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ACC NRt--~i66~6~67
SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66j'000/016/0035/00351
INVENTOR: Bliznyuk, N. K.; Kvasha, Z. N.; Khokhlcv, P. S.; Libman,, B. Ya.;
Vershi in. P. V.: Beym, A. I.; Mil'gotin, I. M.
ORG: none
TITLE- Preparation of S,S,S-trialkyl trithiophosphates. Class 12,, No. 184864
SOURCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki, no. 16, 1966, 35
TOPIC TAGS: 1 -4 4-u 4,4 warcaptan, phoophoryl chloride#
phosphate, chemical readtion, phosphorus chloride
To simplify the technological preparation of S,S,S-trialkyl trithio-
phosphates by.the reaction of mercaptans with phosphoryl chloride,
the reaction Is conducted in the presence of an ammonium salt of
substituted pqlX~~ioph sphoric or polythi5jphosp~pnic acids as catalysts.
SUB CODE: 07/ SUBM DATE: 24May65:. [WA-50; CBE No. 111
ACC NR. AP7013151 SOURCE CIDDE: UR/0413/66/000 02l;O04OjOO4O
IWvMCR: Bliznyuk, N. K.; Khokhlov, P. S.; Libman, B. Ya.; Vershinin, P. V.;
Beyn, A. I.; Varshavskiy, S. L.
ORG: none
TITLE: Hathod for preparing alkyl(aryl)dithiodich'lorophosphates,, Class 12,
no. 187785
SOURCE: IzobretenLya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znakil,
no. 21, 1966, 40
TOPIC TAGS: heterocyclic base compound, mercaptan, organic phosphate
ABSTRACT: A method Is claimed for the preparation of alkyl(aryl)dIthio-
dichlorophosphates, which differs in that for'the purpose of extending the
utilization of resources and increasing the yield of useful products,
phosphorous thlotrichlorldo Is subjected $:o.reactlon with mercaptans In the
presence of catalytic quantities of heterocyclic bases, for example pyri-
dine. CJPRS; 40,4227
~IL 4958-66 EWT(m)/EPF(")/0Jp(J)/E-,jp(t /ENP(b) Ijp(~~) M
ACC NR t AP5025679 SOURCE'FOD& UH/0286/6~/
znyukp N. Kq
t berikova, Re I, I I
AUTHOR-St Bli Verghinin P. V, I ~at_ Libman.
ilhokhlov, Pe 3* iA.
ORGs none
TITLE-. A method for obtaining tr:ialkyltetrathiopho.-;Phatio~I Class J2, No, 1746J
by 9~: nization of thj State Committee fo -Indtiatry at-ths---
ga r Chemical
.-Gosplan SSSR -(Organizatsiya- gosudgstvannogo komiteta po khimiche3l:oy
ii propWaHlennosti pri go3plane SSSR*
ISOURCEt Byulleten' izobreteniy i tovarny1ch znakov, no.,18, 1965, 26
__.'J__TQP1Q -TAGS z __ tri4lkyltetrathiophosphate,--thiotrichlarophosphorus,- mercaptan, qulf
organic compoundp cata.3,vat
B RACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for obtaininf; trialkyltetra-
tZ,~.Bphatea.--Tho--compouzxL4a-. obtained -by--r-eactir.,Y,-tliiotrialilorciphoi;phorus -with
alkylmercaptans. To increase the purity of the fina.L product# the reaction is
carried out in presence of catalyijt3--quinoline~ pyridine.or alkyl d,erivatives of
Ithe lattere,
Card 1/2 UDCi
547.41341-07- A
VERS=N, Petr Vasillyevich
Osnovy Agrofiziki (By) P. V. Vershinin (1 dr.) Moskva,
Fizmtgiz, 1959-
90) po illus., diagre., graphs, tabless
Includes bibliographies.
VERSHIIIIN,.Petr Vasil'yevich; MELIKKOVA. Hariye Konstantinoima; MICHURIN,
I Nikolayevi ch; MOSMOV, Boris Sergeyevich; POTASOV, Mikolay
Petrovich; CHMOVSM, Abram Filippovich, prof.: I(M. A.Z.,
skaaemik, red.: RIVM. I.B., kand.seliskokhoz.nouk, red.; ORLOVAO
L.I., red.; POLISKATA, R.G.,
[Principles of agricultural physics] Oanovy agrafiz!Lki. Hookya,
Gos.izd-vo fiziko-matem.lit-ry, 1959. 903 P. (MIRA 13:2)
(Agricultural physics)
S.vntbetlc soil conditioners [with sumnixy in Inglishl. Pochyo-
vedenis no.10:28-37 0 158* (VRA 11:10)
1. Agrofizicheekly neuchno-iseledovateltakly Institut, Leningrad.
(Soil conditionerij)
VERSHININ, Patr Vasillyprich- DOLOOT, S.I., doktor sellskokhoz,,vauk, red.;
0 . ., nd.izd-va; KRUGLIKOVA, N.A., tekhn.rod.
