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KAIMY.KOY, V.A.j SVESHKOV, Yu*V. Dielectric constant and the specific resistance of certain slag systems in steel smelting. Trudy LPI no.2413:4-1-48 165. . 18:8) (MM KUMFOW V.A.; AGE~',:-,V, P.Ya.; y ~!e.16)hocl.q for me-astiring tba pmpertfz5 1)' slag . 1, . - - svst.9r)r,. Zavolab, 31 ';-' 5, (mm~, -mo-2) 1# lpeniagradsk2y po2!f,-,khn,'ch#-sk--'y .Ti,, -.-0 ` . -- 1,7 - " -'-- - -- I -- - - - -- - - -- -- ---- v / r C / .1 _-., .,7 '" .AMMATTEROV, P.;SAMARS~IY, A.;SVBSHNIR.OV, A. Andrei Nikolaevich Tikhonov: on the occasion of the 30th anniverwy of his birth. Usp. mat. nauk 11 no.6:235-245 N-D 156. (NLRk 10:3) (Tikhonov, Andrei Nikolaevich, 1906) AUTHOR: Sveshnikov, A. A. (Leningrad) SOV/179-59-3-5/45 TITLE: Determination of the Probability Characteristics of Three-dimensional Sea Waves (Opredeleniye veroyatnostnykh kharakteristik trekhmernogo volneniya morya) PERIODICAL: Izvestlya Akademii nauk, Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk, Mekhanika i mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 3, pp 32-41 (USSR) ABSTRAM It is assumed that -the waving isideal, i.e. the sea is infinitely deep and the amplitude is sufficiently small. In these circiunstances the motion is of eddyless character and the velocity of water particles at a given point V can be defined as a function of its coordinates, x, y, z and time t at the potential u (Eq 1.1). For the vertical z, the deviation C ,(x,y,t) of the sea waves fvom its static level is related to the potential u as shown in Eq (1.2). Therefore, the potential u (x,y,z,t) fully defines the state of water particles in relation to the depth and the type of surface waving. In order to find this potential, the Laplace formula (1.3) for the conditions (1.4) can be employed. After Card 1/4 the transformation, Eqs (1.6) to (1.14), the formula SOV/179-59-3-5/45 Determination of the Probability Characteristics of Three- dimensional Sea Waves (1-15) is obtained uhich describes the waving in the form of superposition of plane waves propagated in various directions with the velocity expressed by Eq (1.16). It can be seen from Eqs (1-17) (which is based on Eq 1.12) and (1.18) that the spectral density 50(V,kp ), c1laracterizing the distribution of the energy of plane waves of various lengths % = 2Tr/V , can also be expressed as the spectral density y 0 (p,q). Ther-efore, both the densities can be employed for defining the probability characteristics of waving. The latter can be defined as the mathematical expectation of the wave profiles for various points in the sea at various times. In general, their ordinates can be taken as A(x,y) and B(x + , y + n) for times t and t + T respectively. The mathematical expectation will depend only on S T19 T. Denoting these three- dimensional cot-relation functions as K(~, q, T), the expression (2.1) is thus obtained. If the ordinate is expressed as the potential velocity u (EqS1.2. 1.11 and 1.12), the differential equation (2.2) can be obtained, which can be written also as Eq (2.4). For Card 2/4 a definite point in the sea, i.e. for i = 0, the SOV/179-59-3-5/45 Determination of the Probability Characteristics of Three- dimensional Sea Waves coordinates of the points A and B can be statistically determined. There are 1 figure and 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 1 English. SUBMITTED: August 1, 1938 Card 4/4 PHASE I BOOK EXPI40ITATION 50V/5755 Sveshnikovo Aram Arutyunovich Prikladnyye metody teoril sluchaynykh funktsi7 (Applied Methods of the Theory of Random Functions) Leningrad, SudpromgIz, 1961. 251 P. Errata slip Inserted. 10,000 copies printed, Scientific Ed.: 1. Ya. Diner; Ed.: M. A. Aptekman; Tech. Ed.: L. M. Shiahkova. PURPOSE : This book is intended for engineers and scientists using methode.df the theovy of probability in various fields of engineeri+ COVERAGO: The book presents methods for inivestigating random functions applicable to various fields of,engineering, such as thq'se used in the theory of ship desigr., in, automatic-control theory, and in radio engineering. Since the book is primarily -intended to describe the applications of the theory, many theo- retical problems have been neglected and mathematics is considered Gard-4/6 AUTHOR. TITLE-, PERIODICALg 29642 8/14~/61/004/004/006/015 D2011D.)06 Sveshnikov, A~A. Applyijig probabiiity methods to solving certain non-, linear problems of the applied gyroscope theory Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Priboro- stroyeniyeg v. 4, no. 49 i961. 39 - 47 TEXT: In many probiems of the theory of gyroscopes, random func- tions have to be included in a non-linear manner im-to -the equation. of the system movement. These are all the problems in which Cou-Lomb friction must be taken into account and those where random fruqc- tions are applied to the input of the non-linear element of con-Crol. In the present article the author gives a me-uhod of analyzing dyna- mic systems with non-linear elements. The method is based on the solution of a = m + nf[xkt)b (3) in which t[xkt)] are non-linear funcTion8 of type "yes-no", or a Card 1/5 29642 S/146/61/004/004/006/015 probability methods D201/D306 lied to analyzing the deviation of a gyroscape due to the Coulomb friction in the horizontal grimbal. The analyzed kinetic moment to gyroscope H is taken as 29000 g cm see, the constant (insign) com- ponent of the friction moment MT equals 0.1 g cm, the modulus of the sign changing component of the friction. moment k = 0.5 g cm and the angle of heeling O(t) is assumed to be a stationary time func- tion with zero mathematical expectation, and the correlation func- tion K or 2 e-l'/T/(cos t T +sin (26) where d 60c 12 = 0.042 1/sec; 0.42 1/see. Kazakov's statistical method of linearization (Ref. Iss Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1956, v. 17, no,, 5) is found to give not only quan- titatively but qualitatively false results and cannotg thereforep be applied. A more complicated problem is the analysis of Coulomb. friction on the true vertical reference line of the gyro. The exact solution of the non-linear equations may be obtained by introducing VY Card 3/5 29642 S/l46/6l/O04/OO4/uO6/0i5 Applying probability methods , D201ID306 ASSOCIATION,~ Voyenno-morstaya ordena Lenina akademiya (Naval Order of Lenin Academy) SUBMITTED: December 26, 1960 Card 5/5 26731 S/040/61/025/003/008/026 Investigation of the behavior ... D208/D304 Y(t) is an unknown function characterizing the state of the system# a,,(t) 1, ..., n) are given functions of timep and the non-li- near function F (X), (j = 1p 2, 3) is assumed to be I of the 3 fol- lowing types (X) signx /2 (X) + [sign (X a) + sign (X A- a)] 2 /3 (X) RX + a) sign (X + a) - (X - a) sign (X - a)J Here the first type corresponds to a non-linear "yes-no" typet the second to a "yes-no" type with an insensitive zone and the third to an element with a linear part and a "saturated" part. The solu- tion of (1.1) is of the form Y (t) p (t, t~) /j IX (t,)] dt~ (1-5) Card 2/4 26731 B/040/61/025/003/OOB/026 Investigation 6f the behavior D208/P304 where p(t, tl) ib a wdighte 'd function ol.