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VEJVALKA, J., Dr. '-~- sz ~" I Functional restoration of the forefinger. Acta chir. orthop. traum. cech. 23 no.4:211-213 July 56. 1. Klinika plasticke cbirurgie v Praze, Prednosta akademik F. Burian. (AMPUTATION STUMPS, funct. restoration of forefinger (Cz)) VBJVALKA, J. Surgery of the hand, recobstruction of the tendon, derotation osteotomy of the finger (A case report). Acts. chir. orthop. trauma. Cech. 28 no.4:297-301 Ag 161. 1. Klinika plasticke chirurgie lekar. fakulty hygien. v Praze, prednosta akademik F. Burian. (HADID) VEJVILFI~A, J,i 11RAM."C' R. Trarsocseouo fixiticri of the b--nr- graft 4 the Ma-.-r-LT. 6 I ., LO !, charjte~n in hand nurge ~ Acta chir. orthrip. trimm. ccrh. TIL nO.;--.CR8-52') 7. 1. 0 16 4 1. KlJnika pl-istle-ke chimirgle Ic-11-ax-ske fakulty hygienl~,k,~, Karlo%7 University v f-rtrize (priDcLnosta prof. dr. V.Karfik). SKOBIS, Vlastimil; VEJVODAj Jiri Plan of technical justification of standards and continuous standard revision. Prace mzda 12 no.5:207-212 My 164. 1. Sdruzeni presnych strojiren National Enterprise, Letnany (for Skobis). 2. Center of Mechanical Engineering Work Study, Prague (for Vejvoda). A. Kridla Vlaoti No. 13, Tune 1955 Caravan of gliders at Slany. p.293 SO.- Monthly List of East European Accessionss (EEAL), Wt Vol. 4, 1~. 9, Sept. 1955, Uncl. VEXIODA, A. "flow We Trained our Club 1'eml-ersty r (IMIDLA I)IASTT, Vol. 4, 1 1 . 461 No. 20, Sept. 1~-54, Pmha, czechos2ovakia~ SO: Yonthly List of rast Diropean Accessions, (FEAL), LG, Vol. 4, !'.,. 1, Jan. 1955, Uncl. Z/037/62/000/005-6/oog/o4g E140/E562 AUTHOR: ig~Y_011ova, J. TITLE: Ion bunding in an omegatron PLIZIODICAL: Ceskoslovensky' c-asopis pro fysiku, no.5-6, 1962, ,,9o-1,96 TL,'.XT: On the basis of the theory of the two-dimensional oinegatron it is demonstrated that bunching of resonant ions takes place in the omegatron. The bunching zone rotates with a corrcs- ponding cyclotron frequency, which results in rectangular perio(lic pulsations of the collector current. The non-resonant ions of Masses near to the resonant ones after having left the bunching zone do not strike the collector simultaneously with the resonant ones. This improves the natural resolving power of the device. These results show that the-intrinsic resolution of the om~egatrorr-- is greater than.. -illy considered (C. E. Berry: J.Appl.Phys.-25, _~i s u. 1953, 28).- There are 4 figur-Cs. ASSOCIATION: Katedra clektroniky a vakuove fysiky Karlovy university, Praha (Departn.ient of Electronics and Vacuum Physics, Charles University, Prague) Card 1/1 HONG, Oldrich; VEJVODA, Jiri. Organization of the work of foremen in production management. Prace mzda 12 no.1:18-25 Ja 164. 1. Ministerstvo vaeobeeneho strojirenstvi (for Hone). 2. Centralni stredisko studia prace pro strojirenske odvetvi (for VeJvoda). HRBEK, M.; KOSINA, F.; VEJVODA M. I _L, 5 cases of hemolytic jaundice in the same fam13y. Cas. lek. cesk. 102 no.1714g,1-454 26 Ap 163. 1. Chirurgicke odd. KUNZ v Usti n. L., vedouci MUDr. J. Rodling Infekeni odd. KUNZ v Usti n. L., lbdouci MUDr. Zd. Kolouch Ustredni laboratore OUNZ v Usti n. L., vedouci MUDr. M. Vejvoda. (JAUNDICE) (GENETICS, HUMAN) (SPLENECTOMY) , (DIAGNOSIS, DIFFERENTIAL) (THERAP~VTICS) (HEMOLYSIS), a" .0 a ----The stability of solutions of a s t m vgern 0', f.......... , aillerential equations in the complex domain. TOP 71 R S 'O;t' F-9TTNIM-5137-159, ( Russian and . . I sh summaries) n9 I Es wird die Stabifitdt der,trivialen Ldsung des Systems. z z1, ~ 7 4. 7 U rsucht.: Dabei' si nd z, komplexe; Funkti6n~ &r! :j .eellen Vera*nderlichen 1~ cjk koinplexe Konstuten; und, komplege funktionen, die g'ewissc Bedinguilgen or- Ollen, Mit dieser Frage bat sich scbon Perron [Math. Z. '160] besch9f tigt. Der. Verfasse' 20 (1928), 129-. r wendet .61"_ - zwet e LiapounofficheMethode an um erstens vciii Tituem . die S itze aui der Theorie dft ersten Ann4hening:za e" . ; cisen ' Fille w vweitens kritische tirid zwAr den I , , , , i ' * emer r r. rem j Nullwu zef und cine jnwg~jllverj W urzcl, .; ............. Un ersuchen. t U, zantal, JBM' 0) 1 VEJVODAj, 0. Stability of integrals in the system of differential equations in the complex do- ;Lain. P. 137 (CASOPIS PRO PESrOVANI 14ATEMATIICI) Vol. 82, no. 2, May 1957, Praha, Czechoslovakia SO.