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KOREG) R.; SOFRANKOVA A. Free and bound glucose in the urine. -Cas. lek. cesk. 102 no.8: 219-220 22 F 963. 1. Ustav pre vseobecnu a experimentalnu patologiu. Lekarskej fakulty UPJS v Kosiciach, prednosta doe. dr. R. Korec. (GLYCOSURIA) (CHMSTRY, ANALYTICAL) (OXIDASES) (DIAMrIES IMELLITUS) (URINE) Cun, Ov ;.on of th, frac-- G F h ',-3 r;--.'-' y Z-- e o f t Li; g b-u I I frqc:tion rf Y,-,r.,je ant.1tetalic 3e r,utm. cc,"'.1 C7. (.1hem 29 Kosice. 'Vl'~'JA ~,IQFRANIKOIJAO A, Ow)k~rtm.ont of BIOChe-jatryp P'4tct~aty of MealcInaj, ..A.ift~rik UnIver-Aty, KOACO . (for both), ilraptle, C( -f ~>1100 lot ~3zeRhoalovnk Qhom4ga~ c!atlon3o 'No 11, Novembcr l9b5a pp 37bO-Vbb# "Frtictlonation of a idn'ttla digest of horse pInsma qftobullns by gal filtration throuq,p different tyna-s of ienhadex," SOFRMIOV, M.A. Definition of the term "soil typo." Pochvovedanie no.11: 87-88 N '59. (HIRR 13:4) 1. Laningradakiy nauchno-isaledovatel'sIdy iustitut leanogo Ichozyaystva. (Soils--Terminolojo,) S ".1.--7--77T- 1) "DutA'-'-;ir cai,i-1.11 Inst. f-w Vot. Fac., Doo,r-cl. - I'll, , 1. ve.t. 6 : 54-56, 1.952 C ik:' (Im ca2s); Given Pam-- s Coluitz-7: Yugoslavia Accidcmic De-gre-a-s: /not give Affiliation: Institute for Application of Nuclear Energy in Agronomy, -and Fo-rr-wa-~Eii-(Institut za primenu ixxxx= nuklearne)onergije u poljoprivredi, veterinarstvu i eumarstvu , Belgrade Rxxzx Sources Belgrade, Vaterinarski glasnik, No 6, 1961, pp 455-464. Data$ 'Vaccinatiori of Sheep with Irradiated Larvae Dictyocaulus Filaria. I. The Effect of Irradiation Dose on the Growth and Pathogenesis of Parasites." Authors: .JOVANOV~C, M. jg~ENICI V. _ROKQLIC, A. V~OrRENOVIC, Dj. IGO-B JEVIC' J. --gL -1 -WFEaLQV1Ct X. MOVSESIJAN, M. SOP,ENOVIC, D-j C31LIt'ry: Ylu"C':; Invift Acaa-t-GIC z not givenj 'not given scurc~_-: Belgrade, Vaterinarski glasnik, No 7* 19610 p. 612. "D a Book-Reviews 'Rabies" by Milan Nikolitsch (West German), SCF1~71"OV-1-, Di 6 C-2 Given Ylazir-a cmatry: Yurroslavia 4one Siven (Inst-itut za Patolocriju). Premu-~ed: U Af --l! IL,Lti1 Voterimi-j Faculty, University of Belgrade Belgrade, Acta Veterin-pria, Vol I I , No I , 1961 , -P-P 31 J~O "Dislo:%,~,~tosjs of Si,.rine (Fasciolosis and Dicrocceliosis) Pa-'GhomnorDhological C11-iracteristics in the Liver and Their Diagnostic SiCnificance.11 Co-;,'.,a'.hors: BULJETEC , St. , Academic degrees not given, institute for PatholoMr. PresiLmed: Vcterinai-j Faculty, University of Belgrade. STAITOJEVIC, S., Academic degrees not given, Institute for Patholoa.- t Pr--e-su-me-d: Vetuerinaar-y Faculty, University of Belgrade. --I IYUGOSLAVIA -G. SOFRENOMIC ~Affiliation not given.] IlWorld Veterinary Congress in Hanover." Belgrade, Veterinarski Glasnik, Vol 17, No 4, 1963; pp 385-386. Abstract : Outline of the then forthcoming congress organization and program with list of symposia to be held and various details of interest to Yugoslav veterinarians who will participate. 141 Y 6 o s ~a"v i/Zc (o p " - G arasitology. Parasitic Protozoa Abs Jour : Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 1958, 57836 kuthor : Radojchevih M., Sofrenovih, Krshlya-nin Inst : Not given Title : Data on the Study of the Distribution of Try- panosoma and Trypanoplasma of Fish in Some Fish Ponds Orig Pub : keta veterin., 1957, 7, No 2, ~`--64 Abstract : The distribution of trypanosoma and trypano- plasma in fish in some Serbian ponds was deter- mined by the study df blood smears prepared in November-December 1956. No exact determination of trypanosoma and tr:ypanoplasma was carried out. Trypanoloma was found mainly in young carp (32% of the fish up to one year of age were infected; 1% in ages of 1 to 2 years old; 4% in ages of 4 and more years). Trypanosoma was also found Card 112 SOFRONEYEV, P.S...,-."., The Tamga plant. Nauch. soob. IAF AN SSSR no.6:33-36 (Yakutia-Iron and steel plants) 161. 1 (MIRA 16-13) SOFR0NI,-~.,;-,QWIEAITU, C.; NICOLOIU, E.; FRUCI]TER, S. Contents of gases and normetallic inclusions in indigenous crude iron. Studii cerc metalurgie 7 no.1:73-87 162. 