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SNYATINOVSKAYA, L. color-film. I , I" DS--5 Sov.foto 21 no.5,-4-1-42 14Y 161. (WRA 14 6) (Color photography@ - -Fllw) SNYATINOVSKAYA. L. Black-afid-white negative motion-picture films. Sov.foto 23 no.1:30-32 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) (Motion-picture photography-Films) SAMSONENKO, G.S. (Samsonenko, H.S.], i-rizI-1.) FFDOROVSKIY, L.Kh. [Fedorovf;lkyi, L.Kh.], inzh.@ SkTYATKOVI L.A- inzh. I - m - . I Z - Organizing the detection c,47 defects and supply oil parts. Mekh. sill. hosp. 14 no.ll@,,19-22 N163. (MUZA 17:2) 1. Ukrainskiy filial Gosudarstvennogo vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledo- vatellskogo tekhnologicheskogo instituta remonta i ekspluatatsii mashinno-traktornogo parka. @- L 1 Y - . -'@ " @ :) . A . ; 3 1 : I'll t'l ZG " I i % , L , K, . . .I. . . r@r -' t, '. V.1 1c. U., I Cl " :; U @, t' I " @ t @ or reco- orin r- Ot rl I LU'-1-- t. t, L - @.' I Cl 11'. -, l'J , . I '@@ I ' " i - 7.,, I I .,@e -- nlo. 3 ' 163. i @ Z@llvou ACCESSION NR: AP4026850 S/0065/64/000/004/0030/0032 AUTHORS: Aliyev, D.A.; Aliyeva, S-G-;_@n atkova. L.K. UP TITLE: Investigation of the water condensate from the gas separator of pyrolysis equipment SOURCE: Khimiya i tekhnologiya topliv i masel, no- 4, 1964; 30-32 TOPIC TAGS: pyrolysis, by product, condensate, composition, stabilitys thermooxidation, atomic oxygen formation, free radical formation, acid, ketone, alcohol, water vapor decomposition, heat transfer agent, hydrocarbon, hydrocarbon pyrolysis, high temperature pyrolysis' ABSTRACT: The composition of the water condensate from the bottom of a gas separator of a pyrolysis apparatus was examined to determine@ the nature o'L the synthesis products, to determine the stability of i the condensate on storage and to confirm the assumption that thermo- ox_*dative reactions occur as a result of atomic oxygen from the water' iarpor (Ali,irav, V.S., Kasimova, M.P., Alttman, N.B. Vliyaniye vouyano-o para na vy*sokotemperaturny*y krektng gasoylya. "Effect L> 7 oj-:' water vapor on high temperature cracking of gas oil." Khim. i. ,-Card 113 ------- - ------ ACCESSION NR: AP4020'850 tekhnol. topliv i masel No. 8 1958). The condensate is a slightly emulsified milky material, n@ 1.3338. On storage, a number of color changes occur but there is no change in refractive index. These changes are attributed to small amounts of free radicals and condensed high molecular aromatic hydrocarbons. The aqueous conden- sate contains a definite amount of oxygen-containing compounds of different classes: acids (up to 800 mg/l, formic, acetic, propionic and small amounts of butyric and other high molecular acids), ketones, (0.25 wt.%, acetone th lethylketone diethylketone and small me. I amounts of higher ketonesT, and alcohols (0-015-0-9361 wt.%, methanol@' ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, some butanol and higher alcohols). This indicates side reactions in the pyrolysis process involving oxygen formed by the decomposition of water vapor to its components . This refutes the opinion (Ostgaus, K.G., Zhurnal "Neftekhimicheakiy sin@ez za rubezhom" "Petrochemical synthesis abroad". vy*p. 5, ITEIneftegaz, 1962, str. 50-56) that in high temperature pyrolysis of,---- hydrocarbons the role of a haat transfer agent is fulfilled 3olely by water