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ACCESSIOU MRs AP4038645 I!dielectrics# can be described by the equation ILO_ Ait izo !Irradiation of the dielectrics by ultraviolet Irradiation does not cause polarize.- ~~tion decays but it doesp however, bring about a change in the depolarization time oonstant* The linear relationship between the applied voltage and ourrent.intensiti Irlowing through the test sample is fulfilled only in the slaotrio field intensity j , '. irange of tho order of 105 volta/cm. In the case of higher strengths of the applisal 'field, the relationship I,V*Vnp vhers n = 1.5, is in conformity with the theory Of !the effect of the space charge on the dielectric conductivity& The througli resist- idnoo of the dielectric depends upon the ultraviolet irradiation dosagoe Changes in 'the resistance undor the effect of ultraviolet irradiation occur aspeoially olearlyl., ,in. the oase.of saran, which is subject to degradation more readily than polyStyren&*4__:._, I iThe surface conductivity of the tested dieleatrics depends upon the pressure and ,nature of the gas surrounding the toot sample, Origearte-hass 9 figures, 2 tables iand 1 equationo Lqard :ACOESSION NRl AP4038545 ..ASSOCIATIOWs Katedra FizYki WYdzialu Chomioznogo Pblitachniki Lodzkiej (physics .Department of the Ch~mloal Faoulty# Lodz Polytoohnio Institute). SUBUITTEDs 00 DATE ACO.# OgJun64 RNGL& 10 M GODSj MT, EM NO REP SOVs 000 oumg S-LYEANSKI . A.; I2.NC, S. Preparation of Uoh.2H20 during glow discharges in aqueous uranyl sal solutions. P. 551 ROCZN1KI CHLEI1. (Polska Akademia Nauk) Warszawas Poland, Vol. 33, no. 2. 1959 Monthly List of East European Accessions (MAI) LC, Vol. 8, Wo. 9, September 1959. Uncl. ACCESSIM NR: AT.4p889z P/2538/6l/qoo/oo9/oo4l/do63 AUTITOR Lipinski, 4ndrzej (Lipin'ski, Andzhey); Przytula, Flarian (Pshitula, Mariyan); Szymanski, Aleksander (Shiman'ski, Aleksander) TITLE: Certain questions relating to the project of a double-surge neutron counter SOURCE: Lodz. Uniwersytet. Zeszyty naukowe. Soria 11. 11auki Materratyczno- przyrodnicze, no. 9, 1961. Projektowanie i budowa akeeleratora jonowego (Design and construction of an ion accelerator), 41-63 TOPIC TAGS: double-surge neutron counter, fast neutron, gall=a-background isola- tion,retardation probability,* absorption probability, coincidence probability, accidental coincidencey liquid scintillator, pulse amplitude -distribution ABSTRACT: In investigations of ti^io phenomena produced by fast neutrors an important role is played by the detector upon which largely depends the accuracy with which a given measurement can be mad; and even whether a given effect is measurable. A good detector must have a high neutron-counting efficiency, must not other kinds of radiation and must permit determination of the - neutron energy.. The time-of-flight method pertits very accurate determination of A Card 343 ACCESSION FR., AT4038892 neutron energy, but is insensitive to other kinds of radiation; it is rather efficient, but requires a pulsing neutron source. The pulse--shape method permits isolation of the gamma background when neutron recording is quite efficient; but measurement of neutron energy is inaccurate and impossible in the case of a con- tinuous spectrum. The double-surge method provides very high efficiency and isol&- tion of the gamma background. While the measurement of electron energy is consi- dared to be burdened by an error resulting from the method itself, it can be determined by this method, acco7ding to 11. Hayes Bell, Jr., "Liquid Sci. Count, Rew York 1958, and J. Leiss, National Bureau of Standards, LBS-TN-10. The authors have therefore continued to apply it. The program for building an accelerator in 'Ube Plant (Zaklad) of Experimental Physics of Lodz University includes con- struction of a double-surge counter. The present paper is the result of certain considerations and computations made in designing the above-mentioned detector it describes the principle of action of the counter (first and second surge); discusses the probability of retardation-- only the order of magnitude, since a theory of retardation with capture is lacking for variable effective cross- sections _-, the probability of absorption and the probability of concidence; also problems connected with the determination of neutron energy, and accidental coincidences; and details the preparatory work on suitable liquid ScIntI.Ilatorgs Card 2/3 ACCESSION NR: AT4038892 ,,-and the electronic system designed to: 1) find the distribution of the 'amplitudes of the pulses obtained from the photomultiplier; 2) select from among them only those accompanied by a pulse produced by the second surge. Most of the computations are contained in six "postscripts", occupying the second half of the article and dealing with the above-mentioned probabilities, ete'l e.g. computation (approximate) of the loss of hot neutrons caused by leakage beyond the area of the scintillator. Orig. art. has; 8 figures, 2 tables and 59 formulas. X.3,10CIATIO',.: ~Katedra Fizyki Doswiadozalnej Uniwersytetu Lodzkiego Lodz (Chair of Experimental Physics.of Lodz University) SMUTTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 18Jun64 ENCL: 00 SUB COM NP NO REF SOV: 004 OTHERs 019 Card 3/3 KRYS7EWSKI, Marian; KURCZEWSKA, Halina; SZ'V4ANSKI, Aleksander D.C.current conductivity of organic dielectric polymers, depen- ding on the work conditions-and external factors. Pt. 1. Przegl elektroniki 5 no. 4:190-198 Ap 164. 