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VILCKK, J.; Technical assistance. TOVHNNWA,~* ff. Studies on an interferon from tick-borne encephalitis virua-infected cello (IF). IV. Comparison of IF with interferon from influenza virus- infected cells. Acta virol. (Praha)[Eng16 no.2:144-150 Mr 162. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. (ENCENULITIS EPIDEMIC virol) (INFLUENZA VIRUSES) CZECHOSLOVAKIA LIBIKOVA, H., BLASKOVIC, D.,__VILCEK,__4-,.K%CICKA, 0., ERNEK, E., REHACEK, J., GRESIKOVA, M., and MAYER, V. (Virology Institute of CSAV, Bratislava.] 11B. Serologic Studies in Men and Domestic Animals as Indicators of Spread of Virus of Tick-Borne Encephalitis in Nature." Bratislava, Biologicke Prace, Vol 8, No 9, 1962; pp 46-51. Abstract [English summary modified) : Epidemiologic study of sera: 34 of 191 htman, 16 of 49 caprine, 41 of 174 ovine, 4 of 98 calves, and 49 of 98 cowst sera in the Nemcinany commune in the Zlate Moravee distric had significant antibody titers, indicating heavy infestation in this area. Five tables. 1/1 SZANTO J.; ALBRECHT, P.; VILCEK p Investigations on latent infection in the X*1A call -- Xwweastle disease virus system. Acta, virol. 7 no.4:297-307 J1 163. 1. Institute of Virolvff, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences,, Bratislava. TISSUE CULTURE) (NEWCASTLE DISUSE VIRUS) (AGGLUTINATION) (FLUORESCENT ANTIBODr TECHNIC) M (H M ESVIRUS HOMINIS) VILCEKI J.j-STANCEKO D. Formition and properties of interferon in the brain of tick-bom'.R enceph4-31tis virus-infected mice* Aota virol, 7 no.43331-338 ii 161-1. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy oi Sciences, Bratislava. ENCEPHALITIS VIRUSES) (INTEMRON) SSUE CULTURE) (BRAIN) (TICKS) M ALBRECHT, P.; VILCEK J MAYER, V. The process of multiplication of tick encephalitis viruses in sensitive cello. Bratisl. lek. listy q3 no.2:88-96 163. 1. Virologicky ustav CSAV v Bratislava, riaditell akademik D. Blaskovic. VIRUS CULTIVATION) (EMEPHALITIS, EPIDEMIC) TERMON) (TISSUE CULTURE) N (ENCEPHALITIS VIRUSES) VILGEK, J., TCMISOVA,J.; SOKOL~ F.; 110A L. Concentration and partial purification of Jnterferon from mouse brains. Acta virol (Praha) (Engl] 8 no.lt76-9 Ja'64. 1. Institute of Virologyp Czechoslovak Acadsay of Sciences, Bratislava. SOKOL,F.;I.TEURATH.A.R.; VILCEK,,J. Formation of incomplete Sendai virus in embryonated eggs. Acta virol (Praha) [Engll 8 no.1:59-67 Ja'64. 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. STANCEK, D.; VILCEK,.~, __ The role of interferon in tick-borne encephalitis virus-in- fected L cells. I. 1cute infection. Acts. virol, (Praha) (big.] 9 no.ltl-8 Ja 165 The role of interferon in tick-borne encephalitis virus-in- fected L cells. II. Persistent infection. Ibid.0-17 1. Institute of Virology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. VILCEK) J. Use of interference for the assay of group B arboriruses in chick embryo cells. Acta virol. 8 no-5:417-423 S 164. 1. Institute of Virology, Gzechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. I /I/ 'L, 11'i '-~ ` ,II / , VILIC10K. R., insh. --m"O""VaN"Indus try of Uzbekistan. Was. Ind. SSSR 28 no.5:8-10 15.7. (Uzbekistan--Meat industry) (KTRA 11:1) .V1L1-1-CHEK$ M.; KOLESNIKOVA, A.; SHNEYERSON, R. Use of lambs as an additional source of meat. Miss. Ind. 36SR 33 no.4:27-28 162. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Tashkentskiy opornyy punkt Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo instituta myasnoy promyshlennosti. VILICUKY M.; UMANET'". L. Cons tr-a,2 'Aon of eheep sliughrer holt--,~s 4-1 one "he m,~-avs 'c:, produeal-lon suecial~.zation, Mias. ind. SSSR n,).4-44-.!5 I Ta:3hkent,!3V'y purrk' V&eso)-umogo t 13L. skogo -'.r ta Ynyasmoy promy:~hlenncBfl VILICHEK) M. Operations of the Branch of the All-Uhion Scientific Research Institute of the Meat Industry. Mias.ind.S.S.S.R.' 33 no.6s6O 162. (MIRA 16:1) 1. Tashkentskiy opornyy punkt, Vaesoyuznogo nauchno-ionledovatell- skogo,inatituta nWasnoy proNqshlennosti. (Tashkent,-Neat industry-Repearch) KObTIN, Kikhail Kondratlyevich; ANDREYEV,,N.A.,; AYMYZY, H.A., red.; ZCLOTOV. P.T., red.; IGNATIYEV, V.I., red.;-YZICHNNEO, R.D., red.; NIKHAILOVA, A.M., [Russiamo.-Chavash dictionary of agriciiltural terms] Russko-chu- vashckli slovarl sellskokhosinistvannykh terminov. Cheboksary, Chavashgosizdat, 1959. 91 p. (MIRA 14:1) (Agriculture-Dictionariso) (Russian lang\pgo-Dictions iries--Chuvash) VILICIMK~ Tan [Mcek,, Jan] (Bratislava) Interferon'. Its formation, properties and importance in various types of virus-cell interactions. Usp. sovr. biol. 55 no-3:391-A10 MY-Je'63 WRA 17:3) 38008. VILICPIEVSKAYA, V. D., NFLPFYA.Tl'OV, A. 11., A'.'D BORIs-OV, A. 'C,~. EUfEEDPTYF,Nrf RTUTT I 01011A TJ PT TSJS-T"Gl-'ME'RY 1,00 D'f--.YS'"Vrf:-.I". F?*~"!(V',:KI~JY-4"Y. I T -.'rj[FSTrTA AKAD. TLIUK 07D-NIM, KI!D:. NAUK, 1949, 6, S. 57F-Sl - IMIJUIR: s. 5F.1- F Wiz;MHAN'V, A. N.; no-,ki-Aw, A. Y-f. VILIC111MIXAYA, V. D. Oreenometallic ComFounds Transformation of trans-B-chlorovinyl organometaille compounds of mercury zind tin Intu their cis-isomers. under the action of Feroxides, Uch. zpj~. F_nsk. un., No. 132, Y;1,0. Monthl- List of Russian Accessions. Library of Congress. October 1952. Unclassified. WA# V*D* I* diabstituted A;Sqfeou. Addi!r aL rls org,o A. LL x and A. IT. es- = - - - VO&W A&M. Newit J-5-5-R. 90. M9341 y F1WMeCiCMe W" Ht(OAC)i ia ChKW AcOlf re 3 ioomeric products, isobted ai tMorkin by addn. of KCI and sepol, by crysin. from CifIrliffrOint'. a. M. 140% 0. M. ;95-0*; and -1, m. 130% Iftated with 1570 IICI all yield StMcCO. %flowing the location of AcO group on the 2nd C atom. Ozonization of the a. and 0-fornis gave the same I t (AcOlf), while the -risomer gave lactit neld and f (MR. Indicating that the a- and 04oms are cii-trans ijamers of AfrQHSC7):CMeOAc, while the 74%amer Is AfeC11(11 Cl)C th diti CjfjOA U d b a ov can om c. n er e a (; X CIlt:C:CJIMe yields only Insol. poly-Hg derivs.. and only In hfcOff l It i ld Qll 124 d Cl (OM )H hemical Abst. so n. oes . e c s , m. y g Heating the a-isomer 2 firs. at bfl* yickfs the 0-1somer. while further heating 2 he%. at 76* gave the T4s=cr if the Vol. 48 No. 8 i-somerization was run with the original IfgOAr deriv.. Apr. .25, 1954 since the IfgCl derivs. do not 6omerize on heating, ultra- violet Irradial ion, 0T in the presence of org. peramides. . Orginio Chemistry It 1-P believed 'hat he P-I%omcr, because of Its lower M.P.. Is , the cii form. All 3 forms are readily symmetrized in CsHo by dry NR3, yielding, MP.; [AfrC(OAC). Mebirr, 113-14% and ICII,:- M. 101-2% IA1eQOAc):CJifeI on 11g . , , C(OAc) (711,41'ellf1g, no. 1.10% these with HgO, In a rc%-cm' * reactlob yield the R1110 derivs.. which are Identical with. the lnitwly u%cd suWances. (PhCj)2 with Hg(OAe)2 In AcOll yieltbi only I Product. kolited, as aboVe. as Pkc-. (111 Q: C11h(OA in org. solvents, on. 138*. Nils symmetrIzOs it to Rolig. no. 170-1% which with IISCh re- -xrttcmic-% lite urixinat %ijh%fgqncc _roomjy4~ (Is __P . _~h _90W andAcOlf: Tern looten t wit h I ICI yfridt I'hCf lolls. Irrudit- flult of lite UW"I with 1111ravitlIct 110111 in firc Save Fin i!fl. 25 1 ff "ley, Ill. 1 0. M. Knsol;ipo ; VILICHUSKA, V. D. Stgreochemistry Dissertation: *Investigation in the Field of Stereochemistry of Addition Corpoimds of Mercury Salts With Acetylene Hydrocarbone.0 Cand Chem Set, Inst of Organic Chemistry, Acad Scl, USSR, 1 Apr 54. (Vechernyuya Moskva, Moscow, 22 Mar 54) SO: SUM 213i 20 Sept 1954 T4a prcdutte of ~ildilwn L-1 meftu.