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UTOKOV, N. I.---,,' A broader attack on prepar&tory op*rations. Maxt.ugl. 4 no.11:14 N 155. (KLRA 9:2) lAachisitt prokbodekoskog* k4mbayma PK-2m. (Coal sizes and misiag) UTENKOVp N. In the Ca=oil for the Study of Productive Rmouross attached to the State Planning Comittee of the U.S.S.R. Vop.ekon. no.IsI58- 160 :a 163. (MIRA 16s2) (Industriesq Location of) (Natural resources-Researeh) UT.-C.TI-Oll, 'T. A. "The Southern Soashoro ('11wo-acterlstIcs, of Conditionq)." Sub ';0 WAy .51, Moscow State Pe(ligoglcal Inst 1!npnl V. T. Lenin. Dissertations presented for science ~md eneinpering degrepR in Moccow during 1951- SO: Slim- No. 480. 9 Ilev 55 POWVINKIN, Aleirsandr Alek-enndrovich, prof. [deceased]; ORIDY, V.I., Icand. geograf.nauk, red.; U kand.geograf.nauk, red.; VASILITEVA, O.S., CffUVALDIN, -14., red.kart; MUWTA, U.N.. [Principles of general geograpby; a textbook for pedagogical institutes] Oanovy obshchego zemlevedeniia; ucbebnik dlia pedagagicheakikh inBtitutov. Moskva, Goa. uchabno-podagog. izd-vo 14-v& prnav. RSFSR, 1958 494 P. (MIRA 12:1) iGnography) - KOUSOV, D.L*; UTMNWV, P.A. State of physicogeographical study of the northeastern part of the U-SmS-Ro and tanks of future research. Probl.Sevo no.2:91- 115 '58. (MIRA 12:4) 1. Sovet po i2ucheniyu. proizvodital'nykh oil AN SWR. (Siberia, lastern-Physical geography) UTFNKC~v N. I. From the expleriencej.,,lof the inspection point df the electric 10-comotive depot in Zima. Blek*. i tepl.tiaga 7 no.11:32-33 N 163. (MM 17%2) 1, Haster punkta tekhnicheakogo osmotra alaktrovozov depo Zima Vostochno- Sibirskoy ddrogi. isd VIASOTA, M-A., in* -; UM. V-Ta., red. UTEMOT,_:7~7., kand. tskhn. nauk; -va; IAOTINA, I-K.. tekhn. red,; MOW, xr,, takhn. red. [Sea"nf Joints in Precast Concrete construction under winter con- ditionsj Zadelka stykov sbornykh zhelez6betonnykh konstruktgii r zimikh usloyliakh. X09kr&, GO$- lsd~lfo lit-rr po stroit., arl&it. I stroit. mterlalam, 1958. 6o p0 (MIRA 1W) (Precast concrete construction-Cold weather conditions) 6F r-o UTBBKCVA2 A.F. Some materials on the study of the vegetative characteristics of oak-and spruce-dominant forest soils in the Byalovezbaka Pushcha Fochvovedenie no.6:70-77 Je 162. (MIRA 15:8) 1. Institut lesa i drevesiny, Krasnoyarsk. (Byalovezhaka Pashchar-Forest soils) (oak) (Sprucei % REIEZOV, fi.p. UTEN OVA, r and DynamicS of the tr_ra:~tlGn cr pochvovedenje no.3.-1-14 "r '~'( p rst~ -ennOi7 ,cisuda 0 Ovedeniya Moskov5kogo Sotrudni~i kafedry Pochv Y1011a, 130gashr-Vap menj Lomonosova (fcr 3aa universiteta i ova,). 2. Sotrq.~dr-dk', i1rrorie-zhakogo zRpDvc:1.-dku Shmurovap Utank I ,' v-4 rJ d o-,'a j (for poyarkoval D -;- - UTONCII~A, of calctim nutriticn in varioun forest t7pes of Salovezhakaya "U.311cha. Bot~j is9l. Bal. otd, VBO no.6gl4&155 164. (KIRA 18%7) UTENKOVA2 V.A.; ZELENSHCHIKOVA, A.V.; KALYUMIXY, I-I.Ya. Producing vitwain B12 by cultivating propionic acid bactorla on sulfate liquor. Vit. res. i M isp. no.5:73-81 161. (MMA 15:1) 1. Nauchno-issledovatollskiy instItut gldroliznoy i sulffitno- spirtovoy promyshlennosti Leningrad. (CYANOCOBLURIL-5 (SULFITE LIQUOR) E fv L; A uss R 'a a dilLsti-, at v obmiv~d fro, mr. amp, 17 R. 9 Kardcv-S ar4 V, A- Utp.- -R- FAOEI were &-td. bi fc:m-itirig em-ccic, zrA t-cutmUC&I- wwd h)r~fvlyraies jawe &nd with added rfuecAc. In mkz. ypHs, efrGrg IM CA9, ftr==00 M-93t MteUt WA f6 terafts as high as =-% of tAeccr~ Axt,-,Al ykkh am about 82-697, of theory. cc 5-1-57 L/100 kr, of krautntWe Sugar in the initial misb. Common errms are fe~-.Xre to allaw kc sugar Urzms TA ptepc. the rnssfi, and imcfiidL~g redudag nonsulirs as Sugars, FmicatWe ruprt can be e:td. frm EtOH yic!ds as campartd With known glucage or ndxed hexom MIMI: mashem Stabmty d im". )-emsts old th& phy5w. state cza at" be e Ad. from the MOH yied ot kno~m mish". flermedfAtfan. 1W. M-R-Com. ywffs, uwf -t=s, h - , - mucl .2" Ight. ell rcasoa Is xequfred camdty t Yew Cnitar"; dit m- to ftramint reduciv; vonsugvq in hydrolyzate mule-m. Ttwv-- aonsurm can be remmed with Pb(OAcle amd WS (smeth-n rith 11.9 xLme). Decolacizzing time (mbt.) waz: with 0.IAf Etou as H 4fmor 50; Um 0.1vist so.' no dorwr (cm. svast 111d rm-h) 74; r-, domm frxnt Ye2st, ItrFlIn XII fil CUltare fr.4C-dj~t) G7. 172, &,j(j 17,'). 110-,% by 910it bitt te, by gJacete. c-id Ift'S fav-erz rviluting powr d noas-:Z,~fs hi the W-relytate mpdy ms much is (10 tem. yv";I5. Amar~ntly CIO Ercraps an reduct& to CH011. ju~IE%tt 17. Smith X&RDO-STSOMA, Ye.K.; MMOVA-RANTSAN, V.A. On the yield of alcohol In yeast fermentation. Part 11: Significance of yeast strain and conditions of mativation for.alcoholic fermentation. Mikroblologila 32 no.6:682-688 N-ID 053, OILRA 6:12 ) 1, Toosoyusnyy amuchno-issledovatelokly Institut gidrolisnoy i sullfitno- spirtovoy promyshle-imosti, Leningrad. (Yeast) (Termentation) Tti cBalTicc of ProdLicts During t,he! Fermontation of llooO Hydrolysates." Oxid B'; o1 Sci, Leningrad Technolo~-ical In-t of tle Frcd Industry, Lc!Linr-,r-ld, 1 . ( ?54 YL, !!o, 1, Jar 55) Survey of ScientLfic and Tecluilcal D~.ssertations Dc-fended at USSR Higner glucational Tnstitutions (13) V. SO: Sum. No. 50.8, 29 Jul 55 ks A iK~ ;1 ~- ~4 V _UT-ZNTKOV`A-RA-1'trE-4!,f, V.A. USSRpm.oiogy Car,.- .42 ._)i4 7 Author : Kardo-Sysoyeva, Ye. K. and Utenkova-Rantsan, V. A. Title : Concerning the output of alcohol during yeast fermentation. IV. Conditions which inhibit side reactions Periodical : Rikrobiologiya, 23, N4-332, MaY/Jun 1954 Abstract : The alkaline fermentation reaction, which leads to the formation of acetic acid, glycerin, and excess C02, is considered a side reaction in alcohol fermentation. The inhibition of this side reaction makes possible an in- crease in the alcohol output. This reaction is easily suppressed in r:Gmsk Strain No- 7 yeast by slowing down the fermentation process, which raises the alcohol output from 79% to 94% of the theoretical yield. In hydrolyzed factory yeasts this reaction is more intensive and less plastic; besides the highly active dehydrogenase which assures the accumulation of alcohol during the central oxy-reduction stage, these yeasts possess a still more active aldehydemutase which promotes the alkaline fermentation side reaction. Us- ing