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CZECHOSLOVAKIA Cosmochemistry, Geochemistry, Hydro- D chemistry. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khimiya, No 18, 1958, 60520. Author J. Pacovsky, Z. Urbankova-Krausova. Inst Title Research Methods with Practical Application of Hy- drochemistry. Orig Pub: Vodaj 1957, 36, No 11, 301-3o4. Abstract: The hydrochemical methods can give reliable re- sults at the study of discharge and origin of many sources. The data obtained in that way are accur- ate and exhaustive. The expedience and fruitful- ness of the application of hydrochemical research methods is explained with several practical ex- amples. Card 1/1 57 wZ13 XOI-ESIMUq Jauim4 drop URRAASIp Tudsum, pret. dr.j WWAWWMI, A]LmLmWWr, dm dre Im"itu" of OrgamU Cbo"*W, POIASk A"4=W of SCUMMS (ho"" M~" OrS*M"wj PelaMej AkedmU R")t (ter all)* wuvmt Cho" ANUWM me 69 1 mom- a -mobw 1965p pp 1107-1112o Ii of b( wboWlie AMA&* part I* URBANCV, Dimitr, inzh. (Sofiya) Horizontal dimensions of square tanks. Vod. i san. tekh no.9:3/+-35 162. (MIRA 15:12) (Tanks) DAUMI S.; NIKODY140VA, L.; STIKSA, J.; VOKAC, Z.; "VROVA, V.; HlDUSKOI;A, Z.; Technicka spoluprace: MACHANOVA, A.; PLACHA, B,; P~~ANOVA, A. Diffusion capacity of,the lungs and its components in interstitial pulmonary fibrosis in adolescents. Cas. lek. Cesko 104 no.49/50; 1366-1371 10 D 165. 1. Vyzkumny ustav experimentalni terapie v Praze (reditel prof. dr. 0. Smahel, DrSc.) a Ustav vyzkumu. vyvoje ditete v Praze (reditel prof. dr. J. Houstek, DrSc.). -URBOOVA D.; STRWCEK, J.; FFIAQIER, P. Generalized cr:,ptoccccosis. Cass. lek. ceEk. 104 no.IC:271-27-1 12 Kr165. 1. 1. patclogi-cknanatomicky ustav fakulty vseot-ec-neho lekar.-;t,.r,,. Karlovy University v Praze (PT-ednos-ta: prof. dr. P. Bedriir, DrSc); I. inteimi klinika fakiLlty veeobeenelio lekarntvi Karlnw-%, University v Praze (predriosta., prof. dr. V. Hoening, DrSc.) a Hygienickoepide-miclogicka stanice Krajsleho narcdniho v~;b:-)m Stredoceakeho 1.-,raJe (reditelka MUDr. M. Rejskova). NEYBAUFRI E.; KLVANEVAq G.; MAYOR9 I.; URBAHOV, I. Effect of Rauvolfia, preparations on the -fluid metabolism. of the organism in patients with hypertension and mental disorders. Zhmr. nevr.i psikh 60 no.8:1033-1036 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Klinika vnutrennikh bolezney (zav. - dotsent F.Por) i psikhiatriche- skaya klinika (zav. - dotsent Z.Klimo) Meditsinskogo fakullteta imeni, Komenskogo v g. Koshitse. BODY FLUIDS) ' (RAUWOLFIA) MENTAL ILLNESS) (HYPERTENSION) ~ DAUM, S.; NIKOUB,11011A, L.; STIKSA, J.; VOYAC, Z.; "VROVA, V.; HLOUSKOVA, Z. Technical assistance. '14ACHANOVA, A.; I LACHA, B.; URWINNA Y A. Diffusing capacity of the lungs and its components in interstitial pulmonary fibroses during adolescence. Rev. Czech. ned. 11 no.3- 180-189 165. 1. Institute of Postgraduate Medical Training. Chair of Intornal Medicine, Prague (Director: Prof. 0. SmtLhel, M.D., D.Sc.), Research Institute of Expe.1mental Therapy (Director: Prof. 0. Smahol, M.D., D.Scj,and Research institute of Child Development, Prague (Director: Prof. J. Houstek, M.D., 1).Sc.). eZj Pr VA vcl TLr_ 1:0 -, 1".b. 156, ~?4-jli.!.In. M'4$4 !L't. un L. ... ta:_)s. bak". 2. e14r.L3Lrj UttltL= 49 & d~="tl&l U-4- ~-Z4~ :ta~ml uow"Iq '1~ *."& ~Z. rr S'.. lxmt3r L.'haZl= &M' r.keljr bGA.-LV or. Qet4.UL,%.A%!J ~V_t L JL_~s:jv Sv.~J. U rlm I. -=A ;q,-. ally F" . ;"tl_Ar 5,*k.7_A, 30, S, %=~,A In er 3-=oU&, R ~-~m.La P* lCa. '41 Dp:'Ar~_- Ln _~cr Lb., j ~-P&lzch) al, "a, jpr-_j.A.-Uv' ntc- El" aLrec'er alLcA- 17 N- 6, 63"trlc Pz4~, as a :ypc a: "c~c i~iA. & C~itrVnt 4 - to the laelz hvl~cL-1._'Un of "M*r DC ta. sx~~h'. It% ~.5~rcl ~.t LAU- iA -:4 1-1 -_ ~ s ; Lj*. It" ~Wl "ArTa-.~j~j;7rii-Q; -a ' ~A;i i. 01;.*l%' 1c., tor (Orstasta)i ;.- i'v~'Wb 7. -'he Aclatiam a: Nrv4T!A Cut" i %rdl W 5 ~plms~m 7orzattar., An nrs~ ar Litanal t:w- erar.6. ir3f D 3c -ft -4-t4' ~zl I -'N F4-rs* "A L*;Z~~dn* TJ 3-3. Imtor ',,)rauro~ 1-3 IT fmj pp -Sit." __1 -,%. Ca=.e of kimwt ^&LLur. ilvz th. fo!.A:. AZ .41LM", :&,=d xj, ie=_I clirle or -!Let- as (=.'r=_.e:-1 klLftum"' lama:ar of -wiLc.Lu ~,lAkArs" zaicas'), BEDNAR) B.; BRAUN, A.; DOBIAS, J.; JIRASEK, A.; YALUS, M.; PITFIA, J.; STEJSKAL,J.; STL-JSKAWVA, A.; URBANOVA, D. "Internal" precancerosis from the point of view of pathology. Rev. czech. mod. 8 no.3:179-185 162. 1. The Hlava First Pathological Institute, Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague; Director: Vrof. B. Bednar, M.D., D.Sc. (NEOPLASMS) SVODOBA, M.j SOCIRW, J.; UPWOVAp D. Roehtgenological picture of esophageal candidiasis. Cesk- gazt~,mnt. 16 no.1:58-60 J4*162. 1. Untav hematologie'a krevni transfuze v Frazep reditel prof. dr. J. Horejsii DrSc. Hlav-av I. patologickoanatomic!cy ustav falculty vseo-Deeneho lekarstvi Karlovy university v Praze, ~rednosta prof. dr. B. Bednar, DrSc. (MONILIASIS) (ESOPHAGUS) (BONE IMLLIOW DISEASIS) CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Cheraical Suchnology. Pharnaceuticala. H Vitamins. Antibiotics. Abe Jour: Ref Zhur-~Khin-, No 24., 1958) 82719. Author 11rdy 0., Urbanova L. Inst Title The Photometric EOtermination of Pyridoxine in PharmaceutIcal Preparations. Orig Pub! Ceskool. farvac., 1957, 6, No 9, 510-514- Abstract: The method is based on the reaction of pyridoxine (I) with diethyl-p-phenylene-diarLine (11) in the presence of oxidizing agente vith the forrntion. of blue indophenol dyestuff not stable in aqueous solution. The dyestuff is stable in benzene and has X vnximm of 605 "/A. To the solution of I Card 1/3 CZECHOSLOVAKIA/Chemical Technolomr. Pharn ceuticals. H Vitamins. Antibiotics. Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Khim., No 24, 1958, 82719- (10-2DO micrograms) is added the phosphate buffer solution (pH 7), one n]. of 0.1% solution of sulfate Il and 10 ml benzene, one ml of 4 solution of ferricyanide K (III), and the dyestuff obtained is immediately extracted with benzene and the deternina- tion is carried out. The presence of other vitamin B complexes and compounds which are present with I (biotin, methionin, cholin, betain) does not inter- fere with the deternination. Ascorbic acid and salicylic acid and phenol interfere with the deter- mination. Ascorbic acid reduces III and the amount of the latter rmst be accordingly increased. Sali- cylic acid forms a Green dyestuff which is partially soluble in benzene, and salicylic acid must be ex- Card 2/3 25 CZECHOSLOVAM/Cher-Acal Technolo6y. Pharnaceuticals. H Vitamins. I~ntibioiics- Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-nin., No 24, 1958, 82719- tracted, from an acidified solution prior to the reaction. The phenol forns a violet dye which has ~, of 580 milliraicrons. From the measured ox- tinction the extinction must be subtracted which was measured after the benzene solution has been shaken with a 5~ boric acid solution. Thus it is possible to carry out the determination in the pre- sence of a considerable excess or phenol. Card 3/3 HORN, V.; PAPOMSU, F.; URDANOVA.. M.; SZARKA, F. Role of some histochemical methods in bone transplantation. Acta chir. orthop. traum. Cech, 32 no.F:425-428 0 165. 1. Ortopedicka klinika (prednosta prof. dr. M. Janecek, Cl-i.) a 1. patologickoanatomicky ustav (prednosta prof. dr. J. Svejda, DrSc.), lekarske fakulty University J.E. Purkyne v Brne. A W10-VA, 6 L A VO At I-e4 BALIX, Josef. MUDr; URBANOVA. Slavomira, MUDr Serum cholinesterase and its effect on kerotoconjunativitis sleca. Cook* ofth, 10 no.4:249-252 Aug. 54. 1. Z I. ocni kliniky Karlovy university Y Praze. Prodnosta: Doe. Dr B.Dionotbier. (NOWOCONJUNCTIVITIS, blood In, cholinesterase, k*ratoconjunctivitis vice&) (BLOCV9 cholinexterase, in keratoconjunctiTitis vice&) (GROLIMTEWN, In blood, in kerstoconjunativitin sicca) RALIK, Josef, MUDr; URBANOVA, Slavomira, MUDr Glycasmic curve In patients with keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Cook. ofth. 10 no.5021-325 Oct 54. 1. Z 1. ocni kliniky Karlovy university v Praze. ftednosta, doe. Dr. I.Dienstbler (KIRATMNJUMIVITIB &ice&. glucose in) (GlUCOSI T01MRANCI INS?, In various diseases keratocoujimetivitis olece) W"".CERPTA id'.DICA -Sec.l? Vol.9/6 Ophthalmology Jun 55 -939. HAIAK J. and 1;1MA%0VA S. 1. Ozol Klin. Karlov, vm%.. - (;j%- kemicki kuivka7j_11--RT;_11_"Fr- -il! curve in patients with oFTIJAL. 1954, 10/5 ('321-325) Gr;iploq I Tnhiv;, I Glucose examination in 35 patients sulfcrinL, iroin iiiis kiisease wis 1wi-tw-me,i in 17 (48.5%) the course of the curve was normal. 1. 2 paiiwils (5.7,'~) resorplive disturbance caused by pathological gastric infitility Was joull-1. ill 3 (8.6-76) low curve. tive ext:;1311ge kit L1111i'MiC t1ji 4 were registered owing it) defec -1 11 t h(! intestinal wall. In 13 patients (37,.2%) the course of the curve was rem"nid, ent )f tile hepatic curve' and might be a manifestation of lesion in heliatic cells, occirring in some patients suffering from keratoconjunctivitis sicca. .1 ahn - Ili-ague ALIK, Jooef; IMUNOVA, Slavomira Blood levels of esterase & phosphatase in patients with dry keratocon- junctivitis. Sborn. lek. 60 no.9:277-279 Sept 58. 1. 1. ocui klinika fakulty vseobeeneho lekaretvi Karlovy. University v Praze, prednosta. prof. dr. 1. Dieustbier. J. B. 1. ocni klinika, U nemoonice 2, Praha 2. (KMTOCOWUNCTIVITIS, blood in esterase & phosphatase levels (Cs)) (ESTARA536, in blood in keratoconjunativitis (Oz)) (PHOSPHATASBS, in blood same) BALIK, J. ; URBANOVA , S. Secretion of chloride ions in tears after loading. Sborn. lek. 60 no.11: 327-331 Nov 58. 1. 1. ocni klinika fakulty vaeobecneho lekaretvi Xarlovy university Y Praze, prednosta prof. Dr. 36 Dienetbier. Dr. J. B. 1. ocni klinika, U nemocnioe 2, Praha 2. (IAGRIML APPARATM, phys io 1. chloride ion secretion in tears after pbysiol. saline solution loading 00) (SODIUM CHWHIIM, metab, same) BALIK, J.; PAVIOVA, Influence of nicotine on secretion of tears in smokers. Gas. lek. cork. 97 no.50s1553-1555 12 Dee 58. L I. ocni kliniks. Karlovy university v Praze, prednosta prof. dr, 1. Dienstbier. J. B., Praba 2, U nemocnice 2. (IACRIML APPARATUS, off. of dragw on nicotine on lac---imation in smokers (Ca)) (SMOKING, off. on lacrimation NO) (NICOTWI, eff. same) BALIK, I.; URMHOVA, S. Xxcretion & dilution of sulfonamides by tears. J. EVg. lpidem., Praha 3 no.2:24&-232 1959 1. 1. acni klinika fakulty vaeobeeneho lakarstvi University Karlovy V Praze. prednosta prof. MUDr. X. Diensthier. (SULVOUNIM, pharmecol) (IAGRIWAL APPARATUS, phys iol) YE7MINOV, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk, rukovoditell raboty; ALFEROVA, N.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; GOLIDENFON, A.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; ZINCHENKO, V.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; KORCHAGIN, M.I., kand.tekhn.nauk; PANOV, V.A., kand.tekhn.nauk; URBANOqCH,.A.K., kand.tekhn.nauk; F01-1EINKO, Yu.I., 'F.V., kand.tekhn.nauk; LISIN, V.N., inzh.; kand.tekhn.nauk, OVSKRI LYUTOV, I.L., inzh.; NEYELOV, AA, inzh.; STRUMPE, P.I., kand.tekhn. nauk,; DRANITSYN, S.N., kand.tekhn.nauk,; GOROBFTS, V.A., kand.voyen.