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STEPANOK, Ye. G., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Investigation of nervous elements in conservational and transplantational cornea-" Odessa, 1960. 16 pp; (Odessa State Medical Inst im pi. I- PiroF-ov); 300 copies; price not given; (KL, 12-60, 123) @',T.TANOK Y- G k@trkd, tre-A. rinuk ni, I ar 1 Cal s @'udi --s of rg trocorneal membranes Oft- 7hi-r. ',8 n,--.';22@-223 (MIRA 1.7,4) 1. 17. !;@rainskog-f) naiielino-ts!31L--(iolatt-liskago ek-sperimentallnogo gla-7rykh boIeznc-,r I tkan@,-.vo.y tcrapd.i Imcni akadmika 0 v a. GOLIDENFON, A., kand. tekhn. nauk; STEPANOV, A., kand. tekhn. nauk Methods of preventing and remwing the sediments of heavy fuela. Mor. flot. 25 no. 12:2'7.-18 D 165. (MIRA 18-.U) 1. Nachallnik otdela TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatelfskogo instituta, morskogo flota (for Golldenfon). 2. Nachallnik labonitorii TSentrallnogu nwauc hn.!:-----",s a I ed ova tel I a kogo institlata morskogo flota (for Stepanov). STSPAMV., A. Typa3 of Ships snitable for the health resort areas of the Black Sea. Nor. flot 24 no.8.*15 Ag 164. (MIRA 180) 1, Nachallnik Yaltinskogo porta. POSTNIKOV. Aleksandr Kons tantinovich; *STIVEANOV, Anzitoli A ekaffix"V ch; p ra sen T- re DRNOV, Ivan Ivanovich; SUR Ov, . .' @aenzeWnt; SIRGIt . N.M., redaktor; MVEIMVA, L.A., tekhnicheskiy redaktor COPL-2 wringing and rinsing machine for retted flail Otzhimno- promyvnaia mashina QPL-2 dlia llnianoi treaty. Koskva. Gos.nauchno- tekhn.izd-vo H-va legkoi promyshl. SSSR, 1957. 33 p. (MLRA 10:9) (Flax) STERANOV., A. Economy without thrift. Fin. SSSR 23 no.12.65-66 D 162. (MM& 16- 1) 1. Starshiy kontraler-revizor Kontrollno-revizionnogo uprav- leniya po Moskovskoy oblasti. (Moscow Province-Knit goods industry-Finance) STEPANOV, A. Device for--aismantling and fitting rear axle naves. Av.transp. 1+0 no.7:51 Jl 162. (MIU 15:8) (Garages.-Equipment and supplies) STJPANOV, A.A. Ifficient circuit for a FMI-35 electric drive. Ilek. i tepl. tiaga 4 to.11:25 11 160. (HIM 13:12) 1. Glavn" spetsialist otdela elektrifikateii Sibgiprotransa. (Xectric railroads--Wires and wirinp) (Ilectric driving) (Zlectric cutouts) CIIAYKC)VSKIY, V.K.; SMPANOV, A.A. Somo characteristics of thd'k endogene ore process. Sov* geole 6 no.6:3-19 Je 63. (v[M 16:7) 1. laboratoriya os&do,,_,hnykh poleznykh iskopayemykh A14 SSSR. (Siberia, Flastern-;-Ore deposits) i STEPANOV, A.A. inzh. --.- --j.p I lowabili'y of molding mixtures. Lit. proizv. no.!: 1-22 ja 166. i Ll I - u - F ( 19: 1) Lm4008927 BOOK EXHOITATI01.1 S/ Stepanov,, A. A.; Popov, V. No Chemical warfare weapons and principles of anti-chemical warfare defense (h-himich- eskoye oruzhiye i osnovy* protivokbirIcheskoy zashchity*), Moscow., Voyanizdat, 19621 123 P. illus., biblio. Errata slip inserted.@ 23,000 copies printed* TOPIC TAGS: civil defenseY chenical uarfare, charnical warfare defense, lewisite, Cim, phosgene, diphosgene, CO, adamsite, chloro.picrin, chloroacelvophenone; trichlortriethylamine mustard gas, HCN Y f PURPOSE 0D COVERAGE: The reader will find in this book the nec6ssary information on the use of chemical warfare in the past and the state of its development at the present time. He will also obtain answers to his questions about ho;w to protect I himself from chemical warfare. The book undoubtedly is of interest not only for the serviceman, but also for each citizen of our Motherland, especially for members of DOSAAF. The sections of the book on the characteristics of poisons and methods of usina them are written from the views of foreign arraies. TABLE OF CON MS TS (abridged): AY14008927 Introduction 3 Brief historical review of the use of cheacal warfare in World War 1 7 State of chemical warfare at the begirLning of World liar II and the direction of its developmont 15 C"aracteristics of modern poisons 25 Yethods of using poisonous substances - - 58 Fundamentals of anti-chemical warfare - - 67 Bibliography 125 SUB CODE: BC SUB,,aTTED: 31 jan 62 NR REF SOV: 018 OT'rUa-. 002 DATE ACQ: 24 Feb 64 Card V2 WIN S 7- USSRI Geology Card 1/1 Pub. 86 - 32/42 Authors 3 Nesterenko, L. P., Inosova, K. I., and Stepanov, A. A. (Donbass) Title I Carbonized wood in mineral salt PO.riOdiCal I Priroda 45/1, page 117, Jan 56 Abstract I The finding of a piece of carbonized wood in a strata of rock salt in salt mine No. 2 in the Donbass region is taken as an indication of the existence of dry land with heavy vegetation in the vicinity of the TMrine areas which produced the salt. Illustration. Institution Submitted - Lal,as of the Amur Valley. sLor. no. 1:Cl'-ljj, l5c @ I I o' 6 C-T-J, 14:2) 1. Ozernaya e;,:zl)cditsi-ya Pr.*,.:L,.-.,,-r:ikoEo fiIii-la Geogrz-ficheskoEo obshcilestva SSSIi. U'zw Valley-l-c-'es) STEPANOV A. A Order of beat approximations of continuous ftmetions of two variables. Uch. zap. Volg. goB. pod. inst. no.11:212-239 159. (MIRA 16:1) Ounctions, Continuous) (Approximate computation) STEPANOV, A.A., dotsent, kand.voterinernykh nauk [Elements of aMtomatology and the clinical evaluation of laboratory analyses in spizootologyj Blementy seniotiki i klini- cheskaia otsenka laboratornykh analizov v epizootologii. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, 1958. 128 p. (MIRA 12:10) (Veterinary medicine--Diagnosis) (Semiology) SUFANT, Alekwuft Artsialywriiah. dots., kand. vet. nw*; YLRNYKH, A.R,, Soirelp -MM4 r64 [Principles of semlology and-clinical evaluation of laboratory gyj Ilemuty,senlotiki I klinichestaid, otsenks, analyses in epizoolo laboratoraykh anallsor v episootologli. Kookwa, Goo. izd-vo s*llkhos. lit-ry, 1958. 143 po- 11:10) (veterinary mdicine--Diagnosts) U /Physibe Aug 48 Crystallography rAe Phenomem of Artificial Slip Formation. 