~ the systemp evaluated by means of the system of indepeiident integrals of the homogeneous equations corresponding to (1.1). For mathematid'al expectancy and scatter, this method gives, after some iimplifiba~lon P 0' t 1) d' 1 Y W (h (X (0)) 2= 21 P T) P (t, E + 'r) d~j M (Ij [X (t)] fj I X (t + r))) d-r _U If the expectance is known, the first and second moments may be calculated. The formulae are solved by means of Fourrier integrals or by the method of A.A. Markov (Ref. 2: Ischisle-1ye veroyanostey (Calculation of Probability), Gosizdat, M., 1924). Calculation mo- ments: The formulae for the non-linear moments are, in the case of X(t) with characteristic function E(u) W du 00 (2.2) Al jelux O)l - = 17E U M U Card 3/4 CHMNYY, F.B.; BASS) F.G.,, retsenzent; IiISYM) V.A.., reteenzenti MASIIAROVAJ V.G., red.; SVESHNIKOVI A.A., tekhn, red. (Propagation of radio waves) Rasprostranenie radiovoln. Moskvaq lzd-vo "Sovetskoe radio,," 1962. /+79 P. (YJRA 15:3) (Radio waves) 10TIKOV A A. VOLGIN, Lev Nikolayevich; IVANUSHKO, N.D., red.;.-gXaHVIKOVj A.A.$ tekhn. red. [Elements of the theory of computer control; polynorial equa- tions in problems of the synthesis of automatic control sys- tems with digital computersIBlementy teorii upravliaiushchikh mashin; metod polinomialIzWkh uravnenii v zadachakh sinteza sistem avtomaticlaeskogo upravleniia s tsifrovymi vychisli- teltrWmi mashinami. Moskva., Sovetskoe radio, 1962. 163 p. (MIRA 15:11) (Electronic computers) (Automatic control) ~~~'ffiwad" V E-S H V -j PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/6203 Volodin, Boris Grigorlyevich, Mikhail Pavlovich Ganin, Isay Yakovlevich Diner, Lazar' Borisovich Komarov, Aram Arutyunovich Sveshnikoy Doctor of "~--k~ovic in Technical Sciences, Professor, a-fiid-Kiliiian B;r Rukovodstvo dlya inzhenerov po resheni3fu zadach teorii veroyatnostey, sbornik osnoviiykh formul, tipovykh resheniy i zadach dlya uprazheniy (Handbook for Engineers on the Solution of Problems in the Theory of Probability, Collection of Basic Formulas, Typical Solutions, and Practice Problems) Leningrad, Sudpromgiz, 1962, 422 p. Errata slip inserted. 14, 300 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): A. A. Sveshnikov; Reviewers: R. I. Ginzburg, Candidate of Technical Sciences, and N. Ya. Cherednichenko, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed.: I. A. Shaykevich; Tech. Ed.: A. 1. Kontorovich. PURPOSE: This handbook is intended for engineers, scientific workers, and students at schools of higher education interested in applying formulas of Card 1/10 - - - - - - - - - - Transactions of the Sixth conference (Cont.) SOV/6371 47. RayevskiYj S. Ya. Analogue of A. Ya. KhinchAls Theorem on the Spectral Representation of the Correlation Function for 239 Nonstationary Random Processes 48. Raybman, N. S. Correlation Methods for Determining the Approximate Characteristics of Automatic Lines 245 49. Sveshnikov A A Probabillty.Methods for Investigating 2.51 weiff ~oh~ Sea.and the.Rolling of a Ship. 50. Tempellman, A. A. Ergodic Properties of Homogeneous 253 Random Fields Over Groups 51. Timofeyevj D. V., and A, S. Frolov. Application of a Method for Statistical Tests to the Calculation of Certain. Regimes of Electric,~~ystems 257 ,"ansactio:,is of th3 61wh Conf. on Probability Th,.orf abd Hatuh-amaltical Statistics and of the Sy,-.-)osiwu on Distributions in infinito-Dimansional Spaces hald in Vill ryus, 5-10 Sop 160. Vj.llnyus 'Zospolitizdat Lit SS.0.1 1962. 493 p. 2500 copics printed, - g.. MITYASHEV, Boris Nikolayevich; IVAMJSHKO, II.D., red.; SVESMIIKOV, A.A., tekhn. red. (Determination of the position of pulses with respect to tire in the presence of interfere:ace]Opredelenie vremennogo polozhe- niia impuls6v pri nalichii pomekh. Moskv a, Sovetskoe radio, '1962. 198 p. (MIRA 15:12) (Pulse techniques (Electronics)) (Radar) S/024/62/000/005/005/012 'e~ 0 E14 O/E135 AUTHORz Svesh!i~v (Leningrad) - _A. TITLE: The behaviour of undamped second-order dynamic systems in the presence of random processes PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Izvestiya.' Otdeleniye tekhnicheskikh nauk.. Unergetika i avtomatika, no.51 1962, 96-98 TEXT. The problem studied hits application to gyrostabilisers in inertial guidance. In the-absionce of,damping, the application to the-input of such a system of it continuous-random process leads to the linear growth of the dispersion of-,the output processe: In a numerical example,-it'is shown that in a cei-tain system for which the Schouler period is realised the error reaches 4.8 km per hour. SUBMITTED: April 24, 1962 Card 1/1 S/040/62/026/003/001/02_0 On the raotion of a gyroscopic ... D407/D301 where A. g# A.. and A~ are raridont functIons ol" time; a and P are the an-ular deviations. in the presence of damping (due to friction or 0 drag), system (1.9-) is replaced by + kg(l + 1- A.)a + n& = kA990-3) kg (1 + A,) nP kA,P 9 It g mher- --. is the of the damping factor to the kinetic moment H I Y ir --cfucing, instead of the re'al functions -I - rotor. a(t) and o (t), zhe complex JL5'unc.-Ton y(t), system.0-3) i-ed!-"c6s to the single equation ~(t) + iklg[i + Y(t)]Y(t)'= VJW + iv 1(t) (1-4) a + iP), where V 1 and W 1 are related to A 7L and A~, and-Y is related to A SO In general,'the solution of.Eq. (1.4) is very cumbersome. In,practice however, it is sufficient to determine the mean M and dispersion D of the angular deviations a(t) and P(t). Pormulas are derived for Uhe moments of the functions a(t) and P(t) for any system of random -lunctions Y, V and VI. if the latter are normal functions, it is Card 2/3 ,bard 3/3 SEVANIKAYEV, A.V.; SVESIINIKOV, A.A. Effect of ionizing radiation on the function of the vesti- bular analyzer. Med. rad. 8 no.7:82-87 J1 163. (MIRA 17:1) ACCESSION NR: AP4041959 5/0280/64/IDOO/003/0058/0061 AUTHOR: Sveshnikov, A.A. (14aingrad) TITLE: One problem orffrei~blf-nbilfty theory SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izv. Tekhnicheskaya ldbernetika, no. 3, 1964, 68-61 TOPIC TAGS: automation, automatic control system, reliability, control system reliability, reliability theory, Markov process, autocorrelation function, Weber function ABSTRACT: The probability, W(T), that the system parameter u(t), which Is a random.. function of time, does not exceed limits recpiired for satisfactory performance of the system during the time interval T Is derived. for the special case when u(t) is a line", one-dimensionpl Markov process. The autocorrelation function of u(t) is seemed to be 20-al'n and u(~) to assumed to satisfy a differential equation exponential, a. du + clu M a f2a 9 (1). where t (t) Is a white nolsi-e' function4hose autocorrelation is 6(t). The probabilit y density function, w(Ir, y), which expresses the fact that during the time interval 'r the Card - . .-I . - . -1--, - . ; 1- . " . - - . ~ . I ~ ; - , . - 1 1. . . I . - I . I , - 1 11,1 7. . I .I- I ~ . I ~ , : " ~ .