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The Third All-Union Hydrological Congress SOV-98-58-2-18/21
will oonvene once every 5 - 7 years.
I. Hydrology--USSR 2. Water power--qSSR
Card 4/4
AUTHOR- jzens-Litcvskiy, A.I., Lopatin, %G.V. and Shn_Jtnikov,
TITLE- The Third All-Union Hydrological Congress (Tretiy vsesoyu,,1.nyv
gidrologicheskiy sllyezd)
PLHIODICAL; lovestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR - Seriya Geograficheskaya, 13";~.
i~r 3, pp 3-9 (USSR)
AbjThACT: From the 7th to the 17th October 1957 the Third All-Union
Hydrological Congress took place In Leningrad,. There were
1,200 experts on hydrology and adjacent subjects, and euesf,~
from people's democracies present; 429 reports were delivered,
among them, 1iJO reports from workers or the GidrometPosluzhb,,,_i
(The Hydrometeorological Service), about 65 from workers of
the USSR Academy of Sciences and the same number of reports
by workers of Soviet Higher Education Institutions. At the
plenary meetings of the conference the following 9 report5
were delivereds "Investigations on the Interior Ivaters of t,n,~
USSR and Future Tasks in Studying This Subject" by
Uryvayev; "Water Engineering Construction in the USSR and the
~P~asks =Hydrology' by S.N. Kritskiy, 1~.F. Menkell
a r i d A I
Gard 1/6 '
Chebotareva; e
Invedtigating Lakes and -a e i Mer"voirs of tfie
The Third All--Uniori Hydrological Congress 10-58- 3 9
U~iSRII by Ye.V. BlizrVak and V.G. 14~idreyanov; "The Utiiizatio.r.
of the USSR Water Resources and the Future development of date-r
Engineering" by A.N. Voznesenskiy; "The Present blethods :~f
Hydrological Prognosis and Ways Leading to Their Developme.-)t."
by G,.P. Kalinin; "The Research and Computation of ',';ater Di-3-
enarges in the USSR, Their Present State and Future Develop---
ment" by D.L. Sokolovskiy; "The Climatic Factors of Water
Balance on the Continent" by M.I. Budyko and O.A. Drozdov;
N,Ye. Kondratlyev reported on his researchiregarding the de-
formation of river beds, and Academician 1. P. Gerasirpov on
"The Transformation of Water and Thermal Conditions Under the
Influence of Meliorative Measures", During tile continuation
of the conference the following reports were delivered in the
9 sections: B.L. Lichkov on "The Unity o~ datural Waters and
the Formation of Subsurface Waters", based on the theory oC
the Academician V.I. Vernadskiy) M.I. LIvovich on "Complex Geu-
graphical 1-olethod in Hydrology and the Tasks of Its Developrr.,ei-it",
A.V. Shnitnikov on "The Past and Future of Lake Aral~nntl the
Big Climatic Rhylims"; B.A. Apollov on "Tile Connection Between
Solar Activity and 'the Phenomena Determining the Flow of Rivers";
Ye.S. hubinshteyn and O.A. Drozdov on "Climatic Changes and Va-
Ca rd 2,16 riations and the 6ecular Course of Precipitations". The ref;or-;
The Third All-Union Ajdrological Congress
of P.A. Yoziovsk.4y "Connections Between
Terrestrial Electricity Problems" is said to have beer, ir,--
esting and valuable. Four reports were delivered by P S.
Kuzin, V.S. Mezentsov, V.I. Astrakhantsev -and G.V.. Lopatin
on questions of hydrological partitioning; K.Ye. Ivanov re-
ported on "Basic Principles of Swamp Hydrology"; V.V. Fo-
manov on "Water Balance of Swamps in the European Parts of
the USSR"; A.M. Gavrilov and P.V. Molitvin reported on the;,r
investigations regarding rivers in karst districts of the USSR;
G.I. Shvets and E.G. Moskovkina reported on the secular flue-
tuations of the amount of water in the Dnepr and on historical
floods at the lower parts of the Daugava; I.V. Bogolyubova.
M.M. Ayzenberg, Y.Ye. Ioganson, S.P. Kavetskoy and others
reported on the study of flood waters and on catastrophic floods
in mountainous districts; A.I. Dzens-Litovskiy on "Geological
and Geographical Re6ularity in the Distribution of Fresh-vlater-,
Brackish- and Salt Lakes"; B.B. Bogoslovskiy on "Water Balance
of Lakes in the USSR European Territory"; M.A. Man1ko and A.V.
Agupov dealt in their reports with the subsurface supply of
lakes, and A.N. Afanaslyev and 0.1. Khalatyan with the water
balance of the Lake Baykal and the Khrami water reservoir-,
Card 3/6 G.I. Galaziy reported op "Botanical Method Serving Hydrology
The Third All-Union Hydrological Ccngress 10-58-3-1/29
and Engineering Geology". On the formation of' shores ana, the
bottom of water reservoirs, S.L. Vendrov dealt with the T3im-
lyansk, the Kama, and the Kuybyshev water reservoirs; N,A.
Labzovskiy, O.G. Grigorlyeva and A.S. Sukhodollskiy on the
theory of shore f-rmation; V.M. Makkaveyev dealt with the the
ory of surge in water reservoirs; othew reports delivered by
Ye.M. Selyuk, P.I. Nikulin, V.L. Bulakh, V.P. Moskall and I.G.
Nikitin d0lt with the thoory ot* ourge and in piti,ticular* with
the water reservoirs of Rybinsk, Kuybyshev, Kakhovka, Dnepr
and Central-Asia. Matters,of thermal processes and water ba--.
lance of water reservoirs were treated by I.V. Molchanov, K.I.
Rosinekiy, M.M. Aynbund (Lake Sevan), V.I. Verbolov (Lake
Baykal), A.R. Konstantinov and G.G. Fedorova (Lake Valday).
On subsurface water resources and the subsurface supply of
rivers reported S.F. Averlyanov, S.N. Bogolyubov, B.I. Kudelin,
B.L. Lichkov, P.A. Makarenko, G.M. Zakharchenko, A.I. Kalabin,
V.A. Sergeyev, V.I. Duginov, V.A. Korobeynikov, G.F. Basov.
N.I. Druzhinin, A.V. Lebedev, O.V. Popov and others referred
to the state of subsurface water supplies and A.A. Rode, 11.14.
Favorin, A.K. Filipnov and others to the water physical cha-
racteristics of soi.s. A.M. Ovchinnikov, V.I. Dukhanin and
Card 4/ 6 others reported on their investigations of the regularity of
The Third All-Union Hydrological Congr 3s 10-58-3-1-1/211-
f3ubsurface Water formation and distribution in th(,- Ru,,i.,ii:1r,
lowland. From the regio_; reports are mentioned: MAL lvan-
itsin, on the formation of subsurface water in the irriL~ated
cases of Uzbekistan; B.N. Arkhangellskiy, on underground de-
pressions in the North-Western district; M.V. Silich, on the
karst. of the Lithuanian SSR. The question of evaporation from
the water surfaces was covered by Z.A. Vikulin, D,L- Laykhtman.
T.V, Kirillov, A.A.KraseovskAya, M.P. Timofeyev, N.I. Yakovlev
and others, On the subject of evaporation from ground and vege-
tation, reports were delivered by V.P. Pushkarev, Ah. Konstan-
tinov, V~V. Romanov, N.P. Rusin, V.I. Kuznetsov, '",F~ Fedorov,
V.F. Shebeko and others. On ice and snow research spoke G.D.
Rikhter, Ye.Ya. Shcherbakov, I.V. Ivanov, P.P. Kuzlmin, C.A.
Spengler, A.P. Braslavakiy, A.G. Kolesnikov, A.A. Pivovarov,
A.G. Pronin, B.P. Panov and others. On hydrochemistry and
sanitary preservation of water, reports were delivered by
N.M. Bochkov, S.M. Drachev, M.I. Kriventsov, A.0. Al~kin.
P.F. Bochkarev, N.V. Veselovskiy, P.P. Voronkov, K,K. Votintsev.
6.G. Vznuzdayev, K.V. Filatov and others; on the regularity of
chemical composition in natural waters of' different geotrraphic
Card 5/0 zones reported A.O. Alekin, L.V. Brazlinikova, P,V. Voron-
The Third Ail-Union Hydi,clogi~.;il Congress
kov, A.I. Dzens-Litovskiy and ot:,ers. C-)ns i d er-ab I (,- at, t-m? ~ on,
Was paid to the study of the conditions in regulated rivors
and the state of technical equipment in hydrometric work
(O.N. Borsuk, Ye.M. Znamenskaya, S.I. Koplan-Diks and A,K.
