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TW - , 'e 22293 61/07V001/006/0:7 S/053 B 12 5, 13~() 1 The stubility of plasma. vn 2 iQ( c.T + R -2 + -dwl so - d1v RV + C T) + F, Ill, (v;') - xV T 2 P rAO + OVA,-_ out OV, vok OX4 OXI 3 A-Fil-) OXI -A,cre denotes the heat 'conduotMti- In the cnne. of a homo-eneoi-- or almost homogeneous background one obtain3: 0. + (vv) / + ov M Mc dlvE-4:te(~ hdv- 1. dv ), div H-0, T roL H e J,v dv -'~ Jv dv+ rot E - C Ot C 7F this system is also based upon ..-ineti ;--z.1ti orz; --.i '.- -)u tal:inc acco-Int of collisions. In the "drift" a., :1 tv car, 'oe irt-.o- duced instead of the d1stributi.)n --,,;nction f(:7, 7 The corres 7) 0-,1 4 Card 4/ 7 Tillie stability of plasma 22293 B.112 5/ B201 kinetic.equation 11"o the form Ohm MV dr + 1E. Aporiodic . nstabilit~: 4. Ideal plasma. ~ja. Energy principle; ,)la3T,a 4 a olight displac-ement of tile plasma from the position of equilibrium oatinfien the equation of motion (4,1,1). Here, I denotes the di3placement from )osition of equilibrium. 4b.-Stability of the plasma boundary kreference is mde to an instability indicated by L. A. Artuimovich), convective innI*ability, Btability of a cylindrical pinch, stability of a -rotating inhomogeneous plasma in 'a magrnetic field, aperiodic instability of a non-1,11axi-ellian plasma, stability of a plasma kept back by Vie preosu_-~e of a hiAh-frequency electromaanetic' field, aper~odic instability of a olasma takirk diusipative. processes into account, Ptability 0~ the rotation of a pl4ma, stability of a pinch. III. Oscillation inotability Pf a P~asma. In- ability of beams in the pl-as-ma, instability of t-.o beams, absolute a d "drift instability" of be'ams, stability of ion beams in a plasma, effe t-of a magnetic.field upon the instDbility of beam3, macroscopic insta ility of a "non-'Maxmellian'l plasma, cyclotron resonance, Card 5/7 221293 S/053/61/073/004/006/'007 ThL- stability.of lasma B125/B201 m:Cstuning (raskachka) of oscillations in a plasma in the preoence of P. -relative motion of ions and electrons, microscopic instabilities of an inhomogeneous'plaoma, stability of plasma flor;s in a magnetic field, t stability of plane flows, stability of flowu in lierpendiculnr to tl,e fieid~ . a, stability of a rotating plasma, 116saillation bonvection" in a 013113M. ,yintability of the positive column of a gas discharge In a magnetic field. V. Problems of the nonlinear theory of inetabilitY. This chapter. JQ;~10 Tith the quasilinear treatm6nt of the "supercritical" state of the plasma, ,,hich is then used to study the behavior of the plasma nea:- the _71'Mft of otability, the steady convection in a plasma and the "anomaloue diff'13.1on", the quasilinear approximation in the study of oscillation _1ns'~a*b1'-__-t-.*ea in a diluted the developed instability. Appendix I dealo 7,ith the Otability of -the beams in a plasma, a2pendix JI -.iith the stability of a rotating,, plasma, namely, the homo.-eneoua rotation a nlazmri zind the eld ~ n a cylindrical rotation of a 7:nler the action of an electr_- f4 ' - conlenser, appendlix 1171 --,ith'the ctability of -the -),)sitive column, ~"Ind aT)pendix IV v.4-th 'U- --'-jnic so7ind --'n an ifnhomc~~eneo-.-': 7.1--=r,1. There are 3? fic-ures, I table. !!nd 5J 30 Sov,-'-t-,._7oc. Th e t x ref..,.-ences to Lnsli:,h-lanp~_ia.-e :-e~.* --z followz. CL'-rd 6/7 22293 The stability of plasma B125/B201 B. 13. Kadomtsev, A. Nedospacov, J. Plac-ma Phys. (1961) (bein- printed); Y. Nakagava, Phys. Fluids, 2, 621 87 (1960). Card 7/7 S/069/62/012/002/001/013 B102/B138 AUTHORS: Kuznetsov, E. I., Velikhovp Ye.P. TITLEt The International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions PERIODICAL: Atomnaya energiya, v. 12, no. 2, 1962, 101 - 110 TEXT: The International Conference on Plasma Physics and Controlled Thermonuclear Reactions was held at Sa3zburg (Austria) from September 4 to 9, 1961. It was organized by the MAGATE and attended by 508 delegates from 29 countries and 6 international organizations. Of the 250 papers presented Ill were read. The full text of all lectures and discussions will be published in the 4ournal "Yadernyy sintez". The present article summarizes the results of the Conference. Lectures by the following Soviet scientists are mentioned and discussed in brieft I. F. Kvartskhava et al., new data on self-sustained discharges. Investigations on current distribution in a Q-pinch, plasma concentrations of 1017CM-3 achieved fo-- oome ILsec at several hundred ev. T. I. F4.lippova et al., dense high- 1/3 S/089/62/012/002/001/013 The International Conference on B102/B136 1-c-perature plasma in the region of non-cylindrical cumulation of a 4 . L.-pinch; densities 10 18 cm-3 at above 500 ev. N. V. Pedorenko et al., investigation of the atomic particle flow emitted from the plasma machine flkrt,eiall ("Al!fall). The ion energy was found to be approximately prolor- tional to charge and almost independent of maos. A. I. Karchevskly et al.~ high-current gas discharge in weak magnetic fields; confirmation of the results obtained with the "Zelua" machine. Soviet reports on experiments with the I'Toicama,*-IIII ("Tokamak-II") machine; Joulian plasma heating 2.n strong magnetic fields; study on impurity influence on ionization and heating of deuterium plasma. In "Tokamak-11" no collective proceases, such as macroscopic particle motion, were observed. B. B- Kadomtsev is mentioned in this connection. K. D. Sinellnikov et al~, invest-.gatiors on ionic cyclotron waves in plasma heating. V. M. Glagolev et al., Study of Interaction between plasma and the high-frequency electromagnetic field of a cavity. V. G. Andreyev et al. and R. A. Demirkhanov et al., plascla confinement by travelling waves. Soviet reports on "Orp&" (910gTall) experiments with "hot" plasma, 107CM-3, H 2- ions with 160 kev, Ml~ S, Ic,ffe Card 2/3 S/089/62/012/002/001/013 The International Conference on ... B1(12/B138 et al., Plasma instability investigations in the maGnetic mirror machine "Ionic maGnetron"; fast ion concentrations 10 9- 10 10 cm-3 retained in an ordinary mirror trap for 100 lisec. S. tu. Luklyz,.nov ot al., 1. Y. Fodgarrr,-y et al., results of plasma trapping in mirror machines, V. D. Fedorchenko et al. are mentioned. V. 1'. Silin, kinetic planma theory; I. N, Golovin and D. 11. Panov, Stabilization of oscillations in Uip n-ifichine; B. ~. Vadomtsev, theory of plasma instability. L. -1. Eudakov, h. Z- Sr4.dEVr--; investir.ation of instabilities caused by particle drift in inhomot;eneuus plasma. B. B. Kadomtsev, A. V. Iledospasov, explanation of anomalous diffusion in the positive column by current-convective instabilities, A. A. Vedenov, ot al., kinetic quasilinear '.