1-1. The Sources of Artificial Slips," A. V. Stepanov, Lenin- grad Phys-Teoh Inst, Acad Sai UMP 9 pp Zhur Eksper i Worst Piz" Vol XVIII., No 8 Gives description of picture, studied under polarized light, which is caused by local disintegration, due to action of concentrated forces on.surface of a rook Salt crystal which is oriented regularly. Shows that local disintegrations of this type are source of slip. Notablishes conforodty of matm-s of -40 9/49T94 UM/"ice (Contd) Aug 48 d1sintegration field. mA further develops theory of susticity for an elastic anisotropic body. Dis- cu6sit conditions mA meohanion of formation of sources of Slips. 9/49T94 FALISHKIN, D.A.; IVANOV, V.I.; G-'.LA0V, K.K.; TRO@HGHIEI, S.I.; F,'r'Tl .1YUj, V.I.; Z, A.D.; SAWNVA, PISILENKO, G.N.; LbtMl, m., red. LMechanization in aninial husbandry] Mekhanizatsiia v zhi- votnovods',.ve. 0-tavropoll, Stavropollskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 19 63. 2 87 p. (I-JRA 17:8) SWANOV) A.D. (Tomak) Determination of the concept "normal condition" in medicine. Vest. AM SSSR 21 no.1:29-34 166. (MIRA 19: 1) STEPANOV, A. D. Teplovozy i avtomotrisy s elektricheskoi peredachei. (Redaktor L. M. Trakhtina@) Moskva, gosenergoizdat, 1945. 54 P- illus. (Diesel locomotives and rail cars with electric transmission*) DW : TJ619.S8 SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953 ST39PANOV, A.D., dotsent, kaudidat takhnicheskikh nauk. - 1-1 ' Blectrical equipment of new mainline Diesel locomotives. Yest.elektroprom. 18 no.4:5-10 147. Off-RA 6:12) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheakly institut im. V.X.Kolotova. (Diesel locomotives) STEPANOV9 Docent A. D. "libl-., Moscow Energetics Inst. -im. V. M. Holotm, -eig.49-0-- Cafid. Technical Sci. uStability of AutomLic Regulation in Diesel-Slectric Passenger Transport," Elelctrichestvo, No. 6* 1949. Docent. .p A. 0.; , , , 11 11 -TC)@T 1-11!1 j:o.-i " , V. A- Olrof. ); (X"I"L-A'IYP-, i, . 11 . , - 3TEPANOV, A. D. k. @@,ovetskie Teplovoey (3oviet, Diesel Loccornaotives), 200 P., MOSCOW 1951- L PH Ai BARANDY, A.F., radaktor; RUDDY, E.F., redaktor; SOIOGUBOV, V.N., kandidat tekhnichesklkh nauk, otvetstvannyy redaktor toma; ALBIGOT, N.A.. kandidat teklinichaskik-h nauk; VASIL'YXV, B.K., Inzhener; YRRSHIMIT, S.T., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; TENOGRADOV, G.P., kandidat takh- nicbeskikh nauk; VIII)KURDV, M.V., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; GOIDVAIK)V, V.G.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk-, GOBDXrW, A.B., dotsent, kandidat takhnichesk-1kh nauk: GURSKIY,P.A., dotsent, kandidat tek-hnicheakikh nauk; GUTMVICff, A.K., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nank; DOI[BROVSKTY, A.B., dotsent; TEGORCHMO, V.F., professor, doktor tekh- nichesklkh naLuk, IVANOV, professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nau ; KARVATSM, R.L., professor, doktor tekhnichaskikh nauk; KDROLET,I.P. professor, doktor tekhnichookikh nauk; KUCHKIN, I.N., kandidat tekh- nichaskikh nauk;POPOV, G.V.,inzhenar; PROSKURNSY, P.G. inzhener;SAJOX- TSEV. K.A., izhener: SItfTCffASTWV, I.F.dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheaklir nauk, S104TANSKIT. A.V., doteent, kandidat tekhnichea "-kh nauk; Sg@w A.D., datsent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; SYWWATMOT, S.P., skade- MnTaeceasad]: TM40VSKIT,V.A.,doteent; kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; IqMETSKOY. V.A., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, KHOKHWT, N.Y.. kandi- dat tekhnicbeskikh nauk; SWONIN, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nank; SHLYKOV, lu.P.,dotsent, kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; rmvTUSHMNO, A.M. kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, rateenzent; IVANDV, V.N.,professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, rotmenzent; PANOV, N.I., dotsent, kandidat takhai- cheskikh nauk, retsenzent; SLOHTAIISKIT, A.Y., dotsent, kw3didat takhni- chaskikh nauk, retsenzent; UTTANSKIY, L.I., Inzhener, reteenzent: NEWKSA, V."., professor, doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent; (Continued on next card) BARANW, A.F., -- (Continued) Card 2. TOPORNIN, G.S., inzhener, retsenzent; DOMBROVSKIY, A.B., dotsent; r#-tnmnznnt; POYDO, A.A., kAndidat tokhnicheskikh nauk, retsenzent-, YAKOBSON, P.Ye., laurnat StalinDkoy prmmii; dotamnt: kandidat tekhnicheskikb nauk, retsenzent; POPOV. A.A., professor, doktor tekbuichask-1kh nauk, retsenzent; PRDSKURNEV, P.G., inzhener, retsen- zent; SkFONTSEW, K.A., inzhmnar, retsnnzent; SERAFINOVICH, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk.; retsenzent; TRAVIN. P.I.. inzhenmr. re-tso%nzent; MKIN. K.F., kalididat tmkhnicheakil-h nauk, ratsenzent; SHCqBMAICOV, V.P., inzhaner, retsenzant; SHADUR, L.A., dotsent; kandidat tAkhnicheakikh nauk.retsenzent, TIKHOII0V, P.S., inzhener rAtsmnzent; TKACHEINK0, F.D., inzhener; retsenzent; BABICHKOV, A.M. profmssor, doktor tekhnicheBkikh nauk, rf-tsenzent; KOROSTYLEV, A.I. inzbennr, rmts,-mznnt; LEVITSKIY, V.S., dotsmnt; k-undidat tekhni- cheskikh nank, re-tsenzent; IMYKOV, A.F., inzhener, retsenzent; SOIDGUBOV, V.N. redRktor; SHISHKIN, K.A., rmdaktor; SLOWiaISKIY, A.V. rmdak-tor; SALESIM.0, S.V., redaktorl YUDZON, D.M. takhnicheskly redaktor. [Technical rmference book for railroad men] Tekhnicheskii spravochnik zhelmznodorozhnika. Redaktsionnaia kollegila: A. F. Baranov, i dr. Glav.redaktor. E. F. Rudoi. Moskva, Gos.transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo. Vnl. 6 [Rolling stock] Podvizhnoi sostav. 1952. 