(Soil structure and conditions for its formation] Poch7ennai&
struliturs. i usloviis, es formirovaniia. Moskva, Izd-vv Akad.vauk
SSSR. 1958. 187 P. OGRA 12:2)
(Soil physics)
Structure and physical properties of twilo in the Kawinnay-a
Steppe, Sbor.trudojv agronsfize no,6:,,i-56 '53, (HIRA 11:7)
(Kamonnaya Stoppe-Soile)
Physical and chemical nature of soil structure. Sbor.trud.po
agron.fis. no.6:208-218 153. (MM 11:7)
(Soil physics)
Reversibility of phenom~~ of--water.stabllit,7 of the soil
structure* Sbor*trvd*p~--4grvn.fiz. no.6r219-227 t5). 0111A.11:7)
(Soil phy-sics)
Methods for determining the water stability of soils. Sbor.trud.po
agron. fis. no-5:5-16 '52. (UM 11:7)
(Soil physice)
Methods for stud7ing soil air. Sbor. trud.po agron. fiz. no.5:17-25
152. (MI3A 11:7)
(Gages iu soile)
VOSHININ, Petr Vasillyevich
Sci-Res Agrophysical Inst WKMIL, Academic degree of Doctor
of Agricultural Scienceso based on his defense, 17 Novemlxx 1953,
in the Council of the Leningrad Agricultural Inst., of his dissertation
entitled: "Forming of Sail Structure".
Academic degree and/or title: Doctor of Sciences
SO: Decisions of VNK, List no. 93 1.6 April 55, Byulleten' YIIO SSE, No. lh,
Jul 56, Moscow, pp h-22, Uncl. JPRSAY429
3(9) S 0 7/5 o -5 9 - 1 a2 52z--
AUTHORs Vershinin, S.
TITLEs A New Expedition Ship
PERIODICAL: Aeteorologiya i gidrologiya, 1959, Nr 'o, Pr, -'7 - 5-6 (j5SR)
A35TRAM The new expedi-tion sMp "A. 1, V~q,,;.-,,'-ov" wa3 crmnmisulorei.
It was bailr by the sudo.-troitellnyy zavod ~'M-
Yard imeni 1, 1.
Nose&-to)ny orae~~, c,f '3 Giav,,~~,yo j;iur~.
che3koy s1uzh-%i flair- Admninistruti-3n Of '.--E
Service) (F-4 '~. It is inended fcr E~nd
logical res;ar-zh' work within the storiy latitad(~s of th- P,
fi,3 throiu:ho;it the year. Like 'he otner Soviet exDeaitioi Sl-i~,,s
"Cbl", 'llikhail 11Vi-y&.-1"j and ';Seva~,topcll",
is a floati:q,- in-titate with a pev:aan-~,nt staff cf
and, sciprirific equi-,raezv~. It is a shcltpr-deck mo-cr shif. w
ar, e.!:t~--dedl waist ~upvr:;Ilruf~,turra, a and an engine rccm
amidships. It. has an c-ver-all 1~ngth of 84-6 m, a beam of
14 r., ari~l r, f-r--~-.-board of 110 m, An M 43/61----ngine of 2COG hp
at 250 rpm viith direct shaft drive is %n-.;talled as mair.
Card 1/2 engine. kL-. fuli engine performance, the ship attains a speud
A New Expedition Ship
of 12 knots, it has a range of 15000 miles, and the maximum
length of voyage is 12o days including reserves. It operates
throughout the year without aNt restrictions. The article is
concluded with a short general list of the apparatus and equip-
ment on board the ship. There is 1 figure.
Card 2/2
Dry-freight transportation boat for the Volga River. Biul. tekh.-ekon.
inform. no.10:70-7Z '59. (KUU 13:3)
(Volga River-.7reighters)
- - - - -- --- VZUHINIII -S-S -- --- -- ---- - --- - - -- - - ---- - ---- - --- -- -
Ship for sea and river navigation used for transportation of cotton
and lumber. Bitil.tekh.-ekon.inform. no.4:65-66 160. (MIRA 13:11)
Perishable cargo carrier. Biul.tekh.-ekon.inform. no-7-#
60-61 160. MRA 13--7)
The nTavriag fish refrigerator ship. Idul.tekh.-ekm4inform. uo*q:
63-66 960. (MIRA 13.10)
(Refrigerator ships)
Vwx III S.
The 5,000-ton lumber carrier O?av:Lin Vinogradove" Blulotekho-ekon.
inform. no.11:60-62 160. 13: 11)
(Lumber-Transportat tort)
The "Volga-Don-l" dr7-cargo diesel shi; with a 5vOOO-ton
n*o',3:61-63 161 (HIRA 14:3)
capacity. 1 0
Sectional barge "Parryib" Biul,, tekh.--skon. Inform. Cos.
nauoho-isel. Inst. nauch. I tekh. inform. 17 no.301-11 164.
