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VAMOS,, Endre An account of the Aprilp j,962., Budapeat Conference on Petroleum. Kom tud kozl HTA 19 no.1:143-145 163. MMES., GyUa (VoozprempWartha Vince uo,2-6., Ung~n); FENn, Marta (Hro) (Veszprem.. Wartha, Vince u.2-6v Ungarn); FEMVARI, Antal (Veszprem,* Wartha Vince u.2,6p Ungarn); VARCS, Kndre. dr. (Veazpremj, Wartha 'Vince u.2-6., Ungarn) i Rhoological propertiea of petrole= prQductso Acta. chimica Hung 37 no.2*.191-202 163. 1, Uugarischeo Erdol und Erdgas Forsohungoinstitutj, VeBzprem. VAMOS, Endre; SIMON, Ferene Determining petroleum sulfonates by the adsorption chromatography. Ropa a uhlie 6 no. 61l85-188 Je 164. 1. Hungarian Research Institute of Pptroluem and Natural Gas, Veszprem, VAEOS, Endre, dr. - ~~ -.- Meeting of the Tedhnical Comission for Industrial Lubricants Of the Association of Hungarian Chemists. Ropa a uhlie 6 no.9:281-282 S 164. VAMOSY Endre, dr.; GU&I, Forenc, dr. Change in the gel structure of lubrirants on the effect of mechanical stress. Gep 16 no.8:312-316 Ag 164. VAI-103 Y Endre, dr. flew ways of refining lubricants. musz elet 19 no.1:22 2 Ja 164. I~Y!?~~.,Endre -,LI-F4~.,;- Manufacture of lubrications oils by means of machines with continuous operation. Magy kem lap 19 no. 3:130-137 Mr 164. 1. Ministry of Heavy Indiistry, Didapest. VAMOSY Endre, a kemiai tudomanyok kandidatusa '- New ways of lubricant refining. Kem tud kozl MTA 22 no.2:234-243 164. 1. Ministry of Heavy Industry and Hungarian Mineral Oil and Natural Gas Experimental Institute, Budapest. VAMOS, Endre, dr. What is rheology? Elet tud 20 no.3:128-131 22 Ja 165. VM-DS. F Computing furnaces with electric resistance and the specific surface loadinF. P. 129 (Villamossag. Vol. 5, no. Is/5/ JUly/Aug. 1957., Budapest, Hungary) Monthly Index of East European Acqessions (FFAI) W. Vol. 7, no. 2, February 1958 -- VAMOS, Ferenc, okleveles gepeszmernok Factors affecting the duration of the electric resistance rad-fators. Villamossag 8 no.11:323-331 11 160. 1. Erosaramu Gyartmanyfejlesztesi Intezet. VAN05, Ferencl okleveles merncjk From the history of the Budapest Wes-,ern -nallroad Tern-,rzl. Kczl tad sz 1,/ no. 8:358-362 Ag 164. it 46A 00 p 11kru'viffill (I" thr Illefory of ItIllatilig Illyrr. -00 00 1, OmiLit" Iloptir iiiiii Triiiiisig VO, It. N1. ve lilt, (wwr rma.mlit itim fite glositis: w I, 111s, -09 ,I lilt- litaht. ii-i lit ... I.itm In it,.- itiromi of fit.- ralviiii.-v .... 1,, 1,, .04 -imilath III $flat sit an Imn 1W.-Illm til"Oh, If,- see llwr,+q~, little nr Ok. Irmil Ilw = Oil 99.3 ,( 14111 I-Iring'. a. lip-W Wmil'i wdlv 11--cit Ihv lip I , aso 1110 13 114. Wlirr lu,"'I !-I- Iwrc,v Ow VAIll... 