1. Department of'Physics, Division of Chemistry, Technical University, Lodz. (03- - K k P k V 62 l 11 1 ra rzo. lAd AkrLro o2 X11 , Scriets . ow. 1. No 5, i, a of -.%1mntj4Inm co]Li in Yan." Alfred the Poe die Ints (Odftlal n t -(Sz ital) h V unidantl 5 Was itar . p p ector of the hospital and clinician Cordy- 1>3p&rt=ont of Internal Yedtolne, dr. A. Szymanski; pp. 220-229. lj:_7_'Horta1ity of Pobtuose and Newborns In the 1956-1959 Po- r1od. I I ZdzLo2Av of the Be rid .%!, )mktj --j %nd, - _M ' - - ' ' Vb-nan adlelme of Lu- s Diseases %Se Ao%ds-_7 ce Y 01 1_0 - o3~ I Chorob Nobiao-coh, A.~!. v Lu- ainis), directors docent J._jaec'.1, M; p~. 230-232. i Corn-4.3,11 Wladyslav ZOTA".TA of tho s amdomy of Hodicins ot -bHe tXllnli. M ta director: Prof. X. HoLdroatkievicz. k XD; pp. 232-234. L2. "Minutes of the Ord-l", y Meeting of the Pollch Medical Association (Polskin Tow~Lrzzyotwo l4ka-rckle) Zrakaw Branch (Oddzial v &rLkovie) OrFnalzad Jointly with the Xossocla- of Anstomo-PathologlBte (Townrzystwo ArAto=o-patolo- pw) . Krakow Branch &-nd the Onkological Association (To- warzyntwo Ockologiczne) Xrokow Br.%nch, on 11 ~taj 1060' W. Pletr BOUK asoretary:, Prof. Dr. Jester BOGUSZ, chalr- man; pp. 73"- 13. "Mlaute of the OrdlnarySciantLf Meeting of ths IL-skov Branch ( akovski Oddzial) of the Polish Medical Assnocia- ;r tion (Palsklo Tovar--yetwo Lakarskle, on 18 Hay 11-60, Dr. Plotr DOM. Secretary; Prof. Dr. Jozef Bb~TfiZ, ChFLIr- m&m; P. 235-.- 14. "puzolan Rp, ary or Contents." pp. 235-236- 25. "Phs.11sh ftrzary of Contents. P. 236- '2~2 SZYMANSKI, Antoni Measurements comparatively carried out ih Pblish observatories and the Geomagnetic Observatory in Ifiemeft during the days of April 16 - May 2. 1963. Acta geophys Pol 12 no.lt69-71 164 1. Institute of Geophysics,, Polish Academy of Sciences,, Warsaw. SZYMANSKI, Andrzej Tuberculosis of the bronchi & exudative pleurisy. Gruzlica 25 no.9: 72.1-5-7.32 Sept 57. 1. Z KlJniki Ftyzjatrycznej A. M. w Locizi. Kierownik: prof. J. Stopczyk. (TUB3RCUIOSIS, PULMONARY, pathol. bronchial & lymph node pathol. & exudative tubere. pleurisy (Pol)) SZYWSKI, Andrzej Exudative poly-serositis of tuberculous origin (Pernot-3oulant syn- drome). Gruzlica 27 no.4:337-341 Apr 59. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjati7cznej A. M. w Lodzi Kierownik: -prof. dr Med. Stopezyk. (TUMCULOSIS FULMOITARY, compl.) STOPCZYK, Jan; OCZBORSKI, Stanislaw; SZYMANSKI, Andrzej Results of the treatment of tuberculous cerebrospinal meningitis. Gruzlica 27 no-8:921-930 S '59- 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatryeznej A.M. v Lodzi. Kierownik: prof.dr med. J. Stopezyk. (TUBEWDIOSIS MWINGEAL ther.) STOPCZYK, Jart-0 KUCZBORSK1, Stanislav; PRUSZYxSxA' Stefanial STRUPCZEWSKA, Halina; SZYMANSKI, Andrzej; WOSZCZAIC, Wieslava Prognosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults in established IIE resistance. Gruzlica 28 no.12:969-977 D t60. 1. Z Klinild Ftyzjatrycznej A.M. w Lodsi, Kierownik prof. dr med. J.Stopezyk. (TUB',4'RGULOSIS PULMONARY diag) -SZYMANSKI, Andrzej Bronchoscopy in massive pulmonary hemorrhages. Gruzliea 29 no.8: 735-739 Ag '61. 1. Z Kliniki Ftyzjatrycznej AM i Szpitala Miejskiego im. dr J. Brudzinskiago w Lodzi.Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr zed. -T. Stopezyk.Dyrektor Szpitala: dr mad. S. Kuezborski. (LUNG DISEASES diag) (BRONCHOSCOPY) SZYMANSKI, Andrzej A case of leionqosarcoma. Gruzliea 30 no.2:163-i68 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej AM v Lodzi Kierownik.* prof. dr med. J. Stopezyk. (LMIG NEOPLAS~B case reports) (LEIOIZOSAROGYA-ease reports) SZYMANSKI, Andrzej Bronchial adenoma with pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchiec- tasis. Gruzlica 30 no.9:843-847 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatryeznej AM w Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Stopczyk. (BRONCHIAL NEOPLASMS) (ADENOMA) (BRONCHIBCTASIS) (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) ROPEK,, Yfieczyslaw;,.~SZYMANSKI~ Andrzej Early results of ethionamide (TH-1314) t1mrapy of pulmonarr tuberculosis in adults. Gruzlica 30 n0-9:801-809 162. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej AM i Katedz7 Ftizjatrii WAM w Lodzi Kierownik Kliniki i Szef Katedr7: prof, dr mod, J, Stopczyk. (ETHIONAMIDE) (TUBERCULOSIS, PUIXONARY) ROPEK) Mieczyslaw; PRUSZYNSKA, Stefania; SZYMANSKI, Andrzej Aneurysm of the pulmonary artery with dbath during broncboscopy. Gruzlica 30 no.9:849-853 962. 1. Z Kliniki FtizjatryczneJ AM i z Katedry Ftizjatrii iWAM w Lodzi Kierowniks prof. dr med. J0 Stopczyko (ANEURYSM) (PULMONARY ARTERY) (BRONCHOSGOPY) (DEATH, SUDDEN) ROPEK, Miedzyslaw; STRUPCZP-,WSKA-JANUSZOWA, E191 ina; SZIMANSKI, Andrzej ----------- The ethionamide resistance titer of the H37Rv strain isolated from patients not greated with ethionamide and attempted use of.the vertical diffusion method for the determination of bacteriostatically-active ethionamide in patient's serum. Grazlica 30-no.12:1085-1090 162. 1. Z Pracowni Bakteriologicznej Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej AM Z Katedry Ftizjatrii WAM i ze Szpitala im. dr J. Brudzinskiego w Lodzi.Kiorownik Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej AM: prof. dr med. J.Stopczyk Dyrektor szpitala: dr med. S. Kuczborski-Kierownik pracowni: dr mikrobiologii H. Stru czewska-Jamlszowa. (ETHIONI1J4IDFJ, (MYCOBACTERIUM TUBERCULOSIS) (DRUG RESISTANCE MICROBIAL) MINC, Stefan; SZYMISKII &drzej Reactions of OH and H radicals in aqueous sulfuric acid. Rocz chemii 36 nool0:1543-1544 t62. 1. Department of Physical Chemistryp University., WArsav. ROPEK, Mieczyelaw; Sq_ ..Andrzej; WOSZCZAK, Wieslawa; PIRUSZYNSKA, Stefania Results of antibacterial treatment of freshly disca7ered fibro-cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruz3ica 31 no.10: 1041-1048 t63. 1. Z Katedry Ftizjatrii WAM i Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej M4 w Lodzi Szef Katedry i Kierownik Klinild: ~rof, dr meld. J. Stopczyk. (TUBERCULOSIS$ PUIXONARY (DRUG THERAPY) ROPEK, Mieezyslaw; SZYMANSKI. Andrz6J; PRUSZYNSKA, Stefania Late results of ethionamide therapy of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults. Grazlica 31 no.10:1,049-1054 163. 1. Z'KI-iniki Ftizjatrycznej AM i Katedry Ftizjatrii WAM v Lodzi Kierownik Kliniki i Szef Katedry: prof. dr med. J. Stopezyk. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (ETHIONAMIDE) SZYMANSKI, Andrzej . ............. Role of bronchoscopic, bronchographic and radiotomcgraphic pictures in the diagnosis of pulmonary and bronchial malIgmant tumors. Gruz3ica 3.1 no.10:1055-1063 163. 1. Z Kliniki Ftizjatrycznej AM v Lodzi Kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Stopczyk. (LUNG NEOPLASMS) (BRONCHIAL NEOPLASMS) (NEOPLASM DIAGNOSIS) (BRONCHOGRAPHY) (BRONCHOSCOPY) (TOMOGRAPHY) ROPEK, Mieczyslaw; SZYMANSKI, Andrzej A case of staphylococcal pnemwnia complicated by spontaneous pneumomediastininn, pneumothorax and subcutaneous empbysema. Gruzlica 31 no.10:1081-1084 863, 1. Z K:Liniki Ftizjatrycznej AM i Katedry Ftizjatrii WAM w Lodzi Kierownik Kliniki i Szef Katedry: prof. dr med J. Stopczyk- (PNEUMONIA) (STAPH INMTIONS, REShRATORY) (MEDIASTINAL EMPHYSEMA) (PNEUMOTHORAX) (EKMSEKA) (AUTOPSY) MINC, Stefan; SZYMANSKI, Andrzej N' . -.1- 1 - 11 Application of electric discharge to the initiation of chemical processes. Pts. 1-2. Rocz chemii 37 no. 11:1525-1537 163. 1. Department of Physical Chemistry, University, Warsaw. Z f VA t vl!-- K T. i ~Y,,-- :0 e th r12L-atjor: Of l'-6 P. electric aid for Et-,,d-;-s on -ielas`-.c- s!.;a"ering of electrons. Blil Ac.; 'Do! 12 no.8, 507-"~ll 64. EBtjmmat~--)n :-,f --,Iectron enzrgy distril hation from in----,n nf` Id. r.a---3 gas radio-lumilnescence in the elactric I" i e I lbid-013-~16 1. Depatrtm,,Ent of Fbysics of the bivision cf '--,hemtstry of ,,I, e y A. Jablonski* -e Toohnical Unllvqrsity, Lodz. F~-- se,-ted b- ROPEK, Miectyslaw; U -AndiZ~.pJ3 PALCZEWSKA-KLUZ, Jadwiga. Case of esophageal diverticulum diagnosed and treated as fibro- cavernous pulmonary tuberculosis. Gruzlica 33 no.9&SM-810 S 1 65. 1. Z Katedry Ftizjatrii Vojskowej Akademii MedyczneS w Lodzi (Kierownlk: p.o. dr. med. M. Ropek) I z Oddcialu Chorob Flucnych Szpitala im. dr. Bieganakiego w Lodzi (Ordynators dr. Z.Czerwinski). BORSUK, iozell; ROPIX, Mieczy-elav; SZYMANSKI, Akzidrz(-.jz MIKSZ-A, Jan Auditory apparatus in pulmonary tuberculIcs'-S patiemmts treated with streptc-mycin. Gruzlica 33 no.1l.-1165-217,0 N 1 65 1. Z Katedry Ftl?l-trii z lainika Wojskawej kkademii 'Medyem-ej (Kit'rownik podPa40"wnik-&. med. M. Ropak) 1. z larungo- logicznej Tjojskowej Al-Ad'emii medycznej (Kierownik7 Pul-kt-wmik prof. dr. med. J. Borauk)a SMUNSTI, Antoni. ........ --, - I Comparative measurements -between the Polish observatories and the Geomagnetic Observatory in Niemegk performed during Juna 2-10, 1964. Acta geophys Pol 13 no.1:65-1~7 165. 