vapor. Orig. art. has: 2 tables. IL. Ccird - 2/3 ACCESSION'-@k-- @P-402685'0------' ASSOCIATION: Bakinskiy zavod "Neftegaz" (Bakin "Petrogas" Plant) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: @.Upr64 ENCL:.00 SUB CODE: CH NR REF SOV: 010 OTHER: 003 Card 3/3 A-LIYEV, D.A.; ALIYEVA, S.G.; SN'fATKG'iA, L.K. Imres,..J.gating a wal@eer con-t-Jersate of a gas separator of a py--ogen-4c unit. n-im. i tekh, topl. i masel 9 no.400-38 Ap 164. (MIRA 1-1.8) 1. Bakinskiy zavocl "Neftegaz". ROZINA, D@Sh.; SNYATKOVSKAYA, R.G. 6-Aminothymol hydrochloride. Met0d.pollich.khim reakA prepar. no.4/';:109-113 '62. (IfdRA 17:4) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovateliskiy institut khimicheskikh reaktivov i osobo chistykh khimicheskikh veshchestv. A"--C A',Z: A?%10718 S0U:'C*--* Cc'!-x-.': UR 0062/66tt)klo."O!',)1'220712208 A j":0-; ;@:iorlin, A. Ya.; Snyaticova, V. Yevdakov, V. 2.; Shlenkova, Yo. X. 0"1", :!nstitull-e Of !:!-,o of Pitural Com;)ourcis, Academy of Sciences I US'Sa (Ins@it:ut Rhimii prIrodnykh soyedineniy Ail SSSR) T I T-71':, :Svntliesis of 2,3,1,,6-tetra-0-acetyl-/,,'-D-ilticopyra-,iosylclibutyl-p',~losphite 'S OU'41C 1@1' :AN SSSR. izostlya. Seriya Ichimicheskaya, no. 12, 1966, 2207-2208 C T,*-@-S: chemical synthesis, pyridine, phosphate ester, nuclear magnotic resonance S',- - ul GOD': 07 -% @@ - r . iITI%CT: The action of dibutylacetylphoaphite as a phosp@horylating agent 'Lo carbohydrate derivatives with a free hemiacetal hydroxyl was investigazed using 2,3,4,6-te'tra-0-acetyl- @-D-glucoj)yranose as an exami)le- The condensation pro- ceedled -without inversion of the configuration, forming,O-D- glticopyrano53,ldibutylphosphite. The reaction was conducted in absolute benzene A. mediura, in the presence if absolute pyrid4ne as an acetic acid acceptor. The structua-e of th@ reaction product was proven by element analysis, hydrolysis upon stanu-inrr, acid methanolys-is to the methylglucoside, and a study of tlih.e nuclear maonetic resonance spectrum. The phosphite could subsequently be oxidized to the corresponding phosphate. Orig. art. has: I formula J?RS: 40 3571 Card 1/1 UDC: 542.91 + 547AJ4-7. +,661 1.318.1 :1 C,, pj - t,tANT(,VA, -,.(7,.; 'IFIV.'A, V.S.; SNYATKOVSFAYA R.G. PEV'r-so" , .. . , 1. 1 @ Chemtcal-3pt!--tral determiration of the traces of metaI3 in chemical reagerits. Trudy IREA no.25:303-33.0 '013. OHM 18: 6) SN','ATOVSKIY, A. Improvin,gg -- rcle aff' Jns@ectuors In the Of-f-ice of -e Starting and Adjusting uperations. Stroi. truboprov. 9 no.-L-.31, ja 164. OMIRA 17: 3) I. Uchastok Spetsializi.rovannogo upravieniya pusko-naladochnykh i,abot gazoprovoda Bukhara - Ural., Sverdlovsk. SERENSEIN9 S.V.9 akademik; BUKILti2iiIi, N.A., doktor tekhn.nauk. prof.; BUGLOV, Ye.G.t inzh.; SNYTIN, M.Ye., inzh. Establishing variable stress conditions for fatigue analysis. Vest.mash. 41 no.1:15-21 ja 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. All USSR (for Serensen). (Strength of materials) I BUKHARIN, N.A., doktor tekhn. nauk; YERMOLAYEV, A.I.; SNYTIN, M.Ye., kand. te-khn. nauk Evaluation of operational reliability and durability of parts and units of a motor vehicle. Avt. prom. 29 no.8: 25-27 Ag 163. (MIRA 16.11) 1. Leningradskiy inzhenern-c-stroitel1W institut i MoskovsIdy avtozavod imeni Likhacheva. SHURUPOV, A.; SNYTKIN, A. Under one roof. Zhil.