M.G. Content of radioelements in the InLru3iv(j ro@ks of the Selety- Korzhunkoll region in central Kazakhstan. 'Irudy VSEGEI 95:61-169 163. (MIRA 17:11) S/0 11/60/0-00/007/00 1/0-02 A05VA129 AIKHOR: Smyslov, A. A. The importance of data on radioactivity and heat-conductivity of rocl-.s in metallogenic investigations 0 FP!0DI'_PJ,: Akademiya nauk SMR. Izvestiya. Seriya geologicheskaya, no. 7, 196 32 - 45 Metallogenic investigations are based on the magmatic activity and thermal conditions of the earth's crust. The main source of thermal energy is as5-.imed to be the radiogenic heat which is uninterruptedly generated as a result of t-,he radioactive disintegration of uranium, thorium and potassium. However, most nypotheses formed on the thermal conditions of the earth's crust make no allowance _@or the varying heat-conductivity of rocks which form the crust. These problems can only be solved when the heat conditions of the various structural zones of the a r i h are dealt aith for each structure and for the various stages of evolution :@eparately. Moreover, the peCUliarities of geologic and metallogenic evolution of 0 .01atforms and geosynclines have.-also to be taken into consideration. With regard ,-c. magmatic activity, two "magmatic cycles" can be distinguished, based on the Card 1/ 8 S/011/60/000/007/001/002 Ti@ie importance of data on radioactivity and ... A05VA129 and thorium content of the intriAsive and effusive formations of the moving zor-E@. The fips@ cycle contains Lhe eruptive cocks of the initial, early and mediur, 7 -iges of the cvolution of the moving zone and is characterized in that the conter,t. _!;i@i _@nd UIQI@.LUII gradually increases in the younger rocks. The second mag- ,@,a, yc le is a @so charac teri zed - in the beginning and at the end of the cycle- "t.-/ 4_'ne presence of weakly radioactive eruptive rocks, moreover it contains the of the Later and final evolution stages of the moving zone. Metallogenic in- igaf.ions show that there is a certain correlation between the situation of the _-Upply area of magmatic foci and the thickness of weakly metamorphic and slightly 'isloca -@ed sediments. In geosynelines t1le Supply area of magmatic foci is placed d in the earth-crust than in platform structures. 11-ith the increase in thick- ne@@s of sedimentary layers during the evolution of the moving zones, the melting i ace rising into higher levels within granite and basalt layers. Besides radio- .io'.iv_ir,y t@ethermal conductivity is also very important for metallogenic investiga- flons. Table 1, which gives the content of radioactive elements of various layers of the earth-crust and their thermal conductivity, shows that sedimentary layers r,a:,re a low thermal conductivity and therefore promote heat accumulation. @-'Tith in- cr--asing metamorphism their thermal conductivity increases and approaches -,hat oil Card 218 ' .51' iwportance of datla on radioaclLivit.1- and. . A054/Al2r ,--rysta-lline rocks. In areas where t.he Crystalline ftindament crops out to the sur- fa,:@e (Baltic, Canadian, Ai'rican shields) the geothermal gradlenl@ values are 111gh f . - 150 m/degree) wlilcb means that at a de@pth of 12 - 15 :Un the temperature does '80 no' exct@-ed 100 - 20COC. However, in platform-type areas covered with sediment-ary layefs Missian Platform, Western Sibirlan PlaLform) the geothermal gradient is riil-irn @ower (20 - 