- Monthly Index Of East European Accessions (EEAI) LG,, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 1958 37593 S/044/62/000/004/0.70/099 C111/C444 AUTHOR: Vejvoda, Otto. TITLEt On the periodic solution of a quasilinear n.on-autonorious system PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, Matemati4ka, no. 4, 19062, 4+0, abstract 4B176- (Chekhosl. mat. zh., 1961,.Ll L, 0 no. 1, 62 - 75) TEXT: Considered is the real quasi-linear system .-d/dt - Ax + 2 f (t, x; ~_ ), (1) where x = (x,'...' Xn) and f(t, x, F-) are a-dimensional vectors, A being a constant nXn matrix and E a small parameter, and where .'.(t, x, r- ) is 2 -,,.-periodic with respect to t, satisfying certain con- ditions of continuity and differentiability. One investigates condi- tions for the existence of a 21-L-periodic solution x - x(t, E) Of the system (1) in the critical case where the matrix A possesses purely imaginary characteristic numbers p~ _1 (p being an integer) and there- fore the generating system d,y/ d t = A.Z (2) -,:-.rd 1/2 S10441621000100410301099 On the periodic solution of a... C111/C444 possesses non-trivial periodic solutions. Theorem 1 . 1 . s Let the system' (2) have the 2 7 -periodic solution y(t) - etA C(O) with the well-known properties, and let f(t, X, a) C EC 0,1,0 be in a certain neig-hborhood of this solution. Then one is V effectively able 'o determine a number ;.* such that (1) admits a uniqu;, 2 -iL -perio dLic solution M(t for O< F_ < f-,* which for FE -) + 0 converges toZ(t). In the theorem 1.2. one improves the estimation of the number F_* under the more severe supposition f (t, x, F_ ) E CO, 1 L,OLJ U, -th derivative with re'spect to the (f C- C k = 0, 1, means that the k L, -oncerned var-able satis`ies the Lipschitz condition with an invariable I U constant). In theorem 3.1 non-local sufficient conditions for the existence of a periodic solution of system (1) are given. Th(~ PaDer of the author imiproves a number of well-known results of A. A. krumin-, A. Ye. 'rel'man, Yu. A. Ryabov, D. C. Lewis and others. Bibliography with 9 t-'tles. Abstracter's notQ: Complete tr4.nslation.] Card 2/2 ',4~--'JV0'1- "A' , 11. New television receivers and ra6io pl,onoj~lrapl-, -gets produced by T7.:-JLA- in Strasnice. P. 823. (31JB0P?0UDY 03ZOR) (Praha, Czechoslovakia) Vol. 18, no. 12, Dec. 1957 SO: Monthly Index of East European Accession (-IMAI) LC Vol. 7, No. 5, 1958 VEJ'VODOVA, J. Ion bunching in an cmegatz-on. Cs cas fys 12 no.5/6:490-4'k ,62. 1. Katedra elektroniky a vakuove fvziky, Karlova universita, Praha. ECKERTOVAP L.; VEJVODOVA, J.; MALAT, Vl. Symposium on the electron and vacuum physics in Hungary. Slabaaroudjr obzor 24 no.2tSuppl.:Literatura 24 no.2:122-123 163. ---4- Xr-7 Y aV 0 11A j VOTAVA.Z.; RASKOVA, H.; VEJVODOTA, L.; VITKOVA, M. mm Effect of metIqlisothiourea on respiration. Bio. liat3r 31 no-1:30-35 27 MAY 50- (CLML 19:4) 1. Of the Institute for Research and Controls SPOYA ard of the PharmAcologicAl Institute of Charles University. -VE.)\1C'PC,Y (4, ~- - VOTAVA, 2. ; MV0DOVAil- L. Zffect of BAL on acute and chronic poisoning.with arsenic and mercury. Cas.lek.ceek. 89 no-18:514-517 5 W 150. (C1KL 19:3) 1. Of the Pharmacological Department VKU SPOYA and Pharmacological Institute of Charles University. vrr-,j v-(" 1e- C IIAJ- j- i r-;,q a Category : CZECHOSWVARIA/Eleatronles - Photoeffect. Electron and Ion &Assion H-2 Abs Jaur :Ref Mir - Fizika, No 2, 1957) No 4271 Author :Rckertova~ Taid-I 1 ; Vejvokova, Jirina iust~ :Mxthematical-ftsG~[-Nculty of the Charles Miversity'in Prague Czechoslovakia. Title Concerning the Thkeory of Secondary Electron Enission Orig Pab Ceskosl. casop. fys., 1956, 6, No 3, 365-366 Abstract An equation is derived for the dependence of the coefficient of second y emission on the energy of the primary electrons. The calculated dependence is co4irmed experimentally. Bibliography, 6 titles. Card 1/1 L~ 2 L I ~-f ifu 0 I s it 1) is Iti is It 1) A I _.L. -1 A-1 I a A .-P . 2 AA -1 -.It- Ulf 11111 111) 1111foil vil m a L C1 _1_4 It A 4 1 1 0 1. .1 J.p ago #I. 'Mpf" 001 Vistritifilig lisillerlsp, 'bit clert-ular knilli-rot, ,,oil es 0: rfrrtifur lipring sirptilp IjIjjrlIlnM see fill, Maro-lit lm'oll) 00 see l'-romili'm W the elf"Ill. % wlalll.t: 111, loll.. a wmi,it Amir lit- 1wrildirr "v.-I it rirrlr lit I-ormisig Ow pal T zoo ori-.L.r Lo,il g,."1, it Ori, I hlwti zoo 1.