Proskuryakov). On the possibility of using physical methods
of measuring, based on the laws of ultra-accoustics and nuclear
radiation, reported M.M. Arkhangellskiy, A.M. Dimaksyan and
Ye.V. Berg. I.V. Popova and Ye.A. Romanova reported on the
future possibilities of using air photosurvey. Ye.V. Bliznyak
proposed a scheme to systematize information on USSR water
resources. On new methods of calculating the regulation of
flow reported S.N. Kritskiy and M.F. Menkell; I.A. Zheleznyak
elucidated the phenomenon of transformation of the flood I'low
by means of a system of water reservoirs. Thirty five reports
were presented by representatives of people's democracies.
AVAILABLE! Library of Congress
~;ard 6/6 1. Conferences - Hydrological Congress - Leningrad
2. Hydrology - USSR
BORM, O*Noo kandomogr.nauk; POPOV, I.V., kand.psogr.nauk; SPRUGLMR,
0.1., -1 P UMAM, V.A.,; ORLOV, B.P. (Noekya),
prof.. doktor geogr.nauk, red.t6ma--, PROTOPOPOV, V.S., red.;
[Proceedings of ths Third All-Union Hydrological Conference]
Trudy III Vessoiuzuogo gidrologicheakogo swesda. Leningrad.
Gidrowteor.izd-vo, Vols3. [Hydrophysics aection] Sektaiia
gidrofiaiid. 1959. 470 p. (MIRA 12:5)
1. Veesoyuznyy gidrologichaskiyoa;yezd. 3rd, Leningrad. 1957.
2. Akademiya nim* SSSR (for Orl v .
O.N., kand.geogref.nauk; URYVAYEV, V.A.,; PROUTHYAKOV.
A.K,, kand.takhn.unuk, otv.i-~d.toma; SUTILINA, M.K., r6d.;
BRAYMINA. R.1., t,
ITraniviotion" or Min Thiril All-110(in 11pirologrinnI Conailviim.
I-oklugrad. t9j7] Tritily ILI Voinstoltikimij,j)
4461stits. 1,61niii1mid, 01(fromatai(m,lad-vo. Vol..11. 111"fittolk for
Ilydruistitry tind MOLIkOlin Of 11Y11r01Oj~tn941 liciatitiroh] UnkLnitts
gldrotwitrii I mostodov ifidrologichuskikit Insladoviinii. 1959.
271 P. (Hydrology--Congresses) (MIRA 13:1)
BOR&M, O.N., kand.-eograf.nauk; URYVAYSV, V.A.,; DAVYDOV, L.K.,
prof., doktor geograf.naukt-rod-.-toma,,SUTILINA, MJ , red.;
(Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress.
Leningrad, 39571 Trudy III Vaesoiuznogo gidrologicheakogo
G*ezda. Lt ngrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. Vol.7. Lsection of
General -7, eology) Sektaiia obahchei gidrologii. 1959. 323 P.
( "1 13:1)
POPOV, I.V., kand-geogr.nauk; KR~ATZyV.A.,; BLIZNTAK, Ye.V.,
prof., doktor tekhn.nauk. ZaBlUzhennyy deyatell nauki i tekhniki
RSM, red.toma (deceased]; SWILINA, M.K., red.; BRAYNINA,
(Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congresso
Leningrad, 19571 Trudy III Vaesoiuznogo gidrologichemkogo
s*ezda. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. Vol.4. (Section of
Lakes and Renervoirs] Sektaita ozer I vodokhranilishche 1959o
330 P. WIRA 13:1)
1. Vaesoyuznyy gidrologichaskiy s*yezd. 3d, Leningrad, 1957.
k1�1111 gstopr. firsilk I POPOV , (). V . , O"s 1.0011Y 11#1110111YY "oki-10111 k I
--tia TV A rity"VSA,j stv. t-O-AM-Cort '(111tX1.114. A.I.. J~rof,..
taittfora I .1tauk, xlv;A . %oua; J4401*AN , It. ti. V I' AYN INA. N. 1.
(Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress, Lenin-
grad, 19571 Trudy III Vaesoyuznogo gidrologichaskogo s*yezda, Le-
ningrad, 1957. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. Vol-9. Lsection of
Underground Waters and Problems in UndergTound Feeding of Rivers]
Sektaiia podzemnykh vod i problem pod2emnogo pitaniia rek. 1959.
358 P. (MIRA 12:11)
1. Vaesoyuznyy gidrologicheakiy slyezd. 3d, Leningrnd, 1957.
(Water, Underground--Congresses)
SOKOLOVSKIY, Daniil L'vovich, prof,. doktor tekhn.nauk; W?YVAYEV, V.A.,; SHATILINA, H.K., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G..e-5elffn-
LRunoff; basic principles of theoretical and practical calculations]
Rechnoi stok; oanovy teorii i praktiki raschatov. Izd.2., iopr. i
dop. Leningrad, Gidromotoor.i2d-vo, 1959. 527 p. (MIRA 12:9)
(Runof f )
URYVAUV, V.A.. kund.tokhn.nouk, obshchiy red.; VOSKItESENSKIY, K.P.,
%tn'cl.geograf.nauki red.;.MZIN, P.S., lcand.ppograf.nauk, red.;
PROTAS' M, M.S., kand.geograf.nauk, red.; CHEBOTAREY, A.I.0
kand.tekhn.nauk, red.; SHATILINA, M,K., redo; VLADIMIROT, O.G.,
(Surface water resources in regions of reclaimed virgin and waste
lands] Reaursy poverkhnoatnykh voa raionov oevooniia tselinnykh
i zalezhnvkh zemall. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. lo-3.
[Kokche,;av Province, Kazakh S.S.R.] Xokchetovskaia oblast' Kazakhskol
SSR. Pod obshchei red. V.A.Uryvaeva. 1959. 563 p. (MIRA 12:10)
1. Leningrad. Gosudaratvennyy gidrologichookiy institut. 2. Direk-
tor Gidrologicheskogo inatituta (for Uryvayev).
(Kokchetav Province--Hydrology)
URP--AXU&.YAA*m-kandstekhn.nouk, red.; SHATILINA, M.K., red.; VLADIMIROV,
Esurface water reoauroeB In regions of reclaimed virgin and idle
land@] Resurey Poverkhnootnykh vod rsionov ouvoeniia teelinnykh
I zalezhnykh-zemall. Leni ad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo. loo4a [Pavlo-
der Province. Kazakh S.S.R. Pavlodareksia oblastl Kazakhakoi SM.
Pod obahchei red. Y.A*Uryvaeve, 1959, 575 P.
WILA 13:12)
1 Leningrad. Gosudarstvannvy gidrologicheakiy inutitut. 2. Direktor
Goauderetvennogo gidrologichookogo instituts (for Uryveyev).
(Pavlodar Province--Hydrology)
URYVAYEV, V.A., kand.tekhn.nank, obahchiy red.; VOSKRESENSKIY, K.P.,
----____6__n&_.geog:r.n9uk, red.; PROTASIYEV, M.S., kand.geogr.nauk, red.;
CH]MOTARIV, A.I., kand.takhn.nauk. red.; MURZOV, A.?., kand.
geogr.nauk. red.; MIROMMO, Z.I., red.: VLADIMIROV, O.G..
[Surf~ce-~ater resources in districts of reclaimed virgin and waste
lands] Resursy poverkhnostnykh vod raionov oavoeniia tselinnykh i
salezhn.vkh zemell. Pod obahchei red. V.A.Uryvoevs. Leningrad, Gidro-
meteor.izd-vo. No.2. EXuatanny Province, Kazakhstan] Kustangiskais
oblast' Xazakhokoi SSR. 1959. 709 P. (MIRA 12:4)
1. Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheakiy inatitut.
