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USSR Ahemical Technology. Chemical Products 1-27 and Their Application Wood chemistry products. Cellulose and its manufacture. Paper. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur - Khimiya,, No 9. 1957, 32691 dissolution). It is shown that the principal cause which affects the non-transparency of Ec film, Is the presence of elements of inorganic nature (iron compounds admixtures) and their accumulation in the insoluble fraction of EC. C ard 2A STAKLIT&SKIY, A. USSR/Radio - TTairing Instruction, "tug 49 IlTnstructions to Aid Leaders of Pzdio Clubs," T. Borisov, A. Stakhurslay, 3 pp; "Radio" No 8 Discusses instructional prodedures for training DOSARIII members. Recommends course in history of radio and its current state, for background training-to be followed by progressive training with crystal sets, tube sets, transmitters, and VVY equipment. Stresses I-portance of teaching DOSMI members techniques of reading schematic diagrams and indicates proper techniques for organizing and conducting radio groups. PA 66/49TIO7 9WHMSKIY) A. 33127 V Pomoshchl Rukovoditelzh Radiokruzhka. (Metod I Prakt. Ukazaniya Po Organizataii Kruzhka I Provedeniyu Zanyatiy). Radio, 1949, No 10, c. 12-13-Okonchaniye. Nachalo: No 8 SO: Letopis' Zhurnallnykh Statey,, Vol. 45, Moskva, 1949 Oct 50 KOMOMI ".PAWdo Clubs in Schools," A. StakhuTskiy,- Dir, Con Sta, of Young Technicians imeni N. M. Shyer- alk r.Radlo" No 10, pp 4-7 TAOts measures to implement' decree of Tok TW(b), Witlimination of Student Patdgue by,social ii4 .Other Nonscholastic Activities," aq4 res6ltfton at 11th VIXSM Conventiou, "On Komozol-Work'In ftbools'". i%amely: practical radio experience 'for teachers, organ#5.tion of r&116 clubs,for pa 1, 1-"()@:% :,JW =W/Itadlo DOUM (Contd@ 06t 50 ,IrAividual schooli Uasses,-practical work like program (e.g,,t 25*hr to build crystal sets, P'hr for receivers , training students to bu@ld -service school. and kolkhoz wired radio instal- litions', etc. >4 V) STAKHURSKIT, A.Ye. (Koscow). . _,,, -.,:,@,@.@@ lktracurricular activities In physics. liz.v shkole 7 no.4:53-57 '53,, _n @ @ (MM 6:11) (Physics-Study and teaching) GARBf-It, K.S., doUjent; NIKITIN, A.I.; LYAUDIS, B.V.-, MALINOVSKIY, B.N.. kand. tekhn.nauk; BFL'SrIY, 0.1.; VOLKOVO L.G.; KUZNETSOV, M.P.; F,UTSENKO, A.D., SOROKIN, A.A.;JTAKBURSKIYI A.D.; THUBITSYN, L.M.-, TRUSEYEV AJ.; SHAFRAN, i. ., inz SHESTAK, P.I.; ULIYANOV, D.P. Automatic control of converter smelting by means of compu' rs. Stall 23 no. 7:608-610 Jl 163. (KRA 16:9) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgiches1,1y zavod-vtuz im. M.I. Arsenicheva (for Garger). 2. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR (for Malinovskiy). 3. Zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Shafran). po rzt- burs i farr:-,alcoterapi@ Z-Han-:;@book o- !,--r--scrirticm@ --.an2 P Mosk. obl. nauc`.,-is-Ied. klin..c' eskii in-t, 1q52. 235 P. scj: I-Ifonthl-.1, Liqt of Russian Accessi ns., Vol. 7 No. 2 MaY !--)5-1+@. USSR/',,'iic rob io logy. General Microbiology F Abs Jour Ref Zhur-Biol., No 13, 19582 57465 Author Zhutsidlo L., Stakhuv A., Novakovskaya A., D.1atskevich I. , RudZ_R_1y_":7j_1. Inst Academy of Sciences of Poland Title Chemical and Biological Properties of Cell Mem- branes of Yeasts and Yeast-like Fungi (Species Candida, Monilia, Cryptococcus, and Geotrichum) Orig Pub Byul. Follskoy LN, 19567 Otd. 2, 4, No 12, 451-454 Abstract Insoluble polysaccharides sirailar to yeast zy- J_ mase were extracted from the yeast-like fungi Candida albicans, Cryptococcus pulcherrimus, and Geotrichum. pulmonale after their separation from the antigen active polysaccharides. They con- Card 1/2 16 Author : zhutsidlo, Rudzkiyj*_@@ @-tskevic Inst : Not given i and Stp-phylo- Title Increased Pathogenicity of Typhoid Bacill coccus Aureus to Mice due to the Effect of Zymosan Prepared fron, Yeast-like t4icroorganisms and Yeast. Orig Pub Mod. doswiad. i mikrobiol-y 1957y 9,, No 2, 125-130 Abstract Mice were infected by suspension of typhoid bacillip strain 0-901, containing lOOP 50y 251 10, 2.5 million and 500 thousand bacteria in 0.2 ml, and by a suspension of staPhY- lococcus, containing 50 million microbial bodies in the same volume. To the infection dose 5 mg of zymosan was added. Zymosan was prepared from a pathogenic strain of Candids. albicans, one non-pathogenic strain of Candida, strains of Card 1/2 POUtND / microbiology. Microorganisms Pathogenic to Hunans F-3 and luaimals. ,A,bs Jour Ref Zhur - Biol., No 8, 1958, No 33805 ,Nbstract Cryptococcus pulcherrimus, Monilia morlifera, Geotrichum pulnenale. All the zymosans, the inactivating C3 of comple- ment, as well as those which do not act on it, increased the bacterial virulence and hastened destruction of mice by comparison with the control animals. The increase of bac- terial virulence by the effect of zymosan the authors explain by the lowering of the nonspecific resistance of the animals due to fall of the properdine level of the blood. Card 2/2 15 TA v A POLAND/ Microbiology. Microorganisms Pathogenic to F-5 Humans and Animals Abs Jour: Ref Z'r-,ur - Biol. , No 6, 1958, 24226 Author : Zhutsidlo, Matskevich, Sobolevskaya, Mankovskaya. St akh u V & - -__ Inst : Not given Title : Quantitative Determination of Salmonella Virulence to Mice with the Aid of Zymosan-- A Factor Diminish- ing Resistance to infection. Orig Pub: Med. doswiad. i mikrobiol., 1957, 9, No 2, 131-139 Abstract, A study was conducted on the effect of zymosan (I)-- a polysaccharide obtained from a saprophyte strain of Candida--for sensitivity of mice to infection caused by typhoid, as well as by paratyphoid A and B bacteria. The stimulantIs Virulence was determined by the smallest dose of live bacteria which caused Card 1/3 Abstract: hypodermically during the period of the initial. hour after infection. A clear additive effect, ob- tained by combined treatment by I and II of mice in- STAKIC, M2 Responsibility of the international forwarder for customs violations because of the incorrectly declared freight. Mbdun transp, 8 noo6:450-451 Je 162. STAKIC, M. Commission for shipping (vritten order). Medun tranap S no.11:821-823 N 162. :-'j" .., tl;, " - I I@ @ l-, z STAKIC, 11-ti-lan .1- -... General term for the@ sholopim? eser-ijees in the international t@ trecde of Yugoslavia* Medun transp 9 no.5.-301-303 My 163. A STAKIC, ILilan-,---- Offer of the international forwarding agent. Madun transp 9 no.lo:692 0163. STAK-IG, M. Contract on international fordarding. Medun transp 9 no. 11: 762 N 163. SW . -KIC, M@ Respon-cibi]4-ty cf' international o.rwarding agents in c@ase of' A. demurrage. Medwq transp 10 no.12:47-48 D 164. STAKic) VOji51av What is influencing the quality of statistical data. PTT Zajed 5 no.2:21--24 Mr--Ap 163. 