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SP it, P,0 'Or"oh"O' A A 0) Th- Synttetic Rubber InIu.itry in ~,h#- Cz-,choqIov.ikI'-AI) Ri-pub! 1k of s"Iective calclum-nickel-phosphate catalyst for the hyArittion of int.) lolttldionf? AvI. catalyal engures a polyra-:-I ~,a t ion del, t h v f ~O~ a f, n 0 a 7 11-7 ae I p C i v i ty find w I I It he 11 S 4.41 n * ho f: i'llid, it t ne'e r, r .j-yri tho t .1 c riAbber p1 an t~~)b -? i ne bu i I t i n K ral upi -h "1 1.1 t a tat.". ri f ;' 1 c ons t r~i c t i on hru, b..-t-,un ~%nd xi 11 b,.- p t pit b~~i h- s- -()n,1 ti I a;~,- At the anme I time . a pI tin t, 13 L~'! Ane dosl rm- I fi., r Ih,3 produc I i iDn of c-hloroprone rubberVto be produced fron. acetyl-ne cbtalnei by 4he 1.r ,Ixi4qtion Of mothane. By 1965. the r-.Obb~.-r -nsumptton p~jr Leal of ti.-. '~r) r.ilafion will be brett.-Itt, to 6 kv,,: b-/ 1)'?D. th,!? 17~ r- w I r~ rA,-,h ]*~,velop the r,,ibber-manuract!irin~,- In C lo) 111') rAlp, k I r ther, i t i simportwit t-,-j irv-stieitte i4omo of tL- problem-ri involved i ri the 'roduction of typoo of ASSOCIATIONs Mlnistt,,rstvo prcmyshlennostl Chexhosl ova t skoy InItitut kot,-o ?auchz~k-t, ^,ottv~&l Inv -%Miniatry Chemical T" 7' t f -A* R q A.F., inzh.; J, 11: U.01AYENA ~'A. nt . tAhnlk YCIM-7111,11Z .0 's, U. 1. , tekhrdk; 11; 4,pkhrikp- CFZ.*,*A1C,1M-"YC,, A., tekhnik; b.V., red.; "ALM. tckl.-',. red ar.unl ,.)n Uo 1y ol' -.olsture avalla!,le to ba ic f a arm croic In *11-.n Ukrainel Jj ravocIxik po zalesru- j,..-o(mktivno1 vlmrt jo~-.' (;.,,rovrWr. kullturard nn U.'Zitp 1063. 547 P, 16t12) ricnretcox-olof: c k I I hco cy (f4x all v~xcopt Do---V'Yaao,'. noisturo) 7- -1' 1. 1. - ;,j ~ ,"P 1, V 'I) /II: - ? (h I/Fwp ~d.) 1945~ ' ' (A~ - A ~ C 1. '-A PM SOUIRCI; C6C: (;R/037b/6S/00V/003/0Co77/U0d3 AUTiIGR: R achev, _V. L. ; Stoyan, Yu. G. ORG: none T ttern with mund cutr)uts under livl- I 1TIZ: Algorithm for the optimt" layout of a Pa tationr, on the distance between pairs of cutouts SOURCE: Viber-netika, no. 3, 1965, 77-83 TOPIC TAGS: metal stamping, computer pror ,ramminp, computer appAcation Ato"TPACT: An algorithm and specialized digital cm,,)uter prograr are. (developed for trie problem of locating round holes of given arbitrary radii on a rectanrular blank wilf_~r,(! tiere tare limitations on the distance between pairs of holes and between the iiolcs and tt.,- Perimeter of the blank. The general problem arid two exerples of Spe- Cific ccriputer solutions are discussed: (1) optimum location of a grolup of fooles o ~ t" i f ferent diametors in the smallest possible rectanrular blark when no spacing in required between holes or between th~-m and the perimeter; aric; (2) the same prob- lem with the holes separdted by given distances fron, each other and tti,~ perimeter of the blank. Orig. art. has: 4 fiiures, 20 formulas. Suii CODE: 03,13/ SUBM DATE: 23Nov64/ ORIG PIX: ftS/ o-ni Fix- ooo Card 1/1 t~ UDC: 519.b _Z__ v ACCESS ION IM: AI'5024'ilti M/0378/65/000/004/0070/0075 519.8 AMOR:, V-. L. StoyanL Yu. G. TITLF.- Optimum distribution of circular patterns SOURCE: KtherneLika, no. 4, 1965, 70-75 TOPIC I J,'S: - Ojernet (c,; o coml7uter program, ABST, A11: , it ~in ear! ter paper (Kibeructika, no. 3, 196',) 1 lie au, hors inve ~L I gated the problem the optimun di-.tribuLlnis of circular jlaUvrns of arbitrary radii for gi,.uii rdivit,om fit.-tancus bt,twv,ri vach (of the pairs. A so1i,tA-%i wlih A mininigi ;irca of Lhe uiioerlying rcci.aiigle Is nought. In the pri, ( tit jlrol-fi-ri it cii(tilat pallvrn~,- ore given with arbitrary radii and a xtrip of (of width 1) 41th r, ctreular opening-i with arbitrary r,-.Idii. Ille n pat tut o , should k- dist.villwt-d actn%s the strip of Material in such a way that the Iuiwth It of '014 -;trip in a, minimiun. The paper outlines the detailed formu- latiori of the problem lea(Ung to a computer program. The method of solution, the ptoccdure for the det-rmination of the global maximum, and the generator of random numbers have all been descrLbed In the earlier paper. The authors comlude, Card 1/2 0 VO-1 0/,Pz- .L 5052-66 ACCESSION UR: AT") 04'1 with the prerentation of four examples vorked out on adigital computer yielding (in thc intermcd(ate stages of the calculation) up to 67 local mxlm4. Orig. art. ha%: 4 formulas, 6 figures, and 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: none SUBKITTED: OtFeb65 ENCL: 00 SUB COM DP No REF sov.