- 'ACCESSION NR: AT4037705 ,considerable inhibition of the function of the vestibular mec'na-ism. :ASSOCIATION. none SUMITTIM: 00 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: PH9 LS :NO REF SOV: 005 orHER: oo4 On Cad I w VOLODIN, B.G.; GANIII., M.P.; DRER, I.Ya.; KOVAROV, L.U.J; SIVESMIKOV, A.A., zasl. deyatell nauki I tekliniki RSF.1111, do-i~to-r- -Ee'!kh'n-'-.-'naul-, prof. ; STARO BIN , K. B. ; 1:011"'HEMO , V.V. , red.; BLAGOVESHCHRISKIY, Yu.N... red. [Problems in probability thewV2 matbematical statistics, and theory of functions of random variables] Sbornik za- dach po teorii veroiatnostei, matemiaticheskoi statistike 1 teorii sluchainykh funktsii. Moskova, Nauk-a, 1965. 632 p. (MIRA 18:10) OYVIN, I.A.; KIRIYAKOV, M.A.; KOROLEVA, L.V.; ROMANOVSKAYA, L.L.; SVESWIIKOV, A.A.; TOKAFEEV, O.Yu.; UKLONSKAY-A, L.I. Radlometric study of problems of the pathogenesis and experimental tberapy of inflammatory edemas. Vest. AMN SS,TI 20 no.9:87-93 165, (MIRA 18:11) 1. Institut meelitsinskoy radiologii AMN SSSR, ObninsIc. Various -DIIILlItions am di-xwm- tlI~,;.Ujjjtjoji:,6f tl~c_t;_ra ave: -rcgi u-i ti -f jmkup-tz to the rea"t, valuc throoWco-111 C~ f nits e A e -princip e o Ilpffing a is Sornrnfrrt'~I&S: .!~r-Aiatlon` cond Ma:th.'Wrdrv21,-3%w-3SS (1.912). SawapkillA A&Mti 18i 141~21W(1;048)) h avesuggesta udj. amplit rwommending thelk t0e-of u4oIn-6V___th equa iom Flo' r tion .,the 'a +M6~0 in V_ with Av -th"lAb,.-the-aE injj~ triodif --cc- ridition'i~ iidfatida w.-Ja-ik, Wh pneral di Fraction pANmj,-'the_ a-I resentatio is by mean.5 of which, he limiting a bsorptica' May--be r axwel j Wed ta Wit fo R - e~ j thardatica evtd4a hie lv'.-, S*crv_ e-A-0 I a. ike 66' : f' (L- or: an~'ifiltrtita fell (M),495-524 079 lt~s~ dilslthc~tiut ~'in_,Sc~bqdlki t hue 'Cjb~i. M A jbonov an, Y& r1it, ~ *,A Ing - h~ of li PIQ 71, ~the ain defit M open _wavZL. ! ~ ItLa; j h' M -on-, 0 Upper th 7 Aey, Ietfz~ ~-are-gtven- ' - rt res gii --I,fite&Tal 6, the "principle of ar. Sirr'll considem . .. .. n5' IkU SVESHIaKOV2 A. G. ~Prixl,.Aple of -Limitizig Absorption for the Wave duide, A. G. Sveshnikcv "Dok AY Nauk SSSR" Vol LM, No 3, pp 345-347 .~ewnstrates the theorem that the homogeneous wave liq Av,0z2u=O inside a wiLve guide possesses only the trivial soln u=O when satisfying boundary con ditione: u/sto or Iiu /c- 0 (where S is the lateral dn , -- 11 t surface of tne wave gu:Lde and certain Sommerfield radiational conditions at infinity. Work was di- rectl~d by Prof A. N. T,Lkhonov. Submitted 10 Jul 51 by Azad I G -Petrovsk:Ly. 210r," MaUematical ReviMvegnikov, -A. G.. On a work of M. V. Ostrogradskil. vol. 14 No. 9 Uspetii Matem. Nauk (N.S.) 8, no. 1(53),101-102 (19i3). October 1953 (Rassian) History 'nie alithor statc.~ that a m-ork- of Ostm-gndsial dating from IS2S [Note r-tir fit th(-oriv fie fit chalcur. AMin. Acad. --i. St. P~tcrsiumrg. S~.i, Afath. Phys. Nat. (6) 1, 129-138 W~31)] demmistraws, his prior discovery of several mathe- "I.-Itical dws)rtnis and drvOopment-, usually credited to ndv~r matht-miati6ans. ,I'livre followq (pp, _102-103) an uxt'arf v-1.1ting pet-Ch of stek-lov , t(1 this paper taken froin it s Ovvii of a vd-Awation of thr 100th annivrr!;ary of Ostro- 141-111 oild it IN'11"imi transhtion of (tic paper in SYESHNIKOV, A. G. USSR Af-th tics Elastic Jul/Aug 53 Oscillations- "Uniqueness of the Solution of the External Problems in the Theory of Elastic Oscillations,'!,A. G. Sveshnikov, Moscow Priklad Matem i Mekhan, Vol 17, No 4, pp 443,454 Acknowledges the guidance of A. N. Tikhanov and suggestions of I. N. Vekua. Demonstrates that the principle of limiting absorption (A. G. Sve5hnikov, 276T82 "Principle of Radiation," DAN SSSR, Vol 73~ No 5, 1950) can be utilized also for the unique deter- mination of 'the soln of external boundary-value problems of stationary elastic oscillations repre- sented by diverging waves. )fDV A, CHIMPAKOV, F.V., prof.; ROGOZHIII. V.S., dote.; SVISHUIXOV, A.G., assistant [Program in methods of mathematical physics for pl7sice and physicomathamatics faculties of state universitiasj -Programme po metodam matematicheskoi fisiki dlia fizichookikh i fiziko- matematichaskikh fakulltetov goaudarstvennykh univerattetov. [Kiev] Izd-vo Kievskogo gos. univ., 1956. 1 p. (KIRA 11:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo vy-.3shego obrazovauiya. (Mathematical pbysica-Study and teaching) - . "I I 1q.-LIZUKTUMIMMMAM mgm5waulg I . I SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS AUTHOR 9VE6NIKOV,A. G TITLE An Approximation Method for Non-Regular Wave Guide * PERIODICAL, 110, faso.2, Issued: 11 / 19-5r CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1544 the Computation of a Slightly 197-199 (1956) Here the propagation of radio waves in a wave guide which differs but little from a regular cylindrical irave guide is investigated. The shape of such a wave guide is discussed and the corresponding parameters are given. The position of any point within the wave guide is determined by the following 3 coordinates: by the wave length of the arc s on the guiding curve and by the polar coordinates r and 9 on the plane S which is always vertical to the guide curve. The YL&LYELL equations describing this problem and the secondary condition for the vanishing of the tangential component of elect-fie field strength on the wall of the wave guide are e3cplicitly given. The approximation solution of this problem can, in the case of small E 0 , be set up in the form --~ 0 4 0 E E + EOET + A + to Ht + Here E o=max [ R(s), Y (01, X and Y' curvatures and winding respectively of the guide curve, flo 10j- the field in the equivalent cylindrical wave guide (sr,y). Next, the system of the 31 MAXWELL equations for the determination of the field Pt I Ht is given, which is obtained by confining oneself to the terms containing the Jirst powers of ~f (s) and Y-(s). The boundary condition is simplified in a similar manner. 1)okl.Akad.Nauk, 110, fasc.2, 197-199 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 Besi PA - 1544 des, f Ef Ht j MU;3t satisfy the Itradiation conditions,, in infinity. The solution of this approximated system of equations with the approximated additional condition thendetermines the distortion of the field in case of a alight disturbance of the regularity of the cylindrical wave guide. By the introduction of an auxiliary field Hit (ikH" - ikH' + 14) the dete of t Et Ht _pination he field f 1_i~ I may be reduced to determination of the field f~, Eff This field Hit I- t ) is the solution of an inhomogeneous MAXWELL system of equations for a cylindrical system of coordinates. The determination of this auxiliary field may be considered to be a problem of the excitation of the equivalent cylindrical wave guide by an assumed spatial current distribution in the case of an assumed value of the tang2ential component of electric field strength.