-1, If),. #lit ... I-r M '0-11- ;w1 11 ... .... ml... M ;;0o pit laimitk sol' fill- t,dislirig rmsirtol dottift- 'Iljr%r s wro fafiwt~ hr pfoug mm-birwv (it v .... tulims "ill, phs,I, p;,I see lit, if rir-&-t knis 11w inwr--o ... ;.- sm-I plwm, d wool 611CAL. U IRA LON CL&SIV$CATION Blow 111t.matiot %#MOND -A 144dow -it -F 9 ; I - If to Ito It it at d Focrtill'(6 moo ato- loo-SA! ii Tj I w 0-, j I I lVrWO loolliff 111 43 e VEJ70DA, 0. A note an Ladislav Pust's article "Effect of the properties of a source of the alternating force on oscillations of mechanical systems. " In Russian- P. 451 APLIKACE MATEMATIU. (Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Matematicky ustav) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, no. 6, 1958 Monthly List of East buropean Accessions (EEAI), Le, Vol. 8, no. 11, Nov. 1959 Uncl- 7"jj7C!I-.y C. Evaluation of the inaccuracy in the jbinge-Kutt formula. p.1. (APLMACE "'U.-T-~,-1-1,TIKY, Vol. 2, no. 1, 1~57, Praha, Czechozlovekia.) SO: Yonthly List of East European Accessions (HAIL") LC, Vol. 6, no. 12, 1957, Decenber. Incl. VFJIIQDA, Otto Feriodic solutions of a linear and weak! nonlinear wave y a in one dimension. Pt.l. Chekhosl mat zhurnal 14 no.3;3'41--,-182 '~,Z. 1. Institute of Mathematics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague 1, Zitna 25. VEJVCDA--QUic6 I *.MOVANOWE~ "The theory of ordly- y differential equations" by J.C. Burkill. Reviewed by Otto Vejvoda. Aplikace mat 8 no.2--158 163. 9" -mlo 63394 Z/037/60/000/005/042/056 E192/E382 AUTHOR: - VejvodoXL=Li~.-rina TITLE: The Influence of the Transition Region of a Magnetic Fipld on Turbulent Electron Beams %~ N\ PERIODICAL: Ceskoslovensky" Z5asopis pi cu, 1960, No. 5, pp. 48o - 483 TEXT: The turbulence effects in the electron beams focused by means of a longitudinal magnetic field were demonstrated experimentally by Harker (Ref. 1) and Ashkin (Ref. 2). These authors gave a satisfactory explanat�on of the turbulence undev the assumption that the space charge in the region beyond the anode aperture was compensated and that a laminary flow existed in the cathode region. Further, it was assumed that at the entry of the beam into the magnetic field, the axial component attains its maximum value in a stepwise manner. However, in leality the axial component of the magnetic field attains its maximum in the transition region. It was therefore thought necessary to investigate the influence of the transition region on the behaviour of the electron beam. For the purpose of analysis it is assumed that the axial component increases Card 1/4 83394 Z/037/60/000/005/042/056 E192/9382 The Influence of the Transition Region of a Magnetic Field on Turbulent Electron Beams linearly in the transition region, i.e. B z = B 0z/a where a Is the length of the transition region and B 0 is the final value of the magnetic field in the homogeneous region. The radial component of the magnetic field is thus given by: r B B - for 0 < z < a 2a The equations of motion for an electron in the transition region are: a rz (la) 2 2 z = a zr (lb) = az (1c) Card 2/4 The Influence of the on Turbulent Electron where a = eBo/m2a 83394 Z/037/60/000/005/042/056 A ri E192/E382 Transition Region of a Magnetic Field Beams If the condition of Eq. (3) is met (where R is the radius of the beam), the first approximation for Eq. (la) can be written as Eq. (4). The solution of this is given by Eq. (5), where J are Bessel functions. From Eq. (5) it follows that the paths of the electrons in the transition region do not intersect. In order to obtain the second approximation for'the trajectories in the transition region, Eq. (5) is substituted into Eq. (lb) and a solution for z is found; the energy equation is then integrated and r is determined. The resulting equation is approximately given by Eq. (7). If the radial velocity of the electrons is zero, Eq. (7) can be written as Eq. (9) so that the expression for r is in the form of Eq. (30). This is further simpl�fled to Eq. (101) if the condition of Eq. (3) is fulfilled. By examining Eq. (101) it is seen that gain the electrons do not Card 3/4 83394 Z/037/60/000/005/o42/0 6 E192/E382 The Influence of the Transition Region of a Magnetic Field on Turbulent Electron Beams intersect. From the above it is concluded that the turbulence phenomena in the beam in the homogeneous region of the magnetic field do in fact behave in the manner suggested by Harker and Ashkin (Refs. 1 and 2). There are 1 ttble and 2 English references. ASSOCIATION: Katedra, elektroniky a vakuov(~ fysiky matematicko- fysi-kilnf fakulty KU, Praha (Chair of Electronics and Vacuum Physics of the Mathematical-Physical Faculty of Charles University) Card 4/4 VEK, V. Automatic equiTment of airp2anes. P. 306 LETECKY OBZOR. (Minesterstvo deprovy) Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 3, no. 3y Oct. 1959 Faxthly List of East European Accessions (EEAI',, LC. Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 196o Uncl. -V-EK, V. Recuperative machines. p. 686. STROJIRENSTVI. (YJ-nisterstvo tezkeho strojirenstvi, Mdnisterstvo presneho strojirenstvi a Ministerstvo automobiloveho prumyslu a zemedelskych stroju) Praha., Czechoslovalda,, Vol. 9,, no. 9, Sept. 1959. Monthly List of Fast European Accessions (EEAI), LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 1960 Uncl. VEK, V. Rewte control of piston compressors. P. 335. AUrOMATIZACE. Praha, Czechoslovakia, Vol. 2, no. llj Nov. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vol. 9, no. 1, Januar7 1960. Unel. Vekassy, A. Work-tim need for m0ling machines. p.365 ~ I MAOYATZ TE=TECIDTIKA. '(Textiliparj Muszaki es Tudomanyos Ep7esulet) 'Budapest, Hungary. Vol.3-11 no.9, September 1959 Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI) LC, Vole% nooll November 1959 Uncl. ___7EKASSY, A., ar. prof. Relation batween the phyvical and me-chanical, characteriBtica and the knitting structure. Ind text Rum 15 no. 1.36-35 ja 164. 1. Budapest Polytechnic Institute. MASSY, Alajoaj, tanozekvezeto egyatemi docens On the reform curricula of training textile enginsero. Magy textil. 15 no.3.-1,39-141 Mr 163. VEKASSY, Alujos, egyetemi tanar r-- Testing the mechanical characteristics of knit goods. Magy textil 15 no.9:418-423 S 163. 1. Budapestj Muszaki Egyetem Textiltechnologia es Konnyui- pari Tanszeke. VEKASSY, A. Examination of the cover factor and specific weight of weft-knitted or looped basis texture based on the exact value of the loop length. Acta techn Hung 31 no.1/2.-69-102 160. (EW 100) (Hosiery) VFKASSY, Alajos, dr.; 'iA-'-,'A';, .1,,,annf~; LADR, Karoly Manlifac-biring iwiccarici~,3 f-,)," fir,03 ntrrkjr)ff,,3r,, fj3 (, r ailses for yarn elefer-t.,7, 1.,,,Iuy tcxtil 17 no,":131-1-4 Mr '!-5. c -1 .> L - L 1. Bildapest TechnIc-al Univers' ty. LN BAUNY, Istvan; VEKASISY, lajos, dr. - Hann-i7ier Exhibition ;!eft system kmitting machines at the 4th - of Textile Machines. Magy textil 16 no. 5-225-231 My 164. TAK A U- . I . - N . Sinplilynrnyp') Jtltqj-nj'nyyo iirrivnonlyo. 1%.I, , GTT I (I ~,2,6) SO: Matheratics in the USSR, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A. G. Markushevich, A. 1. Rashevskiy, P. K. Moscow, Leningrad, 1948 VEVEI~711 TWl r". Kara K,~.~.lpak - 'Vviri~ - Picture. Pro-*acti~.~,-. - ~ U-- Fi'hn stocl, 1,-.-asted at Kara Falpak, Kinonwkh~:Lnik ITO. 12, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, T~ay -1953. Unclassified. vb-KF,NTIEVe R. Moving-picture, Projection - Karakalpak Film stock wasted at Kara Ralpak Kinonielehanik no. 12, 1952 n Accessio , Library of Cozigress, Uncl. 9. Monthl List of Russia Accessions 19 53, VEKENTIYEV, Ro, staxshiy kinomekhanik kinoteatra OA:vroral (Muynak, Kara-Kalpak-ska,7a 0- - 71xing the feed sprocket anring in the SXP-26 watcmtic =agaziLe reel, Irino- mekhanik no.9:31 ~ '53. (W-RA 6:9) (Moving-picture projectors) VEKMY, Henrik okleveles banyamernok; GYURKO, Istvan, okleveles vegyeszmernok Investigatijzg the degrg- of dust control in case of -wret boring of rocks. Bany lap 95 noJ-1t716-M2 N 162. 1. Pecsi Szenbanyaszati Troszt Kutatasi Osztalya, Peas. VEKENY, Henrik, okleveles banyamernok The session of the Coamittee on Sillcosis of the Ydnist.-7 of Heavy Industry and-the-conference on-,SiliCOBis at -recs. Bany lap 96 no.1:67-68 Ja 163. VEKFNY, It' 164. r o. 1 1 ' ,7) ~ ) .1 VMNY, Henrik, okleveles banyarernok Fight for liquidating silicosis danger in coal mining. Term tud kozl 7 no.9:421-413 S 163. 1. Pecsi Szenbanyaszti Troazt Kutatasi Osztalya~ Pecs. VEKENY9 Henrik Techn.i--e.1 possibilitles for preventing dust danger in miaing. Munkavadelem 10 no.1/3~10-15 '64. 1. Reaearch Division., Measek Cca-l Mining TruBt-, INBER, Kalman, dr., okleveles tanyamernok; VLIKENY, Henrik, okleveles banyamernok Dust measuring system in HithgArian mines; tasks of its development and the achievemitts obtained on the basis of dust measuring data. Bany lap 97 no. 2:9~-92 F 164, VEKENY. Henrik, okleveles banyamermok I Coal face wetting in the Peas coal mines. Bany lap 95 no.12:794,799 D 162. 