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KUZMICKI, Ryszard;-SWIEZAWSKA, Ewa Observations on the efficacy of dithia e i9dide in the treatment of helminthiasis of the digestive tractrliad,,parazyt. 9 no.1:47- 56-163. 1. 1 Klinika Chorob Wewnetrznych AM Lodz. (DITHIAZA11INE) (TRICHURIASIS~ (iSCARIASIS) (OZYWRIASIS) (ENTEROBIUS) (INTESTINAL DISEASES, PARASITIC) NUMICKI, Ryozard; SWIEZAWSKA, Ewa Incidence of ticks of the spbcies Demacentor in Poland. Viad. parp,zyt. 9 no.1:57-0 163. ! 1. 1 Klinika Chorob Wewnstrznych AM, Lodz. (TICKS) SWIEZAWSKA, Ewa Notes an the cYclic use of "Yomesan* In Hymenolepis nans, in- fection. Wiad. parazry-t. 9 no.6:559-560 t63 First results with the use of the Parke-Davis preparation "Molevacu~ - a drug effective against enterobicsia (pre- liminary com=nication), lbids561-562 1. 1 Klinika Chororb Vewnstrznych AM, Lodz. POLA1VD LASKOWSKI, Stanislaw, PIETER, Regina, and SWXJ&ZAVSKA Ewa; First Clittic of Internal Diseases (I nych), AM [Alcadomia Medyozna, Medical Academy,] in Lodz (Di- reotort Prof. Dr. mod. soi. J. W. GROTT) "Studies on the Effoot of Oxyterracine "Polfa!' in the Treat- ment of Claronic Progressive Pancreatitis." Warsaw, Polski IX&odnik Lokarski, Vol 18, No 22, 27 May 63, Pp Abstract: [Authors' English summary modified] Observation, fro;; 6 nths to 2.3 years, on the effect of oxyterracine (Polfa) an chronic recurrent pancreatitis, as diagnosed by anamnesi.s, the Grott palpative examination of the pancreas, and laboratory tests, led authors to conclusion that it is a valuab',I.e antibiotic in the treatment of this disease. Short troatment ('8-10 days) brought improvement in 65 per- cent of the cases studied, and relap3es were less frequent and milder, and usually due to extraneous complicating fac- tors. 'Piero are 33 references, of which-13 are Polish, 3 German, 2 Soviet, one Czech, and the others Western. ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ GROTT, Jozef.W.; LASKOWSKI, Stanislaw; PIETER) Regina; SWIEZAWSKA, Ewe. Role of trasylol - trypsin inactivator -- and Rallik,rain in pan- creatitis. Pol. tyg. lek. 19 no.26t998-1000 22 jer64 1. Z I Kliniki Chorob Wewnctrznych Akademit Ifedycznej w Lod2d; k-'Lerounik: prof. dr. nauk med. J.W.Grott. SLJ A !_-7dw a I, d r fre ~.asess of g(y,;f,. "'0l. arch. ired. wewnet. -34 10-4.-z.81-L88 1. "' I Fdinik-i I;h-.rcb l.-:ewne!,rznych kkadevi- Me(!-y,-z--iej w Lodzi (Kier=nikt pr(;f, dr, ii, med, J.-Y',Grott'j. GROTT, J.:)zef, W.; LISIECKA-PDOSY1, Halina; SWIEZAWSKI Ewa ,-du,cation as the basic factor in the treatment and rehabili- tation of diabetic patients. Wiad. lek. 18 no.13:1049-1054 I ii 165. 1. Z I K3iniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Lodzi (Kierolmik: prof. dr. med. J.W. Grott). SWIEZX9SKI, B. . ...... The problem of grinders in the German Pelple's Rebpublic. p.22. OCHROVA PRACY. (CentralneL Rada Zwiadowych i Dentrsany Instytut Ochrony Pracy. Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 14, no. 2, Feb. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EF-AI) LC, vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 10,59 Uncl. JASIENSIL [1, S.; WFX1M, H.; SWIEZY, A. Surgical treatment of primary secondary malignant neoplasms of the mandible. Folski przagl. chir. 29 no-1:15-24 Jan 57- 1. Z Instytutu Onkologii w Krakowie Dyraktor: doe. dr. H. Kolodziejaka i z Instytutu Onkologii v Warazawie Dyrektor: prof. dr. Fr. Lukaazczyk. Adres autorow: Krak-ow. u1. Kopernika 21. (MANDIBLE, neoplasms primary, & secondary, surg. indic. (Pol)) SMOLAK, Krystyna. SW7IZY. Adam - ---------------- Case of fibromyoma of the esophagus associated with a divertienlus. Fb1ski przegl.chir. 30 no.3:259-265 Mr 158 1. Z II Kliniki Chirargiesnej A~M. w Krakowie Kierownik: prof, dr K. Michajda i Instytutu. Onkologii V Irrakowiet Dyrektor: does dr H. Kolod2iajska, Adres autorowle Irrakowg Garncarska ll# Instytut Onkologii. (MYOKA, case report fibrom.voma of esophagus with-diverticulum (Pol)) (BSOPHAGUS, neoplasms fibromyona with diverticulum, case report (Poi)) nHeating by Feanti of Water Heaters in the Central Steam-heating Systen." p. 25 (GAZ, WODA I TECHNIU SANITARNA, Vol. 2',", Ito. 1, Jan. 1953) Warsmia, SO: Monthly List, of East Em-opean Accessions, Library of Congress, Vol. 2, No. Iq October 1053. Unclassified. SWIEZ --. ~--PS-A - Sexual reproduction and parasexual processes as source of mutability df organisms. Wiadom botan 7 no.1-03-62 163. 1. Zaklad Genetyki Roslin, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. SWMYNSKI9 Kazimierz -- rosl 81 no.2-.415-420 clonal variation in potatoes- Rom nauk roln (EW 9:11) , 6c. (Poland--Potatoes) SWIEZYNSKI, Kazimierz Somatic recombination in fungi and its importance for plant breeding. Postepy nauk roln 9 no.2:97-108 Mr-Ap 162. 1. Zaklad Genetyki Roslin, Polska Akademia Nauk, Warszawa. SWIEZYNSKIP K.M. Analysis of an incompatible di-mon mating in Coprinus lagopus. Acts. soq,botan Pol 31 no.1:169-184 162. 