1. STAKIN, S. V. 2. USSR (6oo) 4. iron Founding 7. Heating ca@t iron in the cup-ola. Lit.proizv. No. il 1952. 9. Mon-thl List of Russian Accessionsl Library of Congress, Am, r i 1 1953, Uncl. ,@',2@ncz:c Pro.pertics o-I sc:7.;corduc:ors. X. 4'. Tovszyuk. - . - . @; Gi ,:!;S CC,.-,5-4IZcZ: 07 Zne An4sotro.oy c,,.: susceprib., ' -'ty of scm@conductors. K. 0. Tov,-zyuk, E. i. Slynko, 1. I'll. Stakira, 0. M. Boretz. zherrionagnetic properties of ijgTe, Pb-.,e, "sSa, PbSa- D. -ovsi:yu'-, M. P. Gavaleshko, Ya. S. Sudzhak, P. M. Szar;2- P. --- v 0 r r,.-. 7 u k . susceptibility,of- CdTe and ZnTe. I. V. ?oty'-evich, ..LcneZ - .k. V. savitskiy. of the system HqTe-CdTe. K. 0. TovstyL;k, M. Rarc.-.,@a, 1. V. Potykevich. ^nllsotropy of the thermal conductivity of CdSb. 1. M. Pilat, L. I. ^nL zychyuk. Electrical, magnetic, and o.pzical properties of the system In2Te-.7-CdTe. I. V. A. S. V. C-'I,,*uIa. Z@ c y Sa I S C, 0 p c d n t s 0 f S r 0 YS c -erno-nagnatic and magnetic properties of PbSe. Ya. S. Sudzhak. ..erzoin anoinalous properties of p-type PbTe. P. M. Starik, ?. I. Voronyuk. Colvanomagnetic and thermoriagnetic effects in HgTe. N. V. Gavaleshko. ?roduction and electrical properties of HqSe and the system NgSe-HgTe'. 1. V.. Rarenko, V. M. Nikitenko. Electrical propertiest of In Se. I. M. Stakhira, A. N. Borets. 2 P-eport presented at the 3rd National Conference on Semiconductor Compounds$ Kishinev, 16-21 Sept 1963 Category : POLAND/Nuolear Physics Instruments and Instal-irtions, C-2 Methods of heasurement and Investigation. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizilka, No 3, 1957, No 5795 Author Stakorske. 61-4-A t Inst ICL UUr1U-0F. a University, Lublin, Poland. Title Temperature Changes and CondensRtion During Adiabatic Expen- sions of Air Saturated with V8por. Orig Pub Acta phys. polon., 1956, 15, No 1, 5-23 Abstract The temperature was measured in a cloud chamber with a resis- tance thermometer, r-ado of tungsten wire approximately 10 microns thick having an approximpto resistance of 690 ohms, The thermometer was connected in a bridge circuit, in which the indicator was en osicllp@greph. The mersurements were made in the presence of a strongly-ionizing compound, or without it, but st a voltnge that clears the chamber of ions. In both oveon dingrvins were obtvinod for tho dopendonco of the tompor- ature drop a T on the ratio V21V1. The condensation threshold is indicated on these curves by the chrnge in the slope. Card 1/12 ----------- -------------------------- ------ s'rAKOVA, K.; BF-SHKOV, S. - ------------- Perspectives of the agricultural econonv in the Vrat'sa District. p. 3. (Kooperatvino Zemedelie, Vol. (12) no. 6, June lq@?. Sofiia, Bulgaria) 130: Month2y List of East European Accessions (EFAL) LC, Ifol. 6, no. 10, October 1911-7. Uncl. -@-. @;l ?,@ -, A - [ 0, tcow c V@ - @ " , . - @ I . @ - ---!, - - '' I @ - I L . -. @ *@ -- 'K,- L. -, '- -@ -- : - I @: s @ a- eh . pr(:M- . Uae of 7Tricc@r, . 1 , - o- )7-,39 (MIRA l8s4) n t;L I L ion. r. f t,t,:M -,c -11 Id-'. 5a-arie a P--Je-;1!?, popula Q or. of vcc (M!RA 18,-.lro) T ;3 r-. .5 'k , r - V I !.j., [r L DYiAzl'-' 0' nitL01' @"Rft-' (jo Upbe IzWlo rio&W!-@#3 165- (1-up'l 1911) [S-itakovycher-ko, 7-0.]; TSVInm, R.S. Dyeing c f warp-l-nit viscose fabrics with vat dyes by the semi- suspens' n method in apparatus with intermittent action. prom. ro-4:25-27 O-D 164 (141IRA 18:1) ,STAK-OVICHENYC,-Ye.L[Stakovychenko, IE.1, inzh. New device for testing reinforced concrete slabs which function with thrust. Bud. mat. i konstr. 4 no.3:56-57 Yq-Je 162. (NIRA 15:5) (Concrete slabs-Testing) BRkGAY P P. [Braha, P.P.); KOTOVA, G.M. [Kotova, H.M.]; STAKOVICHENKO, N.O. [Stakovychenko, 11.0.) locknit wa@p fabric for lace and blouses made with synthetic fibers. Leh4prom. no-3:23 Je - Ag 162. (HIRA 16:2) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut pererabotkI iskusstvennogo, i sinteticheskogo volokna. (Synthetic fabrics) (Knit goods) 3TAKOVICHENKO, Ye.I., inzh. Bvitt-Ing otiptialty of tItst. rolriforc#id concreto alal.9 performing with thrusts. Stroi.konstr. no-104-61 165. (MJFA 19:1) I. Nnuchno-issledovRtol'sUy InglUtut strolit-11n7kh konstruktsiy Gosstroya SSSR, Kiyev. STAK.OV-S-KIY, V.V.; MYASOYEDOVA, O.M. Ornithofauna of Dnieper Reservoir. C-rnitologii& no.4:260-268 162. (MUL 16:4) (Daieper Reservoir region-Birds) BOYARSKIY, Vasiliy Sillvestrovich; !@OVA, Yes, [Lumber volumes. areas. and produc#ion normal ObOemy. ploshchBdi i normy vykhoda pilomaterialov. kiev, Gos.lzd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit.USSR, 1960. 574 p. (KM 14:2) (Lumber trade--Tables and ready-reckoners) BGYARSKIY, Vasiliy Sillvestrovich; STAKVELI, L*S*t red.; GOPCHAR, A.S., red.; NARIVSKAYA, A.Les tekM, red, (Volumes of round logs) Ob"emy kruglykh lesomaterialov. lzd.4.,, dop. Kiev, Gos.izd-vo lit-ry po stroit. i arkhit. USSR., 1961. 565 P. (Lumber-Mensuration) (MIRA 15:4) -77.77 ACCESSION NR: AP4041441 0/0180/64/AOO/003/0066/0090 AUTHOR: Stakvilevichus, M. L TITLE: Partible-like solutions with allowance for gravitation SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestaik. Seriya 3. Fizika, astronomiya, no. 3, 1964, 86-90 TOPIC TAGS: gravity, gravitation,. field theory, scalar complex potential, particle-like solution, nonlinear field, field potential, tensor ABSTRACT: Ile author notes that particle-like solutions in dlassical nonlinear field theory are convenient In that the field potential and the pdlse-energy tens6r have no singularities; moreover, the energy of the field is concentrated in a small region of space, a sphere whose radius may be compared with the radius of* the elenibntary particle. In the present article, the author studies the gravitational effect on particle-like solutions for the scalar complex potential, provided the gravitational field is created only, by the mass of a spherical symmetrical scalar potential. The author demonstrates that the gravitational effect is inconsequential, if the ratio of the gravitational radius to tJl& radius of the particle is much less than unity. thus, for a,particle with a radius r6W10-10 em 0 1@ 11/2 ACCESSION NR: AP4041441 and mass p -10-27 g, the,gravitational corrections are approximately 10-40%. The resuIt of the investigation* has a.simple physical sense: if the particle Ii "spread'.', the density of its mass is small in comparison with the mass density of a hypothetical -particle intruded into the limits of the gravitational radius, and the gravitational forces (as Indi-I cated in all texts) are negligibly small in comparison with the other forces which the non- linear field theory seeks to explain. However, t@e author notes, !t is not quite evident that the energy of all the elementary particles is concentrated within the limits of their classical radius, and for particles whose radius Is much smaller,thanithe classical, the gravitational forces may play a substantial role. "In conclusion, I take the opportimity to express my sincere gratitude to Prof. Ya."P. Terletskiy for the interes@ he has shown and for his guidance of the work." Orig. art. has: 1 figure and 16 numbered formulas. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra teoreticheskoy fizlki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta 1 (Department of Theoretical -Physics, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 06Ju163 ENCL: '00 SUB CODE: GP NO REP SOV: 007 OTHEW. 004 Card L 25689-6 EVIP (m)/EV,7 1)/r-- EC (t)/T Po-4/Pq-4/P9-1/P1-4 IJP(c) ACCESSION NR: AP5001545 S/0188/r.4/000/'006/0041/0047 AUTHOR: Stakvilevichus, M. L TITLE: The existence of particle-like solutions of Einstein!s equations for a scalar complex field SOURCE: Moscow. Universitet. Vestnik. Seriya 3. Fizika, astronomiya, no 6. 1964,: 41-47 TOPIC TAGS: gravitation thnnry- Einstein equation, scalar co ex field, scalar poten- mpi tial, gravitational potential, elementary particle APISTRACT: The author seeks to obtain particle-like solutions of Einstein's equations with the energy-niomentum tensor of a scaa-r, complex potential on the right kind side, commencing with a Lagrangian, and requiring that the solutions be everywhere regular and fall off monotonically at sufficiently great distances. It is shown that the Introduction of a scalar field, complex with respect to time, is equivalent to the classical repulsive forces required to remove singularities. It is then possible to obtain explicitly the scalar and gravitational potentials, and numerical values for pb@ sical quantities characterizing elementary particles't which can be obtained in the Newtonian approximation for weakly Card 1/2 "PIP 111-11-1-11.1-4- L 25689-65 ACCESSION NR: AP5001545 gravitating Holds. The author does not omw4der It Likely that an exact solution of Einstein' a equations with this statement of the oblem will yield anything really now Pr wr that the gra'dtational forces within elementary particles are significant relative to the other much stronger ones. "The author thanks Ya. P. Terletsidy for his Interest in the work. Orig. art. has: 23 equations. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra statisticheskoy fizild Moskovskogo Univeroltata, (Statistical physics department, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: 27Nov63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE- GP, DIE NO REP SOV: 005 OTHER: 004 Card 2/2 3 86-9r: fizD. @!t PAPERNOV, Lev Zakharovich; STALI, G.N., otv. red.; VEYTSMAN, G.I., red.; CHURAKOVA,"VW.R.-." %4FAW red. (Sound wave propagation in open spaces] Ozvuchenie otkrytykh prostranstv. Moskva, Sviazlizdat, 1963. 102 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Electroacoustics) (Sound waves) AVSMNOK, red.; BYKOVA, Zh.A., red.; TOKER. A.K., (Brief guide for the organization, equipment, and work of training centers in mining engineering; mining industry] Kratkoe ra-iovodstvo po organizateii, oborudovanliu I rabote uchabnogo kabineta gornogo dela (gornoraduaia promyshlennost'). Moskva, Vses.uchbno-pedagog.izd-vo Tradrazervizdat. 1959. 31 P. (KIRA 12:8) (Mining engineering--Study and teaching) ACC- NRs' ATG0i7-163----(-N@- AUTHOR: ORG: none TITLE; . Determination of natural oscillation frequencies of freely supported base beams of .- 1@ Marine engines SOURCE: IAningrad. _Teentral nauchno-issledovatellfW inatitut to ___jW p flota. Trudy, no. 71, lid4i. -Tekhnicheskoya eksplastatalya morskop flota, (Toolinical operation of the Mer- chant Marine), 103-111 TOPIC TAGS: marine engine, oscillation, differential equation, vibration frequency, linear Ainction - k @ ABSTRACT: A method Is suggested for determining the natural oscillating frequency of the base beams on the basis of the linear dependence between the squares of these frequencies and the critical force causing Ices of first order strength. Recommendatims for practical Wdeu- lations are given. it iB determined that the differential equations describing the strength lose forms of solid beams and beams with apertures are of the same type. The linear dependence between critical force and square of natural oscillating frequency with free support of ends Cwd 1/2 UDC: 629. IL2.01-0621.1/.4:621-216/-218:621-U2t2:SM. 63.001.24 STAL It V. "Review of I. Ya. Tanatar's Aerology?", Vest. Vozdush. Flota, No. 1, 1949. Engineer- Colonel, Docent, Can. Geog. Sci. STALI, V.D. T.vpes of relationship between the substantive and its attributive in the Ivenki (Tungus) language..Vest. WU. no.9:146-150 S 147. (MIRA 12:9) (Tungus language--Attribution) .5 iA @ i - b 601k h - LXVG 0,G.I., admiral, otvetstvannyy red.; DEMIN, L.A., dots., kamd. geogr. nauk, inzh.-kontr-admiral, glavnyy red.; MEIN, N.S., polkovnik, zamestitell otvetstvennogo red.; ABOIKIN, P.Sot admiral, red.; AIAMOV, V.A., prof., kand. voenno-morskikh nauk, admiral. red.; AWIICH, VA., kontr admiral zapasa, red.; AGRWOT, V.I., kand. istor. nauk, kapitan I ranga, red.; W'HANOV' A.H.9 red*; B1=9 V.A., prof., kontr-admiral v otstatko, red.; BBSMVNYT, L.G., prof., doktor istor. nauk, polkovnik zapasa. red.; BOLTIN, Ta.A., kand. voen. nauk, general@-mayor, red.; VMSHININ, D.A., kapitan I rarWa, red.; VITUR, I.A., prof., dokbor geogr. n@uk. red.; WILIPOND, G.K., dots., kand. voonno-morskikh nauk, kapitan I ranga, red., GLINK079 Ye.G., inzh.-kontr-admiral v otstavke, red.; TAMSF.Mff, I.D., vitse-admiral, red.; ZOZULYA. F.V.,'admiral. red.; ISAKOT, I.S., prof., Admiral 7lota Sovetskogo Soyuza, red.; XA.VP-kYSKIY. V-V. [deceased], prof.. doktor fiz.-mat. nau1c,,,inzh.- kontr-admiral v otstavke, red.; KALBSNIX. S-V., r@d.; KOZ I.A., dots. kand. voenno-morskikh nauk, Impitan 1 raiWa. red.-, XCKAR07, A.V., vitae-admiral. .red.; KMYAVTSW, M.K., general'leytenant @tekhnicheskikh voysk, red.; LTUSffO7SKIY, M.T.. dots., kand. istor. nauk, polkovnik, red.; KAKSIMOT, S.N., dots., kand. voonno-morskikh nauk, kapitan I ranga, red.; OMNI, S.B., prof.. doktor istor. nauk, red.; ORLOV, B.P., prof., doktor geogr. nauk, red.; PAVLOVICH, N.B.. prof., kontr-admiral v otstavke, red.; PANYMM.' '%,A,, admiral, red.; PITMRSKIY, N.A., kand. voenno-mors'kikh nank, kontr-admiral, red.; PIATONOV, SW'P., general-leytenant, red.; PMNYAK. V.G., dots..* general leytenant, red.; SALISHCH17, r.A., prof., doktor tekhn. nank, (Continued on next card) LITCHNNO, G.I.