955 P. (MLRA 8:9) (Railroads--Rolling-stock) JT tr n-- ns., c,-tn k T !,ivrzi tra iz @953- mf-, 1', j5n@ ary of R-issi-11 1, L@onthlv. STEPANOV, A.D., doteent, kandidut tekhnicheskikh nauk. Reviewing the scientific-technical terminology. Ilektrichestvo no-12:74-75 D '53. (MIJU 6: 11 ) 1. Mookovskly anergeticheskiy institut Im..Kolotova. (Blectric engineering--Terminology) 7*9 PA IVOVi A - SHISRKIN. K.A., professor; GURIVIGH, A.N., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; STAPANOT, A.B., kandidat takhnichookikh nauk; PLATONOT, To-Y., 7 NCan sij- SON, P.T., kandid&t tekhaichaskikh nauk, doteent, laureat Stalinskoy proxii, retsenzent; XATYBTBTA, Te.N., takhni- chaskly radaktor; GNBZDILOV, V.B., redaktor Povist diesel locomotives] 3ovetskie toployozy. 2-a isd. ispr. I dop. Hooky&. Go*. nauchno-takhn. Izd-vo mashinostralt. I sudostrolt. lit-ry, 1954. 367 p. (NLRA 7:9) (Diesel locomotives) 112-2-3504 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1957, Nr 2, p-144 (USSR) AUTHOR: Stepanov, A.D. TITLE: New Systems of Automatic Control of the Diesel-Locomotive Generator (Novyye skhemy avtomaticheskogo regulirovanlya dizell-generatora teplovozov) PERIODICAL: In Sbornik; Materialy nauch. -tekhn. soveshchaniya po tyagovomu elektrooborudovaniyu. Noyabr' 1953, Riga, 1955 pp-83-87 ABSTRACT: For optimum utilization of engine and generator power in Diesel locomotiVes, should not only -Mhould- Vm4mbW ima$Wlon change automatically as a function of generator current, but at the same time as a function of Diesel opeftting conditions. Given these requirements, automatic control Card 1/3 112-2-3 04 New Systems of Automatic Control of the Diesel-Locomotive ?Cont.) can be divided Into three groaps: a) the utilization of a general load regulator to reduce fuel feed at low loads, and to reduce generator excitkILdn at maximal load (used on Diesel locomotives in the USA); b) using cascade con- nected Diesel and generator controllers (the regulating organ of the Diesel controller is the measuring organ of the generator controller); c) using Independent Diesel and generator regulators (used on the T3 -3 experimental Diesel locomotive), The author proposes an amplidyne- type control system. To the exciter or to the pilot exciter there Is added an additional small control winding which is switched in by the difference of voltages between the Diesel-driven tachambter generator and tM auxiliary constant-voltage generator. A variant of this 8pbm using a dynamoelectric amplifier with a lateriLl field as a pilot-excittr has been proposed. Card 2/3 112-3-5982 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Elektrotskhnika, 1957, Nr 3, P. 135 (USSR) AUTHOR: Stepanov, A. D. TITLE: El-e ly @uits for Illumination of Rpilroad tric@ Supp@ c ssenger Cars (Skhemy elektricheskikh ustanovok dlya setey passazhirsk-ikh vagonov) PERIODICAL: In Sbornik: Materialy nauch.-tekhn. soveshchaniya po tyagovomu elektrooborudovaniyu, November 1953, Riga, 1955, pp. 102-105 ABSTRACT: The shortcomings of the lighting system in passenger cars, especially of the all-metal type, are pointed out; the adoption of-an improved car lighting system is planned for the future. The lighting system will include a shunt-excited generator and step-by-step changing of network resistance. The new system was developed by the Riga Electrical Machinery Plant in collaboration with the Moscow Institute of Power Engineering imeni V.M. Molotov. [Moscow Institute of Power Engineering imeni V. M. Molotoval I.V.I. Card 1/2 112-3-5982 Electric Supply Circuits for Illumination of Railroad (Cont-) ASSOCIATION: Moscow InstitiAte of Power Engineering imeni V. M. Molotov (Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut im. V. M. Molotova) Card 2/2 PLATONOV, Ys.V.;,�,TIPAN0V, A.D., DOKANITSKIY, S.M.; POPOV, S.D.; MURZHIN, J(HITROV, P.A., tekhAlcheskly rodaktar. [Results of comparative tests of automatic control circuits for diesol lecometives) Resulltaty aravaitellsykh ispytaiii ekhas aytematichookogo upravloniia toplovesev. Hooky&. Go@. transport&" zhel-dor. izdvo, 1955- 157 P. (Vaossiuzzyi sauchno-issledevatel'skii Institut zhelezzederesitoge tTainporta. Trudy, so. 109) (HLRA 9:2) (Diesel l*com9tives) (Automatic control) BATALOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; TRAKHTKAN, Leonid Mironovich;, STEPANOT. @ A@@ , 4_1.__-_- khn _P,,, kEind.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; BYCHKOVSKIY, A.V., kand.te nauk. red.; TIKHONOV, A.Ya., [Handbook on electrical equipment in railroad rolling stockj Spravochnik po tiagovomn elektrooboradovaniiu zheleznodorozhnogo podvizhnogo sostava. Mosk7a, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashino- stroit.lit-ry, 1956. 159 P. (MIRA 12:8) (Railroads--Electric equipment) PETROV, Boris Petrovich; �WANOY,,,A 0 Dw*trty**ch; CH3RNYY. M.L. r!� fch@ eski redaktor; FRIDKIN, -- -, k fcheskiy redaktor [Operation of electric rolling stock] Upravlenie elektrichaskin podvizhaym sostavom. Moskva. Goo. energ. izd-vo. 1956. 304 p. (Alectric railroads) (MLRA 9:12) DI, SHISHKIN, Kirill Alaksandrovich, professor; GUREVICH, Abram Natanovich, kaudidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. ksandr Dmitriyevich, ksadidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; PIATONOV, Yev.-enii Venimminovic'h, inzherier; YAKOBSON, P.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk. reteenzent; GNEZDILOV, Y.B., inzhener, redaktor; SOKOLOIIA. T.F., takhnicheskiy radaktor [Soviet diesel locomotives] SovetBkie teplovozy. Izd, 3-e, ispr. t dop. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1956. 387 P. (MIRA 9:12) (Diesel locomotives) EZRIN, Grigoriy Semenovich, inzhener; BUDITITSKIT, Abram Arkadlyevich. inzhener- STEPANOV, A.D., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nank, re- daktor; BOMWA,--T'e-.-r.,-t%khnicheskiy redaktor. LBlectric system of the T93 locomotivej Xlektricheekaia ekhema teplovoza T13. Moskva, Goa.transp.shel-dor.izd-vo, 1957. 