- 004 (YMER 1 000 Card 2/2 L 14650-66 EWT (d IJP(c) ACC NR.' AI%004253 SOURCE CODE: UR/0378/65/)00/006/0085/0094 AUTHOR: Rvachev, V. L.; Stoyan, Yu. G. ORG: none TITLE: Recognition of nonintersection of special forms of geometric figures SOURCE,. Mernatika, no. 6, 1965, 85-94 TOPIC TAGS: geometry, geometric form ABSTRACT: The author considers,/necessary and sufficient conditions for noninter- section of various types of geometric patterns. Special cases are considered for the absence of comon points in various combinations of line segments, circles and arcs of circles. The following theorems are proposed and proved: 1. a given arc and circle do not intersect when and only when the circle of which the given arc is a part and the given circle do not Intersect, or in the case where they do inter- sect the points of intersection are removed from the midpoint of the given arc by a distance greater than the length of the chord which subtends half the given arc; 2. two arcs do not intersect when and only when the circles of which thoy are part UDC; 519.6 Card 112 L 14650-66 ACC HR: AP6004253 do not Intersect, or if they do Intersect when the points of intersection are remov- ed from at least one of the midpoints of the given arc by distances greater than or equal to the length of the corresponding chords which subtend half the given arc; 3. a given arc and a line segment do not intersect when and only when the straight line of which the segment is a part and the circle of which the arc Is a part do not intersect, or if they do Intersect when the distances from the points of Intersec- tion to the midpoint of the given arc are greater than. the length of the chord which subtend5 half the given arc, or when the points of intersection lie outside the given arc. Examples are given illustrating application of these theorems. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 2 tables, 51 formulas. SUB CODE: 12/ SUBM DATE: MarW ORIG imr. ow orm Fx r i ooo Card 1/2 YFFIMDV, A.H., Inah.; ~,'~TIOYA:lp Yu.G., Inzh. The use of the Plectronic digital computers for processing oxperim-ntal dmta. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; ror. zhur, 6 no.9:181-190 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Khnrlkovskly institut gornogo mashinos*,royenlya, avtomatiki I vychislitellnoy tokhniki. Rekomendovanti kafedroy vychislitellnoy tekhniki. SuUiWE LOW;: UR/0378/66/000/005/0082/0092i AU11i0a: Rvachev, V. L.; Stoyan, Yu. G. ORG, none TITLE: Allprithri; for constructing inequalities which are satisfied by the allocation param.-ters of Intersecting bodies SOURCE: Kibernetika, no. 5, 1966, 82-92 TOPIC TAN. : intersection condition cLe (- t- C-i-A -., ~ - f ~ (-t- 1, 1 -,1 t ABSTRACT: The problem Vf the best (in a certain sense) distribution of bodies in a given domain (for exaj)le, the problem of miniaturization of electronic equip- rent) Is reduced to establishing algorithms by which the condition for Intersection of bodies can be automatically established. The six numbers xt yo It 00 4# 0 (Vt #0 a are Euler angles) which determine the location of the relative coordinate system X' Y' Z' with respect to a fixed coordinate system XYZ art! called the parameters of the allocation of the body. The general form of tl~.e equation of the allocation of the body and the general conditions for the intersection of two bodies are written.. It is pointed out that the application of the derived intersection conditions to particular cases is associated with certain difficulties in connection with calculating the maximum of a certain function. The author describes algorithm for deriving the Intersecting conditions for spheres. polyhedrons, right tircular L ()7(1,fikQ-"'7 ACC NRj Al'bOJ558/ cylinders,the ri&t frustum of a cone, and their combinations. For these particular cases, it is shown that the conditions of Intersection of two bodies S1 and Sj ca~ be represented by an inequality of the form fij ! 0, where fij to an,olementary'func- tion of allocation parameters of th se bodies. Orig. art. hast 66 formul" and 7 figures. SUB CODE: 12/ SVBM DATE: 2IJun65/ ORIG REFS 006/ ATD PRES St 5104 C-I KAKARFIIKO, S.F., inzh.; STOYANCHEINKO, S.I., Inzh.; CHERNY?H, O.G., inzh.1 SUMTSOV, V.P., inzh. Molting steel In a converter with side blow stopping at a given carbon content. Mahinostroenie no.4:46-48 Jl-Ag '62. (?URA 15:9) 1. Luganskly zavod imeftl Parkhomenko. (Bessemer proceas) ILICHFiNtO, A.!., Inv,.; ERAS-1101ST.1f, L.S., inzh.; L13WTSKV, P.A., MAKARENIOP S.F., inzh.