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,7 "After this period of time has expire4 and the hemolytic mixture has been kept at room temperature for 10-20 minutes, It is added to the first Phase of the reaction; 0.2 ml is added to the first tube, 0.4 ml to the second, 0.6 ml, to the third, etc., up to 1.4 ml to the seventh tube. After the mixtures have been kept In a water bath at 37-380C for 20 min- utes, the reactions are evaluated according to the hemolysis which has occurred; the largest quantity in the absence of which complete lysis of erythrocytes occurred is used as a titer (working dose) for the hemolytic system. "The hemolytic mixture titered, by the aforementioned method is added to the tubes exhibiting a basic test and to the corresponding control; the tubes are shaken carefully and kept in a water bath at 37-380C for 20 min- utes. The reaction Is read in the usual order. 0-5 "By the use of the above-described modification of the complement fix- ation reaction., 19 herds of cattle (2,015 head) with varying epizootiolog. ical records in regard to brucellosis were examined; positive results were obtained in 526 cases, whereas positive results were obtained in 400 cases when the 11sual complement fixation reaction was used, and in 240 cases with the agglutination reaction. A total of 584 cows from a brucellosis- free herd were examined; a doubtful agglutination reaction was obtained with their sera in seven cases, a complement fixation reaction in three cases, and a prolonged fixation reaction in two cases. The superiority of the latter method was also established on examination of sera from 113 horses, 168 sheep, and 31 humans. On the whole, it was found that with the prolonged complement fixation reaction, the diagnosis of brucellosis was 3.5-20% more successful than with the usual fixation, and 17.5-45.4% more successful than with the agglutination reaction. In old resurgent foci, the differences indicated were more pronounced than in fresh foci." ,5uM- 13t6 TRILINMD P.A., doktor vet. nauk. Tibriosis in sheep. Vaterinarila 35 no.10:45-48 0 158. (Knu liao) I.Zaveduyushchiy otdalom mikrobiologii Leningradekogo nauchno- inaledovatellskogo veterinarogo instituta. (Absortion in animals) (Sheep--Diseases and posts) uSsR/Diseases of Fam Animals. Diseases Caused by R-2 Bacteria and Fungi 2802 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur - 13iol.., No li 1959 Chistov, N. P., Zyabkin, Author T A" S,, Podkopayev, V. Me, Kryachko, Lo No Inst Leningrad Poientific Research Veterinary Insti- tute Title a The Results Obtained when Using SUIS 64 Strain Vaccine for Sanitation of Cattle from Bruce- llosis Orig Pub: Sb,, tr. Leningr. n.-i. vet. in-t., 1~57, vyp. I., 5646 Abstract: No abstract Card 1/1 LIKHACHEV, N.V., prof.; .',.GRINSKIY, N.I., prof.; SYURIN, V.N., prof.; SMSIVTSEVA, N.A., prof.; KOIDBOIDMKIY, G.V., prof.; ZOIDTAREVY N.A., prof.; KORYAZHUOV, V.P., prof.; KOLESOV, S.G., prof.; BABICH, M.A., prof.;.P~TROV, A.M., prof.; ZOTOV, A.P., prof.; DOROFEYEV, K.A., prof.; POLYKOVSKIY, M.D., prof.; SOMMKINP P.S., prof.; ORLOV,-Ye.S., prof.; KOTOV, V.T., prof.; TRILENKO, prof.; LYUBASHENKO, S.Ya., prof.; USACHEVA, i. H, A.M., red.; BALLOD, A.I., tekhn. red. (V6t erinary laboratory praoties].-Veterinarnsia latoratornaia praktika. Moskva.. Selikhozisdat.- Vol.[General microbiological methods of investigation] Obshchie mikrobiologicheskie Metody is- aledovaniia. 1963. 566 p. Vol.2. (Biochemical, chemico- toxicological, and veter4*-ry hygienic methods of investigation] Biokhimicheskie, khimiko-toksikologicheakie i zoogigienicheakie metody iseledovaniia. 1963. 431 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Veterinary laboratories) TRILEM,, Petr Andreyavich - -- - 1. --'. "Significance of modified mutation strains of brucella, which have lost tbAir ability to produce antibodies in the prophilaxis of brucellosis in animals." r*POrt to be submittad at ths 17th World Veterin-ary Congrazj, Hariovor, West Ggrwry, 3.4-21 Aug 63. prof., doktor veterinarivkh nauk; POLYAKOV, P.Ya., red.; BARANOVA, L,Gp tekhn, red, [Vibriosis in cattle and sheep) Vibrioz krupnogo rogatogo skota i ovets. Leningrad, lzd-vo sellkhoz.lit-ry, zhurnalov i plakatov, 1961. 246 p. (MIRA 15:2) (Cattle-Diseases) (Sheep-Diseases) (Abortion in animals) V. -L. Leninj,r;s,.d Veterinary Institute ;~,v! Rolorneritk Vatlei-Inary Polvolinic. of Leniv,~~racl. "Thp clin-ic wid hematclop_y of Ln~,.ting rliueaoc of horges." SO: Veterinarija 26(2) 1949, p. 18 -20. TAB CON So: Without organizations, same as 1949 Letopial Zhurnallrxsrkh Statenr item 5613 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 TRIIENKO, V. A. "Agglutination Reaction and Complement Fixation Reaction as Diagnostic 'X~ethods for the Discovery of Antigens in American Bee Rot." Cnnd Vet ~7ci, Leningrad Tnst for th,~ Advanced Training of Veterinary Physicians, Leninp-rad, 1953. MhBiol, No 1, Sep 54) SO: Sum 432, 29 Mar 55 218(5) SOV/32-25-8-40/44 AUTHORS: Lobachev, M. V., Fodmoshenskaya, S. V.,,tr Shadrina, A. B. TITLEz Multi-channel Photoelectric Devices DFS-10 for Emission Spectrum Analysis FEHIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1959, Vol 25, Nr 8, PP 1013-1014 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The instrument mentioned in the title has a photoelectric re- corder of the individual spectrum lines (SL) and is intended to be used for rapid- and marking quantitative spectrum analyses of metals and alloys. The instrument has 36 outlet slits sep- arating 36 (SQ. A special programming device makes possible the simultaneous application of any desired combination of 12 (SL), using one (SQ as comparison line/ ';hus 11 elements can be simultaneously determined in a sample. The instrument has a polychromator (vertical scheme), a recording receiver and a GEU-1 generator for electron regulation. The monochromatic radiation is focussed by special mirrors on 36 photoelements (with Sb/Cs-photo cathodes type STsV). The operation