(Kustanay Province--Hydrology)
GUREVICH, M.I.. kand.aeagr.nauk; POPOT, I.V., kand.geogr.naulc; MNGLER,
O.A., kand.geogr,nauk; URTYATEV_,, _' V,A.,., SOKOLOVSKIT,
D.L., prof., doktor tekhr.-n~auk',' red.toma; CHEBOTAR-W, A.I.
dotsent, k_9nd.tnkhn.nauk, red.toma: KALININ, G.P.. prof., Lktor
geogr.n,quk. red.toma; (!ROSMAN, R.V., red.; SHATILINA, M.K., red.;
[Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congress] Trudy
III Vsesoinznogo gidrologichaskogo s"ezda. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.
izd-vo. Vol.2. [Section of runoff calculations and forecasts]
Sektaiia raschetov i prognozov stoke. 1959.. 767 P. (MIRA 13:2)
1. Vsesoyuznyy gidrologicheakiy a"yezd. 3d, Leningrad. 1959.
(Hydrology--Congreases) (Runoff)
URTVATEV,_YjA~, kand.tekhn.nauki red.; CHEBOTAREV, A.I., kand.takhn.
nauk, red.; VOSKUMSKIT, K.P., kand.geogr.nouk, red.;
DOKANITSKIT, A.P., kand.geogr.nauk, red.; PRM-ASIT37, M.S.,
kand.geogr.nauk, red.; SOKCLOVSKIT, D.L., doktor tekhn.nauk,
red,; SWILINA, M.K., red.; VLADIMIROV, O.G.,
(surface water resources in regions of reclaimed virgin and
Idle landg] Resuray poverkhnostnykh vod raionov osvoeniia
tselinnykh i zalezhnykh zemall. Pod obshchei red. V.A.Ury-
vaeva. Leningrad. Gidrometeor.izd-vo. No-5. (North Kazakhstan
Province. Kazakh S.S.R.] Savero-Kazakhotanskaia oblast' Kq-
zakhokoi SSR. 1960. 418 p. (MIRA 13:11)
1. Leningrad. Gosudaretvannyy gidrologielieskiy institut.
2. Direktor Gosudaretvarinogo gidrologicheBkogo institute (for
(North Kazakhstan Province--Water supply)
FEDOROV. N.N., kand.tekhn.nauk; POPOV, I.V., kand.geogr.nauk; BORIAX, O.N.,
kand.geogr.nauk; GRUSUVSKIY, M.S., kand.tekhn.nauk; VELIKANOV,
M.A., prof., doktor takhn.nauk, red.(Moskvq); URTVATAT. V.A., otv.
red.; IN, O.A., red.; BLIZUTAK, Te.V., reiL-taFamed4-,-
BORSIX, O.N., red.; DAVIDOV, L.K., red.; DONANITSKIT, A,P,, red.;
KALININ. G.P.. red.; KRITSKIT, S.N., red.; KU11ELIN, B.I,, red.;
XANOIM, L.F., red.; HE I, M.P., red.; ORLOV, B.P., red.;
X.I., red,; VIJ.DIMIROV, 0,G#, tekhn.reds
[Transactions of the Third All-Union Hydrological Congreasj Trudy
III Vaesoiuznogo gidrologicheakogo s"esda. Vol.5. (Section of
Hydrodynamics and River-Bad Evolution] Sektaiia gidrodinamW i
rualovykh protseasov. 1960. 421 p.
(MIRA 13:11)
1. Vsesoyuznvy gidrologicheskiy suezd. 3d, Leningrad, 1957.
2. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheskiy institut (for Pedorov, POPOV).
3. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Velikanov).
PUSHEK9 B.S.p kand geogr. nauk; POPOV, I.V., kand. geogr. nault; OBRAZTSOV,
I.N., inzh.; FEDOROV, N.N., kand. tekhrr. nauk; GRIJSIWISKrY, M.S.,
kand. tekbn. nauk; KRIVOSHEY9 B.Z.p insh.9; POPOVt O.V., star.
nauebrqy sotr.; PIKUSHp N.V.# kand. tekbn.nauk; WINI, A.G., kand.
tekbn. nauk; ZHIDIK(YV, A.P., insh.; GAVRILOV, A.M.j kand. geogr. nauk;
KONDRATIYEV,N.Ye,p kand, tekbn.nwkg red.; U lRjj;&karjd. tekhne
naik, red.; SHAT FYC red.
i~Up M.K.9 red.; SOLDW 9 &
[Inviistigation of unsteady flow of water in the Tvertisa gnd Oredezb
Rivers] losledovaniia noustanovivshegosia dvizheniia vody na rekakh
Tvertse i Oredezh. Pod red. N.E.Kondratleva i V.A.Uryva va. Lenin-
grad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 19b"l. 287 p. 6 cbarts (in po:ket)
I, Lonin rrml. nonudnrntyonzW~ g1droloplolmakiy Inntitut.
ItIval-HY111-100ITY) (61-p4l"Vill III var. -I~Yll r(1 I clay)
developing roosarab on the vater rewourceo &f the
U.S,V,R, Izv,Z SSSR. Ser.geog, no*6828-33 N-D t62~
(HIRA 15:12)
le Gosudarstvem?y gidrologichaskiy institut.
"Basic principles of stream-gauging network design."
paper oubmitted for Intl S~nnjj on Hydrological Networks, Design of, QuebeQ,
15-22 Jwv~. 1965.
More accurate info.-rA*,'6vn on the sznmi load In Siberian d"Let.-i.-ts.
Stroi, v ra-4on. Vost. Sib. i Krain. Sev. ne.2.-93-102 ~162.
(MIRA 18-7)
-- ----
Snow load normB for structures and buildings. Meteor.i gidrol.
no.6:25-27 Jo '60- 0 C a-A I --- : 6 J,
(Snow-Density) (Roofs)
ACCESSION NR: AR4039847 s/oo44/64/oo0/oo4/B124/B124
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Matematika# Abs. 4B553
AUTHOR: Ury"ayev, Yu. F.
TITIE: On the aolutioa of differential equations by matrix methoda.
CITED SOURCE, Tr. Moak. in-ta iazh. zh.-d. transp.,, vy*p. 174., 1963., 214-216
TOPIC TAGS; differential equation, solution) matrix method., bo-undary value
problem., civil engineering, integral matrice, Taylor's foimmla
TrIMISIATICV: An account is given of a method for solving boundary-value pr'ODIeLS
,or the differential equations of civil engineering with the help of matrices,
analogous in Aform to so-c&Ued integral matrices. For the construction of the
natrices, Taylor's forrrula. is used. The calculation of botmdaxy-valLes is I;erfo=-
ed by A. F. Sairnov's method. In distinction with A. F. Smirnoy's method, the
proposed method interpolates only the highest derivative of the differential equa-
tion# The interpolation is realized with the help of a fuactiaa which is coastant
on each a x section. The method of solution is i.11ustrated on an example of a
fourth-order differential equation. Bibliographyp with 2 titles. 1. Shelikhova
Card 2/2
URYVAYEV, Yu.F., aspirant
Solving the problem of the curve of a ring in an elastic medium.
Trudy M11T no.174zl79-188 163.
Solving differential equations by the matrix method, Ibid.t2l.4-216-
(MIRA 18:1)
Matrix neLhod fl.;r
the discontinuity of furwt.."Lons Ln Lhe zc)t-,(: t%f in4.-.Pm-tion. 7."Z'n.
i ora.tekh. v strA, i
1. Gosudarstvenny-j in.;ti Li;~o,,,ogu i
proyektirovaniya i t,(-Omicb~:skikll C-f:altx~)ya SS-"R.
. ....
DynamLcs of changes In 'he electr.~encephalrgra= -.,e
formation of the motor componont of a conditioned food
reaction. Trudy Un. druzin. nar. 7. Vop. med. no.1:127-133
165. OMIRA 18:9)
1. Kafedra normallnoy fiziologii Universiteta Druzhby-
Narodov imeni Patrisa Lumuiby, Mosk-va.
'3i -~ -':: for E.
:.' 1, 1l - - 1 .1 -Fiz - ' -, it -
- i t ione 4 - - -.or resvon- - I kll. zh~lr. -j nr.c:564-570 ,
.-t, - , -.., . -- - I - , " - ..,
(MIRA 18:2)
1. Kafedra nortrallnoy fiziologii 1-go 'Meditsiriskogo instituta
imeni Sachenova, Moskva.
Journal of The fi4erican Ceramic
Society June Is 1954
Structural Clay Products
of ash-sulfate tha an binding Yn&-
terfals, An T 1.0 MUNK101 AND 0. 1). T11"YVAM. - A74T.-
S. i m PiTi'al7frndy Rhim.
i Inji., 1049, No. r 41-a
vP data arc given on the
chemical analyset. and Investigation of the physIcil characteristics
of sludges obtained In the extraction of niurnina from ash-sulfate
charoes. Experiments were made with charges consisting of coal t
ash (23.06% alumina), limestone, sodium sulfate, and coal.
113onding strength was comparable to Vint of unilred binding ma.
lterlal3 obtained from bauxite and nephelinc sludges. The
I sludges contained 34 to 40% dicalchint silicate; this and addl-
tions of CaSOj and Ca(OHh played the major role in the harden-
Ing of the binding materials. B'ZX
Dissertation: "Effect of Some Admixtures on tho Solidification of SuIpIvItt., 3111ae,
Residue From Production of by the Sulf-ats X," Cir--e! T,,ts~~
Polytechnic Inst, Novocherkassk, 1953. (Pemferativnyv Zhurnz,1--.KhJ-ni7P, ~3C,:-71(, ~;:~ 5, 5,11
SO: SUM 21,3, 19 Oct 54
USSR/Chemical Technology Chemical Fr~ducts aDd Their'_-':):!. Silicates.
Gla3S. Ceramics. Binders, 1-9
Abst Journal: Referat, Zhur - Khimiya, No 19, 1956, 62245
Author: Logvinenko, A. T., Uryvayeva,_Q_,_D.