-Y It In IMI S,, )~04, NESMEYANOV, A. N., BCRISGV, A. E.Y and VILICIE-vSKAYAP V. D. "The Products of Addition of f4ercury SaltB to Disubstituted Acetylenes," Izvest. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Otdel Khim Nauk, 1908-18, 1954, , L. , 'U5wfiewistry - Ana7ytical chemistry Authorm I BDrisov, A., E.; Villchevskaya, V.- D.; and Nesmeyanov, A. N. Title The study of products obtained b., the addition of mercury salts to disubstituted acetylenes- Periodical t Izv. AN SSSR. Otd. khLn. miuk 6, 1008-1018, Nov-Doc 1954 Abstraot- -s The chemical and physical properties of mercury-salt disubstituted- acetylene addition products were determined through the stud,r of the infrared absorption 5pectrum. The geometrical configurations of the products were determined by the method of even and uneven cycles. Tile new reaction leading to direct synthesis of thallium-organic compounds froin s3nmnetrical mercuri-organic compounds arid thalliwik trichloride is described. Five U5SR references (1948-1953). Graphs Institution Acad. of Se., U')'SH, The 14. D. ;&eltnokiy Institute of Or&.'Inic ChetrListry Sub mitted February 13, 1954 IM V-P =th kith TGZ~ m,41 J-01 of AICJ, gr ~:S, 9 r, YI)fer,,xcm4, oTangc. 2l. M which dl~!l !w! cvdirf ith jdl-ph-i~ ,Ad; --th ~.j K.011 tl.~. '11- auejog, MV, WIC; I dualou of the di-Ife r1 in X,~~ run tri McO'i, the N1. NTT- AUTHOR: Nesmeyanov, A. N. I Academician 20-3-26/59 Vollkenau, F. A., Villchevskaya, V. D. TITLE: Intramolecular Acylation in the Ferrocene Series (Vnutrimolekulyarnoye atailirovaniye v ryadu ferrotsena). The Cyclization of r-Yerrocenyl Substituted Acids and Ketoacids (Tsiklizatsiya 2r-ferrotsenilzameshchennykh kislot i ketokislot). PERIODICAL: Doklady AN SSSR, 1956P Vol- 118, Nr 3, Pp- 512-514 (USSR) ABSTRACT: This kind of acylation was proved by the authors in the ferrooene series (ref. 1). The present work is an extension and continuation of it. By interaction between ferrocene and the anhydride of chlorine of P-carbometoxypropionic acid P-carbometoxypropianyl-ferrocene was produced and from this P-carboxypropionyl-ferrocene. With the latter substance no cycle could be formed by the action of polyphosphoric- or sulfuric acid. Then it was reduced to 0 -carboxypropyl- ferrocene according to Klemmensen. This was easily cyclisated by heating with polyphosphoric acid. On this occasion keto- hydro-indenyl-cyclo-pentadienyl-iron was formed. Its structure Card 1/3 was proved by: I.- The production of a derivative after the Intramolecular laylation in the Ferrooene Series. 20-3-26/59 The Cyclization of rl-Ferrooenyl Substituted Acids and Ketoacids ketogroup; 2.- Bromination which lead to pentabromo- oyclopentanp that is to say a non-substituted cyclopenta- dienyl-ring was proved in the molecule; 3.- The infrared spectrum (1008 and i1o6 cm-i). k~urthermore the cyclization with o-carboxy-benzoyl-ferrocene was investigated. Contrary to the ferrocenyl substituted keto acids of the aliphatic series o-carboxybenzoylferrocene can easily be cyclisated with polyphosphoric- and concentrated .sulfuric acid. On the same conditions this occurs also with o-carbometoxybenzoylferrocene. Thus a complete analogy with benzene derivatives is observed. As is known benzoyl- propionic acid can not be cyclisated while o-benzoyl-benzoe acid easily forms anthraquinone with simple heating. The results mentioned above prove the final conclusion (ref. 1) that ferrocenyl substituted carboxylic acids are subjected to an intra-molecular acylation and this in the same cyclopentadienyl ring which already contains a substituent. The same applies even for the o-carboxybenzoyl-ferrocene in which this ring is already somehow deactivated by the CO- Card 2/3 group in it. P-carboxypropionyl ferrocene can not at all be Intramoleoular Aoylation in the Perrocene Series. 20-3-26/59 The Cyolization of I'-Ferrocenyl Substituted Acids and Ketoacids oyclisated. The reason for this has still to be found. An experimental part with the usual data follows. There are 4 referenoes, 3 of which are Slavic. ASSOCIATION: Institute for glementary-Organic Compounds AN USSR (Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy kkademii nauk 33810. SUBMITTED: August 10, 1957 AVAILABLB:' Library of Congress Card 313 L 35314-66 Evn (m)/Exp(j) Rm N R --A p ~ 7 7 26880 SOURCE CO 65 165/004/0835/q~3 AUTHOR: Nesmeyanovp A. N.; Villchevskaya, V. D.; ORG: Institute of Oruanometallic ComDounds. AN S S. elementoorganic Mi so edineniy AN SSSR TME: Reactio - -1 o-carboxybenzoylferrocenr- SOUHCE: All SSSR. Doklady v. 165 4 1965 835-837 TOPIC 'TAGS: ferrocene Aon%o Ic . pAenol, p sp r aciA, cation, chemical reaction, molecular structure, IR spectrum, phosphorus chloride, lit analysis ABSTRACTI A study was made'of'the reactions botwoon o-carboVbonzoy1forrocene And nuoloophilic roagonts ouch as thiophonol and phonol in tho prosonco of phosphoric acid. This results in the formation of S- and 0-substituted and 3-forroconyl phthalidos. An attempt to accomplish these reactions in the absence of H PO- was fruitless. Lvidently, the first stage of the reaction i the forma?Ao4 of an alpha-forroconylmothyl cation, with subsequent attack of tho cationoid center by the nucloophilio agent. This reaction is a now example of the alpha-forroceny1mothyl cation reaction. The structure of 3- forrocerWI-3-thiophonylphthalida has boon confirmed by the findings of ultimate analysis as well as IR spectral data. The IR spootrum Iof this substance contains frequencies in the regions of 1000, 1107, and 1785 crr~' . Thus, the presence of a lactono ring may be considered proved. This was first concluded theoretically during a study of tho reaction botwoon o-carbo~Wbonzoy1forrocono and phosphorus trichlorido.which yielded a substance resembling Boyde's acid chloride and believed to contain a free cyclopentadianyl. nucleus and a lactone ring. &PRS: 36,459 SUB COEE: W 20/ SUBM DATE: 07jun65/ ORIG REF: 004/ OTH REF: 001 0----A -I h ZJV Mr. 41.7-1013-r" ACC NRi AF6=867 SOURCE CODEt UR/0286/65/000/024/0026/0027 AUTHORS: KesaqXftq2yj_ AL H,; Villchovskaya, V. Dal Kochetkova, H. S.1 Goreii!Ev~-e~ ---Yu. Yu. ORGt none TITLE: A method for obtaining ferroceneanthraquinone., Class 12, No. 176923 Cannounced by Institute for Heteroorganic CoMp2unds, All SSSR (Institut elementoorganichookikh soyodineniy AN SSSR)_/ SOURCEs Byulleten' izobroteniy i tovarnykh zaakov, no. 24# 1965# 26-27 TOPIC TAGSs ferrocenep dye chemical, organic chemistry ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate describes a preparative method for ferrocene- orLhraquinone in the form of Card 1/2 UDC t ACC NR, Ap60021367 To obtain a product useful for dyein -d~~oolj silk, and artificial fibers, the ferro- ceneanthrone is reacted with a m~nnanese dioxide suspension in benzene. Orig. art. has: 1 formila. SUB GOM 07/ SUBH DATE: 19Mar65 Card W/;~ ACC NR% AP6024396 SOURCE CODEI UR/0020/66/169/002/0351/0354 AUTHORI fkmnyanov. A. N. (Anademician); A. 1. ORGI Institute of Organomotallic Compounds, Academv of Sciences. 