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a-flubmdfill ml 1T~ Up V -Mit -k Ifld ad Ci US=M 29 It Dim, tic. aty of tw 3u ep cii lx~itLi6~ thi! fiibet b the. r'e' V0010" qfj*f &Wil W%Set~ Iq ile tsetwitr 71 1 , od -044!K tk- A! tbougn w P.Obling m; ~~VA tl heatin& nl z ot= (2 IOU -00 9t agtrAl, nk I 7~ j:u Jq 77 lej 7 4 q 4~ i Effectb In W~ zinckadaf ~~'-f :Awj~ Pmr otIc'miliescrilt th C t tp id d S s)-activAt ~ bk-1:A as i~T~~ t~d thrd-ita Schott filti!m GG4.: 10, OG3~' AGS (2 midi ~thid:) whkh traiisinittal. 60% fa ~ht~'44 ~ni Idloe I an4 604 M4, 9q wl :I aiI U4M& WithOlAt fil T -and-nnoths were midi..-at'.a eac d d~dct di j 1 !if: y 03; aditions;'61r, tyi d t lof them inidW (278-8M2 km K.Z ~j ~J' k Abstract : See Abstract 6771. Card : 1/1 1= -S C, " ( " "I-rt CZ'-WClfo,ST-rjlhlzL'L/~)P'4,ics - Luninescence K-6 CZECHOSLOVAM/OptiCS Luminescence Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Fi zika No 4y 1959, No 6771 Author Soudek Ivan -TH's-titute for Vacuum Electronic -Prague Czechoslova~ Inst searcF sl~ kia Title Dependence of Afterglow of Luminescence oA Qe Miickness of the Specimen Orig Pub Chekhosl. fiz. zh., 1958, 8, 110 3, 332-335- Abstract An increase was obse3r;,ed in the duration:of the afterglow; of the phosphors (ZN:Cd) S-Ag and (Zn:Cd)S-Cu,', at. increased: specimen thickness. The dependence of the afterglow,on the thickness of the specimen has a somewhat'differ,ent character than the dependence on the intensity of excitation. It is assumed that the observed phenomenon is connected with the transition of electrons bet4een-the indi~idual,crystalline grains.,-- YaoYa. Kirs, Card 1/1 99: L-A CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Optics Luminescence K-6 Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika No 4, 1-959, No 6773 Author :_Seudek Ivan Inst Rese~rohIn!;titute for Vacuum Electronics.,. Pra& .ey Czech6slo- vakis Title The Dependence of the Spectral Cormos.itioia'ofthe Lumines-i cence of Zinc-Cadmium Sulfides on the Excitatio'n.-Iritensity,: Orig Pub Chekhogl- fiz--zh-, 1958, 8, No 31 336-34o Abstract A shift in the radiation bands of the phosphors ZUS-Ag) Z#S-Ct~' and (Zn:Cu)S-Ag has been observed towardkthe!sih6rter waves upon increased intensity of-the excitingflight.: To explain the observed phenomena it is assumed that'thell4vels of t~e activator fill a definite band of values..'of enekgy.,~in which the excited Istate can shift from the deeper states towards ,the higher migrations of holes. Repeated-excitiition;of short- wave centers occurs at. higher excitation:: intensity more ra- pidly than the excitation of long-wave 6enters ,caused by the motion of the holes. Ya.Ya. Kirs,~~ Card 1/1 -59~-3-4/2~79 AUTHOR: Soudek, Ivan CZECH/37 . . .. . .. ..................... ........ .. .......... f -Depende e,of Spectral C6mp6s1t1dn:!.o E: Temperature ne TITL 76S.4sm- Ca~ :*Ulphi e Lusinencencs- ovenn 95~9, Nr.. 3, pp 246-24 10 'A -PffJtIODICAL: baMm of . ABSTRACT: The width of the broaA-,. ram&l-y gaus. iazi ould '. be proport .'theiabsolute' sulphide phosphors 8h ional, temperature or its square root. Results'! by .4ch6n- (Ref,,* AL):' and KlIck (Ref 2) are, however, not in good, eement~ with on, a osphorL this assumption. In the present. 'invest1gati- :ph c ontaining 700P6D ZnS, 30% CdS: 0. O1 ~ Ag . was ed without binder on an alteninium substrate, cooledil'to liquid ai r temperature and then warm-ad up in steps.,of. roughly 20 C.. At each temperature the emi.ssion spectrum:wa s measured. Excitation was mainly by radiation of 305,mp!w avelength. Figure 1 shows the emission,110 andi220 "K. The maximum has shifted and decreased with tem perature.but the width of the curve has remained nearly unchanged. Figure 2 shows the logarlthjn~of the emIsslo'n''itn~ten'sity against temperature for several a elected :wavelengths." :a Cardl/3 In agreement with other measurements (p64,r9bL,-nd, other's Refs 3,4), these measurements.shov a decrease,in the m&Xi L CZZCH/37-59-3-~4/29 Temperature Dependence of Spectral Composition of Lill-kno'scence of Zinc Cadmium Sulphide intensity with increasing t emp eratur e and a ihif t towards :i an'~ be shorter wavelengths. This behaviour c understood an' the assumption that the emission.centre consists of a e a hif 0 sulphur ion whose ener y lavvis ar ited by! th of activator Lons in its-vicinity.