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KORNETOVA, V.A.; VASILIYLTAP Z.V. Pii* apatite from a pegmatite lens. Trudy Min. muz. no.1-1:181- 183 161. (KUM 16:7) (Apatite) YEFIMOV,- A.F.; KRAVCHENKO, S.M.; VASILIYEVA, Z.V. Strontium apatite, a new mineral. Dokl. AN SSSR W no.2:439- 41+2 Ja 162; (141RA 15:2) 1. Institut mineralogiis geokhi:nii i kristallokhimii redkikh elementav AN SSSR. Predstavlenc, akademikom D.S.Korzhinskim. (Inagii region-Apatite) KUPRIYANOVA, I.l.; VASIPYEVA, Z.V. L I 4-P Rare earth miswrite. no.P:'39-1 - '6' (MIRA 14-9) (Siberia-Miserite) N Pli e i (I '. - VASILOYEVA, Z.V. - Use of ion exchange resins in the analysis of apatites. Trudy IGEM no.64.Matod. 1--him. anal. min. no,1:91-94 161. (Ion exchange resins) (MIRA 14:7) (Apatite) GENKIN, A.D.; VASILIYEVAI.Z.I.; YAKCVLEVSKAYA, T.A. Occurrences of apatite in copper-nickel sulfide ores in the Noril'ok deposit. Geol. rud. mestorozh. no.2:100-108 Mr-Ap 161. (KLRA 14- 5) L Inatitut geologii rudnykh mestbrozhdneiyo petrografli, mineralogii -1 geokhimii AN SSSR. (NorII'Bk region-Apatite) VASILIYEVA, Z.V. Role of manganese in apathes. Zap. Vaes. win. ob-va 87 no.4:455-468 '58';- (NM 12:1) 1.1natitut geologii rudnykh mostorozhdaniy, petrografil. mineralo- gii i gookhimil AN SSSR, Moskva. kManganapatite) VASILIYBVA, Z.V.; KMYASHOVA. V-I- I w ),IfI"'41.- -.., Apatite from Siberian trap rocks. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. geol. 23 no.7:92-97 J1 '58. (WIRA 11: 9) I.Institut geologii rudnykh meatorozhdeniy, petrografti, mineralogii i geokhimii AN SSSR, Moskva. (lower Tunguska Valley-Apatite) AUTHOR: Yasil 'yeva2 Z. Y. 30v/ 7-58-4-8/13 TITLE: On Sulfur-.Containing Apatites (Ob apatitakh, noderzhashchikh seru) PERIODICAL: Geokhimiyag 1958, Nr 4. pp. 368 - 373 (USSR) ABSTRACT: First the papers hitherto published in this field are-. dis- cussed. For this purpose analyses of the following minerals are compiled in a table: Vilkeit, ellestadit, apatite from the Laach Lake, as well as apatite analyses of the author. The samples are from Shishimskaya kop~ (UraV7 Legliyer (Al- dan), Emelldzhak (Aldan) and Nadezhuoye (Aldan). In these minerale P is partially isomorphotaly by S and 4+ Si. In ellestadit two p5+ correspond to one S + and one Si each; in contrast to this the ratio Si/S in the apatite from Shishimskaya kopl is 1~34 : 1. The isomorphous substitution can be illustrated by the following scheme: [3p5+] 02-. [S1 +2Si4+ (OH)-. The chemical composition of the apatite from Nadezhnoye corresponds to the formuli Na Ca S 0 Cl ; the isomorphous substitution can be illus- 2 21 6 J t Caxd 1/3 he trate scheme! follow,ng Y On Sulfux-Containing Apatites I.A.-8/13 30/ T-58 I Ca 2+P5+ (-- Na +S6+ . The other two apatites from Aldan (Legliyer and Emelldzhak) also contain sodium and rare earths besides sulfur and silicon. The following isomorphous substitutior,scould be possible: 2Ca 2 + -4 varuiuai: 4HCL(1)-0.1-CH H - + C1161 N 7_ IR spectroscopy ana chemical analysis confirmed the structures of the polymers from I and U. Molecular weights were of the order of 5000. Orig. art. has: 1 table and 3 figures. ISM) 3UB CODE: 1'1/ SUBM DATEi Wan.651,;'ORIG REP: 003/ OTH REFj 005/ ATD 2 L 35075-65 AM;SSION NR: EFF(c) IEWPQ /Elf.A(c) /~74T(m) /T Pc -4,Pr-L RFL MOW AR5006366 S/0081/64/000/024/S026/S026 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Khimiya, Abs. 24S150 AUTHOR: Kudryavtaev, G. I.; Vasillyeva-Sokolova,je. A. TITLE: Certain chemical transformations based on the reaction capability of-t-he"i--met-hyi-group. 11. interaction of salts of poly-2- methy 1- 5- vinyl-U -methy 1-pyri dine with aromatic nitroso compounds CITED SOURCE: Sb. Vysokomolekul. soyedineniya. Khim. svoystva i iiiadifik. polimerov. M., Nauka, 196's, 253-256 TOPIC TAGS: aromatic nitro compound, aromatic diamine, condensation reaction, fiber, polymeric dye TRANSLATION: The interaction of the salts of poly -2-methyl.