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UJSAGHY, P. dr. The role of conetitutional sensitivity In the course and cutc-oze- on infancy and childhood diseases. Acta paediat. acad. sci. Hung. 5 no.1:69-82 164. 1. Kinderabteilung (Chefarzts Dr. P. Ujsaghy) dea Stadtischen Krankenhauses, Baja. Antibiotics HUNGARY ', Dr; IV. District Institute of Specialist SOOS, Sandor, Dr,jUU�ZA=,_j&s7lo Services for Ambulatory Patients (IV. Keruleti Szakorvosi Rpndelointozet), and Capital City Karolyi Hospital (Fovarosi Karolyi Korhaz), Budapest. "Data on the Problem of Combined Antibiotic Preparation5." Budapest, Orvosi Hetilap, Vol 108, No 9, 26 Feb 6?, pages 4C4-406. Abstr. act. [Authors' Hungarian,summary] The controversies associated with the clinical use of antibiotic combinations prepared by the manufacturers are described briefly. On the basis of the authors' own experiences and literature data, some examples are cited involving a selected medical patient material which did not respond or responded poorly to the individual anti- biotics (penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol) but showed good response to Sigmamycin (tetracycline + oleandomycin, 2:1). 15 Eastern European, 9 Western references. .VIVARI., Bela "Elore" the streetcar workers' sport club. Hungarian TU no.6:2041 is 161. UJVARI, Gyoz,gy_ _ _ Characteristic faults in our performance flight. Repules 16 no.lt16 Ja 163. 1. Vitarlazorepulo valogatott keret tagja. UJVARI, Gvorgy., repulooktato f- ~- ~~ Aircra'f't instruments. Repules 17 no.428-9 Ap'64 I WJTVARI, 1. U,TVARI, 1. About the classification of Rumanian rivers based on daily discharge. p. 349 Vol. 3, no. 9, Sapt. 1956 REVISTA TRANSPORTURILOR TEC HNOLOGY Bucuresti, Rumania So: Unt European Accession. Vol. 7, no- 3, March 1957 UJVARI., I., cemdidat in sts geograficep conf. univ. (CIUJ) smal -Olvers from the mo=tains of our cougtry az source of water power. 'Natvra Geografie 14 no*5:1/+-20 S4A2, 1. Kembru al Comitetului de redactiev N&turav Soria geografie- geologie.* UJVARI, losLf; E;JZ, "'-': ": , . ...... :-.~ prr'jemm of tita A lridvvm~,-. -,.-Ain Univ B-B S. Geol- Ge(g.8 nn.2:1.71-~273 UJVARI$ I..,_ candidat in stiinte geografice (Cluj) nRumaniEw lale-es; genesis and hydrologic regime" by P.Gistescu. Reviewed by I.Ujvari. Natura Geografie 15 no.5t9l-92 5-0 163. UJVARI, 1. , conf. univ. (CluJ) "Rivers flowing down from the ral Mountains" by V.D. Bikov. Reviewed by I. Ujvari. Natura Geografie 16 no. 1:94~-95 JaL-F 164. lUjvari, Io5if (CIVJ) ... ....I - ': . ;I ),,r Li iosif 11, -,rpx.. - -;. ,.-L, rtgVi ij fitian an!" water i,.i - l,,.I.TI, ir-l - liatura '- ,rri-fiA 16 no,3*.88 je 164. r,(,ov My- UJVARI, I., conf. univ., candidat stUnte geografice (Cluj) Hydrologic characte-istics of the Danube River. Natura Geografie 17 no.2:3-11 Mr-Ap 165. .iR-- UJVARIp J. UJVARIp J. For a greater development of potiltry fanning on collective fams. p. 22 Vol. 11, no. 8,, Apr. 1957 MAGYAR MZOGAZDASAG AGRICULTURE Boapest.. Hungary So: East European A ccession., Vol. 4, No. 3. March 1957 IJJVARI, jozeer, a foldrajzi tudomanyok kandidatusa (BAarest) Hapo of the average precipitation of several yearP ai~d the specific runoff values in the Danube catebmint artlae Hidrologial. kozlony 38 no.3sl88-191+ Te'58. Given Names- Countr, y: Hungary Academic Degrees: [not given] Affiliation: Sourcet Budapest, Foldrajzi Kozleme No 2, 61, pp 141-152 Data: "RwmniLls Natural Hydrological Balance." Gpo ss1643 U-TVARI, Jozaaf, eloado (Kolozovar, Roman NapkozUreasag) Tha perspectives of bydrolog3r. Musz elet 15 no.26:2-4 '61. 