Institution: None
Title: Electron -Microscopic Investigation of Marls fr%-)m Som~.- Deposits at
Periodical; Tr. khim.-metallurg. in-ta, Zap.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR, 1955, No 9,
Abstract: Description of the procedure of electron-microscopic analysis of
marl samples. The data obtained show the possibility of using this
method for the investigation of raw materials for the p--roduction of
binders and in particular for ascertaining the effects of tempera-
ture on changes in chemical activity of its camponents, in the first
place of Ca- and Mg-carbonatea.
Card 1/1
L40GVINNNKO, A.T., kandidat takhnichaskikh nauk; URTVATIVA, G.D.
Thermal analysis of marls from several Kulunda deposits.
Trudy Xhim.-met.inst. Zap.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR n0-9:55-60
'55. (MLRA 10:2)
(Kulunda--Marl) (Thermal analysis)
Effect of some admixtures on the solidification of sulfate
sludge. T"d7 Kh1m.-met.inst. Zap.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no.9:
61-70 '55. (MLFA 10:2)
Behavior of sulfur dnring sulfate sludge drying. Trudy Khtm.-mst.
inst. Zap.-Sib. fil. AN SSSR no-9:71-77 '55. (MMA 10:2)
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, Nr 1,
pp 111-112 (USSR)
AUTHORS: Logvinenko, A. T., Uryvayeva, G. D.
TITLE: Electron-Microscope Study of Marla in Some Deposits of
Kulunda (Elektronno-mikroskopichoskoys issledovaniye
mergeley nekotorykh mestorozhdeniy v Kuluride)
PERIODICAL: Tr. Khim-metallurg. in-ta, Zap-Sib. fil. AN SSSR, 1955,
Nr 9. pp 51-54.
ABSTRACT: The electron-microscope was used successfully in
studying the role of different compounds in the Kulunda
marls in the hardening of the binding imterial and the
determination of the effect of temperature treatment on
the binding properties of the burnt marl. The chemical
compositions of the marls in the Ust-Volchikha and the
Barganka deposits are given in the table (in percent).
Photomicrographs of the burnt marls, taken after
reaction of the marls with water, clearly show micro-
Card 1/3 crystalline intergrowths of hydrates of calcium and
Electron-Microscope Study of Marla in Some Deposits (Cont.)
magnesium oxide, and it is possible to determine the quantitative
roles of these constituents.
Name of
Locality Sample
VolchlIcha Pit 1 13.50 2.56 0.78 0.10 26.00 16.72
anka Pit 1 29.12 3.95 0.70 0.10 18.92 9.63 6
pit 2 8.10 1 1.00 0.40 27.13 12.50
Card 2/3
Electron-Microscope 3tudy of' Marla in Some Deposits (Cont.)
s03 R20 H20 Others
tr. 1.06 1.24 38.04
8.72 0.82 4.76 23.28
114.59 1 0.04 1 7.68 1 28.56
Card 3/3 S. P. 3h.
'j V/5747
Vac~,oyuznoyo novetjhchanlye po rodkim uhchelochnym elementari. 13t,
;:ovo3ibirnIc, 1958.
Red':.'ye 3hchelochnyye clementy; zbornik dokladov Boveahchaniya po
khimii, teldinologii i analitlchcc~lwy khImIl rcdk_':21 zincheloclinykh
elel::cnt-ov, 27-31 yanvarya 1958 r,. (Rare Allcnli Col-
l ct.;xn of RLpovto of the Conference on the Cheriistry, Technology)
and Analytical chc-nilatry of Rare Alkali Held 27-31
1958) 11ovonibirak, Izd-vo Sibiralto&-) otd. AN ssssR, 1960.
99 p. 1000 copies prIntcd.
SDen~wing ACr~ncy: Akadenmiya nauk C55R. Sibirskoye otdoloniye.
Y-hirdko-metallurgicheskiy institut.
Run. Ed.: T. V. Zabolotakiy, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
":r~berz of Editorial Board: A, S. Gmli,,kiy, Prof ... or, Doctor
of Technical Sciencen, A. T. LogvInenko, Candidate of Technical
Sciencea, F. F. Barkova, Candidate of Chemical Sciences; Zd.z
V. M. Bushuyeve; Tech. Ed.: A. F. Mazurova.
C a r4-1/5-
Rart? Alkali Elcmmta; Collection (Cont.) 3011/5747
P'n-103E : '1hI3 book i,-~ Intended for chemical engineers nn4 tech-
ricianix working In metallurgical and mining operationu and
related entorprir~.-q.
CGVZ7M:-E: Tl-.a collection containi reporti which deal with the
pl~yzllral and analytical chcrLiotry oT rare alkali elemento and
-Jr,,~Ir cc-,pound3 and their reactions with mineral oren and salts.
Zl~tholo of ~xtractlon and rcd~.-rn analytical technIquea and
equipm,7nt art! aloo dlocunaerl. No perionalitien Qre mentioned.
R4farencea accompany Individual articles.
TAB!-',- OF
Urazcv, 0. 0. [PciceaEedl, V. V. Plywthchev, Yu. P. SJ.m.-. ov, and 1. V.
akh-io (1-lookovskiy in3titut tonkoy khImicheakoy tekhnoloGii im.
) L-omonocova - M;oEoow Inntitute of Pine Chemical TechnoloEy
Imeni M. V. LomonO,30V). High-Temperature Modification of SpodL--Ia)3 5
Plyushcnev, V. Y&. [14oacow Institute' of Pine Chemical TechnoloL7
Card 0/5
Mare Alk-all Lietionta; Collection (cont.) SOV/5747
Lomonozov). Phycicochemical Invent_!Z;ation of the Proccoz
of t)ic, interaction or Spondumene With Zulfatcz of Alkali 1:ctala 15
3hn-,iray, P. I. and T. F. Fcdorov (Inntitut rietallur~.;ii im.
Z;-.Y%ov All SSSR - f6iTtf_eute -of
I _7 Imeni R.-~ylcov AS USSR).
Thor.mody-namics of the Vacuum-Ther.-aal Mothod of Obtaining Mthium 25
Klinayev, V. M. (CosudarBtvcnnyy inotitut radkikh I rnly%%,77ctallov-
State Institute of Rare and 1-Unor lNotals). The Interaction of
Lithium With Nitrogen 31
?,-trov, Ye. S. [Sibirskoye otdoloniye AN SSSR - Siberian Divi-
,,ion of the AS USSR). Some Relationships in the Interaction
of' Salts of Alkall llotals With Silica and Alumina and Proper-
ties of the Products Formed 43
Logvinenko, A. T. and G. D.-Ur-jvayeva (Xhimiko-metallurgi-
chask4y institut Sibirs"Vo-go-6tdoleniya All 13SPaR - Institute of
Cl-ic-Mical Metallurgy of the Siberian Department of the Academy
Card 3/5
- r
,.aril ;~ikali Eler,.cnt3; Collection (cont.)
of 2cionces USSR). Binding Buildino i:atarial Prom Industrial
c 3
.1. and !I. F. [Ino%itut obohchey i
z !coy !,himli AN U1=.;Ina%oy C211 - Institutc of Gcn3r-,l
a~-.d inorZanic Clic-13try of the Acadc-.~y of -Sciences Ukralnolcaya
r, 'Liao of ;:_,',;hoda in Analyzing Orea
,ind Salto of Rare Alkall. Metala
Zak, (Irkutakly institut redicilch raotallov - Irkutsk
Tn:;tltute of Rare 'Netala). Lothodo of Deteraining Rare
Zlakharlya, 11. F.4and To. A. Loyd 0-17.11~.Tl 1[Inst.l.tut obl,!clicy I
neorL;a.-n1chez;koy ldiirnii All SSSR -In:;tituto of C-icral and
TnorZanic Che-minti-j of the Acrdc.iy of Scieneco UZES11]. "-.-;',hods
of Cjantitative Spectral Datczn:iination of Rare Alkali !:,~talu
In Orco and Evaluation of the Impurity Content in Oro Prop-
C.i rd 4,,b
Using gypsum rocks and narls from Kulunda Steppe in producing local
building materials. Izv.vys.ucbeb.zav.; stroi. i arkhit. no-5:149-160
1.58. ~MIRA 12:1)
1. Sibirskoye otdolonlye AN SSSR.
(Kulunda Steppe--Gypsum) (Kulunda Steppe--Marl)
Technological claosrfrc-amln scheme for gypsum-bearing rocks. Izv.