333R (Institut -- ----- ----- olementoorganichonkikh soyodinenly 1-.kndomii nauk 335H TITIZ: Phonphorylation of forrocenelderivatives SOURCE: AN SSSR. Doklady, v. 169, no. 2, 1966, 351-354 TOPIC TAGS1 forrocene, phosphorylation ABSTRACTI The phosphorylation of ferrocene derivatives was oarried out as follows: MCI,_ 3 Fe PC13 r F~ P=() w1iore X is a substitilant. The products were studied by thin-layor chromato.-raphy on alumina and by means of IR spectra. The following compounds wore thus 6ynthosizodifor; .-I- ---- ---- i tho first timal (a) tris(o-cai-bometho.Vbonzylforrocor,,lene)pliosphinn axid~, (14% V yiald); (b) tris(tort-butylferro~~r~~i~~o)~iio-sphi-'n*o'-'o --- Ad'-~- e 531 forrocenylene)phosphine oxide (14% yield). Sulf'onation of tris(tort-butylferrocanyl- 1 2 UDCt 547.257.2 L 45-724-66 ACC NRI AP6024396 ono)phosphino oxido with sulfuric acid it, acetic anhydride produced a wAter-110111ble product, tris(tort-biitylalilfoforroconyleni)ptiosphino oxide. Ferrocino darivaLiV03 with electron-accoptor substituents do not react with PC13 undar thn of phosphorylation. of ferrocene. Di- and tri-tert-butylferrocenos do not roact with PrMl-, either, probably because of sLoric hindrance. SUB CODES 07/' SUBM DATES 31Dec65/ ORIG REFS 007/ OTH REFt oo4 Card 2/2 OL-f~' L 36506-66 EWT(m)/E71PW W ACC NRt Ap6ot7882 (A) SOURCE CODE: UR/0062/66/000/005/0938/0940-- AUTHOR: Nesmeyanovp A. N.; Vil9chevskaya, V. D.; Kochetkova, N. S. ORGI Institute of Organometallic Compounds. Academy of Sciences, SSSR ~Invtitut 610-1 mentoorgardehaskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR) TITIZ: Cyclization of o-carboxybenzylferroceno~ SOURCES AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriya khimicheskayap no. 59 1966v 938-940 TOPIC TAGS$ cyclization, iron compound, ferrocene ABSTRACTI Cyclization of o-carboxybenzy1ferrocene in the presence of phosphorus pen-1 tachloride at 6010C in a nitrogen stream produced an analog of anthrone (I) containing one ferrocer7l ring in place of one benzene ring. For such analogal,'the authors sug- gest that the same nomenclature be introduced as for ordinary aromatic compourWs with the prefix Vo" for each benzene ring substituted by the ferrocene ring. Thust the compound (I) obtained should be termed Fo-anthrones UDC8 547.25 + 66.093-25 + Y46-72 ACC NRs Ap601,M2 The structure of (I) was confirmed by IR and INMR spectra and by determining the mole- cular weight. Hence, it is shown that the cYclization Of 0-0&rboxybenzylferrocone under the influenc of PC1 forms a c7clOPentadieryl ring. The Fc-anthrone obtained readU7 oxidisen t: Fc-anlaquinone (or phthaloylferracene) on stirring Its b*nzene solution with MhG~s 0 Fe Fe Under milder wdditing conditions,, A compound is formed whoso IR spectra ind th* 8tructur* Of Fc-hYdrOxYanthraquinone (III); icated 213 1 16506-66 ACC NRg AP6017882 11"'. ,Oil -1 i I.L626o.66--- L*dT(-m)/Ewp(j) nm ACC NRt AP6030570 4,A() SOURCE CODE: UR/0413/66/0001016/0038/0038 MEMOR: N-esseyanov. A. N.; Vil'chevskaya, V. D.: Kochetkova, N. S.: Gorelikova. Yu. Yu. ------------ '-ORGi --,-none-- IPJ- nf ,,,.carb~ TIC. I, nk, L h6316-65 KMT (.,,)) /r'PT' /"'mp PC-L/Pr-Ij RY ACCESSION NR: AP-5007566 5/0020/65/160/005/1090/1092 ,AUTHOR: Nesmeyanov, A. N. (Academician); Kursanov, D. 11. (Corresponding member L !AN SSSR)., Villchevskava V D - Kochetk2y 11. S.; na. V. N.; Novikov, Yu. N. TITLE: Reactions of triferrocenylphosphine oxide no. 5, 11365, 1090-1092 SOURCE: M SSSR. Doklady, V. 16 TOPIC TAGS: cyclopentadienylymetal, ferrocene, iron organic compound, phosphine oxide, organome-t-5111-EZ6-m`pc~und ABSTRACT: Triferrocenylphosphine oxide was sulfonated to produce tris(l-sulfo- ferrocenylene-II)phospliine oxide: (CleHave)s PO + autsol, (HOSSC1011SYS)s PO. IThe product readily forms water-soluble salts when acted upon by Ha, Da, Pb and Mn ~carbonates, and its aqueous solutions am extrermly unstable. When acted upon by !excess dilute HZS04, triferrocenylphc~sphlne oxide decompose3 to form diferrocenyl- I iphosphonio acid. This e-my detachwnt cf only one fervocenyl radleal is unique. !Card 1/2 L V3 18 -6 5 ACCESSION 11R: APS007566 .jNo decomposition was observed an prolonged boiling of triferrocenylphosphine oxide with 50% NaO4. A hydrogen isotope exchange reaction was conducted in trifluoro- acetic acid containing 51.4 at. % deuterium, and -the kinetics of this exchange were investigated. The rate con3tants of the hydrogen exchange ( ) were calculated -7 7 -7 N. E. to be 1.6x 10 , 4.4 x 10 , and 12.Bxlo sec-1 respectively. These values point to strong electron-acceptor properties of the phosphine oxide group. IR spectra of triferrocenylphosphine oxide separated after the hydrogen exchange and containing about 50 at. "a deuterium showed that most of the deuterium waa present in the a- !substituted cyclopentadienyl rings. The authors conclude that the electrophilic substitution reactions, i.e., sulfonation and hydrogen exchange, take place pri- marily in the unsubstituted cycloventadienyl rings ol"; ferrocenylvhosphine oxide, The experimental procedure employad is described. Orig. art, has: 1 table. ASSOCIATIONt Institut elemo-ntoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademli nauk SSSR (Institute of C~ gom oun4s demy__af_,qqj=eq SSSR) SUBM17MD: ~Wu164 EUCL: 00 SUB CODE: OC NO REr.SOV*.., OTHER. 004 C 'Ofd 2/2 tA - KESHEYANOV, A.N., akaderaik; VILIC~FVSKAYA, V.D., KOCHETKOVA, N.S. Synthesis of 1-~'errocenyol-2--carbomethaxyelhylene. Dakl. AN SSSR 152 no.3s627-628 S 163. (MIRA 16.-12) 1. Institut elementoorganlaheskikh soyedinenly AN SSSR. NESMEYANOVP A.N.; VILICHEVSKAYA, V.D.; KOCHETKOVA,N.S.; PALITSYN, N.p. Synthesis of phosphorus-containing derivatives of ferrocene. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.11:2051-2052 H 163. (MIRA 17:1) 1. Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy AN SSSR. NESMEMOV, A.R.1 XOCMMOVAq N.S.; SHE==, Yu.Ne; SIMVINAO L.B.; STRUCHKOVA, M*I. o-Carbaxy- and o-hydroxvbenzoylferrocenes and their derivativeo;12) Zsr. AN SSSR. Otd.khim.nauk no.lltl990-1996 N 162. (MM 15 1. Institut elmentoorgazichookikh soyedineni7a AN MR i Institut khimii prorodnykh soy dineniya AN SUR, (Ferro:ene) 8/062/62/000/011/005/021 3100144 AUTHORSs --Neameyanov, A. N., Kochetkova, N. S., Ville I V~ Dow R~Le~~ Sheynker, Yuo N., Senyavina, L. Boo anrS-truchkova, M. 1. TITLEs o-Garboxy- and o-hydroxy benzoyl ferrocenes and their derivatives PERIODICALs Akademiya, nauk SSSR.---Izvestiya. Otdoleniye-khimicheakikh nauk, no. 11, 1962, 1990 - 199,6- TEXTs The IR and UV spectra of the following coapounds were studied% o-carboxy benzoyl ferrocene (A); o-hydroxy benzoyl ferrocene (B) synthesind from salicyl chloride and ferrocene in the pres ence of Alcl3 in CH2 Cl2 solution at 45 - 500c; o-methoxy benzoyl ferrocene (C) obtained by methylating B with dimethyl sulfate, yield 96%; o-acetoxy bensoyl ferrocens (D) obtained by acetylating B with acetic anhydride, yield 95%; c-hydroxy Oenzyl ferrocene.(E) obtained by reducing B wi-th zinc &&alga&, Yield 77~; o-methoxy benzyl ferrocene (F) obtained by methylating E with disethyl sulfate,-yield 906; o-hydroxy phenyl ferrocenyl carbinol (G) obtained by reducing B with LiAlH 49 yield 90%; and o-methoxy ferroc*nyl carbinol (H) Card 1/3 S/062/62/000/011/005/021 o-Cakboxy- and o-hydroxy ... BIOI/B144 obtained by methylating G with dimethyl sulfate, yield 93~. Ethers of the type C 1011 9Fe-CH(OR)-C6H4OH were obtained by recrystallizing G in the corresponding alcohols. For R - CH 39 the m.p. was 119 - 1200C, the yield 89%; for R - C 2H5' m'p' 1170C, yield 94%; and for R - '-C3H7' 2-P- 79-8000, yield 89%. The spectroscopic studies showedi (1) Both the crystallized and the dissolved A showed no tautomerism by ring closure. The structure of A is therefore opens Fc-CO-C.H (Fc - ferrocenyl), although in an jo 4 COOH earlier study (DOkl. AN SSSR, 138, 390 (1961)) derivatives of the tautonnic O-CO form Fc-C-C H were also synthesized from this compound. (2) With B there 6 4 Un is also no hydroxy quinone tautomerism, but an intranolecular H bond H ...N 0 0 is formed. There are 4 figures and I table. The most I Fo C6H4 Card 2/3 3/062/62/000/011/005/021 o-Carboxy- and o-hydroxy... B1O1/B144 important English-language reference-ins R. L. Schaaf,.J. Organ. Chen., 27v 107 (1962). ASSOCIATIONs Institut elementoorganicheakikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SS_SR (Institute of Elemental Orgs~nic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR). Institut khimii prirodnykh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Chemistry of Naturally Occurring Compounds of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTEDs April 4, 1962 Card 3/3 NESIEMOV, A.N., akademik; VILtCffaSUYA, V.D.; KOCHETKOVA, N.S, O-Carboxybenzoylferrocene reactions. Dokl.AN SSSR 138 no.2:3906~392 My 161, (MM 14:5) .1. Institut elementoorganichsokikh ooydeineniy Akademii nauk SSSR. I (Ferrocene) 50) - ,AUTHORSt Neameyanovp A* N., Academician, SOV/20-125-5-23/61 Kazitsyna, L. A., Lokshin, B. V., Villchevskaya, V. D. I------------------- TITLEs Infrared Spectra of Some Alkyl- and Arylferrocenes (infrakrasn,yye spektry nekotorykh alkil- i arilferrotsenov) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1959, Vol 125, Nr 5,, PP 1037-1040 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was proved earlier that frequencies within the range of 1000 and 1100 cm- 1 in the infrared spectrum of ferrocene derivatives may be indicative of the presence of a cyclopentadienyl ring free from substituents (Refs 1, 2). The next problem to be solved is the determination of the mutual position of the substituting groups in a ring of the homoannular disubstituted ferrocene derivatives. The authors succeeded in obtaining 1.2.- and 1.3-isomers according to these spectra for acetylethyl- and ethyl-dimethyl ferrocene. However, the attempts which were made to use the derived rules fc;r other homoannular disubstituted ferrocenes Card 1/3 failed. The authors investigated the infrared spectra of Infr4red Spectra of Some Alkyl- and Arylferrocenes SO!1/20-125-5-23/61 some substituted ferrocenes within the range of the NaCl-priam (Table 1). It was reported (Ref 1) that the 20 spectra of two diethyl-ferrocenes (n D 1.5620 and 1-5847) differ only by the frequency 1277 cm-1, which is observed in one spectrum only. Since either spectrum exhibits absorption within the range of 1000 and 1100 cm- I (which indicates a free cyclopentadienyl ring), their structure has to be either 1.2- or 1-3-diethyl-ferrocene. Absorption within the range of 1280 cm- 1 is observed in all monosubstituted alkyl-ferrocenes (except methyl-ferrocene), phenyl-ferrocene, and all alkyl- and aryl-ferrocenes disubstituted in various rings, and, finally, in homoannular di-isopropyl and di-tert-butyl-ferrocenes. In the case of the last-mentioned substances a 1-3-structure is more probable, due to steric o,,naiderations. However, absorption within the range of 1280 cm- 1 is lacking in constantly 1.2-substituted homoannular ferrocenes (substances Nr 11 - 13, Table 1), in Card 2/3 which a 1.2-poeition of the subatituenta results from their Infrared Spectra of Some Alkyl- and Arylferrocenes B07/20-125-5-23/61 bicyclic structure. The synthecia of the compounds 11 and 12 was given earlier (Ref 9). The synthesis of Nr 13 in described in the present paper. The data discussed here render the assumption probable that the absorption within the range of 1280 cm- 1is owing to the presence of two carbon atoms of ferrocene. These atoms are not substituted and adjacent to a carbon atom of ferrocene to which a hydrocarbon radical is bound. The occurrence of these bands in the spectra of homoannular disubstituted ferrocenes indicates the 1.3-position of the substituents. There are I table and 12 references, 8of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Institut elementoorganicheskikh soyedineniy Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Elemental-organic Compounds of the Academy of Sciences,USSR) SUBMITTEDs January 30, 1959 Card 3/3 h3820-66 FUT(d) T EMA'(1) IJP(C) ACC NR, AP6023665 SOURCE CODE: e UR/0103/66/000/004/0088/0'103 AUTHOR: Vil'oheys!qL N Moscow); Razumikhin, B. S. (Moscow) ORG: none TITLE: Mechanical model and method for the solution of a general problem of linear programming SOURCE: Avtomatika I telemokhaniks., no. 4, 1966, 88-103 TOPIC TAGS: linear programming, Iteration, computer programming, electronic dlg~tal computer ABSTRACT: An Iteration method is proposed for the solution of a general problem of linear 'Programming on ~WZle~~onlc digital computer. The approach Is based on the penalty function 1, method. It Is shown that the linear programming problem Is equivalent to the equilibrium problem for a certain mechanical system, or to the problem of the minimum potential energy in a mechanical model. Thh3 analogy Is shown to be a natural physical substantiation of the penalty function method used. In the mechanical model Ddopted the cavities are filled with compressible gas so that the pressure in all cavities Is equal. Model state behavior Is de- scribed by means of a method of successive approximations, the mathematical essence of UDC: 619.82 L 43820-66 ACC NRt AP6023665 which Is a particularized application of the method of steepest ascent. OrIg. art. has: 2 tables and 59 formulas. SUB CODE:. 