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t7- KOCSAR, Laszlo-, S?,AIAY, Sandor; ~QJHUYI, Caaba; KIISZTYUS, Lorand Mechanism of action of the cobaltous ion - epin0hxins antagonism. Kiserleteo orvostud 9 no.5-6;583-588 Oct-Dec 58. 1. Debreceni Orvostudomanui Agyetem Korelettani Intezete es a MU Atommag Ibtato Intezete. (COBALT. eff. cobaltous ion inhib. of epinephrine actions in various animal organs in vitro, mechanism of action (Ifun)) (WINIFEEM, antag. cobaltous ion in various animal organs in vitro@, mechanism of action (Hun)) 1~ -4 UJHELYIJO Ceaba; SCHADEK, Janos; DEZSI, Zoltan; NAGY, Janoa Ionization chamber measuring device for determining the activity of gamma radiant preparations with the strength of 10-4-1 Curio. AT014KI kozl 2 no. 3:237-241 160. 1. Magyar' Tudomanyos Akademia. Atommag Kutato Intezete, Debrecen. k UJHELYIp Gsabal SCHADEK, Janos Isotope pipette. Magy fix folyoir 8 no.4sN-1-322 960o (EW 10:2) lo Magyar' Tudoma cs Akademla, Ato=ug Kutato Intezetp Debrecen. (IBotopes7 (Pipettes) 4. 83833 H/oo5/6o/o66/O08/0O2/OO2 B0.20/BO64 AUTHOR: jhelyij._gmAh&_ TITLE: investigations of the Extraction of Uranium (VI) With Di-n-butylphosphate PERIODICAL: liagyar K6miai Folyo"irat, 196o, voi. 66, No. 8, pp. 3o6 - 309 VY TEXT: The procedure applied by the author for -preparing 4i-n-butyl- phosphate.(,DBP) is,d;arecribed in this paper. At 250C, the viscosity of the,,DBP preparation, which was fifteen times washed with water, was 45.3 � 0.3 c~, the refractive index-(nD) 1-4262 + 1.4-'10-4; and the density 1-0519 � jold-4 g 0cm-3. The volume change of the phases in 'per- cent as a function of thd number of shakinge in washing monobutylphoa- phate to be rem6ved in the preparat 'ion of'di-n-butylphosphate,'out of the,tetrachloromothane p4ase.was graphically studied (Fig. 1). The ex- tractability of uranyl chlorideq -nitrate, -sulfate, and -acetate from aqueous solutioni into a 0.1 N solutibft-of DBP in tetrachloropathane Card 1/3 83833 Investigations of the Extraction of H/CO5/60/066/008/002/002 Uranium (VI) With Di-n-butylphosphate B020/B064 Was studied as a 'function of the concentration of hydrogen chloride-, nitric-, sul~uric-~, and acetic acid in the aqueous; the concentration.of uranyl ion amounted to 0.04 N in each base. On the basis of the datagiven in Table 1, a time of ten seconds was 6hosen as shaking time. The dependence of the degree of extraobion on the gram- equivalent ratio of DBP and U02+-was graphically studied (Fig. 2). Fig.3 2' shows the dependence of the degree of extraction of UO Cl 0 2 2' U02('N 3)2' U02SO 49 and UO,(CH 3CO0.)2 on the normality of HC19 ENO 31 H2SOV and CH COOH into a 0. 1 N solution of DBP in tetrachloromethane. A descrip- 3 tion is given of the procedure used by the author for determining the uranium content in the phases. On the basis of the experimental results. obtained, the extractability of,u.ranium7VI from HC1, HNO 3, and H2SO4 was found to have a maximum at an acid concentration of 0.2 K, while this maximum is found at 10 N for extraction from acetic acid. The author thanks Sa'ndor Szalayl Director of the Institute, for making these investigations possible, and Csaba 6jhelyi for her assistance In the Card 2/3 Investigations of the Extraction of Uranium (VI) With Di-n-butylphosphate E/005/60/066/008/002/002 B02o/Bo64 experiments. There are 3 figures, I table, and 26 references: 17 US, 4 British2 I German, 1 Hungarian, 2 Swiss, and 1 Danish. ASSOCIATION: Debreceng M.Tud.Akad.Atommag Kutato int4zete (institute of Nuclear Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Debrecen) SUBMITTED: 83833 November 41 1959 Card 3/3 UJHELYI, Csaba Synthesis of actinium containing preparation from "Uranlaug- ruckstande." ATOMKI kozl 3 no. 213 117-322 161. a -- - SCHADEY,,Janos; UJHL-LYI,Csaba --= -------------- Simple distance pickup tongs for radioactive work. ATOMKI kozl 3 no.4:235-236 161 UJHELYlLrI OBaba (Debrecen) Laboratory validity i9y.5-tigation of digtance -law by acylinder chamber in-cas- of C660 0 C,9137 and Ra22 Oprinp. Magy flz folvolr 9 n0-38189-200 061. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Atommag Kuta,to Intezete, Debrecen. I - - ---- - - - - - -___ - BRUCHER, Erno; UJH=I, Osaba, dr.; TOTH, Endreno Ion-exchange cleaning and DBEL-extraction of Ce-114 from lactic acid medium. ATOMKI kozl 4 no.1:37-43 Vv 162. 