1. Peosi Szenbanyaszati Troaztv Kutatasi Oaztaly, Fees. I., 'I '. I YXM, G.; VVWDI, L. K1131. In vivo formation of thyroid hormones as studies by means of Acts, ph7siol. bur)g. 13 no.41301-308 1958, 1. Biochemical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Department of Pathology, National Oncological Institute, Didapest, (THTROI'D GIAND, hormones form. in vivo in rats, study with radioiodine-labeled potassium iodide) (IODIIM, metabolism potassium iodide in form. of thyroid gland hormones In rate in vivo) VEXCRDI L. 19 Asymmetry of the antigen-antibody reaction. Acta physiol. hung. a no. 1:91-95 1955. 1. 2nd Department of Medicine. University Medical School, Debrecen. (Received October 27, 1954) (ANTIGENS AND ANTIBODINS, asymmetry of antigen-antibody reaction) VEKERDIJ, laszlo., konyvtaros - - --- -------- --- - "Professor Istvan H-tvani (1718-1786) and the beginnings of statistics in Hungery" by Robert Homrath. Reviewed bY laBZ10 Vekerdi. Magy tud 71 no. 4:269-271 Ap 164. 1. Research Instituto of Mathomatics., Hungarian Academy of Sciences. VFJMBI, IaszIo MVIWFA%Wml-.~~ Discovery of pro-Euclidean mathematiceo Mat kozI NTA 23 no*2:133-150 163. i. 'WY reutfor. L. 2U7, Asym=iry of the Wigm-ub Xcla Phpicl, '4rad' Sri. hung., 1955 8. 91~-95.-Aw Tio-Mstru-M t.,~a senim witigen w~ra adoorb~rd on 26O~ sw;pensions preflPiths and b(, ;0 of glass powder thcn.the !wkfiment of the. suspouslon was vird in agglutination tests, Avsorbed anti - lost its antigen binding 'bod) capacity, while adsorbf;d antigen retained it- power, to combine Aith antibod - Th effect is independent of the cliemical composition xad Zkce chaeige of tho adsorbing surfact- (Ilungvian) A. B. L Bzmkic. VEKERDIJI laszlO tesimal methods in the mathematics Of Pascal' Mat kozl Infini MTA 13 no.3%269-285 163- V I, L.*,HARASZTI, A.;GMEOZE, G.;SIMONYI, A. ~~-x Accumulation of nolonium in rat organs and tumour tissue. Acts. morph. hung. 3 no.3:M-304 1953. (CIML 25:5) 1. Of the Department of Pathological AnatozW and Histology (Director-- Prof. B. Kellner, M.D. of Debrecen University and of the Institute of Mxpepimental Physics (Director--Prof. S. ~zalayq M.D.) of the Kosauth lajos University in Debrecen. -VZU-4Dj Laszlo -3~ . Genesis of the Nplitonian infinitasImal ana2ysis in the light of the 20th-cenjury books on the history of mathematics. Plat kozI MTA 14 no. 1:35-70 164. VEKERDIP Laszlo -.- - The infinitesimal method of Descartes for computing cyolOid areas. Mat lapok 15 no.1/3al96-203 6.& -I ?:jr;;t.q f:prl,~s rind f-iiixiemn. fla'. ko-z'l :,:TA, P, r,!5.. 4; ,+-~ 13-1. 1~ 1, 1! ,!, . I n I VEEKERDI, Laszlo, 1 no.10:60c)-623 0 164. I- - --- -, I ILIT'ic,'. K.Frj tud 7 Noteq ()n (jtkIjI-e.I 8 mie'O - - .1 Hungarian Academy of 1. Research InotAtute Of Sciences, Budepest. VIX31RDI, Laszlo. Affect of biurst on immunochemical Byst~ . Kinerletes orrostud. 7 uo.1;87-91 Jan 55, 1. Debreconi OrvostuLiomanyi Suatem II. oz. balklinikaja. (URFA, derivatives biuret, off. on horseserum- rabbit-antihorse serum system) (IMMUNE SKRUMS horse serum - rabbit anti horse serum system, off. of biuret) LEVFSM, Laszlo, dr.; ABRAHAM. Ambrus, dr.; FOLDES, Istvan, dr.; VIXYMI, Laszlo, dr.; XKDVECZXY, Indre Comparative neurohistological and radioautographical examinations on allergic reactions caused by radioiodine-labeled tuberculin. Tuberkulozis 13 no.9:259-261 s 16o.' 1. Az Oazagos Koranyi The Inteset (ig.: Boazormenyi Miklos dr. kandidatuB, tudomanyos ig.-. foldes Istvan dr. kandiaatus), a szegedi Tudomanyegyetem Altalanos Allatani es Biologiai Intezete (ig.: Abraham Ambrus dr. akademikus, egyetemi tanar) es az Onkopathologiai Kutato Intezet (ig.: Kellner Bela dr. akademikus) kozlemeLye (TUBERCULIN REACTION exper.) (MVOUS SYMN pathrl.) US= Cheadcal Abst. Vol- 4S Apr. 109 1954 Biological Chemlotry k itt organ and tgratir fissu.. .k=.=4.'1, r C-crerze, and j4 g. M6rt~7 gn Imon "led. Univ., Debrecen). Aria Afo,phof. un Acad. Sci. Hunl. 3, 207-304(19,53).-Poinnium chloride in d 7"ca"y "'c"a in was in or in'"Ver", Ions d O~02 _c- sect You" d mitt of Wl or -e- Pd. ray e 1 .1 Po I. the I., er .t It Tit t. of - was :on 'he M hr,, . after 1, i-is'air., ~. I, f 15 24 ad. d, creaNd. The Po in the kidney was about I/, that in the liver and remained const. from 15 min. to 48 hrs. The ra- dloactl7ity In the limp, spleen, and lymph nodes was con- sidembly lower. 