factory yeasts it is possible to elicit a high alcohol accumulation (up to 91-92% of the theoretical yield) even in a medium with a small concentra- tion of sugar by introducini!, an excess of acetate ions. This causes the in- hibition of the side reaction by establishing an ion equilibrium according to the law of mass action. Six charts. Five Soviet references. Mikrobiologiya, 23, 3o4-312, MaY/Jun 1954 Card 2/2 Institution The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the Hydrolysis and Sulfite Alcohol Industry,*Leningrad Submitted July 26, 1954 eT, C.Stiaxwou. r.rleentatt.2 aa Areeding of (5*prvryvwy* trathonlym I YMODICLLo Tostulk kkaAssil muk SSSRt 1959, Ir 2, Vp 106-100 (V33R) ABSTIACT. The InAtItut alkrobtalogli kkadeali nauk 3332 (microbiological lmtttqt. of the Academy of Sciences. USSR) can,.Wd - ioaf.nooe fro:f0otober 13 to 15P 1958 which dealt still the w0 at, got SoD"at vorking vatult. in this field as all 08 with the disco Stanaf 4L further tat*Aottleatioa of the production$ ,.:, ag on the activity or The ocaf:reaa : as :.,:.ttGrA,d by more then 200 representatives of Good al. M I fit breach r.#.&"h Iaetitute~. enterprise*, savaorkhosoo# univarattloop as well as foreign scientists. The followilss; leaturqo sort boards 1. V. Iye"S.11askly spoke of the theoretical foundation of the thud of coulls"oo I olorcto 1jro#4ID9 and its prospect* of the robt I Industry. I. l. .1aftes n A* Flevabo. Too"yoss" asuchrus iselt4avatal-skly Infititat card 1/4 Ishl oboyakarsuly (AII:Unlon Sattatifie Reallorsh lAstit-t- Of DrIed-Pr4d"ll-ft Industry) do-It -ith the problem f the breading Of 7--41 10 SOWICAS OOXIAIRIAC ?" A"Ar." T -Pq-P. rishym, K. V8.&OyuxT;1A. im.0 &A44 1 A In I rill fitao-spIrtavoy pvs;wy.bI.nav.t1 (All-Unl4a laidatific 14afarch Institute for the Industry of Sydrolyols and 3%IfIte Spirits) 6v&lVM1t4d the theoretical end practical wark In the field of continuous fermentation of met hydrolyzat4a and sultilo Illislar a. wall so their uttlizatics for *staining fodder yeast. j_.j_j1~vfi' Ers.wrarskly C14"lisswy loved (KY.BrAyersk Rydrelyals Plan%) atid that the Istroduotion soul completion of the costlassous process of yeast breeding made it possible to Lacrosse the output of yeast factories by tea times. A. L. Nalsbanks, Tooneywayy saackass. I like ro-Todoohnoy JAIJ.U&Jom Scientific Me"arvIs Institute of the 834TI1, U%vour 604 ardm4y ladvatry), T. V. Nakkasaw"ob, DoIsAW"kays la~oroiarjy4 141*01fIs PA966rok &Aborostory) reported on %be cart A experismat of applylac tW mthoA of contlas"s forwentistlea C4VIo-ve Yo-otion &M PrsellAx of Xcroorgeolsax of the startby raw material AM syrup In the alcohol M onotow-t.tussil. Industry. 5. L._Wowv&ljw, All _U" on 3cleattfle Rvoosrsh lastltuto of the Alcohol, Liqu..r and Broody Industry reported on the problea of antiseptics In fighting 4- to ferment.. I.. .1s~-MailvinakArA~Institut ulkrotlologll Ak&4"11 muck 11331 _(Xicrobloloclool Institute of the A3 Ukr3GR) reported an Me i-tig.ti- of the ..rphol.ric.1 ..4 physiological properties of yeast. A. D. joulmAka, An4ruehevotly opirtevoy sevod (Andrush4vka 1. atitt6voy lavoi (KaI Won,.. 3041oft.117 Boymarkhas (Smolonak Sovurkhoz) reported an no" vorking results obtained by distillorloo In the syrup fermentation by using the method of contlanaus flow. 11 lAclogradakly wul,ersitet (L.,dngr.A University) gharectorls.4 the oorralation of reproduction. prov.o.oo and blachouloal activity of %call* cold bacteria Is the high-op.*d prc4uctlez of vinegar. N. V. Foronova, 111crobialogloal Inalltate of the AS USU %to -1-polFs of-the possibility of obtaining wltaala J" by continuous brooding of propioule laid bacteria (pmpiowv.ktalyyv Wakleril). J. L. (All.Uslo. Scientific Research Institute of Antibiatios) reported an the applicattepof this method lot the production of penicillin. T. T -XuLki" All-Union Scientific Research Institute of the _42~1;11' Ulu*;;, and Draudy Industry showed that the method of brooding of the fungus Ampreillus alger acaoloral*s formsiotalloo. 9. T, Portiloyov, Loolograd University reported on the result@ of iDvestigailone of the natural stareflors by tkq mtbsd of capillary vlaromoop7 whish he had dov#lopod. _ZLALJWgdfMll, 11141 U01TOrlity 114110301TO194 his NOW 114141101 for *.all-" breeding of otercorgo"wo In laboratory Proaties. J. Intl send LjLfijj__ itaseboolovakim) oxproom*4 their opinions 0 the cathode or oestiwwoo brooding of alors. orgaMmus. On this Conference It "a poisist 40 Us 2660901ty of :rFunialme the Industrial produatlex of Culture* for asti~ss fermentation- ;CYeast,,sedimentotion In ~ontlmiwtvi fortamitntion of drolv. tcr. ht- Va. KnIvnYlum. M. K, RANwa. ari,[L) V. A. tjtvrkf,v:t (MI-11rilmiSsi. frisf. IlydrOys~s, Ind., Ixo:pgrid). 24. "!Owef [a filter~--d th:m in unfut,red m?-slim varmrs influeuchig Ili,! rd,(! Include ccil count, gup.,ar conui, and motioul in tim 1111.1h., ' C1 C thQ yeast is usy tri Ivild In mispen4,3o, nud tjp t" 2 It. there ii not much Eediment, wlictlict LI!L rmsh ivan filtvied or not. S~Aim(mtetl v~ast fumt-n(s more F!owlY wid yi-,(d3 Icss than %itcptn+d yr~kst. Wocd hydrolvvites t.hattld t,C (tynittacd ai. i ~va-t content of 15-20 %vidl SyMc- iLlytic wpn. of ~-Itltd y(Inqt. J-11imi F, Smith _ETjti3ianau, P.] Oar dear friend. Rab.i sial. 36 no.8:6-7 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:10) 1. Nolkhom "Belarus', Holodechnenk-siy rayon. (Women as farmers) PETERBUROSKIY, A.V., doktor sel'skokhozyaystvennykh naukp prof.; UTENISHEV, Yu.P., starshiy nauchW sotrudnik Comparative evaluation of compound and simple fertilizers Tor light and sWAy soils. Izv. TSKHA no.3:79-82 162. (MM 15:9) 1. Gomel'skaya oblastna lskokhozyaystvennaya opytnaya Vr se stantsiya (for Utenyshe . (Sanoy soils) (Fertilizers and manures) ACC NRI AP6021-1558 SOURCE, COOL: UR/0390/66/029/004/0454/0456 AMIOR: Crechiahkin, L. L.; Utepl)crgeituva, Iz. K. ~ ORG: Department of Phnrmacology, 111SLitute of Experimental Medicine, MV SSSR Leningrad (Otdcl farmakologJA Ingtituta ek~;p(!rimerlt, I'noy meditsiny AIMN SSSR) TITLE: Central and,peripheral action of cholinolytics on gestric secretion SOURCE: Parmakologiya i toksikologiya, v. 29, no. 4, 1966, 454-456 610.1- 0 C I C_ %5 P_ OR e 7,10 A,(, DR() r~ A5'F.CF_ ('-r, ITOPIC TAGS: Wentral nervous system, cholinolytic compound, gastric secretion== ABSTRACT: ~Amysil and glypine were given to dogs intravenously and directly into the brain. The blocking action of amysil was greater when linjected directly into the brain while this was not true of BeTE.' -This illust'rated the central action of amysil and'the peripheral action of BeTE. (WA-50; CBE No. 11] SUB CODE: 06/ SUBM DATE: 17Jul65/ ORIG REF: 009/ OT11 REF: 003 Card UDC: 615.787-092:612.323.5 tJl'-'-L'tMO)I, A.M." UTEPKALIM4, BULANWA, W. 05tag alfeernating clxrrortt polarogmphy :Ln armlyzIng, .het =a*~--rlals --Ir. the lead --nd,,ist-.