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.,~ ~,-Ll lff-~~V,'~,~ 4-n R-Fv FnV- Y)^, -,:, , 1:11 I M m ISM61 _Me ~;a2zi!Cj4 - 13LL,~UUI.)j syst-~_rfi waz investiLmtAA -I- cryatal. Cqoics. Mi=osaoPe investi6a- aar- ample ;:t;j s, -disclosed tbat" the- system- vajoluff- T" 411,714 iS In t'~= SO ,tk 14, - 01 mill BONDARI, LA.-* T.V.; SHI-TEIEV, Ylu.F.; TOROPON. New rare-earth diorthosil.4cate K3Eu (S' )7'. Doki. AN SSSR 160 .2 no.5:1069-,'071 F 165. OMIRA 18:2) 1. Institut, khimii sil~katov im. 1.V. Grebenshchikova AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Toropov). IBM ACC NRt t, it"004712 ionol;raph UR/ Toropov, 1-111cita Aleksandrovich; Barzakovskiy, Valentin Paylovich; Kurtseva, 111na Nikolayevna Dia.-rai,,is of silicate compounds; a handbook. no. 1: 131nary systems ~Dia~rammy sosi",oyaniya silikatny1ch sistem; spravochnik. vyp. 1: Dvoynyye sistemy. Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka", 65. 0545 P. illus., biblio., index. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. T1.nstI- tut khimii silikatov im. I. V. Orebenshchikova) Errata slip inserted. 4,200 copies printed. TOPTC iAGS: phase dla~,,ram, oxide system, rare earth oxide, silicate, I binary oxide system, PURPOSE' A'.1JD COVERAGE: This handbook is Intended for industrial specialists, design-shop employees, and research organizations connected with the manufacture and use of materials based on oxides.;; The present volume contains data on binary silicate and other oxide syste,ms which are essential in the manufacture of cerardcs, re- Aractories, electrical-engineering materials, structural and other, materials. The text includes phase diagrams, stability regions of phases or individual compounds, and numerous tables. Each chapter is provided with references. ud 4= N1. AY,6004712 TABLE OF C014TE14TS [abridged): Preface by N, A. Toropov -- 3 Introduction to the first issue 5 One-component systems -- 7 Binary systems -- 23 Supplement -- 499 Alphabetical index of systems -- 535 SUB CODE:11,07/ SUBM DATE: 15Sep65/ ORIG REF: 398/- OTH REF: 831/ Card 2/2 __L Qbll8-67 E74P(_e)/V4T(m) A ACC NRt AP6030771 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/009/1617/1620 AUTHOR: Degen, M. G.; Toropov, N. A. ORG: Institute of the Chemistry of Silicates im. I. V. Grebenshchiko, Academy of Sciences MR (Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Kinetics of spherulite growth in silicate glassJ - ,.SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskive materialy, v. 2, no. 9, 1966, 1617-1620 T 10PIC TAGS: silicate glass, glass property, crystallography, structure analysis ABSTRACT: The study of the kinetics of spherulite formation was carried out in con- nPction wth the study of the formation of spherulite structure in glasses. The ch .r. th radius of a spherulite in time was investigated at a fixed crystalliza~ tirngem 1~era%re and a graph was constructed for the rate of growth of spherulites as a fu-nction of crystallization temperature. Investigations were carried out with sphe- rulites formed in glasses of the following composi tion: Li20--l.25%, %0-10.05%, PgO-17.95%; A1263--8-99%, SiO2--61.76% and Li20-19.76%, Si02--80.24%. For each com- position of glass, a series of specimens crystallized at the same temperature but with different holding time were made. Each glass specimen was tempered in air after heat treatment. A polished face of the crystallized specimen was etched in 10% acid in or- der to develop the structure. The radii of spherulites werq measured with a MBI-6 UDC: 666.1 : 542.65 Card 1/2 L uollb-o 1 -Ac c- _k kb~5_6_7~7 i 0 microscope with 100 x magnification by means of an ocular micrometer. At least three measurements were made for each spherulite. It was determined that the gmwth of spherulites under isothermal conditions proceeds with constant radial v elocity. In the inItial moments of the crystallization process, inhomogeneity regions developed in the gl6ss are observed under an electron microscope in the form of drop-like particles. Thl composition of these regions is apparently close to the composition of the future crystalline phase. The growth of spherulites proceeds by the addition of structural el9ments of the structural material of crystal and rejection of impurity elements. It is!'believed that the growth of spherulites is not determined by the addition of indi- vidual ions or atoms, but by their complexes. Orig. art. has: 2 tables, 4 