(min 1719)
i0 -53 163-
Floating fish cannery Biul. tekh.-ekon, inform. no. WO
(MIU 14: 5)
(Fishing boats)
Icebreaker and freighter "Amguema." Biul.tekh.-ekoritinform.
no.8:75-77 161. (,IURA 14:8)
(Ice-breaking veasels)
Freight cranes on sea-going vessels. Bial.tekh.-ekon.inform.
no.10.,75-76 161. (IMA 14:10)
(Crowe, derricks, etc.) (Freighters)
Self-propelled ferryboat for rivers and reservoirs. Biul.tekh,ekon-
inform. no.11:83-84 '61. (MBU 14:12)
M-y-earp-frd4Mer-xYoltA*ao-w- Biul.tekh.-okon.inform.Gooonauch.-
iso.l.inst.nauch. i tekh.infam. no.7t74,76 162. (MIRA 15:7)
VFM11121111, S.S.
The OStrela" sea-going'pasbenger.diesel ship with unddirwater wings.
BiuI.tekh.-ekcd1. inform. Gos.nauch ~4a al. inat. nauch. i tekh.inform.
no.8:75.-77 162. (MIRA 15.7)
(Planing buns)
The *Chernomorskaia-10 eartb-transporting diesel scov. Diul.tekh.-
ekon.inform.dos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform. no.lt74-75
163. (MM 16:2)
. ~~w FV4.M -- -.-- --- ---
Refrigerator ship OSibir." Biul.tekh.-okon.inform.Gos,,nauchs-
lool.inst.nauch.i tekh.infom. no.205-76 163. VOU 16s2)
(ftefri6rator shipo)
Lumber carrier *Vytegralis.t Biul.tokh.-okon.infom.Gos.nauch.-
leal.inst.nauch. i tekh.inform. no.396547 163.
(MIRA 16:4)
Maritime passenger motorboat "Baku" for Cagpian oilfifilds.
16 no.468-69 163. (MDU 16s8)
(Caapian Sea-Motorboatis)
,hip llAladejrjk
A f i3hiTlg
Scientific "rr . I . inst. nauchg
infOrm- Gos auch.-ass
78-81 je 14.
. Biul- tekh--ekl*
'I nc..6*.
YlliPc"'chllnformo 'L'
;; tekh- i (91pl, 17:11)
Fish-refrigerating ship with 15t. a day capacity.
inform.Gos.nauch.-issl.inst.nauch.i tekh.inform.
16 no.7t62-U
(NIRA 16:8)
(Refrigerator ships)
ROZEN, Boris Yakovlevich; VERSHININ T.I.
-, -4!.A ~r er,
[Pon.-Ian saltj the M'story of salt production In the
Kama Valloy) Pormianka; istorila s*hanogo proiz-vodsWa
v Prikamle. Ferm' , Permskoe knizhnoe izd-vop 3965, 124 P .
(MIRA -113:1o)
VERSHININ, V.D. (Moskva); hULEBAKIN, V.S. (Moskva)
Synthesis of linear invariant autorwitlc~ control systems. Aytcm.
i telem. 26 no.1:42-49 Ja 1~5. (MIRA 18W
k)/E,*(h)/E'fiP(1) BC
AUTHOR: Vershinin, V. D. (Moscow)
ORG: none
TITLE: Problems in the design of reproducing systems with a high order of- astatism
SOURCE: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, no. 6, 1966, 200-203
TOPIC TAGS:' automatic control theory programmed control system, servomechanism
system . i3ororntgr1a daA~7&4v.. DF-',,,GAJ
ABSTRACT: A method is outlined for the design of reproduction systems (servosystems and
programmed control systems) having a high degree of astatism which operate a various levels
of input noise. The conditions for the stabilization of closed systems which are equivalent to
combined systems are established, and an analysis is made of a case in which the conditions
for complete invariantness in the system in terms of drift are fimdamentally fulfilled without
the introduction of positive feed-back. Orig. art. has: 3 figures and W formulas.
SUB CODE: 13/ SUBM DATE: 13Jan66/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 000
UDC: 62-501
I'L ___ACC-NR, -LiR/0266/65/000,1012/0022/009-2
IWNTOR .---Levin Daiii1ov pe M.