interval Card 1/2 of the instrument with the photoelements STsV is 2200-5500 R. SOY/32-25-6-40/44 Multi-channel Photoelectric Devices DFS-10 for Emission Spectrum Analysis The operations of the instrument are described by a schematic diagram (Fig). The recorder is a potentiometer type EPP-09. The reproducibility of the photometric recording during 8 hours of continuous operation at a constant radiation is t 0.6%. There is 1 figure. Card 2/2 ANASTASIADI, A.P.; BOROVSKIY, V.R.; VYBORNOV, G.V.; KOPELY)JISKIY, G.D.; MAK, I.L.; PECHURO, S.S.; PIYEVSKIY, I.M.; RACHEVSKAYA, K.D.; RF.YZNFR, Yu.B.; RYBAK, L.L.; TSEFEELIOVICH, M.R.; SMKHER, L.I.; YUSHKEVICH, M.O.Cdeceased]; AGEYENKO, Yu.G., nauchnyy red.; BELUGIN, A.T., nauchnyy red.; KOGAN, G.S., nauchnyy red.; KRZHEMINSKIY, S.A., nauchnyly red.; MITSKEVICH, M.I., nauchnyy red.; SILENOK, S.G., nauchnyy red.; ,Ye,,, nauchnyy red.; ZURAREV, K.A., glav. red.; TjjL&UjK,, Z TROF3NOV, I.P., red.; SKRAMITAYEV, B.G., glav. red.; BALATIYEV, P.K., red.; KITAYEV, Ye.N., red.; KITAYGORODSKIY, I.I., red.; ROUVARGER, Ye.L., red.; KHOLIN, I.I., red.; CHERKINSKAYA, R.L., red.; RODIONOVA, V.M., tekhn. red. [Manual on the production of gypsum and gypsum products) Spra- vochnik po proizvodstvu gipsa i gipsovykh izdelii. [By] A.P. Anastasiadi i dr. Pod red. K.A.Zubareva. Moskva, Gosstroi- izdat, 1963. 464 p. (HIRA 16:7) (Gypsum) (Gypsum products) ROZHDESTVENSKITO N.A.; TRIUCSSKIlo S.V.; SALAMVv K-P- New metbod of inatal3lbg deep foundatiops made of drilled footi#911, Oen., fund.i mekh.grun. 4 no.lt20-23 162. OaRA 16*2) (Foundations) - FINK, Z.; SAJDA, M.; technicka spoluprace TRILETA, V. Reactions produced b5r the effect of organophosphoes on scme interoceptive systems. Gas. lek- cesk. 102 no.7:179-182 15 7 143, 1. Vojensky lekaralgr vyzk=ny a doskolovaci. ustav J.Ev. Purkyne v Hradci Kralove. (PHOSPHORUS POISONS., ORGANIC) (ACETYLCHOLINE) (BLOUD PRESSURE) (SHOCK) FINK, Zd.; technika spolqprace TRULTA, VAra Influence of some anticholinergic compounds on cerebral acetylcholine in ra*. Gas. lek. 4#k. 102 no.12005-309 22 Mr 163. 1 I, Vojensky lekarsky vyzkumny a dookolovaci ustav JEv? v Hrad+ Kralove. (BRAIN) (ACETYLCHOLINE) (EENACTYZINE) (ITFOPINE) (ISOh#PHATE) (OXIMES) (PYRIDINES) CZECHOSLOVAM/Nuclear Physics - Nuclear Reactions. C Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Fizika, No 3, 1959, 17447 Author : Trilifaj, Ladislav Inst : Instittite of Nuclear Physics, Czechoslovak Acadeny of Sciances, Pragac, Czechoslovakia Title : Some Aspects of the Spherical Haritionics Methods for Neutron Transport Problems La Cylindrical Gcor,,.etry. OriC Pub : Clelbosl- fiz- 211-, 1958; 8, N%) 4, 390-395 jIbstract : The integral -differential equation of diffusion of rionocnerGetic neutrons is solved in the Pi approximtion in the case of a cylindrically-synoetrical inhonogenCOuS medium and a cylindrically-symmetrical distribt,tion of the neutron sources. The solution ofthe system of eq:aa- tions thus obtdined, a systen which determines the spheri- cal harnonics of the distribution function, is erpressed Card 1/2 - 38 - CZECHOSLOVAKIA/I;uclcar Physics - Nuclear Reactions. Abs Jour Ref Zhur Fizika, No 8, 1959, 1744,( in terms of the Macdonald functions, and the problem is reduced to deterLdninr, the coefficients of the cor- respondin(; Macdonald ftnctions. A detailed exandnation is -.-.iade of the determitiation of these coefficients in the case of a mediuxi 4ith iso4oplc scatterinG indica- trix. The results ate iA agr9buent with the resiLlts of Davison (Referat Zhur Fizika, 1953, No 10, 22433), but are obtained in a shorter manner. Aui analocpus method is -ased to examine the case of the me~ftiun with anisotro- pie scatterint, indicatrix, which can be sufficiently well described by a sum of two first spherical harwo- nics. -- A.Ya. TerAin Card 2/2 TRILING Sholom Mikhaylovich- KASHTANOV, F., red.; NOVIKOVA, V., ~te. ~r. (Our practice in production mechanization] Hash opy-t makhani- zataii proizvodstva. Minsk, Gos.izd-vo BSSR, 1962. 16 p. (MIRA 16:4) 1. Brigadir komplekanoy brigady Grodnenskogo zavoda bytov.Vkh priborov (for Triling). (Grodno--Hqueehold appliances--Technological innovations) NIAZ., 14; MIIJZR,, L.; CM.SUROVA, if.; KRAUS) R* .,acological and embryological institute, faculv. of goneral medicine ?harr Charles University (Farmakolo,gicky a embryoloriclq ustav fak. woob. 10k. Karlovy University), Prague; directorz. I.I. Wenke, LID and academician J. IVOLF, Dr So Bratislava, Bratislavske Tekarske ListY, No 3, 1963P PP 156-162 "On the Possibility of Parenteral Application of galtose" TRILISER, T.D., SHMSHNIKOV, P-X- Effect of segmental electrophoresis of novocaine on the course of local radiation damage following radiotherapyo Vop.kuro, fizioter. i leche fiz. kul't.' 23 no,5:408-410 S-0 158 (MrRA 11:11) lg .1z Glavnogo voyennogo gospitalya imeni N.N. Burdenko (nachallnik - general-mayor meditainskoy slushby N.M. Nevskiv) (RADIATION-PHYSIOLOGICAL 30 CT) (NOVOCAM) (ELFICTROPHOMIS) SLAIDIFS, Janis; TRILISKIS Abrams- PURNE, Silvija; ENDZELINAv M.p red.; , I., tekbn. red, (Transfusion of blood and blood substitutes] Asins un asins aizvietotaju parliesana. Rigao Latvijas Valets izdevniecibay 1961 164 p. (14IR-A 15:3) ZBLOOD-TRA&ISFUSIOTT) (BMOD PLASKA SUBSTITUTES) .13. 11*4 - X-say -SILWy Of "d&)4 SyWhiltill 141111141" - pgly- 'Claocapse"Ca. 11, loultsms a 1-1 J. 1. , ,,1*111) ! w I IJ. A-A.So" for".419. fit N., 14'. ..4iml.l. .4 twing waulAl 10,14 1, 1-Ulv mal mi'll0dird 1% lycill.'ri-opt It i- Nfeldled, it vivc~ 4 filac thagram dlumn( Itwo that -( N"-lowtv, pw%ithll it Itm licalld lo Ill). 1161:1.1111% of wlllvml~A Ill dir I'll-Alur A mdr Allow .... ..I . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 4 1 A I 1 1 ,* "U'llf 114 It M 1, a It 1, W 'I It 9j U a MU %poll r AIUNAL* , , 0 O 0 8 A I I JA IV U 0 It If a A -1, - get.##% [ ...... .... Tit& odsorietios of oil to relatio," to lubrication, 00 C 11,1141 and Ptnt. Viffll# r 'A.- th'. 33, N" 11, W It AM MAI I 'Ilibril at, Ilk. 11'r -infit". 