-N-methyl- 5- " 1.nylpyri - dine with n-nitrosodimethylaniline and n-nitrosodiphenylamine was studir-1. The interaction is based on the capability of the hydrogens of the a-methyl c,roup of the polymer to be condensed with the aryinitroso compounds. Ttio reaction ~,coducts are high-molecular azomethine compounds, the portion of concensed unit-s :Ln which reaches 94. Since the compounds obtained are polymeric dyes n-nitrosodinetnylani- Card 1/2 -L 35075-65 ACCESSION NR: AR5006366 line was reacted with a fiber made of the copolymer of acrylonitrile and 2-me-thyl- 5-vin)klpyridine, and a chemically dyed fiber was pioduced with high light resiot- ance.1b The condensation product of the salt of poly -2-me thy I -5-vi ny lpyri dine with n-nitrosodimetlaylaniline was subjected to hydrolytic decomposition in an acid medium; derivatives of poly-2-methyl-5-vinylpyridinaldehyde were isolated. For Report I see RZhKhim, 1964, 5S!12. Authors' abstract SUB CODE: OC, HT ENCL: 00 Card 2/2- LrODRYAVTSEV, .I.; YA~jIL'YEVA-SOKOLOVA Ye.A.; VAZELI, I.S. I SynthopIR of polymerv on the basis of 2,6-lutidin,~ ~,nd dialdelTdes. Vysokcm.soed. 5 no.11151-lK,2 Ja 163. (ML.,A 16x1) (D-A.1dine) (Aldehydes) (R-lymers) 44272 S/190163/005/001/020/020 B117/B186 AUTHORS: Kudryavtoev, G. I., Vasillyeva-Sokoloval Ye. A.p Mazell, I.S. TITLE: Synthesis of polymers based on 2,6-lutidine and aromatic dialdehydes PERIODICAL: Vysokoinolekulyarnyye soyedineniya, v. 5, no. 1, 1963, 151-152 TEXT: A new method of synthesizing thermo'stable polymers is the polycondensation of lutidine and N-inethyl lutidine iodide with aromatic dialdehydes. An infusible, light-brown powder soluble in acids and in some organic solvents (quinoline, cresol, benzyl.alcohol) was produced from equimolecular amounts of lutidine and terephthalaldehyde by heting (160-2200C) in the presence of ZnCl 2' The specific viscosity of. a 0.5% solutToW '6f the polymer in sulfuric acid 1s-0.103. The molecular weight determined according to Hast is 1800-2300. The following structure was found for the polymer from infrared spectra and elementary analyses: Card 1/3 S/1 90/63/005/001/020/020 Synthesis of polymers based on B117/B186 0\\c CH CH CH.====CH C-o H n N Its heat resistance is seen from the following data: Heating of the sample at 3000C (5 hrs) in air leads to a loss in weight of 7.25%; at 4000C (3 hrs) the loss in weight is 14-70%; heating at 4000C (3 hrs' in nitrogen leads to a loss in weight of 7.28%. Infusible, dark-brown powders were produced by heating (70-900C in absolute alcohol) of X-methyl lutidine iodide with aromatic dialdehydes (terephthal isophthalaldehyde, bia-4-formyl phenyl ester) in the presence of piperidine. Although the powders were insoluble in most of the solvents, they yielded weakly concentrated solutions with certain compounds which reacted with aldehyde groups of the polymer. The resulting polymers showed semiconductor properties: the electrical conductivity of a non-preheated sample (obtained from X-methyl lutidine iodide and torephthalaldehyde) was Card 213 I S/190/63/005/001/020/020 Synthesis of polymers based on ... B117/B186 -9 -1 -1 0.3-10 ohm .cm at room temperature. The investigation of the properties and the synthesis of polymers of the new type is being continued. lAbstracter's note:'tEssentially complete translation.1 SUBMITTED: August f4, 1962 "X Card 3/3 L'~ E \JIA - - A PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4984 International symposium on macromolecular chemistry. Moscow, 196o. Mezhdunarodn simpozium po makromolekulyarnoy khimii