1. Institute of Geophysics of the Pblish Academy of Sciences, 10 4. Warsaw. Submitted November 18, 6 GAJEWSKI, Zdz.; SZYMANSKI, B. From the standardization activities of Section Nr.8 (measuring devices and automation) of the Permanent Commission for RWFG-III Machines. Pomiary 8 no.6:225-228 Je 162. 1. Centralne Laboratorium Aparatow Pomiarovlch i Optyki, Warszawa. StyrriadAt B. -CailAructitin of a %Va(er 11--evel Regulator. Xonstruk~ju regulatori 1,11jortfU jvqjy". przcglqd Mechanic?ny. Nll~ 10, 19-54, pp. 310-312, 7 IJV-s, A water Ivvel regnialor In-, de-gasilog plunAs which remove OxY- gw ftnin b,)ilQr (eed-water bull bec-n designed unu manufactured In Poland. It iq ;in Intelinedlide action rvgulMof with it .9.11-eilln pipe, in which oil 13 employed a3 a mudiurn. Here dc~'Crlbcd are the dUsIgn lind Divration of the relay (of the cantroling TyAzm) %vith an ,immer:ud" itreuln pipe. which constitute3 mil principle component of the te4wLator. The ocip .1nality of this new Pulish deign lipq In tho introduction of LwO-fold eveentricity enahlin,- initial adjuAnient )I tire regulator. 'I'lle regulatur do-,cribed in the article lwi been in operation ftr some litne ill Boveral boller humses, fultilliul, Its !zlsk quite s"Iisfact:~MY- SZYMANSKI, Bohdan Preliminary results of studies on the influence of covering pine seedlings during the winter season upon their growth in the nursery. Sy1wan 104 no.5:73-81 My 160. 1. Zaklad Hodowli Lasu, Instytut Badawczy Lesnietwa, Warszawa. tyl st;-.te in a ~yjzt--,M af curviltneaIr orthogowLl equi red KWIATKOWSKIp Adam;,SZftMSKI. Czeslaw; GRZEGOROWSKI, Leon Power-in6rease of the electric power-j~attion by 81%.during the night buildirg tubular burners in ilers of the Skaleczno Power -k Q6sp paliv 134pecial i ,ssue -noi,(95):59 A. 163. KVIATKO'u'SKI, Adam; SZMj',AfiSKI, Czeslaw; GUILZEGOROWSKI, Ieon Power increase of the electric power station by S.Ig during the night peak by building tubular bmmers in 8 boilers of the SAaleczno Power Plant. Goap, paliw 11 Special issue no.(95):59 Ja 163. PTA rglicticlK own coet to V"ni4d rW*brW'jSnycU budO No 3 1951. pp, cost, The -4, own it redvc" A pro ell" btkilidblg rtm~s~ an 'tum own east ILCLIce Shouki be e pro"- vrobjea,And tywgsl fel to butidws--fic nt or Of tft ~-Sortmc t OIM Cost& Wn .,or conception Of 0 the nature Ot tb* Of .1tocatim 0 of the dot ILtion dot au of the Wur* Of "$Ort- 83 the Lion unit as Well on '01'm the p"b" twill-, conaututinS tb* 1 0 0peM CMIS t of five in the '-*Wg tLoos, as the basis, 31 ork see Man- carriem axe aitnt: 1) 2) tom be dWd ekWOU" IL na- Lem into CDUWU &,i2 of tudi,widumi worlL Sect Wory. Ued On the b ,t.n of the build" ') canib"' ,ubdivi Ste). 4) LUC v4soctment is app (buildings, direct Is' W011151 t individw, typo 0 dAtions. asts 0 'mt to 6 00,49" tions, Scale nd 00111 xu"'U'n of own tImoc~kan,,,Uon). aull- f teals 1.3 6116 4* trr -nI tjon 0 WOM equip"l, bour. direct DUAV'sis' liarl entemriv, O"Thea". 3 z Y,~. ~ ~:) 7". 1 ,. Activities of the Irstitute '.'or Or~ani~atiar. and M-echanization of' ~-uildinf-' in the field of tral-.slitinc. B. (11'.1inisterst!,o Budiournict,.-m ',!arszau-a i~ 5, no. 1, jan. 1~)56 So. 7,.',~st E-uro,.);~,an Ac-essians List 770-1 . t;, 0. 9 Se-te-ber 1956 POUM/Chamical TL-chnolo,13y. Chemical Products and Their Applica- H-13 tion. Coranics. Glass. Binding Materials. Concrete Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khim., ITo 24, 1958., No 82462 Author : Szyr=ski E. In s t Title :Gypsun Bindin,-, Matarials Derived from Natural Gypstm Orit~ Pub :Budown. WiaJskic, 1958) io, No 6, 15-18 'Lbstract :Me results of invasti3ations conducted in the USSR on the production of gypsm binding mterials nre prosented. Such naterinls vere obtained fron finely ,rount-ntural 6-ypstua to which various activators (slack lil:ie, granulated blast furnace sla-, portlan-d cemant, and slag cement) were added. -- B. Lev= Card 1/1 KOLAKOWSKI,Jorzy,dr.,inz.; SZY1-DkNSKI,Edward,dr.,inz. Initial waterproofing trials of vapor cured lbae-a3h concreto. Diul inform inst techn bud no.9:38-43 161. SKALMOWSKII Wlodzimierz, prof,p dr.; SZYMANSKI~ Edward, mgr., inz. New setting materials of gypsum and possibilities of their applica- tion in the building technique. Cement wapno gipa 16/26 no.7:221-224 161. 1. Politechnika Warazawska. ~Gypsum) SKALMOWSKI, W3.odzimriz, prof.dr.; SZYMANSKI, Edward, dr.inz. Binders and building materials prepared from gypsum and lime. Cement wapno gips 17 no.5:126-127 My 162. 1, Politechnika, Warszawa. SZYMANSKI, Edward (Warsaw) Vibrated limestone-sand products. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 37 no.2:88,97-98 F 165. SZYMANSKI, H. "Angular Units." P- 15, (PRZEGLAD GEODLMNY, Vol. 10, No. 11 Jan. 1954. Warszawa, Poland.) 130: Monthly List of Fast European kiessions, LC, Vol. 3, No. 12, Dec. 1954, Uncl. MLY-MANISK1, Iti- Cb ssification of liquid meters, p. 647. (POLSU. KOMJITET NORTIALIZAMNY, Warszawa, V61. 22, no. 10, Oct. 1954.