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GOLOVANOVA E.N., kando biolog. nauR;_~TATIVKIN, V.G.., kand. iselliskokhoz. nauk, Practices in controlling sparrows in Tadzhikistan. Zashch,, rast. ot vred. i bol. 7 no.lOQ5 0 162. (MIRA 16%6) (Tadzhikist~,n-Zparrowa--ExterTaination) STATIVKIN, V.G. Our tasks. Zashch. rast. ot vred. i bol. 8 no.1:1-3 Ja 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Nachallnik Gosudarstvennoy inspektsii po karantinu i zashchite rasteniy Ministerstva sellskogo khozyaystva SSSR. (Plants, Protection of) STATTVKIN V !., prepodavatell Wo forms of the distribution of material goods during large-scale building of covmunigm. Uch. zap Stavr. Os, med. inst. 12z29-30 163. %-RA 27-9) I. Kafedra marksilzma-leninizma (zav. dotsent D.V. Fomin) Stavropol's-kego gasvdarstvennogo meditsinskogo institutao ARTYUKHOVA, N.N.; BRFVIER, L.F.; GRIGORENKO, A.S.; IFATOVA' M.S.; KARIHSHEVAY T.D.; KOZLOV, V.M. - K01YSIEVA, L.I.; KUCHIJMOVA, N.A.; MAKAROVA, M Ye.; PUCEIKOVA, N.A.; SEKIIdNA, Ye.T.; SOKOLOVA, T.S.; TYUNYAYEVA, V.V.; KlaMITSOVA, A.A.; CHLIRAYEVA, V.V.; FOKIN, D.F., red. [Foreign trade of the U.S.S.R. for 1959-1963; a statistical abstract] Vneshniaia torgovlia Soiuza SSR za 10/59-1963go- dy; statisticheskiy sbornik. Moskva, Vneshtorgizdatp 1965. 483 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo vneshney torgov1i. Planovo-ekonomicheskoye upravleniye. 2. Nachaltnik Planovo- ekonomibheskogo upravleniya Ministerstva vneshney torgovIi SSSR (for Fokin). AIEKSEYEV, F.K.; ANDRIYUTS, G.L.; ARSENTIYEV, A.I.; ASTAFIYEV, Yu.P.; BEVZ, N.D.; BMZOVSKIY, A.I.; GENERALOV, G.S.; DOROSHENKO, V.I.; YESHCHENKO, A.A.; ZAPARA, S.A.; MALINIGHFMO, V.F.; KARNAUSHENKO, I.K.; KIKOVKA, Ye.I.; KOBOZEV, V.N.; KUPIN, V.Ye.; LOTOUS, V.K.; LYAKHOVI N.I.; MALYUTA, D.I.; NETS, Yu.S.; (PIODENKO, B.K.; OKSANICH, I.F.; PANOV, V.A.; POWNER, Z.B.; PODORVANOV, A.Z.; POLISHCHUK, A.K.; POLYAKOV, V.G.; POTAPOV, A.I.; SAVITSKIY, I.I.; SERBIN, V.I.; SERGEYEV, N.N.; SOVETOV, G.A.;.4w TERESHCHENKO, A.A.; TITOV, O.S.; FEDIN, A.F.; KHOMYAKOV, N.P.; SHEYKO, V.G.; SHEKUN, O.G.; SESTAKOV, M.M.; SHTANIKO, V.I. Practice of co4struction and exploitation of open pits of Krivoy Rog Basin mining and ore dressing combines. Gor. zhur. no.6: 8-56 Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) (Krivoy Rog Basin-Strip mining) STATOVICH, alafira Iooifovna#_Aq&rkaj GAXKOf A~A,l komd.sel'skokhoz. SHONIY naukp nauc 'P B,Mo,, red,; ZIMAp Ye.G.9 tekbred. eat; [My experience in increasing the milk yield of cove] Kai opyt razdoia korov, Minskp 196le 22 p. (Obshchestvo po rasprostra- neniiu politicheakikh i naucbWkh zuanii Belorusskoi SSRp no.3-1) (MIRA Ut6) 1. Sovkhoz gRacbkovichi" Slutskogo rayona Minskay oblasti (for Statkavich). (Slutak District-DairYing) GINDIN, A.P.; OGIYBNKOD H.M., LYUTIKOVA, O.G.; VICH- I.A. Sideracytes In the peripheral blood in virus anemia. Biul.aksp.blol. I med. 42 no.9~20-21 S 156. (KLRA 9:11) 1. Iz patomorfologicheskoy laboratorii (zav. - Prof. A.F.Gindin) Instituta spidemiologii I mikrobiologii imani N.f.Gamelai (dir. - deystvitellnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. G.V.Vygodchikov) ANN SSSR. Predstavlena deystvitelunym chlenom AMN SSSR P.Y.Zdrodovskim (AMMIA. equine infect. anemia In horses, peripheral siderocytes in (HCRSIS. diseases, (Rug)) infect, anemia, poripheral siderocytes in (Rug)) (ERYTHROCYTiCS. siderocytes in peripheral blood in equine infect. anemia of horses (RUB)) GORSHKOV, D.S., otv. red.; AMIARRIA, L.A., red.; UDILOV, V.I., glav. inzh,., red.; BAYANIOV, M.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotra, red.; KAPUSTIN, V.A., starshiy nauchnyy sotr., red.; 4TATKEYIDR,-",, starshiy inzh.; OSIPOV, A.I., starshiy nauchnyy sotr., otv. red. [Transactions of the Sverdlovsk Scientific Research Institute for the Lumbering Industry] Trudy Sverdlovskogo nauchno-issledovatelt- skogo instituta lesnoy promyshlennosti. (n.p.] TSentr. nauchno- issl. in-t mekhanizatsii i energetiki lesnoi pronWshl., 2960. 56 p. (MIRA 15:1) 1. Sverdlovsk. Sverdlovskiy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut les- noy promyshlennosti. 2. Direktor Sverdlovskogo nauchno-issledova- 'Lellskogo instituta lesnoy promyshlennosti (for Gorshkov). ' 3. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut mekhnnizatsii i energetiki lesnoy promyshlennosti (for Osipov). (Lumbering-Research) STATKEVICH,--X,,-polkovnik; PERSHINA, M., podpolkovnik;FADIKO, V., podpolkovnik; PANFILENOK, podpolkovnik; SELINA# A., p-Apolkavnik; NIKONOVA, V., podpolkovnik meditsinskay sluzhby Features of rear-echelon support of troope in the mountains. Tyl i snab.Sov.Voor.Sil 21 no.1:33-45 Ja 161. (MIRA-.14:6) 1. Ofitsery tyla Zakavkazskogo voyennogo okruga. (Mountain warfare) STATKEVICH, _~~.p_polkovaik Lessons were instructive and interesting. Tyl i smb.Sov.Voor.Sil 21 noo3:18-19 Mr 161. (KMA 14:6) (Russia-Army-officers) STATKEVICH 11 M. , polkovnik lmprave the technological basis for training. Tyl i snab. 1 -3,26 3 tbll. MM 14:12) Sov. Vo3r. Sil 21 no.9- 2 (Military education) STATKEVICH, S., inzhener. Power factor has been increased. Yuk.-elev.-Drom. 20 no-10:30 0 '54. (MLRA 7.12) 1. Villayusekaya mellnitea No. 2. (Gondensers (Blectricity)) L 23001-66 EwP(e)1EwT(ia)1DM(w)1T1Ee(t) rjp.(c) a/m/n. '--ACC NR. AP6012JL45 SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/000/007/0061/0061 INVENTOR: Movcban, B. A Statkevich, V. N. /3 ORG: none TITLE: Molybdenum-base alloy. Class 40, No. 180352 [announced by the Electric Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Paton,- AN UkrSSR (Institut elektrosvarki AN UkrSSR)T_ SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promysblennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 7, 1966, 61 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, molybdenum alloy, titanium containing alloy, boron contain--.' ,ing alloy 2/7 7_7 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate introduces a molybdenum-base alloy with improved physicomecbanical and technological _Rr2R~~r ties containing 0.05-0.1% titanium and 0'.15-0.3% boron. 