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ULINAq G. V. Cand Phys-Math Soi, Dias -_ "On the regions of significance of certain funationals on single-valued classes of funotions". Leningrad, 1961. 5 pp, 22 em (Leningrad State Ped Inst imeni A. I. G'ertsen. Do t of Math Anal), 150 copies,, No charge (KL, No 9, 1961, p 176, No ;&268). Z-6-1-541037 ULITNA, V. A., KRITSKAYA, V. K. ULIINA, V. A., KRITSKAYA, V. K. Martensite Causes of lowered intensity of X-ray interferences in martensite. Dokl, AN SSR 85, No. 4, 1952 Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress November 1952, U11CLASSIPIO. ULIMS, D- In. Transcarpathia. Wst.ugl. 9 no.11:13 N 160s, (KM 13:12) 1. laehallnik vratrishakhtnogo transporta shakht,.r NO-33 ninitsicogo shakhtoupravleniya. (Transearpathia-Coal mines and mining) ULINICH, B.Ya. [Special rooms for cultural, household and maintentince services in mass construction apartment houses] Vatroannye ,omeshcheniia dlia kuliturno-bytovogo i khosiaistvennogo oboluzhivaniia v zhi- lykh domakh massovogo stroitellitva. Moskva, Goa. izd-vo lit-ry po stroitalletva i arkhitekture, 1953. 35 p. (MLRA 7:3) (Apartment houses) RUPPIN&T, Konstantin Vladimirovich; =NIGH, F.P.., otvetstvenn" redaktor; RATNIKOVA, A.F., redakto~r-Udgt.611stva; PROZOROVSKATI, V.L., tekhnicheekly redaktor; ZAZTLIMYA, V.F., takhaicheskiy redaktor [Mechanical characteristics of rock] Mekhanicheskie avoistva gorrqkh porod. Xosirva. Ugletekhizdat, 1956. 321 P. (MIRA 9:9) (Mining engineering) (Goal) (Rocks) SHPRUT, 1,[Sprath, F.]; SIRIII , G.Ye.Ctransiatorl; PAVLYUGHINKO, D.N., Itranslatorl'; JWNIGR , F.P.Ctran-slator]; PANOT,. A.D.,kpadidat tekhnichookikh "IRMor; DMI?RMVA, L.N..redaictor ZW isdatelletva; AIADOVA, Ye.I.,tekbaicheskiy redaktor [14etal supports in second mining. -Translated from the Gernan) MoUlliahbakoe kr6plente oshistnykh vyrabotok,'Perevod a nemetskogo-G.)I.,Sirina, D.N. Pavliuchonko. F.R. Minichs. Pod rod. A.D. Panova. Moskva, Ugletekhisdat. 1956. 335 P. Ma 10:4) (Mine timbering) Liz //v/- BETLINA, TS.O., inzhener; BIAAGONAIEZHDINO V.Ye., inzhener; BOGUSLAVSKIY, P.Ye., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; VORONKOV, I.M., professor, GITINA, L.Ta., inzhener; GROMAN, M.B., inzhener; GOROKHOV, N.T., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk [deceased]; DMSYUK,, I.N., kandidat takhnicheskikh nauk; DOVZHIK, S.A., kandidat teklinicheskikh nauk; DMLISKIY, X.P., professor, doktor khimicheskikh nauk [deceased]; DMIOVICHNYY, A.I., professor; ZHITKOV, D.G., professor, doktor tekhnicheakikh nauk; KOZLOVSKIY, N.S., inzhener; LAKHTIN, Yu.M., doktor tekhnicheskikh nauk; LEVENSON, L.B., professor, doktor tekhni- cheskikh nauk [deceased]; LEVIN, B.Z., inzhener; LIPKAN, V.F., hzhe- ner; MARTYNOV, M.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; MOIRVA, T.I., inzhener; NOVIKOV, F.S., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk; OSETSKIY, V.M., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; OSTROTJMOV, G.A.; PONOMARENKO, Yu.F., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; RAKOVSKIY, V.S., kandidat telchnicheskikh nauk; REGIRER, Z.L., inzhener; SOKOLOV, A.N., inzhener; SOSUNOV, G.I., kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; STEPANOV, V.N., Iwofesaor; SMAKRANOV. M.M.. kandidat takhnicheakikh nauk; ELIKIND, I.A., inzhener-, YANUSHE- VICH, L.V., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk; BOKSHITSKIY, Ya.M., inzhe- ner, redaktor; BULATOV, S.B., inzhener, redaktor; GASHINSKIT, A.G., inzhener, redaktor; GRIGROIYEV, V.S., inzhener, redaktor; YEGUMIOV. G.P., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; ZHARKOV, D.V., dotsent, redaktor; ZAKHAROV, Yu.G., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; K&MINSKIY, V.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, redaktor; KOMARKOV, Ye.F., professor, redaktor; KOSTYLKV, B.N., inzhener, redaktor; POVAROV, L.S., kandidat tekhnicheskikh nauk, rodaktor;jj4u-lP'H..',?--A-' redaktor; KLORIKIYAN, S.Kh., otvetstvennyy redaktor; GIADILIN, L.V., redaktor; (Continued on next card) IMYLINA, TSoOs --- (continued) Card 2. RUMNEYT, K.V., redaktor; TERPIGOREV, A.M., glavnyy redaktor; BARABANOV, P.A., redaktor: BARANOV, A.I., redaktor; B'JCMMV, V.K., redaktor; GRAFOV, L.Ye., redaktor; DOKMN, A.V., redaktor; ZADEKID- KO, A.N., redaktor; ZASYADIKO, A.F., redaktor; KRASITIKOVSKIT. G.V. redaktor; LETOV, N.A., redaktor; DISHIN, G.L., redaktor; MAHIKOV- SKIY, G.I., redaktor; MELINIKOV, N.V., redaktor; OTIIKA, D.G., redaktor; CSTROVSKIT, S.B., redaktor; POKROVSKIT, redaktor; POLSTYANOY, GOI., redaktor; SKOCHINSKIY, A.A., rodakbor; SONIN, S.D., redaktor; SPIVAKOVSKIY, A.O., redaktor; STIANCIMNKO, I.K., redaktor; SUDOPIATOV, A.P., redaktor; TOPCHIYEV, A.V., redaktor; T-ROYANSKIY, S.V., redaktor; SHEVYAKOV, L.D., redaktor; BYKROV- SKAYA, S.N., redaktor izdatellstva; ZAZULISKAYA, V.P., tekhniche- skiy redaktor; P-ROZOTLOVSK&YA, V.L., tekhnichesVy redaktcr. [Mining; an encuclopedic handbook] Gornoe delo; entaiklopedicheakii spravochnik. A.M. Terpigorev. Chieny F.A. Bara- banov i dr. Moskva, Gos.nauchuc-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry po ugollno'L promyshl. Vol.l. [General engineering] Obshchie inzhenernye evedeniia. Redkollegiia toma SoKh.Kloriktian i dr. 1957. 760 P. (Ifining engineerIng) (MLRA 10:10) SOV/58-59-4-8267 Translation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal Fizika, 1959, Nr 4, p 133 (USSR) AUTHOR: Ulinich, P.R. TITLE: Some Problems in the Theory of Brittle Failurel'R PERIODICAL: Izv. vost. fil. AS USSR, 1957, Nr 6, pp 85 - 93 ABSTRACT: Placing himself within the framework of the phenomenological theory of strength, the author examines the condition under which a running crack will appear in the case of a place deformation: in the neighborhood of the point under examination on the boundary between the elastic region and the region of limiting conditions, the stressed state in the elastic region ought to be such that an infinitely small increase of the load will lead to the failure of the material on the finite section representing the continuation of the slip line that has already formed in the region of limiting conditions. The author submits the mathematical formulation of this condition. The theory is applied to the problem of testing, for a single shear, a prismatic sample of a brittle material (rock) which has been pressed between matrices in a press during testing. (Zap.