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, llo-66, AIg. lgE~5, Uncl. S -.71yM~iNSKI, HDIM Jednostki miar. (Wyd. 1) Warszawa3 Panstwowe W.-dawn., Techniczne., 1956. 676 p. (Units of measure, 1st ed. i-Ilys., bibl.., diagrs., graphs, index, tables.) SO: 11onthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, No. 9., Sept. 1,057 Uncl. Vol. It, iio. li" ~-Ov. 1958 P! id ")D!", pj-:cj.-on of ,,,casurc~fil~nt, er"OV3, corrcctions, LC Vol. ;1GIA'a-v o~ Eint Furc)~~van -kccf--3.on,- Apri-L !9W, 7j-lcj-ass. POLAND Cheaiical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Ap'-)lication. Cellulose and Its Deriva- tives. _i)aper, Abs lour: Ref Zhur-Khi;aiya, No 9, 1959, 53541. Author : Sz angki, j., Zielinski, J. Inst ;Not given. Title :Determination of Sulfur in '.N'aste Gases of Cellulose Sulfate Production, _Oji7ig i,Pub: P)2ezgl,'- ipdpieft-. -5%1958~ ibstract: The _iethods of precipitation, coi-orimat-rical and Dotentiometrioal titrations, and the method of da*Lermininp. th-, total amount of S by com- bustioun, aro examined. It is established that, for industrial supervision, the precipitation method and tho mathod of S detor--uination by com- bustiou are the most appropriRtal -- Froin the authorsf summary. Card 1/1 SZYIWISKI . Jerzy, mgr inz. Interdependence and proportionality of the- Aboanal the impeller of rotodynamic pumps. PrZegl mech- 23~.Mw_ii~'; 10 Ja 164. 1. Wieczorowe Studium Inzynierskie, Politechnika S3askaj Gliwice. Ivy Journal of the Insti tute of Petroleum135. Utilization of i2ging by na urs c2aQation of strRa in 6orenolei. Vol. 40 No. 362 vvFRF- lilt. Voli,41 A hr-i-er- Feb. 1954 report cm work Uf Pcoll"jilytical Dividoit of Polish IP in tile Oilfield Exploration and Exploitationfit~l'it?f,ll,ltktrjI Iy nulilltiOll CIM-441 otit ill old and now boroliolm. Thi,i mothod enalplem vorrolation to bo extemied. Purtitor work %sill S. I-, - ~ 1.1 - , ,.1 . " . . I ...- . .. - - . .. ~ - I ~ I . .. ~ - ~ - - I " - - - . . %: -, , ~, -, - ; ~ 17 -- - ~-- ;- --. , - - , - 'if -1-1 - - POLMD/Huclear Physics - Structure and Properties of Nucloi C-4 Abs Jour : 11of Zhur - Fiziks, No 9, 1958, No 19888 Author : Sawicki J., ZZ.)MUUjaL-1-J~ Inst : Warsaw University, Poland Title : Polarization Effects in! A Decay Accompanied by Internal Bromsstrahlung. Orig Pub Bull. fiend. polon. sci., 1957, Cl. 3, 5, 140 9, 897-903 Abstract The authors examine,/ docay of unpolarizod nuclei, accom- panicd by internal bromsstrahlung. The degree of circular olerization of the internal bremsstrahlung P,, + - I-) 0, + I-) is computed (I+ and I- are the int6nsities I the right-hand and left-hand polarized quanta). They also consider the longitudinal polvrizetion of the /_~~perticles -;:, p/p~ (averaged over the polarization states of thel- particles). The calculations ero carried out under the ee- sumptions of the l wo-component neutrino theory. For the case of allowed/- - transitions, neglecting Coulomb correc- tions for the degree of longitudinal polarization, the Card 113 Y where p, E are the momontuu and the energy of the electron ca the energy of a quentun of internal bromsstrahlung, 19 the angle between the dire tions of omission of the electron 2nd of tho quantum, K3=E6j C1 - (p/E) cos r, h--c=l. In the case of decay, the eigne in formulas (1) must be Card 2/3 H edragment decay energy and angula diaWbution. (Unif. Warsawl. Nam cinwak 10. 1AMwn&Iiah).-Z4m6~-ii approximation Is ap- --e plied to the hypertragmentdemy. w meson energy.diusibu- W tion Is obtained for the HeIA case. neglecting w-a Interaction: Results are compared and the validity of Impulse approxi- mation is discussed. W. W. saw - Distri 4E3c/4E3d 7- To Piatr; Wa(v) 2 eys iv M "ad Adaff Sci S i k (U . . . zymit s n ., f- - 435- A lish) lUWXW En 7 . e ys. , g P K cofl are reported, I-sed on the following assumptions: scalar coup"g between the X and meson fields, pseudo- scalar coupling between the baryan3 and r meson, indL-- pendence of the ammod syrnmetry an4 difference between renormalized baryon-v coupling con . and identical cut- ' for r interactions and for all baryoas. The differences offs in inu between Z and A were neglected and the tLTms to those biltnear In coupling.consts. were retained. cross. section tof scattering agreed with exyd. data, w Ile those for the reaction -did not at all. 1P The w" decay of a hnerfra~m t. A. VrJou, bly- an ionko (Ina. B arsaw) 7. 3C$.. SCS. Alain., a rox. C1 Phys 111-5(1 )(in EnSM)i-The decay A e4 --* HI + + wa3 considered in the Ist order per- i turbation theory of weak processes (Ferrari and Fonda, T. 3200958)). The branching ~4,';=t'd'M 10-2. Only the r coupling was tawn 1~'-t-.t I count in the NAZ Interaction. The K coupling Is discussed. T -CZ WbUlt Ot 'd t 0 spill frw d liar distribua0'a for 11. chlue I RP rt- -*Wk a-yVr;-*-. e4 Phy;. set., suf.-Ses.. :(Img)(in HugHsh).