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TEREKHOV, Yu. A., Cand Med Sci -- (diss) "Electromyographic LA~ _U_Ik Analysis of the I~nee-hspk Roflex,,O~~ Elimination and Stimula- tion of Various Receptors." Len, 19.57. 18 pp (Min of Hoalth RSFSR, Len Sanitar7-Hygieni6 Med Inst), 220 copies (KL, 50- .57, 120) - 42 - V.I.; F-YF.-, ~TMFKF919'., Methods of prospec,,IrE !C.-r r--r--, elenpnt~ deposits. Geo-l. MCST. r.?d. elem. no.2r_O,,-P--~l- t6l. (MTP",. ... I - YO1WU1K, 91gard (WoTczek. Olgierd]; TMMKHOY, Tu.P. [translator]; MARGTJLISp U.Ta., red.; DONIX, R.L., [Isotopes in the serviec of man] 12*t*py Us aluzh'ue chelovska. Pod red. U,IA. Margulisa. [Translated from the Polish] Moskva. Gos.izd-vo fisiko-matem.lit-ry, 1958, 271 P, (HIM 12:2) (Isotopes) 1;1~_4, /-, I---- A-,, // ~ 41'I' BuRGCV, I.I. A.', Yu. V. Ou. .-P. ltcad. -.:ci .) 24 , "Electron-h~eutrino Correlation in the f -Decay of i:a , caper subirdtted at the jl-U Grinf. on 1-uclear Reactions in "edi u1 and I Plw5ics, ~loscow, 19-27 NOV 57. --1 ecklc 'USSR/Nuclear Ky~cs Nuclear Reactions C-5 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Ifizika, No 1, 1958, 495 Author : Burgov, N.A., Terekhov Yu.V inst ~~ ~~7- ~ Title Resonant Scattering of Gann-Rays from jjg24. Orig Pub Atom. energiya, 1957, 2, No 6, 514-519 Abstract 7he Resonant scatttering of gom=-quanta with exWgies Ok E r.-l-38 May,, corresponding to the transition of the Me- nucleus into the ground state, by nuclei of metallic Mg, has been observed. The energy lost by the go-o-quantum (Z )11 ~ 1-38 Mev) upon emission and collision with the nucleus, was compensated by the energy due to the recoil from the emission of the proceding p-quantum with energy E )-2 - 2.76 May. With the aid 6f the fast-coin- cidence ahd amplitude analysis procedure, the coincidences of gamme-quante, with energies 2 r - 1-38 Kev and I r 2 = 2.76 Key were registered. Placei In the path of the go-- Card 1/2 USSR/Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Reactions Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 1, 1958, 495 C-5 -quanta of 1-38 Mov were alternately scatterers o~ magne- sium and aluminum. The source was radioactive Na 4 in the form of a solution of NaOH in water. With an angle of 1200 between the registered gamma-quanta, there was obser- ved in the magnesium specimen an excess attenuation of the gem-quanta of 1-38 Mev, due to the resonant scatte- ring. When the angle between the gamma-quanta was changed by 50, the excess attenuation of the stream vanished. An rtimate of the width of the level of 1.~8 Mev for the Mg:2 nuclei gives a value --1,- 1.6 x 10-4 Mev. Card 2/2 BOV/56-34-3-47/55 AUTHORSt Burgov, N. A. , Terokhov, Yu. V. 24 TITLEs The Correlation Electron-Neutrino in the O-Decay of Ila (Koridyatsiya elektron-neytrino pri A--raspade Na 24) PERIODICALt Zhurnal Eksperimentallnoy i Teoreticheakoy Fiziki, 1950, Vol. 34, Hr 3, PP. 769 - 769 (USSR) ABSTRACTs N. A. Burgov (Reference 1) proposed tests for the determina.- tion of the correlation of rays and calculated the depcnd- ence of the additional or, f-section of the resonance scatter- ing - on the angle between the registered 'r-quantum in the case of the -decay of Na24. Tests on the utilizatLon of a N A a gaseou a 4-source are actually carried out. The experi- mental device was, except some alterations, the same as in the work by N. A. Burgov and Yu. V. Terekhov (Reference 2). The multipliers (P3Y-33 were used instead of the multipliers q):)Y-lg due to which the resolving time of the coincidence- connection could be reduced to 3.10-9see. Vapors of metal- Card 1/2 lic sodium which also contained radioactive Na24 served as SOVI 56-j4--3-47/55 The Correlation Blectron-Neutrino in the 9-Decay of sources for ~he ^f-rays. This source was kept at a tempera- ture of 1000 wh:fch corresponds to a vapor-pressure of the metallic sodium of - 1 atmosphere. The obtained test-results are demonstrated in a diagram. The mean value of the cor- relation con 'stant, which was determired from a test series amounts to /. ~ -0,3* A , is with a probability of 80 ~ within the limits of from 0 and -1. The measured maximum crogs section of the resonance scattering at the angle 25 120 between the registered 'Y-quantuT,was (3.1 + 0-4)-10- OM2. The life of the level is rv2.10- see. According to the estimations, the mean time between 2 colli Ii one of the recoil nucleus in the source amounts to ^..10- sec. The recoil nuclei may therefore be considered free and the cal- culationB carried out in the first-mentioned previous work (Reference 1) are correct. This is a translation of this brief communication. There are I figure and 2 references, 2 of which are Soviet. SUBMITTEDs December 20, 1957 Card 2/2 2 1 ( 0 AUTAICIRS: A. , Ternkh,)v, Yu. V. TITLE: TYi-es of Interaction in ~ -Dc(~~-.y. The Decay of 2,' (Va-rianty vz,.imodeyotviya pri P -raopado. RL.z:.,_1 PERIODIC-,',L: Zhurnal i teoretiches'.-oy fizi'-i, Vol 35, 1,r 4, pl, 932 - 979 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Investi-ation of the types of interaction in P-dcc.,,y is an import7int tan? in the thoory of vie-!: int~_,r- action; with the di~~covery of the nonconoerv%tion of parity its irport--.nce !,Ias increaze.l. In- vesti,,_r--. t ions -~-tere carried out of electrcn- neutrino correlation in He Refs 1,2) and lic (Refs 3,4), as well as in ArA (Ref 7). (P+-decay responsible for Fernii-type of interaction; correlation const,,nt 0.70+ 0.17). In the precent papcr the authors investi ~_ted electron-nei~trino correlation in Na24 p--decay by ricans of the method of nuclear reson,~rce scattering of Wg24 y-rays accompanying the P--dec--y of jja24. FiKure 1 show, Card 1/4 the decay Pcheme 0 2 Types of Interaction, in P, T`ie D,)cuy of Na A and fij~;ure 2 a sche-mt4cil d ra-.-; i n z +1 2At expe r imen t al. arrant-;Pne~,t- A da~leouz Na o 0, UCC, uood. In tho dr-wing A S A 0 k- - - - S denotes the -ource (L' z C t~-.o N, F scattorler(nuclei L1 A A (I P e detectors the former recorlir~: a' E i and B recording the of the ener~;y E (A 7- A. 72 are connected in coinciJence). Besides the u::uL.1 absorption of y-quanta (C--L'2e,.' by phot-)effectq effect, and for:7iation of -,,-irs) and additional absor,ption occizrs in C s a consequence of t'-e sc~Aterinl- of 7-ruys on the nuclei of the 3c"ttc;--~r. In the folloviinj the avcr,-,~;e crocc oc~ction ol' Scattering is C, lcu~ ~-to~dl in accord -n-e t- c,~ 8; t-e values for Na24 are shown by (F; The curve shows the dependence *T/C~ on a and its mximum a,; Cos a= E Card 2/4 Y2 /E 71 (E 71 76 'A:~eV, E Y2= 7" r 2 Ty, u L3 o Int~-raction i-n -Dec-Ly. T,. o C', -1, tLe 60 In the ---Ptc descriLe the experi--c~ntal order on th ba,.! b 1 o cl: sc-e~ie ( Fi in d e, t - -:c t r devils vii, th resulto and with the ev-1uation of ur" .. i . . L; ruoults, the culw(.