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32750 3/205/61/001/0r,6/010/022 M7_0 aftzz,09 D268/D305 AUTHORS: Alekseyeva, S.I., Grayevokiy, Ye.Ya., Koroeadin, V.I., Nckrasova.-I.V.., and Tambiycv, A.Kh. TITLE: The effect of cell suspension density on radiosensi- tivity of yeasts PERIODICAL: Radiobiologiya, v. 1, no, 6, 1961p 878 - 886 TEXT; The correlation between concentration of suapensiona and radiosensitivity was studied in 5 yeast otrainss the haploid Zygo- oaccharomyces bailii, diploid Saccharomyces vini Megri 139-B, and 3 strains of S. cereviciae, haploid 127-12 d, diploid WY-110, and tetraploid 16 x 32. Strains were cultured on wort agar at 28 - 300C and irradiated after 2 - 3 days development. Either aliquots obtai- ned by scraping hard medium or by centrifuging dense solutions, or suspensions with a condentration of 109 - 104 cells/ml. were Irra- diated. A Pyn-200 apparatus (RUP-200 industrial X-ray unit 2.00) with a dose rate of 5,400 r/min. was the X-ray source, and al',T- Co-400 apparatus (GUT-Co-400, therapeutic gamma unit Cc 400) the Card 1/5 32750 S/205/61/001/006/010/022 The effect of cell suspension ... D268/D305 gamma-ray source. Strains were also irradiated in 5 - 10 % egg pro- tein solution. Cell viability was determined by counting macro- and micro-colonica, incubated on wort agar at 30 0C, according Lo me- thodo previously described by Korogodin (Ref. 8-9: Btofizika, 2, 178, 1957; 3, 206, 1956). Oxygen content in aqueous auspenniona at different concentrations was determined polarograph1cally by a me- thod described by Konatantinova and Grayevskiy (Ref. 10: Dokl. Aff SSSR, 132, 1427, 1960). Aqueous suspensions of the 3 S. cerevislae strains exposed to X-rays showed a fall in dose effectiveness as the cell suspension concentration increased. The oxygen content was determined polarographically in suspensions at different concentra- tions. Results showed a cleartfall in oxygen tension as the suspen- sion concentration -increased. Respiration Intensity was determined in Z. Bailii and Ylegri 139-B and showed that the Q02 for the former was 840 t 156, and for the latter'3,100 � 320 pl./hour for 1010 cells. It was much lower in haploid than in diploid cells. Accord- ,Ingly the concentration effect would be weaker in Z, bail"i than An Megri 139-B. If the effect were due to oxygen deficiency, sus- pension concentration would affect radiosensitivity rather leas Card 2/5 /20/.,~ 505 PT? tjvalt "Ll act' tx~ ,r~s L Do -5.. ~.5 OV% (vLci* lots U,-re 061 ~Le- s-aGVS 0 011 t,j~* 05y, ell W. t r 0veolp Spa Ad J~va cololl jjev~eo 0 10,41 Lero, Us act l-, "Sio"ll ill 'al e e t3~01~ v~ 0 ?1 ~.,. 'Ispe to evl- ~ trsjll at dose d ~.a ,,Ir- .,,, d, 8 1 j~evjS 13 ai.16 'T&VI vae dl~ate J~o tler L.2, %fte elIS/761, , ea CC 6 tv av, a t ell, t"le c te", cto .VoSA. C%l Ott all"Ite Svc 0 J~~p '400 '356). sea, Cie t-to V 0-j~JG C-1-vo j, ~.Vj cof~ t I.-r tvLe 'LTL folclneT "'Pello 1-29 Ile Co'a jOT 0.41 - t 'gas fe G%X OTIS Ora,- st-fa- Yle ell-t 5 0 'Itt 5/zl* 1. Lee '0101 for 5 e eftc di. t f i-as ,or.,p .r.4e Coe CO Ce I:T~ I CO tj.,c - I -rote rte tb. ellits V~ ~cea ot--'o 0 9 'oe OVI e "e'Do- , Vlo for '965 0axl t 0 e6 qer 0 e a"" USOL , ~ OL 013 rC"17LIL%a bi .to O-as 0.6A 9 eP- ,elve a-406 a S 60 0 e5 e .~-Oll e t~, j:%-. ~,-r a A 't.r a etfe 1,0110 tlae 06 il 5 'J~ e 0 ~,d 8 O,~, C e do So, j.%l &.~..Plo rec Ce 5 at ..a sla 11& a INO e 6~ e V ab G6 I . -r~0 D. e ,CC S'.X-3ye 10,00 ejlo\le d y_olaTl e 0 Too S.TOL, -red t 8, to 2Ttec eto C. t,:je 0. t,fje-j 0 rt 1'i ~~ ? Vie I 3/5 L 'ra --Mad vll'6~ ;,-0l, to ro'a ~'t).'Oor~ Ofr0,661 t ost' W) tyLp jjeTeeose I -.r el:ls "tot'all f0 , - a- - ~~e .. rral o- .ell 'r't-rc- 01,1 o'er r017 '~io or 0- ot e e0 a'j at -.I /"l. c -V,,,C 6 '0 rT acof dL a- t e c A !~be c ~'a ter V1960 elte wtyLe 4-ger- 'rerl Poer to6t, VIVA, e ess YLC ~ ~ of 51' rer-o . 'vas e 0-a I j, VI t."I e.Ic- . oll~ Irea ).re It 1u -bail Ejec ere os C' 06 013% -L ese , ti e e ef OCTL ,,,,e ~.TTD k"38. t.~-40 of~c~ T- OS 96e T'~"j'oxlv- -,:a 60 at "~.r . ',ere ov~ -4e7l: A tee ~.q c% 'e0 10 9 YlBpge trat~'Of~ 11~13 et qll Cello aose 0613 cr at se cork 060 c D"300- .0 .-t Co. t ero alf -'0t "Oil Ot 'J~ t~'OTIS -jjylefL a, -'I~ir'-aO a, Ir a1.0, , Crea36 a a0 J~t0Te 'are &e vit '~.Jr' 'o c F, eco at ~'r 'Pro -~Of~ " 0T t~~gl vvn'E~' aelpe tv'e're CO cof~ '410-6 T~O '~I' e 0rad'l-a trat O'rl-' vaD. ct A:A 'jail /0".9 JAT a, ce 'I-le ji flee se5 t Celle a G 013 e tioll vg"~ T OfLo 00T re e0 ~-e tra & V'a .0s,rOB'~" ot 'ND r~,tyO,,Ce VjeTI 9 te elj~ Oe ce 03N lo'ba'qae UL Me tl~o 1w tCo 'G"OT~ T~ '111t. e%~c-j- ce-r~t -ti-o itect A_VJ I as Ta tTa ate tic' Col. rr ~11 tedo aoLle S 00 'ea to 't~e ol~J6 t-J V9 to t elNtra 0-0%~ %01~ 0110 evjTa a de pjlrj'~- rz'j:~ec Ice Oa orti.0 ter VL a 2. 'ti . gea to '9 &CTO t-a tlc~ S-re.e %I 32750 S/205/61/001/006/010/022 The effect of cell suspension ... D268/D305 ion in oxygen tension with increase in suspension concentration. There are 5 figures, 3 tables and 14 referenceBt 8 Soviet-bloc and 6 non-Goviet-bloc. The 4 most recent references to the English-lan- guage publications read an follows: S. Gunter and If. Kohn, J. Dac- toriol., 72, 422, 1956; T. Alper, Radiation Res-, 5, 573, 1956; T. Alper and N.E* Gillieo, Radiation Reis., 9, 86, 1958; INE. Gilliea and T. Alper, Naturo, 183, 237, 1959- zhivotnykh im. A.N. SevertBova Ali $SUR, Hoskva (Biolo- gical-Soils Faculty, Moscow State University, Instiiu- te for Animal Morphology im. A.N. Severtsov, AS USSR, Moscow) SU13M7TTEDi July 26, 1961 ASSOCIATION: Diologo-pochvennyy fakulltet 16GU, Inatitut morfologii Card 5/5 T,'d,!B7YE;V A Kh.; BULG!KOVA, V.G. - - Effect of inactiliation on the protective properties of certain antibiotics. Radiobio2ogiia 3 no.5:754,-757 16-'* O"'IF-4 17.4) 1. 14oskovskiy gosudwatvennyy universitet iment Lomononotaj biologo-pochvPnnyy fakultiLet. TAMBIYEV, A.M. Twenty-nine days of life outside the body. Priroda 50 no.6:64p- 69 je 161. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Moskovokiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (Fertilization (Biology)) BOBROV, L.V.; TX4BIYEV, A.Kh. Diego factor and anthropology. Priroda_,40 nc.S:~8-99 Ag 1611. OC?j 14:7) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. (Antigens and antibodieB) (Anthropology) - 43479 S/20.5~62/002/oC6/005/021 E027/E410 'AUTHOR: Tambiyev, A.Kh. ---------------------- TITLE: The recovery of Yeast cells in the early period after irradiation PEjjI()DICI%L. Radjobiologiya, v-2, no.6, 1962,.831-833 ~TEXT: The author has investigated the rati! of recovery.of a strain of the diploid yeast Saccharomy~-es vini after gamma irradiation. Suspensions containing 50000 to 80000 cells/ml were exposed to doses of 15, 30, 38 and 45 kr from a.cobalt source and were then plated out on must agar immediately and at intervals up to 28 hours after irradiation. The number of viable organisms prebent was determined by count-ing the colonies which had grown up after 24 hours of incubation. The results showed that there was a fall in the number of viable organisms by the first hour after irradiation, followed by a marked rise. The .fall was jitore prolonged with the higher doses of radiation. It was attributed to the production of inhibitory substances (peroxides and free radicals) under the influence of irradiation. The recovery process itself can be considered the result of two Card 1/2 S/205/62/002/006/005/021 The recovery of yeast cells ... E027/E410 competing processes: 1) the accumulation of toxic substances and 2) their neutralization by natural inhibitors. Experiments with change of pH and with vinylpyrrolidone added to the suspension corroborate this assumption. There is 1 figure. ASSOCIATION: ixfoskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. NI.V.Loriionosova, biologo-pochvennyy fakulltet Oloscow State University imeni M.V.Lomonosov, Biology and Soil Science Division) SUBMITTED: January 11, 1962 Card 2/2 TAMBIYEV, A.Kh. Embryo lives for two months. Priroda 51 no.3:52-54 Mr '62. (PURA 15:3) 1. Moskovskiy goaudarstvennyy universitat im. M.V.Lomonosova. (EMBRYOLOGY) 0 VANYUSHIN., kand.biolog.nauk Mystery of protein synthesis is solved. Priroda 51 n0.6:103-105 Je 162. (141RA 15:6) 2. HoWwWdy gomidarstvennyy universitAit im. M.Lomonosova. (PROTEIN METABOLISM) L 16991.~63 FCS(f)AW(1)/EWr(M)/PDS AFFTG/)~a- MVK S/020/6.)/1491005[017/018 'AUTHOR Kriger,_ Yu.. A. Tan, biyeVr: A. -T lu KL and Lleh -Suang - E'fect of antibiot cs on radiation dn-nage in yeast ITIX ...-PERIODICAL: Almdemiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 149,, aD. 5~ 1190-1193 TE XT: Diploid Yeast Saccharo7 0 S liobiologically investigated m yi~i, wa srac by the autho::s in an attempt tb'clatify the~influence of a number of antibiotics on radiation damage in yeast. The antibiotics used were gramicic'Lln, fumagTin, penicillin, aureomycin, aurantin, and streptomycin, in concentration of 10- M, J" prepared on 55 alcohol, arA added in a dose of 0.1 ml to yeast cultu:es, which then- were irrad4 a,ted by Y -rays. It ~,-_s found that the antibiotics have a radioprophy-l-ctic effect, based on their ability to inactivize the short-lived radicals forr.Ling in a biosystem upon its irradiation. This radiopiophylactic effect is due to 'Whe ability of antibiotics to reduce the partial pressure of oxygen in the cell suspension. This has been.verified by polarographic measure- ments-of o*G6n potential in the yeast suspension before and after the addition of the antibio-I'lics. The measurements of ox:ygen potential vere per-formed on an EUS-369 polarpVaph at the Institute of~Bioch Iemistry, Academy of Sciences USSR. There are 2 f:~gures and 3; tables. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy institut im. M. V. Lomonosova (140scow Card 11P TAM M-,-AJIb-c Victims of medical business. Priroda 52 no.2tlO6-110 163. (KM 1612) 1. Moaka7skiy gosudarstyemyy universitet im. M.T. lamononova. (Phthalimide) KRIGEit, Yu.A.; TAMBIYLV. A.Ydw LE SUAll TU Effect of antibiotics on radiation damage in yeast. Dskl. k?; 3S3R 11+9 no-5:119CL-1-193 Ap 163. (11IRA 16:5) 1. 14oskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet im. M.V.Lomonosova. Fredstavleno akademikom V.N.Shaposhnikov~m. (ANTIBIOTICS) (RADIATIONFHYSIOLOGIGAL EFPI,'CT) (YEAST) TAMBIYEV, A.Kh., kand.biolog.nauk Secrets of life before birth. Priroda 53 no. 12;91-94 164. (MIRA 18tl) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. KOZIOV, Yu.P.;_ TAMBIYEV,_A.Kh.; TARANENKO, G.A. Free-radical states of some antibiotics. DokI. AY, SSSF, 154 no. 3:718-720 Ja 164. (RInA. v-5) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imm. 14.V.Lomonosova. Predstavleno akademikom V.A.Karginym. ~CC NR. ~P6G* 40 (is. SOURCE CODE: 4 N) 'UH/0325/65/000/CO /0094/0096 AUTHOR: 'Kriger, Yu. A._. Tambi4v. A. Kh.; Zakirov. L. A.: )141'nikova. N. N.; Plakunov, V. K. ORG: Department of Biophysics, Moscow State University im. M. V. Lomononov (Kafedra biofiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta) TITLE: Protective action of some of the chlortetracycline derivatives in radiation affection of yeasts SOURCE: Nauchnyye doklady vysshey shkoly.' Biologicheskiye nauki, no. 4, 1965, 94-961 TOPIC TAGS: Saccharomyces, antibiotic, bactericides radioprotective agent ABSTRAM. The object of the experiments described in this article was to 'determine the relationship between the bactericidal and radioprotectivo properties of chlortetracycline derivatives. A 2-day old cultu" of diploid yeasts Saccharomyces vini strain Megri 139V in the form of a film was irradiated on a solid medi= consisting of a 2,"S layer with beer wort untr'eat- ied.with hops.. After the irr,,diation the yeasts were washed with distilled ~water from the surface of the agar, diluted, and planted in glass Petri ,dishes filled with agar. The chlortetracycline derivatives used in the'ex- periments were ir-ochlortetracyclins, dedimethylaminoaureorqcinic acid, aureonamide, aureon, anhydrochlortetracyclines and chlortetracycline methyl- iodides The protective properties of the antibiotics wev tested by treating L 31281. ACC NRs the solid raedium with the preparat-ons ir a concentration of 10-4 M in a five percent solution of ethyl alcohol 20 minutes prior to the irradiation of the yeasts. The antibiotic3 when uacd in tho above concentration are not toxic,, while the ethyl alcohol in the fom of a 5% solution is not radiopivtoctivo. The data obtained in -'%-..he expeea.-.ents established that all -of the n, entioned .chlortatracycline derivattives have a low degree of bactericidal activity; all, however, possess radioprotective properties, with the degree of these koperties varying, depending on the antibiotic used. The experiments thus .established that there is no relationship between the bactericidal and radioprotective properties of the antibiotics. (JPRSJ SUB CODE: 06 / SUBM DATE; OlFeb65 / ORIG REF: 013 / OTH REF: 003 (i 2675-66 DJT(m) ,,ACCESSI N MR: AP5021290 'AUTHOR:, Kriger,, Yu. A,; bi/0020/65/163/005/:L274/1277 ~ambiyev, A. Kh,; Zakirov,, L. A. urpo ;TITLE: fl -.Effectlof antibiotics on radiation and photo&ynamic in lerythrocytes -.JSOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady,, v, 163,, no..5. 