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TR'UWZU,. V,, d0coa' QCA.'" - I.., e3cparimuts of malci]3g 5,ng:Levoie high,.frequency dischArges and uae of .thema* Sdal tech 11 no,3'.99 Mr '63o TRI~EI-I.I. SOLONOUTS, M.1 ..; MIUMINA, L.L. wmpww~ Eva3uation of the otrosa-Tupture strength of materials for long service life. Zav. lab. 29 no.6t752-753 ,63. (MIRA 16:6) 1. TSentraltnyy nauahno-isoledovateltdkiy institut tekbnologii i mashinostroyanlya. (Strength of materials) TRUNOVI P. G. Heat transfer to the boiling urea melt. Khim. prcm. no-3; 217-218 Mr 163. (MM 16z4) (Urea) (Heat-Transmission) TRUNOV, V.K.; KOVBA, L.M. X-ray diffraction examination of tbprium tungstate and mol.ybdate. Vest. Moak. un. Ser. 2: Khim. 18 no.3160-63 1t46 163. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Kafedra neorganicheskoy khimii Moska7skogo universiteta. (Thorium molytdates) (Thorium tungstate) (X-ray diffraction examination) .TRUNOV,-V.,K.j SIMANOV, Yu.F. (deceased]; KOVBA, L.M. Double oxides of uranium, tantalumt and tin. Zhur.strakt.khim. 4 no.2:277-279 Mr-Ap 163. (MM 1615) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy univer5itet imeni, M.V.Lomonosova. Oranium oxides) (Tantalum oxides) (Tin oxides) TRUPCEVIC, Mlirjana Effect of the radioactive radiation on lubricanta. Nafta Jug 12. no.3/4s87.-91 Mir-Ap 161. 1. Insitut za naftu, Zagreb. SIMANOVSKAYA, R.I.; rukovoditell raboty; SHPUNT, S.Ta.; VOMINBUTA, Z.V.; KOKINA, Z.I.; kSTUKROVA, M.G.; KATWOVA, V.A.; VASITANOV, V.P.; VASIL'YEV, N.Y., master; ORIDV, N.N., starshi7 apparatchik; HAUMV, JP.M., starshly apparatchik;_n7,U,,H,?_P', starsh.1y apparatchik; VOLOVA, V.M., starshir apparatchik; ZORIM. Ye.A.; KIROVA. V.A.; LUTOVA, Z.I., MKINA, Z.P., laborant: SEMOXHINA, L.A., laborant; NIKITINA, N.A. I'hosphogypsum and Its use in the manufacture of sulfuric acid and portland cement; small-scale operati6n at the pilot plant of the Scientific Research Institute of rertilizers and Insectifuges. LTrud.vj NIUIF no.160:59-76 '58. f' (MIRA 12:8) I.Botrudniki Nauchnogo instituta,po udobrentyam I ineektofungisidam (for Simanovskaya, ;Aipunt, Vodzinskays, Kokina, llastiLkhova, Kaydenova)o 2oZameatitell nachallnika 3-go tse".a Opytnogo zavoda hauchnogo institute. po udobrenlyam I ineektofungisi-aam (for Vaslyanov). 3.3-7 tsekh Opytnogo savoda Nauchnogo instituta po udobreniyam I ineektofungisidam-kfor Vasillyev, Orlov, Naumov, Trupin, Volkova, Zorina, Kirova, iiatoya, Zenkina, Samokhina). 4.TSentralluaya analiticheakaya laboratorlya Opytnogo zavoda Nauchnogo institute. po udobreniyam I ineektofungisidam kfor Nikitina). kGypsun) krortland cement) kSulfuric acid) TRUPIIIS-, S. GENERAL PERIODICAJIS: VESTIS, NO. S., 1958 TRUPINS-, S. Collinearity and coplanarity of affine magnitudes in lineal illimitable space. in RuBsian. p. 83. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) IC-,, VOL.81 No. 2 February 1959, Unclass. TRUPL, UJOSEF "Intensity kratkodobych v destu v povodich Labe) Ordy a ""oravy. Praha (Vyzkumny ustav vodohospodarSky) 1958. 76 p. (Vyz!nmy ustav vodohospodarsky. Prace a studie, ses. 97) (Intensity of brief showers in thb Lasins of the Elbe, Oder, and Morava Rivers. English, German and Rus.,!ian surm-iaries. fold mapsy bibl., graphs, tables)" P. 76 (Praha, Czechoblovakia) Monthly Index of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 7, No. 7, July 1958 Rainfall intensity. pe 194 Vol. 52 no. 6, June 1955 VOrNI HOSPODARSTVI Praha SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EFAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3 Farch 1956 DVORAKJI J.; TRUPLOVA, E. Determination of sodium in the presence of titanium by flame photometers. Coll Cz Chem 28 no.6:1609-1612 Je 163. 1. Forschungsinstitut fixy anorganische Chemie, Usti nad Labem. I TRUPPv I.A. The PA161 ten-spindle drilling and cutting -achine. Blul,takh.-c'Imn. v inf,-m. no.1:35-36 '61. ,!A 14:2) Wachine tools) ZASLAVSKIYt M.Z.; TRUPP, I.D. The IN24.S2 roller-turning laths. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform.Gos,nauch,- isel.ihat,nauch.i tekh.inform. no.11:56-57 162. (MIRA 15:11) (Lathes) TRUFF, L.; SAWIN, V. Young builders of winged machines. Kryl. rod. 9 no. B-16-17 Ag ! 58. (MIPA 11:8) 1. Predsedatall pervichnogo komitets Dobrovollnogo obahchastya sodaystviya armii, aviataii i flotu (for Trupp). 