~!r~ory of plasrr,. Ye. K. :~Itvoy:;:Ay 0t al., i. F. Khal-choilko, !,heoretical (Iescriptioii., of procesLes t.-.kin(- place in strongly instaniAe plasma. Academician L. A. Artsimovich read the final paper. SUB21JIMEM: :a'ovember 27, 1961 Card 3/3 4 01, 2 5 8/056j62/043/00.3/034/063 B108/B102 AUTHORSt Vedenov, A. A.j Velikhov, Ye. IF. TITLEi- Quasilinear approximation in the kinetics of a rarefied plasma PERIODICALt Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheakoy fiziki, v. 43, no. 3(9), 1962, 963,- 967 TEXTs The processes in a real plasma can be divided into'fast and slow. By averaging over the fast oscillations it is possible to write equations viihich describe the slow changes occurring in the mean quantities. This method can be applied only if the resonance interaction between waves and"- p rticles is slower than the variation of the self-cdnaistent field acting o the particles. The processes in a uniform electron plasma without a 0 gnetic field are investigated by this method. Wave-wave and particle- p rticle interactions are neglected. For describing relaxation processes t e linear theory has to be supplemented by terms accounting for the e4ect of the waves on the particle distribution in phase space. These conditions in a rarefied plasma lead to the following quasilinear set of- tquationst qard 1/2 I Q asilinear approximation in... ~j S/056J62/043/003/64/063 B108/B102 dah *"P -V -kr- ale a &U, ej,6 (wp kv)W 2. F- k' a IF,k f 0 is the slowly varying part of the particle distribution function. These equations hold for sufficiently great t. Eq. (9) accounts for rise and attenuation of plasma waves, Eq. (11) for the diff'u- sion of particles in velocity spaoe owing to these waves. Neither of these equations, however, is suited for studying instabilities of a monr,.- energetic beam in a plasma. SUBMITTEDj March 24, 1962 1 Card 2/2 VF-DENOV, A.A.; VELIKHOV Ye.F Instability of the drift of carriers in solids nd coherent phonon radiation. Zhur, eksp, i teors fix. 43 no.3XO-1112 162. (W[tA 15:10) (Electrons) (Ultrasonic waves) (Crystal lattices) VEDEVVI, A.A.; VELIKHOV, Ye.P. Development of the electrostatic instability of a plasma in a high magnetic field. Dokl. AN SS3-R 146 no.1:65-68 S 162. (MBA .15:9) 1. Predatavleno akademikom M.A. Leontovichem. (Plaoma (Ionizod gases)) (Magnetic fields) L 10676-63 7 -~n- FV -T-i - JF aPz /F 7. PO-4~--AT Aamsiw NR. Anoon6r ff,5/Ci4/006/~,753/-,'57,4 AM=: Velikhov, Ye. P. Tl=: Me rotation of aasma SOURCZ: Atom" energiya, v. 14., no. 6, 1963, 57,-j-574 TW.M TAGS: plasma rotat:Lon, plasma Instability ABSTRACT: The purpose of the paper is to explain -,-ihe observed rotation in the Theta pinches by proving that in a rather dense plasma, any radial. plasma matior, in a magnetic field results in a nonuniform rotati )n . For simplicity, a flat plezza layer in a magaetic field is considered. Tie equation of the plasma motion in the lqtzod~amic approximation is set up, togettLer witt tae CoLtlnult.- equation. The solution of the equation lalleates that the radiaLl motion of the plasm leads to a nonuniform rotation. Orig. art. haA: 6 equations. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITM: 25Aug62 SUB core: 00 Card 1/1 ke;/0 P= Am: i2ju163 RIM: 00 NO REF SOV: OCO OT 003 VELIKHOVA, N.A. Growth of cobalt oxide single crystals by Verneuil's method. Kristalografiia 8 no.5:804-808 S-0 163. (WRA 16:10) 1. Institut kristallografii AN SSSR. (ir, Qapu); Given Nax=j co,ult:-f: Yuco--lavia Ae!aic!a1c. Dr The K=c o.-'* l.ational Health (Dom narodnog zdravlja) "Crnoncrac", Zagreb Dolgerrade j Nagpjng 74raXj.4fjj Vol XVIi, :io 6, juno 1961 131 -1 ?)~ "Tho ?olc, Pozition ard Res-xnsibilitioz of General Practitioners. 0 L-3325:L-66 - Eva(i) -GW__ ACC NR: AT6012784 SOURCE CODE: UR/31'15/66/000/027/0023/0042 AUTHOR: Dulgakov, Yu.1.1 VelIkIn A.B. 4/ ORG: VITR TITLE: Transient processes method in the electric Inductivt irospectIng with common transmitter and receiver SOURCE: -USSR. Gosudarfit ___ Ijqyy_geologicheskjX komil3ti-A Geofizic~eskara apWatura,rio. 2-7, 1966, 23-42 -WPIC TAGS: -,mining engineering, prospecting, geophyede Instrimiat ABSTRACT: This paper presentsthe apparatus, mtthcdology od results of prospecting with an inductive type prospecting system. Thefsyttem 4W"rises aulticonductor cable loops, controllable DC power supply with pulsing capabilities, and appropriate sensori and recorders. The loops, which can be selected for diownsions between 5 x 5 m and 200 x 200 no serve both as transmitters of the magnetic field pulse and receivers of the iransient return signal of the currents decaying in the conductive bodies. By re- peating the trarmitteA pulaes at each ground profile. station (e.g. up to 100 times), and recording t Pe cumulative received voltage signal with a capacitive circuit, the sensitivity and fidelity of the system are improved# the latter due to substantial cancellation and attenuation of spurious signals and aoiee. Graphs of signal returns, .Card 1/2 owr -L 33251-66 ACC NRj AT6012784 in form of the ratio received voltage. /transmitted current amperage as a func-tion ofl time - e(t)/I; and graphs of returns plotted over the prospected ground line, are shown over various known deposits, for various sizes of the exploring loops and for various current pulse durations. Special tests showed an adequate data repeatability.1 Fig. I shows a record of the voltage/current ratio,over a section of the ground line.1 2 20[ 0 do V 6b J6 40 V fOp0 /0 10 -X 40 -55 stance Dis Fig. 1. Graph of e(t)/I for various current pulse durations