- STOYAIN 1V Insh.; CHERTXOV, D.S., c lnz~..; SUM75OV, V.F., 4 Investigating the strength of the magnetic field of suspended "lect.romAgnetic separators. Ugol.prom. no.5t46-50 S-0 162. (KIFLA 15M) 1. MA.,Ojinostrolltellnyj sa-rod Im. Ptrkhcc*nko. (Magnetaelectric macbInes-Tenting) NWKOV, B.A., kand.tokhn.nauk; XLWEKKO, S.F., insh.; SUMPOVj V.F.9 insh.1 STOYAKCHEXXO,_S.I,,___Inzh, bowing gases through liquid metals. MashInostroenie no,6s )9-43 " 162. (MIRA 16 12) 1,Kharf~ovskiy politakhMeheskiy institut (for Noskov), 2, Lugahokly vecherMy mashinostroitelinyy Institut (for Makarenko, Sumtsov). 3. Luganskly sayod in. Parkhomenko (for Stoyanchenko). jmat4ilurgr) ~A(Xc;~iSZOZI Iiiij AP4044902 S10032164103010091113111158 f jAWri10i1Si Chorny*kh, 0. 0.1 Stoyanchonko# S. lot Sumteovq Vs F* TITLEs An npparntuo for determining the abrasive wearing of alloys at high temperaturva S011flM Zavodskaya laboratoriya# v. 30, no- 9, 1964, 1137-1130 TOPIC TAq3t alloy abrasion, metal durability/ D251112T ateel, 3OYu6 alloy, 50 Tu16 alloy, ~() Yu 20 alloy, KhIO.4)T steel ' ,A13jTRACT: An apparatus, shown In Fig. I on the Fnelooure, was develope4 for study- in,~, abraiivq wearing of alloys at temperatures to 1200C Here (1) in a renint- ance ovcn, (2) is a cover, (3) is rotating bar,UF4) Is selfi-centering disk with 'three holders (diameter 10.1 mm.and depth 10 mm) for threo round (diameter 10 =a and Ilenr,th 20 rim) opecimeno, W, (6) are chromomameoinm abrasive, (7) in an air-cooled breech, (0) is gearing, (9 is a thermocouple for oven temperatures. The tempora- Lures and rotation velocity for tooting can be varied through broad 11mita. Losses throur)i sample abrasive wearing Are determined by the formulat &G~,,VJO . where ,8G Is the loan in weight of tie specimen in grams with i m 2 of exposed alloy ourface per hourl q - the mean magnitude of abrasive wearing of Uwoe speoinano Card' 0/3 ACIUMION IiIii AP4044902 (loss newntred in millig-rwnn), F - area of exposed specimen surface in square centimeters, and 'r - time of testing In hours. A plot In prevented showing the U,riiperixturo dependence of abrasive loosee for threo aluminum alloye tented at fixed rotntif)n volocity, fixed normal load, and throudi the. ticapernture interval from 700 to 11()01% The tests indicate that increased aluminum content yields bottPr abrasion roriiotaw,li. Orip,. art. haot 2 figures and 1 equation. V~j(Y"IATZO:lt Luf7wnkly maahinoetroitellay4ly tavod IA. Parkhomenko (Luoml MAchine GonatT'W~Uun Faotory) 'ilri"Ds UCLt 01 'djD CODE; MM NO M SOV 1 000 MMI 1 000 ACCESSION MRS AP4044902 Fig. 1. A ochomo of the apparatus for determining abrasive wearing of alloys at high temperatures, Card 313 VICLOSVItt t 01 h U !. G ,-, I *. .'TOYAMN. Anton, Dr. Chimf Veterinarian, Workers, Cooperative Agricultural Enterprise (glavcn veterinaren lekar na Trudovo-kooperaLivnito somedelsko str'~jnstvo,) Sekulovo, Silistrensko. "Aujeszki Disease in Sheep and Lambs.,, !;of I a , Vct-erina-rna Sbirka-, Vol 60, 6, 1963; pp 10. A-bs.trac-.~: Description of epizootic in small farm of 11 sheep and 2 lambs; nearly all succumbed. The disease in the ovints was preceded by a milder form in 2 sheep dogs; mice inoculation confimed diagnosis of Aujestki Diseise with inocula from both sheep and dogs. 1/i I . : . ' , 7 1 .I " . 7 ~ ~ ~' , - ; - ' , . . I I I . I . I i . , , , I , p ~k . I . 1 1-4 . 4 . - !~ 6 - ~- , . I t , , 1 .I ~: "I i " .. . ji " - I I , 7 , . . I I I , % , ! ~ , 'T , - v. ", . I t , ~ ~ IVANOVP V.I.,, inzb.1 5TUYAN(;jib.NhG, b.j.,, laab.1 itimrz;ov, v.r., insh., WARMO, S.F., inth.; MASLAWNIKOVA, G.P., insh. Improvownt of founding pmveesses &M beat treatmnt of Cear wheels, PAshinostroants no.305-56 Hy4e 163. (MIRA 1617) 1. loganakiy zavod im. Parkhomenko. (Die oasting) Flo for U.An,,! ;7..-:(ie rat- -8 Iel iy 11 te ...... -f A N' a r no. P tD41. n n os r t nyy !ft"n' STOWNUV,, N.M... kand.arkhitektury kleksai Nikolaevich Bekstoy,, 1W-1946. lsv.ASLA no.3:126 lt;~. (MIRA 15;11) (Bekstoy, Alsk-asi Nikolaevich, 1862-1946) STOTikWY, St. ; IVANnYFj IV. (Prisonts's do llswad. TevAristanov le 5- TH. 19510 1pidormophytosts anong wnrkerv of pu")Iic haths I% Soft&. Dmklady DoIg. akad. nauk 7 nn.2:65-67 Apr.Sopt. 154. 1. Inettitut de me'do-clam clinique at soctale do I'Acade'alp des ScImnces Rulgaro ott Im 41spoonvalr,4 urbato de"rmstovindrologlque 40 Snfta. (SKIN, dis"as"S' fumos dis. In vuh.hath workmrs In bulgarta) ikirmus DI.SFASV.S, skin, in pi"o.hath workers in 9ulgnria) (OCCITATIOM!, DI,:-XASSS, fungus 41s. of skin in pub. bath workers In Bulgaria) f*1TOTAIRIFF, St.; '1VXN-')FF. Iv. CrtsA or chronic ~oRnign fantlt&l potmphigus (01ov4ero t-Hal ler-R&I lay lismase) Dmkla4y Bolrakad.nauk 7 no.2:69-70 Apr-Sept 154. 