(H.A.:Klasen's 8):. By thermal expansion of the latt:Lce,the distance betwoemL.!~'- J increases; thereby the" the sulphur ion and the activators interaction decreases Iand the relevant, energy level approacher. I its original-position in thelvalence band. ~ifius,, the, emission shifts towards. shorter wavelengths.'.. On the Q'th*r hand, the migration of holes increases withte~mperature, (the author -,Ref 9) and tends to shift the eiiission towaros longer wavelengths. The balance betwoon!~thesej two. Influence&,,- may vary in dJff erent mat or-lals I(C.C. tiin.-.Ref 10 and J. Ludwig, R. Seivert - Ref 11). . Trapz~ may also, inflid Ione is this process (Refs 12,- 13). A further in-V'esii` t ga Ion rewdinu. ~,j the possibilit flueAce of Arac'4 ia of: co, y of the in pper is iik ~A progress. C%rd2/3 -A A., ':~DUDIZ*F',~,, 1-[ biot r i 4zix i A~ Investigittloo-of, tho luminescing ~ zinc-caddd ldowj~ j-, Soudek (ke., MR:Ew- Tm- I Wer. t search Inst. Volcuum obmvft that Cu dn. leads to Increased polarinhility atizi a thanr- In the occura even at ec. conxt.: 1 the - effixt real part of the dip -1) which hive no Infue6ce on luzz"es:: Cu concrts.(about 10 cence. Ni suppress" the effect of CS.L. : TU spectral almure. ments Indicate low max. In the Inframl. - T]w excitation rmax. In the abs tion tPA also depend an the no put of the Ott (Tp 1., it dielec. const. if 7~ ~J:,U~ IN* t 'r ;4 7.. 3 V 1-4 ~J 1 1 M: - ; rA 1-1 ~.;i i K'7 ~J, a L iifl u ~ .0 Ii~'al'w o*t 01~ the main emission, bands of phos~lzars ot. the ZnS typi. 'Aliat the fonn of the hands xmdti-go~s only, small thangei, jj,ii - !, which am difficultA6 connect Mth any, thcor~. .To cxama. _ * ' "P the effect. thoroughl 6W; trVcS wv4e measiii~d, in C% yp SPOC - .:, Steps of 20-30% of phwphorsi coolid with liquid airphd sub- - I thc:, t1 A h t tdiA inE-The t d t k b - f_ , sequen c L e .. o . rea p. po y ~ spectral compn.: of , the I measumd b~ ujninviiience~ was m cam wis ; of a spcctrophotomeler camposedof Prislu glx ,~~ , , . . d'' moxxochr&aat~r and a photoinuldjiliex~; .a Irg discharge tube L with a: U'oW*s - fattir, bulb. Rrvid:as tlie~ eiciting~~sourci -mike for a limitd! no'. of! The log'of the inteitsity'of lumitic a -.:;T . j . ~ i fi , tef t selected wave lengths is plotted i~s allunctioii of t xip Thcsc results show! (a) that belvw 180*K.' the sluid-way lax%: i side of the emission band of A phosphors jr6ws faster t1 the long-wave lingth side will% ixxi,.zieasing temp.; (b) that inii thl Etci h W of=O!K.~the it,tensity of, thewhole baind,`,'~ h~o fg g ~ has a all Cui-tie6vated and Cu-contiminated Ph!*~! t above 2',!O*K ii sottle, phosphors 6:hibit!a!:, i phors; and tha behavior exactly oj)posit~ tli~t of J:a).~ These resulticanubtI.P A by, aL Sililple be explained jempiidefieriden c1iiin f thcl! ti A III eiory to Lbsorption coeff.:and of tiofthebisemateiiaL. ' . 6xisl explain them, based.on,the *nce of 2 texnp..~dcjendhi 1 ' "j rse influence iia the'forvi oU the emission pr~omsm vi;ith inve ' 4 Q, 'C( :band, is pmsentedand discussed.,:..,:,R6bert ;T. 0 xx N, , 7. A F q j'A - SOUDEK, Ivan Transistor multimeter., Pokroky mat fy2 asir 8, n0.6031 4630 Ultrasonic radar for blind peo-le. 3311 Electroluminiscent pressure gauge. 