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45163-66 _ ETdT( '- d ~/Z- JJP(C) ACC N" AP6027521 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0317/66/000/005/0036/0039 AUTHOR:' Tenen, D., (Colonel); Prosin, N., (Colonel) 46, ...............- ORG: none TITLE: Training equi2ment \b(/ SOURCE: Tekhnika i vooruzheniye, no. 5, 1966, 36-39 TOPIC TAGS: training equipment, logic circuit, military trair~ing ABSTRAC7: A description and specifications are given of a trainer designed for both group and individual training of military personnel in subjects programmed beforehand. The trainer is a set of electromechanical and radio engineering logic circuits providing simultaneous control of the rate at which the material is master- ed. The trainer operates under four regimes: group training with an instructor, group training without an instructor, group and indiv-idual control, and, finally, individual training. A block diagram, circuits, and an overall view of the device are given in the original article. [DWI SUB CODE: 091 SUBM DATE: none/ Card 7~ A- TEITENTBitUx, A.B., kand.okon.nauk 1.$-. Productlon and conausption undoir socialilln. Trudy K~ar',Inzh.- Pkon.inst. 9:5-23 157. (HIIIA 12:6) (boonomics) ARTEMENKO, G.P.[Artemenko, H.P.1; VORONINA, O.F.; SEVEYKIN, M.S.; FILONICH, V.S.[Filonych, V.S.); NOSACH, I.P.; CHULKOV, T.G.[Cbulkov, T.H.1; TEVENAU!-', A.B.OniOlKO, I.S. (Kyforenko, I.S.]) red.; LEVCIMKO, O.K., tekhn. red. [Work incentives in the period of the large-Beale building of communism] Styrliliuvannin pratsi v poriod rozhornutoho budivrWtstva ko=nizmu. Kylv, Derzhpolitvydav URSR, 1964. 166 p. (MIRA 17:3) 1. Sotrudniki kafedry politicheskoy ekonomii Kharkovskogo inzhenerno-ekonomicheskogo instituta (for all except Kiforenko, Levchenko). TENENBAUM, A.E.; GUREVICII, I.L.; BREZHNEVO A.I. Producing courmarone-indene resins and their use in industr-f. Nefteper. i neftekbim. no.8:16-18 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. M03kovsk-iy ordena. Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akad. Gubkina. TERENBAU-M, I.L.; BIL2HIL-M, A.I. Obtaining coumarone-indene res:L--s t-he py-zolosis prod=,--~s of Petroleum fractions. Nefteper. i neftek-hi;-,,. no.9:26-27 164. (MIRA 17:10) 1. I-loskovskiy ovdana Trudovogo Z~rasnogo Zriwaoni institut neftekhimi- che3koy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. 6:ad. Gubkina. ~;; -- ------------- KURILICHIKOV, Te.A.; TEIMMAUM, A.L.; LIPINSKIY, S.P.,- IAVROVA, I.N. Spinning of staple fiber without guide-pulle7. Khim.volok. no-5:38-41 159. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Veecoyuzu" nauchno-isoledovatel'Bkiy institut iskusetvennogo volokna, (VNIIV). (Rayon spinning) MTMAUM, Barbara (Warszawa, ul. Oczki 6. IV Klin. Ghor. Wewn. A. M.) Treatment of ventrianlar tachvenrdia with the procaine amide pronestyl. Polski tygod. lek. 13 no.2:51-56 13 Jan 58. 1. Z IV Kliniki Chorob Vewnetrznych A. M. w Waresawie kierownik: prof. dr med. Melaw Askanas. (TAGHTCARDIL. ther. procaine amide in ventric. tachycardia (Pol)) (PROGAINZ AXIIII, ther. use ventric. tachycardia. (Pol)) SLUCKA, Cecylia; TENENBAUM, Barbara Rhy-thm of the coronar7 sinus. Polski tygod.lek. 15 no.12:425- 428 21 Ur 160. 1. Z IV Klinild Chorob Vownetrznych A.M. v Warazawie- klerownik: prof.dr med. Z. Askwias. (MU33T physiol.) MURCZAK, Jerzy; UNRIBALIM', Dar.bara_ Immuno-electrophoretic studies on arteriosclerosis with the use of the antinerum "arteriosclerooic". Pootepy hig. med. donw. 15 n0-5; 599-606 161. 1. Z IV Kliniki Chorob Wewnotrznych MAY Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr Z.Askanan, (ELECTROPHORM, IS) (AnERIOSCLI-1106 15 (1144um. Sums) TENENBAUM, Barbara Cancer of the paxereao similating general infection. Pol6ki tygvd. lek, 16 no,25:959-961 19 Js 161o 1. Z IV Kliniki. Chorob Vewmetrsnych, A.M. v Waresavis; kierovaik., prof. dr Z. Askanam. (PANCREAS neoplaam) TENMBAUM14,_krbara;--MAZURCZAK, Jerzy Attempted clinical evaluation of atheroeoleroaiB with the use of the 4-tinoelectrophoretic test. Polskie arch. mad. vown. 31 no.8:1085-; 1092 161. 1~ 7, IV Klinlkl4Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Warozavie Kierownik: prof. dr mad. Z. Aakanas. (ARTERIOSCLEROSIS blood) (BLOOD PROTEINS) TENENBAUM, Barbara; HART11-ULKOWSU, Narcyza; RUKSZA.11, Ldwurd; CHODKOWSKA, S todra-rff 67 - - - A case of Recklinghausen's disease with parathyroid adenocarcinora. Endckr. pol. 13 no-4:501-510 162. 2. IV Klinika Chorob Wownetrznych AM v Warszawio Kiorownik., prof. dr Z. Askamas Zaklad Radiologii Lekarskiej AM w Warszawie Kicrownik: prof. dr W. Zawadowski Oddzial Torakochirurgii Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warszawle Kiorownik: prof. dr L. Mantouffel Zaklad Patologii Instytutu Gruzlicy w Warszawie Kierownik: r f dr S. Chodkowska. (OSTEITIS FIBROSA~ 0 ' (PARATHYROID NEOPLASMS) (ADENOCARCINOMA) - - - - - - - - - - 0- TENE NBAM4,-jwx1araj_ 11AZURGZAK, Jerzy; UHSYN-NIE~ MCEWICZ, Witold Immuno-olectrophoretic studies on acute-phase proteins. Pol. arch. med. wewnet. 32 no.6t597-604 162. 1. Z IV Kliniki Chorob Wewnetrznych A14 w Warszawie Kierownik: prof. dr med. Z Askanas i z Kliniki Gj-uzlicy Flue A14 w Dialymstoku Kierownik: doe. dr mod. W. Pregowski. (C REACTIVE PROTEIN chom) (ELECTROPHORESIS) Barbara MAZURCZAK, Jorzy;. 14ITBAUM Value of armno-electrophore tic test in the diqPosis Of early, stages of atherpoclerosis. Pol. arch. med. wevnet. 32 no.8:957-964 162. 