1. InstiLtute of Plant Genetics, Polish Academy of Sciences,, Warsaw. SWIEZYNSKI, Kazimier~. r4gm ih the light of the most recept achievements of the science 6f heredity. Postepy nawk roln 10 no.3t65-78-My-Je"63 1. Zaklad Genetyki Roalinp Polska Akademia Nauk.. Uhrasawa. SWIEZYNSKI, Kazimierz Prospects for potato breeding. Zesz probl post nauk roln no-42: 99-110 '63. 1. Polska Akademia Nauk., Warszawa. POLAND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products. H Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, 1958, No 20, 68958. Author :",SwiezyAqXi T. Inst ven-. Title Prospects of Expansion of the Carbonated Beverage Production. Orig Pub: Przem. fermentacyjny, 1958, 2, No 2, 68-69. Abstract: The necessity of increasing production of the carbonated beverages in the PNR and means of its realization are reviewed. Card -L/1 POLAND / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and Their H Application. Fermentation Industry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 12, 1959, 41,951. Author ; Swiezynaki T. Inst : !T55t-`gI-Ve`ff -. Title : The Simplest and the Most Convenient Method of Pre- paration of Sugar Alcohols and of Lemonade Flavor- Ings at Small Factories. Orig Pub: Przem. fermentacyjny, 1958, 2. No 4. 140-141. Abstract: Practical instructions are presented pertainiy?ff, to the simplification of the preparation methods of sugar alcohol and of flavorings as well as to dosage calculations and to control. Use of the sugar alcohol of 50-60% concentration, of 50% acid concentration and limited volume of flavoring (30- 50 ml/bottle) are recommended. - 0. Oshmyan. Card 1/1 H-62 SWIEZYMMI. Tadeusz Utilization of the laboratory equipment of carbonated beverage plants for the testing of beer. Frzem ferment 5 no.7sl97-200 J1 162. 1. Centralna Rada Spoldaielcza Sawpomoc Chlopska, Warszawa. t"ONILOW) 4r.G.; SWIFT2_R.A- . , 1 11-1 -w--'-'."~ Tetamical progress in the degasification of mines and utilization of methane, Pr,,,egl techn 84 no.33:7 18 Ag 163c, S. Econonic analysis of solderAny multi-edged tools by industrial methods. P. 16A.. (Mecbanik, V(:,'L. 30, I'J'o. 4, Apr 1,05-1, Warsaw, Poland) SO: Month3y List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, 11o. 8, Aug 19,57. Uncl. VIGON) S. Conference of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Machine Tools and Metal- working on vorkshop metrology. P. 4999 MECHANIK. (.':;towarzyszenie Inzynierow J Technikow Mechanikow Polskich) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 31., no. 10, Oct. 1958. Monthly list of East 1~uropean Accessions Index, (EEAI)., LC., Vol. 8. no, 6. June 1959 uncla, SVTIGONt S... mgr,inz., zastepea prof. Observations oft and conclusions from analysis of the selection co,rTectness of machining conditions adopted in industrial plants in connection with -the action of passing over to technical standards. Me,-hanik 34 no.8:435 161. SWIGON, Stanislaw, mer. inz. The machine-tool and equipment making Industry of the Krakow region. rz'egl mech 21 no.9/lOs267-269. 10-25 MY 162. 1. Instytut Obrobki Skrawaniem, Krakow. SWIGOM, Stanislaw, mgr.,Inz.; WOLAK, Stanislaw, mgr.,inz. Method of machining parts in groups and its advantageB. Mechanik 35 no.2:63-66 162. 1. Instytut Obrobki $krawaniem, Krakow --SWIGON~-Stanislaw - Multipoint. hydraulic clamping devices. Mechanik 35 no.6:355 Je 162. SWTMA YAP So ~- Types of diphtheria bacilli found in Lodz in 1951. Mad. dosw. mikrob. 4 no.4:461-46-51 1952. (CIML 23:4) 1. Of the Department of Bacteriology of the National Institute of .. Hygiene Branch, Lodz. iI ~,!~TNARSWI, A..; WWT'-:AFO'vJIA, J. Det--~rmLnatior. of polysub3titiitei complexes in applyirg the potentiometric surface method, Chem zvest'L 19 no.3-.2C;')- 2114 65. 1. Institut fur anorgar-isehe Chemie der Ilikolaus-Kopernikus- Universitat, Torun,, Poland. 0 411 W 411 Im W W W I III I IQ 11 11 L) to is 14 11 U a 14 a 111 9 x is a a a a 40 j f4iscrtilt 4%0 PqMQT,I$ ;Af = candelomis of sibearption In Gay-La"" tawars d _An f th f dd t ( ff k air -ino o ac su oor a m a . Ajitoni u swityvski6 fsqlddCAcm.6.=7-=(IM).-ThefoUow- Infi6&Iiii6as were drAwn froul elipts. carried out in a 11"'jO. plant attiar Pnzaad Optimum Ahworption of Ili- trous axides is obtained when the ratio NO/NiDi - I - To achieve this an adjustment of the ratio: nitrous oxides/ SO t the h d of th a i Thi d 0 1 ca s coe s mmary. . I a e "em C, lie MPLU-W by an4ghet. namely: f(SO.)/S(SOS). %%bf~; P(Kh) - jultial Vol. Callen. of so~, i(SOI) CIAIC". a SOI after On IrAl has Pik-*M%l thtM&b bAW thf i it f th h h Th f ti i IN capac e c arn ers. us l ke ap vaum rAt o o jo- y o (SW/st(SOO omespoinds to the m&%. Omarption. Both 14") And j(301) can be easily wid quickly detd. by R i h- axWg ormthod. The opt tauns rado oif p(SOI)l c ot) increams with the IncreLse of output (in kg. H.SO, $(s m.); however the quotient of p(SO~)ls(So9j) by per cu. h i f i f t e ncrease o output remmalm coast. or a g ven system. A theoretical Unsit of the output is reached when an in- cretwe of P(Sok) d by a decrease of x- (Sch) Funh, rSW would only result in a =P apprw4able ke Aolsom Spwardeld t i I 14.11LA FTAILLWMICAL LiTfU11.4f CLAWFICAIFICK Got CA a" III IA V LL S AV so is," 1111 FWD IN RIMPSIA039 7 Wi[ K gt K, a t, It KW Goo 00 0.000-0. $00 goo 5432 . 