1. Kolozavari Egyetam. IMARIP Jozsef, a foldrajztudomanyok kandidatusa e Rumanian Types of feed and regime of watercourses in th publia. Hidrologia, koziony 44 no-5z209-21-7 People's Re My 164. v -5 -1. t UVARI, Karoly Elevated and suspended railways in city transportation. Jarmu mezo gep 10 no.5:167-168 My 163. 1. Fovarosi Villamomsut Muszaki Fejlesztesi Oaztalya. UJ'VARI , Karoly Elevated and suspended railways in city transportation. Masz elet 18 no.15; 15 18 ji 163. UIVARI, Karoly Switch and switch box cleaning motorcars operated by the Capital Electric -Ra--'Llway--. Jarmu Mazo gep 12 no. 7:272 J-1 164. --in t,or:,,-)rro,,,ro Kcal till 3?, .1 !, no. I 1. CapLtal Electric RtUlwaYs, Budarest'. U.TVARI, Pal (Budapaist); IUILA~Z, Antal (goagaid) Iroram of innovators. Ujit lap 12 no.18:30 25 S '60. 1. Fovarosi Gazmvek ujitasi eloadoja (for UjVari). UJVA.RI; PETROCZY; Flying in lightning- Repules 16 no.7-.17 JIL 163. f UJVARI; PEMOCZY r%epulas 1b no.10:14-15 " Gliding championship in Yugoslavia. o 163. UIVARI, Tibor The highway accident prevention cannot be self-serving. Ar,to motor 14 no.18-.3 S 161. 1. Kozlekedes- es Postaugyi Miniszterium Autofelugyelet vezetoje. U.TVARI, Tibor The 1962 activity and the new tasks d.,O' the Autanebile Supervision of the Ministry of Transportation and Poo-to. Auto motor 16 no.3:3-4 6 F 163. I@ Kozlekedeo- es Postaugyi Miniozterilm Autofalugyelat vezetoje, UJIVIVC , 1 ~ 1. tor -6ork, rt' thr! - ~( . ~ "!, -o - . 1: ~ r, M' o~ - ;, - . t,-..In J 3 t r-I r) f Trtm s I x I' '~'- -j r-ft-. t,t,7,1 ani Ostal Aff!i1r.-s and ~ I ~ ~:- .!'n -' --Sk-2. F'07,[.r-ked kozI 20 J. 0,;7 ~I-l I., I - UjvAffjSI, m. ~11--- "The weeds of our arable lands and their life fam analysis." p. 237, (ACTA AGRONGMICA ACADP14IAE SCI--,,ITIARIJY, MulruKC,jE, Vol. 2, ib. 3/4, 1952, Budapest.) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, Vol. 2, Aj Library of Congress August, 1953, Uncl. UITVAT- "lly -~ . ~r :; 77. --14. Experiments in green manuring with and adc:)e zoilz. p. 22~-. Biidapest, ffunganj), VNj. 6) 1.1, Aug. 1~5h- ':-0: 1,11orithly List of -;!fist European Accessions, (EEAL), I-C, Vol. h, 110. 5, may 1955, Uncl. RUMAN IA / Chemical Technology. Chemical Products and H Their Applications. Pharmaceuticn1s. Vitamins. Anti biotics . Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-l(himiya, 1959, No 4., IZ793, Author : Silberg, Al.; Tefaa, D.; Simitti, 1,; Ujvaru,, E, Inst :Not given. Title :Production of 2-Chlor-T. 9. 1 and 2-Chlornovocalne. Orig Pub: Farmacia (Romin.), 1957, 6., No 6, 491-495. Abstract: The orinciples and method used during synthesis of the substances mentioned from paranitrotoluene are presented. -- A. Vavilova. Card 1/1 EXCMPTA XM-Iu-Sec.13 Vol.12/3 Derruito-Venereology Har58 519. TEBEZONE IN MANAGEMENT OF CUTANEOUS TUBERCULOMS - Tebe- zonul in tratamentul tuberculozelor cutanate - UjvAry E. . Kiss B. and V e r e a a G 1. Clin. Dermato-Venericlk t7W.-T-.,-Tjr.- Murej - DERM.- VENER. (Bucurelti) 1956, 1/1 (70-77) Tables 2 There were 20 cases. The average does was 2 mg. per kg. body weight, i.e. 125- 150 mg. daily for an adult. Papulonecrotic tuberculide and tuberculosis cuUk colli- uativa responded beet.~ Lupo vulgarie gave a bad reapon4e. The side reaction@ are 3 18cuseed in detail. Tij"ns - Maastricht (Xilt. 15) HIIN M 14 _W_: ANNE .11 VW10 , A. Diseases of vegetal origin; observations & invest1gations on the virus - reservoir. Rumoflian M. Rev. 3 no.1:12-13 Jan-Nar 59. (VIRUS DISSASES, transm. plant viruses patlwgenic for man & animals) NOGRADY, G.;UJVARY, G.;XM. T. The effect of aureosycin on various bacteria an& on the bacterial flora of normal and trwhomatous conjunctiva. Ssemesset 88 uo.1:16-22 1951. (CLKL 23:2) 10" Doctors. 