62 p. (MLRA 10:6) (Dies-31 locomotives) DIMITRADZX, Apollon Samsonovich, professor. doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; MOSKVITIN. A.I.. doktor takhaicheskikh nauk, professor, retsenzent; STMANOA-4--p.. doteent, krandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, retsentent; NUMV, A.S., inzhener, redaktor; TOSIMBROKlY. N.N., redaktor; SAIAZKOV, S.F., tekhnicheakiy radaktor; SHIKIN. S.T., tekhnicheskiy redaktor [Theory of electric tranamission in locomotives,- principles of a general theory of electric transmission of constant power] Teorita elektroperedachi lokomotivov; oanovy obshchei teorit raboty elektri- chookoi peredachi postoiannoi moshchnosti. Morkva. Gon.muchno- tekhn.izd-yo mashinostrottolit-ry, 1957. 79 P- (KLRA 10:9) (Locomotives) STEPAITOV. Aleksandr Dmit . DIMITRADZE. A.S.. doktro tekhn.neuk, prof., 1. - @ I - --.- ---I-.-.-.-- 1- .1, jiyevich retsenzent; KAMEIILPTSKIY. B.G., Imnd.tokhn.t)auk, red.; ELIKIND. V.D.. I-, [Ways, of increasing transmission efficiency in dieftl and gas- turbine locomotives] Puti povysheniia effektivnosti peredBehi teplovozov i gazoturgovozov. Moskva. Goa. naucbno-tekhn. izd-vo maBhinostroit. lit-ry. 1957. 127 P. (MM4 11:5) (Locomotives) SHISHKIN, Kirill Aleksandrovich, prof.; GUREVICH, Abram Astanovich. kand. tekhn.nauk;,_4TXPANOV, Aleksandr Dmitriyevich., kand.tekhn.nauk-. VASIL'YXV. Vladi6ir ndreyev ch. nzh.; SAZONOV, A.G.. insh., red.; KAMICNNTSKIY, B.G.. kand.takhnonauk, red.; KRITROY. P.A.. DI 3 diesel locomotive) Taplovoz TI 3- Moskva, Goa. transpozhol, dor. izd-vo. 1957. 376 P. (MIRA 11:4) (Diesel locomotives) STVANOV...Aleksaxidr-Dmitriyevich; ZZRIN, Grigoriy Semenovich; TJMOGLYAD, Vasiliy Yefremovic ii UJZWSOV, Boris Georgiyevich; TRAKHTKAN, L.K., kanA.tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KAMENNTSKIY. B.G., kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; NIKITIN, A.G., red.izd-va; MODICLI. B.I., (Electric drive of diesel locomotives] Slektricheakaia pere- dacha teplovozov. Mosk-va, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1959. 292 po (MIRA 12:8) (Diesel locomotives) (Zlectric driving) SHISMIN, K.A., prof.-[deceased]; DOMBROVSKIT. A.B., dotsent; TRLTIYAKOV, A.P., dotsent; SOLOMMKOV, Y.A., dotsent; BOGOYAVLENSKIY, Y.N., dotsent; SMANOT ' A*D., doktor tekhn. nauk; ITAKOV, T.H., prof.; KUZIDE-SOT, N.Y.. kand.tekhn.nauk-, SGITIKOT. P.A.. prof., doktor @ekhn.nauk, retsenzent; GAUM-1, Ye.Ya., dotsent, doktor tekhn.nauk. retsenzent; PANSKIT. T.M.. doteent. kand.tekha.nauk, retsenzent; LUGININ, N.G.. kand.tekhn. nauk, red.; KHITROT, P.A., [Diesel locomotives] Teplovosy. Moskva, Tses.izdatel'sko-poligr. ob"edinanie H-va putei soobBhcheniia, 1960. 34o p. WRA, 14:1) 1. Laningradskiy ordens Lenins institut inzhenerov zheleznodba@pzhno- go transport& im. skademilm Y.N.Obraztsova (for Slitikovv Gskkello Panskiy). (Diesel locomotives) STSIIANOV, A-D-,-doktor tekhn.nauk; SHIKHIN, A.Ya., insh. Regulating the generators of diesel locomotives by means of magnetic amplifiers. Vest. elektroprom- 31 no-5:44-47 Ny 160. (NIU 13:8) (Diesel locomotives) (Magnetic amplifiers) (FbIectric generators) STEPANOV, A.D., doktor tekhn.nauk I Trends In the development of electric tranemissions for loco- motives', Vest.mash. 40 no-3.*20-28 Mr 160. (MIRA 13:6) (Diesel locomotives--Electric driving) BATALOV, Nikolay Mikhaylovich; PETROV, Boris Petrovich- BARSKIY, M.R., Y kand. tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; KRICHKO, A.I., inzb., retsen- zent- STEPAIJOV A.D., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; SIDOHOV, in@zh., red.; IXIIONOV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. [Electric traction machinery] Tiagovye elektricheskie apparaty. Moskva, Gos. energ. izd-vo 1961. 207 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Electric machinery@ (Electric railroads) FIATONOV, Ye.V,,, kand.teldm.nauk; NIKUSIIIN, A.I., inzh., KAMMT8KIY, B.G., kcand.tekhnaauk.; FILI?',OV, L.K., -*nzh.; _52-_EPANOV-,-A-LL., dr!--@r,r tekhn.nauk, retsenzent; PETUSUGV!, I.K., -inzh., red.; BOBROVAO Ye.11.j [PAsults of the studies of elecWte- transmission systems power on diesel loqm6tivea] Rezullt**- ,issledovaniia elektricheskikh peredach teplovozov. Moskv&, Vses.izd-vo poligr. ob"deinenie M-va putei soob.@ 1961. 120 p. (Moscow. Vsesoiyznyi nauchno- issledovatel'skii institut zheleznodorozhnogo transporta. Trudy, no.213) (Diesel locomotives) (MIRA 14:9) SHISHKIN, Kirill Aleksandrovich, prof. [deceased]; GUREVICH, Abram Natano- vich, kand.tDkhn. napk; STIPAKOV, Aleksandr Dmitripwichy doktor tekhn. naik; VASILIYEVp Vladimir Andreyevich, inzh.; SURZHIR9 Sergey Nikolayevich, inzh.; KAMTTSKIYp B.G.p kand. tekhn. naukv retsenzent; MOISMVp G.A.p iniah., retienzent; TURIK, IN.A.p in2h.9 retsenzent; SAZONOV, A.G., inzh-.p red.; KHUTORYANSKIY,, N.M.p kand. tekhn. naukg' red.; KHITROV, P.A.j tekhn. red. [TE3 diesel locomotive] Teplov6z T93. Izd.2., perer. Moskva, Vses. izdatellsko-poligr. ob*edinenie M-va putei soobshcheniia, 1961. 371 p. (Diesel loemotives) (MIRA 14:6) SHISMN, Ririll Aleksandrovich, zaal. deyatell nauki i telchniki, prof. (deceased]; GUREVICH, Abram Natanoiiich, kand. tekbn, nauk; qTvgi IIOV Aleksandr Dmitriyevichl,kand. tekbn. nauk; @WONOVv Yevgeniy 'Ven amIE6-MW".M* tekhn. nauk; BLIZNYANSKIY,, Aldksandr Semenovich, inzh.; PIRIN, IN., kand. teklm. nauk, retsenzent; BASENTSYANg A.A.9 inzh.,-red.@zd-va; MODEL', B.I., tekhn. red.' (Soviet diesel locomotives] SoVetskie teplovoxy. Izd- 4., perer. i dop. Hoskva, Gos. nauchno-tekbn. izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry Mashgiz, 1961. W P9 (MIRA 14:9) (Diesel locomotives) PETROV, Boris Petrovich; STEPP14OV, Aleksandr rmitriyevich; MINOV, D.K., prof., retsenzdnt; DAVYDOV, M.A., dots., retsenzent; KOSAREV, G.V., dots., retsenzent; TRAUTMAN, L.M., dots., retsenzent; SIDOROV, N.I., red.; LARIONOV, G.Ye., tekhn. red. (Electrical equipment and automation of electric rolling stock] Elektricheskoe oborudovanie i avtomatizatsiia e1ek- tricheskogo podvizhnogo sostava. ;Izd.2.p perer. i dop. Moskva,, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. -301.