1. Z IV Kliniki Chorob Vownetrznych AM v WarszAAe Kierownik: prof. dr med. Z. Askana . (IMMUNCELECTROPHORESIS) (ARTERIOSCLERWIS) jPOLAIND MAZURCZ,NC, Jerzy, and ASKANAS, Alelcsan- der; Fourth Clinic of Internal Diseases (IV Klinika Chorob 'kl.'o;vnotrznych) , AM [Alcadomia 'eledyczna, Medical Academy] in Warsaur (Director: Prof. Dr. Z. ASKkXAS) "Im:,.iunoeloctrophorotic Studies of the Serum and Aortal Wall Extracts of Deceased Persons." blarsaw, Poste2y Higieny i Medycyny Doswiadezalnej, Vol 17, No 3, 63, Pp )55-1J059. Abstract: The investigation -- a continuation of a series attempting to determine whother biological changes occur- ring in sclerosis originate in the blood or in the walls of the blood vessels -- deals with the study of the factor responsible for a third line of precipitation in immuno- clectrophoretic tests. It was established that it also ap- pears in extracts of the aorta of deceased sclerotic pa- tients, but since it is more discernible in the blood, the assumption is made that it originates there and -- under certain circumstances -- passes into the wall of the ves- sels. 1here are 13 references, of which 3 are Polish, Itwo in German, and eight are Western. A 171 TENENBAUMI Barbara I------- - Antigenic piqtper".ies of C-reactive proteins frm patients with differont diseases. P61. arch. mod. wewn. 33 no.2tl55-160 163. 19 Z IV K2iniki Chorob Wewnetrznych AM w Warozavie Kierowniks prof. dr med. Z. Askamuts. (C-REACTIVE PROTEIN) (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT) (PNEUMONIA) (IM14UNOELECTROPHORESIS) (ANTIGENS) ASKANAS, Zdzislaw; MALANOWICZ,, Wieral MAZURCZAKy Jerzy) TENENBAUM, Barbara; ZAMBROWICZ, Krystyna. Evaluation of the activity of heparinoids in vivo and in vitro. Pol. tyg. lek. 20 no.33sl237-1240 16 Ag 165. 1. Z IV Kliniki Charob We,,metrznych AM w Warstawis (Kisrownik: prof. dr. med, Zdzislaw Askanaa). T F IIN, Barlbar a Irca-liza7doP of C-reaetdve prote-'r. Fol. arch. med. we-wmet. 35 no.6:831-834 165. j. 7 IV Klinlki Chorob liewnetr7mych Akademli Vndycznej w lelurszawie (Kierovnik: prof. dr. med. 7. Askan:,,.3). MCHKALOV. A.1. (Nizimly Tagil); TENENBAUMp B.Ya. (Nizhniy TaRil) Increasing the re2dabilitY of the basic car parts. UAI,dor.transp 47 nn.1008-41 0 165. (MIRA i8110) I' Glavw konstruktor Urallskogo vagonostroitallnogo zavvda (for Rechkalorv)IN 2. Nachallaik laboratorii Urallskogo vagonostroitell- nogo zavoda (for Tenenbaum), TEMBAU1. F.N. [Glass fiber and glass plastic; bibliographic index of Russian and foreign books and periodical articles for 1959-19601 Stekliannoe volokno i stekloplastiki; bibliograficheakii ukazatell otechestven- noi i inostrannoi knizhnoi i zhurnallnoi literatury za 1959-1960 gg. Y,oskva, Otdel nauchno-tekhn. informataiij, 1961. 162 p. (MIRk 14:12) 1, Voesoy-uzrqy nauchno-isaledavatellskiy institut steklyannogo vololma. (Bibliograpby-Glass fibers) (Bibliograpby--Glass reinforced plastics) L 45402-66 EVIr (d) IJP(c) SOURCE CODEI 616WA ACC NR. AR60166ig -f -i6A~i~, Woo-0/012/B 3 1 1; AUTHORS: Ushkalov, V. F.; Tenenbaum, E. X* ",6 TITLEs On the determin tion of thej~jqpj~%JgW r matrices on the digital computer "Ural-1 Is I SOURCE: Ref, zh. Matematikal Abe. 12B614 UP SOURCEt Tr. Dnepropetr. in-ta inzh. zh.-d. tranap. vyp- 53, 1964t 68-74 TOPIC TAGS s eigenvalue, numeric solution (V-1 'Ak ~-Gt&R'Aer (.0A - k k 0A ~tl zo"'iP e C- ABSTRACT: Precise methods are investigated for determining the eigenvaluea of real nonsymmetric matrices, applied to the digital computer "Ural-l". The method of borderingg which is insensitive to particular singularities of matrices, is recom- mended for preliminary computation of the coefficients of the characteristic polynoxii %(;k) of matrices up to tenth order. The method. is based on direct computation of the coefficients of the polynomial Pk(A) of the bordered matrix Akk from the known coefficients of the polynomial Pk-1 (~) of the bordered matrix Ak-i,k-i- A block- scheme is given for progrannin computations by the given method for the coefficients of (709 composed in the operation of a floating point. Numerical methods are Pk U described for finding roots of the characteristic equation Pn(A) - 0' A brief Card 1 L 45402-66 kod-N-gi-AR60T66-ig 0.1 discruesion is given of the methods of Lobachevskiy, Bernoulli, and Xhichkok. A I I block-scheme is given for programming computations of roots of a n-th degree algebraic equation using Khichkok's method. It in noted that simultaneous use of the method ol bordering for determining the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial and the method of Xhichkok allows rapid and rather precise finding of all eigenvalues of a real nonsymmetric matrix up to tenth order on the digital computer "Ural-111. BibliograPhY 5 titles* I. Shelikhova, ZTranslation of sbetr&W SUB CODE% 12 110% he AUTHORS: Posik, L.N., Tenenbaum, I.M. 89-7-5/32 TITLE: The Application of a Special Apparatus for Express Analysis of Mined Orex by Means of r -Radiation (Primeneniya opetsial'noy apparatury dlya ekspreas-analizov dobytykh rud po /--izlucheniyu) PMIODICALt Atomnaya Energiya, 1957, Vol- 3, Nr 7, pp. 28-35 (USSR) ABSTRACT: For the operative computation of the amo=t ana the quality of the mined ores and of the production in various containers (wgons. trucks, chests) and also for the separttion of the rook enriched with uranium, the filling material, etc. , the FKC device (station- control radiometer) is widely used. The present paper describes these devices an well as the mining-biological conditions for their use. Also theme problems are mentioned which can be solved by means of this device. FrDm the point of view of the rational applioation of the devices PKC I end PKC 2 for the opemtive calculation of mining for the estimation of prt;duotion, and for measures to be taken against loss of metal as well as against the impoverishment of the ore, all ore mines can be subdivided into two grouP4: 1.) Such with a a-ar7 working of the ore, 2.) Such with seleo- Card 1/2 tive working of the ore. In mines with zummry working the entire The Application of a Special Apparatus for Express Analysis of Mined Ores by Means of r -Radiation 89-7-5/32 operative calculation of the mined ore and of the ore destined for oonmerce is based upon the r -express analyses of the entire mine quantity in wagona and tTucka by means of the FKC-2 devices. In the case of selective working estimation of the mined