2. Institute of Pablic EValvne (Direotor -- Prof. Dr. Karoly Rause), Peas University.' 1144~ Infections with Bacterium rhusiopathias. Ory. heti.l. 94 no.29:80E~-809 19 July 1953, (CIKL ~5:1) 1 1. Doctor. 2. Institute of Microbiolog7 (Director -- Prof. Dr. Karoly Rauss), ~ecs Medical University. RALW, K.;OVAFITI_~G.~ Certain principal properties of bacteria causing colon dyspepsia; data of 214 cultures. Kiserletes orvostud. 5.,uo.2:114-122 Mar 1953. (OLML 24:4) 1. fnatitute of Microbiology of Pecs Medical University. UJVARY, Gyorgy, dr. Coll dyspepsia types in urinary tract infections. Orv. hetil. 97 no.16:425-427 15 Apr 56. 1. A Pacat Orvostudomanyi Bg7etem Mikrobiologiat Intezetenek (igazgato: Rausa, Karoly dr. egyetemi Tanar, az orvostudomanyok doktora) kozlemanye. (XSCHRUCHIA COLL infect. urinary tract infect., caused by strains isolated from infantile gastro-enteritis. (Hnn)) (URIlaff TRACT, infect. 2. coll. Infect., strains isolated from infantile gaatro-enteritis (Hun)) ,cry Sept 1957 EXCLWTA TCPL V-3a,9 VO1.U,/9 Sxirf; 4830. UJVARY G. Orvostud. Egyet. Mikrobiol. Intdz. Mzi, Ncs. *'Coll dys- pepslac-TTP-Usok hugyuti fert6zdskben. 'C o I I d y s p e p s I a e' s t r a i n sin urinary tract infections ORV.HETIL. 1956, 97/16 (425-427) Tables 2 The paper reports the occurrence of strains of Coli dyspepsiae with the antigenIc structure 0:111, BA, If:? andO:55, 13:5, 11:6 in uriolary tract infections (cystitis, pyelitis). The strains known to cause alimentary Infections In infants have so far not proved to be the organisms responsible for urinary tract Infections in adults; neverftless, the results suggest that these organisms - In addition to their known aetiological significance - play a role in the urinary tract infections even in adults. Their frequent occurrence In urinary tract infections is probably related to their occurrence in the alimentary tract of adults. UJVART, Gyorgy, dr.; PALL, Gabor, dr. I~ci4snce of the Becherichia coli 0:112 H:13 serotype in commotion with infautile'enteritio. 'Orr.hatil. 100 no.45;i628'1631 IT '59. 1. lov, Tanacis ILIVI. ker. Szulo- es C~,ermkkorhaz (igasgato: Disnedek Andor dr. ) Gyarmakoestalyanak (f oorvos I Oyergyat I~Lroly dr.) kozlemenyso (MBGHIRICHIA COLI INFICTIONS in inf. & child.) (INTARITIS in-inf. & child.) I UJVARYs,, Cyorgy (Arpad u#126p Budapest IV# Hungary); PALL, Gabor (Ilka u.37, Budapest XIV,, Hungaz7) Studies on the incidence of.X*Coli serotype 0:125 b:15 (var.Canoni). Acta mierobiol Hung 7 no*4:341-349 160. (EEAI NO) 1, Pediatric Department of the 14th District Town Council Hospital, Budapest. (ESCHMICHIA COLI) VJ-VARYj G.j ANOYAL, To. TOTH L. ----------- Studies on the olassification# DathogerAcity and antigenic structure of Staphylococci, Part 2. Serological typing of Staphylococcus aureus. Acts, microb. hung. 8 no.2:W-.U~7 161. 