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TAVRIZOV, V,H, , ,~411-1e, ube J, Boring holes in the ice. Pat' i put. khos. no-3:6-7 Mr 159. (MIRA 12:6) 1,Naohallnik vzryvno7 partii, g. 'Ryazan'. (Ice coring rigs) TAVRIZOV, V-H- Mvazanl) the safety distanc4 Calculating Vod. i tan. t8kh- uO,,5.'19-21 NY (Blastins) in torpedoing mhallov vater vellse (MIU 12:7) 159. TAVRIZOV, V- Protecting bridges against drifting ice. Zhil.-kom. khozo 9 no.4,.16-17 159. - (KIRA 12:7) I.Rachallnik vzrTmoy partli, R7azanl' Widges) (Ice on rivers, lakes, etc.) TAVRIZOV, V*Mo, Inzho I Cbecking the planned water levels. Reeb.transp. 18 no.3:34-37 Ifr 159. (Stream measurements) (MIR& 12:4) uVRIZOTZ~ 11~ Advantages and shortcomings of the now planning system for dredging operations. Reoh, tranny. 19 no.1006-38 0 160. (KIRA 13:11) l.Proizvoditel'rabot PASanskogo tekhnicheskogo uchaetka Upravleuiya kanala.imeni MoskvV& (Dredging) TAVRIzOV, V Increaoing the load capacit7 or Ocows Rech. trarop. 20 no. 3;47-48 Mr 161. by InOtalline over(.rlow pipe.. (scows) RM 14: 5) TAVRIZCfV V. Technical and economic grounds for the length of a buoyage sector serviced by a brigade. Rech. transp. 20 no.-:29-30 R _ y 161. (MIRA 1415) 1. Pomoshchnik proizvoditelya putevykh rabot Ryazanskogo tekhniche- sko o uchastka. &Iand water transportation-Employees) (Buoys) TAVRIZOV V _ Speed.-up mechanization of regulation operations. Rech. transp. 20 no.e:35-36 Ag Ift. OMIRA 14:10) 1. Pomoshchnik proizvoditelya rabot Ryazanskogo tekhnicheskogo ucbastka. (Rivers--Refrulation) (Dredping machinery) TAVRIZOV, V. Standardizing dredger operations in the erection of river regulwting structures out of the dredging spoil. Rech. tranape 22 no.2:31-33 F 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Pomoshohnik proizvoditelya rabot FWasanskogo tekhnicheskogo uohastka. (Dredging) (Rivers-Repdatign) TAVRnIOV., V. MWAFRN Preventing Les clogging durin ice notion wider bridges. Ayt. dm-. 26 no.1120,024 -Ta #1~. (MIM 160) Ice tn rivers, Ukes., etc.) Rridgep) ~ 0 TAVMZOy., y,,, Insh. PrOtOatiOn from the breakup of ice. Voen, vest. 42 no.3s 89-90 Mr 163. (MIRA 3.7: 1) Ulht-~I)vl Viadimir Mikhaylo7ich; YEGUOROV, P.A., red. - - -- I [Frotectirg brid-ces frcz:. drifting Ice] Zaslhchita mo~--sv :-, ledokhoda. M03k-lap Uroilzdat, 1964. 81 P. (MIRA 17:7) TAVRIZOV, VIM., Azb. EmPloYing hydromechanization in the unlOading of scows. Transp, Wr s~ oi. U. no,9s26-28 S 164 (MIRA 3.8.-'L) TAVRIZOV, V.M. - OA-"--o -a.- . Ice cutting machines. Avt.dor. 27 no.n:24,25 N 164. (MIRA 18;4) TA V-R.Cz0Vp V M. 11 J n?.h. Accelerated method of blaRting fce. TransD. stroi. 15 na.2~, 22-.24 F 1651. (MIRA 18.--3) .- TAVRIWV, T.M., gidrotekhrik (Ryazan') Ice cutting machinati. Putl J. put.~boz. 10 no.lt9-10 166. (PIRA 19:1) TAVRIZOVA, Te.A. 1-1-1 - Use of micrologging in Azerbaijan fields. Azerb.neft.khos. 36 no-7:7-9 J1. '57. (KIRA 10:10) (Azerbaijan-Oil wall logging, Blectric) f7i A IDZZ, M.A., kandidat takhaicheakikh nauk; MCIDADLISHVILl. A.L. inshener-,- PZROVA, V.V., inshoner; DUNAYEV, N.Ye.. inshoner; MVROG B.A., Inshener. Using Chliatura oxidized manganese ores in open-hearth pig Iron burden, l4stallurg. ne.9:39-40 6 156. (KLRA 9:10) A. I.Inatitwb metalla I gornego dela Akademii nauk GSSR (for Vokelidso, :..% Mchedliah-vili, Perova). 2.Stalinakly metallurgicheekly zavod (for Danayev and Tavrog). (Cast iron-Wetallurgy) (Chlatura-Manganense aregs) rres, eftfpucaf tiqA"M. V. it. r~waktnj D. M. NO-4-- Witsk] I L Tyrq N~ E Dontev, dod P, P. ClruvpYIO (lid. SW"' 15, 107-130955).