1. Inotitut do modictne cliniqu* ot socialo do Ilacadealm do* 0 0 Sciouc*v Hiilora et dtsp4meatre urbain domatevenerologique do soria. (ProsAntio do Vocal. ToY.Kristancy In 5. V11, 1954~ (P%%1P!1! ous, ohroate banten familial. rasA roport) NIKOMV,11., cand. med. science; PTOYAXOV$' A.; DRAGIEV, V. Nervous system alterations after subrccipital achinistration of ACMI. Folin mod. (Pjov(jIv) 6 no.lt2l-."~, 164 1. IlIgEner Medical Institute "I.I.Pavlov" Ii Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Chitir or Pathophysiology (CI-4eft Dr. of red. science, pror. L. Teltcharov) and Chair of Ifervc-us Diseases ard Neurnsurgery (Chleft Prof. Tr.Zaprianov). !,I:.t rcrT:lt ~zc-- KII;Ac 42 rz M, a.0., Inzh.; DOLINSKIY, N.A., Jnzh.; STOTAN07, A.T.,, in2h, .Rapid orcancutting with the use of the PHL-9 loadIng rAchinee Shakht. atroi. 8 no.5:21-22 MY164 (MIPLA 17r7) 1. Nauchno-lasledo"tellskiy gomorudnyy Institut ( for Kuneto,, Dolinski ). 2. Rudnlk Impri Koninterna tresta leninnWa (for Stoyanov - 3 i ta PTASMSKIT, ItkoloW RafalloTich; VOYANDY, B.O., mda tor; SACHWA, A. I tokhnichookly redaktor. (Diabetes] Sakharnals, bolosul. 3-* perer. I dopolsd.goskva. goo. Is&-vo ned.lit-ry. 1955. 33 P. MIA SO) (Diabetes) 1. . , k, ZHWOV,V.11., professor, redaktor; PIAIIIINA,Z.A., redaktor; STOTANOV.B.G.. redaktor; YXVDUKIMOVA.Z.1i.. tekhnicheskly redjAktor- [Brucellosts; materials on organization and methodology) Brutsel- lez; orpanizatsionno-matodichaskie materialy. Izd.4-os. dop.1 parer. Moskva, Gos.izd-vomediteinskol lit-ry, 1955. 116 p. (MA 9-4) 1. Chlen-korresnondau* UA4enii moditainalilkh nauk SSSR# (for Zhdanov) (HRUCULWSIS) SHRLOV. N.S.. pr*foss*r, rodaktor; TURAN4N, N.M.. kandidat wsdltsl~skikh Rauk. rodaktor; STOYANOT, B.G.. redakt*r: SACMffA, A.L. tekhatchoskiy redaktor. -- 1, - - - I (Pathogenesis mad therapy of *cseua &ad pyedermal 0 patogenosq i torApIl sksom Iplodermll. Moskva, Oos.isd-ve mod.lit-ry, 1955. 227 p (mazw) wli:-:Zm~) (Kw 9:4i KALAXIARLAII, A.A.-. STOYAROV, B.G. A caas of multiple superficial flat bassloma of the skin. Sov.ved. 20 no.7:66-68 Jl 156. WRA 9:10) 1. Ix otdala dernatologii (sav, prof. N.S.Smelov) TSentralinago nauchno-Issledovatellskogo koshno-yonerologichookogo instituts (dlr. dotsent I.M.Turanov) Xintaterstva sdravookhransolys SSSR. (GARCINCKA, BASAL CILL skin) (SK IN NIOPIASMS basal call carcinoma) ]LAIAKKARYAN, A.A. ; 6TV'Yj%IiUi. ri.(!. Dermatitis caused by aminaztna. boy.oed.21 no.9:126-128 5 157# (NLRA 11:1) 1. Is otdola dermatologii (zav. - prof. U.S.Swelov) TSentrollnogo wouchno-Isslodova tell skoro )coshno-vsnorolcw:icheskogo instituta kdir. - kAndidat maditsinakikh nouk 14'.M.Turanov) Kinistorstva zdravookhronmnlys RSYSR- (CRIA)MOMAZIM. inj. off. dermatitis) (D"HATITIS, WlCAKICUTOSA chlorpronazins) 4TUDUITS114. Alakstindr Al-Awindrovich, pro.f.: re4.; 3n'C!11KUVA, Tn.G.. tek! (Penicillin nnd pyrothArnpy In the tresil.- - - Ponitsillino-pirotermplia bolOnykh mlf' . ... 1 0 Goa. 12d-vo mo4.lit-ry MeLlgix, 1958. 2011 p (MIRA 12:12) (ISM, ILIS) (PUICILLIN) (VTF` Wwy) PIC)ZOIGMIT, 7.1., rraf.. zas',-.izz%enny:~ dayrital' nquki, red.; VOYANO, B.I., r-od.; 1A.77M.07SLATA. N.I., - - I - - I -- -1- tProbl,rlo in -olicinal Vopros.7 riiabnai -jeditsiny. Pod rqd. V.I.Prozorrinkogo. Roal"n. Oos.ItA-vo -"4.lit-ry Redgi&, 1959. 278 P. (MUU 12:12) 1. Hascow. Nanchno-iWm4ovntsllskly institut sudabnoy wditainy. (K-OICAL XMISPHUMNO) cl *, c I.: I : I Ir" 01% 1 1: .'.. I.. gMf.; STGYokNOVIB.G.y redol KATNTMlA,M,IM,, [liew GarolopIcal reactlonn to eyphtlls) Narya vorologlaheakle reakt-sil m vifilis. Eoakvn, Yodgiz, 1961. 162 p. (YMA 11542) 1. Zaveduyushchiy m4robiologicheaklm ot-dolon l9antrallnogo rmuchnn-issledovntel skogo kozhno-venerolugicheskogo instituta (for Ovciannikov). (33Y MI LIJ-DIAZOSIS) (MRIM DIACCOSM) SMELOV, N.S., prof.j ZALKA14, P.M., prof.; BOLISIIAKCVA, G.M.,- IYEVLEVA, Yo.A.; 13TOUNGVt B.G. P Cortisone in the treatment of eczema and nourodermatitis. Say, mod. 25 no*3z9l-96 Mr 161. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Is otdela dermatologli (zav. - prof. N.S.Smelov) TSentrallnogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo kozhno-venerologi-:~heskogo instituta, (direktor - N.M.Turanov) Mintsterstva %dravookbxaneniys 1013R. (ECZEMA) 001-aISONE) (SKIN-DISEASES) TUROVAO A.D., doktor md. Ilauk, I rof., -d.; SlICYAl"Co-, .",G., red.; ii(VANGVA, Z,Ao, teklm, red* (Modiciml substances from plr-nt.