544-1&A-3104 ; $3193 Glabi!udwna U. Rapid THration Motbod for De(er- p,o, in Samples of Suptrpbosphste and Superlonsasyna" ..S,.yb.v noareczltowa metoda, OMActanta =wart(Aci PrOz w V1,6- ujcl, superfusfatu I supertomasyny-. Prx-emyst Chentlczny. No. 1!)jl. pp. 24--29. 2 figs. The authors submit a Mumetric method for quantitative de. ,errrunation of P,0.1. the accuracy of which is very similar to the Rravilnetric . methods. Cheapness of the method tcheap reagentA. eXpCob1vC qH-11)tItRtIVe filters are not necessaryi. 3impWLy Olong c-ombustion is omitted, and rapIdIky make this method specially useful In technical laboratories of the tertUbDer industry. The time ,aved by this method as compared with the gravimetric methods is about 59' - in the case of superphosphate and G4*:9 in the CnAe of .jupertomiLsynA" containing phosphorus, SYMIARSKI, A. Polish CA:47:11671 "Production of sulfuric acid." Przemyst Chem- 31(8), 396-9 (1952) 1 -Am -PIWMm a y, oge dl a. WOO summary).-The method of. Bell. (CA 4 t, 1053D has ' (ecu verified and ada lish indus pted in Po -th W4 released in the reaction of Najr2pA v7 The IL Js tI ted minst NaOJI. tra Gene A~ Wo;ny ..I o . x . ONO I 1, ;4Z, 2419 V 31,83 66 t,S3 3 13 2 5 U-2-~0-33.01 540.185-35.01 Swfnarski A, IS21~ ;a I3:;rchjz,:It A. R apId Alaillods of. t- Swf- Wt- As DeterminaUrt of Sulphales and Phospates by Bleans of rt El.-Ce~.k I - +f h Technicaf ABON CCentrifugo. Polis ~6bkle meiody- No~ 4, 1953 mjareczkmvegii ozn3czanla islarcz=i6w I fosforan6w przy ulyclu wIr6-wkP. Prz--.-,y:il ChemIrzny. No. 3, 1953, pp jig-- Chemistri and Chemici, Technology ~~2. 4 tabs. A qWck centrilupf nietha-.1 of qu--ititative determin7acon, in the aulphuric atil and pho4pbo'rous C-ttlizer IndusLT-n of sulphates '-%,id Phc~pha.e& the resulls obtatriLd by thts method aie, In the case of GulPhates, - rather on the high sIdL, though relatwely constant In Ltial cl%e of'phosphaleg (the experimental error arnountmg to � 3.5 per cent~l This method can be adopt6d for serW analys!:; In productIon conLral,l IL Wheri,qulck determinaffon. affix' ' the lower degree of accura-Y, z-nd where the lower cost ol thts mzthod is zLL-a o!. Importance. 561357 60.065 5 �j~yjLnq.~ALA% qybun 0. Conditions of Crystalliz%titin of hfammodfurn I I.;- ; A t "Warunki ~ryrtqllzadl ortninsforrinu Jednosodowego". Prremyst Che- mirznv No In, 1954, pop. 531-534. 5 figs., 2 tab.. The influence ivas Investigated of concentrailrin. crystaM7.ation time and temperature on the purity of monasodlum orthophospha!e cryqtals. It wAs found that: 1) solutions at a conce'ntration of less than 50' B4, (Fp.wt-1.5.10) must not be used for crystallization, In view of the exce-, Mvely restricted yield In crystals; 2) a good yield Find clear crystals art obtained when the concentration of the Initial solution 13 between 52 Find 54'B~ (5P-wt 1.560-1,600); 3) In the case of Impurities which are not- mally found in the crystallizing solution In certain quantities, the use of nn Initial concentration of from 50 to 52'B6 should, on condition that there is appropriate gradual cooling, produce crystals :ontaining from 20 to 3n per cent, of the Impuritips of the Initial solution; 4) to, obtain clear cryst-ils, the condillons of cooling the Mstallizing solution should be adjusted !0 Its CDricuntration in such a manner th3t the crystallizatt proceeds at a supersaturation of the solution, which does lot excc~ P) per cent of the total solubility at a given temperatisre level. - -------------- SwInarski Czakis M. Determination of the gottifillIty at goirle _Thlo- -EfiffUgm-er c a ra (es. .OznFiczanle ruzpuszcz;iIno4cI -nickt6rych rodonoirtqclan6w". Prxe- In yst C~emiczny. No. 7, 1955, pp. 384-485,, a tabs. Pulfrich photometer teadIngs of' conccntratla~s of thlocyanates in solutions over a, reluctantly sobuble, rectiment of Zn, Cu, Co and Cd thincyanatarnerctiraleq ensibled the Yolublilty prnduct of these coinpoundit to be determined at 4 teinlicraturt., of ti)k,. rhe.v.hju-obLaIncd bv this ofidthod for the solubility of zine 1hincyanatomercurate Zn IIjg(CNS),I is In agreement with the literature. Cadmium thiocyanatntnercurale sho- wed the 'highest s,)IuI)Ihty product -- 3.81 10'. TT Distr: We I Dv~miiut on q(the so blutot A,.AjMjMgrsld and Af. uldi -The ~314biutre~ were ~detd_ for.'Cu CN8)4 --A2hjffV (CNS)j (1), CojHg(CNQS)N4j,,a"wAd1 .. (Hg(CNS) QVIS, i use being made of the rewtion of CNS~.With FeT*.+ 6'thi tu'ra'O .4atd. soln. which cont4m thesaltgas wlWs on thebot 'theyessel. The color was detd-. -hk, aWot 41~pwtricb' at thi44htftiieAc"iAtd; It Is believe4 th ks tOW6. Ime"er only earlier mammireweilt fodud In the'Utemttft ~ fpc X a kq~, - t I kmAd'* - MW txcdku for- t - 's* . I . r ; -L- ~' t -, I - fM .. I , ~,-.% V- - - -. - - - -- - -, .1 w .V'n'N Wfido Wd ,4%twltN;~ UMIC -Tama (ZIW em. f 1. 