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BOTVIVIKI Yefim Solomonovich; WITAREV, Olee Aleksandrovich; GELIMAII, Moisey Isaakovich; TUPITSIN, Yuriy Semenovich; ELIBERT, Aleksandr Aronovich; VARAKSIU? red*; LEBEIEVA, I.D.j red. izd-va; PARAKHINA, lft~~tle~k~. red. [Use of the continuous method for the manufacture of particle boards]Proizvodstvo struzhechrqkh plit nepreryvnym sposobom. Mo- skva, Goolosbumizdat, 1961. 98 P. (KIRA 15-.2) (Rardboard) (Assembly-line methods) VARAKSIN, F.D. Assist the industries in a better solving cf their pro'o-l,--=. BIM.Prom. 37 no.6:1-3 Je 162. WIRA 15:6) 1. Pbrvyy zameatitell predsadatelya. Gosudarstvennogo komiteta Soveta Ministrov SSSR po lesnoy, tsellyulozno-bumazhnoy, derevoobrabatyvayushchey promyshleru.,osti i lesnomu khozyaystvu. (Wood-using industries) I GRUBE, Aleksandr Eduardovich, prof.; VARAKSTL F- -D red - LYAMVICH, Ye.A.,, red. izd-11a; VDOVIIIA, V.M.,, tekhn. red. (Woodcutting tools with hard alloy plates; design and operation] Derevorezhushchie instrumenty s plastinkami iz tyerdykh splavoy; konstrukteii i ekepluatataiia. Moskva, Gosleobumizdat, 1963. 147 p. (MIRA 16:6) (Woodworking machinery) (Alloys) ur du t r 1 e:-I Me"I, Wr 6.3 8 d 3 Odd 17. p-(~~,ni -,,i i tinmr~,,i GRUBE, Aleksandr Fduardovicho doktor tekhn. nauk; ISAMV, Valentin Illich, kand. tekhn. nauk; VARIKSIN 4' [Automation of the machining of parta In the wmdworkirg industries] Avtomatizatsiia stanochnoi obrabotki detnlei v derevoobrabatyvaiushchei prou7shlennosti. Yoskva, Jzd-vec, IfLeanaia promyshlennost' 11 1964. 540 P. (NIRA 17:7) ;s-2AwrW/EEc( )-21EVP? 6~1 EWT ~0 IF, fiflATZE-D ACC M 06000357 SOURCE CODE: AUTHORSs Varaksinj, t.'~V.; Vakhrushev, Yu. A. ORG: none TITLEi Cardan suspension. Class 42, No. 176080 UR/0286A5/0()0/021/0052/0052 SOURCE; Byulletent izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov.. no. 21, 1965j, 52 TOPIC TAGS: gyroscope suspension, gyroscope component I ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a Cardan vuspension for a gyroscopic device, containing outer and inner frames mounted by journals in bearfn-g-sT-fo- decrease the gyroscope drift, an error compensator is inserted between the coupled parts of the bearing and ring (see Fie. 1). The compensator is made of material Ity, having a transient yield or pUsticity, e.g.# of cold hardening epoxy compound 1~r The 2,aterial anove the required spacing or the bearing in the ring to take'Wee ducing this phase, Card UDCs 621*822.7-752!.4-531./*:666-968.8 L lll~gfqb- F ACC NRo AP6000357 Fig. 1. 1 - Rotor; 2 - bearing; 3 - compensator* orig. art. hass 1 diagrams SUB colr,: 17/ SuBm UTE: 07Jan65 41 2 VARAKSIN, N. Results of using comvlex norms in the Tallin Harbor. Mor.flot 20 no.1:12-14 Ja 60. (MM 13:5) 1. Nachallnik Otdala, truda, i Farplaty Tallinskogo morokogo porta. (Tallinn-Cargo handling) (Wages) vII_U&_,,iN7 11. 1-utiv- Mle c .:cr ware:-.oussc. v. torf;. .-4 no.6:5C-52 Je 161. S WnU 14:7~ Y-:oucoir --Cold ,tr.ra[:,., imriihov:ws) VARAKSINI N. ------------ Simplify the planning and accounting for the creration of sea ports. Mor. flot 25 no.2:11 F 165, (MIJU 18:4) 1. Nachallaik Tal-linskogo morskogo torgovogo porta. VYSTRELKCJV, I.N.- VARAKSIN N.F. PackAged freight transportation. Khol.tekh. 40 no.l.-53L JT&-F 163. (MIRA 160) (Refrigerated motortrucks) SHER, Aleksandra Aleksandrov na; yAUMIN Nikolay Goorgiyevich; KRUdIDVA, Ye.M., red.; USANOVA, N.b_.,_t_eWn-.'ivd. [Wages for sea harbor workers]Oplata truds. rabotnikov morskikh portov. Moskva.. Izd-vo "Morskoi transport," 1962. 135 p. (MIRA 16:2) (Wages-Longshoremen) (Wages-Cargo handling) i.,~ Iv, Fl Dis-ertnti: n: "F13 ',~l M-A I-C f~f Dilot i n a- 1~0, ' 1. v. St,,! r, Y, finl nF cow e r, SO : Vec*, ernvaya silva, Lpr, 1947 "Iro'ect VIT36) TMOIN, X.YG,_- 44-"rs.-- 1 , - . Qaal.ity of drill steel ased in hole boring with flushing. Blul, TSIIN twat, met. z&o.9:6-7 158. (NM 11:6) (Tool steel) (Boring machinery) VARAKSIN, _V... -1--l., - V How we work with yourg workers. Zhil.-kam.khoz. 9 no.11:3-4 159. WFU 13:2) 1. 14inistr kormunallnogo khozyaystva Karellskoy ASSR. (Karelia--Municipal services) __ .__VW VARAMINI, V. The boilers need one master. Zhil.-kom. khoz. 12 no,2:28 F 162, (MM .1517) 1. Ministr ko=nmalOnogo khozZay-stva Karel'skoy ASSR. (Petrozavodsk-Heating) (Boilers) ,A , " I , - , I-A ~1-1114YJ-4- x./&-gineoring J'Arceic-oWle lcuwr Stat-ic-no ~-cnstruot:on JU 49 "Water Spmy Ovor Ilydrotechnical Constructions99 Prof 1-1. S, Vlwa, A. 1. Strel'toov, V. A. Varekein,, Ewinoersv 2 -j' 0101drotdth Stroi~To 7 Water spray damaging equilnent, at bydreolectric p-wex stations bas been a gront problem. Describea oxNrimentz conductod at VV11G vinal M-11TRI to deWm-1no best-" sluicos for hydroolootric installations. Problm la very Cveat at Ak-Tep antl Ak,.Yavak I installations whore In winter sovare iciM corKlitions occurred. Ak-Eavak II has sluices bulit accerd1:4 to specifications wuh;lttod by abovo-mentioned institutions, aril ban r=h less trmblo wiVi water spray and icing. PA 59/4cjT4 VARAK5r4j V. A. 4WH57. VAPAKSTN, V. A. Vodyanaya-pyll nad Fidrotekhniclieskimi sooruzheniyami. Gidrotekh.i. Stroit-Vo, l9h9 No. 7 - S, 20-21 SO% LETOPIS' No. 30Y 1949 VARAK,~Ilrl, V. r'1. ViraMIN, V.A. [Experiencie in operating hydrotachnical equipment of hydro- electric power stations] Opyt okaploatateli gidrotekhnichookikh oooruzhenii gidroelektrostantaii. Moskva, Goa. energ. izd-vo, 1950. 