33V Miniature silica wat-.ho 331' Semiconductor household refrigetator. 331 Thermoelement batteries. 342, Cooling on the basis 0:C the Peltier effec'.. 3421. A watch without moving parts. 342'r A Iijuid. laser. 34Z ~MMMEMIM"PI A an fic-a i-. is L r.-v'rr !ised*~' Pa." ma fyz a at r 9 no.4,; 239 L,hgnt)IAc. reproduction of Le~evioion pletures. Tbi d. 243 Exoer.'zrzental boiler -for oxtreine -,tpaua Tbid.: 2 4", bet,t4(,en the Sovint UrAon and I,he Unit6d ~s on "OoperLticn hi the field of s~it,,~UiLe~z. ,'-'-t6 2 50 v-acuwa siiJlax to rie Tarricellian of L- Finn J.,,ag-:i on Ibid:*". 250 Instruction of locomotive engb~eer,,- by an,-L-,og ]bid., m 89745 Z/035/60/000/911/001/001' 10 DOO?/ 10'2 Dl AUTHORS: Soudn:k Mi3jm1r, Engineer, and M ial ~'e~, Jiro 1 C av, andidate of ChemIcaliSciences TITLE: Spectrographic determination of indi~11'm in -.1lue dust PERIODICAL: Rudy, no. 11, 1960,-380: 382 TEXT: The article describes spectrographic tests~:Wit~!!the constant- du~ ~ - ~ I. ~; " temperature-arc method to determine indium in flue t., The:tests -were performed with the aim-of finding d rapid melthod'.by,.which,' e, tallurgical flue dust can be analy Ized for its su~ftabilfty:as a:rai material source of rare metals.. There are sever Il'methods of,sped- a trographic determination of In, but most of themdare explicit ifte-;' thods developed for analysis of specific materials, su'ch~as sphale- .rite, galena and mica, as described by A. I. BuS6-~- Ref Ai:iali- ticheskaya khimia indLia [Analytical Chemistry of:'Indium _Izdatelstvo I , t ~ '1 1: akademii nauk SSSR, Moscow, 1958). However,.since h omposition of flue dust varies, a method had found which would be indepen-- dent of both qualitative and quantitative changes of ;~he.- main c ompo- j 89745 Z/035/60/000/011/00 1 /00L Spectrographic determination of indium...., D007/PlO2;'- nents of samples. Several attempts.we're made~to'.'elimiiiate the ~in-~ fluence of "third components on the spectralline:intensity of'indium.,,71~ A so-called constant-temperature-arc. method, deve ed.'by N. W.~ H.~ lop Addink J. A. M. Dikhoff, C. Schipper- A_Witiner~and~T.:~ Groot' (Ref.. 0 15: Spektrochim. Acta 7, 45, 1956;,Ref. 16. Applled,Spectrosc6pyI .128? 1956), where the sample is placed in the crater.Of a heavy car- bon electrode and then complet6ly burned y the*,arc,;was:succ.6ssfully;,.:-*, applied for the determination of germanium by M.~Malln6k;(Ref.;:17-." ow t6sted.. Applied Spectroscopy, 13, 1, 1959 The same method was for its suitability to analyse indium. in;flue dust. The.tests,'were performed with a "KSA 1" high-dispersion spectro'raph~:with quartz~ 9 lenses, with d/c supplied from a 'IU 300/20 R 301'eiectro'nically-con- trolled rectifier, a product of the h.g. Ki~izvI'k'Ije"Hn;(K~iz-Ik Natio-, nal Enterprise, D661n). "Foma Spektro-,Modri 220!t-and~ '!Agfa Blau .11 it 'i I i, I .-. Hart photographic plates and Kodak 'Ibl9".and, F5' chemicals we'rei used for.photographic proce .ssing.. El .ectrodes weri. aph e., made of gr -it rods, supplied by the nj. Elektrokarbon Bratislava (Eliektrokarbon' National Enterprise, Br tislava) which had to be~~Machined:*to the Card--27'10 69745: Z/035/60/000/011/061/001 Spectrographic determination of indium... D007/Dl02 shape shown in Figure 1 to achieve,quiet burning;;of the, arc. Sinc:e the used graphite was originally not meant for this purpose, spec- trographic purity could not be achieved, des ite chemical and~phygi- p cal purification. The emulsion was calibrated not only with respect- to the contrast factor (gamma), but also in regard to.thedependen;ce between the actual intensity of the source and t~e' optical density for a certain wave length region.