-morskikh nauk, red.; MAKSIMADZHI, A.I., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; ROZHDESTVEENSKIY, N.A., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SYROMYATNIKOV, V.F., kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; LFBEDEVA, N.S., red.; STULICHIKOVA, N.P., [Methods of testing the thermodynamic efficiency of marine diesel engine power plants] Metodika teploteklinicheskikh ispytanii dizellnykh sudovykh ustanovok. Leningrad, 1962. 165 p. (Leningrad. TSentraltnyi nauchno-issledovatellskii institut morskogo flota. Informatsionnyi sbornik, no.83/84. Tekhnicheskaia ekspluatatsiia, no.J-8/19). (MIRA 16:10) 1. Nacballnik otdola tekhnicheskoy ekspluatatsii sudovykh silovykb ustanovok TSentrallnogo nauchno-issledovatelisko:,o instituta morskogo I flota (for Yevreinov). 2. TSentrallnyy nauchno-issledovatel'skiy institut morskogo flota Pferova, Golldenfon, Zinchenko, Korchagin, Panov, Urbanovich, Fomenko, Yakovskiy, Lisin, Ly-utov, Neyelov). t t /%i~ 6 /~ // o UMANOVICH, B, - Tenth anniversary. Bell. stroi. 12 no.10:20 0 157. (mm 10:11) 1. Direktor Pokovskoy shkoly stroitellnykh meteroy (doeyatnikov). (Building trades--Study and teaching) UXBMTICH, B.; NIMIT. A. Training young apecialists. Sell.strol. 15 no-7:28 ii '60. (MIRA 1318) 1. Direktor Tambovskoy shkDly stroiteltrqkh masterov. (Building trsdes--Stud~r and teaching) URBAROVICHR B. -SimpWied cattle yard. Sellostroi. 15 no.4t26 Ap ,60. (MM 16:1) 1. Direktor Tambovskoy shkoly stroitelInykh mast"T. (Bams) URBANGVICH, Making the UPN-6-63 unit for powdqr spraying of low-aeltirig materials, B',.u' tekh,,Inform* 18 no#5:42-44 My 165., (MIRA 186) 3 2 3Z/5-80/6 II /DD0/0X/00 2/C -.- 6 A057/AI26 AUTHORS: Yerofeyev, B.V., Chirko, A.I., Urbanovich, I.I. TITIE: Products and kinetics of autoxidation of phenylcyclopentane SOURCE: Yerofeyev, B.V. and I.G. Tishchenko, eds. Zhidkofaznoye okisleniye nepredel'nykh organicheskikh scyedineniy, Minsk, 1961, 15 - 27 &P, I TZAT: The products and kinetics of the autoxidation of phenylcyclopentane were investigated, and for the first tine the primary product of autoxidation -1-hydroperoxide-l-phenylcyclopentane- was separated and specified. Kinetics were studied in the presence of 11 different admixtures. The present investigation was of interest in connection with analogous studies on phenyleyelohexane to de- termine the effect of its structure on the rate of autoxidation. The physico- -chemical characteristics of the phenyleyclopentane used were compared with corres- ponding data published by S.S. Nam6tkin, N.D. Zelinskiy, and Yaj. Denisenko. Repeated distillation showed that an increased purity raises the autoxidation rate of phenyleyelopentane. The effect of the different admixtures was determined by the quantity of oxygen absorbed and the percentage of hydroperoxide formation. The highest activity wasshown by manganese and cobalt butyrate and acetate, and Card 1/2 Products and kinetics ..... also cobalt acetate and lead dioxide. The latter as initiator in comparison with the other active of the hydroperoxide was accumulated in the produ.,ts ence of lead dioxide and, on the other hand, the rate on the concentration of the initiator showed oxide than for cobalt stearate. At higher concen;rations ty can be observed, indicating different from the dioxide does not participate in processes of chaii o~,servation was made in studying the effect of ph.-nylcyclopentane or; the autoxidation rate, which can be expressed idation per I liter solution). The relatively dgi plained by the present authors with complex formaion oxidized hydrocarbon, according to earlier investLgations. Vm a Eul S/.5&--/6 I/DOO/OCO/00 210 106 A057/AI26 showed a considerable difference idmixtures, i.e., a greater amount of autoxidation in the pres- lependence of the autoxidation another character for lead dj'_ of lead dioxide linearli- other initiators, that lead rupture. Another important concentration )y Vm =- KC3.5 (V,,, = rate of a"Itox- order of kinetics (3-5) is ex- of the initiator and the The equation - 'j Luj (VM = rate of autoxidation, a and b = constants, Cu3= concentration of the initia- tor), which was stated in earlier studies for other hydrocarbons, is valuable alsb- for the autoxidation of phenylcyclopentane in the presence of cobalt stearate as initiator. 7he activation energy for the present autoxidation was found to be 16,000 cal/mole. There are 6 figures and 5 tables. Card 2/2 URBANOVICH PROKOPOVICH, N.H. Effect of hyaluronidase on the anesthetizing function of na7ocaine. .Plement 157:95 (MIRA 11:3) Vrach.delo sup 1. Kafedra torapeittichaskoy stomntologii (zav.-prof. I.O.Novik) i kAfedra farmakologii (sav.-chlen korr. AMI SSSR, prof. A.I. Charkes) Kiyevnkogo meditsinskogo instituta. (HYALURONIDASE) (NOVOCAINE) *Am URHANOVICH. L. I. Anesthetic action of novocalne and hyaluronidame during a single treatment of inflammation of dental pulp. Trach.delo no.8:877 AS '5?. WEA 10:8) 1e Kafedra terapevticheskoy stomatologit, (zav. - prof. I-C~-Iovik) Kiyevskogo neditstaskogo institute (NOVOCAIII) (HYAWRONIDASIS) (TSM--DISEASIS) UFMMVICH L.I. assistett (11yev); DMIN, T.I., lmud.biol.nauk (KLyev) Charater of the proteins of the saliva of patients with par&- dentosts. PrIobl.stom. 4:151-155 158. (MIR& 13:6) (GUXS--DLcBUSW) (PRMIIM) MANOVICH, L.I. ...