158 P. (KLU 7:5) (Hydroelectric power stations) V.41. "Opyt Eksploatat:3ii GicLro'uekhifii--,Iieskikh Sooruzherdy Gi..;'roelek- trostantsiy" I-L 6osener-oizdat 1~150 159 str i3 USSR/Engineering - Hydraulics, Dams Oct 51 "Preventive Tents of the Damo of Diversion to Canals, V. it, Varaksin, Engr "Gidrotekh Stroi" No 10, pp 8, 9 Describes testing procedure for damz operated under conditions of possible but infrequent rise of vater above normal operational level. Tests are conducted once every yr. Reviews causes of accidental water rises and dnmn es which dams may suffer in case of neglecting proper testing. 201TIOl YARASIN, V.A., Inshener. Req.irements for gates of intake tubes of a hydroelectric power plant. Gidr.stroi. 23 no.3:32-34 154. (KLaA 7:6) (Hydroelectric power stations) VARAKSINI, V. A. Varaksin, V. A. "Problems of Rationalizing the Design and Technical Operation of Pressure Basins for Hydroelectric Power Stations." Min Higher Education U SR. Central Asia Polytechnic Inst. Tashkent, 1955. (Dissertntion for the Degree of Candidate in Technienj Sciences). SO- Knizhnaya Letopist, No. 27p 2 July 1955. 81089 /62/01)/006/019/027 ALVHOR8v 0. 1Z. and M. R. TITLE, Nauchnaya konforentsiya Moskovskogo Lnshenerno-fisichaskogo institute (Scientific Oonferenoo of the Moscow Saginsering Physics I atitate) 1962 n PERIODiCALs Atommys energiyao v. 13, no. 6, 1962, 03 606 TEXT#' The annual conference took place in May 1962 with more than 400 delegates participating. A review in given of these lectures that are assumed to be of Interest for the readers of Atowaya ariargiya. They are followings A. 1. Leypunskiy, future of feet reactoral A. A. Vesillyevj design of accelerators for superhigh energise'l 1. Ta. Poaoraaohuko anAlyti6ityt unitarity, and asymptotic b*b&vior of strong interactions at 'high en*rgioal 1. Do Higdalp phenomenological theory-for the many-bodl probltal Yu.'D. FiveynkLy, deceleration of madium-onergy antiprotons in matt*rl gan, ra. A. losilevskiy, theory of the Mdesbauer effootj M.-I'. Ryaxanovq.theory of Ionization losses In nonhomog*noous mediual Yu. Do Ivanovp A.,A. Rukhadso, h-f conductivity oVoubeAtioal-plasmal C rd 1/4., -_a Od 13/006/019/027 Nauohnaya kanterontalya..# B 102YBII 18~0 design of 30-Mov electron linear sooslaratorl Ye. 6. Pyatnov, A. A. Glaskovp* V. 0. Lopata, A. 1. Finogenov, 0. V. Bkopskly, V. D. Selesnev, experimental characteristics of low-energy electron linear oooslaratoral 0. A. Zeytlei%lc, V. M. LOVin, S. 1. Piskunov, V. L. Smirnov, V. N.'Khokhlov, radiooiroult parameters of JIO(LUZ)-type aoooleratoraj 0. A. Tyagunov, 0, A, Valldnerp! B. M. Ookhborg, S. 1. K rehunov, V. I. 'Kotov, Ye. Jjt_j_Io~os,_,4.qoqI orator 0 -V classification and terminologyj 0' S~. Milovazn( B. Veraksidt_'P. It. Zonkovich, theoretical analysis o; masnet.. operaVloni-A.-I.-Tragov, P. R. Zonkovich, calculation of attenuation in a diaphragmated waveguidel Yu. P. Lazarenko, A. V. Ryabtsev, optimum attenuation length for linear aoooloratorl A. A. Zhigarov, R. Yo. Yelisoyev., review on trojectographol 1. 0. Morosovat 0. A. Tyagunov, review on more than 500 ion sourcool M. A.- Abrovan, V. L. Komarov# duoplaimatrqu-t.ype sourool V. S. Xuanotsov, A. 1. Solayshkov, calculation and production of intense ion beams i ::.V. M. Rybin (Yo. V. Armanakly), induative current transmitters of high sensitivity; V. 1. Koroza# 0. L. Tyajanoyl kinetia description. ar, linear acceleration of relativistic electronal A. D. Yl a Ovo phase as oi-Ilationd in. linear. accelerators I E.' L. Burkhtayn, 0. V... To:kraseaskiy beem, f1914 -effects to the waveguido of.on *Iqotron linoorscoolerstorl R. S. Babovikov, bard 3/4 ACCESSION NR; AT4019729 S/2759/63/000/005/0138/0145 AVTHORj Varoksinp V. D.; Milavanovo 0. S. TITLE: Internal pulse modulation of magnetron frequency when It I- operating on a lin~pr electron accelerator SOUR6E: Moscow. inzhenerno-fiziches*kiy institut. Uskorlteli (Accelerators), no. 1963, 138-145 TOPIC TAGS: magnetron, magnetron frequency, linear accelerator, electron accelera- tor, anode voltage,,.electromagnetic wave, electron acceleration, radio pulse - spectrum, frequency modulation ABSTRACT* The frequency variation of the osci I lat ions generated bya magnetron during pulsing is called the internal pulse modulation, and is caused by two closely related phenomena: the instability of the anode voltage magnitude and the estab- .1ishment of the frequency. The present paper gives the results of calculations and experimen'tal observations of the internal pulse-modulation of the magnetron frequency when it feeds a linear electron accelerator. The following conclusions are obtained: 1) the magnetron operation gives rise to a parasitic frequency modulation caused by the effects of electron mixing of the frequency and by the Cmultiple reflections of the electromagnetic wave at the discontinuities of the Ord 1/2 ACCESS-ION NR: AT4019729 channel; 2) the parasitic frequency modulation leads to a blurring of the radio.. pulse spectrum and to the broadening of-the energy spectrum of the accelerated electrons; 3) the di 'stortions in the radio-pulse spectrum are expressed in terms of the carrier frequency modulation Index. Orig. art. has: 7 formulas and 4 figures. ASSOCIATION: Inzhenerno-fizicheskiy institut, Moscow (Engineering-Physics Institute) SUBMITTED: 00 DATE ACQ: 19Mar(>4 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: NP, EE NO REFSOV: 007 OTHER: 001 Card 2/2 3 `~_,~O VARAKSIN, Vladimir Ivanovich; PAVLOVA, K.A.p red, - ~- (M,-ntages of uniting heating boilers in one organiza- tion) Chto daet ob"edinanie otopitelInykh Icotollnykh v odnoi organizatsii. Mo:j~a, Stroiizdat, 1965. 