@. (MM 17:3) STEPANOV, A.D.;KAMCNETSKIY, B.G., kand. tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; GALANOVA, M.S., inzh., red. [Automatic power control for diesel and gas-turbine locomotives] Avtomaticheskoe regal-irovanie moshchnosti v teplovozakh i gazoturbovozakh. Moskva, Izd-vo "Mashino- stroenie," 1964. 298 p. (MIRA 17:7) Eel t'l n A s,%m ro m, 1 SHISHKIN, Kirill Aleksandrovich, prof.; GUPXVI^-If, Abram Natanovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; @@ -Dm:Ltriy.e,yjch, doktor tekhn. nauk; VASILIYEV, Vladimir Andreyevich, kand. tekhn. nauk; SURZHIN, Sergey Nikolayevich, inzh.; KISELEVA, N.P., red. 111TE311 diesel locomotive] Teplovoz TE3. Izd.3., perer. [By) K.A.Shishkin i dr. Moskvaj Transport, 1965. 411 p. (MIRA 18:7) T-rf fv)lt c t) /) I 6,2i"'PANOV.? A. F. Dissertation: Study of the surface structure of a liquid through the reflection of light Cand Phys-Math Sci AftQe@n: Min Higher Education USSR, Uzbek State U imeni Alisher Navoi 4)&6of-ee Date, Place: 1956, Samarkand Source: ICnizhnaya Letopis', No 48, 1956 STEt-:*k" 'Al, C-ind @ny-- llat,l 6ci -- "Study of the stracuire of the siirface of a liquid by the met-iod of 1ii-,ftt reflection." Tasnkent, 1957, 6 pp (Min of ,,',.gher t,o.icar,ion Centr@il Asian -m)tate Univ im V.I. Lenin) 100 co-:es (F.L, 27-56, 103) - 21 - 211 (T) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1365 L'Yov. Universytet Materialy X V&e6c7uzr--Z'3 P9 5P4ktrO1sXr;41- t- Is Yolskulyanjapk ap*kt_-osV,,p17a (?&pace of the 10th All-Union Conference oA Vol. Is Holocular Spectronoopy) IL-vov) Ixd-vo Llvovakogo tudv-t@%, 1957- 499 p. Y# 000 copies printed. (Snrleas Ites Pizlchnyy zbl"-k. v7p. Additional Sponsoring Age3sayt Akademlya nauk SSSR. KomindlYa PO opelctrookopil. Ed.. lazer, S.L.1 Tech. Ed.: Saranyuk, T.V.; Editorial Board. Academician (Reap. Ed., Deceased). - 1&ndeterg, U.S. , Neporent, B.S., Doctor of Physical and Yathematical Sciences, Fabelinakly, I.L., Doctor or Physical and Xatbomatioal Science*, Yabylkant. V.A.. Doctor of Phyalo3a and Mathematical Sciences. Koruitnldx, 7.0., Candidate of Teoh;Lical Sciences, Heyokly, S.M., Candidate of Phyalcal and Mathematical Scivnceo# Klimovakiy, L*K-v Candidate of Phystcal and Mathematical Sciencan, MillyAnchu1c, V.3.# Cardidste of Phjalc4l n-ad Mathematical Sciences, and Glauborman, A. Ye., Candidat* of Ihyssical and Mathematical Scionoes. Card 1/30 Fabelinakiy. I.L. RAT!etFh-line Wing and Relaxation Proae3e;a In Llqatda Atakhodzha)rev, A.K., M.P. vuyst and Y.L. Lltvinov. Two K6thods for the DetezzOnation of Molecular Orientstion-relaxation Time Oklyahovp V.I. StUd7 Of the T-anamlasion Speatrun of " Cloud In the Infr&X@d RAnge K19011, V_A., andA.P,_Atep&wv_ Reflection of Light Prom the S=@'-ct *.- a LIQuld " Its Connection With Cry.zaalisgstion Poker, S.I. 12-0-ppileabIlity of the Fermi-Dirac Distribution to zlectro.3, of Izvurity centers in SG%IcO.-Auntora ani Cz@,otal Phosphor& ftshkevich, V.S. Optical Properties of Diamond-typo Cr7stals CA" 9/@o 117 118 121 126 129 132 0 4A, KIZELI, V.A.; STHPANOV, A.F. Light reflection technique for studying the surface structure of liquid. Trudy SAGU no.91:43-54 '57. (MIRA 11:2) (Surface tension) (Reflection (optics)) KEDVEDYUK, N.I.; MRA*.QlXm4VfibWTlKHONOV. Y.I.,nauchnyy redaktor; SMfl% D.S.,redaktor; XMININ, D.G.,tekhr4icheskiy rodaktor Cdoppor, and tinamithing] 149duit#te i zhestianitskie rabotv. Koskia. Toes. uchobno-pe'da'gog. txd-vo Trudrazerrizdat. 1956. 271 p'. (KLRA 10-.4) (Coppersmithing) (Tinsmithing) '@',TEPANOVV klG. Introduc-Ang a t-dgh-specd hydraulic brake drive for m-Ine hoi8ts. Blul. tekh,.-ckon. inform. Gos. nauch.-Issi. Jnst. nauch. 1. takh. i:ifom.. 17 no.12.,17-19 D 164. (MM@ 180) M "ITL, Theory of an iTiertless sDriz-i,,-. type hydraulic brake drive r,,-' a rune hoisting ram@hirle. liv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 7 no.11: 111-117 164. (lt!R.,'. 18:3) 1. Sverdlovskly gornylf inst 34U@ imen; Vakhrusheva (for Marsanov). 2. Permskly politekhnicheskiy inst.itut (for Stepanov). Rekoinendc- vansi kafedroy avtommatizatsil. proizvodstvennyld-i protsessov SVeT-f,'- lovskogo gornogo -irstituta. STEPANOV, A.I. Certain features of the formation of o-4-7 and gas fl-elds in the eastern section of the Balkhan region of Turlmenilstan. Trudy VNII no.38-.188-200 163. Q19RA 717-9) STEPMOV) A,T.,,,. Ormi ty an-i -ne @-_xnolr t;@nesB of c" t,hs ba5'C pa_-awm-4,ers Of r a a !@a G r a s tudy of horl zo-n 17 K-5A l8aO STIPANOV. A.L. @eVdsher Organization of health stations among farming and tractor grompse Yelld. I akush. no.11:38 N 154. (KLRA 7:12) -)L. Gagariuskly meditsinskiy punkt. (MLIC a-ALTH In Russia. health stations among tractor drivers & farm workers) A-r- STIPANOV, A.I., felldsher Tr-3031-n-g-73? rural personnel for spring field work. Felld. I akush. no-1:51-52 J& 155. (KEaA 8:3) 1. Gagarinskiy meditsinskiy punkt Orlovskoy oblasti. (PUBLIC HEAMS, In Russia, organiz. of rural mod. centers) MRAL commoffs, mad. centers in Russia) STEPANOV, A.I., kandidat maditsinskikh nauk. I - - Isolated gastric rupture following concealed abdominal injury. Khirarglia no.4:85-86 Ap 1-55* (MLRA 8:9) 1. Klinika gospitallnoy kbirurgli Tashkentakogo meditsizekogo instituta. (STORACH-WOUNDSAW TWMES) KOZLOVSKIY, L.I.; TUSHNY-AKOV, M.D.; 4TEPANqVq,A.L; KORNEYEV, N.A.; SMETANSKIYY F.V.; SHEPET'YEV, A.I., red.; SPIVAK, S.V., nauchnyy red.; LOGINOVA, R.A., red.; KOGAN, F.L., tekhn. red. (Hoisting, conveyingi. and special-machinery for building and repair work] Pod"emno-transportnye i spetsiallnye mashiny dlia stroitellnykh i montazhnykh rabot; katalog spravochnik. Pod red.A.I.Shepetleva. Mopkva, No.2.