-kom.khoz. 12 no.6:15 Je 162. (KERA 15 -.12) 1. Nachallnik upravleniya "VodokanalizatsUall Ishimbay (for Shurupov). 2. Ispolnyayushchiy obyazanrtr;a7Li direktora kontory elektrosetey, g. Ishimbay (for Snytkin). (Ishimbay"Municipal services) 88228 S/006/6O/000/P12/OO2/CO2 @i,S3 B012 B063 AUTHORS: Voronkova, N. M., Meleshko, K. Ye, Semenchenko, I. V., Sutkin, - V., and Shishkina, T. A. -, - ___1 --- - A- TITLE: Use of the Spectrovisor for Studying the Spectral Brightness of Landscape Objects PERIODICAL: Geodeziya i kartografiya, 1960, No. 12, pp. 20 - 25 TEXT: The spectral reflective power of natural objects has been studied for several years by the Laboratoriya aerometodov Akademii nauk SSSR (Laboratory for Aeromethods of the A:cademy of Sciences USSR). A quick.- acting spectrophotometer (spectrovisor) has beerz designed for measuring the coefficients of spectral brightness of smai_', and medium-size ground objects from the air (Ref., footnote p. 20). One of the spectrovisors built in 1959 by this laboratory and the method used to measure the coefficients of spectral brightness by airplane are described; several test results are given. The operating range of the spectrum extends from 450 to 950 mg, The resolution determined from the half-width of the Card 1/5 88228 Use of the Spectrovisor for Studying s/oo6V60/000/,012/002/002 the Spectral Brightness of Landscape B012/ 1!1063 Objects mercury spectral line is 20 mp. The root mean square error of the measurements is 2 - 3%. The instrument has a total weight of 80 kg and is fed with a current of 10 a from the net on board (27 v). The aero sDectrovisor consists of a monochromator with a receiver and a recorder, and a feeder for the circuits., The instrument is fastened to a frame in the opening and turns round its horizontal axis. The specific feature in the determination of coefficients of the spectral brightness of natural objects is the fact that it is not possible to attain equal conditions of illumination and surveying for the object and the cal-ibra- tion instrument. In 1959, calibration was carried out on the plane by means of a calibration instrument before and after "spectrometrizing" of the object. In order to obtain a coefficient of the spectral bright- ness of the objects which corresponds to the brightness of baryta paper, the calibration instrument was calibrated against this paper in different light. 24 pictures were taken per second. Calibration in the air takes 1 -- 2 see, The interval between calibration and measurement is determined Card 2/5 W20 Use of the Spectrovisor for Studying the s/oo6/60/.CCC /0 1 2/C02/0'02 Spectral Brit;htne3s of Landscape Objects B012/BO6j solely by the time needed for turning the instrument t1rough 1800 round its horizontal axis. In order to explain the effect of vibratiors and other factors on the accuracy of aerial surveying, the same objects were "sDectrometrized" with a photoelectric field spectrometer designed by the same laboratory in 1959. The results obtained according to this method viere in good agreement with the data yielded by the spectrovisor. All results obtained agree with published data (Refs..footnote p. 24) on.the snectral reflectivity of soil and veeetation. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 3 Soviet references.' Card 3/5 88228 s/oc)6/60/0*C)0/01 2/002/C012 B01 2/.oub3 Seprimv*mv --%- Movarpopfumvp Ayvucmpu yclvlumeol@ pajlevjm@u KC 506