-1n a 6(0- ton blast furnace elliptical tuyA~m widened the active zone of the hearth, lowered gxn preswre, Icil to RL higher bla3t temp.. and hic"."d productkin by 3.M%. white lowering cohe c1mumPti(M by 2Z476- Fumace Performance Is dinulbed minuttly. Jim AUTHOR: Tavrog,,,.,~B.L. , blast furnace managert and Dmitrasglt.5 senior ' eT er at the Technical Department, "Zaporozhstal" Works. TITLE: Removal of iron from the furnace hearth bottom in the liquid state. (Vypusk chugina iz leshchadi v zhidkom sostoyanii.) PERIODICAL: 11 "MetallurS (Metallurgist) , , _ 1957, No- 2', pp. 2 - 32 (U.S S.R.) ABSTRACT: The 1 300 mm No. 3 blast furnace at Zaporozhstall, built in 1938 according to the Gipromez standard design, was blown in in June, 1947.- Medium repair and reconstruction work was carried out in 1951 and, in the following year, the furnace was converted to high top-pressure operation. The furnace worked 8 1/2 years without major repairs, producing 4 075 894 tons of iron. Till July, 1955, the foundation tempe:gature was 260-320, but then started rising and reached 700 C in December. Cracks in the hearth shell appeared and gas leaks developed. Further rises in foundation temperatAre were only avoided by increasing the coke charge as well as working at lower pressures and iron temperatures. When the furnace was blown out for relining in January, 1956, it was decided to ismove the bear in the liquid state through the appropriate notches, which were 2 200 and 4 400 mm below the iron-notch level on the iron and slag sides, respectively. Removal of iron from the furnace hearth bottom in the'~iquid state. (Cont .), For the up-Der notch, a 500 X 500 mm opening was cut in the hearth shell and cooler the day before, the brickwork being removed to a depth of 600 mm and a passage provided. For the lower notch, the foundation was out away in trenches, leaving 400 mm of concrete before the firebrick. After the furnace had been blown out the upper notch was opened, by drilling to a depth of 400 mm and then with oxygen, This took about 7 hours. The low-silicon iron at 1 260-1 300 0 was led via runners into ten 80-ton iron ladles. The depth of the trench hampered the opening of the lower notch, which required six oxygen lances. The iron from this was led into special 40--ton refractory lin-:.,d boxes on rails. - A total of 1 047 tons of iron were obtained (656 through the top notch), the compositions being 0.27-0.88% Sil 0.59-2.05% Mn 0.056-1 2V1,, S. There are 2figures. * TAVROVq Yakov Markovich (Gvin); B~WOVSKIYt A.v red.; KLDWAv T.j tekbn. . . _---i [Creating movntains from grains of sand and seas from drops] Iz pesobinok - gory# iz kapell - moria, Moskvaq Goo, izd-vo polit, lit-ryj 1961. 69 p. (Induoixial management) (MIRA 3-4:7) ,KONDRATIYEV, V.A.; DUBROVINSKIY, V.Ya.; DOBIUNSKTI , A.K.; ROZENNIUM, P.S.; TAVH2DV,_ ja; BDGDANOMKIY, V.F.; GRINGAITZ,q S.,, red-.I-YAKOVIZVA, Ye., tekhn, red, (Named after Vladimir Tllich]lmeni Vladimim Illicha. Mo- akvat Hook. rabochii,, 1962. 510 j)o (MIRA 1634) (Mscow-Blectric machinory industry) - -- ___m -TAVRPVjJaJkoy Markovich; KORNILOVA, M.I., rods; ARANOVICH, V,G.j tekhn. red. (In far-off Kavalerovo] V dalekom Kavalerovo. Moskva, Profizdat, 1963. 121 p, (MIRA 17:2) HUNIN, D.A.; DANILYUK, T.I.; PMSITSKIT, A.Z.; RAPPOPORT-PAIAGUTA, B.11.; TAvROVmjLm,4fF.; SHMIN, A.A.; MANOLO, M.G., redaktor; PQ'PRkMUYA, 'L7.77"Oliaor; MMSHOVA, N.Ya., teL-huichookiy radaktof [GArman-Ibissian railroad dictionary] Nomatsko-rueskii zhaleznodorozh- ny! alova:rl. Soot. D.A. Bunin i dr. Hookvit, Goo. Izd-vo takhniko- toorst. lit-ry, 1957- 532 P- (MU?A 10:4) (Gamn language--Diationaries--Ruselan) (Railroads--Dictionaries) PIESILKCVp B.P. , kand. biol. nauk; TAVROVSKAYA, 0. J., kand. b1ol. MiA Effect of the conditions of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition on the nitrogen substance content of potato tubers. izv. TSKHA no.4;96-104 165. (MIPLA 18:21) 1. Kafodra agrokhimit Moskovskoy eel 'skokhozyaystv-ennoy ordene Lenina ikademii Imeni, Timiryazeva. Sutaittad September 9, 190. SHTREM, 0.; TAVROVSKAYA,,.R.,,-. Using caustic soda solution for removing paint from cabins and trim parts of motortrucks. Avt.transp. 