1. Membru. al Comitetului de redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii si ceroetaft de metalurgie" (for Sofroni). SOFRONI, L. "Metallurgical bases in the cupola process" by L.M.Marienbah. Reviewed by L.Sofroni. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no.4:375 Ap 162. SCFRONI2 " wWear resistance of casts and alloysO by Y.F. Grecin. Reviq~ed by L, Sofroni, Metalurgia, constr mas 14 no.6:570 Je 062. SOFRONI., L. ------ "ConsUvation of castings" by [prof.] Mihail Skarbinski. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Metalurgia, eonstr mas 14 no.8:763 Ag 162. SOFRONI, L. gTreatment of liquid powdered metal with the aid of gas jet" by B.N. Ladijenski, A.D. Basmakov. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no.9:853 S 162. SOFRONIE, L. "Pressing casting forps at high presswes.N Metalurgia constr mas 14 no.11:1051-1052 11 162. RUMANIA SOFRONI, L.; NICOLOW, Es (None) Bucharest, Studii oi Cercetari do Metolurgie, Igo 2, 19639 p 191-199 p "Regearch Qa the Decomposition at Mothans Gas When It Is; Mixed Into Liquid,Irons* t (2) SOFROITI, L.) ing. "Casting mechanization in bakelite molding shells" by n A. N. Firstov, F.I. Smirnov, I.I.M.Budilin. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no. 3:274 Mr 162. SOFRONI 0 L. Chromicle. Metalurgio constr mao 15 no.2:181-183 7 163. 50F,RONI, L. 1,11. SOFROINI, L. M. -- "Effect on Phosphorus on the Properties of Cast Iron Treated With Magnesium." *(Dissertations For Degrees In Science and Engineering Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions)(30) Min Higher Education USSR, Kiev Order of Lenin Polytechnic Inst, Chair of Founding, Kiev, 1955 SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No 30, 23 JulY 1955 * For tl~e Degree of Candidate Teennical Sciences. SOFRONIE, I,. The leniar contraction of cast-iron with nodular graphite. KMALURGIA SI CONS-RUCTIA DE MASINI (Metillurgy and Machine Construction.) 2:81:Fb 55 SDF,~ZONIE,, L. The effect of phosph,)roas on mechanical properities and the abrasion of cast and iron mixed with nodular graphite. P. 32. (METALURGIA SI CONSTRUCTIA DE MAINSINI. RUMANIk. Vcl. 8. no. 5, May 195-6.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (F.EAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957. Ucnl, D 4E2b Ist 1 C4 9 Kenn to AvOW nem. L Rafronia (31 3,1 6 (Ald. COMr-M-5-simi.- 1056. 8,- (9), 43-4R).--- (lit "man ant The chametiristic defmts.of I'- ,-,in flysed, and = claWfied. -A few of thew def-21ol . .11 in this artick, and remodics propowd for their eliminatimi-l- m. -3 "Influence of silicon on the thermal processing of cast iron with globular granhite. 11 p. 23 (Studii Si Cercetari De Metalurgie) Vol. 2, no. 1/2, 1957 Bucharest, Rumania SO: Monthly Index of East European Accessions, (EEAI) LCC. Vol. 7, no. 4, April 1958 VASHCHENKO,K.I.; SOFRONI,L. Phosporus in magnesium cast iron. J1'55- (Iron-magnesium alloys--Analvsis) (MLRA 8:10) Category POLUM/Solid Stzat-e Physics - Phase transform;3.tion of solid bodies E Abs Joar Ref Zhur - Fizil:a, No 1, 1957, ITO '1197 Author Waszczenko,K.J. Sofroni L. Title Phosphorus in Sjrr-Oid-;a-;1~-`C-a-S1t Iron Orig Pub Przegl. odlewn., 1956, 6, No 3, 85-88 Abstract Translation from the periodical "Liteynoye proiz-vo", 1955, No 7, P- 12 Card 1/1 . ~3 & - .), f","%v , f / - lll~ ~ VASHCHEMKO, K.I.; SOFRONI, L.M. Reply to K.P. Bunin, IA.N.Malinoekha, IU.N.Taran. Lit.proizv. no.1:24-27 J& 157. (MLRA 10:3) (Cast iron--Metallography-) (magnesium alloys--Metallographr) Diatr: tirid It. P, Todorov. Acid. 1. topu rly NOM lit. ~ wulif ;i cer'=jn-de-u-ier5Tu-r& 3. 131 (D( (958).