--(contimied) Card 2. red.: SIDCROV, A.L.. prof., doktor istor. =3 .. red.; WOUMOV, L.A., kontr--admiral, red.; SN3ZHINSKIT. V.A.,' prof.i doktor nno-morsk-lkh nauk, inzh.-kap ' 'l ranga, red.; ISOIA)V'7]ff. I.N.. v oe itan dots., kand. voonno-morakikh nauk, kapitan I ranga, red.; UAW-0. -", kontr-admiral, red.; STIPANOT, G.A. [deceased], dots., vitse- admiral, red.; TOWASHWICH, A.Y., prof., doktor voenno-morskikh nauk, kontr-admiral v otstavke, red.; TMTJTS, T.F., kand. voenno- morskikh nauk, admiral, red.; CHOHMOV. F.I., k6ntr-admiral, red.; FPIIY=, Ye.Ye., prof. doktor voenno-morskikh nauk,.kontr-admiral, red.; CHURBAKOV. red.; VASIL'YlffA, Z.P., tekhn. red.; VIZIROVA, G.N., tekhn. red.; GCRCKHOT, V.I., tekha. red.; GRINIKO. A.M., tekhn. red.; KUBLIKOVA, N.M., tekhn. red.; MLLINED, V.I., tekhn. red.; SVIDERSKAYA. G.V., tekhu. red.; CHMOGOROVA'p L.P., takhn. red.; GURNFICH. I.V., tekhn. red.; BUKWOVA, W.I.. takhn. red.; NXCUTEVA, LNI, tekhn. red.; RADOVILISKATA, N.C., tekhn. red.; TMCKIROVA, A.S., tekhn. red.; BRLOCHKIN, P.D., tekhn. red.; LOYICO, V.I., tekhn. red.; ROXOM, I.G., tekhn. red.; TARDSHNICH, K.Te., tekhn. red. [Sea atlas] Norskoi atlas. Otv. red. G.I. Ievchenko. Glav. red. L.A. Demin. [Moskva] Izd. Glav. shtaba. Voonno-morskogo flota, Vol-3. [Military and historical. Pt.l. Pages 1-451 Toenno-istori- cheskii. Zamestitell otv. red. po III tomn K.S. Frumddu. Pt.l. Listy 1-45. 1958. _ [Military and historical maps, pages 46-52] (Continued on next card) INGIbbilKO, G.I.--- (continued) Card 3. Voonno-iotoricheolde karty, listy 46-52. 1957# (MIRA, 11:10) 1. Rassia,(1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo oborozq. 2. Nachal'nik Glavnogo upravleniya geodezii i kartografii Kinisterstva vff@trennikh del SSSR (for BAranov). 3'. Chlon-korrespondent Akademii nauk SSSR (for Kalesulk). 4. Daystvitellnyy chlen Akademii. pedagogicheskikh nauk RSFSR (for Orlov). (Ocean--Maps) STALBO, K.A.9 kontr-.admiral Some categories A naval art and Mor.Bbor. 44 no.1:17-25 Ja 161. (Naval art and sciences in their present form. (MIRA 14:3) science) BCM, A.Y&*; STALBOV, R.Ya. Use of land evaluation materials in the ana4sis of tba agri- cultural activities on the collective farms 'of the letvian S.S.R. Pochvovedenie no.7:23-28 JI 164. (MIRA 1-7-.8) L 32970-65 9,WT(m)1DTP(J)1T Pc-4,, RM CCESSION HR; AP5007179 S/0286/65/000/003/0046/0046 jAurHOR: Kudryav-tsev, G. I.*; Odnoralova, V. N.; Pivikova, R. D-.; Stal bovskaya i A V..;"- 'TITLE,` A method forthermal stabilization of polyamide fibers. Class 29, No. 167952\@ 1 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 3, 1965, 46 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, fiber, thermal stabilization, polyamide ABSTRACT: This Author's Certificate introduces a method for thermal stabilization of polyamide fibers by grafting unsaturated acids to the finished fiber at 60-800C. J.The grafted fiber is then treated with copper acetate or calcium acetate. The sta-*j. bility of the fiber at high temperatures is increased by using N-formylamidoacrylicj`.@ id containing a chelating group in a dimethy1formamide solution as the unsaturated ASSOCIATION:- Vsesoy=W nauchno-issledovatellsldy inBtitut Iskusstvennogo volokna' (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Synthetic Fibers) Iw, Card 1/4 ST.=F-1, Brariko Gi'!Cn @' --3 Go'Lltry: Yugoslavia [pot given _7 A Z': L 14 Zd -1: Surgical Section of the Hospital (Kirurski Oddelek Bolnisnice) ViJIM" t&' Bajc Oton Ljubljana, Zdravstveni Vestnik. Vol XXX, No 1-2, 1961, pp 24-28 "Our Standpoint on Therapeutic Procedure upon the Admission of Severely Injured Patients." STALCR-R, Z. "A review of the article "Further Contribution to the Conebtatomatric Determination of Carbon Dioxide" by H. Ivekovic and S. Asperger% 'p. 105 (Arhiv Za KsmiJu-, Vol- 24, 1952, Zagreb) Us t 3krapeam Vol. 2, No 9 SO: Month List of Ib=MbWAccessions, kibrary of Congress, September 19533 Uncl. 7 t@,.e .,.I lz@vler to I rev iex: )", t@ he !xt-x le' -1 -urtht-_- Clontri.b.,,.ti of Con- ,-',.,,:c tom@. LrIc '@@e te r.f@ '.] on @'Lrboli by H. Ivokovic -.;nd S. Asporrer." 2, JL,!,,r 10-'4, P. 121 r-Hiv ZL Kerdju, Z-_ 2 ':.Ii_r-o!,-an Acc-s,.@i-)ns Tist, Vol 3, @To 10, Oct 1?:4, Li-b. of Congress BRAZAUSKAS, V.V.; MORYGANOV, P.V.,, Prinim&la uchastiye STALERAYTITEI, G. Wool dyeing with acid metal-complex dyes of the complex 1:1 type. Izv. vya. ucheb. zav.; tekh. tekst. prom. no.1:103- 109 164. (MIRA 17-5) 1. Ivanovskiy khimiko-tekhnoIogicheskiy inatitut. STAJ,-TI, F. 'STAMY, P., Inzhener. Simple devices for moving boulders. Art.tranap. 32 no.5:39 NY '54. (Clearing of land) (na 7:7) STALEV ,,!,,.-inzh. School of advanied work methods. Avt.dor. 27 no.11:10-11 N 164. (MIRA 18:4) BULGARIA ARSENYAN, Ye -, PASKALEVA-TOMOVA, K., STALEV, S., Scientific Research Group for Tobacco Technology, Plovdiv "The Study of the Characteristics of Oxidation Processes durina- the 0 Formantntion of Eastern Tobaccos" 30fial DoLlady Bolgarskoy Akademii Nauk, Vol 19, No 4? 1966, pp 309-312 Abstract: /Russian article-7 While the need for tobacco fermentation is fully understood, the characteristics of the actual processes during fermentation are not Gomplately clarified yet. The authors developed a method (Dokl. BAN, 19, 1966, No 3) which eliminates the inactivation of the complex of oxidizing enzymes and used it for the study of seasonal and out-of-sea@on fermentation of tobaccos of varying moisture content. Results show that In all cases the amount of absorbed 02 by the aqueous solution of tobacco is identical. At the same time the oxygen index and the activity of the polyphenoloxidase decrease considerably during the course of fermentation,indicating thAt the oxygen index marks only the degree of inactivation of the oxidizing enzymes. There are 2 Bul rian, 7 Soviet, and 5 Western references. (Manuscript received, 15 Jan 66.5a 1/1 STALEV, V., inzh.; SOTIROV, X., inzh. Computing the thickness of pavements. Tekhnika Bulg 3 no.4-. 25-28 AP 154. L 13625-66 EWT (d)/EWT W/EWP (v)/FWP Q )/T/E`JP (k)/EWP W/EVP (1) /ETC (in) WdIRMI ACC NR- AP6001002 SOUF4E GODEtw/6' 286/65/000/022/0()70/0070 AUTHORS: Bogdanov, A. M.; Kulin, F. 1.; Melentlyev, P. V.; Stalevich, A. M.1 Tiranov;, V. Go ORG: none TITLE: Device for mechanical testing ofmaterials. Class 42, No. 1761,48 SOURCE.- Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov,'no. 22, 1965, 70 TOPIC TAGS: tensile test, polymer rhoology ABSTRACT: This Author CerV ,g4epte presents a device for mechanical testing of materials, e,g., polyme s , o extensibility. The device contains a system of twy clamps for fastening the material sample. One clamp is fixed and is mechanically coupled to the force-measuring instrLiment. The other clamp is movable in the vertical direction, applies the load to the stretching sample, and is connected to a device for measuring the sample deformation. To automate the process of deformation measurement, the movable clamp is provided with a contact device and a support,for free placing of the load on the stretching sample. The contact device in the form of a nut on the screw axle of an electric motor closes the motor circuit when the nut touches the load descending as a result of the sample stretching. The force-measuring element of the device, in the form of an elastic beam., bendsunder the action of the Card 1/2 UDC: 620,72 L 13625-66 ACC NRt AP6001002 force applied to the upper clamp of the device. A switch on the free end of the beam closes with a contact fastened to a nut placed on the screw axle of an electric motor. When the circuit is closedj motion of the nut mounted on the motor. axle continues until the contact is broken. So CODR: U/ SUM DATE,. O6Apr64 2 @2, L 0847!-67 )/Z,-;T(vi) ld P (c) ACC NR: AR6ol6475 SOURCE CODE: UR/0124/65/000/012/vo96/VO97 :AUTHOR: Melentlyev. P. V.; 2@namenskaya, Ye. A.; Pili-penok, D. A.; Stalevich, A. M.t ;Petryayev, S. V. SOURCE: Deformation properties of polymer materials 23 Ref. zh. Mekhanika, Abs. 12V829 SOURCE: Tr. N.-i. 2royektno-konstrukt. in-ta tekhnol. mashinostr., no. 1, 5, 75-95 TOPIC TAGS: material deformation, polymer physical property, metal deformation, poly- ethylene plastic ABSTRACT: The authors point out differences between the deformation properties@-jf- polymer materials and metals. The following empirical formula is proposed for curves describing creep in polymers under constant stresses: e-a+bik" where e is deformation, t is time and a and b are the curve parameters. These para- meters are linear functions of stress; at low temperatures T the curve parameters vary fairly smoothly as T is raised, but after T reaches some critical value (e. g. 400C for high-pressure R2&yfL4ylene) a and b increase sharply vith the application of 1.@" L 08471-67 ,kff NR, AR6oi6475 heat. An attempt is made to establish a correlation between hardness H and the ini- tial modulus E0. The effect which the molecular weight M of polyethylenes has on the characteristics of E0 and HBwas studied in the range M=5-104_9,105. It was found in contrast to previous data (see Alfrey, T., "Mechanical Properties of High Polymers", Moscow, Izd-vo in. lit., 1962) that rigidity has a maximum in the region of moderate M. The authors suggest the use of the thermoelastic effect (more precisely, the Joule effect) for determining the initial modulus. In conclusion, data are given'on the re- laxation properties of various k@bers., Bibliography of 10 titles. N. I. Kalinin. [Traaalation of abstract) CODE: 11, 20 A I ILI Card 2 STALEVICH.-R. New role of the department of labor at the wElfa" Plant. Sots. trud 8 no.1:17-26 Ja 163. (min 16:2) 1. Nachallnik otdela organizatsii truda i zarabotnoy platy vi-IInyuaskogo zavoda "Ellfa." (Vilna-Electric equipment industry-Production stanhards) ,TAIXVSKIT, M.S., starshiy prepodavatell. Plotting the line of intersection of two cylinders on the evo- lute of these cylinders. ftuch.trudy NPI 30(44):175-189 '55. (Cylinder (Nathematice)) (NLHA 9:11) STALEVSKIYI, M.S. Analytic method for developing the line of intersection of circular amd elliptic cylinders with the highest possible accuracy. Trudy NPI 123:21-35 ,' 16-1. (MIRA 16:2) (Geometry, Descriptive) STAIEVSKIY, M.S. Analytic method for developing the line of intersection of circular and elliptic cylinders with hyperbolic cylinders. Trudy NPI 123:36-43 161. (MIRA 16:2) (Geometry, Descriptive) STAMWSKA-11MUBSZYC, Irena (Gdan2k, 'a!. Sluza -10) Wfect of sodium ealicylate on serum nrothrombin with special reference to the mode of administration of the druig. Polskie arch. med. wewnetrz. 24 no-5a:877-891 1954. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademii Medycznej w Gdansku. Kierownik: prof, dr mod. JdPenson. (PROTHROMBIN, off. of sodium salicylate on level, role of mode of admin.) (SALICYLATES. effects sodium salicylate. on prothrombin level, role of mode of admin.) STUJUSKA, Irena. KARKIEWICA, Janina; HIELUBSZYC, Stanislaw Renlasion of acute lsuk,@nts associated with tuberculosis. Polskie 25 no.2:369-376 '55. 1. Z III Kliniki Chorob Wewnetr2nych A.M. w Gdansku. lierownik: prof. dr med. J. Penson. Gdansk, III Klinika Chorob Vewnetrzrqch A.M. ul. Sluza 9/10. (TUBERCULOSIS, MILIARY, in infant and child, with leukemia, myeloid) (L?,UKRIIA, HTICLOCYTIC, in infant and child, with tubarc., disseminated) STALWSKA-NlgfjUBSZYC, Iran&- HOROSZEK, Stafania; MIRECKI, Ludwik ;FZZ-,@A' Cough syndrome. Polski tygod. Ink. 12 no-3:86-89 14 Jan 57. 1. (Z III Kliniki Ghorob Wownetrznyeb A.M. w Gdansku; kisrownik: prof. dr. mod. J. Penson). Adres: SoPot, ul- Binla 7/10. (COUGH cough synd. (Pol)) STALEWSKA-NIEIUWZYG, Irena Sodium salicylate level in blood depending upon the route of its introduction into the organiam. Polskie arch. med. wewn. 27 no.12: 1637-1647 1957. 1. 2 11 Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A. M. w Gdansku. Kierownik: prof. J. Penson. (SODOM SALIGUAT2, In blood eff. of route of admin. (Pol)) STALEWSKA, Irena; NIEUMSZYC, Stanislaw . Myocardial infarction in the course of 3uerger's dLisease. Polski tygod. lek. 14, no.40:1788-1789 5 Oct 59. 1. (Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A. M. v Gdansku: kierownik: prof. dr Jakub Penson). (MYOCARDIAL IWARCT, etiol.) (THROMBOPH18BITIS 03LITERANS, com-al.) STA1XVSKA, Irena; NAZARMICZ, Teresp Two cnses of malignant melanoma of the sk-in with chronic circulatory insufficiency induced by cnrdIac r-etastases. Poiskie arch. med. vewn. 29 no.6:8j'19-844 1959. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wev-.etrsaych AM v Gdpns@m Kierovn1k: zrcf, dr ned. J. Penson i x Zakindu Anatomli PatolagiczneJ 1X v C-d,-=slm Kierownik: nra". dr nauk ned. W. Cuprmocki. (IMART FAIMEE CONGESTIVS, etiol.)(SKIN, neoni.) (@T, neoDl.) (KRLANTNA, co=- 1.) e ; I-13HUSKA, a-Ir I MOLL, Jvn, pror. d. - .1:,a-,-a; STA@WSKI, Jerzy; SOKOLUWSKI, Rilmon-ary resoet-ion in lubercu-'Ics-'s- 2003-2005 26, D164. .1. Z Cddzialu Chirurgii Torrkialnej J. Stnisia w Poznaniu (ordynator- prolf. dr. med. J'aii Moll). ST@ 171 F@VS a T- Z-,, ta; SWITLIK, Ig-,acy; L i SKI, z _d; G:,:SI71:BM-G7,R, dwig-a. Ic,,,-e poisoring with Ricinus seeds. Po". :-;-6. -2--k. 2C mc-S: J. 2'i?