11 ~,T= WL sua', - 1 -1 kaczu%k'L- C-' ti,,..f If.S by Altu (t! The pawtr of ahsocp con- 29 377-90954-~ , fuuai.. a th& ViO03 bQg Ws was dctd it tho 14"4-A, a' 01- tent TIleomwet td byc&W--OC~6' be WW'sudSWod 28.6% yd e the IL weak water an Ere Al alu- .3 f tf& Mtgdd W" thly on It the cmtcnlt of gle 1().3% UtaM= Gf FC &-'We 31.4517o- It a IGlj7 .41 ~A: i lu M v- f~ POLIND,!Physical Cherjistry Electrochemistry B-12 fibs Jour : Referat. Zhur Miiijiyaj No 2) 1957) 3939 Author : A~, Kar~'.asz A. S02)2- Title : Concerning the Eyi.stence of the Ion (S04- Orig Pub : Przem. cheLi., 1956, 12, No 4, 233-235 Abstract : Specific electric conductivity & of H2SO4 solutions of different concentration c decreases as a result of their saturation with SO2 at c > 13%; raximuLt decrease of 31Z is observed at c -30%. Lowering of Dl- is attributed to the forimtion of the ions (S04' S02)2-' Card 1,11 - 185 - SWRIARSKI, A. SI.,"INMRSKI, A. The progress and development of the method of simultaneous manufacture of sulfuric and nitric acids. p. 484. Vol. 12J. no. 9, Sept. 1956 PRZENYSL CHEMICZNY PHILOSOPHY &- RELIGION Iv,;'arszawa., Poland SO: East European Accession, Vol. 6, March 1957 ~4 POIAND/Physical Chemistry Solutiaas, Theory of Acids and Bases. B-11 Abs Jour: Referst. Zhurnal Dimlys, No 2, 1958, 394o. Author Antoni Swinaxskip Wojciech Dembinski. Inst - --l Title tThe H2SO4 - XR03 System. Orig Pub: Rocza. chem., 1956, 30, Ito 3, 709-722. Abstract: A review of possible coqxmnAs in the system MpSOL - M(03 is given. The viscosity of the mixture under stu;ly depending on the percentual conten't iwad Its electric conductivity were mea- sured. An obvious maximum is observed on the viscosity curve at 20 mol - % or EN03 - m&tima at 9 mol - 5. and 8o mol - % or EN03 are observed on the electric conductivity curve. Basing on obtained data, the authors assume that a complete ionization of nitric acid into ~30+ and 110:2~ ions takes place at 0 to 9% of HRO3. It is noted that the acidity of the medium decreases with the concentration rise of HN031 in consequence of which Card 1/2 -11- ess and devell A.- Swinanki manufgtctwe of sWfuxic and niftic ACIWI - - - (Univ. To' r v ew FiRMOV I pmtke of tge K&cWmraff- Matignon method, fou%M-leous production of IUSO Y, HNO~, and comparism, with other methods of prod M. ~ (; POIAND/PhYsical Chemistry. Kinetics. Combustion. Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs Jour: W Zhur-Rhimiyaj No 22, 1958, 73326. Author Antoni Swinarski, Janusz Siedlewski. Inst Title Study of Hydrogen Sulfide Oxidation on Activated Carbon. Orig Pub: Gaz, woda, techn. sanit., 1957, 31, No 12, 462-465- Abstract: The gas desuLfurization capacity (D) and the phy- sical structure of domestic activated carbon sa*mples (AC) were studied. The dependence of the D degree on the shortage or excess of 0,,7,in gases is shown. The effect of NH , alkali and aniline addition 6n. the desulfuriZzlion capacity of AC was studied. Card 1/1 Distri hZ20 'Zpreomdoi and $m'e pmpardes, 401 mercmy Clanatas'd hesvv~ xUeW-lmfffF(sGCNl'l Antoui Swfa- 1 A~ ma ana Al in ---ww -Am. !1-W '801M wem pcepd.lly reactica of KCIN fida. lie Be of the sales UVW&CMM of Zm'. Co Cp&k WO. Ca (bine i-W. and found to be. fa watm. 1.128 saft). and Cd was d 10-4, 8.220 X 10- -8 S.M x 10-4 and OM5 X.10 - X 10-4. and 3:351 98% IRMA= X 10-~ -i 2Z5. X, 10-8; In 50% Etoll: 3.167 X 10-4. -. 1.701 X 1071, aM4 3275 X 10-1- In 2M MR: IMO X 10-4.-.4-945 X; 10-4. and 4" X 10-1; In acetone: 3.M x 10-0. 3.273 X 10-~ and I A71 X 10-1 molesA.. mp. MAN= POLAND / Physical Chemistry. Kinetics. Combustion. B-9 Explosions. Topochemistry. Catalysis. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 10, 1959, 34275 Author : Swinarski A., Siedlewski. J., Lisewski R. Inst F-Not given Title Investigation of Catalyst Structure and of the Reaction Mechanism Involving Oxidation of H2S to Sulfur on the Activated Carbon. Orig Pub: Gas, woda i techn. sanit., 1958, 32, No 8, 300-302 Abstract: By employin j7namic and static methods, addition Of C2H5NH f and HCl 9 gas) to reaction mixtures was Invesilga ed together with the effect of im- pregnating activated carbon (AC) with 0.5 n HC1 -- used as a catalyst for the oxidation of H2S to elementary 3 employing 02 in a stream Of C02 at Card 1/3 12 0 effect'ot temperature, on' the Uss-i-EINOx system. Antan"wina W 'nd V[ikt(Ir a Vi9trolyski (UnW-Tonni. ') (195DXFrench sum- an ). Roczniki Chent. 33, 2754L - - z -Viscosities vi ani sp. cond. x of H-SO4, HNO~, ~fiark). and their mixis. were ineasured at 13-60. The q of HtSO and of the mLxts. eiecrease rapidly with rising temp., whcr;~s that of HN04 is a [most temp.-independent. The it iacreases with tem, of HtSO4 and the mixts. p.. wFer-ea-stfi-at of HN03 reaches a max. at 20* and decreases considerably at 35-45'. The max. of q at 5 and 20% HINOs. and of K at 10-15% JINO, become more pronounced tit higher temps. The slight increase in a ulwn addn. of smaH amts. of HINO. (up to 5.5%) to HS04 is probably due to opposite effects: dehydration. of HNO: und appearance of MN004-1'. The rise of x at 5-10% IINOa may be due to the reaction N03.OH + H.HSO. - N02+ + HiO + HS04- and N02 + + :1r,0 + HSO.