Flekhanov P. ~ S Pash henko, - V. Te Lachinov S1 S KuznetW67i_Y. W. F.Rabina
Levitekayap T. T.1 Tatarov,, F. Sol Upinekaya,'V. P.; Cherneyevaj Z. H.; Alekseyeva,, 26se
ORG: none
TITM Steel for manufacturing AMniaAsynthesis catalyzerl 'Claiss 1~
No. 171877
SOURCEs Byunatent izobrateniy i tovarnym znakov, no. 12, 1965, 22
TOPIC TAGS: steelp ammonia# inorganic synthesis# catalysis
MiSTRACTt A steel for manufacturing ammonia synthesis catalyzers is distinguished
increased catalyzdr activity and has the following chemical cc
by mposition;
of J-0-24 Al 'a -0-05% Kno 0-008% Po 0-008% So 0-05% Cr. 0.10% Cu. 0.05% Nis-
0;4()% Sij, balance-iron. [JPRS-)
SUB CODE I no 07 SM DATE: none
-- ... ..... . .1.1~
Characteristics of the production of catalyzer steel with a low
addition content. Izv. vys. ucheb. zav.; chern. met. 8
no.M62-68 165. (MIRA 18:9)
1. Sibirskiy znetallurgicheskiy institut i XuznetskJy metal.lurgi-
cheskiy kombinat.
00619-67 EWT, m)/EwP(t)/ETr/UP(k)
ACC NR, Ap6ol6o3o -
jAUrHOR: Vershinin, V. I. (Ensineer).
CODE: UR/0145/640;/000/011/0120/0125
ORG: None
jTr=: Drawin~lindrical pelts vith.fluges
MURCH: IVUZ. Hashinos*oyeniye, no. 11, 1965, 1M-125
TOP16 TAGS: metal drawing, plastic deformation, die, ultimate stress, yield stress
ABSMCT; the authof, studies the effect of impulsion an stress reduction in the
critical cross section of a part during drwing through the rounded edge of a the in
the first phase of deformation. The dimea0ions of the region of plastic deformation
are constant during this process.' A formula is given for calculating the maximum
Istress in the critical crqss section of the part. Graph6 are given showing the
effect of various factors on the stress Inthe critical ctoss section. The coefficient
of friction is assumed to be (1.15 four all;cases. It is shown that impulsion relieves
stresses in the critical cross section of~the part. Annular bulges are studied. The
results shov,that the effect of impulsion depends on the entering angle aL. for the
first phase of defolamtion. Impulsion increases stress at an entering angle ak"/2
ACC Nits AP6016030
In the critical cross section. Formulas are given fQr determinirg critical strength
the first approximation. In the finai stage of deformation, stress =W be reduced in
the critical cross section by relieving the forces acting on the flange, although this
produces annular deformation. The drawing process should be done In several stages to
produce a good flange surface. Orig. art. has'. 3 figures, I table, 6 formulas
so-com. 13/ sum DATz: oAugO/ ORIG.RZF: -OOT/ OTH REY: 000
Efficient flotation flow chart for collective concentrates at. the
Sibay plant. TSvet. imt. 38 no.4:14-17 Ap 165. (MIRA 1825)
L 1884-66 EWT(I)/FCC- GS/GW
ACCESSION XR: AT5022834 uR/oooo/65/000/DOO/O215/O223
AUTffOR: Vershinin. Ye. F.z Ponomarev e.
TITLE: Observatlons of very-low-frequency emission from aurora
SOURCE., ----Vsesoyuznoye -sovesh haniye-po-kosinofizicheakoinu-napi-avienlyu-isisiledo-.,a~iy
'Yakuti;k 6
19)2. Kosm cheakl`ji~' hi iI problemy kosmo-
fiz12_W6s-iJfc_raYs and-problems-infilace ptiyaics);-trudy-i3ov(~ntichaniya.- Novogibir4k,
Redizdat Sib. otd. All Emn,11965, 215-223
ABSTRACT, Results of studies of vIf emission from aurora conducted In 1962 are
presented. Reception of signnis took place Fit Tlkni Bay. Signal-reception equlpm4Qnt
included a horizontal ring-type antenna (dinmeter, 40 m), a -.aeries of filters cov-i
ering the entire operating range (820-i4oo cp:3), a wide-ben,11 amplifier gain, 105ii,
an attenuator with an additional If fIlter, and narrow-band 2",tive RC fil'ters. I
Signal Images on the oscilloscope screen were recorded photographically and regis-i
tered by the N-370 M recorder mounted on the output of the ccmpensation circuit. I
Simultaneously with the regular recordings, rapid variations in aurora optical 1wi
nescence were measured at 3000-6000 X by a photometer using the FTU-19M photomul-
tiplier. Signal recording for the most part contered at 11 he. Data from visual
observati ons, electrophotometer readings, vert,-! cal Ionospheric sounling, and hori-i
i -_Ora 1 /2
L 1884-66
ACCESSION nR: Ar5022834
'in the study. A
zontal magnetic -ield component measurements were correlated clog
relationship was noted among-visually observedaurorat-inagnetic field disturbanceal
-Es layer- appearances,-, and- v1f 6mibstoh. Maximum optical Inte,naity of aurora coin-
cided with the maximum vlf signal intensity. In cases of total absorption of radid
probes In the ionosphere, the vlf signal wan rt!corded only during large magnetic
dtsturbances. The range of vlf signal'3 Was loiter during the evening hours than at
other times and shifted to higher valt.iea during the night, IndIvidlial aurora for-
mationsiproauced vlf signals over the ruil freqiiency range ~rith no maximum intensit
at any particular frequency. OrIg. srt. has: 6 figures, 10 formulas, and 3 tablesi
ASSOCIATION! Institut koamofizicheakikh looledavaniy i aeronomli YaF SO-AN SSSR
(Institute of Space Physii!s Research and AeroncV,_ Ys~ So AN OSSR)
30 REF SOV: 003 OTHER: oa6 ATD PRESS.-/H/~2
Rs Vershinin, Yes Z,; Fonomarev, Ye. A.