717he activity in the Intestine wos initially It low but Increased 300-400% after several %eeks. p uniform except in the &%sbution within ~s JD in n Nap; PO was Con h~ew~] the peripheral areas of the lobules, In the proxim convoluted tubules of the kid- ney, and In the pulp of the spleen. The effect of Guirla's -carcinoma. transplanted into rats 3, 11. 14, and 21 c!avs prim to Po Injection, was also detd. In the 3-day turnors,, accumulation of Po was less than In liver, kidney, and VIcen. Eleven and 14-day tumors collected more Po than intirrounding tissue but less than liver. Animal% with older tumorv accumulated less Po In the liver titan in tht funior. Hemorrha#]c necrotic loci of a tumor showed an incrra~td accumulation of Po. Fresh and healing wounds showed bigh Pet activity. 11. L. llaffis FORGAGS, Peter; *XK= I. laszlo, L.; RliIGZKY, Alias; MAR, Gy3rgy; BzkNTO, )~ii-zi'o Studies on pituitary effects on thyroid incorporation of 1131. Kiserlates Orvostadomany 11 no.6:586-591 D 159. 1. Oresagos Onkologiai Intezet Onkopathologiai Kutato Intezete as Orszagos Reuma- as Ifirdougyi Intezet Balneologizi Kutato Intezete. (TMOID GUND metab.) (HYPOPHISICTOMY eff.) (IODINII metsb.) MEDVHCZXY. Endre; VAEMI. Laszlo. dr.; FOIMS, Istvan, dr.; LEVENM, Laszlo. dr. Production of I13'Llabeled purified tuberculin. Tuberkulozie, 12 no.10:217-218 0 '59o 1. Az Orssagoo Onkopathologiai lutato Intezet (igazgato: Kellner Bela dr. akademikus) as az Orazagas Koranyi 7bc. Intezet (i&szgato: Boozormanyi Miklos &r. kandidatus, tudomanyon vezeto: Foldes Istvan dr. kandidatue) kozlemenye. (IODIND radioactive) FOONS, Istvan, dr.; LNVMML, Laszlo, dr.; V~M!PI, -Laszlo,., dr.; ROMUT. Endre Studies on normal and tuberculous guinea pigs with I131-labeled purified tuberculin. Tuberkulosis 12 no.10:219-222 0 '59. 1. Az Orazagoe Onkopathologiai Kutato Intezet (igaz&sto: Kellner Bela dr. aWenikiis) so az Orazagoe Koranyi The. Intezet (Igazgato: Boazormex*ri Miklos dr. kandidatus; tu4omanyoa vezeto: Foldee Istvan dr. kandidatus) kozlemenye. (TUBERGULIN metab) FOLDES, Istvan, dr.; LEVENDEL, Laszlo, dr.; MEDVECZKY, Endre; TOPEROZER, Jobanna, dr.; VMEOI, Laazlo,-dr, F4ceretion in the urine of 1-131-labeled tuberculin. Tuberkulozis 14 no.3.'65-67 Mr '61. 1. Az OrszagoB Koranyi The Intezet (igazgato- Bossormenyi Miklos dr. kandidatus, tudomanyos igazgato: Foldes Istvan dr. kandidatus es az Onkopathologiai Kutato Intezet (igazgato: Kellner Bela dr. akademikus) kozlemenye. (TUBEWULDI urine) FOLDES, Iotvan, dr.; TOMSANYI,'Attila, MEDVECZKY, &idre; SCWEIGER, Otto, dr.; TOPEXUR, Jobanna, dr.; VEKWI, Laszlo, dr. Linkage of purified 1-131 labeled tuberculin to peritoneal exudates in guinea pugs and rats. Tuberkulozis 14 no.7:203-206 J1 161. 1. Az Orozagos Koranyi The Intezet (Igazgato: Boszormenyi Miklos dr. kandidatuB, tudomanyos igazgato: Foldes Istvan dr. kandidatua) so az Onkopathologlai Kutato Intezet (Igazgato: Kellner Bela dr. az MTA lev. tagja) kozlemenye. (TUBERCULIN metab) S7414TO.Iaszlo,dr.; FORGACS,Peter,dr.; LIGETIN3,Reviozk7 Alice-,dr.;_VICEXM -la"la,dr,; GYULA1,11mo,dr. I Study of antithyroid drugs by radioactive-paper chromatographic methods. Orv. hetil. 101 no.13:444-448 27 Mr 160. 1; ~Qrszagoe Reim es Fwdougyi Intezet, II. Belosztaly,Orszagoo Balneologial Intato Intezet. (IODINZ radioactive) (THYROID ANTAGONISTS pharmacol.) " VEKES, Janos [translator] Communication by the American technical press on a Soviet technological process described in the above-mentioned article. Gepgyartastechn 2 no.4:341 Ap 162. 1. "Gepgyartastachnologia" szerkeazto bizottsagi tagja. VEKES, Bertalan Kard I s me-.hod -;:rr fr~Lme call culationB . Mag7 ep frar 1-i ::-~: 2; 112- i-~,6 65. VEKES, J. Technological documentary films. P. 168 (Gep) Vol. 9, No. 5, July 1957, Budapest, Hungary SO: MONTHLY INDEX OF EAST EUROPEAN ACCESSIONS (EEAI) LC, VOL. 7, 110. 1, JA11- 1958 VEKES, Janos "Boring, lowering, attrition" by jazarovits . Szentkuti. Reviewed by Janos Vekes. Gepgyartastechn 2 no.5:165 My 162, 1. "Gemartastechnologia" szerkeszto bizottsagi tagja. FOTYEJEV, F.K. (Foteyev, V.K.1; VEKES, Jaros (translator] Punching tools witb highly durable edges. Gepgyartastechn. 3 no.7: 262-269 J1163. 