35 no.11:21 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) 1.5-Y avtoremontny7 zavod Mosgorispolkoma. (Motortrucke--Repairing) TAVROU'KAYAY R. 33404. Primerieniye Tsinkovanllya V Avtoreironte. Avto!7,01:ill c. 11-12. , 1949, 'o. icip So. LetiDis' Zhurnallrrylch*Stitey, Vol. 45, Moskva, 949 TAVROVSKAYA.,-R,, inzh. Steel cladding in sulfuric acid baths. Avt.transp. 39 no.6:32-3/+ Je 162. (Metal cladding) (MMA .14:7) TATROVELYA, it.,-Ted.; PASTARE, D.. (Soviet Baltic States in the fraternal family of U.S.S.R. peoples] SovetsIcala Pribaltika Y bratekol, semle narodov SSSR; materlal7. Riga, Latviiskoe gos.izd-va. Vol.l. 1960. 94 p. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Mesbreepublikanskly somiuar-soveshchanlys na, temu "Sovetskaya Pribaltika v bratekoy semlye narodov SSSRO. Riga, 1960. (Baltic States-lootomio conditions) .--IAVROVSK&A, Ye.., red:.; SPORME, V., tekhn. red, (Soviet Baltic Republics in the fraternal family of Soviet peopleBl Sovetokaia PrIbaltiM v bratakoi semle narodwr SSMj materialy. Rigaj Latviiokoo goo, izd-yo. VOL4- 1960. 54 p, (MIRA 14ill) 1. Mezhreepublikanakiy seminar-soveshchaniye, Riga., 1960, (Baltic States-Economic conditions) DODONOV, Y.N.; TAVROVBXATA Te.y. Problem of epidemiology of rheumatism in children. Zhur.mikrobiol. epid. i immun. 27 no-12:50-54 D 156. (MIRA 10:1) 1. Iz Imfedry spidentologii I Moskovskogo ordens Lenin& maditsin- skogo in.stituta imeat Sechenova i datzkoy polikliniki Sverdlovskogo rayon&, .(RHIUMATIS9. in infant and child, spidemiol. (Run)) DODONOV., V.N.; TAVROVSKA-Y-A's Ye.V. Furthqr considerations on the epidemiology of rhe=atlc fever in chi:Ld:!-en. Zhur.mikrobiol.epid.i 1=1n. 31 no.21:136-141 N 160. (MIRA 14:6) 1. Iz Moskovskogo ordena Lenine, meditsinskogo instituta imeni. Sechenova i detskoy olikliniki Sverdlovskogo rayona. ~=TIC FEM) WMIMARp M*Ftoj_T~ # A*Ds At igm :&paws* MrA=trW rxhibition In ftwows lzmotokb* not:008-43 0 06% (MIRA M12) TAVROVSKIT, 1.14, Inzh. 10 --, mmmam"aw"mai." SoleatIng- cross sections for hollov roof panels to be subjected to incremied. loads. Bet. I zhol,-bet, .no,3ill9-120 Mr '58. (MIRA 11:3) (Roofing. aonorets) TAVROVSKIY. M. ff. Late results of gastric resection in complicated gastroontero- anastomosis. Khirurgiia no-7:59-60 JI '55 ()ff.'RA 8:12) 1. Glavnyy khirurg Stalinskoy zbelesnoy dorogi. Is khirurgi- cheskogo otdaleniya (zav.- K.Te. Berger) Dorozhnoy bollnitsy Stalinskoy zheleznoy dorogi (sav. K.A.Suvorova) (STOKACH' surg. gastrectomV partial, after in compl. of gastroentero- ftnastomosis$ (InTESTINES, SKALL, surg. gastroentercanastomoois, causing compl. partial gLetrectony) TAVROVSKlY.#_V,..A*;,, SHITARIT, I.S. Lm on the feeding habits of sables in northwestern Tak-atia, [with summary in Buglish). Zool. shur. 36 no,4r608-616 Ap '57. (MM 10:6) 1. Yakui;niciy filial Akadenii nauk SSSR. ,(Olenek District--Sables) (Animle, Food habits of) TAVROVSKIy.j VAS Ways Rf Increasing stocks of commercial fur-bearing animals In Takutia. ]Orobl.Sav. no.1:200-210 158. (141RA l1: 12) lo Yakutskly f III&I AN SMMo (Yakut ia-7ur,-b oaring animals) .11 TAVROVSKIY. V*A.,_;-IVANOV, D.U.; XCBNIIDV, N.A. First remults of reacclimatlzIng sables In the southern and eastern regions of Tskutia.- Trudy Inst,biol,IAFAN SSn no.4.- 3-49 19;8o (MIRA 11:11) (TWcutiar-Sables) TAVROVSKIY, V.A. Sable4 o! northweRtern Ya)mtla und vays of rffproduaing thoir vtocks for commercial hunting. Trudy Inst,blol, lj~kgf SSzilf no,4:5c)-:L42 158s (141ILt (Yakutia--Sables) TAMOVSKIY., V. A.., Doc Biol Sci (diss) -- "Sable in Yakutia and the problem of restoring useful reserves of it". Leningrad., 1959- 35 PP (Zool Inst of the Acad Sci 'USSR., Yakutsk Affiliate of the SiberianDept of the Aced Sci Tism), 150 copies (KL, No 21, 1959t 1.13) TAVROVSKIT, V.