Sib. otd. All SSSR no.6:77-81 158. (MM 11:9)
1.Zapadno-Sibireldy filial AN SSSR.
ffardeninp, of W_nnula cormnt. Izv.Z1b.otfl.AH SSSR na.4:77-82
'5 9. (MIRA 12:10)
1. Zapadno-Sibirskt7 filial Akadenti nauk SSSR.
Sulfate pulp as raw material for the production of binding
structural materials. Trudy Lhim,-met.inst.Sib,otd.AN SM
no,15:99-111A 160- (KIELL 14:6)
(Binding materials)
LOGVINENKOI A.T., kand. UHYVAYEVA, G.D., kand. tekhn. nauk; TRETIYAKOVA,
A.S., mlad. nauchmyy sotr.; 8AVINMAY M.A., mlad. naucbnyy sotr.;
BEYROM, S.G., kand. geologo--mineral. nauk; KOLOBKOV, M.P., kand.
ekon. nauk,- ZABOLOTSKIY, T.7,., kand, khiln, naulcp otv, red,,, NAZA-
BYACHTS, T.M., red.; ZVOLINSKIY, S.A., tekhn. red.
[Gypsum and marls of the Kulunda Steppe] Gipsy i margeli Kulundinskoi
stepi. Navosibirsk) Izd-vo Sibirskogo otdolonila Akad. nauk SS."R,
1961. 106 p. (MIRA .14:10)
(Kulunda Steppe--Gypeum) (Marl)
Binding properties of P-dicalciwn silicate. Izv. SO AN SSSR
no.7 Ser. khim. nauk no.2:113-118 165.
Reaction of dicalcium ferrite with water. Ibid.:109-112
(!a?A 18:1-2)
1. Institut fiziko-khimicheskikh osnov pererabotki
minerallnogo .7r'ya Sibirskogo otdaleniya All SSSH,
Novosibirsk. Submitted May 5, 1964.
Effect of lime and gypsum on the process of bzdening of wetra-
calcium aluminoferrite. Izv. SO All SSSR no.11 Ser.khim.nauk no.
3:21-25 163- (MIRA 17:3)
1. Khimiko-metall.urgicheskiy institut SLbirskogo otdeleniya AN SSSR,
Direct division of pre-mitotic nuclei as effected 17,- adirenaline
on mesothelial MitO3es J~n vivo. TZ")itologlia 7 no.6~711-719
N-D 165. (CRA lc)tl)
1. Laboratoriya toltologii lns~ltuta norfologii zhivotny),-h
AN SSSR t Laboratorlya glstokhimil Ingtituta morfologil cheloveka
AMN F*~.)!,R, Moskva. Submitted April 2, 1965.
KONDRATIYEVp N.Ye., kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; PRYVATEVA, V.A.,
kand, tekhn. nauk, red.; SHATILINA, M.K., rea, ; -7C;TK(,V,
N.V.., tekhn. red.; SERGEYEV, A.R., tekhn. red.
(Study of unsteady flow on the Svirl River under winter
and stimner conditions] Iseledovaniia neustanovivshegosia
dvizheniia vody na reke Sviri v zimnikh I lotnikh uslovilakh,
Pod red. N.E.Kondratleva, i V.A.Ury-vaeva. Leningrad, Gid-
roneteoizdat, 1963. 250 P. (MIRA 16:11)
1. Leningrad. Gosudarstvennyy gidrologicheskiy Inatitut.
(Svirl River--flydrology)
- URT7SUT, lk,s,_p priborl at
On the road to the automation of our refinery. leftianik
5 no.5:17-18 My 160. (MIRA 13:6)
1. Novo-Groznenskly neftepererabatyvayushchiy zavod.
(Novogroznenakiy--Petroleum refinertea)
MU s c e 11 an e 0 u s
Card 1/1 Pub. 103 8/29
Author-, t Uryvskiy, F. P.
Title Effectiveness of continuous (one-way" milling
I -e
Pcrlcdical Stan. i instrq9, 24-25, Sep 1954
Abutract The effectiveness and advantages of continuous (one-way) milling of
hard meta15, as compared with the results of counter-milling, are dis-
cussed. The effect of feeding on the rigidity of the tool, in various
milling speed-ranges, is explained. The effect of high temperatures
and pressures on the quality of the machined surface is analyzed.
Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, Nr 21, p 91 (USSR)
I 8r szoo
AUTHORS: Reznikov, NJ., Uryv3kiy, F.P.
TITLE: The Machinability of Heat-Resisting Steels lb and Alloys During Face Millind
PERIODICAL: Tr..Kuybyshevsk. aviats. in-t, 1958, Nr 7, pp 27 - 45
ABSTRACT: The authors state the results of investigations on the face milling of
the following heat-resisting steel grades; MITJ~EI4371A(EI650)lVand
EI598P Based on observations of the wear, tlieyelu~li_date the character
of the wear of milling cutters equipped with hard alloys. The relations
between the cutter durability and the cutting rate, feed, cutting width
and depth of cutting are investigated. An empirical cutting'rate formula
was found for the machining of heat-resisting steel grades. The optimum
hard alloy grades,the optimum rear and front angles, plane angle and angle
of inclination of the cutting edge are determined. 11 figures, 6 references.
Card 1/1
URYTISKIY, F.P. (Cand.Tech.Sc)
"Cutting Billets from Heat Resistant Steel and alloys on Lathes and Pendulum
Saws (Research on the Obtainment of Reserves to Raise Labor Output when Cutting
Billets from Refractory Steel EI-65b, conducted at Lab No 3 allowed to reduce
the time of these operations by 5-7 times)."
report presented at the 13th Scientific Technical Conference of the Kuybyshev
A*ation Institute, March 1959.
REZNIKOV, Naum Iosifovich, prof., doktor takhn.nauk, zasluzhannyy daystel
nauki i takhniki; WAR OY, Igor' Grigorlyevich; ZAYTSET, Vladimir
Kikhaylovich; KAZARIX, Arkadiy Semenovich; KRATCHMO, 3oris
Alsksayevich; IBYVSKIY, Fedor Prokoflyevich; RALAWDIN, A.F., red.
Izd-va; ELIKIND, V.D. , _eTJff-.rFe-d-.
(Ifficient ways of machining stainless and heat-resistant materials]
Proizvoditeltnaia obrabotka nerzhaveiushchikh i zharoprochnykh me-
terialov. Pod red. U.I.Raznikova. Moskva, Gos.nauchno-tekhn.izd-vo
mashinostroit.lit-ry, 1960. 196 p. 041RA 13:12)
(Steel, Stainless) (Heat-resistant alloys)
(Metal cutting)
Rsznlk*v. 31sum loolfovich. Igor' Grlgor'yovich Zharkov, Vladlisir
lMkhjLylovlcl% Zaytsev. Arkadly Semenovich gazarin, Boris AlskseyevIch
L~MMvcb*nko. and Fedor Prokor*yevich ur7vakiy
PrOLTvadItel'naya abrabotka northav-vyushchlkh I zhiroprochnyich water-
lalov (RffIcI*nt Processing of Corroslon-and Heat-Re3lstant Kater-
lals) Moscow. Mashgiz, 1960. 198 p. :,rate slip inserted. 7,ODO
copies printed.
Zd_ (Title ;aza)s Saum losifovlch Reznllt-,w, Honored Scientist and
Technologist RSPSR,* Doctor of TechnILAI Sciences, Professor; U
or ft!=1zhIng House: A. P. Balandin; Tech. Ed.: V. D. El lkld.
AmmagIng Ed. for Literature on MeOlworking and M1ChIn*-TOol RXICIng:
T. 1. RItIn, ZngLnaer.
P030053- This book Is Intended for technical personnel and highly
skilled workers In the metalworking Industry.
COVERAGE: The authors discuss the jeneral characteristics 404 elaaal-
fications of modern corrosion-, =%;a-, ad bant-ral-stant materials with
regard to their machinablIlty with cutting tools, and In particular
with hard-alloy-tipped tools. Also e=21ned are the procama.2 ~f
turning, cutting-orf with alngle-point tools and Sams, and the
basic types or willing and drilling. Special attention is given to
the use or liquid and gaseous Coolants. No personalities a.~ ~n-
tiousa. There are 36 references-. 33 Soviet and 3 English.
ratroductlon 3
1. The role of corrosion-, scale-, and heat-reSiStAnt
materials In modern machine building 3
Ch. 1. The Classification and Basic Propertled of Corrosion-.
Scale, and Heat-Rtalstant Materials 5
2. General characteristics of corrosion , scale and
beat-realstant materlals 5
3- The clAaalfLeatlon of corrosion-, scale-, and beat-
resistant materials. Basic groups
T 12 r
a, Ch V,
A 1 -0
a 0
,ox a"- VE
M o 1.- .4- uo -c '_8 i
S;Aj 4. 23. e
qi H. A a
0 io 35 om
1 2 42 -a :I T", I d'2 'Q A*, :,I ~
o.49 29 ea
d 0. Ili r.-~
~o 1.1e 45 Ag 43 9* 4' 1
a& ,- o. iv C; -d
44 z ji&I D. ~ j - -
o8: 0 M v 5
Ao q %'L
0, C
3 S Z,
L_L9129-63 E'dP(k)/EWP(q)/3vJT(m)/BDS - AFFTCZ M Pf -,4
ACCESSION Nq: AR3004197 'Syd?. 7 61 6.3/000/0'9;~J3144/B 144
,SOURCEs RZh. Tokhnologiya mashinostroyoniya, Abs. 5B751
AUTH04t Ury*vskiy, F. P.; Korotin, B. S.