2. Sekratarl komiteta Vaesoyuznogo teninskogo kommunistichaskogo soyuza molodethi, Kazan'. (Gliders(Aeronautics)) So-v/85-5M-21/40 AUTSOR: _TrqUp,=4~,, Chairman, DOSAAF Primary Committee, and Samaria, V., Secretary, WMM Committee (Kazan,) TITLE: Young Creators of Winged Machines (Molodyye tvortsy krylatykh mashin) PERIODICAL: Kryllya rodiny, 1958, Nr 8, pp 16-17 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors describe the rapid progress made by the Studencheskoye opytnoye konstruktorskoyo, byuro (Students' Experimental Design Office) [OKBI of the Kazanskiy aviatsionnyy institut (Kazan' Aviation Institute) [KAI], which has grown from the original 4 members in 1955 to more than 50 members. As the group expanded and the lack of training gliders became apparent, the students designed and constructed their own gliders, the frame models KAI-5, HAI-7, and KkI-9. These three and the KALI-8, a two-seater all-metal soaring glider, and the KAI-10, a light, single-seater soaring plane, were approved by the appropriate directorate of the DOSAAF Central Committee. The KAI-11, a single-seater all-metal glider training model, weights only 66 kg., com- pared to 100 kg. for the BRO-9. The KAI-12, another all-metal glider,is now produced in series and will be widely used for training. The all-metal KAI-14, KAI-15 and KAI-16 gliders are intended especially for record gliding. The KAI-18 helicopter has been designed to meet the economic needs of the country; this model is the work of Yu. Kazantsev and Yu. Kuklev, graduates of the Ia- Card 1/2 Young Creators of Win&d Machiner., Sov/85-5M-21/40 stitute. The students are all Komsomol members, none over 29 years of age. The leader and instructor of the glider team,t. Groysmair,. i; himself a student. The test pilot, A. Pantyukhin, champion parachutist of the city of Kazan', Is a former secm-tary of the VLKSM Committee. The DOSAAF Central Committee has recommended serial production of the all-metal, lightweight single-seaters KAI-10 and KAI-11. The group is now seeking permission to open a branch aeroclub, at the Kazan' Aviation Institute. There are 24 photographs. ASSOCIATION: Pervichniy komitet DOSAAF (DOSAAF Primary Committee) and Komitet VLKSM (VLKSM Committee) (Kazan') Card 2/2 SYCHIVA, T.P.; KUZIMICHEVA, T.P.; CHERNYATEVA, A.T.;-TRUPP, T.1h.; SHCEMMA, X.11 - SYnthesis of apresolno Med.prom. 14 no.2tl3-17 7 160. 1. Vaesoyuzuyy institut imeni (MIRA 130) nauchno-iseledovatellsidy khimiko-farmatsayticheoiciy S. Ordzhonikidze. (PMTAW IKE) Z SYCHEVA, T.P.;,TRUPP, T.K4j. SHCHUXINA, M.N. Compounds irith a potential antitubercular activitZ. Part 3: Thio amides' of 2-substituted 4-oxazolecarboxylic acids. Zhur.- ob.khim. 32 no.4:1071-1077 AP 162. (MIRA 15:4) 1. Vaesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatel'skly khimiko-famatsevticheskiy institut Imeni S.Ordzhonikidze. (Oxazolecarboxylic acid) (Amides) mu XMTMztm. MZYMTV, NP SYCHITA, T.P.; LKBADICYA, I.Y.; TRUPP, T.Kh.; SHCHUXIRA, X.N. Synthe'sie of some phenyleystaine derivatives. Zhur. ob. khim. 27 no.8.-2287-2292 j '57. MRA 10:9) 1. Vsesoyuznyy muchno-iseledovateltakiy khimiko-farmtaevtichookly institut imeni S. Ordihonikid2e. (Cystaine) 40 00 Of 00 C 00 00 a 00 0 0 Ole 40 4 00 2 00 13 00 00. so J IV W_W W ww W www w-w~w;,W~ 10006060960909 00 nil 11" INS by miledi #2430040 a-V __L j, 1. j 1 .2 9 # - j- so 1.00 -00 T16 production of anabasine by the Ingithad of extraction .00 vitk!~~volmtis. A.G.&AtolovandV.I.TsUPP. rrex all. iierldswrl Imilmollorcull (U. S. S. R.) No. 13.5. 2.5-WOWO). Kilim. Merat. Zhat. 19,19. .00 9, M.-Aill WaIrr-tinnaiwillif INAVVIlts f. Ilse e%tn. Of 1111411161-411C, Cill.Cis 6 Ple b0l for Yield Xfogr ,kity .00 III gain. A40lovine combines miMly with Ou- lin1mritil d110 in terlin. Coll.Clt only durins the Imlial wlaxv -if soasulina, moo after whkh artal"ne is not de"imitmi. anli I% otily imt. IIA)lr tranarr" to the rrQtic with the 4..Wly sips 400 ,:it% ticit of illetrem, tion. lirtict trvh. Cill.Cl, call Ile wd for produc iou"of "jasbw. The optimum ratio is Wvent- raw material - 2. 1. A ormi-prothictiou-scale 0 app. and vilpts. are de"bed. W. R. flenn woo i'll,40 CO 0 see 00 moo 00 b* 0 A 44T&LLV"KAL LiTgRATUNI CLAISVOCATON g-Vil UO 0 too Siva 93"Ift. I saga 41401 am[ a.- III IS AT so As 000 a 5 m a is m 9 11 m mmmm BMW WAWWWJAW 0 0 0 SYCHEVA, T.P.; TRUPP~ T.Kh.; LEBF-DEVA, I.V.; SHCHUKINA, M.N. Compounds with potential antitubercular activity. Part 6: Anidoximes, amidrazones, and S-oxides of thioamides of some heterocyclic acids. Zh-ur.ob.khim. 32 no.11:3669-3674 11 162. (MUU 15:11) 1. Vsosoyuznyy nauchno-isaledovatellskiy khimiko-famatsevticheskiy institut imeni, S. Ordzhonikidze. (Ifeterocyclic compounds) (Amides) (Tuberculosis) SYCIIEVA) T.P.,- TRUPP, T.Kh.; SHCHUKIILA, M.N. Compounds with a potential antitubercular activity. Part 4: 11-subatituted thioamides of 4-oxazolocarboxylic acids. Zhur.ob. khim. 32 no.9:2882-2885 S 162. (MIRA It,,:g) 1. Vsesoyuzrqy nauchno-issledocatellskiy khimiko-farmateevticheski7 inatitut imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (CXAZOLECAMBOX'YL-IC ACM) (MMES)- SYCWA T.P.; TRUPP TU-; SHCHUKINA, M.N. CorTounds with potential antitubercular activity. Part 5: Certain derivatives of 5-phenyI-2-cxaxQIw*4*xZrIb acid. Zbur. ob. kqim. 32 no.]-1:3666-3669 N 16;F. 04TA'15:11) 1. Voeooyuznn nauchno-iseledovatelleldy ~mtttut ime4i.- S. Ordzhonikidze. kbimiko-farmatsevticheskir~i (OxazoleoftSOU6 apid) (TubermlosW 02 0 Am ti Q U Ld 13 fe V It Pf 0 I -A A-C-6 a I a _IX I L 1, 4-1-11- - 00 00 00 09 00 a BiodOuLkAl Processes in vollocabits while in storm b It. A. Ru in artif V. F, DupU. RIAU. A 14,04 X,w (;,,Arjjcs 11J ..vt ,J R j S I f 1 1 . . . we. . 