w ra~ueacy radiation of aurora polaris
s Rafe 21* Astronomiyaj, Aba., 2&5lo5O2
EF SOURCE: Sbe Fbamiche luchi i proble komofize Wovosibirakp ftb, otd, AN SSSRO
965p 215-223
.OPIG TAGSs aurora# radiation, very low frequency, pbotometerl goo tic fieldo
ma gns
ABSTRAG-N Ultra-low frequency radiation of aurora polaris was observed on'the frequen-
cy of 3.1 kc in 1962 at Tiksi Bay, At the same time, the optical glowof auroras in the
I.X3000-6000 range was recorded by the eleotrophotometer, The experimental apparatus
in described. A-close relationship was detected between the auroras o'bserved visually,
the perturbations of the terrestrial magnatic field,, the formation of the E. layer, and
ultra-2ow frequency radiation. The interaction between ultra-2ow frequeny radiation
ar.d the ionosphere was investigated@ Bibliography of 9 titles, L rao Lfrauslation of
UDG& 561.594.5
Results of thn inventigatlon rj,' Ue effeu-t of
speed of a driiiing on the of
Razved. i okh. nedr. 30 no.11:5~~59 IN 164.
th~.-' r,,-tation~,l
fim-11"Incnd 'rdtl.
(MIRA 18:4)
1. Urallskoye goologiclieskoye upravlorlye.
L 60856-65 E'.,;G 2 /':~WpJ EdIT, 1.3 AM
AR 50114 11 Lm M(A 14A /I 'k
AUMOR i VershinIn, Yu. H.
TZ=. Conerste as electratectaxical material
C ryOU=: Tr. Sibirsk. n. -i. in-ts energ. v:,p. 2(21), 1964, 5- U
jTOPIC tkW: concrete, cement, insulating material, non tallic !onductor
TRAInSLATION: Analyse5 of thi-:e vaftetieB of concrete 7-! -rne 7
c4ement, wvl cpm--n+
U7 -21
L 60858-65
MEL: 00
L_o8?22-67____EwT11)- -iip(c)
ACC NR, Ai,6026307'--'- SOURCCCODt-'.-UR/0288/667/OC,GOOf/0149,
AUTHOR: VershLnin, Yu. N. 1/0
ORG: Siberian Scientific-Research Institut of Power Engineering, Novosibirsk
TITLE: Possibility of a phenomenological approach to the quantitative analysis of
the electric strength of solid dielectrics
SbURCE: AN SSSR. Sibirskoye otdeleniya. Izvestiya. SerLya tekhnLcheskikh nauk, no.1,
1966, 149-153
TOPIC TAGS: solid dielectric, dielectric breakdown, dielectric strength, dielectric
ABSTRACT; A thermoAynamic approach is proposed to the problem of determining the
work performed by the*'electrons during the development of breakdown, with the aim of
overcoming the mathematical and physical difficulties involved in a kinetic approach
that is based on laws which govern in time and space the motion of electrons in a
dielectric. A thermodynamic approach, for example, eliminates the necessity of study-
Lng the peculiarities of the motion and interaction of ionizing electrons. The work
performed by the electrons is then characterized by thermodynamic parameters of the
natural and streamer states of the dielectric. The determination of these parameters
does not encounter any major obstacles. The correspnnding equations of electrical
resistance are derived on the basis of an avalanche-type streamex theory*of develop-
L o8722-67
ACC.NRi AP6026307 0
ment-of breakdown, taking into account recent theoretical and experimental data of the
processes.associated with the 'formation of a discharge, and making use of the general-
ly accepted equality between the energy acquired by an electron in an electric field
and the work performed by an electron in a dielectric. An analysis developed on this
basis leads to a general expression for the.electric strength in the form
E.P'- k (c. )... d) W, -
The results obtained from this equation for various dielectric material are found to
correiate well with the experiment. Orig. art. has: 12 formulas; and I table.
SUB COM 20/ SUBM DATEt 25Sep65/ ORIG REF: 022/t OTH REF: 006
TE~H I LIf Nn$ E.N. PiTYUN""V , If M.
Datemil ning the critical cf r--,ar;i in t.'-e d~-jtn'g
process. Stek. i ker. 22 no.L1:24-26 N '65.