SSSR, Moskva, NY-18 iyunya 1960 g.; doklady i avtoreferaty. Sektsiya III. (International Symposium on Macromolecular Chemistry Held in Moscow, June 14-18, 1960; Papers and Summaries) Section III. (Moscow, Izd-vo AN SSSR, 19601 469 P. 55,000 copies printed. Tech. Ed.: P. S. Kashina. Sponsoring Agency: The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on Macromolecular Chemistry. PURPOSE: This book is intended for chemists interested in poly- merization reactions and the synthesis of high molecular compounds. Card 1/13 International Symposium (Cont.) sov/4984 COVERAGE: This is Section III of a multivolume work contain- ing papers on macromolecular chemistry. The articles In general deal with the kinetics of polymerization reactions, the synthesis of special-purpose polymers, e.g., ion ex- change resins, semiconductor mater4als, etc., methods of cat- alyzing polymerization reactions, properties and chemical interactions of high molecular materials, and the effects of various factors on polymerization and the degradation or high molecular compounds. No personalities are mentioned. Refekriences given follow the articles. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Smets, G., and W. De Loecker (Belgium). Reaction Kinetics and Tacticity of Macromolecules 5 Loucheux, M. H., and A. Banderet (France). A Purely Chemical Contribution to the Knowledge of the Shape of Macromolecules in Solution 13 Card 2/13 International Symposium (Cont.) SOV/4984 Urn Kudryavtsev, 0. 1., Ye. A. Vas olova., and I. S. Mazell (USSR). The n eraction of Poly-CC-chloromethylacrylate With Amines 24 Rabek, T. I., and J. Kosmider (Poland). ChlorInat"Lon of Phenol-Formaldehyde Resins 27 Alexandru., L.,, M. Opris, and A. Ciocanel (Rumania). Cyanoethyl and Aminopropyl Ethers of Polyvinyl Alcohol 34 Yakubovich, A. Ya., G. Ya. Gordon, L. I. Maslenikova, Ye. M. Grobman, K. I. Tretlyakova, and N. I. Kokoreva (USSR). Study of the Chemical Conversions of Polycarbonates 44 Parrod, J., and A. Kohler (France). Study of Macromolecular Clathrate Compounds 54 Dogadkin, B. A., M. S. Pelldshteyn, and E. N. Belyayeva (USSR). Chemical Interaction and Mechanism of the Activating Action of Double Systems of Vulcanization Accelerators 65 Card 3/13 K HA K I MIOV A) A Kh. ; F I 'I) kyAV'l'.,,EV , G. I.; U~'. 1P LN A .10)OKO I, OVA , Ye. A . ; G(kBACIE-NA, Production of cross-linked polyamiide filprs. Khlia. volck. no.6: 201-32 165. (MIF-4 18: L2 ) 1. Vnesoy-uznyy institiA iski;sstven..-go voloVna. Submitted AprIL 27, ll~.6~,. VASILIYEVA-SOKOLOVA, Ye. A. Cand Chem Sci -- (diss) "Polymer- Analogous Transformations of Polyacrylonitrile." Mos, 1957. 14 pp 20 cm. (Min of Higher Education USSR, Mos Order of Lenin Chemicotechnological Inst im D. I. Mendeleyev), 110 copies (KL, 27-57P 105) - 11 - nf o f -1 "-:C r Z J3r,.-2 Feb F--- inst. SAFRAZBFXYAN, O.A., inzhener; VASILIYSVICH, M.G., inzhener; SHCHERBAKOVA, L.A., agronom." - WW Evaluating the performance of now checkrow potato planters. Sallkhozmashina no.8:18-22 Ag 156. (14LRA 9:10) (Planters (Agricultural machiner7)) TODOROVIC, Kosta; KB014MIOVIC, Itio-i1r; VASILJXVIC. Dra goljub Typhoid perforation cured by onservative therapy. Srpski arh. celok. lak. N~ no.?-8:929-932 July-Aug 56. 1. Klinika za infektivne bolesti Medicinskog fakultata u Beogradu. Upravnik: akadpm1k prof. dr. Kosta Todorovic. II ffirurska klinika Mndicinskog fakulteta u. Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. dr. Vojislav Stojanovic. (TYPHOID FEVER, complications, intestinal perf., ther. (Ser)) STOJANDVTC, Vojislav; VUCINIC-ARANWEWVIC. Radmila; JA�kj!~WIC, Dragoljub; BALOG. Borica; MMSLJMVIC, Dragos Surgery for embolism of femoral arterf in patient with mitral stenosis. Srpski arh. celok. lek. 84 no.11:1250-1254 Nov 56. 