37 p. .4 WIRA 18:3) AUTHOR: Varaksin, Ya. 107-58-6-23/56 TITLE: What Is "Radio War"? (Chto takoye "raeiovoyna") PERIODICAL: Radio, 1958, Nr 6, pp 16-18 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article is based on materials obtained from Western pub- lications and deals with various aspects of military applica- tions of radar and appropriate countermeasures against radar detection. Mostly, the experience obtained during World War Il is listed. There are three sketches. Card 1/1 1. Radar-Military appLications 2. Radar-Detection 60); 7(7); 9(0) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV13183 Vaxaksin, Yakov Gavrilovich Eadioelektronika v voyennom dele (Military Use of Radioelectronics) Moscm-Y Voyenizdat, 1958. 283 P- (Series; Na1AchnQ-pQpu1yurnaya biblioteka) No. of copies printed not aven. Ed. (Title page): V. I. Siforov, Corresponding Meraber, USSR Academy of Sciencee; Ed. (Tneide book): Ya. M. Kader; Consultants of t~e Publishing Hou-ge- K.N. Trofimov,, Engineer.-Colonel, and A.V. Tarantsev, Colonel; Tech. Ed.: 0.1. Garkusha. P&RrOSE: The book is intended for readers with a knowledge of electrical enTine,'!r- ing, ma;ttematics and Physics at the Soviet secondary school level. CrivEjaGE: The author d-escribes the various applications of radioelectronics for milit&ry purposes in the following fields: radio communicationsY radar, radio navigation, hydro-and aeroacoustics, radia-mpteorology, television, electronic computers, remote control, telemetering, inl+ared and ultraviolet techniTle!3, semiconductors, rocket control systems etc. The author indicates ways for Card 1/4 Military Use of Radioelectronics SOV/3183 further improving many kinds of weapons as a result of develoinents in radio- electronics) automatic and remote control., computers', etc. The examples given of achievements in electroriies are drawn chiefly from non-Soviet sources (Ma,_!n2,y British and American periodicals) The few Soviet examples mentioned qre taken from press reports of TASS and Pravda and from Khrushchev's speeches (Bee pages 244, 250, 252, 255 and 279). No personalities are mentioned. There are 44 references: 16 Soviet (3 are translations) and 28 English. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Introduction 3 Ch. 1. Radioelectronics and C=m1tations 17 Radio ccumunications 18 Radio relay communications systems 30 Wave propagation 33 Other fonne of communications 41 Ch. Radioelectronics and Observation 114 RAdar 44 Cr-xd 2/ 4 Militaxy Use of SOV/3183 TelAvision 78 Infrared devices for night visioa and heat direction finders 96 Hydrcacoustical. facilities 109 Ch- 3. Radioelectronles and Controlled Veapons 116 General principles of automation and remote control 116 Military uses of automation and remote control li8 Ch. 4. Use of Radioelectronics in Navigation 159 Radio and radar aids to navigation 159 Radio aids in celestial navigation 178 inertial systems for dead reckoning 182 Instruments for celestial navigation 185 Automatic dead reckoning system for air navigation based on the Doppler-Belopollskiy effect (MTI system) 188 Radio landing system 191t Autcmatic system of air traffic control 199 C-h- 5. Application :Of Radar in Meteorology 211 card 3/4 Military Use of Radioelectronies SOV/3183 Ch. 6. Use of Radioelectronics in Other Military Fields 230 Ch. 7. Effect of Develo;ments in Radioelectronics on Changes in Weapon Specifications and on the Character of Conducting Warfare 243 Ch. 8. Radio Reconnaissance and Radio Interference '59 Equipient of radioelectromic reconnaissExce 26c Radio 262 Scme conclusions 269 Concluions 271 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress (U6485.v3) jP/gmp Card 4/4 2-19-6o YARaSlut Veu,, doteent Kethodological aspects of teaching the preparation of a course project, Sbor. metod, rabs Bel. politekh, inst. no, 117l-76 159. (mak i4a) (Architecture.-Study and teaching) (Project method in teaching) KAKLETSOVA,.N.N,; BELOGORTSET, I.D.; I TELISMY, I.K.; ZTSW, A.I.; TOINOV, A.?., prof., retsenzent; CHXCHKO,.Z.I., red.; KUZI)MOK, P.T., (Principles of designing apartment houses] Osnovy proektirovaniia zhilykh zdanii. Minsk, Rod.-izdat.otdel,,Belorusskogo politekhn. in-to im. I.V.Stalins, 1960. 194 p. (MIRA 13:8) le Minsk. Belorusekiy politekhnicheakly insti~ut. 2. Deystvitell- nyy chlen Akademil stroitellstva i arkhitektury SSSR i chlen- korrespondent Akademii nauk BSSR (for Toinov). (Apartment houses) (Architecture-Designs and plans) KPAUINI, N.S,,;_VARAKSIN, VAL; STUDENTSOV, V.I. Pre,~cast reinforced-concrete timbers in the mines-of East Kazakbatan. Gorahur. no,.3:70-71 Mr 160. (MM 14:5) 1. VaesoyumVy nauchno-issledovateltakiy institut tovetnykh metallov, Ustl-Kamenogorsk (for Krakhinq Varaksin). 2. Lenino-shakhtontroyu- pravleniye (for.Studentsov). (East KazakbBtan Province-Mine timbering) VARAKSDI, Vadim. Nikolayevich; SHILM, Fetr Ivanovich; ZYRYANCfV, ~_' -TijwftT--Paviovivh;--I(OROGOD, Grigoriy Alekseyevich; MILICHMKO, Dmitriy Vladimirovich; FOLYAKH, V.A., otv. red.; VUROS, R.F., red.; UTEPOV, Zh.K., tekbn. red. (Rod bolting in the Rudnyy Altai]Shtangovaia krep' na Rudnom Altae. Alma-Ata, TSentr. in-t nauchn.-tekhn. informatsii, 1960. 19 p. (KMA 17:2) TIKHONOV, Ivan Ivanovich; VARAKSIN. Ta.G., red.; FILIMONOY, I.M., red.; FATNSHMIDT, - - (Radio electronics and its military applications] Radioelektro- nika. i ee voennoe primenenie. Koskva, Izd-vo DOSW, 1960. 78 . (MIRA 13:23 (Electronics in military engineering) VJWKSINA, A ,S9--- Influence of chemical preparations on the microbiological processes and quality of si-lage. IU-krobiologi-ia3Ono.l:l4O-l45ja-F 161. M RA 14 t 5) 1. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy insitut sellskokhozyaystvgnnoy mikrobiologii, Leningrad. (ENSILAGE-MICROBIOLOGY) VARAKSINA, A.S., kand. sollskokhoz. nauk; POZIIARINSKAYA, N.A. Effect of the nitrogenization of seed on the microflcra and yield of forage beans. Agrobiologiia no.1:25-31 Ja-F '65. (MIPA 18:4) 1. Yestestvannonauchnyy institut pri Permqkom gosudarstvennom universitate, Perm', - - - Varaksina, A.V, - - - - - - The effect of bonding phase* Title: Seminar on refractory metals, compounds, and alloys (Kieve, April 1963). Source; Atomnaya energiya., v. 15, no. 3, 1963p 266-267 '(29 3 ) 5 , AUTHORS: , SOT/55-58-6-22/31 Gromoval Mo I. . ~ar!~ s:~nt~ r- , . P~shkova, V. M. TITLE: Spectrophotometric Investigations of the Complex Compounds of Samarium, With Citric Acid, Lactic Acid and Trioxyglutaric Acid (spektrofotometricheakoye issledovaniye komplekenykh "yedins- niY sa-mariya a limonnoy, molochnoy i triokeiglutarovo7 kislolmui) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya matematikio makhanikip astronomii, fiziki, khimii, 1958, Nr 69 PP 171 - 179 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Various soientific treatises have permitted the statement (:Refs 2,6911-13) that the absorption spectra of the rare earth ele- ments change in the course of the formation of the complexes. The absorption maxima are displaced in dependence of the con- centration of the complex forming addition &nd of the change of the pH-value of the solution. This displacement permits con- olusiong to be drawn on the stability of the various complex compounds of the rare earth elements as well as on the pH range in which they exist. From this point of view the investigations mentioned in the title were carried out. The SF-4 spectro-pho- tometer was employed for the measurement of the absorption Card 1/3 spectra whilst the pH-value of the solutions was ascertained Spectiophotometric Investigations of the Complex BUT/55-56-6-22/31 Compounds of Samarium With Citric Acid, Lactic Acid and Trioxyglutaric Acid by means of the potentiometer LP-5, provided with a e.1-L3s ~Iec- trode. The initial solution was a samarium-perchlorat' 9 sciction. In order to determine the exact position of the maxima of the samarium ion the initial solution was taken opectro-photoxe- trically (The respective data are found in table I and in tig 1) and obtained were then compared with those of Prandtlp Ref 10. The molar absorption coefficients of the prin- cipal maxima agreed with data from publications (Refs 3,7,8,9). The further modifications of the samarium spectrum in the pre- sence of the complex forming addition were observed on the ware length of the absorption maximum A-401MA. The spectra of sola- tions having different pH values and different ratios of sama- rium. and complex-forming additions were taken (Pigs 3 and 4)- The limits of the pH values within which the various complex compounds are capable of existing, are compiled in the tables 3t495- In the pH-value field 1-12 2 complex compounds of s&na- rium with the citric acid and also trioxyglutaric acid were aa- certained, as well as one compound with the lactic acid in &a Card 2/3 acid medium. In basic media only hydroxide precipitates are Spectrophotometric Investigations of the CQzplqz BOT/55-58-6-22/31 Compounds of Samarium With Citric Acid, Lactic Acid and Trioxyglutaric Acid formed. The stability of these complex compounds was investi- gated with respect to hydroxyl ional oxalatt ions and fluoride ions. Photometrioal data permitted the conclusion to be drawn that the compounds with citric acid and trioxyglutario acid exhibit about the same degree of resistanoop and that tbey are by far more resistant than the compound with the lactic acid. The authors thank G. K. Teremin and L. I. Martynenko for plac- ing the spectrally pure samarium aalt at their disposal. There are 4 figures, 6 tables, and 17 referenceat 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Kafedra analitioheakoy khimii (Chair for Analytical Chemistry) SUBMITTED: April 15, 1958 Card 3/3 S11 23/59/000/008/001/0 43 AOO4/AOO2 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Mashinostroyeniye, 1959, No. 8, p. 12, # 28674 AUTHORS: 'Shteynberg, M. M., Sokolkov, Ye. N., Varaksina, M. N. TITLEi on the Problem of the Tendency of.Metals to.Brittle Fallure PE IIODICAL: Tr. Ural'skogo politekhn. in-ta, 1958, Vol. 68, PP. 54-;; R TEXT: Plastic deformation which is effected by monoaxial static tension leads to a considerable increase in breaking strength, which was determined during tensile tests at the temperature of liquid nitrogen. The intensity of such an increase depends on the alloy composition and the initial structure. Systematic data on the dependence of breaking strength on proliminar7 plastic deformation may be used for a more founded estimation of the tendency of alloys to brittle failure. Besides, such data make it possible, in a number of cases, to determine the breaking strength of some steels by the extrapolation method. B. A. M. Translator's note: This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 1/1 SMUKOVA, V.I.; YUZHAKOVA, 11.N.; RMNICHENKO, V.G.; GIXBOV, I.T.; VOLKOV, A.S4; URZLYA, N.Ye.; BMTEREV, P.A.; RYS', G.I.; VORONINA. M.N.; GVOZDINTS- KIY, 1.1L; VARAKSINA, M.P.; MASTERSKIKH. M.A,; GOYCHAROVA, V.A.; BICHEVINA, A'S.'; SCIROKIN.-M.A., red.; GRIIP, Ye., [Economy of Altai Territory during the past 40 years; a statistical manual] Narodnoe khoziaistvo Altaiskogo krais za, 40 let. Sovetskoi vlasti; atatisticheakii abornik. Barnaul, Altainkoe knizhnoe izd-vo. 1957. 110 P. (MIRA 11:3) 1. AltayBkiy kray. Statist icheskoye upravlenlye. 2. Statistiche- skoye upravleniya AltayBkogo krays (for all except Sorokin, Grin') 1. 