~ vilOch 1.,: to fi:;ure 3 is ~ciro]!-ced , vi-z. ' 11;o "of X = 0, and X = -1 in the coordinute -GIO %nd F-,;- CT the V,-:lue: (5 = (1.93 :L 0.15~. 10-2) cr-,2 Max M-1 and forX the Value X.-O.23 + 0.'9, z.nd for IrIT'O =(2.6+ 0.2).10- 13 see is obt,- ined. In thc cou- e o' t'-.o disciTs-sional result-, dealt by the 1,.-ct cn~.ptt--r the :-.ut~iors e-.~pressel the opinion that tI.,- 0-,,.y possible type of interaction in t*-.,e P-dec--y of N"-4` is an axial ly-vect orial one, which corre--p3!:~s to X - -113. In conclu.-ion tl,,ey t*-~%nk Academician, X.A.Ter-L~,:rtirosyan, ,-nd V.A.L1-t--b1mo-,r "r,:- nd advise t~iLy Card 3/4 their cratitude to A.I.Zu.1,,:ov, Typ;:-s of Interacticr, in 2' Dr)cn~- ot' K-N.Roctovtoev help ir, carr~-J.-.-- Ther- -Lrl-,- 5 f-iL;ures, le refere'Icec, '~ of -.;'-,--'ch --ru Soviet. SUBMIT-ED: Uuy 26, 19c9 Card 4/4 ?Im: The VIZZ Anattal Coner.-S of opy reshot"ac:6 so-suchAaly. po yad-I paktrook.pli)- I MIMICAL. Vspokhl flsleh..kikh ngk. ig5a, Val 65. Br 4. pp M - M 07331t) IRSTILACT a Th* Stik Casgr..m of S,cloar SP-ctm--QPY task Plans is Lacilaa%4 fract January 21 to rot,-ry 3. 1958. It ..a &It-d#d 111 300 frea; %be Z353. further by wC2"%lD%m ftee Chi". Prosce, F.1"d. C-boalo,skis. B,,.,pr7. Za.t.- G.rommy# Toge#lavia, &M tto K*NMI ~~owoaratlc Republic. A mala I.Gtuj~om and abotit 9,1 r.;~Qrta War. 11~4. Th. "to loot~oa deals vith probl"a cao.zerml~g nual- itadal.. the a- and 11-decay, p-radlatt" . a .... role.. -6 n.el..r lassartam. Corroop.Adlg M.-hor. Aced-y of llalone.*. USSR. opened the held by: V.JU. Go.chAr. Yo. T. IZopl.. S.?.tMj'%ko (PTI.AS ft~'M) sa light A"I.L .--let acA.I.lL.K. Polar (20 3331-1.1brary AS 11333). T..)GUIrsk.. State got," r.t1r). L.A.31i, (LYT-seL-Cm I . Vtqd S " ) n. at *1. a. l."I and " - I Alkbasol. A.F.rrl.b.rg. & and X~Kh.L.ab.rg (Urll) an !...j as 2(1 MO In Cr. IA. end K- Tz- --- ".-,,ran -4r%,r. dlo..,.-7 of lbr.tio-I y-11-11, in I . V 84 IF - .-cl.1 ty a.a.m. of It.. -IhA of the Coulomb (K~loa) zolt.ti.. t Isc - I N.Y. L.X-P-~.r (DAY 3332) Col. . a.rloy report: -Ca...r.lng S6.. Paxzi*~' are In TibrVati.I.L.I.I. of :..-.-.d or be15 al . by I Z.rotakiy (AS SS31 I*SS. ita r.L ties transition. to dofa-.4 ..ol.i alth t- .;in 112, T.3. 2 XIVI jC11 (2.d Scientific x.a.-t Astit~t. of Physic#. State Vtd-rx-ly3 om I--- I*-1 diap'-.-A and the probability of corr.s;--JLn4 - aad I - transitions In o46 m.oLtlj D.P.Urst.kLy CAJ S= a U131) sm %a. iAfl.o:o:t&f the api-arbIt.1 .;.. In. ta* nuclei. A.Z.2mot- (AS 33=1 -A3 9523) on I?- to once a I Ilgh, -,'at .1th tle- -trou or p-%- excess, V.A..r ...... ('? I-Laiagrd P.'r2.c!.zt. 1. 'It to) .. the ftr~.Itao of ftcl -as pairs I. Col-als. A. 2. J-111yo. (TTL AS Sua~ 6& alpha decoy om rot.t1a-I I.-A of .44 V.4. 00941 (AM 3332 - IS C359) -A al;:~ d.cmr of au-1*1 A.I.Alikkenoe. T.A.1f.btam., ,*r (TTL AN S323) as at Al .4r-d Its.4 to the A-d...Y of Tv Al' 96. Sam: No," :1. 0 ., - .. -I) as -I' so In that of Sr9. .'l r9. (&1. 2.4" (13 SMS1 - L3 :s:IJ964 cant. of %no (0-y) &.zCuI&r correI&I-ano 1. U1' :.A.JurCa, and (TM As UM-2, an I .... Itc.ti.t, f the -4 1.- re-tar.. scattering of ?-radl4tloal S.K.Xorloov set 21.11AW"afav (x3u-mQ.cdv state 17al-raltr) no tto t-satmhl~j of Itnill.dia.111 p.l.ri..d .'act m=.1 -be ..4 T,.S. P*"w (wou) on the offentive dross o-glaz of the scaltertrw lart-4 electrons kal p4kit-~. at ol-trwo, ;.r.,Ip*cb to ..a (Ride) .. %~ r the or in* ca.p-ntm or t~. A..R.ct t,o aac;rdtag to the Perot diaer"L -4 Y.. 14U (Loning-.4 State -ml .... I%Y) ..' ".. .- I F,ut&tlbn of the probablItty of t.- ;vr%1ttv,: &.nj or the WtW* of *1aGUVQ& 11 3k a ==:MW. MEMOV, Yu. V,, Candidate phys-Math Sci (dies) -- 'The resonance propagation of samm-rays by mg-24 and NI-60". moscow., 1959. 10 PP (Aced Sci UScqj), 100 OoPies (KL, No 23, 1959, 160) 21M AUTHOAS: Burgov, N. A., Terekhov, Yu. V., SOY/56-36-5-74/76 Bizina, G. Ye. ' TITLEs Resonance Scattering of T -Rays on Ni 6o (Hezonansnoye rasseyaniye r-luchey Si 6o) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskoy fiziki, 1959, Vol 36, Hr 5, pp 102-1613 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The resonance scattering of f-rays on Ni 6o- nuclei was investigated by means of an already previously described method (Refs 1, 2). A gaseous CoCl 2- source was used. Scintillation counters consisting of organic tolane crystals and the photomultipliers FEIJ-33 were used as )r -ray detectors. Recording were made of the coincidences between the emitted cascade I-quanta; the coincidence circuit had a resolving power of 2.10-9 sec. Before one of the detectors a nickel.- and a cobalt-ocattorer was al ternatingly fitted. In the angular interval of departing f -quanta 1600>Y>126' an additional Y-absorption with Card 1/3 an energy of 1.33 Mev was observed in the case of the nickel Resonance Scattering of r-Rays on Ni 6o SOV/56-.36-5-74/76 sample, which was caused by resonance scattering. This was not the case with the cobalt sample. The resonance scattering cross section was experimentally determined (in cm 2) for various y s 1025C r w 3.9�1.2 (1800)1 1.7�1.5 (150'); 0 +1.2 (900). These values agree, within the limits of errors, with the course of the curve crr(T)o which was theoretically calculated by the authors (Ref 3). Determination of the life time of the first excited level 6o- I -12 of the Ni nucleus resulted in C - (1.0+0.3).10 see (in consideration of molecular bonds); this agrees well with the result obtained by Metzger (Ref 4);T - (1.1+0.2).10- 12 see and also agrees, within the error limits, wi7th the result obtained by Alkhazov, Lemberg et al. (Ref 5), which was obtained by means of the method of Coulomb excitation: TL - 5.7. 