4o, l 5. 1 . Moll WISIM11 14,010witi) Un 4VAIARA. 11W f-Ahowind Am 09 f drItL twilov 81141 &(let the allwase Iw(1LkI- awlt u a m u mv. w4af N. protein N. Ow, catalw4e and inwrtA 40 3 On mfAlwat the fullumvins .0. dctd.: itionow, W ImilitImr. tvilukw, total N, protein N. citalaw. inveltm 00 a emylawandbmicellulame. 00 4JArt'l.: flitumve. bkwr. Pollnow. CtaukAw. total N, p"11 N, vetalAw awl invettaw. . 00 1 -00 .00 moo zoo 000 ZOO 09: '0 '00 "go be 0 A Ia-%L& 111TALLU416KAL LIVISAIVIII CLASSIVICA"O" Jiro 0 oil -S, is* N A, I me a it, .1 and: 0 0 0 0 1"01 Ago *1 0 0 Is 1,00 o 111, 0 9 a 4 0 * 0 0 0 of 0 a 0 0 9 1*0 so* 0*411*66 Is '~G$ 0000: 4F-W-" W-or Ad it F# A# Is jo W it a a X a a It a it 9 a is N Is 0 a Is 41 4i a t &(I Ar jet ILI t JOS 01 t f 41 a 4 go ,_ a 1 , - I AA III Ix. 0 it 14,19 o# -1, oo poo t l too A-0 $ t - fAlptst a " 041 a "r I---- 06r,cl -00 0 le, j - and V. R. Trupp. Compl. read. "ad. sci. V. R. S. S. I N, llt,-r, 22V'32rI933),--C&bb&p leaves ooto fill, 16 sail A -410 0 2 times Mw In amylaw 11) than betts. oniatto and carrots. : Ihis high artivity is of opcial Interitst,since the stamb 0 1 mment of this Yesetahle Is inconaiderislik and It is probe- We that this ori-Wied sinylase I.% in enityine that is not charactaind by a strictly spi action or that It is a complex of T Thai low of ctilulaft in torinwtion with it j an tivity of I ouggrots that in mbbage I io a0 0 a j at companiA by an imonse. cytan (U) capable of hydro. ll I( b l l h f h h b d i S -Do c, ose sr or some o er rar o isteil u t e ot ng ce ys y lominstbectawalk litudieso(tMactivityulamylaft - df 0 j in pandW with that of It established The u6tence in cablossir of an enzyme capable of hydrolyzing hirmicellulow to a reducing "u. U is i;ua%Ww&Uy kvto active than I 00 but Is Comwable to NKTW. Its activity In d* licar" and stalks varies; &W this is turmt-cud with the ability cd goo 0 V 4r I The early variety. No. 1. to "Awaken" rally mid with the Attrgiipts to im- getiesal higher toxicity ot this vwiety . lair 11 are in progle". C. R. Addinall too 19 a I a t L A &CIALWINGICAL UTIEW1101111 CLASSIFICATION 8 too 6.1400 -1 -Masi .10 4- ....... 36i Civii, At. u 0% oft It It of KID a so L S a ad 0 a a I W 0 9 A 0 J, I W 0 0 * ; 0 ; 11 ; 4 a 'M! 0 0 00 0 & *4 0 & 0 0 o * 0 foo 0 40 0000 0 0 0 is 0 0 so* 66 @1* 0 4 6 4 4 is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. MR u a 43 a 0 'W It a 1. 11 ~ -~~ I A A It J- LA-1 4_4 -(I* .-off go a *0 B. A. vwx and V. R. AoW. &k USA.S., IOW, 3. O"Ooft to (1) an enzyme M-OXWO, Mp&bk VIX "I woukime to as mw. U'! Am W.I. avy"Wy. 41W =00 0 -400 go III (U)"WhIk In " No, I " As stalb 0 have a higher (11) cou6saL The Oontent Is Ou". roe doing derage for 6 mouth, re u (U) gmeally F 0. M. too clog said" It 0" 0-9 Salina*? vilial OK 00V All Ka U K, 1w, IV I'll 16, 11 Fun AllaI v tua1 At St5 of 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 F 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 ~00 0 ~* L' 0101 A, 0 A 0 01 Q V m is m 1, t, 1, 1 it P fj A 1 9 V 4 I W A I I M At t'( W it 8 00 00 - .00 ' *0 W i v In kinegring qvaliUlls of diffirmt varieties of Va lade -00 00 wellitables and ths, tessons thorefors. It. A. Riihm anti N." V '- B-14"mr, Comm. read, otad. Its. U. N. S. S. i. '~.! -00 3, iir. KIM)- In tbi- atimpt to ctmurct the variatl4m 'h l i h i bi .00 t- t eln- Arl; w nner in keePlog "lilies of virgeta -00 varietal clistracttirisdei-, varieties of onions anti rahtmKei 00 with tK-A and r%r-Urnt keephis laillies were stored and li -% wt t. wt A d i 4GA5 da s for 1 d d 00 - ' ~ . c ~ u l enni ii . every ., y aftni-C. Immosacchalid", uer~. V4. Augarm. cfllul,~' -00 wial N, Inotein N, vaimlAst, still imcitage. Tabulati,.n .00 IthOWId that tilt 1%1%ttf*ki 01110H. 4 WCURiAl With KIKA lik-eping qualities, bass highougar I, At but that, in mn trait 00 to the lxoAly keeping SpanM %atirly, It% proleur vintipir% 041 J isunchanging. Similarly, the variety ulcabbagircharaclef- bl y 1111'Fr iled by its raw keeping qualities ltm-3 mmsidera 00 sugaf during the period of krrping Than the variety that poils quickly. ANi, tilt ratio of di%act-liarides its mono sarchavides Is greater in the stable varittirs of both mi~lnl -0 40 and cablvage. The himhern. nature of gcjod kertrinit ality lies neither in wtakentil mirtalmAimn nor in a age L, livered enerly, expenditure of tilt plant subs-tam-t but in g -00 the hiKh expenditure ulmigar rrm-n--4. C. R. A. - 1.00 -00 '00 00 a' - - 0 U 11 AV Do Is IV It 0 Ir 46 F 1 N it a ow 0 49 Is 19 It it 11 if X a 1 14 04 a * 0 0 0 ; ; * 0 0 10 0 O O 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 'i 0 07 W 0 0 0 0 *.0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 C a 000 * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * t : is* go *08 *ON Kmpiag quaUtift of dWw#M "Wkti" of votst- Imbin. &A. Ruxw,ws&Vt AL: ad. AM& 4 ap"w i" ~ of,*" kkh '' can W" "Id- tu I "do madills - no@& "Mu" -- im-N