figures. SUB CODE: 07,11/ SUBM DATE: 28Dec65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 008 Card 2/2 1 06119-67 _R%T(e)/FWT(m) ~~'-_ACC NR. AP6030772 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/009/1621/1625 AUTHOR: Degen, M. G.; Toropov, 11. A. .1 ORG: Institute of ChemistrV of Silicates im. I. V. Grebenshchikov, Acade of Scienc (Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR) TITLE: Electron-microscopic investigation of spherulite formation in silicate glasses WRCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 9, 1966, 1621-1625 TOPIC TAGS: silicate glass, glass property, crystallography, structure analysis, electron microscopy, spherulite ABSTRACT: The article describes the formation of spherulites as observed in four dif- ferent silicate glasses of nonstoichiometric compositions. After heat treatment, spe- cimens were studied by means of an EM-5 electron microscope at 20,000-40,000 x magnIfi cation. Coarse-structured specimens were studied by means of an 14BI-6 optical micro- scope at 400-800 x magnification. The study of the formation of spberulites was con- ducted by freezing the crystallization process at some definite stage. Glass speci- mens were heated at 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000 and 11000C for periods ranging from seve- ral min to 4 hr. Each specimen was heated only once by placing it into a furnace pre- heated to the desired temperature and upon expiration of the desired exposure time, it was air quenched. It was found that the spherulite formation process is preceded by 1/2 UDC: 666.1 : 542.65 : 001.5 L G611 9-6-7 ACC NR. AP6030772 the formation of 0.05-0.07 p particles or needle-like crystals 1-2 P in size. The formation of spherulites in the investigated silicate glasses is similar to the forma- tion of spherulites in polymers and minerals. The formation of spherulites takes place by the following three mechanisms: 1) from the concentration ofective centers or microcrystals produced in the initial stage of the crystallizationqro6ess by the geometric selection process; 2) during growth of disoriented crystallization centers on particles of some substratum; and 3) by the splitting of single crystals. Orig. art. has: 4 figures. SUB CODE: -011111- SUBM DATE: 28Dec65/ ORIG REF: 007/ OTH REF: 003 7 Card 2/2 4 SOURCE CODES UR/0363/66/002/008/i487/14911 AP6o29825 (A) AUTHORS Toropov, N. A.; Sher, Ye. S.; Boylkova, A. I. ORGI Inntitute of jilicato Chemistry Im. I. V. Grebanshchikov, Academy of Sciences, SSSR (InStitut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSR) TITIZI Study of the products of thermal treatment of muscovite SOURCE; AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Neorganichoskiye matorialyt v. 29 no. 6, 1966g 1481- 1491 TOPIC TAGS& micao thermal decomposition ,V,STRACT,# Samples of ground Piuscovite were fired at 6oo-i4oooc at 500 intervals for 3 hr at each temperature and the products formed wore analyzed by optical oxmiiination, x-ray diffractiong differential thermal analysis, and Infrared spectroscopy. The first structural changes were observed at 7000C. Thermal -treatment at 1OOO0C was as- sociated with the broakdmm of the structure and with amorphization. The formation of now ar7stalline phases occurred attemperatures above i0000C. The following compounds were identified by x-ray diffractions y-A120~, spinel MgA12%, .9anidine, K20*A12(~-63ic~2, a-A1203 (corundwii). On the basis of the infrared spectra of musco- vite samples subjected to different temperatures, a quantitative description of the decomposition process of mica Is proposed (see Fig. 1). Authors are Grateful to G. F. Stavitskaya, who took the IR spectra. Orig. art. gas: 6 figures and 1 table. Card 1/2 nct 661.862.63 L oIA614-67 ACC NRs AF6029825- 169 100 40- Fig. 1. Dependence of log 1/T on the temperature of thermal treatment of muscovite sample. xv -C SUB CODE 1 07/ SUEN DATEs OqDec65/ ORIG REF: 003/ PTH IW: 004 awm L 52167 66 L Evi P /E 11 t )/E-7-. ty:4! _TZ; ACC NR: AP6011323 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/66/002/003/05214/0525 AUTHOR: Toropov, N_..' AZhukauskas, R. -S. 14. ; Aleynikov, F. K. . . . . . ORG: Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Academy of Sciences, LitSSR -4- - __1___.n__'X11 -11-1-1 V'r ---- (ins ti UJU-iJ~'-l 1111.1.1 1 k o.micheskoy te-khriologii kademii TITLE; Formation and recrystallization of quartzit c,phases during cr stallization of the SiO2-Al2O3_MgO system SOURCE: AN SAR . Izvelstiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 2, no. 3, 1966, 524-528 TOPIC TAGS:. glass, silicon dioxide, silica, alumina, M=S===i= magnesium oxide, crystallization, heat effect, quartz crystal, thermal stability, titanium dioxide ABSTRACT: The effect of temperature on formation and recrystallization of quartz- like phases during the crystallization of K-1 to K-9 glasse .th rious silicaand titanium dioxide contents was studied. The individual oxi V omponent in glass/'sam- pies was (in wt %) 27.69 to 42.02 for A1203, from 10.96-t6 16.63 for ffgU_,_=4. 