1.11 1 ces awt nrobvir its iltvv.r) iwr III prairlirl. .I, if lipllfw;ml see h). wrtlf 141"PIll Ilw vuh-lulo.. IIIII, I,,- Iling ot kill see is# pravit- 1w ~%I,trrimrw, iorrisA Iw 1,;-, 1- %wit% fist flic 1411111wingt 111tring 111faliml If.v 'I".1 coo -ill pre'v in). the "'Im Whib- jail) 1-410.1p -s'. a rml see %lrrxible "Illmint III` 1"**A-r fill, imillilirowit Im, I- mil,i u048 nil flit. 11,81111ify '.1 alaillim. Shel rol"oh.r. woo wi %niiter dittivirlt-r% imictow the Irii-imit Ow W, at. flir Ill"% ties o I m0 OCTALL R40CAL Ittexalvac woo slow SIV.611VA 9 low "Mini 41111jill " W. Ilk .40 GMT out 1A 0 a a I r 0 9 a t 011 se 0 0 90 0 0 09 (060000 **go sees 0 41 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 t olko r 11 0 11 11 , U , 0 0 1 I 1 4 0 M 1., O p 0 0 1 . . 1 I . 1 . sit ..L, ?.f~ fi.vlsos old 10.1 10jo M6 millwahwi- pow, by Gy. visomw 1"Itapir. i~k Nytondifechaiku" Pqrptf fft~f prilditsy - a NO. bl. Ili. 30-30, Ntn.. IiKa, a IjgV., I job&). 00 Ime1wr hum d.mar4lir agricullural prikluctl, *1&4 *"0". 811tolivir IOPM 144itods. 104vi, arre lifirlhomb-1 let 1"11 by "wit" ul .6 mall(sirsal tuffbild "t risoloilm 00 16":jS eall lie SPIA14141rd frumst whrvd. rye at fict, Ot'swt. =00 rrtd 6 OU1121de 111T VM1110141 4`21'sUP-Aid; %J11f Zoo of4dined frusta flits WRICIlilld C-411 Ik- PftWVS-V1J ifill) a gousl quality ciprritr 1"Iser; $14s, v.1111,11 111.1111 .1irld P11111; ^i',k wead (is 'Ievvir. of Assh-pla.) scolb 6 a atilinfoir raw nistesid Gir jortMovisall %11L5. tillinlill *11JIV 114111af. U1141 1111110 WMAk ~IVIJ giftf.1 see 14-6.1evak %tell% Aswmg thr lo:~kqe 2.00 Iterx iti."I palls, vsa~ T"mall"If 9 1Wvcjl. %%illow alld isvmij .1 I -.0 w;"W119 pnwd~. 16.s* appilrd fm Hir v~,mpfvtv 14-Ilmnat of 114-0111c'. dust prilt"Wat, U00 00'8 voo "'I" ' or t v aw 0 0 1 ji 10 so 5 JA 0 *; it P IV DF it a a N I PC a n l 0 to 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 o o 0 0 0 a 0 0 ge o0 09 40 411 0 40 0 0 0 .. : 0 0 o0oooooo g t00:0000000000 -0 0 0 400000 Soo o 0 e 000000000 - G. VAIDS - - - - '?The Kain.Points of the 19th Congz-ress IL elative to the Develo,7-mt of our Paper Industry." D. UO (Papir Es 111yor-datechmika. Vol. 5, no. 4- , Apr. 19-53 Vol. 2, no. 9 SO: Yonthly List of East European Accession. /Library of Congress, Sept 19539 thcTw I - UMS, Gy. - - - - - - - - - - - Magyar Kemikusok Lapja - Vol. 10, no. 4, Apr. 19_55. National conference of the cherdcal industry. p. 97. Work of the Research Institute of the Paper and Printing Industry. p. 106. SCh Month2,v list of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC, Vol. 4, No. 9, Sept. 1955 Uncl. co--pufftlTe Staeks on PU!V3 made from -hexE =d drt Strk" ~5 -L as !~~fp 't n lmt~i t~ 11! 7 -11 A~ r- 'Car nn- and fo!ding mcamme, at'l-pulvi fitA, mwf tspecLally 11- Si~Lng and sh-y-td gr,.,c, q- t~mn did 111. but the latter was superro,, in zbtorptivi.y and in dimensional stability For most ty-pes of pfiating paper, pulps from I wad H -rv ~nrffact-v In S-vt h arit v and brightn~~. Pulr, fr,m I in-1 11 ~cr, ;u F."! "r-'s -d a'~~ 4 Ill .1 .