over a profile (meters) at Kumus-Tyube for a 4Cx4O m, loop, I T=.8 millisec.; 2 - 1.25 msec; 3 - 2.0 msec. 4 - 3.2 msec; 5 - 4.0 msec. The developed methodology and instrumentation permit the locating of highly conduc- tive mineral bodies at depths of up to 100 meters, with practical absence of Lnomalie due to soft deposits, tectonics or relief. Orig, art. has 12 figures. SUB CODE: 08/ ", - - SUBM DATE; 00/ ORIG REP: 009/ OM REF: 001 ~IN A~.Bo FRANTOV, G.S,; SHMMAJT , S.M. Interpretation in multifrequency inductive electric prospecting. FrAkI. geofiz. no.31:.165-178 '61. (MIRA 15:3) (Electromagnetic prospecting) VELIKIN$-Aleksandr Borisovichj- FRANTOV) Grigoriy Sergeyevich; - ~-- ~~. ~- - M" -,-- - ., S . nauchM red,,; SAFRONOVA, I.M.p tekhn. red. (Electromagnetic fields used in induction methods of electric pra,specting; review of foreign literature) Elektromagnitrqe polia, primeniaenye v induktsionrqkh metodakh elektrorazvedki; obzor zarubezhnoi literatur7. Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1962. 351 p. (Electromagnetic prospecting) (KM& 15:7) VELIKIL'I ~k. 3. The prospectinj_ and excloration for 71nerqla U-nini rtd, 19h(?. '17 P. TN27lj-V4 VELIKIN. B. Petersburg-Foscow; history of the Oktiabrskaia Rai3rcad L"ningrad Istorila fabrik i zavodov, 1934. 141 p. Yudin M14O.V5V4 VELIKIN, B. Peter sbu rg-14o scow; construction of the railroad, 1842-1851 2. iz6., Lenin7rad, IstoriiEL fabrik i zavodov, 1955~ (Cktiabr'skaia zheleznaia dorova, vyr. 1.) Yudin HE514o.N5v4 1935 15 (2), 18 (0) AUTHORt Velikin, B. A. SOV/131-59-8-6/14 TITLEs Application of Gunite to the Lining of Metallurgical Furnaces PMODICALs Ogneuporl, 1959, Hr 8, pp 354-360 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This process serves for a prolongation of the furnace operation time between repair intervals and was applied for the first time to copper refining furnaces of the Worillsk Kombinat. It is based on the fact that a refractory mass in the form of an aqueous suspension is applied to the defective place of the refractory furnace lining. For this purpose the gunite plant of the Gintevetmet (Gosudaratvannyy institut po tsvetnym metallam - State Institute of Nonferrous Metals) is used, which is shown in figure 1 and subsequently described in detail. Figure 2 represents the pulp atomizer of this plant, The composition of the gunite mass may be seen from table 1. On the basie of laborataq investigations carried out by Ko V. Kavalfskaya (Footnote 1) gunite masses are recommended as are indicated in table 2. Practical tests were made in the fuzaaces of the Moscow Copper Foundry and Pyahma Plant for Copper Electrolytes. At the former Plant the gunite mass was produced from broken and ground chrome- Card 1/2 magnesite bricks (Table 3) and at the Pyshma Plant from mortar APplication of Gunite to the Lining of Metallurgical SOY/131-59-8-6/14 of the Pyshma Plant for Refractory Products (Table 4). Figure 3 illustrates the vault and walls of an anode furnacep namely, On the left hand side those coated with gunite and on the right hand side those without gunite. Conclusionst On tho basis of oxporimonte the application of gunite, to the furnace lining of metallurgical furnaces was worked out and gunite plants were built whioh no longer could be missed in up-to date equipment of metallurgical plant aepartmen+s. By eystomatic renewal of the applied layer of gnnite masses the working period of refractory linings can be extended ccnaiderably. The campaign of anode furnaces of the Norillsk Kombinat increased for about tho 3-fold. For coating the Dinaz lining with gunite ',a mass of broken Dinas bricks with an addition of unburnt quartz is recommended. In metallurgical plants of iron industry this procedure should be introduced primarily in open-hearth furnaces and converters. There are 3 figuxes, 4 tablen. and 6 references, 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Gintavetmet Card 2/2 __-K V------- - ____ __ - - - - - - - - XjIi_l B.A.; AXOPOV, G.A.; KOVALISKAYA# . . Gunitiug slag zones of copper refining furnaces. OgneuporY 25 n0-7:316-319 1609 Oa-U 13:8) 1. Gintsvetmet. (Copper-Heat treatment) (Purnaces-Maintenance ard repair) V=KIN, B.A.; AKOPOV, P.A.; KOVALISKAYA, K.V. ............. Repair of hot furnaceo by guniting and introducing the metha to copper refining furnaces. Sbor. nauch. trud. Gintevetmeta no.19:493-503 162. (MIRA 16:7) (Metallurgical fumaces-Maintenanea and repair) (Gunite) KROVWD, A.A.: MTKIN, O.M. - "Rovnoe" Rack Products Plant. Prom,stroi- 37 no.12:18-21 D '59- (MU 13:4) 1. Treat go, 2o Glavlaningradetroya (for Kronrod). 2. Institut Gipronemetrud (for Velikin), (Priozersk District--Sand and gravel plants) UU"SR/Electronics Piezoelectric Filters 1 11-_2_22_2 Card 1/1 Pub go-6/12 Author : *Velikin, Ya. I., *Gellmont, Z. Ya., *Zelyakh, E. V. Title : High-pass piezoelectric filter Perioz~ical : Radiotekhnika, lo, 41-49, mar 1955 Ab---act : Theory and methods of calculation of a certain type of high-pass pjezo- electric filter are presented in this article. Analysis of the filter circuit, determination of the characteristic parameters of the filter, derivation of formulas for calculation of resonant frequencies and operat- iDg attenuations are explained in detail. The calculated values of the high-pass piezoelectric filter characteristics were checked experimentally, and were found to be in good agreement. Two USSR references cited. For- mulas; graphs. Institution: *Active members of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Society of Radio Engineering and Electric Communications imeni As 3, Popov, Moscow Submitted : 22 Apr 1954 AID P - 4555 Subject USSR/Electronics Card 1/9 Pub. 90 - 9/11 Authors Velikin, Ya. I., Z. Ya. Gelmont, and E. V. Zelyakh Title Piezoelectric filter of low frequ6*66ies. Periodical Radiotekhnika, 4, 59-66, Ap 1956 Abstract The article follows an earlier one by these authors (this journal, No. 3, 1955), "Piezoelectric filter of high frequencies". The authors present connectFo-n diagrams for a single and a double section piezoelectric filter of low frequencies, find their characteristics, and develop formulas for the calculation of their elements. Special attention is devoted to the cal- culation of resonant and antiresonant frequencies of such filters and of their operational attenuation. An experimental attenuation characteristic of a two- sectional filter is presented. Five diagrams, 2 Soviet references (1946, 1955). --- --- - -- - - --- ZZLYAKH, N.V.; VELIKIN, Ta.l. Narrov band piezoelectric filters. Blektrosylazl 10 no.8:39-51 Ag 156. (Zlectria filters) (KLRA 9:9) CIRCUITS "Electric Filters with Resonators of Synthetic Cr,,stals" by Ya. I. Vel.