10-13sec with an error of 30 ~*. The above is a free tranzIation of this "Letter to the Editor". There are Card 2/3 5 references, 4 of which are Soviet. Resonance Scattering of f -Rays on Ni 6o SOV/56-36-5-74,/76 ASSOCIATION: Institut teoretiche Bkoy i eksperimentallnoy fiziki Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Academy of Sciences, USSR) SUBMITTED: March 13, 1959 Card 3/3 X. A. and -9-awvuT"T VU. TT T. "Interaction Modes in Beta Decay. Decay of Na24." Nuchear Physics, Vol. 10J. No. 5, 1959, pp. 541-"1. (3o. Holland Publ. Co. Amsterdam) Bleotron-neutrino correlation in the A -decay of Naty has been investigated. The method of observation is based on the effoot of nuclear resonance scattering of the )/-rays of Mg-21 accompanying the -Ucay of Nall'. A gaseous source of Na," vas used. The most probable value of the correlation constant vhioh in in agreement vith the measurements proved equal to 2, (el. 1 2:~ 11. /.z ) If one takes into consideration the Isobaric spin and the experimente on the c*roular polswitation of the,~/-raye of Na-:~-/-, then it appears that the /_3-decay of Na'-'~ Is due only to interaction of the Gamov-Teller type. I It follove then from the results of the present paper that oni* the axial vectcr mode of Interaction, ocrresponding th should be effective in the 6 -decay of Na !~' . d- Imiex cr at' flrc~ 7-tf,qf4i va n v .',I v r, kite-, k A !I incy cdrn ri 44N R No L, k-v,) Ij A 9 Ile Ob" Prof "'Jou Is I-le "USrIof ilsoj,,e,- 110. Aku!-:'h,ry i Gir'(" tf I MIKHAYLOV, V.P.4TIMUMOVA, A.A. w wOwwjIw"""Op%'O.- ~.' Methods and forms of i=reaBe of qualifications of obotstrician-gynt cologists. Akush. gin., MoskTa no.5:14-19 Sept-Oot 1952. (CIXL 23:2) 1. Profeseoro, 2. Of Moscow Oblast Scientific-Research InBtitate of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Director __ 0. D. Xatspanoya). ('-TIRMOT -'TM5IA4jAA*-- local infiltration anesthesia according to Vishnevskil's method in surgery of cancer of the cervix uteri. Akush. gin. no.6:7-14 Nov-Dec 1953. (cum 25:5) 1. Professor. 2. Of Kosoow Oblast Scientific-Research Institutg of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Director - 0. D. Matepanova; Scientific I Supervisor - Prof, V. P. Mikhaylov , VA, A&A., professor Mortality caused by hemorrhagan in labor and methods for further lowering its rate. Akush.i gin. no.2:44-55 Mr-Ap '55. (KLRA 8 - 7) 1. Glann akusher-ginekolog Ministeretva sdravookhranentya RSFSR. (LABOR, comnlications, hezorrh.. mortal. control) (HXKORRUGNO uterus, in labor, mortal. control) (Ur = S. hemorrhage, in labor. mortal. control) TARMHOVA, A.A., professor ;I.' -- I ~ , . ~ I~s- I ~.~ il . Results of psychopropbylactic preparation for labor to obstetric institutions of the R.S.Y.S.R. Akush. i gin. 32 no-3:22-28 My-je 156. (MM 9:9) 1. Glavn" akusher-ginakolog Ministeretva z(lravookhranentya RSFSR (IABORO painless, psychopropbylactic method, results (Rua)) MIMAYLOV, V.P., prof.; TMKHOVA, A.A.,prof. Thromboonbolism in obstetrics and g7necology. Aku8h. I gin. 33 no.5:58-77 S-0 '57. (MIFA 12:5) 1. Iz Moskovskogo oblaotnogo nauchno-issledovatel'okogo institute, akusherstva i ginekologii (dir. O.D.Hatepanove.). (THROMMMOLISM, etiol. and pathogen. g7n. dis. & labor) (GYVXOIA)GICAL DISFASES, compl. thromboombolism) (WCR, COMPI. flame) HIMUYIDV, V.P.,prof.; TM3UMOVA-,_A.A., prof.; GEVORUAN. G.G. Carcinoma in situ as a pathohistological and clinical problem in the early diagnosis of cervical cancer [with surn r7 in Inglieb]. Akuoh. i gin. 34 no.l:)-18 Ja-F 1.58. (MIRA 11:4) 1. Is Hoskovekogo oblastnogo nauchno-looledovatellskogo institute akucherstva i ginekologil (dir. O.D.Matepanova, nauchny7 ruko- voditell - prof. V.P.Mikhaylov) (CERVIX IMPIASH3. diag. carcinoma in situ, early diag. value (Rug)) HIMA71DV, V*P., prof.; TMMIOVAp A.A*,, prof. Secondary sutures on the granulation surface of 2d and 3d degrew perineal incisions in labor. Akush.1 gin. no,618246 160* WRA 14i1) lo Iz Moskovskogo oblastnogo nauchno-iseledovateltakogo inoti- tuta akusherstva i ginekologii (dir. - masluzhem:*7 vrach RSFSR O.D. Haupanovaj, nauchW rukavoditel* - prof. V.P. Mkhaylov). (PMUIUM.-SURGERY) Mnuilklwvp V*Poj TERMOVAt A*A* Rohnevokii, method of local infiltration anesthesia in obstet- rical and gynecological operationse Akushel gin. 36 noi4,43- 53 JI-Ag 160, MM 13:12) (LDCAL ANWHWIA) (ANWHESIA IN OBSTNIRICS) (GENITOURINAR7 OROAVS-4URGEa) HIKHAYLOV, V. P., prof.; TEREKHOVA, A. A., prof.; GEVOIWAN, G. G., rmllchw Botrud-nii----------- Intraepithelial cancer of the cer7ix uteri (morphology, clinical aspects, treatment). Akush. i gin. no.3:89-95 161. (MIRA 14:12) 1. Iz Moskavskogo oblastno o nauchno-iseledovatellskogo ins+ituta akusherstva i ginekologii dir. - zaBluzhennyy vrach 0. D. Matspanova, nauchnyy rukoviditell - prof. V. P. Mikhaylov) (UTERUS~CAJICER) MIKWLOV., V. F. , prof. I TE RMOVA, A. A., prof. I GKVMWAN, G. G., nauchnyy sotrudnik Carcinoma in Bitu and carcinoidB as proneoplaatic stages in the histogeneeia of cancer. Akaah. i gin. 38 no.30.1-21 My-Je 162. (MM 15:6) (UTERUS-ZAITCER) I - - -1.1- . 1 1. ,.. 4' . "The ~-.,Dot 3y:;tc:7i o- Clover." Can(; Fiol 3CI, T t - - :)1 '1!7 -~f ( 7 J-,'- , 11 I "I ;~ h D - ,:) , , Pl--,it ir~)-,.in,, Lcmin.:~rft- , 1953- 3e-) 11z, SO: Sum 432, 29 !.'ar 55 TEREKHOVA, A.F. :-Z:., Methods of studying the root system of red clover. Bot.shar. 39 no.5:744-751 S-0 154. NUA 7:11) (Clover) (Roots (Botany)) BOROVITSKrY, Pavel Illarionovicb; TJWZMOVA, A.F., redaktor; GURDWITUA, A.M., tekbnicheakiy redaktor. WW4- (A abort handbook for the teacher of natural history] Kratkii spravochnik prepodavatella estestvoznanita. Sostavlen kollektivom avtorov. Izd. 3-e, ispr. i dop. Leningrad, Goo. ucbebno-padagog. Izd-vo Kintaterstva proaveshchanila RSrR, 1955. 758 p-(MLRA 8:10) (Natural history--Handbooks. manuals, etc.) 22 TIRMHOVA, A,F, Studying the roar system of red elovor. Bot.zhur.41 n#,4:553-558 Ap 156. (XTRA 9.,S) I.Lanizigradekly gesudaretvennyy univermitat imeni A.A.Zhd*nova. (Clever) (Roots (Botany)) AUTHOR. Terekhova, A.G. SOV-115-58-4-39/45 TITLE: The Polish Monthly .3cientific and -Inchnical Journal "lomiary, Automatyka, Yontrola" (Monnuromentn, Automation, Contrul) for 1957 (Pollskiy yezhemesynchnyy nauchno-tekh- nicheskiy zhurnal "Pomiary, nutomatyka, kontrola (Izme- reniya, avtomatika, kontroll) v 1957 P.) PERIODICAL: Izmeriteltnaya tekhnika, 1958, Nr 4, pp 90-92 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains a review of the articles and subjects dealt with in the 1957 issues of "Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola", a Polish journal devoted to questions of meas- urement equipment, precision mechanics, optics, automation and technical checking of the quality of measuring equip- ment. 1. Measurement--Instrumentation Card 1/1 SOVY133-58-11-20/25 I AUTHORS: Kolov, M.I., and Terekhova, A.I., ng1neers TITLE: Thermal Treatment--o?