~:jL*--kzirstvcr'nyo rrodstva iz ra-stenil. Moskva I ,, Medgiz, 1962. 315 P. (MIRA 15:9) (HATLAIA ISDICA, ~EGEIAUE) P.G. arect of corticosterold hqrctor,:!s (-.-n s'p.ln reactiv!ty. Vealu.. Akad. med, nauk SSSR IP no.WP-31 10~.! (vi FA " ., 14 ) 1. Tgmtrallnyy rftucbnc-lvsledovateltsHy ~rzhno-vrcnrologl- rh,,n)rly institut Miriaterstva zdrav! okhranmlya RSFSR. or ocMlmtous rtiArQ,,.,.,ts. Ap 1 t3 i. (MIRA 11:2) 1. 1z ~il;entrqllraoom kozhno.- heske-i-o InstitUitit (diro dotsent N.M, Tirnnov), rukovodiw3i raboty - prof. P.M. Zalkan t prof. A.A. .'-tudailtvin Mirih,,tfir;itva zdra-.,c*)khrar;nn.'Yn lu~K:R. I -..d. i!.- ., .. ~ . F 1,1 AYJ " , 1 i k 10' 11 ' i ', r (' Plil--Ov I c 11 ; -;-' ~'* - ! ' " ~ 1 -1. , I [SkIn and vorierenl disessea) Koz)-,rrye I venericheskie bo- I ~ lezril. lzd.2., jArer. 1. dop. Foskv -1, p ~'. e d I I .-, 'A na , " C, t 'I, , 299 1). (ml:'A 17 :"1 ) , Lev 1: 1 ~ 'I St". 'Ylflu,"~ '.." : Gr,.,4 .1. . p . '. i - =- i rv,.*onti~ n ol L-c~zrlc~ 1, -,; -.- I I I'llakt.1ka ko-,.htgkh bolf,,znf3i. 2., co;,. I Ispr. izA. Moninla, 1-,,,d-vti 1964. 543 p. (F BA 17: 5) t).e reit-- ttfl flxef!ul lor4 by red' a A !~~n ,~~f the faritn' ~,~.-zittqo! Gf .' ?I#ITAr7 ~;asal Sov. nod. ~A nr,.4. ( "I .'~ A I " t FrInImll uchaotlyes rmuk; YASFKII,LVr,",. f A,I,o, kand. red. -ma Aopri' stnain der tolo~,ila. Yo- (Y"A IF39) L A ite-,,roductim of cl.'r-Ical for:z; of a. cri-I.: rea:tl'~rs foilowl.,4* sarxitl7atlon vitol. n ail-Irron. Vont, AMN ~;33R no.4186-91 165. (MIW% 1F:IL'l 1. 'isantralInyi kozhno-venero- logic'nonkly inntiluut .11-4 ids tent tvu Mravockhrananiyn S.~3R , Mo-,ilrnrxi . T10 Y AW VI SFWT;OV# V.A.; GUSIVA, L.L.; IOFI-,, Moilkernson- Rosenthal syndrome. Sov. mt-fi, 0 165. MI ~,A 1,41 1. )(tiff-dra k,,,)zt.rykh I venericheskilkh (znv.- prof. B.M. Paihkov) MoskovBkcgo medits.'rakogo instituta J klinika nervnykh boleiney (Zhv.- pr,~-f. F.A. Poyemr.yy) Foakovskogo oblaitnogo klinirlfasrcet, wI4*jtW,~FL lmo,nl Vladimirnkoeo (dir.- P.M. Loonenkc). PRO=iOValY. V.I.; M-TXR, R.I.; STOTANOV, B.S., red.; LTUDROYSEATA, V.I., Lcollected m9tarial on orgenixation and wthodology In forensic Sbornik orpnisatelonno-metodichaskikh antertaloy po sudabno- meditainakol ekspertize. lid.2. Xosk-va, Gos.izd-vo md.lit-ry, l9bo. 479 P. (KW 14:2) (MIDICAL JIMISMUDUCI) t 2114~ i'MIMICHAILOV D. andSTOYANOVI). *X-ray diagnosis of der- moid cysts - teral-omas -Tnu-Igarian text) K111HURGUA #Sofia) 1956, 9/7-8 (619-628) Illus. 8 After a short review of dermoid cysta - teratomax. bAsed on statistical data, the X-ray sympttimn are considered and 4 personal cases are described. In 3 patients, the process A 1- previously diagnosed. in 2 It was confirmed by operatlun. The third patient, ,home X-ray picture clearly showed teeth and bones. rejected oper- ation. The difficulties of the differential diagnosis are discussed and It Is pointed out that bemiden the X-ray symptoms, the typical diagnosis in also of great signi- ficance. It In emphasized that erroneous conclusions are most frequent in the pre- sence of Echinococcus. It Is finally assumed, that the diagnosis oldermoideyst, in spite of itx difficulty. i4 possible t)y a methodical X-ray examination. ()UV, S. 91 is) - . 1. . . . t 11 ~ I - 1 " , ) ~, ; , ", it , . - W. I I . ) ; ~ !, ~, . i * , . . .11 . I % 11 - I ,I . . . I . I I II.II . I~o STOYANOV, Doche Desiccation of fruit-bearing shoots of raeplA"IeO in BulK01'rift- Zashch. rant. 0t, vred. I bol. 5 no.1-1:55-56 N 160. (MIRA 16:1) (13i.ilgaria-Raspbmrries-Diaeases and posts) GRIGOROVI, M.D., d-r; STOYANOVA, I'll. (Stoiancva, M.]; ~"TCYAJNOV, D. -i (Stolanav, D.) Exparisontal streptococcal infection in rabbit*. Trudy spidemiol mikroblol 8:21-30 261 (publ,162),, 1. Chlen kedaktoionnoy kollegii,, *rrudy Itauchno-Issledovatell- okogo Instituta epideziologil i mikroblologlIN (for Grigorova), .0 .~ POLIKAR, A.; MUlfrX, G.; SOL(A-10401A, K.; 3TUYAMN, P. [Stolanov, D.1; DITSOV, S. Tests In a sivAiltwwous traunization against dlptharia,, townat whooping cough, and tuberculosis. Trudy apidamiol mikroblol 8: 65-72 161 (pubi.162]. RCLUMKA, 5.!" d-r- -W;DLoCV, D.. ;;. V, D. iltoianuv~ r., I i 1--41- Rei=nmization by maasivo does of W.,, Trudy epidemiol m1kroblol 8-.49-5.3 16.1 (publ.:621. lo Chlen Redaktsionnoy kollegil, wrrudy Nauchno-issladavatel *,- skogo Inatituta opidomlollogli I mikroblologiil (for Rodopeka). STOYANOV, D.P. (StOldnCIV~ D.P.) . Co~elation betw-een the developwnt of tuberculin sensibility and the immomorphologic aAzgea In the BCG inoculated gulma pigs. Trudy apidemiol mikroblol 8:55--64 161 (publ.3621. STC i AN':7 is. s- 14 1. - a I A T let i'ror- i,, ;JmI nzi~ov NA 11,; t Itilt. pn cipi'l, I ciri" 'I i, II !