1. Institute of Microbiology and Department of Pitediatrics, University Medical School, Pdcs. (STAPHYLOCOCCUS) UJVARY.G. IAIIYI,B.,- GREGACS Margit; VOROS, S.; MIGYAL, T.; PAIL, G. Studies on the etiology of gastroenterocolitis fn early in- fancy and childhood. III. Study on the role of Proteus vul- garis and Proteus mirabilis strains. Acts. microbiol. acad. sci. Hung. 10 no.4-6315-326 t63-164 'Studies on the etiology of gastroenterocolitis in early in- :'fancy and childhood. IV. Study on the role of Proteus morgani strains* Thid. 327-335 Studies on the etiology of gastroenterocoli.tiq ir early in- fancy and childhood. V. Study on the -role of Paeudononas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus straino. lbid.:337--~',;1+6 1. Sauglings- imd Kinderspital (Direktor: KGyergyai) Buda- pest XTV, Staatliches Institut far Hygiene Direktor., T. Bakacs) Budapest und 11ikrobiologisches Institut (Direktcr- K.Rauss~ der Medizinischen Univeraitat, Pecs. UNARY, I. (Budapest XI., Budafoki ut 4-6) Consideration of a surveying telescope objective in the JiTtitial stage of optical designing taking third-order aberrations into account. Periodica polytechn eng 3 no-3:247-254 159. (EEAI 9:7) 1. Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics, Polytechnical University, Budapest. (Surveying) (Telescope) - - - -- --- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - I- --- -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - ------- -- 14, U-TVA94-1=fL-- Approyjmate method for designing two-part cemented simplets bv means of modifying the Coddington-Taylor equations. Kelp hang 8 no-5:129- 134 0 t62- 1. Magyar Optikai Muvek Kutato Laboratoriumaj Budapest. q LETTRER., Ferenc,, dr., egyatemi tanar,, tanszekvezeto; P. PIAGANYI, Marta, okleveles gepeszmernok; PAULOVITS, Imra, oklevelen gepeezmernok Effect of machining matching surfaces on the dynamic rigidity -of machirie tools. Gep 15 no,,5:190-194 My 163. -*M_-L-~0 ~'An 1. Budapesti Huszaki Egyetem Gepgyartast; ologiai Tanszek. 2. "Gep" foszerkesztoje (for Lettner). H/o14/60/000/007/002/002 El90/E435 AUTHORS: Ujva'*ry, J10' os, Rif Pa'l and Saj", Istv" , Doctor an epas 0 an TITLE: Carbon Determination i Low-Carbon Steels it PERIODICAL: Koha'szati lapok, 1960'f~'No-7, PP-332-334 TEXT: The work was carried'out in the Vasipari Kutatd Inte"Zet (Research Institu te for the Iron Industry). The accuracy of volumetric carbon determination G 0.02%) is often inadequate in modern practice, therefore, the metRod proposed by Kalina and Joseph (Blast Furn. Steel Plant, 1939, P-347) and modified by Ericcson and Gosta (Jernkontorets Annaler, 1944, P-579) has been revised so as to make it suitable for routine industrial use* The basic principle of the determination is the absorption of carbondioxide (formed when melting the steel in oxygen stream) in a bariumhydroxlde solution. By measuring the electric resistance of the solution before (RI) and after (R2) absorption, the carbon content is obtained from the following simple equation: C Cov-6 I RE Rl K AR m - 10 --k * m * R IR 2 iiVR2 Card 1/3 H/01.4/60/000/007/002/002 Carbon Determination E190/E435 where C = the capacitance of the measuring cell V = the volume of solution (OH)2 solution k = the conductivity coefficient of the Ba m = the weight of the sample. The equipment consists of 5 main parts (Fig.1). a. Oxygen purification comprising a cbromic-sulphuric acid, a 30% KOH, a sulphuric acid and a water washing bottles; the latter provides -the water vapour necessary for the acceleration of C combustion and for the removal Of S02 with Cr203, b. Silit-rod Mars furnace with porcelain boat. C. S02 -absorber with conductivity cell. d. Wheatstone or RCL bridge. e. Ultra-thermostat. The equipment in flushed with 02 until the conductivity of the bariumhydroxide solution (diluted to obtain 350 to 400 ohm resistance from a stock solution made of 2 g Ba(OH)2 and 20 to 25 ml ethyl-alcohol; the latter serves to reduce surface tension) remains constant. The boat is then pushed in the combustion space and 02 led through it until tho conductivity settles (10 t0'15 min). Copper is used to increase fluidity. Control tests,showed the method unsuitable for carbon contents Card 2/3 U,P";Ry, Jam, Pap'16 ciAlygis or forriailtys on the baftin of rract-i-n he'~,t milarvary.