-C-old-rollea Dynamo Steel in Coils (Termicheskaya obrabotka kholodnokatanoy dinamnoy stali v rulonakh) /I.- PERIODICAL: Stal', 19581, Nr 11, pp 1029 - 1035 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During the development of the technology of production of cold-rolled dynamo steel, a large proportion of finished sheets (UP to 50%) was rejected due to high specific losses. Moreover., large metal losses were caused by corrugation of the edges and of whole sheets due to deformation of coils d:aring heating. During sorting, a part of the sheets was rejected due to "cracks" which appeared on the strip during the cutting of coils and were caused by sticking and welding of the metal during annealing. For the above reasons, the following possibilities of itproving the production technology were investigated; a) application of decarburising preliminary annealing of steel in order to decrease its specific losses; b) In view of the large deformation of strip durin annealing in coils - transfer to annealing in sheets; c5 introduction of dressing operation for straightening strip with subsequent secondary Card 1/3 SOV/133-58-11-20/25 Thermal Treatment of Cold-rolled Dynamo Steel in Coils annealing of coils. The first two modifications required re--onstruction of some equipment and as was shown by the investigation did not produce low-texture cold-rolled steel of sufficiently high magnetic propertiesi therefore, the third modification was tested in detail and adapted to conditions prevailing at the works. The technology of production of dynamo steel, investigating methods and the results obtained are described. As a result of this investi- gation, the following practice was finally adopted. Strip of dimensions 0.5 x ?00 - ?80 mm rolled on a continuous five-stand mill 1200 with summary reduction of ?9% is annealed in a bell-type furnace fired with a mixture of coke- oven and blast-furnace gas. A protective atmosphere of the following approximate -composition is used %: C02 - 11 CO 3.35, H 2.65, CH4 0.53, N2 92.46. The annealing temperature of the charge In order to a reduction Card2/3 annealed at - 880-9300 001 soaking time - 12 hours. Cooking to 650 0 under the bell at a rate of 15 Clhr. straighten strip, it is dressed by rolling with of 2.5 - 3,5%. After dressing, strip is again 1100 - ?50 uC. During this Annealing, no SOV/133-58-11-20/25 Thermal Treatment of Cold-rolled Dynamo Steel in Coils deformation of strip takes place. The annealed strip is cut into sheets. The introduction of this practice of thermal treatment of cold-rolled dvnamo steel (without the application of decarburising annealing) increased the yield of higher quality steels E-12, B21 and E3 up to ?0016 at a silicon content within a range of 1.3-1.8%. Anisotropy of magnetic properties of the steel does not exceed 3.5%. It is stressed in the editorial note that an effort should be made to carry out the second annealing in sheets, i.e. after cutt,ing of the strip. There are ? figures, 4 tables and 11 refereanes, ',7 of which axe Soviet, 3 German and 1 French. ASSOCIATION: Magn-itogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine) Card 3/3 TSYURUPA, N.N.; TLRLKFO'Vi%,, A.I. '1-- , . . Types of disperse systemo and their classification. Zhur. fiz. khim. 38 no.7:1770-1773 il 164. WIRA 18:3) 1. Moskovskly khimiko-tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Mendeleyeva. I RAS6UDOVA N.S.- TEREKHOVAS i~.i.; LiLv ALK&UR)RWA, N.A. 6TR4VT60-v# 1.5.; .0 9 . Y RUBIRSHTAN,--ff.-r. --- Synthesis and investigation of the characteristics of nickel titanates and mixod nickel-titanium pignieuts. JAkokruv.mat. 1 10 prim. no.2-. 25-29 163. 1 (HIRA 16:4) (Titanium) (Niokel~ (Pigments) YERSHOVA) L.P.; KOLDV, M. I.; TEPEMOVA, A. I. Effect of metal oxidation on the properties of transformer stp-el. Stall 23 no. 3:266-269 Mr 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. Magnitogorskiy metallurgicheskiy kombinat. "~ SMIM-,-- MISMIN, A.P.; FIUNIUS, V.A.; TMKIIOVA, A.L.: GROTSKIY, M.R.; GOLOYAK. L.L.; ,wrr%Pm--0_iT,~ KRUXOVNR. 1.K.. professor. or. Remote results of the intra-tonsillar method of therapy in chronic tonsillitis and atrophic rhinopharynp I ,,olarMitlu. Vest.oto-rin. 15 no-5:419-52 S-0 53. (14LHA 6:11) 1. Klinika bolezuey ukha. gorla. i nosa Irkutskogo meditminskogo instituta. (Tonsils--Diseases) (Laryax--Diseases) TEREKHOVAp G.A. ---Vo-inrocks in mercury~-antimony deposits of southern Fergana. Uch.zap.SAIGIIB no.5:23-32 161. OMIRA 15:11) (Fergana--Rocks, Igneous) (Fer6ana-Ore deposits) - TMFHOVAF G.A, Zonf, of the 3pcsnJarj enrichment of the liypogc7-..r- ~.Ispersf,~n halo trace 31.Ement,3 in the Kadamdzhay antimony depo5l".. Razved. I. okh. nedr 30 no.10,&.9 c 64. 1. S-edneaz4fitskly rauchno-i-itslc-d(ivf.,tej-'.ikiy 'Institut i idneraltnogo syrtyu, Tashkent. T L- I -C~7:' , 3 . -, 1. TZRMOTA - a - r- - ... In the Presidium of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the R.S.F.S.R. Biol.v shkole no.2:95-96 Kr-Ap 157. (MLRA '10:5) (Biology-Study and teaching) BOBROVSKIY, S.A.; TME LHOVA, N.M. Connecutive pumping of petroleum products contrulled LT their viscosity. 'h-aaspo i khran, aeftl nosl:19-22 163o (MMA 16:9) 1. Moskovskiy inatitut neftekbimich-oskoy i gazovoy promyohlennosti im. akademika Gubkina. MEN USOLITSEV, A.N.; T:!~--vAk- -,,-IT. Yunctional peculiarities of the cutaneous thermal analysor in Infants during their firstbalf year of life. Zhur.vys.nerv.deizt. 8 Ao.2: 182-192 1580 (M331A 13:1) 1. laboratory of Children Higher Nervous Activity Department of De- velopment and Upbringing, Institute of Pediatrics, U.S.S.R. Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow. (SICIN. Ph7siO1097, thermal receptros, conditioned reflex technic of funct. tests It newborn inf. (Rum)) amw, naomr,- conditioned reflex technic of cutaneous thermal receptor functl on tests (Rae))' (TXKFARTM effects, skin r:ceptors, conditioned reflex technic of funct. tests in newborn inf. (Rue)) PAXI P B , VIREKEOVA, N.V. Increasing the safety in conducting repair operations In underground electrical systems with voltages exceeding 1,000 volts. Nauch. soob. VostNII no.3t].20-127 163. (MIRA 17:5) TEREKHOVAP NIVII Effect of 1eakage currents on the performar-e ol cortrol BY.9tems cf automatic conveyor lines with sparkproof,eircutts. Vop.b--zoF.v ugoll.shakh. 