1965., 1274-1277 ITOPIC TAGS: radiation injury hematology, imtiradiation drug, J *1 ~antibiotic,, light biologic effect., redox reaction, aureomyein,, Istreptomycin,- oleandomycins tetracycline , I MO. ABSTRACT: The possible protective effect of antibiotics on human ierythrocytes during radiation and photodynamic hemolysis was studied. iThese injuries resemble each other in their latent periodsp in :participation of free radical reactionsp and in their successful itreatment with antioxidanta, Erythrocytes removed from human seru6 land suspended in a 1% Nacl solution were gamma irradiated with 40 and !80 kr (1000 r/min) doses, After cooling,, the erythrocyte suspensions Vere treated with a lo-3 M solution of one of 11 antibiotics consi- ~dered to be possible inhibitors of hemolysis., Results for both the L ~,~rd 1/3 VIM, rAL 2675,-66 CCESSION NR: -AP5021290 i4o. and 80:kr doses largely poindided, except for oleandomycin, Aureong streptomycinj isochlortetracyclineg aureonamide and mycerin had !protective effects and most of the others were hemolytics, In the ,phototest the erythrocytes were sensitized with pigment and subJectedl, i1to light. Aureonp aureonamide., streptomycing and oleandomycin dis- !played some protective effects. In another series the radioprotective !effect of antibiotics was studied in relation to their effect on the iredox potential of the erythrocyte suspension measured with a ipotentiometer, Aureong aureonamides streptomycins and oleandomycin the highest depressant effect on this potential. Further itests on the optical density of erythrocyte solutions revealed no Idirect connection between the effect of antibiotics on optical ',density and their protective effect on er7throc7tes. It was concluded Ithat the protective effect of these antibiotics is related to their ;depressant effect on the redox potential and their neutralization of aqueous and organic peroxides. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 1 Stable*, 'ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly gosudarstvepnyy universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova (Moscow State University) Card 2/3.- TAMBITEVp A.Kh.p kand.biolog.nauk From a cell to an organim. Pr1roda 54 no-12132-38 D 165. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Moskovskiy gosudartstvennyy univerBitet im. Lomonosova. SKRIPMENKC, N.S.; DOBRCRODRY, N.A.; TAMBIYEV, A.S. Redeposition of chalcopyrite in the pebbles of sulfide orE?a in the Urup deposit (Northern Caucasus). Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no,2- 425-427 My 165. (MIRA 18!5) 1. Novocherkasskly politekhnicheskly institut im. Submitted January 14, 1965. 8/137/62/000/006/003/163 Aoo6/Aioi AUTHORS: Zad6mkin, S. N., Tambiyev, B. S. TITLE., Surface energy and sublimation heat of rare-earth metals PERIODICAL: Ref#rativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, no. 6, 1962, 9, abstract 6A50 ("Uih. zap. Kabardi-no-Balkarsk. un-t", 1961, no. 13, 46 - 49) TEXT; Thelauthors present results of calculating e and dd/dT for all the 14 lanthanoldes by the approximate method which connects e with the head of sublimation and melting of metal and with the short-range order In the melt. The method is based on the.distribution of the metal energy over the bonds of close neighbors which are considered to be the octahedral positions in the cubic lattice and the tetrahedral positions in the hexagonal compact lattice. It was established that (5'for different lanthanoides varies within a range of 250 to 986 erg/cm2, and di!r/dT from 0.041 to 0.99; the results of calculations are in agreement with the periodic course of other physical and chemical constants as a function of the atomic number of the same elements. It Is pointed out that changes of the calculated values obtained may occur on the basis of structure Card 1/2 Surface energy and ... refinement of high-temperature lanthanoide modification. (Abstracter's note: Complete translation] S/137/62/000/006/003/163 A006/AIOI A. Shalimov v I---- Card 2/2 IMMIDYUK, A.A., TAIVIYEV, E.A. Poo Reconstruction of the EIT-4m electronardioproph into a two-chnnnel a apparatuBs Biul,ekop.biol, i med. 46 no-74115-117 Je 158 (MIRA 11:7) lo Iz Kislovodskogo filinla rentgeno-fizioteraperticheskikJ1 masterskikh Stairropollskogo krAyevogo otdeleniya Gosudarstvennogo Rptechnogo uprnvleniyn (znv. Ye.G.Pystogov) i Kinlovodnkogo sanntoriya "Steklymma- Ya strtwa" (glnvnyy vrach E.A. Tambiyev). Prodstpvlena deystviteVnym chlenom AMR SSSR Y.Y. Pnrinym). (XL=ROCARDIOGRAPHY. appar. & instruments. for simultaneous ICCG & bnllintoaRrdiography (Rus)) (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY, appar. & instruments same (Hug)) KWAN, rustallation for combined dielectric, ballistic, and elsetrocardlo- graphic examination. Biul.eksp.biol.i sed. 48 no,12tlO9-ll D 159. (KMk 130) 1. Iz kafedry fisiologil cheloveks I sbivotuykh (say. - prof. A.D. 16gan) Restowskogo universiteta. Predstavleno dyestvitellmym chlenou ANK SSSR T.T. 2krinys. (1120nOWDIOGRAPHY eqa1p. & suppTy) (BMISPOCMIOGRAPHY equip. & supply) TAI~T-IUEV, S. G. Tambiyev, S. G. "The Zffectiveness of Systematic Physical Eyercisses vith Adolescents and Young Students from Ages 15 to 18.,, Min Education RSFSH. 1,11oscow Oblast Pedagogical Inst. Mloscow., 1955. (Dissertation forthe Degree of Candidete in Pedagogical Science) So: Knizhnaya letopis', Ho. 27, 2 July 1955 of !Ir-orts lollation of' th.,P oriFinnI. Pri i-eto~rfired P the ri I-n Microlt-iltT: Sltivic 469 AC ACC NR: AT6036516---- SOURCE CODE: tj~_/oboo/66/ooo-/ooo/ooq4/ooq5 AUVOR: Vaoillyov, Ve Ks; Gorborv, Fe D.1 Novikov, Me As; Savvin, As Be; Tarbiyev, Yee Z. ORG: none r TITM-: Investigation of the possibility of creating a conflict situation during intordopondont cooporativo pilot toamwork by moans of mathematical modolAng ffpa~or presented at the Conferonce on Problems of Space Medicine held in Mtoscow from 24 1966.7 to 27 May j SOURRCE: Konforontsiya po, problomam kosmicheskoy-meditsiny, 1966e Problerq koamichoa- koy moditsiny. (Problems of space mdicine); materialy konferentsii. Moscow, 1966, 94-95 TOPIC TAGS-. mathematical model, group dynamics, space psychology. cosmonaut training, hemoostasis ARSTRACT: In recent years the "man- 'machine if problem has coramanded .increas-' Ang attention. Two trends have emerged from investigations devoted to this problem: the first involves a study of a possible optimum relation- Iship between the operator and the machinei;. and 'the second considers the 6lufl' -b'-''.-* by the operator. The majority of .s on to inission-oriented pro lemr :.experiments have been devoted to the characteristics of one operator inter- Card 1/3 cc _NR_.-__f66'06516 aciing with a mechanical 'sy stem. However, the 060.67ia"tor teamwork is'of special interest. r The "homeastat" device makes it possible to conduct experimental tests on an operator participating in a team and receive quantitative data which can be used to construct a mathematical model of their interdepen- dent activity. 'Present information indicates that during the solution of "difficult" problemd on the homeostat, -there-Is a division of responsibility among the operators necessary for fullfilling the mission. Therefore~ the - ,possibility exists of constructing a heuristic model from experimental ,.data by considering the differentiated nature of different operator tasks in one group or another. Two approaches to studying operator tactics on th 'e homeostat can be -demonstrated; a) operator performance in a nonconflicting situation where the problem can be solved, b) operator performance ina conflicting situation where the problem cannot be solved. The latter approach is ".6f special interest in selecting special,. mission-oreinted groups(space- ,flig4t team,s, expedition. Y -0c.. Cord 2A ACC NR. 