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j, Y, - "A short-term prognosis of the occurrence of soma small rodents in 1M." p. 170. (Polana. Vol. 9, no. 'f/8, JulY/Aug- 1953. Praha- ) E"t European Vol. 3, No. 2. 195 SO: Month List of ME AccessionsjLibrary of Congress, February Xw,~Uncl. CZECHOSLOVAKTA/Goneral Piology - General Ecolo&-. B Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., 11o 6, 1959, 23695 Author : Turcek, Frantishek Inst : Title : Outlina of a Complex of OrLpnisms Comiected vith the Poplar on Zhitny Island Orig Pub : Biol. prace, 1956, 2, No 2, 45 s-, i1. Abstract : No abstract. Card 1/1 TURCEE, 1'.- SCIDICE Periodical BIULOGICLE PRACE. Vol- 4, no. 8, 195f'. TURCEF, I. Edologic occurrence of birds and mamals in the Banska Stiavnica area as a transitional zone, p. 7. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEXI) Vol.. 8, no. 3, March, 11,159. LC Unclassified TURCEK, Frantisek,,J. Bird population in gardens in the course of one year. Biologia 15 no.6:445_454 160. (EEAI 9:10) 1. Vyskumny ustav lesneho hospodarstva, Banska Stiavnica. (SLOVAKIA--BIRDS) TURCEK, Prantisek J. The habitat relations of sow small wood].and rodents studied on the basis of mapping. Biologia 15 no.10:729-737 160. (EM 10:5) 1. VyskumnY ustav leonsho hoopodaratva Fobooky Ceakoslovenskej akademie polnohospodarskych vied Banska Stiavnica. (MECHOSLOVAKIA--RODENTIA~ TURCEK, Frantisek J. Ecological comparison of riverside plants of certain Slovak rivers based on distribution of trees and birds. Biologia 16 no.7.*511-523 161. 1. Vyskumny ustav leaneho hospodarstva Fobocky Ceskoolovenakej aka- demie polnohoapodarokych vied, Banska Stiavnica, pracovisko Zvolen. (CZECHOSLCIVAKEA-RIVERS) (PLANTS) TURGEK, Frantisek J. Extent of danger of herbivorous mammals to seecUings in forest Plantations. Les cas 9 no.4:292-303 162. 1. Vyakumny ustav lanneho hospodarstva, Banska Stiavnica. I TURCEK, F.J. Importance and value of undergrowth disseminated by birds for eco2ogic forest protection from insect posts. Las caD 9 no.3s2,43-250 Mr 163. 1. Vyskumny ustav lesneho hospodaratva, Banska Stiavnica. -MCEK~- F.J.. DetenTdnation of the loss of increment in young oak trees caused by the gnawing by game. Les cas 9 no.9:847-849 S163. 1. Vyskumny ustav lesneho hospodarstva, Banska Stiavnica. 0 .1 ft rc-z EC 110 S LOVAM A Frantisek J. 1111RCIEK 'AEfiliatior, riot "Ecology of the Ground Squirrcl CiteiLus ciLellus L. I'art 2.11 Bratislava, BiOlogia, Vol 18, ','o 6, 1()61 nr Z,19-4J2. Abstract FGernan article, ry mridifieJ :;Ludy oi Euroj-,,ean olround squirrel in narural and ca7t:;vi!--i: animaL t-ats 26% of own body weight daily, Frimarily of fcc-sh pl-an--S; is a coprorhage (up to 40% of avc~rage ~V'-S dailv Inibbledt - rresumed device to -reservc -;ut Llora -III rapidity & irreversibilftv of weivht loss 1, litters can build ur fc-- hi'Dcrnatio:~); dl,'L;c~;z.-ion Itimr: (2 to 8 hrs); food (all Flants, insccts, snails, wor-ms, b,-*-,ds); rvszticid~ susceptibilitv (toxaFllenc, chlorinated tcrr~:.