(Mip,* is:il)
1. Novo.-Abirskiy inzhenernc-ot-olte;-Aln~r itut (:rn-, Vershinina).
y inst
2. Y-vosibir3kll'y e,16ktrotakiln'-~-henki-y Ir-stitnt svya,z-i (for
Spectrographic determiration of arsenic, antimony, an! Un
in rav materials and intermediate products of the leaf]
industr7. Sbor.trud. VNIITSVETMET no.9:181-185 165-,
(MIRA 18:11)
Spectrographic dete=Lnation of tellurium in telluric
lead. Sbor.trud. VNJITSVETMET noo9:186-188 165m
(MIRA 18% 11)
Ioading scientist I.I. Xechnikov; on the 110th annivarsary of his
birth. Mikrobiol. zhur. 17 no.4:68-70 '55 (XLRA 10:5)
Mechnikov. I.1.) (Uk)
G(LIMUM, Isak Hoiseyevich; VERSHININA. Klovdiya Illinichns
[Poliomyelitis and its prevention] Tollowielit i e.go pro-
filaktika. Izd.2., dop. i perer. KLev, Goomedisdat USSR,
1960. 159 P. OICMA 13:12)
GOLISHTXTU, Isak Koyseyevich, professor-, VmRSHININA: Xlavdiya 111inichna,
kandidat meditsinskikh nau1c; XOL-Bill, 3.1u., 'r'edaktor; GITSHTRN,
A.D., tekhredaktor
[Poliomyelitis an& its prevention] Poliomielit i ego profilaktika.
Kiev, Goo, med. Izd-vo USSR, 1956. 108 p. (MIRA 9:8)
Study of the Banitaz7 arrangements, schedules, and Incidence of
infectious diseases in the schools of Dnepropetrovsk. GigA san.
26 no.12:88 D 161. (MM 15:9)
1. Iz kafedr kommmallnoy gigiyeny I gigiyeny detwy I podrostkov
Dnepropetrovsko o meditsinskogo instituta.
YZwHja1HA,-K1avdin._j11 ill ~qhn4, kand. mad. nauk; BARSHTEYN,
Yu.A.,, red.;.ZAPOLISKAYA, L.A., tekhm. red.
(Botkin's disease in children's collectives and measures
for its prevention] Bolezn' BoWna v detskikh kollektivakh
i mery ee profilaktikl. Kiev, Gpomedizdat USSR, 1963. 142 p.
SHKLYAYEV, Aleksandr Sergeyevich; BALKOV, Vladimir Aleksandrovich;
YELSWINj T.I.j red.; YEZOV, G.M.f tekbr,. red.
[Cli,mate of Perm Province) Klimat Fermskoi oblast:1. Permll
Permskoe knizhnoe izd-vo, 1963. 189 p. (MIRA 17:2)
DEDOV, Gavriil Ivanovich; i:O~,'HETUC'V, ",'ui,iy I
T * 1-1 . red.
Alcksmixt,rovsk. Parr., F,oj-r.;skoe lnJ.,,hnoo izn-vo, 1963.
70 p. (MIRA 170)
SHARIPOV, Akram Agzarnovich; VER.1311IN111p T.I., red.
General 11,V.Krisanov. Perm' Ferrxko4i knizhnoe izd--irc,
1963. 50 p. (KIRA 17:51)
VISHNAVSKIT, Borls Hikols3rovich;.YFAMININ, T.I., red.; NEUDAKINA. N.G.,
[The explorer Kirill XhlabnIkov] Puteshastvennik Kirill Ihiab-
nikov. Perm', Parr-skoe knizhuas izd-,ro, 1957. 59 P.
(MM 13:3)
(Khlebnikov, Kirill Timofeavich)
[Kungurl Kungur. Perml. Permakos knizhnoo izd-vo, 1958.
145 p. (MIRA 12:11)
(Kungur--History) (Kungur--liconomic conditions)
General line of Soviet foreign policy. Koung Vooruzhs Sil
4 no. 19%8-16 0 163. - .(MIRA 17:7)
--VIRSHININ, V.D. (Moslcva)
Electron tube circuit for summation of signals. Avtoz. i telem.
21 no.11:1560-1562 a 160. (MIRAL 13:11)
VMHININ.. V.D. (Moskva) -1
Relationship between the adjuncts of d-eterminant elements aad its
appl-ication to the invariance theory. Avtoza.i telem, 23 no.4.
Ul-"6 Ap 162. (AIRA 15 -.4)
(Aut;omatic control.)