-k. Former distribution and numbers of sable In Takatia. Trudy Inst. biol.ILYAN SSSR no.6.-57-75 159. (MIRA 13:6) (TAKUTIL--SABLIS) TAWOVSKIT, V.A. . ......................................... --, Some questions Of the geographical TArISHOU In sables and the Wfitsmtic Position of nables In Takatl&, Trudy Just. biol,IJYA3F SSSR no.6t?6-96 159. (MM 13:6) (YAKUTIA-SOLES) YEGOROV# Oleg Vasillyevich; TAVROVSKIYO M.A." doktor biolog. naukp otv. red4 SABL.INAv T.Bap red*-f-zd-va; VOLKOVA9 V.V., tekbn, red, [Ecology and hunting of the Yalmt squirrel] Kkologiia i promysel iakutskoi belki. Mosk~raj Izd-vo Akad. nauk S=p 1961. 266 ~o (MIRA 14:8 (Yakutia-Squirrels) TAVROVSKIY, V.A. Effect of sables on the abundance of squirrels. Nauch. soob. SSSR jio.5:59-64 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Yakutia--Sables) (Yakutia--Squirrels) TAVROVSKIY, V.A.p doktor biol. nauk., otv. red.; BROVKINA, Ye.T., SABLINA, T.S., red. [Studies on the ecology., dynamics of abundance and diseases of mamnals of lakutia) Issledovaniia po ekologii) dinamike chislennosti i bolezniam mlekopitaiushchikh IAkutij. Mo- skvit, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 285 p. (KIRA 17: 6) 1. Akaiem-iya nauk. S&9R. Yakutskly filial, Yakutsk. Institut biologli. YEGOROV, Oleg Vasillyevich; TAVROVSKIY, V.A.,_otv. red.; N JKIETINA ~ 0. G. . r6d. ' [Wi'Id ungulates of Yakutia) Dikie kopytzjye lAkutil. Mos;cva, Nauka, 1965. 257 p. (FURA 19:1) TAVROVSKIY, V.11. Sarcons of the ileum. Khirurgiia Supplement:22-23 157. (KM 11:4) 1. Ix TSentral,lnoy bollaitay poselka Ieancye Kayakogo rayonn Kirovvkoy oblasti. (ILXII(--GANM) TAMVSKIY, V.M. Simultaneous nompenetrating rupture of the liver and right kidney. Xhiruz-giia 33 no-7:122 JI 157. (MIRA 10111) 1. Iz TSentrallnoy bollnitay poselko Lesuoye layekogo rayons Kir'ovskoy oblasti. (LIVAR--WOUDS AND IN"RINS) (KIDNITS-WOUNDS AND INJURIAS) TAVROVSKIY V.N:.; SRESTAKO'79 N.V. Use of the nev plasma substituiing solution Pelyrinal in pulmonary surgery, Proble tub* 40 no*6t68-71 162 (MIn 161l2) 1. Iz otdoleniya torskallnoy khirurgii Kirovakoge oblastnoge protivotubarkulemogo dispansara (glavnyy vrach - zvzluzhannyy vrach RSFSR-V.R. Zolptarevskiy) i filiala Leningradakoge nauchno- iasledqvatellvl~oge Jfstituta perelivaniya krovi v gorode Ki- rove (dir. - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR N.V.Shestakar). TAVROVSKIY, V.M. (Kirov., u1. K.Wrksa, d. 112/7, kv. 3.) Peridural aneethenia in eurgery, Veot.khir, 89 no.800-53 Ag 162. (MIRA 15-.10) 1. Iz khirurgichookogo otdoleniya ~pl.lnitzy pos. Lesnays Kirovskoy oblasti i otdelentya torakallnoy ldjj*jwgil. (zav. - V.M.Tavrovskiy) Kirovskogo oblastnogo protivotuborkuleznogo dispansera (g1. vrach - zasluzh. vrach RSFSR V.R.Zolotarevskiy). (SPINAL ANESTHESIA) TAVROVSKIY, V.M. (Kirov (obl.),, u1. K.Marks.. d. 112/7j, kv.3) Peridural anesthesia in chant Purgeryo(reoults of 400 opera- tiona), Omdn, khir, 5 no,30945 My-46163 (MIRA 17tl) I* lz otdeloniya torakallnoy khirurgii ( zav. V.M. Tavrovskiy) Kirovs:!cogo~blastnogo protivet~i).)orkule=,bgo-ciispansera (glav%- n-yy vrach zasluzhennyy vraclf RSFSR *AsSol6tarevskiy). TAVROVSKIY, V.M. Case of bilateral spontaneous valvular pneumothorax. Probl. tuberk. 41 no.2t72-73 163 (MM 17:2) 1. Iz otdcaleniya torakallnoy kh1rurgii ( zav. - V.M*Tavrovdci-y) Kirovskogo oblastnogo protivotubarkuleznogo dispansera (glav- nyy vrach - zasluzhennyy vrach MMR V.R.Zolotarevokiy). .TAVROVSKIY.,V.M. SHESTAKOVY III.V. Experience in the use of polyvinol in thoracic surgery. Veste khir. 70 no.6tl4-18 Je'63 (MIRA 16:12) 1, Iz khirurgicheskogo otdeleniya (zav. - V.M.Tavrovskly) Kirovskogo oblastnogo protivotuberkulezrogo dispansera (glavnyy vrach - zaaluzhennyy vrach RSFSR V.R. Zolotarevskiy i filiala-leningradskogo instituta parelivaniya krovi v gore Kirove (dir. - zasluzhannyy vrach RSFSR N.V.Shestakov). GTOSI[VIL":Jl V.; TA113HABLAII-Ep " L --Ill .1. 