41-1- .4 'InMemi, jil, C. ef in -1 41 a Ill,04v J.'s.-A 0 0 a int"lare befolma 11,0) end -41 SO 11141 $be I' 90 harply distorted but not broken, the Fin# will IV 911-l'i for bra. or until The 9urface is ruptured. It the Ititsiort i~ .00 due to torrvion of a wire and the torsion is retorded by a rx-imler ,,OVing over a dial, Vaphs of dial readinits again-t -00 J. little can he plafted. for Pwy pwv pluraffin (III the lrfl~ .00 0 3 -inn Ii,wris tery litfIr In 4M . Tbq, stMa. vit Wric dri-I. I pelf I,, [Will, 2skil, PONI. ItIJOV) or Itroelli-I ollifilrdly different truphil. Thr I/M) htl%t. ruplute'l it, It- cf.o 2 1/2wk) In "N'llf 16 life. $fill file "llirl. Weltdrifinil 0Y -tin-,, f-, I ilataffin and froin en. 1, 0 I,I graph. rats Ito uslid Its antilytivilli-AU. t-.,.f 1 0 fin it, "hit 11,4rk, M'M fuld fittried illit"1111 filtrr liallier Of Mitoti, (;fear Challifril I" COW". 4 t4i-t, -00 acid were effected. Slindruily, paraffin In ecintart with ivi t t l F h 0 0 r a . or s e me balls of Pll vr iteel lo*t olific add to t z:o* 15 Will about 2.4 X 100 mob. per sq. cm. were retained. ci nen i d . o mr*w n Exposure to heat picicluers an apparent Com.olisterhavelikeparaffin- ,I ad. frivilt-Winiviv. EyMently. Altyarloci deriessril the juittrt : -,(an 4-il ti, Ittlit irate. Ali applicsi itm tit hii tev link- shniti lit 1 10 8 - It. to P!, Is r? 1) at Or Is K n 41 1819 to 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 is 0 4111 0 0 * 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 WO 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 .. I '. - . s=-um b~'~-,t -,I, t~o ~-fria te-t.-r , t1le-s- ~!,, -- ~ ~7, j, -1 ~ < , ~ -. - ~, 1- 4 7-, r , , r, . - -. Ir." . I ~-7 11 - . I '.. I NOSOVSKIY, Vladimir Vasillyevich, insh., mlpdskiy nauchnyy sotrud.; TRIIBSSKIY S.Y., red.,- GAYMSHIN, A.I., red. izd-va; =0- LAYRVA, L.H., tekhn. red. [Manufacture and assembly of bridge spans] Izpotovlenia i montazh proletnykh stroenii mostov. Moskvn, Houchno-tekbn. izd-vo H-va avtonobillnogo trnnsp. i 9hossainykh dorog RSPSR, 1961. 77 p. (mim 14:5) (Bridges, Concrete) mmDSIMICHMIKO, N.; MAROV, G.; ~~ ~Bov Service industries in the Kuznetsk Basin. Awt&prom. i khudopromys 4 no.3: 7-10 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:4) 1, Zameatitell predoodatelya promyshlennogo oblastnogo ispohatellnogo komiteta Komerovo 'fur RUishnichanko.). 2. Predsedatell ahakhtennogo .9 k komiteta,, poselok shakhty "Yagunovskayd" (for Marov). 3. Glavayy inzh. Kemerovskogo bytkombinata No.1 (for Trilobov). (Kuznetsk i3asin-Service industrtea) USSR Cultivated Planto. Gralris. 1-3 Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., 1958, N,:, 16, 72913. Author Trimi.-H-&- Inst i3elorussian Agricultural Academy. Title Place of Corn inCrop Rotations of the Belorussian SSR. Orig Pub: Tr. Belorussk. s.-Ich. akad., 1957, 23, No 2, ~-22 Abstract: On the basis of results of one-year tests (1955 at the "Ivanovo" Tvain'Ing Farm), the best predeces- sors for corn in rotations of field crops are po- tatoes and winter rye, for fodders - silage crops (sunflower) and perennial grasses. Corn is recom- mended as a fallow crop. Total harvest (stems plus Card 1/2 GARKUSHAq I.F., prof.; TRIMA9 N.K.9 otv. za vypusk; PAVLOVSKAYAj Ye.M.v tekhn. red. (Bog soils; lectures for students of the agricultural faculty) Bolotnye pochvy; lektsila dlia studentoy Agronomichaskogo fa- kul'teta. Gorki, Beloimsskaia sellkhoz. bibliotekap 1957. 31 po (MIRA 14:8) (Soils) (Swamps) GAMSHAI I.F.9 akademik~,TRIBAl otvet. za vypusk . I [Soils of the tundra zone; lectures for students of the department of agriculture] PochvY tundrovoi zor47; lektoiia dlis. studentov agroriamicheskogo fakullteta. Gorkit M-yo sellkhoz. SSSR'p 1959. 12 p. (KUtA 14: 8) 1. Akademiya sel'skokhozyaystvermykh nauk BSAR (for Garkabba) (Russiag Northern-Soils) GARKUSHAt I.F.v akademik; TRIMAj W.K.9 otvet. za. vypusk (Soil structure; lectures for students of the department of agri- culture] Pochvennals. strukt=a; lektsiia. dlia studentov agron=iche- skogo fakulltega. Gorki, M-vo sellkhoz. BSSR, 1959. 13 Pe (MIRA 14:8) 1. Akademiiya. sel'skokhozyaystvennykh nauk BSSR (for Garkusha.) (Soil pbysics) Voroblyev, S. A. and Trima, N. K. - "On the utilization periods of grasses in field- crop rotation," DoklacTF-(FZMr.-T.-kh. akad. im. Timiryazeva), Issue 9. 1949. p. 5-1- 56 SO: U-5240, 17, Dec. 53, (Iatopis 'Zhumal Inykh Statey, No. 25, 1949). GARKUSHA, I.F., prof.; TRIMA, N.K., otvet. za vypusk; MYTIN, M.B., tekbn. red. - ----- [Soils of the turf-Podzolic type; lectures for studpnts cf the Agronomy Department.) FochV dernovo-podzolistogo tipa; lektsiia dlia studentov Agronomicheskogo fakullteta. Gorki, Belorusakaia sellkhoz. akad.p 1957, 55 0 (14IRA 14-.10) (PodZ033 YOSKOBOYENKO~ A.; LEBEDEV, D.; FALITA, V. (Yrasnodarskly kray, Stanitsa K ur anskaya); IVANOV, F.; HE 9 -LIPMUO, D.; inzb. -SU gostedp created, introduced.. Izobr. i rats. no.9:16-17 S,, (MIRA 14:8) Inzhener po ratsionalizatsii, Ussuriyskiy lesozavod"(for Vookoboyenko). 2. Chlen soveta Naucimo-tekhnicheakogo ob- shchestva g. Sochi (for Lebedev). 3. Direktor Mukachevskoy remontno-tekhnichoskoy stantaii, Zakarpatskoy oblapti (for Ivanovy. 4. Direktor pryadillno-tkatakoy fabriki, g. Chely#b- insk (for Melimevker). 5. Trest "Chuvashspetsstroe , g. Chebaksary (for Trifonov). (Technological innovations) IRUOI%iov.4 I;: "The Combiner Pavel Siu-sila-a." 11ol. 4, 1/2, - .1 1~53, Sofiya.) SO: 1.'onthly List of -ast twopean Accessions, 'o1. 3, No. 3, Library of Cowr..ress$ I-larch 1954, Uncl. TRIFONOV, U. Gw-kiy, Maleclm, 19-68-19'36- It' Jr- .11. Gorkiy -nd the literature movcr~,er.'L. ~f the, end tInp !9th ond bei~ nilc ~,f t~& 2)t' R,,v - i I . I-,. ., zhkole ll~ ',o. c, 1~"q c e n tux - es - 11 A. Volkov. - P-ved. ly ':,. Tf ~Ll , 1. 1 I MonthlZ List of hussi~r Accecsions, Librnry of Conj:resc, Decrmbev 137?. U:.- C! A 5 -- I F I F.D KOVALENYO, K-N.;-T.RTFONQV, N.A. Physicochemical analysis of the system aniline - ethyl alcohil; ~ .1 viscosity, density, and surface tension. Uch.zap. RGU 41:4.