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L 19~63-65 Kt)T(1)/FWT(r~)/F=(~)-2/&D-2/T/EWP(t) kWP(b)~ lip 0 c )1,'iSD1SSb( )IBSDI ,iF..-,'L7UD7a)-5/As(mp)-2/AFETR/ESD(dp)/ESD(gs)/ESD(t) JD ACCESSION Nn: AP4044654 S/0048/64/028/008/1360/13M AUTHOR: Spivak,G.V.; Shishkin,B.B.; Michurina,K.Ao; Khabel',V. TITLE: On the quantitative Investigation.of efficient emitters in a wide tempera .ture range by observation of contrast'in the electron-optical image ffeport, Ilth All-Union Conference on Cathode Electronics held in Kievill-18 Nov 196V SOURCE: AN SSSR, IZV.Seriya fizicheskaya, v.28, no~Si 1964, 1360-1366 TOPIC TAGS: emitter, electron emission, electron microscopy, qlectronoptics, ca- thode ABSTRACT: The present work was a cohtinuation;of aiseries of studies by the authors of.emitters and surface emission by means of various electron-optical techniques. j The authors' earlier analysis of contrast an electron-opticalimage oil' an emitter is generalized to the case of nonuniform efficient cathodes. The'results,. provide the basis for interpretation of data oft local emission, taking Into account'....,-, various factors. For the present studythere was unsed an electronic circuit that made possible rapid measurement of local currents from a whole region of the emit- ter,rather.than from a point. The foimation of (phase) contrast underthe inf luence 1/3 L 19562-65 -E.-ITM/7-4~W/T/W(b) /EEC (b) -2/EED-2/FWP(b) P C AFiIL/ASD( )-5/AS(mp)-g/AnC(p)/ESD('t)/IJP(c) JD ACCESSION NR.-. AP4044658 S/0048/64/028/008/1382/1386. AMOR: Spivak, _S.V. Luk' yanov A. Ye. Abalmazova,.M.G. /3 TITLE-\ Observation of local cc Intaminant.films by.means of' amirror electron micro-I' s ;;~YReport, Ilth All-Union Conference on Cathode Electroni& held in Kiev 114-18 Nov 196 V--A -SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Seriyafizicheska~at,v*98# no.8, 1964, 1382-1386 TOPIC TAGS: electron emission, electron microscopy, contamination, vacuum system_ ABSTRACT: The present study is one of an-extensive series of Investigations by them authors' group of emitter surfaces, microfields, p-n junctions andsoon, by means of electron microscopes. The aim of the pres t~work was direct visualization-ofjo,~ cal deposits consisting of contamina: Kthe type that form ia vacuum s. YS tems with an electron beam by mearis of a mirror electron micrisope. A common feature' of electron mirror images are dar k spots, which, it has been found,,,may represent, ~ -- -- --- .dust particles or other protrusions on the specimen, local variations of the contact; difference of (patch fields), local oxide films, other films of various contaminants..,: (remaining on the surface owing to inadequate cleanirg of the specimen) or films 1/2 L 19562-65 ACCESSION N1t: AP4044658 settling on,the specimen'surface In the vacuum installation (Oil,,Vacuum grease,... rubber vapor and other organic substance films). Thus, the:purpose of the presents A study was to distinguish.and investigate films of the last two types (the-,first two types can readily be identified for they do, not disappear as a result-of heating the specimen to 200-3000C). Several micrographs of typicalecontaminant films~(spot PY are reproduced. Some of their- features are discussed. The results obtained indicatiD .that it is feasible-by means of an electron mirror microscope to detect and identiiy; dielectric films only a few.Angstroms thick and that the sefisitivity,of the. electr6n! mirror procedure is not inferior to that of the method of post-charge emission des-vT'_ cribed by P.N.Chistyakov (Zhur.tekh.fiz.33,1395,1963)., Origart.has: 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Fizicheskiy fakultet-Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta' (Physics:. __Pepart-Pent, Moscow State University) SU13MITTED: 00 E14CL: 00 SUB CODE: EC, ME NR REF SdV. 005 OTHER: 008 2/2 0 k L 8813-65 ~WTW/EW EWA/EWP(q Pz-6/PO-2VPad/fta-4 IJF(C)/A"L/ASD(0-~VZSD(dP EWP(b) i DW/~g ACCESSION NR.t AP404529i.' S/0048/64/028/009/1411/14681- AUTHORt Or .-.of Sip omathumqt1col Agtences)j- (Doet kitina, To No Yuraebva-,,-V-,- Y ;,Rozhkova# Oa As Nt, TITLE: Properties of~thin Permalloy_ films_ obtained by cithodic sputtering~, SOURCE: AN SSSRs Izvestiya. Seriya fiziiheskayao v.~28, no* 9t 1964i 1411-1415 TbPIC TAGS: thin 'film, thin Permalloy film, cathode spUttered filmi sputtered film magnetic property ABSTRACTt A study has been made of the.magnetLc charscteristi~s (Lm portant f r the magnetic memory-element operation),. of,-thLa Perm4lloy r [792 positad,;b _Hji Llmss varying in thickness-fr6m 300,to 10004 -da' cathodiciputterlng on a glass substrate at 200C vith-'s magnetic oupetimposed in the substrate planes ThsC results of' the- a tu dy shoved that the coercive force H- decreases with increasing4ilul~thicknftsa d a The rate of decreasefl 111. similar toi but higher -than that, observed':-;.~If-~ Card i/I 8813 _L- r65 CCESSION NR: AP4045291 A d- in vapor-deposited films. The films eposited with a, uperimpo d. 'a 13 t H- The magnetic field *0 f. 150 OG had the lowes dependence of the anistropy field H on d'was similar to that for R a it decreased with k c9 increasing d and was at a,minimum,in films deposited with a superim-.~ posed magnetic field of 150 oe , K, maximum Hk was obtained.with a superimposed field of 235 oeo The, ~ f i Im saturation induction B. vat Le'i hysteres is-I r c an from llp000 to 7000 ge, regardless of d. The oop a t gularity coeificient K BjB # where B is the tea dual magn tiza- e r u it w R.d incrqatsing to 700 -and beyond.--Th it e, tion, deviates fi-om n I deviation is probably caused by.a-katherlow anistropyin films: of such thickness. At the maximum,reverse magnetic. field H o 10 oet the films required from 201645,nsec lor reverse-magned.-fion, The' reverse magnetization time'-decreased linearly f I With decreasLa g thickness da Electron microscopic examination showed that the f have a polyerystalline struc:ture with an - f cc latticao, 0rijj art#:-' hast 5 figures.. ASSOCMTIOUI Fizidhedkiy fakulitit -Hoskovsk6go.1 e josudarstv 'Unago un i. (D lta~ MoscoW:Statd'-;Un, vers vergitate apartment of, Phys L 2/1 L io612-65 51G(JY EWP(e)/EPA(d) 4/$W -(n) /EPF 9 &0A(vr)-~2/EdP( F,nl 2,41 wqi) ~c 4 Pq-4 Pt-1Q/PU-4/PAb-24/Peb' ARD(t) A8D(m)-3/ASD(aj ~IAS(mp)-VkIETR/:~` (t 9~ SSD/ASD(p), D/AFWL/WD(ga.)