18 (AZ] SUB CODE: II/ SUBM DATE: 16May64/ ATD PRESS:Lj'; 3 Card 1/1 UDC: L 8223-66 Eff (M)/&IP (t)/EVIP (b) IJP(c) M/,TG/Jr ACC N% /0286/65/000/019/0072/00T2 AP5026532 SOURCE CODE- UR Movehan, B. Statkevich, V. N. INVENTOR: YY' yirl Y3 q4r, - - TITLE: Molybdenum-base alloYAMIs 40, No. 175235 [announced by the Electric Welding Institute im. Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR (Institut elektrosvarki AN UkrSSR)J SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 19, 1965, 72 TOPIC TAGS: molybdenum, molybdenum alloy, titanium containing alloy, carbon contain- ing alloy ABSTRACT:. This Author Certificate intrdduces a molybdenum-base alloy containing -:0-05-0.1% Ti, 0.08-0.12% C, and the balance roolybdenum. [NDI SUB CODE: ll/ SUBM DATE: 2lJulo'4/ ATD PRESS: Card 1/1 ACC NR: AP6033049 SOURCE CODE: UR/0126/66/022/002/0227)0233 AUTHOR: Yefimovi.A. 1~4,~hn~ eva, P.; Statkevich V N 'Trefilov, V. I. Institute of Physics of ifetals,AN qj~-r!jSR (Institut metallofiziki ORG: IAN UkrSSR); Electric WeldinR Instituie im. Ye. 0. Paton, AN UkrSSR I n s t i tu r- a I e k*t TITLE: Structure sensitivity of_Rlastic propercie of electron beam malted molybdenum alloys 1,15 I'% ISOURCEt Fizika 1~metallov L metallovedeniye, v. 22, no. 2, 1966, i227-233 TOPIC TACS2 molybdenum, molybdenum alloy, molybdenum alloy structureo' molybdenum alloy, plasticlo+y , mertqL cetf-srAL ABSTRACT: Specimens of electron-bean melted molybdenum and 'Ho-C-Ti and Ho-B-Ti alloys have been subjected to bending tests iti the as-east and annealed (in vacuum at 2000C for I hr) conditions. It was found that the plasticity of molybdenum alloys depends, to a great degree, on their structure. Specimens of pure molybdenum and Mo-C-Ti alloy cut from the ingots along their longitudinal axes had crystals positioned in the lengthwise direction and they were plastic. As-cast pure Card 1/ 2 UDC: 548,4 ACC NRt AP6033049 molybdenum longitudinal specimens withstood banding to 180% without failure, while annealed specimens failed at 150* In a transcrystalline manners Specimens of Mo-C-Ti alloy broke at a 150-160* bending angle with a fracture along the grain. Specimens of pure molybdenum and Mc-C-TL alloy cut across the ingot axis were predominantly brittle and broke at 0% with the exception of annealed E;pocimens which brqe at 70-90% All longitudinal and crossectional specimens of Mo-Br-Ii alloy were brittle, showing predominantly transcrystalline fracture. It was established that alloys with high plasticity have clearly developed fragmentation and a disorientation of substructure fragments of 2-4*s Orig, art, has: 4 figures and 1 table, SUB ZODEv.11/ SUBM DATEI 22Dec65/ ORIG REFj 010/ OTH RErs 018 Card 2 / 2 STATKIEWICZ, J. (PRZEGLAD ELECKTROTECHNICZfIY, Vol. 27# No. 7/8, Aug. 1951, Warszawa, Poland) "Technical progress in electricl engineering." p. 264. SO: MONTHLY LIST OF EAST EUROPRUT ACCESSIONS,, L.Ca, Vol. 3, No. 4, APRIL 1954 STATE J~EWICZ J ; METU, A. "Analysis of Constructional Outlines of a Single-Phase Meter for Small Consumers Accordin,-- to Current Economic Needs." n.405 (PRZEGLA~ '~U-,KTR(YT7:CITNICZT,' Vol. 29, no. 10, Oct. 1953 Warszawa, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East RuroDean Accessions, LC, Vol. 3, no. 5, May 1954/Uncl. I I" I CZ,,1; . I'ProLdew.-- of technical control in the Dro,,ucticn of hich-tension circuit breakers." p. 463- (Pr-zeFlad Elektrotechniczry, V~l. 29, no. 11/12-, Dec 513, '.,arszawa) SO: Monthly List of East EurgRean Accessions, Vol 3 Nlo 6 Librery of I~ongress Jun 54 Uncl MILKOWSKA, M.. STATKIEWICZ, J. The effect of the load on the life of relay contacts in a railroad signaling system. Archiv automat 4 no.3/4:281-293 '59. (EEAI 9:7) 1. Folitechnika Wroclawska Katedra Teletechniki Loczeniowej i Centralny Osrodek Badan i Rozwoju Techniki Kolejnictwa. (Failroads) MILKOWSKA, M.; qTATKIEVICZ, J. Sintered contact materials for relays of railroad signalin$ equipment. Archiv automat 6 no.1:79-91 161. (EW 10:5) 1. Politechnika Wroclawska, Katedra Teletachniki Laczeniovej. (Automatic control) (Railroads) (Electric contactors) (Povder metal processes) (Relays) STATKIEWICZ, Jer,,!V,___Ooc. mgr inz. Telecontrol installation for the autcmation of controlling railroad traffic. Przegl kolej elektrotech 14 no.4:100-105 Ap 162. STATKIEWICZ, Jerzy, doc. mgr inz. Telemachanic engineer-Ing. Przegl kolej elektrotech 14 no.9: 286-288 S 162. STAMEWICZ, Jerzy Relay contact materi&ls for automatic oontrol equipment of railrWa. Archiw automat 8 no.l.-87-.97 *63. 1. Centralay Osrodek Badan J. Rozwoju Techniki Xolejnietwa Warszawa. Rco'-- u C; t8 H - 17 CliuAc',l Toclinology. Ciijitdc an,' T-. -ir Lpplications, P h --~n c; c u t~13 s. ~,-ritibiotics. hs Jour: -,'L(~f -!j'--,iur-KhizIiya, No 3, 1959, 9~0`01. -utllor : P,-nc-., ;', F., Statkov !,Ui. - J -i-- ~.j , C) . cn. --' ,I- t : No t a " 11'. it 1 : -P,;ctilis ca.-id T'f-,,;ir Uso in (.rig Pub: -'~Iriro,lla (B'le;. 3,957, 6, No 5, 74-76. -.~bstrl-act: -illo .-IbL~,tract. Card 1/1 14? 3TATKOV.-11~ STATKOV, N. Mechanization of the wood industry.p.l. Vol. 5. no- 3, 1956, TEZHKA PROMISHLENOSTO SOFIYA, BULGARIA. SO: Monthly List of East Em-opean Accessions, ( MAL), LC, Vol. 5p No* 10. Oct. 1956. FASKOV, D., prof. dr.; STATKOV, P.; NTIJOVA, P. Phiirmacological and phy-tochemical study of the plant Verbascum nobile Vol. Nalich. tr. vissli. mod. inst. Sofiia 43 no.4:1-8 16.4 1. Claire de pharmacologie (Directueur: Dr. D. Faskov). - STATIWA, I.N., Inzh.; AKKERMAN, N.Yu., inTh. First oil extraction plant in Moldavia. Masl.-zhir.prom 26 nc.10: 28 0 160. (MIU 13: 10) 1. Belltskiy masloekstraksionvy zavod. (Moldavia-Dil industries--Bquipment and supplies) STATITAYA., I.N., inzh. From the history of the Belta7 Oil Extraction MMs. 14asl.