-~~Hynluronic naid content of dentpl pulp; preliminqry report;,"' Stmnto- loglia 37 no.2:8-9 Mr-Ap 158. immi,11:5) 1. Is k^fedry terapevticheakoy stomptologii (zsv.-nrof. 1.0. Novik) Kiyevskogo goaudArstvennogo meditainakogo instituta (dir.-prof. Y9.7 Shnmrny) (HYAWRONIC ACID) (TIMTH) URRANOVICH, L. I., Cand Med Sci (diss) -- "The treatment of pulpitis in one acesion". Kiev, 1960. 16 pp (Kiev Order of Iabor Red Banner Med Inst im Acad A. A. Bogomolets), 283 coPies (KL, No Up 1960, 138) IJRBkNaVIUH, L.I. Effect of diathermocoagulation on dental pulp. Probl. stom. 5: 163~;168 160. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kiyovskiy meditsinskiy institut.. (MXMRQSUW".Y) (TEETH--DISFASES) URBANDVICH, L.1.1 BOBAIK, 1-1- the action of structural changes in the infra-alVeOlar Wive unda-' novocaine with hyaluronidase. Probl. stom. 5:3?6-382 16o. WiiA 15:2) 1. Kiyevok:Ly meditsinskiy ins itut. (NOVOCAINE) 1HYALUF10NIDASE) (Nj;"Vj:Z, DaITAL) UlW10VIC11-1 L.I. Treatment of pulpitia under local novocaine anasthesia with hyaluronidase in a single unit. Stomatologiia 40 no./+:7-9 JI-Ag 161. Ofiju 14311) 1. Iz kafedry terapovtichoskoy stozatologii, (zav. - prof. X.O.Novik) Kiyevskogo meditsinskogo instituta. (dir. - dotso~t V.D.Bratus'). (TEETH-DISEASES) (LOCAL ANESTHESIA) (HYALUAMIDASE) NOVIK, 1.0. (Xiyev); SMOLYABOVA, R.I. [deceased] (Kiley); UgWOVICHL_L,I. (KiM); SHCHVMNA, L.G. (Kiyov) fliatologic picture of the paradentium in paradentosis in animals. Problotom. 6tll-24 162. (MIM 16:3) (GUMS-DISMES) (VETMNARY PATHOLOGY) URBANOVICH, L.I. (Kiyev) late remats of the txeatment of pulpitis In a single visit. Probl.stom. 6t173-179 262. (MMA 160) (TERTB-DISMES) (DENTISTRY., OPERATIVS) YAVORSKAYA, Yelena Stani r3lavovna; jjtBl&~ IQIJ.,, Lyudmi - la lyanoVna; DANILEVSKIY, N.F., red. (Pulpitis] Pullpity. Kiev, Woroviia, 1964. 231 P. (MIRA 17:12) URBAl.,'OVIC4.L.L.--.(Yosk-va - A-83, Petnyvsko-Razumovakaya alleya, d. 26/28,, korp. V.,, kv. 2,7) Complications durIng the surgl-,~al treatment of tetralogy of Fallot with by-pase anaetomoai-~?. Ccud. khIr. 5 no.6215-19 N-D'63 (MIRA l7s2) 1. Iz kliniki fakulltetskoy khivurgli (direktor- akademik A.N. Bakulev) lechelrogs fakullteta Il Moskovskago meditsinsko- go instituta imeni N.T.Pirogova. UP91i"ToVir'lly L.L alleye, d.26/ lyr.,ravdiatv c: , :,--ti.-az;!v- -)--~phc In thr! ',rnatrent of Fallot I r, e v V st. r. Q2 no.2:2',l-l'l j, 164, 17, 1. Iz fallilltat'skoy Mlivu r,,,, sko%r 44-li(lomik k.'I. Bakulev) lochebnorc, i'~ikulltot, M(~nknvokogn mfl!~t- qins~.ogo imnW (i,0;.svnt M.G. ro (,kirw) ZAK, R.L.; URW.N(YVICH# L.M. Labor after heart surgery. AkuBb. i gin. 36 no*2:U5-117 142%4p 1606 (MRA 13:12) (MITRAL VALM-SURGERY) (IABOR, COWLICATED) URBANOVICH) M.P.0 vrach `- -V.-- -~-- I=ediate results of bicillin proph7laxis iq rhe-matic fee7er. Zdrav. Bel. 9 no.2., 60-61 F'63. (MIRA 16-7) 1. Glavnyy vrach mediko-sanitarnoy chasti Minskogo traktornogo zavoda K.A.Antipova. (BICILLIN) (RHEUMATIC EVER) UnANOVICti, P. P. TYRBANOVICH, P. P. -- "Changes in the Intramural Ganglia of the Stomach and Intestinal Tract in Infectious Encephalo.Velitis of Hor3e.11 Llvov Zooveterinary Inst, L'vov, 1956. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Veterinarj Sciences). SO: Knizhnay2 Letopis'., No 2., 1956 USSR/Dis,_,ases of Ank ii:! js . Disoaso-s Caused R-1- by Virusew ano Mc'-_ttsiac. Abs Jour : Rof 7 'j,"o 207 1950' 1 92635 Author : Urbanovich, P. F. Lnst Title :4 The Changes 4n 'h,- Intramural Ganglions of th,; Stomach calld tile Intostino in th~'_~ Prosence, of lnf.,,~ctiouS Equine Enc,:~phaio- myelitis. - U .1. :).rlp Pub Arkh1v patologii, 1957., 19, 'To 119 54-62 fi.bsi'L' Whac. cyaminin,", tfl,~ rorgans of the, careasswo, o f 27 horses vi_*Uch porish--A from infuctjous onc,~phUomyolituisj chang('-j cons -1;;3.nt'l.y da~,,~cLod in th-,., uxtramur~,,! ganglions, j.,Tcra- muilal storaach plexus and the large colon, in -/3 USSR/Discasos of Farm Animals. Di~;oasos Caused R-1 by Virusfs am-f Ili-, ll~,,.;tt s i-ac. Abs Jour : Ruf Zhur-Biol.9 No 20, 195u'-$ 92685 formation and dovuIopmont,, Bibliography 17 S 7 lu-Itlus. -- A. D. !~.usin C,- L r cl 0 3/3 GORPENYUK, 11. A.; KOZLOV, S. B.; R~ ~ANOVICH_,_Aj. YM electrodes for the hard facing of cutting toolis by the submerged are method. Avtom. svar. 15 no.11:66-70 N 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Kiyevskiy orasna lenina, politelamicheskiy institut, (for Gorpenyuk). 2 Ki vski instrumentallno-mekhanicheakiy zavod (for Kozlov, irbaynevivhL~. (H&rd facing) (Electrodes) CHIRIGUTSA, It.; TT~N(FI~tj. Utilization of the duodenum for restoring the continuity of the gastrointestinal tract after gastrectomy. Khirurgiia 35 no,83 43-48 Ag 1599 (DUODENUM.-SUROFM) (MIRA 3J:12) ACC NR, AT6034609 CODEt UR/jl48/66/000/008/0031/0051 AUTnon; Arraymovich, 'E. D.1 Bazarzhapov, A. D.; 141shin, V. M.; Namtoova, E. I.; Dzipov, -H. X.; Platonov, M. L.; yrbanovich, V. D. OROi none TITLE: Mean Sq-flelds according to data for September 1958 SOURCEi AN SSSR. Mozhduvedomstvannyy geofizicheakiy komitet. III razdcl programmy MGG (Geomagnetizm i zemnyyc toki). Sbornik atatcy, no. 8, 1969. Geomagnitnyye iscledovaniya (0comagnetic research), 31-51 TOPIC TAGS: geoinaGnetic XiC40 . algorithm, spheric harmonic, geomagnotio coordinate, geographic coordinate, electroconductivity A13STRACT: The nature of the gcomagnetic Sq-variation3 is unknown. .Previous investigations made by the same authors are continued here using the same methods as before. A comparison was made between various groupings of stations and the systems of