-281 22 Ff65- 1. Z II Kliniki Chor-ob Ueumetrznych Pomo,--s'--.iej kkadeaii Medycz- nej w Szc--ecinie (kierownik: p,of. dr. med. Edward Gorzkzcurski); z I. Kliniki- Chorob We-dnetn-mych Pomorsk-Jej A-ade:-:-Iii Medycznej w Szczeciple (kierownik: doc. dr. med. Karol Gregorcz-3& i z 11f Kliriki Chorob Wkvnetrmych Pomorsklej Ucadem-i IMedyezmej w Szczec-i-Tiie (kierown-E-: doe. dr. med. Marek Eisner). KICZAK, Owiria; GOERTZ, Jerzy; KRASZWKA Zyta; STALEWS -Bys=xd Reticulosarcoma in chronic myelocytic leAemia. Report of 2 caf3es. Pol. arch. med. vrownet. 35 noJW5-401@ 165. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznyeh Pomorskiej Akademii Meclycznej w Szczecinia (Kierownikt prof. dr. med. E, Gorzkowski); z I Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych Pomorskiej Akademii Redycznej v Szczecinie (Kierownik: doc. dr. med. K. Gregorazyk) i z Zakladu Snatomii Patologicznej Poinorskiej Akademii Medycmej v Szcze- cinie (Kierown:M: prof. dr. med. K. Stojalowski). Maria; 'JCH RT, KrV31.Y71a ';Luflloi; on in loukomiun. Pol. arch. med, wownet. '15 110. 6:785-792 165. 1. Chorob I@ivumetrmnyeh Pomorskej All w Szezecirde ,Draf. dv. rr@ed. -7. Gorzkowsrki) j Z T 'CLin-ki Chorob W@-,,me t 1-znych Pomorskei -,'-..M -,; Szczecinlo (K--erown--k: doc, dr. med. C- 'Czyk) ' a gor STAU,WSK". ;@Yszavd; and pu-l,-. r ry r,*' coexistance 0 -p-- 7@ G & ,near. Nowotwory 15 nc.2:203-207 An---e 161 @ewz -znYch Pomorskie' AM w Szczecinie 7. 1 Kliniki Chorob ';, neti j (Fierownik: doc. dr. rued. K. Greg,-q,cz-vk-@ i z 'akiladu Anatoirdi Putologicznej Pornorsklej AM w SzczecLnie (Eerownik: prof. dr. m,2d. K. Sto-a"o-aziki). GZECHOSJ@OVAUA STAYBERG,O J; SEVCIKV Institute or maeramoleaular chemistry Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague (for both5 Prague& Callgation RL Qzecho�40yak Chandoml Gw-=un1c&t1=&. No 3. March 196b, pp 1009-101b "Chemical transformations of polymers. Part 3S selective hydrolysis of a copolymer of diethylene Slycol metbacryl&t# and diethylene glycol dimethaerylatee" ACCESSION NR: AP4042814 S/0126/6 4/018/001/0159/0160 AUTHOR: Voronov, F* F.; Stallgorova, 0* Vo TITL91 Fffoct of hydrostatic pressure on elastic properties of @Lntered hard alloys SOURCEt FLzika metallov i metallovedeniye, v. 18, no. 1, 19649 159-160 TOPIC TAGS: sintered tungsten carbide alloy, VK6alloy, VK 10 alloy# alloy elastic property, sintered hard alloy, hard alloy elasticity, hard alloy elasticity characteristics, hard alloy Young modulus ABSTRACT- The effect of hydrostatic preAsure of up to 10,000 kg/cm7,-l on the elastic properties of sintered hard alloys VK-6 (94Z WC9 6% Co)'- endVK-10 (90% WC, 10% Co) has been investigated at 22C using ultra-. sonic pulses at a frequency of 10 mc. Calculations based on the obtained data' showed that all elasticity characteristics (Y'oling'-s modulus E, shear modulus G, volume.elasticity modulus K, Poisson's ratio a) and the propagation velocity of longitudinal v,gand trans- Lverlie v ultrasonic waves change linearly with Increasi. 9ressureo C, 1ACCESSION NR: AP4042814 i 2 At a pressure of 10,000 kg/cm the changes range within O.5-le5Z in VK-10 alloy, which in probably associated and are more pronounced 1-with the higher cobalt content of the ,alloy. Changes in the ielasticity moduli of sintered VK-8 alloy (92% WC, g% co)f often used an in high-pressure equipment, can be obtained by computing the values between analogous values for VK-6 and VK-10 because-Tethe almost linear dependence of the properties.of in alloy. on its cobalt content. Orig. art. has: 1 table ASSOCIATION: Institut flziki vy*sokikh davleniyo AN S.SSR (Institute SSSR) of High Pressure Physicag AN SUBMITTEDI 150ct63 SUB CODES MM9 HE ATD PRESSI 3091 NO REF SOVI 007 Cofd 2/2 Ei' @F (n )-w2/E v.'@ (_t_)t/E"P 272,.Zj,'66 Ed jT(_m)jE ACC NR, AP50011 9 1 jDPivilm (JR/0056/65/ok9/003/0755/ AUTHOR: Voronov, F. F.; Stallgorova; 0. V. q q TITLE: Elastic properties of barium under pressures up to 22,000 kg/cm 1-6 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimental'noy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, v. 49, no. 3, 1965, T55-75) TOPIC TAGS: elasticity, barium elasticity, rigidity, barium rigidity, solid body- elasticity, solid body rigidity, pressurized barium elasticity, ultrasonic elasticity- measurement,, ultrasonic rigidity measurement ABSTRACT: The ultrasound pulse method was used for an investigation of the elastic properties of,solid bodies over a wide range of pressures. Barium specimens were used in the investigation. The velocity of longitudinal and transverse ultrggwnic waves and the Debye temperatures were plotted as functions of increase -p-Mmu @1 of longitudinal and transverse ultrasowid velocities at 22,000 kg/cmz reached the value of about 8%. All these functions show monotonically a nonlinear growing pressur@ dependence, with a noticeable jump at 18,000 kg/cmF. The corresponding jump when pres- sure is decreasing occurs at 17,000 kg/cm2, thus showing a hysteresis loop about 1000 kg/CM2 wide. The pressure increase of density was calculated from the average ultra-: sonic velocity functions. The modulus of bulk rigidity, the Young modulus, the shear modulus, Poissoh coefficients, and Debye temperatures were then deduced from the abo data. The density and compressibility (instantaneous and usual) as functions of pre to sure were compared with the Bridgeman and Yevdokimova-Vereshchagin data and found Card 1/2 ..... . . . . . . 7-- ACC Mi AP502116-911 be in good agreement. The density increase at 22,000 kg/cm2 was 21%. The bulk rigidity and the Young and shear moduli increased with pressure nonlinearly and 2 their change amounted to 110% at 22,000 kg/cm . At the phase jump, the Young modulus @changed by 1.49, and shear modulus by 1.73%. The pressure dependence of the Debye temperature vas also found nonlinear, N-rith the phase jump of 0.63%. The Poisson coef N 0 ont, hnwvver, showed it I . IE5 drop at, the phase jnmp and continued to decrease with 1.11crCasing bUL AL (I 11101.1-If- 1-1111f'. The nonlin,@,trity of the preivure dependence of elastic characteristics rQqnilres cmployiq ent of eltu;tIc constanUt of higher tbari third-order for its description. "Me same is possibly the case with substpaices of lesser compressibility wi-Lbin a wider pressitre range. The data of the ex perimentE: do not explain whether the phase ju-niips observed are due to a rearrange- ment of the lattice or to a transition of i-lectrons between energy levels. Orig. art. Iiv.,,, .3 figures, I table@5 - and 6. [FPI AS,SOCTAT'LON: Tristitut I'.; zik" vysokikh davlenify Aliadelpi'l llauR SSSR (Institute of Ili zh-Preosure Pliysic8, Aca3emy of Gciences,GSS-0 SUBMITTED: 23Apr65 ENCL: 00 stm com A 5j M /@// /7 NO REF SOV: 008* OTHER: 005 KfD PR ESS@- Card 2/2 L_ 0- 8- 4 9-8-61-- ACL NR; A] . Stal AUTHOR: Voronov, F. F.9 RoroVa1 0. V. ORG: Institute of Hig Pressure Physics AN SSSR, Moscow (Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy AN SSSR) 7 TITLE: Investigation of elastic lee of solids under high pressures by the - tic@no @ert ultrasonic method SOURCE: Pribory I tekhnika eksperimenta, no. 5, 1966, 207-208 TOPIC TAGS: elasticity, solid mechanics property, strain, ultrasonics ABSTRACT: A compression testing machine iIs described in which the piezoelectric sen- 96rs (quartz plates) are not in contact with the tested object bu N are attached to the high-pressure pistons, which, at the same time, act I ultrason c con&jctors (see Fig. 1). The high-pressure p1stons are made either from ShKhl51'@_orR18)M;tee1 or the VK-6'le metal-ceramic allq.permitting the test pressure to attain a value of approximately 40kbar. The strain'-and the propagation time of the ultrasonic wave may be measured- as functions of the applied pressure. The applied pressure is measured by a wire strain gage and a manometer with an accuracy of 0.6Z At 4 nominal pressure of 20kbar. The quartz plates measure the longitudinal and transverse velocities of propagation of the ultrasonic wave which are related to the elastic properties of the tested sample. The same method is applicable in conic and belt-type compression chambers in JCard 1/2 UDC: 539.3:681.888 ACC NR: AP6034240 To ultrasonic N X apparatus I \\MN Fig. 1. High-pressure installation. 1) Hydraulic press piston; 2) dynamo- meter; 3) guiding support; 4) high- pressure piston; 5) tested sample; To ultra: 6) high-pressure chamber; 7) chamber sonic support; 8) compression rings; 9) pist, apparatus support; 10) high-pressure piston; 11) quartz plate; 12) guide socket; 13) indicator; 14) rods; 15) wire stra measuring gage. i-Arcuit vhich the pressure may exce4id_lOOkb`ar. Orig. art. has: -20/ SUB CODE: L4 / SUBM DATE: 140ct65/ ORIG REF: 004/ r_j 0113 afs 1 figure. OTH REF.- 001/ ATD PUSS: 5103 IF 2"1322-66 LVI (m ACC NRs AP6015506 90URCE CODE: AUTHOR: Varonov, F. F.; Goncharova, V. A.;.Stal!gorovai 0. va, T. A. V Wpo ORG; Institute of High-Pressure Physics, @�.S.R.,--Moscow (Institut fiziki vysokikh davleniy'AN SSSR) JITLE: The compressibility of lithium hydride SOURCE: Fizika tverdogo tela, V. 8, no. 5, 1966, 1643-1645 TOPIC TAGSt lithium hydride, high-pressure research ABSTRACT: Three lithium-hydride specimens were subjected to pressures up to 20 kbar at 298K. The dependance between the relative volume charge J&V/Vo and pressure p was found to be linear: AV/V = 4.38-10-12p. The volume change was also determined by 0 the Born model under assumption of the Ionic bond in lithium hydride. The calcu-tated values at 20 kbar were 15% lower than the experimental. From the energy of the I I thium-hyd ride lattice (We - 218 kcal/mol at 298K and atnospheric pressure) and Born's e7uation for P-ner -ICU! ed _ky, the value for ctmpressibililty vas c at as 3.38-10- 2 cm2/dyn, which differed from the.experimental'(4.38-10-l-' cn2ldyn) by --A' I . This disagreement can be explained by the fact that in lithiun hydride, the bond Is not fully ionic and the Born's model (of central forces) is only a rough approxjm-ation@ The linear dependence of the volume change on pressure proves that no polymorphic transformation occurs at pressures up to 20 kbak. Orig. art. has:, 4.formulas. [WWI! SUB CODE: U'2()/SUBM DATE: 20Dec651 ORIG REP: 0021 OTH REP: 001/ AID PRESSTp6_1, eard ill, , YN- -- . - -- - - . - - - @- ----T-77r777 ACC NR. AP0020061 SOURCE CODE: UR/Oi8l/66/006/008/23L4112348 AUTHOR: V -oronov, F. F.; Chernysheva, Ye. Goncharova, V. A.; Stal'goro-@a, 0. V. ORG: Institute of Physics of High Pressures, @'N SSSR, Foscow (Institut flziki vysokilh aavleniy AN SSSR-,@- TITLE1 The erfect of pressures up to 20 kbar ou the elastic prop*rt-ies: of oilver chloride SOURCE: Fitika tyerdogo tela, v. 8, no. 8. 966, 2344-2348 TOPIC TAGSt silver chloride, high prossure, Debye toup*rature, elastic', property, Foisson ratio, Young modulus, ar modulus 0'@.I- C-1 ABSTRACT: The puY'sed ultrasonic method has been uoet,to investigate, i the velocity of longitudinal and transverse waves n ilver chloride at pressures of up to 20 kbar. The absolute values were determined for;i adiabatic and isothermal compliance coefficients (KS, KT%, Young's modulus (E), shear modulus (Q), Poisson's ratio (a), andIDebye te--.pez'tL- ture (OD). Density calculations performed in the Born's approximation were found to be in agree=ent with %he experii=ental results; however, variations in the experimentally determined values of K.7, with pressure did not agree with tbeoretical data obtained by the sa=e rzetho-@. L 41143-66 ACC NR: AP6026681 was found that the relative changes of G and -7 at the mmaxii=u= pressure were smaller by one order of magnitude than those of K- and KS. ':----e small increase in G and E was attributed to the instability of.silver chloride, which has the same structure as NaC1 under Pressure. Orig. art. has: 8 formulas, 4 figures, and 1 table. (CS] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 03Jan66/ ORIG 003/ OTH R---F: 006 ATD PRESS:S'05-71 2/2 -73 V-@ -KLIDIM)V, Fedor NlkolWevich; LARINA, V.F.. rodaktor, SMkLIDEAN. I.D., redaktor-. CHICtMELIN, A.K., tekhnicheskiy redaktor. [Production of stereotype and electrostereotype plates] Stereotipnoe i gallvanostereotipnoe proizvodstvo. Moskva, Gos. Izd-vo "laktiestva,' 1955. 205 p. (Stereotyping) STALIAN, A. AGRICUT TURE STATIAN, A. By introducinc. systerratic vark In Ruranism industrial units conlitions are created for increasecl proluction an.-., -Improved vc=@in-@, -7. Vol. 7, no. 6, Nov. 1958 Monthly List of East European Accessions (FRAI) LC, Voa. 8. no. 3 Yarch 10,58 Unclass. 3/194/'-2/000/005/026/157 D256/D308 AUT-H1O-"'S: @ta'lik, Fran`[.-4_@ek, and Pinl,-r, Wojtt,@ch TITLE: 'E'lectronic regulator for low gas pressures FEIZIODICA'@%L: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtoriatika i radioelektronika, no. 5, 1962, abstract 5-2-112 d (Czechosl. pat. k,1. d2 a, 1/10, no. 93539, 15-01.60) TIT j,'X: _? TlhL@ sensitivity of the conventional hydraulic pressuxe --=-,-U- ators is inadequate at iovi pressures and their -accuracy of control is insufficientp in addition they are rather bulky since they requi- re -ear-wheel pumps r0ted at 1.1 1-11.7 for the oil supply which is usually noisy in operation. The Datent-ed electronic regulator has a high sensitivity (7 times higher than that of the hydraulic regula- tors), is completely noiseless, and its power supply does not ex- ceed 100 71. The circuit diagram and schematic drawings of the arran- .