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lin the -,f I~t~g~= lm! of t"'- p 'ver i!;~ -nzv a 1-2 BOOK --.7MOITATION AGCy,5,(,jC)R NR Aj14045987 -I no~vsv~ 1 Dlych, ~t- TF- printed. ,vial turbine ,mines methods and results Of experlmenta'. The book ex 'i h nJ --r.. f c I ne Diner, ~D. poyinhnic institutes. Foreword 3 ~Ch. 1. Turbine lattices 7 Ch. 11. Calculation of a atage -- 99 Ch. 111. Method or investigation turbine stages !'-0 Ch .I V . Reaults of investigation of einFle- -Tane rt E!gres at full i It 1P Ch_ V_ -Spi.-ed atag&rz - .261. lCh. VI. Stages with partial delivery and supersonic stages -- 295 Ch. V11. Large fan stages -- 3" 7 '; : : ` . h C%..Ix. jraThs of the economy an,4 of malel stages Fff-~:! of moi8tire --r- 1-r( Ir ,,;F- -- ~_: ~, E : 7 T_ , :: I ~- !~ K OT~i R : '~ '; '~ Card Sem V ~ RF T ! 27, BUZIN, D.P., inzh.; BENENSON, Ye.I., inzh.. GOLIDBERG, I.I., inzh.; MAYORSKIY, Ye.V., inzh.; TROYANOVSKIY, B.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsenv KAperience in designing the terminal stage of a large steam turbine. Energomashinostroenie 10 no.8:1-3 Ag 164. (MIRA 17:11) TROYANOVSKIYJ, B.M., kand. tekhn. nauk, dotsent Effect of the final pressure on the operation of the terminal stage of a condensing turbine. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. 8 no.507-62 My 165. (MA 18t6) 1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina energeticheskiy institut. L 10648-66 ACC Nits AP5028748 SOURCE CODE: UR/0096/65/000/012/0069/0072' AUTHOR: Mayorakiy, Ye. V (Engineer,Dlssertant); Troyanovskly, B. M (Candidate of technical sciences) ORG: Hoscow Power Institute (Moskovskty energeticheskiy Institut) TITLE: Experimental investigation of a siipersonlc flow in turbine cascades SOURCE: Teploenergettka, no. 12, 1965 TOPIC TAGS: turbine cascadej turbine blade, supersonic flow ABSTRACT: The article presents results of an experimental investigation of turbine cascades with straight or slightly curved blades at snall effective exit angles (~ 16*) and at supersonic velocities. The experiments were conducted using the Moscow Power Institute wind tunnel with a closed test section 70 mm high and using pure air at iuitial temperatures of 120-180C. The investigated nozzle cascades had blades with a chord b % 70 mm and F = t/b = 0.55. Based on tne analysis of static pressure distribution along tile blade and visual observation of the flow in the boundary layer, curves of the shock formation were obtained. At subsonic flow regimes, a laminal boundary layer was observed along the concave portion and the back of the blade. In the region of positive pressure gradient, a transition from laminal to turbulent flow takes place. The tests conducted with blade cas- cades having a discontinuity in the profile showed reduced losses over a wide ran e of Mach numbers. Orig. art. has: 7 figures. fAVI Card J. * 13.6.0 -ZDC- _A ____QI.5 EWT(m)/EWP(w)/EWP(f )/EtVP(v)/T-2/EV1P(k)/ETC(ifl) e-WIEM L 10643-66 ACC NR, AP5028748 SUB CODE: /0 SURK DATE: none/ ORIG REF: 003/ ATD PRESS: 0 ff W Ml - V,' KIY, I,,. M. , i~avd. Lu 1A 111,11W!K; ','AMN, ~. 1 . , inzh. KAZINTSEV, F.V., in! ., I . j - - r, Study of a stearza tu:-b,nf, rtage vilth d/1=2,75. 12 no.1:35-39 ja 165. (-IRA 18:1, 1. Mot3kovskiy enollge L I choskl.y in f3tJ tut.. TROYANOVSKIY, B.M., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent Calculation of a group of steam and gas turbine raodel Euages. Energomashinostroenie. 11 no.2:40-41 F 165. 'IRA 18:4) prof', DEYCIIY M.Ye., dc)k#,or tek~m- Ov B.N, in.--h h-filiFFENNIK nauk; Y,--,SEUv, L,Ye.p .-fan 11;rl!'Ine cassade- Study of an annular large 11 no.11:26-30 N 164. 1. Moskovsk-iy energeticheskly institut. . In"M (KFA 177,,12,11 V 4 frc-'m T'lle r e niacs.- o f ~,a of s t.qj.rlped nozz--,.e b!F-des %41-h -r-`..71ed onez, Fnargomashinostro(JI-D-3 2. - J) -n o . -%,.-39.-40 Je 164. ( " " ~T ~~ l ,, : 9 TROYANOVSKIY, B.M., kard. tekhn. nauk I.-,--' Variable operation of' the terminel sragcs of ccnd;:rsfn.,. turbines. Teploenergetika 11 no.7t26-31 J1 '64~ WTF~,, 11" ~8) 1. Moskovskiy energeticheakiy institut. TROYANOVSKIY, B.M,.., kand.tekhn.nauk, dotsent; MAYORSKIY, Ye.V. Study of the nozzle cascades of the terminal stages of steam turbines. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; energ. '6 no.10:55-61 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Moskovskiy ordena Lenina energeticheskiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy parovykh i gazovykh turbin. DEYCHj, 14.Ye.; TROYANOVSKR., B..14-.; Prinimal uchastiye KAZINTSEV, F.V... A., doktor tekhn. nauk, retsenzent; ~z PALKYEV, N.M... inzh... red. [Investigations and calculations of the stages of axial-flow turbines] Issledovaniia i raschety stupenei osevykh turbin. Moskva, Izd-.vo "Mashinostroenie,n 1964. 627 p. (MIRA 17:5) TROYANOVSKIY, B.M.; MAYONSHY, Yo.V. Effect of Reynoldfs criterion on the characteristics of gupersonic lattices. Trudy MEI no.47t49-54 163. (MIRA 17:1) TROYANOVSKIY, B.M. Calculation of the terminal stages of condenaing stear turbines. Trudy MEI no.47t55-62 t63. (MIRA 17:1) TROYANOVSKIY, B.M., kand.teklm.muk,, dotsent; MAYORSKIYj Ye.V.., Inzh. Study of turbine cascades in a steampipe. Energomashinost, oenie 9 no.6:39-40 Je 163. (miw, 16:9) TROYANGVSKIY, B.M.1, kand.tekhn.nauk., dotsent; MAYORSKIY, Ye.V... J.nzh. Study of the lattices of the vorking blades of terminal steam turbine stageB. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; energ. 5 no-5.71-75 MY 162. (MIRA 156) 1, Mbskovskiy ordena Lenina anergeticheskiy institut. Predstavlena kafedroy parovykh i gazovykh turbin. (Steam turbines) TROYANOVSKIYO B.M.,_kand.tekhn.nauk,, dotsent; KAZINI'3EV, F.V., inzh.; KISEIZV, L.Ye., inzh.; KRUPENNIKOV, B.N., inzh. Studying the last stages of condensation steam turbines. Energomashimstroenie 8 no.3:26-29 Mr 162. (MBIA 15:2) (Steam turbines-Testing) s/o96/62/000/oo6/005/011 E194/E454 AUTHORS: Abramov, V.I., Engineer, Troyanovskiy, B.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Optimum characteristics of a turbine stage with partial admission PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, no.6, 1962, 31-311 TEXT: In designing the regulating stages of steam turbines and stages of gas and steam turbines with low volume throughput using partial admission, selection of the angle of arc over which admission should take place is an important problem. Existing methods of calculation have various disadvantages such as incorrect distribution of losses with partial delivery and not allowing for twist in the nozzle blades and, in the case of impulse stages, the methods are based on obsolete combinations of blading. The method here described attempts to overcome these difficulties. The efficiency equation adopted and various simplifying assumptions are discussed. Losses with partial delivery are Card 1/4 optimum characteristics s/o96/62/000/006/005/011 E194/E454 first investigated for the case when only a single delivery arc is used and the losses are considered not as the algebraic sun] of a number of individual losses but rather as due to the interaction of various factors, this leads to the following formula which difforn In structure from those usually adopted 2 A k U/co k 0 e I d sin (Xi 2 e where ~f.a. efficiency of the stage with full admission except frict:L64~loss due to.dise and banding; u/co - velocity ratio; e the admission angle ratio; d - the mean stage diameter; al the nozzle blading inlet angle; A, k1 and k2 - numerical coefficients that depend on the type of stage. OhIsson's formula (Partial admission, low aspect ratios and superton3l: speed in small turbines, Thesis Mit, 1956) is used if there is ncre than one arc of delivery and a formula of P.Suter and W.Traupel is used to correct for the presence of a casing. It is 6,-en found that the maximum internal efficiency corresponds ';o tha Card 2/4 Vi 5/096/62/000/006/005/011 Optimum characteristics ... E194/E454 admission angle ratio eopt = k-,./-e7I I 11 being blade length in mm. The value of Is depends on the type of stage and the percentage reaction of the biading. It is given in the form of experimental curves and typical values for a single row stage with straight blades lie between 0.16 with a velocity ratio u/co of 0.30 and 0.25 with a velocity ratio of 0.50; if twisted blades are used the corresponding values are 0.19 and 0.28. Thus, with a stage diameter of I m, an inlet 0 and u/co = 0.5, it becomes inadvisable to use the angle of 15 normal type of partial admission with blade heights of 14 to 15 mm, and for stages with twisted blades with blade heights of 11 to 12 mm. This is in agreement with experiment. - Within normal limits the inlet angle and blade width have little influence on the results but t~e influence of stage diameter is more complicated and is discussed at some length. Simultaneous selection of optimum admission angle ratio and percentage reaction for a given blading area and diameter is considered. As it is Card 3/4 S/096/62/000/006/oO5/011 Optimum characteristics ... E194/E454 not always possible to use the optimum admission angle ratio, curves. are given of efficiency decrease on departing from the optimum value. Although the curves given in the article for the optimum characteristics of single row stages and impulse stages with partial steam delivery are not universal, they should be of assistance in turbine design although further experimental work could undoubtedly lead to minor improvements. There are 5 figures. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy energeticheskiy institut (Moscow Power Engineering Institute) Card 4/4 GUBAREV, A.V.; KAZINTI-01, F.V.; T "Aerodynamic experiment in machinery constru-2tion" ly Reviewed 1,y AN. Gubarev, F.V. Kazintsev, B.M. Enerpomashinostroenie 6 no.8:44 lf'lp I(r. 14-9) (14ach inery-Aerodynami es) (Povkh, I.L.) TROYANOVSKIY, B.M., karLd.tekhn.nauk; KISFJM, LYe., insh.; FILIPPOVA, V.G., insh. Methods for calculating two-row velocity stages. Inergomashi- nostroenie 6 noo5:3-6 My 16o. (MIRA 13:9) (Steam turbines) I)' OV/96-5 9-4-7/2-1 AUTHORS: Deychq M.Ye.., Doctor of Technical Sciencas, TToyanovski~, B.M., Candidate of Techni~,al 2j~~iences; Kazi-nt-Ze-r,--F-rV-7-.-.Engineer and Abramov, V.I., Engineer TITLE: An Investigation of a Series of Single-row Stages (Issledovaniye serii odno-,renechnykh stupeney) PERICDICAL:Teploenergeti-k-a, 1959, Nr 4, PP 38-43 (USSR) ABSTRACT: A number of types of nozzle and working blading for turbines have been developed in the Moscow Power Institute. These can be combined in various ways in single.-- and two- row stages. Tests results on a wambar of twc--row velocity stages have already been published in Teploenex-getika, 19589 Nr 5. Six combinations of single-row stages were made up of blading intended for operation at subsonic and sonic velocities. The s-tage combinations consisted of two uvz,~ule and three working blades,, All the Eitages we-re 534 mm. diameter, 25 mm. nozzle blade height and 28 mm working blade height and were all of the same width,, A stage diagram is given in Fig.l. The experime--tal steam turbine and the procedure used were the same as described Card 1/4 in Teploenergetika, 1957, Nr 5. Particulars of the stables OV/96. -~ C-4- -7121 S An Investigation of a Series of Single--rcw Stages tests are tabulated. The stages were first tast.ed with full steam supply. Experimental internal efficiency data for stage KD--2-2k are given in Fig.2. Where hi6h super- sonic speeds are used the blading losses izierease -,.nd ~he stage efficiency is reduced. Fig.3 gives lo3ses in nozzle blading TS-2A and the internal eff1'-'i.PJLCY Of stage KD--2-2k. Mean reaction curves for stage KD--2-2A are given in Fig.4. 1-iternal effi,--iency curves for all six combinations investigated are given in Fig.5 and the results are discussed. Stage KD-2-2A was then tested with partial steam supply. Curves of the relative internal efficiency of the stage are gi-,ren in Fig.6. Internal efficiency curves for the stage with different angles of steam delivery are given in Fig.7. It will be seen that the stage efficiency is much reduced with part-ial steam supply. This and othei~ test results are discussed and ara stated to be fully in a~~cordance with theoretical expectations. The influence of nozzle diaphragm widths Card 2/4 on stage effioien,,,y of KD.-2--!A was then investigated and SO"17/016-3 C' .4-7/21 An Investigation of a Series of Single-row Stages the results are gkien in Fig.8. It is. clearly shown that the stage efficiency falls off with a wide diaphragm and this is because the tests were made outside the zone of best width, The efficiencies of single- and two-row stages are then oompared. The test results for two such stages are given in Fig.10 and show the conditions under which one or other of the two regulating stages should be selected. The number of unregulated stages and other constructional features of a machine 1rary considerably depending on the type of regulating stage used. A detailed analysis of this problem falls outside the scope of the present article. It is concluded that the single-row stages investigated are of high efficiency, particularly the stages ED-2-2-A and KD-1-2-A. If the gaps are right and the blading is correctly chosen a small negative reaction has little influence on the efficiency of a single row stage with short blades. On the baais of the tests it is considered that for the high and medium pressure cylinders of turbines the best two combinations are KD-2-2A and KD-1-2A composed of blade profiles TS-.2A,, TR_2A. TS-lk Card 3/4 and TR-2A. Investigations on stage KD-2-2A with partial "Wi9rS. -: 0-4-7/2'11 An Investigation of a Seinias of steam supp.-Ly aad of r.,.:zolss showed that the imp:xtan-4~.- effer;t rf eulid ae,.ondary effects assoc-lated ikdth par"i-lal Comparison of sizele- and stages made of the new impror;~-ed "DlEde ~Hhcw.-3 t' ths difference between the possible higteit 7 cf th",~Sq stages has been reduced and -I-,hr- field !,-)f ap.,r~l -*,,,&-"-4.,.)r- (~-f astage has been -lxtaiU~.d. The.T.-, 10 1 table and 2 Soviet refexeaces. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskly Pswer Institute) Card 4/4 SOV196-509-7-27126 AUTHORS: Deych, Doctor of Technical Sciences I and B.M.Troyanovskiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences TITLE: Letter to the Editor (Pis:mo v redaktsiyu) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1959, Nr 79 Pp 94-95 (USSR) ABSTRACTg This note is in reply to a criticism by Kachuriner that the efficiencies of the new Moscow Power Institute turbine blading are not as high as is claimed. The discussion centres around the methods of testing turbine stages. There is 1 figure. Card 1/1 DZYCH, M.Ye., doktor telchn.nauk; T.ROTAMVSKIT, B.M.. kand.tekhn.nauk xamm, r.v., inzh.; ABRAMOV, V.I., insh. Investigating a eeries of single-rov stages. Toploenargettka 6 no.4: 38-43 AP '59. (MIRA 120) 1. Moskovskly onergoticheskiy institut. (Ste" turbines) SOV/961-59-6-6/22 AUTHOR: Troyanovskiy, B.M. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) TITLE: Generalised Effici ncy Graphs for Single-row Turbine Stages of the Moscow Power Institute (Obobshchenny-ye j grafiki ekonomichnosti odnavenechnykh turbinnykh stupeney MK) PERIODICAL., Teploonergetika. 19"91 Nr 67 pp 29-34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The Moscow Powex- Institute has developed a series of turbine blades intended for use with near-critical conditions (series A blades). A considerable proportion of the possibie combinations of the blades in this series have been iTr~,,estigated in an experimental turbine and -i-n wind t-unnels with various physical and geometrical conditions. The results of these tests and of theoreti- cal calculations may be generalised for the pu.-pose of constructing a series of curves of relative blade efficiency of a single-row stage with full steam supply. The stage efficiency calculated from these curves does not include losses due to friction of the disc running in steam, or due to steam leakage through diaphragm alands. 0 Graphs of efficiency as a function of velocity ratio for Card 115 various blade lengths are given in Fig 1. These curves SOV/96-59-6.-6/22 Generalised Bfficier.C7 Graphs for Single-Row Turbine Stages cf -.he Moscow Power Institute are D10tted for the case of total loss of outlet velocity. The ~lading and experimental conditions for which the results given in Fig 1 are valid are stated. The results may be applied to a wider range of condJ -tions and arrangements by appropriate correction factors. Correction factors for the pressure ratio in the stage and for the ratio of the area of the runner bladlng channels to that of the nozzle blading channels are presented in Fig 2. The reduction in efficiency at low values of Reynolds number may be calculatad from the graph given in Fig 3. The correction for the ratio of nozzle blade length to diameter is provided in Fig 1+. Other factors associated with blade geometry may be corrected for by the graphs given in Figs 5 and 6. The graphs In Figs 7) 8a and 8b may be used to cal!~ulate IV-he influence o~ steam leakage over the blade shrouds, by a method which is explained. The reaction in the blade root section off the stage may be determined from Card 2/5 the graphs of Fig ga, If steam Is drawn In through the root gap the correction may be determined from the graph SOV/96-59-6-6/22 Generalised Efficiency Graphs for Single-Row Turbine Stages of tte Moscow Power Institute given in Fie 9b. If the following stages utilize th6 kinatic onergy of ax.-.nLl compon(int of the olut1rit velo,3ity of the staga under consideration, so that the stage effioisn-ly is ja-,-reasfid, then the oor:tespondlng fa,-,tor may be determinod from Fig 10. A nume-ri.ral Gxample )f turb-,Lrie efficlency detGrmination is tlign gi,ien,, Next there is a 'list of the test re-sults upon which the ger-eralised g;,-apbs of -officiency given at.:) are based, Special f9atures of the tests are dasoribed and their imitations explained. For exampleg furthqr experimontal work is reqaired on the Influance of the Reynolls number. A"'so, the tests on ',-,he experimental turbine oll' the Moscow Power Institut? were made on single row stages cf 400 to 531+ mm diameter; hence the efficieney ,,-ur-ves given J-n Figs 1 and L. give low efficiencies for stages of large diameters, It is expected that the Moscow Power Institute's special investigation of the Influence cf diameter and the scale effect will soon be complEted. Card 3/5 The curves of the American General Eiectri,3 Gomparjy are, frequently encountered in the literature and in practlc~~. sov/96-59-6-6/22 Generalised Efficiency Graphs for Single-Row Turbine Stages of the Moscow Power Institute Comparison of the G.E. curves with those given in Fig 1 shows that if the nozzle blade length is greater than 30 mm the Moscow Power Institute's stages are of higher. efficiency. For lengths less than 30 mm the G.E. efficiencies are somewhat higher, partly because the Moscow Power Institute curves are constructed for welded diagrams whereas the G.E. curves are not, and partly because with lengths of 15 to 30 mm and d/l = 20 the stage diameter is only L~50 to 600 mm, which is about half the corresponding value in the G.E. stages. The Moscow Power Institute stages are more stable under variable conditions. Curves of the Neva Works, Leningrad, published in Energomashinostroyeniye Nr 10, 1956, give somewhat lower efficiency than those in Fig 1; they are constructed for a stage 1 m diameter with no radial glands beyond the shrouds and with an open, axial gap of Card 4/5 1.5 mm. The stage efficiencies calculated from the SOV/96-59-6-6/22 Generalised Efficiency Graphs for Single-Row Turbine Stages cf the Moscow Power Institute generalised curves are not the best obtainable. The Moscow Power Institute is now completing work on improving stages of small height. There are 10 figures and 6 Soviet references, ASSOCIATIONt Moscow Power Institute (Woskavskiy Energeticheakiy Institat) Card 515 AUTHORS: TITLE: SOV/96-58-5-2/2? Sciences, Deych, M.Ye-, Doctor of Technical Trp,vanovskiy., BK-., Candidate of Technical Sciences 1GM'n-it'S-'e'v, F-V., Abramov, V.I., Engineers and Compaeative Tests on a Two-row Velocity Stage (Sravnite-11- n,yye issledovaniya dvukhvenechnykh stupeney skorost-J) PERIODICAL: Teploenergetika, 1958, Nr 5, pp 9 - 16 (USSR). ABSTRACT: Work done at the MEI (Moscow Power Institute) has led to the development of several two-row velocity wheels. One of these, stage KS-lA, was thoroughly tested in the experimental steam turbine of the Moscow Power Institute. The experimatal procedure and test:esult were described in an article in Teploenergetika, lq57, Nr 5. They relate to a wheel with a mean diameter of 400 mm and a nozzle height of 15 mm and another with a diame-ter of 534 am and height of 20 mm. Tests were also made on a stage, type Y.S-lA-3, with a wheel diameter of 668 M-,, and nozzle height of 25 mm. Curves of the internal efficiency of this stage with full steam supply are given in Fi&are 1. Thus, test results were obtained on three identical stages constant d/2 ratio and different absolute values of d and I - As will be seen from the table, the area ratios differed for each stage and this affected the stage reaction to some CardlT ent. Graphs of the mean total reaction for velocity stage Comparative Tests on a Two-row Velocity Stage SOV/96-58-5-2/27 KS-lA are given in rigure 2. The results of the tests on the three stages are then compared. The effect of blade he'LCht on stage efficiency is shown in Figure 3. It is of particular interest to compare the results for the new stages with best Soviet and foreign practice. Therefore, a detailed investigation was made of a two-row stage, type Nr 113, manufactured by the IKZ. The dimensions and clearances of stages KS-lA-3 and stage Nr 113 are given in dimensioned sketches, Figure 4. Test results for stage rir 113 with full steam supply are given in Figure 5. The maximum internal efficiency was 71%: he total mean reaction of the stage, plotted in Figure 6,4n practically linear relationship with the velocity ratio and increases with increase of the heat drop on the stage. The steam consumption of stage Br 113 is plotted in Irigure 7. Tests were also made with different axial gaps. When the axial gap between the outlet edge of the nozzle and the inlet edges of the working blades of the first row is altered from 2.5 to 5.5 mm, the stage efficiency falls, as shown in Figure 8. The tests were made with the radial and all other axial gaps constant. Card2/5 Comparative Tests on a Two-row Velocity Stage SOV/96-58-5-2/27 Investigations were then made on stage Br 113 with steam supplied over only part of the are; the gaps were unchanL;ed and no special shields were used. The effect of partial steam-supply on the internal efficiency is showh graphically in i~igure 9 and data on the mean total stage reaction are given in Figure 10. It follows from the results that different procedures should be used in selecting the design stage reaction for full and for partial steam supply. Velocity stages with expanding nozzles are used for operation at high supersonic drops. Two-row stages with expanding nozzles were investigated. One had the same working and gu'de blades as type nr 113 with contracting nozzles as described above; the other had straighter-bladed guide vanes similar in shape to those of a compressor. The blade geometry is discussed. The graph of internal efficiency for stage Vr 113 with expanding nozzles and full steam supply i~ given in Fig 11. The efficiency is appreciably lower than for a stage with contracting nozzles. stpges The efficieny and test results of different velocity are then compared, noting, however that the procedures are still Card 3/5 ComDarative Tests on a Two-row velocity Stage SOV96-58-5-2/2-~ 0 insufficiently developed. Yven sta,ges tcsted in one and the same turbine differ in their geometrical characteristic in a way which affects the efficiency. various methods are Lised in this article to compare velocity stages, Internal efficiency curves ~-.rith full steam supply for all stages are shown in rigure 12: all stages were tested in the same experimental turbine, usin6 the same procedurc.. The best msu'Lts were obtained with the Moscow Power Institute stage KS-lA-3 laith a mean wheel diameter of 668 mm and a nozzle height of 25 mm. Here, the maximum efficiency is 81150' but cannot be compared directly with stage nr 113 because of the considerable difference in dimensions. however) if the curves of the KGTZ (Kharlkol, Turba-generator Works) are used to recalculate the results for stage Nr 113 to the dimensions of stage KS-lA-7, its efficiency is increased by only 2.5;o' and becomes 73.8%. The stage efficiencies of different wheels are then discussed; the internal efficiencies of velocity stages KS-lA-2 (with welded diaphragm) and of sta-e fir 113 as a function of nozzle area are given in Figure 17 Throughout the range, the efficiency of staGe KS-lA-2 is higher. Card 4/5 Comparative Testb on a Wo-row Velocitj Stage SOV/96-58-5-2/2'~ It is concluded that stage Nr 113 is o,L' satiofactory efficiency undez sub-critical conditions but beyond this it drops mcxkedly and 'is still worse with ox,-,andinG nozzles. However, the Moscow Power Institute stage KS--lA with a nozzle height of 25 mm and a diameter of r~'8 mm had the very high maximum intcrnal efficiency of 81", which confirmed 110 the high efficiency of this combination at a low degree of reaction. Stage KS-lA was better than staCe Pir 113 in efficiency and stability, particularly with partial steam supply. It should be borne in Eind that sta6e Nr 113 is more carStully manufactured and has assembled. milled nczzles, whereas stage KS-lA was tested with a welded diaphragm. There are 13 figures, 1 table and 1 Soviet reference; ASSOCIATION: MEI 1. Turbine wheBls--Design 2. Turbine wheels--Test results Card 5/5 3. Turbine wbeels--Effectiveness SHCHF,GLTAYEV, Andray Vladimirovich; TRDTANOVSKIY, B.M., redaktor; VOR)ITIN, K.P., tokhnicbeekly re [Steam turbines; theory, of the thermal process and the elements of turbines] Parov7e turbiny; teoriia teplovogo protsessa i konstruktsii turbin. Izd.3-a, parer. i dop. Ifookva, Gos.snerg. izd-vo, 1955. 320 p. 6 plans, (MLRA 8:12) (Steam turbines) LARIONOV, L.F., BOGOKAZ, L.A., D141TRIYEVA, Ye.V. IZVOLIKINA, Te.l. RAKRAYHVA, 0.1., TROTANOVSKIY, D.L. (Leningrad) I Sarcolysin therapy in multiple myeloma. Vrach.dolo no.8:857-858 Ag 158 (MIRA 11:8) 1, Bolinitsa imeni Sverdlova, (KARROW-TUMCRS) (GYTMTOXIC DRUGS) 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 a 0 elle 0 ille 0 0 to Of-la -41 0 0-0 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 9 W W 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 9 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 40 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I I I K) 11 tj ;l 14 'S 'i I? to of ju it a 1) 0 it 26 27 is M 1 51 is u u W a k t, 0 W 0 4 A 0 ee PQv I V y A Y L AA 111 10 0 it I 4! 00 0. 4-1 .00 A , ~ c0 lf*w method at regeneration of Welt C&UIYU*- IC,1A No. It jkfaslobalaoZhirowe Lido 10 1 :0 if . . t;42.--'tlw tacituA '-ore- ARTMIA1 1-0. & ida. 34 . l W -00 l,( %occru've ir i,1.4 eswntially it, tivatisilt the silent ra 00 0 Avith st %trutil quantity of W* W. MOIL 11,S(h anct MO. * 0J.! I'leftwe Reposes. the spent Catalytic Vila." it Is heatell with -00 iud~rrrf Ocurn with visorotiq Stining till a bovesoigetleous i t&. inn- it Misined. The NaOlf soln. (W-141 1. fat W) -00 0 of catalyst) to then 041(sell, follnW141 by sufficient watil to .00 96 is tfirctell by licatills with as " 1d; III-AP 11W ~11 r (l., It.11.1MISIS the ~WP ell 2 . ; 1 %fiffing GW t'r,j its MOO 00 J: -00 Ph-linecl taink. it iq donxlenprt. with "ined. witis, 00 water my.) allowett to %tatill. milli the PuprinsitAllf like : The Nii,tthc-nl.,ilrcI "it Th.- 1, 0 0 ,c,w,vv of NI k 1),.- 1','. Aq Conl1wrttl with G& 7u';, 1.% zoo the ottlittary wellm.l. A, P"pilivall-Cootlor Of 4~ I ~00 00 -r! 00 Y1 zoo 00 ':0 0 0 % L A EfALLL~016KAL (f-lPf 4f6*( tkAs%1f#1AffC% rj em a -I-* -W -114- -3 is 1 , "A it t. a M '11 A 01100094000000001JI9004000 00600060000*0WO4040 0000004000*0000000000O POLUm/General and special Zoology - Disects. P. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 7, 1958, 026 Author : Troyanovskiy, 11. Inst Title : The Use of a Hand Aerosol Apparatus for the Control of Forest Pests. Orig Pub : Las polski, 1957, 31, No 14, 14-15. Abstract No abstract. Card 1/1 - 31 - S/191J63/000/003/017/022 Method of rotational ... B101/BI86 rotational molding of master forms. Furthermore$ rotational molding was tested for the.production of irregularly shaped parts. The mechanical characteristics of AST-T plastic products are givent impact strength 11 - 13.5 kg-cm/cm21 Martens heat resistance 500C1 Brinell hardness 13-49A944 compression strength 800 - 1000 kg/cm21 bending strength 550 - 950 kg/cz2I 2 2 tensile strength 450 - 550 kg/cm I shearing ntrength 500 -'5;0 kg/cm 1 water adsorption 0-101 resistant to acids, oils and alkalis at 20 C. There are 3 figures and I table. Card 2/2 SHTURMAN., A.A.; TROTANOVSKIY, L.M. Method for a centrifdgal molding of articles from the AST-T plastic material. P.Ust. massy no.3:59-61 163. (PlaBtica-Molding) (MIRA 1694) TROYkNOVSKIY. L. M. Work practice of the Naumovka Distillery. Spirt. prom. 22 no.4-. 