-men0l. Y,,)h lap 9.4 F f(t,de 1. Irma ltddstry Ranearoh lna~',tuta, Budar~o3lw-d -- ~VJVARY,- Karoly The ALWEG railroad in city transportation.. Am vlet 17 no.26t.14 20 D 162. UNARY. Z. Primitive fire making in the mountain area of Zemplen County* p. 462. ETHNOCRAPHIA. (Magyar Neprajzi Tarsasag) Budapest, Hungary Vol. 69, no. 3, 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EFAI), LC. Vol. 8, no. 7, JuIY 1939 uncla, UJI[Afff , 4Z, - villa;x of Farorb-at in tLal 2outh- - hie st-ady of till, 31OW-'! p i, "Some data on the athnoLyw) u orn part of zemplon District in I~,ul.,ArY. (T. from the SLO'TFI,I,,,jj--f jURODCjpjS, Prtlyla, Czochoslovakcia, Vol. 7, no. 2, 1950, lkonthly list of EAST EUROP-16AIT ACCESS1011S (E-j,'AI), Le, Vol. ~, No. 7, jilly Uncla,3. SOURCE ODDE; UR/OO79/66/O36/OWij[4 AUTHOR: Tsivunin#_V- Kamay, Go Khej Koradchav, V. V.1 Ukader, G. S. .ORG: Kazan (.1iomical Tachnolooy Institute U. S. H. Kirov (KatanakLy khimiko- tekhn;logich.-skiy Gstit_R7 -TITLE: R~actiona of gialkylchlorophosphine%ith dibrosoalkenes and blo(chloromethyl) ester SOURCEI Z'hurnal obahchey khimil, v. 36, no. 8, 1966, 1430-1433 brominated organic compound., TOPIC TAGS: Adialkylchloropnospnine,.dibromoalkane, alkyldiphosphine dithioxides chlorinated organic compound, organic phos*orus com ~nid, aliqlphosphins, alkww po ABSTRACT: The addition of (C IF )2rC1 to 1,2-dibromethatia, 1,3-dLbromopropanet and bis(chloromethyl) ether:was studied undex various conditions and wLth various reagent ratios. It is shcnm that on boiling (on a water .~bath), dibromoethane and bia(chloromethyl) ether add mainly two ;molecules of 02.K-Yel to form the corresponding adducts. At 9"C, 11-dErow ropane adds one-or two. nolecules of (C H ) PCI 100-42 f p 5 2 to form the corresponding mono- or dLadducts. Decomposition oi the !adducts with alcoholop watei, or H 8 y1eldedi the coresponding can- :poun4s Ia, .(bp._AW;,j20 1.U64, n1Q 1.4919) Ib. (bp P~-7200*Q 1/2 ~U= 546.161.1+547-412 ACC NR: AP6028899 SOURCE COM: UR/0079/66/036/008/143o/i433 AU-LH.OR:-. Tsivunin, V. S.; Kamay, G. Kh.; Kor.machev, V.N.; Ukader, G. S. .ORG:, Kazan Chemical Technology Institute im. S. M. Kirov .(Kazanskiy khimiko- tekhnologicheskiy institut) tITLE: Reactions of dialkylchlorophosphine with dibromoalkanes and bis(chloromethyl) ester SOURQE* ihurnal obshchey khimii*,'v.'36; nL 8, 1966, 1430-1433 bro=atcd organic compoundy -TOPIC TAGS: dialkylchloropnospbine, dibromoalkane, alkyldiphosphine dithioxide, A chiorinated orga-rac compound, organic phosphorus compqundj_ alkylphosphine, alkaae .ABSTRACT: The addition of (C H Pcl to 1,2-dibromethane, 1,3-dibromopropane, .and ether was studied under various conditions and 'bis(chloromethyl~ with various reagent ratios. It is shown that on boiling (on a water bath), dibromoethane -and bis(chloromethyl) ether add mainly two molecules of (C2HS)2pCl to form the corresponding adducts. At .1-00-129-C, 1,3-dibromopropane adds one-or two molecules of'(C2HS)2pCl to form the corresponding mono- or diadducts. Decomposition of the ;adducts'with alcohols, water or H S yielded the coresponding com- pounds la (bp 180%,.d20,1.1~64, ntO 1.4919), Ib (bp 199-200'03. Card'1/2 UDC: 546.181.1+547.412 'EMI I-ACC NRt iIa (mp .125-1'26*C), Ilb (mp 8615*C), Illa (mp 127-128'C), Illb (mp 81,50%) IV (bp 15-3-154%), and V (bp 91-92%). (WA-50; OR No. Ill SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 06Sep65/ ORIG REF: 003/ OTH REF; 0011 Card 212 GOITATIN, V.K.;- UK"OV, M., kandidat tekhnicheekikh nauk, redaktor; RULIVA, ". Aeakv redaktor; KOMOMOTA, L.B., tekhni- cheek ty redaktor. [Compiling hydrological yearbooks] Sostaylenie gidrologichookikh ezhagodnikov. Pod red. V.V.Ukhanova. Leningratt, 1951. 