1. Magyar Tudomanyos kkademia Atommag Khtato Intezete tudomanyos mu2katarsa, Debrecen (for Ujhelyi,. UJHELYI, Ceaba Further investigations in the applicability of distanee law by means of a gamma-ionization roll chiumber. Magy fix folyoir 10 no,3sl99-206 162, L MaUar'Tudomarqos**Akadeka'At'orA'mag Kutato Intese .te, Debre.cen. UJHELYI, Gaaba r source prepariag method for the dete=ination of the time of dissolution of the Geiger-Maller acutittirs by meszo of applying the method of !proportional sources." MAInr fiz folyo:Lr 11 no-3: 245-W 163* 1, Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia Atommag Kutato Intezete,, Debrecen. UJIiELYI, Geza, okl.gpppB=ernok-,-------, Few instrumente for measuring quantitlos4 lpari eneMla 2 no.12.- 278-282 D 161. 1. Kmlol Hromu Vallalat. UJHELYI, J. Experiments of association with species of wild grans. P-303. (Magyar Nernzeti Muzeum Termezettudomanyi Muzeum Evkonyve, Vol. 7, 1956, Budapest, Hungary) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions (EBAL) LC. Vol. 6j no* 9, Lcept. 19~7. Uncl. -v I ~q!~qef (Bilapest, YIN., Vajdabunyad vaxl Further cytot&xonomilcal studies In the field of genus Sesleria. Botan kozl 48 no.3/4.-278-280 160. Ake,a Popovids, Sq Ulhel*il J. Me Resulte of Research m Cesient in 1952" p. 315 (InItg=rt Vol. 57 No. 10, Octoberg 1953, Budapest) East'swopean Vol. 3t No. 3 195 301 Month List if. Acceasions/ Library of Congress, _ March Uncl. ti x ca~dutU d AJ joi4. JF~Uji illes,p 141,fuurt d- w0riuma ifft el MsNelf hf-(dffk6Cj6 L-i:fodtztc-~ AibtlikelAte Pnpovicz afd Ty -Itdky#!r Vol. I No. rx, pr~,Jgq --jqj. 'j, ("IA) iz"I "it car- te. hjo~ ks takcr- at varmij s crtr;t ruct itat W Ie4 ivue It i- td bY m4h6dtt of mathenintic'I s!atistws.'r~ te divributio Of ihe rtrength of concrete samplef. ni uIt'atical umrC) hitiGn of ikver;;ge trength an? di~pcriiun are given. 1, cauld be n3f-thlijIle(I th,,It WO %trj,.rj,7tjj prolt-tties uAtiall-, it :iormal dv;j-,-r--i-on The f-o, c Am-ni P11-p-A that in tu~~-r F--t tyv - -#j Aw Iluvil if Lis' -lot ix4limi6conui have: X-m ' - - 11,14 * jg~,-.Jlj ' 4illij,~etj Tftt~ -i(F,'jwrm'4m -tij jbi! i~'4&fglifj ata ranged twtivet'n I tfi Z5 vj article 4ftrs fut HUNGARY/Chemical Technology - Chemical Products and Their H-12d Application, Part 2. - Ceramics, Glass, Binders, Concretes. - Binders, Concretes and Other Silicate Building Materials. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Khimiya, No 7, 1958, 22220 Author : Janos Ujhelyi Inst Title Methods of Investigation of Trass Roizzks. It 0a Orig Pub Epit" nYas, 1957, 9, Vo 2) 60-69 Abstract It was established based on trass (T) tests carried out in Hungary that the solidification character of a mixture of T and lime depended on the ratio of components, water and the magnitude of T shrinkage. T-es extracted at different places react to the amounts of added li-tae and water in dif- ferent ways. Addition of plaster-of-Paris acts on T soli:-. dification in a positive way. If a mixture of T and lime Card 1/2 Ujhelyip J. Szekelyq Al. Use of blast A=nace foam cinder in the construction of medium and large blockse P*405 NAMR HPITOIPAR. (Epitolpari Tudomanyos Egyesulet) Budapest, Hungary Vol.89 no.89 Augwt 1959 Monthly List.of Rest European-Accessions (EW) LCj, Vol,89 no.U Nov~ember 1959 Uncle UJHELYI, J. Dross concretes, p. 429. EPITOANY-AG. (Epitoanyagipari Tudomanyos Eygesulbt) Budapest., Hungary. Vol. 11, no. 12, Dec. 1959. Honthly list of East European Accession (ZEA, I ) LC Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. UJHEE,YI, Janosj BONTA,.Jozoef; DFAK, Gyorgyne; HORVATH BORS, Erno ConstrOCeting middle and large blocks from foam slag concrete. Xag7 ep ip 10 no.2;65-70 161. 1. "Magyar Epitoipar" ozerkeazto bizottoagi tagja, UJHELYI Jqnos Applying lightweight aggregate concrete in,straised structures. . Magy ep, ipar 10 no.9;1+01-1+05 161. UJULY1 Scope of uging p*rl$*4.4tnd "poriences with its apfpUcation. )ka op ipar 10 no .32'941.4" 161. UJOLYI, Janos Preparation of perlite concrete and its properties. Magy ep ipar 11 no.22:561-565 162. UJHEIM# Janos Construction faults in perlite concrete prooaraticn. Nagy ep ipar 3-1 no.22:575-576 162* --- - - - 6iiiii- . . ~, .- 11., -~ I F'~ - VW -- `~ TOBIAS, Loromd, dr,;1JJMLYI, Janos Evaluation of research institute studies and reporti3 on the ground of the analysis of scientific research work. 2:pites szemle 7 no.10: 293-300 '63. l.Epitestudomanyi Intezet igazgatoja (for Tobias). 