---/ ec--~ cadmiijm. Sbor.trud. VNIll'-VEIMET rw.9At,-68 165. (,%IIRA 18~11-) . UTEPOV, K.Sh., inzh. Eliminate the causes of mine accidents in Kazakhstan. Bezop. truds, v prom. 4 no.9:10-U S 160. (MIRA 13:9) 1. Goagortekhnadzor Kazakhskoy SSR. (Kazakhstan-Mine accidents) LASTOVETSKIY, B.I., inzh,; -, i ~~P )',/, ~ Sli.. -inzh. Frevent st,),-e --,)f cavin,, ir, MirgOinsav v prom. 32: ---7 j ' " .~) no -. I, ~, I- I : :: -L ) 1. Gosgortek-lin-sdzor hazak!~!:.Ikoy S,'~R. (Pirgralimsay-Lead nin;7-s ~n-nd mining-Safety :,.(-a~ures) WEPOVO--K,.Sh. --- Means fbr controlling the losses of ores and impro-virg -~ - -*,-a- tion of the DzhazWzgan deposit, Razved. i okch, ned,- ~ 7 rv. -*: -.- 34 Mr 161. *; (VUliA j/;,, ;"! 1. Gosgortekhnadzor Kazakhskoy7SSR. (Dzhezkazgan District.-Mining engineering) UTEPOV F 4,. IASTOVETSKIY, B. I. Fapediency of reviewing the conditions for balanced ore reserves of complex-ore deposits being worked in the Rudnyy Altai. Ikzved. i okh. nedr 28 no.5:34-36 My 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. GosudarstvemW komitet pri Sovete Ministrov lazakhoko SSR po nadzoru za bezopasnym vedeniyam rabot v promyshlonnosti i gornomu nadzora. (Altai Mountains-Mining engineering) UTE311hY, A.B.) :.A. YA. -7 VALITOVA, M.S., DYUKOVA, A.K., KUROU'li"YA, N.I., l'A131"A, Z-4'i.. RESH -11TINUKOVA t N.I., SUIXCEVA, L.S., ( U S.S F.) "Special Aspects of the MetubolLsm of Som;e Substance in Fadiation Descase in Do.,s." Report presented ant the 5th Int'l. Bioche:nistry Congress, lo-101 Aug 1c.61. -UTESHEV, A.B. Effect of whole-body X~ray irradi-ation on the iron metabolism in animal tissues. Ukr. bickhim. zhur. 34 no-3:371-378 162. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Kafedra biokhimii Kazakhskago gosudarstvennogo meditsinskogo instituta. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 qz #d '056T 'U) LZ 14T.MuTiqlaA fcs OT,47L'o JFO .19,&0J T4-T--04V3 'TURUBTT-ell-b, uoT,p!jg ~~vquaurraadx,-j fXVL-,TaalaA NcamX *IaA C'I *V 'ARX210,111 PUL' *49A "d 't. 'lUllgat'CEd J, .;KSHIN V. P.; UTESHEV, A.I., Veto F9 3 1V n K9c en ific Res. Veto Exptle Stao A IlOn non-specific tuberculin reactions in cattle infested with fascioliasis." - SO: Veterinariia 29(6), 1952, P. 32 0 0 0 0 0 0 4k 0 0 0 0~0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 At O'L~Cll 77T Vol -"g, n." 1~.,, I I Vq GRIGORIYEV, B*Tee; /TJTESHEV, A.I.;IVANNIKOV, M.Ya., epizootolog. Elimination of tuberculosis in cattle in Kursk Province collective farms. Veterinariis. 34no.11:81-83 N '57. (MIRA 10:12) l.Vaterinarnyy otdel kurskogo oblastnogo upravleniya sellskogo khozyayslva. 2.Nachalinik veterinarnogo otdela (for Grigorlyev). 3.Zavedupnhchiy epizooticheakim otdelom oblastnoy votbaklaboratorii (for Uteshev). (Kursk Province--Tuberculosis in animals) UTESIEV, A. S. "Atmospheric Droughts in the Northern Half of Kazakhstan" (Phy.-;ical Gt!ography and Meteorology-Climatology, Climate) Tr. Kazakhskogo n.-n. gidrometeorol. In-ta. No 1, 1953, pp 5-54 Abs W-31146, 1 Feb 55 )WOROV, TO'TOO, profaAsor; PMTWIMWSKIT, P.P.; BUCHINSKIT, I.U.; SETANINOV, GoTe, profeeaor; DOSM, L.V.; ALISOV, D.P.; DIRYU107, N.17.-. GALITSOV, A.P.; GRIGOR3YE7, A.A-, almdsmik; MIRSON, H.S., professor; MMETOV, N.S.; KHROMOT, S.P.; BOGDANOV. P.N.; LZINIM, A.M.: SOKOIM, V.R.; TANISHIVSKIT, ru,D.; SLMOTLENKO, V.S.-. USK&- OV, R.F.: CHURZOV, L.A.; TROTSINKOO SvTa.; VANGENGM, G.Ya.; SOKOLOV, I.F.; STY'RO, B.I.; TEMNIKOVA, N.S.; ISAYN7, B.A.; DMITRIYEV, A.A.; X&LYUGI3, Te.A,; LTMZMA&. Ye.K.; SAPOZHNIKOVA, S.A.; RAKIFO- VA, L.R.; POKROVSXAYA, T.V.; 13AGDABARTAN, A.B., ORID7A, V.7.,- RU- BINSHTM, T6.S., professor; MILEVSKIY, V.Yu.; SHCHERBAKOVA, Ye.Ta.; BOCHKOV, A.F.; ARAPOLISKATA, L.Ye.; MIAYEVA, A.V.;Sj~ 4A '"OLOTAWT, M.A., RUDNEVA, A.V.; RUIENKO, A.I.; 11 NER MIXAAYWV, A.M.; GAVRILOV, V.A.; TSOMAYA, T.I.; DWYATKOVA, A.M.; ZA.VARINL, M.V.; SHMETER, S.M. ; BUDYKO, K.I., professor. Discussion of the report (in the form of deba'lea) [of Ithe o-.zranb state climatolo leal resea--ch and m6th~~da of developlng it]. Inform. abor.GUGMS no.374:26-134 154. (MIRA 8:3) 1. Chlen-korreSPOndeLt Akademli nauk SSSR (for FedroroO. 2. GlaTnaya geofizichesk%3ra observatoriya im. A.I.V*eyko'ra (for Predtechenski7, Iebedev, Yanishevskiv, Isayev, Rakipcva, Rakr~-vskaya, Orlo-m, RutiL- shteyn, Budyko. Shcherbako-va, Anapollskaya, Dunayeva, Rudneva,Gavri,40v, Zavarina). 3. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issledovatellskly gidrometeorologicho- skly institut (for Buchlnskly). (Contirued on next card) FMROV, Te.Ya., professor; PREDTECHENSKILY, P.P., actd Discussiop- of rep-,r`-- ( ir. tt6 f 3rx of dslatr -) Ecf tEe cuay'ren" state cllmatol~)gical raeaa-7-,j% and meth.-Aa -,f pirg iti. abor. GTJGMS n.-.311,'t':26-*11,504 1540' (Card ".) (MIRA 8.' 3 4. Vsesoyuz-Dv7 instititt r&sts-4nIev,-dsII-7a (for Belyaninov, Rudenk;.)). 5. Bloklimaticheakaya startj3-~Iy--& K191c7odsic (for B:,shnc). 6. Mozek, -r- akiy gosudarstvenayy universitat Im. M.V.Lcmonoao7-7j (fc.:- Allsov). 7* Ministerstvo putby socbsh-nhenlya SSSR (for 21.-yukc-v). 8. Iln4tl tut geografii Akademii nauk SSSR (for Gailtsov, Grigorl7ev). 9. Geo- fizicheskaya komisellu VseaoywLwV geograficheskogo obahchest'C--a (for Xygenson). 10. Mialaterstm oI.f4kInatVantaiy i elektx,-~promyahlenmsti SSSR (for Muretlo7). 21. Jjeningr--AekI7 gosudarst7ennyy universitat im. A.A.Zhdano-ra (for Khromer). 12. VSentrallw nauchrc.-Iseledovate13- skiy gi&",meteor~~It)glcheskiy arkht- (f~-,r SokA..)v, Zolct~ev). 14.3. G,-- sudarslbvenny7 okear-ograflehook.1,7 (fiv Samoylenko). 14. TSen- trallny7 ins",Atat prv-gnvzc--y (for Usma--.;-Y, Sap,.tzhnIk,,;-va). 1.5. Institut geografil Akademii nwak SSM I Waatra.ItW lustit-mit lairortAAcgill (fvr ChulnAov). 