at Ow mde"m 9. .61 . -I two I va"m 99, A* b~WF-*plmj kw' --a -L- Alk- ko -Slff"l cabbso (a paw. kmp* vwioq) Sh4w Im low- of dry "b"w" th" 6~ AMW " on *ftp &SO-ILA AET"LORS" Lff#"TM CLAIWOM 9 0 03 "1; 000160000000*090000 ----- ----- 2"m 4141111 ad a" Ot Ae L I a a 0 -1 ff N 9 a 4 3, 6 r 0000000*000geeoeo ~019100-0000000*000000000 0 'so '00 Iwo Is* 400 Aao zoo 'we =*O A** goo kool son. of a a I VI irdimla Is voloubko daA n- $`,me aabbW, b bet IMb 4" asy tow 7t Wy so" Edo a tow bwgqom dA ak thee rnawsaw- The M"I"m (H) wA apybm, (IM mMVw b*a &W id amsWaft towu* jW end at the pwW at W a ~ tg : 9b@ Wmw in 11) SWV moo pan1w with an w""m in dm Me at= a AvwyWO(ITT)mOvf#YimcaMW is carfvb4od with a &H In t6 osNalar t6m content. It is Pdosible Uwe an mqm b- _ _ - - ftflaur matorw semmPsalve (111) symbkst;W."' R. A. 11. ft. AlS.SLA MULLUVOCALL"INAYMCLASNPKATM T l~ o s goo got Koo goo goo ire 0 foe tie * "of u a a M I 1 46 4 d a It $I f) a 4 3 6 96.0.00 000 too 6 0 0090000 *0 A 00 00 A oo 0& OOM 004 see 00 4~ 000 004 *01 40006000#40 000*0000000 G c- 0 11 w a v bmammoi.4 hdi*mwdw*K "06 fowuou is persoaW plmaAm'-'-, hP a Tawnwralm pt. Kdowsuidift hmemod the U-M of rooto hnmW, $wengQ. NJ the nA6 of thok fbm&Um on orange, lem". SAW fmis mular, A. G. 1. Is 9 a 0 v t-A,.,L i - - a -Ttil 0 i -0* '-Oo .00 .0 .00 'see -00 0 0 000 00 84C fS* moo silo Wc** Hit Ong dog T * 7 1 9 5 A, 10 a a, a a is it aIn it a i A 0 0 a **fee** 0 0 Ak 0 a Isom "NOT Illiar, 1 ad 0 o r I at 9 a a it 8 1 46 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 it MW p vijjm~. --- , 1 -111 Development of science', education and medical care in Ghana. Veotnik CSAV 71 noo5:585-588 162, 1e Clan korespondent Slovenskej akademie vied. TRUS'p AoMe 3prings made of wires with shaped sections. Mashinostroitell no.705 J! 164. (MIRA :L7x8) TRUS'? A.M.' inzh. e slandai-3 '.)399-6C- Vc%' Required suppleman'-i tr,, the ata", (KfA i7iO '(64. mashinost, 44 14Y TRUSI, A.M. Automatic device for measuring stress relaxation in compression springs. Zav.lab. 29 no.lltl372-1373 163. (MIRA 16:12) 1. Sibirskiy zavod sallskokhozyaystvennogo mashinostrayoniya. TRUS I - A. M. Compressing 71indrical sPiral C=PrOtsaion sp~dngfl- Mashino- stroitell no.10213 0 162, (MM 15:10) (Springe(Machanism)) TRIIS'l A.M. Heat treatment of thin, obr. met. no.4:55-56 Ap M flat, circular disks. 'etalloved. J term. (MIRA 18:6) 165. . ~5. - < - - .1 tj'--- ~,-- I J. 1. . TRU,91, A.M. Stamped springs. Mashinostroitell no.10:30 0 163. (MIRA 16:12) t~ J, I nzh. TI. r~ynimlc ctren-vth of srrings In n e S 7 no.12*.5P,-(34 6/1 . Novusibirolki-y e2ektrotekhrdcheskiy Rekc)T,-.endrjvannL kafedroy tec)retichenkoy mekhanik-'. L 02511-67 EWT(d)/EWT(m)/EWP'w)/EWP(c)/EVIP(V)/T/EWP(t)/ETI/Ewp(k)/Ewp(l) lip(c) ACC NRt AR6015964 SOURCE CODE: UR/0277/65/000/012/0059/0059 JD AUTHOR: Alabuzhev, P. M.; Bondarev, V. .; Kopeykin, G. F.; Trus', A. M.*'Yd2f'14n01V. A.M, TITLE: Calculating the durability of cylindrical coil springs in impact-action machines SOURCE: Ref. zh. Mashinostroitellnyye materialy, konstruktsii i raschet detaley mashin. Gidroprivod, Abe. 12.48.486 REF SOURCE: Sb. dokl. k Novosib. nauchno-tekhn. konferentsii po mashinostr. Ch. 2. Novosibirsk, 1964., 51-57--.-- TOPIC TAGS: helical spring, impact strength, durability I q, ABSTRACT: A method is proposed for calculating the durability of cylindrical coil springs. The method is based on the energy theory for loss of work capacity of a spring under rotating loading. A formula is given for preliminary determination of the service life to destruction of a spring in impact-action machines. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13 Card uDc: 621- TRUSAKCVJ* V. Millet Foxtail millet in the Mfoscow area. Kolkh. proizv. 12, No. 4, 1952. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of Congress, August 1952, Unclassified. TRUSAUKOV, V.F., kand.eel'akokhosyaystvemWkh nauk A nec"soary book ("Siberian nillet" by I.T. Varenits, Reviewed by V.F. Trusakov). Agrobiologila no.2:314-315 Hr-AP '59. 04IRA 12:6) 1. Izhovskiy seIIekokhozyEqstvennyy institut. (millet) (Varenits, B.T.) TRUSAKOV, V. F. "European Fox Tail I-1illet (Biological Characteristics and Sone Agratechnical Problems)." Cand A~7. Sci, Belorussian Agricultural Acad, Gorkij 1553. (RZhBiol, No 2, Sep 5h) Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (10) so'. Swn- No. 481, 5 May 55 _7;~'uElq & ov O~ F7 U5,-R/ Agriculture - Grain raising Card 1/1 Pub. 86 - 27/39 Whors Trusakovf V. F., Cand. Agri. So. Title I Foxtail millet Periodical i Priroda 44/3. 118 - 119, Mar 1955 Abstvaot I The cultivation of foxtail (Italian) millet in rated as a new undertaking in the Soviet Union. However,, on consulting the literature on the subject, articles were found relating the importation of foxtail millet seed from China in 1835 and its cultivation in the Ukraine and to some extent around Moscow. Interest in this grain revived after the Russo-Japanese war. -Institution Submitted Voronezh Agricultural Instutute U4.ven iNs CO'LL'It"Y: Academic Dce:~e,,,: --.