2. Epitestudomanyi Intezet tudomanyos osztalyvezetoje (for Vjhelyi), UJIIELYI, JanoB Pl=ing the composition of light concre-W with porous aggregates. Magy op ipar 12 no-3:97-101 163. 1. Epitestudomanvi Intezet Szerkezeti Anyagok Oaztalya. ROZGORYI, Ferenc; VERES, Gergely; URIELYI, Janosne Description of the study entitled "Evaluation of closed areas from the point of view of heat engineering" winning 2d prize at the contest arranged by the Ministry of the Construction. Epuletgepeszet 13 no. 1:36-38 F 164. UJHELYI, K, 1952 "Studies on the Purification of the Antigen-Substance of S. Typhosa.11 Nepegeszs., 1952, 33/3(92-95) Abst: Exe. Med. IV., Vol, 5,, No. 9. pe 963 MINYI-SCHWANM, Marta, dr.; F=SZ, Istvan. dr.,-, BARST, Gyula, dr.; UJMMYI, Karoly, dr.; BOZSCKT, Sandor, dr. Comparative examination of the diagnostic methods In brucellosts. NoPegeassegua 35 no.8*.208-216 Aug 54s 1. Kozlemeny az Orssagos NosegazesguSyl Inte-set (fotg&sgato: Navas Andras. dr.) baktariologial ooztaly&rol (enstalyvezeto: Fureez Istvan, dr.) as oltoam'yagtermelo oaztalyarol (osstalyvezato: Ujhelyi laroly, dr.) (BRUCIMSIS, diagnosis serodiago. evaluation of methods) --- ---- ----- TA 40' Distr; 4E2c(J)/4E3d 8mg e an u ~rRVO CrYxt a. Imte THr t~h -.11W. and SAnd i. A ag,,., - -. - -- or IrIC4 Mae ~" (105ti)Faq, Paiydiras r scinflUation coun., 4 Itcra were pre F, d. In a crucible, wbielf WRS Immersed In a- itemp. control ed furnace, an(I fille Irk d with G-frcc 11. The WU5 Previously purified by inciting it is, an 0. 1rce atm. at '200-250. The single crystals wcre 2A cin, in diam. and 5 cin. long. RJUIXI--Z- Vaccine, modern instrument of prevention and healing. p. 408 Vol, 13-4, no. 7, Ju2,v 1955 TERMESZET ES TARSADALOM Budapest Source; Honthly list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 5, no. 3, March 1956 UJHELYI KAROLY, Dr.; BAM)Y 4YU:A-, Dr.; IWMCZI ENDRU, Ibr, '"fth I - - Rpidemiological study on the offectiveness of the extract-precipitate pertuamis vaccine. Orvo hatil, 98 no,.36:979-982 8 SaPt 57. 1. Az Orazagos 3Cbzeszseguyyi Intezet (Poigazgato: Thko Jozsef dr.) koslemanyo. - (WHOOPING COUGH , prey. & control. diphtheria-pertusais vaccine of bact. extracts & precipitates, epidemiol. evaluation (Hun)) PUMP, Knroly, Dr.; WHELYI, Faroly, Dr. Data on serodiagnosis of whooping cough. Oyerme)Wogyassat 10 no. 9: 281-284 Sept 1959 1. A Pecsi Orvostudomamyi Ilaetem Gyermekklinikajanak (Igazgato: Dr. Kerpel Fronlus Odon egyetemi tanar) es an Orsistos Kozegeezaegug7i Intezet (7di-gazgato: Dr. Bak~cs Tibor) Oltoamyagkatato Oszta~yanak kozlemenye. (WHOOPM COUGH, diag.) (SARODIAGNOSMS) jagcyr" t'; Oj~uy, L. A simple and practical method for the purification of diphtheria toxoid. Acta microb. hung. 8 no.2:21--33 161. 1. State Institute of Hygiene, Budapest. (TOXIRS AND ANTITOXINS) (DIPHTHERIA immunol.) OWAY, L.; UJHF.LYI K. Titration of diphtheria toxin, antitoxin and tozoid in tissue culture. Acta microb. hung. 8 no-4:399-396 161. 1. State Institute of Hygiene, Budapest. (CORYNEBACTE11IUK DIPHTHERIAE iMYAM01) TOKINS'AND ANTITOXINS pharmadol) SSUE CULTURES pharmacol) M c'-L7if - '' /- -- I iil~l --- - ORMAYj Laszlo A simple practical method for purifying diphtheria anatoxins. Kiserletes orvustud. 13 no.2:188-197.My 161. 1. Orazagos Kozegeazesegugyi In+,ezet Budapest. (DIPHTHERTA immmol.) (TOXINS AND ALTITOMS) t i ~ U ~ - f -;-' - f . "I I, J I '-- ~- I ? - KATONA, i. " Ujmvu.~ %. ft"Aww)~ fte use of bromius In pulmozary tuberculosis. Tabork. kerdesel 5 =04:61-62 1952. (C UM 25 :5 ) 1, Boctor, 2* Astrahawal State Tuberculosis Sanatorium (Director - Read Physician - I)r, Andor lww:L). UJHELY1, Laazlo Technical development and wage payment probla.As In connection with wrapping. Munka szemle 8 no. 3:15-21 Mr 164# UJHELYI, Laszlo Role oforganization in manufacturing basic materials for the chemical Industries. Munk& ozemle 8 no. 7*16-20 JI t64. OrCKI. tw~ ---a mn'thc~ji, Imov-- /,rh" d A- Nfanoct)-tall. An- tracen e4ykriowyok 015411 (~ nj brite TMin 4nd kto Impr6ed vidbo for Purifying'. qrlming' and coolip 1~ says Sj S" MMGA-RY/Nuclear Physics ilta'i*tiors and Instriunents. Methols C-2 of Measurement and Research Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Fizika, No 4, 1958, No 7665 Author :_U~J~hej%.udor- Inst ; rvosi rlizikai Intezet, Budapest-, Bangary Title :Processing of Anthracene Monocrystals. Orig Pub :Magyar fiz. folyoirat., 1957, 5, No 1., 71-72 Abstract :The following method