'rate I-SOJier. Trudy "Lil. -'-i' I"): us!--f,r tel L'~Eld ol -, to , 'r-. - I J 221-225 1 -'t *3 - ~ ~1'7 : -1 C I. TAWERIDZE, I.: ISHISHNIASHVILI, M.; MIKADZE. I. 01 the properties of peat of the Poti deposits in order to use it for the preparation of peat alkali reagents [in Georloan with eummmi7 in Russian]. Trudy Inst. khim. AN Gruz. SSR 11:71-76 '53. (KLRA 10:2) (Poti-Peat-Analysts) (Chemical tests and reagents) TAVY, Lajov, o1clevelen mernok Construction of the Delta Ftoject In the I'letherland5. Vlzu.-Vi koz! no.2:284-330 164. 1. Norther;:i Dunantul Vater Directorate, Gyor. I~kv IYEV9 A.9 in2h. ~onsitructing deep foundations of large power presses, Stroitell no* 3:9 Mr 161. (KCRA 14:2) (Foundations) '(Power presses) TAVIYEEV, Boris M-4tveyevich Or the "luestLon abnot IMedicn! A5:,-Ipmr,-,mts Townrris the Re-planninr nnd 1~ Organization of Pablic Servic,-.s of Stnte FIrm Vil ages of the Sir,;tov Reglon Dissertation for cnndidate of a Nelical Science degree. Saratov "OUSES", 1954 SHUSTSMU, I.B., dotBent; TAVIYAV, B.M., Some problems in preventing cowtunicable diseases in the area of wastelsind and virgin soil reclamatione aigs i sans 22 n0-7:49-52 JI 157,. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Iz rwaratovskoy oblastnoy sanitarno-epidemiologichaskoy stanteii (COHMNICABLI DISIASXS, preventioa and control, in Russia, in area of reclamation of wastelands & virgin soils (Run)) FMROVA, W.I.; TAVOYNTs B.Mo; HWANTS11VA, Ye.y. Speoil,'ic vaccination against q favor. Zhur. toilcrobiol, 'apidr I 4"Mm 29 no.8:1754VA9 158. (mm 11:10) le Iz Instituta spideniologil i mikrobiologii imeni GlawAlei ANN SM i Sars.tovskoy oblastuoy sanitarno-ep idemlo log ichaskoy stanteii. (q FIM, prov. &-control. Va0c. (fts)) FEDOROVA, N.I.; TAVIYEVj B.M.; RUMYMSEVA, Ye.V. Studien on the duration of postvaccinal Immmity in Q fevqr. Zhurm~;krobiol.epid.i irmin. 31 no.Y:30-32 S 160. (MIRA 13: -U) 4' 1. Iz 7nstituta epidemiologii i mikrobiologii imeni Gamalei,AMN SSSR i Saratovskoy oblastnoy-sanitarnc>;.epidemidiogicheakoy stAntsii, (Q FEVER) TAVIYEy, B.M.; MALYSHEVA, M.N. Some epidemiological characteristics of an outbreak of anthrax in one of the state farms in Saratov Province. Zhur. mikrobiol.0 epid. i immun. 40 no.6z129 Je 163. (KMA 17:6) 1. Iz Saratovskogo oblastnogo otdcla zdravookhraneaiya i oblastnoy sanitarno-opidemiologicheskoy stantsii. TAV22S, Radovan SuggestiGns for the standardization of the empownts of vact-rm devices. Nova prozv 13 no.1:15-17 162. FALKIEWICZ., A.; TAWLAS,-U.-- A contribution to the pathogenesis of constant auricular flutwr. Kardiol. pol. 6 RO-3:181-183 163. 1. Z II Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM we Wroclaviu Kierownik: prof. dr A. Falkiewics, (AURICULAR FLUTTER) TAWL45, Iliko.-, CHKINSKA, Zofia; Jozef 2 cases of nephrcgenic pol7cythmiia. Fol. arnh. 35 no.B.-1295-23CO 165. 1. Z 11 Kliniki Chorob Wevnetrznyeh AM we Ulroclawiu 'Fiervww- nlk3 prof. dr. med. A. Falkiewlev). BRATKb'WSKA-SENIOWf Parbara; DOKTORCZYK, Henr7k QT:2~~ Clinical aspects of pleural endothelioma. Pol. tyg. lek.. IS no.10:361-367 /+ Mr 163. 1, Z II KUniki Chorob Wownetrznych AM we Wroclaviu; kierownik: prof. dr A. FaWevioz. (PL,guRAL mnasms) (msonmuom) FALKIEWICZ, A.1 TAWLAS, N. Transitory block of the bundle of His observed during the span of 9 years. Kardiol. Pol. 7 to.3t225-227 J 164. 