4s233-235 164. (MlRA .18: 1) TMMOVA.0 N. Ya. Prevention of recurrences in patients vith tuberculous lupis. Yestoderm.i ven* 3 no,605-37 N-D 159. (KMA 33s12) (SKIN.-TUBERCUU)SIS) (ISONICOTINIC ACID) TEREKHOVAP N. Ya. Pathohistological changes in tuberculosis of the rkin during the process of treatment with phthivazide. Probl. tub. no.2:67-73 f629 (MIRA 15:2) 1. Iz kafedry, kozhnykh i venerichesklkh bolezney Uav. - prof. D. A. Trutnev) Voronezhokogo meditainskogo inetituta. (SKIN--TUBLICULOSIS) (PHTHIVAZIDE) S/15 60/00 -,/()()3/02 010 z, 61,XX BO, AUTHORS- Tronov) B. V., Terekhova, 0. A~ TITLE: Complexes of somi. Polyhot~-r(wycli?7 Amire!'3 With 11,ilid;~Fj PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysehikh u,~hebriykh zavedeniy. Xhimiya i khimicheskaya tekhnelogiya; 1960, V-~!. 3, No. 3, pp. 466 - 466 TEXT: The authors report on their otudies t)f the complex forwation of two Isomerin, (2,21- and 4,41--) dipyridyls, t1wc (2,21 - and 6,61--) qu_Jn7:y1s as well as o-pherarithrl-llre with mono- and dihalog~~r. dr-r-:va- tives of p-natro-phenol. They ~bt~iined _-:rystalline romplex ccmL,2unds for all it' systpme foroed, vih:ch they (1tvide into thret-, 6rZupi: less or almoB~, colorless complex;~,s. To these belonC fomplexes -,f 2-:~hloro- n~nd 2-bromc, -4--litro-phenol , in which tb,~ nitrogen of 'lhq amine is linked with the hydrogen oil the phenyl-hydroxyl: 0 NC H 010H ... 140 H C H N-Hocic H NO 2) Lemon-yellow complexes, tc 2 6 3 5 4- C7, 4 6 3 Card 113 Compleyes of Some Polyheterocyclir_- kniries S/153/60/003/003/020/036/XY With N-1tro-phenol Hal-Ides BW6/B056 which complexes of and -orpplex"s c~f 2,6-,dibromo.-4 Pitro-phen~,l which aprari?ntly are d!-A"Tt~d Irom, the aci-form of lh~ ritrr-ph---rol3: CC'-'-CH CH-CCI O-C C-N --Oil... NC 5It A -_ r, If4N 110-,- 11-C C-0 CC1 -CH 0 0 CH-cc I 3) The brighteet orange-colcred or red -~,:~mpourds of dih.-~'ma-- and di- iodo -nitro -pherol have, as th~~ ajlhors prHvivrze, a str-acture of amino nitro ramplexee. At an amine (arjr;;-.;phenrj1;' th- yt-11c,,* dipyridyl -,omplex grows _n~d. Tfo% ini,,iai wer- ~jaed if-, 2:1, 1-1, and 1:2. With the (.~'l the abo-~e ~-ase (,f 4,4'--d.4pyr,dyl ard ~!nmvalticn ard T-'-DPe~:r. tieB of th& complexe3 developz~d we-re independent from ',he quan',~-'tatlv,~ relation of the two i-tomponents. The a4tbors mentlon. papers by R. D. Clukbovskaya ariel N. A. UgoPnikov (Refs. 3,4). Th,-- fc-l-lowing studer.ts participated in the experimertal par5 nf thr- stialy. X Card 2/~ Complexes of Some Folyheterocyclic Amines 3/153/60/003/C,13/02C/036,,*,r~~ 71ith ifitro-phanol Halides B016/3058 L. I.I. 6erasimova, A. A. Pleskachevskaya, T. F. Baskova, and K . ill siukova. Th'ere are 5 referemccz: 4 Soviet and 1 German. AtSOCIATION: Tomskiy gosudar'stv,ennyy univer3itet im. V.V. Kuybys"-Ieva; Kafedra organicheskoy khim-ii (Tomsk Statq University imeni V.V,. _Kuybyshev; Chair of Organic Chemistry) SUBMITT M: JUlY 15 , 1958 Clir - CH. CH=C fit 0 C C=*N-OH...NC,11,-CH,N ... HO-N. \CBr =CH It C C 0 a "CI-I=C Br 0 0 N C, H, 1N) CBr-CH 0 CH-Clir HO-C ;r I . \\, 1i % /C-N.- C - OH. \CBr= Of C/- \CH=cBf 0 Card 3/3 t TWKROVAS OePo I , Orientation reflex in conditioned motor response to compound sticall [with summary in 3bglishl. Top. psMoi. 4 no.107-96 Ja-F 158. (MIRA 11130 1, rafedra paikhologii Hoskovskogo goeudaretvannogo universitata, (Conditionod response) -TMEMOVA, O.F. Generalization as one of the forms of analvois. Yop. poikhol. 6 no.4:83-92 J1-Ag 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Kafedra psikhologii Moskovokogo gDoudaretvannogo universiteta. (Thought and thinking) (Transfer of training) IMISKAYA) V. N.; TEREKHOVA R. K Azperometric determination of sulfides in the presence of sulfates,, thiosulfatea,, oulfitesp and carbonates in alkaline wastes of petroleum refining and of phosphates in phosphate catalysts. Izv. vyv. ucheb. zav.; khim. i khim. tekh. 5 no.5:717-721 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy univeraitet imeni N. G. Chernyahavokogo, kafedra analiticheskoy kbimil. (Sulfides) (Phosphates) (Conductometric analysis) TEREXHOVA.- R. K.; SHISHKINAP N. N. Ommtitative determination of nitrates in alkaline dolUtionD. Izy. vys. ucheb. zav.; khim. i khim. takh. 5 no.5:84"50 162, (MUM 16-. 1) 1. Saratovskiy zosudarstvannyy universitet i Samtovokly zavod shchelochnykh akk=Iyatororv. (Nitrateg3) (Alkalieg) MUSTAFIN, I.S.; LFNSKAYA, V.N.; TEREKHOVAp R.K. Interaction between copper and chromium salts. Zhur. neorg. khim. 8 no.lOt2314-2317. 0 163. (MIRA 16zlO) 1. Saratovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. N.G. Chernyshev- skogo, kafedra analiticheskoy khimii. (Copper salts) (Chromium salts) MAGARIL,R.Z.; AKSENOVA.. E.I.j ThIMHOVA, R.P. Transformation of sulfurs compounds with the formation af carbon an a carb= surface. Gaz. prom. 7 no.400-5/+162 (MIRA r7r7) !!!T-P FRI-R-1-F-F R'. v . ..... UTUT-F-l'.. - .. ,mm--,'' ~ PANYUKOVA, M.A.; ISAKOVA, V.A.; TEREKHOVA, R.P. Dehalogenation of iodoxybehenic acids by alkalipe earth hydroxides. Part 2. Zhur.ob.khim. 33 no.12:4002-4004 D 163. CMIRA 17:3) 1. Ural'skiy gosudar3tvennyy universitet. w2=1~1'~- _,_ pa- Kz-;Lja-w" 31 -- I - . I ~ . - - - . . .I I . , o , - -L-- FUN I I - IZN~ ,. -- I - 11 - 11 - - .- I-L. - - I l'-; .. - -- - Tr- Y-. Fr- i:xml - -- - -]W 5 -7 - -.--- SMI I ~--- 2 ! - --.I-- - n--, -I..- i - I-' - ! ~- n L ' 1 ~, n LJ . - g ---, - - ___r - E2 I a ~ :; I I ~ . . I I I . . E , -~~ I z; P-1),nitirl"O" f M~ to the S."d Sfale 1. Nil. Baskets-, V. L rWe.itiki X S:~*A_'%,)'-Vv1% S. F. Tirtekboys and G. %L TmIL-is"s The authors investigated the Uneiks of the radiation-InductJ PnIymC'iX;7= of In)I morso"ro (ALe)WItille, methy linithact) late,, virlyl ficclate. fo(inalitchytic). 1he rolyrriediation %&s carried out using I,j MoV electrons. The itnircTations range studied Irrom - IM to O'C) Intlinled this melting mint or the miv. nr. 