is proposed for processing crystals: cutting the crystal of necessary dimensions with'the aid of a thread., moistened in toluol, which is wound from one bobbin onto another and as it moves it cutB the crystal ar more correctly dissolves it. Me winding bobbin is driven by a small motor. Me polsihing is with a sild clothp slightly moistened with toluol. Card 1/1 UJHELYI, Sandor', dr. n0donata" by Douglas St.Quentin. Reviewed by Dr.Sazdor Ujh---Iyi. Allattani kozl 48 no.IA:243 161. I ZM~Y~I ~d&. *Sme problems of chemicai kinetics and reactivAy' by N.H.Senenoy. Reviewed by Sandor Ujhelyi'.' Magy fix folyoir 10 no.3:247-2A.9 162. UJIIELYI, Sandor ` Some current problems of automation in the milk- Jridustry. -':l'lel= ipar 18 no.8/9:248-252 Ag-S 164. IVANYI, P.; SOUKUPOVA, M.; ONDRUS, B.; CZAMBELOVA# A.;,.UJHELYIOVAj M.; SMETANA, K. Experimental fetal ervthroblastosis in rabbits produced b5r passive immunization of the female with immune iso-agglutin~ns. Bratisl.-Lek. Listy 2 no..U:633-647 161. 1. Z Okresnej transfuznej stanice pri OUNZ v Nitro, prednosta MUDr. Czambelova, z Biologickeho ustavu Lek. fak. KU v Prahe, prednosta prof. MUDr. B. Sekla, z Patologickoanatomickeho.uBtavu Lek. fak. Univ. Komenskeho v Bratislava., prednosta doe. MUDr. M. Brozman, a z Histologic- keho ustavu Lek. fak. KU v Prahe, prednosta prof. Mr. J. Wolf. (EMMWBIASTOSIS FETAL exper) IVANYI, P.-..UJHELYIGVA, Tmunological tolerance in rabbits. - I. -Tho 'offeet -3t Airge -postnatal injections of group 0 erythrocytes of heteroagglutinin formation. Fblia biol. 7 no-4:237-242 '61. 1. Distriet:Transfusion Station, District Hospital, Nitra. (ANTIGE14-ANTIBODY REACTIO14 pharmacol.) (ERYTHROCYTIS pharmacol.) IVANYI, P.; CZAMBELOVA, Anna; DORNETZHUBER, V.; UJII~L~YIOVA~ Marta Immunological tolerance in rabbits. II. The influence of intra- embryonal injections of group-incompatible blood on the formation or inmune isoagglutinins. Folia. biol. 7 no.5:.337-342 '61. 1. Blood Transfusion Station and Department of Morbid Anatowit District Institute-of National Health, Nitra. (FETUS) (BLOOD GROUPS) (PREGNANCY itmiinoi) (ANTIGEN ANTIBOD7 REACTIOUS in pregn) UJHELYIOVAs H. ---711 p- Institate of Foperimental Biolog7 and Genetics (Ustav ezpw-imwda3noj bialogis a genotiky GSAV), Prapel Directors docent M.HASEK. UD Bratislava, Bratielayake lekar3ke listy 575480 a No 101 19629 pp *The Hotoglobin Is"I in MegalWaittio Anudass msd Aim"vion States" Go-auWras JVUn, J., P"trict, trgwfuion station (okmani. triumbasna, stanicel, Mitre, directors A. CZ&NBCWVk, MD UjHaWMI internal d*pRrtmmt WNZ Vitre, directors A. GoidesboLUtt~ MD IVANYI, P.; KORINEK, J.; BROZMAN, M.; UJHELYIOVA, Marta Effect of anti-proteir, antib6dies in vivo. I. Anaphylactic shock in guinea-pigs produced by rabbit serum against guinea-pig giola~clir.:3. Folia biol. 8 no.5:271-275 162. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and 0enetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Praguo; Institute of Morbid Anatomy, Medical Faculty, Bratislava; District Transfusion Station, Nitra. (ANAPHYLAXIS) (IMMM SERUMS) (SERUM GLOBULIN) XVANYIP J.; RAGANOVA, K.; ~~I~VA~ M.; IVANYII P. R&ptoglobin level in pulmonary carcinoma* Neoplamm 9 no.1:81-83 '62~ 1. Department of MedicineIDistrict of Health Cenlar, K=rno; Depart- ment, of Oncology, District of Health Center, Nitre.;Astrict Trans- fusion Service, Nitra, CSSR. (MUCOPROTEINS, blood) (LUNG NEOPIASMS blood) IVANYI, P.; IVAITYI, J.,- UJIIELYIOVA, M. Haptoglobin level in megaloblastic anemias and depressive Otatev. Bratiol. lek. listy 42 no.10:575-580 162. 1. Z Ustavu experimentalnej biologie a genetiky Q3AV v Frahe, veduci doe. MUDr. M. Hasek, Dr. So., z 01cresnej transfuz-1,loj stanice v Nitre, veduca prim. XUDr. A. Czambelova,, a z Interneho oddelenia OUNZ v Nitre, veduci prim. KUDr. A. Goldscbmidt. (HAPTOGLOBINS) (ANEMIA MACROCYTIC) - (ANIEWIA PERNICIOUS) (DEPRESSION) iVANrI, P.; HODZOVAj Olga; BRCZMANp M.; UJW~PTA,,. Marta Damage to the females daring experimental erytbroblarUnis fostaJAw-in rabbits. Folia, biol. (Praha) 9 no.6:433-i;39 163. 1. Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics, Czechoslovak AcadwW of Sciences, Prague; Tranisf4sion StAtion and Institute of.HDrbid AnaUWj, Medical Faculty, Bratislava; District Transfwion StwUon, Nitra, (IRrMOBLASTOSIS, FETAL) (PREGNAWY COUL., H11MATOLOGIC) (SHOOK) (PATHOLOG!r) (DNUNIZATION) (HEMATCHA) (MMMAGE) ,uJMY,, AMZEL. Petmkemiai analitikai vizagalatok. Budapest, Hungar7, Magyar Auvanyolaj es Foldgaz Kiserleti Intezet 1955., 43 P. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC., Vol. 8., No. 6, June 1959 Uncl. Couritry Hunc.-ary R-22 C at cg' 0 ry Abs. jour. 40022 Author Kalman, L. and Ujhidy, A. Inst Itut. to Not p-iven T it 1 C Determination of the Acid Components of Biturainous- Coal Tars by T-itration in Nonaquenus Media Ori,s. Pub. Nehezvegyipari Kutato Int Koazl, 1, No 1-2, 129-130" (19.58) Abetract The authors describe a potentiometri.- procewire for the titration of the acid components of bituminous coal tar6 in nonaaueou~ solvents such ae dimethyl- formaM4de, acetonitrile, pyridine, and 1 : 3 benzene methanol, using a calomel-nntimony, calomel-glass, and other electrode syStems; 0.1 N TOCH3 is used as the titrating solution. Titration curves are br;ven for phenol, cresols, pyrocatechol., benzoic and acetic acids, and phenol-acid mixtures, The best results were obtained in dimethylformamide and in pyridine using the calomel-glass electrode system, It has beer, found that the determination of ""OOH Oarrl: 1/2 UJHIDY, Aurel; BABOS~ Barnabas; FAMDY, Laszlo Investigations for the - "~v-ais of dic;(clohey.,flamoniumnitrite in a . rotary film reactor. Magy ke-n lap 15 no.8:366-369 kg 16o. 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari, Egyatem, Szerves Kemiai TAnszek. WHIDY, Aurelne -------------- Spectrographic method for quantitative analysle of gallimn in oolutirms. Magy kem folyoir 66 no. 4.132-134 Ap'60._ 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari Egyetem Analitikai Kemiai Tanazeke. -al with sped Petro ChWcia, Ion of,fptw fiti. -to, e pr 060tion" egyip egy kod rat r rega: 5 no.4s3s9-"4 FARADY, Laazlol UJHIDY, Aurel; BABOS, Barna Preparation of organic piginents in rotary film reactors. Veazprem vegyip egy kozl 6 no.lt49-.56 162 1. VeBzpremi Vegyipari Rgyetem Szerves Kemia Tan02ek-. FARADr, lanz1a; IJJFqDY, A-urel; HEILp 11glint; BABOS, Ba=a Photometric determination of dinitro derivatives of benzene and tule'l.."Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 6 no.1:57-62 162 1; Veszpremi Vegyipari. Egyetem Szorwes Kemia Tansmak. BABOS, Barnabas; UJHIDY, Aurel; FAILOY, Laszlo Application of rotary film reactor for continuous diazotization and coupling. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 6 no.4:289-294 162. 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari Egyetem Szerves Kemia Tanszek. MULLERP Sandor; UJHIDY, Aurel; BABOS, Barnabas Application of turbulent liquid films in chemical engineering. Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 6 no.4:295-300 162. 1. Veszpremi Vegyipari Egyetem Szerves Kemia TanS2,ek. P 11 f- ~r RADASHIJ, 14. [Hadasy, Uklos] dr. (Veszpremj Wartha Vince U.1-3); IDUOD-T, A. [UjXdy4_Aure1j dr,, (Veszprem,, Vegyipari Egyetem); BABOSH, B. _JF3ai.os, Betrnabas] (Yevzprem, Ve.-Apari,ggyetem); KHORVAT, A. [Horvath.-Alberti (Veszprem, Wartha, Vince u. 1-3) Investigation of the production and decomposition of tar-water emulsion from the point of view of manufacturing technology. Acta chimica Hung 32 no.3:377-306 162. 1. Nauchno-issladovatellokiy institut oanoVnoy khl~dchefkoy promyahlennosti, Vesprem i Vespremokiy universitet., kafedra organicheskoy khlmli. Alx-&I; WOW, Laszlo; BABOS, j3arnnb9s,-- ED,, Palint 2.3-4.6-diacator^-';~-sorbose vxidation tests. lleszprem vegyip egy kozl 8 no.IW-56 164. 1. Chair of Organic Chemistry of tho Chemical Indtistry University, Vesalyrem. Submitted January 14, 1964. WHIDY, Aurel- UNGVATCf, Perenc; BABOS, Barnabas !-2~ D~mlling period distriwattion analysis in film reactors; a preliminary communication, Veszprem vegyip egy kozl 8 no.).: 81-92 164. 1. Chair (-!' Crganic Ghnmistry of the Chemical Industry University, Veszorem. Submitted March 14, 1964. 