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MISYUREV, Mikhail Alekseyevich; VINOG!~ H., red.1 BGCK~HOVA, Yu.F., red.izd-va; VORDWINA, fLK., takhn. red. [Methodology of problem solution in theoretical mechanical Metodika reeheniia zadach po teoretichookoi mekhanike. Mo- skva, Vyashala shkola, 1962. 306 p. (MIRA 16:1) (Mechanics,, Analytic-Problems, exercises,atc.) SOV/124-59-1-792 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1959, Nr 1, P 115 (USSR) AUTHOR Vinogradoy, R.M. --------- _71f TITLE:.. On the Vibrations of Longitudinally Compressed Elements of Trusses PERIODICAL: Nauchn. tr. Mosk. inzh.-ekon, in-ta, 1957, Nr 7, PP 101-107 ABSTRACT: By means of the operational calculus the integral equation for the trans- verse vibrations of a rodl-compressed by a longitudinal static force is solved. The known expression for the natural frequencies of the rod is obtained. V.I. Olimpiyev Card 1/1 , I .I f f F kand.tekhn.nauk, doteent u~ ~bra!Zio'nBof longitudinally compressed truss components. Trudy MMI no-7:101-107 '57, (KIU 10: 12) (Trusses--Vibration) -VINOGRADOV,, A.N. Competition for working out technical solutions for universal farm buildings. Biul. stroi. tekh. 20 no.6t 46-47 Je'63. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Glavnyy spetsialist Glavnogo upravleniya po proyektirovaniyu sel'skikh zdaniy i sooruzheniy pri Gosudarstvennom komitete po. delam stroitellstva SSSR. VINOGRADOVp_ A.P.,-luxboner. iipre'gmatiac'and staining skis vith the PK compound. Dar. prom. 6 A9.5: ~9-20 MY,'37- (MINA 10:6) 1. Kirevokly derevoebrabatyvayumbehly kombluat. (Wood finishing) (Skis and skiing) 'v I A, 0 C, f~ A Or, ,, , ~) VINOGILDOT, R.P.. inth. MPMMM- - -9, SemiautOmstiC line for working skin. Der. prom. 6 no-9:2Z-23 S 157. (MML 10211) 1. Kirovskiy derevoobrabatyvayushchiy kombinat. (Woodworking machinery) (Skis and skiing) VINOGRADOV., So School of advanced experience. Maohinoatroitel' no.6:6 Jo 163. WMA 16: 7) (No subject beading#) TINOGRADOY, S., red.; SOblIN, A., red. - [For the welfare of the people] Dlia blaga naroda. Koskva, Gospolitizdat, 1959. 23 p. (MIRA 13:3) (Chemleal industries) VINDGUMV, S. Bev forms of wholesale trade with general consumers! goods. Soy. torg. 33 no.12:14-17 D( 159. (MM 13:2) Wholesale trade) VIHOGRADOV. S. [more products for the Mother land.] Bol'Bhe produktov rodine! Koskva, Goopolitizdat, 1958. 20 p. (MIRA 11:6) (produce trade) 1 2 c. r J 1 1'. arc.. , c! Ur I-- VINOGBADOV, S.A. Adjustment of the engine controller of a ChME2 liesel locomotive. Blek. i tepl. tiaga 4 no.11%38-39 H 960. (XIBA 13:12) 1. Master reostatnykh isp7taniy depo Moskva-Sortirovochnaya. (Diesel locomotives) VINOGRADOV, S.A. Special features in tho control of the diesel and adjustment of the electric network of a UhMB2 diesel locomotives Eloke i tepl. tiaga 5 no.3:35-37 Mr 161. (MIRA 14s6) 1. Master reostatnykh ispytaniy depo Moskva-Sortirovochnaya-Rya- zanskaya. (Diesel locomotives) DOROSHENKO, V. F.; ZVEREV, S. M.; VINOMOOV, S. A., master Adjustment of the tz., vition, relay of the TDQ disool loco- motive. Zlek. i tepl. tiaga 6 no.9:14-16 S 162. (MIRA 15:10) 1. Starohiy, proyershchik Glavnogo upravleniya lokmotivnogo khozyaystva, Ministerstya putey soobahchaniy& depo Zimap Vostochno-Sibirskoy dorogi (for Doroshenko). 