-Sibirskiy fil. Card 1/1 AS USSR). A.N. Orlov ULINICH, F..R. . Cand Phys Math 6ci - (diss) "Certain n-roblems ?-~~ of the theory of friable ah&~~ .11 Novosibirsk, 1958, 9 pp (Tomsk State Univ im V.V. Kuybyshev) 120 cooies (KL, 27-58, 103) - 25 - SOV/56-34-5-32/61 AUTHORS: Pokrovskiy, V. L., Savvinykh, S. K., Ullnich, F. R. TITLE: Superbarrier Reflection in quasi-Classical Approximation (Nadbarlyernoye otrazheniye v kvaziklassicheskom priblizhenii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i. teoreticheakoy fiziki~ 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 5, PP- 1272 - 1277 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The purpose of this-paper is the determination of an asymptotical expression for the coefficients of reflection in the case of short wave lengths. The authors restrict them- selves to the one-dimensional case. The problem is represented by the solution of the Schroedinger (Shredinger) equation: 2 d 2IV + k2( 0 d~ 2q) where a - Aja; ~ - x/aj k U(~)/E holds./k denotes the De Broglie ( e Broyll) wate length of the free particle. The main assumption is a (~ 1. The authois everywhere re- Card 1/3 strict themselves to the case E 7U( ) on the whole axis. Superbarrier Reflection in quas-4-Classical Approximation SOV/56-34-5-32/61 The solution of this Schroedinger equation is determined by the usual WKP (Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin) method in the form 1~ ' eS/a , and 3 is expanded into a series according to powers of a. In the WKP approximation the quantum effect of the re- flection in a potential barrier is completely missing. There- fore an other method must be employed for the determination of tho reflected wave. By means of the transformation -1 yl Yk the first mentioned equation takes the form (d2 y/dt 2) + (1 + a2 q(V;t))Y - 0. To this equation the operation of the scattering in a continuous spectrum is formally applied. All terms of the 11 catt'ering series have the same order with regard to a. The problem is the computation of the amplitude of the transition from the eigenstate of the Hamiltonian a0- d2 /dt2 with the momentum, I to the state with the momentum -1. This amplitude is expressed by a well-known series from perturbation theory. Subsequently the terms courring in this expression are examinod separately. The Card 2/3 process of computation is pursued step by step. In the case of Superbarrier Reflection in ~Zuasi-Classical Approximation V/r,:-_7A-5 2161 an arbitrarj form of the potential for the main part of th,~- ..,ef"Iection coefficient 2i-ro/a '2 i dl R - -ie -i exp k is fonnd. The last paragraph investigates the lia-its of applicability of this formula. The authors investigated the restrictions of the dom*ain of the parameters. There are 5 references, 4 of which are Sovi4et. ASSOCIATION: Institut radiofiziki i elektroniki 3ib.lrskogo otdeleniya Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Radiorhysics and Electronics at the SiberianDepartment of the AS USiR) SUBMITTED: December 14, 1957 (initially), January 26, 1958 (after revision) 1. Wave analysio-Theory 2. Perturbation theory-Thecry 3. Mathematics-Theory Card 3/3 /-6-34-6-33 /51 SOV J " . J j AUTHORS: Fokrovskiy, V. L., Ulinich, F. R., Savvinykh K. TITLE: The Superbarrier R~`flectl*onin ~quasiQlassical Approximation. II (Nadbarlyernoye otrazlieniye v kvaziklassicheakom priblizhenii) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperitantallnoy i teorptichookoy fiziki, 1956t Vol- 34, Nr 6, pp. 16201-1631 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This paper obtains an asymptotic expres;3ion for the amplitude of the superbarrier reflection under the conditions k V~~ 1 and k a(E - U )/U -~~>1. The denotntions used in thisopaper , 0 0 0 were explained already in part 1 of this investigation (Ref 1). The form of this expression eszentially depends on the type of the singula3itiy of. the.-potential. This paper investigates on3y two important special cases: the poles of the first and second order. The reflection amplitude is expanded into a series. L. I. Shiff (Ref 3) and D. S. S4xon (~akson)(Ref 4) investi- gated the potential scattering of particles with high energies in the three-dimensional case under the conditions x/a = 1, a * 0). For the case under-investigation the amplitudes of reflection were determined already by some earlier papers. The equation of first approximation corresponding to the 9-ocial case under P investigation is written down; its solution is found by means of Green1s function Gn (~ t'). The course of the calculation is followed step by step. In conclusion, the contribution made by the irregular shape of the hollow conductor to the amplitude of the reflected wave and also the interference terms are estimated. Calculations of the amplitude of the backwards scattered wave can be carried out in a similar manner. Card 2/34* The Non-Local Reflection in SOV/20-124-2-17/71 'follow Conductors of Variabic C'rcoz Sections Accordin,g to the rei~ultr. obtiiii,,ad by the calculations discussed here, hi,-_he'r an)?roximption., -a contzibution. of a higher order with rc~syjoct Lo ce- than the zerc)-Ua ,incI the first approximation. .111101-c' ifj 1 Soviet reforence. ASSOCIATIO,';; Institut i Sibirclicol,,o otdelnni;rc~ I _'I Akademii nauk 130"31'. (In.,~ti fi!41~,-. IV and Blectronics of the Siberian