16. Ins4;i-tut. imeni Sechemra, Yalta (for Zrotsu-.-A-o). 1-7. kvkUcb,-4kIj institut (fur Vange-ac-:~7r.)b (Continued on Mex$ carli) FEDOROV, Te,Ys., profess-4:r; PRFMECHENSK.TY. P.P.. i.~ c-thar.~-. Discussion of the report (in the form of debates) [of the curren' state of climatAogtral research and methi.;ds of de-7eL:ping it]. Inform.sbor. GUGMS noo3/4:2r"-;154 E54. (Card 3) (MLRA 8-1) 18. Dallnevostochny7 nauchnc-lesl6do-ratellskiy gidrtmeteorolcgiche- skir inatitut (for Sokolo7), 19, Institu", geologii i geografit Akn- demii tauk Litovsko7 SSR (f,.-r S+,y-r..-.). 2-0. Rosto--i3koe ul-.avlenie gidrometaluzhby (for Temniknva). 21. Morzkoy gidrofizl^.haskiy Inatl- tut AlcqAemii nauk SSSR (for Dm.triy8v-). 22. ViienciyuzW inatitut rasteniyevod3tva (for Malyugin). 2". Akademiva nauk Estoaskoy SSR (for Liedemaa). 24. A3mdemiya nauk Amyatskoy SSR (for Bagdasaryam). 25. Leningradskir gidrometeorologicheskiy instltut (for Milevskiy). (Continued on next card) YEMROV, YeJeo, professor; PRIDTECHENSKIY, P.P., and others. Diecussion of the report (in the fcrm of debatos) [of the curreat state climatological research and methode of developing it]. Inform.sIx'r. GWMS no-3/4:26-154 154. (Carl 4) (MBA 8:3) 26* GoB-udar3tVenny7 gidrologicheskiy institut (for Bochkov). 27. Ka- zakhakiy nauchno-iasledo7atellskiy gidrometeorologicheskiy inatitut, (for Ut .-28. Upravlenie gidromete'lluzhb.-. kriWanskoy SSR (f-,,- Nor- -'f or Ut Ie aeayan?.42U9'. Leningradukoye upravleniyo gidrcmeteluzhby (for Mikhaylov, Devyatkova). 30. Tbilisskiy gosudarstvannn lativersitet (for Tsomaya). 31. TSentralinaya aerologicheskaya observatoriya (for Shmelier). (Climatology) UTIKAGAUMOV, X.H.. k~nd.geogr.nauk; BEHLYAND, T.G.6 kandogeogronauk; BAZIMMIT, Sh.A.,; BAYDAL, H.Kh.. kand. gaogr.nauk: KUIMSOV, A.T., kand.geogr.nauk; QjUipa0y, L.I., doktor geogr.nBuk; SIffYRIVA, Yu.G., mladshiy nauchn" storadnik; UTIMw,,A,3.q kand.geogr.nauk; GOLITORR . I.A.. doktor geogr. ititOVAV.D., starshiy nauchnyy Botrudnik; WISHIIOVA, YO.A., mlads, nauchnyy sotrucInik; GILIHGOLITS, N.Y., starshly nauchn" sotrudnik; PRMOROV, I.I.. starshiy naucbnyy sotrudnik; TICACHINK0. M.S., m1adshly nBuchnyy sotradnik; ZMANOVA. LoPe, red.; BRAYNINA, X.I., (Climate of Kazakhstan] Klimat Kazakhatana. Pod red. A.S.Uta- sheva. Leningrad, Gidrometeor.izd-vo, 1959. 366 p. (MIRA 13:3) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Glavnoye upravlaniye gidrometeoro- logicheskoy sluzhby. 2. Kazakhakiy pedagogicheskiy institut (KasPI) (for Utimagambetov). 3. Glavnaya geofizichookaya observa- toTiya im. A.I.Voyeykave (GOO) (Tor Berlyand, Golitsbarg). 4. Ka- sbkhokly nauchno-issledovatellsk-ly gidr'ometeorologichaskly insti- tut-NazNIMI) (for Bezverkhniy, Baydal, Kuznetsov. Uteshav, Kly- kova, Men'shikova, Gellmgollts, F'rokhorov, Tkachenko). 5. Insti- tut geografii Akademii nauk SSSR (1G AN S&9R) for Shvyreva). (Kazakhstan--Climate) BAYDAL, M.Xh.; UTISHIV, A.S. Connection between droughts in the south of the laropean part of the d.S.S.R. and the northern half of the Kazakh B.S.R. Trudy I&MONI ~o.11:130-144 159. (XIRA 13:6) (Russia, Southern--Droughts) (Kazakhstan--Droughts) JjS --A.S~r red.1 ZIIDANOVAp LePpp BAIDAL, Mikhail Kharlamovich; UI_41EI, red.; SMGEYEV, A.N., tekhn. red. (LoWrange weather forecasting by the corplex large- scale circulation method) Komplekanyi makrotairkuliatsionrqkh metod dolgoorochnykh prognozov pogody. Pod red. A.S.Ute- sheva. Leningrad, Gidrometeor. izd-vo, 1961. 211 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Weather forecasting) UTESHEV, B.S. Effect of iprazid and phenyzine ca 5-hydroxytz7ptophan decarbcrxy- lase. Farm. i toks. 27 no.32293-295 My-je 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. V.V.Vasillyeva) II Moskov- skogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni Pirogova. KOWDANTOVAO M.V.;._!~TF.S,HEV,., B.S. Methods of eliminating same complications arising during hypotension caused by arfonad; experimental study. Farm. i toks. 26 no.102-58 Ja-F 163. (MIRA 17!7) 1. Xafedra farmakologii (zav. - prof. V.V. Vasillyeva) 11 Moskovskogo meditsinakogo instituta imeni N.I. Plragcva. YXSIXOV, S.K., inzhener; UfWbM, Y.K., inzhener. Modernization of light-weight sheepla-foot tamper. Mekh.stroi. 10 no.9:10-11 S '53- OaRL 6:8 ) (Road rollers) YNSIKOV, S.K., inzhener; UTESHEV, F.Kh., inzhoner. Mobile asphalt concrete mixer D-288. Stroi. i dor.mashinostr. 1 no-3:12-14 Mr 136. (MLRA 10:1) (Mixing machinery) YVISM"", S*Kqq inzh.; UPESHEY, F-Iih i.nzh. of pneumatic tirod rollers. Strol. i 6oro Improving the design I (YIRA 1.1:10) washinostr. 3 no.9:29 S 15P. (Rollers (Earthwork)) YES IKOV, S. K. ; U.~.: RTOIIFNh'O, V. 1. Spur-gear bitumen-dosing pumps. Stroi.i dor.mashinostr. 3 no.12:10-11 D 158. (MIR& 11:12) (Pumping machinery) A17HURS.- Polettk a, .i5zj!~mwVj"e--8ft9ativn-of -U PM4. 7.f TOPIC rALS, met too! r) Ar-i TOM %tZ-/ C.,d 2/2 Q-- mz Qawkal.~~ /7 0 Ja EX F-TZP MEDICA S a-11-V01.833, R.L.- J I , X-0- C _TAJ -_ - " I. 1171. -FOREIGN BODIES -IN THE RESPIRATORY TRACT (Russian text) a he v N. S. - VESTN. KHIR. 1957, 7 9/9 (100-105 and 158) Tables I 125 cases of pati a entering the hospital with complaint of having aspirated foreign bodies are described. The peculiarities of the sites where the foreign bodies were to be found as also the dIfficulties to find out and to remove them are recorded The complications following the aspiration of these foreign bodies into the bro;chl and trachea are enumerated. (IX, 11) U-MIESIOV, N. S.J. Candidate Med Sc.' (diss) -- "Diagnosis and methods rof rrimc-j~jng foreign bodies from the respiratory tracts". Moscov, 1959. 13 pp (Acad tied Scl USM),, 200 copies (KL, ljo 23, 1959., 173) UTSSM , N.S. (Mookovskaya oblastI, pos. Saltykovka, 2-.Va XUchinukaya u1., - I ~ - -d --10 -- ~ fteumonotomy as a method for removing of foreign bodies aspirated do" into the respiratory tract. Vest.khir. 82 no.1:125-126 Ja 159. (KIRA 12:2) 1- Is 3-y khtrurglchookoy klinik (dir. - prof. D.A. Arepov) Inuti- tuta skoror psuomhohl imeni N.V. Sklifosovskogo,, (FMPIRATORY TRACT. for. body pneunotomy as method of removal (Rug)) SHUMANOVA, T.I.; UlPlMV,-H.Z-,-k( lea-yngeal injuries. Vest.khir. no.10:49-52 161. (MP A 14: 10) 1. I~ 3-Y khirurgicheskoy kliniki (rukavod. - Prof. D.A. Arapov) Mookovskogo gorodskogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta skoroy pomoshchi ims'N.V. Sklifosovskogo (dir. -- wasluzh. vrach USSR M.M. Tarasov). (LARYNX.