()yj the boundary of the wave guide. The solution of the first problem is mentioned in the works by A.N part of this fis, 17, fasc.11 and 12 (1947)~ -TICHONOV and A.A,SAIIARSKIJ, Zurn,techn. INSTITUTION: Moscow State University 1'M.V.LO1,1ONOSOV". Transformation of the Wave H 01 in a Spatially Curved Wave BOV/155-58-2-30/47 Guide With a Circular Cross Section into the wave E ill can be avoided almost entirely. In the plane special case one obtains the well-known result of M.Gouguet fRef 1,21 . The solution obtained by the authors is an approximation, based on several simplifying assumptions, and is obtained with the aid of a method of B.Z.Katsenelenbaum [Etef 51. There axe 7 references, 4 of which are Soviet, 2 French, and 1 American. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova (Moscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov) SUBMITTEDg February 5, 1958 Card 2/2 Waves in Bcrt Tubes 109-3-5-Vl? co-ordinates in the S -jlane) and s 77hich is the le-n-Sth of tho arc of' the [,rencratinC curve L Fi~.,st, an acoustic wraveguide is considered and it is pointed out that this should Satisfy tlie A 2 ~U + u = 0 and ",he bourLary conditions expressed by: C- U 0 .. n (2) If the notation defined by Eqs.(4) is adopted, Eq.(l) can be written as Eq. (5) or (6) - On the other hand, if the lateral surface of the waveguide is described by the function defined by Eq. (8), ti,,e boundary condition can be expressed either by E~).(�~ or by Za.(10), where H 1 is a normal to the contour C in the plane S . If the irreSularities in the zaveguide are co-L:~aratively sz-all, the solution of Eq.(l) can be in the form; C~ird2/4 U = UO + SOU(i) + ... (13) ,.7aves in Bent Tubes 109-3-5-2/17 it is shown that in a curvilinear co-ordinate system, x, y, Z7 tl--,e Ila--,v,-jell equations and the boundary conditions can be written as Eqs.(32) and (33). The electric and magnetic fields are given by Eqs.(35). There are 8 refcrences, 6 of which are Soviet, 1 French and 1 English. SLMM11TTI D: April b -) , 19 5? AVAILA13LE: Lilbrory of ConZress CRrd 4/ ,4 1. I,-javeguides-Theory SOV/49-59-1-6/23 OntheSiow, Motion of a Conducting Medium in a Stationary Magnetic Field velocity 0yo = const.) in a constant magnetic field (Ho = const.), then the induced electric field E (only the horizontal x-component is not equal to zero) is givenEby 170 0 (13) X C HZ where c is velocity of sound and HO is the vertical component of the Earth's 0 Z magnetic field. If Hz = 0.2 gauss and seawater moves at 10 km./hr the induced electric field is of the order of 6 x 10 ~ V/cm. Eq.(13) may also be used to find the speedoof an ocean current ^60 from known values of Hz and Ex. This simple formula isl however, only a first approx- imation and more complicated expressions are derived by the author. Tb,se expressions allow for the finite Card 2/3 conductivity of the ocean floor and for the width of S/155/59/000/02/032/036 AUTHOR: SveshnikgvjL AoG. TITLEs Excitation of Irregular Wave Guides PERIODICAL: Nauchnyye doklady rysshey shkoly. Fiziko-matematicheskiye nauki, 1959, No. 2, pp. 162-165 TEXTi The author considers the excitation of a homogeneously filled irregular wave guide whose lateral face is no cylinder jacket, but which is of deal conductance. For the equations of the considered wave guide the author proposes a form which,is especially suitable for programming purposes. The method can be extended to inhomogeneous wave guides and to such ones with absorbing walls. There are 8 references 1 6 Soviet, 1 American and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeristet imeni M.V. Lomono-sova (Moscow State.U-niversity irqeni M.V. Lomonosov) SUBMITTED: February 11, 1959 0 Card 1/1 S/141/59/002/05/007/026 Irregular Waveguides 9192/E382 the surface S can be written in polar coordinates. The equation is: r =-ro(y, S) where s is a parameter. in curvilinear coordinate5 the system is defined by Eq (2). The surface Z of the waveguide coincides with the coordinate surface I and the boundary condition is: E,, le =1 = 0 . where Elt is the tangent component of the vector 9 on the coordinate surface P = 1 . The Maxwell equations in this coordinate system can be written as Eqs (3), where (et.e(p, e.) , (hp, h (P , hS and CT CT CT Card2/4 (j (I, i(P ,is ) are covariant components of the 68646 s/141/59/002/05/007/026 Irregular Waveguides E192/E382 9, A and jCT in the system-having the principal coordinate vectors ae , aY , a. 0 On the basis of orthogonality of the principal and reciprocal vectors the Maxwell equations can be written in the coordinate form by multiplying Eqs (3) by the Ltrincipal or the reciprocal vectors. It is possible to find the metric eoofficients g ij - The method of doing this is indicated in Eqs (4). However, the evaluation of the field inside the wavegulde presents cons�derable dIfficulties since the equations are quite complex. However, the results of the above analysis can comparatively easily be applied to important cases, in particular, the calculation of "weakly" irregular waveguides, i.e. waveguides which differ slightly from the regular ones. This type of problem is usually solved by expanding the field into a number of components (see Eq 6) and evaluating the required corrections. In this way, it is possible to investigate Card3,14 the following problems: circular bends in circular LIr SVISHNIKOV, A.G.;KMPAYEV, M.M. A problem in aerial electric prospecting. Vest MoBk. un. Ser. mat., meMi., astron., fiz., khid. 14 no.2:-113-120 159 (KM 13:3) 1. MELfedra matematiki Moskovskogo gosuniversiteta, (Electric prospecting) (Aeronautics in geology) GLASKO$ V.B.; SVESHNIKOV, A.G. Electric fields of ocean currents produced by the earth's magnetic field. Geom~Lg. i aer. I no.1%73-81 Ja-F 161. OMIRA .14:7) 2. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V. Lomonosova.. fizicheskiy fakulltet. (Ocean currents) (Electric fields) (Magnetism, Terrestrial) S/194/61/000/008/081/092 D201/D304 jUITHORS: Moiseyev, N.N. and Sveshnikov, A.G. TITIZ: Symposium on wave diffraction. Odessa September 26 - October 1, '1960 PERIODMAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtoniatika i radioelekt-ronika, no. 89 1961, 68, abstract 8 1468 (Zh. vychisl. mat- em. i matem. fiz., 1961, 1, no. 1, 181-182) TEXT: The symposium on the theory of diffraction has been organized by the Commission on Acoustics of the AS USSR, in con- junction vrith the Institute of Acoustics of the 10 USSR and the Odessa.Electrotechnical Institute of Communications. Investigations into the folloving were discussed: Theory of diffraction in radio engineering, acoustics, theory of elasticity and hydrodynamics. 7 papers were read at the general session and 80 at committee ses- sions. There was a wide interchange of ideas on the methods used in the diffraction theory. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete transla- tioni, Card I./I. S/194/62/000/001/043/066 Waveguide bends D201/D305 guide may be used as a filter for parasitic modes. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation.-.7 V/ Card 2/2 -L-19897-63 F4T (l)/3DsMc_(Q-,Z AFnC1A$V1M-3AFGC-Li _FiA/Fj-h/~m-4 TFANSLATION: The autbors-derive formulad'and construct a prog3ram for the nu- "SSION M: A CCE AFt3oo4393 S/0274/63/000/005/AO54/AO54 SOURCE: RZh. Radiotekhnika i elektrosvyez',, Abs. 5A319 AUTHOR: Sveshnikov, A,,Q.,,",.Xbtik, I.P., Cherny*Aev, W.S. 4 .TITLE: A method of computing plane waveguide matchings CITED SOURCE: Sb. rabot V~*chisl. tsentra Mosk. un-ta, v. 1,-1962, 2344~5 % .TOPIC TAGS: vaveguide, waveguide match ing, Vaxwell equation) veve equation, ~wave propagation,.electromagnetic wave propagation irerical solution of the problem of elfctromagnetic wave propagation in an ir- regular.plane wayeguide with a variable transverse cross secti(?n on high-speed electronic computers. For the trans.ition from Yxxwellls equations for wave equations for the,amplitudes of independent vaves, the authors.suggest a method~- consisting in the reduction of the problem to an equivalerit wiveguide, of given cross-section with-a nonhomageneous core. A eux-vilincar Z6ordlnata Antroduced which makes it possible to ite the--equation--of the.side.surface of card L 19897--63- ACCESSION M AR3004393 the waveguide in such a way that'it coincides with-one ok,the surface coordinates.,, The resulting program makes it possible to study the effect of the geometry of the intermediate device, the mutual orientation and distance between the wave- guidea to be .ioined,, the wave number, and the number'of the basic exciting wave on~ the reflection coefficient. The form of the side surface is given in terms of a polynomial of not higher than the 10-th degree. The results of computationi carried out for the frequencies of the incident wave, which is considerably longer~. Y then the distance between waveCuides, showed'that with a constant distance be-i t-ween the waveguides, the least reflection coefficient is obtaink in t~e case of rectilinear ma.tching. Due to the cutting of corners at the end points, the re- flection factor is reduced by about 10-15%. Using the constructed program it is possible to.solve the problem of the reflection coefficient for round wave- also t' t guide:;, when the field is bomogensous viih respect to the coordinate. Bibli-.!_:. A ograpIny with five titles. N.B. DAT_-- kc~-- 25jun63 SUB CODE: GE ENCL: 00 Card 2/2 s/208/62/002/001/014/016 7) D299/D303 AUTHOR: -Sveshnikovp A.G..(Moscovf) TITLE: On'calculating rectangular-waveguide matching PLRIOLICAL: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematiki i matematicheskoy fiziki, v. 2, no. 1, 1962, 175 - 179 TEXT: The convereence is investigated of solving a system of wave- guide equations. The method of solution, proposed by the author in an curlier work, involves replacement of the solution of the infi- nite system, by solvinG the corresponding truncated system. Propa- gation of electror.,iagnetic waves in a rectangular waveguide is consi- dered. It is required to solve the w:-ve equation in the region D, bounded by the curves C 1 and C2' In new variables, the wave equa- tion is written 1 + EW (11)] 2 Eb (,I) ' + T-u + E _c (,) ~u_ + vu = o, (9) -_ 171-R- 1-11, a' (ii) &I.Ean a7? aa A where b (n) C (q) b' (TI) + b1 (10) Czard ;\1/4 S/208/'62/002/001/014/016 on calculating rectangular- D299/D303 the boundary conditions are uk=O'l = 0. (11) The solution to the problem is sought in the form of seriesp for whose coefficients one obtains the infinite system of equations CO (aA' )'- p.A. +21 (L"M"l m + KnmAm) = 0. (13) M=L m+n where L, K, emd P are given by expressions. The functions A I n should satisfy the boundary Conditions X. + ij.An 1,=0 = 2 iTN6.,, (18) An-ir,An1,-d=O- (19) It is shown that for any complex k2, the problem (13) (18) (19) has a unique solution. Por this purpose, the boundary-value problem for the system CO (.Z~'- p.Zn + Yj (Ln.Z. + K..Z.1 (20) 2/4 33300 S12081621002100110141016 On calculating rectangular- D299/D303 ZA + 'YnZnjTt=0 = 0 P Z~ rnZn 1~ =d =0 (20) is considered. In practicep it is convenient to replace the solu- tion of the J_nfinite system by the solution of the truncated system obtained by setting A A 0. The solution of the trunc- N+1 N+2 ... ated system is also unique. Furtherv it is shown that the solution of thE! truncated system converges to that of the infinite system. If k2 is realp then problem (13), (18), (19) has in general no uni- que sclution. But even in this case it can be shovm- that the coef- ficients of reflection Rn and of transmission Tn, corresponding to real values of yn and n, are uniquely determined. Finally, if an approximate solution N ' IN) U . A~ (7L)sin nir N(t' 1) = \ n=1 (N) is sought among uniformly bounded functions, the convergence of An (0) and An(N)(d), corresponding to real Yn and Tn, to An(O) and Card 3/4 33300 S/208/62/002/001/014/016 On calculating rectangular- ... D299/D303 An(d)p can be proved. There are 2 Soviet,-bloc references. X SUBMITTED: June 28, 1961 Card 4/4 ZIESHNIKOV, A.-.G. SEMASHKOI N. N., BULBANOV, V. M., B. I.,p GLASKO, V. B., ORWHEV, A. L., KUZNE9BOV, V. V., "Notion of Individual Charged Particles in Helical-Symmetry Magnetic Field," report presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris, France, 8-13 jul. 63 qVESHNIKOV A. G., SEMASHKO, N. N., RkLEBANOV, V. M., GLASKO, V ~--!-J- . B., GRCSHEV, A. L., 1JZNE9BOV, V. V., '8tudy of Individual Charged Particle Motion in "fluted" Magnetic Fields," T.eport presented at the 6th Intl. Conf. on Ionization Phenomena in Gases, Paris,, Frimce, 8-13 jul 63 S/208J63/003/001/010/013 /6 J~ B112/B102.. AUTHOR: Sveshnikov, A. G. (Moscow) TITLE: Found-,ation of a calculation method'for irregular wave guides PERIODICAL: Zhurnal vychislitellnoy matematiki i matematicheskoy fiziki,.'.. v. 3, no. 1, 1963,170-179 TEXT: The following boundary value prob):em is cLnsidered: 2 ~\u + k u = 0, ul 0, S/208 63/003/001/010/013 Foundation of a calculation method ... B112/BI02 Alp,, + %"T. 0, 0'~ AiD. + A.(Dr. = 0. 4D. lc. 0; (6) M and z are cylindrical coordinates. This problem is reduced to an abbreviated one, the solution of which is shown to converge towards the solution of the infinite original system. SUBMITTED: April 3, 1962 Card 2/2 AME-Off M AP300-LI01 AVTMtt Sveahnikov, A. Illinaldys,-A, 3, (Moscov) I TITM: Computation of waveguide transfer of complex f=U Somal:v- Zhurnal Wohislitellnoy- Matematiki I tratemUchaskoy AXW'.v' 3v noi- 3t 3.963, 479-4M -TOPIO TJWSt waveguideq pr tion --parasitia inve, OP89% -*ffect of-PILL." a ------ AMMM- The-authors-corroot the defeat of-negleating the walres on the amplitude of the basic propagating wave. They consider the accous- tical problem where the- wall of the waveguide, 1e complotely flexible,: Outelde a segment of length d the surface SIM of an irregular cylindrical coincides with timi surface of the corresponding regular waveguides with two distinct cross see- 'Mve- tions. I!he source of oscillations Is asawned to be In one of the-regu2ar guiden. Then the mathematical problem reduces to the determination of the soluti of the ecluation (enclosure 1, equation 1) in the regier! D bounded by SIM,- with hontogenevus condition (equation 2) and the conditions cc the inhufte regular -puts.- I I ''.. T z'. (equation 3). Here (141. al) am (H2,9 s2) am the ey2indr1eal coordinates of the corresporiding regular partas Rdn and PM6 are the algenfunctions ofAhe two crogs Carcl Obskva), 149thoda for study-iiig, Lha-p.