Departmenil- W Ue Academy of Sciences, UISS-) PRESEUTED: September 25, 1950, by f.. A. Leontovich, .,.cademician SUBMITTOED: September 24, 1958 Card 3/3 29493 (141) /05 7, 16'~T7) 3/035/61/000/009/018/036 ~-o 0 AOO1/A1O1 AUTHORS: Zharkov, V.N., Ulinich, F.R. TITLE: On the possibility of existence of the lunar magnetic field, main- tained by hydromagnetic amplification PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal. Astronomiya i Geodeziya., no. 9, 1961, 34, ab- stract 9A266 ("Tr. In-ta fiz. Zemli. AN SSSR", ig6o, no. 11 (178), 61 - 66) TEXT: The authors show that the adiabatic gradient of temperature inside the Moon is of the same order as the gradient of melting temperature (/-,,,10- T km-1). In case of A Tm > ( L T)ad, a finite temperature discontinuity should exist between the liquid core and the solid crust. The liquid core smelts, i s radius increases and temperature drops. Solidification time amounts to/-,,10~ years. In case ~f A.Tm -( A T) . convection is absent and distribution of temperature is continuous. To m~Vntain liquid cg_re during jo17 see radiogenic heat sources with heat liberation of 10-15 - 10-10 cal/see .cm3 are 'sufficient. In a solid Moon the origination and maintenance of a magnetic field due to hydro- magnetic amplification is impossible because of high viscosity of the substance. Card 1/2 294~3 Slpy,16 1/0(-,0/009/j' 18/036 On the possibility of existence ... AOO-.1/A1O1 In a liquid core the condition for the possibility of hydromagnetic amplifica- tion mechanism is that the value of Reynoldsrmagnetic number Rm e:~, 1. In case of silicate composition, characteristic speed v V:-1 cm/sec is nucessary. Ener- gy estimates lead the authors to the conclusion that the Moon could have a mag- netic field of/--~l gauss, if it had a liquid core. The absence of the lunar magnetic field is an indirect indication of the absence of the liquid core. There are 12 references. V. Safronov [Abstracter's note: Complete translation] Card 2/2 S/020/62/142/003/013/027 B112/B102 AUTHORS: Trubitsyn# V. F., and TITLE: Transitkq~i to the metallic state of solid helium under high I - pressure PERIODICAM Akademiya nauk SSSR& Do.kladyj v. 142, no. 3, 1962, 578-580 TEXT: In order to find the energy states of high symmetry of a helium crystal, perturbation theory is applied to the Hartrie - Pock equation which reads in the given case: P, VS) + La d-r2 ipl, (rj) za PS rl' r2 Vk (r2) dT2 = is (k) Vig where N 2 jrj-Rnj Pt (r'), = YJ I 'Pie V2) A k' N (2~ (k) 2a' E (k), I jk'(r2) IPW(ri); k' Card 1/2 S/02 62/142/003/013/027 Transition to the metallic state... B112YB102 Equ. 1 is solved for the ground state and for the weakly" excitdd. state.'. The pressure p at the transition poirit was found to be 3-107 atm. B. I. Davydov is thanked for assistance. There are 3 references: 1 Soviet and 2 non-Soviet. The two references to English-language publications read as follows: L. P. Bouckart, R. Smoluchowski, E. Wigner, Phys, Rev 2~ 58 (1.936), C. A. Seldam, Proc. Phya. Soc., Sect. A, 70, p. 21 97 ~1,957 ASSOCIA~ION: Inatitut fiziki Zemli im. 0. Yu. Shmidta Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute'of Physics of the Earth imeni 0. Yu. Shmidt of the Academy of Sciences USSR) PRESENTED: October 3, 1961, by M. A. Leontovich, Academician SUBMITTED: September 28, 19(* Card 2/2 TRUBITSYNO V.P#; ULINICU. F.R. -4l.=mwwm",w,--WA-~*- Metallic transition in lithium hydride. lav. AN SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.6:949-950, Je 163. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. (.4thium hydride) ULRTTCH, R-QE~, kard. Lel--Im,. nauk 1-feasuring equipment and the reliability of production. St--n- dartizataiia 29 no. 11:8-11 N 165 (1-a-RA 19t1) 1. Tsesoyuznyynauelmo-issledovatelyskiy inatitut standarti- zatsii, Moskva. LDWBERG, Georgiy Grigorlyevich; ULIHICHR...B.,, rodaktor; L&'RICNOV,G.Te., takhnlchesldy redaktar 1, "."0 (Vibrator condensers] Vibroproobrasovateli. Hoskva, Goo. onerg. izcl-vo, 1955. 142 p. (KLU 9:3) (Vibration) (Condensers (Alectrioity)) L 45278-66 E71T (d)/EWT (1)/EEC (k)-2/EYIP(C)/E4aP(v)/T/EWP(k)/RIP(l) IJP(c) A 6015960 4) SOURCE CODE-- UR/0028/65/000/011/0008/0011 AUTHOR: Ulinich, R. B. (Candidate of Technical Sciences) ORG: VNIIS TITLE: Problems and ideas. Measuring instruments and the reliability of products SOURCE: Standartizatsiya, no. 11, 1965, 8-11 TOPIC TAGS: measuring instrument 'production control, quality control, jE7-2 universal inductance meter ABSTRACT: The author discusses the inportance of measuring instruments and units of reference, with particular emphasis on standards of general units of reference and units of reference for the various branches of industry. The author suggests that reliability of products be checked against established standards duri the production process itself In contrast to "delayed feedback". If properly 1/2 I C 45279-~6 A& Wk-: A-P-6015-9-60 integrated into the production cycle, such checks can result in better and more reliable products. For better efficiency, such quality control should be carried out with modern methods of mathematical computations. In most cases, precision requirements for measuring instruments refer not to a keneral; absolute Btandaro'. but to a relative, initial standard of production. An an example the author uses the E7-2 universal inductance meter, which has a 0. 216 margin of error, weighs 26 k , costs 215 rubles, has 8 controlling devices, and requires a relatively skill, d 9 operator. A similar gage built with reference to a relative standard, with a 2-generator circuit, has a 0. 05-0. 