5 to 61.35 for Si02, and from 0 to 15.0 for Ti02. The glass samples (K-1 to K-9) of various compositions were prepared by fusing mixtures of oxides in platinum cruci- bles at 15500C for 4 hrs. The glass samples were subjected to thermal differential Card.112 ---- - - 661.1:542.65 L 32167-66 ACC NR: AP6011323 and x-ray analysis. It was found that an increase in Si02 content in glass leads to increased thermal stability of the quartzlike phase. Low Si02 content is reflected~ in low content of the quartzlike phases. No quartzlike phase could be detected by ,x-ray analysis for glasses containing 41.35 wt % Si02- Introduction of Ti02 to glasses resulted in greater contents of quartzlike phases and in an extension of the 1ower limit of these phases to 800-8501C (while for Ti02-free glasses this lower limit was equal to 10000C). Orig. art. has: 3 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 11,07/ SUBM DATE: llJun65/ ORIG ITF: 003/ OTH REF: 009 Card 2/2 _Lr.2349&-66 a)/EWT(m)/EWP(J)/T/,2j'rG(11)-o Vfp/RM/WH _,kC NiRr AP6011.3352 SOURCE CODE: UR/0363/6610021004/0738/0740 AUTHOR: Ab; Strazhiddinov, N. A. ORG: Institute of the Chemistry of Silicates im. 1. V. GrebenshghIk2y,_&AAaaqt_nF Sciences~-SSSR (Institut khimii silikatov Akademii nauk SSSRY TITLE;- Dependence,of microhardness of pyroceramic materials on morphology of _:crydtalline-phases in the spinel-silica system SO .URGE_::~ ~AN SSSR.' *Izvestiya. Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 7, no. 4, 1966, 738-74 'TOPIC TAGS*':-, pyroceram, sitall, high strength material, &Last t 1~ aluminosilitate" -glass, crystal structure -.ABSTRACT: Amicrophotographic study has been made of the crystal phases formed at differe9t crystallization (annealing) temperatures in magnesium aluminosilicate glassesPof different composition to ascertain the effect of morphology of crystal phases on the strength of pyroceramic materials. Eylier, this effect was not studied experimentally and its role in the strengtI4 of pyrocerams was considered negligible in a theoretical study. Glass formulations were selected on-the basis ofL their homogeneity and fine cyrstalline structure. Microphotographn;of the same glass anneAled at -different temperatures show-ed-differences- in the size, form, and- orientation of the primary dendritic spinel crystals and in the appearance of th: secondary quartz-like and cordierite/phases. A clear correlation was shown betw en Card 1/2 UDC: 666.1:542.65 L 23298-66 ACC NRt AP6013352 microhardness, As a measure of strength of crystallized glass, and morpholog of the crystals. Tabulated data showed that the highest microbardness (1400 kg/mm was in the 2yrocera %ample with the finest dendritic spinel crystal structure and interdendritic distribution of cordierite crystals. The increase in strength was due to the dendritic structure~wbich was the most favorable for formation of strong intercrystalline bonds and for a minimum of crystal defects. The conclusion was made that the morphology of the crystals is one of the main factors of developmqnt ,of high-strength pyroceramic materials. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. JJK' SUB CODE: Il/ SUBH DATE: 28May65/ ORIG REF: 002/ OTH REF: 001/. ATD.PRES$:. Z 3L, Card 2/2 R _7 '.~M-Rna' OMMMIRRI G. . ; ?,!Tq MlY%.Ti A L I CHKIK0.1 - LYUREV ) Yu.A.; '-TF-,')POV, N.A.; USALOV, Yu.P. Top aphj~of the luminosity apparent in the mechanical de-excitat-Jon Qf 7:f-irrad4q~--d alkaii halide drystal Phosphors. Opt. i spektr. 18 no.6:l072-If-j-/-; A 165. (MIRA 18:12) TOROPOV) N.A.; AVGUSTINIK) A.I.; KUKOLEV, G.V.; WHEDLOV-PETROS14,N,O.P. Petr Petrovich Budnikov, 1885-. Zhur. prikl.khim. 38 no.10: 2153-2156 0 %5, (MIRA 18:13) TOROPOV N A - BABAYkN, S.A. Synthesis and study of the properties off nicke'll an-,-3 orthosilicates. Zhur.neorg.khlm. 11 no.1:28-.12 Ja 166. (MIRA igil) 1. Institut khimii ailiiatov imeni I.V.Grebenshchikova. Submitted December 10, 1964. 