(',t given- Affiliati(,a: :.-. -; -,-,'cal Glinic2 InstiLute of Medicine (Clinica i;eurologicaj In::tL!.,,,,t,,i1 de Medicina), Timisoara. So,irce: Timiso -Jun 1961, pp c'':-95. 4ra inisoars Medicalaq Vol VII No 1, Jan Data: "Superior syndrome of the Red Nucleus." Authors: MARCOVICI, H. BALTO IU I S. RADUI H. GPO 9816*3 F-Z TRUSCA. V. - __ " "Electr1c apparatus" by M.A. Babikov. Vol. 3. Reviewed by V. Trusca. Electrorehrica 12 no.5*.196-197 My'64. = - ., .. . -,P, .~ -- . - . . dr. J, GUGIIJRE-ANU Georgeta, dr.; TURGU, Tatianap dr.; LAZAhp P ... CAP VOO dr. Antimicrobial action of fur-xone., stud--'e3 im v-,- .. Mcrobloic- gia (Ducur) 10 no.1t19-25 Ja-F'65. 1. Luerare efectuata in Clinica de bolt contagioase, Institutul medico-farmaceutic, Iasi. TRUSCA, V. "Zlectric apparatus" by M.A. Babikov. Vol. 3. Electrotehnica 12 no.5:196-197 My'64. -L 1306146 WA(J)/T/34A(b)-2 JK ACC NR, AP6005725 AUTHOR: Cuciureanu, GegEget~a-Kuchuryanu, D. (Doctor); Turcup Tatiana-Turku, T. (Doctor); Lazar, P.--Lazer, P. (Doctor);'T -Trushka,, V. (Voct-or) ORG: Clinic for ContagiouvDiscases, IM, Iasi (Clinica de boli contagioaae, 111F)foa- TITLE: Antibacterial'ac tion of furoxone. Investigations in vitro SOURCE: Microbiologia, parazitologia, epidemiologia, v. 10, no. 1, 1965, 19-25 TOPIC TAGS: bacteria, drug, drug treatment ABSTRACT: The sensitivity of various germs to furoxone was evaluated by the method of tube dilutions. The average bacteriontatic and bactericidal concentration of furoxone required was 2.7 gamma per milliliter for Shigella, 2.5 gamrua/ml for staphylococcus and 28 gernma/ml for ntreptococcue# with no variationo of bacteriontatic titre within the oqme group of germs. Strains isolated from a patient ..under treatment with furoxone at various stages of the disease proved to be sensitive in the same concentration, showing that the germs had not developed resistance. Orig. art. has.- '3 table-s. fj-FRS2- SUB CODE: 06 SUBM DATE: 16Jun64 ORIG REF: 001 OTH REF: 008 SOV REF: 003 Card 1/1 , &W UDC: 615s77 -S~ ITHUS~4,14 , Mlk;ai, ing. Hapid progress eLnd so-me reserves. Cor-alr 16 t&:-.745~ 3 18 AP t64. 1. Mtaanic---.-n.C al Trust.usui Regicnal de Cori--tructil de , :4La%Lh. ';L1' BERINDSAN) V.; TRU`;;LTLFSl';T), M. L I.L I ---In:~ cr a 1~r~o CornributionS to the stu~iy cf osc'! I 'at; - . 16-)- --f shftfts Of a 1 100 dwt ves:3el- Bul 3-, ii-, Tehn TIm. 9 no.2;, , 37; JI-B 'E4. SAVII, Ch. ; TRUSCULFSCU, M.; BAGIU, L.; TACIT, Gh.; TIRZIU, V. Study of the connection b-tween the nurfpcl.- stat.9 an,-1 fjf;- wear in the case of sliding friction. Bul St si Tehn Tim 9 no.2:453-461- J1-D 164. BEFUNDFAIII V.- CAPIMAVI'LA), N., TPT--CU'.-'-!(U, M, "EVENCZ~, A. Study of trie comb-,iE-rirp prcness of th- zelf- ignition engir-e with rmzed feeding, gan oil and liquefted petroleurr gas. Bui Ist si rehn Tim 8 J&-Je 163. 13(3) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/1703 Golldshteyn, Ya.Ye., Candidate of Technical Sciences, L.S. Lyakhovich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, L.L. Pyatakova, Engineer, and G.M. Trusenev, Engineer Mikrolegirovaniye stali 45 dobavkoy bora (Boron Additives for Micro- alloying of 45 Steel) Moscow, AN SSSR, 1956. 13 P. (Series: In- formatsiya o nauchno-issledovatellskikh rabotakh. Tema 1, no-I-56-217) 87o copies printed. Sponsoring Agencies: USSR. Gosudarstvennyy komitet po novoy tekhnike, and Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut nauchnoy i tekhnicheskoy in- formatsii. Filial. Exec. Ed.: A.I. Okuneva, Engineer; Ed.: L.M. Gopman, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: V.A Ponomarev. PURPOSE: This book is intended for scientists and engineers working in the field of metallurgy. Card 1/2 Boron Additives for Microalloying (Cont.) SOV/1703 COVERAGE: The booklet gives the results of an investigation of the properties of boron-containing 45R steel developed by the Central Laboratory of the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant in cooperation with the Department of Metallurgy of the Chelyabinsk Polytechnical Institute. At present, this steel finds wide application in the manufacture of critical parts of S-80 tractors. Active participa- tion in the investigations was taken by TsN1IChERMET (Central Scientific Research Institute of Ferrous Metallurgy)jand this organization was responsible for introducing 45R steel to industry. There are 5 references, of which 3 are Soviet and 2 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: None given. This five following sections: (1) Composition of the Steel (2) Hardenability (3) Mechanical Properties (4) Characteristics of Quenching by Means of High Frequency (5) conclusion book is divided into the 4 5 8 Crankshafts of 45R Steel AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 G04ad 6-10-59 11 14 GOLIDSHTEYN, Yaje., kand.tekhn.nank; LTAKHOVICH, L.