410 m/degree) and the temperatures at 12 - 145 km depths ra-nge from 3`10 - 4x)OC. A inedium between these extreme@a i* represented by paleozoic and ka--Inozoic foldings having geo-thermal gradie&. values of 40 - 100 m/degree, and the Alp-'ne zones with geothermal gradients of 15 - 25 m/degree. The value of heat 11,.)w ho ver, is nearly uniform in all strata of the crust and amounts to 1.0 - 2 , , @119 2 ") 1 10 cai/cm .see. For calculating thd thermal conductivityfor platforms, ahlelds and moving zones in the initial, early and medium stages of evolution Tikhonovfs formulae are used [Ref . 1 fOUnd from Eq. (2) at the boundary conditions ;.--id bl, arsui!j.n,- Ult- -,--,ve to be syj.-,metrical about the depth of r, '.wlCv,.ly '_.-@i9*___:.'_' L .. U Tlic. re-ioa of wave jump (diagrara d) is mrtrked by vertlc:@@l Thr de-oth of the first wave was found tl,,c. tion (dh/dt )A = 0 and the assumption that the trou--h denth cv_nno, thcan the corre@) pond in- criticil depth of curvilin(@_zll flo-.3, :.,liicii is obteired from 11 2 2h I - L:@@ N hl 2 N Tho -r:,@ph is useful for theoretical and -pr,-.ctic:.ll Gurpose-s. It 'wis ulctUCCZ for a rectangular ch&rnel, but can @lc `o;, @ther 3/ 5 S/021/61/000/006/003/009 Generalized graph of ... :1)247/D301 C@puiel sections. There are 1 figure and 4 Sovict-bloc refere:nces- Kyyivslkyy inzhcncrno-biidivel'nyy inst-tut (YiYOV Civil Envineerin!7 D-Istitute) July 6, 1960 Card 4/5 JJCC2@11' AP4022650 S/0207/64/000/OM/0053/000 ALTHORS: Reznikov, B. 1. (Leningrad); Smv*slovs Tue N. (Leningrad) TITLE: Method for determining friction and beat flow in self-modeling problem of a boundary layer S S OURCE: Zhurnal priklad. mekhan. i teklm. fiz., no. 1. 1964,9 53-58 TOKC TAGS: friction, heat-flow, self-modeling problem, boundary layer, multi- parametric boundary problem,, machine time, successive approximationso quadrature,, iteration scheme, Blazius equation, Fokner-Sken equation ABSTLRAGT: The authors propose a method for determining friction and heat flow not involving numerical integration of the boundary layer equationse 2xey study the boundary value problem T_�@f-_GoAAde_r + 'R 0 ;:I f' a,, a" --foriq 0. b for'n (2) Card 1/2 ACCESSION N14: AP4022650 Th6 proposed method allows them to reduce this problem to a Cauchy problemj which is essential for the use of numerical methods, Severaliexamples of the method are g1ven. The authors study the isothermal Blazius problem, gettimg some specific error bounds. They treat more complicated cases, like that of magnotohydrodynamic fluid flow with constant electrical conductivity in a neighborhood of a two- dimensional critical point in the presence of blowing in., acd find some specific error bounds. They investigate a system of equations describing flow around the critical point by a compressible gas In the presence of blowing in, Comparisons show that for a more complicated case of the system of related equations the proposed methods allow. computation of friction and beat flow fairly precisely. Orig. art. has: 2 tables abd 10 formulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBIMTED: 2ljul63 SUB CODE: Al Card 2/2 DATE AGQs O8Apr64 NO MW SOV: 004 EWL: OTHERS 00 ACCESSION NR: AT4041811 S/2563/64/000/230/0054/0058 AUTHO R Smy*slov, Yu. N. TITLE Linear, streaming about a plate by blowing electroconducting gas through its surface in the presence of a magnetic field