'AT6036516 - - ____ - A mathematical model was constructed reflecting the operation of the homeostat in standard regime (static model). Based on this model, ;it is possible to select exchange- coefficient values corresponding to a -predetermined conflicting or nonconflicting situation. Some data have been obtained on the dynamic characteristics of operators during Aeamwprk. A. No 22; ATD Report 66--_ii~__ USSR/Human and Animal PhysioloEZr (Normal and Pathological) Physiology of Wcrk and Sport Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., Ito 6, 1959, 27165 Author : Tambiyeva, A.P.) Shirokova, Ye-A. Inst : Academy of PedagoC4cal Sciences RSFSR Title The Frequency of Cardiac Contractions in Young Athletes after Competitive Sports. Orig Pub Izv. Akad. ped. nauk RSFSR, vYP. 93, 59-74 Abstract The frequency of cardiac contractions in 295 athletes was determined. The averave frequency of palse (FP) in 15-16 year olds is higter than in 17-18 year olds; furthe-more it is hioier in Girls than in boys. Ln ruiuling competition kto 100-1500 m) after the finiall, in all sportsmen (123), a considerable increase in fre- quency of cardiac contractions (276 beats in 1 min) Card 1/2 USSR/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T Physiolo67 of Work and Sport Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27165 was noted. Dependence of FF on the length of distuaice (expecially in the first 10-15 sec after the finish) was discovered. The greatest increase of FP was observed after running for the distance of 400 m. The degree of frequency increase of the pulse depended on the sport results. FP at the finish at the time of swimming com- petition In 17 boys and 17 Girls after swimming to the distance of 100 eaid 400 m, was studied. A dependence of FP on distance was discovered in the course of the first minute only. In competitions in cycling, FP in firls, one or two days after competition, fluctuated from 61 to 82 beats in I min, and immediately before the compe- tition - from 66 to 104 beats in 1 min. In boys, one or two days after competition, the pulse was 46-72 beats in I min, and before competition 55-85 beats in I minute. Card 2/2 - 162 - TP-MIYEVA, A. P. "Role of Nervous and Humoral Factors in (Physical) Training In the Case of Long Holding of the Breath." Thesis for degree of Cand. Biological Sai. Sub 23 Oct 49, State Central Order of Lenin Inst. of Physical Culture imeni I. V. Stalin. Summw7 82, 18 Doc 52, Dispertations Presented for Depregg in 5clence joa Engineering In Moscow In 1949. From Vechernyava Moskya, Jan-Dec 1949. TA~MIYZVA, A. P. 27374 Wkhatyellnvy FyervVent Krovi karboangidraea pridyetskom tubyerkalyeeye. v sb: nauch syessiya (akad. nauk eston. SSR. otd-niye nWed. nauk) 10-21 dyek. 1948 G tyema: tubyerkulyes i ryevmatiem. tartu, 1949, s. 55-67 sos Lwopis, No. 4o USSR/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Pathological) T Physiology of Work and Sport Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27171 Author Tambiyeva, A.P., Shirokova, Ye.A. Inst Academy of Pedagogical Sciences RSFSR Title The Change of Functional Condttion of the Vegetative Nervous System After Competition. Orig Pub Izv.Akad. ped. nauk RSFSR, 1958, vYP. 93, 151-158 Abstract In 238 athletes 16-18 years of age, occulo-cardiac re- flex (OCR) was studied. Before competition, in a majo- rity of individuals, pressing of the eye ball was ac- companied by slowing of cardiac rate (positive OCR); much more rarely the cardiac rate did not change (neEptive OCR). In a small number of athletes OCR appeared in increase of cardiac rate (paradoxal OCR). In athletes Card 1/2 USSER/Human and Animal Physiology (Normal and Fat&Dlogical) T Physiology of Work and Sport Abs Jour Ref Zhur Biol., No 6, 1959, 27171 of 16-18 years of age after running, OCR is more frequent- ly positive than before competitions; its intensity es- pecially increased after running 100 and 1500 m. After competitions iii swimmina in 13 of 17 girls the intensity of OCR increased and only in 4 cases it decreased. Ta boys, in I cases the intensity of OCR increased, in 7 ca- ses decreased, and in 3 remained unchanged. After compe- tition, the number of cases with positive OCR increased. Card 2/2 - 166 - TANBIYEVA) A. P. "Razvitiye dvigatellnoy funktsii v period rosta." report submitted for 7th Intl Cong, Anthropological & Ethnological Sciences, Moscow, 3-10 Aug 64. SOV/91--59-8-1/28 8(6), 14 AUTHORS: Ryzhkin, V.Ya., Candidate of Technical Sciences and Tambiyeva, Engineer TITLE: The Prospects of Increasing Steam Parameters and Efficiency of Power Plants PERIODICALt Energetikq 1959, Nr 8, pp 1-4 (USSR) ABSTRACTs The authors review the prospects of utilizing increased steam parameters for efficient high-capacity thermal power plants. While two-shaft turbine units of 450 Mw are being developed in the USA and 550 Alw units in Great Britain, the Soviet plants work on projects for 600 Mw turbines. In principle it is possible multi-shaft turbine units even with capacities of 1-2 million kv. New firing methods enable the design of boilers pro- ducing more than 1000 tons of steam per hour. Presentlyq turbines are built from perlite steel with additions of molybdenum, vana- dium, chrome and other elements. These steels permit the applica- tion of temperatures of 680-6000C and pressures up to 250 atmos- pheres. The upper limit may be increased in the future. Simul- Card 1/2 taneously, power plants are under construction in the USSR and S01/91-59-8-1/28 The Prospects of Increasing Steam Parameters and Efficiency of Power Plants abroad working at steam temperatures of 580-6500C and at pres- sures of 350 atmosplieres with the application of austenitic steels. The authors mention the future development of metallurgy and that research is being conducted on the thermodynamic pro- perties of water and steam in wide ranges of temperatures Find pressures, including 10000C and 1000 atmospheres. Increased steam parameters and high-zapaeiLy turbines will result in more effi- cient power plants. Regenerative heating of boiler feed water is presently performed in 9-10 stages. In the future 13-17 stages may be used in increasing the temperature of the feed water to 350-4500C. For the future, the authors expect power plants of 4-6 million kw equipped with turbine units of 1-1.5 million kw. Card 2/p- RIZSKINO V.j. rAyZhkin, V.I.]., a muezaki tudomanyok kardidatusa, docens; L TA14BIYEVAl I.N. mernok Perspectives of increasing the ef y w ficiency of high-capacit heat-poer plants, Ebergia es atom 15 no.22:576-580 D 162. 1. Moszkvai Energatikai Intezet (for Rizhkin). TA~M11YINAP V.V. Treatment of of the coronary arteric-S 'With stenocardial pain durmg exercise in the polyt-,I-nLczt of the Kinlovodsk Health Rpsnrt. Vop. kur. fizioter.1 lech. fIz. (MMIk 17- 5) Kal It. 28 no. 3:20/,-. To 3. 