-zhir. (mlRA .16:7) prom. 29 no.6:38 Jea 163. 1. Belltskiy masloekstraktsionnyy zavod. (Beltsy---Oil industries) STATNIK, ~v ~e inzh. ------- Multielement antenna. Radio i televiziia 11 no.7:207-209''62. 1. Glaven inzhener) teleproektant pri zavodite "Elektronika",, Bukuresht. STATNIKOV, A.I. Cases of rare localization of echinococcus simulating malIguant neoplasms. Med.zhur.Uzb. no.6:78-79 Je 158. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Iz Respublikasukgo oukologicheskogo dispausera UzSSR. (HMTIDICS) SUMKOV, A.M. Case of resection of the vascular bundle In an extensive tumor of the soft tissues of the hip. Ned.zhur.Uzb. no.10:88-89 0 158. (MM 13:6) 1. Iz Tashkentskogo gorodskogo onkologicheakogo dispansera (glavuyy vrach - M.Z. Itin, konsul'tant - prof. L.D. Vasi- lenko). (HIP JOINT--TURM) (ARTERIBS--SURGERY) KAIINAUKHOV, AJ&JI kand.teAhn.riauk, datsent; STATNIKOV, R.B., inzh. Determining the dynamic loads acting upon the transmission gear teeth of locomotives during the passage over rail joints. Trudy MIET no.200,.66--77 164. Seme problems of the testing of locomotive ge4ir transmissions. lbid..78-86 (MIRA 3.8s8) I YMANY Nl,~~ dotsont,; PORKIIACIIEV, K.A., -In-Mi.1 -~')T'ATNIKOVt R*B.t .Lr)zh.; YUDINY ~,rmh. M6thodologgy for the te-sting of lo,%ornotive gear t~ransmissions on a special stand. Trudy MIIT Yio.200!105-1'15 164. (MIRA 180) (Rustavi, Gruzinskaya SSR); MAKAROV, D. (V'olzhskiy, Volgogradskaya oblast') New cities. Zdorovle 8 no.12:7-8 D 162. (MMA 16:1) (RUSTAVI-PUBLIC HEALTH) (VOLZHSKIY '(VOIMMD PROVINCE)-PUBLIC HEALTH) STATNI,Y, OV,5~.Ct ~ Bes-.1 crew of road workers in Georgia. Avt. dor, 24 no.7:1-4 il (MIRA 14:7) (Georgia--Road constructi-m) GINEZDILOV, B,V., inzh.~ STATNIKCV,--V,M., inzh. y Efficient methods of cutting rods. Met, i gornorud. prom, no.2.71-72 Mr-Ap '62. OGRA 15M) (Pipe mills) (Electric metal cutting) L 38122-65 ZWT(1)/EPF(n)-2/ZM(b)-3 Pu-4 -r-jp(c) ACCESSION NR.- AP5oo6177 S/0046/65/011/()61/0035/0041l.' AUTHOR: Borisov. Yu. Ya.; Statnikov, Yu. G.. TITLE: Concerning the fluxes produced in a standing sound way2l s -c-he'-s-kiy zhutnal,,--v-# SOURCE.- Aku ti 35-4-1, TOPIC TAGS- sound energy, sound wave, standing wave, Reynolds number, energy density ABSTRACT: The,purpose of the investigation.was to estimatetheoretically and ex- perimentaly the rates of flow excited by-a sound:wave at high acoustic-ener gy, den sities, with practical applications such as acoustic drying of materials in view * -'i- It is pointed out in the Introduction that little research was done on other than liquid media, especially the boundary between a solid and a gas. An analysis of the flux produced in an acoustic wave has shown that theRayleigh solutions are valid only at relatively low energy density, and are Inapplicable when the Reynolda number exeeds unity. The experiments were performed :rrr--*& round tube 4o 'mm in di .meterg using a dynamic siren as a sound source. The absolute velocities were !Card 1/2 L 38.7.22-6.5 ACCESSION NR: AP5oo6l77 photographing particles suspended in the air with a high-speed camera (up-to 1500 frames/sec), and with a Pitot tube and a thermoanemometer. The flow configuration agreed with that derived by Rayleig~, but the flow rate.was one order' of magnitude larger at a sound-energy level of atout 140 dB,, corresponding to an approximate Reynolds number of 1100. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 14 formulas* 'ASSOCIATIONt: Akusticheskiy institut AN SSSR, Moscow (Acoustics Institute, AN SSSR)." jSUB11ITTED: 26Feb64 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: CP MR REF SOV: 009 OTHER: 009 f Card 2 2 C, 1P6029536 _~4 0373 SOURCE CODE: UR/0046/66/012/003/0372/ AUTHOR: Borisov, Yu. Ya.; Statnikov, Yu. G. ORG: Acoustic Institute ,,AN SSSR, Moscow (Akustiches1ciy institut AN SSSR) K..) TITLE: Measurement of t4&boundary-layer thickness in the presence of a-sonic field W. ~A~M SOURCE: Akusticheskiy zhurrtal,,v. 12, no. 3, 1966, 372-373 TOPIC TAGS: boundary layer, reaction kinetics, heterogeneous combustion 0_C0V4:f- C_ t"L-~ CLC~ct- 4~-!:" - AB~~ It is well known that a sonic field considera increas, .'the reaction ly rate of heterogeneous processes. This reaction rate increase is due to reduction of the hydrodynamic boundary layer thickness. (3herefore, a study was made of the thick- at pla /Nkh an air stream with 2-3 m/sec velocitie ness of the boundary layer on a f te i in the presence of acoustic w- sPi-Itfi-Tr-equencies of l..2-4 kcps and acoustic pres- sures of 7.6 X 103-2.4 x 10' bar. The thickness of the boundary layer was measured with a hot wire anemometer which was automatically displaced across the boundary laye The results showed that for a steady-state flow with a velocity of 2 m/sec and a boundary layer chickness of 10 inm, the application of an acoustic field can reduce the boundary layer thickness by two orders of magnitude. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. (PV L-w. .4. eej SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 23May65/ ORIG REF: 001/ OTH REF: 003/ Card 1/1 -7z r I UDC: 534.29:532.526 ANDREYEV, I.F.; STATOVA, M.P. Morphogenesis of lavaret raised in the ponds of Moldavia. Ucb. zap. Kish. un. 13:85-93 '54. (IAJBA 9: 10 ) (Moldavia--Whiteftabes) (Imbryology-Fisbes) - . ,_j - - 17 0 ) AUTHORS: Irikhimovich,A.I., Statova., M.P. SOV/20-122-6-48/49 TITLE: A Comparative-Morphological Invei~iigation of the Development of the Hypophysis in Teleosts (Sravnitellno- morfologicheskoye issledovaniye razvitiya gipofiza kostistykh ryb) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958,Vol 122, Nr 6, pp 1126-1128 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The problem of the many-sided function of the hypophysis of teleosts is still insufficiently explained. The reason for this is its struc- ture. The pituitary gland in