1. "Gepgyartastechnologia.ltszerleszto bizottsagi tagja (for Vekes). VEKLS, Janos "i4achine elements" by Bosch. Reviewed by Janos Vekes. Gepgyartastechn 4 no. 1:24 Ja 164. 1. Editorial board member," Gepgyartastechnologia.1' I VEXES, Janos _ "Control oll machine industry products" by Brendel, Solti. Reviewed by Janos Vekes. Gepgyartatechn ./+ no. 2:53 F 164. 1.Editorial board member, "Gepgyartastechnologia.11 VEKES, Janos Use of radial drilling machines. 4 PYartastl3chn I no.7t256-261 o 16l. 1. Central Tool FaCtOrYt Budapest; itorial, board membero, IlGepgyartastechnologica* VEKES. janga, , Dr. Lajos Szeniczel; obituary. Jannu mezo gep 7 no.2:33 160. FUSCIRMN, H. VMW, Janos [tranulatorl r Present state and the trend of the development concerning the automation of sheet working presses and the automatic devices. Gepgyartastechn 3 no.7t 270-280 J1163- 1. Institut fur Verkzeugmaschinen., Karl-Marx-Stadt (for Nschmann). 2 * "Gepgyartastechnologian szerkeszto bizot- tsagi tagja (fol. Vekes). VEKF.9, J. Production of complicated profile on plane-grinding machine; grinding of forms. P. 339 Vol. 9, No. 9 Sept. 1956. GEP. Budapest, Hungary. SOURCE: Eaqt European Idst, (EFAL) Idbrary of Congress Vol. 6, No. 1 January 1956. VEKESSER, M. A. Cand Biel Sci -- (diss) "Data on the content of calciw.-,, ,and iron in food products of local origin and in the food reserves phosphorus U of certain kindergartens of the city of Saratov." Saratov, 1955. 10 pp yed (Acad,P..Sci USSf#R), 230 eopies (KL, 13-58, 94) -30- F E'VT(d)/E'V-1T(l )1E,,iT(m)1EWP (v)/T-2/EV11P(k)/EWP (h)/EvIP-(1) Jjp(~C) AT6001717 Em/jD/GD SOURCE CODE: AUTHOR: Vekesser, V. A. ORGs none TITLE: Specification of rotor unbalance limits for turbomachinery SOURCE: Uravnoveshivaniye mashin i priborov (Balancing of machinery and instruments). Moscow, Izd-vo Ifaahinostroyeniye, 1965, 496-504 TOPIC TAGS: turbine rotor, rotor balance,, turbine engine V, ABSTRACT: The bending of a rotating rotor on its supports was calculated, based on the method-of dynamic stiffness (A. N-7-5-Aurechnikov. Dinamicheskiye zhestkosti vrashchayushchikhsya valov. Trudy MAI, VYP- 55, M-, Oborongiz, 1956), in order to include this effect in specifying permissible rotor unbalances. The work was done at the Moscow Aviation Institute imen. Sergo Ordzhonikidze (Moskovskiy aviatsionnyy institut). Using the method of initial parameters, the elastic-inertial rotor characteristics are determined and tbo shape of the rotor elastic line is used to find the support reactions. The equations for the bending at points 1, 2, and 4 of the rotor (see Fig. I) 1 P,*.; '01 1 " , r, Card 1 4 1. Rotor support Fig. geometry. L 36535-66 ACC NRi AT6001717 ~re derived in the form P Y, + +14 0; PI Pit pis P0 + R. + 1 0; YA I P, I WS P" I Y4 + Ra + P4 VU 7 (where the P's and We are complicated functions). These equations can be solved for the support reaction forces as well as for F* (dynamic stiffness). Sample curves of permissible unbalance as a function of speed4are presented (including bending of the rotor) for the chosen support geometry (Fig. 1). Orig. art. has: 21 formulas, 5 figuresp and 2 tables. 30 CODE: 21/ SUBM DLTE: O4Sep65/ ORIG REFt 003 . VEM.Oj~Dj_ MESHCHANIN,, V.G. The output has been doubled, Hashinostroitell no,,6:16 Je 961. (Zaporozhlys-44atalwork) (KIRL 14:6) VEXIMME, D. K. Primeneniye pianimetra k vychis]-eniyu irLnogokratnykh inleg_-alov i k integrirovaniyu differentsiallnykh uravneniy s chastnym-i proizvndr4y,-d. Zh. Geodezist, 1 32. SO: Mathematics In the U:-~03R, 1917-1947 edited by Kurosh, A.G., ~arkushevich, A.I., Rashevskiy, P.K. Moscow-Leningrad, 1948 ACCESS-LON' Vekhter, B. G., Bersuker, I AUTHOR B. TTIT-TLE: k-.-ralieS cT-s=,--7c-ifJ1c heat ~,.nd I-OTIOUCti-Vity in complex crystals SOURCE: Fizika tverd--go TOPIC TAGS: specific heat, ther-T,ia..' "i"y' .property, phonc;n 7!~ e the a,-un ol- the Two) Tne carc:I J-, L 65147-65 ACMSIOIT NR: APWI2583 thin mean free m~h of Vie mal conductivity, whl-~~h em, :!h-n!