-I- nr fin-in (Inirr, on n)-,-,0t-vmfaI if tif'ff: :I 3m-rommit mdltiinn, tin. 11, TOI '1(* TA",I: drij! affoct, nxp-ri.rvint Atilml, cnt-Uo,-mIcu.Imr gyntrim, prnvnntiv" rv3dicinn. throrApnutlc mdialm ~"-'T 'I.CT: 3ti.Kiy of offoct'n of linnt,-sl hirlinr unsaturatrfi fatty acl,!q- of cottnnw~-al oil), 10ji-outntrol (14in tw e tin) ntvi thn purn unponin euein, ruirl tho totAl aqunous oxtract of wild ch-r;timt, on tvrj-w)H-v,iitaI Atheresclorosts in ra6bils nntl rnt::. All Of U'M Abovo proparAl.-Inn:i sl zyuo-~! vai- I ;in,- d-p-oan of affoont eith#)r jr.-m-, thnrajYmtIc&lIy or in orli-,. art.. harvi 2 figtwer wvi 1 tOln~ Iowa, On autlior's Em-,. abatj Ilk 06 SGUICt DAD,'.t 00S;ij*7i "i PS-Ps 11 5=, A= t- Eml~l MITIV, Lyubcair r.71W U (Aeadeale Degrees) (Affillatim) ThO 634tr Of ft4tO%rl44 WA 07DOSSIOU with the Higher 9*41sal Institute (Katedra po skusherst" I Ginokologlya pri 791). Soflal Dirsetari Ils SlITMALIT (Swuras) Soft*, Akusherstve I Olookologlya, No S. 1962, pp 61-98o (Vota) 'A Dort$* for Ww rroelmost of Aop"s of the grotorme'O Co-authorv STOTANOT, Nall STOYAIIGVpE.j 'iULCHXN'W1A,S. The clinical application of Rvalin as an antidote of curares flauch. tr. viash. mod. inst. Sofila 42 no.4t45-0 #63 1. Chair of Surgical Diseases with Jrology.( Directors Prof. kftpov), Medical Institute-in Sofid. 1W 4TUYAJUV, Yilipp Dmitriyevich, vracn [docaosed.j. UMMICH. I.Idiya lypnovnno vrach; IMARCilD=O. L.1.. red.; STIMBLYANK0. T.Y.. [The Pyntleorsk health resortj Xurort Platigorsk. Stavropol'. Stnvropollskoe knIzhnoe isd-vo, 1959. 102 p. (NDU 13:1) (PTATIXOM-HIALTH MSORTS, WATARINO PLACIS, IITC. ) STOYAEOV, Goorgiyo ot4uslady aor%YAmt Both qualitY and opood. Starsh.-somb. no.5:33 My 162. (MLM 15:6) (Bulgaria-4irplanas, Kilitary-41aintonance &M repair) , 10.0 1 1 -- . W 1r On tle r-F if Airs- I '1. 4- :;D- ~, 7~ "-':' ~f? 1. - . A'lg;~D-tI95A Uncl. f,. , !-f-,," Ac-~!nssir--x,. Llbrtiry of Cong: ,:;, 14-- r.,"! i n, 7 re, I've- STOTANDV, G.A, , Flovering characteristics of the garland 'lower Daphne czeerun L. Prireda 45 no.7:114-115 Jl 156. (KEBA 9:9) 1.Botauicheskly *ad Akadomit nauk USSR. 11yev. (Daphne) -ypology tte F-ril,e3t. Y-1 U~;,7R Fo,.,estry. Biology . A Abu J~Iur: Fnef Zhur-Bicl., 'No Au 1, L , ,: o t. (,~ y a n,:~v , 0 . A Inot : -11 TF-j,-i-v -ell -. TI ~ I,: : The Problem of the Rcle Firewnf%j (Charr.Renerlun '17,;op.) In Refcrestatlon. 0 r I t; 1, v& b ,Tr. Butan. aada. Ali UOSOIR, 1~57, 4, -10-71. A63tvact,: T~,e significance of fireweed 'An the renewal of the j,rowir.6 z;tcck wa3 =.died to~;ether with a otud; ,,r tl-e causes cif the iryIng cut of pine plantin.--v .,;e left bank of ?oleo'. In thf, "windows U r-.,r,v,ed In these plan t I fiv.,we~~,d and ran-pberry prvvel-k tc; be arv,,~n6 the plcneerz, unlcr the Cart- ard Typnlo.7y o1' K-1 Abs Rc, f hL r- No Abstract: eaten by !;he cattle, thank:,, to whiel-, LI-Ae self- Ing, I.,-. riot tr;i,-,pj-~cj --~Iown, The of Of 3p!~,Iaj '13 f r~ Is tj-,,~y -On"Ittlow, :..;r frveil,: clearinga and .,n u - t 1 lie, r, Card 3/3 , irah.; :;.K. , in-.h. , i,,-v. r-i .; fliand"took on the Mi-l helicopter) Spravcchnlk yo vert(letu Moskva, Transport, 1965. 167 P. (ml:.A 18-121) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerntyo graz~oianjkay avlats'~I. ' " I ' - A.-'--. j "f . 1. %, 1. ; ~'.. 17,1~j-m'nji the dcprn!t3 in tnn-lci with n spray. Neft.krcz. 41 no.10:54-58 0 063. (MIRA 1-:4) KLPUBKL',V, k.Yo.1 VA' ~ 1 : , 17 EV A , A , 13 . ; S T - Y n' N tN' , G . I . Mobil* daviae for altantig p-s#,,ro,sw3 tankis from bruttcxr. nettlings, Transp. I khran, nefti I nsftoprW, no.7t25-2? 065. (i.,&IRA ISO) 1. Haualmo-11sladovatol'skly Institut po transpartu I khrftnsnlyu nafLi i nefteproduktov. .111c,"., 01, , - 11 Al. V, ';~ , Orgaidzing ule territory of the irriGated state grape farms in 'o.3tcv irovince. Tmdy Y11'"7 l6a. 14-9t (hor.tov w,rovInce-7iticulture) (Iho~.tcm ;rovirce-Irrignticu) SMARIA / Chemical Technology. Chem-Ical Products and Their Application, Elements, Oxides, Mineral Acids, Bases, Salts, Abs Jours Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1959, 42907. Author Dremov P., ZInyAnol-J. Inst Not given. Title sConcentration of Wash Acid Used in the Manufac- ture of Sulfuric Acid by the Contact Process. Orig Pub: Tezhra prom-at, 1957, 6, No 4, 16-17. Abstracti For a more efficient utilization of SOg In the man- ufacture of contact H00t it Is desira le to employ an acid in the washing a ep with its concentration corresponding to a maximum on the solubility iso- tem of S02 In H S04 Such a concentration Is sel- ected on the basis oi a sufficient water absorption Card 1/~) H-15 -irn n ar.