SOURCE- I.eningrad. Po@ 1t*7tkhnir:1iaskiy institut. Trudy*, no. 230, 19 C6 4 .Tek h n 1 Ch u a k a ya -rI 1. d r o-me kh an t k a ( Te clip. i c a I h y d rome ch an I c a54 -5 8 T 0 C 1' A C, .13 @i.! ro dya am i c ar an, z, p 11 r a u L o n c oo I in g , r t a gn a t L a n p 0 111 t magncl:ohydrod,@n@;rmic stagnar-ion point flow. rhermal cooling, arfon blowing heat transfer reduction h )tcn maClc, i:f; dcLerii-iiae -,@ie reduction in -'Ioin- Irlow bXOT'inp an'-] [nagT-'(!ti.c field act Simultaneot-s- 'i -e. m - e -- a t u r e argon, containing a small amount of ionizing- II- TI-tal (potassium) vapor was forced through the porous surface of Set-ai-l'-%'fini"@C Plate. D'Iffused into the hot stream flow, the vapors SUb iCCC to ther-ma). Lontzat Lon . and '13' C an electrically conducting edge layer in-leracting with the external. magnetic field develops near the plate, The rerultt3 of this ritudy 6uggest that both aurface friction Card d 1/ 2 .ACCESSIO' NR: AT4041811 Ililld the hea t f low can be subst in tially reduced 'by using the combined effecc of vapor blowing and magnetic field. When blowing is intensi-I fied, riuch smaller magnetic fields are needed to aclleve the same ef- P. r t . h r, a14 formulas and 4 f L gu re a A S S 0 C I AT! ON e U B 21i'l T TE 1) 00 ATD PRESS: 3054 ENCL: 00 SUL, CODE., @M. TD NO RRF SOV: 003 OTHER: 003 2 2 ACCESSION MR: AP4028950 P/0057/64/034/004/09aooV636 AUTHOR: Smy*slov, Yu.N.; Chekmarev, I.B. TITLE: Magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer in a high temperature flow past porous! plate admitting additional easily ionizable vapor SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, v.34, no.4, 1964, 630-636 TOPIC TAGS: magnetohydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamic boundary layer. magnetohydro- 'dynamic friction reduction, magnetohydrodynamic nozzle cooling ABSTRACT: The theoretical treatment is given of the boundary layer'formed under tbs. following conditions. A hot inert gas flows past a porous plate In the presence of a magnetic field. A flux of the same inert gas containing a small admixture of alka- .1i metal vapor is forced In through the porous plate. The temperature Is such that .the metal vapor is ionized but the inert gas is not. The purpose of the study Is to investigate possibilities of reducing friction and beat flux to the confining wail. In the calculations the diffusive separation of the alkali metal atoms, ions, and the resulting electrons is neglected, and these components are aspumed to be in twa- mal equilibrium. The equations are expanded In powers of the siagnstlalleld,.and on- Card 1/2 MUKHIN, Aleksandr Ivanovich; SMYSLOV, Yu.V., red.; YERKHOVA, Ye.A., tekhn. red. (German Democratic Republic; its economic geography]Germanakaia Demokraticheaknia Respublika; ekonomicheakais. geografila. Izd.2., dop. i perer. Moskva, Izd-vo IMO, 1962. 225 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Germany, East-Economic geography) DFtACH'E Nadazlda Puviuvna; POPOV, Nikolay Niko*Vevich,- SIHYSLOV, YU.If rea. [The German Democratic Republic in the ste@ Of the international socialist diAv*qioxLC @r ] Germanskaia De- mo@raticheskaia R*sFublAa -V'8is'teme mezhdunarodnogo so- tslali.sticheskog6 razdelew'Ja truda. Moskva, Izd-vo IMO, 1963. 