3. Nachallnik Statir,ticheskogo upravleniya Altayskogo kraya (for Sorokin) (Altai territory--Statistics) KHOLIKINI, YII.I.; Vilfu~KSRIIA T.N. Problems of wood chemistry and chc--~--Jcal tecimology. Gidroliz. i losokhim. prom. 14 no.500-32 161. (mm 16:7) 1. Institut le.9a i drevesiny Sibirakogo otdeleniya AN SSSR. (Wood) VARAKSINA, T.S. jd-w-wia-RW _ Device for checking the axial play of micrometers. Izustekho no#5: 72-73 8-0 156. (KM 10:2) Oftcrometei) __ I --VAqAKSIW. T.S. Insturmenta for checking micrometers. Iza.tekh. no.6:77-78 N-D '56. (KIRA 10:1) (Micrometer-Testing) VARAKSINA, T.S., assistent New instramente for checking micrometers. VzaimLi tekh-lza maahinostr.;mexhvuz.sbor. no.2:351-363 16o. (KIRA 13:8) (Micrometer-Testing) Cg - a Nn lit up Is i ug hod All 71. IT VARMTA A.G. zh. (Sverdlovsk) - =J-=LS--ka Some problems of the improvement of the design of freight cars. Zhel.dor.transp. 45 no-10.59-60 0 '63. (KERA 16:11) I# Urallnkrp otdoleniye Vseooyuznogo nauchno-insledovatellskogo inatituta zheleznodor-0zhnogo transporta Ministerstva putey soob- shcheniya. BABZTS, K.K., inzh.; VARAKWA, V.B., inzh.; KOROGOD, V*M., inzh. Review of "labor savety in mines of the Krivoy Rog Basin' b7 V.G.Illenko and others. Bezop.truda v prom. 4 no.10:36-37 0 16o. (MIRA 13:11) (Krivoy Rog Basin-;-Mining engineering---Safety measures) (Illanko, V.G.) VAPALJAI, V. Facemile toleFraph s-PtPm. P. 59* MAGYAP I!IRAD;5.PFPHPMk. (11-11iradastechnikai Tudomanyos Emyesulet) Rueapest, Hungary. Vol. 10, no. 2, Arr. ig5g. Monthly List of East European Accessionc (Eal) LC, Vol. 8., no- 7, July 1959. Uncle VARALTAI~ Vilmosj MAZGONp Sandor Cu.rrent prob2ams of data transmission. Hir techn 15 no.7.-199-205 Jl 164. 1. Experimantal Institute of the Hangarian Post Office, 2, Science Editorp "HiradastechnikO (for VaralJai). 1--N693-66 T DJ ACC NR: AP6025020 SOURCI-', CODE: W 00 5 0117056-1/0304 AUTHOR: Szalay Tibor; Vara2lyai, Laszlo; Porzsolt, Evva .19 OIG: Institute pf-ph 24+ir nf qe-4ences, Debrecen L ffAical Che mistry Kossuth LaLostUpive rLdahnt teit j Ko toze a (Kossuth Lajos Tudo=Mogyetem z 0 a n oze ); LVarallyaA/ Hungarian -JLiti- K Friction Bearing Uorks, Debrecen (Magyar Gorduloosapag Muv 7 Q 0 TITIZ: Doteridnation of the water content of mineral ild by Tvasuring the dielectric coastant SOURCS: Nagyar kemiai folyoirat, v. 71, no* U, 1965, 502-504 TOPIC TAGS: dielectric constant, mineral oil it ABSTRACT: Authors determined the water content of 0-20 gpRgratus oil by moans of a device for the measurement of the dielectric constant. The described method makes it possiblo to determine the water content of different mineral oils in an exact and rapid manner both in batch operations and in continuous operations, Orig. art# has: 3 figures, 2 formulas, and I table* LJPRS: 33,906 7 SUB CODS: 20 / SUBM DATE: 09Apr65 / ORIG REFs 003 / OTH.REF: 003 L5 it ~0- V 26 It lull 1)33 musloakil Q ij 43 A) vocct $&I 1 640 It br A,411. J931).-The Asprr c Ko of 4, aC -ils as Lbe xfar PINALIr e 01 00 .9 :0 I*-*-I v0 0 .. I *$sill 'At J- Ll, sbjql L. a.. .I ol -93,i W 91 K Ct tt It et e:9 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 00's 6 *00 0 0 0 ' o; 0 000000000000000006 s tki if 12 it fd it kit to to It Ar a Uis v a x 11 R n A a ha 4-1 S it I It J A L AA QC W T It tax I ' ., , L ~ _ _ _ , k, T , 0 *0 A 00 44 - 0 NOS, still." fort l"!' by V l* Cuum"I W4 A42orPtM 09 PhlOb MAY 0 - , IF" Failure Ill 11 frftfff fact that the Mid P'l-tim a 01mifirs'), fl b MOO , y -Ally 6 a P rkhlwI-% of Ow alit tmt alto Orly vriv littleI r anti it~ ,,4ttrjjt 4,1 W4 P 1IKTV6W4 ICtSt'y ili f u R te ert f,filliter. the p PAO 1. 0.1.1glitit"s Ill Pit, .1%,)tdd alVrmY% "'411111 "W 00 ,e 00 j *0 42 00 WOO fee. 7z., IM&O woo U is AV 00 L%; p 0 to to a plan 111111 , W it & A 0 3 "Oft v 0 ~:::1004 609 0000000 04 foo 0*000*00MWOOO: t l 0 10 U tj u 11 m u Is it a 06 iIs 00, *0 eow 002 7~ - - a Is 34 a ft V X 0 a 4 a a a a b I --k- I k --.R- A-... --- 40 001 AwwgWas meaed Jim daM# lCaftidua 5, 11 .1- (LYAU"ux P can be detd. by nwthad, SaUm wbich a,= adembut-hr p Pmwla P. Ily nwthrols t. he U.-C A I I L AalfALLI)OCKAL L1191FATL411 CLAISJOKATICIO P [-~, a u 11 A's la a * * 0 o A 0" "a * o 0 t o 0 0 0 0* 0 0 * oio 0 0 0 0 * * 00 0 0 09 4 04 goo Koo a 0 see .;eo goo '00 4: 0 veto 97 v ad a a 0 1 w m s a 0 4 0 0 0 f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4i0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 4 0 6 0 004-.64 sale I A A 1 4 1 a I is u w it 1, (1 a to a it a 0 as is ~,A 4 A-S.-AL- Ulm, 00 A~- 00 -tt- P a " a a a -t-11-A-P-Oto Ot Amolowsk mild attraU ga4belva of thot #,A1. no'k. F,vi,. A(m,'"amts xg~m-- IMMO-SQ41 A&WIPICA should * kept hw at kall I amth ulwa updamal twasture. temp. arms armlior, cmditiom to reach a rnicrobio~kvl lAtlance behee 4cin. low after thij pr6,d S, Ittlilirdflull will "ON have too(, effects. S T'd, ITAY A Mr,!A~LV~IICAL UTM1641 CLAMPKATIO A 114k. "NOT IsAaso #j I Masi .40 0%v UVE -88iiii'Zoi 64V )to a Alp so is' Is AS a It 49 Itallot Itua %!IIKAAII to FUR AA IS 0 OW 0 4 1 U N 0 A 1 2 9 1 0 * : :'* 0 0 0 41 40 40 1 a 0 * 0 0 0 41 00 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 10 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 Ole 4 0 * * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0*0 ISO* lose a e 0 a 0 a 0 0 4 6 t 0 0 o a 6 * 0 0 of 00 14 1$ 4 17 4 WE 0- -- -0 A Ir It U is I a it x W * #t At U m 4 X A- X-it, -at4V-Ifr-A- JR CLfA-t--- 4 - -j7IWk 00 A I it A.0 4 W'11 -Of. Chiap lob"wy Mtbwf (or 00 &AWOU"" of -00 hrmim -q*-qwww 44 "Us. M,,6js,&W&j jr*aMmb G. 204-120 8766~-Dwm. SWAM be made Ot Ot amirUy mccordW4 to 00 1, aq da (3) C&C% MutEnit. (4) hydfo- ,Ar"Y=3 ft i, rx. wr, U.