-.c "A, = 95C, 6 photographs; 10 Western, 7 Soviet & 1 Czech, rrc~fercnco. L 13 TOPIC 'FAGS; Icta-ny~ zoclloZy, h9re, veed, tree, ecology, bionomics Absbraotl-ln 'U'llo fecea of tlhc b-nrs R 1~inds )f aeads that "t-rc- M -of growth were found. 4,320 aamples were collactai diater n naged dwing v. onths, 100: contained troo soods. 714 unde ^Z -I- IF I f!~,' ---ds wnra found, 'rho troom wars: Roaa canina 4, 11 y 4*3 .. - ;":i,, *.; , , ', I I I t ~Ye, ~'~4 1 ~.-L- i TURGEK, F.J. Annihilat .ion of cockchsifei- (N--lolf-,ntha sp.) larvae Ly -Ire common hedgehog (Erinaceus eure-i ~-.i i.;) , Les ru3 10 no. 12: 1154-1156 D 164. 1. Research Institute of Forestry, Banska Stiavnica. -0 AUTHORt Tureek, Frantisek Jo-Tyrehak, Frantishek I* - ORG: Research Station, Institute of Countryside Biology, Slovak Acadonw-of Sciences, Banska Bystrics. (Ustav biologie krajir*r Slovenskej aWerde vied# Vyskugm stanica) TITIS: Mortality of som Microtinae in winter nest under snow SOURCEs Blologia, no.'2, 1965, 127-132 TOPIC TAGS: animal pbysiolog7. Z0010EY, biologic ecology ABSTRACT: In the course of several years 280 nests below the snow and above ground were inN,estigated during th e thaVperiod, and inmediately after it. 268 nestsbelonged to Microtus arvalis, 12 to Arvicola terrestris* In 13 nests (5%) M. arvalis, and in 2 (16%) A, terrestris dead bodies or remains of these were found; this indicates a winter mortality of 5%. Some of the killing is due to X. nivalis, some to, fozes andpredatory birds. As the nor-.; tality is relatively Jgw,, it indicates the importance of the nests below th V in the-praiservation of these rodentse' Orige . ~rt. has. 4 figures*- JPHS SUB CODE: 061 SUBH DAT39 2~'RbV(A ORIG REFt 003 SOV REF: 00,5 lard -k, F. J. ('-,~-zrchelc, A.U- THO PT-u rc f TITLE. Fcologyj of the flat-bug Iradl.,e clnr~amomeua Pr~nx kradidbao.) SCUXE: Biologia, no. 10, 1964., 762-??? TAr.-q antmal Was i Ic -nn trol, plan t ii i jui-, f i e d -7: 11 e sul z o f a 2 EYI J Sr, 3 U, T a rmr, 7, rresent- T,3 lit a3criptiort of all at-age-A ol' t no z,.L 5 are disousued, Rates of infestation und r Various eirc wmatan. oz, cor, r;) 1 pi,-,q s 11 c fung,,-is 'kB-3a-u-r-3ri a op ane-ke f lies red Card 1/2 L 58774-65 17 i t o f malin is ovaiuated. Grig. art, I and I A. S SIZ 0 G-,T k la di 70",6~`Ghe Forlastry Institute) su B~w= , e 6 4 NO SOV, 002 WB ;ODE: I'S =Pl O:L JPRS J. "Wood mouse (CletnrionorT/s-EvoLyrms) a.,; a post of beech SeedlinIps." -,. t1. (PCLM,.'A, Vol. 9, no. 3, 11-'ar. lc,;5'p, Prana, Cze~-noolovaija.) SO- Mumruy L.Lst o.L 6asL h;uropvwi Accussiuns, L.C., Vol. 2, No. 7, July 1953, Un, 1. TUF.CEKp J. Bird population of three types of forest biocoenosis in Slovakia. p. 293 Vol. 10, no. 3. 1955 BIOLO GIA Bratislava, Czechoslovakia So: Eastern European Accession Vol. 5, No. 4, April 1956 TURCEK, J. Birds and mass reproduction of moths (Todrix yirjdAna and Tortrix lowfflingtana)in the forest of the middle Hron River. p. 198 BIOLOGM - (Slovekska akas,-Mia vied) Bratislava CZECHOSIAVAKIA V61. lo, i4o. 4, 1955 SCURCE: East European Accessions List ( EEAL) Library of Congress. Vol. 5, NO. 1, January, 1956. 3 . ":Ecrilogic Space 7-,ic'r4'rjuti