222 p. Otrdrology-Tearbooks) (nn 8:1) ACCUSSION NR: AT500-51-36 3urov, ALA HOF: 13.jidakov, L. A, 1.171=3., Ef.7ect of fool callaium or- metabolisr- of strontium-90 in the fodder-milk in. C fs---~ btolagielin-Skove devstTrive. u;koranive v-1vedeniYa radio- acr4-lertitir,-n of thk~, 12Xr7l"t!tion of- r;iL'~`Loact ive is,-J nil c--!- Me", TOPIC' TArYS- ~3tr-ontit--i-90%, V- t-,r, rwainium, My. r-`n- fodder varj-c c with, t h caL um i ',e ~,,n :i7; ~-.K tnr f g . ,equal daily milking of c-aws kept on a diet with a low C-11clug Content -S--30 lof calciuin caily) and with high calci= content (vetch--70 g of calciurp. dai!y), I iO.27 and 0.12% of the do~;e -f strontium was excrcted aith onE liter of mtik, and 12.78 and 1.15% with the dai-y Ueld- of milk. 'v.Ten the rriiikirg was considerabiy Idifferent, tie excreti,~,n of 3r 0 with one liter was somewhat higher in the low milkers,(0.12-0.27%) ti thq high mill,-erts (0.10-0.23% of the daily dose). In than i --of -ne 1~~- i4ld -ti-IM-'excretion, of -Sr" wit.1 milk wac, much higher in -t e I Card 112 L; 34139-65~ Acdissfog Wi: AT5006138 -:~d Tr rs nf er 1 ra s 3n,i on fat tor in 'che fodd: r -m x r n c ~~t! suno crimiriat~ . - n . b and-it was not related to the !xtent of & aily milking or to the ariount of caicium 1-7 P. - -ASSOCIATICU H D ne ; SUBMITTED! IDA,)r64 ENCL. 00 SUB CODE. LS NO REF SOY: 000 OMER: 000 .......... ---Iz COVS 2/2 GDR / Soil Sciencei OrganIc Fertilizers. J-3 Abs Joiw : Rof Zhur ~-- Biologlyno No 16, 19581 No. 727c)4 Authar : Ulmt F. - Warf-t, W. Inst i Nt ~g~v e n~ Title Millions of Kilogram of Nitrogen Are Not Used Orig Pub b1itschurinbeiregung, 1957) 6, No 12., ~4o-54_~ Abstract In tile Eartov cormunity (GDR) and two of its suburbs, there is a yourly lose of ~54)000 kg of nitrogen because of incorrect storage of mantwe. For control of the losses) strav cuttirG from 3 to 7 cm in length is recorm nded for use as a bedding. It ismore economical than co=on straw beddilv,, transportable) absc(vbs nzn=e liqixid wells provides fine nanure, which is well distri1buted along the field arA is well Plaved in. For transmission of the straw clattino from storage to the cattle amea, a pn--amatic tranaportel-, car. be used. -- V. D. Astraf tyava Card 1/1 ulcuoll, I. V. k . phtherift Anatoxin in UKAZOV, 1. V.--"Study of the Effoctivene,-19 of Purified Dy Different AuDlication Me"hods,"(Dig!!ert.--tion for De~~reos in Science end En:-ineerin~- Defendedet bS'SR Higher Educational Ingtitutions. ) Min of Health Protection . Ulkrainian SSR, Kharkov Medical InFt, Kharkov, 1955 30i Knizhnaya Letopis', No. ?5, 18 Jim 1955 * For Demree of Candidate in ',I:'Icd:Loa1 Sciences 0 USSR/MicrobioloQr - Microorganisms Patho(;cnic to Humans and F-4 Animals. Abs Jour Ref Mur - Biol.~, No 10, 1958, 43346 Author Tnst Title Reactagenicity of Scarlet Fever Toxin when Introduced Per 03. Orig Pub Tr. Markovsk. n.-i. in-ta vaktsin i syvorotok, 1957, 24, log-114. Abstract Wo abstract. Card 1/1 11-a FILIPPOVO M.V., kand. tekhn. nauk, otv. red.; KIRIO, I.M., doktor fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; BIRZVALK, Yu.A.[BJJ-r7-va Rand. tekhn. nauk, red.; LIYELAUSIS, O.A. r, S., 0 kand. fiz.