this case consists of several morpho- logically different lobales which, however, do not show distinctly visible boundaries. The tissue of the neurPhypophysis even penetrates more or less into all parts of the epithelial component of the above gland. Also the removal of the hypophysis is rendered difficult due to its anatomic position in the fishes. The problem of the role-of the transition zone in the hypophyqis of teleosts has not yet been solved CRefs 4;6p7). The explanation of the problem whether single cell-groups according to their function and location in the various lobules differ as compared to other vertebrates is one of the ways to solve this problem. In recent vertebrates 2 developmental types of the epi-thelial component of the hypophysis can~be distinguished: Card 1/3 A) Above the spot where the oral cavity is formed a cord of epithelial SOV20-122-6-48/49 A Com-parative-Morphological Investigation of the Development of the Hypophysis in Teleosts cells grows from the internal ectoderm-layers towards the lower area of-the brain and of th-6 front end of the chorda. This cord later separates from the ectoderm and forms the rudiment of the hypophysis (in the case of cyclost6ma, teleosts, sturgeons, and amphibia). B) Another deveiopmental type is observed in Selachii and amniotes: Rathke's pouch as is known forms due to the extroversion of the ecto- derm of the upper wall of the oral cavity. From this pouch the hypo- physis rudiment develops. The authors investigated the hypophysis of the carp: Of larvae and young fishes of this year of the age of some days to 3 months. The morphological differentiation of the hypophysis. in young carps (Figs 1-4 and description) resembles the one in bxeams and carps (Refs 11-13). The hypophysis investigated by the author, however, started working only much later than is said in referencell- (in the case of a length of 35 mm). Yhe authors conclude from their investigations that the functions connected with the front lobule of the hypophysis of teleosts (gonadotrophic, thyre6tropic,and other functions) are carried out in all other vertebrates (including Selachii, sturgeons, and Dipnoi) by the cells of the front part of Card 2/3 the hypophysis, i.e. by the main lobule or by the transition zone. I SOV/20-122-6-48/49 A Comparative-Morphological Investigation of the Development of the Hypophysis in Teleosts Since no basophile cells are found in the main lobule (they were found only in the transition zone) the authors express the opinion that the hormonal functions of the front lobule of the hypophysis are perfozmed by the transition zone.- There are 4 figures and 13 references, 2 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologii Moldavskogo filiala Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Biology of the Moldeffien Branch of the Academy of Sciences,USSR) PRESENTED: February 22, 1958, by I.I.Shmal'gauzen, Academician SUBMITTED: February 21, 1958 Card 3/3 IRMINOVICH., A.I.; STATOVA,, M.P.; KUBRAK, I.F. Sexual cycle of male lavarets from Iake Peipus introduced into Moldavian ponds. Trudy Inst. biol. Mold. fil. All SSSR 2 no.2-.77-100 160, (KIRA 15:7) (Moldavia-Whitefishe,s) STATOVA , M-,P. - - in fish--onil Mu%er~,o,Li on ',he reprodlic'"On Of the cT%,car, carp Izv, AN Mol,-L SSR no~5:49-55 163. -. k M I F-k 17: 11 ) BIINYUMOV. R.Ya.; LISSUKO, K.O.; STATSIK, N.K. Progressive medical ideas in Russia before and during the Revolution of 1905-1907. liziol.zhur. [Ukr.] 2 no.1:102-106 Ja-F 156. (KIRA 10:1) 1. Kiivslkiy medichniy institut imeni ak-ademike O.D.Bogomolltaya, kafedre istorii meditsini. (MICINII--HISTORY) STAT SICK. - N.K. - - -- , Experimental data on the toxicology of methylaystox. Fami tolm. 22 no.6:559-565 I-D 159. O(DU 13:5) 1. Tokelkologicheskaya laboratorlya Kiyevskogo institute, giglyeny truda t proftaboleTanly (nauchnyy rukovoditell - dotsent L.I. Medved'). (SYSTOX--TOXICOLOGT) I ,f STATSEK, N. K.9 CAND MED SCIV ll~j ON,~OXICOLOGY OF METHYLSYSTOX AND ITS HYGIENIC STANDARDIZATION." KIEVt 1960. (KIEV ORDER OF LABOR RED 13ANNER MED INST im ACAD A. A. BoGOMOLETS). (KL9 2-619 220)e -285- STATSEK, N. K.; PAN2SHINA, T. N. (Kiyev) Experimental data on the toxicological characteristics of methyl- ethylthiophos. Gig. truda i prof. zab. no.2:53-55 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kiyevskiy institut gigiyeny truda i profzabolevaniy. (INSECTICIDES-TOXICOLOGY) STATSEK PNOK. Changes in conditioned response function and cholinesterase activity in animal blood under the effect of methyl mercaptophose Fiziol. zhur. [Ukr.] 10 no.1:122-125 164, (MIRA 17:8) 1. Kiyevskiy institut gigiyeny trudA i professionallnykh zabo- levaniy. TULINOYA, Y.B.; STATSZM, I.A.; MUSHCHIV, V.Ye. Joint solubility, of potassium hydroxide and potassium sulfate. Zhur. neorg. khim. 5 no-11:2530-2533 N 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Moskovskiy institut tonkoy khimicheskoy tekhnologii imeni M.V. . lomonosova. (Pbtassium hydroxide) (Potassium sulfate) GAPOCHKOY K.G.; ALIYEV, A.M.; ZELKIND, D.B.,,- STATSENKO, A.A., - TER9 F.; BELEDA, R,V.; AZNAURIYAN, M.S. Abstracts, 26 no.7:141-144 JI 162. (MIRA 15:11) 1~ Iz kafedry infektsionnykh bolezney Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordena Lenina akademli imeni S.M.Korova (dor Gapochko). 2. Iz fakulltetskago terapevticheskogo otdeleniya Dagestanskoy respublikanskoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy (for Al-iyev). 3. lz kozhnogo otdeleniya'poliklini)~;No. 68, Moskvy (for ZeWnd). 4. Iz Dokshukinskoy rayonnoy bollnitsy Kabardino-Balkarskoy ASSR (for Statsenko). 5. Iz Myysakyullskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy Estonskoy SSR (for Ester). (MEDICINE-ABSTRACTS) VULIKH, A.I.-; STATSENKO, A.A.; MAKOVPTSKIY, M-I.; MILISKIY, S.A. Chemical method for the preparation of welding fluxes. Prom.khim. reak. i osobo chist.veshch. no.2:18-22 163. (WRA 17:2) VULIKHY A.1.,, kand.teklin.nauk; STA,rSFNKO,_At~,_,_inzh.; MAKOVETSKIY,, M.'