0116 margin of error, only-Avro controlling devices, requires no highly skilled operator and costs only on-third to one-fourth the price of the former. [GC] SUB CODE: 14, 13, 20/ SUBM DATE: none/ Card 2/2 L 44439-46 EWT(d)/EWP(c)/EWP(v)/T/EWP(k) VW I IJP(O) /EWP ACC NRs AP6022454 SOURCE CODE1 UR/0422/66/000/001/0032/0034 AUTHOR: Ulinich,, R. B. 3-7 ORGI none TITLE: On the problem of a method of selecting reliability criteria SOURCE: Standarty i kalchestvo,9 no. 1,, 1966j, 32-34. TOPIC TAGSt reliability, scientific standard, durability, industr4al personnel, artillery ition, si cialized training pe ABSTRACT: This paper gives a number of conditions, the combination of which can determine the'rational selection of reliability criteria. Simplt examp3es are given for various types of production. Manufactured articles arp divided Into tw groups: unrenewable and renewable. The time conditions of active use are divided into four main groupsi continuous, cyclic, random,, and one-t1me, 7b* types of maintenance are divided into two groups and subgroupst serviceable (by personnel vithout special preparation, by personnel with low qualifications, and by personnel with special preparation) and unserviceable (only under working conditl6nd and usder'-+7- any operating conditiom)o SUB CODE: 24/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REFo 002 7 P! ~!? ! do Mat Sri Art *then SO thl M ou ASS.ILA all ALU*fK At LITIN 410,911 CCAWFKA1109 I u n Is x 9 0,0 0 a JS It X V 4 41 417 AJ 4 I A-A 0 0-6 ti. Ve 0 roe be too too see 17 .4- //ZZ POLAND/Inorganic Chemistry - Complex Compounds C. Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Xhimiya, No 2, 1957, 4o82 Author : Poninski.Mared, UjInqjj Q Title : Preparation on d Eavorawrj"c le of Anhydrous Ferric Chloride Free from Mn2+aud Cu2t Orig Pub : Roczn. chem., 1956, 30, No 1, 311-314 Abstract : Description of a laboratory method for the preparation of FeCl by the action of chlorine on "Amco" iroil) f~ at ele- vatJ t0mverature. The content of Mn2-,Iand cj~-' in final products is < 0-005%- Card 1/1 5 ULINSKA, Alin&; KA M SKA, Alina Multimolecular quality of polyvinyl chloride and its mechudcal properties. Rocz chexii 34 no.2:637-644 s6o. (EEAI 10:1) 1. Katedra Chemii Ogolnej Uniwersytetu M.Kopernikag Torun. (Chloroethylene) (Polymers and polymerization) VLINSKA, Mina; STASZEWSKA,,..Danuta. Preparation of viVy2sulphonate. 4-osarch on the efficienc7 and puri- fication of salts. Rocz chemii 35*no.5*.3495-1509 161. 1. Department of General Chemistry, N. Copernicus University, Torun. KARIVSKA, Alina; Ulinska., Alina Fractioning polyvinyl chloride in the cyclohexanone-glycol system. Polimery tworz wielk 8 no.9t336-341 163. Is Katedra Chamii Ogolnejp 'Uniwersytet im. M, Kopernika., Torun. BYCZZOWSKA, Zofia; GANCZARSKI, Alfred; ITLINSKA, Irsna Have food poisoning caused by consumption of pastry, infected witb Stapb7lococcue aureus. Polski tygod. lek. 11 no.43:1829- 1832 22 Oct 56. 1. (Z III Kliniki Qhorob Wewnstrsnych A.M..w Lodzi; Kisrownik: prof. dr. W. Markert: % Zakladu Baktariologii A.M. w Lodst; Kierownik: -prof. dr. Z. Ssymanowski; z Wojewodzkaj Stacij Sanltarno-Epidemiologicznej w Kieleach I Instytutu Madycyrq Pracy w Ladzi; Dyraktor: doc. J. Nofer) adres: Lodz: Zachodnia 6D so U (MIGROCOCOAL INMTIONS# case reports, food pois.' caused by consumption of Infected pastry (POW (FOOD POISONING, case reports, micrococcal,infect. caused by consumption of infected paAtry (Poi)) ULINSKA, Irena; SZPIUK, Jerzy Studies on the sensitivity of Stephylococci and of other bacteria to various antibiotics Including sygowycin. Polski tygod.lek. 14 no.50:2182-2184 D 159. I'll. Z Pracowni Analityoznej Panstwowego Sapitals, Kliniezuego nr I A.H. w Lodzi: kierownik; dr zed. A-Wierabowska I s III Kliniki Chrob WownetrzMeh, kierownik*. prof. dr W.Markert. (STAMTLOCOCCUS pharmacol) (ANTIBIOTICS Pharmacol) noNTCZAX,AndrseJ; TYMSKL,Bgida; ULINSKA,Irena On the differences between bacterial floras of the oral cavity and the bronchial tree observed in cases of pneumo.5a. Polski tygod. lek. 15 no.18:657-659 2 My 160., 1. Z III 111niki Ghorob Wownetrsny6h A.M. w Lodzi; kierownik prof. dr. mod. W. Markert i z Zakladu Analityki Kl!biicznej; kierovnik prof. dr. mod. A. Wierabowska. PNXIKONIA alarob lol. M alorobiol,) M (BRONCHI miorobiol.) Li p A CCE 9 3 1 ON RR AF5DO91 71 ALTMOR. Uliwk -a-q 1 -in, Ca a A- (S'ilarrhvai,s~--is --uerermxmacww~ or--. me- vexaciEy or uquia - raw, at: me iran- or a channel SOURCE: All UtSSR Trudy. Seriya B. Fiziko-mate~-aticf-eskiye, khimicheskiye, geologicheskiye i tekhnicheskiye n--uki, tio. 1, 1965, 129-131 TOPIC TA(7-S lifqt:J! LBSTRACT The velocities of a sceFd-,~ flow c;f 21-icprc 1at Lh- wall of a C-iannel i r e I VE: e vf- r. p , r ~: ii! ri L 50540-65 ACCEFS-qION YR: .4-P5009171 ASSOCIATION, Institut energctL~l o- N.,ademti nauk SS-R U~~titute of Power and ELectrical 'n" Sc s UU-41 1 Iju 161; ENCL: ~-jO SUB GODE: ME NO RRF- gov.* GOI (MOXII - 0 0 1 Mird" L 50540-65 - -- 1~ ACCESSION HR: AP5009171 E S MV. - I-11 L I- !Fig. 1. Velocity distribution at Lhe wall-* Points currespond to experimental d t the.-curve shows the theoretical relationship according vo, Schlichting. SKOLTARINKO, D.A.; KATMSHINA. N.Y.; KAPLAN. A.S.; GORZ1WSKAYA, A.T.j Prinimali uchastiye: ULINSKAYA, Ye I - BARYSWA, I.T.; ROKA:j, F.D.. AYRUTSKATA, R.F., d.izd-va; I;LMTITSYA, P.G., tekhn. red. [List of specifications in effect for products of ferrous metallurgyJ Perechen' deistvuinshohikh tekhnicheskikh uslovii na produktaiin chernoi Twtallurgii; po nostoianiiu na 1 ianvaria 1959 g. Koskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhnAzd-vo lit-ry po chernoi i tsvetnoi metallurgii, 1959. 115 p. (KIRA 13:2) 1. Moscow. TSentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatel'Bkiy institut chernoy metallurgii. 2. Laboratoriya standartizataii TSentrall- nogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta chernoy metallurgii (for Smolyarenko, Katyushina. Kaplan, Gorzhevskaya). 3. Ukrainskiy nauchno-isaledovateliskiy trubnyy inatitut (for Ulinskaya). 4. Na- uchno-isoledovatellskiy institut matiznoy promyshlennosti (for Baryshava). 