-mat. naukp red.; TSBOBE.R, A.B.(Cinobers, A:], red.; red.; SAVEL'YEVA, Ye., red.; TEYTELIBAUM, A., red.; LENERGA, A., te1jin. red. [Reports delivered at the Third Conference on Theoretical and Applied Magnetobydrodynamics in Rign, July 2-7, 19601 Doklady prochitannyo na... Riga, Izd-ro AN Lati,liskoi SSR. Sec.3. [Problems in magnetohydrodynamici3) Vopropy magnitnoi gidrodinamiki. 1963. 408 p. (MIRA 17:4) 2. Soveshchaniye po teoretichaskoy i prikladnoy magnitnoy gidrodinamike. 3d, Riga) 1962. 2. Chlon.-korTespondent AN Latvi-yskoy SM (for Kirko). S/503/61/011/000/003/003 E032/B%314 AUTHORS: Ukeshev, K.A. and Denisyuk, E.,K. TITLE: Future Developments in Radio-astronomy in Kazakhstan PERIODICAL: Akademiya naulc Kazaldiskoy SSR. Astrofizicheskiv institut. Izvestiya. v. 11. Alma-Ata, 1961, pp. 121 - 122 TEXT: A department of radio-astronomy is due to be opened at the Astroflzicheskiy institut AN KazS.SR (Astrophysics Institute of the AS KazSSR). The first installations will be simple and will be designed for solar work. Since the Astrophysics Institute already incorporates a coronal station, which is concerned with the optical observation of the Sun, it will be possible to compare these observations with radio observations. Radio observation will be carried out in the metro range. Preliminary work on radio noise has already been carried out in the wavelength range 2 - 0.6 m. The noise was investigated with the aid of the ultrashort-wave receiver VU-3. This receiver can be operated -either as an AM or FM receiver. Under AM conditions its sensitivity is better than Card 1/2 S/503/61/011/000/003/003 Future Developments .... E032/E".14 20 IiV (signal-to-noise ratio 15 db, 30% modulation, 400 c.p.s.). A similar sensitivity is obtained under FM conditions. It was established that there was considerable interference of television and industrial origin. This would be rather serious if sensitive radio-ast3ronomy apparatus were to be set up. In any case, there is no suitable location for a maj6r radio interferometer, either at the coronal station or in the neighbourhood of the Astrophysics Institute. A search is being made for a suitable sitb. Card 2/2 12(2) SOV/1 28-59-5-5/35 AUTHOR: Dudnik, A.A., and Ukhabin, G.A.9 Engineers TITLE: "Volga" Automobile Engine Crankshaft PERIODICAL: Liteynoye Proizvodstvo, 1959, Nr 5, pp 8-12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the automobile engine plant at Gorki production of a new crankshaft for the automobile "Volga" has been undertaken under the direction of I.I. Lebendya. A magnesium iron alloy was used. Tab.(1) ahows a list of the types of steel mostly used in this branch in the USSR mentioning their chenical composition and mechanical propertios. A comparison is made with re- gard tothe steel as used by the Fbrd factorien. The various castinj charges are being made up of steel of types LK-2, LK-3, LK-4 of class A and Xr-6 as well as of steel waste. For reduction of the contents of sul- phur, a mixture of 8 arts lime and 2 parts spar fluor is added, being 5 _ 6; of the weight of the metal charge. After 20 to 30 minutes a 0.7 tolc%c ca- ide Card 1/3 mixture ( 3 parts lime, 1 part charcoal and 1 part "Volga" Automobile Engine Crankshaft SOV/1 28-59- 5-5/35 fluor spar) is distributed on to the metal mirror. Tab. (2) informs of the chemical composition of the slag. By this, the content of sulphur is reduced to 0.002%. In Tab.