-ikJ.n and E. V. Zelyalh, ElqK-trojg 1957, pP 0--100- -9f, No 11; November Somewhat obsolete article (delivered at the First All-Union Confer- ence on Piezoelectricity on Hovember.27, 1952, on the developaent ol" electric filtem for 1-2-channel carrier telephone system, in which s5mthetic crystals replace the quartz In the piezoelectric resonators. Card: 1/1 L 35664~e66 F_ Xa NR, AP10-0785 0001002/00 6608 SOURCE CODE: UR/0106/66/ AUTHOR: Velikin, Ya. I.; Zelyakh, E. V.; Ivanoval As Is ORG: none TITLE: Narrow-band magneto stri c tion. filters SOURCE: Elektroevyamit no. 2# 1966, 1-8 TOPIC TAGS: electric filters magneto striction filter kBSTRACT: A method is developed for calculating single- and two-section magneto- striction filters (MF) that have a 4 fl. bridge circuit and include one two- winding magnetos triction resonator and one doubly-wound inductance ccAl (see figure). Theoretical plots of - - - - - - - - 704- characteristic impedance and attenuation of )~W arms are shown. Actual Equivalent Formulas for the effective attenua- Magnetos triction-filter circuit tion of single- and two-9ection MF's Card I -L 35854-66 - - - r--A--C-C-N-R-s-A-P6-0--I-O-*7-8-,S--- lare developed. A 78-kc experimental two-section filter was tested; Its attenuation characteristics are very close to those estimated by the authors' formulas. Orig. lart. has: 10 figures, 30 formulas, and I table. CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: O8Jul65 /'ORIG REF: 005 Card VELIKIN, Ya.l.; ZELYAXII, E.V.; IVANOVA, A.I. Wide-band magnetostrictive filt~.-rs. k;lektrosviaz 17 no.10:1-9 0 163. (WLA 17:1) VELIKIN,, Ya.I.; ZELYAKII, E.V.; IVANOVA, &.I. Fingle-link narrow-band magnstostriction flIters. ElektrosvlW 16 no,,2:51-59 F 162. (KMA 15:2) (Mectrio filtera) 3fG` 7 S/1O6/WOO0/OO4/GO7/Ol0 A055/A1O1 AUTHORS: Velikin, Ya-I-i Zelyakh, E.V.; Ivanova, A.I. TITLEi Rejectioa magnetostrictive filters PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyaz', no. 4, 1962, 48 - 54 TEXr.- A method for calculating bridge-type rejection filters consisting of magnetostrictive resonators and condensers is described. The rejection magneto- strictive filter is shown schematically in F1guro 1, the resonator being replaced by its equivalent circuit (the losses in the filter elements are neglec-ted). The Impedances of the arms are; 2 2 Z, - 1 2 Yc f Lo 2 z 1 (1) 2 f2 2 1 2 j-c f C f. 2 where fl and f2 are, respectively, the antiresonant and the resonant frequency of the resonator. The filter characteristic impedances Zco and Zco (at f - 0 and f--->c,o, respectively) being but little different, the rated impedance of the fil- ter is taken equal to Gar(24) Rejection magnetostrictive filters S/106/62,/000/004/oo7/wo A055/A101' z _00 - RO (3) m - C72 OL RO being the load resistance and acthe matching coefficient. The graphs showing the frequency-dependence of Z1, Z2, bc (characteristic attenuation) and Zc reveal that the examined circuit is a rejection filter whose characteristic rejection band is situated between the frequenclas fl and f2. Within this band (at f..), occurs the attenuation pole, f,.0 being deduced from formula: 2 2 2 2 2 2 f';' (f 2 - fc~) = 11~ R~' - f1) where I FO (5) 2 st Vi~ C2 The formulae permitting the calculation of the filter elements are: zM 2 A L0 PO Li % LO fl C1 -4 jr 2 -2 C2 - 2 it Fo Zm (6) C ard 2/ 4 s/1o6/62,/C,00/004/OCrJ/OIO Rojection magnotostrictive filters A055/A101 ~f2 f FO - f. 2 r" 2 (7) 2 _ f2 f 00 fl 1 f2 - fl being the width of the char4ateriatic rejection band. The maximum width of the rejection band is: K2 f, max 2 K being the electromechanical coupling coefficient. The author next considers the case when two rejection bands are necessary (two sories-connected magneto- strictive resonators being used) and deduces a formula giving Amax for this cate. He calculates then the working attenuation of the single-mesh filter. This at- tenuation is: + cL + 1 32 bW ln + 1 - t2 M .9 (16) ork ft V, 1 4 (,q _ t)2 where t 2 (f.0 - fa), fa (fl + f2), 2 (f f.) . An 2 Card 3/4 3/106/62/000/004/W7/010 Rejection magnotostrictive filters A055,/AIOl analogous formula is also deduced for the working attenuation of the two-mash filter. Some results of a practical application of the above formulae are given at the end of the article. The Soviet personalities mentioned in the article ares D.G. Yatsenko, T.M. Novikova, N.D. Boayy. There are 9 figures and 4 refer- ences: .3 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloc. SUBMITED: October 28, 1961 Pi ~re-lb. gu C, C, 1%, : ----------- Card 4/4 S/io6/62/6oq/oo2/oo8/O1o 74 AO55/A1O1 AUTHOM: Veli'Fln. Ya. I., Zelyakh, E. V., Ivanova, A. I. TITLE: Single-mesh narrow-band magnetostrictive filters PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazf, no. 2, 1962, 51 - 59 TEXT: In the present article are described some of the results of the study of magnbtostridtive ferrite-core resonators and of filters composed of such resonators, undertaken by the authors. Only single-mesh narrow-band filters are examined, in. this article, by the analytical method already descri*)ed by two of the auth6A (Zelyakh and Velikin, Radiotekhnika, no. 7 - 8, 1946). The sche- matic diagram of these filters is shown in Fig. la, Fig. lb being its equivalent circuit. Neglecting, as a first approximation, the losses In the filter ele- ments, the authors derive expressions permitting the calculation of the filter elements L01, L02, LI, L2P C1 and C2 (or the elements LO, L, C, and C, when L, - L2 - L and LO, - L02 - LO). They next calculate the components O"f the mag- netostrictive resonator