ore is car- ried out with thePKC-i devices. This calculation serves as a basis for the deteratination of the mined quantities in the case of hydro- thermal vein-like deposits with rich ore bodies of amll thickness. Also the express analysis of rich commercial ores is carried out by means of devices of the PKC-1 type. By means of the devices F.KC-2 it is possible not only to determine the activity of ores and their nature in an opamtive manner in the individual containers, but also to automatize the tedious woric of sorting-in and dis- charging from trucks. There are 8 figures, 1 table, and 3 refereno- es, 3 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: October 9, 1956 AVAIIABLE: Library of Congress 1. Radiometers - Applications 2. Cras (Radionctive) Card 2,/2 Analysis - Equipment 3. Mining enqtneering - USSR TENENBAUMP I.M. Use of the radiometric method in the prospecting and working of uranium deposits. Trudy MRI 36:125-136 159. (MIRA 15:5) (Radioactive'prospecting) (Uranium ores) PRTROV, G.I.; KUTIRMT, M.V.f-2ZEMMM.-j.M.; UVSMVI, L.S.-O KONSrANTINOV, N.M., nauchnyy red. [deceased]; ISHA-10KIN, V.L., naucbnyy ;~d.j- SURAZHSKIT, D.Ya., nsuchnyy red.; UVOWHIKOVA, A.I.0 red.; KAZIMO, Te.I., [Nethods of geological and geophysical exploration and control in uranium mines] Hatody gsologo-geofizichaskogo obalushivanila uranovykh rudnikov. Koskvs, Izd-vo Goo.kon-ts Boysta Ministrov SSSR-po ispoltzoveniiu stomnoi anargii, 1960. 217 P~ (MIRA 13:10) (mining geology) (Uranium ores) AUTHORS: TITLE: S/089J62/012/006/016/019 .9102/B104 ','~;"Iov, F. V., T nenbaum, I. M. ,2 Systematic errors of gamma-ray assaying and possible means to eliminate them PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 6, 1962, 533-536 T'E'XT: The systematic errors occurring in the process of measuring the .ramma-ray intensity (in gr/hr) of ores and its conversion to uranium equilibrium per cents (cf. Shashkin, Atomnaya ener3iya, .71, No. 1, 461 No. 2, 157, 1957) are est-Imated. From a comparison of the results of gamma-ray and "Groove cnsayingll for 4'rive uranium dep;sits, it can be seen that the first :t=t~.wd yitAds values which are higher by 27-133p-'- For pay ores the valuee agrae within 3-9/6, and for rich ores gamma-ray assaying shows a 6-53,; s,,slematic depression of the values. In order to C'et reliable accuracj .sti7~ates stich comparisons were made for 1166 different samples from five uines and for 46 samples from four mines of one deposit with impregr,,;.t,~d oru. 2he effects which lead to the raised-values in gamma-ray asaaying were analyzed. The actual content of uranium can be Card 112 6/089/62/012/OC6/016/019 Systematic drrors :,f gamma-ray ... P,102/BI04 determined lrom ti,,e ni;rves of the above-mentioned comparison. There are 4 fi.-ures. SUB;,,NTED: October.28, 1961 Card 2/2 TEMENBAUM L A. PHASE I BOCK EXPLOITATION 807/6012 Akademiya Asuk SSSR. Institut avbczatW,l telkm164alki. Avtomatlohaskoye regullrovanlye I upraylenlyo (Autagatio Regulation Errata ellp and Cqntrol) Xoscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1962. .526 p. inserted.' , 1 9000 copies printed. j - Rasp. 94A Ya. Z. Taypidn, Pro4sesorp Doctor of Technical goieno a) Ed. of Publishing Houses Ye. M. Gri orlyev) Tech, Ed.s' 1. Dorokh4n&. PURPOSE% This book 1h Intenored for scientific research workers and engineers-goncerned with - tmatlon. Au COVERAUEs The book Is;'& collection o4 articles opnisisting.of papers delivered At the 7th.QbnfereFWG of jJtiuiog Scientists of the Insti- USSR h anlos,_ Aoadenw of Balances tute OD. Aut*tlon and Telembo , hold in'Nard1s,1960. Alwide range of scientific and technical ' ' omatio regulation-and control In covered. questionB relating to Aut Card 1/12 Automatic Regulation (Cont.) SOV/6012 The articles are organ~z:sd in seven sections, including automatic control systeme, automatic process control, computing end decision- mnkin devices, automation components and,dayloom, statisiloal methods ir. automation, theory of relay circuits and finite auto- matio systems, and automated electric drives. No porsonalitis are mintioned. References art given at the end of each artiol:, TANJ OF CONTEXTS t PART Io AUTOKATIC CONTROL MTW Andrayohikov, D. 1. 2hi effect of dry friction and slippage [play] on error during rovers* gear operation of sorwo- food symtwo Androychikov, B. 1. Dynazilo accuracy of machine tools with progranoied control 14 Card 2/12 Automatic Rem,-,'J-#tion (Cont.) SOV16012 Rozovskiy, A. L. Contactless pulse-code telemetry system Silayev, V. N. A-programming computer for automating type-easting [linotypej machine composition e--Tenenbaum., L. A.,~ Effect of flapper speed on the charac- ~__---ter"Uos_of-a nozzle-flapper type valve element PART V, STATISTICAL METHODS IN AUTOMATION Gadzhiyev, M. Yu. Optimal retuning of the carrier fre- quencies of useful signals and noise studied in the light of games theory Kochetkov, Ye. S. Estimates of the simplest statistical characteristics of stationary random processes Nappellbaum, E. L. Detection of a useful signal against a background of non-Gaussian noises Card 9/12 342 349 360 370 375 382 S/271/63/OW/O04/OCr:,/045 TITLE: Conceiming the L-ifluence of damping speed on the characteristic of the "nozzle-damper" element PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Avtomatika, telmekhanika i vychislitellna~-a tekhnika., no. 4, 1963, 13, abstract 4A77 (Avtoniat. regiLlirovaniye i upro Moseml, A.,,q ssm, 1962, 360-369) TEXT: The author examnes the solution of a syr3tem of h,,yd;7odyna,=ic eqtk-,*,4.qja-- "or finding tile dy-.v-nic charao teris ties of a "nozzle-damper" element, and the detei- mination of the area of adaptability of Lhe quasi-stationary hypoUiesis. He ob- or tre -I- - ,rn~-dc expenditure characteris~-c 3--' a elazent and g~ives the bounda.