1. 1z Ydsiovodskoy kurorl-,noy pollklini"Li ((!Iqvny,,, vracn E.O. Ar,tvanova; nauc"m. ruk:,--:ci~~,t~--!-' rabrtf-pr,)1". k.K. lisle~in) TJ*MOVCE-V, P. "History of the beginning and d(welopMent, of nedical aid for chUxi-ren in samtorinams and health resorts of the USSR. It Tr. from the Russian. p. U9. (Alilm. Ro".fcla-30V ='na SERIA FEDIATRIE, Series a III-a, Vol. 6, no, 6, Nov./Dec. 1953, Bucuresti, Rumania) SO: Montuy idst of East European Accessions, L. C. 0 Vol* 3P No. 4, April 1954, Uncl. I TAK13OVSKIY,,,_A. )4 ; KOSTINSKIY. D.N., redaktor; RIVINA, I.N., takhnichaskiy 'i-6daktor. [Wikden (Shenyang)) Mukden (Shenlian). Koskya, Goo. izd-vo geogr. lit-ry, 1954. 55 P. (NLRA 7:12) (Kukden, Kanchuria) TAMBOVTSEV, A. N. Min Higher Education USSR. Omsk State Veterinary Inst. Omsk, 1955. TAMBOVTSEV, A. N. - "On the mechanism of shortening the intestine." Min Higher Education USSR. Omsk State Veterinary Inst. Omsk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Biological Sciences.) SO: Knizhnaya Letopis' No. 13, 1956 USSR/Humn and Animal DAysiology (NorrAl anO. Pathological). T-6 Intestine* Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biolj. No 160 1958,, 74888 Author : Krinitsynp D.Ydop Tanbov-tsev, A.H. Moscow Veterinary~~tcac,.--, Inst Title On the Characteristic of Constrictions of the Intestine. Orig Pub Tro MbBko veto akad., 1957, 20, 117-120. Abstract No abstracto Card 1/1 TAWIOVTSEY, A.N. Judginj the activity of an intestinal segment isolated by the Thiry- ellsk method Lwith summary in English]. Fi%iol. zhur. 44 no.3:231-235 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Knfedra fiziologii Vaterinnrnogo instituts, Omsk. (INMTINES. physiology Rativity of isolated segment, method (Rua) EXCERPTA MICA See 2 Vol 12/9 PhysiologY Sept 59 4155. NEW DATA ON INTESTINAL CONTRACTIONS (Russian text) T am - bovt5ev A. N. Dept. of Physiol. Inst. of Vet. Med., Omsk - FIZIM-7if. (554-559) Illus. 4 Contractions of circular and longitudinal intestinal muscle layers in dogs are close- ly related. Both layers are involved in the process of contraction to an equal ex- tent. The following sequence may be considered to represent the mechanism of twel wall contraction- progression of the wave of contraction involves muscle seg- Y, S, contracting successively in a forward direction. as well as reverse move- nt ments performed by longitudinal muscle fibres, each segment being pulled up against.the. oncoming contraction. Simonson - Minneapolis, Minn. JE 010 TAMBOrZSNV, A.K. Fistulas without a cannula. Mziol.zhur. 45 no.11tI393 IF 159. (NUA 13:5) 1. From the department of physiolog7,.Inntitute of Veterinary Kedicive, Omsk. WSWU exper.) --TAMBOVTSU".R.- Secretory Ametion of the intestine. Fiziol. zhur. SSSR 46 no. 9:1141-1146 S 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. From the Physiology Chair of the Veterinary Institute Omsk* (INTESTINES-SECRETIO11) GMT . wi 509T -N g 'AaSUQENYI T!u%lBVM`-,N' B. 111% "An- Ordinanj Ifeedlefish in the White Sea," Prirc:da, No. 1`471. 1 TA)(BOVTSXV. 'R_" .- .. - 1-. . .. Biology and prement state of herring fisheries in the White Sea. . ..*t, po kompl.izueh.Bal.mor. no.1:44-73 '57. (Km 10:8) 1.Pblyarnyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy Institut morskogo rybnogo khozyaystva i okeanografii. (White Son-Herring fisheries) TAMBOVTIMV. R.H.- Rams of herring vitb a small number of vortebrae in the Barents end White Boas. Trudy Hum. biol. sta. 3:169-174 157. (KMA Ilt2) (Barents Sea--Herring) (White Sea-Herring) TAMMSEV, B.~J. Herring of the Fandalaks~-:a Bxjy OP t,,je EaeL. . / - -1 1. 1 -V .~ r%! d y ;~ 7 Y;?.fj no.14:95-114 162. U411RA 17:10) LYUBAVIN, S.A., Inzh., red.; TA14BDVTSEV B.V. inzh., red.; KLIMOVA, G.D., red.izd-v-; 91 D.y tekhn. red. (Construction specifications and regulations) Stroitell- nye normy i prPvila. Moskva, Gosstroiizdat. Pt.2. Sec.G. ch.3. [Water supply; specifications for design) Vodosnab- zhenie; normy proektirovaniia (SNiP II-G.3-62). 1963. 94 P. _(MIRA 16:11) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstvennyy komitet po, de- lam stroitellotya. 2. Gosudaretvennyy komitet po delam stroitellst,va SSSR (for Lyubavin). 3. Gosudarstyennyy pro- yektnyy institut Vaesoyuznogo tresta po proyektirovaniyu - vodosnabzheniya i kanalizatsii gidrotakhnicheakikh sooru- zheniy i proizvodstvu izyskaniy (for Tambovtsev). (Water-Supply engineering) 84127 S/07o/60/005/005/016/ol7 E132/E36o AUTHORS; Tikhomirova, N.A., Zalesskiy, A.V. and '=ambovtsev, D.A. TITLE. The Application of Strain Gauges for Measuring the Compressibility of Solid Bodies at High Hydrostatic Pressures PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 196o, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 823 - 825 TEXT: X-ray and thermographic methods of detecting phase transitions under very high pressures are technically very complicated and it has been shown that it is sufficient for the detection of first-and second-order phase trans-Ltion.s to measure compressibility as a function of pressure. The difficulty is then to provide a sufficiently sensitive pressure gauge. Here, a method of measuring the changes in the linear dimensions of a specimen is described. A strain gauge Is cemented to the specimen in 'the pressure chamber whicli is filled with isopentane or benzol B-70 and changes in length of 0.00015'3 can be detected. The high pressure in ~he bomb is supplied by a multiplier and may reach 20 0 0 kg/cmNThe pres ure21S read from a manfanin pressure gauge to an accuracy of 100 ks/cm . Tile Card /2 84127 S/07o/60/005/005/016/017 El,32IE36o The Application of Strain Gauges for Measuring the Compressibility of Solid Bodies at High Hydrostatic Pressures resxstance of /the two TLuges is measured with simple Wheatstone bridges. Only three electrical lead-throughs into the pressure vessel are required. The pressure dependence of the resistance of the strain guge and the other leads in the absence of a specimen has to be determined by a separate calibration. The correr;tion amounts to about 4 ohms in 100. Compressibility curves for CsI, NaCl, LiF, Fe and a low-compressibility alloy T15K6 are reproduced and compared with Bridgman's figures~ The accuracy appears to be high. It is intended to apply the inethod further for measuring anisotropic compressibilities which could not be studied by Bridgman's technique. There are 3 figures and 9 references: 5 Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATIONi Institut kristallografii AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography of the AS USSR SUBMITTED- February 16, 196o Card 2/2 _6 _1`17 05- Et 0-2. AFFTC/. 8 6'' FA0Q)/EWTM/ZWP q)/EWT ..ASP/BSD-3/IJP(C)/StD_ 4c-4/Rt~4 Gq/RM/~~. ACCMSION NR: AM5592, 5/0105163/000/008/coWom Zheludev., I. S. of physico-mathematical scien6es); sev. D_ (Engineer); Terentlyev, B. P. (Dr.