1. Z :rI Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych Akademil Medycznej we Wroclawiu (Kierowniki prof. dr A. Falklewicz), FALKIEWICZ, Antonil TAWLASs Jqikosj ZUKOWSXI, Wojciecb. - On canes of variable ventricular repolarization, Pol. arch. med.werwnet. 34 no.3057-361 164 1. Z I-I Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych M we Wroclawiu; kierov- nikt AsFalkiewiaw. rNrIA It, VAJDA, 11yula, TOTH, Jozsef, Hungarian State Railways Hospital A41 (clirector: 00, L. Central Laborat i IC o "I ind III Section of IM dicine (Ma-yar Allanivasutak Korhazn, !!ozporiti Laboratorium es II. Balt',yogyaszati Cszt~iy), Budapest. "Simultaneous Determination of Frythro- and Leukocytotropines in Vivo." Budapest, Acta Vicrobiolovica Acatic-miae Scientiarurn Hunparicae, Vol X111, NO 2, 1966-, pages 127-132. Abstract: CCnelish article, authors' Fn.glish summary modified] A new not'nod. has been wcrked out for the simultaneous determination of erythro-and leuko- cytotropines in vivo. Mixtures consisting of 0.5 ml of the diluted serum to be tested, 0.25 ml of 10 ~,' ~.rythrocyte suspension of conformint; blood group and 0.25 ml of a 20,0C0 per cubic mm, leukocyte suspension are adminisiered to 3 mice. After ') hours p-pritoneal exudate smears are examined for the presence and. percentage of erythro- and leukophao.ocytosis. A positive reac- -1 by phagocytosis observed in more tion is indicatec than 3 Od 0? the mouse leukocytes. In a series consisting of 25 cases of immunohematological dis- orders, erythropha~:ccytosis could be detected in 14 cases, leukophaeocytosis in 9 cases and simultaneous er, .rthro-leukophagocytosis in 9 instances. Paral- lel in vitro tests disclosed the presence of antibodies against ery-throcytes in 12, a-ainst leukocytes in 5 and against both in 4 cases. The testing of 20 control subjects yielded uniformly np;rativp results. The method can be used for the detection o-f haterocyto'kropines, complete and incomplete auto- antibodies,bcth as a direct and as an indirect reaction. 4 Hungarian, 21 1/1 western references. [manuscript received 6 Nov 65-1 ALEKSEYEV, A.S.; DOZOROV, V.A.; TAY, M.L. Use of wialog computers for obtaining nonlinear functions. 17V. vys. uch,eb. zav.; radiofiz. 4 no.4:782-78) 61. (MIRA 14:11) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy fiziko-tekhnicheskly institut pri GorIkovskom universitete. (Electronic analog computers) (Differential equations) KATARITAYEVSKAYA;, A.A.; TAYBAGAROVp S.Ye.; VALIKOVSKAYA, L.S. Change in the -Acroflora of tonsils under the influence of conservative treatment. Zdrav. Kazakh* 23 noo2t 67-69163. (MIRA 16:10) I& Iz lazakhokogo instituta epidemiologii,, mikrobiologii i gi- giyeny i kafedry bole=ey ukh, gorla i nosa (zav. - of. B.V.Ye:Lantsea) Kazakhskogo meditsinskogo instituta. FlNqauchnyy rukovoditelt( prof. M.M.Zhumatov). ;OIISIIS-MICTOBIOWGY) 1*?.,,)',,,,,,'!, 0%, ill I b - k ~ , ,.- . F. veci. red t oondi governing the format Ic, n of PJ'AfOrr,tMO teetonic n true tures I IFi,.-.Ikc-mekhanIchei3kio u3lovila obrazovaniia tektordchr~~;klkh struktur platformennogo tipa. Le- riingrad, Nodra, J,,~65- 83 P. (RIPA 18.-8) CHULANOV, G.Ch., doktor ekon. prof.; KISELEVA, L.I.; ZHUBANOVA, Z.G.;_ZA~LBI~~OL_;J-q.,; DZHAKSALIYEV, B.M.; ISHMUKHAMEDOV, B.M.; CHECHELEVA, T.V.; KU2ZIETSOV, Yu.N.,, red.; POGOZHEV, A.S.., red.; ROROKIVA, Z.P., tekhn. red. [Essays Dn the history of the national economy of the Kazakh S.S.R.] Ocherki istorii narodnogo khoziaistva Kazakhskoi SSR. Alma-Atap Izd-vo AN Kaz.SSR. Vol.3. [June 1941 to 19451 Runt 1941 goda - 1945 god. 1963. 4^99 p. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Akademiya nauk Kazakhskay SSR, Alma-Ata. Institu+,, ekonomiki. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN Kaz.SSR (for Chulanov). ,r.*tm;Kov , K. 