-Jes of ty. axea il wiucch, in zhc case of dyna;-idc GOMD- the hypoLl-esis of quasi-station,11-7 cond-ition is -~)ermissible. Five il-lustritionz..; b.,b1--1oj;ra,p,-iy of 4 itemi. T. F. L/lbstracterts note: Complete transiatioB7 Card 1/1 TENENBAUM. L. A. glectropneumatic low-preBBure converter for converting faint signals of electric current. Priborostroenis no.lOt7-9 0 162. (MMA 15:10) (Automatic control) 6/103/63/0241ID02/015/020 MTHOR: L.A. '(11ode6u) TITLE; Static design of eledtro;-'p111cfi Itrm-aftters, vita tipensatton, of air jet reaction, power cor PERIODICAL: Avt atilta i tcAemekhanika'~ 24 no, 2i '063 0, 2551,267 T EXT The author ana*lyz;es the methods.of design of electroi- pneumatic transducers in which the feedback circuit compensating jet. reaction contains an operational amplifier. Descripti.,on. of the cir- cuit is given. The e~vlrcssion' for the static characteristic Of the transducer (in linear approxim'ation).is derived.for the following conditions: 1) The force exerted by the jet's of,both control and feedback nozzles is proportional to the Pr Iensure in. front of the respective nqzzle. 2) The static characteristic.'may'be approxir~ated by two straight line sections. 5) The characteristic -of the mMli- f ier in the feedback circuit is linear. 4) The rigidity -of the elec-~ tromechanical transducer in constant. .5) The force developed by the Card 1/~ S/103/63/024/00~/01.5/0~0 Static design of eldctro-pneumatic P201/D3*08 latter in proportional to the electrical input signal. .The effect of changes of supply pressure and the componsntion parameters ara .' analyzed next.. The effective areas of reaction of the control atA feedback nozzles -and their 'respective 'changes during operation are determined. An ex-,)erimdntal low-pressure Iclectro-~pneumatical trans- ducer gave results ~-.7hich are in good agreemont t4th theory-, Finally the expressions for the errors, which determine the' overall, accuracy of the device, are derived. There are 7 figures. SiA,IITTED: June 9, 1962 Card 2/2 loom ;J1 TENENBAUM, L,A. (Moskva) Recently developed electro-pneumatic transfomers and positioners. Avtom. i telem. 24 no.lOtl427-1438 0 163. OURA 16:11) -11 ItiVr P A; OR V-LAEOV, Y73,A., Anzh.; TENIVBAU'4, L.V., inrh, Increasing the reliability of safety clutc-bes. Mashinostrienip nue5a82 S-~) 164 (MIRA 18:2) TENENBAUM, L.V., inzh.,- VLASOV, Yu.A., inzh.; KUT2YN, L.M,., inzb.. Increasing the reliability and durability of manurt, conveycrs Mashinostroenie no.-*.-100-101 MY-Je 165. (MIRA 18 I f Ell M!, it P)A'~ i,. T Stand for testi-nl- with fl--;x'Lble Ma3lltnost.rcneie 110-4:3~,-37 jI.-AE,., 105, i n 7,11, ~ IlLilo"OV, Yu , A. nzh -'D:,'q'ENBADM, L.V., Increasi n,7 the re liabi li ty and r, urabl i ty a If thr- 1, z I S loader. M-hshinostroenie (mil-A iA.C)) KUT8YN, L.M.,,inzh.; TENENBAUM,_LtV., inzh.; GRINBERG, V.L., inzh. Turning screw convevar. Mashinostroanie no&61lOo N-D 165. (MIRA 18t12) TMIUMBAUP. L.Ta. How method of calculating casing perforations for hydrogeological wellp. Its-tvad. L okh. n%Ir 21 no.4:46-5o ji-Ag 55. (IILRA 9:2) (~I-oring) f Y__ A 17 AUTHOR: Tenenbaum, L.Ya. 132-58-2-10/17 TITLE: On the question of the Principles Used in Compiling Hydro- Geological Surveying Maps of the Territory of the USSR (K voprosu o printsipakh sostavleniya obzornykh gidrogeologi- cheskikh kart territorii SSSR) PERIODICAL: Razvedka i Okhrana Nedr, 1956, Nr 2, PP 43-46 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author describes different conditions to be observed in the compilation of the hydro-geological surveying maps for various regions of the USSR. There are 5 Soviet references. ASSOCIATIONs Tsentrallno-Kazakhstanskoye j;eolupravleniye (Geological Admi- nistration of Central Kazakhstan) Card 1/1 1. Geophysical surveying maps-Compilation TENENBAUM,, !!J~~--. Nov method of computing casing perforations for hydrogeological wells. Razved. i okh. nedr. 22 noo2:58-62 7 156. (MLRA 9:6) (wells) TniENBAUM, L.Ya. Map predicting the water potential based on the principle of permeability. Razved. i okh. nedr 27 no.10:43-48 0 161. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Karazhallskaya geologorazvedochnaya ekspeditsiya. (Kazakhstan--Water, Underground--Maps) (Rocks--Permeability) f"IC14 coefficient for C-n thL, f,milt: 1 oU- r~,ar 31 Eira7,hallskaya --r ellonbal,.:n) .2Kay ak-lisk 31 i teki,n TEIPTEMPAU!4) M. ; PETCU, 11. Manufacture of a gangway from prestressed concrete. P. 305. R7-VTSTA CTISTRUCTIELOR, SI P !-IkT-"RTALrLOR. DF, CONSTRUCTII. (Asociatia 5tiintifica a Inp-inerilor si Technicienilor din Rominia si Mi-isteril Const-nictilor si al Materualelor di Constructii) Bucuresti, .'-u-ania. Vol. 10, no.6, June 1958. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EI-AI) Lr, Vol. 8, no.6, Junf~ 11`11~9 Uncl. WN ww w W'w w ww W~w w V W-w-w-ow. U V 4% It? A!Muhs-'~!-O~-#' A) M .3 Osoulace Axabwe too, rsauttim aq xoV%*a& (in Russian U. M. T*ftntsbaujuL Fatti Laimtory (U t . .8.8 is, may 1947, 7. Motion of a nttilluoiat over the surfam at the 6POCtSM Is amphil by 2 pletoojewnt~ &n4 r,. =rv" P=.-4111 1 mum of a moving M. y Instrument and trao, our. tMO Mill" of* PrOunted In pairs for moral 97M Of MUM& Rdswu for diteram Is am. Plsined on the basis of the finite dimengions 0( the nooc* Point, ighxii wilts R 11 **aa 00000 roo fop Of iii-A 0 1 ow 0*11 jf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 'S 0.*#0046600*000*0 00 coo go* too TEjrt~.'P.AT'11, Eng. 14. 1-1. Friction Study of chnnges in the micro-gcometry of friction surfaces during the breaking in period. (Truly) rAMI no. 53, 1948. 1 Monthly List of Russicn Accens,'ons. Library of (congress, September 1952. M.ClASSIFIED USSR/tngineering - Surfaces, Quality Feb 50 Machining "Analysis of Changes in the Roughness of Machined Surfaces," 14. M. Tenenbaum, Sci Res Auto and Engine Inst, 4 pp "Zavod Lab" Vol XVI, No 2 States that, in studying wear processp it is essential to know character of roughness changes, e. g., dynamics of roughness destruction process, in roughness of friction surfaces be- fore and after test. Describes experiments on subject using profilograpb,.and,.iticroacope. 