/ESD~ ACMSS ION NH: AP4045305 s/oo48/64/ID28/009/1483/1487.:.~ AUrHORi-,Krokh1na A. I.; Spivaki G.V. on:bombardm iTITLEt Disintegration -of oerawAg-s- and glasses under i gint Meport., Teth Conference on Cathode Electronics hold IYE Kle 11-15,rfov lWat SOURCE: AM-SSSR. leventiya. Seriyd fizicheskaya,' v.28, no. 9 1604 ~_1483-1487 'TOPIC TAGS: ion bombardment, glass, ceramic, surface geometry, structural property ABSTRACT: The destruction of the surfaces of glass and ceramic materials by ion !,bombardment is general terms ba-the basis of experimental - material ~, pre- iviously publish6d.hy G.V.Spivak and collaborators, and some new experimental matel!-- ~ial. The samples were bombarded in an apparatus previously G.V.Spivaki ,IF.F.Kushnir and V.Ye.Yurasova (Izv.AN SSSR,Serfiz.23,744il959; 25 707,1961) and iwere as 12000C. The discussion,is ill"trated with isix optical and electron micrographs of bombarded surfac~es.: rn,some 46ases a grains 'structure could be perceived'on the surface, Akh!3 regions'between the *,grains being eroded to a.different exteni th the grains themselves. Obliquely Incident, ions- PU~ produced'furraws' do with the structure of,the raterialo It Is.,.- U4T- I /EP I s Z/KWITm DIT i b 2 / WP b Pt~T/P' L 5r -65 ACCESS ION KR: AP5011445 UR/0048/65/029/004/0626/0628 143 AUTHOR: PavlXuchenk(?,- 0. P.; Spivak, G. V. Shakmanov, V. Vo TLE.- cbneerning thin film~plrepared by cathod sputtering of ferrites rt I rRepo T Second All-Union SyMposium on the-Physica of Thin Ferromaitnetic Films hold in- utak,10-15 July 19647 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, V. 29, no. 4, 19.65, 626-628 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic thin film., ferrite, cathode sputtering ABSTRACT: In view of the fact that cathode, sputtering has been reported (G., V. Spivak, I.G.Sirotenko, and R.D.Ivanov, izv. AN SSSR, Ser. fiz. 25# 581, ~ 1961) 0 conserve the exact chemical composition-of the initial material, this technique wall employed to prepare films Of the monoferrites Ni0'Fe203, CUO*Fe2O3 and -determine their structural Co0*Fe203. The resultant films were investigated to atil magnetic properties, which properties were then compared with thoselof the parent materials. Debye x-ray patterns were recorded to determine..the crystal structure of the starting ferrites. The-films were deposited on polished glass and on cleaved XaCl.. Films of optimum thickness (300 A),were a transm"- rd cc" . 1/2-- L 50977-65 EWT(I)/EWT (m) /EPA (sp) -2/0? (0/34P (i)IBWA WAPA (W) -2. WFrz7/1,WP(b) Fab-lo/Pr-4/Peb JDIAT ~ACCSSSION NRt APS011446 UR/0048/65/029/004/0629/0633- 45 'AUTHOR: Dubinina,Ye.Mo; Pyt yeva,M.B.; Sp~ivakG.V.; Makhmud Eldin Saad - iTITLE: On formation of Permalloy films-by'means of a high-vacuum ion source Oieport, Second All~-Union Symposiumon the Physics ~of'Thin Ferromagnetic Film. iheld in Irkutsk 10-15 July 1964/ _01 1SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheakaya, v. 29, no. 4, 1965,: 629-633 iTOPIC TAGS- ferromagnetic thin film,-permalloy, ion source 1ABSTRACV: The purpose of the work explorp the feasibility of. preparing thin films by means of a high-vacuum ion source. -In principle the technique should allow of preparing films of any desired thickness and conf iguration wittout, use of a mask and without danger of extraneous impurities. Moreover, the ion- source procedure has the potentiallty of automation for purposes of series produc-' tion of standard" uniform films* The equipment employed for'the experiments was the high-vacuum ion source installation developed in the authors',.laboratory and shown schematically In the Enclosure. The design, operation and various parameters of the ion source Installation are described-and'discussed. A number of curves Card ~,50992-165 nM(1)/EPA(s)-2/EWT(M)/WP(i)/EWA'(d')/T/EWP(t)/EEC(b)-2/Ewp(%)/,kdF(b)V-~;'..~'~,~~ IACCESSION KR., APS011447 UR/0048/65/029/004/0634/06W~~ AUTHOR: Spivak,G.V.; SholyakIn,L*B*; Hikitins T.ff.;-Yurasova,V.Ye.-; FilippovatT.F; pio o-i6v,yu.A. ~formed in ion bombardme TITLE: Magnetic properties of Pemilloy t~lm# nt Aeport Second All-Union Sym on the Physics of Thin Ferromagnetic Films helZ ii Irkutsk 10-15 July I SOURCE, AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fixichel9kaya v. 29, no. 41 1965 p 634-638 TOPIC TAGS: ferromagnetic thin film permalloy, magnetic proe2rt ABSTRACT. The work was undertaken in view of.the growing use of thin films in electronics and the consequent need.for new.and better-film preparation techniques's Preparation of films by ion bombardment hag a -1 number of distinct ive features, and advan-tages (G.V.Spivak, V.R.Yurasoi~aj OoA.Rozhkova, and T.H.Nikitina, IL4. AN SSSR, Ser. fix#, 28, 1411, 1964, and other papers by the Spivak ffrou~~. primary among these is good correspondence.of the composition of the film with that of the initial, sputtered material. One of the objections to the Ion bombardment tedini- que Is that inert gas ittow present in the discharge chamger, become imbedded in Card 1/3- _L 5090-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5011447 the film and impair its properties. In the present experiments-a series of films-' of diflerent types of Permal-loy were prepared in inert gas atmosphere. The orienting field was provided'by a' pair of Helmholtz, coils. The substrates were glass glass precoated with quartz, aluminumi aluminum cleansed by ionic etching, and rock-salt. The substrates were washed before inr stallation in the,apparatus and then further cleansed by the discharge before deposition of the films. The films were investigated as regards some of their magnetic properties.and subjected to chemical analyses for comparison with the ,analytic composition of theinitial sputtered materials. Electron micrographs and electron diffraction patterns (one of each Is reproduced) Indicatethat-the Permalloy films were polycrystalline with a fine-crystal structure# The film an uncleansed Al were of poor quality, but those on cleansed Al were similar to films deposited on glass. Some magnetic data on the films, including curves of the j inverse switching time versue switching field, are given in tables and figures. The results show that given proper control of the.sputtering conditions, and parameters it is feasible to prepare by t4ioJechnique Permalloy films'Vith :c1:, cha oteristics similar to those of films prepared b evaporati ra thermal on; the' attainable reproducibility Is satisfactory: for example, the scatter of coercivewl,_, force values, in a,series of films was less~than 10%,, In conclusion, we express .Cc L 276414,6 EY[r(l) IJP(c) ACC NR: AP6015756 UR/0048/66/030/005/0749/0753 (A, N) vok, G'.V-; Dyukov V.G.; Sod 11OR: Spi ov, X.N.;. Nevzorov, A.K. 