-A scrica of expts. was carried out in order to investigate the-phenomena con-~ nected with . the volumetric transformation o![ nodular graphite castings and gruy iron castings during soldification andcooling. With an increase in the Mg content the vol. of shrinkage holes increases to a definite max., then begins to decrease. With an Increase in Si content the mix. of the vol. of shrinkage holes is displaced toward the greater Mg -content. Up to 1.2% Si both types of castings Mitave simi- larly, but if the Si Increases to 1.7% there is an increase in the vol. of shrinkage holes up to 10% lit the nodular graph- lie castings, while in gray castings, its vol. falls -to 3.34%. The mechanization of graphitization differs in the 2 types: in gray castings it takes place during the time of solid ificatidn lie quidus-austenite- Hire producing in the sequence of 11 . r small val. shrinkage: holes, while in t: WFER'hirufar graphite castings it takes place predomiAantly 1. the'scilld state.~ -The greater the vol. of shrinkage holes in nodular graphite c 1 castings, the greater also the dimenslon'of surface contra tions. 'The principal factor detg. the vol. ofsMakage holes Is the quantity of graphite separating during the eutectold transformation. Felititas 13. 03,odrxija_~ t--- ' Effect f ma nesini on the contraction Ol Past r _ _ - - - P T v, and G. 1. Ko-o-vnik. Ara . . . Trp on) ipe,- Sludii cercet~i ~sn, TJ;e effect of Algon the linear contraction and the vo). of the pipe of ordinary gray cast iron was examd and the same expts. were done with alloys N Ni-6 -C, ~a volume is detd the r C d CO C Th i Si - . e- . . . an e p pe y t ti f i hi h d h hi l e cu ec c trans ormat on te w ur c SCP3 ng t grap 1C i i d b i i i l h s cause on na expans or teutect ite); c Brap y g - MR d b i i hi . at su eutect c temps. (norfutect c te n M sep grap graphite). It cast iron is treated with Mg, the vol. of the pipes and the starting expansion both increase, as thn eutec- tic graphite is decreased, and the noucutictic graphite is- increased during the solidification and cooling of the cast; iron. The degree of supercooling during tlu~eutectii! trans- I formation goes up, because the ceingatitc 1ULcomp. at sub- t , cuteetic tesnpi. _-~crner jacobsow- Distri 4E2c V Contraction of modified L, Sofrot d4 aq C Acqd.:r,-eT-fi5--u1aro Ronjime,ZYMM"r"t MC1. I 058).-Mdi lion by Fe-51 causes a decrease 'jjg of the pipe vol.. and eskcWly a reduction *of tile pm- l"turlitle contraction, owing to all Int0se limpliltizatiolt Ili tile wl ld sta tc. The couiparlton bctwten t lie pipe vols. all d. the linear contraction shoiya that In ille Itod III IfloiyjIlt Fe-Sl or with Mg a decompn. of the eutectic cuts at subeutectic tenilis. - This %yould exjAPn tMaWh,"pl, \/J, the dimensions, and the utilform distribution of it cgg~a' fiakes In cast iron. Werner ja Dis~rl 4E2c 6oling curves of cut ima with spbefoidalj L.' ' -_ -J&?. mit., Acad. rip. Popu - I ;a ire RauZ :1 ri qje fro 61-79(195SXin . German)~Tiima-temp. curves for gray cast iron showed almoit horizontal eutectic and eutectoid stops, curves fur iron with spherci ite sad gray frac- = turt showed sh ort eutectic and stops with pro- nounced slope, and curves for Lou with sphemidal graphite aud white fracture showed a Nwy steep cuteclic stop and a scarcely perceptible bend at tht eutectoid truiafortnation. Spheroidal graphite can be induced by addn. ci OA-1-0.03% Mg. as shown by cooling curv~-,s for irons of practically the s:jmc compns. except for Mg, irons with little W- g showed pronounced cutecticand cutectold stops; increased Mg con- tent shortened times of eutectic, and eutectahl -tops; and 0.0'23% ]Ifg resulted in a cooling cur-m cluxicteristic of- iron with white fracture. Holding the molten irou for 1y lauger times to remove Mg by evapu, caused a PZ In P= change frorn a cooling r.-urve of white iron tG a curve characteristic of gray ca5t iron. The very sum It ex- n of irons with spheroidal graphite was explained by io th cluctance to transform to ferrite an cooling. Silicon, in either gray Iron of gray iron with spheroidal graphite, caused a small increase in eute---li.; tmusfor=tion temp. and slightly prolouited it, whemas Si caused a signiikant increase ia eutectoid transforaWian temp. but a marked decrease in Robert Tftw its duration. F V SOFRO'II, L.; CO-12.'IINU, (; Miethods of determining the con'traction of cast iron, p. 531. Acaderia Republicii Fouulare Ran-ine. Centrul de Gercetari Mietalurgice. STIUDII SI CERGETARI DE IWALURGIE. Burcurest-i,, Rimania. Vol. 3, no. 4, 1-958. Mionthly list of East Europetm Accessions (EEAI'~ IG, Vol. 8, no. 8, Au,-. 