-A' . -11 Wnv F. HUNGARY / Chemical Technology. Cho,-.aioal Pa!oducts and H-33 Their Applic,:ztions. Oulluloso, aiad its Do- rivativos. Pc.Del,e Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Khjj.iiya, No 3, 1959, 10307. Auth or .: Vamos:4-Gm,, Inst :`kot given, Title Use of Willows in the Collulose-Paper Industry. Orig Pub: Zrdo 1958, 7, Yo 3, 110-111. Abstract: R-1sults nre giion of studios by difforont invest- igators on possibla use uf willows as raw mator- ial.for propiring cellulose (C). The results of willow use are contradictory; tho stability of cellulose obtainod fron, willows in sulfato, sulfito, or bisulfito cooking arc worse than C frora Do-olar obtained by the sumo mothods. In tho author's opinion, prospacto for pos3iblo uso Card 1/2 I-VU:,-~GkRY / Chc,-,lical Tachnology. ('h(,,-,iic Products and H-33 Their iipplicat ions. Co,llul-030 an'd its Dc)- rivativess Pupur. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur--I~hjmiya, No 3, 1959, 1036?. Abstract: of vjjjjo7,,,i are limited to production of lovl- Srado papor and for production of fibber boanrd. S. ilos.--.nfcld. Card 2/2 VAIMOS, 0 Y. ------ !Significance and prospects of the development of the methods for measLtrlng the dry-Ing capacity of the paper-making machine. P. 515- RIERGLIA FS ATOMTECAIR-TIKA. (Energiagazdall-odasi Tudomanyos -vgyesulet) Budapost, Hungary, Vol. 11, No. 9110, Sepl,./Oct. 1958. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEU) LCJ Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1959. Uncla. COUNTRY :fi M,,G A RY ;oil e, Chemical Protbicts and CATZGORY ,,i,nl Tr-cl:nolor- neir Ainlications, Cellvloae find Its AD3. JOUR, iin . ,6 . 2 31939, .-;o. 843.50 AUTHOR G. Mero, 1'. TITLE Tes-tinp of Plner MpAe of Fir And Straw CeI.Vu- lose ORM. PUB. Panirinar es mp-pyar praf., 1959, 3, No 29 41-50 AMMICT No correIntion between nro-lerties of mixttires ;1nd tbe -yereqnf., content of fir and straw cel- 1"lose kc), pround to vftryit-%V devrees, wss . obtained, From the mixtures n f fir and straw C, niLnor witli rui ontimum stvtic jjnd dynamic strenq-th may be obtained. Pr-ner made from a mixture containing 20;,, of strnw C rind 800.' wood C h.,id hifrhor tc-Ftrinp ,tronpth, hiphor "flouhle" bon-iinr, reaimtitneo, sunorlor ubility to dehydration, preater wbi-toness and incren- *Derivntives.Parer. CARD: 1/2 C G U N T: C" CAM ABS'. JCUR. RZKh1m., No. 23 119159, No. $34350 AUTHOR IMST, T IT L,'-' ORIG. PUB. ASSTRACT sod 7-,ermeability to uir ;it a lower energy Con'd consumntion nnd iowi?r linear deformation than vc.lizes calcul.,.ited from the res-nective concen- tration of comnonents nrosent in the mixture. CA.U: 11 - 3.47 VMM,,G.p eandidfit in Stiinte Tehnice. Aesearoh on the utilization of straws for the productior of cellulose and paper* CA hirtie 10 no*91309-318 8161o 1., Direetorul Institutului de Ceroetari pentru Industria Hirtiei din %dapesta, PAPP, Andras, dr.; NMTH, Tibor, dr.; STIRLING, Gertrud, dr.; THALY, Imrs, dr.i.~VAMOS~G VINCZE, Egon, dr. Data on the pathogenesis aud therapy of inferior lobe cavitation. Tuberk. kerdesai. 9 no-3:122-125 June 56. 1. As Allami Fodor Jozsef Tbc. Gyogyintezet (igaz.-foor7os: Risko. Tibor, dr.) es as Orazagoe Koranyi Tbc. Gyogyintezet (igazgato-foorvos: Dessauer, Pal, dr.) kozl. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY, p4thol. cavitation of inferior lobe. pathogen. & ther. (Hun)) /7 pA6, Andj~as, Vr.; HEIM, Barna, Dr.; THALY, Imre, Dro; VANN, Gess., D?,; KATOW Marta, 11r.; VIZY, Eva, Dre - Experiences vith lung resections. Tuberkulozis 10 no.lO-I2t27&27q Oct-Dee 57- 1. As Allami Podor Jozoef Tbc. Gyogyintezet (Igazgato-foorvon: Risko Tibor dr.) kozleuenyo, (PNImNWOKY early & Ute resmIts, statist. (H=)) 440P, Andras, Dr.; SUMM, Adam, Dr.; VA Rare case of henatogenic generalization. Taborkalozis U no-7-8:188-191 July-Aug 58. 1. A III. sz. Belklinika (igazgato: Gomori Pal dr. egy. tanar) es az Allami Fodor Jozsef TBC Qyogyintezet (igazgato foorvos: Sebok Lorand dr.) kozlemenys. (TUMCUWSIS, MILIART, case reports (Han)) PAPP9 Andras, dr.; STARK, Janka, dr.; VAMOS Geza FOKI, Maria, dr. ILLESp Ilona, dr.; Late healing in the Pest Region as recorded in district dispensaries. Tuberkulozis 13 no.11:331-332 N 160. 1. As Allami Fodor -Tozsef The Gyogyintezet (igazgato-foorvos: Sebok Lorand dr.) es a Pestmegyei Gondozo Intezet (igazgato-foorvos: Stark Janka dr.) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS tber) PAPP, Andras, dr.; VAMOSp Geza, dr.; ILLES# Ilona, dr.; FOKI, Maria, dr. 3 cases of diseases of mediastinal lymph nodes. Tuberkulozis 13 no.12'. 358-361 D 160. 1. Az Allami Fodor Jozsef The Gyogyintezet (igazgato-foorvoB: Sebok Lorand dr.) I Tudo.Beloaztalvanak kozlemenye. (TUBERCUOSIS LYMPH NODE case reports) PAPP, Andras, dr.; ILLES, Ilona, dr.;_Yj~ROSj, Geza, dr.; VIZER, Klara, dr. Pathogenic significanc& of calcified foci of tuberculotic origin in the lung: the cavernolithi Tuberkulozis 15 no.12:366-374 D 162. 1. Az Allami Fodor Jozsef The Gyogyintezet kozlemenye. (TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY) (CALCULI) PAPP., Andras, dr.; VAMOS, Geza, dr.; ZSARNAY, Albert Our experiences with training courses for technicians. Tuberkulozis 16 no-4/5.'131-133 Ap-My 163. 1. Az A:Llami Fodor Tozoef The Gyogyintezet kozlemenye. TUBERCULOSIS, PUMONARY) CUPATIONAL THERAFf) M (REHABILITATION) (VOCATIONAL EDUGATION) PAPP, Andrus, dr.; TLUES, Ilona, dr.; VAI,',C,,')', Geza, dr., VIZER, Klara, dr. F7pF,riences with tuhercu].Gsia patients treated for the lat time. Tubork-ulozis 17 no.-5:130-136 1,V 164. 1. Az Allami Fodor Jozsef TBC Gyogyintezet kozlemenye. C PAPP , Andras ) dr. ; ILI E S Jr.; vizill-i', 'Klarap dr.; VhWS, AM, dr. A. r4d-,,CeA- cavitY closure. Tuierku'ozis 17 Remote resl",s Of no.6:174-176 Je 164. l. AZ Allami Fodor j,,,,5.f The Gyogyintezet k0zlemenye- MIHALYFI. Iron, dr.; KOJE, Jka, dr.; POCS, Imilne; VAMCBm Gyala' dr. Studies cyn Salmonella in Budapest during 1956-58. Orv.hatil. 101 no.6:189-192 7 '60. 1. Foviirosi 1[azegesz9.egmgy!f~-Jarvanyugyi Allomcls, bakteriologiai labor4torium, (SAIXONXIJA) MIAVFIp IreM kENDE, Dva; JONAS, Erzqebotj#,'VA)dP~, Salmonella studies of Btidapest in the years 1956-1958. Acta microb. hung. 8 no.1:35,42 161. 