-of technical-sciences) TITT M., Calibrating properties of ferroelectric crystals having rectangular. ~'Aieleotrlc-hysteresis 160P ,-SOURCE: Elektrichestvo no. 8, 1963, 66-70 ferro6lectric crystal bysteresis-loop,-rectangular hysteresis.loop, J, di hysteresis, triglycine sulfate, bigmuth titanate ABSTRACT: A suergesition is made to,use ferroelectric crysta~lllinstead of standard .~;.cells in*precision voltage stabilizers. a good crystaltan switch practically constant charge, the crystal can *sed in a reference-Vo"tage-source. A.numb I er of Y-cut triglycine-sulf~tejplates. and z-cut bismuth-tiianate plates were tested,". The latter material tested ~t 30 cps and 300 v proved to be particularly promising ~as'it exhibited a low temperature voltage coefficient (3.6 x 10-4/degreb C) withiz- -72 +52C range. This characteristic of bisnuth titanate makes it superior !to SG2S gaa stabilivolt or D814 silicon stabilivolt, Other advantages of bismuth Cord 1/2 TAMBOVTSEV, D.A.; SAFRONOV, G.M.; TERENTIYEV, B.P.; SKORIKOV, V.M. - Stability of the operation of a reference voltage source using ferroelectric bismuth tetanate crystals. Elektrichestvo no.12:85-86 D *63. (MIRA 17:1) TAMBGVTSEV,, D.A.; NOVOSELOV, A.S. Bipolar pulse generators for Ltudying ferroelectrics. Prib. i tekh. eksp. 8 no.5:125-127 S-0 163. (KMA 16:12) lo In6titut kristallografii AN SSSR. TAMBOVTSEVY D.A.; SKORIKOV, V.M.; ZHELUDEV, I.S. Production of bismuth titanate single crystals and some of their properties. Kristallografiia 8 no.6:889-893 M-D163. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. ZHELUDEV, I.S., doktor fiziko-i-matematicheakikh nauk; TAMBOVTSEV, D.A., inzh.; TERENTIYEVY B,P*, dak-tor tekhn. nauk Standard properties of seignetoelectric with a rectangular di-electric hysteresis loop. Elektrichestvo no.8t66-70 Ag 163. (PMU 16&10) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR i Moskovskiy elektritekhni- cheskiy institut svyazi. ACCESSION NR: AP4019324 S/0105/64/000/003/000110005 AUTHOR: Tambovtsev, D. A. (Engineer); Terent'yev, B. P. (Doctor ot technical scieMc-e~*101MMUd-ev, 1. S. (Doctor of physico-niathematical sciences); Skorikov, V. M. (Engineer); Kucherova, I. V. (Engineer) -,TITLE: Voltage and current stabilization by ferroelectries SOURCE: Elektrichestvo. no. 3, 1964, 1-5 TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric. ferroelectric crystal, voltage stabilizer, current stabilizer, ferroelectric voltage stabilizer, ferroelectric current stabilizer, reference voltage, bismuth titanate, barium titanate, triglycine sulfate ABSTRACT: Procedures for the calculation of ferroelectric -stabilized reference -voltage sources are set forth, a new circuit for voltage stabilization is submitted. and some problems in using ferroelectrics for stabilization purposes are discussed. The new bridge-like circuit (see Enclosure 1) has the advantage Card I ACCESSION NR: AP4019324 of a high output voltage that can reach one-third of the input voltage; also, s: high degree of temperature compensation is possible. The experimentally determined effects of frequency and load on the performance of ferroslectric voltage stabilizers are reported. The possibilities of ferroelectric materials for current stabilization were also explored; a 1-cm' barium-titanate plate ensured a stable mean current of 50 ma at 50 cps; bismuth titanate and triglycine sulfate were also tested. Orig. art. has: 9 figures and 6 formulas. ASSOCIATION: Institut kristallografil, AN SSSR (Institute of Crystallography, AN SSSR) SUBMITTED: 13Sep63 SUB CODE: ZE DATE ACQ:' 27Uar64 NO REY SOV: 006 ENCL: 0 1 OTHER: 001 Card 2/11- Wr (1 11 /W W/RPA(s)-2 EPr(,-) /WP(J) /EEC (t)/EW (b)-2 Pc6-4/pr-4/ 7- 1 11-1 j'~ ~' - ! xn':~ " 7J7 'C'\ - I I ~-_'.-. -)I I dp'~ /FURA (t ~G 'RY ACCLUION fR-. AP'4-048 380 S/'C(rv-/64/009/,:*4/051 1/0151 c AUTHDRx Tambovtsev, D. A. r4 TITLEt Problem of azymmetr7 in pulse repolarization of triglycine sulfate ferraelectric crystals SOMM KristallogratWa, v. 9, no. 1~, 1964, 511-513 -V [MPIC TAM , triglyofte aidfate, triglycibe atdfate arystalg ferroolectria -.Tl! cryetalt arystalt. pulse, repolatrizatt=4. pulse repolartzation, square pmUe !'IABSTRACT: An experimental study is ni&A off the asymmtry of pulse repolari- ration of triglycine sulfat6-ferroelectric crystals when tmequally spaced square pulses are fed to the crystals with a voltage which depends on the strength of the electrical field and cNe distance bet-imen pulses of opposite polarity. it is alur~rn that the asyrtneetry of pulse repolarization is clo3eily connected jith definite processes which take place in the intervals between b~eeing .ransm.1tted in !ayv-rR of ~hv crvitol closo to the ele,~~trndea. These are procesnes which ia&Id ro a ~-qange in conditions of torniatim of the n,,pc1ei of nino dtooins. Card 1/2 vs-14=-X-15N i I I i PASECHNIK, M.V. [Pasichnylc, M.V.1; TAMB VTSEV D.I. ___2 _ __, Polarization of protons from the reaction Be9(d,p) BeIO. Ukr.fiz.zhur. 7 no.1:74-,75 Ja 162. (milk 15: 11) 1. Institut fiziki AN UkrSSR, Kiyev, (Nuclear re"tions) (Protons) (Beryllium) S/185/62/007/005/002/015 D299/D301 i~TJTKO R: Tanbovtsev, D.I. in 10 . I T L Proton polarization in stripping reaction on B PE r. v. 7 .11 U KODICAL: Ukrayinslkyy fizyciinyy zhurnal, no. ", 1962 244 - 254 TEXT: The arIF.ILIlar distribution of proton -,olarizatior. in ) c~l was measured, for the ground state olr' .-e t'he reaction B10 (d,p B residual nucleus, ir. the region of the principal maximur, of the anEu- .ar d~s-r4buTion o' the dif4erenzial cross-section. This investiga- tion is a continuation of the measuremenr, series, the results of w1hich were Dublished earlier for the reaction Be9 (d,p) BelO. The polariza- tion measurements were conducted by neans of proton scattering on, a daseous H04-target. The scatterinC; energy of the protons was 11.5 le-ev. The exne-y-imental apparatus incorporated a reaction chamber and a hel- iur, chamber, connected by a 160 cr. long tube, and also lenses and te- lescor,es. A deuteron beam (of energy 13.8 Mev), was app~lied from a Card 1/2 S/165/'2/007/G0x/GO2/01= Proton polarization in D295/D201 cyclotron to the target (15 to 20 m,-,r./cm2 thick). Proton pol"riza-tion. at anCles of 0 to (900 could be measured. The protons were detectea by scintillation spectrometers and photomultipl-iers. Special arranjer-nents were made to reduce the exDerimental error. The experiments confirmed the theoretical prediction of positive polarization. It was also found that at =all scatterinP, angles, the magnisudle of the 1,01,LriZatiOn was in good agreement with theory. This shows that (with small anCles), -)roton Dolarization depends little or. the deuteron enerlpy "-e mar-ni- tude of the polarization did not exceed the theoretical limit (5G%) Tt is noted that the ch-racter of the polarization depends to a :%uch greater extent on zrie choice of the par~ameters of the O-jt4Cal model, than does the differential cross-section. There are 3 fiFares ard 9 references: 1 Soviet-bloc and 8 non-Soviei-bloc. The 4 most, recent