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I V VARVAiLOV, N.9. st,-xshiy nauchnyy sotrudn:Llt Conquest of 3pace by Soviet ran. Izobr.i rats. no.6:2-3 Je '60. (Space flight) :,42 S/025/60/000/07/03/008 AUTHORs Varvarov, N., Engineer V TITLE- Cosmic Meteorological Stations I FERIODICALs Nauka i zhi2n', 1960, No 7, PP 17 - 20 I/ TEXTs The article discusses the part which Nartificial earth satel- lites can play in weather forecasting. These satel=t7s -would make possi- ble long-range weather forecasts for vast areas of the earth by recording the amount of solar radiation which reaches the upper atmosphere and the quantity which is reflected back Into space or is absorbed by the atmos- phere, by determining the thickness and extent of cloud cover, the'temper- ature and movement of air masses and the other factors which govern the weather. Especially useful for this purpose are satellites, the orbit of which passes over the north and south poles. The "Siberian Anticyclone" in winter accumulates an air mass of 14 billion tone. It is assumed that this weight affects the daily rotation of the earth and causes the "wan- dering" of the geographic pole. This in turn influences the distribution of the air masses and the weather. Satellites passing over the poles can give useful information on the "wandering" of the pole. Data received fr Card 1/2 Cosmic Meteorological Stations 3/025/60/000/07/03/008 thom would be fed into electronic computers for analysis, as, for instance, Into the special "Pogoda" computer at the Tsentrallnyy institut prognozov (Central Weather-Forecasting Institute). This machine can perform 200 op- erations a second with fifth-order figures. Card 2/2 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV16261 Kernonorgie und Flotte; Artikeleammlu g (Nuclear.Enorgy and th n 11 Nav JT; Colloction of Articlo3) (Berlin) Doutachor Militarverlag 1196 232 p. Errata slip inserted. 2000 copies printed. Translation from the Russian of: Atomnaya onerglya I flot. Translator: Erika Steuk, Licutenant Commander. Responsibility for German edition; Claus Gruszka, ]4nglneorl Ed.: Klaus Krumsieg. PURPOSE: This collection of articles is intendod for officers of the army, coast guard, and merchant marine. COVERAGE: The book, a translation from the Russian, contains 25 ar- ticlos dealing with tho application of nucloar weapons to naval combat oporations. Chapters 19 and 25 have been supplemanted with additional data for this edition. The devastating features of nu- clear explosions are discussed. Attention Is also given to the protection of personnel, ships, and coastal facilities against nu- clear. weapons, and to the present . and future appli6ations of nuclear power plants to shipping. No personalities are mentloped. There are 16 references; 10 Russian (Including 3 translations from English-language sources), 1 French, 1 German,_1 English, 1 Ameri- can, and 2 either English or American. Nuclear Enorgy and the Navy (Cont.) sov/6261 19. A. Uvarov, Enginoor Lieutonant Cr,=.andor, Doccnt, Candidato or-To-cliffical Sciences. U.S. Rucloar4ovorad Submarinca 162 20. P. Milchailov, Engineer Lieutenant Colonel, Candidato of 146-61EI-ea-1-5cionces. Depth Charges 189 1 ,\21# 1-1. RudnjiMslci Engineer Rear Admiral. Nuclear Power arm - ]FianEs in arships 192 22. ~ ~s sov, Engineer Captain (Navy), Docont, Candidate 6-f Technical Sciences. Utilization or Nuclear Power Plants in Shipping 197 23. V. Zvonkov, Corresponding Momber, Academy of Scienaes USSR, Ho-nar-ed-Solentist and Technologist