impedance Z - R + iX. Formulae are deduced, first for R, and X, and then for R2 and X I e. for the resistance and reactance of the resonators forming the fArst ani'th; second am of the filter, respectively. Ex- Card 1/2 S/ I 06/6Z/OW/OOP_/O(.)8/0 10 Single-mash narrow-band magnetostrictive filters A055/A1O1 i perimental checks proved that the values of the resistances:and reactances cal- culated with the aid of these formulae are sufficiently correct. In the third chapter of the article, the authors determine the working attenuation of the exa- mined filters in two cases: 1) without taking into account the losses in the resonators, 2) account taken of these losses. The results of an experimental investigation'of some magnetostrictive filters designed according to the desn1bod -method are reproduced at the end of the article. There are 10 figures and 5 ref- erencest .4 Soviet-bloc and 1 non-Soviet-bloo. The rqference to the English- language publication reads as follows: Eurgt. Piezomagnetic ferrites. Electronic Technology, 1960, v. 37, no. 9. The Soviet authors or scientists mentioned in the article aret S. S. Kogan, N. D. Bosyy. -7- -_ by STajj=j June 23, 1961 & - Real 2 - Res 2 L, L 0 01 Card 2/Z 29567 2 00 4.3, It 51) 3/108/61/016/011/003/007 31,30 (113;,, 106) D201/D304 AUTHORSt Veljjxin Ya Iop Gellmont, Z.Ya., and Zefpakh E.V09 Membiir~s ~oj TITLE: Narrow-band lattice crystal filters PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnikap v. 40, no. 119 !961, 26 - 33 TEXTt In the present article design formulae are derived for lat- tice tiltere consisting of a piezoelectric cjystalowd a capacitor and forming a singlep two-, three and four-section networks. The analysis of the filters is made using basic ri- and T-sections, as shown in Pigs* la and 2a. Although design formulae for the above configuration are given in literaturep for narrow pass-band fil- tersp in which the ratio of the pass-band to its center frequency is smaller than e.g. 0.05, simpler approximate formulae may be used obtained by the method similar to that given byjjtV. Zelakh JRef. 6: Metod rascheta ekvivalentnykh ekhem (Method of Designing Equiva.- Ont C1rcu1t8j-pNauchno-tekhn. sbo po elektroavyazi Leningr. in-ta svyazi no. 6,-1946). These formulae are as follows: for fl-section Card 1/6 Narrow-band lattice crystal filters 2 0 1 m 1 411 Mfallnom 0 Al m 2 2Z faRnom Cq 2 2Z mfa Rnom for T-seotion 01IP4 21 faRnOMP MRnom. --2W' 1W C2 (m 2 _ R 1) fa nom 2m3 (m 2 _1)2Rnom Cq Sr (M2 _1) 2faRnom q' 8'Y m36 29587 8/108/61/U16/011/003/007 D20I/D304 (2) Card 2/6 29587 slf/ioa/61/016/011/003/007 Narrow-band iattice crystal filters D20!/D304 For both cases M :-:::ff ~00 (3) and f2 - f I (f + f (4) 19 fa I i 2) where f1 and f2 out-off frequenciesp f 00- frequences of the attenu- om - characteristic filter ation bandv R impedance at freqeuncy f a- n For narrow-band filterB9 as frequencies n ear fa m 0 7 f 0 T7 (5) may be assumed a) 1 and hfnoep introducing o L A = 2(f - f )9 t = CO 00 a a A (6) Card 3/6 29587 8/108/61/016/011/003/007 Narrow-band lattice crystal filters D201/,D304 the approximate expression for m is obtained as I T -IV i M Pej (7) which is the generalized equation (does not contain frequency), The atttnuation of the single secvion filter is derived as 1 Af -t--f -I - a + (k + a N P,::i F ~ a a t (22) where a = Ro 9 and q given by 1~0_m f -1 f -T 9, Y4 - the normalized frequency tRef. 6s Op. filter the anntenuation is derived as ~19) cit.). For the two-section Card 4/6 29 :3)18 ;~/bl/016/UUM5/007 varrOW-band lattice crystal filters D201/D)04 (21 - oc +(16 + a)II(It - 1) a (71, a_ t)2 (27) for three-aeotion 4('jt - 1) 2 _(t -1)2 J I - oc +(I + a),7,j (35) a cc (t - ~)3 and four-Bection as - tj (??t _1) 2(~t 1) 2 -(7?,- 02 N 4-.0 2f t 21 [1 - a + (c(+ a CX t)4 Each of tehm simpli jes according to the values of load and the respectiv. values of lLand to The above filter circuits may, in particular be used for ,rystal filters at frequencies above 1 me/s, with transverse oscillating crystals of AT and -BT out. Experimental two- and three-n-Section filters operat-Ine at the center pass-band frequency of 1364 kc/s had a pass band of 8C0 c/s. There are 8 fi- gures and 7 references: 4 Soviet-bloc and 3 non-Soviet-bloc. The Card 5/6 29587 S11061611016101110031007 Narrow-band lattice crystal filters D201/D304 reference to the English-language publication reads as follows: R. A. Sykes, IRE National Convention; part 2p 1958, ASSOCIATION: Nauchno-tekhnicheakoye obahchestvo radiotekhniki i elektroavyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Techni- cal Communication im. A.S. Popov) [Abstractor's note: Name of Association taken from 1st page of journalj SUBMITTED: April 29, 1960 (initially) July 7P 19.61 (after revision) 1 2. Fig. 1. F go r Hi C, C t t C_ PRc. 2 'Fig -PUC. Card 6/6 8982,9 S 7S'0 AUTHORS: TITLE: S11061601000101110041010 A055/AO33 Velikin, Ya-I., Gellmont, Z.Ya., and Zelyakh, E.V. A Piezoelectric Band-Elimination Filter Circuit. PERIODICAL: Elektrosvyazl, 1960, No.11, PP- 34-39 EXTt The band-elimination quartz filters have usually a comparative- y low impedance in the region of the suppressed frequencies. In some practical cases, it is sometimes necessary, however, for the filter to have a considerable impedance in the suppressed band. Two such filter circuits, Icontaining one and two piezoelectric resonators respectively (see Fig. la and lb) are described in the present article. Theee filter circuits have really two suppression bands: a wide one and a narrow one. The narrow band, in the region of the antiresonance frequency of the resonator (shunted by a capacitance), is the principal one and is used for the suppression of currents of given frequencies. Its width is somewhat larger in the circuit containing two resonators. Using equivalent circuits for his discussion, the author calculates the effective attenuation in the suppression band. He establishes first a general formula for the case of the filter circuit con- Card 1/2 898229, S11061601000101110041olo A055/AO33 A Piezoelectric Band-Elimination Filter Circuit. taining two resonators, and then applies