'to. -,-- I A transporLi tion problem in ilnear progralurdng. Ves t. -'N Kazakh. SSR. 19 n0-8:21-31 Ag 163. (MIRA 17:7j TAYBEKOY ... Ye.V.; SAIZUKOV, P.A. _1Y _- _, (Measures for increasing the feed supply in Kazakhstan] Puti rasshireniia komovoi bazy v Kazakhstane. (By] P.A.Saliukov i dr. Alma-Atal Kazakhakoe gos. izd-vop 1959, 3865~. NIIRA 15:5) (Kazakhstan-Forage plant KUPERMAN, V.L., J.rjzh.; OBREZKOV, S.S., inzh.; ERISTOV, V.S., red.; BOBRITSKIY9 M.M., Inzh., red.; MOSTKOV, V.M., inzh., red.; K,ZANOV, K.A., inzb., red.; TAYCHER S.L., inzh., red.; KC,RNIIDV, A.M., red.; LARION (Design and construction of hydraulic tunnels and under- ground hydroelectric power stations) Proektirovanie i so- oruzhenie gidrotekhnicheskikh tunnelei i pGdzemnykh GES; materialy sovesbehaniia. Moskva, Gosenergoizdat, 1963. 231 P. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademii stroitel'stva i arkhi- tektury =R (for Eristov). (Hydroelectric power stations) TAYEV, I.S. I lumd.teklm.nauk ------ Investigation of extinction pr, ocesses of an open a.c arc* Blektrichestvo no.4157-63 Ap 60. iKLU 14:4) 1. Mool:ovskiy energeticheskiy institute (Electric are) TIYEV, 1'.S,,-kand,tekhn.nauk; NESTEROV9 G.G., inzh* A.C, am quenching processes in an are-suppression grid, Vast, elektroproa. 32 no.6355-W Je 1619 (MIRA 160) (Electric are) SIMOIENKOP M.V,.; BEWUSOVP N.N.; STABMT111p Ye.A.; TAVIYEVA9 S.M. Altimi nm allo7s instaad of bronw in gas plug cocks. d7ai.--prca.- 6 no. 1:27-31 161. (MIR& 3J,:1) (Gas distribution) 4 FiOLAND BRATKOU'SKA-SENIOW, Barbara, DOKTOROZYK, Honryk, ond TAWLASI_ k Second Clinic of Internal Diseases (II Klinik-a-CH-o-_ _-Xikos. ro_b_-Ve_wnetrznych). AM (Akademia Medyozna, Medical Academy] In Wroclaw (Directort Prof. Dr. A. FALKIEWICZ) "Clinical Picture of Pleural Endothelioma. Report of 10 Cases." Warsaw, Polski Tygodnik Lekarski,,"Vol 18, No 10, 4 Mar 63, PP 361-316-7. Abstraci;: [Authors' English summary modified] Review of the litorature and study of '.-10 cases, with description of clinical. course and special attention to intravital diagno- sis. Symptoms prevalent ih Aiffuie-'fom of disease are given, and difficulties in diagnosi6g atypical course are discussed. Attention is drawn -to the large amount of pleu- ral fluid and its oharacteristic contents, Hyaluronic acid test is helpful in tho diagnosis.' Proper diagnosis requires chock of both presence of characteristic clinical symptoms allti pleural liquid examination. Of the 13 references, 7 are Polish, one (1) Russian, 2 English.,and 3 French. TAX, Josef- SVI)BODA, Zdanek -, Prognosis of diabetic coma. Can. Isk. cask. 96 n0-23:713- 716 7 June 57. 1. 11. Internt oddelent nemocnice Bulovky v Prase 8. prednosts. doc. Dr. R. Folt. J.T., Praha-Bulovka. (IDIABMS MELLITUS, co-mpl. Cora, progne (C%)) TAX, J.; FOIT, R. Sympathicoblastoma with simultaneous adrenogenital syndrome. Cas. lak. cesk. 96 no.42:1342-1)45 18 Oct 37. 1. IL Interno oddelani namooniae na Bulovas Y Frase VIII, prodnosta doo. Dr R. Poit. J. T., PrelaODulovkiL. (SYKMTHIGOBIASTOMA, compl. adranogenital synd. (Gs)) (AMENOGENITAL SYNDROME, compl. sympathiaob last omaL (0s)) DOBIAS, Jaroolav; JANOTA, Otalmr; TAX, Joeof Spinal cord abscesoon. Cook. neur. 22 uo-3t203-209 may 59. 1. Patologickoanatomicke odd. prednosta prim. dr. Viklicky Neurologicke odd., prednosta prof.Ar. 0. Janota II. interni odd., pred2osta prof. Ar. R. Poit. (SPIML CORD, abscess, case reporto (Cz)) TAY$ M.r. k0 Mrin y n.-. tu t TAYP M.1 . Condition2 of conjugation for the probability, density -,f transitions in a multidimensional 1AArkov process. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; radlofiz. 