-ti. Wit 09 ) A. a'- -00 without CAP,( a A., gm 00 a a & ~Wth P, 6) TA, OW powtb on '00 Un 2.6 ff. No Wilbow "Mo. Of X. 9 2.5 1. ma &fuw hitaUstba wilb Mla NIB. am (9) -00 Un"k conjent L4 the mou sUfft stLwvztlaf nitnts + aj Si 0owkwo. Tbecostefabovo tummiltuader "A w1ml wafk is is approst. I &W, jim tim r*quktd for s inclkste "tbfwtmgY wbdW 3 brs. WW tbff fesult W"I a** -I , hrdKwkw mw go a not do WA 00 1 tbm is D~Oded. Results 00 jluv4Cwjsn soils see S. do lru&Uv in too* Nag A S a -.1 L A69TALLUKKAL U7144Ttilt CLAWFKATIO01 'Log siv-s! 1~7'4iz T. tows..) .41 ONT 4vt failli 4 41 b u a 0 0 GA 0 0 a 4 0900 0 g 0 0 0 0 0 00 010 90 09 0 0 0 0 0 g o o;0 0 0 t 0 * u w 1 8 It 0 0 W L 0 CU A - --I . - of wim wd (w no Improromm as dw 00 In emkwvv" "d I t fth be twd, ""Wak" M C th" pw* CoM kir wo lmpmvvmmil. . W.. " 00 Owb nmdx ccmpwvd vkh the efect of ptwe C&M 00 Ps -bm CMM wvd be Wmeand. Ilydroiytic W bm 6M dl 4 m Y &W elm dippwW In 006 Oulb. 0* 04 0 : 0 *0 z I SI L A24TALLUMCAL LITISAIWI CLASILVKAVIC* %Dow tiv.01tv. - U -AT- 00 10041 gang Kin it a KO a I l:::004*004600000*0 :1'.o' 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 moo 4 36 V 4 X 46 M 9 044 A-A 1 -4 .00 .-so *0 .-oo -.00 .00 .00 a* 0 =60 go 0 coo coo go 0 94~ 0 -0 '0 00 04 fie 9-2- AM S I I Od 0 0 0 7 IF 0 9 a 4 3 000000000000000440 0 4 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 01 4, is or J!* A istof.j J 0 . p 'sioc'1111 or I The change in nutrient content of &oil% and its deter- minstion. G)orgy Varallp4r. 13, sh,mild be tim- tioll"t on the ba8is .4 JUIAII'l d'tnA. oil the oliplul i 'in-l" JAIIIII, Wittloil (11. .,)1 41111 iM IrtfilIXT11 i0d. I kiihu., C. A. 32, for -it Pit), i4 re I ttitirni iti t %oil s m les I Fi h 1 j c w v - le a a a A It .1 nAp 1J., p and their P content ibid. Aicr 44 firs. 'the 11 tuft- 00 0 tint of the orixinAl wjil minlift- ii thill, %imultimrsm%ly - 'fi t 16 d I I f l 1 00 1'. - ' e Fri, 1 . in. . ,., 1011,11, le acu i t A by Ilw ImA. ~ it% hAnges in the wittient cuntuio- au. -00 00 1(yinthesuill. The ilk-tvaw in the cImicat of WIMV-4. ' o st), by Irrat"I"t with 2 wit. mil. )';0j txr 1100 1. v))j l %-AtUA (rum 0 to 431,*~. h. ift- Fni'lv so o A 0 0 010 -00 -06 -106 00 it 11 00 : t Ala- .4 AITALLURG ICAL 1.111PATURI! CLksSIFICAYrom ; U Its AV ;~T ~ - it 1, 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 f 4 1 1 0 0 sm * 0-0-0-06 0 * 0 111 IS, -is 0 00 4p 0 0 to k v w Nfull m""maitu Impso 41 U $j .0 4 L, A It 1 -1-11 a A. I h .4 -1 1 0 0: .4 r~: 00 -X C ell; a 00 Chmmag" of isa of Coittect at plant no- -so trients. Grorgy Vairallray (last. Punt Weeding 4nd 1114,it qrtc~tion. Iftasonaticiratt6visr. Ifungiary). K.;-4- 111s'er.* Na4lemawwk 46. -L C .4. :4, mist . 1,1111raint .4.11 410 wall Irlillisrol "Ills P apul K 411.1 larpt ho IA .1,4" 'it file .,1111C lcmp awl r4)nlCllt WOr CAA111d. Jur a, 61 bl l h I f l e ipwr- A e K ay t or plaut-aval arr,arding to Psuir, Callus inethud, and tot Nil, and nitrate. The diffeterac" -100 enable an approx. forecast of probable crop fesponw,; " " .00 ripening procedure to fertilix2tion. During this the pit value of the "I decreased in acid samptes more 506 than in calcareous soils. Available P decreased in acid, s "I l b 1 l =00 s. et ca careou y 6- inert soib but increased 070 Available K increased inurnificantly; antrasonlat and ZO 0 nitrate increwed by 200-220%. Ixachitig had ouly avi ji!,%igralfwant effect on P and K content,, but severely .11mmi,slard Ammonia And nitrate C4,40111%, I 1111141Y 0 GO !see ttee IS i ire 0 .1. 0.1 4.4 I a A 4., %A V5 AT go it 0 of Or a 14 w or a n 11 Of W A i VA an i s a m as 9, 9 0 :;41 0 0 0 0 * 0 41 All 0 0 0 a 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ell 7,6T MOP*. r* V V L-1. M 14 1 s 1 0 1 00 4 Amp name dri"inekwA a ac4twd A tatt 1. x4irt". ft"dawisaw. Sams ju.*m 00 %A"ktlv~j Iltl't' Ptnt Oftelliss A'ki Mot -09 '%V%'j59RGirjr u6v#a, Ifunguy). Mrshasdamixt Katisadjok 17. M-IGM944) .-The tnethods of NeMog and Schacht- 00 49 whAwl (C.A. 31. 417") give %isoplge4nd qokkly the K ".11tritti, of Wh And seem Stu) to tult;61.10 (IV dell * o L'a.Mg.atid 00 4 Nit Jo wit fidettrift it prwilt III lost It*- high ottimint%. GO if wc-,aty, the swidn. tit swirtuissy tit sk-coridazy Nit, j phophAte prrvent,i their hiterfertwe, 4f1mgWitsivalues ("t of Inytelium to cc. to 2.5 C. S414) are tw" file results 13 oloWnrif hv the nit-thm! of M-firing (mg, KsO n in) g, will. Its *nil* COMIC. Isof fix] much little 41111 hourrus. The X.0 0 '11114-Fto, 0 I~ 11111ch h1she? Ill .41. 1 It It Ill little 410 holtill. *0 of 111C 1,4f%c (IISL411jjIje% ..j ('.I 111111 FF0111 CA Ljf?,olt 11 WWII, WO Ow -10 Av so 00 udlwd t* vrrw fit. Io Frolm-1 to K; 11111. the 1:00 411 Irdy-jonitimtr ouivriurnu, it vithrf diffivolf. I It. x0o Ilse* S 0 - W L A"T&LLUMOKAL 4.111114614,411 CLASUPKAUC&I 00 AL - ..1641 writ 11, v 14i As of K Or 4 IT It IN KIO n I end, a a Is a mob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go go 0 0 0 0 o# 4~ go 0 0 401 00 00 00 00 43 W T uAL It W Av oa tn.d fiim* villf V4~ras 2y,,11 '80 Ytflmftxti%i IlUnIlAr.0. ACT01modo, ClIplA, Slll)wnl JhAj cltmwt con tr"tills either with or with ':I UAW of twat, if liqu I %=be 1. 1 &, urne was cOw.., I by a layer uf u=mIttfirating oll jja 0 ;~ Of the Original N couttilt could be twmffvvd during a at age for 5 months. IlractWly, a simple milainer of con. crete when closed tightly or covered by opt oil layer It cf- !