[Crauler cranes] Krany na gusenichnom khodu. 1966. 226 p. (NIRA 16:8) 1. TSentrallnyy institut nauchno-tekhnicheskoy informatsii po aytomatizateii i mashinostroyeniyu. (Cranes, derricks, etc.) MPANOV. A.I.,,'nauk Phasic conditions in PfttleUt5 With late consequences of closed craniocerebral tran-. Trudy LIVIN 2:187-196 159. (MIRA 13:7) (SELL-WOMS AIMD IWMIIS) (MEVOUS STSTM--DISEASES) 1. STEPANOV A.I. Ananlysis of the functional state of the human brain using the rule of force. Trudy LIETIN 7:97-112 162. (MIRA 15:8) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPH) (BRAIN) AUTHOR: Stepanov, A.I. (Moscow) 47-6-8/37 TITLE: Questions of Meteorology in the Physics Course at the Second- ary School (Voprosy meteorologii v kurse fiziki sredney shkoly) PERIODICAL: Fizika v Shkole, 1957, # 69 PP 40-47 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Notwithstanding the evident benefit of meteorological in- formation to the population, laymen lack even the most ele- mentary knowledge in meteorology. This is due to insufficient attention on the part of pQpular-scientific literature and the way meteorology is taught in secondary schools. Though the school curriculum does not provide for meteoro- logy as an independent subject, the course in physics contains a considerable number of questions concerning meteorology. However, the material is scattered and is being taught without continuity, and thus does not yield noticeable results. There- fore, a more thorough study of meteorological questions in conjunction with physics will enable the students to get a better conception of meteorology. The author recommends the study of several meteorological questions when teaching physics and elaborates instruction methods. In conclusion he recommends the "Elementary Textbook Card 1/2 in Physics" edited by the Academician Landsberg. 47-6-8/37 questions of Meteorology in the Physics Course at the Secondary School c There are five Russian references. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 GURIVICH, Ye.A.;- WAPA@@, A.@. Thermostat cor-bining electrical and kerosene heating. Lab. delo 6 no.2:55-57 Mr-41) 960. WRA 13:6) (BACMIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES--MqJDPMNT AND SUPPLIBS) SIEPANGV. A.I.; BREYEV, V.A. Establishing regularities in the distribution of oil sands. Trudy V14II no.34:44-62 162. OMRA 15:7) (Dmitriyevka region (Kuybyshev Province)-Oil sands) (Kum-Dag region-Oi.1 sands) ADAMOV, A.K., kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby; STEPANOV, A.!., kapitan meditsinskoy sluzhby Pneun-tic holder for paste4rizing pipettes. Voen.-med. zhur. no.1-1:81 N 161. (14IRA 15:6) (BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORIES-EQUIPMENT ABD SUPPLIES) STEPANOV, A. I. "Experiment on the use of a Dermogalvanic Reflex for the Investigation of the Higher Nervous Activity of Epileptics." Cand Med Sci, Leningrad State Pediatric Medical Inst, Leningrad, 1953. (RZhBiol, No 8, Doe 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (12) SO: Sum. No. 556p 24 Jun 55 ASA@UV. B.D.; ZIMKINA, A.M.; SUFANOV, A.I. Characteristics of orientation reartion to sound stimuli In the blind. Pixiol.zhur. 41 no.3.1314-320 My-Je 155. (HLBA 8:8) 1. Mel fiziologit Instituts, skepertizy, tradooposobynosti I trudoustroystya invalidov, Leningrad. (ORIENTATION, in blind, to sound stimuli) (BLINDNBSS, orientation reaction in blind to sound stimuli) STEPANOVY A.I., dotsent, kand. ekonomicheskikh nauk Increase of farm production on the basis of intensive farm manage- ment; as exemplified by the farms of the Krzasnokutsk agricultural Administration in Saratov Province. Izv. TSKHA no-4:226-235 164. (MIRA 17:11) 1. Kafedra. planirovaniya sel'skogo khozyaystva Sellskokhozyaystvennoy a@ademii imeni Timiryazeva. VAYSBUIW, M.S.j KOFMAN, V.B.), MUIUMVER, N.P.1 STEPA -NOV, A. I. About a book on the design and calculation of refrigerating machines and apparatus. Khol, tekh. 38 no. 1;61-62 Ja-F 161. (MIRA 1414) (Refrigeration and ref'rIgerating machinery) STEPANOV, A. I., Cand Geol-Min Sci -- (diss) "Geological structure, petrol,@um vas potential, and prospecting methods and survey in the eastern Dart of the Fribalkhanskiy region." Moscow, 1960. 16 pp; (Gosplan USSR, Main Administration of Scientific Research and Design Organizations, All-Union Petrol@um Gas Scientific Research Inst -- VIUI); 150 copies; price not given; (KL, 26-60, 132) S/100/60/000/009/003/005 A053/AO26 AUTHORS: Krichevskiy, Yu.M.; Stepanov, A.I.; Engineers TITLE- New Building Crane Mr-20 (MKG-20) PERIODICAL., Mekhanizatsiya Stroitel'stva, 1960, No. 9, pp. 16 - 18 TEXT: The Central Designing Bureau of the Administration of Mechanization of Special and Assembling Works of the Ministry of Construction of the RSFSR has de- signed a new 20-ton caterpillar crane MKG-20, to be used in the industrial building trade. The crane has diesel-electric equipment which feeds motors of individual driving gears of the various mechanisms. Provision is also made for feeding of power from outside sources. Boom equipment provides for three lengths of boom - 12.5, 22.5 and 32.5 m, the basic length permitting to be extended twice by 19m; an extra 5 meter extension is provided by the jib in the head of the crane. The mechanism of the crane and its electric system permit independent operational movements with speeds of varying combinations. The caterpillar tread and high road clearance ensure roadability and maneuverability on the site. The technical characteristics of the crane MKG-20 with 12.5 boom are given as follows: Maximum load moment - 92 t/m; overhanging length of boom, maximum - 12 m, minimutm 3.8 m; Card I/it S/100/60/000/009/003/005 New Building Crane HKr-20 (MG-20) A053/AO26 lifting capacity of the main hook, on an overhanging