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TRUTNEV, Aleksey Grigorlyevich; GOLORYSOV, F.S.,-red.; BARANOVA, L.G., tekhn. red. (Growing fam plants in depleted peat bogs] Vozdelyvania sellskokhosiaistvennykh rastenii na vyrabotannykh torfia- nikakh. Moskva, Sellkhozizdat, 1963. 07 p. (MIRk 16:8) (Peat soits) (Agriculture) w) -alpw Q. p pru I' ot-v . t'tii I.; I-I A KuV,;KAY A, 1,J1, YELIZAROVA, N.A., tekhn. red. [Effectiveness of fertilizers in newly reclaimed soils] Effektivnost' udobrenii na vnov' osvalvaemykh zemliakh. Lenirgrad, 1963. 165 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Leningrad. Universitet. TRUTHEV, A.V., doktor sellskokhoz3raystvennykh nauk. Fallow lands of the non-chernozem zone. NaT.A:a i thlin' 21 no.6: 8-10 Ag '54. (PIRA 7:8) (Reclamation of land) TRU-11,iVIV, '). A. TRUTNEV, D. A. -- "Materials on the Etiolopy, ?athoi~enesis, and Treat- ment of Chronic Deep Pyoderma." Voronezh State Med Inst, Voronezh, 1?56 . (Dissertations for the Deuree of Doctor of Medical Sciences.) lUiIZHNAYA L~.TOPIS, I "To. 41, October 1956 1. TRUTNEV, D. A., Docent 2. USSR (6on) ., . . .1 w ~... . -".. ~ ...- ~ --,:~ 1-. - , . p , ~.,o '. - ~ , -- TRUTNZV,,._k.A., /1, Hygienic evaluation of hydraulic purification of lithium. Gig. j son. 22 no.6:76-78 Je 157. (MIRA 10:10) 1. Is knfodry obtifichey glgiyany Svordlovii1rogo mndltainnkogo Inatituta. (LITHIUM, hydraulic purification. hyg. eapectn (Run)) 0 EN A Hn rl,lrfi 1,:;v I oviv, J',TiVN(;! A. BOGDANOV.Kikhail Borlsovich; AREMOLISKIYeS.S., redaktor; TRUTMWX.Xl; ERMS(NA,O.I.. takhnnicheskiy redaktor o_.-~ 'l- -."'.'. ~, - [Workers' protection and safety engineering in the cotton wenving industry] Okhrana truda i tekhnika bezopasnosti v khlopkotkatskon proizvodstve. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo Ministerstva pro- mysh.tovarov shirokogo potrebleniia SSSR, 1955. 137 P. (MLRA 9:1) (Cotton manufacture--Safety measures) 1AD01;OV, Ivan Andruyevi,~i,., V. IT. , 1,0.d . [,';a fe ty ano fil rn prerien *A, n. ing onterpri:3us of th( nosti i Prot" vrpozko-naia ;'r; pr(.~dprlintlliis~h t e 1--, ;3 t I I kFija iridustrlDlY J 3 1 fit IV I I 't A11,11114 h h,Ok It I t 14t.VA -i,o I~ t %% 1-. tiev .NA T IT IAZ i Ttia wtur,%owtd and Uaets or berizalle (!GAZVOdtitVO banzola i puti ago ispollzovaniya) leERIODICAL: Khimiya i Tekhnologlya Topliv i Masel, 1958, Nr 12, pp 64 - 67 (TJSSR) ABSTRACT: Benzene"is-bsed in the-rhanufacture of st*.rrene -and methyl- styrenep synthetic phenol and aoetonap chloto- and nitro- b6nzdhe and Sulfanole,as *all as in the manufacture of vatLious insecticides (DDTO, he xaohlorocyclohexane )'aniline dyes, plastics and synthetic resind. It is also used dut-ihg the deparaffination of oils. Figures of U.S. production and requirements for'1953 - 1965: Table 1. Attention is drawn to'the wide use of hydroforming and platforming probesses. The possibility of using toluene in the manufacture of meithyl-stm;ie is mentioned. Varibus-methods of producing benzene from shale tar, petroleum etc. are enumerAtedp' and it is pointed out that in view of the*wide use of benzene for synthetic fibres, rubber and plastic , tb6supply of benzene during Card 1/2 the next 10 - 15 years will have to be increased con- The Manufacture and Oses of Benzene BOV/65-58-12-15/15 Siderably. This-can be achieved by using new catalytic and pyrolytic processesp demethylation of higher aromatics and the hydrogenation of coal. There are 2 Tables. Card 2/2 KOKHRYAKOV, P.A.; TRUTNEV, N.A. rroduction and use of benzene. Llhim. i tekh. topl. I masel 3 no.12:64-67 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) (Benzene) BORISOYICH, Grigoriv Fedorovich;_T#g,~ k"1 Alaksandrovich; ._ _AL ICHOUMYAKOV, Pavel Aleksandrovich; Mfi6ibiiG' vedushchiy red.; GABINA, L.T., -(Hydrocarbon. go see-as-raw- materials- In i~, TRUT?MV. N.V., Inth. Suppl.v bases of assembling sections on the construction sitev of pet- roleum refinerlee. Nov.tokh.mont. i spots.rav. v strol. 21 no.10:27 0 '59. (WRA 12:11) 1. Kontora Proyektnefte spetsmontazh. (Petroleum refineries)