159T24 TIMBAUM, N.M. Methods for wear tests of bearing materinle. Tren. i isn.mash. no.?:99-102 153. S (KIM 9:9) (Bearings (Machinery)) (Mechanical wear) KISIN, V.B.; TIMBAUH, U.N.( Increasing the operating dependability and life of SIR-11 scraper conve7ors. UgolO 29 no.2;25-29 A $54. Off-RA 7W 1. Orguglemash. (0oal-mining machinery) TEUNBATJK, M.M., Imndidat takhnichookikh nauke Role of coal in the process of friction and wear of the parts of coal-nining machines. Ugolt 30 no.212l-25 7 055# (MM 8t4) 1. Orguglemaeh. (Coal-mining zachinery) TENENBAUM, Kikhail eMikhailovich, kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; CHANTSIV, radaktar; HADMINSKATA, A.A., tekhnicheekir redaktor; AIWREYBYA, G.G., takhoichaskly redaktor [Principal kinds of breakdown in parts of coal mining machineryj 09novoye vidy razrushaniis detalei ugollnvkh mashin. Koskya, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 90 P. (MLRA 9:8) (Coal mining machinery) VM2 sa It. K.X.- kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; GUTIRW. V.M., kandidat no_M",7E=c eaHkh nauk. Investigating the vear resistance of steel In abrasive media. Vest.mash,,36 nool2:25-29 D '56. (KIAL 10:2) 7 1. V8880y=nyy proyektno-tokhnologichookiy I skaperimentallny7 institut ugollnogo mashinostroyenila (Tool steel--Testing) jXechanical vear) AUTMRs TO AnWK.3L FA - 3567 TITM Istinafe--of-R-es-IBtanoe of Xetala agaimt Scratching. (Ob otsenke sopntivladya. metallov tearapaittyuo Russian) PMODICAL% Zhurnal Tekhn- Piz. 1957, Vol 27, Nr 5* yp 1106-1117 (U.S.S.R.) ABST!WTt A triangular diamond pyramide with a 650 angle between the surfaces aM the central axis was used as a tool. The pyramid was shif ted with the edge pointing in a forward direction at an angle of 150 to the surface of the grinding surface. The eqperinants carried out showed that the resistance an the comsion of scratching depends essentially an the gsms%~7 of the scratch and has little to do with the soratching foros. Scratching resistance is the reciprocal value of the square of the width of the soratch and is in a certain relation to miorostrength. In pure metals this dependence is of linear character. Scratching resistance dependa not only on the strength value but &Uo on the structure and the chemical ocuposition, of the stools. In the oase of cold hardening resistance against soratohing In- oremes, The connection between the resiatanoe against soratching and the re- sistanos against wear of metals is shown. The latter was actersdned Oazd 1/2 Estimate of Resistanoe of Metals Against Somtching. PA - 3567 by means of a grinding devioe. Investigation, of substances by soratching is distinguished by that oarricia out vilth a grinding devioe by Its greater struotural sensitivity and by a single meahanio aotion. The ranges of applioebility of both methods are thus detendned. (With 2 Tables, Ii Illustmticns, and 12 SlavioReferenoss). USOCUTICKi VNIUITUGIZMR, Moscow PBZBIKM By, SUBMITTO: 26.9.1956 AVAIIABIXt Library of Ca2gress Card 2/2 T31MUBAIJI'l MtH., )mnd. tekhn. nauk; KOGAN, A,,Ms, inzh. Critoria for e.stimating the life time of machines. Test. mash. 38 no.4t65-68 Ap 158. (KIRA 110) (Kachiner7) ZAK, P.S.; ZHMi.VLXV, V.L.; ROM~NOV, V.A.,; SADOMOV, N.T., red.; GOTOVTSEV, A.A., red.; GRINM . A.Ya., red.; ZUINOV. Y.T., red.; KOCIAN, A.M., red.; KRUGLIKOV, A.Y., red.; MOGUN, 1.1.0 red.; N&ZIMOV, N.M., red.; NIEMKU, A.M., red.; HOTTAKWV, H.A.j red.; %5MAKq,V.Ta., redo;. TBNBKWHV N.M., red.- SHWIM, R.I., red.; AIADGVA, Ye.l., SITT-TARO S.Ya.: [Design and manufacture of globoid gears] Proektirovanis i izgotovlenie globo:ldnvkh peredach. Moskva, Ugletekbizdat, 1958o 87 P. (Telchnologiia ugollnogo mashinostroeniia, no*2)o (MIRA 13:2) (Gearing) KOGAN, A. x. - 11MOMAW4, A.M. Intimating the durabilit7 cf coal minirke machines. Teich. 01. mash. no-1:57-63 '58. 1?:85 1. VaesoyuzW muchno-issledovatellskiy I proyektno-tekbnologi- chaskiy Institut ugol'nogo mashinostroyeniya. (Coal mining machiner7) SOV/137-;')- 1-1247 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Metallurgiva, 195Q, Nr :0 'USSR; AUTHOR: Tenenbaum, M. M. TITLE: Employment of Alloy Steels and Cast '-.ji.s in the Manufacture of Mining Equipment Abroad Primenenive legirovannVkh st--ilev i chugunov pri proizvodstve gornoshaki-tnogo oborudovaniv. zd rubezhom) PERIODICAL: Tekhnol. ugol:n. mash,.nostroyeniva, 1958, Nr 1, pp 69-71 ABSTRACT: Brief survey, containing data on the grade designat,.ons and the chemical composition of steels employed abroad for part of pneumatic tools, combination drilling and loading machines.. cutting and loading machines, compressors and compressed-air engines, conveyers of the scraper, reciprocating, and belt types, cars, cages, crushers, and screens. T F Card 1/1 SOV/58-59-7-15158 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 7, p 81 (USSR) AUTHOR: Tenenbaum, M.M. TITLEi Extrema of Gas Pressurell PERIODICAI,i Uch. zap, Moak. gorn. ped. In-ta, 1958, Nr 85, pp 91 - 106 AB3TRACT: The author discusaes certain concrete phenomena In the light of some con -clusions of VX. Semenchenko's theory (RZhFiz, 1957, Nr 2, 2131) of generalized critical phenomena pertaining to supercritleal transitions. The author considers the equation of the quasl-spinodal curve for super- critical transitions in the coordinates v, T, and p, It is established that the direction of the quasi-spinodal at the critical point is connected with the sign of the third isothermal derivative of entropy with respect to volume. In additJon to the general discussion, a quasi-spinodal is plotted for the Dieterici and van der Waals equations of state, for which the equation of the quasi-spinodal is obtained in the above-mentioned co- ordinates. A.A. Senkevich Card 1/1 rg c It it 02 So 0 00, q if Ito HE - i a NJ SSW: al Rs to ig"i -0. v v 0 Vu tall .0. .1 44 1 GUTERMAN, V.M. Classification characteristics of the kinds of wear of coal- machine parts. Trudv Sem.po kach,poverkh. no.4:274-2?7 159. (MIRA 13:6) (Mechanical wear) TZWBAUM, N.M., kand.tekhn.nNkk,- ARTSIMOVIGH, V.N. Protecting reducing gear parts on coal-mining machiusz7 frou abrasire ww. Ugoll 34 n0.2:43-45 7 '59- (MIRA 12:4) ((;oal mining machinery-Lubricat ion) (Mechanical wear) TANM 4qM-.