-,s, wll-4ch 17 --,rh~bit a m.1r.1mum. at u SUB CUE. Card. 2]2 -VEKHILOV, SH. 1. Differential Zquations, Partial Differential Equations (1665) Izyg AA Ajerb- ISR, No 4, 1953, pp 3-25 Vakhilov, Sh. 1. *A Boundary Problem in the Theory of Newton Potential* Zzamines the problem of defining a function which will be continuous and harmonic within a region such that it will assume specified values in the region and such that its normal derivative will satisfy certain spacified conditions. Proves that the problem to always soluble and that the solution is always unique. SOI Referativnyy Mrarnal-Katematika, No 1. Jan 54,0 SO: (W-30786, 213 July 1954) ISKHAKOVA, L.A., VEKRNOVSK1Y, G.L. Use of the G.S. Maksimov Zadimentation reaction in exarnining cerebrospinal fluid. [with summary in English]. Vest.dermo i van. 32 no.5::37-39 S-0 158 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Iz Ufimskogo kozhno-venerologichaskogo instittitn i sorologicheakoy laboratorii Ufimskogo gorzdravotdela (nauchnyy rukovidtel - sav. kafedroy kozhnykh i venericheskikh bolezney Bashkirskogo meditsinskogo instituta prof. G.S. Maksimov). (NEMOSYPHILIS. cerebrospinal fluid in sedimentation reaction, Makaimov technic (Rua)) (CrMBROSPnIAL FWID, in various diB. neurosyphilis, sedimentation reaction, Makstmov technic (Rua)) 002 044 004'- O:S. 0 c 00 4 tool 004 0.0 w 6011 3870. EFFECT OF CHANGS IN TEMPERATURE WNDITIONS UN Rt'iE OF SEPARATION OF VOL-TILE SUB$Tk CES. Vokbob, VA (Izve3t. Akad Nauk S.S.S.R. (Wn. AcA. 5c;1 U.S.S.R.), 1949, (8), 1200-1218) Continuing experiments reeorded previously (Ibid., 1949, (2)), the author analysed the volatile products given off from various czials in the ooking rocess. hesuits are given for the range of temperatures traveesed during theprocess (0 to 6~0%.) for differdnt rater. of temperature rise (0.25 --2.5 and 25%. ;er minute). I A. I L a 61TALLUMASKAL Lfff*&TtXM CLAUVICATION I I Sam -00 lot .00 sof Zoo goo ate goo Vo* oleo I 000 Xoo goo MOO moo moo ;J4,01 tango IV I w 6, 5 'a -3 1 T 0-0.0 0 0 : o : o 0 0 00 0 000,0*0*00009000000090 0 *1* 0 a 0 0 0000600000000*000000010*0,6 -- * 0-0-0--0 V~ffil 1 19-T-A-, 0~ I--- /4 VMi(TKO,'T.I.; MOISEYEV, A.S. Purification of glycerol waters by means of ionites. Zhur.prikl.khim. 29 no.8.,1203-1209 Ag '56. (MIRA 10:10) I.Laboratoriya tekhnologii vody Vaesoyuznogo nauchnoiseledovateliskogo instituta gidroliznoy i k.ullfitno-spirtovoy promyshlennosti. (GlycerA) (Ion exchange) -VfTY6TIr'0,- T. 1-. No. 37360 -Raspad bikarbonatov kal tsiya i magniy-a pri nagrevanii vodny'kh rastvorov. sborni), trudov (nauc-.-issled. in-t Fo osnevaniyam i fundamentsm, leningr. otd-nie~, No.1, 1949, s. 82-88. 10 0 So: Letopis' Zhvrnellnykk Statey, Vol. 7, 4~- VF,KHOTXOI T. I. T. I. Vekhotko, The removal of iron and manganese from water solutions. P. 1282. It has been established that on coagulation of natural water with aluminum sulfate there occurs practically full precipitation of iron, but not of manganese. Precipita- tion of manganese can be achieved either at coagulation of the water by Ferri- compounds at pH value of 8.5 - 9, or by filtration of the water or water solutions of salts of bi-valent manganese through organic Na-pexnutites. August 34 1947 SO: Journal of Applied Chemistry (USSR) L1, No. 12 (1948) SHALTTKO.. G.Ye SMOBAYKOj T.N,j red* [High polymer compounds; a manual] Vysokopolimerrve soedinaniia; uchebnoe posobie. Leningrad, In-t inzhenerov zheldor.tran7 01 1961. 54 P. (MIRA 15:5) Po3ymers) V of of a so 00 so 1 0 0 060 0 V -0:0 4 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 00 IN 01 to 0 *Goes* 0 OGG 0 00 4 a 0 4 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a I m It u 11 U 11 14 If III Is' V )p if It V U U is Is V a a a 0 Q I] a Gp A I L 2 1--f- -A --- A A k___L A III F 9 K I t 9 T L 7 -1 T It .44 0 (X 9D 0 00 Deterniblatim Of k4da is wow 9611111SEMOW by -00 0 same _"llialli" V. 1. 1. sh"ka -WE aad T. t ; 0 W Chm - (U- It.)-@, IM-7fln p 00 99 r. , I I 110d)-71W 118"Jit .1m CV&01&td It, rit"n. 44 vkrtr - (d && d V Go a . . osis d,, m. Vs. 14file"I'Alf" 31 V 146 C 0. , a- ; am .A. JO. tiftti) and - 1 he coagulate was HO (d, 1.161) in . The water. the teii- due w;kA filt- after 48 bril.. w*sIted. and dried to a -00 00 1 vonq. wt. at 105". The method k relialdc if ilic diln. .*0 00 lye Willi *at.,f dice n..t "mcd I -limm. I t 1 1 00 lc cf Ivir 4 *11 1fil 8%. RIP0. data are tabillated and X 00 13: the nictliod is dewribed. Seven referrar". =00 00 A. A. I'Lxfxofuy 06 Zoo go 00 410 go i zoo go zoo is 0 :;go 0 too! '00 _90 eel A a - I L A 21TALLOGICAL LITINATtAl CLASSIFKATICts tic 0 Oog 2,00 00 it oil I I PI If it a 61 4 A a 11 1 4 Od 0 1 W IM Ij a 3 An n I ta 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 9 0 0 0 9 9 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 0 O;q 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V :T