RSYSR. Nuclear Power Plants in Transportation 204 24. N. Varv=v, Guards Colonel. Nuclear-Powered!Flylng,Boat 209 Card 5/46- 3,171oo AUTHORx jarvarov, N_ 20385 S/025/61/000/002/002/003 A166/AO33 TITLE: Satellites as Explorers of the Earth Interior PERIODICAM Nauka i zhiznl, 1961, No. 2, pp. 18-21 TEXT: Artificial earth satellites may be of great assistance in explm- ing the earth's structure and prospecting for mineral deposits and power re- sources. In its course over the earth's surface a satellite's speed will be affected by the greater or lesser gravitational effect exerted on it by rocke of different density. This in turn will affect its orbit, causing it to ap-. proach or recede from the earth. Obserlations of the satellite's orbit could therefore give a general idea of the location of large mineral deposits or unevennesses in the earth's crust. Satellites equipped with special optical, phototelevision and electronic apparatus could also be programmed to chart the more inaccessible-areau of the earth's surface and radio back valuable data to ground stations. A further use would be to measure the distribution of the earth's electric and magnetic fields which would furnish data on the world's magaetic anomalies. Magnetic measurements performed by the third Card 1/2 2o385 S/025/61/000/002/002/003 Satellites as Explorers of the Earth Interior A166/AO33 Soviet space ship enabled scientists to determine the decrease in height of the Eastern Siberian magnetic anomaly and led them to conclude that its sources were situated in the depths of the earth's interior. The satellites would be particularly useful in detecting mineral deposits or power rasoux- ces underlying extensive water areas. By probing the geological structure of the earth's crust in various tectonic zones, the satellites could be of great help in establishing the structure of the earth's upper mantle. Card 2/2 ( VARVARO~V.~-- Technological achievements in conquering space. IITO 3 no. 5:15-19 My .161., (140A 14: 3) (Astronautics) VARVA-Polly N. Depth research from high altit,ides. Zlot tad 16 no.43., 1363-1366 22 0 "al. VARVAROV , N. Toward the stars. Nauka i zhisn' 28 no.106-77 A 161. (MIUU 148 1) (Space flight) j 1'.. ~%rtifical satellites explore the j:-,-~jrnal otrvetvre 1-r.,d I*esourC05 of the earth. I'sauka i zhinzn' 2~; ,-.o. 2:18-211 F 161. 14:2) (Earth,-Internai structLro) (Prospecting-Geophysical methods) JARVAROV, N.A., nauchnyy sotrudnik To the nearest planets. On. nat. no.12t22-24 D f62. (MIRA 16:1) (Astronautics) VARVAROV, N. What the space flights vill give to the people. riaulm i te,kh mladezh 14 no,9:28-29 S 162, VARVAROV.N. International cooperation in space research. Musz elet 17 no.6:7~ Ap 162 1. A Szovjet Ak sajtoszolgalat tudomanyos szakertoje. I I Ntkolay VARVAROV Factory oflife in apace. Prir i znanie 15 no.9t22-23 N 62. 1. flauchen nabliudatel po astrona'vtika na Agentsilata po pechata Novosti. VARVAROV, 1~,_ __ The do#rs to the cosmos are wide open. Grazhd,, av. :L9 no./+-.14,-15 Ap i62. U-11RA 15: 5) (Space flight) S/029/63/000/003/001/002 AOO4/k127 AUTHOR: Varvarov, No, Senior Scientific Worker TITLE: Starting from orbit means PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molodezhi, no- 3, 1963, 6-7 TEXT; The author enumerates the advantages of starting inter- planetary spacecraft not from the Earth, but from satellites in orbit. He points out the consequences of even the slightest deviations from the right course which may happen when the satellites are being launched with rockets