.~ . I inzh.; MILISMY S.A" inz . New technology for the production of fluxes for soldering and welding. Svar. proizv. no.9:24-26 S t63. (MIRA 161l0) 1. Novosibirskiy zavod khimicheskikh reaktivov. AUTHORS: Korobko, *d. I. , Zaliznyak, D. V. , Firer, 'I. Ya. , 72-58-3-5/15 Statsenko, A. V., Khrizman, S. S. TITLE: Automatic Pres3ure-Regulation in Glass-Melting Furnaces (Avtomatichesko,ve regulirovaniye davlenlya v steklovarennykh pechakh) ,j E L-ODICAL: Steklo i Keramika, 1958, Nr 3, pp. 17-22 (USSR) P A13STRACT: The major part of the continous glass-melting furnaces has a regulation of pr.~ssure wh.;ch is carried.out by an.c.lectro- hydraulic system. Tests with this were carried out in 1952 by V.G. Gutop and V. 'if. Obukhov in the Gusevokly glassworks imeni Dzerzhinskiy "reference 2). Their insuffl.cient reliability and complication was proved in practice. This induced some members of the Dersonnol, amon-st whom there was also V. 11. Obukhov, to propose other systems of pressure - regulation. A series of systems is compared with each other in this work. The re-gime of chamber pressure has a great influence on the technology and thormodynanics of -lass - melting, since it produces the gaseous atmosphere required Card 1/3 above the m,-tal,Special importance is attributed to the Automatic Pressure-Regulation in Glass-Melting Furnaces 72-58-3-5/15 ,gaseous and hydraul,.c regirae during the operation with a, layer of soi Ia-sulfate, as it was proved in the practice of the Goinel "lassytorks. The composition of the exhaust gases of system number 1 of the glass-works at Co.-,Iel, is shown in table 1. !Jith respect to the problem of pressure- regulation, the authors refer to the works by H~ I. Korobko (reference 1), V. G. Gutop and B. M. Usvitskiy (references 1 and 2). An electro- hydraulic system of arcs sure-regulation Lo shown In figuro 1. Further, the deficlencieo of the hydraulic systems are fully deocribod and the advantn,,,rqa of an electric system, ac well as of the rotary slide valves, are pointed out. Data an both equipment and cost of various systems of regulation are given in the table 2. The following component parts of this system are given: an electric manom-c-tor D-M, regulator RM - 3, recording mechanism TNSK , Magnpl- starter . JWM -210, executive mechanism ' BIT 25/12 '0 , electron regulator-IM -, and others. *3 systems of regulation are represented in figures 3, 4 and 5 and a diagram of the recording device is shown in figure 6. The automatic Dress-are regulation in the furnace, based on the measurement at one point, is qualified as insufficient, The use of the regulator Card 2/3 !FR ' of the Institute for Gas-Utilization All Ukraninian SSR Automatic Pressure-Regulation in Glass-Yelting Furnaces T2-58-3-5/15 which regulates all sections of the furnace (figure 7) and which was experimentally used in the Gomel glassworks, is recommended. There are 7 figures, 2 tables, and 7 references, 7 of which are Soviet. 1. Glass--Production Card 3/3 STATSENKO E.A. Coal petrography of the Belokamenskoye deposit (Rudnyy Altai). Izv.AN Kazakh.SSR. Ser.geol.nauk no-4:83-88 t63. (MLRA 16.9) 1. Institut geologicheskikh nauk AN KazSSR, Alma-Ata. STAT&MKO, G.L.; ISHKOVA, A.K., red.; BABICHNVA, V.V., LIndustrial hygiene and safety measures in the organizations and enterprises of commerce and public food servicel Okhrana truda i tekhnika bezopasnosti v organizataiiakh i predpriiatiiakh tor--ovli i obshchestvannogo pitaniia. Koskya, Gos.izd-vo torg. lit-ry, 1959. 247 P. (KIRA 13:4) (Russia--commerce) (Industrial hygiene--Law and legislation) STATSENKO, G.P.; STARCHAKOVA, I.I., red. (Industrial hygiene and safety measures in trade] Okhrews truda i tekhnika bezopasnosti v torgovle; sbornik mate- rialov. Izd.3., dop. Moskva, Ekonomika., 1965. 458 p. (MIRA 18:7) STATSENKO G.P.- FAYZULIN, M.I.~ KIRAKOZOVA N.Sh., red.; N.N... tekhn. red. [Industrial bygiene and accident prevention in the organiza- tions and enterprises-of state commerce and public dining) Okhrana truda i tekhnika bezopasnosti v organizatsiiakh i predpriiatiiakh gosudarstvennoi torgovli i obshchestvennogo pitaniia; sbornik materialov. Moskva,, Gostorgiza'at, 1962. 311 P. (MIRA 15:9) (Restaurants., lunchrooms., etc.-Pygienic aspects) (Commerce--Hygienic aspects) (Accidents.-Prevention) STATSENKOP-G.P.; KOLOSOV, A.P., red.; MAMONTOVA, N.N., tekhn. red. [Collected norms for sanitary work clothe$ for trade workers] Sbornik norm sanspetsodezhdy dlia rabotnikov torgov1i. Moskva, Gostorgizdat. 1962. 159 P. (MIRA 16:5) (Clothing, Protective) '7 , ; .7"'J"t K, P. V-iermal iner In of ~:',-ane-qr~ft platinlayr, -?.~! ~7- -~n -.-- ~ ~)metsrz. .4. 1.. - . I Tnidy VNIIY _no.4:F'14-SP I L~?. Q-11-4; !It'-,i) (Ther,no,nat*rs) STATSENKO, N.P. Prognostic significance of conditioned hypoglycemia in mental diseases. Zhar. nerv. i paikh. 54 no.9:767-768 S 154. (MIRA 7:9) 1. Kafedra paikhatrii Omskogo meditainskogo insituta imeni X.I. Kalinina i Omekaya paikhonevrologicheakaya bollnitea. (MENTAL DISORMRS, blood in, hypoglycemia, conditioned reflex hypoglycemia, progn. value) (FMLBX, CONDITIONED, prod.bypoglycomia in ment. disor.. progn. value) (HYPOGLYCEMIA, in ment. disord., conditoned reflex lWpoglycemia. prog. value) STATSENKO, N. W Cand Med Sai -- (diss) "Data on the study of conditioned-reflex hypoglycemia during insulin treatment of mental diseases*" Orasks 1956. 11 pp 20 Om. f;'o-w, (Kazan' State Med Inst. iWthe *ft Chair of Psychiatr3~0 Omak State tied Inst im M. I. Kalinin), 110 copies (KL, 7-57, 110) 7/ STATSE11,1KO, N.P.; LARIN, *.M. - -- ---- "Travel" paranoiam., Trudy Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.psikh. 27:315- 320 161. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Omskiy meditsinskiy institut. Dir. - prof. I.S.Novitskiy. Kafedra psikhiatrii. Zav. - dotsent Ya.L.Vikker. (PARANOIA) UWOVSKIY, V.A.; STATSMIKO, V.A. An .paratus for moistening, and for calculating weight of glass batches. Stek.i ker. 10 no.10:28 0 '53. (MI-RA 6:10) 1. GnmelInkiy stekol'nyy zavod imeni Stalina. (Glass manufacture) AUTHOR; Statsenko, V.G. , mining Erginee-" -227-58-44-18/31 TITLE: Complex Labor Organization o'.f Stcrin,3 ',-,crks Or- -anizatsiya truda na ochistnykh rabotakh) From the -Experience 0 of Kochkarsk Mine 4-dministration of the ~Uzhuralzolcto Trust (Iz opyta Kochkarskogo rudoupravleniya trestaYuziTiralzoloto) PERIODICAL; Gornvy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 4, pp 67,-64 (usn) ABSTRAM The author describes the working schedule of the brigade of I.G. Zharynin, 3omposed of 7 men vorking in 3 sh-Ifts. The 0 L . brigade Systematically overfulfilled the norms by 21 to 97~0- There is one diagram. ASSOCIATION: Kochkarskoye rudoupravl,,~n.iye (Kochkarrkoye ::j-ne Adninistrat ion) Card 1/1 '1 .,Mines - Producticri 2. i,,,.'Lr s - La-Uor - Uri-,anizaticn S106116210001004101110ST -B149/BIO1 AUTHORSt Yemellyanov, V. S., Yevstyukhin, A. I., Abanin, Do D.9 Statsenko, V. 1. TITLEt An improved method for the preparation of chromium by iodination arfd its properties PERIODICALs Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no- 4, 1962, 94, abstract 4V8 (Sb."Metallurgiya i metalloved. chist. metallov". 44-62) no. I. M., 1959, TEXT: A laboratory unit for the refining of chromium through its iodide has been developed; the ideal conditions and a diagram of the process have! 20 been determined. A comparative study has been carried out on the. mechanical properties of the prepared chromium and of chromium remelted i an axe. The single crystals and the chromium remelted in an are had a cubic body centered lattice with the parameter 2-8790+0.001 at �oom temperature. LAbstracter's notei Complete tranalatio;.] Card 1/1 30 YEMELOYANOV. V.S.; YEVSTYUKHIN, A.I.; ABANIN, D.D.; STATSENXO, V.I. Iodide method of refining chromium. Met. i metalloved. chist. no. 2:14-26 16o. (MIRA 13:12) (Chromium--Metallurgy) (Iodides) 50) AUTHORS: Perveyev, F. Ya., Statsevich, V. Ya. SOV/79-29--7-6/63 TITLE- Investigations in the Field of the Dioxides of the Acetylene Series. I (Issledovaniya 7 oblasti diokisey atsetilenovoeo ryada. 1) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 7, pp 2132-2137 (USSR) ABSTRACT% The purpose of the present paper was the reaction of dio,:ides of the acetylene series with amines, a comparison of the reactivity of di- and monooxides of this series as well as the solution of the problem as to how the oxide cycle opens under the action of amines, and under which conditions the forming diamino gl,-cols are transformed into the corresponding ~_aminopyrryl carbinols. Pyrrole homologs of this structure have hitherto not been de- scribed in publications. The dioxides of the acetylene serles have equally been little investigated so that 'the investiCation of the opening of the oxide ring under the action of anlcoi-llols in alkaline or acid catalysis was of interest. The dioxide 2," dimethyl dioxydo-1j2-5,6-hexyne-3(I) served as initial Card 1/3 Investigations in the Field of the Dioxides of SOV/79-20/-7-6/8.3 the Acetylene Series. I '// 0'111~ X 0 0 H2C - C-C =-= C-C - -H 2 CH 3- r" CH2 1 1 CH 3M CH 3 (11) CH3 In the reaction of (I) with ammonia, methyl- and ethyl amine it was found that this dioxide has a higher reactivity than the monoxides of the acetylene series. Thus, (II) reacts with amines when heated in closed ampoules at 1000, in contrast to (I) which reacts explosion-like even with methylamine (without cooling). By the reaction of methylamine with (1) compound (III) is formed which in the case of longer heating passes into compound (IV). Thus, N-methyl-2-(l-oxy-2-m4thylamino isopropyl)-4-methyl py=ole and F-ethyl-2-(l-oxy-2-ethyl-amino isopropYl)-4-methyl pyrrole were synthesized. In the reaction of the dioxide with alcohol it was found that in the alkaline catalysis 1,6-diethoxy-2v5- dimethylhexyne-3-diol-2,5 and in acid catalysis 2,5-diethoxy- 2,5-d.imethylhexyne-3-diol-1,6 is formed. Card 2/3 Investigations in the Field o--F' the Dioxides of SOV/79-29-7-6/83 the Acetylene Series. I The spectroscopic investigation confirmed the above observations. There are 6 referencess 3 of vhich are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Leningradakiy gosudarstvennrj universitet (Leningrad State University) SUBMITTED: July 4, 1958 Card 3/3 FERVEYEV, F-Ya.-;._STATSEVIC1f, V.Ya. Dioxidois of tho acetylene series. Part 2. Zhur. ob. khim. 30 no.11:3558-3561 N160. (14 IRA 13: 11) 1. Leningradskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. (Acetylene compounds) YLII,15,UEIV~. STJITSEVIGH~l TAY- D.-.1w,droxi-des *f the ace-~-ylenv gerie.-. Part- 3. Zhur~ob.khim. 12 nc.-. -.17L t 62, (UM-A 15 ~?) L, Len~-ngradskly gosudexFtiFew-yy un!:~reI45,i tet. (Hy,iro--y onip~--oYA-E) (Ac-etylene ~orapminds) V. ya. acc-'Yilt~nlc series. ,-~iux. ob. fe -T gnsadars-L.vorinyy wilversiteT,. - ~ ,, . ; -.-, - I ; 7 Ff ;1 L ~ , ~., - --5 - - - - I ;. , It ~ I*, xe r. 1. . . Lubr Iic.;i tIAT117 the bo-irillii5 Of tlv; ange, Of the "' I -- "' 'A -17, , Mr., --. .9) Avt. dor. 27 tic,.I,,28 !".p 164. j-, - - ~ - - ,--*. i ., L".. , . - ,-'.Jtofr, tjZatj~.:. )f' tilF,' I'L'~A,"b-)X. L~. L48, Vol. 5, no. 5, May 1955, TECHNIKA MOTORYZACYJXA "I, k I ON , LEA Fc , 4, no. -? I ~ 'A,, ~I T JF !~.,~3T :KXX:;nN' "t 0;1~3 - !-- I j (- Q , 7 1955, UncL. L At_ NR; AP6027427 SOURCE CODE: PO/OO95/66/ol4/oo6/O6O3/0'o6 AUTHOR: Lunc, M. -- Lunts, M.; Statuch, J. Statukh. Ya. ORG: Institute of Nuclear Research, Swierk-Warsay (Instytut Badan Jadrowych) TITLE: Behavior of some solid bodies under the influence of instantaneous concen- tration of high energy SOURCE: Polska akademia nauk. Bulletin. Serie des sciences techniques, v. 14, no. 6, 1966, 603-6o6 TOPIC TAGS: graphite, superhigh pressure, detonation wave, shaped charge ABSTRACT: Specimens of various material!