09,12/ SUBM DATE: 06Jul65/ ORIG REF: 005/ OTH REF: 004 1~ 2 /?, A. 0 4 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a q 4 0 I I 1 4 j 6 1 f I w 11 m h P u II A I-At A A I L CE I . A 00 A 0 0 : CemealluAig micruporous miad filAmenlous rubbtf 1). 1 16, 31 3 A I A.m. IV 1.. IuMm M." ".6, oultalt%tj widl 4 polst. "I lithl.1 Ill 0: 4%IAlIUIJ 1JAM011UM Alld 'Alth 811MA-14101A. Hit 00 j,t0tWI tic$ Of tile fQ61011 KCKXI. 9UV CA"(1d. A.A.H. 00 Art 00 a 0e 00 60 &0 ASO It A W614414KAt JIIjff.jj,.f (isMIKAFKAr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 q -,90 .00 -00 *0 no 0 , .1-00 00 409 too A f . I I ml I % 1`40 0 1 w so oooooooo*Ooo;ooooo,ooor;0.0;0000000000040000oo :Ooooo,oooooooooeooooooooooooooo*OOOOOOOOOOOo i AS A 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 4 0 4 a * a I: is 1, 4 L t f. A J. IL L A0 P It S I 1 1 0 0 4~616 I. U 11 11 11 11 11 0 0 1 111 1 4 0 Rl Vu tt .I A. V. Pol-1116 rdka of dm xalwwlw-m-v"y4 P,O-- 5. 5. 49 , Dwid, Won 40. wm ca-itl 6.4, N114011 1-45, Olvic kcif e tailrd with 1:12-7 t wr 0 w o-u nd Na butadiene fub A. A. 11-Affmny SWie XV-34%- I re* =so coo 00- ** f set 00 0 zoo *0 t AS* ~k 4 'IT&tL~P4KAL LOORAV~*# CLASSMICAUGh it --oo 098 it** t I-, ~,M~ .1, 111W 1%. "- -,- -,) too a, 4, t I ' 0, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 0 0 6 0 0 9 0 a 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 0 go 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 * 0 & 0 a 0 0 1! ::900060069*9901166040460 A VIILHIIISKAS, V. (Vileinskas, V.1, inzh. In five months instead of eleven. Avt.dor. 28 no.8:30 Ag '65. (MIRAL 18:11) POLAND / Chemical Technology. Drugs. Vitamins-anti- H biotics. Abs Jour: Rof Zhur-Yhimiya, No 22, 1958, 74956. Author Vilchinskaya Inst 0 Title The Appli~ation of 1polarographic Analysis as a Control fon pharmaceuticals. Orig Pub: Chem. anal., 1956, 1, No. 2-3, 214-219. Abstract: The following are determined by polarographic analysis: 1) formaldphyde in preparations of hexamethyl- tetraamine, 2) formic acid in injection solutions (indirect- ly, via zinc formate), 3) derivatives of isonicotinic acid (I) in "phpy- vasine and "Dispasgin" preparations (hydrazone of I with vanillin and the sodium salt of the Card 1/2 pOLAND / Cheinical TochnolOg Y. Drugs. Vitamins. Anti- biotics- Abs JOUT: Ref Zhur-Y-himiyal No 22, 1956, 74956. acid). ith p-aminOsaklcYlic - Abstract: h drazide Of I w ismide of nicotinic acid in '4 (forms a wave in 0.06 1~ diphenyl ethy "kdismen" preparation v in respect to a sat- lici J LOH, E.I. x -0.55 Uelectrode), urated calomel lopyridiwi in 11Sala- 5) salicyl azosulfonyl amid preparation (t1lis collipound forms a zopyrine yoil, E~~ -0.77v, wave in 0,1 N (chrYsOidine) in prep- I-diamIno azobenzene 6) 21, zoln, (wave in 1 N NH3 ~J N NH4G1, aration 19Roda _1.42v), and Ei= lutamic acid in preparation 7) pteroyl trig "Teropterin" Card 2/2 13 Is. A. and A. iL VndAm-dmVIL. "two some S&) OWN 41 C.A. if. town jd*. !~= c Nw. sewma" - - b.,W of WkiM- (1) as O"m 00"OtW b MWMMW iota I gi SOD410"* I b, 73*. dle V I Mo. IW ha. _d amd 2 saw CM. is d po."W to 320'- 0-1 64 Om &wow alle "ll C W" bkb in &bad bmdw of k4 0 be NiMW- Mo Slams 047un 'IM W" an we"bas b= 116.0.,Cy 0. 40 mW 1.4100, (n). 6 " "). SINN I is Im 4&4& OW I.Sk jv '310.4mo. f1w. by 1= fm owlerted iota 0- 0" ~jTttwd *b mcliftioll C. & par* it is maw-d that -him I 'im is M&WW to It ask [it Vamp fts py, on $,.~ bl, 0- -OhU-'; 'a " d" IM yu witn The Matig of the VdIt- Of 4r a" 0 ,,.zyiaw M. =4d C bm I in m bmud) yWded ~Cd- bast a" a b.,bW pm" tin *nUw 10 it b= .I:jj~- dhngtb 40.U. M. G. _" Y;I It. A. Arbon -)(K- Sli"WURI)IO. 'K So. "C ZAmr. 00oklml at ;:V, 61 Alloachamn pawed over glems chips at 400^ FbW grodocts =Xl ':"d PWO = =1:177 . V &r dj- OJW~i. ej 1.47K llfWftpMl the town (31-U.) with as 1 .4 g. scrolda 12 bm to I javeabnatilS.C is ~9~1 OVIS41 ftv IAW; this aNo"do Am me a Smi. idt ~m. 22A . bylito. Imilarly gave an 4=1111" Wally ;mw. m. 21V-10" (d. Dupont and Dulou. C.A. 0, 78761; JS. 93120). The Ist "bydir (23.8 9.) s4dc4 to I-M I. tmatod with 6 j. No. stirred 2.6 in., and =12.150~lftll AcOlf pre a product CONOOl be 184-7',' d4o 0.9m. OW 1.4m. "rating equal W". a "Yronefte with CH.:CIICN and a little byd CZ hn. at 12b- 40* gave about 30% aftlet. dj* 0.9374, mV 1.4875. The t4;:Ls'i't~ ~ly p -as. m. 46-W*, N 125-7 t odduct .I(h Ne-RiOll pre an ammint. C10I.S. bu IM-401. d!, 0.94M. mV 1.*M (pkt&b. m. 187-8*), while the 2"d prod- uct gave as assime. CmHuM, ths IzS-40. d.00 O.W730, or of the products we made. G. M. Komakpoff 'AV~L 7'5-2 L- 4- 5 9/60 ALITHORSt Abramov, V. S. Villchinskaya, A. 1R. , Frino7zkaya, V. A. TITLE% In Memoriam laidrey Ivanovich Lunlyak (Pamjati Andreya Ivano- vicha Lunlyaka) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal Obshchey Khimii,1958,Vol.28, ',,r 4,PP-1116-1119 (USSP) ABSTRACT: On October, 15 th , died after long serious disease the 76-year- -old Professor for Chemistry at the Medical Institute Ka:.anl, Andrey Ivanovich Lunlyak. He was a pupil of A. 12% Zaytsev. Andrey Ivanovich Lunlyak was born on December 17th, 1801, in Petersbur~;. After finishinghiGh 3-chool in Odessa he entered the Military Medical Institute in Petersbur.,!. Then lie came as army surgeon to Kazaz?. Already 2 years later he left the army and devoted his life to chemistry. Ile came as laboratory assistant to the Laboratory for Oroanic Chemistry ant the Kazin'University which stood under the leadership of A. M. Za,yetsev. Here he passed - thanks to mediation of the uni- YeL61ty - his pharmacist examination with special permission. In 1908 A. I, Lunlyak was sent to Berlin for 2 years where he worked in the laboratory of E. Fischer. Then he was Card 1/3 appointed pri~rate docent of the Kazar.1 University, short time In Memoriam Andrey Ivanovich Lunlyak 79-2C-4-5'!/,JO afteryiard2 assistant prof-F-or for orZanic c! 'emistry =A E-~;ri- cultural analysis in Uexan(iriya, where he finished his dissertation. t'ron 191o till 1924 A. I. Lun'y--v. was professor for physiological chemistr~r at the new-opened university of PerT~. He was simu3taneouslL.- dean of t`ie fa- culty for plWsics and nathe=atics and of the medical faculty and later rcprcnentative of the rector of the univers.