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?WE I BOOK Fxp_'OrTATN.11' SOV/4893 vaesoyuznoye a ove, hchan!ye po rizilce, r!.-Ik0-kh_'=lche3k1m OvOY3tva- . .1it., I rizicheakin osnovam Ikh prlrenenlya. 3d, Minsk, 1959 Ferrity; fizichosklye I rI%Iko-khI.Iche3kIye 3voystva. Dolklady ell_ (ForriteA; Physical and Phy3icochemical I-ropertles. Reports) PLInsk, Izd-vo AN BSSR. 1960. 655 p. Errata slip inserted. 4,000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agenclez. Nauchnyj sovet po magnetizmu AN SSSR. Otdol riziLa tverdogo tala 1 poluprovodntkov AN BSSR. the p. Ed.: K. N. Strata, Academician of Rditorial Board: Ra . As deny of Selene 3 BSSR; K. P. Belov, Professor. Ye. I XOndOr- : skly, Professor; X. M. Pal Ivan9v; Professor; R. V. Telesnin, Pro- fessor; 0. A. Smolonakiy. Professor; N. N. Shol-ta, Candidate of 9hysical and Mathematical Sciences; 3. M. Smolyarenko; and lkabklrov; Ed. at Publishing House*. S. Kholyavskly, Tech. A L . . gd.z 1. Vo2okhanovich. 7-MR-Ri physicists. physics -1_(ifiemlata. radio electronics ongineers, And technical Personnel e n.-aged In the production and use or rerro=aEnctic materials, It may Also be used by students in advanced courses In radio electronics, Physics, and physical chezistry*, C0VMQZ1 The book contains reports presented at the Third All- 4@_ Union Confor*nee an Ferrite& held in Belorussian SSR. The reports deal with magnetic tr4nAfOr_-Atlon3. electrical anti galwanowagnetic Properties Of rerrlt*3, studies of the growth Or ferrite single crYltala. problems in the chemical anti phyal- cocheaLcal analysis or r*rrltes, studies of ferrites having rectangular h"t4rcsis loops And multIcomponent ferrite systor., exhibiting spontaneous rectangularity, problems In magnetic Attraction. highly coercive ferrLtqs, magnetic spectroscopy, farroxagnetic resonance, magneto-optleg, Physical principles or 4 ferrite components in electrical circuits, anisotropy of :6 !c 1 trIcal and magnetic Propertl e to The committee on nag. 3, a notisa. AS USSR (S. V. VOn3O,,kI .hal@man) rganizea the can- c ; rarence. References accompany Individual articles. Worritea (Cant.) SOV/4893 KIkhaYlovskly, L. K. Cross Modulation in a Ferrite 587 ---@@_Vwtosaarxzays, V. Ya., A. A. Manuylova, and 'tk&clmWlotrlinevW~asvtelgaR&tinogne 591 Fabrikov, V. A. The Theory or Ferrite Dielectric Delay Lines With Distributed Constants 596 3hvarts, A. A. Nagnetostrictive Cores Fma Ferric Oxides 6o7 Shazayev, Yu. X. Calculation or Tranal*nt Processes In Pulsed Circuits Ccritaining Inductors and Transformers With Ferrite Cores WItich Have Rectangular Hysteresis Loopm 617 Belyawakly, V. P., And Yu. X. Sh4mayev. Calculation of Can- stant Conditions In Pulsed Circuits Containing Pa"Itea With Rectangular Hysteresis Loops 622 Card 17/18 card 4AB -- - ---- STANISHEVSKAYA, Ye.M. [Stanisheuskaia, E.M.) Methods for determining the specific radioactivity of phytol by paper chromatography. Vestsi AN BSSR.Ser.biial.nav. no.2:62-70 162. (MJRA 15:8) (PHYTOL) (PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHY) (RADIOACTIVITY) S/026/62/COO/012/003/007 D0361/ ,114 AUTHORS: Shlyk, A.A., Vlasenok, L.I., Stanishevskaya, Ye.:M. and Nikolayeva, G.N. TITLE; Light and the formation of chlorophyll in green foliage PERIODICAL: Priroda, no. 12, 1962., 91-94 TEXT: The role of light in chlorophyll formation in green leaves is diccu3sed. 