D299/ "301
AUTHOR: Vershininp V.D. (Moscow)
TITLE: On the relation between cofactors of determinant ele-
ments and its use in invariance theory
PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanikap v. 23, no* 41 1962p
TEXT: A*relationship is established betvicen the cofactors of a de-
terminant. This relationship yields a foi-mula which rermits calcula-
ting the value of the determinant by means of (n-1) cofactors. The
existence of a relationship between the cofactors Aa 0 f the deter-
minant //ai j// is proved by means of a viell-known property of deter-
minants (if the elements of a column (row) are multiplied by the al-
ebraic complement of the corresponding elements of another column
w)v and the products are addedp then the sum equals zero). The
question of such a relationship arises when determining the number
of signals applied to the various networks of a control system,
with respect to which the controlled partuneter can be! made comple-
Card 1/3
On the relation between cofactors 1)299/D-,,Ol
tely invariant by setting the corresponding cofactors equal to zero.
One obtains
i=s-l i=n
A )' a A + a A (4)
sk asd id ik id ik)*
i=1 i=s+l
Hence the cofactor A 8k depends on the cofactors'Ak of other ele-
ments of the kth column. The relationship is used in invariance
tneory. Thereby an expression is obtained which shows that if (n-1)
cofactors vanish, i.e. if the function xk (t) is absolutely invari-
ant with respect to (n-1) functions fi(t), then the principal de-
terminant of a system of differential equations with constant coef-
ficients vanishes alsot provided at least oneelement a sd is not ze-
ro. Further, the compensation of changes in a determinant, by way Gf
increasing the value of one (or of several) elements, is conside-
red. Pormulas are derived which permit calculating the required
changes in certain elements# so as to compensate the effect ton the
Card 2/3
On the relation between cofactorB ... D299/D301
determinant) of changes in other elements. These formulas can be
used e.g. for determining the changes resulting from introduction
of feedback. It is noted however, that it is not always possible to
compensate changes in certain elementep by effecting changes in
other elements. There are 8 Soviet-bloc references.
SUBMITTED: June 19,, 1961
Card 3/3
/V/' Fo S/024/61/000/005/002/009
j 6 _') E140/E135
AUTHORS! Kulebakin., V.S., and Vershinin, V,D. (Moscow)
TITLE4 The invariance of servosystems with respe,zt to
several signals
PERIODICAL: Akademiya naUk SSSR. Izvestiya~ Otdeleniye tekhniches-
kikh nauk. Energetika i avtomatika) no.5, 1961, 25-37
TEXT-, The authors consider linear automatic control systems
which can be described by equations with constant coefficients
with combined regulation, i,e. regulation with respect to the
disturbances and the deviations. A solution of the differential
equation describing the behaviour of the coordinate xifrmay be
represented as the sum of the following components. a ee
component, constituting the general solution of a homogeneous
differential equation and a forced component resulting from the
action on the system of a disturbance, found as a particular
solution, The free component appears only in the presence of a
disturbance or when the process is caused by non-zero initial
conditions. In high-quality control systems it is necessary that
the free component rapidly attenuate and have small absolute
Card 1/# ~
S/ 29562
The invariance of servosystems with 024/61/000/005/002/009
values while the forced component should be practically zero.
Theme requirements can be satisfied when 'the disturbantes are
either arbitrary functions of time bounded in abrolute value c-
are prescribed functions of time. The invariance conditions may
be expressed in two ways. one of these i:9 based on the use of
supplementary control with respect to the disturbances, the other
in the use of compound control, i,e, the introduction of
11 upplementary restraints with respe--t to other coordinate3
connected with the controlled object, The first method has th?
advantage that it does not affect the dyn-amic, properties of the
system. The authors retall from the theory of determinants that
if all elements of a row or column but one vanish, all n - I
adjuncts of the column or row elements in which this eiem-3n-
appearti also vanish, In this case the -:-orresponding coordinat-
becomes invariant with respezt to all disturbances -it th"
remaining coordinates of the system, or all n ~ 1 -uordinat~,4
become invariant with respect to a single disturbari :, Th-
required matrix elements tan be reduced to inro bV tW~ tn-odu~:-tion
of supplementary couplings, Under certain -vitditi-11-
Card 2/4-~
The invariance of servosystems with S/024/61/OOC,/Oo9/oo2/oo9
vanishing of certain adjuntts will tause the system equations to
degenerate to equations of lower o-rder. Then small variat~~ons of
the system parametera may lead to vlolations of system stab,-lity,
This situation can be treated by suitablii adjustment of the
element* not entering into the invariant tondition. Then the
system will be coarse in Andronoy'a sense. The metbods develcDed
in the article have been tested on the artalogue compute-
(EMU-8) and on a d,t, motor speed :ontrol.. Typ,.--al- resalt,3 c" the
analogue computation are given in Fl-g.l,, where a represent-3 a
fifth order system with regulation with respeoc~t to deviations,
6 the same with introduction of supplementary :ontrol v'th respe:~
to perturbations, and 13 the system with compensation of the
disturbance, Fig,2 gives oscillograms of a d-:.. moto!- spe-ed
control., whers & gives the results for an ordinary system W-~th
control with respect to deviation, and I`
9-vas the system -i-.~
partial invariance - the upper line in oath set gives the outpj-:
-elocity9 the middle line the armature -ru.,Itage and the '--w?r :-n:
the shaft load. The authors also --onsider application of th~!