'ORG, Physics Department, Moscorw'State University im. M.V.Lomonosov.(~iif~heskiy fakul- :,~tet 140skovskogo gosudarst,ennogo universiteta) TITLE: Observation of transient processes in silicon diodes by means of a stroboico`_" p emission microscopa /Report, Fifth All-Union Conference on Electron Microscopy,held in Sumy 6-8 July 1965/ SOURCE: AN SSSR. 12;Vestiya. Seriya fizicheskayai v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 749-753 TOPIC TAGS: electron microscopy, silicon diode, pn junction ABSTRACT: In the introductory paragraphs note is made of the advantages of employing a stroboscopic or gating electron microscop(Afor studying transient processes' in semi- conductors and observing the dynamic; of microfields. In the work described in the.~'. present paper the stroboscopic microscope diagramed in the preceding report bythe authors (see Abstract AP6015755) was used to observe the individual phases of establish-,,.~,',' ment of direct current flow in silicon diodes. It is'pointed out that the time resollvo tion of the given electron microscope approaches the nanosecond range.. A special simple resistance-capacitance circuit with a vacuum tube was employed to provide the. Card 1/2 L 27641-66 ACC NRt AP6015756 /I I _-~ ,/ E1-1p(j)/T/E4p(t'1 Lip(c) F0VJ1/JD/-FN G C Wit KP6008071 SOURCE CODE: UR/0032/66/032/002/0262/0263 07HOR: Spi-vuk, G, V, ORG: 'Ll "if I Conference on Electron RLcroscopy SOUPCZ: Zavodskaya laboratoriya,.v. 32, no. 2, 1966, 262-263 TOPIC TAGS- optic conference, electron microscopy, germanium,, silicon, microscope, lead compound, sulfide, selenide, cadmium sulfide, ferromagnetic materiai,~ exitaxial grwing, P11 junction, crystallization, polymr, semiconductor device ABSTRACT: Applications of electron microscopy in physical, chemical, metallurgical, technological, biological and medical fields, electron optics and instrument manu- facture were the gonoraftopics of about 230 papers presented at the Fifth Conference on Electron Mcroscopy. The conference was hold 6-9 July 1965 in Sumv, In the field of physics, papers on the structure of thin films were of scientific interest. Papers in this category- discussed the effect of electron irradiation on the crystal structure of vacuum condensed germanium and silicon (A. N. Pilyan1mvich, V. P. and Zakharova, and V. N. Cbugayov)l formation of chomically-do-p-o-si-tia-loia-mafid4 Card 1/3 L 24125-66 Acc NR: Ap6oo8o7i jead selenide films (V, No- Vertsner, L. No' Biller, at ale); epitaxial grawth of va us _(Y.-STPMtniW,~._K -Rosevich, ri j filiFs Vo M. Yloskale , at al.,, -vacuum condensation of Cd�__f_i_1=__(_R.D. Ivanov, Be-- Do Galkin, Vo- No Banarev,, at al.'); M`rensOy and structure of thin ferromagnetic films (L'. V. orTf~e-KjEain-6y-_` .arsk Institute of Physics, Siberian Department, AS USSR). In the series of papers on instrument manufacture and electron A. Shulyak, V. N. Kaplichnyy,and other staff OPtics, I?. A. Stoyanov, E. members of the Sumy Plant of Electron Microscopes and Electrical Auto- matic Equiprx~ent discussed an improved version of the UEMV-1.00 micro- scope; V. S. Gurin G. D. Kiselt, and V. M. Yaremenko reported on a new MES-100 microscope. In the chemistry section, a study of great scientific interest was presented by G. I. Distler on the structure of the p-n junction in semi- conductors by means of newly developed decoration techniques. . Papers Were also noted on a recently developed method of low-temperature etch- ing to reveal morphological forms of polymer's M. M. Lukfyanovich), and C ard 2/3 L 33142-66 EwVM)/EWP(e)/EWP t)/9TI/EWP(k) lJP(cL JD/JH ACC NR, APGU5152 SOURCE CODE: UR/0226/66/ooo/005/oo67/0073 C]3 AUTHOR: Gladneva. L. I. (Moscow); Yefremenkova, V. I. (Moscow); Lebedeve, L. S. IV (Moscow); Skivak G.,V. (MDecov); Shelamov, V. A. (Moscow); Yurasovat V. Ye. (Mosc ORG: none TITLE: Ascertaining the structure of sintered materials of the N*~ systemV ion bombardment. Report presented at the Fifth All-Uhlon Conference of Rectronic MicroscopZ in Swy, July 1965 -T3 SOURCE: Peroahkovaya metallurgiya, no. 5, 1966, 6T TOPIC TAGS: meb*k- metal oxide system, sintered aluminum powder, powder netanurvo V- ~ ftzro. electron microscopy, ion bombardment ABSTRACT: A study of the structure of sintered. aluminum RMder- material by ion bombardment is of practical significance for the investigation of Uterials obtai by means of g2!der metallurgy, 4 The method is suggested for use for manufacturing a- samples prior to electron-microseopic-investigations. Analysis or micr0Pbotograih81-*-'-.. shows that the base of SAP material is a cellular grid consisting, of oxide part bounded by aluminum paeudograins. Orig. art. has: 8 figures. (Based on author's abstract.] JANJ., SUB CODE;11,20/ SUBM DATE: ii Aug65/ ORIG REF- 002/ OTH W: -001 , C~ L 27642-66 EWT(1) iip(c) ACC NRAP6015755 (A., N) SOURCE CODE: UR/0048/66/030/005/0742/0748 AUTHOR: Spivak, _a G." Sedov,N.N.: Nevzorov,A.N. ,Pyukoy,~c ORG: Physics Department, Moscow State University im. M.v.Lomonosov (Fizi6heskiy Jakultet Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo univesiteta) TITLE: A stroboscopic secondary-emission electron microscope /Report, Fifth All-union -8 July 19657 Conference on Electron Microscopy held in Sumy 6 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya,.v. 30, no. 5, 1966, 742-748 TOPIC TAGS:. electron microscope, electron microscopy, silicon diode' ABSTRACT: The purpose of a stroboscopic or gating electron fricroscope to observe the successive quasi-instantaneous stages of dynamic processes; if the frequency of, the investigated process is synthronized with the gating there will be obtained sta- tionary images of the surface structure regardless of the frequency characteristics of the screen. In the case of an emission system with.