17-19 156. (MLRA 10:2) 1e Kharlkovskly spirto"y trest, (Distilling Industrics-Iquipment and supplies) L L-!T(m) (j )/m. IUTP(o) DS ili "LIM j__ACC NRI --AP6029791- -'SOURCE-tOD-t.i----U-i~C/01-1-5-/66-/aO-01008-1001-4-/OO14----, iAUTHOR: Levin, V. Mo (Candidate of technical sciences); Troyanovskiy, L. Ms. (Engineer) TORG: none 1 1-37 TITLE: A now method for hermetic sealing of electrical conductors in a layer of-teflon SOURCE: Priborostroyeniye, no. 8, 1966, 14 TOPIC TAGSt electrode, hermetic seal, teflon, flow meter Z~LZFC r,"DE ZALJ / olz E~ ABSTRACT: A method for making hexmetically-sealed electr 1connections,; ~de using teflon is described. The method is int2nded for use with such I measuring devices as flowmeters. The electrode (see Fig. 1) consists of a thin wire with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 mm made of tungsten. stainless steel, titanium or tantalium soldered to a supporting steel disc. A 4 mm teflon lining is force-fitted into the flow meter tube and a small hole is drilled throuKh the tube and part of the lining. The remaining thickness of the teflon shield is then pierced with the -Cq-rd-1 UDC: 62.762 ACC NR; AP6029791 1 - Teflon shield; 2 - flow meter tube; 3 - flexible washerl 4 - insulating collar;, 5 - output lead; 6 : :upporting disc; 7 lectrode. electrode and the device is calibrated. The electrode operates at pressures up to 30 kg/cm2 and has been used in several types of commorcial flow meters. Orig. art. hass 1 figure. [IV] SUB CODEs 09, l1/ SUBH DATE: none % 2/2 fv Fig. 1. Electrode dia- gram SOVI 2o-120-2-24/63 AUTHORS: Losev, B. I., Troyanskaya, Lt. A., Bylyna, E. A~ TITLE: The Influence Exerted by I-Radiation Upon Coals in Aqueous and Carbon-Tetrachloride Medium (Deystviye y-izlucheniya na uE;li v vodnoy srede i v arede clietyrekhkhloristogo uZleroda) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii niuk SSSRp 1950, Vol. 12o, lir 2, PP. 314 - 315 (USSR) ABSTRACT: From the paperson the water radiolysia (References 1,2) it is known that ions and free radicals form under the influence of ionizing radiations and in the presence of atmoupheric oxygen. These are capable of brinCing about an oxidation or reduction of substances added to the irradiated aqueous syotem. It could be expected that a y-radiation in an aqueous mediur, would lead to chemical changea of the most reactive part of the or6anic substance of the coalsp whereby the germanium contained in the coal would pass over into the aqueous medium. Besides the pro- ducts of a radiolytic oxidation of the coals could be investi- gated and identified The dose of irradiation was 2oo r/3ec and Card 1/ 4 the integral dose jobr. C06o served as source of the y-rays. The Influence Exerted by y-Radiation Upon Goals in SOV/2o -12o-2-24/63 Aqueous and Carbon-Tetrachloride Medium 4 types of coal were investigated: brown coal of the Podmoskov- nyy basin and 3 sorts of the Donets1ciy basin. The germanium content in 2 of the latter was low. The maximum yield of ger- manium was obtained of the Donetp type PZh (50,21,'b) and of the brown coal (41,o%). The chlorination method (References 3-5) was used for further increasing the yield of germanium. Elemen- tary chlorine is used for it. By, more intensively chlorinating means such as sulfur monochlorii.e, carbon tetrachloride and others this method can be consiugrilbly extended. An CC1 4 yields free chlorine as main product by V--rradiation, the authors irradiated coal samples in CC1 4' The transition from germa- nium into the liquid phase of the coals of the Donets types "G" and "KII was insignificant at an inteoral dose of radiation of 106 and 1o7. At a dose of lo a the yield of germanium of the coke-coal amounted to 13%, of the gab-coal to Only 5,6% 6f the total content. 53,fo germanium was nroduced of the type PZh (table 2). A complete extraction was obtained of the drhed brown coal Card 2/4 in dry CC14 (table 2). At an integral dose of lo the entire ger- The Influence Exerted by y-Radiation Upon Coals in jOV1 2o -12o-2 -24/63 Aqueous and Carbon-Tetrachloride Yedium manium passes over into the liquid phase and can from there be produced by means of the known methods. The det;ree of ex- traction of Cermanium in not only dependent on the dose of irradiation but also on the amount of water present in the sy- sten. Besides the described use of CCl 4 for randiolysis an in- creased solubility of coals in M 4 after a y.-irradiation was aloo observed whiuh may be of interest frona the standpoint of the chemical working of coals. There are 2 tables and 8 refer- ences, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCTATION: Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh Akademii naul: SSSR (Institute of Fossil Fuel AS USSR) PRESMiTED: January 13, 1958, by A. V. Topchiyev, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: January lo, 1958 Card 314 The Influence Exerted by I.-Radiation Upon.Coals in Sov/2C-120-2-24/63 Aqueous and Carbon-Tetrachloride Medium 1. Coal--Effecto of radiation 2. Gamma mys--Applications 3. Cobalt isotopes(Radioactive)--Applications 4. Solutions ---Applications 5. Carbon tetrachloride--Applications Card 4/4 TROYANOVSKIY, M.V.; BATALOV, V.I. . I -, ....... ~ : Cutting external conic thread. Stan. i instr. 36 no.6:39 je 165. (~!IRA 18:8) TROYANDVSKIY, H-V- omatic lathes. Stan.1 inBtr. 30 Rilling attachment for aut (MIR& 12:6) nn.4:14 Ap 159 jLath,s-Attachments) TROYANOVSKIY. R.V. ~ ', Axperience in exploiting the teehnological possibilities of existing equipment. Stan.i instr. 25 no.2:1-4 7 154. (XLRA 7:5) (Hachine tools) TROYANDOM, X.V. Using pneumatio driveo in the mechanization and automation of technological processes. Stan I instr. 35 no.2s4O-41 F164 (MIRA 17 &3) 6 "VO vcyli:v USSR/Engineerin.- - Industrial equil"-0 Card.1/1 Pub. 103 - 1/23 Authors Troyanovskiy, M. V. Title Utilivation of the technological possibilities of the available indust- rial equipment Periodical t Stan. i instr. 2, 1-4, Feb. 1954 Abatract I Appeal. is made to ruchine construction engineers and technologists to increase the produc.;ivity of available machines, to improve the quality of goods manufactured and reduce the production ccsts without having to increase the industrial facilitios and without large capital invest- ments, Various sug.gestions on how to exploit the maximuta capacity of availablt! machines are included. Drawings. Institution i 0 Submitted ...... L h56oo-66 EWTtd)j,.jjr -(a)/ .4 ACC NA_,__ _E -(I)/Ejjp - MAX 6oi4332 SOURCE CODE: UR/2529/62/000/07o/oi44/0158 AUTHOR: Yunusov, F. S.