'It is sho,.,,n ho,,,r regeneration of chlorophyll was proved by the marked atom method. V.L. Kalor and G.!J. Podchufarova from the authors' lalboratory extrtcted protochlororliyllide from leaves and showed that it is otored in darkness. Further 'csts shoviod that.light is required only for convertinC; protocMorophyllide into chlorophyllide, and not for phytol for- mation. Li-ht is not needed in the conversion of chlorophyll "a" into chlorophyll "b". The existence of at least two types of chlorophyll "W', differinG in spatial arran-ement of their molecules, is ascribed by the authors to the continuity of the regeneration process. On the basis of ex-, Periments in extracting mPr-Pe chlorophyll molecules with solvents of in- creasing polar-4ty, t'.,,ey consider that the newly formed molecules combine Card 1/2 LiCht and the furmation of S/026/62/000/012/003/007 D03u-/Dll4 into a structure of nore labile -form, thus making up for transition of the older mo-lecules into some other state and nerDetuating this form. It is considered that the t-wo or more forms of c@lor-ophyll are spatially suffi- ciently close to each other to enable transition of one rziolecule into an- other. It is thoujht 'that kno-wledge of the dynamic process of chlorophyll formation uill -.@rovide a basis for controlling the Pnotosynthetic activity of -61ants. T.-Icre are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Laboratorija bio'Liziki i izotopov AN BSSR (Laboratory of Bio- I physics.and isotopes, AS BSSR), Minsk Card 212 SITI,yw, ,-',I:'ilNl--IlFVSKAYA, ye.m. of phytol In the dark by green barley plantsa Mokhiniiia 27 no.6-984-992 N-D 162. 11 " -a F, @,,. 1. 7 - 5 ) 1. Laboratoriya biofiziki i izotopov JVI rlelcrusskoy SSR, lunsk. 0 37523 S/020/62/144/00i/024/024 B117/3101 AUTHORS. Shlyk, A. A., and Stanishevskaya, Ye. M.__ TITLE: Diosynthesis of chlorophyll b in greon plants in the dark 0 ?E111IODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 144, no. 1, 1962, 226-229 "EXT: ExDeriments were made with 5- to 8-day-old wheat plants to observe the synthesis of chlorophyll b in the dark. After illumination for 20-30 min in a chamber filled with c14 02 part of the plants were fixed --ith vaDor (con'rols) and 'he remainder left in the dark for 1-4 days. in ca;es, the spec-ific activity of chlorophyll a and b was determined by a method described earlier (A. A. Shlyk, V. I. Gaponenko et al., Fiziol. rast., 7, 625 (1960)). The specific activity of chlorophyll b had increased in the dark by a multiple. As the increase was established in general as we'll as in the phorbin and phytol fractions of the chlorophyll, ihe biosynthesis of the whole chlorophyll b molecule in the dark was proved. Chlorophyll a can be used for checking the degree of darkening because its biosynthesis is inhibited by darkness in most higher plants including wheat, and thus its general activity is reduced. At th6 same time, its Card 1/2 S/02q/62/1 44/001/024/02 4 Biosynthesis of chlorophyll ... B117/B101 snecilftc activit- decreases. This can be ex-clained by the fact that, when decomposing in the dark, the young chlorophyll a molecules that are formed in the chamber filled with C1402 undergo conversion more readily than do old ones. In view of this observation and on the strength of earlier data (A. A. Shlyk, L. I. Pradkin, Biofizika, 6, 424 (1961)), the following pattern is suggested for the formation of chlorophyll b: ---.@*al All For the time being the possibility of stimulating the conversion RrocEas @ 0 in li.