- + H.HS04 - NO,+ + HIO+ + 2HSO,-, t .which corresponds to dccompn. of (HIN(%)++. At 10- 20% HNOj there are favorable conditions for formation of .(HzNO3)+. This ion decomps. above 35*. At concns. exceeding 20% HN03 the basic form of HNIO, vanishes and the arid ic one appews and decomps. the ion (H*N%) +. Addn. of KIISOj to HIS04-HNO, mixts. stems to confirm SWINARSKI, Antoni; LODZINSKAq Alicja; BIENIAK, Krystyna Selenocyanates of heavy metals with coordination numbers 3 and 4. Rocz chemii 33 no.4/5..899-go6 59. (EM 9:9) 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganiczne~ Uniwersytetu M.Kopernika, Torun. (Selenocyanatmercurates) (Ions), '...(Heavy metals) (Cobalt) (Zinc) (copper) (Nickel) (Lead) SWINARSKI, Antoni; BIALOZYNSKI, Grzegorz The hydration of N02 ion in concentrated nitric acid. Rocz chemii 33 no.4/.5.-907-918 1159. (REAT 9:9) 1. Zaklad ChemA Nieorgan:Lcznej Uniwersytetir M.Kopernika, Torun. (Nitric acid) (Hydration) (Ions) (Nitrogen oxides) SWINARSKI, Antoni,, CMIS, Maria; STARZYNSKA, Zdzislava Influence of some cations on tne state of equilibrium between the complexes of mercuric and ferric sulfocyanides. Rocz chemii 33 no.6: 'At 1275-1284 159. - (EEAI 9:9) 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorgan:Lcznej Uniwersytetu. M.Kopernika, Torun. (Cations) (Mercury thiocynate) (Iron thiocyanates) FAR 0 )l a I'm C'. 9 T WIC T SWINARSKI, Antoni; SIEDLEWSKI, Janusz; BUKCWSKI, Czeslaw On the products of catalytic mddation of hydrogen sulfur upon activated carbon. Chemia stosow 4 no.2.-231-241 160. (EEAI 10:3) 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej Uniwersytetu M.Kopernika w Toruniu. (Catalysis) (Oxygen) (Hydrogen sulfide) (Carbon, Activated) SIEDLEWSKI, Tanuszy ;~~NAWKI, Antoni Influence of the pore size upon the catalytic properties of activated carbon. Chemia stosaw 4 no.3A.1373-381+ 160. (EEAI 10s9) 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej Uniwersytetu Torunskiego. (Carbon, Activated) (Catalysts) SIGAAKK-lj-Ant-On-i4-YIOTROWSKAt Maria Quantitative determination of Graham salt(compoBition. Chem anal 5 no-3:435-443 160. VAI 10:8) 1. Katedra Ghemii Nieorganicznej Uniwersytetu M. Kopernika, Torun. (Sodium metaphoopbates) SWINARSKI, Antoni; DANnCZUK, Eleonora Studies on the conductivity of sulfur diozides solutions in varlous solvents. Przem chem 39 no.1:20-23 Ja 160. Katadm Chemli Niaorganicznajp Uniwersytet M. Kopernikao T6rUft. I SWINARSKI, Antonij DANILCZUK, Eleonora on the oxidation of sulfuric dioxide in various solvents. Przam chem 39 no.2:87-90 F 160. 1. Katerds. Chemii Nieorganicznej, Uniwersytet im. M. Koperwika, Torun. SIEDLEWSKI, Janusz; SWIVARSKI, Antoni Regeneration of activated carbon contaminated and poisened in -the reaction of ozidation of hydrogen sulphide. Przem chem 39 no.8:506-507 Ag 160. 1. Katedra Chemii Iqieorganicznej, Uniwersytet M. Kopernikap Torun SWINARSKI, Antani; SIEDTMSKI, Janusz On the changes of the active surface of activated carbon during catalytic oxidation of hydrogen sulfide. Chemia otosow 5 no.2:211-224 161. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznejt Universytet Mikolaja Kopernika, Torun. SWINARSKIp Antoni; KROII, Zygfryd The binding mechanism of hydrogen sulphide, by pure ion oxides and hydroxides. Pt. 1. Chemia, stosow 5 no.3:383-394 161. 1. Hatedra Chemii Reorganicanej, Uniwersytet im. Mikolaja Kopernikap Torun. Igz~ SWINAPuSK1, AnLoni; SIEDLEWSKI, Janusz The influence of adsorbed oxygen on the catalytic properties of aoti- vated carbon. Rocz ahemii 35 no.4:999-1008 161. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, Uniwersytet M. Kopernika, Torun. DAMILONK, Eleonora; SWIMRSKI, Antoni - TIJ 3-2n The complex im'f Fe- . Rocz chemii (W3)n 1 35 no.6:1463-1572 161. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganioznejj Urdweraytot H. Kopernikaj, - Torun. SWINARSKI, Antoni; SIEDLEWSKI, Janusz A method of fluidal fractioning of activated carbon. Przem chem 40 no.11:651-652 N 161. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, Uniwersytet im. M. lopernika, Torim. IL r 0 Ll tH flq 'S 04 -4 1 Hi IL t IL iL ~tq 8, iL Qj POLL, ~ygfryd;_~~ Meebanism of hyd;ogen sulfide binding by rerric oxides and hydroxides. Pt. 2& Chemia stosow 6 no;3s4o9-423 162. 1. Katedra Chemii Reorganiomej, Universytat im. M. Kopernika, Torim. " al6al It, 066 ' I- 4d), : Ali AUTHORS ia i kl 8 , . : - 3x l, - . n o. : im i74 T.I.TLE,-., -of le 'the --q~plsk. PrOo 0 Xhim'iyal'- 40~ 2' -49- ,#:;10,7 FMIODIOjkl-:. 0 04m f, . . I . I ' .%31 V i qf2 9 and TF -a noed ~o.diwbexv t 6 f fd' -di "A.44 00); 'pr 'Sig 3! -menelOA Oli( The' - ' -A 03, to --o lii Ir -Oat ft Al 6i w: AQ a A oh -9 7T7 : ~ , 70 2m Le, yri!WTP~~. a~ha .'~ropqrtlew.* -the ormati :f ~IiA931BIO_2_ lhe: iypd "( *f fY, dimlAish4s,in soir) b6a SWINARSKII Antoni; ADAMIAK, Stanislawa Oxalic and citric complexes of Fe (II). Rocz chemii 36 no.7/8S1131-1137 162. 1. Katedra Chemii Vieorganicznejl Uniwersytet im. M.Kopermika., Torun. PIOTROWSKA, Maria;_�Yj~L Kl-j-Antoni Studies on the application of Maddrell salt for water softening. llrzem chem 4.1 no./+:213--2-15 Ap 162. 