2 54. p. WIRA 17:4) LEMESHEV, M.Ya-; LAGUTIN, N.S.; GREKULOV, L.F.; KRA=V, V.D.; IWNIN, A.A.; YAKOVLEVA, T.V.; ANANIYEVA, L.F.; KOILSOVA, Ye.Ya.; MURASHKO, Tu.V.; GABIDULLIN, V.M.; POPOV, N.I.; POPOV, N.M.; STUDENKOVA, N.M.; SMYSLOVA, A.S..; PANIN, N.S.p red.;PANIN,N.S.,red.; GERASIMOVA, Ye.S.,-te1dm'.'I-ed- [Methods for creating an abundance of agricultural products in the U.S.S.R.] Puti sozdanila isobiliia sellska@-khoziaistvennykh produktov v SSSR. Moskva, Ekonomizdat, 1963. 317 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Sektor ekonomicheskikh problem sellsk4Fgo khozyaystva Nauchno- issledovatellskoge ekonomicheskogo instituta Gosplana SSSR (for all except Panin,N.S., Panin, N.S., Gerasimova). (Farm produce) '.-I ;1--1-A, -,. @ I . Dissertation: "The -7-ffect of Vitamin Bl on Certain Phases of Carbohydrate Metabolism of Healthy and Infected Rabbits Inoculated Witl@ a Culture of Staphylococcus Auraus.11 Cand 9iol Sci, Kuy@yshev, 1952. (.qeferativnyy Zhurnal-4himiya, Moscow, No /@, Feb 54) SO: SUM, 243, 19 Oct 54 SMYSLOVA, G.I. Effect of vitamin B1 on the content of catalase In blood in normal and infected vith Stapbylococaus aureus rabbits. Tr. Vaesoiuz. obah. fiziol. no. 1:114 1952. (CYAL 2411) 1. Delivered 29 December 1949, Woyshev. SHTERRACHEK, Z.[Stervacek, Zdenek], inzh.; TAUSK, Petr, inzh.; I SMYSLOVA,-M.A..[translator]; PAVLUSHENKO, I.S., red.; BRAGINSKIY, L.N., red.; ERLIKH, Ye.Ya., tekhn. red. [Mixing in the chemical industry] Peremeshivanie v khimi- cheskoi promyshlennosti. Pod red. I.S.PaVlU8henko. Lenin- grad, Goskhimizdat, 1963. 416 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Mixing machinery) (Chemical industries-Equipment and supplies) L 44273-65 EWT(m)/EWP(j) PC-4 RM ACCESSION NR: AP5009910 UR/0032165103110041=1111%2@ AUTHORSt. Xemelin, Yea F4. smysloyaj K" f TITM Determination of malele acid d m6loic anh7drida'in chlarohdic anhydrld*'@*- 'no 421-L-422: SOURCE: Zavodskaya. laboratoriYa, v. 31- 4, 1965. TOPIC TAGS: chlorendic anhydride$ mal.eic ac.idp maleie anhydride LP 58 ins tru@-'-. Mont ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for determilning_,maleic acid and.maleic anhydride in chlorendic anhydridep based on potentiometric titration of the acid salt of maleic acid by an alcohol solution-of@alkali-in a water.-acetone medium, it- permits determination of less than 0,1% malaic' acid and maleic anhydride, . A 2;-g sample is placed in a 150-ml flask; 15 ml of IN NaOh is added, and the mixture is hydrolyzed by immersing in h6t water until the sample Is completely dissolved.* The solation is cooled., dilutedby drops of concentrated H01 until turbid after@..,: color change with phenophthalein, To this is added,5 ml of-maleicacid (con- centration of 3 mg/ml), 5 ml of distilled water, and the contents of the flank are transferred to a 200-ml beaker. Acetone (150 ml)-is then added,, rinhing th4,1'@ flask, and titration is carried-ou-t on an LP-58 instrument lifth 0,1N KOH Card -1/2 YEMELINP Ye.A.; SMYSLOVA, N.F.; TSARFIN, Ya.A. Determination of hydrochloric and acetic acids in methylene chloride. Zav.lab. 28 no.8:929 `62. (MIRA 15-11) 1. Vladimirskiy institut sinteticheskikh smol. (Hydrochloric acid) (Acet@'.c acid) MELIN, Ye.A.; SWSLOVA, N.F.; TSARFIN, Ya.A. Analysis of industrial samples of chlorendic anhydride by nonaqueous potentiometric titration. Zav. lab. 29 no.10:1169- 1172 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Vladimirskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sinteticheskikh smol.