-ht cannot be ruled.. out. There are 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Laboratoriya biofiziki i izotopov Akademii nauk BSSR (Laboratory of Biophysics and Isotopes of the Academy of Scien'ces BSSR) PRESENTED: December 7, 1961, by A. L. Kursanov, Academician SUBLIMED: December 7, 1961 Card 2/2 STANISHEVSKAYA, Ye,M, (Stanishounkaia, Z@M.] Paper chrmatograpby of chloropbylls a mid bo Testmi AN BSSR. Ser. biial. nav, no.4:52-56 162. (M3RA .17s8) ACC NR- AF?002939 SOURCE CODE: 0 , ' @ AIJUILM: Shlyk, A. A.; Savchonko, G. Ye.; Stanishqn@@q_kaa, Yo M - Shavchul-, 5. Vaponanko, V. 1.; Gatildi, U. A. OiG: Laboratory of Biophysics and Isotopes Academy of Sciences BSSR (Laboratoriya biofiziki i izotopov Akademii nauk BSSR) TITIS: Role of phytochrome in the chlorophyll metabolism of green plants SOURCE: AIN SSSR. Doklady, v. 171, no. 6. 1966, 1443-1446 TOPIC TAGS: chloroplast, chlorophyll synthesis, light biologic affect, tracer study ABSI'RACT: Effect of phytochrome on chlorophylls a and b and on protochlorophl-I Was investigated in etiolated rye seedlings and rye green leaves under different lighting conditions Groups of rye green leaves werp exposed for 15 min to infrared light (j.4 T/cM far infrared light (1.0 infra red and far infrared lighL, combined, and white light. Following exposure the seeds were kept in the dark for 3 hrs before determining chlorophyll levels and for 15 hrs before determining Drotochlorophyl-I levels. In the second experimental series groups of 9 to 10 day old @eedlings placed on damp filter paper between glass slides were exposed for a 10 to 15 and to far infrared light (737 m/U-) at ,uor 645 m min per-lod to infrared light (652 m an intensity of 1.0 to 6-5 nrw/cm and a ratio of I or 1-5 between the duration of the 1/2 UDC: 581-132 ACC NR: k-??002939 two lengths of infrared light. Then the seedlings were kept in the dark for 2 to 16 hrs at 20 to 250. To determine specific activity of chlorophylls a and b, seedlings were treated with C 02 for 10 min prior to a 10 to 110 min ex sure to infrared lip-ht 14 112 .-- - (0-7 to 8.5 rrw/cm2) and to far infrared light (0-7 to 6.5 mw/cm ) and then kept in the 'dark for 3 or 22 hrs. Chlorophyll levels were determined by ethanol extract spectra ,and protochlorophyll by fluorescence at 630 and 680 (at -1960). Findings show that when etiolated seedlings start turning green, phytochrome affects the chlorophyll. a and b levels in the presence of light and the protochlorophyll level during darimesse! .11he chlorophyll level of young plants increases with nightly exposure to infrared 'light. In completely green leaves where the role of biosynthesis consists of maintaining pigment reserves in the already formed chloroplasts, phytochrome .accelerates 'he process leading to protochlorophyll formation but does not directly :affect ylls the appearance of chloroph a and b. The mechanism by which phytochroms i ,accelerates .he protochlorophyll process is not clear. Uterature and study data suggest that the chlorophyll metabolism ensures the maintenance of a normal ratio between the two pigment systems of photosynthesis. Crig. art. has: 4 tables. SUB CODE: 06/ SUBX, DATE; i4Yiay66/ CRIG REF. 010/ OTH REF: 012 Card 2/2 - '_*_6 6 - W -& i4 , ' '1 OM -0i i-i --- 0 0 0 j o 4- e 0 x 29 ; t u u M a at 10 H A CC 11 I L v ,y ' @11._ It -I I-Ak I-A -0 I j@-D!vs a n . . mA.A' ad Of rUSt With f"'Phthotor"' A L . '!ie' 112 Is N4) :1 . , , ;I, W f l"Ifty'111111. RtI%Ird Iron part%. tk,pr;j"j with rithrr hill,. , N"'C"' 19 Nilf)ff (1 11W, 'Aeft- f.,j III%- I . w1m.vul q I I of @ 't'.t 'v a "mict ...... a,, n 10`@ 4.1 -hj A th.d.of fit At W imak .'