--go fective for 3-4 toollths. Fully huntified peat (alt. e.g.. the pmt J HAmAg may to LAke Firm) pruv"I to tac Ims -uit- able as an abtAwbent for urine than impcrftvxiy humi6ed peat of Lake Balstou or common straw. Its the saltpeter splethad of urine treatment the d-inx of ton, murh urille 'Aud the Imperfect Inhibition d'( dryinK ramed Agnifit-ant N loa~,es. It. e.g.. 2.3 1. uthle wa,% AIwAPrIvd fly I kg, uld thr t .90 0 =0 ;4 0 loss on N anuounted to 78 hcn 0.5 1. uritic at.Ailist 15% * was used for I kj. scril. Istvittl Minify 4410 are, 0 -.114TALL"MAIL-LITI'RATUR-1 -CLAIJIF -KA VCM CV- SAW)" .4 it 4 M at 2 a a z U AT 00 AS IT tr a 1, ar 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 * 0 9 0 * 0 Ponibilify of tert Iilizer I CSFHM- of variou s His n soils C. _y.,rgv % iljoitti- A' Iki,-11111 IV 1-4 111111 PC I I I'm ,It% 14, 11. N. K W.' tiff I I$ tot, I . HII-ily New data on the treatment of liquid manure in manure yards, (tusyAlrappaln, Iflivitili A r"'kim"s -i vVerl. pfn"I, It'"If r? in %fahb it IY The 'Xlfk (113 X I dally frf'm Fell, 1:1 thr"Uth '%Jar 3 with 5 1, fiep6l rltfltf~ N PP. fl.l. mW K.() LO!';. At the rad ,I Ihi, jWri4xl the 'v"'1 relatailletf Inglistint. 4XII. N, 11.166. 1,4hil'197, antl Thrm.oeri;j haLince,4 th.. tllffriellf% Wav S, M, .4114 KOI i"Invill.-C'I IMQI~ 1651. ~ .1.57.11 X" fr%p, allif obtlintvi In the pfflact :11191. VOt. an.1 53 IX g.. re,l). The looki in N owtent 44 liqui,l mA,lljrr w.#. The N, ot the wtmitto a i!,e;- arn,n-nnA S and nitrute N, Wykn Fiff".1v 1,11 All I)ifferences and blOogical fluctuations in the contexit of 'reidII7 soluble n4tifentit oi soils. CvWy V.1rall ~V- if a~ and use. The ternp. -if the lab. rinav uka affevt the retiulO' H&L K(,-r4:sztkny (Agy. Expt. In"t., 'os(mmacyat6vir, npmially in tile Case of calcarv)uq oil; 'Mp: et- Ifung.). Jgroklmia ~s Ta4jla~n 1, 401-24(1952).-The fevt (4 ram ind writy on wil riutewiit~ wai insignificant Itutriitnt cc zlt~nt "I ~il' ~;i.detd by ch'-fli J .... . t"' quCtlintion. -tip mily he d~' i- 'd ~"d --, Ar i4 SZABOWZ, Istvan;_VARALLYAY, Gyorgy; MIKIAY., Frigyas Alkali soils in the Nnantul. I. Agrokxm talajtan 32 no.2:161- 184 A 162. 1,, MNUar Tudomanyos Akademia Talajtani es Agrokemiai Kutato Intezete, BWapest, es Crazagov I*zogazdasagi Minoseg-vizagalo Intezet Talajtani Oaztalya,, Woomagyarovar.' 2. "Agrokemia'es Talajtan" foazerkdaztoja (for Szaboles). VARALLYA7.1-9 - -Y Scma problems relating to al3kali soil research and genatic soil mapping in the Balgarian People's Republic. Agrokes talaJtan 22 no.2:329-334 n 163. VARALLYAY, Gyorgy Alkali soils of the Dunantul. Pt.2. Agrokem talajtan 13 no.1/2;3-24 Jl 164. 1. Research Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of the Hungarian Academy of Scionces, Fhdapest. SM(IIII) L.; VAI(ALMAY, Gy. Large-scale genotic noil applied in agriculture. Pgro",,em t ,1*1n 13 Stippl.;I01-111 My 164. Tloi~-qrch Tnitit,itf, c)f .'toil qnd Agricultimal ChemitAry -A' tho "Ill ng-i I, I.:111 An,itlimy of f`iidapest. KESURELYI, Mihaly, Dr.; -IIARALLYAY, Istvan, Dr.; UMAM, Peter, Dr. Mass incidence of acut-i nephritis in small community. Orv. hetil. 99 no.51:1792-1793 21 Dec 58. 1. A Debreoeni Or7octudomanyi Zgyatem I. oz. Balklinikajanak (Igazgato: Fornet Bela dr. egyat. tanar) ea Kozegeszaegtani Intezetenek ~igazgato: Jeney Andre dr. egyat. tanar) kozlemanye. (N3PHRITIS, atiol. & pathogen. streptoc., outbreak in small Hungarian community (Hun)) STREPTOCOCCAL IOWTIONS, epidemiol. nephritis outbreak in small Hungarian community (Hun)) I -- -- - PAPP, LaJosp dro; _j "ALL A Determination of magnesium in globular cast iron. Koh lap 95 no.l2t9uppl.sOnt4de 13 no.12-.278-279 D 162. 1. Gordultv. sapagygyar, Debrecen. w.Fw!EZC!V, S.P. "An investiL;ation of the '.-Iork of the Auger Pulling LevelinZ and Cuttin.:~- Devices of a Beet-harvesting, Comlbinr. in Order to Determine the Ba~isj of the Farameters of -'--) -~tric Drive"; dissertation for the degree of (,~,didate of Technical Sciences (aw-.~rded by,the Vindr-fazev Agricultural AcadeW, 1962) (Izvestiya TinLiryazevskoy Sellakokhozyaystvonnoy Akademi.L.. Moscow, No, 2, 1963, pp 232-236) ACC NR,-: AP6017 881 SOURCE COhE2 UR/0062/66/6007005/0934/093 AUTHORs Shullm~n, V,~ Ho Varand,--V.L. ~ORGs Inktitute of,ln'organic Chemistry, Siberian Department, Academx of Sciences Ltut neorganichaskoy khimLL 0 otdalenOa a emii nauk 99SR) TITLEs Preparation of co erl~cadmium,"?cobalt'or nickel selenLdes by reductLon of selenites eous solutiins SOURCEs. AN SSSRa Izvestiya. Seriya khimichookaya, no. 51, 1966# 934-935 inorganio ~TOPIC TAM selenidegAsyntheaLog metal selenite reduction, sodium dithiotiLte ABSTRACT: Copper, cadmiumi cobalt or nickel selenLdes of stoichio- metric composition have been prepared in the laboratory by reduction of the respective selenites wifh sodium dithLonite in an alkaline medium, The procedure is desiribed in the aource,..Orig. art. has: 1 t:ables [BOJ SUB CODE: qRBH-DATE: 090ct65/ ORIG REP: 004/ OTH REP: 001 ATD PRESSIJ F Card 1/1'. UDC-. 542.91+549,35+546.56+546.48+546.73+546.74J. LIA.1.1,01 ,X.; REIII, 11.1 red. jRelay-t~Te vidioisotopic means of autonrr~tion of industrial processes] Radioisotoopseid releetUpt ibiSstusprotsesside atuonatiseerimisvahandeid. Tallinn, 1,21,9V ~.inistrite Oukogu "iJklik Teaduslike UuritnI3tbz;Cje Koordineerimise Koritee, 1963. 6.1 vi. 1"In. Eutunian] (141RA 17:6) t I.AUT N J 1 PM`S~A~ip A.T. p VARANETSKASP I.P. v.]. cgraphy r;ed-fc-'re. Vest. rant. i rad. Use cf ~0 r o . 1 ~~ 5: 1 - 54 Jil--F '55. .(MIRA 1M) 1. Kaunamikly mrtdit. z'Ln.1~1y !nstAiiih xr-iktOT., - prof. Z .1 . Yanushkevichug (Jununi:~vicfuf'? skily :'-naUtull elckl-.