1. IV Interna klinika Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. Upravnik: prof. Cedomir Plavsic. II Hirurska klinika Kedicinakog fakulteta u Beogradu., Vojislav Stojanovic. (MITRAL STMOSIS. conpl. thromboembolism of femoral artery. surg. (Ber)) (ARTM FWRAL, dis. thromboambolism with mitral stenosis, surg. (Ser)) (WROMBO]MOLIS04, compl. femoral artery, with mitral stenosis. surg. (Ser)) '! 11 .-1 T L e i . . .11 1,, -1. - , - - -- ~,,! S - - la~ii "t.-lic, -~. - "" 1., I - I -.'- :, ) L;, e $ L "i : Mortil4y .*,IZ;L :,f , rope-an (.L"' t , , , ~Cl -,, : ~. " 1 :Tjvem'~-~r ~ncl. STOYANOVICH, V., orof.; VASIL'YEVICH, D., a8sistent Apoplexis visceraT-16-8-871pecullar form of acute intestinal obstriction [with Bu=ary In English]. Xhirurglis 33 no.6:72-75 Je 157. (MIRA 10:12) 1. Iz vtoroy khtrurgicheakoy kliniki meditainskogo fakullteta v Belgrade (zav. - prof. V.Stoyanovich) (INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION. otiol. and oethogen. visceral apoplexy, clin. aspects & surgery) vj,u,;.i I,y E-V (,. ','l. "Tipy oicnevod-stva i.~ If",' S or-leniya v) S'lb~ri) .11 report sutjmitt(,~d for '(th Intl Curig, ~. rl'thnoiogb-m. 1400cow, 3-10 Aug 64. VASILIYEVICII, Yelena [ Vaoilevicho Alenal The Doctor of Linguistice. Rab. i sial. 37 no.1:4-5 Ja 161. WPA 14:2, I (Zhydovich, 14aryia Andreevna) (Women aa scientints) VASiLV,"--,rl.3F.AYA,, D. L , , .. ~w , 2i78 9 vA:l'iLlY7TKAYA, D. A: ~-Eysldy PO-" ' Ji ye r., :7tera na cl--nlrovn.'-om z---;-ode. (I.: !-I;, Lng-:h:,"r-.. r-a-shino-trolt.;oda) "a vul~e~;Ine 1949, lio. 4, - 93-99- :;0: I.OtOl.1-31 -5tatcy, 1:0. 2";, 1~?Ijq YASILIYKVSMA)-DJ.; GLAZOV, A.A.; DRUSOV, Yu.N.; DZIiEUFOV, V.F.; DMITRIYEVSKIY, V.P.; Zk-101,ODCIIIKGV, 13.1.; ZAPLATIN, N.L.; KOLIGA, V.V.; KROFIN, A.A. ; KUZIaAk,, M.; ONISHMENKO, L.N.; RYBALKO, V.S.; SARKISYA,'$', L.A.; SIIVA;jE, Ye.; SARIXIML, V.n., tekhn. red. (Theory and the modeling of a circular synchro-cyclotron with a apiral magnetic field) Vopi-osy toorii i modelirovaniia koll- tsevogo fazotroiia so spirallnol strukturnoi magnitnogo 1,olia. Dubna, Ob"edinenrori in-t iadernykh issl., 1962. 7 p. (?.'I:?A 15 - 4) (Synchrotron) .ACC NRt AP6014671 SOURCE CODE: UR/0241/65/010/010/0057/0061 40 AUiHOR: Moroz, B. B.; zin. G. I.. Grozdov S. P.; Lebedev B. I.,- C.-Vasil~Qy#kUa., V. Vt; *Ponom r' :7-Ponomarkovg Vs I.; .' - . . N --Fiaorovsky, Lo L*; 0 &1.. ~ - '- - Xi~N ORG: none TITLE: Experimental Po sup 210 - induced chronic radiation-q tknPqf%L-- I SOURCE: Meditsinskaya radiologiya, v. 10, no. 10, 1965, 57-61 TOPIC TAGS: polonium, radiation sickness, dog, alpha radiations radiology ABSTRACT: The article describes the features of the clinical course and variation of certain functions in dogs if .9b chronic radiation sickness caused by a single subcutaneous injection of Po (0-003 microcuries per kg body weight). A prolonged initial period of relative clinical well-being was observed, with a developed picture of radiation sickness setting in only aftor somo 3 months and wLth the dogs dying off individually after a period of from 128 to 310 days. The distribution of Po21O throughout the tissues and organs., ,which resulted in a constant local alpha-irradiation of the latter, e"idently played a major role in the genesis of these disturbances, with gradual incre-- ment in the tissue dose, Adch after 6-9 months reached 1.,100-1)400 rads, During the period of distinct radiation sickness the dogs displayed letharap lack of appetite, periodic diarrhea,, and thirst, along with spontaneous bleeding of the oral mucosa and spontaneous hemorrhages of the rectum and ACC NR: AP6014671 urinary tract. Shortly before death, the state of the dogs sharply deterio- rated; they moved with difficulty, refused food, and vomitted bile and blood. Rectal temperature rose,--the pulse was quick, arrhythmic, and arterial pres- sure fo?