1. Baktoriologisches Laboratoriun der Station Air Gesundheitswesen and Epidemiologia, Budapest. (SALMOKULA INFECTIOW, opidemiol.) VMIIVZ, Lnre, dr.; CSIBA, i rpad Incidence of twors In the oral cavity. Fogr;mr. Bz--jr- - ns.5t 5p 3-43-147 My 165 1. Kozlemeny a Didapesti Orvostudomanyl Ergyetem Szajsebeszeti " ninikajarol (Igazgatot Balogh, Naroly, dr., egyotemi tanar, at orvostudomanyok doktora). VAMOS, Imro, dr. A broken tcoth remaining in the tongue for 43 yearB. Fogorv. szemle, 5b -u.7t218-220 J1165- 1. A Budapesti Orvostudomanyi Egyetem Sxajsebeszoti ninikaja- nak kozelmen7e (igazgato*. Balogh, Karoly, dr., egyetemi tanar, az orvostudomanyok doktora). HUNGARY CSIBA, Dr Arpad, and VAYOS, Dr lmre; Clinic for Oral Surgery (Saj:;zc -suszetl Klinika). Budapest. "Distant %letastases of Malignant Tumors of the Oral Cavity" Budapest, Magyar Onkologia, vo! 10, No 4, Dec 1966; p 205. Abstract-. Authors offer a statistical evaluation of 110 cases of tumors of the oral cavity. 97.2i4 of the cases were carcinozma and 2.8- je. VAMOS) Tibor. a mus,zaki tudomanyok kandidatuss, Optimalizing hot power plants by neans of up-to-dat sutomtion. I Meres automat 10 no.3:78-83 162t 1. Villamos Energetikai Kutato Intezet. VAMOS To Cando of technose. Some notes on the determination and measurement of efficiencir for process control optimization. Acta techn Hung 41 no.1/2.024!~- 250 162, 1, Institute for El*rical Power Research* - npzaki tudoman BOROVSZKY, Laszlo; VAMJS Tl~,4qrj n yok kandidatusa, 'An analog'ae computer for the automatic control of economical load distribution among power planta. Kiezaki kozI MTA 31 no,1/405-61 !62, 1. Villamos Energetikai Kutato lnte~zet. VAMOS, Tibor, The oecork copgress of the International Federation of Automatic Control. Mares-automat 11 no.12-.37Z-375 163. VAMOS, T., cand. of techn. sc. Power systems optimization concerning plant availability. Acta techn Hung 1+4 no.3/4: 365-377 163. 1. Institute for Electrical Power Research, Budapest. VAMOS, Tibor, dr. Up-to-date process control problems. Elelm ipar 18 no.8/9: 226-228 Ag-S 164. 1. Research Institute of Automation, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. KAFFKA, Karoly; GYORGY, Zoltan; VAMOS., 71bor. dr. ;RITTER, &dre; MARKUS, Ferenc; BOR(laWZA, dr,; BUJITAS, Lumlo, dr.; EDEIMYI, Ieszlo; BAIT, Tamair, dr.- TEGZE, Miklos, dr.;ALPAR, I-mre; KMCSENYI, Gyorgy; GANGER, Gyorgy; VARGA, Istvan. Presefit state-and perspeetiveo of the'ailtonation in the food industry, KLelm ipar 18 no.2933-36 F1164 1. Committee on Measuring and Control Teobniquep Scientific Association of the Agricultural and Food Industryt Budapest (for Kaffka). 2. Directorate of Instrument Industry# Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry, Budapest (for Gyorgy). 3. National Committee on Teclmical Development,, Budapest (for Vanos). 4. Central Committee of Automation, Budapest (for Ritter). 5. Secretariat of Automation, Ministry of Metallurgy and Machine Industry, 13udapest (for Markus). 6. Min- istry of Food, Budapest (forBojtar),.7. Tealmical Department Ministry of Food, Budapest (for Alpar).