*, Troyanskiy, N. S. ORG: None Iii", TITLE: Grinding complex surfaces on the LSh-J_A grinder SOURCE: Kazan. Aviatsionnyy institut. Trudy, no. 70, 1962. Aviatsionnaya tekhnolo- giya i organizatsiya proizvodstva (AVi-ation engineering and organization of produc- tion)1144-158 TOPIC TAGS: abrasive, grinding, grinding machine, shaping device ABSTRACT: The authors discuss various problems encountered in using 'an abrasive ,band for grinding three-dimensional complex shapes. The abrasive band is an ~d_astic in- strument whose work capacity depends an contact with the machined surface. Band grindl ing is normally accomplished by using a working contact-roller with a radial genera- 1 trix. The abrasive band passes over the working roller and conforms to its shape. However, in machining noncircular surfaces, contact between the abrasive band and the roller varies. As a result of this, the cutting angle, chip cross section and stressed var-f, These changes in the abrasive band produce uneven elongation and destruction of,i' the binding and abrasive. To avoid thiu a rotatable grinding bead has been introduced! Rotatable heads ensure a right angle between the axis of rotation of the working rollet Capd__112 - i L 45600-66 ACC NRt AT6ol4332 and the normal to the machined surface. The kinematic diagram of s-)ecial machine tools equipped with rotatable grinding heads does not differ from that for the LSh-lA special duplicating-grinder equipped with a swinging head. The authors consider the kinematic, diagram of the grinding head assembly for this machine. The kinematic and hydraulic diagrams for this unit are given. The grinding head for this unit swings about the axis of the working roller. Particular attention is paid to the working contact- roller which is the basis of productivity and maximum efficiency of the abrasive band. Abrasive band photographs are given for bands used with and without grinding heads. Ar analysis of all of these factors may be used to determine the optimum dimensions for the #-7centric and the shape of the machined part. The dimensions of the grinding head assembly are also determined. The optimum generatrix of the working roller is deter- mined and the shape of the machined product is taken into account along with the rollel width, depth of grinding and the swing angle of the grinding head. All of there fac- tors contribute to maximum utili*zation of the a:brasive band and the machine tool. The results of this analysis also show that an additional gear should be added in the kine- matic chain for machining both convex and concave shapes. Orig. art. has: 7 figures, 23 formulas. SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 15Mar6l/ ORIG REF: 002/ TROYP'Novaly, Pavel :4- 37 no.9:9-11 5 159. '~- ", ~, X~-, Rabotuit"a (KIRAt 13--l) C (chin,women) f AtRAMOY, S.Ka, kand.takhn.nouk; AVIMSHIN, B.G., prof., doktor takhn.nauk; AHKOSOV, l.r., doktor geol.-min.nauk; Ala)RIYEVSKIY, V.D., insh.; AMOPOV, A.No, inch., AFAITASIYEV, B.L., inzhe; BIE20MAY. Ys.T., inshe; BIDKHA# Ye.Ye.. inzh.; BOGACHEVA, Te.U., inch.; BUKRINSKIT,V.A., kandotakhnonsuk; VABILInW, P.V., doktor gool.-minensuk; VINOGRADOVO B,Go, inshel GOLUBEV, S.A., inch.; GCRDIYENIO, P.D., insh.; GUSEY, N.A., kandotakhn,nauk: DORM(Ill. I.V., kand.gool.-min.naukl XAIAIYKOV, G.S., insh.1 KABATOCHKIN, V.I., doktor khim.nauk; KGROLEV, I.V., inch.; KOSTLUTS37, A.A., inzh.- )QiATKOVSKIY, L.F.. inshi; KRASH]WINNIKOV, G.F., prof* doktor goolo-min.nauk; ICRIKUNOV, L.A., insh.'; LEVIT, D.Ye., tush.; LISITBA, I,G.# lmnd.tekhn.nauk; LUSHITIKOV. V.A., insh.; HATUM, A.14, dote.9 kPndegeol.-min.nauk.; tMPURISHVILI. G.Te.. isahs; KIRONOV. X.Vs, inshel KOLGHANOV. I.1., irnh.; HAUMOVA, S.N., starshiy nsuchnyy motrudnik; IMIPMWg T.Ye., inch., FAVWV, F.r., doktor takhnonsuk; 10ANYUKOT. P.N., doktor geol.-min.nauk; POPOV, V.S., insh.; PYATLIN, M.P., bnd.taklm. neukl WHKOVSKlY, Ys.Z., inzh.1 ROMANOV, V.A., profel doktor tekbue noukl RTZHOY, P,A.P, prof,, doktor takhn.nauk; BELYATITSKIYp G-As, tush,; SPARAWKIYO KqA.,g inch.; TIRFJITIYEV, Ye.V.9 inshol TITOV, I.G.,doktor khtm.noukl GOURRY, I.F.. inch.; TROYANSKIY, 8-V., profoi doktor goole- xin.nsuki 7M)OROV, B.D., dotn., lmnd.tekhn.nmukjTKD0R0V. V.8., invhq COwsoQ; KHCIKNMOVFjKIY, A.B., prof v, doktor geol.-min,nsuk; IVROTAX.QV- 4UTj,4#V&# otyetetvennyy red.; TERPIGORXY, A.K., redo; KRIKUNOV. L#A0, red.1 XU2MBOV, I.A., red.; HIRONOV, X.Y., red.; AVERSHIN, B.G., red.; BURTW.Wv KePs, red,; VASIL'YEV, P-V-, red.; HOWHANOV, I.I., red.; RYZHOV, P.A#, red,l BALAIMIN. V.V., insho, red.; BLOXH, I.X., kand, takhn.nauk, red.; BUKRIIISKIY. V.A., kand.tskhn.n&uki red.; VOLKOV. K.Yu., inishog redel VMCBIYI',V, A.A., inzho, red.; ZVONAM, I-As, prof* dolctor takhn,nauk, red. (C8ntinued an naxt card) ABRAMOV, (continued) Card 2. ZDANOVrCH, V.G., prof.,doktor takhn.nauk,red.; IVANOV, G.A., doktor geole-minenauk, reds; KARAVAYEV. H.M., red.; KDROTKOV, G.V., kand.geol.- min.nank. red.; KORCTKOV. M.V-, kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; MAMVZM. A.A.. doktor geol.-min.nauk, red.; OMELICHEMO, A.11.,kand.tekhn.nauk,red.; SEIMERZON, E.M.,kand.geol.-min.nauk. red.; USHAKOV, I.N., dots., kand. tekhn.nauk, red.; YABLO'KOV, V.S., 1mnd.genl.-min*rwtkjred.; KOROLEVA. T.I., red.tzd-va; KACHALKINA, Z.I.. red.izd-va:-AOZOROVSKAYA, F.L..; NADHINSKAYA, A.A.,, [Mining; an encyclopedia 'handbook) Gornoe delo; entaiklopedicheskii apravochnik. Glav. red. A.M.Terpi-orev. Moak-va, Goa.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po ugollnol prou7shlo Vol.2. [Geology of coal deposits and surveyAng] Geologtia ugollnykh mostor-ozhdonii i markaheiderskoe delo. Redkolegiia toms S.Y.Troianakiy, 1957. 646 p. (MIRA 11:5) 1. Chlen-korreB ondent AN SSSR (for IraraveXev) Mal goologv-Dictionaries) OirkNo ~ VTV P illyevich- RULITSKIY, Aron Samoylovich; CHRKIN. lilcad7y%rlvvawnO+vl'Glf Ir Din, Rx2r, U.N., otvatstvennyy radektor; KOTIDY, F.V., otystetvannyy redaktor; SIAVOROSOV, A.Kh.. redaktor izdatell- tva; ZAZULISKATA, V.Y.. takhnichaskiy redaktor ; Hydrogeology and drainage of mining areas] Gidrogeologiis i osuabsuis mostorozhdanii polaznykh iskopaemykh. Hoskys, Ugletakhizdat, 1956. 306 p. (MLBA 10:1) (Mine drainage) (Water. Underground) BAKHAUV. V.,; TROYANOVSKIY, V. J;ffOctive method of ventilating and heating ;ndustrial buildings. S 156, (MIJU 9:12) lo Xuanskiy inetitut OkhranY truda Vassoyuznogo TSentrallnogo Soveta Professionallnykh soyuzov. (Factories--Heating and ventilation) TROYANOVSKIY, V.A., inzh. System for continuous insulation check in d.c. networks prom. energ. 17 no*6:16-18 Je 162. WRA 17:~) TROYANOVSEIY, V.I. --rAin ~~ , ~:,, ~~ - . Iz-.- 1 Relation betwer-M 1!11,')r 1 'Odu'tivJtY -3n(' *.hc degrpe rT -, I of foundries. Lit. proizv. no.2:34 F 165. (XnA 18.-,) TROYANOVSKIYI V.M.., inzh. (',ajncJ.tanr;e pll(~Ivup of a level ind.--ator. Prlborostropanl~~ nu.6-!22 A 165- (M.TRA 3!3~7) pr" I? 12, w;- "), 1,)"2. ",-W. Fiz. V. S Apparatus for demonstratint,' thu List 2f jussin Accessions, Library of Congress, TROIANOVSKI, V.14. [TroLan2v~kiyo V.M.' dotsent k. V-.n. 1, dotsent k. t. n.; MUMDZHIIAN, G., Modernization of steam turbines. Elektroanargiia 14 no.7:10-14 Jl 163. 1. Moskovski energetichen institut (for Troyanovskiy). 2. Mashinno-elektrotekhniche-ski institut, Soflia (for Humdzhiian). I . -t-V-L'. F-,CXjtMI:IY, A. TR(YANurly Gaaes Apparatus for demonstrilting, the Boyle-Morriatte law. Fiz. v. shkole 12 no. 3, 1952 1952 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Septeml2er 1:953, Uncl. BATH V. Viktor Alakeandrovich-, TROYANOVSKIY, Viktor Nikolayevich; VESLUINA, A.A.; NOVOtPASMIYj V.TQ; RMOTO S.I., (Principles of planning and designing heating and ventilating installations with concentrated outpat of air] Oanovy pro- yaktirovaniia i raschata otoplaniia i ventiliatnii a ooarodo- tochannym vypaskom vozdukha. Izd-vo TTeSPS Profizdat, 1958. 