- Complete burn!,ng of,5:mg I C6~03~ was used as light-intensity standard 'with the intensity~scale g1v n~ e by a 7-stage filter. To coverthe~entire range:of optical densities, from the lowest values of the background,to the'highe'st In concen- trations, two lines of different intensity, namely,Co'I 3039-57 can'd Co 1 3042.48 were chosen.for construing the calibratfp*n curvesp-1- (Fig. 2). From the last 4 In lines,the line 1n;I 30;39-356, de- signated U-4 in Harrison tables (Ref.-20: G. R.:;Harrlson! M. I. T. Wavelength Tables. John Wiley & Sons, New York !-939,)~ was chosen (Fig. 3), since the other three are not suitable'forl,the' onstaLt-n- c temperature-are method. For the dispersion and~resoiving power of be ipected'o'nly the used instrumentl a disturbin could e from Fe at a concentration of 2No and morel -Lnd. f r6m~ td Bata concen- gard-3/1-0- 89745 Z/035/60/bOO/011/00VQol Spectrographic determination of indium... DOOVD1021' tration of 1011o and more. However, neither element occurs in such high concentration in -the flue dust. The testsVere-performed~under W the following conditions: Adjusted wavelength 3100bI*-:6l*t idth I '0.025 mm; voltage (source not loaded),,300T- rentl(with electro- cur" des in con-tact), 15.5 A; loading resistance in series'r4ith theiar~ 25 ohms; electrode gap, 9 mm; weight of sample i~! thel~zinode, 54 0.1 mg; arc ignition by electrode contact; exposure:time till cdmplFte burning of the sample (5 6 minutes).. Densitome'tric,.data was,:ob-' tained at 30 X magnification,and a slit width of.I.',0.45Imm. The,cur- .rent was not regulated during.exposure, but the~rated;electrode' gap was maintained constant. The time of complete sample!burning wasz~ determined from spectrograms developed in time. 'Dry,i'fipely-grouiid samples were placed in the anode crater and covered by: mig Si02 dnd some graphite. Four samples of-equal co ositi6n werb~!exposed~lon':. MP one plate, together with the r&ference.Co spectrum. A..'calibration curve was drawn for each plate. The percenta ei~f Iniin the s ample 9 ~q was read from the curve after calculating the:actuallintehsity~byl subtracting the background intensity from the total ih~tensity.',,The he: sample can assuniption that the influence of major components.of 89745 Z/035/60/P00/011/061/001 Spectrographic determination of indium.... DOOVD102..' be ignored was verified by totalburning of various synthetic 5~lmg'l standards with the same content of,In, but with var i i~~matrice' y iq S con- taining PbS, ZnS, SnO , As20~, Sb2%,CuS, Al~O-z an d Si(52. : The i in-.1 tensity of the In 3034 line luctua ed'only wit'Ln';limlits permissible by the method. For construing the analytical.curve, synthetici,stan- dards were prepared by mixing the basic In.standa~rlld c~ontaining~,~O 1% In with a matrix of approximately the same co~mp6sition;.as found in flue dust. The corrected In 3039 line, intensiti66~iare!,~lotted vier IsuIs In % in logarithmic scale in Figure 4. From 0.001% (t,h-re~hold'sensi- tivitY) to 0.03% In the curve is a straight line,,.above'O.03% the in- fluence of self-reversal begins asserting itself.,~~In-;C.Onclusioil, -~~-,he authors state that the tests proved the suitability of the constant- temperature-arc method for spectrographic determination':of In in flue dust. The reproducibility of the method was determin~d;by fre ent- j ly repeated tests. The mean square.error was foun'd to' be + 13Z. The good agreement of results obtained by the described-m6thod_with~thbse obtained by chemical analysis is shown in Table.l." Thel~time required for analysis is less than 1 hour. 'The accuracy it -considered ad- equate in view of the more complicated and tedious chemical methods Ca,rd--5/107-- I i; I '! :~ ;; i I ; 1 4 . . . -'i 1 ; I ~ w. i: , , , - . --- -- - - I -- ..- - - - -- - I I . I - ~: : . i !: . ~ f :': . : f - - . . 'Source: 1. . . . ~ .: j : , - . t; ~: z i ~~ I -:-~ 1 : , . 1 1 :~ . : -- - . . . i i 1! ~. . . - I ;