coordinates used for studying the magnetic variations during a quiet sun. The algorithm B used in earlier publications was insufficient for the solution of the problem of Sq variations. The algorithm A wan introduced which is analogous to that of Gausa and Shuster. The S -field was assumed to be equal to the magnetic field potentLal, and Ka componenta were -Card 1/2 _, ACC MR, AT60346og expressed by sums of spherical harmonies from which the coefficients of expansion were determined. Computations of coefficients were made from various combinations or stations according to longitudinal zonco and global distribution. Numerical values were given in tables. Analysis of variations of the amplitude c, of the computed first harmonic of the Sq-field and those of the observed field showed that errors obtained using geographic and geomagnetic coordinates differed very little. Approximate values of Sq-variations obtained using spherical functions expressed by goomagnetic coordinates of southern and low-latitude stations were nearer the obnerved values. The name effect wan.obtained for stations of northern middle latitudes using spherical functions expressed by geographical coordinates. A combina- tion of stations by longitudinal zones yields better agreement between computed and observed values of S -variations. Different 3 field values in longitudinal zones Indigate that the electrical cgh-ductivity-. of zones is different. Maps of current whirls are given for both hemispheres. Orig. art. has: 10 figures, 10 tables,,and 11 formulass' SUB CODEs 08/ SUBM DATEs nonel ORXG REP3 005/ OTH WWj 006 ACC NR, AT6034613. 80-URCE" CODE: UR/31118/66/066/608/0689/0093 AUTHOR: Urbanovich, V, D., Wi ---- OR(;: none TITLE: A comparison o, f coefficients of harmonic analysis of diurnal variations of K-indices and equivalent amplitudes SOURCEs AN SSSR, Mezhduvedamstvannyy goorizicheakiy komitet. III razdel programmy MOO (Geomagnetizm i zemnyye tolcl). Sbornik statey, no. 8. 1966. Oeomagnitnyye issledovanlya (Geomagnetic research), 89-93 1 TOPIC TAGS: equivalent amplitudep geoninglietic disturbance, aftgne�=A:P- - t .. 4 4-- .. w_-_ %~- --'deoep- Fourier analysis, geomagnetic latitude, harmonic. analysis , geomignetic index ABSTRACT: The equivalent amplitude or the 3pread or the magnetic disturbances over three hours is the main parameter characterizing the disturbance of the geomagnetic field. The connection between K-indices and the equivalent amplitudes may be determined from coefficients or the Fourier analysis, Formulas for X-indices and equivalent amplitudes are given. The first and second harmonies of the expansion are computed for various geomagnetic.latitudeg, and numerical values are given in _qa.r,d-'- 142 - ---. ACC NR, AT6034613 tables. The coupling between indices and amplitudes is given by the formula K - y(l) + yo In R where K is the magnetic Index, y(#) Is a function depending upon the geomagnetic latitudes,and R is the equiva- lent amplitude. This formula can be solved in the form R = K - y(f) Y 0 Phases of harmonies in both expansions coincided. The author expresses his thanks to V, M. Mishin for supervising the work and A, D, . Bazarzhapov, Es N, Nemtsova, and Oe As Troshichev for the permission to use their findings* Orig. art6 hast 3 tables, 4 figures, and 15 ;uvwulaa s SUB CODE: OB/ SUBM DATE: none/ OHIO REVI M/ OTH REF: 001 ACC 1 -4-8/606-006 0-054 0 0 /0101 AUTHOR: Miahing V. M,; Troshichevp 0, A*; Urbanovich, V, D, OROi none TITLEt Distribution of magnetic activity at high latitudes SOURCS: AN SSSR, Mezhduvedomstvannyy goofizicheakiy komitet. III razdal programmy MOO (Ooomagnetizm i zemnyye toki). 'Sbornik atatey no, 8. 1969. 0oomagnitnyye ioaledovanlya (Geomagnetic research), 94-10: TOPIC TAGS:9evmagnetic disturbance, magnetic activity, equivalent amplitude.'local time component, universal time awmpunmEm ABSTRACT: Magnetic disturbances change sharply and reach maxima in high latitudes. Initial data concerned with the equivalent amplitude and parameters of the local time component of the diurnal rate of magnetic activity have been taken from tables of earlier publications of the same authors* These data are taken from 23 stations of the Northern Hemisphere and 14 stations of the Southern Hemisphere. Mag- netic activity was recorded during the IOY on quiet and disturbed days* The mean diurnal disturbances for each station were computed for local summer, winter, and the equinoxes. When the latitudinal distribution of the universal-time component is.known, the mean value of the ccwd 1/ AT6034614 Summer 6.4 Fige i. Positions of latitude zones with maximum agnetic activity to 1954-1959, , quiet dayel b)- disturbed days, 7 Winter V-%NU 'FIt N lzh Card HqIIinox "MI - AT0U_jqb14 equivalent amplitude-can be computed using appropriate formulas. The maximum of the mean diurnal activity on disturbed days In summer occurs between the 63rd and 65th and near the 78th parallels. During winter and-the equinoxes the maximum appears in the lower latitudes. No maximum appears at the 78th parallel, This distribution holds for the local-time component, The distribution of the maxima is shown In Fig. 1, On disturbed days the maximum activity in the first zone occurs at every hour of the day and night regardless of the season. In the second zone a sharp maximum appears in summer during daylight hours and a weak one in winter and the equinoxes. Both zones are divided by a wide zone of low activity. On quiet days in summer, the