-WOUDDS AND INJURIES) UTESHEV, N.S.., Difficulties and complications arising in removing foreign bodies from the respiratory tract. Zhur. ush. nos. i gorl. bol. 21 no-4: 57-60 JJ-Ag 16-1. (MIA 15:1) 1. Is 3-y khirurgicheakoy kliniki, (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR zaslushennyy deyatell nailk' prof. D.A,Arapov) Instituta imni Sklifosovskogo. (RESPIRATORY ORGANS-FOREIGN BODIES) ARAPOV, D. A., prof.; UTESHEV, ,I. S., kand. med. nauk Peptic ulcers of the anastomosis and jejunum followinr gastric surgery for peptic ulcer. Khirurgiia 38 no.7:78-86 a 162. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Iz 1-y khirurpicheskoy kliniki (zav. - chlen-korrespondent ' ) Y AW1 SSM 7,asluzhenrqy deyatell nauki prof. D. A. Arapov -oskov- skogo gorodskogo naucbno-issledovateliskogo instituta imeni N. V. Sklifosovskogo. (PEPTIC ULCER) (JEMIUM--ULCOS) (STOMACH--SURGERY) y,OTSyUBjjjSy,jy,, O.TU.; GWFUKOV~ A.,kl,.; UTESEY4_RA,; NOVIEDVI M.I. Vibration aging of iron castings. Lit. proizv' no.S:Jl-;-34 Ag 161. (Iron founding) (MIU 34.7) vt '_;_11.1-l"professor, -Dredsedatell; CHISTOYA, M.A., sekretar'; FIZHI- SHEVA, A.A.; KRICHEVSKIY, A.gL., kandidat meditainskikh nauk; UTESHICY, ,S.S., kandidat meditsinskikh nauk; BEGELIMAN, A.A., kandidat ie_ditii~- ik_B~~ nauk; YZLaNSICIY. N.N.; ZATSEPIN, T.S. professor; PWTKIN, Y.M., professor; PiCSIORA, M.D.; KAZ- SKIY, V.I., -professor; TROTAN, I.V.; YOOROV, I.P.; FILIPPOV, A.V.; UT3SHZV. S.S.; DOROFEYEV. V.I. . ................ Minutes of the session of the Surgical Society of Moscow and Moscow Pro- vince of September 26, 1952. Xhirurgiia no.3:92-95 Mr '53. (MIXA 6:6) 1. Khirurgichekoye obshchestyo Moskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti. 2. Fakulstot- skaYa ~~:hirurgicheskaya klinika sanitarno-pigiyenicheskogo fakul'teta I Moskovskogo ordena Lenina meditainskogo instituta (for Krichevskiy). (Heart--Surgery) (Arteries-Diseases) U,Teshe v,4, ~A- VMoNcela welght and Intriask vitcoJ-ty of Ojrdlaie#~, ellaxi" fracd=s. A. Ya. Korolev, K. A. Andritriav. L. S. Utesheva, and T. R. Vwdcnskaya. Dckl4dy Akad. w. 65-3(19m).-A sample of (SiVTrr*3).. 4:110 0.9750, mi? 1,4001, Was fractionated by pptu. from 1%, and thcuO.5% Cs'i-[Gsoln. skt25 :h 0.M'with Nli:01.. The canotic pressures were dod. tit (Gluaic by iming u deril- tratrd nitrocellulose rartribrane. The mol. wt. (M), cmists. p and X, and the Intrinsic viscosity (ill) were Qilcd. by using the equations of Huggins (C.A. M, 54079; 37, IQ)-. (R TD 113A(Idl) - (R TjYj) + (R TDt/Aft dj) WAC/rO at I - 0; 7.V/C1 + .~n' hffth I afid 2aubxripti refer toznlvn!rit ajid C - cailen" d - dew"Ity, T - Osmotic pres- sure a Wltjw;n6 mults urc repcitcd (fraction YL-11 Comwency, Al, 11. Ia. and K. resp.. given): 1. 4-31o. clastic, IAWO, 0~ . 2A). 0.47[!~. OX11; 2, 121.5%, plastic. 408,0M. 0.Q7, 0.475; 0.03 3, 30.67o, very pla%tic,,0.62; 4,15.4~.,viscotisliquid,157,(X)O, .02S, OAM, 0.49; 6. 24.3%, viscous liquid, 21,001). 0.13, 0.460, 0.49. The unfractionatd SaMpIt 11.1,1 a fflol. Wt. oir MOW in toluene and in CCI.. The mi:tticift between Jill and Mwas Ill --! 2.15 X 10-1,10M. Ming :i.,1. in toluene, the trLaterial Is larrely linear, but the variance in j shows that the fractions differ some in strwture, and the smaller values of.K indkate that tit-, fr-4ctions (if tower tool. Wt. tire more branched. Ile vnities of M a": sinaller than tliov- obtained by Scott (C.A. 41, 637s) and mom in ac",rd with those expect-td by K., ej al., for viscous liquids and plastic materials. John Howe fc~- ntt- 1 . KOPOMY A . YA . , A"TITYPTOV, F. A. , UT=, !A , L. S., W-r-T-MISTAYA, T . 7". 2. USSR (6oo) 4- High molecular weight compounds 7- Molecular weight and characteristic viscosity of fract*ons of polydimethylsiloxane, Dokl. AN SSSR 69 No. 1, 1953 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May . - 1953, Uncl. 1. 0710t~,N, 'A. Ya. ;A*~ iiRYA~ITCV, F . A. ; UTL",.REV.,, L. 33. ; , T. '7 e . 2. USSR (6oo) 4. Siloxanes 7. Molecular weight and characteristic viscosity of fractions of polydizziethy-1siloxane. Dokl. 0 SSSR 89, No. 1, 1953. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, lHay -1953. Unclassified. Uteaheva L. S. "Molecular deifi-t T. K. A IL. 3. TDA17i 333,t, 1,101 '10 1, pp Investii,ated fract'onatt:d sai,q)li-j of polyJ asill~, r. tic Os 0 and vi:iCosi:-.(tri(; fol. and Lo duf t":,: ln Goncli.;Jcdl fro, in bl:t~ lo.; ~..Ol --race 5iins 01 lo-1,; vw.)l iract.A-)-Lis. Pre3entud 'u- j~c~~d t,;,L J,01 vt 0, t:", 0- ~ t~ -(;c- 0l' 12 UN!,-. Ti UTESHEVAI V.I. (Havomoskavsk) Errors of approximate equations of dynamic bending of cylindrical rod. Izv. AN SSSR. Mekh. no.6:114-119 N-D 165. (MIRA 18:32) UTr-',SffEVA, VJ. (I.-ningrad) Approyimp-te equations in the dynamics of an elastic rod with a circular cross secticn. 1z,,r.A?I SSSR, Mekh. i manhinGstr. no.4: 154-1.61, J1-Ag 163. ( KIRA 17:4) 0,0 0 o'o 4 0 00 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Oto 0 C__ 0 0 Ot 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 a a I G I a I I - W I- I) I) It 11 is ty I .' a, 11 n a It 0 A ~ A. L A L -1 1 _11. .1 L a 0, ~f Q. I I "T~ f I to 4 00 Dosmasstretim of latiarilk woa%srhW sod eadawtitse -1110 of fm AIUWJAG Is tM wall, I. I'ald 11feffff. ~i_ _11iffl- - I'lewha-Z. P la~aAr., MINtsitt 11MIM , I IJMM, *.1,46-09( 934).-Tbe orrunrmv -1 free A" in poil, its Importance as an itbdiration I-( latetictc w~stbefing and methods, for its detection air dowuswd. PIPts. an 00 moly. of various loran of hydrated At,", mitteraln arul ~68 so 2 laterites In boil 1% N&C.Of sort Tsmm',v (maixte w4n. 10 (C. A. 18, 2213) are 4rwvil*d. It i% tircluded that 0 0 both attack unaltered sil"t". Init 1,'r %'&()I1 it Im-re- _*9 00 Twoornwrrh-minuir .- .00 IWIdings with sume VT 2.50-mi, lxwticml~q of I t7c NAOII are villicient to eat. free AIA from .5 g. uAl or 2 g. laterite. -00 Humus %ads, should first lie carrhifly ignited, The per- 00 rntv of free hydrated SA decreases the soly. of AWh in Ns(M *An.v so that t1w e,tn. from Itoil may not he quant. 