-ty. In 1924 he -;,as appointed professor for the chair for technical chemi3try of the Kazan'University, trio years later rector of the university. Frora 1930 on Lunlynk. was professor for ok- ganic chemistry of the technolo--ical faculty of the Chemical- -Technolo-ical Instituteof'. 6 years later he was L4 appointed leader of the chair for or4;anic cl;e:.Iistrf at the Medical Institute of Kazan, where he held lectures for many years. In 1952 A. 1. Lunlyak had to retire because of his bad health, was, however, always very interested in the life at the Institute. Andrey Ivanuvich Lunlyak was a very good organizer and his energy was inexhaustible. He also took part actively in the development of the chemical indu3try of the Tatar Republic. Party and Government estimated highly his services and he was awarded the Lenin Order. Card 2/3 His pupils and assistants will alvays remember him. 79-28-4-59/60 In Hemoriam Andrey Ivanovich Lunlyak A list of the scientific works of the deceased is given. There io I figure. Card 3/3 50) AUTHORS: Villchinskaya, A. R., Arbuzov, B. A. SOY/79-29-a-6i/8i TITLEs Diene Synthesis of Alloocimene With Asymmetric Dienophils PERIODICALs Zhurnal obshchey khimii, 1959, Vol 29, Nr 6, pp 2718-2723 (USSR) ABSTRACT: It was proved by the authors (Ref 1) and at the same time by other research workers (Refs 2o 3) that the diene synthesis of alloocimene with the anhydride of maleio acid takes place at the carbon atoms 4.7 (Scheme 1). In the case of asymmetric dienophils the affiliation to the atoms 4P7 can yield two isomers (II) and (III) for alloooimene (Scheme 2). No definite data are to be found in publications as to whether this synthesis yields (II) or (III) or a mixture of both (Refs 2, 4). In order to determine the structure of the products of the diene synthesis of alloocimene with asymmetric dienophile with regard to the question whether the results are (II) or (III), the synthesis of alloocimene with acrolein, methyl acrylate, and the nitrile of acrylic acid was carried out and their structures were determined. The structure of the product of alloocimene and acrolein obtained earlier by B. A. Arbuzov (Ref 5) was determined by dehydrogenation over the Card 1/3 palladium catalyst. The result was a crystalline compound which )iene Synth-isis of Alloocimene With Asymmetric SOV/79-29-8-61/81 i4enophils according to its melting point and that of its picrate as well as its ultraviolet spectrum, proved to be the 2,3,6-trimothyl- naphthalene (Fig). This formation proves that tho t1tructure of the adduction of alloocimene with acroiein is (II,X=CHO) (Scheme 3). The reaction of alloocimene with the methylacrylate yielded an adduct with an 61,5% yield. The structure of the esters as compound (II) (X-COOCH 3) was proved according to scheme 4. In the dehydrogenation of the adduct over the palladium catalyst the ester IV) was obtained, and vrhen (IV) was saponified the free acid ~V) resulted. Its oxidation yielded the pyromellitic acid which was identified in the form of its esters (VI)(Ref 10). Compound (VII) resulted from the dehydrogenation of the adduct of alloocimene with methylacrylate by means of sulphur and sodium sulphite. The nitrile of acrylic acid smoothly reacts with alloocimene. The structure o the resulting adduct as compound (II) (X-CN) was proved according to scheme 5. Thus the affiliation of the dienophil takeo place in the case of the above diene syntheses with a formation of the Card 2/3 Diene SyntheBiD of Alloocimene With Asymmetric BOY/79-29-s-61/si Dienophils adduct (II). The formation of adduct (III) in other cases is, however, not impossible. There are 1 figure and 17 references, 6 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION% Hauclino-isaledovatellskiy khimicheskiy in8titut pri Kazanskom gosudarstvennom universiteteaniKazanskiy gosudarstvennyy meditsinskiy inBtitUt (Scientific Research Institute of Chemistry at the Kazan' State University and Kazan' State Medical Institute) SUBMITTED- June 16, 1958 Card 3/3 VILICHIIISKAYA, A.R.;MIOVSKArA, V.A. Synthesis of esters of phosphouic, monothio-, and dithiophosphoric acids containing the myrtenyl radical. Zhur.ob.khim. 30 no.8: 2581-2585 Ag 160. (MIRA 13:8) 1. lazanskiy gosudarstvennyy universitat i Usanakiy gosudaretvennyy meditsinskiy institut. (Phosphouic actcl) (Phosphoric acid) jISHEVAP YL.YL.; 2 "1! All '10 165, v !nS Z Kazanf' a goLudarstfeX~T urri~ ARBUZOV, B.A.; VILIMLINS~ ~YAA,,R. Diene synthesis of a-UoZcimene vith asymmetric dienophues. Part 2; spthesis of substituted naphthalenes from adducts with allo6cimene. 31 no.7:2199-22o4 n 161. (MIRA 14:7) 1. Nauchno-issledovatellskiy khimicheskiy institut imeni A.M. Butlerova pri Kazanskom gosudarstvcnnom universitete I-Kazanskiy goBudarstve yy ditsinskiy institut. (flaphthalener (AmleloUcimene) V-1 uss.-ii / Pharracolo&r and Toxicology. 1XIodicinal Plants. Abs Jour : Ref. Zhur - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. 8o665 Author : VillchinBkaya, A. S. inst :-Tot given Title : Influence of an Extract of Linseed on the Secrotor and Motor Function of the Intestine of Shoop Orig Pub :Tr. Mak. vot. akad., 1955, 9, 130-141 Abstract :The study of the secrotory function (SF) and the motor function (W) of sheop Intestine was conducted according to the method of Sineahchokov by external ontorotomosis; in addition, it was established that in normals there are fluctuations In the SF and the W, depending on the fodder used; more rugular fluctuations are observed when the animals are penned and given dry fodder. Ia a series of experimnts where the shoop internally received 300 ml of snoxtraction of linseed of 1:10 or 1:4. it was shown that Card 1/2 31 USSR / pharEacology and Taricology. MDdicinal Plants- V-8 Ate jour Bef. Zbir - Biologiya, No 17, 1958, No. 80665 the extract of linseed moderately activates the SY, especially the JeJW=. VF changes differed depending upon the original condition; the strongest W was observed in the duodonum, especially when weakened before the beginning of the test. The author proposes that the =CUB and protoinic substances contained in linseed exert a weak but very regular excitation of the interoroceptorewhich reflox-vise is expressed in the strengthening of the SF and 1,F of the intoatino. Card 2/2 VILCHINSMA, A. S. and RUSETSKIY, K. A. "Furasolidon in the case of p&mtyphoid in poultry and calves." Veterinariya, Vol- 37, 110- 6, 1969, P. 38 &", t - C v if , SCI. - 06a-k V AV A_ -Gtt I VILICHINSKAYAi A.S., kand. voter. nauk; RUSEVSKIY, K.A., wwwwwwo TeTor-Inarny-7 vracb kvitebsk) Furazolidone in paratyphoid fever in poultr7 and calves. Veterinariia 37 no-6:3&-39 Je 160. (MIM 16~7) (Furazolidone) (Para-typhoid fever) (Ducks-Diseaoes and pests) (Calves-DiseaaaB) SHIROKOV, V.I., red.; -397 IUDULAZLI-L-Z. red.; NOVIKOVA, A.M., red.; KUFTYREVA, Z.1., red.; DONETS, Ye.P., red.; KASTRYKINA, M.A., red.; DOLMATOVA, A.S., red.; EENEVOLENSKrY, I.I., red.; BOLISHAKOVA, N.L., red.; BUYAKOV, P.V., red.; HADINA, L.S., tekhn. red. (The economy of Ivanovo Province; statistical abstract] Nar- noe khoziaistvo Iyanovskoi oblasti; statisticheskii sbornik. Ivunovo, G*sstatisdat, 1962. 