maximum activity is predominant in the second zone, Activity zones can be characterized in two ways: maxima distributed by latitude and by the diurnal rate of activity. The first results in annular zones and the second In spirals* Orlgo art., has: 4 f1gureso I table, and romulas SUB CODEs 08/ SUBM DATE: none/ ORIG REP: 0121 OTH Ws 002 -- - -- --- I UPBANOWCE, Using cards with perfursted horders in the Central Office of the Techn-ical Information &nd in enterprises of the Oka Economic Region. NTI no.6318-19 165. (MIRA 1839) IMMOVICH, Yu., general brigady We inculcate the battle traditions of the glorious Polish Army into our servicemen. Xomn.Vooruzh.Sil 2 no.8:75-79 Ap '62. (MIRA 15:3) 1. Zamestitel' nachallnika Glavnogo politicheskogo upravleniya Voyska Pollskogo. (Poland--Army--Political activity) URBANOVICIUS, K.1 red. ---- - of the Lithuanian S.S.R.) (schools of higher education Lietuvos TSR aukatosios mokyklos. Kaunas, Leidykla "Sviesa." 1964. 129 P* (In Lithuanian] (MIRA 17:7) 1. Lithuanian S.SoRs Valstybinis aukOtOJO ir Bpecialiojo vidurinio mokolo komitetao. VEYKIIEH, A.A.; KULTYSHEN, N.P.; KURBAKO, Yc.P.; KUTKITI, S.F.; IZVITSKAYA, D.N.; FARKOVA, T.S.; TROITSKAYA, N.I.; UABOOVSKAYA..M.A.; KHAUSTOV, I.V.; LIO=--IIKIY, S.Ya.; G.F., red.izd-va; GUROVA, O.A., tekhn. red. (Prospocting methods and the evaluation of moldinp materials] Metodika razvedki i otsenki mostorozhdenii formovocbmVkh ma- terialov; sbornik materialov. Moskva, Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1~~63. 195 P. (MIRA 17:3) URBANOVSKI. A. ,~"Yugoqlavia (430) Agriculture-Plant and Animal Industry The rotary slide rule in forestry. p. 263- SURARSKI LIST. Vol- 75, No. 7, July 1951- ftst Wolpean Accessions List. Library of Congress. Vol. 2, no. 3, March 1953- UNCLASSIYIED V Jid I !~ro.7ucti--n and C-onz---- -r- 'un 297 ,71i~ oalyP u "U',0Ljhvi a Vol - 77, no SO: Monthly Li.-;&, ,.)f East -','urorcan Accescions, LC, Vol. 3, no. URRANOWA, Alicja A case of congenital syphilis in one of the twins. Przegl.derm. Warsz. 47 no.2:107-110 Mr-Ap 160. 1. Z Oddzialu Dzieciecego Skorno-Wenerycznego Szpitala Miejokiego Nr 2 w WarazAvie. Ordynator: prof.dr B. Michalowski. (STPHILIS CORGENITAL case reports) UBBAIMDWICZ. Ireliks Surgical treatment of coronary diseases. Wisdomoscl lek. 8 no.6: 268-271 Ji, 155. (COINOXAM DISIAS11, surgery) Pl4,tklew4-z A., RLb_aAaw1(:x, Vertical Liftinc DMees. (Electric Elevators). ,Elcktryczne wydjgj arAonow!". Wir%zawa, 1954, Pwr, too, 3~,u pp., 270 figs, b7 tabs. Deals wilit comiructiou, dosign, and operitim of goods elevators jand gooda and pagsenger lifts, wIth the exceptinn of elevators wed In Mfnea 'and those for npecM purpo-;er. The tnechanical component parls of an elevator el"trical equipment and the wot typleni schemes of cfr~tflcal control tire deicribed, Finally, an example Is given of mAing Ittmlpletc and drivilng.4 for eveding an elevaW, 07 URBANMCZj Hsi GOUTOWTp We Reactive power of rectifier units and its compensation. P. 405. PRZEGLAD EL9KTRDTECHN3rZ=. (Stowarzyszenie Elektrykow Polskich) Warszawa, Poland, Vol. 35s no. lot Oct. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LCy Vol. 9p noo 1, Jane 1960e Uncle, GRABECKI, Jerzy; InIPANOWICZ, Henryk Remrks on method of blood preservation. Polski typod. lek. 13 no-33: 1293,1294 18 Aug 58. 1. (Z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej Slaskiej Alcadenii, Medycznej w Zabrzu-Rokitnicy, kierownik; doc. dr Stanislaw Jozkiewicz). Zabrze 8 - Rokitnicap ul. K. Markes 19. (BWOD, PMMVU preserv. method (Pbl)) GRABECKI, Jers ---URRAXQKIq Y; _~I_Henrft Normal values of certain mineral components and alkaline phosphatase in the blood serum of guinea pigs. Pat.polska 11 no-3:245-248 160. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologicznej Sl. AM, Kierownik: Doc.&r SJozkievicz. (PHOSPHATASES blood) (MIhERALS blood) GRABWKI, Terzy; JOWKIEVICZ, Stanislaw; URBANOVICZ, Henryk Behavior of sodium potassium total calcium, inoreanic phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase In guinea pig sertzm under the Influence of ultrasonic fields. let& physiol.polon. 12 no.1:145-152 J&-Y 160. 1. Z Zakladu Chemil Pizjologicznej Slaskiej A.M. w Zabrzu-Rokitnicy Kierownik: doc.dr S. Jozkiewicz. (SCDIUM blood) (POTASSIUM blood) (CAWIUK blood) (PECISPECRUS blood) (PHCBPHATASES blood) (ULTRASCNIGS) r-..-L--654-64-- ACCESSION NRt AT3007676 P/2518/61/008/003/0183/0188 AUTHORt Grabacki, Jerzy; Jozkiewicz, Stanislaw; Urbanowicz, Henryki TITLEt Effect of an ultrasonic field on some mineral constituents in serum of guinea pigs SOURCE; Poznanskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciol Nauk. Komisja matematycznp.- przyrodnicza, Prace, v. 8, no, 3, 1961. Postepy akustyki, v. 3, 183-188 TOPIC TACS: ultrasonic field, ultrasonic,, biological effect, ultra sonic blood serum effect, serum sodium content, serum potassium content. phosphoroub level ABSTRAM Cuines. pigs were exposed to an ultrasonic field set up by a piezoelectric generator with a frequency of 1000 kc for 5 min per them for seven consecutive days. Blood samples were taken from the exposed animals 24 hr after the last exposure and anslyzedl for sodium, potassium, and inorganic phosphorous levels in the blood serum* No significant changes were found in the experimental an1ma 1s 'Card 1/2 L 6-54,64 ACCESSION NR: AT3007676 as compared to the controls. Orig. art. hasj 4 tables. ASSOCIATION: Zaklad Chenii Fizjologicznej, Slaskiej Akademli Medycznej im. L. Warynskiego (Institute of Physiological Chemistry,, Silesian Medical Academy La. L. Warynski) SUBMITTEDI 00 DATE ACQ: 22Jul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODES AM NO REP SOV: 000 OTHERt 017 Card 2/2- 0., . 