-l. With these symptoms, the dogs died. It was accompanied by deep i trophic disturbances due to a combination of machanismsp each of iihich by :-itself may cause trophic changes: disturbances in nouroendocrine regulationa uith insufficiency of the* adrenal cortex; metabolic disorders, hemodynamic disorders, and chronic hypoxia,, as well as the constant direct local effect of the alpha-witter 'on tho tissues. Matomo-pathological dissection re- vealed that state of general dyetrop17 w1dch is so characteristic of polonium ,po~so,ning. and is.not. ancount.ered.,.whea.4hor.radioact.ive isotopeaparrad.e the organism#, Orig. art. has$ 4 tables, [JPRS1 SUB CIDEEt 06 / SUBM DATE: 25Aug64 ORIG REF: 009 Card 2 VASIL I YFVSKAYA, L. IM. VASILOYEVSKAYA; L. M. /Co-author/ See: FAYAREVSKAIA iE. A. "Lccalizaticr, of ChanEes vh1ch Tako Place in tho Plant During Chlorosis," 1949. SO: SIRA SI-90--53, 15 Dec. 1953 VASIL I YEVSKAYA p L. I-1. VASILIYEVSKAYA, L. Y. L7co-authog7 See: 1ATS&';KC-YjR-!-LEVSK11, A. A. "TI-Ye Reaction of the Living Cello of Felled Beecb Wood to Fungal Propagaticn," 1940. SO: SIRA SI-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 11 -I- I : f -1 - -II I I f - - - i , - F V - - - - 7 7 ~ T T - - - - - I ' RURIYA, Tn.;VASIL'YIVSKAYA, .O.;KOBZIKOVA, Ye.;SHETANMO, Te.;SHMATOVA, M. Sterilization of milk by high-frequency currents. Moloch, prom. 18 no.4: 27-29 157. (NTaA 10:4) (Milk--Sterilivation) (Electric currents) (Conve7ing machinery) VASILIME $KAYA. 0. V "Preparation of t-Dichlorsulfairide of Benzoic Acid and 3.5 Bisdichlorsulfamide of Benzoic Acid From Benzoic Acid" Zhur. Obshch. Khim, 10 No. 8, 1940. Chair of Sanitary-Chemical Defenee, Central Inst. of Advanced Training of Physicians, Moscow. Received 13, Oct. 1939. Report U-1627, 11 Jan. 52 VASIMYEVSKAYA, 0. V. "Obtaining m-dichlorsulfamide of Benzoic Acid and 3-5-dichlorsulfamide of Benzoic Acid from Benzoic Acid". 0. V. Vasill, - yevs (p. 683) SO: Journal of General Chemistr7 (Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii) 1940, Volume X, no. 8. VASILIYNVSKAYA, 0. V. Eightieth anniversary of Rikolai Konstantinovich Ignatov. Uchen. zapski vtor. moskov. mad. Inst. Stalina 1 218-242 1951. (CLML 21:3) 1. Docent. 2. Department of Hygiene (Head -- Honored Worker in Science Prof N K I tow, Activo Member of the Academy of "r Medical Science U;SR . VAZILIYICVSXAYA. O.V..dotsent. Man of medicine in Czechoslovakia. Sov. mod. 20 no.3:88-93 Mr. 156 (140A 9-6) 1. Is kafedry gigiyany (sav.-prof. N.N. Litvinov) 11 Moskovskogo meditsinskogo institute, imeni I.Y. Stalina. (FAMOUS PSOPIA, man of mod. In Czech. (Rua)) VASIL' EVS&IM., V.D. Uick-el and copper in soils of Smolensk Pro-iince. Vest. Monk. Un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv. 20 no.6:51-61 11-D 165. (11MA 19:1) 1. Kafedra pochvovedenlya Moskovokogo gonudarstvennogo universiteta. Submitted December 18, 1964. VOROZV B. FFLOTGV, V,11, Experimental chrcn-~,, 7adla*,I,;n P") Mpd, rad. 10 no.10.1~7-61 0 lift: 1. Submitted August 25, 19'6.10 TYURYUKANOVP A.N.; VASII,IYEVSKAYA, V.D. Geochemical soil characteristics of Meshchovsk field lands. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6: B.Iol., pochv. 19 no.4:64-70 JI-Ag 164. (MIRA 17:12) 1. Kafedra pochvovedeniya Mzskovskogo universiteta. VASIL'YEVSKAYA, V.D.; KRUTIKOVA, V.A. Molybdenum in the soils of Naluga Province. Vest. Mosk. un. Ser. 6: Biol., pochv. 