- t o n -Aj n L w I. t!7,~ c 0: ca~~5 of C'* tt~o blood Of carj W7 1, T k IY AN C,','1 of ref-Iox Inflwrice from tho of) blool and Fl.-iol.z~.ur. 51 no.11:1323- -raynitol, Inoy frIzi-oloi-,11 inst' tu'-i rravnitellncy ,iykh Bolvarskoy akade--'-* niauk, So"Iya. NW.R14/11umn wvl jaiiTzl Physiology. Digestion. The stolvvch - T-7 ;*bs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 12, 1958, 55718. Author StQmov, -1y,_- Inst Institute of Experimntal Veterinary Melictne, Nl- carton AcaderW of Scionces. Title s Mechanical &men Receptors in Sheep. Orig Pub: Izv. In-ta eksperin. vet. nod. W(pr. W, 1956, 4, 25-42. In 5 sheep and rams with a fistula of the numn (R) and of the duodenum (D), in tvo of which the carotid artery has been placed under the skin, D maouretxnts vere reL~*Istered with the aid of a rubber ball. Peri- staltic D novenents, In a rhythm cf 1.1-18 contmetions which lasted for 15 rAnutes, alternated with rest Card 1/2 1.Ut&;Ji1A/1?umn and ;.ni,nl Physiol,~t-y- Digestion~ The Stcr-Ach - T -7 Abs Jour: W-f Zhur-Dlol., No 12, 1958, 55719, ;.uthor : Radev, T., Ztoynnov, Iv. Inst : InstituWof Expcr1-.*nU-1-V-e-ter1narj tWicino, PulMrian Academy of Sciences. Title : Moverents of the Rumen In large Homed Chttle as Influenced by Feeding,, RmAnaticn, awl Mher Factors. Or -,; Nb -Izv. In-ta eksperim. vet. md. ru&,-. *%N, 1956, 4, 93-104. ,'.',strrtct: 11, 346 cows and calves, the rumn (R) mvemnts were redistered durlik; their feedix-43, water drinking, ru- ,Anation, Lamrlng of the udder, nnd nilkiiw,- These I;eriodic rzyments consisted of two contractiuns; with a cycle which lasted A,# 38.3 seconds. 7he first Clax-1 1/4 104 "UULIRL"',Y."huar, arvl 7?w St-Ach . T-7 J~mr: iltjf Zhur-14,4-, fil-, 12, 1958, 55719. -./ 14, and when dry f,,Idcr was fed V~ thev, them, were 3 ccntractions within a 5 Uinutc i~cricd- The incrense in the nxr.;ber of ccntractions ray to qscribed to the decrease In the durnti-.~n of the cycle, which occurru-1 because the intervals between the contractions wem- shortened. The appearance and the snell cf food caused an increaso In the i-.,w..U,r of cycles within a certain period cf ti;,,e. 'olien the;.%ls m-Anated. ani drank wrater, the iaL'.ber cf R ccntr-acticno decreased durtne t 5 rdnute pcricd, since IUeer cycles develr-ped ;Iuc tc, the decrease of th4-. intervals between the ccli- tractions. DurirZ rAlking and udder mssaginjr the i,unber (,f contmeticn did not charqv. Fcwever, a 3/4 DUM,RIA/Humn and Aniinl Physiology. Digestion. The SVMch. T-7 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Diol., No 12j 1958s 55719- alIC;ht Increase of the duration of the first contract- Ion In the cycle (up to 10.5 seconds) was observed when the udder was mosaged. Cnni ; 4/4 105 BULGARIA/Frn- .%ni.--ls. S-11 Horned Crttlc Q-5 Abs Jour i Rof Zhur - Blol., No lls 19~8. 'No 50002 Author I T,q Sto -nov v o --icrite Votarin-ry ;;c~icino, PuIC~,rt-n Inft tIn! tittitc .*,c-dj:y cf Scicnco6a Titl(. :Tlif~ Dictribution of ?Iltro$-jm Subrt-n,*(.,~ A-vnr Wurorirnt, ls~ctcrir, -nd Food in th,; Contont of' tho Rtr~cn in Coyro Ortr Pub iIzv, In-tr -jk!pcri-. vot. Bulg,. Alp 19569 110 5# 145-153 -ra rbcul 3.eO + O.h pommt of -_'r.-i -Ubft-ticov in tho ruicr. of cows, rerrr-Ilota of lict, -nd fluctu-tinr, bctwoon ;.5 prc-_nt -ni 5.6e rorccnt. Of thc.,;c -bout 0.153 1 0.014 rorecnt con"rin nitroron which flucturtcE bct~-ron 0,087 pcr- c,:nt -til 0,210 Tcreent. 'o nitroEun centon'. cf 19.3 4 1.'- it crartad -t. th. oxpcn-c of Im'u.-cri-rit, th-t of 1.7 0.41 p:~rcmt ~-rnitudo f-t th..) cxrcn~c cf btctarl,o. lho vrri-tim coofficicnt of infu:cri-1 ni4m.-rn -Punt~l to ~l prtent, -n! of b-ctorlrl nitrc~,cn to 27.1 iorcont, CIT.. th,: -vcr!