this formula to the filter circuit with one resonator. He then works out a corresponding formula for the effective attenuation in the transmission band of the filters. Formulae are also given allowing to calculate the input impedance of the filter ci7cuit (containing two resonators) in the case of the suppressed band and in the case of the pass-band (simplified approximate formulae being used in -,his latter case). At the end of the article, some general recommendations are given as to the calculation of the filter circuits and the choice of ihe piezoelectric resonators. There are 7 figures and 6 references: 5 Soviet and 1 non-Soviet. SUBMITTED: MaY 3, 1960 PUC. I Card 2/2 VELIKINA, M.TS.j MITINA, S.I. Practice of using operating and technical sections in servicing vire broadcasting and comunication systems. Vest. sviazi 25 no.3s15-16 Mr 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Starshiye inzhenery-ekonomisty Otdela truda i zarabotnoy platy Hinisterstva evyazi SSSR. .ACCESSION NR: AP4012344 S/0199/641005/001/0034/0038 AUTHOR: Velikiy, A. P. TITLE: A*representation of the solutions of differential-difference equations with constant coefficients SOURCE: Sibirskiy matematicheskly zhurnal. v. 5, no. 1, 1964, 34-38 TOPIC TAGS: difference equation, differential equation, differential-difference equation ABSTRACT: This paper shows that the solutions of a certain class of differential- difference equations can be represented in the form of a sum of two terms, the first of which is the solution of a certain difference equation, while the second is the sum of the solutions of a certain recurrent system of differential equations. This representation allows us to find an exact solution of the dif- ferential-difference equation without determining the roots of the corresponding transcendental characteristic equation. if we consider the linear differential- difference equation with constant coefficients 'z aw" (X) +I I a10" (x + a.U (x) + bN (it 1) 1 Card 1/3 ACCESS ION MR: AP4012344 with the boundary conditions (X) Its const m < jc;(~A (2) and also consider the difference equation aqu (X) + 2,biu (x - (3) with the boundary conditions U(6) Us. (4) and the recurrent system of differential equations- a'lv") W + aev, (X) - af,0% (x J) bjV,_j (x 1): (5) with the boundary conditions- U (r 0) U (r), (Y- 1 2 ..... a-, (6) Card 2/3 fACCESSION NR: AP4012344 then the main result Is the following theorem: The solution of equation (1) under conditions (2) can be represented in the.form U(X).C/(X)+IV,(x), X>O (7) where 6W Is.the solution of equation (3) under conditions(4), and Vr(x) Is the solution of equation (5) under conditions (6). A simple Illustrative example Is presented at the end of the paper. "The author would like to thank V. S. Korolyuk for suggesting the problem and for guidance during the work." Orig. art. has: 22 numbered equations. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 03Sep62 SUB CODE: MM* DATE ACQ: 26Feb64 NO REF SOV: o06 ENCL: 00 OTHER: 000 cwd 3/3 1. 1 ; - I I I I i .), , . , ,, ,. . , , F , . - I ',~ I . I ., VELIKIY, A.P. [Velykyi, A.P.] Asymptotic behavior of generalized solutions to differential difference equations containing a small parameter at the higher derivatives. Vop. AN UR-',R no.11:1419-14-13 164. (MIRA 18:1) 1. Institut avtomatiki Gosplana SSSR. Predstavleno akademikom AN UkrSSR, Yu.A. Mitropollskir. (Mytropollalkyi, 111.0.1. VELIKIY, A.P. Representation of the solutions t.-i differential-diffGrence equations with constant coefficients. Sib. mat. zhur. 5 no.l: 34-38 JA-F 164. (MIRA 17:7) VELIKIZO A.S, Tectonic conditions and stages in the foluation Of the strumure Of ore deposits in folded arease Vest.IGU 16 no.1206-W 16i- (MM 106) (ore deposits) .1 I 4G- In mnory of Profsooor Konstantin Nikolaevich 02erov. Uch. zap. IDU no.1540-12 '52* (KIRA 11:3) (Ozerovs XDnatantin Nikolaevich, 1899-1949) VZLIUYO A.S.; UWAN, A.S. - - - ~ -Mown% Saw regOArities in the occurrence of polymetallic deposits In the interior of the Dzunprlsn-Balkhash structure. Inform.abor.VM03I no.2:53-56 155. (XLVA 9: 11) (Balkhash region--Ore deposits) VILIKIT, 'k S Theoretical requisites and observable signs in geological prospecting. Test.Len.un.9 no.1:209-217 Ja 154. (MLRA 9:7) (Prospecting) , .-- ... - Cbenical Influence of the rock beds on ore deposition. Uch. zap. IM no.154t93-99 '52. (XM 1l;:3) (Orea) VELIKIY,_AleksaiLdr-Semenovich; hUIAGINA, T.I., red.; VODOLAGINA, S.D., tekhn. red. (Structure of ore deposits in folded areas] Struktury rudnykh polei (v skladchatykh oblastioLkh. Leningradp Izd-vo Leningr. univ., 1961. 274 p. (MM 15:1) (Ore deposits) (Folds (Geology)) (-VILMT, A.B.; INTAZZV, I.I,; KWAIF& A*Ss Distribution of complex metal deposits in the Sarysu-Balkbash~- Kura watershed, Trud7 VSX;ZI 32'.129-203 16o. (KIR& 13:11) (razakhatan-Ore deiosits) VALIKIT, B.G., inxb.; MOT, T-Y-. InZh- Xquipment for the automotization of mine drabages VC011 ukr. 4 no.5:34 Mr 16o. (XIRA 13:8) (Mine drainage) (Automatic control) VI;LIKIY F.L, Rare anomaly in the developwnt of the spine, Fcdlatrlia 42 no.1:66 Ja'63. (1-aliA 16:10) 1.Iz 3- Vinrxitskoy gorodskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach Ya.Z. Levchulk (SPINE-ABDOW-TI-ILS AND JEFOW-aTIM) VILIKIT Y.L. ILZZ=U-i~ Some Peculiarities in the clinical and reontganological course of myelomatonin. Yrach.delo n0.7:751 J1 '57. (KLRA 10:8) 1. Kure rentganologii i radiologii (soy. - kandidat meditainskilch nauk V.V.Novikov) Vinnitakogo maditainskogo instituta (BONES--TUMORS) Cranial level., i rad. 33 n0,5'.87-88 S-0 158 (MIRA ll;~l) 1, Is Vinnitakogo meditainskogo inatitu)a (dir. - doteent S.I. Korkhov) kurs rentgenologii i radiologii ( V-V. Novikov). (X RAYS-EQUIPWM AND SUPPLINS) _,TZLIKIYi -G9-- An imortant stage in the development of Soviet-Indian econonie relations. Vnesh.torg. 29 no.2:14-16 959. (MM 12:4) Rassia--Commerce--India ndia--Go=erce--Rassia1 R VELIKIY, G&G, Reducing the industrial noise. Pull i put.khoz. 8 no.3t35 164, (MIRA 17:3) 1. flachallnik otdela promyshlennykh predpriyatiy sluzhby puti Yuzhnoy dorogi, Kharlkov. VELIKIY.,- G.G.; IUZJIEWLAK, I.D. Semiautomatic control of conveyeroo Put' i put. khoz. 5 no. 1:27 ja 161. (MIRA 14: 5) 1. Nachallnik otdola shchebzavodov i karlyerov sluzhby putij. q. KharIkov (for Velikiy). 