-J,4#)jP -bAylQy -4-Mik -t9kt.j!r~nimali uchastiye: BEGAGOYKN, I.A., dotsent, kand.takhn.nauk; RUBANOTICH, Ya.G., inzh. MARKIZ, Tu.L..; ASTAKHOY, A.T., red.izd-va; ILOIRSUTA. G.M.. [Wear-resistance of parts and the durability of mining machines] Iznoaostoikost' detalei i dolgovechnost' gornykh washin. Koekva, Gos.nauchno-tokhn.izd-vo lit-ry po gornoird delu, 1960. 245 p. (HMA 14:4) 1. Krivorozhokiy gornorudnyy institut (for Begagoyen). 2. Ruko- voditell gruppy Spetsiallnogo konstruktorskogo byuro leningradskogo savodo *Pnevmatikag (for Rubanovich). (Kining machinery) (Kechanical wear) 9/123/61/000/614/006/045 A004/AlOl AWMOR: Tenenbaum, M. M. TI=s in,~estigating mechandial properties of the z*rface layer of metals and alloys by the scratch test PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, no. 14, 1961,.24-25, abstract 14A188 (V sb, "Povysheniye iznosostoykosti I sroka sluzhby mashin. vw 1", Kiyev, AN UkrSSR, i96o, 396-4o4) TEXT: The author presents the results:of Investigations of the physical- mechanical surface properties of different materials'using static and dynamic scratch methods. Static scratching was effectedlwith a trihedral diamond pyramid having an angle of 65 0 between the'equilateral edges and the central axis. The ingle"between the edge and the polished section surface was 150, the load on the pyramid amounted to 100 g. The scratching resistance was determined as a- ' quotient iesulting from division of the stress which *as-required at the beginning of the scratching by the cross section area ofihe scratch. The scratching resistance was compared with the relative-resistance to wear obtained by testing the materials during friction on an abrasive surface. In order to carry out Oard i/2 MR 3/12V61/000/014/006/045 Methods of investigating mechanical ... A004/Alol dynamic scratching the CT-4 (ST-4) sclerometer has been developed which operates on the principle of a pendulum impact machine. The tests were carried out with the same pyramid that was used for static scratching. The diamond fixed to the Vpper part of the pendulum cut Into the surface layer of the specimen being tested at a definite velocity and produced a flute in it. The work spent for the production of a flute of a given volume served as criterion. The author gives a detailed description of the sclerometer design. The rated scratching velocity amounted to 0.24 m/sec. Each test consisted in detennining the scratching work and the flute width and length. The author comments on the results of determin- ing the scratching work in pure metals and sintered carbides. There are 7 figures and 14 references. I. Yanovskiy [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 20408 ~Vloq/60/005/012/006/033 f,,3700 0103,~ 027) 10061 3-301) E192/E482 AUTHOR: Tenenbaum. M.N. TITLE: On the Method of Stationary Phase !;ERIODICAL: Iladioteklinika i elektronika, 1960, Vol.5, .No.12, PP.1909-1918 rI-XT: Tho nuthor studies the integral ikO E Fe dS S encountered in the study of wave diffraction. This has been studied previously in Ref.3, in which the first terms of the expansion have been found by a method which does not yield the succeeding terms, and in Ref.11, by a method which is used here to find further tert--. The ronowing am sumptions are made: 1) in the plane (x,y) there is a single point 0 of stationary phase (see figure); 2) the point 0 is inside S and is remote from the boundary VI . The above integral is transformed to a doubLe integral 2n' Pr d0 ~ F(rcosa, rsinQ)eIkT(r=,0,rsjn9) rdr, 0 0 Card 1/3 !"T-9-P-00.0m; MIX A iz q, 204,38 S/1.09/60/005/012/oo6/035 On the Method of Stationary ... E192/E482 (Abstractor's-note: in Eq.W) k is a factor of the exponent, not an index as incorrently printed in the original.) and expanded in inverse powers of k with the following as.sumptions made on the behaviour of the phase 6nction ?~(X,Y) and the amplitude function F(x,y) in S :1) the two functions have in S continuous partial derivatives of all orders and are expandable in Taylor series in the neighbourhood of the stationary point; 2) the second radial derivative of the phase at the stationary point does not vanish and in sign constant from 0 - 21T; the contour. I" bounds the region S in such manner that the first radial derivative of the phase remains sign constant over the entire region S except for the stationary point at which it vanishes. The expansion contains *two types of terms, stationary terms dependent on the behaviour of the integrand in the neighbour- hood of the stationary point and contour integrals. Acknowledgments are made to L.B.Tartakovskiy for putting the problem and giving it his attention during the study. There are 1 figure and 4 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: January 7, 1960 Card 2/3 On thel-lethod of Stationary ... Figure F)408 S/109/60/005/012/oo6/035 E192/E482 Card 3/3 Sclerometer for evaluatione, the mechanical properties of aFf- nce layers of metals and alloys. Zav.lab. 26 no.2:236-238 60. 1. Vaesoyuzuyy nauchno-iseledovateliskiy I. procktno- teklinologicheekly institut ugollnogo mashinostroyaniya. (Alloys-Testing) I TIMgUR44A., YANOVSKIY, r.r., ARTsrmovrcE, T.N., PATRIIOMA,B.X. N jWqchl -for ~Mt%bfgd-alloj tools for repe(qg&~". Zav. lab. ff no*7: 3-, 0. 