-Ener" and angular distrib the d AH4 J + P + r are estd. after SlY 13=6CA 33,'11013f) for , mad 0 states separate adenre on. the spin and p1s ratio, wh"*a=ot ;.1taeoudy, is .au, Z T.1 rfrag Pg gente frona the 9 particle and the dete P on of Ine ~L arl nanski (Inst. Nuclear Re-. karch W w I he Z particle In the proximit Englishl-7 y all Inu- cleons undergo6 the fast reaction 'w + N - 2 L + 301 rn.e.v. 71crefore, only those systim!; are stable where such j~~rtlon 'Li ioAbldid&~_Clifiici ' I nerjFyj'Zg.' by luge bind ng e Ilieb X Li stable because B x > 9.6 m.e.y.) ur because of, conservation of total isotopic spin. Various interaction; cases under consideration of the S parity are discussed and' :existence criteria analyzed. Manfred Blaunheimcr L Dir,tr: 4F,3e 2 cys. V Phenomenological theory of unslaIde articleg- A 'IV _i and J. fjz~nutvliski y; -Lftrowycli Wick t 41-1. PIist ~ti,7 w-.1. Vutka, Re~rarc'jj firil. No. 125/Vll, 3 pp.(19311)(in English); cf.-Levy, Nuavo Cinfento 13, 115(11159); Araki, el,al " C.A. 51. 11803g.- A more accurate description of unstable particles in terms YJ of stable-particle scattering propcrtics is givell on th h of, the S-inatrix formalism. p S1.137/62/000/005/056/150 A006/Aloi AUTHORS: Rutlowski; W., Szymanski, J. TITLE: Measuring the specific surface of metal powders PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 5, 1962, 34, abstract 5G222 ("Rudy i metale niezel", 1961, v. 6, no. 8, 338-34o, Polish; Russian, English, French and German summaiies) TEXT: A description is given of a method and equipment to measure the surface from low-temperature adsorption of N vapors with the aid of the Brunauer-;; Emmet-Teller equation. It is shown by the example of vortex Fe-powder that the specific surface is a linear function of the magnitude of powder particles. Low-' temperature oxidation of Fe- and Cu powders at 300 0C leads to an increase of the specific surface by more than twice. R. Andriyevskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete -translation] Card 1/1 GU jiCf I I OW I GZ , L.. ; ST"Oft,113i I, T, ; SZL-zru'O"'KI ~ UT. Quantitative clian.-,-t-orf sties of ga~- pr--.ducts of air ox-idation of 0 -, - -b I under moderate termerat-Lires. kjonli-t--'Jc~ r1livice n,-.9:33-48 I M. 0 SGKOLOWSKI, Eugeniusz; SZYMANSKI, Jan (h some functions of the organ of vision during application of respiratory hypertensionb Acta. physiol. Pol. 16 no.3t4O7-414 My~e 1 65. 1. Wojskowa Akademia Medyczna w Leningradzie i Wblskovy In- stitut Medy-cyny Lotniczej w WbLrazawie (Kierovnikt doc. dr. W1. Barcikowski). JTAWWSKA,-BRYLIGA, B.; SZ)24&MKI)IJ. Gontrol of the course of flooding of crude oil deposits by means of isotopes. Wiad naft, 8 no.12:279-280 D 962, _�ZPLkNSKI.,-4~i-JAWOIPKA-BYLICA, B~ - I Control of the flooding course of petroleum. deposits by means of isotopes. Wiad naft 8 no.11:249-251 N 162. S/169/63/000/001/062/062~~--.'-'---.' D218/D307 AUTHORS: Szymanski Jan-and Wy~linski, Bolesfaw TITLE: Calibration of radiometric apparatus for radio- activity logging PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofiziks no 1 1963, 36V ' abstract 1D204 ('Naftal (Polska5, 562 ? V. 18t no. 8, 'Biul. Inst. 'Naftowl, v. 12, no. 4, 7-8 (Pol.)) TIMT: Results of measurements of radioactivity in bore- holes are given in graphical form in units of 'pulses per minute'. In order to compare curves obtained from radioactivity logging under , different conditions and with different apparatus, a method was developed for calibrating gamma and neutron logging apparatus and for the determination of the linearity of its characteristics. On the basis of the results obtained in USSR and USA, the units employ ed for gamma logging were taken to be microroentgens per hour. A Neutron logging was carried out in terms of arbitrary units [_~Card~ :~/2 SZYMANSKI. Jan Indications and contraindications .1for saline Inhalations in Ciechocinek. Pol. tyg.. lek. 17 no.52:20232-2025 25 D 162. 1. Z Kliniki Larjngologicznej AM w Warszawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. Jan Szymansld i Osrodka Naukowo-Leczniczego Kliniki Lagyngologicznej w Ciechocinka; lekarz naczelny Uzdrowiska Ciechocinek: dr med. C.'Sadowaki. (IVHALATION THERAPY) (RESPIRATORY DISEASES) (SODIUM CHLORIDE) RUTKWKI, Wladyslaw., doe. dr inz,; 37,YMAMKI, Jaceky mgr inz. Surface measurements of metal powders. Rudy i metale 6 no*8:338--340 Ag 161. IN SGSNIERZ, Marian; SZYMANSKI, Jerzy Pathomorphological changes in silicotic lungs of rats exposed to coal dust with a predetermined chemical- composition. Pat. polska 14 no.4:417-428 O-D'63 1. Z' Zakladu Anatomii Patologicznej Sl. AM w Zabrzu (kierowni1c: W.Iliepolomski) i z Katedry Chemii Ogolnej A Poli- techniki Slaskiej w Gliwicach (kierownik: doc*mgroinz, E.Kowalska). SZYMANSKI. Jan, Bvdgoszcz orcewa, 12/7 100th anniversary of the laryngeal mirror. Polski tygod. lek. 10 no.5: 156-158 1 Fbb 55- 1. Z Zakl. laryngol. Bvdgookiego odd. inst. dookonalenia i specj&Usacji ka&r lekarskich przy szpitalu Antonlego Jurasza w Budgosz,czy-, kier. prof. dr. J.Szymanski. (LARYNGOSCOPT. history laryngeal mirror. contribution of Rosicki, Sebastian) (BIOGRAPHIES Rosidd. Sebastian) BEMIR-SUMANSKA, Janina; M a-imi-sl= Effect of climatic conditions on pharyngeal adenoids in children. Otolar. polska 10 no-3-4:433-437 1956. 