~1-50 158. (YdRA 15:1) (Aniline) (Ethyl alcohol) VYALOVA, R.I.; D'YAKOV., B.F.; IMASHEV, N.U.; Xoz I MODEM I YANSKIY, V.V.1 XWEV, P.I.; KRUCHININ, K.V.; TOKAREV, V.P.; TRIFONOV, IT.K.; C HEREPANOV, 11. N. Southern-Mangyshlak oil- and gas-bearing region. Trudy WfIGRI no.218:7-50 163. (MIRA 17:3) TFUFONOV, N.K.; VASILENKO, V.P. taceous sedimentO in the yArgyshlak Stratigrapby of Uppor Cre Peninsula. Trudy VITIGRI no,218042,379 163, (MIRA 1733) AYZMHTAIN, G.Ye.-A.; KOLTYPIN, S.N.; TRIFONOV, N.K. NTectonic structure and historical development of the Caspian Lowland and adjacent regions in connection with gas and oil potentlalsO b7 M.P.Kazakov and others. Reviewed b7 G.X-A. Aizenshtadt, S.N.Koltypin, and H.K.Trifonov. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. gool. 25 no.4:109-112 Ap 160. (MIRA 13:11) (Caspian IDwland---Geolo . Structural) (Kazakov, M.P.f TRIFONOV, N. K. New oil- and gas-bearing region in western Kaza'khgtan. Trudy VNIGRI no,220. Geol. sbor. no.8:7-9 163. (MIRA 17:3) TRIMNOVP II.K.; CHEREPANOV, N.N. Estimation of prospects for finding oil and gas in the Msngyshlak Peninsula and the prospective plan of further works. Trudy VNIGRI no.132:59-71 159. (MIRA 17:1) _W,!zjc4- bURAGO# Alla Mikhaylovna; KULIKOV9 M.V.9 TRIFONQV4jLjkQjgy vedushchiy red.; YASIICMWHINSKAYA9 A.B., (Upper Cretaceous sediments on the Mangyshlak Peninsula; stratigraphy and facies ] Verkhnemelo7ye otiozI:--rdia Mangyshlaka; stratigrafiia i fatsii. Leningrad. Gos.nau'chn.-tekhn.izd-vo neft. i gorno-topl.lit-ry leningr. otd-niev 1960. 195 p. (Leningrad, Vsesoiuznyi neftiami nauchno-issledovatellskii geologbrazvedochnyi institut. Trudyy no. 157) (MIRA 14:2) (Mangyahlak Peninsula--Geologyv Stratigraphic) AYZENSHTADT, G.Te.-A.; TRIFONDV, N.K.- CEMPA.MV, N.N. Basic problems relative to oil and gas potentials of western Kazakhstan. Sov.geol. 2 no-9:56-69 S '59. 04IRK 13:2) 1. Voesoyuznyy n~eftyanoy nauchno-isaledovateliskiy goologoraz- vedochnyy institut (VNIGRI). (Kazakhstan--Petroleum geology) (Kazakhstan--Gas, Natural--Geology) TRIFOROV, U.K. New data on the upper Cretaeeoue stratigraphy of the Mang7shlak Peninsula. Trudy MGU no.131-297-301 '59. (MRA 12:9) (Hang7shlak Peninsula--Geolog7. Stratigraphic) TRIFONOV, N.K. , Raw data on the distribution of Sarmatian strata lu northwestern Kazakhstan. Geol.abor. uo.3:161-164 15-1 (HLRA 8:6) (E&2akhstan--Geology, Stratigraphiu) DIYAKOrV.0 B.F.; IMASHEV# N.U.; KRUCHINIX.. K.V.; KOGAN, A.B.: KOZI-IODEMIYANSKIY,, V.V.; TOKAM, V.P.; TRIFOHOV, N.K. CHEREPANOV, V.N.; VYAWVA, R.I. Southern Mangyshlak is a large new oil-bearing region. Geol. nefti Vgaza 5 no.12:4-11 D 161. (MIM 14:11) 1. Voesoyuznyy nefteyanoy nauchno-issledovatellskiy geologorazvedochesko,ye upravleniye i treat 14angyohlakneftegazrazvedka. (MangyBhlak Peninsulla-M fields) , , I .. ti I i, %, P! , " ", ; 1 -., v ~ .-' I . %r , *; ~~, i, !'~ , T.~ i Vk,~ *;, -lie L ; . j . 1.1 1.: ~ I , .. - -_,- .. - - ;~~ 'k";i"~)", YU.M" ru"j. 7 I! -.; --t, , 1,7. (,~,Ur~7e -,;r, prr;j~ramwr-in?l -.'urE progra:.z "I'atika," -n64. 386 f). -:; "1 17 - P,') TRIFONOV, N, P, Yaster of Phys-Math Sci. and SHMA-MMA, M. R, ~r. Phys-Math Sciq. "Experience of Programming and Solving Certain Mathematical Problems by the IM-21 Machine of the ENIN Inst. of Energy of the USSR Academy of Sciences by the Moscow State University," a letture delivered at the Soviet Computer Corgress, 12-17 March 1956, Moscow Translation of abstract D 499674 TRIFONOV N. P., Cand. in Phys. Math. Sci. and SHURA-BUPA, 14, 11., Dr. of Phys. Ma". sc" L_ -- 11; 1 "Experience in Programming and Solving Certain Mathematical Problems with the M-2 Machine of the Enin of the Academy of Science USSR at the Moscow State University" a paper presented at the Conference on Methods of Development of Soviet Mathematical Macl-Ane-Building and Instrument-Building, 12-17 March 1956. Translation No. 596, 8 Oct 56 BAIMIBLATT, G-I- (140skya); TRIFOROV. M.P. (14oskva). On a few axisymmetric problems on unsteady fluid and gas flow through porous media. ZZY.Aff SM.Otd.takh.nauk no-1:59-70 Ja 156. (NLRA 9:5) 1. Inatitut nefti AS SSSR I Institut tochnoy makhaniki i vychislitall- noy takhniki AN SSSR. (Soil percolation) (Petroleum engineering) 9(219) SOV/1 12-58-3--4805 Translatioa from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika, 1958, Nr 3, p 205 (USSR~ AUTHOR: Trifonov, N. P. TITLE: 11igh-Power Thermoelectric Wattmeter for Decimeter Band ~Termoelektricheskiy vattmetr bol'shoy moshclviosti detsimetrovogo diapazona) PERIODICAL: Tekhnika televideniya (M-.vo radiotekhn. prom-sti SSSR), 1957, Nr 20-22, pp, 146-154 ABSTRACT: A coaxial -line -type wattmeter for measuring power in the decimeter band is described. The power measured is dissipated in a terminal load whose temperature is measured by a set of series -connected thermocouples. The terminal load is, in fact, an absorbing film coating the inner sill-face of the outer conductor of the coaxial line. The wattivieter is calibrated by a low- frequency current passed through the wire heater. In. case of the first model, the heater is placed into the load equivalent; in case of the second model, it is inserted into the load for the duration of wattmeter calibration. The scale span is 5-100 watts for the first model and 10-250 watts for the second. The error is + 5-776. Card 1 /1 L.A.B. 1~' I v Iv. C, , , I It V 16(1); PIWE I BOOK EXPWTTATI0*N SOV/2291 Zhogolnv., '&Yvgnniy Andreyqvich, Gmmadi-y Stepanovich Roslyakov, Nikglxq Pw7lovinh Trifonov, and Mikbail Romanavich Shura-Burn, Professor -------------- Sistma stniidnrtnfth podprogrmn (Systcm of Standard Subroutines) Moscow, Fimatgizp 1958- 230 P. (Series: Biblioteka prikladnoga analiza i qnhinlitellnoy matematiki) 8,000 copies printed. Sp-m-oring Agency- Moskovski-y gosudarstvennyj universitet. Kafedra 'h v ,yynAslitallnoy matmatiki. F4, (Title page): fdkhail Romanovich Shura-Bura, Professor; Ed. (Nilida Wbok)i