~rincluding nickel, iron, zinc, lead, alumi- num and carbon were subjected to ultrahigh pressure produced by simultaneous detona- tion of two shaped charges, one at each end of the specimen. Pulverized graphite subjected to this type of compression adheres tightly to the walls of the container and shows a cavity close to the axis. Graphite with an initial density of 1.65 g/cM3 was compressed to 2.16 g/cm3. The specimens showed holes caused by the explo- sive expansion of the compressed material after the action of the detonation wave stops. Experiments with lead showed complete dispersion. Compression of the speci- mens produces high temperatures resulting in melting and bubbling of the material. --Orig. art. has: 6 figures. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: None/ OTH REF: 001 Card 1/1 SAINDRU) L. , ing..; RADULEESCU) L., ing.; ST.,IT'JILE-SCU, I., teiin.; SOLOMONOVICI, I., L e 12-11 z llew asrects of the research an rock -r, essure in lignite mines. R- rrdn 15*no.2-0'2-73 F '64- STATULYAVICIIIS, L. V. Stoc'-.- ~n(-: Succe.--.sps c-f t-hp "Santpkall Collective Fran.,. Sots. zhiv. it- no. ', 1952. a :, L! 7 7 I - 1~~ -of an Agggssions , Libre r---' of" Congrest,, , November 1 52. UNC ~ -SSI - IED. Call Nr: AF Transactions of the Third All-union Mathematical Cong.ress )Moscow, Jun-Jul 156, Trud6 '5 V. 1,~Sect, R Sragovich, V. oscowl. o%te".CW8heVftT?,eANs-4~~. stlignow, 1.956.1 237 Pp. Theory of Nonstationary Systems Based on Probstillity Me'hods. 2. -.1, 3 1. Mention is made of Khinchin, A. Ya. Statulyavichus V. A. (Leningrad). Theorem of bTo_nhomogeno,,vL; Aa-r-k-ov-THains. Tumanyan, S. It Kh.(Yerevan). On the Capacity of X 1V Test in Relation to Close" Alternatives. :L-j2 Eydel1nant, M. I. (Tashkent). Applioation of the Theory of Decision Functions for Designing Standard Plans of Acceptance Control. 132 Mention is made of Kolmogorov, A. N. Card 42/80 STANUVICIUS, V.A. ~- Local limit theorem for unhomogeneous Karkov chains. Dokl.AN SSSR 107 ae.4:512-516 Ap 156. (MLRA 9:7) l.Leningradskiy gosudarstwennyy universitat imeni A.A.Zhdaneva. Predstayleno akademikem A.E.Kelmogerevym. (Limit theorem* (Probability theory)) S'-1/1TIJLYA VIC I-f U~~ V Z;UBJECT USSR/MATHEMATICS/Theory of probability CARD 1/1 PIG - 840 AUTHOR STA7ULJAVI6NS V.A. TITLE Asymptotic decomposition of non-homogeneous Markov chains. PERIODICAL Doklady Akad.Nauk 112,L 206 (1957) reviewed 6/1957 The author considers a non-homogeneous Markov chain with a finite number of possible states Let the random term be the number of successes in the state ebc during the first n steps. Then the author considers the 1-1) 1~ (3)) assumes the value probability that the vector v~ n ' (r-1. n m - ) if e T was the initial state. A theorem is formulated without proof. Earlier results of the author (Doklady Akad.Nauk 107, 4 (1956)) are used. INSTITUTION- University Leningrad. OTHOR: STAMLYATICHUS~V.A- 20-5-6/54 TITLE: Lozal_.LiaLlt Valuo Theorem. for lubmtogenems:Aarkow. Chains With. a Countable. Number,.of..Posaible -States - 49kav-naya predel-Ins,ya teorema dlya neadnaradufth teepey Markove so shchetuym chialom.vozmozhnykh nostoyaniy) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akad.-N&uk SSSRY 1957, Vol.115,Nr.5,pp.872,873 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Let XVX21 .... Xn.... be a sequence of random variables,which assume integral values and which are,an-inhomogeneous Markov chain, where the transition probabilities-are (k) . . ij and the absolute probabilities are pij P jXk = JlXk-1 Pkjj ' P ~Xk . jj. Let S n - X1 +12+...+X n' Theorem: Let the following condijiyns~be satisfiedt for which pW > I. There exists a j 0 0 for arbitrary I-and k, H. B 2 _ DS > n n"cn; c>0' III. There exist uniformlAouxxded absolute momenta NjXk1S up to Card 1/2 the order s (S>,3), Local Limit Value,Theorem for-lahamogeneous Markov Chains 20-5-6/54 With a Countabi-x-.,.*umber of Possible States. IV. The greatest common divisor of the differenoes j-j0for which 1 p 00 (n equals I. ln n kjj k-1 Then there holds the decomposition BnP[SI=ml-g(x s-3 I - d )g(xnm)+o( I nm)+Z: -7i~72 Pk( dx 8-2 k-1 n nm, 2- Card 2/2 where g(x) exp X2 x m-MSn .d P -Y~i P 2 nm - B k(- -dix- )g(x) denotes that in the polynomial Fk(it) the powers (it)'~ can be replaced by (_,)" d0 g(x). d3e ity im. A. A. Zhdanov (LeningradskiY 90sudar- ASSOC=ON: lieningred State Vnivers stvenzW universitet im. A. A. 2bdanOM) FMSMMD By A. N. Kb1mo9=vj Academiciau, March 14, 1957 SVMIMD December 8, 1956 AvAzEAM Library of Congress STATULYAVTCHUS, V. A.: Master Phys-Math Sci (diss) -- 'llocal limitinlg th:!oremis for rionhomoueneous Markov chains". Lc-ntngrad, 1959. 3 pp (Leningrad Order of 0 0 1,2nin Srat~~ 11 Lm- A. A. 7lidanov), 150 copies (YI,, No 12, L959, 125) v /I 41 It g 0 ILI r g,j ;J. 0 31 STATULYAVICHUS, v.jL.Estatulevicius, V.A.] (Villnyus) Some new results for sums of loosely de-oendent random quantities. Teor. veroiat. i ee prim. 5 no.2:258,259 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Probabilities) L 193000-63 5DS/E7,T(d)/FCC (W) AF,-TC/IJP(C) Pg-4 S/20,24/61/001/01-/0231/0314 Z 3 ISI r, 1-:1: AT30021715 'UT* vn' -:U: S 17 Olt 7- Local lin-, t +hcorems and 'asymptotic expansi6~s-~;r inhomogencous 7'.'r--kov SCURCE,; Idt-OV5,dy raton"ItichosIdy sbornik. v.,1,, no. 1-2,. 1961: 231-314 TC?IC TIGS: chains, local linit theorem,, conditional charactoristic-functiop, ac*---..,,)~ot-;c cxmcnzion ABSTRP.CT: Glmptcr headings are: C~,nptcz- 1. Transitional 'CharractorIsUc functiona :,o-r ni ti n and cerxral nronerties o 'mrraclerl stic ALnetions 2. 1--Z-11ot-H c of trnns-', t; onall ch k, 3. =.r:cnzion foZ tho c1haracteriszic function of a sum ToCal :U.:dt-th--oz-ers in one~dimension So"-C 107.mas 1). 7. -ic fuac'ion of a sum in 'he second interval i.