18 no.6148-57 N-D 163. (MIRA 16: 11) 1. Kafedra pocbvovedeniya Moskovskogo universiteta. HYSTRITSKAYAP T.L.; VASILIYM,KAYAS V.D. Content of some microelements in compact Cbernozem soils of the Kuban Valley. Nauch. dokl. vys. shkoly; biol nauki no.4tl82-184 t63. WRA 16:11) 1. Rekomendovana, kafedroy pochvovedeniya Moskovskogo gosu- dars,tvennogo universiteta im. Lomonosova. XOVDA, V.A.; ZD40VETS, B.A.; ZIRIN, N.G.; KOFMLYUH, Z-A-; VASIL'YUZAYAv V.D- --_ -,:j Soils and processes of soil formation in the floodland of the upper anI central Amur. Pochvovedenie no.11:10-23 N 16o. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Pochvennyy institut im. V.V.Dokuchayeva Akudemii nauk SSSR. (Amur Valley-Soils) I KOVDA, V.A.-, VASIL'YEVSKAYA, V.D. Investigating the trace element content of Amur Valley soils. Pocbvovedenle no.12:68-76 D '58- (MIRk 12:1) 1. Moskovskiy c' sudarstvenrWy universitat. ~Anur Valley-Solls-Analy sio) (Trace elemente) VASIL# TUSEATA, V.D. Trace elements copper, zinc, cobalt, and nickel in soils of the upper Amar Valley. Hauch.dokl.vyo.ohkoly:biol.nauk-i no.3: 179-182 158. (MIU 11: 3.2) 1. Fredetavlena kafedroy pochvovedonlya Noskovakogo goeudar- stvennogo universiteta imeni M.V.Lomonosova. (Amur Valley-Minerals in soil) (Trace elements) ALIKSAKHIN, R.M.; VASILIYITSUYA, V.D. Work of the Conference of Representatives of Higher Jducational Institutions on microelements and natural radioactivity of Soviet soils. Pochvovedenie no.9:114-1-15 S 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Trace elements) (Boil research) VASILYEVSKMA, V. V.; Si*-1TLk)VA, 11. V. "Ariatr,m',~al ~'f' t~.'~ a""~x ;t"" :r. "f 11-:.'~ far north arid of hot Je5erts." report sdomitted for lCtn Intl Botani-::al -on~-.-, Edinb-~,r-w',;, .-, ~2 - . AS USSR, VABIL'YEVSKAYA, Y.Y. Reactivity of the blood vessels following injury to the organism from polonium. Voon.-med.zhur. no.8:66-71 Ag 159. (MIP-A 12:12) (POLONIUM, off., inj.) (BLOOD VESMS,'radiation eff.) VASILYE71SKNIZi, G. "A;-~siL;tar-r--e and rec;--~~(-- of crew,- ~,f w:-` report presented at t1je ilitti, Intl Con~,,,, AstrorialiticaL Ft,dcratlrjri, Parlirl, j . 25 Sep-I Oct 6'~ vill~ill.,L' " ,--lit : ! I . I . . . , L I , --,- --- rivi, A ,,'L' L 1:,' '_P .1, .fco-fol thor ;!_~ - : v ;.,. --,, " . ; ; T .". I. 't I I;., __ ._i- , t , :-inconiaIL2 'I ",- ljolu~~:c 2: 1, C- 1, _L ~0. 3I'l?.Al ; i ) c, - 5 3 , 15 'L7~, c c ~ c r -1: , ~ 3 VASIL'YEVSKIY, A. P. VASILIYEVSKIY, A. P., "A Y4thod for the Germination of the Spores of Tilletia tritici Wint.." Sovetskzda Botanika, ho. 2. 1933t P, 97, 450 So8 SO: SIRA SI-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 OjO0060,0006660*00000 co" so 0 so 0 We 1 , 11 a 11 t2flu fild oil p a I n a it 9 a uJIftvxj:!*I n L I - Cc A 1 u I a a 46 age - , -- J- _ I 6 ~. 1.0 -0 'i~ Tak-oviov--imis aff4cal" m*s4 Allsioh~. A. ' gymW_CpvjO Prow" (Mumm) 1, 36-7(1004); Vma 00 . go Ir Do dM' pa. which emstaim " '0a, = == " , -0o i. , "wrtsind wbmt bunt . 00 'Od-1) in one test while Davydod's wries and T. .00 0 00 a sad cmtrols 86.7% Wee Ion. ry I of the mme 4~ of dusts in amcber trisil, weds so mated with uk-anin, Puis green mW bavydeff's pma. .0 0 9 gave tm P~~Pcrc:= of idecdoom. temp. 1 0.77, 0 d 3 S M .0 0 : . . U"W .67 and . %. As 00 zoo 00 do 0 410 go 0 00 go 0 00 SO* -00 '00 We* -00 As 00 AIN.SLA RITALLURGKAL I.ITIO&TUNI CLASSWKATiCO C t I&JOR.) .1p r~v got u S AV 10 At Ir it 9 K a a tc a q3341 a" a.- 4%, IN a WM a 1 94 0 9 00000"i900*000 040600 0-069000CO606606000 ' 60, 0 0 0 * 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 00tOO00*0*0000000 00! I a it a IS W16 V a 0 a a A A j V 3 1~ Al so Tests ad mlow womic pro Ldam as 'A. P. Vmd IcTskil. Tramaj. IT Iniss. F 00 A S.-S. R.) No. 123, 14041(MU); F-Tpt. No. 1. 51(1977).-to tests with Ft. Ca wW Na arsenites as funckids agkigwt ft sm.t, Sood r,. 040 swts were ObtabW with CA mvewte with 1W, Aso-)~ sail with Na arsevite with 5% ASA. Of a scrice of org. 00 arsenic compb. tested, Me suffide of arsenic mW pbrnyl 00 4 oxide of arstitic gave good results without lowerfrix yields. 