-a three-electrode objective a stroboscopic regime can be realized in different ways: supply of the microscope with high-voltage pulses, modulation of the potential on the focusing electrode, or deflec- tion of the beam by means of appropriate deflecting plates. In the instrument exploy- ed in the present work pulse modulation was employed (V.G.DukoV, G.V.Spivak, N.N.Sedo~ and V.V.Evdokimov, Proc. III Europ. Reg. Conf. on Electron MicrGScopy, V.A. p. 283,, Prague, 1964). A block diagram of the microscope and associated electronic equipment I Card 1/3 L 2764246 ACC NR% AP6015755 Block diagram ofthe stroboscopic secondary emission microscope witb o- sol tio hi h ti i 1) ff .-- me re u n: m cr g scope column, 2) specimen with thermocouple and heater, 3) optics wi of the apparatuss,4).pulsed Ion, i gun, 5) screen and secondary- 4 electron multiplier, 6) h;Lgh- ------- voltage rectifier (0 to 50 W), fIT 1 /V on 7) 5 W rectifier for the I source, 8) power supply for th6'.'.. 5 pulse amplifier,.9) strobe pulse.- amplifier, 10).power supply for ion beam focusing, 11) 5 W rectl- tier for the secondary-elebtron multiplier, 12) wide-band ampli- tier, 13) oscillograph, 14) generator of shifted pulses, 15) puiS-,e shaping circuit 16) rectifier supplying bias to the specimen and feeding the'shaping-circuit-15, 17) rectifiek+ supplying the operat6 a specimen heater. The,section outlined by dashes- the high potential&- Card 2/3 S __Ivgm_An#qyevich,- KAMINSKAYA, N.., red.; THOYANOVSKAYA, N.9 tekhn. - I - red. [Descendants of Korchagin] Potomki Korchagina. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo,ry,, 1961. 142 p. (14IRA 14 - 11) (Russia-Social conditions) ~ 1. - w - ; 1~ , k I - " L.- - - I I r- 7 , -- !~ ~ I- -, : " , -, .. - , . . ~ ! .1 , : -~ : . I I . . , - . I. , 1 . - ,) ; , - , J - " I V ~ -; i,-~ . " 1 , ~, - v t ~ '! - I.,?, , I - , 1 1 - " ~ - I ~ - I . ~ . I , - . .- - SPIVAK. I.1., uchitelt. How to make vegetable and fruit models. Biol. v shkole no. 3:86- 88 W-Je 158. (MIRA 11:8) 1. Sredrqaya shkola No. 9, g. Groznvy. (fruit--Models) (Vegetables--Models) BLAZHEVSKIY, Ye.V... dvazhdy Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda; VOVCHENKO, I.V... kand. sellkhoz. nauk, za.&l..agronom Ukr.SSR; VORDBIYEV, N.Te.j. st. nauchn. potr.; GESHELE, E.E., doktor biol. nauk'- prof.,- ZUBRITSKIY, A.A., agronom; KISELIGOF, Z.S., inzh., zasl. mekhanizator sellskogo khoz. Ukr.SSR; KLYUCHKO, P.F., kand. sellkhoz. nauk; KORCHAGIN,-A.Ye.; LEBEDEV, Ye.M., st. nauchn. sotr.; NASYPAYKO, V.Mi,-kand. sellkhoz.nauk; PIKUS, G.P.J. kand. seltkhoz.nauk; RRKACH, V.N., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, prof.- SPIVAK I L., zootekhnik; TEMHENKO, L.V., kand. sellkhoz. na - !,M)ULATLT ?-A.A., agronom; YAKOVENKO, V.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; KITAYEV / I.A., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; MUSIYKOI A.S... akademik, red.; VINNITSKIY, S.P., red.; MOLCHANOVA, T.N., tekhn. red. [For high corn yields) Za bol'shuiu kukuruzu. [By] E.V. Blazhevskii i dr. Odessat Odessko'e knizhnoe izd-vo, 1962. 173 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Zven'yev'Qy kolkhoza im. Gor1kogo Kotovskogo rayona na Odesshchine (for Blazhevskiy),. 2. Glavnyy agronom sovkhoza "Bassarabskiy" (for Korchagin). 3. Ukrainakaya akadi~Miya sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk (for Musiyko). (Ukraine--Corn (Maize)) SPIVAK, 1.1., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. L'j-- Computation of the luminous intensity of aberrationless leases with prismatic elements. Svetotekhnilm 2 no-3:15-19 NY '56. - (NLRL 9: 8) 1. Vsesovuznyy svetotekhnicheskiy institut. (Lenses) SPIVAK, I.I., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. - To the editor of "Svetotekhnika." Svetotekhnilca 2 no.3:28 My '56. (MLRA 9:8) (optics) SPIVAK, I.I., kand.tekhn.nauk Sty-acture of light beams of two-lens systems. Svetotekhnika 3 no.10:16-20 0 157. (MURA 10:10) 1. Vnesoyuznyy svetotekhnicheskiy institut. (Beacons) SPIVAK, I.1 kand.taklin.nauk "I w"Aw" Calculatine ligbt Intensity of.binaz7 lens systems. SvetotekbnIka 4 no.11:16-20 1 '58. (141RA 11:11) 1. Vansoyuznyy avetotekbnichmakly inatitut. (Lenses) -.SPIVAK, I.I., kand.tokhn.nauk "Luminaires" by V.V.Trombach. Reviewed by I.I.Spivak. Svototekh- JI '59. (MIRA 12:9) (Lighting---Equipment and supplies) (Trerbach. VJ .) SPIVAK,.J~rq~,l' Moiseyevich; TYUMENEVA, S.T., inzh., red.; FRWER, D.P., __ - __ '_ ' - [In electric-light instrument for checking screw threads] Blectrosvetovoi pribor dlia kontrolia rez1b. Leningrad, 1956. 2 p. (Leningradakii dom nauchno-tekhnicheakot propagandy. Informatsionno-tekhnicheakii listok, no.q. Kontroll kachestva produktsii) (MIRA 10:12) (Electric instruments) (Screw threads) 1-1priol-I 7. 11., and 1. F. TIM 0 podhore g(riz-ntallnogo o. eren-ia s shaibwrd nn. kentsalkh-razmakha. (Tekhnika vozdushnogo floll-a., 1940, no. 7, P. 59-71, tables, diagrs.) Title tr.: Selection of a horizontal tail surface wit tip fins. TL504.Tit 1940 00: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union Library of Congress, 1955, fA.-'.1AT,i~,14, Ye I N~-',N, e c t zi f-a ~ --r, -: c v e j 0 rl f r L r a n 5 during t-e- at enc~-;ng c, f ~, a --d e rv~ d n 7 j- metallovee. 177 17:8) YeStegt:Vl-~-1".~r-.~_.rlaUCh,,Yy Instit,it F;7r-nsk.,.,m g-oudarstvennom I " _i univer3itetr-- -Jmtn--~ A.M. Garlh.(,g,;. SPIVAK, I. V. "Mechanizing the Process of Pre-Pressing Star Sprokets and Arch Siphons.0 OgueuporY, No. 4, 1949. "Whodmalm so 0 -~-brk .bm mW rw~ birkbe-1. V. -in IS* the author rupwiml & mechamical p6U'-- 14. 174. rep r",Wag runner Itricka mull in 1967 one fur "star , bricks. Both presses, am 1.1 fairly Umple, construclim am BY 0 ted. and give a high output. One I fea' I [VMS protlue" i3.WO runner bricks per h, It= the other 2 OW " star - bricks per ,Jidt. Fach prr~ reepom ttV- sorh~~ It has hem deQnl to introdwe these im-mthroughout all Rumman plants making casting-pit rdracton" ThentrVicturr of bVith pfcsw% is dmriW in (Wail. (0 figs,) ad dews& I-VJMVA~ (Iftaftolwy, w 177. ml~ 7Ar mmim pba Md itB it I is q by 7 men. (S W /~ C LA -A lost)- lu I v syv*vk]L( ibw*. jwjw" mom 0 fw and b&kso Mb P90 runreff jfl~ ('7 b- high ClLn -,c or-a size 1. SPIVAK, Fi-T, S. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Gypsum 7- Seasonal dynamics of the salt cycle in soda solonetz soils in Connection with the application of gypsum, Trudy UNDISoz 6, 1951 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, ugly -1953, Uncl. Im ti ~rh t; j) 5 F1 S, r Uence of A'i ED appo Of Illoophates In 94G 16 0 spr, D "Of0vidl A k MUM Wr R Onted any ine j, -olsoij, cltmle~~ 4 lycrO OnRlYzedat mu a C TjfekppjjCAtjoq 0 v-plus Of G-W. W-10 an .40~-W` d SYPS tha, - - t4h A i -LI ~ .1. --~ ~,7I 4 fneg fU6' rc MOW crL, -.rbls ph - e t0 the 14fits, 4scu., enom 14 en6tj h 4t m! depthi- It Is Y'Pronoutic6d" expUlnM that t-kes. Pj:jee, I dso decredse~ the Qmt 01440.30. ire. so t 14 u!~fau]~flie *11 d 616 pit, -I' e N4 upset. ILI SF~agj, Kh.S.p kand.sel'skokhoz.nauk Effect of gypsum application to Solonetz soils on the chemical composition of underground waters, Nauch.trudy UASMI 9:19-21 159. (NIRA 14:3) (Gypsum) (Solonetz soils) (Water, Underground) SPIVAK, L. Conference of organizations for planning and design and of synthetic fiber plants. MAm.volok no-4:80 162. (HMA 15:8) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniya predpriyatiY , iskusstvennogo volokna. (Textile fibers, Synthetic-Congresses) NESTERENKOO I., inzh.; SPIVAK, L., inzh. Design of a large-Mm roof made of slabs sealed with poured concrete. Prom.stroi.i inzh.soor. 4 no-5:19-24 S-0 162. (MIRA 1611) (Roofing,, Concrete) - -.1.,-- ll!~, "- I: I. . . I I- - I I 1.1. - . "Fffect of Speed and Dergree of Plastic Tension an t~-e Re-Lax-aticn. and tlae Suhsequent Deformation of' tietals Part II", p. i.4,5, P-,iz-i!,a 7--letallov I Mettallovedeniye.. 21, NO. 1, 1956. SPIVAK, L.A. ......, Troating paroxysmal tachyeardis with antiepileptics. Vrach.delo no.12:13)5 J) '57- (MIRA 11:2) 1. Kafedra fakulitetakoy 'terapii (zav. - prof. S.Ya.Shteynberg) ]Charlkovskogo meditBinakogo instituta. (HURT--PALPITATION) (AIVISPASHODICS) SPIVAK, L.I. Pendulum-like knee reflex. Heyropat.paikhiat., Moskva 20 no-1:56- 57 Jan-Feb 51. (Cus 2o:6) 1. Captain, Medical Corps. 2. Of the Department of Psychiatry (Head- Prof.N.I.Bondarev, Major General, Medical Corps), Military Medical Academy imeni S.M.Kirov. SPIV-;x, 1.1. chandiis in I.Ke knPe reflex in depressive and hypozi-nic states. Zaar.ne7--i , -oqlkh. 53 no.6:422-428 Je '53. (KLRA 6:6 ) 1. Psikhi,.tricheskayu klinika Voyenno-medit9inskoy akademii imeni S.K.R- rova. (Reflexes) SPIVAK, L. I. "The Problem of Clinic During Chronic Poisoning With Tetraethyl Lead", Military~Midical Journal, No. 8, P 37, Aug 1955. SPIVAK, L.L(Leningrad) On the problea of neuroses. Zhur.neyr. i psikh.53 n0-7:533-534 155. (KLR& 8:10) (NMMSICS, concepts) -h-kogo 'Jrracha~ SPIVAK, L. I. in traosseous administration of drugs Pnd blood in psychiatric practice. [with summary in French]. Zhur.nevr. i psikh. 58 no.2:215-217 '58. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Kafedra paikhiatrii (zav. - prof. A.S. Chistovich) Voyenno- meditsinskoy skademii imeni S.M. Kirovs. (WNTAL DISORDERS, therapy, intra-osseun drug & blood admin. (Rue)) (BLOOD TRANSFUSION, intrR-osseous in psychintry (Rus)) (BONE AND BONES, intra-osseous drug &blood admin. in psychiatry (Rua)) SPIVAK, L.I. P.P. Pelekhin's dissertation on "The nature of neuroses"; materW on the history of Russian paychiatrye' Zhurenevr. i psMs 83 no-11:1389-1391 N156 (MIRA 12:1) le Xafedra psikhiatrii (nachallnik - prof. A.S. Chistovich) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademii im. S.M. l1rova. (PSTCHOSES, history origin of psychoses. 19th centuzy dissertation (RUB)) SPIVAK, L. 1. "Problems of mil-itary psychiatry in armies of foreign countries" - P. 103 Voyenno Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, No. 3, 1962 MEG I A Lt Col off Hedlical 'Corps 11-1. S "USSR Armed Forces?! Cranslated by Lt Col MD Jan HES ~raff Alacion not stated. L ~Trobl.eiz~.q nf Mititary Psychiatry in Fo-_reigo Armies (Reviev of Foreign Ure vp --.n icke list v., Vol 31, Me 5, Oct 62; pp 231-232. -Pres-,m~zOtiy revie-,, of publif~h..-J daral no bibIlographic rer's names tnt.2rarpersed in L~,_jft. Sttittwivvti SIUCIII als ?167.3"k Of US flyieriSCheiUled for trant;cc-attnental fltz~.Is wit', arwa or 'n arE "fierinp, fron, ni~?tiroaes (B. llcrrt, T. Skcbbitt.)~' Most ~r -4~rtain ~o us r-aIj.ttz:v e_peri,~TIC-s in 71 ov, Kcvezt; -t a b ~ L,~ t Y-A I I L a racr_lcn, i.n. tb,_- zo. p I C SPIVAK, L.T. (Lenilngrad) Prehistory of the study of psychopathle5. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 63 no.8:1249-1251 1631. (MIRA 17:10) SBRGIYENKO, S.R.; IZRAYLGV, N.A.; SPIVAK, L.L.; GALICH, P.N. Poteatiomstric methods of investigation of high-molocularweight compounds in petroleum. Zh~r.anal.khim.10 n0-5:315-322 S-0 '55. (KLRA 9:1) l.Institut x*fti AN SSSR, Kookwa i Kharlkovskiy gosudaretvanyy universitet imeni Gor'k*g*. (Potentiometric analysis) (Acidity) (Petroleum) A, `i` 7 of' -3-roror, C, v3 17 DT) (,!in rx j,(;(, 7 r L, o rRed Law er 'itdv ir, A.!'. Gor'bly), 1GG cordes (,u, L119--58, 11 '1" - 11 - SHKCDIN, A.M.; kLEKSANDROV, V.V,l-4F0AK,-L.L.;- VAYLI, Ye.l.; CHERNYY, V.S.; TITOV., Ye.V.; IVANOVA,,Ye.F.; KRUGLYAK, Yu.A.; RYBKIN, Yu.F. Nikolai Arkadlevich Izzailov., 1907-1961. Ukr.khim.zhur. 28 no.2:271-282 162. (IOU 15:3) (I=.qilov,, Nikolai Arkadlevich, 1907-1961) IZMAYLOV, N.A. (deceased]; L.L. --- Thermodynamic properties of electrolytes in nonaqueous solutions. .Part 12. Effect of aprotic solvents on the relative strength of acids. Zhur. fiz. khim. $6 --tioe-4:757-764 Ap 162. (MIRA 15:6) 1. KharIkovskiy universitet. (Solvents) (Acids) I,.A. ;,; ")I, .." VPT " I -. *4 . Thermc,dynamic jjrc-p-~rtles rf pler,-troytes in ncnar.-erjus ticiw;. I!trt 13. Tinar. fii~, 36 nc,.~.,.1158-1'163 Ja'62 Wllu I , -' Tlk~~vFlr-J-y i,. -__~:,`~,`_: , .0 -4/0 4/P r i6921_63~ 'EPR/W.(M)/EWP (J)1&P.'(_ _3 - s o- r-4 ~/076/63/037/004/011/029 :V' S., Spivak AUTHOR: J~maA!~v, N. TITLE: Thermodynamic propertiqq, ___hQjl~,aque6tis~ electrolyte 'solutions XIV.- Calculation of;:thii~'i~,,!04port -,,energy, of,acids s vent.. 0 .to another . pERI ODI CAL:.~ 2~hurnal fizicheiki~,il&'- -No." 4,- 1963,' 82Z-82&- TEXT: The values~-fo jg".,~~ of., various acids 'in alcohols, mic acid 1~6~. or -transolvation anmionia, And f S the- lg *ro H+ energy of the 'proton. The, ch"Le~', ii.- I _,-'tr sfer~ energy of acid -Anions aad.of ;__ 41q,_-4p non-dissociated- Acids are. 1- ity;.data. the:A$%sis of. the On results which are obtained an at the value's':~for bpAl,from~ .."