1959 Uncl. roool'!.-~ ot, flic Contraction of nodlified, cnlt D.."n. .i6ndendn 1--e -Publicii --'r) cullare hord ne .Centrull de Cercetari ?,!etelurgice Il ~i C111, _TIT T DE Bucuresti, Rizianda VoL. lio.! Norithl J or y list of -,ast Euro. ~an Access ~s Vol.8, no.S, uncl. SOFFONI, L.; CTINTANU, C. - ---------- The contraction prock"t's of modified cast Lron. Tn Ritanian. P. 5. FEME, ROWAINF DE ~1;'TALLUFGILP. PL714ANTAN JOMUL OF M.ETALLURGY. (Academia Republicii Populare Romine) Bucuresti, Romania. Vol. 4, no. 1, 1950, Monthly List of East European Accessions (FEAI) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Jan 1900 Uncl. Distr: I _se off 111C con of gray a- Influence of n1 Trwillea fill. .1.4"1 )rep. popu- 7"-TF~ I SIM ~a Cerra MI!lIfe _ul ill- Am, it -mitlictj ust the -itrucitirc. the degrce Ad 1110 Ilitij 111c (tce llilt-,Ar Colstractiml -i Milk -611ter mittowd or VIC- ~L~iY casting. en 11. Ali iacjmu~c it% Nfa oint t h 4t~ oalipallicd 13Y a mighficlition of the 61~dc Inetallic strimillm of OW CJ!,til!K,;VfIiJl jWVoTnt'S Peittil;iC ill(i tIICTI tuartcn~ itic .tjj,L,Ititle (rr ik'itti~l . j tlic)c! strucil1r,.ij cA)ijs~jttlerlt.). TIIC 1111,111tity Jf V-11 41i J`.'.I:,Vi .11111 PtodlICUS 4111 illCML.Je ill The All; m-cwi W retbice life dchree of gra- jIIliti/;jli'?Il IJ the d1fring sohifirl'-.41i'm .41111 cooling. 1114, iftitW extA.I(16"li iff(IC.A.4" ill dirvvi, Ilicall.'rtion to Ihe Atli, 1- .106144 '( llwk. of I,,$ a hill conteld af Vl";" (1my P ("Ilitelit ;jjjjj of :1 611~11.. Nfit fur CaslillgS Witil Ocval'-d ewitlactioll .' fill , I ow id. I V.jjijv-~ of for a 11! I-vil, lAw- SnFRnNT, L.; Crf3NEANU, C. Methods for determining the contraction of cast-iron, In French. p. 63 REVUE ROUMATNE DE YFTALLURGIE. RUMMIAN JOUMTAL OF Y311TATLURGY. (Academia Renublicii Ponulare Romine) Bucresit, Ronainia. Vol. 4, no. 1, 1959 yonthly Tist of East Eurorean Accessions (*TFAT) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Jan 1960 Uncl. inn M stm~, Replacement of run cab e cast iron by a cost -on modi by m 1 -1 T; Sof a t an(jj,%~~ Mpeslumt. . . 2 Rep.. -PopufFu "I A cad. AM. :~%udii'eercelrjri md. 4, 130- ~9(1959)~An lu(Imtrial Pmeess. N outlined whicl ImIkkt:4 possible a ctmist. supply of nomdu lqr-cr. 0, It- 1. Varl- Iroll: ms coinims. and structural properties are tabWated. 'A Faicitas D, Goodrrau.- anT j, 11(2) RUM/9-11-5-2/39 AUTHOR: Sofroni, L., Cohn, E., and Cosneanu, C. TITLE: Studies on Gas-Development f:rom Moulding and Core Mixtures at High Temperatures PERIODICAL: Metalurgia si Constructia de Masini, 1959, Vol 11, Nr 5, pp 367-373 (Rumania) ABSTRACT: The authors emphasize that the properties of mouldings and core materials (moisture, permeability, resistance, etc) must be tested at high temperatures. This is im- portant, since the cavities produced by moulding and core gases in cast pieces are still rather frequent in certain- products of Rumanian foundries. The time of the gas development is more important than the quanti- ty, since the cavities are formed during the period when the iron cast is still liquid, In Rumania, the factories "Ernst ThAlmann" , "23 August" and "Sem a-na'- toareall have conducted tests aimed at determining gas development in moulding and core mixtures. The authors describe the procedures employed in those tests. They Card 1/2 used an apparatus for measuring the volume of gases RUM/9-11-5-2/39 Studies on Gas-Development from Moulding and Core Mixtures at High Temp8ratures developed by a sample of 0.5 to 4 grams of mixture heated in a porcelain tube and absorbed in a water- cooled burette that indicates the volume of gas direct- ly. Measurements were made at intervals of 15, 309 459 60, 90 seconds and 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10 