-Opagation, of electromagnetic oscil- lations in wave guidea dth anisotropic filler. Zhur. vych. mat. mat. fiz. 3 no.5z953-,95- '-'. 163* (MIRA 16:11) ~lv -'~ssg w- NF" M UNIM V =1m VIA-a- _b~ t, -61 -AFFTO/ASD ACCE131W P91 SARU9/63/OW/d05/M2/ar7 A=Mlli; Sve9hrxilcov,, A. --Ge; Sek:erzb?-Zentlwvich, S.- Ya. 7TTTlk Waves in a bent wave SOURCIEs RacHotelduAka i elektronika,, vo 8j, no* 5, 1963,.,.772-779 TOM IWGS: bent; waveguides,~mode-degeneration in wavegaides LBSTRACTs A- matbematicalInvestigation is presented- of the propagation of electro- magnetic waves in. a graduaUy bent _circular.metal -waveguide with a deformed surface ot the'bend. A set of differential equationd des_crlbes the propagatioh, including the degeneration of-the mode N sub 01 into the mode 9 sub.32 vithin the bent scction.~7_ A coitection -for this degeneration is determined and interReted in terms of . addi-. tional deformatians -that must be introduced in the waveguide in order to prevent the wde degenerations The resu:Lting formulae have beenverified, vith a numerical examplep on a *M4gh-apeed computerg. Orig* art, has$ 46 equations* ASSOCIAM98- - Fiz!Lchoskiy faktilltet Moskovskogo gosudarstv'eimcgo universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosava (:Ph3 Card SVESHNIKOV, A.G.; MDENOV, V.P. Propagation of an Hl_l wave in a round waveguide filled with gyrotropic plasma in the finite section of its length. Radictekh. i elektron. 8 no.12:1998-2005 D 163. (MIRA 16:12) BjUEBANOV V.M.; GLASKO, V.B.; GROSHEV, A.L.; KUZNEETSOV, V.V.; SVESIRIIKOV, A.G.; SEMASHKO, N.N. Motion of single charged particles in undulating magnetic fields. Atom. energ. 15 no.4:318-319 0 163. (KRA 16slO) BAM*BAITOVV V.14.; VOLKOV, B.1.; GLASKO, V.B.; GROSHEVI A.L.; KUZNETSOV, V.V.; SVESHNIK011, A.G.; SEMOHKO, 11.11. Motion of isolated charged.pat-ticles in a magnetic field with helical .., spi.metry. Atom. energ. 15 no.5:409-410 N 163. (MIRA 1012) ILOIN, V2adimir Aleksandrovich; POZNYAK, Eduard Genrikhovich; TIKHONOV A.N., red. SV9b44_UW *-red.-- -.4K'WHWEV, V4,X;G.. Fundamentals of mathematical analysis] Osnovy matemati- cheskogo analiza. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 571 P. (Kurs vysshei matematiki i matematicheskoi fiziki, no.1) (MIRA 18:9) T;'i3o4iv,65 EWT(dV9sVT(I Pv-4/Pn-4-/Pac-4/Pq-4/P--?/ Ij Peb/PI-4/PJ-/PI-4 :jP(Ci ACCESSION NR: AT9010214 UR/3043/65/000/003/0329/0363 AMOR: Sveisbnikoir. A. G.; Illinskiy, A. S.; Kotik, I. P. TITIEt Propsgation of oscillation in irregular waveguides With irregularly shaped side siLrfaces "30URCE., vIraccrf. UnIvereltet. VychislitellrWy tsenty. Sborni~: rabat, no. 3, 10965- Ilychislitel'nyye m(-tody i programmirovaniye (Computing methods and programming), 329-363 TOPIC TAGS: aavegruide propagation, waveguide junction, electromma'ERet c wave PLO- pagation, psrLial differential equation, Helmholtz eqvp-tion IUSTRACT: Pr Lncips.1 attention is paid to junctions between two regular waveguides )f diff-rent cross sections, end the main purpos- of '~he irm-estigation iq to devel- 1 CC-MlItel' RlgOT'AthM WbiCb admits of variation of mntuw paxameters and yields ill- f;, c~f thte T 0 C.T ~ieLmholtz D. juixt ion ani o&118 for determining the emplltud-:~s of 11he trananitted &nd -raflected T19 rge -z~f tbiE probjem is bAsed o:) k T)-c~adlire- pri?scnted by ane of Card V2 L I - MCESSION NR: Mcioloa4 'tbe authors earlier (Svestnikav, Zhurn. vychisi. x-stem. i ma-tem. fiz. v. 3, no. 1 T!-- fiad Ehtns how to determine the reflected and tranamitted wavec V. T'he second PrDblew involves the r~-duction ~r~-e c-f aCCUT,aC. z dIffer-ntq- equtition t(.) EL -jf ord-Inat-1 differ- M a -'h-2 lm-'Q'jeness of s ec- Dl~-d Of Qje r'roblem I.:, proved' and it, is shawmn that Its solution con- x~f "h- J*Iri;!, variant in the limit. As ;,.ppl c tion of the gen- an '-n nptch a r---.l,,id way-z!- U I P 7, t fL I' - , La f~, 3 t o ma t c h st ri Q waveguides, Jrig. &x-,.. hits: 3 figures, 153 formulas, and 3 tables. ASSOCTATION: Vycb-ilitelliWy teentr Moskovskogo uniyersi:teta (Computation Ceuterf Moscaw Urtiversity) -7 -4 lv;pc Pn-4 /T) !p- /pi -4 u,?,z - 4 -kO 1/6 5/000/00-1 0361 /0385 P UMOR Svealmikov A. G. Modenov, V. P. I ITU i ?ropagtition of electromm4gnetic -wr.ves in vawguldes witb local- Mrrot-roDic SOUPCE: xfo!~cnr. Un:!versitc-t. Vychislitellrrj- tger-tr. Sbornik --ELbcrt, no. 1, 1965. V methcds and proFrfta,,Mjrg)f T)PTC TAOS weveg"uIA- propagation, g~r7otrc-pic gyrot-c-pic med-lum, wwre ,k3S-TPA,-T: In vlr-w of the fact that elect rodynam c Problems invrilving gy-rotropic e a mmerl-la- i -opir 1,2ciu;z1ars and t~-,e ~-oynverqerll 71 +his rn~:thod. TrI on f- C m d AXESSI9.4 N'F: AT-5010215 lllr~n- 19A, e q, ~a r, s bya methoj simllax to that of' 7,a' ~rkin. A secon6 vaxiazyt, fhIs var!~,nt of the p "-1 7 S ~A Vrch4fi'ltE:I'r-zff tsent-_ N!oskcF-,(sko;-:o univ~:!--slteta (.'o=utatlon Center, c Iv c-., s ZJ =-Ilc L 1 00 S-UB CODE., &M, DP S -, T.~Fy S TY, I"X) r, 14 '43 Cacd 2/2 L 3613-66 Ewr (1)/ac/EPF_(n_).2~ G(m.) /ERA ACCESSION NR,. LP5024034 UR10057165103.510091-1�0A50 fit,< 533.9 AUTHORt Volkov .1 B9 I#; Glasko, Vo B.; Sveshnikov, A. 0. Semashko No No TITLE% On "intormingling" of particles in a composite magnetic field trap SIDURCEt Zhurnal teknicheskoy fizikis v* 353, no* 9, 19651 1590-1593 TOPIC TAGS: magnetic mirror, combined magnetic field., plasma injection., particle trajectory, plasma confinement, plasma instability$ mathematic ptrysics ABSTRACT.- Trajectories of charged particles in a maZa2t1c mirror Aygtem-with an auxiliary transverse magnetic field were calculated with the aid of a computer* The auxiliary-field was that produced by six current-carrying rods parallel to the axis of the system and symmetrically disposed about its The calculations were determine whether the complex magnetic field would cause sufficien t intermingling of particles with different velocities significantly to reduce the anisotropy of the ion velocity distribution of a plasma injected into the system* This question is important because the anisotropic velocity distribution of plasmas in magnetic mirror systems gives rise to cyclotron-instability and greatly reduces tho confinement time. The charged particles were assumed to be pmduced within the field by ionization of atoms of a mnoenergetic beam moving in the median plane throumh the center of the system* The ions won accordingly fnJected at different ,-L ~36134_6_ Ac,cmiox No: AP5024034 radii and with different longitudinal velocities. There were calculated the posi- tions of the successive intersections of the-ion trajectories with the median plane and with two otherplanes normal to the axis. It was found that ions injec- ted at small. radii move in nonintersecting regions,, and that interming3ing of such ions,, thereforet. does not accurs Ions injected at large radii# however# penetrate into regions of smaller radius,# so that on the whole there is interminglinge it was also found that this interminglirig would significantly reduce the anisotropy of the velocity distribution of a rarefied Injected plasma, Orig, art, has: 5 formulas) I figurey and 1 table* ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet ime MoVAclatonosovap Fisich" eskiy fakulftet (Physics Departments Moscow State University) SUBMITTW-. 