227 p. (MIRA 16:6) 1. Ivanovo (Provinco)Statisticheskoye upravleniye. 2. Na- challnik Statisticheskogo uprav]Aniya Ivanovskoy oblasti (for Belyakov). 4. Statisticheskoye upravleaiye IvRnovskoy oblasti (for all except Badina). (Ivanovo Province-Statistics) V! 111'.1i c r fjZ. zlljl-. 1. Instit;it. fiziki AN ACCESSION NR: AT4034463 S/3091/63/000/002/0003/0010 AUTHOR: Benyukh, V. V.; .~ttll-qhlnskaya, S. P.; Demenko, A. A.; Krivutsa, Yu. N-.; Sandakova, Ye. V.; Terentlyeva, A* K.; Sherba Le Mo TITLE: Photographic observations of meteors In -1958 at the Klyevskaya astronomi- cheskaya observatorlya (Kiev Astronomical Observatory) SOURCE: Kiyev. Universitet. Sbornlk rabot po Mezhdunarodnomu geofizicheskomu godu, no. 2, 1963, 3-10 TOPIC TAGS: astronomy, meteor, upper atmosphere, photographic meteor ABSTRACT; In 1958'3photograWc observations of meteors were made at two base stations at Kiev University u4ing an AS-11 meteor patrol with fixed cameras. The- description of the patrol apparatus, coordinates of the observation stations and other general Information on the observation method have been presented earlier (Sbornik statey po MGG Klyevskogo universiteta, No. 1, 1960). The methods and formulas used in determination of various meteor parameters are reviewed briefly. The basic contribution of the paper is presentation of data obtained by processing of 21 base photographs of meteors, Table I gIve4 general Information concerning t.he 21 meteors - angular length of the meteor In 4egrees, the value of braking at eh -atmospheric velocity, maximum absolute stellar magni- arg heights HI and H2, extra ACCESSION NR: AT4034463 tude reduced to the international visual system, heights of appearance and disap- pearance and other parameters- Table 2 gives information on each meteor at-several points of the path. "The following persons participated In the processing of. the published data; 1. V, Kozhevnj~ova, L. M. Kozhevnj~o4,:V. G. Kruchinenko, A. K. Suslov and Zho M. Shcoerban!". prig. art.has: 7 foramlas and 2 tables. ASSOCIATION; Kiyavs~jy Unlversj~et fKiev UniversiTy SUBMITT90i 00 BATE ACQ: 07M4yf4 ENCLt 00 SUB PODE: AA 00 REF SOVZ 003 OTHER& 001 Card 2/~ KALININ, S.N.; LUPIIJOVICH, I.S.; HOWCHKO, I.S.; ABRAMCHUX, A.P.; ALEKSBYEV, Te.K.; AWSKIK, P.I.; AMBROSOV, A.L.; ARMYETA, N.M.; ANOKMN, A.H.; AFOYIN, M.I.; BABOSOV, M.M.; BALOBIN,V.1t.; BAWOVSKIT, A.K.; B3Z- DMO, T.T.; BZL'SKIY, B.B.; BOBEOVA, A.F.; BCLISHAKOVA, V.P.; BUL- GAKOV, N.P.; VAGIN, A.T.; BILIDFLUSH. R.T.; VILICIIINSKIY A D - VLASOVA, K.S.; VOYTKO, D.I.; VOLtr2W, A.G*-, [;eceased]; GAYKO, A.A.; GALASHEV, M.A.; GORRaLYAD, Kh.S.; GAMSHA, I.F.; GOSTI- LOV3[AYA, M.U.; GORBUNOVA, N.N.; GORSKIY, N.A.: GORFINKELI, Z.Sh.; GRUBILKO, N.P.; GUSAKOV, V.A.; (R]DAYKIN, A.I.; DANILOVICH, A.Y.; DAWITIYEV, V.A.; DENISOV, Z.H.; DOROZHKIH, N.A.; DUBOV, A.B.; DUBOV-w SKIY, Ys.K.; YL'VTIKHIY-7V, B.Ye.; ZMIKOV, I.S.; ZHILIH, A.P.; ZHCLUS- ROVICH, A.M.; ZHLWVEL, B.N.; ZABELLO, D.A.; ZMIATMIKO, G.D.; ZU- BETS, V.H.; IVITSKIY, A.I.; KACHURO, I.M.; KNEROV-ZIKIBLUI, O.K.; KIDA- LINSKIY, V.A.: KIPMARLITS, A.F.; KOVALEVSKIY. G.T.; KOVALICMX, P.P.; KOZHANOV, K.Ya.; KO%LOVSKIY, I.Ye.; KOCH6?OVA, Z.H.; KRIVODUBSKIY, I.P.; KUDRYAVTS3V. S.F.; KUSTOVA, A.I.; LAPPO, A.I.; LARIONXHKO, V.B.; LASIMSVICH, G.I.; KALICIMSM. V.I.; MANIKO, N.F.; KMOVETS, A.F.; HOSIMO.M.Ye.; MEDVlWV, A.G.; KELITSER, Te.D.; MOISHYRV, I.G.; KUSORDr, V.V.; MUKUH. N.D.; RAGORSKAYA, Te.D.; UALIBOTSKIY, S.B.; NIKCLArAVA, Yu.N.; NEDOLUGOV, I.T.; CRLOVSKIY, I.A.; ORLOVSKIY, K.P.; PAMMICH. A.A.; PESKIN, A.L.; PROKOPOV, P.Te.; PUSHKAREV, I.I.; RAZKYSLOVICH, I.R.; RAWtONKO, A.V.; REHIM-A, Z.I.; RINKIS. V.A.; ROVDO, A.I.; ROGOVOY, P.P.; ROZENBLYUH, B.M.; RYZHMANOV, A.G.; RUSI- NOV, A.A.; SAVCHENKO.'A.I.; SAPUNOV, V.A.; SAFRWOV, I.P.; SVIRSKIT. U.N.; WrMXV. V.P.; SERGEYEV, I.Y.; SIRCMIOV, A.L.; SID01UNKO, G.M.; (Continued on next card) KALININ, S.N.---(continued) Card 2. SKOROPANOT, S.G.; S1MIPKICMfKO, L.A.; SKIRHOV, T.Ye.; VTAROVOYTOV, K.T. [deceased]; STRHLKOV, I.G.; SUSLOV, V.P.; SM ff.JKOV, G.Ye.; SMAROV. A.Ye.; TIMOSHININ, V.D.; TISBKEVICH, I.I.; TROPASffO. I.K.; TRI7110, S.I.; TRIMA, N.K.; TUZOVA, R.V.; TURETSKIY. R.L.; UKANSKIY, M.N.; UROYEV, I.M.; KHOT110. A.1.; MOD "S OV, S.N.: TSX- KWOVICH, P.V.; CHH1WAVSKIY, I.G.; CH=OVA. Ye.I.; CHUNOSOV. K.N.; Slaroml 9 V.I.; SHIKILU.M.V, N.F.-, SWMYAR, A.Ye.; SHCHERBOV, H.A.; YMIGOS, B.A.; YUSKOVETS. M.K.; YAKOU37, B.I.; YAMSON, S.A.; TARO- SHUICH, A.A.; LUTSEITKO. M.N., red.; LARIV, V.. rod.; KALECHITS, G.. (Measures for increasine agricultural production per 100 hectares of land on collective and atnts farma of White Runni&J Heropriiatiis p0 uvelicheniiu proizvodstva sel'skokhozimistvannoi produktaii na 100 gaktarov zemollnykh ugodii v kolkhozakh i sovkhozakh BSSR. Red.kolle- giia; I.S.Lupinovich i dr. Minsk. Gos.izd-vo BSM. Red.sel'khos. lit-ry, 1959. 601 p. (KMA 13:4) 1. White Russia. Kinisterstvo sellskogo khozvoystva. (White Russia--Agriculture) VILICHrNSKIT, Anton Demlyanovich. (Selection in stockbreeding) Idbor i padbor u %hyvialshedouli. Minsk, Dziarzh. vyd-va BSSR, 1957. 37 P. (MZRA 10:12) (Stock and stockbreeding) for t! --p3 o'- Irr 0 Zone 0~ ,,or c!, ',:!,-r,.ia-ninn L , "0 :,ilovo- Imit Of llcrsf-'- 0. na- Di.mort-tions D~~f (I -I, ) SAVCHENKO S.S., general-mayor; ALEFUSANDWV, A.A., polkovnik; GRECHIKHIN, A.A,, polkovnik; K07,WV, A.F., polkovnik; KOZLOV, A.F., polkovnik; LOWY A.A., polkovnik, LOSHCHILOV 'A.A., polkovaik; MDWrMV,A.K.,, polkovnik; 14UTSYNOV, S.S., polkovnik- SEMIKOLE?43V, N.P., polkovnik; STIDAKOVO S.V,, polkovnik; SHINKAREV, G.M., polkovnlk; V2L'_C1UNSKIY.?__ :1 K,,-polkovnik, red.; SOLOMMONIK, R.L., tekhn. red. [Methods of preparation to use weapons; firearms and grenade launchers]Metodika ognevol podgotovkii strelkovoe oruzhie i grana- tometry. Wskva, Voen-1zdat, 1962. 318 P. (MIRA 16:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S,S.R.)Armiya. Sukhoputnye VOY3ka. Upravleniye boyevoy p-dgotovki voysk svyazi. (Rassaa---Amy~--Firearms) (Grenades) LOVI, Aleksandr Abramovich3 polkovnik; ETTSYNIuV, Scrgey :3avt~'IIyEvI,-%' polJcovnik; SHEMOIKO, Nikolay Akimovich, podpolk-vnik; VIL '[:.%jjj7f:YXj , I.Y .' red. (Problem book an the fundrunieritrAv "If fron :im;ill wn:; and tnrik~ artillcr7 and rock~--t w -.~.ori;!] 12 it o-snovam 3trel'by i raketriogo oruzhiia. Yonkva, Voini,-,daL, 1964. IS3 KININ, Rafail Aleksandrovich, polkovnik; VILICHINSKIY, I.K., polkovnik, red.; VOIKOVA, V.Te.,,-----""'"~* (firing automatic pistol; firing techniques and training methods] Strellba iz avtomaticheskikh pistoletov; tekhnika strel'by i wtodika obucheniis. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo m-va obor.SSSR. 1959. 99 P. (KIRA 12:9) (Pistol shooting) GMATOVSKIT, Nikolay Ivanovich, dotsent, kand.tekhn.nouk, inzh.-polkovnik; SHORN, Pavel Aleksandrovich. inzh.-podpolkovnik; VILICHINSKIT, LK -,red.polkovnik; STRALINIKOTA, K.A., 'I CZvolution of small arms in Russia] Istoriia rzvitiia ote- chestvennogo strelkovogo oruzhiia. Koskva, Voen.izd-vo K-va obor.SSSR. 1959. 247 ',0. (KIRA 12:9) (Firearms) LOVI ? A.I. t polkovnik; MINIV t R.A. p polkovnik; KMSTIN , V.Ya. , podpolkovnik; KAFUSTIN, V.Ya., podpolkovnik; KASWISKIYp B.R., podpolkovnik; MIKHEMp I.V., podpolkovnik; VILICHDiSM, I.K.t polkovnikp red.; SOKOIDVA9 G.F.9 tekhn. red. (Regulations for small arms fire] Pravila strel'by iz strelkovogo oru- zhiia. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo M-va obor. SSSR, 1961. L18 Y" 14:7) (Shootingg MlUt&ry) SAVCFENKO, Sergey Stepanovich~ general-mayorl ALEKSANDROV, Anatoliy Aleksandrovich, polkovnik; GRECHIKILIII, Aleksay Fedorovich., polkovnik; PIATITS3N, Nikolay 111kitich, polkovaik; J.K.,, polkovnik, red.; SOMMONIK, R.L.0 VILICRUIN. , -IY- ekhn. red. (Field firing for the personnel of arall units] Boevye strell- by v sostave podrazdelenii. Moskva, Voen.izd-vo H-va obororq SM, 1961. 156 p. (Shooting, Military) (MIRA 15:3) PWaIONOV, V.D.; BRYLOV, V.G.; I'E"ACH11~1KO, V.M.; VISHAKIN, V.P.; ROZANIOV1. V.N.; F KWOV, I..F.; Sr,;ASTIYANOV, N.K.; YAKOVLEV, B.A.; VILIGHE'Kil I K red. [Civil defense in rural areas; a training marruall Grazhdan- skaia. oborona v sel'5kikh raionakh; uchebnoe posobie. Mo- skva, Voenlzdat, 1965. 359 1). (MIRA 18:6) BLOSHWO, M.G., polkovnik; GAVRIKOV, F.K., polkovnik; KIRIN, I,D,, p01- kmnik; SHVIDMOMO, K.Ts., polkovnik; LOSHCHILOT. &.K.# pod- polkovnik; KOASOV, A.Fos general-leytonant, red.; PZTUKHOV, V~I9v general-mayor, red.; RMUKO, P.M., general-mAyor. red.;._!A!'- CHINSKIT. I K. -, polkovnik. red.; HEDNIXOVA, A,N,,, (Training manuBI for young ooldiers; second edition] Posobis po obuchanilu molodykh soldat. Izd.2, ispr. i dop. Koskya, Voen. izd-vo X-va obor SSSR. 1959. 503 P. (MIRA 13:3) iMilitary education) VIL'GHINSKIT,j-,, POI.kovnik Voen. znan. 35 no.11:26-27 li 159. 2t12) Company machine gun, ( MIU. lz - - (Machine guns) KOLIESHIKOV. I.S.. gvardii general-mayor, Geroy Sovetskogo Soyuza, ; VILO'CHINSKIT, I.K., oolkovaik, red.; GATRILOVA, A.M., tekbn. red. [Behavior of soldiers in public) 0 povedenil voine vne chasti. Xoskva. Voen. izd-vo 9-va obor. SSSR,, 1958. 69 p. (MIRA 11:12) (Soldiers) PLATITSIE . N.N., polkovnik; VIL'CHINSKIT, I.K., polkovnik, red.; XTASNIKOVA, T.F., tekfin.-red. - [Firing manual; Makarov 9-mm. pistol (PM)] Naetavlenie po strelkovoma delu; 9-mm pistolet Makarova (PH). Izd-3. ispr. Moskva, Toen.isd-vo H-va obor.S=o 1960. 92 p. (KIRA 13:4) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisterstyo oborony. (Pistols) '~ 7'j:1 1 ,-' . j' I . . MMSTWOV, Sergey Savellyevich. podpolkovnik-, SHUCHINK0. Nikolay AkimoAch, podpolkovnik; JgTs~Ir'Elp r gwi-pedpolkovnik. redaktor; SIJIPTSOVA, Ye.N.. takhnichaskiy redaktor (Book of problems in the principles of shooting] Zedachnik po o9novas strellby. Moskva, Woon.izd-vo N-ve obor. SSSR, 1957. 127 (Shooting, Military) (PWRA 10:9) SEMMLMW,OV, Mkolay Petrovich, polkovnik, BONDAUNKO, Fedor Grigorlyevich, polkovnik. KRASMM, Naum Takovlevich, gvnrdii polkovnik, BLAGONRAYOV,A.A. akademik. general-leytennnt nrtilleril zapasn, red.; VILtCHINSKry, I.K. polkovnik. red.; SOKOLOVA. G.7., [Principles of fire for Infantry units] Osnovy strel'by Iz oruzhila strelkovylth podrnzdelonli. Pod obahchat red. A.A. Blngonrpvovn. XoskTa, Voen. izd-vo H-vn obor. SSSR, 1958. 266 p. (MIRA 11:9) (Shooting) RAUSH, Georgiy Nonstantinovich; JiMOMMINMI., podpolkoynik, redaktor; SPIONIC, N.Y., tokhnichookly redaktor. LTrench vortars In battlol Mincret v bolu. Moskva, Voon.isd-vo N-va obor.SSSFL, 1957. 98 po' KRA lo-.6) (Mortars (Orduanee)) SWOMKO, Vikolay Akimovich, podpolkovnik; VILICHINSKIT. I.K.. polkovnik. red.; MIDNIKOVA, A.N., - [Studying the meebanical parts of small arms] Imuchanis materiallnoi chasti stralkovogo orushiia. Moskva, Toen.izd-vo K-va obor.SSO, 1960. 71 p. (min 14:2) (Firearms) polkovnik, red.; SHINKARET. G.H., podpolkovnike red.; TOLKOVAg V.Yeaq tekhn."d* [Wantry manual; 7.62 mm. coqmny machine Ipm, 1946 model (RP-46)] Nantavlenis po strelkovowa delu; 7,62-mm rotnyi pulemet obr.1946 g. (W-46). Izd.3.. ispr. i dop. Moskva. Voen.izd-vo N-va obor.S=, 1960. 143 p. (MIRA 14:2) 1. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Kinisteretvo oborony. (Machine guns) SAVCFMKO, Sergey Stepanovich, General-mayor; MZIIIKHRI, Aleksey Fedorovich, polkovnik; VILICIMISKIY, I.K., polkovnik, red.; SOKOLOVA, G.F., tekhn. red. [Firing from an aimored carrier) Strellba s bronetransportera. Moskva, Voen. izd-vo 1.1-va oborony SSSR, 1962. 83 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Shooting, Military) (Armored vehicles) BONDARENKO, S~S.; Y.A.SliANSKIY, B.111~, KAFFUSTIN, V.Ya.; 1CRAMARENKG,, P.T.; LOVI, A.A.; MMETEV, LV.; FOLETAYEV, A.S.; SELEZNZEV, V.I; SUDAKOV, S~V.~ polkovnik,. red.; VILICHINTAlY, I.K,,,_Ted. [Instruction in at night from small arms and grenade Jauveherel Obuchenle strellbe nochIlu iz strelkovogo orwhila I granatometa. Mosk-va, Voenizdat. 1964. 21.4 p. (MI11A 18s4) SMINDLOW, Nikolay Petrovich, polkoynik; jj~!CHINSKIT, I.K., podpolkoynik; redaktor; RJZIKIN, 1,1,, takhnichaskii-r'"6i. '- [Piring heavy machineguzol strellba is stankovykh pulemotev. lzd. 2-oo, ispr. Moskva, Teen. izd-ve Minleterstva ober. SSSR. 1955. 159 P. (Machineguns) (KWA 9-5) VIPCHINSKIY.1-J..K., polkovnik, red.; SRIBNIS, N.V., (Manual on musketry; 7.62-mm Degtiarev light machine gun] Nastavlenle po strelkovomu delu; 7,62-mm ruchnoi pulemet Degtisreva (RPD). Izd.2., ispr. 1. dop. Moskva, Voenizdat, 1961. 152 p. (MIRA 16:10) 1. Faissia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Ministerstvo oborony. (Shooting, Military) (Degtiarev machine gun) VILICE"'SEY, 1. v. Sprz,vachni? Pc; Toplimu I Tvplivr!c*kD. r1kot;u Miczyaystv-ii Zhieleznykii I.Ir rc,.L: (~.~nuel on Fitelzi zind Fuel in RaUrocid Uperations, by) T. A. Pu,Ziyets I V. L. Vil'Cltinskiy. PlloskvL, Traza.-zlieldori--dat, 1956. 48, P. Illus.. Diz,L-rs., Tz.,bles. VILICHBRIT, M.A. Errors in the diagnosis of an acute abdomen in aseariasis in children. Sov. med. 27 no.12:83-86 D'63 (MM 17:-/,) Is Tz kh1rurgieheskogo i detakogo otdeleniya Lyubitovskay uchastkovoy bollnitsy Volynakoy oblasti. ._X.M,[Vil'chynB'kyi., M.M.1; BEDRIKOVSKAYA~ N.P. (Bedrykivalka,, Uk3~_ ~ N.P. I Citrus plants of the Botanical Garden of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and biological characteristics of lemons. Trudy Bote eads, AN URSR 7:137-1-42 160, (MIRA 14:4) (Ukraine-Citrus fruits) (Ukraine 4 von)