~:c-grafil. (dir, 1.1. VAWKIN, V. Guests of sailom Sov.mor.15 no.22:7 N '55. (KM 9:6) (Kozhedub, Ivan Nikitich) FETGIN, Ts.G., doktor ekon.nauk; VILENSKIT, M.A., kand.ekon.nsuk; OMAROVSKIT, A.G., kand.ekon.nauk; LITSETS, R.S., doktor ekon.nauk; CHUGMfOY, B.I., kand.okon.nauk; SHMIN, N.A., kand,ekon.nauk; IOM, Ta.A.; TARAMN T.T., kand.okon.nauk; R02MMID. Sh.L., knnd.ekon.neuK- lrddrii doktor ekon.nauk; OPATSKIT, L.T., doktor ekon.nauk; YASILI IET, N.V.. doktor ekon.nauk; RUDEMO, N.A., kand.ekon,nauk; BTSTROZOROT, A.B., kand.geogr,nauk; P M VAp Te'I" kand.ekon4nauk; KRUTIKOV, I.F.. kand.geogr.nauk; BAKOYSTSKATA, Y.S., red.izd-va; SMCHENKO, G.N., [Special features and factors in the distribution of branches of the national economy of the U.S.S.R.] OBobennoati i faktory razmeshcheniis otraslei narodnogo khoziaistva SM. Moskva, 1960. 692 p. (MIRA 14:3) 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut ekonomiki. (Economic zoning) KOHNEYEV, d0ktcr ekOr- riauk; VILTI;'KrY, I.I.A., uAtor ek,~,n. rauk; SHOKIN, N.A., I-and. ekun. nauk; doktor ekon. nauk; KOZi7.*: '17u.~., VARMIKIIN, V.V.., kand. ek,-ri. na-,:k.j- nau-k OPATSKIY, L.V.) doll-.,,or ekon. i.auk; iAKGV'_-'TsKAYA, V.S., red.; MLYAYEVA, A.1%, red. [Industry in the administrative coii.plex of the economic re- gions of the U.S.S.R.] Promysh2ennostl v khoziaistvennOrn komplekso ekonomichesklkh vaian-ov 355R. t.!ookira, Ilauka, 1964. 566 1. Akademiya nauk SSSR. institiat ekoroadlki. 1. VARANKIN V. Yu 2. ussm (600) 4. Briquets (Fuel) 7. Scientific-technical conference on peat broquetting., Torf.prom.., 29, No.l,, 1952- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. -1, q N- "w W NN e;~' HURINTMA. S.M. -. VAROKIN. TU.B. Modern methods of producing taim gas from peat. Trudy last.onerg. AN BSM no.1:180-201 134. (MM 9:8) (White Russise.-Peat) (White Russia--Gas manufacture and works) 1. VAMTKIN, Yu. V . 20 OVSSR (600) 4. Peat 7, Scientific-t%cWcal conference on peat briquetting. Torf.prom. 29 no. 10. 152 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, YebELaM__ 1953. Unclassified. WAIM.", 11U. V. Fydromccha.-.1cs, Aerot-narilco Al: DSSR, 1.*,o. 1, 1953, pro 35-38 0!~ tir~,~a I., -10~cr~ oi, 11- Op % Vot~te-,- Fix- rf, of Ko3abru-.ov'r S-stem ':~odelin7- of furnaces intended ~'or ~hc burnlrg or col-Ld Ti.nrticles, of fuel in an air cm-re-A, and e.~,~f:;),Lrlental on the of a moriel O.-r4-thout burrl,-~g) and an opcrr~tinf?: vc-1-t:ion (durix, hurninf~-) of a vortle.- furrace of Kolol,anavls s:,sten peat. 7 "liurnal Vial-'arika. 1:0- 4, 1954 (1-1-30907) SO: Refer-ALT,-P.~7 VARANKIN, Tu.V., kandidat tekhnicheakikh nauk. New not-up for ijuxning ailled. peat with partial preliminary drying by undiluted flue gases. IST.AX BSSR no.5*.99-101 S-0 '53- (Peat) (KUU 9: 1) VABA Yu.V., kandidat takhnicheakM nauk. Efficient utilization of local fuel resources ol the republic. Trudy Inst.energ.AN 3M no.1:88-98 154. (XLVA 9:8) (White Russia-Peat) (White Aussia-Power engineering) VARANJUN, TU.V.,kand.t,,khn.n&uk Nxpediency of reconstructing state-owned peat-using con&ensatian electric pover plants into long-distance central heating and power plants. Trudy Inatenerg.AN BSSR no.3:40-54 '57. (XIU 12: 1) (Power engineering) VAURIN- V..kand.tekhn.naukj RMINTSEVA, S.M. 1-0 Problem of thermal deemMosition of peat in systems of its utl-l:rzatlon in fual engineering. Trudy Inst.energ.AN BSSR no.3:68-84' 157. (MIRA 12:1) (Peat-Thermal properties) k/1 r- /4 q j< I A/ ) L/V~ 1/ VARANICIN, Yu.V.. kondWat takhninhapkikh nauk. 'I ___, Scientific and technical conference oa comviez municip,?l power supnly. TeDloenergatika 4 no.9:.)4 S '57. (XIBA 10:6) (Minak-Ble,,tric power-Congresses) VARMIN, Tu.V.; ELIPERIN, 1. T. Produation of water gas in engineering and power systems using milled peat* Trudy Inst.energ.AX BSSR no.IOZ37-45 159... -.6) (Peat) (water gas) (14M 13 VARANKIN, Yu.V.v kand. tokhn. nauk Concerning the use of local fuel resource" for the develop- ment of power engineering In economic regions. Kompl. vyk. I pal.-Onerg. res. Ukr. no.1:139-147 159. (NIRA 16;7) 1. Institut energetiki AN BSSR. (Fuel) (Power engineering) VAnNIN, Yu.V.., kand.tekhn.nauk Third Metho4ological Semin on Po,4er Engineering. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 4 no. 5:139 My 161. (MIRA 14:5) (Power engineering-Congresses) VARANKIN, Yu.V.,, red.; VOLKOV.. N.P.,, red.; KASATKIN, I.I., red.; A.Z.., red.; MATYIJSHp A.N.p red.; NOVASH, V.I,p red.; PEKELIS, G.B., red.; ATSEIVICH, V.O., red.; DOL&R, V.Ya., red. [Electric power plants and networks; exchange of technical and work experience] Elektrostantaii i setil obmen proizvod- stvenno-tekhaichoskim opytom. Minskp 1962. 87 p. (MIRA 17:6) 1. Nauchno-tekhnicheskoye obshchestvo energeticheskoy pro- myshlemosti. Belorusakoye respublikanskoye otdeleniye. VARANKIN Tu v - Effect of the bertinization of peat on its subsequent thermal decomposition. Inzh.-fiz.zhur. .5 no.1:21-26 Ja 162. (MM 15:3) 1. Institut energetiki AN BSSRq Minsk. (Peat) KOSNIKOV, Yu.I.; GRISHCHINSKAYA, L.L.; VARANKIN, Yu.V. Effect of botanic composition and the degree of decomposi- tion of peat on the results of its high-velocity thermal disintegration. Inzh.-fiz. zhur. 6 no.9:111-118 S 163. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Institut teplo- i massoobmena AN BSSR, Minsk. VARANNIKOV. P.V., kand.sellskokhozyaystvennykh nauk Characteristics of the phasic development of dual,*purpose ba.-ley Agrobiologiia no.5t785-786 S-0 162. - (MMI ~.5:11) 1. Kubanskiy sellakokhozyaystvennyy institut, Krasnodar. (Barley) (Photoperiodism) BUYEVICH, Arkadiy Vitolldovich; YA~44qVA)- qj!~p red.; YELAG.Mp A.S.) tekbn. red. (Propaganda of progressive exlerience in clubs]Propaganda pe- redovo o pyta. klubakh. Fookva, Sovetskaia Hossiia, 1962. 95 p. fBiobliotevchka sel'skogo klubnogo rabotnika, no.5) (141RA 15:11) (Agriculture)