,TITLE; Investigation of machinabilit of VT3-1 titanium alloy and of B1787- heat
resistant stool I'D
CITED SOURCE% Sb. Obrabaty*vayomoatt zharoprochn. i titanovy*kh splavov.
,Xuyby*shav, 1962, 118-128
iTOPIC TAGSt titanium alloy, heat-resistant steel, high-speed cutter, cutter,
'machinability, VT3-1, E1787,' shavings shrinkage
;TRANSLATIOIT: ',4achinability investigation of VT3-l' alloy and E1787 stool was
carried out -with the purpose of studying the process of chip formation and
character i at ics of instrument wear, as ivell as in order to establish st(ibillty
,relationships. A lathe vrith a continuous control of the n=bor of revolutions
Yas used iri the experiments. Dimennions of hard-alloy and high-speed cutters are
.as follorrs. ga=m I 7;,to 100; alpha z 100; lambda = 00; phi = 450; r 2 l:-=. It
.is established that at machining the VTZ-1 alloy the wear of hard-alloy cutters
Card 1/3
L 19199-63
ar n 0* 4 'to
.is along the main ro "and fron'. surfaces, a'd~up to a wear value of h3 0
0.5 ma the wear'is unirom. St Cutto
At further work the wear increases fa . rs
IV',K6!,f havo the highos~ aurability 0~all the hed-alloy cutters (at cutting -it
-Z 25 M . !
:t n 2 mm, a = OA mm/~.#, V min, h3 0.6 to 005 MM), Slightly lower
:durability havo 'TABo' Qf the high-speed toold 2 mm, s
(at tuttinG at t
0.-1 Mn/rev, v = 10 m/pi~n, h3 = 0*4 t.) 0* 5 the greatest durability have * RMO,
slightly smaller -- 'he R9F5. Forrulae are de~ivod of relationships of v from-s,
t and T from VTZ-1 whoh machining sTith VK60". an4 IRMO cutters~! At machining of
'the VTZ-l alloy a small effect of cutting speed on shrinkage has been
observed. This is explained by a lorr plasticity of the alloy; the ,shaving has an
elementary character, Incre,%sing Samma from 00 to 100 leads to an increase of
shrin"Icago of shaving; and at further gamma increase the shrink age deoreasoso For-
.mulm in given for cutting temperature theta as function of t, s and v.- It is
doterminod 'What ooolint, by means of a 7%-omulsion, sprayed at a 4 atm pressure
in the mixori causes a substantial increa:3o in the cutter durability. On the
basis of dynamic investigations formulae are derived for determining cutting forces
P,, PY and ?X. it is also esta1blishod that at. machining of VTZ-1 the intensiveness
of tho h=nered layer amo=ts to 7 to 18,10; comparatively small increase in h9rdno3s
of the ha.-mored layer can bo explained by high temperature in the outting zone.
The increase in v and s is limited by cutting temperature, by the coefficient of
Card 2/3
L 19199-63
ACCE'SSION 11-IRs AA3004197
lon-itudinal sh
0 ' rinkage and by the thickness of hammored layer. Mon the cooffi-
cient%of longitudinal shri kaZo is &Teeter than 1.0, at t x a 2 x 0.4 mm,
U 'P
maximt#n limit speed oan bcP tcken at v = 30 m/min and the maxi:vum limit advances
at loon than 0.5 MM/rov. The greatest durability have the V11,614 cutters whon
machinin- the E1787 atoolt while the hiGh-opood cutters have small durability. At
the outtor wear of h3 = 0o4 imn the hammering intensiveness amounts to 37% and
with a sharp cutter -- 17 to 20j'a'. Form. ulao are given for determining the cutting
speed, temperature and outtinG forces P., P and Px in relationship to the I=da-
mental parameters of the cutting process. Kix figures, 4 roferencese Sv'PInchuk.
itard 3/3
ACC NR: SOURCE CODE: UR/0276/66/000/009/BO94/BO94
AUTHOR: Uryvs~~,. Korotin, B. S.
TITLE: Surface quality in turning heat resistant materials
SOURCE: Ref. zh. Tekhnologiya mashinostroyeniya, Abs. 9B601
REF SOURCE: Tr. Kafedry proiz-va letatelln. apparatov. Kuybyshevsk. aviata.
in-t, vyp. 20, ch. 2, 1965, 163-174
TOPIC TAGS: metal surface, metal turning, heat resistant material, tensile
stress, titanium alloy/VT14 titanium alloy
ABSTRACT: Test data are given on work hardening and residual stresses occur-
ring during machining of VTZ-1 and V'1714 titanium alloys, arid E1787 heat-
resistant steel, as well as on the relation between the temperaturs! in the rnetal
cutting zone and residual stresses. It was determined that durinj.,/ machining of
type E1787 steel, the thickness of the work-hardened layer varies from 0. 1 to
0. 38 mm. At the same time, the thickness of the work-hardened layer r)("Creascs
while the machining speed v and back rake angle '? increase. An increase in
Card I / 2 UDC: 621. 941. 001. 5
ACC NR: AR7004877
feed (mm/rev) s and the wear of the cuttin,';, tool Icad to a con.,3id;,,.-;tbi(--
'r achining of 11'1"3--1 ahoy, the
the thickness of the work-hardened layer. D,,irin,' m, I. L
thickness of the work-hardened layer varies from 0. 12 to 0. 28 and LI'le
intensity of work-hardening varies within 7-18%. increase of s ;~nd wear ol the
tool lead to an increase in the thickness and amount of work - hard;, ni 11g, N",hile
increase of v and angle Y contributes to their decrease. In maiciiining type
E1787 steel, tensile stresses are observed in the upper machined surface layers;
these stresses subsequently become compressive stresses. Dur'L-.ig the treatment
of type VT3-1 and VT14 alloys, the surface shows compressive s resses. These
stresses may reach a maximum of 20-27 kg1mm2. The compressive stresses
then become tensile stresses. In machining the VT3-1 alloy, an -..ncrease in
compressive stresses leads to an increase in fatigue strength. The original
article has 9 figures and a bibliography of 4 reference items. L. Tikhonova.
[Translation of abstract) (AM]
UP, 7-AY CL VA, Z V,
Nature of action of the sympathetic innervation of the heart in
frog. ?r. Vossoius. obeh. fisiol. no. 1:84-85 1952. (01*L 24:1)
1. Delivered 24 December 1949. Kassa'.
Po3sibility of a distince mutagenic action of ionizing ra~iaticn in
mnmmnle. RadioblologiA 4 no.6:84'1-853 164. (MIRA 18-7)
1. Institut tsitologil i gonetiki Sibirskogo otdoleniya AN SSSR,
Novosibirsk, I Fiziko-tekhnic-heskly In,;tLtut AN SSSR, U.-ningrad.
Mutagenic effect of extracts from the various organs of' irradiated
mice. Gonetika nou 6tllO-114 D 165 (MIRA 19:1)
1. Institut taitologii i genatild Sibirskogo otdelenlyn AN SSSR,
URZHINSKIY Kopetpatin Pavlovich; SHAVIROVA, A.S.. red.; SOROXINA. T.I..
I Q 4%
. '. Aw I
(On-the-Job training in enterprises] Proizvodstvanno-takhnicheskoe
obuchenle na prodpriiatiiakh. Irkutskoe knirhnoe 12d-vo, 1958.
66 p. (MIRA 12:2)
(Technical education)
M;HINSrM, K., kand. yuridichookikh nauk
Procedures for establishing occupational BcheduleB for workers.
Sots. trud 7 no.10:134-142 0 '62. (MIM 15: ICI)
(Job descriptions)
"Contemporary labor legileation of imperialistic states in
the service of monopolies.." edited by N.G. AlekBandrov.
Reviewed by D. Eremeev,, X. Urzhirwkii, Sots. trud 8 '
no.2:155-158 F 163. (MIRA 16:2)
(Labor laws and legislation)
(Alaksapdrov, N.G.)
URZHINSKIY K... kand.yui~idicheskikh nauk
Job Ifh1ding.. for,youth in the U.S.S.IWlSots. trud 8 no..'I(h!GP,114
0 63, (MIRA 1602)
f * -
Strict but kind judge, Rabotnitea 35 no,12:15-16 D 157. NURA II-.I)
(Women an Judges) (Buralstrova, serafim Tagil *,
KANYGIN, V.G.; PRYANIKOV, V.I.; 1111MIJ1,11OV, :3.V.