(4, 10- the- the change in-transfer energy of, 6~6i" anion (1g ro r) i and non dissoci that- I t e for the ated iioliicu 'r0 mo, 'these ea a may serv estimation df-:the change stren tfil~ of ,th 6 a ,qiis: on, passing from on .e~ solvent to: C another. There'are'6.tables.,. Associmm -KharIkovskiy g'oiudarb vennyyl" iv~isitet (Kharkov State,University) SUMMED: April 14 1962 Card 1/1 AlEWS-ANDROV, V.T.; SPIVAK, LiL.:ZAKHARCHENKO, L.K. (Kharlkov) Dissociation constants of some acids in mixed solvents meth"ol- benzene and methanol-benzena--water. Zhur. fi~. khim. 39 no. It 58-63 Ja 165 (MIn 19:1) 1. Kharlkovskiy gosudarstre-nnyy universitet imeni A.M. Gortkogo. SubmilLt'll-ed December 14, 1963. wa,~er mixture. (M-ERA .18:8) '-stv; r57,w:,nnyy, C. r f t 161 17: 0) MR-M 9W~(r)/EWP(q)/EWT(m)/BDS--AMC/AgD/APGC--,J:p 10791-63 ACCESSION NR: AP3000913 S/0279/63/000/002/0124/oi29 15'4 AUTHOR: 4yzentsont Ye'. G. (Perm'); Sp~vak, L. V.'(Perml) TITLE: Effect of ultrasonic v6brations-on the isothermal decomposition of-KhVG 1 austenitic-,stegl VND SOURCE:- AN SSSR. Izv. otd. tekh.'nauk. Metallurgiya i gornoye delog no. 2,~ 1963 -124-129 TOPIC TAGS. austenite decomposition, tool steel, ultrasound effect, residual:~ austenite, hardness ABSTRACT: Specimens (30-mm longi.9 mm indiameter) of KhVG tool steel (0.95% C 1.1% Mnj 0.245%.Si, 1.22% Cr, and-1.58% W), annealed in a salt bath at 1000 or 900C for 20 min, were transferred to other baths with temperatures of 250 or 450CI- held for 2 min, and'then subjected to ultrasonic vibrationsvith a .frequency of, 20.5 kc at amplitudes-of ~, 10, or 18~1 applied directly to.specimens for 10 to 120 min. In specimens annealed at 1000C, ultrasound at an amplitude of 3, 10#or 18 [1, applied for 10, 30** 60, or 90 min,at 250C, was found to- ref ine martensitid Card ------ 7 -63 L 1,P ACCE ION AP3000913 structure. The amount of residual.austenite and hardness (R 62-43) were qot_a affected. Ultrasound at 10 and 18t1 amplitude, applied at 2kc for.60.or 120 min, accelerated the decomposition of austenite in specimbns annealed at 900C, while ultrasound at 3~L amplitude applied under the same cohditions delayed.the decomposi tion. In the same specimens, only ultrasound at an amplitude of 18 g applied for 60 and 120 min 'increased the hardness by 2-3 and 5-6 R Ultrasound applied-- for 15 or 30 min at 450C to specimens annealed at 1000C did* not affect the decom- position of austenite. Longer (60J. 90, or 120 min) treatment with ultrasound at an amplitude of 10 or 18p delayed decomposition and increased hardness by 6 to 7 R . Decomposition of austenite in specimens heated to 90GC and treated with c ultrasound at 450C generally followed a pattern similar to that observed in the previous case, except that decomposition started after treatment for 15 min and hardness increased by only 2-.3 R Ultrasound at a 3R amplitude, accelerated -the decomposition. Thus, in isothermal. decomposition of austenite, ultrasonic vibra%.. tions at an amplitude of 10 or 1* 'increase the -stability *of, sustenite~ at 450C, but lower it at 250C, while 'amplitudes 01_3~ have the opposite effect.- Orig. art. has: 5 figures. 2/~ Card L 27261-65 94T (m)/ENA(d)/T/WP~ t) ~MT~b)/i ~1)1`~ Peb~ W WA MCLS31014 NR: AP403h064 8/0126/6h/017/00h/()624/0627. AUTHORS: AZzentson, Ye. G.; k1alinen. P. A.,x- Spiv&. L. V. UtrobifiaL* 1, Ke 25 Effect of ultrasonic oscillations on carbide atrain formation during ~annealing of quenched carSo steel SOUROL: Fizika metallov i metallovedeniYe., V. 17,.no. 4, 3.964.,,- 624-627 car ~TOPIC TAGS: annealing, quenching, ultrasonic Vibrationj bons-teel/,= steel ABSTRET: The effect of ultrasonic osci-Ilations on carbide formatioa:was investi-.,:..~, ,gated in U12-steels during annealing At 66W.~ .The.10-mm diameter steel-specimens were quenched from 960C temperature-in oil 'and screwed on the Waveguide of a magnetostrictive vibrator. At 20.5-kc frequency stand Iing.waves of 10~x amplitude were created in the specimen. Afterthe test, longitudinal sections iiere sliced .off frora the specimen and the microstructure was analyzed at 2000 magnification. After 1 hour of annealing and ultrasonic oscillations', the microstruotures. indicated, on the average, larger carbide particle sizes witft~greater distances between each carbide particle*than in the control specimens. A graphical plot of the number of carbide particles versus annealing time shows that the effect of Card 1/2 It 6333145-'-- 1)/W(WF-1e(h) (d) 4TI-RiA ACC-- AP ESSION SRI .5017472 14&T/JD J03TO/6 012V tobg.017.3 AMWORt Anentson,- Ye. G.; Spivak., L. V. Utrobinao I* K. TIME: Isothermal decomposition of the austenite of KhVG steel in an ultrasonic field SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Metally, no. 31*- 196~j .123-1V TOPIC TAGS: isothermal decomposition.. decomposed austenite, supercooled austenitei Ultrasonic vibration, bainitic structure ABSTRACTi The presett work is a continuation of a previous investigation which showed that ultrasonic vibrations exert a definite and not always unambiguous eIf- feet on the decomposition of supercooled austenite of KhVG steel (0.99% Cj, M5%. Si, 0.25% Mn, 0.03B% P, 0.019% 8, 1.03% Cr, 0,15% Ni, 1.56%,W): at 450"C the vi- brations with amplitudes of 10 and 18ti increase the stability of the austenite while at 2500C they contribute to its decomposition, These findings, were obtained on the basis of a qualitative comparison of the microstructures and*roentgenograms, of specimens with and without exposure to the ultrasound. In thisconnectionj**At'~ was of interest to Investigate the effect of ultrasonic vibrations da the, Izother-'W mal decomposition of austanite over ~ a broader range of temperatures. and to es-tau-.. lish quantitative,ratioss Accordingly the,authors exposed specimens~ofthis-stei~l- ,to ultrasonic vibrations with 18 V amplitude in salt-batbo at temperatures of,700J, 550, 500,' 450) and 300*Co Transverse microsections of the specimens taken at the sites of maximum stresses were subjected to diffraction studies,at room teMperature,-'.-.-'..