1. Katedra Chemii blieorganiczn9j, Universytet. M. Kopernika, Torun. SWINARSKI, Antoni; WRONKOWSKI, Czeslaw Purification of gases cont-Uning H2S on activated carbon with the use of S02. Przem ahem 41 no.6:306-308 Je 162. 1. Katodra Ohemii Nieorganicanej, Uniwersytet M.Kopernika, Torun. KROU, Zygfryd; SWINkRSKI, Antoni - Mechanism of hydrogen sulfide binding by pure ferric III oxides and hydroxides. ft. 3. Chemia stosow 7 no. 2:209-222 163. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, Uniw(?sytet im. M. Kopernika, Torun. SWINARSKI, Antoni; KARPINSKI, Karol - -- Adsorption of hydrogen sulfur from equeos solutions by activated carbon. Chemia stosow 7 nci.3:347-358 163. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, Uniwersytet Im. It. Kopernika, Torun. SWINARSKI . Antoni; KOZLOWSKA, Ewa; ZDROJEWSKA, Barbara Addition compounds of anhydrous nitric acid with ethers. Pt. 2. Rocz chem-ii 37 no. 7/8:711-716 '(31. 1. 'Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, N.Copernicus University, Torun. KARPINrSKI, Karol; SWINARSKI, Antoni - Sorption mechanism of hydrogen sulfide from aqueous solutions through activated carbon. Pt. 1. Chemia stosow 8 no. 1:17-26 164. 1. Department of Inorganic Ghemistry, R.Copernicus University, Torun. d K RGI,[,, ~,ygfr,rr ; SWINARSKI, Antoni A-chani= of reantion between bydrogen sulfide and pli-re oxides and ferric hydroxides. Pt. 4. Chemia stosow 8 no. 21209-222 164. .1. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Nicholas Copernicus University, Torun. KARPINSKI , Karol; _q~~INARSKI, Antoni. Influence of the porous structt-tre of activated carbon on the H2 S adsorption from aqueous solutions. Przem chem 43 no. 2:71-74 F 164. 1. Katedra Chemii Nieorganicznej, Uniwersytet M. Kopernika, Torun. -L-9514--66-- -MOW/i M4 M-M-7P6002232- S0URCi_C6iiE__.__ CZ/()643/65/ooo/(:bj/025~ra!14 AUTHOR: n ski ,A. Wojtcza~crwa, J#)I. ORG: Institute of Inorganic ChemistEXI Nicholas Copernicus University, Tor1w.'Voland-, Flyt TITLE: Determination of the polysubstituted S2ME12M~ by the use of the method:of potentiometric surfaces [Paper presentelat-the Symposium on the Structure and -Properties of Coordinated Compounds held in Bratislava from 2 to 4-September 1_9641 SOURCE: Chemicke Zvesti, no- 3, 1965, :209-214 TOPIC TAGS: coordination chemistry, intermolecular complex, carbon compound, copper compound, ammonia ABSTRACT: The authors used the method suggested by Ioefebvre for the determination of the coordination number and Istability of the simple complexes. Good! results were .also achieved with mixed complexes when one of the ligands was 1:~he 01r anion. The system Cu++ -NH ,C204-- w&s investigated using a copper and a glass electrode. Titration 3 gave a standard curve suitable for the determination of relative aMounts of Cu and of the pH as a function of the amount of added N-4 Calculation of the potentiometric area allows the quantitative determinNion of the com- -ponents which are not bound in any complex. The curve shows the relative amounts of (Cu(C204)(NH3)23 and [CU02002NH I Coexistence of the simple icomplexes of each of the two liganda was pro?ej;.,! Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 2 formulas# and 3 tables* ZjPRS/ S ODE: 07 SUBM DAU: none OTH REF: 004 _. V-1 A POUND SVDWMI Autodp pet. dr; BARANOWA-TARASIOrp Maris., jwgr I* Dept* of Inorganic Chemittry, Univ. of Tor= (K&U&a a~wmjj XlearganiesnoS Universytetug Torun)-(for Svinardd); 2*'PWBI*o- Chemical Metrological DMtel Central Buraw of Standarob (roklad MetrologicoW Fix*o-Cheuii, OlowW Ursad Mkr) t Warsaw - (for Maranowna-Tarasluk) Warsaw, Chasis awaLtnEfto No 31, rby-J~nw 19669 pp 563-%6 Oftfractometric daterminatitm of bromide complexes of cadmium.0 SWINECKI, T. The production of wood-splint basket sets. p. 26. PRZFI.rfSL DRZEWNY. (Central ne Zarzakv Przemyslow: Drzewnego, Meblarsk-lego, I Lesnego I Stowrzvszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictiqa) Warszawa, Poland. No. 1, Jan. 1959. Monthly List of East European accession (EIAI), LO. Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1959. Uncl. "0 - 1'. r."'I S-- , II o"--, S. I 1IT-1; J I I.!. . "Strur,g,le for Improvement of the Quality of Meat Products in the Meat Products Factory in Lodz." p. 41, (GOSFCW.11U-:A i=aN.", vol. 6, 1"'o. 2, Feb. 1954. vlarszawa, Poland.) SO: Monthly List of East Europem Accessions, (E&IL), LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. m SiMql~-,SKI, M. ; -NGT.-.TAMJ, S. "Rationalizers and Leading Worki-rs of the StalinoggTod Yeat Products Factory." p. 42, (GOSPGDAIPU~ IMIIES.'IP, Vol. 6, No. 2. Feb. 1954. Warszawa, Poland.) SO: 1-11onthly List of East European Accessions, (ZEAL), W, Vol- 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. RANIAK, Jozef; SW1XSK&-KOTSC:ffT, Haria; GIA)GOWSKA. Irena. Problem of daily activities of fibrinalysin. Postepy hig. mod.' dosw. 12-no.3:299-302 1958. I..Zaklad Patologii Ogoluej i Doswiadozalnej AM Wroclaw, ul. Marcinkow- skiego 1/3- (PARIODICITY, daily activation of fibrino4ain (Pol)) (FIBRINOLYS IN, daily activation (Pol)) ~NloltfiN 74 "An inversion of temperature in the troposphere." T). 