Yu. M. Bezborodov; Tech, Ed.t S. N, Akhlamov. P=--SE: Tb-is book is intended for persons working in the field of computer rryft=atics as well as students speciaLizing in this field and others interested in the problems of performing operations on high spead digital couTnxters. COVERJM: The book is basical.27 a description of a system of standard Card 1A Systan of Stemdnxd Subroutines SOV/2291 Subroutines which were applied at the VychislitelInyy tsentr (Computing Canter) of Moscow State University in 1955-1956. The book consists of an introdnation and two parts. In the introduction, principles of construetien and operation of high speed digital computers and basic programming concepts and methods are diecused. In the first part is described the M-2 computer, located in the Laboratoriya upravlysWushchikh mashin i aistom (Control Machine and Systems Laboratory) of the Academy of Sciences, USSR., and built under the supervision of I. S. Bruk, Corresponding Member of the Academy. The peculiarities of programming and selecting a System of stsj66ard subroutinesfor this machine are discimseed. In the second part of the book are found certain Subroutines from the library suitable for the system selected. Although the subroutines have been selected with a specific machine in mind, the system as well as the O.qoritbms can be completely and successfaUy applied to various automatic digitai computers. These subroutines as well as the contents of the book were discussed at sessions of a seminar in which Acadmician S. L. Sobolev, Professor K. A. Semend7ayev,, and Docent 1. S. I!erezin took part together with co-dorkers of the Ccwpa er Center. The authors thank the lat-Iter for their vs2ueble remarks., and ease thawk V. M. Vrn-illyov aril IT. M. Yerdhova., 'brrlvil of the Computing Center at Mocew. State University, for comlyming with Card 2/~ ,/- I Tj F-o tj ")~ F P TIFONOV, N. MICIHEDRIN, B.H. "The Application of Universal Computers to X-Ray structure kjalyr a report presented at symposium of the International Union Conference of Crystallography Lenningrad 21-27 1,tr 1959 SO: B 3,135,471 28 JUlY 1959 SOV/70-4-3-7/32 AUTUORS: Trifpuq.Vj,_~%P- and Shchedrin, B.M. TITLE: The Solution of the Basic Problems of Structure Analyz-;is on Universal Calculating Machines PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1959, Vol 4, Nr 3, pp 315--323 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In 1954, prograziunes for crystallo.-raphic calculations on the digital calculating machine BESM were worked out and 1n,1956 repeated for the "Strela" machine of Moscow University. The following calcuiations can be madet 1) calculation of a not of values 6(x, y) (Fourier synthesis, etc.); 2) allocation of phases (calculated) to observed amplitudes F 0 and calculation of 6(x, Y) 4 3) calculation of F + calculation of 6(x, y) 4) calculation of (F - F + calculation of 6(xj y) (difference synthesis) ; 5) calculation and output of F C 6) allocation to F 0 of the phases of t1lie calculated F C Cardl/3 and output of the F Q obtained; SOV/70-4-3-7/32 The Solution of the Basic Problems of Structure Analysis on Universal Calculating Machines 7) calculation and output of (F Fd 8) refinement by the method of differential syxithesis; 9) refinement by the method of differential synthesis + estimation of accuracy + calculation of 5(x, y) from, F c The m1culation of the Fourier synthesis is made at intervals of 1/60 or 1/120 of the unit cell edres with maximum indices of 30. The maximum number of F hk values whichcan be used is 1524. For a centrc-symi-iietric group the sumiiation takes 10-50 minutes and for a non-centro- synu,,ietric group twice as long. Structure factors are calculated from the usual formula. fi is heldonthe machine as a table in steps of 0.1 in sin 0/k and is found by lineaE integPolation. is calculated frow sin 19A = (Ah + BR" + Ch1c + D) UP to 95 atoins of 211 sorts can bu handled. Not i-,tore than 63 can be of one sort. The usual calculation time (for a zone) is 20-30 minutes, including a double check. Card9/3 The Solution of the Basic Calculating Machines Each refinement of 35-110 min. There are 4 reforeaces, int ernational. SOV/7o-4-3-7/32 Problems of Structure kialysi~- on Uni-.rersal cycle (of a zone) takes an average tix-Ae 3 of which are Soviet and I ASSOCIATION: Vychislitellnyy tsentr MGU (Calculating Centre, Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: February 24, 1959 Card 3/3 ..c L*o""v#X.S.# and lakova.R.S. SOW/42-14-1-27/27 TITIA. Ife ftblidatlO-v an Applied Analyst. and Nusarlo&I Mathwastico k:1 (NOMO 1144-170, PO priklsd"m &A&llgu I V7CM~1L%*1'voy mat~tike) MIMICAL. uspokbi matematich.skikh nank.1959.Tol 14.jEr I.Pp 261-165(ma) ANTRIM It to stated that in the V531 the" exists so parlodtml a smseriosi mathenatize and siallar do-ims. The pace" of m.. "Maine Q"OnY 4PPO~ in the OOrl*- "2UtLICatLQM 00 A29led A&SXSU and Ruserical mathasatiose (SPATM) and to almale nallecteil volumes. The serif. ZPATZ beg" In 1955 Sal until U,7w it *Oblain*& the f.Alowtnd aamog-&phi*., 1. G.S.SLIekbo. -Ca"14%un to Barles4g 2. L.N.9havauskly 'Aiiplication of Continued Fraoticas , In a* Approximate Analyal."I 3 T 3 1 b-lkiy L.Y.F11i -statuity or mcf."not 1... -.17 E! K kly lq..d"t~ ft-1--s b- N.A. gr=4*1 5 3.11.11koll. M., r 'ArIthAMItiO T.-M-.40f Z194t"RIO Digit LFF4CS"-& j M T9rob- v 'ftmemt~ Method In Applied Mathematics's Zhogol.,. G.S.Roalyako~. X.P.Trtfowv. X.S.Shra-b-a taidarc-murp-Rcramm.. Th&rm appeared the foUtwind Collected volumes, -sumerloal and COMPUtIAS r-Ohnic.' (M-) wines 1953,-Rum.ri,al Uthssattca' (VX) since 1957. -AA 'cc-p-tlAc T-*b"=.1 (1-0 izom 1959- Until now two WGIUMON Of TV". &pp-od with contributions T.A.DItk1n. ".Ly-teralk. A.A.Ab~~ N it TO.Tj.t-.tdXe. Vr.,. a VS. ru =.Ood TV ton. --Sri t I I -T Forall 7 Volta, V X Saul- at re = ~ ea. F. -hk. 0-id - - -5=~ 0 k . $=. & *rt B.N.D"24ov A 0 I a... b, 0-r- bet., T.M.Ya"'. P.P.GOIG1tmttk-. T..A.Tolkov. %a-TY3F'T.