'rhe temperature-dependciKe of the poly nrizAtloor rate rvtr the "ItIng point changed In a variety of ayi. the polymer yield in the solid rhiie reached a limiting value with Increasing dose, The Influence o(rhase tranli"on. the kincrim ar polymerizatk,n was ir,tablis~,cd. The mutts am Interpreted on the basis orthe theory dewlemd and presented by N. N. SCMMOV at the Symposium Of StaCTOPoOlirculsir Chemistry (Moscow. July IM), end at the 111th Congress or Purg end Applied Chemistry (Montreal, August, I"l). Am- or CA-kOrk"O" W is, A-j-' ofAr- W". VI IN, Air- r report prerientoil at the 2mi Intl- COn9117058 Of Raiiiati'm POSS&T~h, EarTo,ate/rorknhiro, Gt. Brit. 5-11 AUS 1962 r 427o6 S/02 62/147/002/016/021 BlOlyBie6 AUTHORS: barkalov, 1. M., Golldanskiy, V. I., Corresponding Member AS USSR, Yenikolopov, N. S. , Jazp~~~, Trofimova, G.M. TITLE: Peculiarities of solid-phase radiation polymerization during irradiation PERIODICAL: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Doklady, v. 147, no. 2, 1962, 395-398 TEXT: To eliminate the aftereffects liable to falsify the results when the solid-phase irradiated monomer is analyzed after thawing, the radiation polymerization of acrylonitrile (0) and of vinyl acetate (VA) was studied in an apparatus whereby thermal effects and e..p.r. signals during and after irradiation with 1.6-Mev electrons at -196-to OOC could be recorded simultaneously. Details of procedure and analysis will be published* separately (Vysokomolek. soyed., now printing). Results: dith AN, the polymerization was limited below - 1400C (4% polymer yield at -1960C). After repeated irradiation with 8 Mrad in each case, thawing and freezing the sample intermediately, the polymerization limit increased proportionally with the number of irradiations. At -1960C, the molecular weight dropped Card 1/3 SI'020/62/147/002/016/021 Peculiarities of solid-phase... B1O1/B186 with increasing dose (8-20 Mrad) from - 3-5-10 5 to --7-10 4. After- polymerization occurred at -140, -120, and -900C, but not at lower temperatures. At -900C, the molecular weight then rose to - 106 within 10 hrs. The activation energy of afterpolymerization was equal to that for liquid-phase polymerization: ~z-3 kcal/mole. The e.p.r. signals of All remained unchanged during and after irradiation. The heat of fusion of Ali samples irradiated at low temperatures remained constant within the errors of measurement: 35 � 1 Cal/ev. The polymerization of AN thus proceeds a. to< -1400C completely in solid phase, whereas slight, slow aftereffects occur at to> -1400C. The polymerization of VA was not limited. The rate of polymerization of glassy VA was one order of magnitude higher than that of crystalline VA. The molecular weight of glassy VA (at -1500C) decreased with increasing dose from 3-lo4 to 7- 103. The molecular weight of crystalline VA was only a fraction of that of glassy VA. Afterpolymerization did not occur. When irradiated VA was thawed, the e.p.r. signal disappeared at -1290C, the point of phase transition from glassy to crystalline state. The loss of heat in the phase transition (34 zt 1 cal/g) and the heat absorption (33 � 2 cal/g) in melting were recorded thermographically. Thus, the polymerization of VA also occurred in Card 2/3 S/020/62/1 4 7/00 2101610 21 Peculiarities of solid-phase... B101/B186 the solid phase. The following causes are assumed for solid-phase radiation polymerization: (a) formation of short-lived excited molecules; (b) loosening of substance along the tracks of primary particles and 6-electrons, which imparts properties to the substance similar to those that occur near phase transitions and near the melting point. There are 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut khimicheskoy fiziki Alkademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemical Physics of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: August 3, 1962 Card 3/3 BkRUMV, I.M., OOU)AH3Xrr, V.I., TENIKOLOPrAN, I.S., TROnMvA' O.M., TEIMKHOVA-.S-.?. R-Mation-Indueod soUd-stat4 polywrisation. P&AI.JolMrisation of acrylardtrilse' PartIl..Polywrization of viml metate. ViLriou kirAs of polywrizat4on rate ta"ratures deptn&rAes. Rmport subwAttad for the Zateniational 2yWaslux of YAcs 2scular otwulstry, Paris, 1.6 juil 63 - I -- . :::::~W ;Ll'~,, - , - - "I i!j-. z~~ -:.:;-.". ---. -- 2' T,;=Z My =- M-M w L 311-56-66 f7dT(l) /EWT (m) /T/EWP (t )/EWA (h) IJP(C) JDIAT ACC NR: AP6006805 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/66/008/002/0305/0310 AUTHOR: Lisitsa, M. P.; '~alakh, H. Ya.-, Terekhoya S. F. ORG: Institute of Semiconductors AN UkrSSR,-Kiey (Inatitut poluprovodnikov AN UkrSSR7- TITLE: Effect of degeneration and Coulomb interaction between carriers an edge absorption In CdS ;SOURCE: rizika tverdogo tela, v. 8, no. 2,, 1966, 305-310 JOPIC TAGS: semiconductor carrier, cadmium sulfide, single crystal, indium, .$crystal absorption, Coulomb interaction -217 :ABSTRACT: The position and shape of the absorption edge in heavily doped cadmium sulfide are studied. The measurements are made in polarized light at room tempera- ture. The resultant data are used as a basis for a model explaining edge absorp- 'Wition In semiconductors with a high impurity concentration. The Indium dopant was added to the CdS specimens during growth to produce large single c I h a ,,W:ta w t uniform impurity distribution. Heasurements of the Hall affect at hat the car- ,rier concentration at z temperature was close to the amount of impurity added to iCard. 1/2 L 31156-66 1'ACC NR; AP6006805 Ahe crystal. Absorption curves are given for US single crystals with various car- rier concentrations. It is found that the natural absorption edge shifts toward lower energies with an increase in carrier concentration up to 5ol0le cm-3. A fur- ther increase in the number of free electrons results in the reverse effect: the I Iminimum energy of the direct transition E begins to increase. This shift in the 9 !absorption edge is attributed to two factors: the exchange interaction between i,charge carriers and the relationship between the rermi energy and carrier concentra- ition in a band. The resultant effect may be either a reduction in the threshold lenergy of an interband transition or an increase in this energy depending on which of these two mechanisms is predominant for a given carrier concentration. It is !shown that the inversion point, i. e. the carrier concentration where the position ,of the absorption edge in a doped specimen is the same as in the pure metal, is de-, iltermined by the parameters of the semiconductor. A reduction in the effective car-, rier mass and an increase in the dielectric constant of the material causes the in- ,version p9int to shift toward lower concentrations. As a result, the absorption iedge for a semiconductor with a high band transcofiductance moves toward high ener- ,gies at a concentration of the order of 1017 cm-3. The authors am grateful to,N. ~ye, Korsunskaya for assistance in measuring the Hall effect. Orig. art. has: "15- '. ,figures, 11 formulas. ,SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: 21Mar65/ ORIG REFt 008/ on REr: oil Card 2/2 - ---- iKl~- - I.M. j- L-:~L t_; - AVM)M, A.P... proLITEMBOVA, T,G.p dotoent (Monkva) Pathoanatmical characteristics of influenza in ddultB; according to 1959 material. Arkhopat. 