(3) the chemical composition of the steel modified with magnesium is given. It is reported that the waste,was no more -than o.06% during the last time. The adding of 250 grams of magnesium to a 400 kg metal charge takes place under pressure and the machine as shown in Fig. 2). Shortly before the casting it- self, 0.3% ferrosilicon and 0.02V, cryolite according to the proportion of the metal are added. Fig(3). The castings are treated thermicall 9 by keeping them for 9 hours at a temperature of 950 C. (First graphitizing stage). There follows cooling by air and further C08- ling on granular perlitet another heating up to 740 C. for 6 hours and another cooling by air. Mechanical properties are: = 70 - 909 b= 60 -70; H.B=217 -255 kg per For improvement of the moding sand, zinc stereates, alcohol, and powder bakelite are added see Tab.4) Fig. (4) shows an apparatus by which Card 2/3 cores Rars) can be molded from molding sand on a pi- SOV/128-159- "Volga automobile Engine Crankshaft voted plate. In Fig. (5) a diagram of the fully au- tomatic machine model AKF-2 for production of casting molds as well as of the drying furnace is given. The crankshaft has a weight of 19.5 kg; for one casting process 8 to 9 seconds are required, the mold being in a horizontal position. The thermic treatment is done fully automatically as described above by the machine shown in Fig. (6). For neutralizing the atmosphere in the machine 7 kg of triethylamine are added Der hour. In Fig. ~7 )a block diagram of the production process of the crankshaft is given There are 3 Tables, 8 diagrams and 1 photograph. Card 3/3 11 (7), 28 (1 )' SOV/128-59-8-8/29 AUTHOR: Ukhabin, Go A., Engineer TITLE: Mechanized Transfer of Coke PERIODICA1: Liteynoye proizvodstvo-1, 1959, hr 8, p 18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Since 1956 a mechanized coke transferor has been In- stalled at the foundry department of the Gorlkiy an- tomobile plant. This enables 13.4G rubles per year per ton oftooke to be saved, The coke is discharged from the boxcars into a bunker which is under the railway. The comb-bars of these bunkers are shoi-rn in .Fig 2. By means of a conveyor the coke is transferred to a vibration crush-riddle and then t9 the'distribu- tion bunkers with a capacity of 1352 mJ (this is a re- serve of about 10 - 12 days,i. The fDrther transfer to the cupolas is also mechanized. There are 2 dia- grams, Card 1/1 UKFIABOV, A.; USTINOV, M., agronom-okonomist There will be no laggards among the collective furms of our districts. IRLuka, t pored. op v sellkhoz. 9 no.6:5-9 Je 159. (MIRA 12:9) l;Sekretar' Shchekinskago gorkoma lommunistichealcoy partii So- veiefcogo Soyuza (for Ukhabov) (Shchekino District--Collective farms) SEMIGHENKO, D.I.., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.- UKIlAGhEV V.A.; L.. MAUD, A.Ya. doktor tekhn. na k, p-r-o-f.-,"r-e t"MWICH M.I., naucbn. red. fInstruments for automating production in use abroad] In- struinerrL dlia avtoinatizirovannogo proizvodstva zarabezh- nykh firm. Moskvav 1963. 85 P- (Novye mashiiq, i3bonido- vanie i sredstva aviomatizatsii. Seriia: U-77) (1,1111th 170) 1. Moscow. TSentralfnyy Institut nauchno-tekhnicheokoy In- formatsli po avtomatizatoll i mashinostroyeniyu. P., V.N.; -STDOROV, kflllci. gf~ogjqjf. nauk, nau(,Iilly:f rilklovo6ite-i I "U I~IIACIIEV A raboty -p,.4 4 fl - ~ F,-, Characterintics of the vegetati'le c!Dver of the S"14"t ,.,ap. Ped. irist. clorts. 239:161-165 164. , tkie Pamirs. Ilch. ( I'll I r)"', i e', : 3 ) GORDCU, M.B.; PODC-OF.-COV, V.V.,' UKW-MV,,A-P-,-. Cutter for mat3lilning, T-shaped grooveos Stmi. i Anstr. 35 no.6t 26-Z7 Je 164 (MIRA 17:8) I / - I ./ "C ~1~ - V,