-.T&.Z&siI-wkIy od%ted the oalloo-ed voluaO "Usations of the-fSa�ryo thematisal machine." C-Formay tOOrLI natmeatlehaskthl aaahia-) ith sentrIbuSlose of y,.T.. 2"Llevakly. I.Ta.Ak..k*kly. Ta" "ff. X.A.Cau.ters. 1L.K. Cast 3/3 TRIYONOI , Nikolay Pavlovich, red.,SIRJRA-BURA, 41khail Romanovich, red.; FLAKSHE, L.Yu.., tekhn. red. [System for automating progra=Ing operations] Siftema avtomatiza- tsii proeramairovaniia. Moskva, Gos.izd-vo fiziko-ratem.lit-ry 1961. (KIRA 24:1.2 ~ (Programming (Electronic computers)) AUTHORS: TITLE: 41191 Sl/ I 94/62/00OA07/003/160 D222/.D309 Trifonovp N.P., and Shura-Bura, Y.R. Properties of the programming program for Strela-4 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatika i radloelektronikap no. 7, 19062, abstract 7-1-16 m (In collection: Sistema avtomatiz. programmirovaniya, M.t Fizmatgiz,,1961, 71 - 84) TEXT: The basic ideas in the design and structure of the programm- ing program written at the VychiBlitellnyy tsentr MGU (Computer Centert MGU) are described. The basis of this programming program (PP) is the method of standard subschemes; A standard sub-scheme is a part of the logical scheme (LS) realizing a certain algorithm and permitting of a standard description independently of the problem in which the given algorithm is realized (e.g. cycles). The stan- aard subschemes are described in a symbolic notation and,they are transcribed by special blocks of the PP into a complete IS in terms of the basic types of operators used in this PP. This accomplishes Card 1/3 S/194/62/000/00*17/003/160 Properties of the programming ... D222/D309 an intermediate stage of programming. Standard subschemes of vari-' ous levels can be used, and correspondingly the progra=,ing can be organized with several intermediate stages. The initial informat-lon for PP is LS, a table (T) showing the dependence of quantities on the parameters, and some general information. Six types of operat= are permitted in LS; A - arithmetical, 0 - restoration, F - address modification, (D - forming, N - nonstandardp DK - auxiliary constant& In LS the use of standard subschemes f is permitted. A short des- cription of these operators is given. The initial information for A is given in the form of a system of formulas fl(xl9'x2l "" xk)-__.~> => x j, The table T showing the dependence of the quantities on the parameters contains the parameters of the program and the accompa- nying information on the modification of the corresponding addres- ses when the parameters are changed by unity. The general informa- tion contains a table of symbolic addresses, a table of external. addresses, a table of intervals and a table of storage allocation. The last of these serves for the processing of a given program -component pro -10 with the standard gram ~"' -2 (SSP-2 . The system of information codin,- is given - i.e. the distribution of symbolic Card 2/3 D E;/194/62/000/007/003/160 Propertios of the programminG D222/D309 numbers in PP - and also the symbolic numbers for coding the opera- tors and the corresponding indicators. In order to prepare the ini- tial information for inDut there is an auxiliary program for preli- minary processing. The ~P consists of the fp1lowing blocks: B - in- put, f - standard subschemes, C - auxiliary block (to form short LS's)t B - processing of nonstandard operators, A - arithmetics, E - working-cell economy block.. 0, F and ~D are blocks for'restora- tion, address modification and fotming,,RP is a block for ordering and the assignment of addresses. All blocks of PP are written on magnetic tape and are brought sequentially into the operative memo- ry of the computer. [Abstracter's notei Complete translation.) Card 3/3 210-0 AUTHOR: Trifonovp N.P. TITLE: Block of standard subschemes 41192 3/194,/62/600/007/004/160 D222/D309 PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Avtomatilca i radioelektronikap no. 7, 1962f abstract 7-1-17 k .(In collection; Sistema avtomatizi programmirovaniyap M., Fizmatgizf*1961, 125 - 134 TEXT: The block of standard subschemes (SS) is intended for the replacement of the symbolic notations in SS -by the corresponding parts of the logical scheme (L8)9 described in terms of basic types of operators. In the library of SS's the fhost frequent SS's are in- cluded - cycle with restoration and cycle without restoration.- The LS for a cycle with restoration is of the form: S 1 = OW .Is OM FM p(i ik)' where 0 and F are restoration and address-, modification operators. A part of LS can contain cycles. In this case cycle S ihas a rank k if S 0 contains at least one cycle of Card 1/3 S/194/62/000/007/004/160 Block of standard subschemes D222/D309 rank k-1 and does not contain cycles of higher ranks. The logical condition is realized in the most general way by a counter. In-LS information on SS is given by a symbolic notation of the form Ni ts of N2 (,flit iol ik), which 'means that for a part of LS we have 'j to write down the scheme of a cycle with restoration (fi) with re- spect to the parameter i, the initial and final values of the para- meter being 1 0 and ik respectively# while the first operator of this cycle must be numbered N1, and the last N2. Th6 algorithm for the operation of block SS is described. In a preliminary calcula- tion the socalled symbolic ranks of the cycles are determined and a table of SS is formed. This preliminary work is done by the first part of the block, after which there- follows the writing down of the cycle. The first stage is the assignment of numbers to the ope- rators. During the second stage the information is prepared for the 0 and P operators, In the third stage the arithmetical operators A and A are formed, (the counter is restored and one is subtracted Card 2/3 B/194/62/000/007/004/160 Block ofistandard subschemes D222/D309 from the counter to obtain the indicator)p and also a non-standard operator E which ends the cycle. The final stage includes.the order- ing of the operators into a complete LS using the information which has been prepared. An enlarred block diagram of the program for the processing of cycles is given. 