5. Ukrainskiy institut metallov (for Roms). (Iron--Specifications) (Steel--Specifications) BALAKINA, I.A.; BOCHKAREVA) A.I.; GORZHSVSKAYAO A.V.; KAPIAN, A.S.; 34OIZARE14KO, D.A., kand. tekhn.nauk; TEIRMT1YEV, Ye.A.; SOTS, G.A.; TRDIBITSEU, Ya.Y.; UL3NSKAYA,_Xo..T._; KWTORSWA, Ye.S., red. Ud-va; =4W, M.R.#~- ~e.~red. [Technical specifications in effect on products of ferrous metal- lurgy; list as of October 1, 1961) Deist-vuiusbehle tekhnicheskie usloviia. na produktaiiu chemoi metallurgii; perechen' po sostoianiiu na 1 oktiabria 1961 g. Moskva, Mettillurgizdat, 1962. 141 p. (MIRA 15:5) 1. Moscow. TSentraltryy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut chernoy metallurgii. (Iron industry--Tables and ready-reckoners) (Steel industry--Tables and ready-reckoners) ULIN~_Kl, G.; JACROWSKA, I.; BATICIUMSKA, E. Reaction of certain species of barley and oats to precipitEtim deviciency under the climatic'and soil conditiors of the Go z t, r ow Wielkopolski.Regions Rocz nauk roln roal 85 no-4j605-06. 162. 1. Pracownia Uprawy Zboz, Instytut Uprawy, Nawozenia, I Glebozn&wstwa, Gorzow Wielkopolski. Tildski S. Perigni"Me Velocity and itmal L'alkA, NO. Axipu~gzcxalne Mbkoict I nacat "k CA'% prmg 4, 1955, pp. 120-133, 1 fig., 2 tabs. A criticat survey of the .Tables of perinfiLsilate axLat tmd for call- way telling 3totie* - a pubItcatfor! which dppearc~ at the end of 1931 And is based on a *mptiried Zitnm armart formula for betiAls momeute- The values of- moments -calculatinj by means of RAS formula are exas- geraled,-and the resulting litre-wes In the ralls -time out gnue[I lgigher than they are In re3lity. The Author proposes to tidwat, for prnctical used a considerably higher coefficient C than Is at pr"nt uled Gr the *Uad- Ing (4 kglcrW); this would authorize much hiadie, velocities aw-axial loacliL Tliht modification would vve rtany toni of new calls used today for constant replacementa arking from the lo%v cvftlclen: applied (a calculaUnns. Ogiq__ _TA m ULIRZH, Z. Semicontinuous and continuous dyeing of cotton fabrics in Czechoslovakia. Tekstilna prom 1l no.6sl7-18 '62. 1. N. I. inatitut za tekstilno oblagorodiavane, ChSSR. In I N 0 6 ~ v j :j ~ MCI- 4 IS !I,, 13-3 i j A I A 51 1~ 04. 8 2 k 10 ft d L 9 4 TIKAKOV, V.D., prof., red.; prof*, red. [Variability of micro-organioms and immity] lzmanchivost' mikroorgani2MOV i iM=itet. Pod red. V.D.Timikova. Moskva, 1959. 280 p. (HIRA 13:1) 1. Moscow. Vtoroy Hookovskiy maditsinakiy inntitut. 2. Deystvi- telinyy chlen AM SSSR (for Timkov). (BACMIA) (IMMMINT) KOKHANOVSKAYA, T.M.; POPOVAp G.O.; ULISKO, I.N. Sensitivity of fresh2y-isolated strains of typhoid bacilli to various antibiotics and their combinations. Antibioti-ki 6 no.9: 73-79 S 161. -(MiRi 15*-2) 1. Kafedra mikrobiologii (zaveduyushchi3r - ohlen-kox-respondent AWI SSSR prof. Z.V.Yermollyeva) TSentrallnogo instituta usovershenstvovaniya vrachey i Moskovskaya gorodskaya sanitarno-opidemiologichoskaya L sta4siya ( lavnyy vrach M.S.Sgkolovski fFB=HhLLA TYPHOSA) (AHTIkOTICS) ULISaVj, L.A. Unit for loading motor-vehicle fraws. A-rt,prom, 29 no,3.-42 Mr 163. (HIRL 160) 1. Ullyanovskiy avtozavod. (Ullymovsk-Loading and unloading) ULISovy L*A. ",-~"~-~=Imo-nlsplacing, lifting and turning notor-vehicle frames. Avt. From. 29 no.11:1+0-41 N 163. (NIRA 16:12) 1. Wyanovskiy avtozavod. ULISOV, L.A. -6", Telescopic hoist. Avt. prom. 30 no.9:42-43 S 164. (MA 17: 10) 1. Ullyanovskiy avtomobilinyy zavod, ULISOV, L.A. High-speed catch for containers, Avt. prom. 30 no.l2s39 D 164,, (MIRA 18t2) 1. Ullyanovskiy avtonobil'My savod. U LISOV,, L.A. 'or loadingr aut mobile framss 1xito .Catch with automatic re3ease 4 '0 motortrucks. Avt. prom. 31 no.1:42 Ja 164- (f4JF-A 18:3) Ullyanovskly avtozaVod, V .1 OLITSOV, -1-A, 1:1--=1z"~Ix- Fi-juipaj--rit ft.)r S12ral, rrom a f,,;rgi, shop. Awt.j.,rcn. 311 O.;;,~t 1100 4 1 At-, 165. 1. UllyancovsIdly wrtrzav6I. BUTKEVICH, G.V., doktor tekhn. naukp prof*jj red.; L,I SO A,, ASHKENAZI, E.L., red.; SHKLYAR, S.Ya.p (International electrotechnical vocabulary] Mezhdunarod- nyi elektrotekhhicheskii slovar'. Moskva, Fimwtgiz. Group 15. [Switchgear (distribution boards and-d-evices for commitation, regulation and control)] Komkitatsion- naia apparatura (raspredelitellnye shchity i apparaty dlia kommunikatsii, upravleniia i regulirovaniia. 1963. 163 p. (MBA 17-3) 1. International Electrotechnical Commission. ULISSOVA T.N. The brovn pigmment I-poftscin in health and petholcg7. Trudy Una druzhe naro 7* Vope med. no.1:140-157 164. NIFA 18:9) y Narodov imeni 1. Kafedra obshchey biologii Universiteta Druzhb, Patrisa Lumumby, Moskva. ULISSOTIA, T. III. Ulissova, T. N. 'lAge changes in the lipofuscin in the hmme-n cardiac muscles." First Moscow Order of Lenin Yedical Inst imeni 1,.14, Sechenov. Moscow, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Medical Science) So: Knizhnaya letopis', No. 25, 1956 USSR/Human and Animal Ehysiology. Metabolism T-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol.,, No 14, 1958, iio 65034 Author ; Ulissova T.N. Inst Title : AGe Differences in the Content of Lipofuscin in Human Cardiac Muscle Orig Pub : Byul. eksperim. biol. i meditsiny, 1957, 430 No 5, 118-121 Abstract : The hearts of 100 bodies of individuals from 28 weeks (crabryonic period) to 82 years of aGe were examined. In order to determine the amount of pio=t in the myocardium, use was made of the method of planimetric measurements of sketches of the contours of thenuclei with t;he pigment lyinG adjacent to them,, which were made from sections stained with sudan III and hematoxylin, It was established that the amount of lipofusdin in the myocardium increases with age, reachinC; a maximum in old aGe. The most intimsive accumu- lation of lipofuscin occurs in the first 'years after it makes its appearance (between the azes of 10 and 19); as Card 1/2 USSR/&man and Animal PhysioloMrs Metabolism T-2 Abs Jour : Ref Zh-ur - Diole, No 14, 1958, No 65034 10 ol(I afje is approached the intensity of lipofuscin accum- lation declines, a fact which attests a6ainst the notion of lipofuscin as an "a(.dn(; piGmnt". -- L.A. Kashchevskaya Card ; 2/2 11 OSIPOVSKrl, Aleksandr Ivanovich; TILISSOVA. Tatlyana Nikolayevna; BOGORAD, V.B., red.; IYUDKOVSKAYA, tekbn. rcd~-- [Textbook of biologyjUchabnik biologii. tloskva 14 d iz, 1962. 