re- fe-l-ences read as follows: -.H.C. News, X.Y. nefai, Proc. Phys. Soo.,71, no. 4060, 1958; W. Tobocman, Phys.Rev.,115,no.1,1959; R.G. r'llas, F.B. ,obson, 'Nucl.Phys.,22,no.1,11961. Shu'L-'L,Phys.Rev.,116,rio.4,1959; D. P ASSOCIATT0.11: Instytuz fizyky AN UPSH (Institute of Physics of the AS UkrFSIR), Yyyiv SU'~XTITED: September 21, 1961 Card 2/2 43360 0 too S/056/62/043/0'5/002/058 B160102 AUTHORS: Pasechnik, M. V., Saltykov, L. S., Tambovtsev, D. I. TTTLE: Polarization of protons in stripping reactions on light and' medium nuclei PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimental Inoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, V. 43, no. 501), 1962, 1575 - 1578 .' TEXT: The authors investigated the angular dependence of the proton polarization P(Q) in (d,p) stripping reactions, using the device described by'D. I. Tambovtsev (Ukr. fiz. zhurn., 7, 245, 1962). The cyclotron of the IF All USSR was used to accelerate the deuterons to 13.8 Mev. P(9) is 9 10 40 0 investigated for Be , Be and Ca and angles 9 from 10 to 70 . P(g) is 28 58 6o measured at small angles for Si , Ni and Ni . The statistical errors -were found to be 3-4% at small and 8-9% at large angles. Additional errors originated from the background and shift of the proton beam. The values for the proton polarization obtained for Be9 and BeIO agree, in practice, with those measured at lower deuteron energies, i.e. at small Card 1/2 5/056/62/043/005/002/058 Polarization of protons ... B164/BI02 angles the energy dependence of the polarization is small. The authors compare the experimental P(Q) curves for Be9, Be'O, Ca.40 and Ni58 with the corresponding differential cross sections c(Q). All nuclei show the same qualitative behaviorl with the characteristic correlation between the maximum of P(Q) and the minimum of c(g). At angles smaller than 150, P(Q) is found to increase, whereas a minimum is observed in the region of the principal maximum of c(g). A slight increase and a strong decrease then follow, in w,0ch the sign of the polarization might even change. At larger angles, P ret-ches values'which equal approximately those in the principal maximum of a(g). The courseof P(Q) calculated for BelO by Tobokman (Phys. Rev. 115, 96, 1959) for a deuteron energy of 8 Mev shows good qualitative agreement with the experimental values obtained. There are 4 figures and 1 table. SUBMITTED: March 3, 1962 Card 2/2 /. TAI,IBOVISLV,, 14.M, Phosphmis potenUa"nd iron-ara formllows in %e Lesoer Khingan. Infc-m.abor. VSEGi;--, I ; (MIRA .14 ~ 12 to (Mdngan Mountains-.-Phosphorus) It' (flingan Mountains, Iron ores) 37-38 4-0 oe Al 0-0 0 0 0 4 0 0 I j jai& I& OvIlUUM0161111PON if a it is v Is U m )a AD 41 0 a id 63 me AA is COE A ii..& A-1 A-1 _JG.M 'a -'I'. "I. 'I - ) A ~ , . , A 1- oil A W, as -catfas ONDC91W ..D -vt I 00 Tim. bdmm mid monk lidw XWOM Cmamcsmi~ -00 I.C"varv and 1. T. lWkhn. Masmika Vtolp 7, 04 N. 1. --follow) I kmits 4 Nn in SW wrfr 00 a 101110111; C ;~i 10;~XL)on. Ila ages wne found -00 as InalyNknites in Sauguti-Dom. Tymy-Aux and the -00 Tcber",Kubm Ou ~. The Sanguti-lkm distrkt con- s Isism abo W, As. Em Z;d Bi am. The As area aiv found &L%p in the mmiam formW by thr rivm lhonala and -00 Gyudro,4u. and appmw as arvenolmite. A. A. H. .1r see 00 =00 940 0 o4k a 00 00 R =00 00 see '00 t-go Lie 0 no 0 -L, 41- ;oe An I 1 0 ad 0 U It AV 03 Isis to it a As a a P[ a tt is at KW n I FA 440; 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 a 0, 0 00 000 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 C! VI: 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 010 too 0 0 0 0 0 00 oo o to * 0 o OJA ha nec -!-r,.no,,,o Kavka,~-.a; cd. So!xovishc. r S ev, 1! Ix "3T32 Ka --oe ae-,,op- ,-os. 1M. -1 -1 vol DW,: SO: LC Soviet Goo-r-);,v d'art Ili 1951, UnchissiCit-c.1 1 6 -1 -1, .7 , Ch. Dr., Children's Sanat-~ri-un. Leni.-prRO, %rs- i- a Childr--n'O Sanatorium -- Edi;.cat-*.onal Nurse," Med. Sestra., No. 7, 17)42; "The Role of the Yledical Nurse of a ^hilaren's Sanatorium in the Fn alion of y-- nI., rM ,q Habitf: in Children," ibid., NO. 1, TANBOVTSBV-, P.D. History of the origin and development of sanatorial and health resort pediatric aid in UiM Pediatriia, Moskva no-3:3" Nar-June 1953. (CLKL 25: 1) N1 OGV TS 6 V, FD-1531 USSR/Keedicine Sanatoria Card 1/1 Pub 102-2/14 Author Tambovtsev., P. D. (Karelo-Finnish SSR) Title Results of supervised rest for children in sanatoria of general therapy 0 Periodical Sov. zdravjf16, 12-16, Nov-Dee 1954 Abstract Experience has shown that coordinated efforts of medical and pedagogical personnel can transform supervised extracurricular activities of children into one of the most powerful therapeutic factors supplied by sanatoria of general therapy. Properly supervised work, play, and rest can re- sult in strengthening the bodies of children, increasing their vitality, raising their metabolism, strengthdning their cardio-vascular and nervous systems, and in improving the functions of the sensory organs. Institution Submitted TAMBOVTSIV, P.D. (Leningrad) Ikporience with hygiene education and habits in children's sanatoria. Gig.i san. 24 no.11:45-W 1 159. (KMA 13:4) (MMMH ADUCATION) (PHDIATRICS hoop. & clinics) TAX3.0VTSEV, -P-.D.-(Izningrad) Chronic nonspecific pneumonia in children. Felld. i akush. 27 no.3. 8-n mr 162. NIRA 15:4) (PNEUMONIA) (CHILDREI~--`DISEASE S) TAMBOVTSET,_P_D. (Leningrad) Sanatoriums and health resorts for children in prerevolutionary Russia. Vop.kur., fizioter.i lach.fiz.kullt. 27 no.3:254-258 btr~-Je 162. (MIRA 15:9) (CHILDREN--INSTITUTIONAL CARE) ,-TAMBDVTSEV, P.D. (Leningrad) Results of dispensary treatment for children who have recovered from acute pneumonia. Zdrav.Roo.Feder. 7 no.2tl8-20 F 16). (LENINGRAD-CHILDREN-CARE AND HYGIENE) (MIRk 164) (PNEUNDNIk) TAMBUTSET P,D. 2 Role of medical nurses in the prevention and treatment of chronic non-opecific pneumonis. in children. Med.sestra 22 no.2:13-17 F 163. (MIRA 1635) 1, Glavnyy vracb Detsko sanatoriya 110-4. Ieningrad. &KHMONIA) DISHKO. Tu.I.; _TAKBGVTSW, P.G. Reliable performance of pneumatic box pumps. IrSement 26 no. 6:13- 16 N-D 160. (KEU 13:12) (Plamping machinery) (Automatic control) MANUKOVSKIY, N.F., Geroy Sotsialisticheskogo Truda, brigadir;LEBEDZVA,A.T.,zven'ev. Geroy Sotsia:Listicheskogo Truda; KOIYADINA, A.A.; GUSEVA, N.F.; GUBANO*- VA, M.T.; GURENKO, A.G.., svinar'; SVLIIDOV, I.G., svinar'; SHERSEOVA, M.V., zootekhnik; GOIIII, D.P.; TAIq-d0V-ISE7V,_P.K,- ULIZI, I.; SAYTANIDT, L.D., tekhn. red. [Leaders of socialist competition from Voronezh tell their stories] Rasakazyvaiut peredoviki-voronezhtsy,i Moskvs.2 Izd--vo IJ,-va sellkhoz. RSFSR,, 1960. 54 P. . Wu 34: -1 0 1. Brigade. kompleksnoy mekhanizatsii kolkhoza irreni Kirova Voronezhskay oblasti (for Manukovskiy). 2.Kolkhoz "Rossiya" Voronezhskoy oblasti (for Lebedeva, Shershova). 3.'Ryadov:~y6 zvena vysokoy proizvoditellnosti kol- khoza imeni Stalina Voronezhsk6y oblasti(for Kolyadina, Guseva). 