2. Direktor Redutskogo ehchebzavoda (for Poshotnyak). (Conveying machinery) (Automatic control) 1--39LIKLYI-0000 - Defects in the design of stone-crushing machines, Put' i put. khoz. 3 nos3t17 Mr 161, (MIRA 14-3) 1, Iluchallnik otdeja shchebenoohnykh zavodov i karlyerov, g. Xharlkov. (Crushing machinery) GREBANOV, V,G,; VELIKIY, G.G, Xril3lcovo crushed Stone. Put' i put.khoz. no.11:40-41 N 159. (MMA 13:4) 1, Nachallnik sluzhby puti, zdanly i sooruzhonly, Rharikory, Yu,zhnaya doroga (for Gribanov). 2, Naciiallnik otdela zavodev I karlyarov, Kharlkov (for Vellkir). (Xryukov--Btons. Crushed) VELIKIY-r--G.G. (Zharlkav); ILOYASHEIKO, G.R. (Kharlkov) Nov twoem*' Pat' I put4khoss 4 no.6:31 A 160;~ (MM 13:7) Istone, Crushed) (Screens (mining)) __VZLIKIY. G.G. (Zharkov) "Singinesandso Friroda no.6:82 -Te '60. WRA 13,.6) (Dnieper Valle~--Singing san&e) VZWKIY, G.G., inshener (Kharlkov); ILOYASHIM, G.R.. insh6aer (Iharlkov). Urgent problems in organizing the production of crashed stoze for track reinforcement. Zholeder.tranap. 37 zo.4t70-73 Ap 156 (Ballast) (MLRA ;:?) VZLIKIY, G.G.; RESHETUYAK, I.D. Improrving tho planning of stone crushing plants. Put' I rut,,khoz 4 no.6:33 Ag 160. (MIRA 13,73 1. Nachallnik otdela shchebenochnvkh zavodov i karlyerov, etantstya Reduty, Yuzhn'oy dorogi (for Velikiy). 2. Rachallnik Redutekogo ahchobanochnogo zavoda, stanteiya Reduty, Yuzhnoy dorogi (for Roahetnyak). (Stone industry) 15-57 -3-3743 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geologiya, 1957, 14r op p 182 (USSR) AUTHOR: Velikiy, G. G. TITLE: The Firming of Soils b~_an Electrochemical Method (Electrical Drainage) Zakrepleniye untov clektro- khimicheskim metodom (Elektrodrenazhj~ PERIODICAL: Uch. zap. Khurfkovsk. un-ta, 1955, Nr 57, pp 163-175 ABSTRACT: An earthen railroad bed, built on oversaturated brown clay, was deformed, with the result that soil was squeezed into the drainage ditch. Weak pumping of the ground prevented the applicatlon of common drainage sys tems. Laboratory studies have shown the effective- ness of using electrical drainage. A hi h ontent of water-soluble salts (in particular CaC12 made it-pos- sible to use the method without adding chemicals. The area to be firmed was divided up into three sections Card 1/2 17.00, 16.25, and 14.50 m long, and 272 electrodes were The Firming of Soils (Cont.) 15-57-3-3743 driven Into the ground; these wore Iron pipes 1.6 m and 1.85 m long vdth internal diameters of 35 to 50 mm. The spacing wds determined by calculation from values obtained at one cm with a voltage of one v. The voltage amounted to 180 to 200 v. By using electrical drainage ttie plasticity of the ground decreased 25 to 40 percent, and the tendency of soil to swell was greatly decreased. Card 2/2 L. I. L. 11;~ 1�21-66 EWT(m)/E'4p(J)/T RY, ACC NR: AP5024959 4 SURGE COM: UR/0286/,65/000/016/0021/0021 ~0 "I 4A I,,> e > AUTHORS: Demin, M. No; Volikiy, G. I. Fridman,-. N, q 4P. ORG: none j J~ TITLE: Method for producing nonwoven cloth. Class 8, No. 17370`7 SOURCE: Byulleten' izobreteniy t tovarnykh zna~.ov, no. 16, 19650 21 TOPIC TAGS: polyurethane, synthetic fiber,, polymer., k4".1 ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate praseos a mothod for producing nonwoven oloth from atiched or bound foam-P-01vurethane.tM iml-wove the quality of the cloth, the foam-ipolyurethane Is glazed prior to dtitching and mercerized after stitching. \9 SUB CODE:ocAW SUBM DATE: 26MAy64 Cardnw iA UDGI 677.M*352t677,49,'#.664 -1.> rl-I I ., ~ -'" .~i 7~ -1 , T M., I -'Illm lmwmi VILIKIY, I.G., inzh.; ItOVIKOV, N.V., Insh. Driving inclines In gas-bearing rocks. Shakht. strot. no.12:18-20 D 159. (MIU 13:3) l.Trest Kadiyevsha~htostroy, (Mining engineering) (Mine gases) VF-LIKIY I.G. inzh.; NOVIKOV, R.Y., inzh.j- SOKOLOV, A.Kh.; I.P. I.S. Rodtkin's book m7entilation in the course of mine buildingm Shakht. stroi. 5 no.8-.30 Ag 161. (KURA 16:7) 1, Treot Kadiyevpodzemshakhtostroy (for Velikiy, Novikov). 2. Shakhts. Mariya-Glubokaya (for Sokolov). 3. Shakhta Krasnopollys-Glubokaya (for Sirchenko)* (Mine ventilation) --- ---- - - -- ---- --- -- ------ - VELIKIY9 L0.0 inzh.l NOVIKOVO N.V., inzh. I Rapid sinking of ship shafts in the Mallnilcov No. 7 Mine. Shakht. stroi, 6 no.3t23-24 Mr 162. (MIRA 15,31' 1. Treat Wiyevpodzemshakhtostrolihaft sinking) VELIKIY, I.G., inzh.; NOVIKOV, N.V.,, inzh.; M-UEYEVA,, L.V., inzh. I Operating the BU-1 drill. Shakht. atroi. 6 no-5:28-29 My 162. (141M1 1! --7) 1. TrAst Kadiyevpodzomshakhtostray. (Boring machinery) VELIKIr; I. G., inzh.; NOVIKOV, N. V., inzh. Zaperience in the work with.explosive charges with an increased diameter. Ugoll 37 no.10:30 0 162. (MMA 152-10) 1. Trest Kadiyevpo'dze=hakhtostroy. (Donets Basin-Coal mines and mining--Explosiv*j) RYDAIXIN, G.I., lnzh.; SHARAPOV, V.A., inzh.; Inzh.; MALIOVANOV, D.I., doktor tekh. nauk; PRUMNIER, V.L., inzh.; KONDORSKIYY R.L., Inzh.; TUMANOV, V.Ya., inzh.; FWCHELOV, A.K., kand. tekhn. nauk The BUKS-I equipment is an important step in the accomplishment of overall mechanization of shaft sinking. Shakht. stroi. 9 no.2: 1-3 F 165. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kombinat Luganskshakhtostroy (for Rybalkin, 3harapov, Velikiy). 2. TSentrallnyy natichno-issledovatellskiy i proyektno-konstruktorskiyl institut podzemnogi) i shakhtnogo stroltellstva (for Mallovanov, Pruzhnier, Fondorsidy, Tumanov, Pogorelov). VELIXIYY_~,I., inzh.; YAGUPOV, A.V., kan(l. to'k-fin. nauk Jet piercing of holes and using portable oxygen equipment In mine construction. Shakht. stroi. 9 no.2t28-29 F 165. ~MI?A J,8.-41 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po prcyektirovaniTj oboru.-_'~;vpini.ya po dobyche i obogasticheniyu rud (for Volikiy). 2. Kr1v(-)r(-,Zhskiy g,,)rn,-. rudnyy institut (for YaguDov). VILIKIY' M.I. - I_ 7rom our ex?oriences in operating T83 diesel locomotives. Zlek.i tepl.tiaga 3 no.11:43 V 1.59. (MTRA 13:3) I.