1. Z Zakladu Otolaryngologii I.D. i S.K.L. Oddzialu Bydgookiego, Kierownik Zakladu: prof. dr. J. Szymanski Bydgoszcz, Dworcowa 12. (ADENOIDS, physiology, eff.'of climais in child. (Pol)) (CLI W E. effects, on adenoids in child. (Pol)) 14 7~3i8 EXCERPTA MEDICA Sec 8 Vol 12/8 Neurology Aug 59 3834. TREATMENr IN THE COURSE OF THE TRANSVERSE SINUS THROM- BOSIS - W aprawle postepowania w przebiegu zakrzepowego zapalenia zatoki poprzecznej -.S z y m a A a k L J. Zakk. Laryngol. 1. D. I S. K. L. Oddz., Bydgoszczy - 0TOURYNW. -P-OL. 1958, 1212 (121-123) The author ligates the jugular vein in the excepti%onal cases only. He does not re- move the clot f mm the lumen of the transverse sinus but leaves it in situ. (XI, 8) EXCERPTA YIDICA See 11 Vol-12/6 O.R.L. Juno - -5-9 1116. A CASE OF SCIIWANNOMA OF THE NECK - Przypadek nerwiaka oslon- kowcgo szyi - S z ;ToaL6,' ki'j, and Bardadin T. Klin. Laryngol. A. M., Warszawa _ My'4(;. POL. 1058. 12/3 (297-301) Mus. 3 T" authors present a case, originating moist probably from the vague nerve, in a 28-year-old woman. A tumour of large size after extirpation caused the develop- ment of a manifold neurological syndrome. including Iforner's syndrome and par- alysis of the IXth, XIth and X11th nerves. (2a, 5. 16) "A% SZYMLNSKI.Jan;SLOTWINSK&.Iudmila Neurological changes in glomus jugulars, tumor (chomodectoma) of the middle ear. Otolar polokk 14 no.1:61-67 16o. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej A.M-w Warszawis, Kierownik: I prof. dr mod. J. Szymanski. (GLOMANGIOMA diag..) (FAR MIDDLE neopl. ) (NZUROIXICAL MANIMUTIONS) SZYMANSKI,J&n 2 cases of salivary tumors. Obolar polska 1f no.1:121-325 160. 1. 2 Kliniki Otolaryugologiesuej A.M. w Warszawis, Kierownik: prof. dr mod. J. Szymanski. (SUBMAXILIARY GIAND neopl.) (CYLINDROYA case reDorts) (HIM SALIVARY GIAND TUKOR case reports) SZYMANSKI, Jan Some considerations on mediaotinitis. Otolar.polska 14 no.2:207- 214 160. 1. Z Kliniki Laryugologicznej A.M. w Warssawie, Kierownik: prof. dr med. J.Szymanski. (MEDIASTINITIS etiol) (ESOPHAGUS for bodies) BISKUPSKAp Janina; SZDWISKIL Jan ,_==I:: Laryngeal gtranuloma as a complication of intratrachea-I general anemthesia. Polski przc9l. chir. 33 no.5:481-484 161. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologiczenj A.M. w Warspawie Kierounik: prof. dr J. Szymanski. (AlLWHISLI IIIT~aURACHEAL compl) (LARYID1 dis) (G.'-WPJLOItA etiol) SMANSKII Jan, inz.; WYZLIVSKI, Boleslaw, inz. Classification of radiometric equipment for the profilogranming of radioactivity. Nafta Pol 18 no.8:Suppl.: Biul.Inst.Naft. 12 no.4:7-8 162* SMIANSKI, Jan; CHOMICKI, OsIcar Functional conditions of the thyroid in IMeniere's disease according to clinical and isotope studies, Otolaryng. Pol. 16 no.1:83-86 162, 1,, Z Kliniki Laryngologicznej AM w Warszavrie Kierownik; prof. dr. J. Szyraanski i Osrodka Radioizotopowego SDL AT-' Kiermmik: prof, W, Hartwig. (THMAOID GLAND(~h iol) (1-I&NIEREIS DISEASE physiol) NEVIE radioactive) SMANSKI, Jan; MOSZYNSKI, Boguslaw A case of reticalosarcoma of the frontal sinus. Polski tygod. lek. 17 no.22:883-885 2$-My 162. 1. Z Kliniki Otolaryngologicznej AKw Warszawie; kierownik: prof. dr med. J. Szymanski. (FROYM SINUS neopl) (SARCOMA RE, TICULMI CELL case reports) 1'. % ( 4 radf:u-~'r oe '61-licirm Warsaw of A01 -f an3 -01on, ions for Saliza Ciechminsk," Vo). 17, NO 52, 24 Dee 62, pp 2023-202~5 *'arvaw, Aboim;~-. Tb,~ TAin typer, of appAzatua used for inivalations in Ciecltc~,,ine-k -ire descritted, TIM- elivior discu-saes tbr. unev cf t'b-s type of the"-Irl in varivin disca.-.,ap of the uppe:r paet of the vispiratorj tract. Sevfm refe.Trnces ax-, c-~ted, -)f which five are Polish. KAPUSCINSKI, Witold Juliusz; KRUDYSZ, Jan; UHER, Miroslaw; A~~ - Use of ipronal in the treatment of glaucoma. Wiad. lek. 18 no.4:321-323 15 F 165 1. a kliniki Ocznej Akadt--aii Medycznej we Wroclaviu (Kierow- nik.- prof. dr. W.J. Kapuscinski). MaCA,, Barbara.,, zgr,inz.; SZYMUSKI, Jan., inz, Control of bydraulle crevices with Oreperl glabules wArked by radioactive Lootopeis.. Nafta Pol 18 no.6-Luppi..- Riu-iet2~m lnst;~tutu Naftowego 12 no.2/3:4,5 162. KAPUSCrNSK---, T-ilt-,Jrl J., jzof. dr. med.; 001KIMA, Eugenia; HUD40WSKA, iWnaj KRUDYSZ, -'anj UTER, 11-11roalaw;., 4.". 1 Jan Further research on the &,otion of 1pronc-d in simple glaucoma, in relation to elecTroencephalography. lain. oczna 35 no.29 213-217 165. 