00 V Free AIA)s is &W is chirdy the rrmdt 4 laottifle weathering; from the products, concd. fIC1 tits. less than 3 tools. 00 S"' to I of XWNI, dil. N&OII exts. less than 2 molt. S" to 00 1 of A". Normal processes of acidification in wils, :0 a even when carried to krw tR values, do not result in much P95, dectxnpn. of the SiOl-AhOt complex. C. J~ S. -OD 00 .0 00 4 1 0 1 L a &RTAtLLr68CAL UU04IL&I CLA$$kFK4YK- rx =00 -.40 t -71 m- -4 W 04 ') Al -1 it A' W) is y 411 t I f W 0 11,00411 ytt 0191 PtUn Italian I is If 0 0000 0 0 00 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 46 1 0 0 0 a 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 Io 0 SOV/92-58-7-13/37 AUTHOR: Utesinov, R., Senior Engineer TITLE: Prevention of Clog Formation (Bor'ba s probkoobrazovaniyem) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik, 1958, Nr 7, pp 12-13 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author states that the Neokomjkiy petroleum bearing horizon, by the Kazakhstanneft, Association, is composea of loose fine-gra-in sands subject to the influence of migrating waters. Ever since the beginning cf petroleum production operations, the progressive infiltra- tion of sand into oil wells has impeded the extraction of oil. Various methods of combatting the infiltration of sand have been tried without success. However the experience and theoretical 'knowledge gained from these experiments have indicated the right way to combat the infiltration of sand. It has been found that the sand should be separated from the liquid at the bore-hole bottom. This marls it possible to strengthen the bottom zone, to prevent caving, and to stop the extraction of sand, mixed with the pumped fluid. For this purpose the bottom zone cavities were oither filled with coarie quartz Card 1/2 Prevention of Clog Formation SOV10~2- -7-13/37 sand and a gravel filter Ustzlled la!.-er, or the abovc- net) tioned filter wai installed right away vithou'u- injecting coaroe eand. Bcth methc.13 pr0,;J_-:-E!d favorable resu_Lts. The w2hematic drawing, given by the author, shows th~~ installation of the gravel filter at the bore-hole bottom. Ylcr-cv~~r, the author describes the filter used for the above ptirpose as -well as its vaxioun and parts. He believes that gravel filters of the typ.! used by the Kazakhatanneft, Association are superior to -the filterj uz-ed -in Groznyy anCL Baku, and they are simple to construct. The use of a gra,,%l filter io an effective method of combatting the harmful eff:-2t of sand in pro,21.z:!tive fcrna- tions. There is 1 drawing. ASSOCIATION: Komsomollskiy prcnrroel oblyedineniya Kazzakhstanneft, (Komionollskiy oilfield of the KazakhstannefLt, AsEo,~:'_ation) 1. Petroleum--Production 2. 'Wells--Performance 3. L3and--1Hazards 4 Sand--Control Card 2/2 L) 7-.E-: S C, Vl- zml C, - --- UTISOV. L.0s, saaluzhannyy deyatell iskuBstv. I---. Wonder house. Zdorovle 3 no.10:20-21 0 157. (MIRA 10:11) (LININGRAD--ACTCIRS-SAIARIJIS, FUSIONS, ETC.) YEMEL'YANOV, D.S., prof.; UTEtJSH, E.V., inzh.; UTEUSH, Z.V., inzh. Some problems in the automatic control of the density parameters of pulp. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor. zhur. 6 no.6:171-176 163. (KMA 16:8) 1. KharIkovskiy institut ornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitelinoy tekhniki Ifor Yemellyanov, Uteush, E.T.). 2. Kharlkovskiy zr.-od kontrollno-izmeritellnykh priborov (for Uteush.. Z.VJ. Rekomendovana kafedroy obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh KharIkovskogo instituta gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki. (Oredressing) (Densitometers) (Automatic control) YEMELIYANOV, D.S., doktor tekhn.nauk; KOTIK, P.L., inzh.; UTEUSII, E.V., inzh.; UTEUSH, Z,V,., inzh, Automatic grinding in ball mills. I-',ekh. i avtom.proizv. 1"j, no. iO:iO 0 '63. (MIRA 17:1) UTEUS11, Z.V.; KOTIK, P.L.; TEMELIYANOV, D.S.; UTEUSH, E.V. Automatic control of the ball mill grinding process. Ogneupor7v 28 no.l2s547-553 163. (MIRL 16A2) 1. Khartkovskiy zavod kontrollno-izmeritelinykh priborov (for Z.V.Ilteush). 2. Nikitovskiy dolomitnyy kombinat (for Kotik). Khartkovskiy inBtitUt gornogo mashinostroyenlya, avtomatiki, i vychislitellnoy tekhniki (for Yemellyanov, E.V. UteuBh). UTEUSH. E.V,, Inzh.; UTEJSH,- Z.V., inzh. Automation of Lhe control of pulp dis--ha:,ge, 7 no,6aI07-113 164. (MIRA 17.12) 1. Kharlkovskiy institut. ornogo mashinostroyenlya, avtomattki. I vychIBI-Itellnoy tgkhniki Mr Uteuah, E.V.). 2. Riarlkovnkly zavod kontroltno-izmeritelliqkh Prilborov (for Uteush, Z.V.). F~ekomendovana kafedroy obagashchenlya poleznykh iskopayem7kh Kharikovakcgo instituta gornogo mashIncstm,veniya, avtomatiki I wfchislitellnov tekhniki. UTHUSH.. E.V.; YMELIYANG, V.S.; LM.. A.A.; MAISH, ~Z*V. A4tor-ation of crushing c7clOs In oro dresDiag plaritn. Liul. takh.-ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.--issl. inst. nauch. i tekh. inform. 17 no.2:79-82 164. (MIRA 17:6) wrmsii, ~..V.; UT;-"U:;Iiy ",".Ve c, I I i -wn~-u c --~ , I .mlound re-eiver " n'he automa t i on c -- lr~a i - --l I -,- .( I-, : ~- -11 1- no. I : 17. 22 '65. (VIPit 28-3) 1. Flarlkovskiy zavod kontrollno-imeritelInykh priborev (for Z.Uteush). 2. Khartkovskly institut gornogo mashinostroyerdya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki (for E.Uteush). PIAKSIN, I.N.; UTEUSH,,',Kty.;,..UTEUSHp Z.V. Control of the technological process in ore dressing plants, Fiz.-tekb. probl. razrab. pol. iskop. no.4:126-130 165. (MIRA 19:1) 1. Institut gornogo dela imeni Skochinskogo, Moskva i Institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki, Kbarlkov, zavod kontrollno-izmeritellnykh pribarov. Submitted Feb. 2, 1965. LI 7 'If i F, V U IF;,j -.; If , 7 . V invest ia a. i ng -.-a a Pere ti r,- c-nd iors c' 12 mIlIs W their varinble filling with ore. tu-vet. met. 8 no.2T151-158 165. (MT--ti, 19&1) 1. Kafedrst avtomqtiki i vychi sli tell noy tekhnibJ rh-cirlkov~;kopo ,nstit.7-itm go-r-noge mnsh-nost-n-yr-niya, ttvto:rot~K; t y t,ikhnJki i Kharlkovski.-, z,-v k~n t- rc I I n n- I r i fln Inylyl pril-rov. Suhutted 11firoh 30, 1963. MUSH, Yu,A,, agronom Growing green .1"orage. Zemledelie 25 no.12:111-14 D 163. (KRA 17:4) YEMELOYANOVp D.S., prof.; UTEUSH., E.V., inzh.; UTEUSH, Z.V., inzh. Some problems in the automatic control of the density parameters of pulp. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; gor, zhur. 6 no.6:171-176 163. (KIM 16:8) 1. Khartkovskiy inatitut gornogo maohinostrojeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki (for Yemellyanov, Uteush, E.T.). 2. KharIkovskiy zavod kontrollno-izmeriteltnykh priborov (for Uteush, Z.V.). Rekomendovana kafedroy obogashcheniya polezn.vkh iskopayemykh KharIkovskogo instituta gornogo mashinostroyeniy'a. avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki. (ore dressing) (Densitometers) (Automatic control) YEMEL'YANOV9 D.S.0 doktor tekhn.nauk; KOTIK, P.L., inzh.; IITEUSII, E.V.., inzil.; UTEUSHJ Z,V,, inzh. Automatic grinding in ball mills. Mekh. i avtom.proizv. nc.10:iO 0 '63. (MIRA 17:1) UTEUSH, Z.V.; KOTIK, P.L.i YEMELIYANOV, D.S.; UTEUSII, E.V. Automatic control of the ball mi-11 grinding process. Ogneupory 28 no.12047-553 163. (KIRA 16t12) 1. Kharikovskiy zavod kontrollno-izmeriteltnykh priborov (for Z.V.Uteush). 2. Nikitovskiy dolomitnyy kombinat (for Kotik). 3. Kharlkovskiy institut gornogo mashinostroyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy tekhniki (for Yemellyanov, E.V. Uteush). UTF,USIIP E.V., inzh.; UTEDSH, Z.V., inzh. Automation of the control of pulp discharge. 7 no.6zlO7-113 164- (KrRA 17;22) 1. KharIkovskiy institut ornogo mashinostroyaniyal avtomatiki I vveh'slitellnoy tekhniki ffor Uteush, E.V.). 2. Khartkovsk-Ly zavod kontroItno-izmei-itel'nykh priDorov (for Uteush, Z.V.). R--kcmendovana kafedroy obogashcheniya poleznykh iskopayemykh Khartkovskogo instituta gornogo mashinostrGyeniya, avtomatiki i vychislJ.teltr-ov tekhniki. UTEWSH, E.V.; YINELIYANOVp D.S.; A.A.; MUSH, Automation of crushing c7cles in ore dressi:ng pla-rits. r tekh.-ekon. inform. Gos. nauch.-isel. inst. nauch. i t-ekh. inform. 17 no.2:9-82 164. (MIRA 17.6) DIDENKOP K.I., kand. tekhn. nauk~ LEVIN, V.M.11 kand. tekhn. nauk; UTEUSHP ,Z.V. .. - System for the automation of a material crushing proneqs In ball mills. Avtom. i prib. no.30-6 Jl-S 16/4. Csntactless apparatus for automating the grinding operation Of ball m!lle. lbild.09-42- (MIRA 18i3) UTIM11, ~,.V.; UTE'liill, L.V. Sound re-eiver in the aut-G=iaticri !~f ba' --' ~ " -~. 31" rici.1:1'1-22 165. (MIRA 18:3) 1. Kharikovskiv zavod kontrollno-izmeritell-iykh priborov (for Z.Uteush). 2. Kharlkovskiy iristitut gornogo mashinostroy-orliya, avtomatik! i vychislitelinoy tekhniki (for E.Uteush). PLAKSIN, I.N.; dTEUSII, E.V.; UTEIISH. 2.V. Control of the technological proce3s in ore dressing plants, ?Jz.-tekh. probl. razrab. pol. iskop. no-4:126-130 165. (MIRA 19: 1) 1. Inatitut gornogo dela imoni Skochinskogo, MoBkva i Institut gornogo mashinostroyaniya, avtomatiki i vychislitellnoy teklinik.1, KbarIkovq zavod kontrollno-izmeritelinykh priborov. Submitted Feb. 2~ 1965. LIT I' I I Z"! I iF.V'r Z, V ............. investigating the op--ratinz c-nfiittionL, ef ball mll!B with their va-inble filling, wIth Ore. .(zV.vy.9.ucreb,za,,r.: tavet. met. 8 no.2-,151-158 165. 1. Kafedr, avtonutiki i vychislitellnoy tekhn!kJ Yharlkov-3kogo Instit,,ita gor,nop,,c rrashjnostr~yonllya, avtomatlki 1 wf2bislitellnoy tp-khnik i i Khar I koy sk z,-v!--A' k-r., trcl tn' f-,_4 7:!~- ri I ny~h pr317-rov. ~~uln-itted t!arch 30, 19630 UTEVSYAYA, L. V. SHREDER, Biol. Z. (USSR) 3. 1934, 64-86 lop 0 10 ? 1e 1 A A. r.' a 4 4 It Is t 0 -L IL AL - IF M M U The lj~flucmcc of scidosis mirid Wkaj*sL# on the physi 'cA cirebromplaId fiald and sert chern, properties of Erruch). cf. I . .1. 494- The in)ecit-bu of 1.1, vc.4g. tK-tv vtt. J 0 A 00 into d4vs, %x the Whalatsm A tal tunit a Ing unen. of C(h than nlminAl, cauics A dectraw in tile 313.) wflav tell'iOll, Anil an inctraw in K. CA &[ill 4 K'CO Wil) in ItOth 6.111111 Atilt CCrVbFl11I1in.9l IlUid. Ali- - of '1' due I., CO, cvlj~ a J1011 irwrriw in file I. 'I whkh Is futt ChAllic4t) in Nall,14), Ariibw, 0-3 th~ I'm-hility "k If. '1111111y, .1 It -WIPW du'-f fly Intrawfum, int,,cciou ,f 1; -,,:, NAX0, VAU~S 0: incnAw in elm-, mcid. and lwltrumbility eold. anti A i 1',A10 in CA in Wift the ~rutn anti v"vlwi~puuid flu ' I., I'll mrrr~w. 11% tht, t-luln and 11ft-frASO- In the IT 1 4-,,,jPutA1 fluitt, thr Fa. K and tile K C^ tati-l-'m4w Ific -mm Anti nivicia- its tile thn'l. all.1 lite ~'14- lm, IICCICA~% in Ow fluid, %%1h no chwilce it- thr S. A. KAijA is ~.! 4) ~Ijv) "m ~aarr 400 'A c I " -, I D. o. 4. -00 It U ic r It, roo it I ! ll !I .1 L i a low ILL .46 ONT as( ati 4i4v kit It It a I( or "0' A I VA 00000000*0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OF*' o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 * 0 0 q.-* 0 0 Ill, 0 0 0 0 UTWVSKATA, L.A. [Utevalka, L.A.] Effect of low temperatures on the native st&te of globular proteins. Ukr.biokhIm.zhur. 31 no.1:12-21 '59. (KIRA 12:6) 1. Department of Biochemistry of the A.K.Gorkiy State I University of Xharkov, (PROTAINS) (COLD--PHYSIOLOGIC&L RMCT) r I U117EVE KAYAl f U it" ".3 3 t.-" F f fe ta rlpmtilrat' ;r'. r. 163. J. Vauchnc-fisledovate I 11,:i, _iY ni.-, tAft L khImi I l&-ur nv.3kug,~ g~Dl, li,,3 tv._ nri,.g lln t;,. '.-r ri-)rlkogo. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 O'i"4111 0 6'o.-C,w 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 111 0 0 0 0 0-:44 6`9*41; lilti, is tviltirtimista 11 1$ tea fill amb 36van.1011 v u m a 16 v J1 to a 41 41 11 a Aa-L--A-A-J- N j It t -JL-x-,r 2 A I -I - V- N-1481-JL- I I M. cc cc &-11- 11- . A-A-1- -S J1 'I - d Wit w4flibatilmis on jav, am4 I of btw4 of ft-11 h,4~ 09 Im "(1101) i J'Ar.8.4 AAW-If -00 06 J2. 14111, lillyrrill UK.) lF.1131 Ilip Indill 0,6, 111jecIrd 11.1" -00 tvtpmtai vem. With IliCbr&IIJhIA ~IAW Of tht and 1,*,i uf the blood ift the *00 devM1104 both go aIf Pal mI b"tic wrim fell. M. W. B. .00, .00 no o 00 43 go co 0 so coo go. go* 410 SO* 00 9 60 00 9 coo X00 go* a,I to* 00 a 1T,1,LUP(-KAk LITE111110t CLASSIMATIC), 1-Z fSoo r so Uo AT .0 17 411 Od 0 X 0 1 W N 5 93 0 1 -i-7-11394 9- 1 41111W 0 0 44 0 11000- It 9 0 00s0 00000 4 00 0 00 00 a 0 0 0 co It 0 so goes to go 0 0 a .0 0 64 0 6 0 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 o 0 0 w 0 0 to 0 * & 0 * 00 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 041 I L !t~ G 7! I LIV IS M 0 PO k $I u 13 is 3, Sit J. Ak~ 11 42 4 43 AS a 11 CM AT M TS AT T "10 _ _ -. g! - ' It. .1 1 _jt I . . . tj im .311T)IIIIIIIIIJ J4111TVIIII t oot die 00 00 so= go C, 00 oe Air go tritianu 4111 w0j) St...I Y) siml I -rI A all atli Ifinipmw it I xntrim.lmv j. s! aq) will I ' ' " A' IS Atli 11: IMIP ('Z. 1t-1 I)1IV !I;t Ime (1: sm !