22.Tan65 ERCL: -,00 SUB CODE;, BE NO IREF SOVi 003 GTHERt OOL Cam 2/2 12ak56 -EwT(l)ZETc/Eyry,(m) iip(c) AT A ACC NR, AP5028325 SOURCE CODE: VR/0057/65/035/011/20r),3/209, 1,3 14 F A Timofeyev, A AUMOR: Gl asko V. B. Sveshngllbkgo&,~ Semashko, - NI.N W/I ~kiy ORG: ~!Lsics Department, scow State University im. M.V.Lomonosov (Moskov. gosudarstvennyy universitet,Fizicheskiy fakulltet) z I qq TITLE: On the deceleration of ions in an aredischarge in a magnetic field SOURCE: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fizlki v. 35, no. 11, 1965, 2063-2091 TOPIC TAGS: plasma injection, magnetic mirror machine, gas discharge plas1ma, plasma beam interaction, ion beam, ion energy, charge exchange ABSTRACT: The authors calculate the rate of deceleration ~%of high energy ions owing -[!Iasm In a longi- to their passage through, and interaction with, an arc discharge tudinal magnetic field. The calculations were undertaken because of the practical. use of an arc discharge to accelerate the dissociation of molecular ion beams employed for injecting plasma into adiabatic plasma'-confining systems. The interaction of a high energy ion with the art. plasma is described by an equivalent viscosity, and the rate of energy loss Is calculated for an ion whose Larmor orbit intersects the arc column. With the aid of this result and the one-dimensional Fokicer-Planck equation, the energy distribution of the ions is calculated both for the steady state that is established during the injection pulse and for the nonsteady state between pulses. A numerical solution for ion energies between 15 and 62.5 keV is presented graphically.- L Card 1/2 Une 533, 9 L. 10673-56 AcC NRi AP5028325 For the conditions obtaining in the$ Ogra Installation (Soviet thermonucle ar mirror machine), the relaxation time for.deceleration of the ions by their Interaction with-.~ the arc plasma is 0.3 msec, and it is concluded that the density of high energy.ions is determined mainly V)y this interaction and not by loss of high energy tons due to charge exchangecollisions with neutral atoms. The authors thank L.I.Artemenkov for valuable discussions. Orig.. art. has-. 33formulas and 4 figures. SUB WDE: 20 SUEM DATIC: 12Mar65/ ORIG REF: 003 OTH REF-. 002 Card WM- 170) AUTHORS: Polunina, IT. N., Sveshnikov, A. I. SOV/20-127-1-6o/65 TITLE: Microfilming in the Investigation of the Pollen and Pollen Tubes of Certain Amaryllidaceae (111krokinos" yemka pri izuchenii pylltsy i pyllteevyk-h trubok nekotorykh amarillisovykh) PERIODICAL: Dolclady Akademii nauk S55Rj 1959t Vol 127, ITr 1, pp 217-219 (USSR) ABSTRACT: At the Laboratoriya fiziologii razvitiya rasteniy (Laboratory of the Physiology of Plant Development) of the gardens mentioned in the Association, a time-lapse device is used for micro- filming. The vtork is cairied-out under the 3upervision of Professor V. A. Poddubnaya-Arnolldi (Mrs.) in cooperation vrith the'cinematographical laboratory of the-studio Mosnauclifillm This new and extremely important method of investigating the course of vital functiQns in living material yields sometimes a very convincing solution of some controversial biological'. 4""OmG.The debate carrIed on in the publications since a long time concerning the character of the movements of the masculine sexcells in higher plants, whether passive or active, could be Card 1/3 definitely decided by the photographing methods mentioned. AUcrofilming in the Investigation of the Pollen and SOV/20-127-1-60/65 Pollen Tubes of Certain Amaryllidaceae Pollen of a hybrid amaryllis species (cultivated by V.N. Shm;7gun) furthermore of Olivia miniata and Cri-num abyssinicum were chosen for this purpose. The pollen was caused to germinated on a synthetic culture medium at 250, and sawn on a culture medium layer on an object carrier. After cutting furrows into the culture medium for air supply all was covered by glass and sealed with paraffin to prevent desiccation. Best results were obtained with a 24-120-fold exposure-acceleration, i.e. 1 - 5 exposures per second. The entire photographed process, beginning with the germination of the pollen nucleus up to the division of the generative cells and the spermatozoa formation (18-24 hours) is observed within 15-20 minutes. It is described in detail and illustrated (Figs 1-3)- It is obviously demonstrated that the generative cell and the spermatozoa do not move passively with the plasma currento'but move independently actively. They overcome, sometimes with difficulty, such obstacles as counter currents of the plasma or a bottle-neck in the pollen tube. The deceleration and even the stoppage of the movements of the generative cell during division when the Card 2/3 Microfilming in the Investigation of the Pollen and SOY/20-127-1-60/65 Pollen Tubes of Certain Amarylli.daceae plasma moves with equal velocity, are 'also an obvious proof of the independent activity of the generative cell. There are 3 figures and 8 references, 5 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATIONt Glavnyy botanicheakiy sad Akademii nauk SSSR (main Botanic Garden of the Academy of Sciences, USSR" PRESENTED: January 21, 1959, by N. V. Tsitsin, Academician SUBMITTED: January 2, 1959 Card 3/3 MAZARENKO, T.P., prof.; SVESHNIKOV, A.I. ........... .... Dumping syndrome and preoperative, detection of factors predis- posing its development following resection of the stomach. Xhirurgiia 1~0 no.2:98-103 F 164. (MIRA 17:7) 1. 3-ya ka-fedra, khirurgii (zav. - prof. V.I. Kazanskiy) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey na baze TSentrallnoy klinicheskoy bollnitsy Ministerstva, putey soobshcheniya, Mosk7a. STISIVil-Y -.A.M.., iuzh. ,QV. Wire bundles with shingling sleeve anchorse Tmnsp, atroi. 10 no.8:48-50 Ag 160. (KTRA 13=8) (Prestreased concrete) all mivm# I#u to a so ff a a 4, 0 TA- !#I aw, jw coofol o00 1 -01040 In 6a fiss-podudoe -~;vwAwl pff r aspe, 00 (!~rrslwq wow) 1 .06 f NaLof A j%je 11-1v &j-M(tq32).-ftptm. are oe rewrted an 19,404C6 of fa~cn on lux, asu, "Itwo, sunfloven and ryt In a no. of pod~W subiypa, It Is .00 A ImAnted out tw L't 111 I"llam an var effective on .60 and as t-.9 II&I the eglocts am ow nmkvd on .00 at on fibee. amultamoudy With this lacmm .00 kld strid ity sA fiber the 1"Wit" adda. locirommod 00 I V b a 00. a W= 1. S. Joffe 00 0. '00 00 00 j 06 I L A 44TALLURGICAL U1191ATURE CLASSIFIC&TIC16 00 iL- s not* 64i vp 1-1- .- --li __J goti-ei an COOT Itl 0 :0 :Nle die *a0* to:*$ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ON w w NN w IS 9 5 IF I IF a IF 9 w 9 IN 9 W-11, v 0 a 9 0 9 0 e o 0 0 019WOZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a ; ; ; & I I ~ 1 0 1 I u L L 1 6 j 1 A 1 .1 .1 1. 1% Is I. & a 1) it 11 f Is " k1 1 r It 1 I V to o U 1 L 11 . 0 . 11 . 41 1 .1 " ., L 0 j ~ . - 1 t , _ ' j. a l, t 4 - _ L-11- m t It d I , J 0 0 4! Ths tffvct 911 Ent, go tho yl*IJ potsit"is aa wilsk WISIT Vsqfag molalwo c8busto. A Nf Sy III, I AwNis. Ad) 3 1 l (11 % A i /t 60 i a ja1j,Nq w k te. , . , ha,mi. Reteral. Zhur. 1940, N-, I lk- imnlaymal,tv III-. I tj 6w tl.