- Hashiniat -ins trukt or, depo Lisid, Tugo-Tootochnoy dorogi. (Diesel locomotives) TSIRELIp Ya.A., inzho (1/mingrnd); V"IFU, f Lernirwr ad) A. -.!!,,A,, Inzh. More about the groim,lirtip of' r-inforcrid T~wer transminsion line towers. En,~,-gotik -3 no.612l-23 Jv 165, NF~A M7) 1 1 TSIRELIJ. Ya.A,, inzh.; TELIM, N.A., inzh. Grounding of single-pole reinforced concrete power transmission line poles. Enargetik 11 no. 12:4-8 D 163. (MIRA 17:5j VELTKIY., N*V* in2h.,- NOVIKOV y H. V. , inzh, Experiment in using explosive cartridges with a larger diameter. Shakht.stroi. 6 no,1:25-26 Ja 162. 04IM 14:12) 1. Treat Kadiyevpodzemshakhtostroy. (Coal mines and mining-Explosives) VELIKIT, lazli. Cropping of steel casting risero with natural gas. SrLr. proizv. no.0':39-40 JO 162. (1-11RII 15- 6) 1. Volgogradskiy nauchno-iosledovatellskiy institut teklinologii ma hinastroyeniya. (Gas weldi and cutting) (RiserelFounding)) "Irv VELIKIY, Ye. Large-panel housing construction in Volgograd. Zhil. stroi. no.9:4-8 162. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Glavnyy inzhener Upravleniya stroitel'stva. Volgogradskago soveta narodnogo kh~eyaystva. (Voig6kjrid-~-Precast concrete construction) "),-.t:--.oV. LN'. G.; V.1!;-*;(-11"'-o' 0. G. Usci-.ko, V. Yi-,. 4.1"Yc"CVI-nan' V. S. 0"`IG: nono- TITLE: Arrangement for packing explosive cartridges. Class 72, No. 185726 SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyyc obraztsy, tovarnyyc znaki, no. 17, 1966,, packing technique, paper, explosive, packing machinery, caL-tridge' TOPIC TAGS: ABSTRACW An Author Certificate has been issued describing an arran,gement for packin ~.cxplosivc carLeidges. It consists of a mechanism for unwinding the appying grlue ancl a stencilled pattern on the paper and cutting #*he paper to L I I spe-ciiication. Thereare mechanisms for aligning and collecting the cartridges anc shaping, bundles, a rotary me-chanism, i-no-chanisms foe covering packL~ts and uniloading pr(.~parcci packets, an6 an autornatic. interlocking system. To increase ,-,C clilclellcy in shapin(l cartridge packets, the arrangement has a mechanism ior shaping packets, made in the form of rectangular flaps hinged with two levers .-Ccird 112 -UDC:-6 23. 457..-G 21-198.-4:622-242- ACC Nil: __.AP603254'1__ secured or, a coupling rod, and foldin,- duri,- lifting ten cartridges, shaping them knio a pcalliet in rows of five. To hold the packet of cartridges during packing, the rotary mechanism is equipped with cassettes, containing a frame, a piston with a rod, and clamping levers (see Fil.-Is 1 and 2). Orig. art. has: 2 figures. jTrans-': Fig. 2 Fi-. 1 Fig. 1 and 2. Arrancrement for packing explosive I cartridges. !--Flaps; 2--levers; 3--coupling rod; 4--ten cartridges; 1 5--packet of cartridrres; C. 6 - -body; L 7 - -piston; 8--rod [of piston] 9--levers SU3 C 0 D 13/ SUBM DATE: 29V,,LarG5/ RMOGIN, I.Z.; monter, elaktronekhanik; MILTAT:-:V, LN. starably elaktr-orekbanik; LAZAREVICH, G.P., alektromekbanik; OSIPOV, P.P., eleL-trcmakhanik 3twgestious of efficiency experts* Aytom.taim.i eviez' 4 no.8: 30-31 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. Xlektricheskaya tsentralizatsiya, stantell Basymyanka Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for lebogin). 2. Torozhbyansimva distantelyasignalizatsii I avyazi Tugo-ZapadLoy dorogi (for Valikodw). 3. Deminskaya distantsiya signalizataii i Mazi Kuybyshevskoy dorogi (for Kilyayev) 4. Oralmya distantsiya signalizatait 1. svyazi Nnybyshavskoy dorogi (for Iassrevicb). 5. Vereshchaginakaya distantsiya signalizataft 1. svyazi Sverdlovskoy dorogi (for Osipov). (Railroads--Zlectric equipment) (Rat Iroade-Signaling) tJSSR / Human and Animal Physiology. Metabolism. T-2 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 1, 19W, No. 3133 Author :-Velikodyarokaya, G. A. Inst Title Disturlances, of Tryptophan Metabolism in the Liver of Rats in States of Protein-Deficiency Orig Pub Vopr- nod-khimii, 1957, 3, No 4, 292-w300 Abstract Rats of 100 - 140 gm weight that were kept on a law protein diet were destroyed when symptoms of protein deficiency appeared and the serum protein level decreased. Microscopic slices and homogenates of the liver were incubated with tryptophan or ktnurenin at 38 C for 2 hours. In the livers of the protein-deficient rate, the activity of tryptophanparoxidame and kinureninase was considerably smUer than in the livers of the control anizals . Following tranafer of the rats fr= a protein- C ard 1/2 11 LUSR / Human and Animal Physiology. *tabolisms T-2 Abe Jour Rof Zhur - 31ologiya, No 1, 1959, No- 3133 deficient to a full-valua diet, the activity of try- ptophanperoxidase was rapidly rGetored, while the restoration of the kinureninese activity occurred at a much slaver tempo. When tryptophan, 1 V'g/gm' was administered twice to the 1protein-deficient rate, the activity of tryptophanparoxidase in the liver rose markedly. However, when tryptophan was added to the liver slices of these animals, the tryptophanporoxidase activity somewhat decreased. Yollaving intraperitoneal adminlatration of cortisone, only a partial restoration of tryptophanparoxidaso activity in the liver was noted. When tryptophan, 1 mg/gm, was given to both protein- deficient and control Ani le, there was in the first group a considerably higher urinary output of -hanged tryptophan, kinurenin, zanthurenLc acid methy1nicotina- mide than in the second group. -- S. D. Gurovich Card 2/2 GREBEVIIK, L.I.; GIEWCOVSKM, T.V.; 'rxjlYMVQlLUM# G.A.' Comparative data an the metabonsm of nicotinic and isonicotinic acids in the rat ~organism. Farm, i tok4 23 no. 5:436-439 S-0 160,, (MIRA 13:12) 1. Otdal khimioterapii (zav. - prof. G.N. Pershin) Voesoyuznogo nwachno-issledovatellskogo kbirniko-farmatsevticheskogo instituta imeni S. Ordzhonikidze. (ITICOTINIC ACID) (ISONICOTIFIC ACID) TIKHONENKO, T.I.; VELIKODVORSKAYA, G.A.; ZEMTSOVA, E.V. Chemical and biological properties Of cd bacteriophage. Biokbildia 27 no.4:726-733 Jl-Ag 162. (MIRA 15:1-1) 1. Institute of Radiation and Physico-Chemical Biology, Acadery of Sciences of the U.S.S.R., and Institute of Microbiology and Epidemiology, Academ7 of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R., Moscow. (BACTERIOPHAGE)