Hydraulic trough urdt for the granulation of blast furnqze ilp-zs
at the Karaganda Metallurgical Plant. Stal' 24 no.2:138-1'71 7 1~4.
(MIRA 17:9)
Involvement of the nervous system inicute prophyria. Scrv.wd. 23
no.9:107-112 S '59. (MIRA 13:1)
1. Is nervnogo otdeleniya 4-y gorodsko7 klinichaskoy bollni'my (glav-
nyy vrach N.Y. Ivanyukov) i nervtogo otdolaniya bollnitey N;.1 (glav-
Vy vrach. B.V. Nifontov) Kiniaterstva zdravookhraneniya RSFSR.
(FORPMIA compl.)
0 0 0 0 0 0 4111 0 9 0 0 0 0 4 111 0 0 a 0 0 0-9-0 -0 0 **-Joe* 00 0 4.0 0 0
4 S 0 1
1 0 9 11 It 1) to 14 ;1 46 it is " a
Yin aidniaoYmmmis vii id lot b. &P je P at to u 41 a or*
A a AL I _k
. _JL_j_A___L a B a a I - T W y to tat j I a 4
..a 1~
00 A Tl;o Influilate of dflutille lm thol cosefuliotlast Of tooll8itill. `1 It 111111AP111111.1f AND .00
00 A, S. tinanvbL%Mf. J. )ttjjs. Phys.-Otm. Sor. 61, 31M 41101K.10), -The Influence -00
of Min, dependIs on a no, of factiors, among which are reversible noluclotion, orth"Ino
00 of electrolyte by the tollold MWIC, and chem readlom betwrtn the colloid anti di*. -0 0
per4att medium tor between the colloold and r1tviralyte loorreso,1112 Mont- of NSCI
d t
ith P
f A
n. a t a
ons o
to w
o por
ll so
y re
mondy) until complete Immediate loptu. occurred. Under thew cortilillons diln m -049
Corry Us's Aff ool. wee treated with N&NO.and K.%;(P..
the conen. required for plats, cosculatimi; In 24 tirso. bring nated Min. r"vlt.-d
In Increased sensitivity "Is of dialyred anti undiallyrrd wil. the rfftvl lorIng oroojrr
00 with NaNOx. CuTv" -J the vMn. valum of NoNO, In presence of (NIIj)j1A),, anti in
the P"mV Of a protective colloid (Pasi
m mixt.). againit the tortal vol. opprasched,
00 with detro., the coalrulation cum for NoN(% alone. showing that (Nil.).140, and th, r 0
0 4111 protective colloid were reversibly adsorbed. As~`xl sol. was prorpti. by pasMiax ILS =00
through sold. AsxOj: the concros. of N&Cl. NfgClj and B&Cl,, which produced max,
00 turtildity after W min. were noted. Diln. resulted In increase%] staltility toward NACI as o
40 and markedly descressed stability toward MCI,. while the behavinr toward hilocIr .000
was not changed. The coagulation cuorves in the presence cif a ornxitizing W41500
90 anti stabilizing (star aser) fiff"t again agrnech the r4latillitif-41 rotrvrs by the Vier ore 0
o n W24
truRte alonor on diln CrAhAdlil Pru*qia obtained by pepliting the 1-14 will,
If. ().. The cowns of NaCI riverssury to effeirt immediate and ciomplo le ppin wrr,
plotted against total vat. The curve 9howed a marked min anti "rTal
Another series of clipts wherein the cemen. of IfiCtO. was kept nearly cou4t. yielded
IL Sivinother curve.
.00 11 A I. I o, ITALtuprKAL 1.11FRATWE CLASSIFICATIC" I t:O 0
' "
MY 9 a
1 0 ,
R If t, 11 00 69 K It R to K it to It 10 n I It
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Niagara. Vokrug eveta 5:41-46 My '53. Off-RA 6:6)
(Niagara Yalls-Description)
-, ""~
]Pro& Waahington to San Francisco. Vokrug aveta no.12-.34-39 D 153.
(MMA 6:12)
(United States--Description and travel)
Use of ultrasonic vave3 for studying increase of strenth of concrete
during hardening. Yestis Latv ak no.1:63-72 160. (MI 9:11)
1. Akademiya nauk Latviyakoy SSR, Institut stroitellstva i
(Concrete) (Ultrasonics)
~,V~ A160/A101
AUTHOR: Urzhumtoev. Yu. S.
TITLE: A supersonic method of investigating concrete by Its elastic
and Inelastic characteristics
PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Fizika, no. 12, 1962, '18, abutract 120699
(In collection: "Primeneniye ulttraakust. k issled. veshc'hestva".
M., no. 15, 1961, 179 - 188) V//
TEXT: The experimental investigation of the dependence of the speed of
ultrasound distribution,'of the dynamic elasticity.modulus, the coefficient of
the sound attenuation, and the coefficient of Rayleigh's scatteriag - on the
age, strength, composition and the water saturation of concrete confirms that
the obtained relations are useful for evaluating the strength of the concrete
without destroying it. Hereby, it is proved that, for rating the comparative
strength of the conrete, the.use of two characteristics, the elastic and in-
elaMia oneb, yields more satisfactory results than the use of only one elastic
characteristic. The supersonic method of investigating the concrete by two or
Card 1/2
3/058/62/ooo/o 12/029/0118
A supersonic method of Investigating concrete by... A16o/Aioi
three characteristics extends the limits of applying existing concrete-testing
methods, by using this method for controlling the quality of concrete blocks
produced by various methods with a wider range of deviations in the proportion-
Ing of initial materials. The new method may also be used for evaluating changes
in the strength of the concrete 'following its saturation with water tuid its
freezing-and-thawing cycles.
[Abstracter's note: Complete translation]
Card 2/2
Determining the velocity of ultrasonieB in reinforced concrete.
Vestis Latv A -10.4t63-66 162.
1. Institut straitel'stva i arkhitektury AN Latviyakoy SSR.
AUTHOR: Urzhumtsqv, Yu..
TITLE: Ultrasound and strength
PERIODICAL: Nauka i Yhittya, no. 7, 1962, 8-10
TEXT. A method is described for testing concrete and reinforced concrete constructions with the aid of
ultrasonic waves, to establish their strength and the presence of any flaws. It is necessary to measure the ultra- Ll
sonic propagation, its damping and dispersion, with an instrument having the appcaranec of a televisor v7
with a small screen in a metallic container. It consists of an electronic device with which are connected the
transmitter and the receiver of ultrasound. The main part is the piezocrystal, similar to the one used in
sound recorders. By pressing on a piezocrystal plate, electric charges appear on its opposite faces, as well
as an AC, the magnitude of which depends upon the frequency and amplitude of the vibrations. Thi-.' i3
to be measured.Thc current from the piezo is amplified and transmitted to a recording instrument-an c1cc-
ironic oscillographic tube. One can see on the screen of the tube t;ie propagation of the ultrasound and its
damping. This can be used for testing reinforced concrete constructions. Transition from a sampling method
of testing to a complete control of works can be made simultaneously with automatization of the procedure.
Card 1/1
URZHUMTq~-V-z YU- kand.tekhn.nauk (Riga)I
Ultrasound and strength. Nauka S zhyttia 12 no.7zS-10 JI 162.
(MIRA 16ti)
(Ultrasonic testing) (Concrete-Testing)
J11"THOR: UrzhUJrt:5e-,L. _Yu. S.
ORG: none
TITIZ: I'llechanics of polyiners; (Ccnfevenc,~, in Riga)
SOURCE , AN SSSR. Vestnik, no- 3, 19'66, 169-172
TOPIC TAGS: material deforrarttion, ph-sics confcronctl,
solid riechanical property, ela5tieLty, nrnep, tensile ,;'Url~ngth
ABSTRACT: tui Al on. + ~ M. s. of POTJ~'. v was hel", in
~k- r1jon tjLc~ e
13 iga on 10-12 November 1965. The conference ~vas sponsored by the
Co rn -mi s sion on the Me chani co and Ph ysic s of Polyrn e rs, t] 10 -Se i o 11 t i fi c
Council ' Scieittific Fiindanientals of -Strength ~10 plat;ticity, " the S(Aentifllic-
_o_n_H_i_gtY-_,NI o I e- -e-u-I a-r- --_W_c-, i-g I -it" _C- -o' r,n_,I,),o i ii,i (Iii - -0, f - 0 -1A_(_A e r n y o f S C i 0 t I C, (? S
fn_6'CRTi e of Mechanics of Polymer.,,, of the Aca( erny o
sciences LatSSR.,
The conferpnce dealt with problems of the theory of 6treiig-Lit, theory
of deformatJon 'and long-time stability of plates and shells, Avithors and
subjects of selected papers from the proceedings of the conference are
listed below.