minutes. Mould- ing sand of Valenii de Munte and Miorcani were found to develop 1-2 cu cm pes gram. The testing tempeSa- ture was 1,200 t8 1,300 C for steel, 100 to 1,100 C for iron and 600 C for alumin-am alloys. Various core- sand binders were also tested: dextrine, AN, "molif- tan", soluble glass, linseed oil. The results are compared. Bakelite, AN and m3liftan binders are found more adequate than destrine or linseed oil, as they develop less gas during the first seconds. There are 12 graphs, 1 diagram and 4 Soviet references. Card 2/2 SOFRONI L, ing.; COSIfELNU., C... ing. i~- .9 Contraction of foundry pig iron. Metalurgia constr mas 13 no.8: 655-663 Ag 161. (Cast iron--Shrinkage) ~~FRON1, Laurentiu; CGSIU!LM, Constantin Ghemical composition and structure of pig. iron. Metalurgia constr mas 13 no.10:847-857 0 161. (cast iron-Analysis) SOFRONI, L, ing. Soviet contributions to the study of cast-iron graphitization. Analele metalurgie 15 no.4:143-162 O-D 161. 1. Membru al Comitetului de redactie, "Analele Romino-Sovietice, Metalurgie." (Cast iron) (Graphitization) SOFIRO-NI., L.; COS,`1EANU, C.; V7IlCU'L0lU, E., FRUC'i-ILH, S. Ccntents of ---ces --znd ==-etallic lilrr-lusilons -in indigenous cr-a-de iron. Stud-ii cerc: Fetalurgie 7 no.1:73-87 162 1. lliembru. al Comitetului de redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct., "Studil A cercetari de metalurgiell (for Sofrcni). SOFRONI, L. "Theory of molding," published under the editorship of [Prof., Dr.) B.B. Guliaev (Gullyayev, B.B.]. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Studii cere metalurgie-7 no.3:374-375 162. - I. Membru. al Comitetului de redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii A cereetari de metalurgie". . I -A SOFRONI L. OSteel graphitization* by K.F.Bunin, A.A. Baranoy, and E.N.Pogrebnoy4'.- Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Studii cere m--talurgie'7 no.4.-4U-486 162. 1. Membru al Comitetulai de redactie si redactor responsabil adjunct, "Studii si cercetari de metalurgie". SOFROMI, Laurentiu, inz.; COSMEANU, Constantin, ing.; FICOLON, Elisabeta, ing. Qualitative improvement of gray iron through the bubblingof natural gas in liquid pig iron. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no-1:4-13 Ja 162. 1. Centrul de ceretari metalurgic. 2. Memiru al Comitetului de redactie si redactor respowabil, "Metalurgia si constructia de masini" (for Sofroni), SOFRONI, L.., ing. "Mechanization of shell casting" by A.N.Firstov. F.I. Smirnov, and M.M.Budilin. Reviewed by L.Sofroni. 11,-'etallurgla constr mas 14 no.3,.274 Yx 162. 1. Redactor responsabil si membru al Comitetului de redactie, 'Vetalurgia. si constructia de masini.11 - SOFRONip-L.--,-,, "Bases for obtaining a high quality castm by Aj, Landa. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Matalurgia constr mas 14 no-5:463 My 162. - SOFRONI, Laurentiu, ing.; OLARESCU, Doina, ing. Observations on the casting properties of aluminum bronzes. Metalurgia constr mas 14 no',7:615-618 Jl 162. 1. Centrul de cercetari metalurgice. SOFRUII, L.; NICOLOn, E. Research on the methane gas decomposition in liquid cast iron during the bubbling process. Studii cerc metalurgie 8 no.2: 191-199 t63 SOFRONI, 1.4urtntiu; NICOLOIU, Elisabeta Research on methane gas decomposition during the bubbling process in fluid cast iron. Rev Roum metalurg 8 no. 2:195-202 163. ": ;. , I. . . : ".1 i 1 1 p 11 0 11 - I _ i -i- ' --l - - - 4 - - -,~ Met-2-:`7e 5t.'n ri' Founders 1, j ands ui:! -: 8 n c . ~. ,t 23, --, --~~3 4 14-3 SOFRON-I!.- L.; EICOLOTU,E. Corsideratiop-s or, the mechanisn of ca-st-iron mod-ification by the nitrogen bubbling operation. Studii cerc metalurgie 8 no.4:409-424 163. SOFROINI I L. "Complex mechanization in foundries" by F.I. Kojeurov. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. 1,11etalurgia constr mas 15 no,6: /A-425 Je 163. SOFRONI, L. "Molding toolsO by Z. Eminger, V. Koselev. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Metalurgia si constr mas 15 no.3:277 Mr 163. SOFRONI, L. I--- 11 1-~-,- "Designing of technological processes in foundries" by M. Skorbinski. Reviewed by L. Sofroni. Metalurgia constr mas 15 no.8:525-526 Ag 163. L 54882-65 EtIA(d)/FdP(t)/~EVip~(.z)/EWP(b) JD '0535 ACCESSION HR: AP5017917; RU/0017/64/oco/012/0526y AUTHOR: Sofroni, L. (Engineer, Candidate of technical sciences); Karinescu,-D. TITLE: Improving the quality of pig irons by methan gas treatment, SOURCE: Metallurgia, no. 12, 1964,' 526-533 TOPIC TAGS., pig ironrmethane, metal hardness. metal tensile strength .ABSTRACT: The treatment of molten pig iron with methan causes a reduction in the side of primary and eutectic cellst as well as an increase in the Portion of perlite. Hardness and tensile strength are higher, Orig. art* has: 36 figures, 8 graphs,l-.table. ASSWIATIOM: Centrul do cercetari netalurgice (Ketallurgical Research Cente'r) SUBMITTED; 00-, IWL: 00 SUB CODE: KH. NR REF.SOV: 000 0TW: 004 JPR5 MOM SOFRONI, L~; NICOLOILJ$ F. Considerations on the casl. iron modifyIng mechanism by mitrogen treatment. :7ev Roum metallurg 9 no, 1:53-63 164. SOFRONIP L.; 111GOICUU, E. Research on cast iron modi-fica-,ion 1-,i the methane gas treatMent. Studii cerc metalurgie 9 no.2:195-204 1634. %UUNKOVIC,Ivan -T.Prim'.Dr. SOYRDNIC, Andjelljai, asist.dr. Fixed arythem&. Med.prog .010,71 Sad 8n0-1:10-13 1955. 1. Dermatovenerolosim kliniks Nedicinskog fakultsta-Heogmil Upravnik: prof.dr Sims Ilic. OWTHWk, fixed, etiol.,drugs (Ser)) (DRUGS, lnj.eff. fixed.orythema (Ser)) PRETORIAN, D., ing.; MARCUS, I., ing.; DRAGOS, Z., ing. SOFRONIE, M., ing. 7, producing highly resistant ordinary cast iron with lanellar graphite. Metalurgia constr mas 15 no.8:501-503,Ag 163. ~T CoverinF a sport and festivit-- hall by a suspended s.ipll. p. 1~16. !7-,TR!r:"TT-, LO? ST -1 ' A 7"IALMOIR T)';' C,-)-~TTT7TT7. (I Sr_,Ci,,tia I - . . ~,!,.T - .1 ~ - I it Stiintifica a inF.-inerilor si Te&,nicienilor din Rozrdnia si Ministerul Constructilor si al f-Tarerualelor de Con-,tructii) T,ucuresti, Rumania. Vol. 10, no. 12, Dec. 195M. Monthl.v List of Fast Elirorean Accessions (EEIAI) LC, Vol. 8j no. 6, June 1959 Unel. u Ss C" 4. Stars, Vvwiable 7. *--'xror in det=9L'i-l-'n the elements of the orbit of eclins-ing varizible stars for a. I'spliere-ellinsoid" Izv. Glav. astron. obs., 161 i'io. 0" JC51.. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Febru242 '1_19B3. Unclassified. S () -57 T T-T IT Itxu0.ur(: of Sli~11:--.r Atviosphercf: C'()) Izv. Gl~rmoy Obrl-f~rv. v 7- Dc)v;:, 11'~, It, N'o 151, 1)5", 1-33 S Sofronitslkiy, K. V. Phy5ical Ilai,urp of -Svibgiant SatoljiteO I-n Clo--e Eclipsing Stars Analyzcs p~-culiafttlcq of Iumi-nosi~%v curves of close eclip-Sing bin:kriv:, expl?iried by light Pbsorption of the main star by th,~ i-:.xtendled atmosphere of the Satellite sub-giart 2n-j 4tS ---as Ftream. Ninety-seven nhotcometuric ralb-servaldons of VC05 SaIg--*'t1.-,f~rJ'- were nrocesoed at the Crimeen Astronhysics Observatory E' 0 :-1~4eferat-ilrp-,:,7 7hurna-1 -- 'Etronom;va i 3eodeziy-c, !to 5, 1054 (W-30076) 490000006000000 ;7vW 11 2 30 it 12 u W 0 11 Ll _L) n. p a. A1_ I J, 1. I-A-L-A-A K,(x 90 EL 00 718. 0 'ZILITENOSMSTI KIZEIDVSKOGO RAIONA Li-;M. OGCUUtL!;c_` ff: DISTRICT) Gedroltz, N. A. and S,ofronitzkii, F. A. (Fo:xow-Ujnlnrra,!, 1941, 40pp, 75 kopekq) 1-(--Yrt siummaz-1 of r ovious work; significance of the Kizel region r frors the retrole m stnndpoint; stratigraphy and geacral peology of the ame; oil-nhows and bitumens depositsj results of chemical and geological invectigntions. 3; 7U A: 7, 42! I A AtTAIL111!~KAL UIVIATURE CLAWFICAY)OW 1 Kit R It cc It a( **oo*loooeoooooooooooooo:iooee*oooLooooooooea L 1-00 1,00 V* Coo age Zoo 0 3 1 jzr uo A t ; x4 AID P - 1776 Subject USSW/Geology Card 1/1 Pub. 78 - 14/26 Authors Sofronitakiy, P. A., Trifonova, N. A., and Mellnik, 1. M. Title Changed views on the geological structure of the Molotov- Kama River region Periodical : Neft. klioz., v-33, no.3. 