- '.f F I . . v a,% 'mt' vc, 'q. I--- lit. ' 11.411) it, MW ma. 4_10upar"I with 11 - 11@ 92 17 . . . mg 14 F "I. cm. Iwir far. whi-ri toing other rraKcvtt@ ..... Irt qmflarmtuh- of Alp; imtm A nivibmi fit prvpg. Ow implithatwrti t, ch,erdwd. go* S. L. 041 ago 0 0 00 nee 00. Of III aSm-SLA OtTALLUNGKOL LITCR&TtOt CLAWIFICATIO" T_ If 0 0 v 0 0 0 0 41 0 0; 0 0 0 9 0 0-0 Igo* woo II Ce 4- It, w am J 93 a 3 L ad 0 0, 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oz " 7_141U 00 00 0 0 0 0 SOV/117-58-11-7/36 AUTHORS: Tsiperfin, I.M., Stanishevskiy, A.I., Faminrik, 3,1., Engineers TITLE; A Mechanism for the Automatic Correcting of Abrasive Disks (Mekhaniam dlya avtomaticheakoy pravki abrazivnykh krugov) Pp,'?IODIC@Jl: Mashinostroitell, 1958P Nr 11, pp 9 - 10 (USSR) AK'7@TRACT: In the Odesskiy zavod zapchastey (Odessa Plant of Spare Parts) the disk-polishing machines, type A-945, are fitted with a forced correction of abrasive disks controlled by a hydraulic mechanism (Fig. 1). On the exactness of this mechanism de- pends the quality of the products. The drawbacks of the me- chanism are the inaccessability of the micro-switches, the absence of stability of the hydraulic impulses, and the com- plicated adjustment. Therefore, the electric circuit system of the machine has been changed, and a doubled step finder has been installed in the electric distribution box. The number of cycles is established by means of the commutator Card 1/2 PS (Fig. 3). If the contacts are closed, the coil of the SOV/117-58-11-7/36 A Ilechanism for the Automatic Correcting of Abrasive Disks step finder is fed (Fig. 2) and the disk turns one cog . There are 3 diagrams. 1. Grinding wheels--Contril systems 2. Machine tools-.-Equipment 3. Electric circuits--Design Card 2/2 no-138 grouna coat. Trakt. (Tractors--Painting) SOV/122-59-4-25/28 AUTHORS: Stanishevskiy, A.I., and Kalutskaya, N.P. TITLE: '0E_th_e7U_se__o17U_nTe_rcoat Nr 138 Instead of Nitro-Enamel Nr 624a (0 primenenii grunta Nr 138 vmesto nitroemali Nr 621+a) 91@ PERIODICAL: Vestnik Mashinostroyeniya, 1959,'%Nr 4, pp 85-86 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Internal surfaces of the combine harvester engine U5-M made by the "Serp-1-molot" Works, which are in continuous contact with lubricating oil are covered with a single layer of nitro-enamel Nr 621+a 6ccording to GOST 71+62-55). In service, this enamel has proved unsatisfactory owing to poor adhesion to the metal surface7 aggravated by ageing in a medium of hot oil. Tests were carried out with Nr 138 uridercoat consisting of a suspension of ground pigments and fillers in a phthalate lacquer, modified with the acids of linseed and other oils. The new undercoat requires less solvent2 has good anti-corrosion. properties and a good adhesion. 