1. Z KI-iniki Ocznej (Kierc,~idk., prof. dr. med. W.J. Kapusainski) i z Kllniki Neurologicznej Akiadtnii Medy3zneS we Vroclawlu (Xi~,rvwnilka- pr-of. dr. med. R. Arend). POLARD/Chemical Technology, Chemical Products and Their H-4 Application, Part 1. - Corrosion, Protection from Cor---c;3ion. Abs Jour: Referat. Zhurnal Rhim'-Ya, No 10, 1958, 32863- 1 Author Stefan Pawlikowski, Iwo Pono, Jerzy Szymanski. Inst Polytech; Institute of Title Influ-_,nce af 1~rdrrolytic Dissociation Products of Calcium Cie-raamie4 on Inhibition of Iron Corrosion Procass in Aqueous Solutions. Orig Pub: Zesz. nauk. Politechn. slaskiej, 1957., No 12, 129-14o. Abstract: The study of the influence of.calci= cyanamide (I) and of products of its hydrolysis on the change of the irreversible electrode potential (P) and the cor- rosion (C) of iron in: l/ distilled water, 2/:~%p water, 1-5%-Ual melamine solution, 2%-ual Lr%(ax)2~72 solu- Card 1/3 POLAIM/Chemical. Tech%clogy, Chemical Products and Their H-4 App~ -I catlon:;2 P~-t 1. - Corrosion., Protection fro~-i C:,rx-ocion. Aba jour: Refezat. Mimal F-kimiya, No 101 1958) 32863- seatcd.. it is avzumd that OnlY Ca(OH)2 is an inhibitor of C zu=g Lhe h,-?drQ1ysiE products of I. But in view of t%e fas-I that CEL(OE),~ interacts with CO. from the air, the nczsibilit-y of its -Yeaction with the cUrrosion medium should be limited. Card 3/3 SnWSKI, :erzy,, mgr, inz-. Methods of bringing maps up-to-date in the U.S.S.R, Przegl geod. 35 no.7t319-320 J1163. I SHIMIANSKI9 J-~,-,-y Changsa of illk- mer, ~2crvrents w~.,ch ttie tDII tima, P ra 1-, 6 Irnst Good 1-1. nc."~ Uc 328 "4~ .1. - ~ ~ j-.L 0 1. Six)nitted ',;'ebr;iary 1964. SZMMISKI, Krzysztof, Mgr.inz. The problem of turns of the road train.Ft.1, (To be contd). Techn motor 11 no.8:255-257 Ag 61. SZYMAESKI, Krzysztof, Mgr.inz._ ~ 4 - , ---- -- The problem of turns of the road train.Pt.2. (To be contd.) Techn motor 11 no.10:350-353 0 161. SZYMANSKI, Krzysztof, Mgr.inz. The problem of turns of the road train-Ft.3. Tech rotor 11 no.12.- 423-427 D 161. SZMMSKI, )azysztof (Warszawa) Problem of type series of low-loading trailers. Przegl budowl i bad mieszk 33 no.6.351-352 IT,8161 SZM-IANSKI) Krzysztof, mgr inz. mech. - concrete mixing production plants in the U.S.S.R. Przegl budowl j bud mieszk 33 no.11:703-705 N 161. SMMUSKI, Krzyszt0f, mgr. inz.; RATAJCZAK, Janusz, mgr inz. Reaearch on the 415 T gantry crane. Frzegl budawl i 0 bud mieszk 34 no.9.-567-568 S 162* i - SUMANSKI, Krzysztof, ngr inz.; RATAJCMX, Janusz., mgr inz. ,-1-"-,. 4 2~~; ~- - - Measurements of the forces involved during the moving of the former Carmelite Church in the Leszno Quarter of the city of Warsaw. Pomiary 9 no.6-.233-234 3o163. SMIANSKI, Krzyeztof,-mgr, inz. Studies on devices for pneumatic cement tranaportation on building grounds of water works. Przegl budowl i bud mieszk 33 no.11:705-706 N 161. 2516 W4,83 "'_691.833~ Polish Technioal Abstraots i Smyjewiki K, Jarwz J., Szyma&kI L The lanucace of the 310131dre. NO- 49 1953 !Conlent.1a 92w Feat an Provextics of Peat 1=14AInf-Inales. BU-41ding Industry and ,Wptyw %rilgoinlojel su&,wv3 torfowego r1a w1amald Jzol2cXjaycF- Architeoture phy. torfowych", (Prace Inf. Tort No. 4), 1 ElIbJ:M 19321. Inst TorL, 22,5 pp., 3 fip~, 13 taW. T,,s*-s carried out On 2 30MI-techn!cal s4le. provel that in the prccm3zng,of raw p2at the Use of hallanders and thz heating of Alte pulp cannot be j-ec_N=ml3zL R--Yu2h insula'ing p33t plates made from pravlouAy dried peat, conlain 3.3 to 6.0 ~g le:s water than plates Isho - although Ughter, it-"-S m3da frm raw plot, Thi f1m .4 plalas are, x!rong- The mas It jukablz m3'erlal.for thls purpm 13 p-,!at dried to a m2litare, content ot ChermIcals mimally avitled hava -no, iaLlual fralluance on Ihe dobydr.Aon of ~Pzalpul~q. SZYMANSKI, L. 'I'echnical, basis of the Polish merchant marine; maritime repairing shipyards. P. 18, P.RZFGLAD TECHNIGUY. ("[:Iczelna Organizacja Techniczna) Warszawa, Poland. Vol. 80, no. 25, Juni- 1959. Monthly List of -East European Accessions (EMI), LC, Vol. 8, no. 8, Aug. 1959, Uncl. -SZY1-1TTSKij L. T "How ille Tl;itrogen Works In Fedzierzyn Started Frorluction", P. 214. (6=, Vol. 7, No. 7/8, July/Aug. 1954, Katowice, Poinnd) SO: Vonthly LLst of East. Puropean Accessions, (TFAL), LCI Vol. 4, No. I., Jan. ]05"), Uncl. SUMAITSKI, M. A cane of miltown poi9oning. Neur. &a. polska 8 no.4:523-526 July-Aug, 58. 1. Z Oddzialu Neurologicznego Panstwowego Szpitala d1a Nerwowo i Psychicznie Chorych w P%mszkowie Dyrektor: dr F. Kaczanwaki Ordynatort dr B. Stepien. Nowy Swiat 42/44, m. 10. (HEPROBAXATE, po is. (Poi)) (STjICII3' meprobamte pois. (Pol)) -"'Y 'A' ~? KI inz. Analysis of certain factors connected with the goodotic and structural developments planned in villages. Pt. 2, Przegl geod 35 no. 6: 243-247 Je 163.