58-63, Mr 1955 Abstract : A detailed analysis in made of the stratigraphy, oil- bearing.capbeity and tectonic structure of the Molotov region west of the Urals in the basin of the Kama R~.ver. Institution: None Submitted : No date SOFRONITSKIY, P.A. (Molotov) I . ~ -_ - iectonic features of the Paleozoic between the Urals and the Vyatka River. Uch.zap.Kaz.un. 115 no.10:121-126 f55. (MIaA 10:5) (Ural Mountain Region--Geology, Structural) 57, NALIVKIN, V.D.; ROZAHOV, L.N.; FOTIADI, N.E.; TEGOROV, S.P.; YEIIGUPA.ZOV, I.I.; KOVALEVSKIT, Yu.S.; KOZACHENKO, A.A.; KOITDRATIYEVA, M.G.; KUZIfETSOV, G.A.; KULIKOV, F.S.; LOBOV, V.A.; ~'qFLOI TATARINOV, A.G.; PRITU1A, Yuriy Alaksandrovich, redaktor; DAYEW', G.A., veduehchiy, r&ftaktor; GEIRIAD'YEVA, I.M., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Volga-Ural oil-bearing region: Tectonics] Volgo-Urallskaia ne neftenoonaia oblast'. Leningrad, Gos.nauchno-takhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 1956. 312 p. (Leningrad. Vsesoiuznyi neftianoi nauchno-issladovatellskii goologo-razvedochVi inatitut. Trudy, no-100) [Microfilm] (WaA 10:4) (Volga Valley-Petroleum geology) I- - (Ural Mountain Region--Petroleum geology) SOFRONITSKIT, P.A.; ABRIKOSOV. I.Kh. Oil potential of Perm Province. Geol,nefti i gaza 3 no-10: 1-8 0 '59. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Permskiy sovnarkhoz. (Perm Province--Petroleura geology) ABRIKOSOV, I.Kh.; SOYRONITSKIY, P.A. Geology and oil potential of the upper and central Kama Valley. Trudy VITIGNI no.13:181-215 '59. (MI-RA 13:1) (Kama Valley-Fetroleum geology) SCFRONITSKIY, P. A. Cand Geo-I.-Min Sci - (diss) "Geolop','- ,y and petrole-um-bearina caT)P-city of the Ufa-Solikamskaya depi-ession in the Perm rer.-,-ion." Lenin- grad , 27 pp; (IMinistry of Geology and Mineral Resources Conserwa Iion US'3K, All-Union Petroleum Scientific Research Geol- ogical Surveying Inst "VNIGRI"); 250 copies; price not given; list of aut?~or',q ..,orks at end of text (13 entries); (KL, 5-61 sun, 181) SOFROXIITSM2 ?.A. "Grarid~~ wel] . forebear of the Volga.-Ural oil and gas bearing Province. Gsol. nefti i gaza 8 no.9:f2-63 S 164. (IEPJ,. 17.- 11) I. Permakly gosudarstovamiyy universitet. NALIVKIN, V.D.; DEDEYEV, V.A.; IVANTSOVA, V.V.,- KATS, Z.'Ya.; KRUGLIKOV, N.M.; LAZAREV, V.S.; SVFRCRKI)V. G-.P.; CHERNIKOV, K.A.; SHABLINSKAYA, N.V.j" Prinimal u-cn~stiye: ZUA*~ -~P.; ROZANOV, L.N.; SOFRONITSKIY, P.A 7 , , 1; 0$ KHAIN, V.Ye..; SIMONFNKO,~T.N.; SOKOLOV, V.N.; YAKO-IIL'EV, O.N., gidrogeolog [Gomps~6atlve- aiial-~sis df-the 6il-and gais ~otefitial*al~-q-,-~t'-.t.~--+,,-~rics 6f'tho- HP-st-Siberian-afid Turhn~-Sc~thisn ~lstkormr.-j anaRgi'n~=6gizoh66riosti*i tpktoniki Zqpadno-~Siblri3kol"i*Turano- Nedra,-1965,-'322 P..(Lphingrad.' Vsp-,soiuzfiyi neftiefi6i nauchno-issledovatellski4- geologorazvpdochn!ri institut. Trudy, no.236) (MIRA 18:6) SOFRONITSKIY, P.A.; SIEEHSHNEV, K.S. Tectonics of -the Kama Valley portion of Perin Frov'Lance lin the light of new data. Trudy W11IGNI n0-36:18-31 I t-3- (XIRA -'.7:-,)) L 38164-66 EWT(m)/EWP(j)/T W/DS ACC NR: AP6019237 SOURCE CODE: UR/0364/66/002/003/0311/0313 AUTHOR: Misyuk, E. G.; Davtyan, 0. K.; Sofronkov, A. N.; Uminskiy, M. V. ORG: Odessa State University im. I. I. Mechnikov (Odesskiy gosudarstvennyy universl~, tet) TITLE: A study of electrode semiconducting catalyzers SOURCE: Elektrokhimiya, V. 2, no. 3, 1966, 311-318 TOPIC TAGS: electrode, semiconductor catalyst, lithium, nickel, oxide, electrochemis- try, electric conductivity, defect structure, temperature dependence, lattice parame- ter, solid solution, activation energy, chemisorption ABSTRACT: The effect of fluctuations in hole concentration on electroconductivity, lattice parameters and activation energies was studied in solid solutionsl~f Li.M11-20. Equations are derived for the desorption and cbemisorptionjof oxygen in Li..,Ni(j_,)0, and for the formation of hole c 'omplexes essential to semicondu ting oxides. The above oxides were formed by reacting nickel and lithium carbonates with acetic acid and de- composing the resulting acetates in ai":, at 60011C. In this way, oxide mixtures con- taining 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 at % lithium were produced. The solid solutions were produced by heating the mixtures at 700, 800, 1000 and 12000C. The concentration of Ni3-~, Li20 and Li in the solid solutions are given for various Li starting concentra- tions ([Li'~Io) and reaction temperatures. Lattice paramaters varied linearly with Card 1 /9 rinr- qui 11r, RI-UU ACC NR-. AP6019237 I formation teleTture from 4.16 9 at 7001C to 4.18 X at 10001C. Electrical conductiv- .