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; PYATAKOVA, L.L., inzh.;_21~~ G.M.. inzh.; OKUMA, A.I., Gop~ inzh., vedushchiy red.; Ka, inzh., red.; PONCKAREV, [Boron additives for microalloying of 45 steel] Mikrolegirovanie stali 45 dobavkoi bora. Moskva, Filial nauchnoi i tekhn. inform., 1956. 13 p. (Informataiia o nanchno-issledovatel'skikh rabotakh. Tema 1, no.I-56-217) (MIRA 11:1) (Boron steel) PARIMNCHIKP I.B., inzh.; SOROKIN, A.A., inzh.; KUTSENKO, A.D., inzh.; KARPUNIN., A.M.,- inzh.; PAVLOVTSEVA, N.I., kand. tekhn. nauk; KOBWMEV, I.M., inzh.; TAKOVLEV, Yu.N., kand. t-ekhn. nauk; TRUSEV, A.I., inzh.; ORGIYAN, V.S., inzh. Improving the flow during metalpowing. Stall 24 no.5: 425-426 YT 164. (MIRA 17%12) T J, L'V, STYSHNOV, A.I. (a.Mrakovo Bashkirsko7 ASSR); FORTURATOV, S.P.(g.Pyatigorsk) MOLDAM, T.I, Q.Berdsk)p VOI&OV, V.; TRUSIV, L.G. Letters from readers. Khim. v shkole 12 n0-2:72-74 Mr-Ap 157. (MLRA 1083) 1. Prepodavatell khimii 112-y shkoly rabochey mo dezhi (for Volkov) 2,Uohitoll khinii Bytoshokoy aredney shkoly Dyat' vskogo rayon*, Bryanskay oblasti (for Trusev) (Chemistrya--Study and teaching) D~IFOZ MM Uk 5P i"t2f; g -10 .i " - '. 7 -, ".I~ I ~!~c I'--. t4l F. i. i ~ r~ i ~ ~l , , f TRUSMVA, V S. ALIGUZOV, N.S.; M.AKAYINKO, I.I.; RABINKOVA, T.S.; -~Vjna I A..L . Discussions. Trudy MekhAnobr no.98.-60-75 '56. MRA 10:7) (Ore dressing) RJENIKOVA, O.Tu; SOBOLMVA, To.S..- KARNITSKATA, N.V.; TRUSEVICH, A.I. Prevention of aeasonal catarrbs with an ecoolin and penicillin mixture. Zhur.adkrobiol. spid.i Iminm. n0-7:48 J1. '55.(KLRA 8:10) 1. Iz Rostovskogo-na-Dom instituta apidemiologii, mikrobiologii i gigiyeny dir. Ye.S.Sobeleva, i Roitovskoy gorodskoy sanitarno- spidemiologicheakoy stantaii; glaymyy vrach G.A.Uaturova. (COMKON COID, Prevention and control, ant Iblotic ekmoline with penicillin) (ANTIBIOTICS, thelsapeutic nee, skmolins, prev. of common cold, with penicillin) (PENICILLIN, therapeutic use, common, cold. prev..with antibiotic ekmoline) -MSZVIGHj_A.j_ zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, akademik "Medicinal preparationB.n Edited by I.F. Urvantseva. Reviewed by B. Trusevich. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no. 7:77 Je 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Akademiya nauk BSSR. (DRUGS) (URVANTSEVL, !.F.) - -,El '7rufe-vlr-h, '59i. Prlmern.-v. Plpn Obsledowinlye Pollnot.,ov T-orAppvttelhoekoy XHIA'-e. (2. - Ye Pernrnbot. IZD.) MiriF;I.:, Goalzdat Red. Nnuch. - Tp'-hr. Lit., 104L. '216. l7sm, 5-0010 IKZ- 40 k. - (51-'-56L65) L-Yp 111.1. '~,7shlo PodzAgl: Flpn Obs-pedowinlya ... 616-071 TRUSEVICH B. I -- - . . z EModel plan for medical examination of patients in clinics] Primernyi plan obeledovaniia boll nogo v tarepavtichaskol klinike. Izd. 2. perer. Hinsk, Goes izd-vo BSSR. 1954. 28 p. (MIRA 10:2) (DIAGNOSIS) /II I C - I--4-. F, 11 - - ;,'~rj , , . / , T~ YASKWICH, A. I. Collection of clinical prescriptions." B.I.Trusevich, V.V.Korobko. Reviewed by A.I.Iaskevich. Farm. i tok'e-1-T7i6--4-'5'&!57 Jl-Ag '55. (11MIC113-701MMAR, RRCXPTS, PRESCRIPTIONS) (MLRL 8:11) (TRUSKEVICH, B.I.) (KOFDBKO, V.V.) MUCH,-R.I., akademik; XUAMED, Kh.I., Influence of the nerrous ayxtea on the ffugar curve. Zdrav.Belor. 3 n0-10:8-12 0 '57. (MIRA 13:6) 1. Is fakulltetakoy terapevticheskoy kliniki Minskogo maditain- skogo instituta. 2. Alademiya nauk BSSR (for Trusevich). (SUQR IN THE BODY) (NMVOUS SYSTEM) TRUSIVICH, B.I., prof.; SIDMINKO, Te.R. (14inek) Changes in the electrocardiogram in blood transfusion. Xlln.=ed. 37 no. 11:92-95 H t59. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Iz Imfedry fakulltetakoy terapii (zaveduyushabiy - daystvitall- W chleu AN BSSR prof. B.1. Trusevich) Minsk-ogo meditsinskogo inatituta. 2, Deystvitel'Vy chlen AN BSSR (for Trusevich). (BWCED TRANSFUSION effects) (MUCTROCARDIOGRAPHY) TRUSLVICH, B.I.) akademik; UtILYUK, A.F. Vascular reactions in coronary-I-nsufficiency. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no.8: 8-11 Ag 161. (Fd;A 15:2) 1. Institut fiziologii AN 1366A (dir. - alcademik All BSS'R I.A.Lulygin) i kafedra fakulttetskoy terapovticheskoy Idiniki (zav. - akademik AN bSSR B.1. Trusevich) Minskogo meditsirskogo instituta. 2. Akademiya nauk BeloruBskoy SSR (for Trusevich). (,bL-OOD Vt.~W.&Li--DISEAS66) (CQiOI'U"CI JLAItT DISLASE) ",-~RUS~EVNU,-" , akademik; VINT, L.S., kand.meditsinskikh nauk Regulating influence of the nervous system on the morphological composition of the blood. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no.9;7-9 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1.,Akademiya nauk BSSR (for Trusevicb). I (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (BLOOD-CF11,S) TRUSEVICIft B.Lt prof., akademik; SIDOPENKOt Ye.R., vrach 02anges in the ballistocardiogram following blood tran.Bfusion. Zdrav, Belor. 6 no, 10:3-1-14 0 F60. (MIFA 13:10) 1. Kafedra fakulltetskoy terapii Minskogo maditainskogo instituta. 