length of 3.8 - 4.6 m - 20 t, on 12 m length - 4.6 t; lifting capacity of auxiliary hook - 3 t; speed of lift of main h.,)ok - 2.9, 6.2 m/min; speed of descent of main hook - 1,4, 7.5 m/min speed of lift and descent of auxiliary hook - 6 19 m/min; revolving speed of platform - 0.5 rpm; speed of crane movement: working speed - 0.65 km1h, road speed - 1.3 km/h; average speed of change of overhanging length of boom - 3.1 m,/ Imin total power of installed electric motors 53.2 kY width of caterpillar chain - 550 mm; specific pressure on ground I kg/cm road clearance - 450 mm; weight of crane .36.5 t. The boom is equipped with an overhanging head. The mini- mum angle of incline is 50 of the vertical. The pitching motion of the revolving part of crane, a usual feature of cranes with a roller-supported revolving struc- ture, is done away with in the MKG-20 by means of a double-row ball bearing mechan- ism, which connects without clearance the revolving and the stationary parts of the crane. The crane has separate mechanisms for the principale lift and for the auxiliary lift, a mechanism for changing the overhanging length of boom, a revolv- ing mechanism, and a locomotive mechanism. Most mechanisms employ standard parts and units, used also in other types of cranes. The locomotive mechanism consists of two symmetrical units, each of which has a two-speed electric motor with a shorted rotor; the first speed is intended for the working speed and the second Card 2/4 i@@-w Building Crane (MG-20) -,or road work. The mechanical part of each of these two units consists of a double-stage @-ylindrical reducer situated on the inside of the caterpillar and a planetary reducer placed cin the outside of it. These reducers are con-:' nected with a shaft passing through the hollow :iub of the driving wheel of the caterpillar. All control organs are placed inside the cabin. The test models of MKG-20 produced by the Kuy- bysliev and the Chebarkultsk Plants have passed successfully all tests. There are 2 figures. Fij re 1: Crane MKG-20 with boom 12.5 m long lu i@ -4000 (set up for transportation); B - con tour of cover; C - revolving axis of crane Card 3/4 - - - 3/100/60/000/009/003/005 A053/AO26 7i OHM C: 'Texpa SIL70 rz Q 55 4723 .2200 3uilding Crane M/,r--20 (M-20) S/100/60/000/009/003/005 A053/AO26 0 2 q 6 8 /V 17 IA/ /51820 flalflem am OCU llaotuemuo 6 M ,Oarci 4/4 ?igure 2: Graphs of lifting capacity and height of lift of load:l - curve of lift- ing capacity with main hook; 2 - curve of lifting capacity with auxiliary hook; ' - height of lift of hook ,D Boom length 12.5 m B Boom length 22.5 m C 3oom length 32.5 m cmPefia 1-11.5m 1111120 _zO 18 - 16 -15 41 1 12 76 7 6 -6 :-2 overhanging length from revolving axis -in meters lifting capacity in t. calpffio WOM JS -38 height of 11.1t of hook in meters 36 dto dto 32 __j? N 9 O.VOfVX LlWatPOU OU10,74- 18 @30 X: 78 -78 *.R!@ it --% T. 7, 1.7 @,, I1, 1. 1, f, 1, 1 I _:# Z4 :-26- T lilt k4 Z2 zz zu It It lilt 1 1 L I -16 Z C', W H IZ 4T ;T! a 0 z ?1 6 8 10 11111 1 birt.-M ex CCU rf VESELOV, A.A., inzh.; KARNEYEV, N.A., inzh.; KOZLOVSKIY, L.I., inzh.; ,STEPANOV, A.I., inzh.; TUSHNYAKOV, M.D., inzh.; SHCHEPETIYEV, Z.I., red. izd-va; YUDINA, L.A., red. A. , inzh.; VDOVENKO, izd-va; KASIMOV, D.Ya., tekhn. red. [Hoisting and conveying equipment for assembly and specialized operations] Pod"emno-transportnoe oborudovanie dlia montazhnykh i spetsialInykh rabot. Pod red. A.I.Shchepetleva. Moskva, Gos- stroiizdat., 1962. 634 @. NiRA 16:5) (Cranes, derricks, etc.) (Hoisting machinery) (Conveying machinery) . I @ .1 , -1 1, -@ --l - , il '. L . . , L.- I '; 1. 1 ;@ -:, @ !"'.. , @' " : I :. -L - .1 ", x- c: - v @@ -, I. "', -- @. . . , 10'1@1.'.-@ nf;. -1, .1. , "'. . . c' @ I I 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, _1953, Uncl. 2 MUKH IN, N.V.,T)rof.; STEPAKOV, A.I. Using n steel frame with piuB for fixing nrosthesis to a toothless lower jnw. Stomntologila 37 no.2:59-60 Mr-A-o '58. (KIEV, 11:5) 1. Iz knfedry chelyustno-litsevoy khirurgii i stomntologil (nncliallnik-urof. M.V. Mukhin) Voyenno-meditsinskoy ordenn Leninn akademii im. S.M. Kirovn. (DEUTAL PROSTHESIS) '-STEPAMV, A.I.. kand.skon.nauk Ways of increasing the productivity, of co=unal livestock raising on collective farms (based on the experience of the "Put' Illicha" Collective Farm in Dmitrov District. Moscow Province). Izv. TSKhA no.4:209-222 158. (MIRA 11:10) (Stock ancl stockbreeding) STUANOV, A.i., laind.ekonomichuskikh nauk, dotsent --- - - - ---------------- -&conomi@ aspects of cattle breeding and the state'of forage supply in Novouzensk District, Saratov Province. Izv. TSK11A no.3:14W160 161. (MIRA 14:9) (Novouzensk District--Stock and stockbreeding) STEPAROV, A.I., kand.skonomicheskikh nauk, dotsent @ n Basic trends in the development of grain economy" the state farms of Orenburg Province. Izv. TSKbA no.5:192- 06 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Orenburg Province-Wain) --g~EPANOV,-Alek.gaA,~y-JX~aoyich; KAZHINSKIY, B.B.p retsenzent; MULTANOVSKIY) V.V., retsenzent; TSIFULYAVSKIY, L.M., red.; MAKHOU, N.N., tekhn. red. [Problems of metereology in a secondary school I-)bysics course] Voprosy meteorologil v kurse fiziki stednei shko- ly. Moskva, Uchpedgiz,, 1963. 