-;:c, infure-ri-m2 nu Icred 24 th~Durrnd pcr ll~ AJV AUTHURS: Smirnov, A. A. and Stoyanov, 1. A. 126-2-V30 TITLE: Theory of the residual electric resistance of interstitial alloys. (Teoriya ostatochnogo elektrosoprotivleniya splavov vnedrenlya). PEdIuDICAL: "Fizika Metallov i Metallovedenlye" (Physics of Metals and Meta1lur-g-y7-,-V-c77V, No.2, 1957, pp.228-231 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRAGT: Up to now authors have dealt mainly witii the theory of the residual electric resistance of substitution type alloys (1-6). The aim of this paper is to investigate the relations governinC the residual electric resistance of interstitial alloys as a function of the composition, the distant order parameters and the correlation parameters (which characterise the near order relations) between the substituted atoms of various types of nades and interstices. The calculation was effected on the basis of the multi-electrorA thcvry, usine, a methvd which was described by this autnor and his team in other work (3-5). The following simplifying assumptions were made: the potential enert;ies of the conductivity electrons differ little in the field of the ions of the differing Card 1/ 3 type which substituLe the nades of the lattice and that the putential ener6ie3 in the field of the ions which Theory of the residual electric resistance of interstitial alloys. (Cont.) 126.2-7/3D penetrated into the interstices are so small that tLey can be considered as small disturbances. These assumptions are not valid for all the interstitial alloys but they are quite serviceable for obtaining solely qualitative results. The authors consider an ordering alloy which has ions of various types in the nodes of the crystal lattice a(a - 1,2 ...... ) and ions of the type 0(p - 112 . ..... ) in the Intersticos. For determining the residual electric resistance of the alloy, the authors used the method of the matrix density W which is based on the zero approximation wave functions~m The electric resistance is calculated for the particular case of a substitution alloy consisting of two metals A and B into the interstices of which atoms C of one type have penetrated. In the case of low concentrations of the penetrated atoms, the residual resistance was determined without considering correlation; in this case the admix- ture of the penetrated atoms causes an additional Card 2/ resistance which is proportional to the number N Of the atoms C and brings about a shift in the concentiation curve of the residual resistance by a constant value 6 i0 o4' sol ritl -.)m, s z* -i n OrIfir of -4 f if g n it A is isrI k ~i- f- 1,/ I r y I r 3 r t~v -.1 1 - - I y 1... 1 -in t I t'.1 i, T, 1 1 liTi cl' in iwcf. ei A,). (:i-. t I ('r-1, r :r~- f t?- J'. I Iy Ve"ll t r of r1l; Ixt,irc, c,!' ir.luzt.91 rt, n th#3 rrdarlrx r v: ',.r I rtl ~--v: in- v,;.: 'A;-+o~ r -.ri )I I -.~r I 1-i. It it:- ri-icwn tnet the pr.-rence of lxturo r-f ii-iject,)l eta-'r' L-.Crep.~cs the do,-roe of order- Isq-, cif tho P11cy, nnl i~xrptinoc cricrinr teqorpture. The Uviribility of tr,!~,rir- -rdered vll-~y ty Injertinr H.Tixture rto;..r Into t!.(, ~!ntrjrrl-iccr -f it:- cryntellIno Itittleo In clitrifiol. '~'hv dintributicom if tht. Injocted rtl-tr cl' th-j H-AxVirc c,-,-or tl- interrtic,~-l -,f lifffrent kini In the crl-~)rirj- --f tY,- llc,~, Ir Cr ri . ..... ......... ..................... 1:f e . ........................... '25313 Ir ivb tkz. Or L Abstract card 1 STOTPPV, I.A. ,o exp4littark ships. Trultf 1N9t-'wtQ&n- 19: SM&II tounar 140-147 156. (MLRA 10:2) (Ships) STOTANOV, I.A. Choosin4 the alesinnts of ships noo94 Btul.Wman.kom. no.2:75-W '58. (Oceanographic remenrch) in oconnographic research. ("IRA 1215) (Ships) STOTANOV, I.A. Research ship *Akadealk S. VavilovO. Trudy Inst. okean. 35:225-237 '59. OGRA 130) (Akademik S. TAvilov (Steamship)) I , , , i w ', !:. ( I , r:.- It - I. . : . , r 'in ~ 7~t; ~ - r, ~ fh, " . ~ ~ , - ~ , ;~ I , . .. n , - I I.. :-~ - - - ---- -- - - -- A - - - - 'i't" 1) * I,LV("- , ~>. 1.1 . ;,TLYA.I.(,v , I.V.L!3tninv1v, I.Y.1 , ; " 1. ... 1. . ill I I - p I nxh . Opprntion of thm 'Isokm* rood nawor.'. hoon. *1 no.1-3) Mr I ~i 1. (MIRA 11:4) (Hoed (Bot--ny) (Hawing -%sehin-%) r;--tw!h%,;y 5otmcljilk FsVAblic,hln,g mole drains for the recla=itlon of swumpso Mekh, all'. hosp. 11 no-5:28-29 PI 160, OMA 14:3) Is Ukri.inskly nauchno-isslodovatel'skiy institut gidrotekhniki I melior,Aaii. (Dratruige) K,* S., ~:nat.-)r r^t Ior- r r-m a S~ ate of -n dpri'n. Kr.' viri, , la rc 9. IC-141 (MI%A Y!r)) ka fadr v~ y-nra-ppc i kh ! ra deli VY (na~,~-al lnx - pmf i. , - -) ~ Do i7ar, -;a. J K, -~ r.- , STOTANOT, K.A. Problem of closed drainags, of the choledochus, XhimrClia, Sofia 6 no.8:449-458 1953. (CIML 2325) 1. Docent, Director of Hospital Surgical Clinic of the Institute for the Specialization and Advanced Training of Ptqsicianme