298 p. (KIRA 115iolif (BIOLOGY) GOLUBEVA, I.V.; PEKHIETSKAYA, V.Ya. (deceased]; GUSEVAI Yu.I.; RAGINSKAYA, V.P.; SMBWVA, T,V.; BARATSo M.M.; ABWSDIDVA, N.A.; POODRELISKAYA, S.A.;'PFDKOPOVICH, A.V.; ALEKSEIEVA, R.A. Acc4le-rate'd and Aeplifie-id m6thod bf'lgb6riator~ dioj~nosjo of' ihtOtifial-coli' lfiffo~tiohs* with the iise-of-liqulds c6ntaining ,i~ecific serum media. Zhur,mikrobiol., epid. i immun. 1+2 no"2t2l-26 F 165. (MIRA 18:6) 1,--'MWoVski~, Institut-'Vakt6in i'i~*orot&', 'Ufiihskiy instltiit Vaktsih i"44orotbk#'DA~prop6troV&kiy in~titut bpidi;mi6l6gii, miki,6biolokli i g'iey'eziy; qb~lk6irokiy'lnstitut iipideimi6logiij hibZbi6logii * i- kiki~e-fiyy ~bskbVskl~* p~dla trIc.*:26ski~ Flauchno- i-s-sled6v~t-elliaki~'iiistitiit'i loenihiradskiy pedintricheskiy meditsinskiy institut imeni Kirova. POYMWY. F.A.; ULIT, O.R. , Tissue thersp7 in nervous disorders. Zhur.nuvr.i psikh. 53 no.10:802-803 0 653. (MLEIA 6:10) 1. riLfedra nevropatologii Gorlkovskogo meditsinskogo instituta. 2. Kafedra nevrapatologii TSentrallnogo instituta travmatologii i ortopedii. (Nervous system-Diseases) (Tissue extracts) G0111"TRY U7SR CULTIVATV! L CA Z -MADOW r,.T,,r,OIr ABs. TOUE. :-REF ZHUP - BIOLOGMA, r-10. 4, 1959, NO- 15537 AUTFJOR Ul h ,v S, ' ite ' A ari 171..4 t .C)f ona As 0n ~a 71TIS ' j 6 C.- 1 r, 3-jul. nauchno-tokhn. inform. Donsk. zonal n. ORIG. RjE. n.-i. in-tfi S. Jrd,-, 1957, 1, 16-18 ABSTRkOT T-I- f 1. ccj-6,-ct!~d ',n vA Thi uk spike wheat--!,~Is~ the CA PM 1/2 USSR/Meadow Cultivation. L Abs Jour : Ref Zhur Biol., No 14, 1958, 63261 Anthor : Ter-Daniyelyan, V.M., Ujitcj'!gy,_ja., 1--st Title The Creation of Hi&ily prod'uctive Hay Harvests and Pastures on Arid Steppes. Orig Pub Ovtsevodstvo, 1957, tic 12, 31-32 Abstract Coafteted investigations have iidicated the feasibility of an accelerated creation of hi(4ily productive hay harvests and pastures in the and steppes of south- wastern RSFSR and nrothwesteni Kazakh SSR. Mareover, tthe best method of pre-sawing treatment of the soil is deep plowing and the use of a more suitable culture -- the broad-spiked-wwheatgrass. Card 1/1 ULITOMW b3oo )mud. sell skokhozyayotvennykh nauk; ma-Darmyat v.m.,, kaud. sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk, Harresting alfalfa and esparto seed plants, Zemledelie 6 no,6:12-13 .T (XIU 11W (Alfalfa-Harve tiug~ (Raparto-Harre:ting - I C')Ae_V~A f-J. 'r U) Y, USSR/Zooparasitology - AcariziZand Insect-Vectors and Disease G-3 Pathogens. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 2W4og Author ; Ulitcheva, A.V. Inst : W Title : Disanophelization of Rice Fields by Agrotechnical Measures Orig Pub : Med. parazitol. i parazitarn. bolezni, 1957., 26, No 1, 11- 17- Abstract : The chief factors preventing formation of anopheles lar- vae of different species on Uzbekistan rice fields are heating of the water to 37-380, sprinkling with turbud water with a large quantity of mineral particles, end strong shading of water surface (which prevents develop- ment of submerged growth). Development of larvae on ri- ce fields is totally impossible when the period of strong shading of the water surface coincides with the period of their intensive development. In early so-wings Card 1/3 USSR/Zooparasitology - Acarina and Insect-Vectors and G-3 Disease Pathogens. Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 6, 1958, 244o9 of seeds with high germination, and correct attention to sowings. .411 the measures leading to limitation and total elimination of anopheles larvae on rice fields are part of the complex of agrotechnical measures which secure a large harvest. Card 3/3 l4f I 1~ &, C4. 4 .. rt94& w4V9 Ad cow,, wo-taining I, I = ::. ULITENKOJ P. 1. (Engr) ULITENKO, P. I. (Engr) -- " Investigation of the Properties and Methods of Manufacturing Cement-Block Molds for Large Steel Castings." Sub 27 Mar 52, Moscow Order of Labor Red Banner Inst of Steel I ni I.V. StIllin. (Dissertntion for the Degree of Candidate in Technical Sciencen. SO: TiECHERNAYA M0SKVA,.Januax7_December 1952 r . - ~ i~ .. ~ - - L,. .I Uj t I -F V /V ?, "'*. -V -, ~;, T., 'N , ~m * ,:-:i- - A j-, . , - -1 , Z, ~.. - I ~ OS IPOV I Yu.A.; SYSUM, V.A.; KOLEVATOV, P.A.; ZHANDAROV, 0." DOERYNIR, A.V.; ULITENOK, V,P. Mining~& seam subjeat to himps using the mathod of water injection into the seam. Ugoll 39*no.8&65-67~-Ag (KMA 17. 10) 1. Permakly nauohno-iBaledovatellskii ugollnyy institut (for Osipov, SysiWev, Kolevatov). 2. Shakhta im. Kalinina kombinata Kizelugoll (for 4andardvv Dobrynin, Ulitenok). ULITIN, A.I.. inthener. Geodetic vork for the determination of displacements In hydro- technical structures. Gidr.stroi.23 no.1:31-35 154. (MLRA 7:2) (Hydraulic engineering) (Dame) Subject USSR/Hydr Eng AID P - 3373 Card 1/1 Pub. 35 - 4/!6 Author Ulitin, A. I., Eng. Title Observing the rising of the foundation pit bottom Periodical Gidr. stroi.,r, 6, 11-13, Je 1955 Abstract Observations made at the construction of an unnamed power plant on the rise of the bottom of the excavated pit are reported in detail and the measuring markers are described with tables. The author emphasizes the importance of correct estimation of settling and rise of pit bottoms. Three diagrams. Institution : None Submitted : No date ULITIN, A.I., lnzh.i Prinimali uchastiye: ROZA, S.A., ddktor tekha.zinuk; rUAIRMO, A.S., prof.; BELIKOT, Te.F., doteent. DURNNY, Aj,# prof., doktor takhu.nauko red*; "CLETA9 TeeMat Unstructions for observing the nettling and horizontal displa- cements of hydraulic structiires by geodetic methods] Nastavlenie po nabliudeniiam zo osadkami i gorizontallnymi smashchaniiami gidrotekhnichaskikh sooruzhanii geodazicheakimi matodami. Moskva, Gos.energ.Ud-vol 1938, 111 p. WU 13:6) 1. Gidroanergoproyekt trust, Moscow. 