213 P. (MIRA 12:2) (Heating) (Ventilation) TRULARAL!KFY, Ii. N. Trovanovskiy, V. N. -- "Ventilation and Heating of Damp Sections of Tanning Plants." Cand Tech Sci, Moscow Construction Engineering Inst, Moscow 195.3. (Referativn-ri --hu-nal-Kh-4=i-.a, No 1, Jan 54) SO: SUM 168, 22 JulY 1954 TROYANOVSKIY, V.H.; SHIPMV, I.A., redaktor; NOVOSPASSKIY, V.V., re- .; ='MIN, D.G., tekhnicheakiy redaktor. [Ventilation and heating of wet shops in tanneries] Ventiliatsils. i otoplenie mokrykh tsekhov kozhevennykh savodov. [Moskva] Izd-vo VTsSPS Profizdat, 1953. 115 P. Off-RA 7:11) (7actories-Heating and ventilation) (Leather industry) TROYANOVSKIY, V. V. Elektricheskie chasy. Moskva, Mashgiz, 1949. 138 P. Electric clocks. SO: Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering. in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. TIIOYANDVSKIY V.,V.; TARASOV, S.Y., kaipdidat takhalchookikh nauk, reteensent; TuIbRIEV, B.L., redaktor; HICHALIVSKAYA, A.I., redaktor; UVAFOVA, A.F.. takhnicheskiy rodaktor. (Electromechanical clocks in automobiles] Slektromekhanichookis chasy; aytomobillmgre. Kookwa, Goe.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo mashino- stroltellnoi lit-ry, 1955. 74 p. (KLRA 8:12) (Clocks, Electric) TROYMMVSFIY~ V. V- Technolory Electric tinn wystems and instruments, ~,oskvaj Mashriz, 1952. Yonthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952., 1 INC LASS IFIEM TROYANOVSKIYY V.V. Reviows. Priborostroenle jlo-11:30-31 11 '65. (14IPA 18:12) _2gqW.qVSKIT, Yasiliy Vasillyevich; SOLNTSXV, A.M., intbener, retBanzent; 'I 16zhener, redaktor; POPOVA, S.M., tekhnicheski7 redaktor [Electric clocks) Elektricheakia chasy. Izd. 3-6, perer. i dop. Moskva, Goo. nauchno-takha. izd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry, 1956. 226 p. (MLRA 9:8) (Clocks, Blectric) (jONCHAROV, B,V. (Ufa)-, KAREV, V.M. (Ufa); -T-P.OYAN0'.";KIY. Y',,V- (Tlf":) Results of comparative tests of mobile machines for pile 24nkLng, fund.i mekh.grun. 6 no.1:19-21 164. WRA 17.2) SHTOBBE, V.A., inzh.; TROYANOVSKIY, Yu.V., inzh. Using the RMTs-2 machine with two cutting units for loosening frozen ground. Mekh. stroi. 19 no.9sl7 S 162. '(MIRA 15:9) (Frozen ground) (Earthwork) GONCHAROV, B.V., inzh.1 TROYANOVSKIY, Yu.V.9 insh. Self-propelled concrete placer for bullding foundations of petrochemical plants. Prom. stroi. 41 no.501-32 VT 164. (MIRA 18i11) 1. Bashkirskiy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy Institut po stroitell- stvU. SOV/ 50 -.18 - 10 AUTHORS: Losev, B. I.. Mel'nikova, k. N., SaDrykin, F. Ya.. Troyanzkaya, M. .4., Bylyna, TITLE: New Methods of Examining the Material Composition of Coal (Novyye metody izucheniyaveshchestvennogo sostava ugley) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akademii nalik SSSR, 1958, Nr 10, pp '58-60 (USSR)^ ABSTRACTi Research with the purpose of obtaining the most effective methods of' extracting rare metals from coal was carried out at the Institur goryachikh iskopayerkykh Akaddmii nauk (Insti- tute foi MineralFuels of' the ~f~ TiS~R). For this purpoge, t rays, atsu t~iectro-hydro effEcts were used. The influence of the dose of radiation on the yield of' germanium may be seen in table 1. The second mr-thod consisto of ultra- 3onic treatment of coal during its halogenation. The resuirs of experiments with ultrasonic treatment of coal in wat ,er arc listed in iable 2. A more intensive disraption of tile Cohesxv;~! forces of rare elements in coal is obtained by the use of' elpf- tro-hydraulic effects. These experiments were cerripd out in tne Laboratorlya elektrogidravlicheskogo effekta loenintaradskogo Card 1/2 Politektinicheskogo instituta (Laboratory for Electro-ffvdral.ilic SOV/50-,~8- 10-91;, ~~ " New Methods of Examining the Material COMDOSition of Coal Effects of tne Lenirigract Polytechnic Institute) under tho direc-!-,ion of L. A. Yutkin. There are 2 taoles. Card 212 5(4) SOV/69-21-;~-14/25 AUTHORS: Losev, B.I. and Troyanskaya, M.A. TITLE: The Use of Aqueous Polyvinyl Alcohol Solutions for Stabilizing Highly Concentrated Emulsions PERIODICAL: Kolloidnyy zhurnal, 1959, Vol XXI, Nr 3, pp 322-32L~ (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors report on a study of properties of polyvinyl alcohol, which is used as a stabilizing and solidifying agent in emulsions of the type: Motor fuel (disperse phase, representing 90% and more of the emulsion) - aqueous solution of hifrh-raolecular emulsion stabili- zers. In order to obtain solidified gasoline, the authors used 100% solutions of polyvinyl alcohol with a viscosity of 40-50 centipoises and an emulsifying ca- pacity equal to 5. The experiments fully confirmed the suitability of this procedure. It was further found that polyvinyl alcohol solutions can be mixed vdth other soluble stabilizers (e.g. formaldehyde), Card 1/2 in order to increase the elasticity and solidity of SOV/69-21-3-14/25 The Use of Aqueous Polyvinyl Alcohol Solutions for Stabilizing Highly Concentrated Emulsions the cellular structure, which finally gives to the emulsion the character of solidified fuel. The authors give details as to the viscosity and surface tensions of polyvinyl alcohol solutions. They mention the So- viet scientist P.A. Rebinder, whose device for the measuring of surface tensions was used for the experi- ments. There are 2 tables and 4 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN SSSR, Moskva (Institute of Combustible Mined Matter of the AS USSR, Moscow) SUBMITTED: 31 January, 1958 Card 2/2 BYLYNA, E.A.; WSIT. B.I.; TROYANSKATA. M.A. (MO8kva) Recovery of germanium from coal by ga==--ra7 irradiation in carbon tetrachloride. Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. tekh. nauk no.4:124-125 Ap 158. (minli.-6) (Germanium--Metallurgy) (Radiochamistry--InduBtrial applications) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/33-95 Losev, Boris Ivanovi--.h, Mikbiall Kor,.5kly, and MArlvana Alekoandrovna Troyanskaya Tverdyy benzin; transport, khranenlye I primenenlye Solid Gasoline, Transportation, Storage, and Use.) Mos--.ow.. Gostoptekhizdat, 1959. 88 P. 5,050 copies printed. Executive Ed.: O.M. Yeri--heriova; Te,~h. Ed.: E.A. Mukhtna. PURPOSE- This book Is in,.-ended for workers engaged in 41-he production, transporting,Btorage and utilization of solid gasoline, as well as for engineers, technicians, the personnel of petroleum storage plants, motorist4 members of expeditions, and camping and hurting enthusiasts. COVERAGE. The book outline2t.'~-,,-. history of the development of methods of solidifying gasoline aM briefly describes production methods for converting liquid gasoline into solid briquets. It also reviews methods of recovering liquid gasoline from briquets with the aid of Card V5 Solld Gasoline; (Cont.) SOV/3395 Soviet-made regenerators, Advantages In transporting and solid gasoline are indicated. The solid gasolire oonsi3tls of; a colloidal system In which the liquid gas,-,'-,.ine Is a disper.Qed phase distributed over a solid dispersion medium. The pr,-~(;eas of solidifica~ -ion entails two c.,:,nsecutive operations.. 1) preparation of a stable highly con-.entrated emulsion In which liquid gasol.ine is In the dispereed phase, and an aqueous solution of specially selected high-molecular compounds as the dispersion medium; 2) -the solidification of the dispersion medium or its conversion, to a highly viscous compound. The pre aratio of solid gasoline briquets re- quires four operations: 1~ pr;pa'~Iation of the s-o_lution of emulsi- fier3, 2) emulsification; 3) solidificat-icn-4nd formatior. of emulsion; 4) drying of briquets. The soluticr, of emulsifiers usually contains casein, urea-formaldehyde resin, and polyvinyl alcohol. The method of solidificabior. described car, be used also with kerosene and other fuels. The research on gasoline solidi-, fication was carried out by scientists and erZineers under the guidance of B.I. Losev and M.S. Komskly at institutes of the former Ministry of the Petroleum Industry and of the Academy of S_-ienceq., USSR. Card 2/5 Solid Gasollne.