23 no-03-14 '62- (MIRA 14:6) 1, Iz Moakovskoy Iclinicheskoy infektalonnoy bollnitay Wo.1 (gl&vnyy vraoh - zaaluzhennyy vraoh R3FSR MG. &Ieokver). (INFLUMIZA) TSMLFR, S.A.; jrFMOVA, T.G.; LANDE, F.Ya. I*ningoencophalitis in morbillolis rubeola. 2,hur. nevr. i paikh. 65 no.7:985-988 165. (MRA 180) 1. Institut morfologii choloveka (dir. - prof. A.P.Avtsyn) AMN SSSR i patologoanatomicheskoye otdeleniye Moskovskoy gorodskoy klinicheakoy infektsionnoy bollnitsy flo.7 (glavnyy vrach N.G.Zaleskver). T,SEYDLER, THO'lgiOVA, T.G.; VILIJ111EYNY H.M. (Moakvit) Sulfonamide billous erythema si=latlng Stevens-Tohnson syndr~-me. Arkh. pat. no.lOs46-50 164. (M IT 1, 1 F - 12. 11 1. InstituL morfologil cheloveka (dlr.- chler-korrespondent WN SSSR prof. A.P. Avtysyn) AMN SSSII i patologoanatomlcheskoye otdeleniye MoBkovskoy gorodskoy klinJcheskoy Infektelonnoy bollnitsy No.7 (glavnyy vrach N.G. Zaleskver). TEEREKHOIA, T.P.: lndividiLn-l peculiarities in the thourht proce!~se-q of pupilr w-Alp. learning historic-,il fact!~-". Moscmi, 19515. of ~edagoiTicnl Scie'nce PI,FSR, Sci Res Inst of Fczv(- o ,holo,-y. (Disrr-rt-,t-,ons f-r the T),,,,!-,reoz! of Candidate of PedsCorical Sciencer). SO: Knizhnaya leto,,As' ".o 1;4, 2" Octo'*---r j.)r,5. 1':)sccv. I SPERANSKAYA, Ya.l.; SKGRIKOV, V.M.; RODE, Ye.Ya.; TEREKHOVA., V.A. Phase dingram of' the systom binmu!,h oxirlo - for-ic oxido. 1z,/. AN SSUI. Ser. khim. nu.5;%5-906 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Institut obshchey i naorganicKeskoy khimit im. N.S.Kurnakova AN SFUR. ol AUTHORB: 210 9, 2 2 oa 6-a) S11631601000100410021GG~ B004/BO58 Terekhova, G. M., Petukhov, B. V. TITLE: Blocking of the End Groups of Polyethylene Terephthalate by Meana of o-Phoapi.-ioric Acid PERIODICAL: Xhimicheskiye volokna, 1960, No. 4, PP. 8 - 10 TEXT: The Lavean fiber polyethylene terephthalate), obtained by the reaction of dimethyl terephthalate with ethylene glycol, takes on a L yellow color at the high polycondensation temperature ('75-2800C) owing to oxidation and thermal destruction of the end groups, predominantly the hydroxyl groups. The authors report on experiments to block these end groups by means of ortho-phosphoric acid. The polycondensation took place at 1-2 torr. The phosphoric acid was added as 15~6 solution in ethylene glycol at various times of the process. Fig. 1 shows that too high additions of phosphoric acj.d retard polycondensation. More-.)ver, the molecular weight of the end product is reduced, as can be seen from Fig. 2, in which the viscosity reduction under the effect of the concen- tration of phosphoric acid is illustrated. An addition of 0.01"~ Of Card 1/2 8041 Blocking of the End Groups of Polyethylene S11831601000100410021t)o--, Terephthalate by Means of o-Pho~~phoric Acid B004/BO58 phosphoric acid related to dimethylene terephthalate is sufficient to obtain a purely white fiber. Viscosity and molezular weight are not yet greatly affected thereby. Fig. 3 shows the influence of the point of time at which phosphoric acid ia added. Too early an addition retards polycondensation. It is recommonded to add phosphoric acid once the polycondensation process has aiready reached 50-7* As shown in Fig. 4, the thermal stability of the fiber increases through addition of phos- phoric acid (content of carboxyl groups with and without addition of phosphoric acid). An addition Df phosphoric acid close to the end of polycondensation does not definitely prevent yellow coloring, but it leads to high thermal stability 1~as can be seen from Fig- 5 (viscosity reduction between 270-2900C becomes smaller). There are 5 figures and 6 references: 3 Soviet, 1 US, and 2 British. ASSOCIATION: VNIIV (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Synthetic Fiberij Card 2/2 FETUKHOV, B.V.; TERMOVA, G.M. Effect of polyesterification catalysts on side procemsea during the synthesis of Iman. Khim.volok. W-5:2io-27 161. (MIRA 14:20) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-Luslodovatel'skiy institut iskusi3tvannogo volokia.- (Esterification) (Catalysts) (lavean) "'UThoiks: ',Iikhaylov, Terekhova, Stabiliz%tion 39849 ~,/i gq/62/c;cA/C()8/008/01 6 Diol/B180 11, V., Tokareva, L. G., Duravchenko, K. K., G. Kirpichnikov, P. A. of polyethylene terephthalate melts eE:',IOD!C4.L; Vysokomole~ulyarnyye soyedineniya', v. 4, no. 8, 1962, T-*,'XT-. In this fifVj report cn the ageing of synthetic fibers, the 7--uthors studied the-thermooxidative decomposition of polyethylene tere~hthalate (PET) (initial intrinsic viscosity [1YL1 - 0.245; after reprecipitation [?~] - 0.256) at 170 - 220'C (methodc see Kolloidn. zh.,. 16, 576, 1956) ana their inhibition by esters of'phosphorous acid. Results:'Q) Heating to 2200C in 11, shows no change in [7j . When heated in air, -I, C~ .!~ decreased more slowly In PET with reprecipitation refining than without. It is therefore assumed that. thermooxidative processes occur. with the formation of COH and. COOH groups ahd destruction of the aster bond. The PET fiber Lavsan behaved similarly: initial breal-dnit' Card 1/3 V S/190/62/004/068/008/,)16 StLbilization of polyethylene ... B101/B180 stren-th (kr, ' 2 0C in N,,, 41'-0 and at 2100C tj U/mm 42.8; after 4 hrs at 170 in N.2, 36.5i after 4 hrz at 1700 C in air, 39.5, and'at 210 0C, 14.2. (2) Triphanyl phor;phite .(I), tri-p-octyl-phenyl phosphite (!I), tri-p-dodecyl phenyl phosphitp (111), and tri-p-ter-butyl phenyl ]~hosphite (IV) inhibit the thermal decomposition of PET, and increane.its inolecular weight and stability. The best moment for adding the 0 ."hibitor is at 50-70," (3) After 4' hrs at 220 C 11 J polycondensation of -PET. "he breaking; strongth of PET vithout inhibitor was 47,,' the initial value 71/0' wit', iq 66". -tith 11, 761 with III, and 75 vlit~ IV. The longest induction period and smallest loss in molecular r-ii~ht were found with IV. The inhibitink.- effect of phoaphites is attributed to the fact chat they hydrolyze muca more easily than Pr;T which io thus protected against hydrolysis. There are -6 figures and 4 tables, The mont important reference is: J, .1. 