8 no.4:834-836 165. WRA 19:0~) 1. Nauchno-lssledovatellskiy IL'iziko-t,Pkhn!ch(!:-,k.1y insfiUit prft Corlkwinkon, unJ.verqItF-.te. --r ,x- Y- THAN, 11 Now data on the geology, of tfie granite-porpbM and granite-diorite intrusion of the Magri pluton. Izv.AN Arm. SSR. Geol.i geog.nauki 16 no.3177-86 163. (MIRA 17s2) 1. Institut geologichookikh nauk AN Arxyanskoy SSR. KOCHARYAN, V.G.;,T~YAN, R.N. Direetton of movements in the zone of the Debaklins-kiy fault. IZv. AN Arm.SSR. Geolsi geog.nauki 16 no.4/507-88 163. (KIRA 16:12) 1. Institut goologichookikh nauk AN Armyanskoy SSR* TAYAR, I. Some problems related to thorough mechanization of Bmall sea fish processing. P 9 REVISTA INDUSTRIM AIMOMARE. PROIXJSE ANDIA IE. (Miniaterul Indu3triei Bunuftlor do Cowum si. Sindieatul Muncitorilor din Industria, Bunurilor do Consum) Bucuresti, Rumania. Vole 6, no. 10, 1958. Monthly Ust of East European Accessions (EM) LC. Vol. 8, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Uncl. NOVIKOV, Grigorl.y Fedorovichj KAPKOV, Yuriy Nikolayevich; IVANOV, N.A., retsenzent; SMYUKOVA, A.S., retsenzent; GORBUSHMAI L.V., retsenzent; ZLIUS, D.F.0 retsenzent; TAFEYEV, G.P.) nauchn. red.; TAYBASHEVA, A.N., ved. red. (Radioactive methods of prospecting] Radioaktivnye metody razvedki. Leningrad, Nedrap 1965. 758 P. (MIRA 19:1) USSR General and Special Zoology. Insects. P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 4, 1958, 16472 Author Taybulfak~~Y~~ Inst- :"~ ~',_e of Entomology and Phytopathology Academy of Sciences Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Title The effectiveness of the introduction of Hex- achlorane into the Beds at the Planting of Beets for Control of the Beet Weevil in the Kolkhozes of Belotserkov rayon, Kiev oblast (Effectivnost, vneseniya heksachlorana v ryadki pri poseve svekly dlya bor'by so sveklovichnym dolgonosikom v kolkhozakh Belotserkovskogo raiona Kievskol oblasti) Orig Pub: Nauchn. tr. In-ta entomol. I fitopatol. AN UkSSR 1956, 7, 109-111 Abstract: A mixture of 25% HCCH [hexachlorane] dust and min- eral fertilizers was deposited at the bottom of Card 1/3 USSR / General and Special Zoology. Insects. P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 4, 1958, 16472. Abstract: furrows 5-7 cm dee , drawn with a cord and dug with a hoe on 24 mF plots. After that the furrows were covered with earth to a depth of 3-4cm and the seeds were sown. In another experiment the seeds were treated before sowing b the same dust suspen- sion ( 6 kg/c and water 70 IM The introduc- tion Into the soil of HCCH did not secure the sufficient toxicity of the young sprouts, and the beetles died as a result only of the seeds having been treated before the sowing. With an increase in the 11CCH outlay introduced Into the soil (6 kg/, 8 kg/ and 12 kg/hectare) the number of larvae decreased correspondingly, while those that remain- ed alive fell behind in their develo ment. In production experiments (600 hectares~ a mixture of HCCH and mineral fertilizers was introduced into Card 2/3 35 USSR / General and Special Zoology. Insects. P Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 4, 1958, 16472 Abstract: the beds during the planting with a beet sowing machine. In experiments on three kolkhozes an average of 63% of the weevils (43% in the control) died of I'muscardine"; the number of hibernating beetles decreased by 35%. Card 3/3 TAYCIMR, I. rw In searal-i of a store. Vympel 11 no,21:17 2 'LRI. (Oamanngrapbic research) OaRA 1~-:q) - T. -- 19830 TAYCHER, I Volny-s'-ul(ptory (oprelelniye proshlykh urovney kasp. morya). Ill. B. Ognev. 7okrug sveta. 1949, No 6. s. 55-57 g. Geografiya. Krayevedenlye (ekonomicheskaya geografiya-sm. takzhe VIII, 1 1 VIII, 3;IX, 2 1 IX, 3) SO: LETOPIS ZHURNAL STATKf - No., 27, Moskva, 1949 7- // Y (~ IJ /T - /Y /. TAYGHBI I ma UPMUWW- During a long voyage. Zdoroyle 3 no.7!15 J1 '57. (HLRA 10:8) (MBDICINE, NAVAL) '\. TAYCHER, Ie Prospecting capacity of a rain drop. Tekh,mol, 29 no.3:13 161. (KMA 14:3) (prospecting) S~- Ilk