theory to serveaystems in which the 7,ontr-.,Iled obje,~t 4-3 rszj%zl:-e-~
Card 3/4.~
The invar-iance e,f ... 5/024/61'1000100!1002/or))
to follow the varation-ti cf' an 1~npul, s~-gn-AI'
G,V. Sh'.Panov anti A-A, Andronov a.:7fj ment~.onL-1 - 't-, artic.le 44n
-:;onnect.~on with thetr -ontributions 4~n this Vic-'
There are 5 figures and 16 Sov,.et-blc.,-
SUBMITTED4 APril 25, 1961
Card 4/0 ~
condi.tion of invar"ance the cortroileO variable with refir)prt tr th,. i
ST F~ T 7.
AUTHOR: Vershinin, V. D. oscow)
TITLE: Control of Drive by One Zero Indicator Which Fulfille the
Functions of Two Zero Indicators
PERIODICAL: Avtomatika i telemekhanika, 1960, Vol. 21, No. 10,
pp. 1387-1392
T-EXT: The semi-automatic control of available automatic drives and the
control of the accuracy of automatic following are carriel out by means
of two zero indicators. The greatest difficulty to be overcome is the
necessity of observing two pointers at the eame time. The author describes
a circuit in which the exact and the rough oignal are added up. This V/
circuit is used to control the drive and to check the accuracy of automa-~-
tic following with one zero indicator. This circuit is shown in Fig. 1
and described. Its mode of operation is bas-ed upon the use of the non-
linear static resistance characteristic and consists in the following:
As soon as the signal of the exact control and part of the signal of the
rough control (which reach the zero indicator) attain a certain power, they
Card 1/2
Control of Drive by One Zero Indicator Which FUI~ 511031601021101010051010
fillis.theFunctions of Two Zero Indicators B012/BO63
are limited by two dry rectifiers. At a small mismatching angle 9, the
pointer of the zero indicator deflects mainly due to the exact control
signal, while at a large 9 this is caused by the rough control signal.
The dependence of the deflection angle on 9 is studied by the method of
circular currents. The corresponding formulas are derived by neglecting
the inductive resistance of the winding of the zero indicator, and it
is assumed that the sinusoidal shape of the current is not distorted by
9. Next, the author describes a simple method of calculating this circuit.
The circuit was tested in the laboratory. It guarantees automatically
a high sensitivity to small 9 angles and a .ow senBitivitj of the same
instrument at large 9 angles. There are 2 figures and 1 SDviet reference.
SUBMITTED: April 4, 1960
Card 2/2
AUTHOR': - Ve,rsh. i ni n j,'V. -D. Woscowj.
~A,Circuit for~'Sipal Summation by Means of Tubes
PERIODICAL:~:-- Avtomatika i te'lemek-hanika, 1960; Vol. 21, Ito. 11 ,
pp- 1566 1562
TEXT: In the servosystem usuall
Y two channels are used to t:-ansmit
signals, bne. for transmitting fine control, the other for transmitting
rough control..An especially simple circuit fox- summing signals at the
amplifier input is described (Fig.1). The wo5king principle of thi3 cir-
cuiticonsists in the application of a lunF"ed vcltage to the grid
i,--twintriode which corresponds to the workfnE7 pcint in the anode grid
characteristici To the second grid of the tube a negative voltaj,~e is
applied which is equal to or higher than the cutoff voltaC3 of the tube.
The modulated control signals are then fed into these-two grids, i.e.,
voltage U for rough. control and the voltage U for fino'control
~(Fig. 1. 'The following relation is obtained for the anode voltage:
Usiqg a pantograph for transforming WE curves. Geofl!g. razved.
no.2:IW-124 16D. (Pantograph) (~M& 13tl2)
J-~F 4~ it
5g V
0 r
Mine No,15 is an enterprise of com=ni t labor. Ugoll 37
no.5:4,5 My 162. (1 15:6)
1. Shakhta No.15., KrasnoyarskLy sovnarkhoz,
(Tunguska Basin-4oal mines arul mining)
Oscillograptq of millimicrooscond pulaoo. lzm. telch.-Il" f. -
5 1 Ja 6 1. (MIRA 14:1)
VERSHININ) V. V. -- "Comparative Evaluation and the Scope of Application
of Systems of Forced St~ge Collapsing Includirq,, that with Open Clean-
Up Space in the Sokol and Bystrushin Mines," 11in Higher Education U&%,
Moscow Inst of Nonferrous Metals and Gold imenJL M. I. Kalinin,. Moscow, 1956.
(Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Teclinical Sciences.)
SO: Knizhnaya Letopis', No 5,, Moscow, Feb 1956