Card 1/4
-6' -61,
ACC NR: AF6012868
1. Zhurkov, S. N. Physical fundamentals of the theory of the strength
of polymers.
2. ELailteney Thermal and athermic destruction niechanisms of
3. Skudra, A. NJ. Phenomenological dependences of long-tirne st.rength
and crack resistance of reinforced plastics on various factors.
4. Serensen, S. V. , V. S. Strelvayev, and G. P, ZVts(-.v, statio!~ical
aspects of the resistance to destruction of glass-roinforco( PI; ti
5. 1. L GoIldenblat, V. A. Kopnov, and Ye, K,
Ashkenazi. Viriants o( the thoot-y' of the RuIC-1i'li't of quasi-isotropic, ar!d
anisotropic rnaterials, fentures of strerir,ylh tc-sLs, rind evodti,--Ition of
eters in design formulas.
6. Ivanov, N. P. , and V. iE Study cif 1),L-Ayrner strenj.~h under
dynamic higl-i-velocity loads.
7. Urzhuaitsev, YLL S. , M-Id S, L. Skallozu-[~. Pvlothod for study of
acoustic fatigup and acoustic of polyrners.
8. Latishenko, A. NozvJcs[rv(Ai';t-, (11C.1.11o6o, for
properties of polj~-nerlc inaterialls.
0. Sogolova, T , T. , Ye. L. V. 1. Prosvir ilia an" Yu. L.
fol-nis and Properties r,,f 1"DIpTlers.
Card 2/4
ACC NRi AP6012868
10. and 1. P. Briedis. Theory of molding and com-
puting highly reinforced poIymer_T_c_s_y-sFeWn~-Wder the effect of -,ribration.
A. ~~ang Fo.Fei, and L. P. Kharoelichun; 'W. A
Kolturnov, and A. N. Nikolayevskiy; and Yu. Al.
Gr. Poi:_t_noi~_,ancT_
e vincoclastic
state of media, involving th proper~ics
of the polymeric binder;'correlative theory of elustic bodies Nvith a non-
uniform structure; nonlinear theory of elasticity; and the most urgent
problems of the application of the theory of reinforced media.
12. B?,renb1att,,__G.. J. . and L. AGalin. Some causes of vibration in-
duced creep of polymers.
13. Malmeyster A K G A Teter ' I, V. et, and A. F. Kreger.
"=I __En
New developments in the theory of localized deformaticns and ap~[Ifc-aTfo-ns
of this theory.
14. Rabotnov, Yu. N. Problems of long-time stability of plates and
15. Tete.r,'~ G.~ A. .,J. V. Knet, and A. F. Kreger. Application of the
theory of localized deformations to -the solution of problems of long-time
stability of plates and. shells.
41-45~11-'111 S 115,
:-t 26135-66, -
ACC NRt AP6012868
The proceedings of the conference showed that considerable progress,
has been achieved in both fficomfical and practical aspects of the mechanics
of polymers. This progress was attributed to the specialization of leadi
institutes of the Academy of Sciences T-JSSR and of Republic academies., - , i
to better coordination of studies, and to the exchange of information upon
completion of studies. [This feature article contains merely a brief
enumeration of subjects of ft,oni the procoadings of the Cot-d?crence.
Some details an individuiLl paper3 are given in the source.] [M MISS: 42'11-F]
Card 4/4 VJ'
KOLDAYEV, A., kand.sal'skokhoz.nauk; URZHUMTSEVA, N.
Green gold. NTO /+ no.9234 5 162. (YJTu- 16:1)
, '1~1
1. Zamestitall predsedatelya Uzbekakogo nauchno-tekhniclieskogo
obahchestva sellskogo khozyaystva (for Urzhumtseva).
(kmbary hemp)
KOLDAYEVY A.j URZIIUMTSEVA, N., agronom,~-ekonomist
PotentialitieB of agriculture should be used. NTO 4 no.12:
25-27 D 162. OaRA 161l)
1. Predsedatell Uzbekskogo pravleniya Nauchno-tekhnichemkogo
obahchostva sel'skogo khozyaystva, prorektor Tashkentskogo
sellskokhozyaystvennogo Instituta (for Koldayev). 2. Zamestitel,
predsedatelya respublikanskogo pravleniya Naucbno-tekhnicheskikh
obshchestv (for Urzhumtseva).
MANESCU, 1. , ing. ; (JUICA , A. , ing.
Extension aspects of mechanization and automation of the
production of machine constructions. Probleme econ 16
no. 5: W-143 My 163.
1. Director, ITzinele de masini agricole "Semanatoarea"
(for Manescu).
2. Director tehnic, Uzina metalurgica "Tudor Vladimirescu"
(for Urzica).
Some results regarding the characterizatiori of the stability of
ri4er beds by a nuborical coefficient. Studii hidrol 3:67-75 162.
Studies on instruments for measuring the solid flow of watercourses.
Ridrotahnica 7 no,11:365~-378 N 162.
Contributions to the stlady of the equipment for samphn;-
carried down alluvium. Studil h1drol 7-43-128 163.
NESTORESCU, N., Prof. Dr., Member Correspondent of the Academy of
Socialist RerublLc of Rumania (membru corespondent &I Acadtntei Rerublicii
Socialiste Romania)i CIPLEA, Al., BONA C., POTORAC, L., URZ1CEANV,j1,.,.
Colonel, Medical Corps; and STRATI, I.v Liet~t`oni*~i-ColoreT, Mai-ca-1 Corps.
"Experimental Studios on Burn Disease: Part I - Contribution to the Study
of Histopathological Modifications In the Acute Phase of the Severe Ex-
perimental Burn (24 to 48 hours)"
Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 104-106
Abstracti Comprehensive data on experimencal study in groups of 30 dogs
(Lncludi g 10 controls In each group), studying histopathologically the
various tissues 6, 24, and 48 hours after the burni with stress on ad.
renals, kidney and spleen lesions. Conclusion is that there is a defi-
nite pathological process whose stages can be differentiated; the nucleic
acid content to various tissues to revelatory of the stage of disease.
NESTORESCU, N., Prof. Dr., Member Correspondent of the Academy of the
Socialist Republic of Rumania (membru corespondent 41 Academiei Republicit
Socialiste Romania)l CIPLEA, Al., BONA C., POTOBAC. E., UF?ZICEANU,--N.-,
Colonel, Medical Corps; and STRATI, I., Lieutenant-Colone-T77e-li-cil Corps.
"Experimental Studies on Burn Diseasei Part 2 - Contribution to the
Study of Changes in the Spinal and Peripheral Blood Durtn& the Course of
the Severe Acute Phase of Experimental Burns, 24 to 48 hours after the
Bucharest, Revista Sanitara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 106-LIO
Abstractt Study of bone marrow cytology in dogs 24 and 48 hours after
svere burnsi trends In leukocyte and erythrocyte series are reported
nd discussed. There is a marked difference between the two stages$ iotep
hemoconcentration with arythrocytools first, turning later to anmia;
exhaustion of reticulo-andathelial system Is part of the second phase.
3 photomicrographs.
NESTORESCU, N., Prof. Dr., Member Correspondent of the Academy of the
Socialist Republic of Rumania (membru corespondent al Academiei Republicii
Socialiste Romania); CIPLEA, Al.; BONA C.j Pqg~ORLC
Colonel, Medical Corps; and STRATI, I., Lieutenant-Colonel, Te-Mal Corps.
"Experimental Studies on Burn Disease: Part 3 Study of Nucleic Acids
and Proteins Four Days In the Acute Phase (6 to 48 hours) of Severe
Bucharest, Revista Sanicara Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 1965; pp 110-114
Abstract: Histological &nd cytochmical study with various dyes of skin
and kidneys of burned dogs Indicates early intensification of lysosome
activity; nucleic acids become degraded and many enzymes are released
at pmthological or pathogenic levels. 5 photanicrographs.
WESTORESCU, N., Prof. Dr., Member Correspondent of the Academy of the
Socialist Republic of Rumania (Membru corespondent &I Academiei Republicii
Socialiste Romania)l DONA, C.1 CIPLEA, Al.; j~ " ; CONOROSAN, S.;
VIERU, S.; URZXQF.-WA., Colonel, Medical Corpal and STRATI, I., Lieute-
nent-Colonel, adical Corps.
"Experiment &I Studies on Burn Diseases Part 3 - Enzymologic Studies on
the Acute Phase of Burns (6 to 48 Hours After the Burn)"
Bucharest, R*vista Sanitars Militara, Vol 16, Special No., 19651 pp 114-116
Abstracts Lysosomal enzyme release in skin and kidney mains to be ant of
the primary causal factors in.the app"ranc* of a variety of tissue lesions
which compose the burn syndrome. The principal enzymes are enumerated and