5,000 hours of testing for oil and petrol resistance have proved the suitability of the new undercoat. Under Card 1/2 shop conditions, the undercoat is dried at a temperature of 700 C. The properties of the film could be further SOV/122-59-1+-25/28 On the Use of Undercoat Nr 138 instead of Nitro-Enamel Nr 62@La improved by raising the drying temperature up to 150 OC. 2007000 engines have been produced with this undercoat without complaint. The fire danger has been reduced. ASSOCIATION: Zavod"Serp i Moloe, Khar'kov (berp i Molot' Works 9 Khar'kov) Caxd 2/2 KACHANOV3, Ye.G.J, inzh.. STANISI&N.SKY, A,!., insh.; KAILLUTSKAYAJ, N.P. Synthetic preparations for the degreasing of metalls. zhir. prom. 29 no.8:24-25 Ag 163. (MIRA 10'-.101) 1. Ukrainskiy inati "'It maalozhirovov promysh-lennost4 (for, Kpchariov). 2. Kharlkov;jk-ly zavod "Ser-p i molot-1, (fo, TSIFBRYIN. I.M., inzh.; STANISHEVSKIY, A.L., inzh.; KAMINMI, S.L., inzh. Mechanism for-automatic straightening of abrasive wheels. Mashinostreitall no.11:9-10 N 158. (HIRk 11:12) (Grinding wheels) r". - -1 STAITISHEVSKIT, A Studying the performance of the lower part of a drilling tool in @urbodrilling. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; neft' i gaz 2 no.12:25-33 '59. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Leningradskiy gorny.7 institut. (Boring machinery) STANISIEVSKlY, A.S. Study of the perfor'-pee of the drill-stem bottom. Trudy VITR no.3:9-38 161. (MIRA 15:7) (Boring machinery) STAUISIEVSKIY, A.S.; RUDEITKO, A.P.; YAGODIN, A.11. Methods for calculating a heavy dri,11-stem. bottom. Trudy VITR no.3:39-69 161. (KIRA 15:7) (Boring machinery) -3 9 S4T-/i 137-58-5-8771 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 5, p 6 (USSR) AUTHORS: loffe, V. Ye. , Kissin, D. A. , Stanishevskiy, B. A. TITLE: Grinding of Coke Fines and Limestone to 3:-0 mm Particle Size for the Purposes of Producing Sinter Charge (Drobleniye kok- sika i izvestnyaka do razmera 3-0 mm dlya aglomeratsionnoy shikhty) PERIODICAL: Byul. nauchno-tekhn. inform. Ukr. n.-i. in-t metallov, 1957, Nr 3, pp 10-21 ABSTRACT: Operational conditions of grinding equipment employed at the sinter shop of the "Zaporozhstal'" plant for grinding of coke fines and limestone were investigated in order to establish op- fimal grinding regimens which would yield a ground product of the required quality with the greatest possible output. When em- ploying four-roller grinders of the NKMZ type to obtain ground coke dust containing at least 93 percent of 3-0 mm particles, it is imperative that the rollers be turned every third day, the springs be systematically tightened, and the oductivity of the grinding unit be adjusted to a rate of 13-14 t@,@@rlr; the coke fines Card 1/ 2 being ground is not to contain particles exceeding 26 mm. Ham- 137-58-5-8771 Grinding of Coke Fines and Limestone (cont. mer-type crushers are best suited for the grinding of limestone in sinter shops. To ensure an outpur of approximately 100 t/hr of product containing at least 9Z-94 percent of 3-Omm particles from hammer-type crushers of the MO type with a diameter 1450xI__'30 mm, it is essential that every crusher be equipped with four sifters, that at least 140 solid cast hammers of steel G13L be used, and that the crushers be reversed systematically; the hammers must be replaced once every ten days, A-Sh. 1. Sintering--Materials 2. Coke--App'Lications 3. Calcite--Applications 4. Sintering plants--Equipment Card 2/2 SOV/1'133 -58-10-2/31 AUTHOIE D.A. , Tof V@ Yl- B-A. and a I N, ff3. En'g @Lnt@ ezs TITLE: Pre-heating of Mix in Mixing Drums (\.Podogrev aglomer,@t---J.?@nnoy :@bi.hht,7 -v smssitel'.nykh ba--abanakh) PERIODICAL; Sta-7 Az- 10 -P 86;@ -- 60-9 (USSR) ABSTRACT: By in,@@reasin-g the iaitial temperature of the sinter mix, .'.tS O'VerWaT@t@-rg