00 W. 00 sow 06 A "TAILLUNGOCAL UTIRITURI CWUPKaTOM imp. &A W2 it Salo** -A. 13-0 9-9 ,b"ad"*$ -0 00 as IF IS 4 a Al it a 00,0400 49 00 * 0 00 * ;-0so 000 * 0 0 0 0 019 * 0 0 m a b I Al IS 4 it a a al so Is 0 see go 0 bp 0 ::so -tr 1 - An L 1 4 01 0 01 Is IS I A - 1 6 - a. 001 : : V: 0 0 0 0 40 0 411 0 0 0 0 00 OIA ~T'i .4 V~ I-#'Jjo--6 0 11 11 No 4 i to u 11 m is 0 0 1, 1 1, r 0 If r V R I r w I I AA 0 U AP 49 1 ballms" as a metho d for destjoying C.ItunpUnt In Wits. A Va-ad'evAil ml M. Zut-,v 19 E, A Ms. kirferas. /kpr 1939. Nos. 121. 46. Ite pruductim vind applications oof "SWItAr" -it I oticule prorl4l. for"Ja as oon~ll. losol't. '.( IW, mul -00 0 AIV In th" 91t.1111 It%- .1111. It. oloo. or% a ,I S , h~nsp . now it,, 'tkl' - Iii 1-41"1111fitt-1 I- I 1111AINC 194111-1 %At I~Kil IVI-, I ~A motor, usid, 1 .01011111111 A I ts~ cortItTA N It .4 1 It In th Odtlln-I~It TfIllools1% Of IL'41MAI A,%A it, Alt.4ding w AM., ImAos 7-1- W.' hior I"; .4a, m it. J,-1 and 1-thday an.] V,", m Ow I Isv rd,vtivris. -4 ".06 zoo trullsa- h And i4 t(InAl 141 1141 In it, tmic 11. it w 0 00 00 .00 yj A 0# ,IM SL 01 OffistIOUKIII Lif(RAItiolt (jAIs1nPKJIjtCW or '00 00 ti 16 it I I AM 0 It It 0 04 N (I It 9 K 0 a 0 * 0 0,0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 a VASILIYEVSKIY, A. P. VASILIYEVSKIY, A. F., and ZUBOV, M. F. "Soviet Solber against EryslFhe cichcraceari=, on Cucumbers under Green House ConditionB," Zaghchita, Rastenil~ no. 19, 10/39; pp. 170-173. 421 P942 SO: SIRA SI-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 0 a 00 go 0 0 0 0 fe 0 0 6 0 * 111 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 1 0 is ., 1) 11 $a 11# if IV of 01 A A I k L 5 0P %I A I y v . 0 to A 90 so 00 *0 a 00 :g 00 a 00 01 .31 - 00 .1 00 $1 a #44-3t 40 o0 o 6 0 0 a 0 0 0 11 A M k 1 1-1. M it 00 -D* The use of solba tand anabount sulfate aginvist aphids ton tucumborv) M, and A. ) 1941), N'. ,,, 31 3MI: #).V; .414if :aPI111i VIM -00 - Bit it .25; (J.. "Imar +4o.:Il, snalw,itw mil(air I 1.017v-Abar +0.2%anatiamneitiffatel-StP.1; I.V' ' / " tar +0.3170 anabasine sulfate wilo; 11 S~~ green v +0.2"f ansbasine 4ulfate 00.511; 0 5% xrtvn wup +(I Zlc~ Anabosine sulfate 10000, Hipts, were alt) 1114fle Oil tht- destruct ion of cu(-urntx-r mildew ca u -cd by P p -it he's')- ' It ;-G 0 , Parrofum Fr. Tht pirecti(sces of the n(jq. , affe,red Iraves And (A the surfact of the leaves were: with V~ (le- =0 0 4 anted %olbar 2 8 and O.Z); wit It 1.01'~C vuirsended vilkif Zee ~: C- &nil 0.19: with 1 1)% d"ntrA "litir +11.3% snalm. tnr ullAte 2,(% and 0.19. Tbe rrAp. vallic-t f- mnir-,I- .14 and 24 11,, A combination of %41QY sn4j arui coo )IA~in~ villau- .-.n I.- ti~j with %ii-- ba Ib, -ainultane- .00 ous destruction of cucuitiber mildew And d 41481,1q. 400 W. R. flenn s I. J, .11 A I I up I, KI I I I 10 4 1 LV F C tWf K1 r 4- -61-0 An I 1 t ;a is to It It 3 a or it It 91 is IT 19 A 54 0 0 0 0 0 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 0 0 0 to 0 00 0 0 0 0 100 NO 0 00 0 0 W 0 - W N -3 Al 4 1 0 9 011 44 o 0 0 0 0 o * 0 * 0 * 0 o"A TO 0 0 CAF-v ' I I A I is "u I)W n, m 11 is 12 a if a m a )o a 11 A? U on we, Awov v 1 0 0 F.W -6 a JI ti A 4 , I CL I It A , I. A a A A V 00 1 ' Solbar Instead of bordeaux guirture. A 1940. 'No. 5. 4nd M. ZUtX)V- .5.jdm,4,tm ~V. S. S. R 06 a If ;$1-4.-Thr pertent4lics W apples tffccttd with -at' "'n' *0 III& nn CI.M1FOI apple MCS And On tire% ift'Aff"I with V - C s,-Ihar s4iln. lJordeaux liquid, 1% solbar Wn. and 1.15 we". rc,p.: 17.0. 3.0. 