11 TOROPOV.2 N.A.,; TIGONEN, G.V. Crystallization of glasses of the sy6tem CaO.Al203.2SiC2-GaO.Si02 in the subeutectic region. Izv. AN SSSR. Neorg. mat. 1 no.5z763-768 My 165. Linear rate of growth of anorthite crystals In glass at 10000C. Ibid.:775-779 (MIRA 18:10) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy institut imeni Lensoveta. -.7 --44 AM e ORG tog If q-* t 211 It 4t) d e t:!904en 5-- Sot] Trr'cz. c J F1022 Pffe %22astc ct t fttowte op tute S- SOIJRC-p 9488e8 102 Le 022 PAlet-le 480velt 2014- V coat'a4 S4 v '702 2029 'Sj~0 2a -e 04 9 13 9 ropic 'Ing Qd~dd Ch -le c Afe Olt' 4aS2'JRACr. chttmfto O-Vld~ 4OWche4kP, inj'estj * 2~h .07(lde O'Wan'i'he"kiye n) k(he"C42 hite 84ted- e '0-"Y., CZIYS t r4$ ter, Of IL 2. Ojij ~Qjjz pret p4re ation 2 anorthite- Ifes- ZI-eiltme ~'rzoj. clopi'tolt k 40. 249 ine6 ct )ns 44d (3) S 41te - t-fes 0 tal tMd th Of th I . 'qOj *10. , Of the e th, t_"e Cloes no, at . e .4, . 51 QtMe Chan e J4 se. ~ Vol cr 'Ont nt n "03. 022 to 0 90 vi t e4p - rfft 24stoalte owing gifts is Cha%les tigf"Vth clrr-fed 4nd 3-201 threr- "PP4rently Afit 0 "e 44d 4."te o 04t A 608 W022 a&" '00 f ano or ~ an eato Cft due tJ40 1 th raf, - ilds rthlt hot Ofthit Olte posi t 0 to. , th , e Ift e 1, 2 cu a Chan e 4nd 8og l't cryat 4t 800 -0� c -FAftion ge 0 0~~ the 4.1~s 900 P,7 0 ano bej Q-t - t a I ng e CZ5~t Ond Ilep., 14 e. T 9500C ell T-430th I -Z' 0. F erala -41bm OrP4 'bJ' L Oc the 2 cOndi- Q~I'Pln !!Vpon COlltlaj 1'17~ g the eilt..( N C;z lroj~ 666.2:42. e; d 2/2 TOROP(N, N.A.; TIGONEh. G.V. 'Effect of the pri-mary ~riirvtm,~nt :~n the kln--!-~.l.C7 ff r:g cryv. tall izati on of cliromiwa urida additioms,. 1,-,V. AN SSSR, Neorg. mat, 1 r,,i,)-L,20l/+-2109 N 1~5. (MMA 18:12) .1. Loningradokly teklnnologich-i~tki.y in.,ji-I'LUt IMO(il 1:01IF"Oll"W. S Irmitterl May27, 1965. .,u _XC_CNT_AT60022_ 4 f _S0_JUI1CE CODE: UR/2564A5/006/000/0111/0115 AUTHOR: Bondar', 1. A.; Koroleva, L. N.; Tbropov, N. A. ORG: "Ag, TITLE: Growing of rare earth silicate single- crystals of oxyortho- and diortho-type from a solution-m--elf- - - -- -, - ;q -~, SOUR.QE: AN- SSSR. - Insti t kristp1lograffl.. Post kristallov, v. 6, 1965, 111-115 TOPICTAGS: single crystal growing, silicate, lanthanum compound, samarium compound, yttrium compound, ytterbium compound,- scandium compound ABSTRACT: Oxyortho (Ln20[SiO4]) and diorthosilicates (Ln2Si2O7) of lanthanum, samarium, ytterbiuin, ytt . and ac diuni!wgre rium, prepared in single crystal form by growing from a solution--melt. Potassium uorid hosen as the solvent and mineralizer. Coprecipitation with NH4:OH was used to achieve an Int-ate mixture of silica and rare earth oxide. Ile mixture -was then heated in a crucible to 1300 -~- 1320C for 8 hr, kept at this temperature for 4 - 6 hr, then slowly cooled from 1320 to 850C. 7he experiment lasted 300 hr. La, Sm, Yb, Y, Sc oxyorthosilicate and Yb diorthosilicato crystals measuring 4 x 3 x 2 mm and less were obtained. Their quality was checked by X-ray phase analysis, microscopic analysis, and Infrared spectroscopy, and the corresponding data are tabulated. Orig. art. has: 6 figures and 2 tables. SUB CODE: 20/ SUBM DATE: none Car TOROPOV, N.A.; UDALOV, lu,P, Disloeations and their effect on the properties of bigh-Ralting oxides. Zhur.VKRO 10 no-5:/+97-506 165, (MIRA 18:11) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Toropov). t i , -. ,4,I I- I , - , ~, 4 it - S 11 IT Ov t V . i I ,~--pstal claezilcal analogy of germanates: with ti tanates, v; I ; cates, and c . , - - ri,joberrylates, and the sy--tein lat-lum oxide - germanium d!rxide. fzv. AN S'SSR. Neorg. mat. I no.7,1130-1142 J1 165. (MLIRA 18:9) i.-. Iristitut shim-,-;'_ .9-*.I.,k,,Ltev imeni. 1.Mirebenshchikova ~N SSSH. E, ffe,.;~. BORISENKO) A.I.) doktor tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; jLqOPOX,.._j!.,A-_, red.; IVAIM, Me., rqd.; APPEN, A.A., doktor khin.- nauk, red.; GOREUNOV, N.S., doktor khim. nauk, red.; KLEVTSUR, S.A., doktor tekhn. nauk, red.; NECHIFORENKO, Ye.P., doktor tekhn. nauk,, red. [Heat-resistant coatings; transactions] Zharostolkie po- krytiia; trudy. Leningrad, Nauka) 1965. 233 p. (14IRA 18:9) 1. Seminar po zharostoykim pokrytiyam, Leningrad'. 1964. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Toropovp Ivanov). TIKIIONOV, V.A,j prof.; GALADIUSKAYA, Yo.A.; FOLUMOVAO Ye.F.; KUDRYAWSE11, T.11.; SUVOROVAI O.F.; TOROPOV,.Ll,,~., red.; VJITKO~ I.S.., red. [Laboratory manual on the chemistry of silicon and the physical chemdotr7 of silicates] Praktikum po khimii kremniia i fizicheskoi khtnii aillkatov, Llvovp Izd-vo LIvovakogo univ.p 1965. 291 p. (111RA 18:9) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AI; SSSR (for Toropov). TOROPOV, N.A.; RUMMITSE7, P.P. Factors controlling the rate of formation of Portland cement clLiker. Zhur.prikl.khim. 38 no.3:66CL-662 Nir 165. (MIRA 18-.U) 1. Submitted JU.IY 31, 1963. TOROPOV, N.A.; RUMUNTSE7, P.F. Method of studying the dissolution kinetics of cl~-akz:- zn- ' Aa, in the liquid phase of PortlRnd cement clinker. ?,~ur, pr.; 3&Lim. 38 no.5~1129-1131 My 165. (MIRI 18.1,1) 1. Institut khimii silikatov iTwni I.V. Crebnshchikcrva VT N.""; L)oDR01J0i,iSKlY,, LA. Lf'-ct of sc',dl;.'dM and potass-lim, cxides 00 Lhe "OUPOAtiOrl Of po7t,land cement, clfn~-i4r. Z 7 . e I no.5: 769-774 MY 165. AN ~h~mii sllika~L,07 J.'.1-1i - TO 2,P~~j RUMYANTSEV, PIF, Kinetics of silica dissolution in the liquid phase of a cement 'linker. Zhur.prikl.khim. 38 no.9;2113-21.14 S 165. a . Analysis and generalization of the data obtained in the study of dissolution kinetics of clinker minerals in the liquid phase of cement clinkers,, Ibid.o.2115-2116 (WRA 18:11) 1, Institut khim!,-' silikatov imeni Grebenshchikova AN SSSR. SYCHEVS M.M.; KORNEYEV, V.I.; FEDOROV, N.F.;.~Q doktor tekhn. nauk prof., red.; BUKINA, N.N.., red. (Alite and belite in portland cement clinker and the processes of alloyage] Alit i belit v portlandtsementnom klinkere i protsessy legirovaniia. Pod red. N.A.Toropova. Leningrad, Stroiizdat, 1965. 152 p. (MIRA 18:12) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Toropov). PORAY-KOSHITS, Ye.A.; otV. red.; YEVSTROP'YEV, K.S.y red.; KONDRATIYEV, Yu.N.. red.: LEBEDEV, A.A.j red.; MAZURINI O.V... red.; MOLCHAROV, V.'S.,, red.; PETROVSSM, G.T.P red.; POZUBRIKOV,*A.F., red.; TOROPOV, N.A.. red.; CHE130TAREVA,T.Ye., r~d.; YAKHKIND, A.K.,, recl. (Vitreous state; transactions) Stekloobraznoe sostoianie; trudy. Moskva, Nauka, 1965. 439 p. (MIRA 18:7) 1. Vaesoyuznoye soveshchaniye po stekloobraznomu sostoyaniyu. 4th, Leningrad., 1964. TOROPOV~ Nikita Aleksandrovich; BARZAKOVSKIY, Valentin Pavlovich; - N. WA, Niwi Nikolayevna larny VladiijiY ifolllyevich; KLUITSE (Constitutional diagrams of silicate systems; a handbook] Diagraminy sostoianiia silikatnykh siotem; spravochnik, Mo- skva, Nauka. No.l. 1965. 545 p. (MIRA 18:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSjj (for Toropov). L 00393-66 EWP(e)/tWT(m)/EPF(c)/ EWP(L)/EWP(t EWP 1$) IJP(c) JD/GVWH RMT511UP 14Rr AT5,013397 URY0091M AUTHORt -Toropov, N* 0; Slrazhiddin N A TITLE: Vitrification and crystallization in the system magnesium o?ddn___ajunjna, silica -77 -2-7 D-1 SOURCEt ~AN SSSR. Institut khimii silikatovk4Strukturnyye prevrashchentya v stetlakh pri povyshennykh temperaturAh (Stxmctural transformations in glass at high temperatures). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 193-201 TOPIC TAGSt gJags crystallizationF'vitrification, spinel, cordierite ABSTRACT: The authors studied the regions of vitrification and sequence and character of crystalli7ation in samples of the spinel-silica system and several samples, the composition of which were located in the ternary field of primary crystallization of the magnesia-alumina spinel. Particular attention was given to the identification of metastable phases formed first which are chiefly responsible for the structure and properties of glass-crystalline products. X-ray diffraction and optical analysis were used to identify the crystallization products, and the change in the microstructure of these ciystalline phases as a function of temperature and composition was-studied. Ir samples containing Card 1/2 L 00393-66 A=SSION NRx M5013397 less,than 3556 SiO2, the primary crystallization product is spinal; In samples containing over 35% SiO2, the products are metastable solid solutions with a~ quartz structure which decompose- above 1000C. In the pseudobinary system bove spinel-cordierite, the polymorphic transformation of cordierite occurs a 1000C, at temperatures which vary over a certain range depending upon the com- ,position. Orig. art. hass 4 figures, ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTEDs 21Dec64 ENCLs 00 SUB CODEs Ur NO REF SOY: 005 OTHERt 001 2/2- Card -y."t;-r-'s of ra-~-ea:,t S tc- an natura-Ily occuri-Jig Cl r, the ~aCS4fj,a f AN floo 1. and yttrialiteg. F 165. A 19-7) ~ I -itov A!, S353P 'L .Institut kh-*Lriii sil-]~ L 2819-66 fW.T(1)/E'fiT(m)/EPF(c)/EPF(n)-2/T/F-',IP(t)/E~IP(b)/E'4A(c) IJP(c) JD/JG/GG [ACCESSION"al AP5016i8i 535-373.1 q ;A Mikhallchpnko, G 'A Mlayurey, Yu. A.; Toropo, UTHORS: vi N. A.; ;Udalov, Yu. P. iTITLE: On the topography of radiation under mechanical de-excitation! 