4. Zvenl- yevaya kolkhoza imeni S,M.Kitova'Voronezhskoy oblasti (for Gubanova). 5. Sovkhoz "VorobIyevskiyI'_Vor6nezhskoy oblasti (for Gurenko). 6. Sovkhoz ffMaslavskiy" Voronezhakoy oblasti (for Sviridov). 7. Predsedatell kolkhoza "Podgornoyell-Voronezhskoy oblasti (for Gorin). S. Direktor sovkhoza "Vto- raya pyatiletka" Voronezhskoy oblasti (for Tambovtsev). (Voronezh Province-Stock and stockbreeding) (Socialist competition) TAMBOVTSEV,-S. --- -00014-- The amalgamation of construction organizations is an Imprortant factor In Increasing their profitableness. FIn.SM 17 no-5: 78-79 MY 156. (Km 9:0) (Vitebsk--Constructlon Industry) TAMBOVTSEV, S. Reduce the costs of housing management. Fin. SSSR 22 no.11:44-45 N 61. (MIRA, 14: 11) 1. Zaveduyushchiy Zlatoustovskim gorfinotdelom. Ulatoust--Housing management--Costs) Wi]30VTSEV I S. Unused potentials. Fin. SSSR 23 no.2.-57-58 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) - 1. Zaveduyushchiy Zlatoustovskim gorodakim finansovym otdelom. Matoust-Finance) (ZIatoust-Industrial management) T.AY,WV-LSm-V, SerEei Favlovich Technical education in the U. S. A. osti, 1932. 194. p. (53-56680) skva, lzd-vo Narodnogo kom!;.ssariata tiazheloi prorryshler 1, T73.T3 I A&li3O-VT6i:FV GOWVM, V.D.. Lteent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; DKITRIYIV, M.A., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk; LLSMOV, N.A., dotsent, kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; OSTROVSKIY, Ya. I., inzhener; T41ORT -WV S.P., doteent, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; YUFATV, I.S., tekhnichoskikh nauk; SHIMNOV, K.L., doteent, kandidat tekhni- cheakikh nauk. *Ketallurgy.0 A.N.Gladilin and others. Reviewed by V.D.Goloyley and others. Yest.mash. 34 no.11:103-106 N 154. (NLU 7:11) (Xetallurgy) (Gladilin, A.M.) ~ S11 23/60/000/013/00 1/001 AOO4/AOO1 Translation from- Refera'-ivnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 196.0, No. 13~ P. 59, 66617 AUTHOR: Tambovtsev, S.F. TT-71TE - __Tff9F__S_Peed --Cinefilmls Reveal New Knowledge in the Field-of Metal Cutting I U PERIODICAL: Tr. Kafedrv "Ti-Whnn1- metallov". Mosk. -stanko-Instrum, in-t. 1957, No. 1, pp. 14-19 TEXT: The author presents investigation results of metal cutting processes which were analyzed with the aid of a higb-speed c1nefilm witin 5,000 frames per second. It was found that in the zone under the tool a layer'of fractured metal crystals is forming (subelements), whiCh force back the line of cut in direction u - of the work piece and thus alter the set dimension. The ac.~aurwalatlon of s b ..elements leads to the format-ion of clots which cover t1ne cutting edge. The -forming chip element entails clots. The formation of clots is affected by t1he cutting speed and grows if the rc~uttlng speed is reduced. The periodic formation of chip elements and clots leads to a periodic-. load of the cujLjU_j2!2j and Card 1/2 S/123/60/000/013/001/tol Aoo 4/Aoo 1 High-Speed Cinefilms Reveal New Knowledge in the Field of Metal Cutting causes vibrations in the system to-I - work piece - machine tccl. -The chip motion differs somewhat from the usually presumed. The presence of a braked lower layer with zero speed is n~t corroborated. 7he lower layer of "he chip, flowing off over the pclIshed surface of -the tool, possesses a xaxinram speed. The deformations are spreading in a wave-like fashicn wh.l!,,h fact caAses vibrations and is confirmed by th-e sti-acture of the removed ;chip and the shape V1 of the machined surface. There are 2 Dhotos. A.D.L, Tran:-SlatOr-1s note. This J-= the full translation of the or-iginal Rus-=jan abstract. Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Tambovtsev, S.P. 121-2-5/20 TITLE: Investigation of the metal cutting process by high speed cine-photography (Issledovaniye protsessa rezaniya metallov skorostnoy kizoslyemkoy) PERIODICAL: "Stanki i Instrument" (Machine Tools and Tools), 195?, No.2, pp. 19 - 21 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: Using high speed cine-cameras at 5 000 frames per second together with a microscopic lens with a magnification of 360, new facts are revealed about the metal cutting process. Turn- ing specially prepared components in a lathe, the components are polished in the manner of metallographic specimens so that grain structure changes in the componeAt metal can be observed. To combine the requirements of large magnification with the freedom. of swarf remo-val, special apparatus was develop4d in the form of a nt-croscope "telelens" with a prism device for deflecting the light beam. High intensity illumination necess& itated the application of a circulating coolant aoil to absorb the heat of radiation. The research so carried out has con- firmed some of the conceptions adopted hitherto but modified others. Among the latter facts it vias assumed until now that there must be a retarded zone at the contact surface btween 1/2 the chip and the front flank of the cutting tool. It has been Investigation of the metal cutting process by high speed cine- photography. (Cont.) 121-2-5/20 shown that the lower layers of the chip flow along the front-, flank of the tool in advance of the upper layers of the chip. The retarded zone may be altogether absent when the tool is tkwrQv&ly lapped or a lubricant-is present. The formation of an advancing fissure, even in the machining of ductile metals such as low carbon steel, has been proved. Contrary to prev- ious assumptions the growth over the cutting tool edge forms not only above the cutting edge itself but also elsewhere. In medium carbon steel a growth forms behind the chip at some distance from the cutting edge. Its formation is a sintering process. High speed cine-photography based on the apparatus described has already found its application under shop condiiim both in high speed cutting, e.g., in multi-spindle automatic lathes used in the watch-making industry, and in high speed heavy presswork. There are 10 figures, including 8 photographs. AVAIIA13LE: 2/2 FEFELOVP Nikolay Aleksandrovich; KOVALEV, A.M., inzh., ved. red.; TAMBOV7SEV S.P., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; SOROKINA, T.M., (Rapid turning of heat-treated chroniumb-nickel steel]Skoro- stnoe tochenie termoobrabotannoi khromonikelevoi stali. Moskva, Filial Vaes. in-ta nauchn. i tekhn. informatsii, 1958. 21 p. (Peredovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskii i proizvodstyennyi opyt. Tema 10. No.M-58-74/12) (MIRA 16:3) (Chromium-nickel steel) (Metal cutting) JAMWVTSEV Sergey avlovich, kand. tekhn.nauk; SHELKOV, N.I., inzh., ved. red.; APIRIN, B.S.,, Inzh., red.; SMIRNOV, B.M., (Effect. of the microstructure of metalo~on their machinability) V1iianie mikrostruktury metallov na ikh obrabatyvaem6st'. Moskva, Filial Vses. in-ta. nauchn. i tekhn.informatsii, 1958. 22 p. (Pe- redovoi nauchno-tekhnicheskii i proizvodstvennyi opyt. Tema 10. No.M-58-146/27) (MIRA 160) (Metallography) (Metal cutting)