1. Vesesoy=ny7 nauchno-iseledovatellskiy i proyektno- tekhnologicheskiy institut uplinogo mashinostroyeniya. (Testing machines) TENENPAU)4,,__~t~..,-)mnd.tekhn.nauk; KOSTROMIN, A.Ye., irLzh.; ROMILMKO, -N.K.v insh.; YANOVSKIY, I.I., inzh. Thermal conditions of tho performance of bits of cutting machines and coal combinese Vastomashe 40 uoo4:11-14 Ap 16o. OaRA 13:6) (Coal mining machinery) (Thermal stresses) 000 AUMORS; 25075 q/'22/60/000/005/0:2/017 A16'0130 Yanovskly, F--.glreer; Tenenbaum, M, M., Candida-te of Teci.,11cal S3.4ences; Romunenko, N~ K., Engineer T I-ME In sc~ldering carbl-de tips on t-cols 46 - PERIODICAL VestmIlk mash11noa-.royen4.ya, no. 5, 1960, r-2-57 TEXT. Dimension changes from ther-rial expansion of met&! are analyzed and a fornula and a diagram are ded--z~-ed for determinl:-ig the proper linear deformatior, coefficient (P) at whioh in soldered joint would be zo~ro !r. given case, i.e., at a definite scider soildlf-l-a--ion point, steel composition and aus-.enite trans f ormatior. tempeza-.ure. The forrule, is 0(1 0~ ) - - I k 0(1% -% ~ - Z ) - 20 -n.- k1 4 T! &.~st de:: de~ go! laist ~r I where T30I !3 the i~c', idif 1-~&*. ton poln.-" of the !5older; the linear expen- aus, sion fa--tor of at-stenl-~e, 011de" - tne linear expansion faat~r of austenite decompo3ltior produ,,-..:t- T, trarsformation temperature; 06,T: - tne6 line&-. 7xpansion fa'tor of 1,!t-d Cloy of, th~- tool tip, designales the ideal va--.ue 0." P. Ttp-- appnox-Imste rela'~Ion of and relative increase at austen!-,e de2ompoe!-,!=. 1~ S'v rto q~, acid -he rela-Ave expwnellon 'is determllnpd ty Cand !/4 25675 S,/,.22Ao/ooo/vj5/o,,,2/oi? Relieving internai. s-.ressps ... A161/A130 the formula auat where V&~is~- - 12 -!,re s"zesl volame i1a aistenl",11c stala, and Vt. - in s-,ate after aurten!-.a der--omposition. A a-3rtes Of v&l-aes can be ob*;ained by substituting different austenite transformatiori Points T* into the formula (4), :he !.,near ~r~ -6 expansion faol.o.- cK, for different steel grades varies between 17 and 23 x 10 mm/mm - degree [Relf.u Spy&.,rochnl-k metallovendenlya i termichaskoy obrabotki (Handbook of metals and neat treatment) Metailurgizdat, 1956j. 6utst-It-4tion Of' different CY4 a into th* f,~rmAj& ie equivalont to the et..4~1 )hoj~(-., &:~d a iqrie3 of such depenlencles can be Obtained for a certain solder witn a known or vice versa - different T , kwhi-,h me&na different solders) can be 3ub;~-.ituted 82 presents two suon Qa-ies In and a different series de.irrined. 111he diagraxn K- graphical fo.~.m. The dotted 1*.ne indl_,ates solders with Tsol - 906 C (brass'), and the solid line solders with T,301 , 1,0830C (electrolytic copper) . 'These are zero stress lines, and the coordInates are the austenite transformation temperatures (T+,) and ~ I -values plus zones of struot-Ures forming In austenite decomposition. Approximate I-ardness va-Lues(%) are inc2uded. The horizontal 0.0136 line Is Card 2/4 25675 3/122/60/000/005/012/017 Relieving inteynal stresses ... the top boundary of structures. Below it there are in sequences martensite, troosto ~- martensite, sorbite, pearlite, austenite. The practical use of the diagram is explalned. The analysis proves that zero stress is practically, impossible to obtain with copper for solder on steel grades that are used for cutter shanks at the time beJng. Brass solderAir better, for it permits an entire range of possible isothernio heat treatment. The beat steel.for copper solder is a grade with austenite expansion 20 - 10-6 mm/mm - degree. It will give minimum Internal stresses in a wide range of isothermic hardening temperA- tures. Obviously, the solopr and steel compositions may be varied. The method Is not yet sufficiently accurate for practical applicati6n, for the r4aust and P, values must be dtermined. more accurately for different steel grades. In spealal literature structure transformations have not been taken Into account in deter- minations of stresses in hard-alloy tools. A calculation example 16 made with transformation expansion accounted for, In a practical case of the work portion of coal cutting machine teeth. The calculated stresses have been verified by x-ray analysis at the Laptevskiy mashinostroitelfnyy zavod (Laptevo Machinery Plant) (by A. P. Mokrov and N. L. Shapiro). It was-stated that the calculation matched the x-ray data, but calculations withoijt transformati;n temperatures and their effect taken into account gave stress values exceeding the x-ray data about Card 3/4 25675. 3/122/60/000/005./012/017. Relieving internal stresses ... A161/A13O Ji approximations used In determining the effect of structure 5 timed. Despite roA7 transformations In the steel shank, the beneficial effect of hoat treatment 18 obvious. There are: 1 figure, I table and 7 references: 5 Soviet-bloc and 2 non-Soviet bloc. tv of 6K Card 4/4 0 % - - 1 7w & TENENBA~~It, II.M. Standardizing *he methods for frictional and wearing tests. Standartizatsiia 25 no.6:11-16 Je 161. (MIRA 14:6) (Testing--Standards) KLETKB, M.I.; RABINOVICIp I.P.;MENEAUMM#H. Operational safetY and durability appraisal of agricultural machines# Analele agric zooteh 17 no.6tl52-160 I-D'63. KLETSKINP M.I.; RABINOVICH, I.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; TENENBAUM, M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk Estimating the reliability and life of agricultural machines. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. 33 no-5:1-4 MY 163. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut sellskokhozyayst- vennogo mashinostroyeniya. 2. Glavnyy konstruktor Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta sel'skokhozyaystvennogo mashinoetroyeniya (for Kletskin). KLETSKIN, M.I.; TENT-11BAU11-1., M.M., kAnd. tekhn. nauk Increasing the reliability and durability of agric,.i2turai nachinery. Trakt. i sellkhozmash. no.9:16-19 Ag 164. (MIRA 17;11) 1. Glavnyy konsiruktor Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-iseledovatellskcgo inntituta sollskokhozyaystvennogo ma8hinostroyeniyn (for Kletskin). KITWHUK, Yu&F,j TENENBAUM, M#M# ,%bthod for applying avmToalve liquid to a rotat!rP, orc':Imen in ratigue tests, Zav,lab. 31 no.3060-361 f65. WIRA M12) I, Vaesoyuzny7 nauchno-issledovatellokiy inatitut sell- skokhozyaystvannogo maBhinostroyeniya. i TFUENEAUM, MJ1,; KIJ-'WIN, M.I.; YMEMEYKV, A.P.; I'LYKIN, 14,M~ Structural analp3is of dust protecting *.