'of alkali-halide.,Prystal phosphors preirradiated by beta rays i ~ i-O ~" .TI1 '74 , '4 (i Q5, I? ISOURCE: OptikaA`spektroskopiya, v. 18, no. 6, 1965, 1072-1073 ITOPIC TAGS: crystal dislocation, crystal dislocation phenomenon, optic property, luminescent crystal, luminescence, beta lbombardment ABSTRACT: The autho checked the shape of the light pulse produced hen a single crysta4, own by the Stockbarger method and doped w I CsI with 0.005 wt. per cent InIvis exposed to beta radiation and then mechanically de-excited by pricking. The form of the light pulse Wasi lobserved visually under a magnifier and also photographed. The sbapei 1of the produced impact rosette confirmed.the hypothesis that the pro-,--- f L 2819-66 1ACCESSION NR: AP5oi6ift duced moving edge dislocations play the principal role in the mechan- Ical de-excitation of the grystal, since the shape of the rosette corresponded to the picture of motion of edge dislocations crossing the investigated plane. A sirr&1ar phenomenon waG observed also In jNa CI-Eu, KBr-Eu, and KI-In crystals, but the-luminescence intensity was-,lower- ----~'The-~-author-s--tba-nk--E.-- M. Na V*y -for interest in the work and for va.luable. critical-Fe-mark5.1 2 _f I gu r e-s- ASSOCIATION: None SUBMITTED: 13Feb64 ENOL.0 00 SUB CODE: OP NR REF'SOV: 002 OTHER: 000 Card 2/2 i~ K &'j ~!Ojj~fi ng 'gona, -5-' m. 'A"'M EN L 1456-66 A(q) NR:.-- _-AP5022265-7 UR/0363/65/001 007/1130 1142- 546.4314546 .289 AUTHOR: Grebenshchikov, R. G.; Toropov, N. A.; Shitova, V. 1. TITIE: Some aspects of the analogy-between the crystal chemistry of germanates and titanates, silicates, and fluoberyllates, and the system barium oxide- germanium dioxide SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya..Neorganicheskiye materialy, v. 1, no. 7, 1965, 1130-1142 OPIC TAGS: germanium compound, baritaAxide, barium compound, fluorine compound, beryllium compiTu"-ndrubidium compound, ead oxide, titanium oxide, silicate, barium titanate ABSTRAM. in.a study of the.phasi diagram of the system BaO-,GeO2, use was made of thermal, x-ray diffraction, microscopic, and crystal optical analyses. The system is found to have six chemical compounds with BaO:GeO2 ratios equal to 3:1j 2:1, 3:2, l:lj 1:49 and 1:19; three of these compound3were obtained for the first time: Ba3GeO5, Ba.3GeZO7,and BaGe19039. An approximate scheme of.the polymorphism of tribarium germanate is proposed: 1L.1456,66 ACCESSION NR: AP5022265 16010 47e C -$as* C 7$$'0 -430W 0 H414 0 Us 0 a X 01 HrL The interplanar distances and,refractiv.e indexes of all thegermanates studied and their polymorphous modifications are tabulated. A discussion oi the crystal chemical analogytof barLta germanates with fluoberyllates, silicates, titano- silicates, and titanates is given in which the systems RbF-BeF2, PbO-SLO2, PbO-GeO2, BaO-SiOZ, BaO-GeO2, and BaO-TL02 are compared. Orig. art. has: 6 ures and 5 tables. "g 1 - - ASSOCIATION: Institut khimii silikatov im. I. V. Grebenshchikova Akademii nauk SSSR,(Institute of Silicate Chemistry, Academy of.Scietices,SSS SUBMITTED: 29Mar65 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: IC SS NO REF SOV, 007 OMR.- Card ~/Z 4, MeM NO It t -,li uava.Lenr cations. x-ray d-Liffraction patterns of 'the . . . . . . . . . . .W NAME a Op , - , -z- .. .. I - I ~ ~, ; ~ i'- ~I.F~ ~ -. i. ; .. -_., , , ~, ;- ~ . ; . , - -1 - I . - t~ - .- 1-5~ - -, ~ c-~ - - i I - -6,4, , . -.,~ - iTITLE: Mtechanism, of formation of cordierite &-in azalmatolite and magnesium oxide ianaivsis maae ru.possibie to in7 .Lerpie I; Lne mucamism O:E dissociation of agal-Ma-to- lite and the reaction of forTrAtion of cordierite in the solid state. The follow- L 52o66-65 ACCESSIDT-4 NR- AI'50140e7 a .. ...... .. Ov. _i v , TOROPOV, N.A.; UDALOV, YU.P. K-instics of the formation of etching pits on dislocations in KBr crystals. Dokl. AN SSSR 161 n0.2.3/10-342 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Instit-ut, metallurgii im. A.A.Ba3kova. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Toropov). TOROFOV~ 11. X. Uslovnye refleksy s.glaza pri udalenii zatylochnykh dolei bol'shikh polusharii u. sobaki fConditioned reflexes from the eye upon removal of occipital lobes of the cerebral hemiapheres in do 08* Moskva, 1952. 91 p. (Akad. med. nauk SSSR. Dissertatsiia shkoly ada. I. P. Pavlova). SO: Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Vol. 7, No. 3, June 1954. G I Co, BE N 311C H I K 011 F R . G . ; T OR OP 011 , N . A. ~, S i i i T OV "t I V . I . t7_1 I -1 J.., - - Solid so'Lutions cf 3a23~1--~/ - Da2'2C",-- 1-':, - fn 5. "--- - - I ~ / no.1:12.1-125 Ja '6 1.. IngUtut khiratt sikl.!~atov lm~.!nl Gvivb~-v7shchlkova AH SSSR. OF !M-Z* TOROFOV N.A.; DOBROVOLISKI-Y, K.A., inzil. ----l - I- Effect of sodiwn and Potassium metal salts on the fo=~atlon of the minerals of clinkers. TSement 31 no.1:6-7 Ja-F 165. (NURA 18:4) 1. Institut khimii silikatov AN SSSR. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Toropov). TOROPOV, N.A.; FV',OROV, N.F. Study of the phhse diagran of the syster, calciurn neodymium orthosiLicate and calciiun orthosilicate-lantharnn orthosilicate. Izv. AN S5,SR. Neorg. mat. I nc.1:126-130 J& 165. (MIRA 18.-5) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskilLy institut imeni Lansoveta. TOROPOV~, N.A.; FEDOROV) N.F. Phase diagram of the system Ca2-4O4 - Y4(SiOL)3' Z~rur- neorg' khim. 10 no-3:666-668 MIr '65- 1- (14JR~ 18~7) - za P.11. TOROPOV, N.A.;' RUMANI , , i t~~ Kinetics of dissolut -ion of calatum oxide in the I-iqu d phase of a cement clinker. 2jiur. prikl. khim. 38 no.7sI614-1616 J1 165. (YJ-RA 180) (d) /F.WP(I-) TTP(n)_._.BB GG&CD AAVW_692674_ ~1011 CE CODE: -UWO-0-0-076-6766-076-CO-/0067/0072 AUTHOR: Zakrevskiy, A. D.; Toropov, N. R. ORG: none TITLE: Teaching pattern recognitio, in Boolean space SOURCE: Moscow, Institut avtomatiki I telemekhaniki. Samoobuchayushchiyesys avtomati- cheskiye sistemy (Self-instructing automatic systems). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 67-72 TOPICTAGS: pattern recognition, Booleanspace, automatic machine teaching, algorithm A13STRACT: As one of the ways of solving the problem of pattern recognition and teaching of pattern recognition deserving of attention, the authors Investigate appropriate models In Boolean space. The following Is assumed as a working hypothesis: the pattern is a Boolean function having a sufficiently simple disjunctive form, 1. e,, with a small number of low-rank conjunction.s. In this case it becomes possible to teach pattern recogn!tlon on the basis of relatively short teaching sequences, the length of which is appreciably less than the power of the set. Under these conditions effective algorithms of teaching pattern recognition are con- structed on the basis of methods of minimizing weakly determined Boolean functions. For example, the use of the following principle Is reasonable: for a given teaching sequence of Card L 05285-67 '4 fixed length It is assumed that the pattern corresponds to a Boolean function having the simp] disjunctive form (minimal or briefest) and taking from the elements of the teaching sequence the values prescribed by this sequence. By Increasing the fixed length and forming a corre- sponding sequence of Boolean functions It Is possible to expect that with a sufficiently simple pattern this sequence will converge at a certain limit corresponding to the pattern sought. OrIg. art. has: 5 figures. SUB CODE: 05, W/ SUBM DATE: 02Mar66/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF: 002 Card I o4423-67 EWT(d)/EWP(1_) IJP(c) BB/GG/GD 'ACC NR: AT6014295 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/65/000/000/035710362; ;AUTHOR: Kashirov, V. I. (SSSR); Butakov, Ye. A. (SSSR); Pottosin, Yu. V. j(SSSR); Toropov, N. R.JSSSR); Tsvetnitskaya, S. A. (SSSR) '6 ORG: none -f- I NTLE: Problems in materialization of the L-machine 16c1 SOURCE: International Symposium on- the-Theory of Relay Systems and Finite lutornata. Moscow, 1962. Sintez releynykh struktur (Synthesis of relay structures); trudy Bimpoziuma. Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1965, 357-362 TOPIC TAGS: logic circuit, logic design, switching theory, digital computer ~ABSTRACT, Structures of a cell of multioutput fields of the "L-machine" (see IAT6014294), a combination generator, and a Gray-code counter of the machine's I 1control unit are considered. The counter has ten binary elements whose.states ,can be represented by a binary word g a (gl, # g, v... i g I ). A 10 -digit binary .word r determines the set of blocked digits in the word g, i. e. with r, = 0, ~ 04423-67, :ACC NR: AT6014Z95 g I -a 0. The generator of combinations of 10 things k at a time comprises 10 binary elements whose states can be described by a 10-digit binary word C - (CIO R cl , . . . , C, ). Under the influence of control pulses at the generator input, the word c will consecutively take on all values that correspond to all possible combinations of k ones and 10-k zeros. The field unit comprises one principal and 13 auxiliary fields. Each field comprises Z' a 1024 elements with numbers j, where j a 0, 1, .... 1023. Block diagrams of the above units are shown, and their operations are briefly described. Orig. art. has: 4 figures, 13 formulas, and I table. SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 27Aug65 / ORIG REF: 001 &WM TOROPOV, S M. M. 63ININ, ZhPKh, 19341, 5, 413-4-24 TOPOPOV, S- 3 M. m. INJUNIN., ZhPKh, 5, 413-24(19.~2) TOROPOV, gergey Aleksandrovich TOROPOV, Setgey Aleksandrovich ............ lbs-kva, S'La Droshloe i nast-oiashchee. (Mo,i,,a), 1896. 1 p. 1., ifi, 123 p. DLC: DK60I.T SO; LC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified TOROPOV, Sergey Aleksandrovich TOROPOV, Sergey Aleksandrovich ......e.... Podmoskovi-qe usad"i. Moskva, Izd-vo Jkkademii arkhitektinT SSSR, 1947. 36 p. 30 plates. (Sokrovischa russkogo zodchestva). (AkademiAa arkitektury SSSR. Institut istorit i teorii arkhitaktury.) "Bibliografila": P. 36-07) DLC: IIA7369.,46T6 SO: LC, Soviet Geography, Part II, 1951/Unclassified TOROPOV, S.A., professor, doktor arkhttektury. Architectural monuments and methods for their restoration, Gor.khoz.Kosk ' 21 UO-3:26-37 Vq '.47- Off-RA 6: 11 ) (Arohitecture--Gonservation and restoration) *0 00 6 0 00 0 0 e 0 0 **too 1 A I u I.- tj u n L& a to it 11 1% a 1A OMPRID)AVOR A] e JA-V-v M 0 Ull 4 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 Ig ocdft 41 gdwbmtL M. M. Dumixim. 0 6 J. Af#4d Chm. (P.$ S, R.) 4, 1 1004(k 1=~ : go V. 00 00 00 A i. s L a .11ALLIACKAL ulFROLAt CLAMPKAVON iv -0 &S tyro., ma tcalf do( Rja n I I M I S 'I U 0 1 At Id 5 w- 1 400 ,_I, 'IF g o 0 go so 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 tit ~0_47 W 11 11 umtsis Us$ a It u IS 14 a is 0 It 0 it u u be a It It a 0 at &1 41 0 Al C r W r I a L is U k. A -1 --- - a t, L -_Lo o ;_v i.t lot vC*_ 'ZI,_01. CI 015 to AdisorPtive pCopeftegs of commercW himpblack. Nt. Nt. I)VOININ AMD 90 it -Tosupov. Zhur PrtklaJxoi Aki-. 30 KMAICS of culls. 14,1111bTfick 06 were investigated. ignition or activistilin with stram or with IINAN unly Partially r civans tip the irsirface 14 tile M111111slack. LampbUck list i a p,,c,)jj% Ilnlctgl w 00 '1 rr, jib this 1AW.-st of a %Ito Nuita, e for cut,$ tary C.H., Fishir. Wthylvile 1,111, M.N41-1 frtull w.lIrr -111. A.I.)rplu'll 4,f "ei'l, 1, Vr SUCV-ivr Itest"I'llt of 14flipill.lck With K()JJ and 11CI xos 04110 ch-us We outface mthcr thtntmShly and Yield' a PnAuct which P~-~S n-Pm2al ad- .3 *Wl-tive propritim of an activated mediuni-irrvide carlmn. V. KAl.lCllMV$XY 0 0 roe *0 0 ago 00 coo r4r 0 COO 00 1 is e es 00 ITALLU*GKAL klygRAVURE CLASIWICATIOM woo A It aI L A - J1I I &56 too, jilli 'MOSO n 0 31 0 AV No it it Its kW 11 1 lu IF 0 0 0 000.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 00 00 0 60 *TOO so o-o te7 s o s o 9 o 0 0 0 0 000,0 00 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 ON Soo* 000 0 0 0 q 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000 0 #.#~m too ovw-w~~- IS It If 4 x Iva 11)fm Illy At M IQ It U 11 LA 1~ It 11 0A 1, 11 c 4~ F A V V I I I AA W U it! It b 10 0 . -Toi~oav, Sri, 00 so '',e 00 0 of induattilit itsvii, tustalts I 00 phda tt'. S. S. Iul 1938. N"p. td: Akt. 00 A Referw. fhur~ 1, NO, 10, 1190 MOO. - rw.. All'I ., -ee of tile app. ftw the rrstqrAti'.,l 4 n,A~L- 0 111A -00 (111141 wit); activatt'l ChAr.-VI are Iti"n. aw trillimcd bir 1.1"W1111 %,III At 1191 1:41' Mid Jt% HIK 'Atilt IWI Mt s( Ili# 1% frittv,vi-.1 bi, 1,1,,wlijg firm "itli ill ~i I -n1f tile" -0i M'"-I Ili$; IIY 111014111K Atilt JIV 00 00 j 00 0 zoo 60 ;90 so I k A I ALL (JP.GK At I. M 44 1 Wit t WO ICA Fi0ft t ts 0 008 ko 0 to It 41 a r'? M 04 I's N, OT 41 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a : so 0 * 0 " TORO-?OV- S. A- k, Moskva, Gos - '~Ia" hno-tekhn. Repair of industrial gas ma 21 p. (51-2791-3) TP242.T6 1. Gas masks. 2. Gases, Asphyxj