~ 4 lime %A. 11- At I"" t1wi'liam ".n. IT I thr ."I .111611A its. 11,41,W11.4k ..4 fliums thr iIIIIIAI tax- .4 III-it i 'mr. Ilm"Ift Ow tim vt4f.4 ........ .1'.11 111, mICI%.q-Al,lv I III, I "I I ... w IN. . IT- - I A It so La ............. I .I M go ol III., -it. ..I -mj "'It with Ism, Ill, 00 ctlt-It fit Inne. Aililn. of KCI inctea-I the unlAvoralile 00 00 ith-II. The urifavur3blecffs,~t ut! linte in tmitattv, is cim- m,trd with the manifestatim of an antagoni,in Iwtt:.u 00 .3 C.i and K. R. Ih-fin =04P 00 :*0 001 *00 Ago d noo "Sil-SILA NET AJILURGK AL LITF44T WIF CLASSWICATSCIN Ow I is, 1 1. '900 is IF '74 00 U it A, W) it It s1P 1. 9 19 It 4 a IT Is n it 01 An I v J, 14 4 It I n a ... TIT 2. -s 43 j 9 .".3 is 0 0 0 0 * 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 *:* 0 0 to sof 0 a to o to a * o 0 Ems 0 0 0 0 40o 0 o 0 oile 0.0 00 o 0 o0 to 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 ; 0 0 * 0 0 9 00 0 It 0000 0 0 0 0 lg~ Lime Role of lime fertilizers in a system of greasland crop rotation. Agrobiologiia No. 3, 1952. Sel'skokhozyaystvenrWy insititut, G. Ivanova Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress Sept, 1952, UNCLASSIFIED. 4 The phydalogkpl role of calcllis:614 the life ofred d6ve~.'-_ ' j A. 1-1, Syr ~gipL 19S3, No. 5, 121-M- he highea'. 4)*~~MRMEW th&t lea-.cs ci: clow contain. t amoutit of Ca;Jollciwed b~r'serns.--,vxth lowestAn With it eefi~kncy-of Ca in, the~cultue the rootS My Con-" ' tain sts M401 as the leav".-th- steins coutz. the lowisi-, amount. 11te Cain lftvis kreplaotobte )toSOVoby..vTaj~j ln th~ stem: ; there Is aL44 C ~emtla~.= ount. of Ws' - * type. W Ca, 6f it U eifradalge- with, $ut anpreclable asuts ' AcOH"-- In *i Idl bc roots theNacilt. Accounts 6r 43% theCw. *It u ppears that them is aostibleorg. (=Plt=Qfl ' withfftO,NitCl. ~Off .(~a.sili~an(dittrmy-beextd. ' IICI !-ofit~ CN M--).~ SMSUKOV, A.V. (Leningrad) Medical and saritary service for the evacuated population of Leningrad during the Great Patriotic War, Sov. zdravookhr. 22 no.3:66-71 163 (MIRA 17 21) 1. 1z kafe('lry organizats1i zdravookhraneniya ( zav - zasluzhen- nyy deyatell nauki prof.Yu.A. Dobrovollskiy, rukovoditell rabo- ty - prof. B.M.Khromov) Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo ordena Lenina instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni S.M.Kirova. I PAVLOV, Todor D., akademik (Sofiya)-,.~!!~~ ~transiatorJ Retreat or advance along the entire front of Micburin theor7 and practice. Agrobiologlia no.4:3-10 JI-Ag '58. (14IRA 11:9) 1. Prezident Bolgarskoy akademii nauk. (Biology--Pbiiosophy) "YU T"'N'Afflaff nd. seliskokhot. nank (Bolgarila); SV3SHHIXOV,~B*-Tq., rans 08 Physiological changes in grape scion under the influence of root stock. Agrobiologiia no.4:527-532 JI-Ag '59. (MIRA 12: 11) l.Rauchno-iseledovatellski3r institut vinogradaretva i vinodeliya, g.Pleven. (Viticulture) (Grafting) m GEORGIYEVA-TODOROU, Iordanka (Bolgariya); SVESHNIKOV, B.Ye. (translator) Romote hybridization of various species of Helianthus. Agrobiolbgiia no.6:861-866 N-D '59. (IAIRA 13-4) 1. Bolgarskaya akademiya nauk, Inotitut raf3teniyevodstva, Sofiya. (Sunflowers) IVANOV, Iordan K. (Bolgariya),-,SV~SH~IKOY,__AtYe,~_[translator) Characteristics of seeds and seedlings of grape vinmobtained from self-rooted and grafted plants. Agrobiologiia no.6:814-820 r,-D 161. (NIRA 15:2) 1. Nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut vinogradarstva i vinodeliya, Pleven. (Grapes) SAVGV, Petr G.; SVESHNIKOV,,,P~ye, (tranelatorl Some results of intervarietal crossing of cotton. Agrobiologiia no.6292"30 N-D 162. (MMk 16sl) l. Gidrome3Aor%tIvmya opytnaya stantsiya, Pavlikenij, Narodnaya Reepubliks, Bolgarlya. (Bulgar:La--Cotton breeding) _4~0 ]~.Ye. (translator' TODGROV, Khr.; A)ff-4 V Formation of dormant btds in grapevines and their state in the tiaiiies cf many-year-old wood. Agrobiologiia no.41:784- 786 5-0163. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Vysshly sellskokhozyaystvennyy institut imeni G. Dimitrova, Soriya, Naradnaya Respublika Bolgarii. IVANOV, Iordan., K. (Narodnaya Respublika Bolgarii); SVESIRIPC~Y.-,-B.Ye., [translator] Controlled nutrition of grapevine ovaries for the development of new forms. Agroblologiia no.1:69-76 Ja-F 161+ (MIR& 17:8) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut vinogradarstva i vino- deliya, Pleven~ Narodnaya Respublika, Bolgariie TM"-JCVO A. V., SVESHNIKOV, D. A. , Famow, r. G. Shot peening Assembly for testing shot for fragility and evaluating the quality of the shot. Vest. mash. 31, No. 10, 1951. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress~ eptember, 195 f483. Unclassified. 2Y2211KOV, D. A., PARUILOVSKIY, 1. G. Metals - Finishincr 0 The effect of shot blasting on the change in the curvature of spring leafs. Avt. trakt. prom., No. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Con.-ress, June 1952, Unclassified. TAFL45OV, A. 11'.. SVESHNIKOV, D. A. Metals - Finishing Use of cast iron shot to increase the fatigue resistance of automobile parts by means of shot blasting. Art. trakt. prom., No. 2, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June 1952. Unclassified. 1. TARASOV, A. M -, En9r. , SVZ�HNIKOV - D. -A. - ICI=. -- 2. sm (6oo) 4. Metals-Fibishing 7. Use of steel pellets for surface hardening of: machine parts* Vast. mash. 32 No. 8, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, 70truary -1953, Unclassified. B. T. R. V.3 No. 3 I" CX. 19~4 11 .1110t.als- Heat Treat-ment 'Stale. 3776' Cold Ilardenin-11 n( 11,.Ial in is Sjalic-Sfrv~sed jltjj,,j,tj,, 1). S%iAtstikov and-'A. m. 'rarasov. Vemnik .1 11.1, im. S. Am~. 1). 67-70. Stmli,, x%,r,- mml. a t-itlital ir-svi from ompression-and flirt. t li'micnim-, id iirf.t' v Ll", 1, Dkeusscs imptill.111(c of cach. (4,11,11'. j'lw1"LIajtj'N. 5 i-cf. BUYNOV, A.F., inzhener; BRAYCHEV, V.P., inahener; PARMULOVSKIT, I.G., inzhener; SVISHNIKOV, D.A., inshener. Determining the endurance limits of spring steel in the presence of contact stresses. Vest.mash. 35 no.12:51-55 '55. (KIM 9;5) 1. Gor'kovskiy avtomoI;Il'n'yV Za'vod lim;ni Molotova. (Sprinp (mechanism)) SVESHNIKOV. D.A.; MASLENNIKOV, G.P. ='Afatigue testing of spiral cylindrical springs and wires. Zav.lab. 22 no.10:1245-1247 156. NLRA 10:5) l.Gorlkovskiy avtozavod im. V.M.Molotova. (Metals-Fatigue) (Testing machines) vc=s SOV/1 37--58-10-21256 Translation from: Referativnyyzhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 10, p 116(USSR) AUTHORS: Shaganova, K.N., Sveshnikoy--D-A,------- TITLE: Surface Harde6ing of Crankshafts of Cast Iron With Spheroidal Graphite (Poverkhnostnaya zakalka kolenchatykh valov iz chuguna s sharovidnym grafitom) PERIODICAL: V sb.: Prom. primeneniye tokov vysokoy chastoty. Riga, 1957, pp 175-183 -ABSTRACT: In order to develop a technique of surface hardening of crank- shafts of magnesium iron of the following composition (in %): C 3. 5 - 3. 7, Si 2. 5 - 2. 8, Mn 0. 6 - 0. 8, S < 0. 01, P