2. Konwilitant inatituta *Gidroanergoproyekt* tfor Filonenko). (Hydraulic engineering) (Surveying) AUTHOR: Ul~ ineer SOV/154-58-4-11/18 TITLE: On Improvements in Organization and Mothod of Recording I Horizontal Shift of Concrete Structures ,0b uluchshenii organizatsii i metodiki nablyudeniy za gorizontallnymi smechcheniyami betonnykh sooruzheniy) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. 'Feodeziya i aerofotoallyemka, 1958, Nr 4, PP 97 - 111 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Until the last few years horizontal ohift records were kept only at a few water power developments (Dzora development, Canal imeni V.I.Lenin). No effort has been made in other places to start ,)uch records in time. The "Specifications for the Equipment of Water Power Developments With Control Apparatus and Installations" shed some light on the question but these specifications were not everywhere complied with. In tne water power developments ofT&iA1,vanMk1yjKakhovk&, Kuybyshev and in other places these records were oi,lj started after instead of before the reservoir had been filled. In the planning of the organization of the observations Card 1/4 surveying-, water power engineers and geolo.-ists must on Improvements in Organization and Nlethod of Recording Horizontal Shift of Concrete Structures collaborate. Two methodo have emerged in practical surveying work of recording horizontal shifts of water power development structures: The range line method and the combination method. The application of intersecting is limited to observations on plant accessories. Table 1 contains recommendations of error limits not to be exceeded in determinations of the horizontal shift of the offset control point from the nearest stEttions of the range line. Table 2 contains the tolerances of water power engineering triangulation work. It is recommended to establish an interdepartmental scientific-technical coordination council at the MIIGAiK or at the Ministry of Power Stations of the USSR which would coordinate the design and handling of the diverse types of control equipment produced in different enterprises. In the second section of this paper the results of the observations in the Kegums (Lithuania) water power development are presented. This power station was constructed from 1936-1939, it was blown up in 1944 and was again put into operation Card 2/4 in 1947. Already in the first years after 1947 underscoring On Improvements in OrEanization and '"'Alethod of SOV/154-58-4-11/18 Rec;rding Horizontal Shift of Concrete Structures was discovered in the tailrace of the dain. In 1949 the records of the conditions of these aiructures were continued. This paper includes a description of this work. During the observations in 1952 the initial position of the framework net and of the range- line was determined with the purpose of further ob- servations of the horizontal ohifts of structures under pressure load and in connection with possible under- Pcoring in the tailrace and modifications of the op~,~4~unal conditions of the water power development. There are 6 figures and 12 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskoye otdeleniye Gidroenerpoproyekta (Lenin- grad Branch of the Gidroenergoproyekt) Card 3/4 AUTHOR: Ulitin, A. 1. SOV/154-58-4-15/16 11 ~ ~- ~ ~~ ~-" TITLE: Organization of 1~ecords of Bottom Rise o"-:' Excavation Pits in the Narva Water Power Development Dur4ng Construction (Oroanizatsiya nablyudeniy za pod"yemom (Ina kotlovana Narvskoy GES v period stroitelistva) PERIODICAL: Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavodeniy. Geodeziya i aero- fotos"yemka, 1958, Nr 4, PP 143 - 151 (USSR) ABSTRACT- The bottom of the excavation pit of the Narva water power development in designed to lie 7 m above the Cambrium loam stratum. Tho foundation material imm~ djut-ely below the substructure of the power house is composed of alternating serdstone and loam strata. For the record oboervationo ol' bottom rise in Vic excavation pit of the power houo~e 14 depth bench mark- vicre established in three profiles at the pit edges. 12 of these bQnch marks were driven to a point 0,5 m below the Drojected pit bottom markn and two bench marks were located at the Cambrium loam stratum. The power hoose meaoures Card 1/4 42 by 61 r~ and with a depth of 30 - 35 r- As there urose Organization of Records of Bottom Rise of Excavation SOV/,~74-58-4-15/18 Pits in the Narva Water Power Development During Constr--,ction the necessity of placing the bench marks at such a depth a special design of the bench mar's, a method of placing then and a leveling ne-thod was worked out. The results of the record yielded the folloaing con- clusions: 1) the method, the design of the bench marks, of the instruments and devices used in the leveling have proved to be well suited for obtaining the necessary data, which provide the information for a determination of the modifications in the foundation material of the power house after excavation. 2) The procedure of calculating the ciefAlkq, of the poviet, house foundation proved to be i*-cordEc?,:e with the character of thQ depth bench mark movements (the bench marks being placed at different depths). For a further improvement of the records it is demanded: 1) that repeated levelings are to be carried out during excavation work until concrete pouring begins. 2) That the excavation bench marks are to be closely guarded against injurious damage and that they must be attentively watched. 3) In order Card 2/4 to prevent an obliteration of the depth bench marks Organization of Records of Bottom Rise of Excavation SOV/15514-58-4-15/18 Pits in the Harva Water Power Development During Construction excavation work is to be stopped when a Eoil layer of at least 1 m remains above the marks. 