4. (Gazeta Obserwatore, Vol. 6, No. /,, April 1953, Wirszava.) SO: Month1V List of East EuroT)ean Accessions, Vol. 3, No. 2, Iibrary- of Congress, February 1954, Uncl. RAGMSKI, Jan; SWIRKA. Stanislaw Observations on microbial resistance to the most freq3aently used anti- biotics. Polski przegl. chir- 31 n0-3:279-288 Mar 59. 1. Z III Kliniki. Chixmrgicznej A. M. w Warazawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Paczynski. Warszawa, u1. Mokotowska 57, m. 2. (ANTIBIOTICS, eff. .bact. resist. (Pol)) SWIRSKAS 'Aleija Fmthesis oi hen7i;l, ?-idgerid1~11r= c All ska. - Prace Flarmrk Nank-11ala- - Isfers U-a J~, vr-. *It TRIMCIleiti. 1952, No. 1, l7-_"2(Hrzg;lish Suntruary).- An .t rFsult of a searelt fur still-itailecs with P01-5ible anti-- hist.1mirlic activity brn.;VI eridinaelkyl 17,111, (1) be- 10111;ing to tile Bel 'Itcomi-rds. was prel)(1. Pl- Per, line (42.5 g.), obtained It), reduction (described) of Pylidine, and ethylene oxide (21.12 g.) were condensed in art autoclave at 120* for 10 firs. to give 71% (optimum conditions) of 2-p*p W 11 -1 1 Mot (11), bzo 92-4*- I erg Ingre I~fro4agfcl CHt, hygro3capic),, hydradildride, m. 117-19* ic -ate, m. h: 61-3* (from CllCh HgCla wit very utgunble. M-Cl (43.08 C.) addell to PoIn. of H 145 c.) ntid N& (8.o~l g.) in go g. CAffs and refluxed with sthTing for 10 fiii_. gnve on acidification (HCI) 04% yield of I. b2 135--7*; h.~droehloride, m. 02-4* (from Cstle, hygroscopic); pio m. 115-17* (from ate.). HgCh sali, ln.'50-2*- I rPsc2-II.- a pilriben2amine In antihistaminic activity and toxicity. Janina R. Spencer V of ' rinti WmAll 4 to;* lod POL lodo d i i i d i sh ngl odo Vs. u of ~vvldhic~ kitfrom an the detivs. A 2- and 4vyti--,, i x-ray-diaftnost's, ;' Flur the um ioditlntiov~ I,' -5-11"frop -2-carb xylic. add (ondiod, -"Ivcd In i ~"Avv. of 6.12-1-nmic NaOll in 30 tut. water, Tras licatild to I(xl* md If g. Wineadded Over 10 mfit', hea6zig. - - * colltillu"I 1br; ot 100 ,~mftcr *f" -the -medinut wgs -h _th chaoinA ji~ thriqs b~- coital.-HO oW W% laibH Wr ation ul sa'spettsom vrx; saw. wfth' A)~. mviii ppt. was fatered off aptur SM6.0 wasbed with -Vvit~ f. l1ri,'I n, 7(31, .5.95 g. yeflow matirial "t ob- 7.5 taillcil, tv(~ after 70~ 161toil, ~1).: The Crude dEn tmrified s4t; lk t)[- b 8 tn.~ JjXRM ~~M lCd~. "Cl TW one r9cm - Bo, 3.14 ;A "YdroxyPYridine ,L kv,s ~JLS.Wjvjyj in 2 .0 8.6 g. (0.63 mote) - 411~0 hi 80 ml. vkitcr ardbeated tAD loo, -A sda. 71 fir 1. In im 10. 1 g. (0.0735 indc) Wine, loj (CAGI. dd o d d I was a e r p min., wit$ orvinsider. KM Ate frothing and gzs e-vtAut after --vilkli tim. mixt. at l(no for I Ili- MM 1 l h v A .. -4~ ZT - t i'll Inuisil , p tn. fter st:vmt his. Um F .......... i 7 ; t~,- pOT-;:t:~3'05-a off and dried at'79O.W. i I give'S.24 a. WOA (froul- MeOll), ~ S-Ilydr d~ -2 2M-71 dl b 1k " di l ea id (I -ca ne . in. oxy ac m l , ll.:wAtek iiuil heal SoIll. Of 2.76 g;, Rat kO In 27.5 ii l foit I lw. Amall6imit qiLantykw ortin V NMOH in 10 halwatet; the.stilul 110.4tt4totOV 2z, l It ' affand added~'the mau., Coiled iG 3 % the plit. h cia wadw - ic: I o .-- 124-&-5.6 witit saline s l to -give t e. No- rw he- ill in , :4-5010 0 lel of 1 e I mo %vAs dissoT I~ 0 i1 15 . . . k r d k. W. d4tthaaolainjile in-10 ml.-Water; with-WtIci heating (a a. watir bath. `Afi-er vaLlind iirystillieLng-Alse-, 7 ' i silt, it, fi teMj off wj ace - i a d the salt ll -pur cryitn.fr6rz .i6tei_; The I l ed by _ pptd..due to hy 'Iroty4s was fiItcrid ;ofL 'The salt was a colorless; ciyst.. 6 -d A j~onipd, Fj My istd. .136 mole) v" - ii i; inixt, heated to'- ddedAo1U.0LmoIq, !' .1- f- T.111 ~gabour & ltrs-~~,40 in); wattr-th Ien added Slid Ill j 6 M 'lluxt. icated, is hi,40 : to. ii~ -excess tin dride WA if P, - .7, -was 1-6ff, fift plit. t" . and dried at W 401110 giv 3.P loriess.- acetate es t 75% Xf,011T. d solve in it tublUbt 17.S ML d zotl 3.47 mal. M - , -~ - i-Sibich tit a to rhe Opti _ - 4s WE tiljoinn tem W up, a tier 10 Mimi 0 kied oll. wit4hod anddrWl" d a,01th ivaterii in vat um "s _ - ` ((rout do RtO ~R U(0.01 Mole) tw~ai.r"WA. IMth a R). ..A li,ifil. of-ciflawadilM.' i4id the all V mole of ixt ' ' ~ libilingAr. G hru~, Th CJI.N i~" dWd. e heated to. Pacup and'the residne extd. with 70-ml, - ' : i 6 i c I- wilis li %Vh V ; of 6&g een resid iiitim latter left 126 gi 1 hai- under re#lu: whil 30 wh U. Was litrate p Cu~sw~ Yaddinkem ;the ~A I I $t V i d 4 p - -- ------ ---- ARM scycrat-, fin.