45~ " ~ c 'Y 6: , -, 4 ( IVO DSWMMWM d "Imods impsoilims Is misir. I,_ 4] &t1sl_ _Myilcs lRotm. Chm., 1047. IL SO-W).-Standard KWaO, ox t a ploceduro is neA spl4kable to w4twr contAinIng brasi-Ac &CiAl (not UjIldlord), and jov" frotille varying from All lo 110% of thbry with glucqw' Mallow, and phel". KIOs-II,SO, onkfallcm glvrs th"Welical mults 14W tht4w sulftlerwes. It Tol'scoll URHANOVICH) Yuz(,f [Urbanoviozp Jilzedt general diviaii Comrades in arms. Kc=o Vooruzh S11 46 no,8:70-72 Ap 165. (MIRA 18z6)' 3. Naohollnik Mavnogo politichaskogo upravlpniya Voyake Pollskogoo ---, "It- wl~~".--- URBAIIOWICZ, Krystyna _ Replacement of the pharyngeal teeth in the Laucaspius delineatus (Heckel). Nauki matem przyrod Lodz no.7:55-67 160, 1. Katedra Zoologii Systematycznej, Uniwersytet, Lodz. GRABECKI, Jerzy; OTRZONSLI, Norbert; URBAJIOWICZ,-Hanr7k.. , ...I Normal values of the excretion of delta-toinolevulinic acid, porphobilinogen and coproporphyrin in the urine of guinea pigs. Pat. Pol. 16 no.1:21-23 Ja-M-965- 1. Z Pracowni Toksykologicznej Instytutu. Medye-yny Pracy v Przemysle Weglowym i Hutniczym w Zabrzu. (Kierounik Pracowtil doc..dr. mod. K. Spett). URBANOWICZ, M.; BERNAT, R.; HRYNIEWIECK1, L. Effect of antibiotics on morDbological and chemical-pictures of the organism. I. Change of certain chemical components of the blood in rabbits under the inefluence of oxyterracin. Acta physiol. polon. 11 no-5/6:9C8 160. 1. Z Zakladu Chemii Fizjologiczney A.M. w Poznaniu, Kierownik: Drof.dr Z.Stolzmann. Z Zakladu Fizjoilogii A.M. w Poznnniu. Kierownik: prof.dr E.Czarnecki. (OXYTETRACYCLINE -oharmacol) (BU)DD pharmacol) MAMSKA, Janina; URBMI.OWICZ, Scholastyka Amperometric determination of acr7lonitrile in the cou:rse of poly- merization. Chem anal 6 no.5:841-844 161. 1. Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers, Lodz, URBANOWICZ, Scholastyka I A modified methcraz0f N,N I -dim thy1formamide in solutions and fibers. Chem anal 6 no,5:855-858 161. 1. Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers, Lodz. 8/061 62/000/014/008/039 YBB 144 AUTROR: Urbanowicz, Scholastyka TITLE: Titrimetric determinati6n of carboxyl groups in modified acrylonitrile polymers and copolymers FTODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal Khimiya, no. 14, 1962, 151, abstract 10166 (Chem. analit: (Polska)t V. 6, no- 4, 1961, 575-578) TEt: The quantity of COOH groups contained in modified acrylonitrile pol mere, in copolymers of acrylic acid and acrylonitrile, and in poly- acrylic acid can be determined by direct titration with an alkaline solu- tion. Samples of 0-35-0-40 g are dissolved in 50 al Of water or dimethyl formamide, or else in a mixture of these solvents- 5 ml of the solution are diluted to 50 ml with the appropriate solvent, 0-5-1-0 9 of NaCl is a4ded and titration is carried out with an 0-05 N solution of KOH in the p esence of phenol red. LAbstracter's note: Complete translation.] Ca'prd I /I MAJEWSKA, Janina; URBANOWICZ, Scholastyka Micromethod of determining the melting point of monomers and polymers. Polimery tworz wielk 9 no. 1:18-19 Ja 164,. 1. Institute of Artificial and Synthetic Fibers, Lodz. -of 82) 123 : 7 01 ULbj~Sv~xz XV,_A nulde to Modern Anihetirs of Ship D"ims. -. ..w;,;x*j,.rsne %'Y'.7czne extetyki okrCtu". Techniks Moria I Wy~ brregt. No. 6-7. 1950, PP. 173-138.15 fiZ3, TM tiftlf- Wl*h 14 An AttlamPt to ftWM%SrW and avgmgm, Modern ideas and difecUTts as to ifs Aesthetics of Whip design, contains numerous recommendations for "going the general forms Of merchant ships and of Individual Items of such ships. After.ols- eussing the Importance of this problem in general the author wM.% lyses the problem of the aesthetic ouUtnes of ships wW of the maW elements, such as superstructure. funnel. muU, deck, ett., summing up the. constcletations in a number of recommendatioruk supported by examples of various contemporary and up-to-the-minuto solutions of the problems Involved. The author's views are presented In a manner which e2n constitute the basis for fteussion. torbi~nowlg W. Xavsl Arthid"ture. ..Architekturs, okrt#ADwv, TPchnilts Morza I Wvhnefa. No. 3. lost, pp. a--$5. VIscusalcon of trends of development and the linportaut of Ott- new diticipItne In shipbuilding practice - naval architecture. The anicle quotes salient features of architectonic problems occurring In the course of clesigning ships and desk with the extent to which naval arrhitrets should participate In solving them LMANOWICZ, W. (HORYONTY MUM, Vol. 6. No. 9, Sept. 1953, Warszawa, Poland) *The canoe and the PieniDy shallop.0 P. 399 SO: MONTHLY LIST OF FAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS, L.C., Vol. 3. No. 4, APRIL 1954 Ile I L) ~,v - Urbanowl,cs W. Concerning a New Parent Shia for Deep fiel FlOditir. .0 nowy tt,,!k-bzzq d). ryb.16wstwa morsklego", Tecbf *A-a I fics- poddrka Morska. No. 4. 1035, pp. 92-03, 3 figs. Emphasis Is here laid on the necessity to modernize We fishir-9 11-c'-t la accordance with adranced method.; of dccp~sczk fishing expeditiony'. Parent shJp vAll became principal clement-i of thc lishingo flect, fhe %uthor discu-.,i" the function at p;krent 6hips, organization of wvu!: OP these slilps, and gim the results of an introductory ntud7 caricei,1111l, the new parent ships. Locaffitig dimen:4oos: length hctween 13CUP0111)(11- jars - 124.0 Fn.; breadth - 17.5 rn: ilde height - 11.4 m.; draught when loaded - 71 M,; deadweight c3p~clty 6M tons; Engine OP30ty 40W Lh.p., speed - 13 knots; crew - W. (To he ca,itd.) !,!ar recollcctions from Chinao P7%77,-':T-1,D LOVIC2Y. ,Ioisl, Lotnicznych) .