21717 H/005 601000100410011001 B124 B207 AUTHOR: Ujhidy, Aurbln6 TITLEt spectrographic procedure for the quantitative determination of gallium in solutions PERIODICAL: Magyar Kbmiai Foly61rat, no. 4, 1960, 132-154 TEXTt Recently, gallium is produced from the aqueous solutions which are a byproduct in lignite treatment; the present study was devoted to the determination of the gallium content from these hydrochloric acid solutions whose gallium content is between 0.02 and 0-5 g Ga/100 ml. A quartz spectrograph of the type ISZP 22 and an a.c. are- and spark excitation device according to Tdrbk and Melcer were used for this purpose. The two following procedures were applied to the quantitative determination of gallium in the given solutions: 1) Scheibe-Rivas procedure and 2) the turntable procedure. In the Scheibe-Rivas procedure, the reference element was chosen on the basis of evaporation experiments; for this purpose, experiments were conducted with Sb, Bi, and Tl. To record the evaporation curves, bands with the following wavelengths were measured: 2943 A for Ga, Card 1/6 21717 E/005/60/000/004/001/001 Spectrographic procedure for... B124/B20'1 2961 A for Cu, 2877 A for Sb, 2877 A for Bi, and 2709 A for Tl- The electrodes were made from spectroscopically pure carbon rods of 6 mm diameter and 18 mm length. One drop of the solution examined was applied to the surface of the new fracture, dried and then recorded. A BiC13. solution was used as reference element. The mean relative error of determination was � 10 %. In this connection the following items are of importance: 1) the carbon electrodes must be of exactly the same quality and have the same porosity; at the same temperature, it is necessary to have always the same time interval between the application of the drop and recording; 2) when the carbon electrodes are more porous, gallium covers a longer distance than bismuth; 3) at exposition to are, the more porous electrodes bacame hotter, the time ratio between burning and cooling was not sufficient, and the-intermittent are could not be controlled. Subsequently, the turntable procedure was tested; A. J. Boyle et al. (Ref. 10: J. Lab. Clin. Med., 34.625-1949) and G. Sza'deczky-Kardos in his report (Ref. 12: Oldatos szinke'pelemz6a (Solution Spectrum Analysis), G. T. E. szinke'pelemzb elbadAssorozata (series of reports by the G. T. E. on spectrum analysis) (1956;1!1) described thoroughly its applioation in the analysis of biological substances. The lower part of a rotating Card 2/6 21717 E/005/60/000/004/001/001 Spe(-trographic procedure for... B124/B207 graphite disc on a horizontal carbon axis ia introduced into the solution examined. The disc is operated by a gramophone motor via a bakelite disc which is coupled with the axis. After respective preliminary treatment, the surface of the graphite disc is moistened with the solution and, when the disc is turned, the solution enters the analytical space between disc and carbon electrodes. The disc diameter was 15 mm, the thickness 3 mm, and the number of revolutions was 6 per minute. Sparks were induced by self-induction of 12.8 Mhy and a capacitance of 6000 cm. The time of exposure was 2 minutes after a "pre-spark" treatment of one minute. The results were evaluated with a calibration curve and the same standard series as in the Scheibe-Rivas procedure was used. The blackening difference of the Ga- and Bi bands does not.change within 1-5 minutes so that in fact the solution membrane forming is continuously renewed, and meanwhile no disturbing concentration develops. The turntable procedure is far more accurate (mean relative error � 4.8 %) than the Scheibe-Rivas procedure, and the error possibilities are also less high. Thus, this method is better suited for series analyses. The spect-roscopically pure graphite discs used for recording, were produced and purified in the laboratory i.e., with 30-sec arc of 15 a d.c., the disc being used as anode Card 3/6 21717 H/005/60/000/004/001/001 Spectrographic procedure for... B124/B207 and rotated at a speed of 25 rpm. I. Benkd and Pallai Iva'nn6 (Ref. 9: Hazai kbsze'nhamuk galliumtartalmhnak spektrografikus maghatAroza'sa (Spectrographic Determination of the Gallium Content of Hungarian Coal Ashes)). A Veszpr6mi Vegyipari Egyetem TudomAnyos U16sszaka'nak El6adAsai (Reports of the Scientific Session Period of the Veszpr6m University of Technical Chemistry 1956) are mentioned. There are.4 figures, 1 table, and 12 referencess 3 Soviet-bloc and 9 non!-Soviet-bloo. The two references to English-language publications read as followst D. F. C. Morris and F. M. Brewer: Spectrochim. Acta. 7. 