-%tco of ths, erx-rec'eris" I U z~;t~.n%to'- 0~ tho e'an.-Octorio-tic 'iwnction o Z"a sum in the third inter-val VOROBIYEVI N.N., red.; GNEDEIIKO) E*V*j red.; DOBRUSHIIFY A.L.~ red.; DYNKINY Yo.D., red.; KOU40GOROVY A.N.p red.; RUBIOUS, I.P. [Kubilius, I.P.J, red.; LIVNIK, Yu.V., red.; P_'.OYJI'QAOV, YU.V., red.- N.V., red.; STATULYAVICtMI.!Z V-A.[Statuliavicius, V.A.1, red.; Y'AGLOM) A.M., red.; NEIMIRIE, D., red.; PAKEHIIE,O., tekhn. red. [Transactions of the Sixth Conference on Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, and of the Colloquy on Distributions in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces]Tivdy 6 Vsesoiuznogo soveshcha- nlia po toorii veroiatnostei i matematicheskoi statistike i kol- lokviuma po raspredeloniiam v beskonebhnomerrykh prostranstvakh. Vilnius, Palanga, 1960. Villnius, Gos.izd-vo polit. i nauchm. lit-ry Litovskoi SSR, 1962. 493 p. (HIIRA 15:12) 1. Vsesoyuznoye sovenhchaniye po teorii veroyatnostey i mateina- ticheskoy statistike i kollokviuma po raspredeleniyair v besko- nechnomerpykh prostranst-valch 6th, Vilnius, Palanga, 1960. (Probabilities-Congressesi (Mathematical statistics--Congresses) (Distribution (Probability theory))-Congresses) ACCESSION NR: AT4039221 S/0000/63/000/000/0123/0130 AUTHOR: Statulyavichyus, V. A. TITLE: Asymptotic expansion of the characteristic function of a sum of independent random variables SOURCE: AN UzSSR. Institut matematiki- Predel'ny*ye teoremy* teorii veroyatnostey (Limit theorems for the theory of probability). Tashkeni, Izd-vo ~IN UzSSR, 1963, 123-130 TOPIC TAGS: asymptotic property, asymptotic expansion, characteristic function, bounded function, Liapunav function ABSTRACT: The essence of the paper is the theorem: Let.~J., ~2- ... be a sequence of independent random variables with zero means, having the finite absol- ute moments MM , s > 3, j =1,2,... . If the unov fraction Lan--v 0 as n--* do, the characterishe f~n_ction f V ogj has the asymptotic expansion n(t) Of the sum Sn J.1 2 A~., 0~ - (It is + I t Cord 1/2 ACCESSION NR: AT4039221 where ~s a polynomial of degree 3(k-2).k 2,3,...,3, with bounded coefficients. Orig. art. has.: 46 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut matematiki AN UzSSR (Institute of Mathematics AN UzSSR) ENCL: 00 SUBMITTED: 29Apr63 DATE ACQ: 06Apr64 SUB CODE: MA NO REF SOV: 004 OTHERe 000 Card 2/2 L 8932-66 E',',T 'd AP5028003 SOURCE CODE: UA70052/65/016 /0645/0659'-* Statulyavichus, V.A. Statulevicius, V.A. L1 Q, S- 15-- ORG: None TITLE: Limit theorems for density functions and asymptotic expansions for the distribution of sums of independent random variables SOURCE: Teorlya veroyatno~~ yeye primeneniya, v. 10, no. 4, 1965, 645-659 9W, TOPIC TAGS: function analysis, distribution function, dispersioni equatt on probabil I ty -- ABSTRACT: The author studies the sequence tit Ell ... I trip of independent random variables with.1%iti, 0 and finite dispersions I 4r Dtk, k-- 1, 2, It is assumed n n I 1 3. 21 1 0k, Z. =. Bn k-i k-t The author presents theorems for the density functions and asymptotic ex ignsions for the di 9?, indepe tribution functions and the density functions of sums of nonidentically dis ibu.ted nden random variables. Orig. art. has: 55 formulas. SUB CODIE:^/,PUBM DATE: 19Jul65 / ORIG REF: 010 / OTH REF: 001 __j 7-,4 7-v -r, -3 WMA.Ieetrot-Ats - Radio ix~sttng CQrd 1/1 Pub. 89 - 10/29 Author# i Statut, B., and Golldich, Yu. TWA I Relaying radio programs over telephone wires PeriodicalS Radio 7, 17-18, July 1954 Abstract The method and equipment used for relaying radio programs from Riga, Latvia, to regional radio centers (on a 85 kc frequency) and then to local intra-regional centers (on a 31.5 kc frequency) are described. The component parts of the radio equipment are also described, and their arrangement and location in the office of the local telephone stations are indicated. Institution 4 1 F. f(Acc,IL ~~-t-',jn of c=- ci-;s." c- Vol. 2, Libmx~i of Septerbeer 70: Lont--i ist of --:~t =c-11 ACCCS:-1,77ris, Uncl. .I:'taub -r., Prof. Eng. "Steel for Gear '.-Theels.11 (S'.~1 na kola zebate). Hutnik, No 5-6. 1949, pp. U4-1F?, 4 figs., 1 tab. The author discusses a method applied in Germany for the manufacture of gear wheels from c;!rbon steel containing approx. 0. 84'. C, 0. 2 to 1% Ym and approx. 0.2:,~ V, with gradual heat treatment (in a salt bath furnace), which produces a well-hprdened stirface layer, and simultaneously gives high resistance properties to the core. A comparison -wqs carried out in respect of the distribution o-5' hardnnss of the teeth of gear vheels made by the above method -Athout case, harden- ing (Bn) and itith case-hardened gepr wheels. Consideration is given to the problem of selection of mpterial according to the construction of the gear wheels, to the heat trentment method, economic advantages and the possibilities of this method bein,a ndoptpd b-,: uiAts of Polish industry. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts - No. 2, 1015,1 Staub F. Staub F., Prof. Eng. and Wojciechowski S., Eng. "Modern Methods of Research on the ardenability of Steel. (Wspolezesne methody badania lad Mec 1IR14-owflo'.1el zqt-a3i). Przek haniczny. No 1-3, 1950, pp. 44-51, 12 figs., 1 tab. Physical principles for determining the haidenability. Factors which raise difficulties in the absolute determination of hardenability. Methods of determining the hardenability of steel. Construction of U- type curves. Shepherd's P-F nethod. S-A-C method. M. A. Grossmann's determination of hardenability by means of cooling time. Rardenability line. Green and Post's cone test. Shepherdfs disc hardening test. Shepherd's P-V method. A method of determination of the hardenability of deeply hardening alloy steel3. SO: Polish Technical Abstracts - No. 2, 1951 Maw & 1931. Tu boom an saw th"h Of rbw ( $,A. hwh-h..P-y '--~ -W ,h. . dunng Of tAw hmd,,;,J ,w m diamumX!, - on thV Stnk-IIUI