1 figure. [A"ostracterle note: Comp-. lete translation.] Card 3/3 TRIFOVOV N.P., red.; ROSIYAKOV, G.S., red.; ZIIOGOLEV, Ye.A.., red.; ~~LIDEIIBERGY G.S., red.; YERMAKOV, M.S... tekJan. red. [Computing technique-s and; collection of works of the Moscow University Computer Center]Vychislitellnyo moto- dy i programmirovaniej sbornik rabot Vychislitelinogo tsen- tra Moskovskogo universiteta. Moskva,, Izd-vo Mosk. univ. vol.l. 1962. 349 P. (KIRA 15:10) (Electronic calculating machines) (Prog,ramming (Electronic computers)) ZHOGOLEV, Yo.A.; 2UF-OIIQY,-jLL_k SHAKHSUVAROV, D.N. Calculation of olectromagnetic fields in lamellar media. Vych. met. i prog. 1:209-233 162. MRA 15:8) (Field theory) (Electromagnetic waves) (Electronic calculating machines) TRIFONOT, N. S. ICIpediency of using photoprotection for presses. Kuhinostroitall no.10:1,5 160. (MIRA 13:10) (Power preases-safety measures) TRIFONOV, N.S., inzh. Using photcelectric intrusion det-ectors on crank presses. [Nauch. trudy] ENIKMA'Sha, 6.161-167 163. (I-11RA 16:9) (Mechanical pressefl--SRfety appliances) (Photoelectric cells) BELOV, V.P. (Moskva); KULIKOV, L.S. (Moskva); TRIFONOV, O.A. (Moskva) Some characteristics of the dynamics of neurotic states originating in childhood. Zhur. nevr. i psikh. 65 no.5033-736 165- (MIRA 1815) I TRIFONOV 0 14 Cand Tech Sci -- (diss) I'Study of the possibility I- ~ ~Ne hydraulic hammer effect in metal-cutting lathes." of utilizin Moscow, 1960, 15 PP, (Min Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, RSFSR. All-Union Correspondence Polytech Inst), 200 copies, (1.-L, 31-6o, 142) MRONOV) V.Ye.; KULIBA, F.Ya.i TRIFONOV, 0.1. Effect of alkali metal cations on the formation of thiocyanate complexes of lead (11). 7,hur.neorg.khim. 8 no.9t2ll.",-2117 S 163. (MIRA 161lo) 1. Leningradskiy tekhnologicheskiy Institut imeni lensoveta. kafedra obshchey khWi. ACIERKAN, N.S.,, doktor tekhn. nauk, prof., zasl. deyntall iviuki i tekhniki RSFSR; GAVRYUSHIN, A.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; YERMAKOV, V.V., kand, tekhn, nauk, dots.; 1(2irL"Y-Ei'j N." kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; KAKOYLO, A.A., inzh.; KUDIN~-V"" V.A., kand. tekhn. nauk; KUDRTASHOV, A.A., kand. tokhn.nauk, dots.; LISITSnl, N.M., kand. tekhn. nauk) dots.; 111MEYEV, Yu.Ye.., dots.; FUSH,:V.E., doktor tekhn. nauk, prof.; TRlFlDNOV 0 ., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.; FEDOTENOK, A.A., d6kV~tekhn. nauk, prof.; KHOMYAKOV, V.S., kand. tekhn. nauk; ALUNKIN, V.I., inzh., retsenzent [Metal cuttirv,, machines] 1jetallorezhushchie stanki. Moskva, Mashinostroenie. Vol.l. 1965. 764 P. (MLIA 18:10) TRIFONOV, O.K. Hydraulic shaft. Stan.i instr. 31 no.8:12-13 Ag 16o. (MIRL 13:8) .(Oil hydraulic machinery) TRIFONOV, O.N., aspirant 'Using hydraulic impact techniques in machine tools. 1561-V ol)l,inetallorezh.stan. no.4:220-237 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Machine tools--Hydraulic driving) TRIFUNQV, P.Ij.,-aapirant Determining the necessary law of the changes in the capacity of a valve alit during the generation of hydraulic pulses. Issl.v obl.metallorzh.stan. no.4:291-297 161. (MIRA 14:12) (Oil hydraulic. machinery) AUTHOR: Trif onov, 0.~ N. TITLE: The possibilities of using hydraulic machine tools S/ 123/62/000/01 P-1009101 0 A004/Aioi impacts in metal-cutting PERIODICAL: Referativnyy ~hurnal, r4ashinostroyeniye, no. 12, 1962, 62 - 63jp abstract 12B397 (V sb. "Issled. v.obl. metallorpzh. stankov", no. 4, Moscow, Mashgtz, 1961,220 - 237) TEXT: During an oscj~llating motion of the cutting edge of the tool In the cutting plane the adhereneEkof the chip to the tool front edge decreases which, in some cases, leads to an improved surface. For this purpose a hydraulic vi- bration drive has been devetoped whose operation is based on the utilization of the phenomenon of hydrauliclimpacts, i.e. an abrupt increase in pressure in the system if the oil flow ratelis changed. The author carried out theoretical in- vestigations of the phenomeripn of hydraulic impact in this drive. The graphic method is used for determining the relative pressure increase at the beginning and at the end of the pipeline for any period. This investigation was carried out Card 1/2 9/123/62/00Q/012/Grf)/O1r_j The possibilities of ... Aoo4/Aloi bothfor acontinuous and for an interrupted oil flow, which is interesting inas- much as in some pipeline sections, during the superposition of the forward and back waves, stresses may arise which exceed'the admissible stress of oil rupture and promote a liberation of vapors and dissplvcd air from the oil. The cavita- tion phenomenon in mineral oil was studied with a high-speed motion-picture camera. It Was found that durin* the piston travel under cavita-6ion conditi6ns a constant pressure is establishOd in front of the piston. This is made use of in deriving the equation of the piston motion during cavitation. Based on the theoretical AM experimental investigations,ithe model 5714 gear shaving machine ., ensuring the:applicatiori of oscillating motions to the gear has been modernized being shaved in the cutting plane which impr bves the finish quality of toothed wheels. Th7e are 17 figures and 5 references. B. Korobochkin [Abstracterws note iComplete translation] Card 2/2 GIRSHOVICHO U.S., kand.tekhn.nauki TRIFOXOVj O.N., inzh. TechnologicaLl parameters of cutter heads of oxall milling machiner7 unite. Trakt.i sellkho=a h. 31 no,2:40-42 F 161. (MM 14s7) 1, Nauchno-iseledovateltakiy institut tekhnologii traktornogo i seltakokhozyayotvennogo mashinostro7eniya, (Milling machines) TRIFONOV, O.V., master vazlivochnogo proleta Performence of casting bays. Metallurg 7 no.12tl?