-ement are presented. [Abstractor's note: Complete translation]. Card 1/1. s,r.ALIK, -Josof, inz.; PLICIITOVA, Kvetusa; SLADEK, Rudolf Heat treatment of meat and meat products bj- electric clirx-ent. Prum potravin 13 no.12-.630-633 D '62. 1. Prumyslova skola technologie masa, Praha. T- 2, -Ku t -7 -a i c, lu ..DV Ponenb'2r6, T St- I i lcov- Title Ifew Tes-ti-l'- MettlOd-S f(.-I' Bulldin@ ftrc! Publicr, tior, Str@7'+ !Zde !--" ya i '-iMnstrukts 31-33 S 7. ritidy Of th- Im zv up-um occt;n gzges.- F4-@t, its a;,.d p IU Cf ' !Lo: C- Oze sfITAO Tt , I . . en, si-me but the ilt, still Can floyr at high Am;.,ta, 1.10ally the mixt. is a SOV/ 124-58-5-6196 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 5, p 161 (USSR) AUTHORS: Bogautdinova, G.G., Ratinov, V.B., Rozenberg, @T.I., Smirnova, I.A., Stalikova, G.D. TITLE: Effect of Some Organic and Nonorganic Additives on the Plastic Properties of Gypsum (Vliyaniye nekotorykh organi- cheskikh i neorganicheskikh dobavok na plasticheskiye:svoystva gipsa) PERIODICAL: Sb. tr. Vses. n.-i. in-ta. zhelezobeton. izdeliy i nerudn. materialov, 1957, Nr 1, pp 71-78 ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry 1. Gypsum--Plasticity 2. Organic materials--Performance 3. Inorganic materials--Performance Card I/ I RATINOV. V.; KONSTANTINOV, A.; ROZENBERG. T.; BOGAUTDINOVA. G STALIKOVA,,G. ,U4 @ I--- Now device for measuring plasticit7 of binding materials. Strolema8l, 3 no.2:30-31 P '57- (KLU 100) (Viscosimeter) (Binding materials) - @) -/ - j / 11,17 k., r f/'/V I/- . , @YIIS-OV. A.-.; STALIN, V.M.; 1OKHANIN, K.A.; KHRYAHIN. N.T., otvetstveWy redaktm-E-dft6dWed7J; ALADOVA, Ye.I., tekhaicheskiy redaktor. [The IN-1 electric rock loader] Blektricheskaia porodopogruvoch- naia mashina In-1. Izd. 2-e, ispr. i dop. Moskva, Ugletakhisdat, 1954. 210 p. (KLU 7: 10 ) (Mining machinery) STALIN, Viktor Mikhaylovich; FAYBISOVICH,IoL., redaktor; PROZCROVSKAYA, - - -@- redaktor [Coal combine model PXS-1.] Ugleprokhodcheskii kombain PIS-1. Moskva. Ugletekhisdat, 1955. 11 p. (NLRA 9:2) (Coal mining machinery) r -'-gergei Ivanovich; CMGMKRIN ALIN, Viktor Hikhailovich: POVOWTSKIT, N' 0 "A" Igor' Alaknandrovich; ABA*1 h vanovich; BAZER. Iakov p Iaayevich; LADYGIN, A.M., rodaktor; ANDR", G.G., takhnichookly rodaktor [Mine rock and coal loading machines] Shakhtnys porodopogruzochrqe i uglepog-ruzoebiVe mashiny. Moskva, Ugletekhizdat, 1955. 379 P. (Goal mining machinery) KRA 8:11) LAPINSKA, dozefinu; oroz wapolpracownicy: BANASMEWIC2, Halina.; STALINSKAY Elzbieta; DOBRUCKA-KOKINSKO, Ewa; KALINOWSKI, Jan; KROSNIAX,* Fi &iiz"; GWOZDZ, Jozef; LUTZ, Hanna; IUTZ, Jerzy; DWORAK, Wlodzimierz; NARUSZEWICZ, Wanda The efficiency of occupational rehabilitation in sanatoria for young people. Gruzlica 33 no.4:323-332 Ap 165. 1. Z Zespolu Nadzoru Specjalistycznego Instytutu Gruzlicy (Kierownik: lek. A. Kwiekowa) (for Lapinska). 2. Sanatorium w Lagiewnikach (for Banaszkiewicz, Stalinska). 3. Sanatorium im. Okrzei w Otwocku (for Dobrucka-Kokinsko, Kalinowski). 4. Sanatorium w Istebnej (for Krosniiak, Gwozdz). 5. Sanatorium w Dziekanowie Lesnym (for H. Lutz, J. Lutz). 6. Sanatorium w Dzierzaznie (for Dworak, flaruszewiez). i r i . j STALINSKI, B. and TRZEBIATOWSKI, V. "Magnetic Properties of Titanium ltrdrates, 11 Ryull. Polskoy Akad. nauk. Otd. 111, 1, No 3-4, 1953, pp 127-131 Systematic measurements of susceptibility of the system Ti-H and deu- terides Ti-D were carried out at a temperature range from 80 to 3000K, some- times up to 4700K. With increasing H concentration in the Ti lattice, papa- magnetism was found to rise. Properties of hydrates do not substantially differ from those of deuterides. UhFiz, No 3, 1955 POL 538,222) ,4715. Nlaagnetlc furol"Im of titanium h)drides. W. TR7EPIATOWSKI AND B. &A-uN'sm. BjZi. -Acod. 7, Tel. 71" 11 V0. @@TrTnK- @N- Tht ma-,neti- 3tijkiE4!Llit!zs of the thanium- hydrogen system th, ughom MF-mnse Ti to TiH,.,, aitd of three titanium dcutcridts were -determined at winix,ratures 8LIl-47WK using a Gouy balanm Via paramaelielkni generally increases with hydrogen Contcnt but minima aie, observed in the susceptibility isoilierm at Tiff,., and TO,., and it maximum at Til 1,,,. Tlie@e inay be attributed to th- decoupling or d-shdli anJ ilia iticreue in !o:aI number of cle6trons. At Compositions exceeding Till""O a distinct maxi. muni is obcrucd on he x-tempera lure curves at about 1W4, and -,his ii taken its T, proof of a U- fqrrqrn;i_2acqsM. (3. 1. W. "fMn.-netic 3usceptibilities of-' Niobtt= 11 drit Co B-Lill. Polsko, 1-41, Otd- 3, 1, NO 7, 1953, J17-31 The nm-,%netic susceptibility of niobium hydrites was measured by Guy's method.6 The surIceotibility of pure metallic niobium. at 2920K equals 2.17-10 galiss/oersted and has P negative thermal coefficient . The suscep- tibility drops with increasing Introduction of 11. . In spite of a differ- ence in electronic structure, the susceptibility of Isotherms of the system Nb-H have similarity to Isotherms of Pd-H. (RZllr-!-z, No 9, 1955) SO: Su,.,,-ITo 787, 12 Jan 56 *X-R3r'Analysis and Miguntla Swep, IPW@i of Tani Wm I 195f,-filij, -211 Lattice const., is, of t1lo a phaEck, and band c of the p pb@,% of Ta imd 15 Ta hydridoi of,.@orupri. T" H., ,-4Ta1J,.,s wero determbwd, together with values of tile magnetic ausceptibilitk@;, X at 80' 4ind 21DO' IT- of Ta at 290' K. @ 0.844 � 0,003 >@ 10-4 ; the tORIP. C(klff r .,D. Is Email and negative. With inercuing if qontent X diminilea considerably, attaining the value 0,424 x 1Lr6 at the c-omp, n. TaHO-73. Tho small negative temp. cooff. of Ta risc3 Nnth H content. Values of a for the zx-phaso d the hydrides-range A from 3-314 A. for T&H W 3-363 A. for Tali,.,., Value-a of b for tile P pbum range'Am 3-361 A. for TaIL to 1-303 vilifle values of c range frow 3-391 3-@@. N. for Ta!@ the, R ranpofcoralln. In general, the ma-gnetic properties of Ta hydridai closely resemble those of2Nb hydridea. -@ - I/ I . 'I -J. S. G. T. /1, C/C, a -gn d t iir f 1i -5- 6 f - i i r i i H 1 ii -hydridi aiid 6uterldd-. W ' ' ' Trzebiatowqk! Afttd_jl@iwa, and lodzimicTz Po an Tn, Polaii(l). jz not, IV 8 0(1954)(English summary) -Previous re- search on UH@ and UDo wns done on decolupit. efilsticity by Gibb, cf al. (CA. 47, 3675&1 and on their unusual lattice by Rundle (C.A. 41, 6102d; 4S, 9,M). Now the not yet weU known magnetic properties of M-1i and UD3 are@ mve tigated, with partial resultg already published (cf. C.As 46, 10-20c). Nfxvnct;r tnnm"tq of UH@ and UD. were detcl. from susceptibility coeffs. within the- temp. range 100'K.-460*K. according to the Curie-Welss I; aw with 2.44 =F- 0.04 R, using specially designed apF,. It was found thatUfla below 174*K. and UDj below 172 K. exhibit C==nzneffc riroimr-ti SvIvia Nowinska 02-