- the- aatt~ waj ififteted rai washed '17 distd. water, susip6ded in water flightly acidified with 110- Acarld decomposed by R4.1 After filtering off the C11% the lvj filuate ~ 3 concil. atid kft 1!ocrystallize to give IAM g. 3-, liyilroxypyridine-2,f)-dkartdi~lid acid (11). The crude pm-luct ivas crystd. from water to give colorless crystals, sol. in .1;aHCOj with CO: evoliltic-iii, giving a blood-red color xviti FeSO4. Oil rapid ljoting~ m0ting occurs With dc-- I - agnfit at cai boxylatiott at 2'12', and -Olen the cginlx . me tj Am, Y t 250' itil decarbox w l atiall agairl. a was ~dso ob- talitett froin 0.01. mole pyridiac-110, m. -143~0 ijissolved in it -mixt. of 100 MLI I iv.,ier and 4.3 ml. I0% NaICOi,-the salu, cixled16 below er addel s~t t his temp. over 1.5 hrsi and then'left at room (imp. for 26 -A ides were thei i filtered off.washedwith wattr~ - hm, Mn o nil the filtrate, af ter. aclijif 5 ing with concil. IfOAc. canctl on a water ba' It to a ;of. i about 100 ml. -- The Cui wa:s then pptd. whilchotwithCuacetate. After filtering and q is asihing, the Cusalt wassuipt:nded in water, acidified with' * CuS and HOAc, and decompil. with HiS. . After removal of latm Y * % i 6 i ~firjt at ab ut 217 n at 2.50 slixed m.p. of j then alta from the 2 methods gave -no depression. . 11 (0.1. - h t e heued V) min. in to ml. the mixt. td. boVing PhINO, h MR d i ff ir h . xin dried at ltered o as ed wit retiulting ppt. f , 801% to give the monweid, m. 265-71. It (0.1 K.) was 1eated ini-a-digig. flask for I hr. at 220-M*z-; The dLstil- lae, soldifying in the receiver, tn. M-4.6% the m.p.-was unchanged when mix"] wil:h 3-hvdioxypyridine. Cla new, inothad Art a-tiivl L--P*tnnv- ,~tolp,SX14, q - POLAND/Organic. Chemistry. Synthetic organic Chemistry. G-2 Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur.-MlimiYa., No 11,. 1958.. 36257- Author : M,rska A.., Lange J. Inst : V-177i~ven-. - Title : De:rivatives of Furfurall for Medicinal Purposee. III. Synthesis of N-(-Nitro-2-Purfuryleden)-i~-Amino- oxazolidon-2. Orig Pub: Przem. Chem., 1957, 13, No 7, 4oo-4ol. Abstract: A methdd of synthesizing N-O-nitro-2'furfuryliden)-3- aninooxazolidon-2 (1) has been developed. Ethylene oxide is passed through a 37% water solution contain- ing 1-77 mols of Nw,4-HAO until I mol of etheline oxide Is absorbed (while cooled to 15-250). After keeping 'this solution at approximately eC for 24 hours, NH.Z Card 1/2 KOTLEF'.-BRAJTBURG, Janina,- SWIRSKA, Alicja Chemicals prepared for contrasting in X-ray diagnosis based on aminobodobenzoic acids. Przem chem 39 no.6:327-330 Je 160. 1. Zaklady Synte.-y I, Instytut Farmaceutyczny, Warszawa 7. 4- Di trz. 4E2c(j,)/4E3d &dluin Wt of (ethylmercurOthiesdicylic acid. Alicia' a Frrmyss Varsaw) . -P"pn. of the title Compd. f Chom. To, 1 (1160). 7unt o-(HS)C&lICOH (1) and EtH&CI (U~ based on a new, ;method of II %ytithesIS from EtMCII.NaCt (R (Polish 42054) is described. H vms obtameil in 91% yield by a ing da* 76.8 ff. M in 180 mi. dry AfeaCifli (IV) tr- 112.8 0 H Cl i l IV xi n 180 rn . at 60 max., stirring the mi . 30 t g in keeping it 12 hr-;. at room temp.. slowly adding H,O with cooling, filtering off 11, vmbing it with HIO and, EtOH, and drying it at 50* and 2W Mtn. jm. 192 A 90% yield of a4EtffgS)CH,COjH (V), m. 103-5*, was obtained by adding 51.3 g. I to a soln. of '33 C. NaOH and: ~,4 90 00 ff=., keeping It 1 3, 11 in OW inL, HsO at 4 t e mixt. H 7, filtering~ at room tempi, adding 10% aqi H430t to p a.unreactod -Uj coclin Adding moie HWt; fifteriag pptd.1 2 W,-washffig, and'dMagiat 50' ix tdocd.-; The V Na slit! , 74 "dim in hot:a1c4 Xaoffi it ; CoCjh cmts., the v6ducti ;s &JWxt.~ =d :4~ 7 7 ~ SWIRSYJ,, Allcja Furft*al derivatives as drUgS, IV, Obtaining of 5-morpho:Lino-metbylo- 3-(5-]Litrofurfury-lidenoamino)-2-maso3.idone. Frzem chem 40 no.10: 590-591 0 161. I* Zaklad Syntezy I, InstYtut Farmaceutymny, Warazawa. SWIRSKA, Alicia 5-YiorpholinomethYl-3-amino-2-pxazolidinone derivatives with hypotensive act.livity. Acta pol. pharm. 19 no.4:317-324 t62. 1. Z Instytutu Farmaceutycznego w Warszawie Dyrektor: doc. dr. '3f3dnarQzyk, ~ I W (ANTIHYPERTENSIVEE AGENTS) (OKAZOLES) (MORPHOLINES) SWIRSK:A,.,, Alicja;- MIGIMSKI, Kazimierz Furan derivatives of 3-amino-2-oxazolidinone. Acta pol. pharm. 19 no-5:459-460 162. 1. Z Instytutu Farmaceutyoznego w Warszawie.. (%OXAZOLES) (FURANS) SWIRSKA, A.Iicja Furan derivatives of 3,5;-diiodo-4-oxo-1(4H)-pyridineacetic acid. Acts, pol. pharm. 19 nq.6:549-552 162. 1.Z Zakladu Syntezy I Instytutu Farmaceutycznego w Warszawie Kierownike. doe. dr H. Bojarska-Dahlig. (PYRIDIIIES) (FURANS) (ACETATES) W /R'S) K /9 3/084 /152/000/024/041/OT3 07) 'B101/Bv186 AWHORS: Kotler-Brajtburt, Janina# Swirska, Aficja, Raczka, Alicja' TITLE: Study of X-ray-opaque compounds. V.,N1N'-adipyldi-(a,~ino_ benzoic)-acids PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurne:l.- Khimiya, no. 24, 1962, 328, abstrac,t' 24Zh1qO (Roczn.- cheju. I V* 3~p nof4'4p 1962P 763-766 Epol., summary in Eng.D TEXT; RNHCO(CH CONHR (IIa - k) was obtained by causing MCO(CH COU 2)4 2 4 to react With RNH in order to study the X-ray characteristics of the 2 r~saction (Ia - k,.%Yhere (a) R a 2 (b) R 2-Hooc-6-IC6HP -KOOCG6Hj' R . 2-HOOC-4,6-i 2C6 H2f (d) R - 3-HOOCC 6 H4' R -3-HOOC-6-IC 6HP H (f) R - 3-HOOC-4-IC6 H 3' (g) R -.3_HOOC_2s4q6 _131 HY (h) R - 4-HOOCC6 4 (i) R . 4.-HOOC-2-IC H (k) R -~4-HOOC-2,6-I CgH~) 0-031 moles SOC1 6 31 2 2 2 dissolved in 5 ml C H Cl is.,added dropwise to a.boiling solution of 6 5 Card 1/2