-vious "'or trx br.,-IrIng units of agricultural machinery. Trakt. 1 sollkhozinaeh, no,F.. 29-32 Ag 165* (MORA 19J11) 1. Vsesayuznyy nauchno-issladovatel'skly Institut anllskc~hozyay- stvennogo mashinostroyeniyR, Moskva (for Tanenbaum, Kls-t-,kin% 2. Ryazanskoye gnsudar3t,vennoy,% spetrIallnoye konatriiktor6koye boruro (for Yerereyev, flay-xin). '"'JN52&6 EV1T(m)/EffP(W)/1VP(j P(t)LETCW-6 UPW JD/W/DYT/-FX F ACC NRt AT6008956 SOUR-VE CODEs UR/0000/65/000/000/0162/0176 AUTHORt Tenenbamb H, ORGs none TITLEt Analysis of a asive smar during tim &Lotion of plastic against steel In the I Ui bearings of agricultural machirAs A 'SOURCSS Moscow* Institut mashinavedent n, Plastmassy v podshipalkalrb skoltzhenlyal iasledovan-lia-, owt Far-EiTrie-n-lia-Mastice in friction bearingel research and eiqwl- jout in application)* Moscowt ltd-vo Naukag 19650 162-178 TOPIC TAGSt abrasive, antifriction bearicg, teflon, agricultural machineryp frio- tion, steel# lubricant seal ABSTRACTs This article examines problems of the interaction of abrasive particles with plastic and steel specimens. Steel-abrasive grain-plastic systems are studied under normal loads and shearing forces (see Fig. 1). The activity of abrasion an ~ f=ction of grain size.. and the activity of wear of a ateel-plAstio coupling as ~ function of the number of abrasive particles in contact are also studied (see Fig, 2)o It is found thatp in the presence of abrasive particles in a frictional steel-plaatic coupling, the amount of wear of ths materials also depends upon whether the particles are orushad, The chief factor determining the wear of steel axles is the number and size of the abrasive particles in contact, Poroplast Is - I- Is F- mom- 24859-(A CC.NR, AT6008956 Fig. 1. Effect of load an depth of penetration of abrasive yarticles Into, Surface Isler of pUsti*s a v*od plrtlc,, 31,.2-kg~j b 701 kj)62; tolu r-A 8 kg/xd L6ado k., ACC NRi AT6008956 Fig. 2. Wear by weight of-steel roller versus size and concentration (wt, %) of abrasive particlea in lubricants 1 80~ti 2 - 5014; 3 2-3)A z4 V A qj go V 41 V, t o nt" found to be a good element for dust-protectivo grasketis because of Its abilItY t0 absorb a large amount of -1!g diagrams 3 graphs P mid 3 tables* SUB COEE I II/ SWH DATE i 3IJul65/ ORIG REP r 0011 TZNEHB txey---VazIVzv-y!jq-h, Prininali uchastiye: KOTKIN, Vladimir Tefimovich; BATUROV, Gleb Hikolayevich; BEWY.,_Xonatantin Aleksandrovich. RTAUZOV-1 I.I., prof.# 'redo; MSINA, I.Ta., red.izd-va; FORICHNV, P.M.. (Statistics of Soviet consumers' cooperative societies] Sta- tistika. sovetskol potrabiteliskoi kooperataii. Izd.3., ispr. i dop. Pod red. N.N.Riauzova. Moskva, Izd-vo TSentrosoiuza, 1939. 308 P. (MIRA 13:4) (Cooperative sociatisqTw-Statistios) 000 0 0 0 0 0 GoO, 06 9 e 41 0 0 0 : 0 W-0 A-AU-41 0 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 tj it 14 T1 14 a L-f .4 A- j I i. a v 9 it I I w Y1Tf_Q AAA A Uh 4 In 111 13 N 14 Ij al 0 W If Al "o Of r 7 00 .1,1 -N --go 00*1 ........ . 0 so ti _00 00 ;!: *00 00 it' ~0( 00 A!-, ,MmhmWc gavidm so dw glare, al tbq dk-d- t-L .00 00 sl - I _JALM_ Mrd. &Mi4&,,jjMd j SpWM- 10, 42"(433-4 FMIC1100MY -Tfftifu .00 )I tw change in dw dam of the white mice wm examd. in -der to 111:00 the tb"DCW 9 with 11100 to 130' for as* djarstive tract during 4,410190tic Outtitiluel with OOU hfstvd 1 in of the digestive In Ulf lb 511,". The mom Im wL wW death 9couvred aftf34 hm of a' =00 A%d km aviftwimAle 900111111:11 APPMOd I" ~ frequegUy Of Pfatee- tree the germ Obtain 00 a and bMWU, ChWWtef, The fCfMCUtAtiOG of carbohydrates ks",d and 000 KubULA 416 paradeccas predoadnatcd. ZOO o0v see 00 00 1 see ~Oelvvllr :00 00 400 sell 4000 ;zoo W;a 0 0 ra 0 0 A S 0 tLA 04 TALLUR GKA& UTIS ATLOK CLAISIFKA ?IGN via-, vI all,- lroo %4;Qvj -to Q.- cat A 1, Ai a 9 IA L I I ad 0 0 9 1 Ar so 9 a a 2 4 1 0 ,0 w 0 a a 0 a w a et a a a .1 R 1 6441 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 6 6 0 1 9 ~019 000 0 *:0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 0 0 0 0 411 0 Ole -. 1 00 0 0 0 0 0 g 0 0 * 4 0 a 0 YORCEBOYEVO So; BMM(NIOH. Z@ (go Ulan-Ude); PNMYSLTY9 Do; RAVEN, P.; BIMOVIM, 1. (Kuybyshev); VILL, Xh.; NOTIXOTAO lo; TJXRNBAUN, V. improve the procedure for issuing credit to the forest tudustr7. Dan. I kred. 16 no.5t54-66 W 158. (MIRA 11:6) (Iumbering-Fluance) MOROZOVY S.D.; TENENGAUZER, I.I., inzli.-ekonomist Fruits of creative work. Stroi. mat. 11 no.6:19-21 Je 165. (PZRA 18:7) 1. Direktor Chernovitskogo kirpichnogo zavoda No.3 (for Morozov). -i-,qg -s . :, ~ "';`--- - ~.- "' I " , . , * ,:~ I-i-- " I " -7 .1 ! :1 7 ~, z ~- : !- - ~ ~ J4 I - 1 11 - - - - ~ . :- ~ -,, - -- -, -- " - - - -; 'I'~-f.-,i-'~-,;,:-l; - k, -- . : . I I I TENENGOLITS, Lev Ya,kovlevich; OKUNEV, Yu., podpolkovnik,, red.; red. (Faults in the electric equipment of motor vehicles] Neispravnosti v elektrooborudovanii avtomobilei. Izd.2. perer. i dop. Moskvap Voenizdat, 1964, 199 p, (MIRA 17:3) TrRNGOLITS- Som. Water damage to srufaces of cylinder bushings in type HYS OXerlis' diesels, Azerb. nefte khoz. 38 noo7:43-45 JI '59. (MIRA 13:2) (Diesel engines-Cylinders) (corrosion and anticorrpolves) ARYKI?JV, S-4., in7h.; TENENGOLTS, S-M-t inzh. Self-reg.enRrating filter for feed-water purification. Energetik 9 no.7:20-22 J]. 061. (KIRA 14:9) (Feeo-water purification) ABDURASHITOV, S.A.; TENENGOLITS, S.M. Inveatigating hydraulic parameters of the filter for purifying sea water from mechanical admixtures. Za tekh.prog. 3 no.801-34 Ag 163. .(MRA 17:1) 1. Aserbaydahanakiy inatitut nefti i khimii imeni M.Azizbekova (for Abdurashitov). 2. Neftepromyslovoye upravleniye imeni XXII s"yezda Kormunisticheskoy partii Sovetakogo Soyuza (for Tenengollts).