127 p. (MIRA 17:3) A0-66 100010111001310015 Acc RE 7P6017381 SOURCE CODE: UR/0230/65 AUTHOR: Gorbovskiyj B. Ye. (Candidate of technical.sciences); Lyan' V- V. (Engineer). StepanovA'.A (Engineer) ORG: none TfTIE: Experience in submerging pilings in clay bottoms SOURCE: Transportnoye stroiteltstvo, no. 11, 1965, 13-15 TOPIC TAGS: highway bridge, construction .ABSTRACT: In the construction of the Sareitov highway bridge across- the Volga cofferdams 4 and 5 meters In diameter were used :to place the main supports through the sand covering the bottom ifrom 1-5 toX m thick, Most of the bottom dirt moved was dug up ,with a 1-5 bucket, after being loosened by a new design rlpperq@ ,the RUR-3, produced by Lengiprotransmost and designed for coffer- .dams up to 3 meters in diameter# In this application, due to the larger size of the cofferdams used, the tool had to be modified ,to move horizontally to cover the entire area, instead of just vertically as It was designed to do. Experiments with explosive breaking of large rooks at two support locations were very suc- oessful. Two of the cofferdams ruptured during operation, the ,result of residual stresses In wet-welded joints. When the bot- tom was worked to diameter greater than the oQfferdam before set- ting It down, In some cases sand flowed Into the cofferdam as It Card 1/2 UDC: 624.157.21 L 2646o-66 .was sunk,-makIng work very difficult. Other problems encountered had to do with freezing of the ground at the bottom of the cof- ferdams In winter, drifting and resultant Incorreot placement of pilings and lack of equipment to take care of rook Inclusions .encountered In the work. About 40 mQn-days were required fo each m@t-e--r of pile s-u-nk'.---Orig. art. has: 3 figureso [JPRS]"- SUB CODE: 13 SUBM DATE: none OFIG REF: 001 Card 2/2 STEPANOV, A. I._ "Selection of highly effective penicillin producing strains." report submitted for Antibiotics Cong, Prague, 15-19 Jun 64. Inst Atomic Enerjrj im I. V. Kurchatov, Moscow. STEPANOV, A.I. Significance of the PI-hological factor in the distribution of oil pools in the TjiLtriye-1-- P-teld in Kuybyshev Frovince. Nauch.-tekh.sbor.po uob. neft. no. 14:8-12 161. (MIRA 17:6) for toikin-g into consideration the special features ,-,f the structiire r)'L ap-lifto alorc, the upper horizons during the commercial prospect.Ing of lower horizons. Nauch,-tekh. s or,po dob-eieftl no, l8tl--9 162. b - -L (MI-RA 1726) I J- s In, a 1 Zd- v") I'K@,.! r@ 2L,6 ',. IR A --, '.) @ -1 11 i I., @ V r,CRBOVSK.(Y, B.Ye., IKPMO@ tekhn. V.V., inzh.; @TEPANIOV, A.I. - I inzh. PTactices, in caisoon cirhirg i..-I c1ayey ScIl. Tfrano@.,. strci. 15 N 165. L 45781-66 EEC (k)-2/,--4P(k)/TL-,]T(1)/-74T(m)/T/E7,4P(e) IJP (c) Wr,/WH ACC NRt AP6027899 SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/005/001/0051/0055 AUTHOR: Ananlyev, Yu. A.; Kozlov, N. A ; Mak, A. A.; Stepanov, A. 1. 71 ORG: none TITLE: Thermal deformation of the resonator of a solid-state laser 1 SOURCE: Zhurnal prikladnoy spektrookopil, v. 5, no. 1, 1966, 51-55 TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, laser resonator, thermal deformation, tiierma'l stress, temr)erature distribution I ABSTRACT: The authors investigate the thermal deformation of a laser resonator due to nonunifonn heating by the/active material. The experiment was carried out with cylindrical specimens of neodwdLn pjassII80 mm kng, 5 nn in dLmeter) with ft-osted iihx-d faces pumped by a xenon fladdanp. I The eVerinental set-@p used is described and Illustrated (Fig. 1). Considerable deformation of the resonator was observed in all the modes tested. A comparison of the experimental data with the calculations performed revealed that with increasing temperature drop in the speci- men, the deviation of the experimental and the calculated quantities of the optic behavior In- creases, reaching a peak at T = 38C. In order to determine the reasons for this divergence, Card 1/2 UDC: 621.378.325 ACC NR- AP6027899 a study was made of the deformation of the end 2' 31111 4 faces of the specimen,3, i 4 as well as of the bire U fringence in them due to thermal stresses. The results obtained show that the deformation of a laser 95@ resonator during. optical pumpIng Of an activated Fig. 1. Optical diagram of the set-UP specimen is due to the 1 - gaseous laser-- 2 -.telescope for increasing nonuniformity of the tem- beam diameter; 3,'6 transparent plates; 4 - test perature distribution in specimen; camera. the specimen as well as to the thermal stresses resulting from this non- uniformity. lurthermore, at high temperature drops the effect due to these stresses is sub- stantial. In conclusion, the authors express their gratitude to V. S. Dola&gina and Ye. G. Berezina for useful discussions. Orig. art. has: 3 formulas, 1 table, a and 3 figures. [26] SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 05Jul65/ ORIG REF: 008/ OTH 2 / ATD PRESS: RE Card 2/2 .@) 5085 t 44076-66 EVIT(WEEM F ACC NRt AP6030713- JP(c) WG SOURCE CODE: UR/0368/66/005/002/0167/0171 AUTHOR: Antoshina s Ye. N. Kr)zlov, N. A. ; Mak, A. A. ; Stepanov, A. I. PrilezhELvey, D. S. ORG: none TITLE: Efficiency of reflectors for solid-state lasers SOURCE: Zhurnal Drikladnoy spektroskopii, v. 5, no. 2, 1966, 167-171 TOPIC TAGS: solid state laser, laser reflector, pumping source, xenon lamp ABSTRACT: Methods of determining the efficiency of solid-state laser reflectors were considered. The efficiency of elliptic- and circular-cylinder reflectors and the distribution of pumping energy in cylindrical neodymium-glass rods were determined experimentally. E" iptic-cylinder reflectors were prepared from metal with a surface coefficient of reflection R = 0.8-0.9. The flashlamp and the glass rod were placed along the major axis. Circular-cylinder reflectors were made of glass tubes whose outer surface was silver-coated (R - 0.9). The reflector end-caps were made of metal (R z 0.8-0.9). The flashlamp and specimen were parallel to the cylinder axis and were equidistant from the center. The standard reflector used in the comparative experiments consisted of four spherical mirrors with R - 0.8. The efficiency of the elliptic-and circular-cylinder reflectors was determined from the comparison of the generation energy of power therein with that of the standard reflector. The experi- Card 1/3 UDC: 621-378-32