from the Earth and emphasizes the accuracy of trajectory when tAis is being done from satellites in orbit. If spacecraft are launched from a satellite they can carry a much bigger payload than it would be the case when they are launched from the surface of the Earth. The author points out further advantages of starting spacecraft from satellites in orbit and states that this method will be considerably im- pioved once it is possible to launch them from stationary cosmic launching sites. There are 2 figures. Card 1/1 10 -VARVAROV, N. Construction in space. HTO 5 n0-4:62-63 Ap 163. (MIRA 16:3) (Space stations) L 1122~-63 EWT(I)/I'S(9)/FCC(w)/FS(v)-2/BDS/~8(a I-S(b)/ES(c)/ES(k)/ES( EM- -4--~TY A /Pq-4,- (1-4/A-4/Pe a 2/ES(.t)-2--AFMDC/AMD/ TC yp /~;VWXM- -------'.-ACCESMO9-NRt -AP3004079- 2 S/0029/63AIOQ/00/6620/002 brHORs Y-anLarov, K, .(Senior gicientific worker) TITLE: When man flies to the Moon ~Manned lunar Flight SOURGEt Tekhnika - molodezhi, no. 7, 1963p 20-22 TOPIC TAGSt moon flight.. moon satellite, earth satellite,, spaceship, moon landing, automatic scientific research station ABSTRAGM The use o If unmanned lunar orbital satellites as the firat stage in lunar exploratRATis advised, and the advantagea and diffiviltion in the development of tuch satellites are outlined. The use of aullomatio a d tations on Ithe Hoonle surface for exploration and data trai salon is discussed. The )Pd following program for manned flight to the Hoon%nd for a lunar landing is set forth. Earth satellites would be launchei to sorve an fuel and supply depots. The manned vehicle would be launched so as to kondezvous with the fuel satellitos; after refueling the manned vehicle would be restarted and launched toward the Moon. Coasting flight would occupy some 99% of the trip from Earth orbit to the :Moon, Upon approach to the Moon, the vehicle would be plac(d In a lunar orbit* Smaller craft, carrjed ~f the.main be n oration an MRPOPNdthe JkWo landl g and expi X1 Car& vechicle. The latter would then be restarted andtuntg 9Aarth. Y V,kRVAROVA N.N,Btarshiy naucbMy sotrudnik Launching from the orbit. Tekh. mol. 31 no.326-7 163,- (MMA 16t6) (Istramutiall) , '. ~ ~l . . I ~ " ~:; : -.: It: - ~ ~ - ~-~: . - ~ I.- TFFI.E: Ltitk-I-Pla-DeEar~ Hriers SW fo-~, upauut5ult, air Iluck, inL.----Piaaetftv,, A B 9 7-R AT - Tb V f I i gh fig mentioned as Ln important step W(he development and rel iabd e. Thhe as kbud ment in the development of spacecraft. Provision-S (environment, -,od) for mainraining -Lz�-.-a-crew---durIn extended-apaceflight are discussed. Use of an eta-M-Ifte, Pcolo ------g_ gical system is mentfoned. breadd-d --coUlsion-and means for L it. ~bo Sh:",) -IT-- !f;;f-!jsq-ed ~~e -cy-n-tonAtA wfIT Merfence fn free ACCESSION IITR: AP50033-9 'no A.. I . VARVAROV, V.K., inzh.; LURIYE, I.G., inzh.; LITMANOVICH, I.M., inzh. Experimental operation of a tube dryer with two successive exhaust fans. Ugol' 36 no.9:48-49 S 161. (MIR. 14:9) (Coal preparation plants--Equipment and supplies) (Drying apparatus) Z TANGIB Z.I.; VARVAROV, Y.M.; KORABLEV, A.P., obahchiV red. 16 ~,A I '11~ - fArt industries of the R.S.F.S.R.; a reference marmall Klmdo- zhastvannys promyely RSFSR; 13pravochnik. Moskva, Vses.koop. izd-vo, 1959. 119 -D. (MIRA 13:4) 1. Moscow. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut kbudozheatvennoy promyshlonnosti. (Art industries) SHEBALOV, V.K.; BOYKO, V.I.; ~AHVARSKIY, V.S. First Russian steam and gas turbine system. Energ. i elektrotekh. prom. no.1:42-44 JA~Mr 163. (MMA 16:5) (Electric power plants) (Turbines) j VARVARZHOV,PK,;LWgylg,,[Xaz-v~ai~~s~y,,Ludvik); GRACHEY, I.G. r-anslator); MELINIKOV, A.S.ftranslator]; PASHKOV, A.Y., kand. voyen. nauk, polkovnik, red.; BULATOY, A.A., kand. voyen. nauk, polkovnik,, red.; PAVLOY, P.L., red.; SRIBUIS, N.V., tekhn. red. [Maneuverability) Manevrennoat'. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1963. 172 p. Translated from the Czech. (MIRA 16:10) (Germany--Military meneuvers) (Germany--Strateg~r) %= VARVAROVSKYj M. PLZAK, F. "Utilization of zirconium wastes in vacuum technique enterprises.', p. 189. SIABOPROUDY OBZOR, (MINISTERSTVO PRESNEHO STROJIREN3TVIj HINISTERSTV0 5POJU A VEDECKA TECHNICKA SPOLECNOST PRO ELEKTROTECHNIKU FRI CSAV.) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 20, no. 3, Mar. 1959. Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 8j, No. 9, September 195~. Uncl. -- ---- VARVARTSEV, Yvkola - Vacwim retreated. Znan. ta pratsia no.11:2-4 ?1 162. (jajU 16:1) (Dams) VARVAS, B.; TAMMp I,t red.; KOHU, If., telchn. red. -.- ... (Work of the Permanent ComAttee of Trade] Alalise Kaubanfudkomisjoni Toost. Tall-inn, Riiklik Kirjastus, 1962. 45 P. WMA 17:1) 1. Eesti 119V Kaubandusministeeriumi Kaubanduse ja Kaupade Kvaliteedi Riikliku Inspektsiooni juhataja (for Varvas). (Estonia-Economic policy) HbDREJ~LX) F.; OTT, R.; PIKSLZV, A.; SIIRDE, A.; VARVAS, J.; VILILK, H. [Laboratory work in greneral chemistry) Praktilisi tbid Uldiseo keemias. Tallinn, Tallinna Polutehniline Instituut, 1963. 153 p. (MDA 17:6) VARVA5t IU. A. VARVASY TU. A.--Slectrokinetic Properties of Thin Layers an the Surface of Phase Boundaries.8 Min Higher Education USSR. Ural Polytechnic Inst imeni S. M. Kirov. Sverdlovsk, 1955. (Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate in Chemical Science). 30. Knizhnaya letopial No 2. 1956. T rT Category: USSR Physical Chemistry - Coll-:ic chemistry& Disperse systems. B-14 Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Khimlya, No 9,, 1957j, 302-38 Author : Mokrushin S. G., Varvas..Yu-,--A Inst : Academy of Sciences USSR ' Title :,Electrophoresis of Disperse Particles at the Interphase Liquid - Gas Surface ~,rig Pub: Dokl, AN SSSR, 1956, no, No 4, 597-599 Abstract: For experimental study of electrophoresis of disperse particles at liquid surface a "surface microcamera" was designed in which displace- ment of dispersed filrx takes place in a 51it cut in a glass plate placed on the surface of the solution. The surface is photographed by means off a microscope. A Mort exposure Is uAde to record the ini- tial position of the particles, and thereafter a long exposure is rmde corresponeAng to the time of electrophoresis, and velocity of the particles is calculated from the length of the trucks. For films of CuS, PbS and Fe (CH) were determned the follzwing values, respectively, of ~ - potential' -10, -16, + 29 mv; for the glass surface, in three experiments, -38, -34 and -39 mv. Card 1/1 -13- -L !ACCESSION NR: AR5014414 UR/0058/65/000/004/EO83/EO83 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Fizika, Abs. 4E622 V, MTHOR: Varvas, Yu. A.; K _y~kkP.~L. ITITLE: An-appr1oximation method for determining the lifetime of nonequilibrium elec- trons in cadmium sulfide 'Vq ~CITED SOURCE: Tr. Tallinsk. politek~n. in-ta_, v. A, no. 210, 1964, 257-266 !TOPIC rAGS: carrier lifetime, photosensitivity, cadmium sulfide, electron recombi- I !nation, pol-vervstal ITRANSLATION: The method is based on excitation of photoconductkv n the specimen 1by rectangular pulses of light with a period T