86- 1955; L. H. Ahrens: Quantitative spectrochemical analysis of silicates. London, 1954. ASSOCIATION: Vesopr'mi Vegyipari Egyetem Analitikai Kbmiai Tanszfike 0 (Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Veszpre'm University of Technical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: June 24, 1959 Card 4/6 21717 H/005/60/000/004/001/001 Spectrographic procedure for... B124/B207 Legend to Table 1: 1) Electrode of complete lengtht 2) after cutting off two mn,; 3) after cutting of 4 mm: 4) with a denser electrode; 5) with a more porous electrode. Tod 4 01 4 mm-t tmet~~ F G. P. P Ut JF F Ca P BI F 2943 A 2938 A A 1938 A M43 A 2938 JL ~Tdmbrcbb elektr6d 1 54 1.31 0.23 1,097 0,857 0,240 0,996 0,810 0,186 eaet6n 1:48 1.28 0,20 1,060 0,848 0,212 0,910 0,705 0.20S orkusabb p 4- C I,S7 1,36 0.21 1,043 0,743 0,300 0,960 0,478 0.482 clektr6d esetin l 1,30 0,20 1,010 0,725 0,28S 0.910 O'SOS 0,405 Card 5/6 Spectrographic procedure for... Fig. 1: The evaporation cur,.-~ of TI, Cu, 1-1i, and Ga from 'vd~--- chloric aC4 d so!--;- tion. f. sec 21717 H/005/60/000/604/001/001 B1,24/B207 Fig. 2: The calibration curve used in the Scheibe-Rivas :~roced,;re. 04"MI.&MUS CO go A Tu~ Fig. 4: The calibration curve used in the turn- table procedure. C,0043,71-8129101 0,27-V 10-20 ~4_0 60M 8090 AF Card 6/6 UJIUDY, Kl&ra On the spectral analytic determination of nickel with the application of the rotating graphit plate. Chemia anal 7 no.1:261-268 162-. . . 1. VeguiparyEgyetem,.Veazpremj Hungary@ BENKOp lotvanj UJHIDYNE FARKAS., Klara Spectrum analysis of solutions with the aid of a rotary gmphite didt. I. Magy kem folyoir 66 no.12:501-503 D 160. L. Tevzp~m Vegyipari Egyetem And itikai Kemiai Tanazeke. I UJHIDYNE FARKASP KlarA Speatroahemi"l analysis of niokel by gr4p4ite disc. VeampTem regyip -qgy ko4l 5. no& 2 t:L59-16,6 D61 1. V'eszpremi Tegyipari Egyetem Mmia !tanazek. UJUDYNEE FARKA59 Klarai, inuszaki doktor TP!3te ar, the indastrial application of methods of Ej:,rvatro~:hemilcal anaJysla, Vnozprem vegyip agy kozl 7 no,4:1407-410 163. 1. Chair of Analytlc Cherlstry of tha Cheml,:,al Industry Unl.versity, lleszprem. BENJKO, Istvan; UJHIDYNE FARMS, Klara Examination of spectrum analys B'd solutions using rotary graphite disc. Pt.2* Magy kem folyoir 70 no.12t526-530 D 164, 1. Chair of Radiochemistry of the Central Industry University, Veszprem. SLADKOV, A.M.; UKHIN, L.Yu. ... Interaction of silver acetylideB with diazonium salts. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.8:1552-1553 Ag 164. .. (MTRA DO) 1. Institut elembntoorganicheakikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. --UJIVARI,-..Bela,,,,,. Note8 of a trade-union steward. Munka 8 no.10233-34 0 lrj?~. 1. Kozlekedesi szakszervezat. YJI.VAR,Y., G.-; _ GREGAGS,. Margit; LANYI, B.; AINGUL, T.; VOROS, A.; PALL, G. Observations on the etiology of gastroenterocolitis in infants and children. 1. Investigation of the role of Escherichia coli strains. Acta microbial. Hung. 10 no-3:225-240 '63. se atjdW"*h the.04ologr. of gastroenteroco*'ItL*"Inl-irtfants and chil- KI b, r 11. Iro Ibid.::241-252 70 1. Siuglings- und Kinders6ital, 4udapest XIV. (Direktor: K. Gye~- gyay); Staatliches Institut fUr gygiene~ Budapast (Direktor: T. Bakacs) und Mikro#Lologischesc Institut der MedIzinischen Universi- t'At, Pecs (DlrektB~: K. Rauss). Uji, Gyorgyne 11-1~ '-'. Improvement of 10088 soils in China. Vizugyi kozl n0-4-0581-585 159, SOLYOM,, Janos; KOTRA, Zsuzaa; SALAMON, Akos; STURM, Jozaef; UJTJ, Miklos Studies on the relationship between the renin-anidotenvin system and aldcaterone excretion,, Kiserl, orvostud. 15 no,4: 431-434 Ag 163. 1. Budapesti Or7ostudomanyi Egyetem Elettani Intezete,, (ALDOSTERONE) (RENIN) (ANGIOTENSIN) (ADRENAL CORTEX) (NEPHRECTOW) (BLOOD) (CHRCMATOGRAP]ff) UJLAKIj Laszlo What kind o~ help ean the Instituie of People's Mucation render to the trades-unionist OUltural workers? Yunka 10 no.9tl6-17 S 160. 1. "Nepszabadsag" h. rovatvezetoje. RACZ, Albert, dr.1 UJLAKI, Laszlone Input-output analysis of the formation of the cost level and productivity in the national economy.11. Stat szemle 40 no.6t643-658 Je 162. 1. Kozponti Statiaztikai Kivatal foeloadoja. UjLkKI, Laszlone "Experimental balance sheet for the branches of the planned economy in 196211 by L. Berri [Berri, L.] F. Klotsvog, F.]) Sz. Satalin [Shatalin, S.]. Reviewed by Mrs. Laszlo Ujlaki. Stat szemle 41 no-4:422-424 AP 163. UJIAKIJ, IAozlone "Mathematical methods for mea3uring total labor" by A. Bojarszkij [Boy&rg;kiy, A.]