~ 'Cont'.) TABIE OF CONTENTS. Introduct-lon 30V/3395 3 Ch. 1. Briquet of Solidified Fuel and Its Characteristics 7 Basic process of solidification 7 Methods of evaluatlng the quality of briquets 13 Structure and prcpertles of I.)rIquets 19 Ch. II. Charac-t-eristies of t.1-Le LIquid FNiel 0,,,n,~~ained in Briquets 24 Spe ~,iflc gravity 24 Fractional composition Chemical stability Corrosive aggressiveness 33 Antiknock propertl--Ies 33 E-ngine charaoteristic~s 34 Card 3/5 Solid Gasoline; (Clont.) SOV/3395 Ch. III. Transporting Briquets Packaging of briquets Fuel losses in transporting Weigh'. of containers used in transpor",,brAg Load capacity of transporting vehicles Cost of transporting liquid and solidifiec. fuels Ch. IV. Storage of Briquets of Solidified Fuel Storage of briquets In warehouses Storage of briquets on open ground Storage of briquets in pits Underwater storage of briquets Losses of solidified fuel in storage Change in the quality of briquet's stored Irs Technical and economic advantages -,f storing solid form Card 4/5 the open liquid fuel in 38 38 39 43 45 48 51 51- 51 54 54 55 58 60 Solid Gasoline; (c~ont.) SOV/3395 Ch. V. Regeneration of Fuel Frf-.IT, Br1Lq--ae!.s 62 Methods of regenerating solidified 62 Thermal regeneration 62 Mechanical regeneration 64 Description and charasteristlc;s regenerators used in the USSR 72 Effect of operating conditoionB and detalls of regenerator design on the opera"Vion cf regenera,4-srs Z7 Effect of briquet quality on regeneration process 4 Ch. VI. Domestic Use of Solidified Puel 86 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 TM/Iso 6-13-6o 11M iWASE I kU ~K EM)ITAIrION SOV/344.L Lo~ev, Boris lwmovich, Mikhail Solomonovich Kowkiy, and Marlyana Aleksandroyna Troyanskaya Otverzhdennoye motornoye tOplivo (Solidified Engine Fuel) Moscov, AN SSSR, 1959. 213 p. Errata slip inserted. 2,500 copies printed, Sponsoring Agency: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut goryuchikh iskopeyemykh. Resp. Ed.: I.P. Iosev, Bonored Worker in Science and Teelmology, RSFSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: A.L. Bankritser; Tech. Ed.: X.F. MazImin. PURPOSE: This book is intended for technicians and specialists interested in the fuel solidification industry. COVERAGE: The authors deal with solidified fuels vhich have recently gained major importance in technical fields and in the domestic economy. The produc~tion af solidified fuels in hard briquets, their composition, dimensions, and principal advantages are discussed. Transportation and storage facilities are cited. No personalities are mentioned. There are no references. Card 1/5 Solidified Engine Fuel TABLE OF COMMM: Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Prindiplea of Liquid Fuel Solidification 7 1. Solidified fuels are colloidal systems 7 2. Flov sheet of the liquid fuel solidification process 3-1 Ch. 11. Emulsifiers and Fimlsification in the Liquid Fuel Solidifica- tion Procese 15 1. Ermlsifiers and their required properties 15 2. Casein as an emulsifier in the solidification process 16 3. Polyvinyl alcohol as an emulsifier 26 4. Urea-melnmine-formaldehyde resins as emulsifiers 31 5. Emulsifier mixture for solidification 35 6. Emulsification of liquid fuels 36 7. Mmil ion, its structure and composition 46 8. Dispersiveness of fuel emulsions 47 9. Thickness of the protective layer in a highly concentrated fuel emulsion 55 10. Composition of fuel emulsion during emulsification 57 SOV/3441 Card 2/5 Solidified Engine Fuel SOV/3441 Ch. III. Emulsion Solidification 58 1. Solidification vith formaldehyde of a dispersion medium based on casein 58 2. Interaction of formaldehyde vith other emulsion components 62 3. Solidification of a dispersion medium based on polyvinyl alcohol 66 4. Solidification of a dispersion medium based on urea-formaldehyde resins 68 5. Rate of gel formation during emulsion solidification 70 6. Emulsion "fixation unit" 72 Ch. IV. Molding Briquets of Solidified Fuel 76 1. Syneresis and durability of gel 76 2. Selection of briquet molds and sizes 82 3. Molding briquets under pressure 83 4. Briquet drying 86 5. loss of dispersed phase during briquet drying 93 Ch. V. Hard Briquet Dispersion Medium 96 1. Structure,of a hard briquet dispersion medium 96 2. Method of film production 97 3. Measuring film porosity 97 Card 3/5 Solidified Engine Fuel SOV/5441 4. Diffusion through films of the dispersion medium 100 5. Mechanical strength of film 104 6. Maximum film strength depending upon the composition of the dispersion medium 105 7. Effect of ft-ying rate on film strength 107 8. Plasticization of films of the dispersion medium 111 9. Mechanism of film plasticization 112 10. Glycerine as a film plasticizer of the dispersion mediim U7 11. Film strength depending upon glycerine content 120 12. Film strength depending upon formaldehyde content 121 13. Dependence of briquet stability upon vapor pressure of the dispersed phase IP-4 Ch. VI. Idquid Briquet Dispersed Fhase 137 1. Specific gravity 138 2. Fractional composition 139 3. Chemical stability 144 4. Corrosive properties of regenerated gasoline 157 .5. Antide-tonation properties of regenerated gasoline 158 6. Mot-or characteristics 158 Carcl 4/5 Solidified Engine Fuel SOV/3441 Ch. VII. Properties of Solidified Fuel Briquets 166 1. Briquet structure 166 2. General briquet characteristics 175 3. Specific gravity of I)riquet 178 4. Liquid fuel content in a briquet 181 5. Water comtent in a briquet dispersion medium 188 6. Mechanical strength of a briquet 193 7. Combustibility and burning of a briquet 202 Ch. VIM. Use of Solidified Fuels AVAIIABIZ: Library of Congress (TP343.L7) Card 5/5 206 TM/mfd 4-26-6o SOV/24-58-4-24/39 (Moscow) 'AUTHORS: BYlyna, B.A., Losev, B.I. and Tro~nmkaya, M.1--( TITLE: Extraction of Germanium from Coal by y-irxadiation in Carbon Tetrachloride (Izvlecheniye germaniya iz ugley pri y-obluchenii v chetyrekhkhloristom uglerode) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR Otdeleniye Tekhnicheskikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 4, pp 124 - 1~5 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Soviet and foreign scientists have established tha'.- in many coal beds the germanium content is high enough for its extraction from coal (Refs 1, 2). Many investigations (Refs 6-8) have shown that y-irradiation of carbon tetrachloride results in formation of free chlorine. This free chlorine is then used to extract germanium (chlorination method). Four types of coal were tried. They were heated in flasks with carbon tetrachloride and irradiated at the rate of 200 rantgen/see. After irradiation the liquid phase and the coal were analysed f or germanium. Recovery of germanium in the liquid phase was small for coals containing little of it. Results for extraction from two coals richer in germanium are given in Table 1, Clardl/2 53% and 100016 being extracted in these cases with