2. AN BSSR (for Trusevich). (UUISTOCARDIOGRAPHY) (BLOOD-TRAVSFUSION) akademiks saalu' el' naukil DRIVOTINOV, Rj," zhennyy dayat,- DOVGYALLO, O.G., aspirant Incidence and the course of rheumatic feVer during a ten-74af J~Oriod as revealed by materials from the Second Clinical Hospital 1A kinsk. Zdrav. Bel. 6 no.1li6-10 N 160* (MIRA 13;12) 1. Akademiya nauk BSSR (for Trusevioh). (RHEUMATIC FEVER) prof. p akademiko zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki; EPSHTEYNj Ye.Ye.# kandemed.nauk Blood transfusion in azotemic conditions. Zdrav. Bel. 7 no. 2:13- 15 F 161, (MM 34:2) 1. Iz fakulitetakoy terapevticheskoy kliniki Minskogo maditainskogo instituta. 2,, AnPWR (for Trusevich). (BI,OOD-7X. FUSION) (NITROGEN IN THE BODY) TRUSEVIGH, B.I.; CHEREDOVA, V.S. -:- 1. Modern phypiotherapeutic methods of treating hypertension and coronary insufficiency. Zdrav. Belor. 6 no.8,.7-1.1 Ag 160. (KUM 13:9) 1 1. 1z klifilki fakulltetskoy terapii Minskogo meditsinskogo instituta (zaveduyushcAiy kafedroy - zasluzhennyy deyatell nauki, akademik AN BSSR B.I. Trusevich). (HYPERTENSION) (CORONARY VESSFIS-DISEASES) (THERAPEUTICS9 PHYSIOLOGICAl) Nv' T, V053-65 11R: Ar5o14459 PO/004 6/64/CO9/1 1 -/0 V09W039 6 1 61) ~~a _, DnnutA (GrzUbo-Inka, D A"M, R: aztLrd (51hopka, R); Grzy~~.-,LtA ,nn'lm, --,~a63brzhan8cka, B-) I ~t~qnrk 01.1zhavoka, Z.) 1 inla 7 Z.); Trupewicz, Eizhi 13 TI=: Decontamination factorn in the Waraaw.City Filtration Plant SOURCE: Nuk-leonika, v. 9, no. il-i2, 1964, 891-896 TOPIC TAGS: nuclear decontamination, water nanitation, hydrology -Abatract: The artiolo pros-anits a repori on dec'ontnminaiion factors loiiidiod at the Waroaa rxuiioipal filtration plant over the period '1960-1962. All hydrological and hydrobiologioal data of the Vistula .river are tabulated and statistfoally evaluated. Samplea ware obtain- :Crl from the Pumping Station and then behind one of the slow filters. ~Thc docontamination factor was defined as the ratio of the loearith- mio iavano of radionotivitice between river water and drinking wator.-j :Tha value thus obtained was 1.4 overall. The mean values and otan- deviation for tho individual contaminating aubstanoon ware aluoy rithmotio normal dictribution.,/. I Card 1-1/2_ L 45053-65 ACCZZZIOU I(R% AP5014459 'In -addition, the correi~iion between the deoontamination faotor and ivor were doter varioua hydrobiologioal paramotera_of the Viatula r ter- 1'rh~.nuthorh-aro indebtad to Prof. Tk1-,4iq1o,-1cal Protection. Poland, and Prof. Dr. W___) rrnno q,-Y Tocli cnl cZ x . fL ni -UnLy-erjoZ _Q12,;.3xrmjjor holpful suggentions an thin papor.11 Orig. art. han 1 fibars and 4 tablen. A11SOCIATIONs Contral TAboratory for Radioloxical Prottation, Waraaw; Filtratioit Plant of Warsaw City,.Waraaw suzzamms 29oct63 EVOLI 00 BUD ODDZi HP# GO 1,0 RZF sOvr 000 OTIMR: Wq JPRS PRIYMAKp A.K., doktor sellkhoz. nauk, red.; KOLESVIKOVp M.A.p kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.~-~jM-IMG.V., kand. sellkhoz. nauk, red.; PALIMAN, V.I., red.; ZMIADVOPOV, S.M.p red.; RUCHOYEV, L.I., tekhn. red.; KEWBOW)OV, V.I., tekhn. red. [Research achievements of State Northern Caucasus Regional Research Instituto of Fruit Culture and Viticulture] Itogi nauchno-issledava- tellskoi raboty. Krasnodar, Krasnodarskoe knizhnoe izd-vol 1959. 335 P. (MIRA l4t7) 1. Severo-Kavkazakiy zonallrqy nauchno-issladovatellskiy institut sa- dovodstva i vinogradarstva. (Caucasus, Northern-Fruit culture) (Caucasus, Northern-Viticulture) VORC81YEVA, N.N.; KOLZSNIKOV, M.A., kand.oallskokhox.nauk; MOTOVILOV, B.A., knnd.sellskokhoz.nauk; PODGATXVSKAYA, A.A., kand.sellsko- khoz.nauk; PRITMAK, A.K., doktor sallskokhoz.nouk; HTAINOTA, I.M., kand.sellskokhos.nauk; SNRGI M , L.K., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; SNITKO, N.Y., kand.sellskokhoz.nauk; STOROZONW, Ta.M.; m, G.V .., )mnd.sel'skokhoz.nauk; ZANADVOROV, S.M., red.; KOVAROV, Pj.. (Fruit cultural Plodovodstvo. Krasnodarokoe knizhnoo izd-vo, 1957. 267 P. (KIRA 12:5) (Fruit culture) NAMYAN, Ye.A..- LORANOV, G.A.;JRUSEII~_~, Gj.; STEPANOV, S.N.; DUUMINA, K.K.; RTBMOV, A.A.; KARANTAN, P.G.; ULITANISHCOVA. A.M.; TIKHONOV, U.N.; KAZIZADR, P.N.; SIIKRMO, I.I.; SHMOV, V.P.; SUDZUKO. I.Kh.; VASILOYNT. V.P.; SHIMMOVA, H.I.; SMEYEV, V.I., red.; GORIKOVA, Z.D., (Grushal Poor. Koskva, Gos.izd-vo selikhoz.lit-ry, 1960. 534 p. (MIRA 13:12) (Pe9r) TRUSEVICH, G.V.; SERGEYEV, V.I., red. (Rootstock of fruit species] Podvci pl.odo-/ykh parod. Moskvap Kolos., 1964. 494 P. (MIRA 17t12) Z7 Tjsni lcujtrfc~'~ -d. D 442TL Abs Jour :%C. G.V. Autlaor Inst sou- - T i'~- I 0-24 6~ PLib o 1957; D, 5; Abs -31[Lct T-- 0 C P C 0,-A3 ac "'a 0 w0 , Ui' d bit, b~co;u "Pc;cially " OCI- r `6 oi: S bo f illL 0'. 1 - 10- V 1 ~1'3;lt"d. Card 1/2 us"R /cul-6i 2rui t,., Ab3 JolOr as AJL~rs A: -las. cal.-C! 2/2 LAVRUSHINP V.F.; TOLMACIfFi, V.N.; SI11YAGOVSKAYA, L.A.; TRUSIEVICH, N.D. interaction ofY if -ur3aturated ketones w'-th trichloroacetic acid. Zhur .o~' khim. 35 no.9;1534-153P. S 165. (IGRA 18:10) 1. Kharikovskiy gosudaratwonnyy universitet Imeni A.M. Gorlkogo. LAVRUF,HIN,' - 0 TOLMA("I'll-N s V.