. Revieved by mrs. Laszlo Ujlaki. Stat szemle 41 no.10/11:1033-1034 0-11 163. U,TI.AY,I, Z. 1948 (Saevmri Poliklinika, Budapest) "Aminothiazole in the TreAtment of Hyperthyroidism." Orvosok Lapja, Budapest) 1948, It/41(1318-1320) F,yc. 1--led. 111, Vol. 111, No* 2j p. 50 (Abst) Ob 19 OOA A Z_A_ IL a a A A A *0 41 49 Ji- ; =PIUIY cwkl be ObUYVIrd OR the Omc S am d 'high P valurs tin not bmik-sle prew"ce of IlIvIdIllitis on ottexistrtwe of Ir"in. th e n nannal "hws do nut szK" sitis. B.S. de flinkly .91ILLUACKAL LITINATURC CLASSWKATtan smicou Ap Omw clef oils 0 :10 a 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 APAO goo GOO goo 00 '00 - ------ ----- 00 use I am lasli a"v III An I 1 9 f.W 0 0 9 -1 2f IM 9 a 0 0 A 0 see 000 of 0 00 000 0000 To 44-44 00 a 00 0 4 6 0 6 W-M&P I " 1 9 v 0 a 0 a : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 oleo* *a*#* *0*00 of**-@ of 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of 10 JV.4 it-% It J1 11 -9A At At M G; it Q 0 it d & 0 J1- A YA t T-l" a b . & I of A iiftP PeTtat #J. -'.0t 0 00 0o t A simple new method for the differential dL&pods of Klior. meningitis and OUCCOIllds. -00 00 a .1 j(h)'. 7. 101-7 7; Orwji lleldq 82, IMS1 '00 a iiiii of .1 cc. of ctxKd. 110). And 0.1 cc. of a 111% *,ln. 00 a Of ..naphthol add 0.1 ec. of spinal fluid and ob~rve the ~00 culur in the incident light of in incandescent 12cup. The 0- a norinal color it bluidi red without Yellow lwiei, lit -00 caw of inertinjitis the color ix greenish yr%)W Wit Is a yellim- -00 00 a I F W% red tone later Nvoining ortinge. In cticuphah(k a see 00 .3 wine-red coh,r develu p;Ckly. In 111cuingtirn(vphilick the cul'W is blukh rtA TithIA yelk)w tinge. if. I.. St. =so 0o 00 '3 no 0 =00 60 goo 0 !goo :ji 1300 woo 15! tie 0 4 Ala-ILA stIALLU b0 0 lit woo 6-0 C/ 14nov.) A slice) I? Q4. cat i ii7j i- iii'Z~-., Joe u is AV 10 AS0 0, a r, I ;K,N,nftnxa IT It x I in 34 0 o 0 o 0 0 e v 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ole 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 4 0 a 0 0 * 0 S~Tlee 0 00 0 e 0 00.60 00 .0 a*** UJSAGHYt -Pal Nodified cerebrospinal fluid color reaction for differentiation of meningitis and encephalitis. Kinerletes orrostud, 6 no.5-.4?5-4?6 Sept 54. 1. Ujai Varoxi Tanaas Korbasanak Gy~rm9koszta1ya. (4.11MITIS, CP In color rewAion In Aiffer,, diag, of encephalitiag modified tichnia) (INCIPE[ALITIS; d1ifer. diag. ms~aingitle. modified Or color reaction) (CEWROSPWAL YWID, in variovA die. encephalitis & meningitis, differ. diag.,- modified OF c6lor reaction) zxcmnA mDIcA. Secoio Vol*8/6 oboutrics im*35 1061* UJSAGHY P. and CZOBOLY Z.,OEgyszerU m6dozeraz anyatej tehdntejjel UJSAGHY, Pal, Sodium sulfate therapy of Leiner's disease. Ory. hetil. 96 no.22: 611-613 29 MY 55. 1. Baja Varos Tanacea Korhaze, (igasgato: Burg Its dr. Iquadidatus) Gyermakoaztalyanak (foorvos: Ujsagby Pal. dr.) kozienanys. MMODIMM DRSqUAKATIVUM, therapy, sodiumi sulfate) (SULPATIS, therapeutic use, sodium sulfate iu arythroderea desquamativum) pal, MEZODY, Karoly, dr. UJSAGHr. I Experience with hibernal tberapy of vomiting in ch"dbood and adolescence. Oyemekgyogyaszat 12 no.10:306-309 0 161- 1. A BaJai Varosi Tanace Korhaza (Igasgato foorvoo: Coch Imre dr.) GyermekoutaIrmak (Foorvos:.Ujoagby Pal dr.) koslemenye. (VOMITING ther) (CHLORPROMAZINE ther) UJSAGHY) Pe Constitutional sensitivity (exudative, lymphatic and neurovegetative diathesis) in healthy infants-and children. Acta paediat. 3 no.3: 23J-252 162.. 1. Kinderabt(Bilung (Chefarztt Dr.'P. Ujoaghy) des Stadtischen Krankenhauses' Baja. (UATHIBIS) (LYMPARTIP, SYS4) (NEkVOUS SYSTEM) (SKIN) (MUCOUS MEMBRM) UJSAGffY, Pal, dr. Effect of nor-adreostolone pheny2propionate (Durabolin) or. weight increase of atrophic children. Gyarmekgyogyaszat 13 no-7:210-218 J1 162. 1. A Bajai Varosi Tanaco Korhaza (Igasgato-foorvos: Coeh Imre dr.) Gyermekosztalyanak (Foorvos: Ujsaghy Pal dr.) ko,,slemenye. (INFANT NUTRITION DISORDERS ther) (TESTOSTERONE ~rel cpda) UJSAGHY, P. dr. , I ~1-1:~-, - Effect of neronolettes tablets on atrophied and mderds- veloped Infants. 7ber. Hung. 12 no.lt20-25 164. 1. 176partment of Paediatrica (Headt Dr.P.Ujsaghy) Hospital of the Municipal Gotmcilj, Baja. ->r UJSAGHY, P. Study of the effect of Neroboletta tablets on atrophic: infants and infants with retarded growth, Orv. hetile 105 noo381 1794,-1795 20 S164 lo Bujai Varooi Temacs Korhaza, Gyemekosztalye UJSAGHY, P -- t-------9 On the role of consitutional sensitivity in the pathogenesis of Infancy and childhood diseases. Acta paediat. acad. sel. Hung. 5 no.107-67 164. 1. Kinderabteilung (Chefarzts Di. P. Ujsagby) de3 Stadtischen Krankenhauses, Baja.