-'~ The amount of undecomposed austenite was estimated according to the reflexes of austenite and (3-10) of alpha-phase. In addition, the microbardness of the de- composition products was determined by plotting frequency curves on the basis of measurements for every Individual-case, Mici-ontructural examination revealed that ultrasonic vibrations in different temperature regions differently affect t1fe'aus- tenite. At 700*C they inhibit the decomposition of austenite; at 5506C they lead. to a reduction In tbe amount of residual austenite in specimens cooled to room tem- S. -J perature, 'while at 450*C they produce an opposite effect, and at. 300"C they con-. tribute to the decomposition of austenite,, This is.attributed by theautbors to the mechanism of transformation in each temperature region.. For supercooled aus-~- tenite the effect of ultrasonic vibrationsIs expressed in the form of a fi.ner bainitic structure.,-Orige-arts haot ~5 figures* ASSOCIATIONt none suBmTTED: 02Apr6k BUD CODR: NX., SS GVt 001 OTHEM 000 TITLE: Zffect of ultrasonic vibration an pIntenite grain growth d tiring annealing SOURCE.-. IVUZ. Chernaya metallurgiya, no,. 6,.1963, 127-130 TOPIC TAGS: steel, steel treatment, austenite:grain,,grain growth ultrasonic treatment/U12 steel AnSTRACT: The effec o treatment b ultrasonic vibration-at 20 -5' ke t Y on-the grain growth during subsequent annealing in austenite of U12 steel (1.15% C, 0.20% Mn, 0.32% Cr,,0.25% Si) has been--investigatedo,, Specimens 10 mmin diameter were treated with ultrasound at 850# 900, or 950C for 10-40 min , air cooled, and then.annealed at~ 900-1200C for 4 hr. it was found that the grain sizc of spqcimens-~ treated with ultrasound Is,-as a rule,, larger than that -of , untreated specimens. Electric resistivity increases under the effect of ultra-'-..--' sound, which weakens grain boundaries and lowers strength and ductility'~- 1 2 L 55i-4o-65-- - -- ------ T.. ACCESSION NR: AP5015823 lHowever, subsequent annealing res'tores the strength and, increases, the elongation 15-20% over that of untreated specimens$, Ultrasonic-'. itreatment followed by annealing changes,the grain boundaries of austenite and increases the space between pe arlitic lamellae. It reduces the rate of austenite grain growth during high-temperature annealing and lowers the microhardness of annealed specitaense The ~effect of ultrasonic vibration.may be explained by the fo:rmation of submicroscopic distortions at grain boundaries which Absorb various impurities. Orig. art. hast 5 figures& IND) !ASSOCIATION: Yesteatvenno-nauchnyy institut pri Permskom~gosudarst-w V vennom universitete (Natural-Sciehces Institu-te-9. Perm State Uni sity) ACC NRt AP7002547 SOURCE CODE: UR/01413/66/ooo/023/0027/0027, INVENTOR: Ayzentson, Ye.G.; Bobrova, S.N.; Spivak, L.V. ORG: none TITLE- Method of heat treatment of steel. Class 18, No. 189005 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 23, 1966, 27 TOPIC TAGS; =t3=i,,heat treatment, steel 'ultrasoni treatment, ,57--FF.z- ABSTRACT! 'ThIs ~,t~or.Certi-f:fca"te intr,~duc--e-s a-me7t6--d of heat treatment of ste4l 'which consists in annealing followed by air cooling and refrigeration. Jo ensure theLr dimensional stability, the steel parts are subjected- to ;ultrasonic treatment prior to refrigeration. [ND] SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: l8jan65 ATD PRESS: 5113 06: 621-785-92:6'� SMAK., L.V., starshaya operatsionnaya sestra Decreasing alcohol consumption in surgery. Klin. khir. no.10:76 o 162. (MA 16:7) 1. Kafedra khirurgii (zav.- prof. D.F. Skripnichenko) stomato- logicheskogo falculiteta Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta i 1-ya Podol'skaya klinicheskaya rayonnaya bollnitsa, Kiyev. (SURGERY, ASEPTIC AND ANTISPETIC) (ETHYL ALCOHOL) SPIVAK, M. Monetary payment of wages on collective farms in the Ukraine. bots. trud 5 no.8:19-25 Ag 160. (MIRit 13:11) 1. Hiaistr sel'skogo khozyaystva USSR. (Ukraine--Collective farms--Income distribution) SPIVAK, M., podpolkovnik. Practical realization of one of the requlations; response to Lt. Colonel S. Abrosimov's article 'VoeWi vestulk,w no.10, 1955. Voen.vest. 36 no.1:67-69 ja '56. (PT-RA 9:8) (Russia-Army-Infautry) (Abrosimov, 3.) SPIVAK, M. Selection of optimal 3peer- in apprnach~alr:,,- portc an~ canals. Yore flot. 25 no.7:1.2 JI 165. (FUIRA 18:7) 1. Kapitan teplol-linda "'Murorq% AUTHOR, Spivak, M,A SOV/,4O-58--4,26/30 T I T LE s "Mm"r- goewb r a i0Th'eory of Coordinate Szr-actures and Geometric Objects (Algebraicheskaya teoriya koordinatnykh struktur i geometriches- kikh ob,~y,_Atov) PERIODICALt Iz-veqtlya. vyssh_Jkh uthebraykh. zatredeaiy, Matematika, 1958, Nr 49 pp 236-247 (USSR) ABSTRAM The author generalizes the notion of a coordinate atructure as a set of coordinate systems- He consider-5 the mappings-of an arb4trary set A into an arbitrary set B instead of the mappings of the geometxic spaoe into an azithmetic spaoe, and he calls the sets of such partiai one-to--one mappings atlantes. He forms an axiomatic of certain types of at.1antes, whe:~,e the axioms are set-theoretical properties of the coord.rats structures of the spaces of Veblen-Whitehead Paef 37 , KI;inj etc. Furthermore the geometric objects of Kle4~A and differential-geometric objects (in the sense of Vagner fAef 41 ) are subordinated to the more general notion of the associated atlax-tes. Hereby some generalizat- ^-,F the assertions of Vagner [Ref 47 are obtained. There are 4 references, I of which is So-zist, ', French, and Card !,!2 2 American. ASSOCIATIONiSaratovakiy gosudar5`1-1weanyy uuiversitct iwer):'. N.G.Chtrmyshevskogo I kSaratov State Univers%ty Imen-I N.,G.Chernyshe~T-sk_-'y,.I SPIVAK, M. A.. -------------------------- If Synthesis of automation with least number of states and given response" report submitted for the Intl. Symposium an Relay Systems and Finite Automata Theory (T-FAC), Moscow, 24 Sep-2 Oct 1962. PFNZOV, Ytfle.j RZHEKHINA, N.F.; COHMAN, A.V.; KABANOV, N.J.; KONOFLD''A, Yu.K.; LOSIK, M.V.; SPIVAK, M.A.; ZARETSKAYA, N.V., red. [Problems in vector algebra] Sbornik zadach po vektornoi algebre. Saratov, Izd-vo Saratovskogo univ., 1964. 