(III pur I ~1,,7 'j),j rX Vltulru~iunlp luv fIll; :!1l -IN 1.. -1 pilip limllil."I'J"I'l j"Iw IIIII vi " n s t ..ill I., ,.it .1111-tol miltru s 1,01%IIII paill mil Fl -fill Ill"ll Arr.,16; 00 % p"m P'sq .11MIJ rJ1lpjwAaI,l 'il I PlIP A-fill,.1 Slatirl fnoljgA jo a7ti$ngvl GCp japUn 00- spinji Iw:S!Jojo!q )o pnot3od vot -wmwptzo *qI pupaj oo to * t ojo ift, ommol 'if F 4 1 m n Do IV I I ir a It IS AS an to n 1, , V U111964 #,P 11 #1 1, 11 11 N I I I p I P I I f 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 of s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a IS Lf rr- v,5 Kq m """ I- 1 6. "Cholinesterase Activity and Acetylchollne-Like Action of Tis- 0_01 sue in the Processes of Wound Healing on the Application of L-eucocyte Sera," by L. B. Utevskaya, Ivichemiye Leykotsitarnykh Faktorov v Tkanevykh Protsessakh nvestigation of Leucocyte Fac- tors in Tissue Processes) Trudy Instituta Morf imeni A. N. Severtsov, Moscow, No 16, 1956, PP Thia work describes the results of experiments which were conducted on rabbits to determine the action and effectiveness of leucocyte sera when applied as an agent in wound healing. Skin wounds were inflicted on the animals, which were then administered leucocyte sera. The experi- ments established the following: the administration of leucocyte sera to the animals stimulated and hastened the processes of wound healing, 'with the best results having been obtained by the use of 24-hour sera [period of incubation of leucocytes in sera]; cholinesterase activity of, the tissues rose sharply during the process of wound healing, with the greatest rise noted when the 24-hour scra were used; the effect of the 72-hour sera was less pronounced; acety1choline-like action in the tissues of the area of the wound took place; there is a definite rela- tionship between cholinesterase activity, the acetylcholine-like action in the tissues in the area of the wound, and the rapidity with which wounds healed. (U) UTIVSX&TA, L.B. Histanines in the tissue of vounds darlag healing and in the skin of rabbits folloving intrairascular injections of leucocytic serum. Trudy Inst. morf. shiv. no.26:16o-172 '59 (HIBA 13:3) (Histamine) (Serum) 84695 11.2LIDD S/020/60/134/004/023/0?~-- B016/Bo6o AUTHOR: Utevskaya, L. B. Alteration of the Ab-sb-tption Spectra of Cerebrospinal Fluid TITLE. by the Action of Ionizing Radiat.LojnQ I/ PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademil nauk SSSR, 1960, Vol. 134, No. 4, pp. 959 - 962 TEXT: In view of the fact that the properties of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be Impaired by X-radiation, the author examined the absorption spectra of CSF of animals after total irradiation. It may be seen from data con.- tained in publications (Refs. 4, 15, 16~ 18 - 20) that these spectra are able to reflect the alterations that may arise in CSF when the central nervous system is perturbed. CSY was extracted from rabbits by a syringe in the suboccipital region, and mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 3. The spectra were measured on a spectrophotometer of the type C~,-4 (SF-4) in the range of 220 -- 320 mp-with an intergal of 2 ... 5 m)). Next, the animals were once irradiated with gamma rays (Co 0) by a dose of 800 - 1000 r (dose rate 160 r/min-). CSF was again extracted 1, 24, and 48 h after Irradiation. It Card 113 Alteration of the Absorption Spectra of SIO?0160113'VO0410231023 Cerebrospinal Fluid by the Action of B016/Bo6o Ionizing Radiation may be seen from Table 1 and Fig. 1 that absorption rise:; already 1 h after irradiation, and'that the maximum is shifted toward the shortwave region (from 269 to 265 mW. Later, 24 and 48 h, and 4 and 6 days after irradia... tion, optical density rises gradually, with the position of the maximum not changing noticeably., After 48 h, density had risen to double its initial value. The author therefrom concludes that CSF contains substances with an absorption maximum in the region of 265 mp-, She believes, on the strength of Refs. 10 -- 13, that modifications of CSF due to these sub. stances are to be explained by a change in permeability of the hemato.- encephalic barrier (HEB) as a result of irradiation. The author wanted to verify this assumption by examining the CSF spectra in a notoriously intensified HEB (brought about by novocaine injection) in rabbits. In doiDg so, she started from data given by M. M. Gromakovskaya and S. Ya. Rapoport (Ref. 3). CSF was extra&ted I h after an intraperitoneal in of 20 mg per 1 kg of body weight, and this extraction was repeated after two days, whereupon the animals were irradiated with 4,-rays of co60. CSF was examined 1 and 48 h after irradiation. It may be seen from Table 1 and Fig. 2 that 1 h after the novocaine injection the absorption maximum shifts from 269 to Card 213 M695) Alteration of the Absorption Spectra of S/020/60/134/004/023/023 Cerebrospinal Fluid by the Action of W16/Bo6o Ionizing Radiation 265 mu. This also occurs 1 h after irradiation. The peak of optical density rises rapidly after the novocaine injection. Animals irradiated after injection exhibited a further shift of the absorption maximum to 263 mA and to 265 mjA after 48 h. Further invoistigations revealed that the peak optical density (48 h after irradiation) was corresponded by the peak concentration of nucleic acids determined according to A. S. Spirin (Ref. 9) (Table 2). The author points out, however, that shifts of absorption maxima may be brought about not only by nucleic acids but also by other substances having their maximum at 265 m)A- Such a substance may be ascorbic acid (Refs. 17, 21, 22), but this matter must still be verified., Th~- author thanks Yu. A. Vladimirov and F. F. Lityin-for their assistance.There are 2 figures, 2 tables, and 22 references., 13 Soviet, 3 US, 1 Canadian, and 1 German. ASSOCIATION: Institut biologicheskoy fiziki Akademil nauk SSSR (Institute I of Biological Physics of the Academy nf Rripnr-aq USSR) PRESENTED: April 16, 1960, by L., S, Shtern, Academician SUBMITTED: March 31, 1960 Card 313