4) The grade and the deviation of the drill hole axis of the drill holes into which the excavation bench marks are placed must be measured by special instruments while drilling is in progress. Such equipment includes the inclinometer by Polyakov. 5) Part of the depth bench marks is to be located at places where there is no danger of obliteration and where they can be watched during construction- and post-construction work. 6) The establishment of a elevation and location reference net is a prerequisite of the commencement of the work of placing the depth bench marks. This net must comply with the requirements placed upon water power engineering surveys. There are 9 figures and 3 tables. ASSOCIATION: Leningradskoye otdeleniye Gidroenergoproyekta (Lenin- grad Branch of the Gidroenergoproyekt) Card 3/4 BALIKOV. Tevgeniy Yedorovioh. dotsent; Y(MONIN, Viktor Aleksandrovich, inzh.; QM,OV, Georgiy Yedorovich, dotsent; MmMoVq Turiy Tladialrovich, inzh.; ITANOV, Zoonid Fedorovich, inzho; KOFJM, Glob Sqrgeyevich, inxh. (deceased]; KASIMNIKOV, Anstoliy Steponavich. inzh.; SIROTKIN, Kikhail Pavlovich, dol,,tent*,_VAITPI_AudlqZ_lllich -' URUSOVI % inshey. Nikita Turlyevich, Wh.;.FLOROVSKIT, Turly Serga1mvich,,insh.; INSAM DZHANTAN. Grand Aleksandrovich, insh.; 21GLE'l, Vitaliy Ivanovich, inzh.; VASIL'YEVA, V.I., red.izd-va; ROKANOTA, V.T., (Guidebook on principles of engineering geodesy u:sed in planning and building hydroelectric power stations] Spravochnoo rukovodstvo po inshenerno-goodazichaskim izyakanilam pri proektirovanii i stroi- tel'stva gidroelektrostantsil. Pod obahchei red. X.F.Belikova. Mookwa, Izd-vo goodez.lit-ry, 1960, 447 p. (MIRA 13:11) (E[ydroolectric power stations) (Geodesy) . .- ~ A-~4 , *I . . wTv. ,:A. P. P.RT . lVd. I&nganese Ores. Modernizing the mining system at a manganese mine, Gor. zhur., no. 7, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -19531/-Unel. M. N., Engineer Cand. -Tech. Sci. Dissertation: "Electric Spark Sharpening of Cutters With Hard Alloy Tips and Investigation of their Cutting Properties." 9 May 49 Moscow Order of Lenin Aviation Inst. imeni Sergo Ordjhonikidge SO y a A _ 1kC 4 1 1 AMA MIA-& A A 0 10 It Ir16-11 it 1076' Elettrit-Are SharPeRiNg Rud Finishing Of 11"' as Alloy Cutting Tips. (in Russis .) M. N. jUWU_S1a4i I MOM- 00 mew (hfachine Tools wA Equ4mmut). v. 21, Mi. LOW, P. 3-6. L bes basic characteristics of the above metho& Factor$ z Laffuctwwg raw of product and quality of surface obuizied were invest.1gated. Tochnical-acommic Judexes cow =00 lcctrk~arc grintlins With abrasive pinding on, tabulat". Charted. Advantages art, eMhmf"& ZOO 40 i DO t10: too A MITALLU GX4 LIERATUal CLASIVKAT" IC400 gig" 4 As" 1A 0 U 0 AT. 10 N' 4911 K' #A 4 it : I 4W 0 's V 'S V m5 a G 3 s V 0 0 0 go 00 0 0 e 0 0 4D 40 0 '04,0 * * * 0 0 * 0 0 0 0,00 0 0 0 0 4, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 1 00 0 0 0,0 *,* *,* * * 1P1 ULITIN, M. N. Elektroiskrovaia obrabotka. metal-lov. Stanogramma nauchno-polvliarnoi lektsii, prochitannoi v Moskve. Moskva (Pravda) 1950. 27 (3) p. mus. Bibliography: p. 29. Electric spark techniqua in metal working, DIL: T321).U4 SO: Manufacturing and Yzchanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1953. 1. ULITIN, M.N.; BIPYUFOII, A.A. 2. USSR (6CO) 4. Dies (Metal-Working) 7. Mectric spark method for readying and repairing forging die,.;, M.N. Ulitin, Eng. A. A. Birjukov, Sellkho=mshina no. 5, 1953. 9. Monthly Ll~st 2.f Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, APRTT. -1953, Uncl. ULITIN, M.N., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk, Work practice of the TSITK laboratory of electrical methods for working metals. Sallkhosmashina no-501-32 My 154. MRA 715) (Ketal working machinery) ULITIN MIN. Aundidat takhnichaskikh nauk. Relation betvaen the size of the electrode contact area and the .Productivity of electric spark vorking of metals. 3911khozw- shins, n0.702-3 of cover J1 '54, (WLU 7:7) (Metalwork) ULITIN, M.N., kandidat takhnichaekikh nauk; KURITSTN, I,G. Vibration boring of small-diameter holes. Avt. i trakt.prom. no.l: 36-38 JA 156. WaA 9:6) l.Hookovskiy avtomakhanichaskiy institut i NauchAo-iseledovatellskiy inatitut Traktorosellkhozmash. (Drilling and boring) ULITIN, M.N., kandidat tekhnichaskikh nauk. ;;- Abrasionless sharpening of hard-alloy cutting Instruments. Sel'khor-- mashins, no.10:27-32 0 136. OMSA 9:12) (Cutting tools) (Metalworking machinery) (Metal cutting) 8(0) SOV/112-59-1-1048 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal,, Elektrotekhnika, 19 59, Nr 1, p 139 (USSR) AUTHOR;~_JAAiff,0~~., and Deyev, Ye. A. TITLE: An Electromagnetic -Vibration Machine for Drilling Small Holes PERIODICAL: Traktory i s el'khozma shiny, 1958, Nr 3, pp 4.0-43 ABSTRACT: A machine is described for drilling 0. 2-0. 6-mm holes in metal parts; the machine uses electromagnetic vibration and has an automatic cycle. The machine spindle is driven by a type N-90, 0.2-kw, 18,000 -rpm motor; the feed is driven by a type UMT, 0. 049 -kw, 3, 000 -rpm mo-tor; an electromagnetic spindle vibrator uses 0. 050 kw at 60 v. The vibrator frequency is 100 cps; its amplitude is adjustable within 15-140 microns. Vibrating the spindle improves the drilling conditions and increases the cutting speed several times. Drilling on the new machine is several times cheaper than the previously-used spark puncturing. Drawings, photographs, and an electric diagram of the machine are presented. L. Ya. L. Card I / 1 ULITIN, M.N. kand.tekhn.nauk; DEZZY, Te.A., kand.tekhntnauk """WAW'Ing current -conduct Ing abrasives In grinding hard-alloy parts for automatized plants producing steel-bushed roller chainh. Trakt. I sellkbozmash. no.11:40-45 N !58. WRA ii:n) (Blectric metal cutting) (Grinding and pollabing) "I