59 p. (MIRA 18-4) L'_ 18804-;~ Elog(d)/r. Ph-4 IJ"P(C)/AFAO(P)/RAEtA(i)/RAEM(d)/ESD(dp) ACCESSION NR. AT5000717 S/2-582/64/006/012/0069/0097 AUTHOR: Spivaks'L A. (Saratov) TITIJP.: Interpretation of the theory of automata by methods of the theory of proportions SOURC.Et ProblenW* kibernetiki, no. 12, 1964,- 69v~97 TOPIC TAGS: automata theory, logic circuit, abstract machine homomorphism AE67RACT: An*automata system is described,as having three state, descriptors X$S and Y, which represent states-of input, internal, and output devices, respectively, A state of an input device at a given moment, x(t), is determined b an extern al condition. The state of the inteftal device at, a given moment., s(t is a func- tion ofthe state of the input device at that moment and a function of the state of the internal device at the preceding moment* The state of the output device y(t) is a'function of the simultaneous state of:the.internal device. The author considers the system of objects (XSjYj 6'jg) to be an automat. with input signal, descriptor X, condition (state) descriptor S, output Signal descriptor Y, transi- tion function 6 , and output function p, Several basic results of the abstract theory of.automata are presented, with emphasis directed to the synthesis of an Card i/3 L 18864-65 ACCESSION NR: AT500(Y717 automaton according to givenconditions. Preliminary- treatment is'accorded to~: inary ' lations-h notation and definitions within the automata theory. B' re ips are symbolically defined for the operations of.secti6ning, projecting, transformation, I product formation (union), and homologous union (reflective, symmetric, and tran-~ sitivet). Earlier work by S. Ginsburg (Some remarks-on abstract machinesl TransO. Amer. Math. Soc. 96, 3j, 1960,-400-444) formed the.basis of the theorem- "In.order.. that an automat A be minimal it is necessary and~sufficient that it be rigorouily bound." The terminology Is that of E.- F.J.1ur (Uzfiozritel!ny*ya eksperimenty* s posledovatellnostny%i mashinami, Sb.,,11Avtomaty*11 IL M. 1956, 179-212). A, minimal automat is described in terms.of.a minimal stable' subset of S A* Necessary. and sufficient conditions of a stable subset of-S are detailed and proved. The 'A automat A, if not bound, contains components termed subautomats., These subauto-. mats are minimal automats themselves Ifthe necessary. and sufficient rigorous i:~-ounding relationship is its equivalence relationship.~ Homomorphism O'f~two automats is discussed, the conditions of its existence, and the properties of homomorphism are listed. An autonat Lis defined as a monomorphi.c specimen of sumo of free automats. Homomorphism is also discussed in the'context of automat reaction and in two related problems. The propertiesof the canonical form are given, and five theorems are stated and the theory of automat,syhthesis. card 2/3 I -- j~i'-i~V!IK 1,10A. "(Saratov) Conditions ."'or the decrral-c-,gabi-litv (,-.f ratics intc direct products. izv. v,,,s. ucheb. zav.; inat. nc,.4:132-139 165. 0,;-LaA ls:c/) -1-LO-993-66 EINT(d)/EWP(V)/El.VP(k)/EIIP(h)IEMCII ACC NRs AP5028529 SOURCE CODE: UR/0286/65/000/020/0124/0124 .akov V.N.; Spivak, M. A.; Gakhbaum, F. A.; Braylovs INVENTOR: sAiraoniL _V.D. ; U~h ki M. I.: Astrova. T. I. ORG: none Tr=: Hydraulic cylinder for a high-capacity press. Class 58, Noe 17582 ifainnoun. by Experimental Construction bureau of the qqn1ral scientific research Ina? ute of builUu"mati=tion. (Eksperimentallno-koniir-Uf6r-iro~~-'6y-iao~llie-eiifAI n__ nau issledovatel' 0:cgo instituta stroitellnykh konstruktsly) SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 20, 1965, 124 TOPIC TAGS: press, hydraulic press, high capacity press, press cylinder, cylinder design ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a hydraulic cylinder for a high-ca~~- pacity press. j The cylinder (see Fig. 1) consists of inner metal shell 1. encased--,in a reinfor-I-Eoncrete housing. Expansionjoint 2 separates top 3 and bottom 4 of the housing to reduce the internal stresses. Orig. art. has: I figure. [DV) Cord ~/2 L 10993-66 Fig. l.. Hydraulic cylinder I - metal shell; 2 expansion joint; 3 - top of the housing; 4 bottom of the housing. SPIVPY, M.A. Base development of a regular exprF~,ssion and its applications. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.31520-522 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. S&ratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N.G.Chernyshevskogo. Submitted December 3, 1.964. L 27898-66 EWT (d )/r/Ew P (i !JP(c) GG/BB ACCESSION NR: AP5024537 UR/0378/65/000/004/0001/0011 519.95 AUDIOP Spivak, t1. A TITLE. Vic, ilgebraic characteristic of the calculaLlonal power of an automaton SOM..ii-.. Kibernetika, no. 4, 1965, 1-11 TOPIk, CAGS: aurnmaton, iiiformation processing, mathen-itic model, calculator, a I g( ~ r., ic logic ABSTW.C'U: The author defines an automaton as a discretc converter of information K. B. Frohit and .1. L. Rhodes correctly defined in their paper (Proc. Sympos. Math: Theory Autom., New York, N. Y. 1962, Brooklyn N. Y., Polytechn, 1963, 341-384) the reLative calculational power of automatons. However, the algebraic charac- teristic of the relative calculational power given by these authors is not correct. The basic aim of the present paper is the establishment of the correct algebraic characteristic of the relative calculitional power of automatons. Following the definition of the mathematical model of the automaton and the characterization of the information conversion by means of the reactionconcept, the author Introduces the concept of reaction dIvisibIlity, extends this concept Card 112 C-Pt AFO glamyy rodaktor; BEWZUB, V.G., radaktor; VASILSNKO, P.M.. redaktor; ZQaIN, I.G., radaktor; ILICUMIKO, I.K., redaktor; JrOVAII, A.G., redaktor; KRYLOV, A.F., redaktor; PUMLISKIY. A.Y., redaktor; SIDORAITKO,A.P., redaktor; FADCHNNKO, A.N., redaktor; ANGSLIKA, P.H., redaktor; BUZANOV, I.F., redaktor; BOYKO, D.V., redaktor; BURKATSKAYA, G.Ye., radaktor; VASI13UKO, A.A., radaktor; VIASTUK, P.A., reclaktor; GORODNIY, N.G., redaktor; DXMIWINKO, T.T., redaktor; DUBKOYNSM, Y.I., redaktor; KIRICHFINKO, F.G., redaktor-, LITOYCHWO, G.P.. redaktor; OZYJ1NYY, M-Ya., redaktor; FERSHIN. P-N,-, redaktor; POPOV, F.A., redaktor; POSMITHY, M.A., redaktor, nHZNICHNYY. P~D., redaktor; RADCHUKO, B.P., redaktor; ROMANENKO, I.N., redaktor; RUBIN, S.S., redaktor; SAVCHENKO, M-Kh., redaktor; SOKOLOVSKIY, A.H.. redaktor; TSYBXNKO~ K.Ye., redaktor; KOYALISKIY~ V~F., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Practical collective farm encyclopedia] Kolkhoznaia prolzvodstvennaia enteiklopediia. Izd.2-,oe,, ispr. t dop. Kiev. Gos.izd-vo sallkhoz. lit-ry USSR-Vol.l. Abrikos - liutserna. 1956. 688 p. (KIRA 10:9) (Agriculture-Jhetionaries)