~tl. ~ -L~tq~,FVlcflp N.P.; SlIrfAGOVSKAYA) L.A. - loners with trichloroacetic lntersc'i~on Gf rz ) i6- j,,.5aturate-d kpI . Ob. khtm. ~r no.1100730-17-114 0 165. ac'A. Zhur I (MDU 18tlO) 64. eir,T- unive 1. Kharlkovskl~y griudar tv rsitet Imen' A.M. Gorlkogo. TRUSYVICH, S.D. How we organized operations with the ShchOM-D ballast cleaner. Put' i put.khoz. 4 no.6:6 je 16o. (MIRA 13:7) ,A 1. Rachallnik otdela mekhanizatBii sluzhby-puti, g.Omsk. (Ballast (Railroads)) BIRICH. T.V4, professor; TAIMR, D.V., dotsent; TRMVICH,.T.K., assistant; SOKOIOYA, G.# ordinator Characteristics of present-day eye injuries in agriculture; their prevention and therapy. Vest. oft. 33 no.6110-13 N-ID 154. (IfT.RA 8il) 1. Is glasnoy kliniki Minskogo moditainakogo inetttuta, (EM, wounds and injuries, prev. & ther. in agricultural workers) (WOUIM AND iffimiss. eye, prev. & tber. in agricultural workers) (OCCUPATIONAL DISUMS, . eye inj, in agricultural workers, prev. & ther.) (AGRICULTUU, eye inj. In agricultural workers, prev. & ther.) ZOLOTAREVA, M.Me, prof*', KAGAN, TaA.0 dots,, TRUSEVICH, T.Ml Secondary treatment of penetratilli-;ounds of the eye and surgery in subconjunctival ruptures of the solerse Voeu-nedo-zhurei no,8& 39-41 Ag '56 (MIRA 12tl) (EYE.-SURGERT) TPITS01110", -... RJ;72dity of the 1P,*s Of tones. o.. 303 (6t,,..,,aj,zyszerie i Techr"~,"10'r, ?-ol,3n( April. 191-, Lc Vol 10. lvlonthl-,, liqt of &,St 6,ronean access-an, uOvember 1959 Uncl. TRUSLPWICZ. Adam The vay to examine upholster7 bristle and latex stuffing up. Przez drzew 12 no.11:21-23 161. (Upholstery) TMOI(M., Adam equirements regarding the qualitY of polich bristle-latex furbiture dtuffing. Przsm drzew 13 no.2:15-17 152, SZEPKE, Ryozardy GRZYBOWSKA, Danutal DOERZANSKA, Bogualawn; PLAU-43KA, Zuzanna; OSZYWA, Zcfia; 7-USIWICZ, Elzbi,eta Decontamination factors of the filtration p-.ant of the city of Warnaw. Nukleonika 9 nooll/l2r891-896 164. 1. Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection, Warsaw (for Szepke and Grzybovska), 2, Filtration Plant of tho City of Warsaw, OYKS3 G.N., doktor tekhn. nauk; BORODIN, D.I.; TSYKIN, L.V.; KAPUSTIN,I.V.; SOROKIN, A.A.; RUTSENKO, A.D.; ZAGREBA, A.V.; MIJ. REKHIUIS, G.N. ~) FIFVj_A A. ; Effect of the condition of the slag on the intensity of ejections during the Bessemer production of steel. Met. i gornorud. prom. no.1:24-28 Ja-F 165. (M MI 18:3) GARBERP K.S., dotsent; NIKITIN, A.I.; LYAUDIS, B.V.; MAUNOVSKIY, B.N., kand. tekhn.nauk; BFLISKIY, 0.1.; VOTYOV, L.G.; KUZNETSOV, M.P.; KUTSENKO, A.D., SOROKIN, A.A.; STAXHURSKIY, .-XEV,-A.I.; SHAFIW4, I.K., inzh.; A.D.; TRUBITSYN, L.M.,; IKU&E SHESTAK, P.I.; ULIYANOV, D.P. Automatic control of converter smelting by means of compu' rs. Stall 23 no. 7:608-610 J1 163. (MIRA 16:9) 1. Dneprodzerzhinskiy metallurgiches~iy zavod-vtuz im. M.I. Arsenicheva (for Garger). 2. Institut kibernetiki AN UkrSSR (for Malinovskiy). 3. Zavod im. Dzerzhinskogo (for Shafran). OYKS,- G.N.,- kand. tekhn. nauk; SOROKINp A.A.; KAPUSTIN, I.V.; TSYKIN, L.V.; BORODINY D.I.; KUTSENKO, A.D.; RIKHITS,G.N.; ZAGREBA, A.V.; ULIYANOV, D.P.4_Xjj5j~)Mjj.__ Trends in the reorganization of the Bessemer furnace department at the Dzerzhinakii Plant. Met. i gornorud prom. no.3:28-30 My-Je '64. (HI~A 17:10) ,~,IE-,T,jrEDEV . V I - ; T RUSDIS , V-1-1 - a -1cr ~- -- ,A! ro.73:'20-161 '63- ,-r,r,bols. Tnidy K (, -TRA. ~,; 10: 1 X. 11 Oq23"-6' -K L ACC NR- AR6017095 SOURCE CODE: UR/0372/65/000/012/GO12/GO12 AMHOR: Trusfus, V. M. M e~d vid e vw, V.L TITLE: Machine recognition of handwritten numbers SOURCE: Ref zh. 'Kibernattka, Abs. 12G74 REF SOURCE: Tr. Kazansk. aviats. in- typ. 85, 1964, 80-86 TOPIC TAGS: semiconductor triode, character recognition, pattern recognition P13 type semiconductor triode ABSTRACT: A method of recognition of handwritten digits according to elements of shape is described. The sign of the first derivative of a number element is taken as the principal distinguishing feature. The breakdown of a number into elements and the determination of the signs of the first derivative are accomplished with the aid of an electron-optical device moving. thq image of the number in front of a stack of photocells. The received information is auto- matically compared with the standard and the number is determined. A block diagram of the device and the levels of the algebra of logic describing the logic elements of the system are presented. When a P13 type semiconductor triode is used in the logic circuits, the electronic 1/2 UDC: 62.506:621.391.193 L 0111f235-67 I ACC NRi AR6017095 part of the device assures a readout rate of 35, 000 digit signs per sec. .3 Illustrations. Bibliography of 6 titles. V. M. (Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 09, 12, 17/ 2/2 TRUSHp A.p shofer; CHEKOLOVSKIY, L., shofer Our experience in prolonging the life of the engine of the ZIL-127 motorbus. Avt.transp. 38 no.6:11 Je 160. (MRA 2-4:4) 1. 105-ya avtokolonna Krasnodarokogo avtotresta. (Motorbuses-Engines)