1-2 and ri.501i. After fhC 1(grifAit treatments the perreentagits of affecled kayes, Of affected apples, of Ist-vade &;)life% and of rr*ttd apl&% were. W* 4 resp.: after 1,5~' I, %Afar W.8, -, 6.1 YO and 'J.S; afirr 1,51' c 09 0 ~,,Ihar +0.2% Ca.;AiA), O.A. U.7, 75A and 5.2; after - coo ..1 and If 1: mritrol applt llmdcaut liquid S.1, 3L'ro, 0 trer,t K?Jj. WJ5. 1-1.0 and -14 o. 'I 1w av. wt4. '-f the fruit. z0 0 W. R. 11crin were 1.'V;, 133, 115 and 87.0 rv,p, 1 r'o 0 00 00 00 '00 ;;o 0 to 4b4- A o ro U H AV 00 At a 0 a ; 4 A a K a n I 1 0 0 Of o 0 0 a o 0 o 0 o 0 * 0 to o * 0 ;o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 41000.9*6660 so so* 0 000 0 0 VAc!ILIYEVSY.IY, A. F. VASILIYEVSKIY, A. P., "Soil Treatment with Preparaticn IdUIF-2," Sad i ORQrod, no. 8, 1947, PP. 40-44- 80 Sa13 SO: SIRA SI-90-53, 15 Dec. 1953 VASILIYEEVSKIYY A. P. 30388 Laboratornyy rayetod islytaniya fungisndov. Byull yo tyen' glav. botan. sada, VY-P. 3y 1949, S. 79-80. SO: Letopis' No. 34 VASOILM-Mv, A- r. Pungicides. Colloidal sulfur as fungicide. Biul. Glav. bot. sada, no. 9, 1951. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -195A Uncl. 1. VASIL IYEV.;KIY, A. P. 2. USSR (600) 4. IvIasps 7. Hornet (Vespa crabro) is a pest of ornamental trees. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no. 11, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accesdons, Library of Congress, February 1953, Unclassified. 1. VASILWISKIY, A.P., WKELISKAYA , N.M. 2. ussR (6oo) 4. Rodentia 7. Rodent control in the MUn botanical Carden. Buil.Glav,botsada no.12 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Uarch,1953.Unclassified. VASIL'YEVSKIY, A.P.; SHTANIKO, 1.1. Copper-soap-nicotine liquid for the control of diseases and pests of rosts. no.14:74-79 152. (KT-HA 6:5) 10 Glaynyy botanicheekly sad Akademil Nauk SSM (Roses--Diseases and petits) (Aingicides) VABILITEVSKIY, A.P. --- Methods of combating the phlox aelworm,. 7rudy, 4:178- 182 154. (MIU 8..5 ) (Phlox--Diseases &ad peste) (Nematode.) VASIL'YEVSKIT, A.P. Measures for combating vhIte mottling in phlox. Trudy Gl& 4:230-233 154. (KI2A 8:5) (Phlox--Diseases and posts) VABIL'TILVSKIY. A.-P. -0 __ %"~ Prevention of functional diseasce in gladioli. sade, no.22:77-80 '55. (KLUA 9:5) 1. Glavnyy botanicheakiy sad Akademil nauk WSR. (Gladiolus--Diseases and pests) VASIL'YEVSXIY, A.P.; KLIMOVICH, I-V- Use of athylmercuric chloride in floriculture. no.27:89-94 '57. (KLRA 10.5) l.Gl&YA'" botanicheskiy sad Akademii nauk SSSR. (Ithylmercuric chloride) (Floriculture) VASILI)EEVSKIY, A.P. Stabilizers of copper-soap solutions. Biul. Glav. bot. eada no* 38:79-82 160. (MIRA 14:5) 1. Glavnyy botanicheskiy sad All SSSR. (Copper) (Fungicides) BORISOV, P.A.; VASILITZVSKIT, A.P. Geological and economic prerequisites for creating in the Xarelian A.S.S.R. a strong stone industry. Trudjr lar. fil. AN SSSR no.11:3-27 '59- (MIRA 13:2) (Karelia--StDUS) VASILIYEVSKIT, A.P.; DAMANSUYA, L.Tu. I Z~w- T Zffect of parathion on the stem nematode of phlox. Blul. Glay. b9t. sada, no-31:98-100 158. (MIRA 3.2:5) 1*Glavuyy botanicheaki3r sad AN SSSR i Gellmintelegichookaya laboratorlya A; SSSII. (Parathion) (Phlox-Diseasees and paste) VASILIYEVSKIY, A.P.; KAREVA. V.M. Mildew of begonias. Biul. Glav. bot. sada no-31:100 158. (MIRA 12:5) l.Glavny7 betanicheakiy sad AN SSSR. (Begonias--Diseases and pests) (Mildew) ILVITSKIY, Sh.; Vt-Sil,lyr-vyvjit r4. Honing wituh synLhetllc diamond-ce 43 .-' F 165. ":; -.. ; I/ I I VASILEVSKI , L. I. Puti soobshcheniia Rwwjnii. CTransportation facilities in Rumania7. Pod red. T. S. Khachaturova. Moskva, Gos. transp. zhel-dor. izd-vo, 1945. 134 P. illus., maps (I fold.) "Spisok ispolizovannoi literatury'" p. 132-JL57 DLC: KE267.V3 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A Bibliography., Library of Congress, Me =erence Department, W2shington, 1.952,"Unclassiriede