'Ward, itature, 80, 141, 142, -11957. ASSOCIATIO'N: V'aesoyuziiyy nauchno-ionledovatelInkiy institut I.skusstvennogg. volokna (All-Union Scientifio Renearch Card 2/3 Institute of bynthetic Fibers) 01"M ~Mm R Q.9 Stabilization of polyethylene ... SUB:IITTED: May 8, 1961 S/19 62/004/008/008/016 B 10 1 YP, 1.80 1 I x Card 3/~ e:, E! -72'C7 h e C~k ie v r' A na T-. y:,,- ~i mrnc niur'.0 E't e !.~Op 7,77 7 cclr)ri~.:~trlc Fir pcl~---rs ---c n n 1, i ni r!C h a t e r u ch e i r, -L, o I ym i G c;u gL,-- ly e o t e r s and p 0 1der, car C-'ncentraticns ng 1 C-1 9 1 with an accurp-cy of Q mallyt-date J 3 uccd to fur- em I abL C., 1u, 'i:r NOP released from !IM 7~e(so I - If-. a nre-zence or -errous iron 4ii2 art. 'iL f3: 1. figuro, 2 fonr.,,ilas.4 4 ~y t~h c `3 .1,anion scientific researcli in3titute of synthetic 'ibers) AS S CC I I-T T C" i71,'.IT .(,I%, -V S-IMIITTED~ 1.11-Dec63 DATIE LGQ: 20A-ug63 ENOLs 00 SUB CGE- kfA, EL 140 REF SM 00.~ UrFER 1 0107 Ccrd IA Im - -1 ---- - ~m f~f; E N! y -3 v 0 1a _7 K6(',-E-S,-sTj-O-N lli'Ti: AF1jOlj273)4Ej ROVAMVj, Mikhail Frokhorovich; MORZHAKOV,, Sergey Petrovich; =---K!~H~OVTA- -- ,11, KlavdVa Serge , vna;, PETROV.. MI... kand.tekbn.nauk, -~-OTS-intjl ~'i-eti"3"eAiia -08MM- . N.A.j, red.; IIOVIK.. A.Ya., [Dynamic balancing of the wheels of g7ro systems) Dix-micheskoe uranoveshivanie rotorov giroskopichoskikh siotem. Moskva# Oborongiz,, 1962. 257 p. (MM 15:5) (Balancing of machinery) (Gyroscope) NOVAIM, Kikball Proknorovich; MOJMIAKOV~ Serg,.y Petrovich; T,EREVJIOVA, Klavdiya Sergeyevnaj PETROV, G.N., doktor tekhn. nauk., retsenzent; KOLOSOV, MA., inzb., red. (Dynamic and static balancing of pyroseopic device.31 Nnamicheskoe i i)taticheakoe ura=veshivanie giro- skopicheakikh ustrointv. Moskvap Mashinostroenie 1 1965. 303 P. (14111A 18ill) Q [L - ___ZQ,6L C"'O. KT6001707 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/0255/2057 AUTHOR: Terek hova, K. S. ORG: none TITLE: Some problems of balancing gyroscope rotors A Iw-k' -~~ SOURCE: Uravnoveshivaiiiye mashin I priborov (Balancing of machinery and instru- ments). Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinastroyeniye, 1965, 255-257 70PIC TAGS: gyroscope, gyrorotor, gyrorotor balancing ABSTRACT: The accuracy of modern precision- and floating-type gyroscopes used in inertial guidance systens is high. A further increase in gyroscope accuracy can be accomplished in two irays: by improving gyroscope manufacture and design, and by developing better gyroscopes, based on new operating principles. The article describes some problems connected with increasing the accuracy of the balancing of gyrorotors, and a number of difficulties encountered in this process. The main problem is the balancing of the small synchronous gyromotors with miniqure bear- ings, in which, In addit-,Lon to the usual vibrations caused by 11 ~rinpjfthere exist vibrations due to magnetic. forces. The balancing of the rotor in such cases can be accomplished oply during run-out when the power supply is cut of'. The accuracy of such balancind~is limited by vibration due to the magnetic force, caused by the asymmetrical position of the rotor in the stator magetic field. To Increase the accuracy of balancing the aynchronous rotors in sma I gyromotors, a special inter- L 12W.L-66 ACC NRi AT6001707 mittent-three-phase power supply is proposed, from which the vibration caused by the magnetic. field can be filtered out. For mass production of precision gyroscopes, automatic balancing mcichines with a calibrated boring in the unbalanced part, and devices using new phyoical. methods for compensating for the imbalance in the rotor during its spin in the balancing machine should be used. Of particular Interest is a specially designed rotor with rings, filled with low-melting metal. inserts. Such a design eliminates the necessity of removing the metal. The pre- heated rotor spins, and the liquid metal contained in the rings assumes a balanced position under the effect of the centrifugal forces. The metal is then cooled, retaining its balanced position. (AV) SUB CODE: 17 SURM DATE: W Sep65/ ATD PRESS 7,~ cam 2 AT6001710 jjp(o) SOURCE CODEt /6 AUTHORSi Terelchovat K, S.j Nikitina, V. N. ORG: none TITLE: Industrial testing and calib-,7ation of balancing machine6 for precision devicesi SOURCEs Uravnoveshivaniye mashin i pr-lboroy (Balancing of machinery and instxiimenta).1 Moscow, Izd-vo Mashinostroyeniye, 1965, 304-317 TOPIC TAGS: balanoing machine, rotor balancing, instrument calibration equipenent, vibration damping, turbine rotor ABSTRACT: Sinop, the accuracy of balancinE7of precision rotors dependa on the accuracy of the balancing machine, the testing and ialibration procedure2, r balancing machine are qualitatively discussed. di~eat -care aust be taken-in the p 1pration of at least four types of calibration rotors: one roto.7 each of minimum and maximum weight mounted Ln a balancing frame; one rotor each of mir,~`.raLui and maximum weight assembled in their supports and mounted in a balancing frame. Equally spaced threaded holes (4 or 8) should be provided in each balancing plwie for precisely weighed (0.1 mg) calibration weights. The following tests should be perf-)i-med and their results recorded in the machine manual (each is briefly and qualitatilrely diecussed)s a) decoupling of mul-,ual effects of balancing planes (1/30 attenuation is considered satisfactory); b) scale division and discrepancy of the two supports o~rer full range of unbalances; or 1 2 L 1 187-" ACC NRs AT666~11 0 c) sensitivity threohholdi d) resolution ,:Lt least between g and 1.2 g whero g permissible unbalance); e linearity of s,,ale (at least %~ of maxirmim reading over full range); f) angular location of unbalance (must be accurate to t 30); g) filter effectiveness of tuned amplifiers (measura: 0 - 2(f 0 -f)lf0 where f - frequency corresponding to 0-707 of resonwice amplitude; q - 20-30 is acceptable); h) ampli- tude-frequency response of tunp~ amplifiers; i) amplitude-frequency respon3e Of 16T mechanice. I mechanical system; J) damping 1 system- k) stability and repeatability of readings; 1) effects -o-f -Power variations; m) rotor drive range and stability. it is suggested -that the machine be recalibrateCt for each now rotor configuration tested and that all calibration results must be reccrded and certified. Orig. art. has; 3 tables, r SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATEI O4SeP65/ ORD' REFt 003/ OM RUI 004 turbine rotor 4q Card 2/2