-19 D 162. (MRA 15:12) 1. Kuznetakiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat. (Open-hearth furncaes-Equipment and supplies) TRIFONOVI O.V,; GMOKHOV,, N.K. BreakLng away of the stoppers. Metallurg 9 no.5s26-19 MY 164. (MIRA 17:8) 1. yuznetskiy metallurgichaskiy kombinat. TFJFONOV, _- O.YJLlb('lG!,i`H'c'V, S.I.; VASIL'fEV, A.N. Pouring S tr~.., - 45 mi-ilinpter ~:asllng vczzl'~~ 20 , 11 With a (M!.R~l 2-8.5) no.3.'18--29 Mr 1~5. I. 1(jimetakiy meta 3.1ltrgj Che Fkiy kcvbirtat. TRIFON j Pavel., inzh. ---- Use of regenerated motor oils. Tekh delo no.43833 32 Ag 162- -!?TqFQNo.T, -P,-(Yoronezh) Magnetic antenna attachment for a television set. Radio no.7: 29-30 JI 160. (Television--Pntennas) (MIRA 13:7) TRIFONOV, P. Bolashikov, S. Fuil utilization of agricultural machines on state agricultural U farms, impoetant reserve for reducing net cost of production. P-3. KOOPZRVf IV140 ZI-TIEDELIE, Sofyia, Vol. 11, no. 3, Mar, 1956. S03 Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EUK), LC, Vol. 5, No. 6 June 1956, Uncl, TRIFOROV, P. (Ilizhniy Tagil). Training level. Mat.v shkole no.6:72-73 N-D '53. (HLIU 6:12) (Leveling--Study and teaching) ASHIN, G. , polko-mik; TRIFOITOV, P. , polkavnik zapasa Repelling counterattabRS. Veon.vest, no#9:30-~35 S '60- (MIRA 34:7) (Attack and defense (MiLitary science)) TRIFOINOV, -F. ____ ____ hening the National "CottQn Growing-and Manufacturep--An-Important*Factor For Strengt '7r_MFDELTIF) EcoAom~ nna Incr,~asing the income of Coliedtive Farms. P. 31." (KOOPEW-TT'INO - Vol. 8, No. 1, 1953, Sofiya, Bulgaria. SOC: Ikbntlly List of East European Accessions L. C., Vol. 2, No. 11, Nov, 1953, Uncl, TRIFTIOV, P.; BOLASHIMI, S. Lowering the cost price of the ton-kilometer automobile transportation of state farms. p. 2. (Kooperatvino Zemedelie, Vol. (120 no. 3, Mar. 1957. SofUa, Pulgaria) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) W, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. p - .-I - . lvlarsew 5cientific-ricocarch In.-Aitute of Autcrolidle Tralisnortaticn. P. ')~ Teknika Vol. 7) No. 5; '.1.9"'- Sofiia, bull,-.aria. Monthly Index of East Ewronean Accessions (E17AI) LC, Vol. 71 No. 10j, Oct. 58 TRIFONOV P.; BUDKOp V. Universal electric spark machine. NTO 2 no.5:42 My 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1, Predsedatell oblastnogo pravleniya nau~hno-tekhnicheskogo obahche- otva radiotekhniki i elektroavyazi im. A.S.Popova (for Trifonov). 2. Predsedatell soveta nauchno-tekhnicheskogo obshchestva universiteta go Voronezh (for Budko). (Electric cutting machinery) TRIMNOV, P., polkovnik zapasa,- ASHIN, G., polkovnik Some pemliarities in supplying troops from the rear in desert areas. Tyl i onab. Sov. Voor. Sil 21 no-4:44-45 Ap 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Desert warfare) (Logistics) TRIFONOV, P., polkoviiik zapaaa -- - ...... The ext of the ardper. Voon.-Inan,. 38 no.lall-12 Ja 16-2. (HIPA Ilo-2) (Snipers) ASHIN, G., polkovnik; TRIEDNOV, P., polkovnik zapasa Mistaken which should not have been made. Vo4n, vest. 42 no.lIs 29-33 N 162. (KMA 16s10) (Attack and defense (Military science)) S/081/63/000/001/051/061 B144/B186 AUTHOR: Trifonov, Pavel At. TITLE: Motor oils and their exchange intervals PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Khimiya, no. 1, 15,63, 457, abstract IP136 (Tekhnika (B111g.) v- 11, no- 3, 1962, 106-168 [Bulg-1 TEXT: The dependence is established botween the ageing of motor oils and their content of metal particles- AAC-ia (DAS-18) and AM14 (DP-14) oils become unsuitable for further use when containing >0.05% Fe. rAbstracterla note: Complete translation.] Card 1/1 ,MIMWVO P A - Construrtion and utilization of plane sections of pol7hedra. Uch. zap. MGPI 116:225-Z41 '58. (MIRA 12:9) (Geometry, Solid) jWqNoy, 1~,A,,. ~nzhe, For a_better utilizatioU of MotOr tra=por-t, Tekhnika Bulg 2 no.lOtl2-16 0 153. AC-C NIX' AWOOYI,31. AUTHOR: Sollogub, V. B.; Garkalenko, Kalyuzlinaya, L. T.; Khilinskiy, L. A. ORG: GeophysicslInstitute. AN UkrSSR. Trust (Trest "Dn~progeofizika") TITLE: Deep structure of the Earth's on seismic data SOURCE CODE: UR/3169/66/000/018/0003/0018 1. Chekunov, A. V. (Institut geofiziki AN MrSSR); Dneprogeofizika crust in the Belozersk iron ore region based SOURCE: AN UkrSSR. Geofizicheskiy abornik, no. 18, 1966. Geofizicheskiye ,issledovaniya stioyeniya zemnoy kory (Geophysical investigations of the structure I of the earth's crust), 3-18 TOPIC TAGS: geoiogic survey, earth crust, seismology, petrology, mineralogy ABSTRACT: Seism~c investigations of the Belozersk iron ore region revealed that the 1: basement in the ~-egion is composed of the earliest Precambrian formations and the basaltic shell is greatly uplifted. Hence it is natural to assume that a block of the Earth's crust has been elevated in the Belozersk region relative to adjacent re- gions. This uplikting of the block of the basaltic shell occurred along the ancient Belazersk submeridional deep fault zone and was accompanied by the penetration and fusion of basic and ultrabasic rock varieties in the upper levels of the crust. A comparison of the structural map of the surface of the basaltic IACC NR- AT7003831 shall with the gravimetric map revealed their good qualitative agreement. Thus the gravity anomalies in the Belozersk region are due not to petrographic inhomo- geneities of the basement but mainly to the surface relief of the basaltic shall. It is assumed that in other regions of the Ukrainian shield the main gravitational effect is also produced by density boundaries within the Precambrian strata. In the: overall qualitative conformity of't*he gravitational map of the basaltic shell of the: Belozer6k region,'no direct relation was found between the magnitude of the anomalies and the depths to,the basalt. This was apparently due primarily to density inhomo- geneities in the basaltic shell itself~. Orig. art. has: 10 figures. SUB CODE: 08/~ SUBM DATE: 20Kov65/ oRiG REF: 025 Card 212 I V TRIFONOV, P.I. F Review of "Treehanbronchoscopy," a book by the renowned scientist (professor, ze.sluzhannyy deyatell naukil V.E.Trutnev. P.I.Trifonov. Vest.oto-rin.15 no.6:84-86 11-D 153. (MLRA 7:1) (Bronchoscope ahd bronchoscopy) (Trutnev, V.I.)