*.ty (a), [Ni31 content and G/[Iji3+1 are given as a function of formation temperature for test 'temperatures ranging from 20 to 5000C. Maxima always occurred at 9000C (for- mation temperature) and the maximi was found to increase with test temperature. Maxi- ma also occurred for [Ni3+1, plotted as a function of [Li+10 at I'Li+10 = 30%. Activa- tion energies calculated for [Li~lo = 20% ranged from 0.83 to Lt.37 kcal/mol depending on the formation and test temperatures. The electrical conductivity depended on the activation energy, lattice parameter and jump frequency of the transition holes; thus it possessed an electron hole nature as well as an ionic one. The latter was the cause of hole complex dissociation and the dissociation of "inert" interstitial lithi- um oxides into ions. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 2 tables, 10 formulas. SUB CODE; 07,11/ SUBM DATE: OlFeb65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 006 KRIVSKIY, M., in2h.; SOPRONOV, A., inzh. Rotary giant. Tekh.mol. 28 no.11:20-21 160. (MIRA 13:12) Okcavating machinery) -%1"I YIN 1 V. , dotsent; inzh. o0i"RCU;V lz~Zr:. li uchastive. f7_"7;1Tv, A.1%; Dibora--or-, invectim-,zion of snblevol. c~rvjng slist,ol-S for levels of the northern Yurabash deposit. Izv. v7fs. uc,,eb. gor. zhur. " no-10:15-21 0' 4, Svercl'ovqkiy Fyorn,~,- iraeni V.V. Vakhrusheva (foi- A, Dement I -,,ev - rus--7~v) n s1, i y naucnno-'s s led ova f.e I I S~, i-y a- proyektrrrr in5t_iLut mecinov nromysl lennosti (fnr Sofronov). :~,ekomendwvana k,-Ceuroy razraboLrki rudnyll&. i rossypllvkh rne3to- orno-go nstituta. SOFRONOV, A.M. [deceased]; TSIRLIN, Yu.A. Some physical properties of head cabbage. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; pishch. tekh. no.6:23-27 161. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kharlkovskiy sellskokh6zyaystvennyy institut imeni V.V.Dokuchayevaq kafedra fiziki i meteorologii*i kafedra rasteniyevodstva. SOFRONUI, A.F., PETLAKH, V.S. Intestinal obstruction complicated by membrano-omental hernia. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.8--86 Ag'63 (MIRA 170) 1. Iz Yellsko,~ rayannoy boltnitsy (glavnyy vrach bollnitsy A.P. Sofrc _L 24357-M FSS-2/W(l) ACC NRt AP6005958 SOURCE COM UR/01,27/66/000/002/0057/006i) AUTHOR: Sofronov, A. V.; Abramov, A. V.; Nizovoy, Yu. K.; Mefedov, A. P.,- Vitseni,`YdT`M. ORG: none TITLE: The development and application of "qynamo-r~active" grenade launchers 113 the mining industry SOURCE: Gornyy zhurnal, no. 2, 1966, 57-60 TOPIC TAGS: mining engineering, grenade, ground weapon, weapon launcher ABSTRACT: e"Ramenskoye Br ich of ~N ofizikk(Ramenskoye otdeleniye In 1960, th jj&~_ f VNIIgeofiziki) began research on tRe design of a firing system to eliminate over- hangs in mining operations. One of the most:acceptable versions of the design is a system operating on the recoilless weapon principle: the "dynamo-reactive" cannon 7 Z 1 3 4 Fig. 1. Diagram of a recoilless cannon. 1 - Barrel; 2 - cap bushing; 3 -% firing 1 mechanism; 4 - nozzle; 5 - bottom plate; 6 - cartridge; 7 - cartzidge case; 8 - sheM- Card 1/2 UDC: 621.926.1 L 24357-66- ACC NI. AP6005958 (see Fig. 1). The advantages of the proposed device are: small caliber, low weight, no recoil with higb,power, high maneuverability, and the opportunity of firing dummies or high-explosive projectiles. Further research resulted in the design of the DRS-130 dynamo-reactive grenade launcher (see Fig. 2). The results obtained in 2 ,