-Jarozara, .'C) (I)ov!o, Vol. 123 r1o, 1) Jan. IQ59- aecm Acc,,--suonS ;:onthly list of Zast :";"r0- Uyl c . URBAN GCZ 4 Witold, _doc mgr inz Cooperation of scientists and shipowners in the field of new conceptions of ships, considering the activities of the Maritime Institute. Tech gosp morska 10 no.9:265-267 S 160. (EEAI 10:3) 1. Maritime Institute, Vice-director (Poland--Merchant marine) (Poland--Ships) URBANOWICZ,Jjjt-Qjd,-doc., mgr., inz. (Gdansk) *Canberra*, the unusual passenger liner. Bud okretowe Warozava 6 no.9:270-272 161. (Austra3ta-0cean liners) URWOWICZ, Witold, doo., mgr., inz. Marginal notes on plans for a now coastal passenger ship: a discussion. Tech go6p morska 11 no.61169-173 161. 1, Insty-tut Morski, Gdansk. URBANOWICZ, W., doe. mgr inz. New Soviet paseenger ahips. Teah goap morska 12 no.7/8t240-241 Jl-Ag '62. - I.--. I " ~ ~~' UR W OWIQZI Witold, doc. %hips of the future* by Jersy Pietkievics, Reviewed b7 Witold Urbanovics. Tech goop morska 13 no.l:"2 A 163s, URBANOWICZ, Witold, doe. mgr inz. - The Marine Institute as a base for the development of the Polish merchant fleet. Bud okretowe Warszawa 9 no.4:UO- Illp U2 164. 1. Science Director, Marine Institute, Gdansk. URBAI-I'MUCZ, ZYP'U-r"t ~j d qt' t -an -_ i-d 2-19-244 '64- z zakladu w J k URBANOWICZ, Zo; ZALIJBKA,, So I I - ---~ Short nerves of the brachial ple3me in Macacus rheause Tolia morph. (Wares) 24 no.ltU-21 165o Origin of the brachial plemus in Macacus rhesuno lbid.s23-)4 1. Z'Zhkladu Anatomli Prawidlowej fficadmii Modyoznoj w Lublinie (K:Lerounikt prof, dr. nod, M. Stelmasiak)# 0 #--#-67 -07 V 4, -0 Al"t It It to W a 0 11 #I .j4j "dr a RI A I v I I A F A D . g . , . 40A to 00 W, L)clanalastke of organic suafter in water. Ircan - z 66 Rtecxjkj CArta. 2j, '4#-W(1947)-- UjjAuuwkvbWnA ' The dem. of arg. matter in water is rtviewed. !Uaudud ! -00 m4n~, of D-glucmt, maltose. phtnul, and bcnzoic arid 00 h d i w t were analyzed with K%lnO4 talk. medium) an K III.. an I the latt~ 1--und to itive guare gritatIle re. 00 11. 1 L Samant 0 06 ZO 0 490 'a 0 ZOO C.00 ~:o 0 see a :moo It. A &NIALLUIAAAL 1,1110101,ftf CLA$%IfkATI1QP croo Jill 13.0v Woo .),A 1, rr too It S AT V LS40 f1twif CVK Kit UK ROM ItW W KWn INA I a Md a a 0 1 Ir 60 9 , oooo*oots*oooooooooooooo 0-20*0010600000090060006 o** ::Ooooooooooe 0001 GqooooOo*oo o O::::o! x r Ali, 0, ti I I . 00 AST 1~00 Oo **2 493. UhXVDNk!.,.A vF :ARLZ DISTaIDUTIuM BZYWDS ihM uF WATIR 08 FIFE BUILER. 119vowki, a and Urbit, W (krzogl. Asch., * A-0m 0 008 1949, vol. 4, 5-6, 118-121; abs'&-.1; appl. noeb. revs., 0* 00'r -, i Yeb. 1950, Vol. 3, 38). Using the resulte of G. 4irsch so (1898), the authors calculate the street ronc*ntratlon at the god edge of a hole in the shell of a Wbt1T ply4 foiler. Ihe authms j; ~*o show In sceorcance with Sial (1929and 1941) that, in view of the plastic strain during the prossingprocess of water pips, coo 00V It is more reasonable to use the average b,ilue of the stres a 700 a between the holes. 00 00 o o -SOO &-ILA MITALLUNGK&L UlT9*ATUAC CWSWICAMM 00 tic., 44.0. U a 11 No is :4, old qt* Kate It*KWA, ill- an 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 4 0 o 010 0 0 0 0 0 o 6 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 Ole 0' :is 0000 00 00 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o1 bY utft Wo4oftatide Wtead of hydrogen sulphi4e. F. plec. A. BUSUZILkhmisks, and K..NEbaRc'wS4 1954, go, 683--W).-%Vl%cn xpluti4T~j Jig and Za am satursted 6w(It,",S the PPt. Of 119S Rdsorbs from 37 to 95% of t lie Za wltIdn. a ppt. of FfgS addcq to afl. Zn ralvi similarly rdsorlis conildembla amounts of Zn from golutiun. %Vhen 11gS is pptd. by twiling the add solutions with thio4cetamida the rpt "mo-.wA' unly 1-"-2% of the Zn from solution after 3 days of contact. Tituscor, Loosening coprecIP'talica nbenoawna by the use 0 thlo~ acetamtdc hisma ol Uyarugen sulnia for the pr cipitatioll 01 LuOluble Sulideg. Ta,teu~z (Aij,v, A1111.1 and Acud., tLJA_- ----T =wd): Pio~,-' I ~11 I 3um- tuary)--prital. of Orow) 11 sulfidc~ with 111i"ac,tairmic prwoc(:~. cwrsc plai. with h.--is t-uppm. awk po~t-VJAII. th,411 the PFItts. Ivith U.S. coplall. Uf 111 i!; plewSICL tit IISS ti feductmi 30 timcj. Tile rdativ-dy low mdfitl si. pro- llucv$-by tile hydraly.Ai of lilt! account for the Itupto ", mitu. t1lictumlella. Nfich~mk Falk URBANOWSKI, A. Great problems of small-scale export. p. 186 PRZEMYSL DRZEWNY. Centralne Zarzady Przerqalow: Drzownegos, ?,%blarskiego, i L-snego i Stowarzyszede Inzynierow i Technikow tesnictwa i Dreevnictwa. Warszawa, Poland. Vol 9, no. 6, June 1958. Monthly List of East European Accession (EEAi), w, Vol. 8, tio. 9, September, 1959. Uncl. -URBANOWSKI. Janusz (Warszawa) Intiblotion in diseases of the respiratory organs in mrine. Rocz nauk roln wet 70 no.1/4:301 '60, (UAI 10:9) (Swine) (Antibiotics) (Respiratory organs) MKAVOWSFI*> W. DECEASED 19(1,1 C# 163 1 Elasticity and Plasticity URBANMISKI, S - "Books and techxdcal journal5 are effedtive weapons in fulfilling producti-m tasks." p. 111. (ODZIE7.9 Vol. 4, no. 5# RaY 1953, Lod7, Poland) SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions, L. C., Vol. 3, No. 5, Ray 1954, Uncl.