2. Teplovozoremontnyy teekh depo Moskv&-Sortirovochnaya-Ryazanakaya (for Vinogradov). (Diesel locomotives-Testing) (Electric relays) 5/124/63/000/001/061/080 D234/0308 .,UTHOR: Vino(yradov, S.V. TITLU; Problem of stability of a circular ring in an elastic medium PERIODICAL: Referativnyy zhurnal, 1.1'ekhanika, no. 1, 1963, 50, abstract 1V367 (Dokl. Mosk. s.-kh. ak-ad. im. K.A. Timiryazeva, 1960, no. 56, 243-247) TEXT: The author investigates the formula of Ye.L. Nikolai (Tr'udy po mekhanike, Gostekhizdat, 1955) for critical pressure in the case of a circular ring or an elongated cylindrical shell placed in an elastic medium. An approximate method is proposed for determining the number of half-waves of the bent axis. Z-Abstracter's note: Complete translation2 C ard 1/1 (Tv vi 4 --,-Ll'lovjr VaIj 4 0, nor I-)' "Affection of Myocardium in the Case of Fat Embolism of the Lungs." Thesis for degree of Cand Medical Sci" Sub 24 Get 50 Acad Med Sci. 4 .9 Suumry 71, 4 Sep 52. Dissertations Presented for Degrees In Science and Engineering in lb�cow in 1950. FroTp Vechernya3M Moskva, Jan-Dee 1950. VINOGRADOVI S.A. r-ZA09". Injuries of the myocardium in fat embolism of the lungs; experimental studies. Arkh.pat., Moskva 12 no.2:47-60 Mar-Apr 50 (CLKL 19:4) 1. Of the Department of Pathological Anatomy (Read - Academician A.I.Abrikosov) of the Tirst Moscow Order of Lenin Medical Institute, Moscow. VINOGRADOV, S.A., kandidat meditsinsk1kh nauk 'Diseases of the cardlomscular system; a bibliography of %asian literature, 1917-1949.1 X.A.Missarova. Reviewed by S.A.11nogradow. Terap. arkh. 26 no.2:89-91 Mr-Ap 154. (KLRA M) (BIBLIOGRAM--CARDIOTASGUIAR SYSTIM-DISILSIS) (CMIOTASOULLR SYSTAN-DISMSA-BIBLIOGRAMY) (NAZAROVA, N.A.) KONDRAITEV, G.G.; YINOGRAWV, S.A. Cutaneous lesions In lymphosarcomatoole. Test. yen. I darn. no.4:47-49 JI-Ag '55. (KLRA 8:12) 1. Is kafedry koshno-venericheakikh boletney (sav.-prof. G.G. Kondratlyev) I patologicheskoy anatouti (say.-prof. I.K.Tesipova) Krynskogo meditsinskogo instituta Imeni I.V.Stalina. (SKIM, neoplasms. IMhosarcomatoole) (LYMPHOSARCOKA, skin) VINOGRADOV, S.A. r--_1 - .- 11 ~"-'- 1,' , '' Method of production and comparative rating of various experi- mental models of myocardial infarct in animals. Arkh.pat. 17 no.1:76-82 Ja-Hr 155. (MLRA 8:10) 1. Iz kafedry patologichookoy anatomli (zav.-prof. I.K.Tesipova) Krymskogo meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.T.Stalina. (MYOCARDIAL INFARCT., anat. models, method of prod. & comparison in animals) VINOGRADOT_L_ $.A4 Uperimental myocardial infaret in some physiological and pathological conditions of the organism. Report 1. Affect of physical stress on the formation, development and healing of experimental myocardial infarct. 41 no-5:27-32 May 156. (MIRA 9:8) 1. Iz kafedry patologicheekoy anatomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent ANN SSSR prof. A.I.Strukov) I Hoskovskogo ordena Lenin& moditsinskogo institute. Prodstavlena deyetvitellnym chlonom ANN SSSR A.L.Nyasnikovym. (MYOCARDIAL DTFARCT, exper. off. of pbys. stress on form.. develop. & healing) CSTRESS, off. form., develop. & healing of exper. myocardial infaret) VINOGRADOV, S. A. Doe Med Sci -- (d ss) "ExFeri!rental nyo-cardial infarction and the effect of certain states of the orgonism upon its develoFment." Simferopol', 1957. 19 pp (1st Mos Order of Lenin Med Inst Im 1. M. Sechenov), 200 copies (KL, 52-58, 105) -479- VINOGRADOV, S.A. E ~er ~e myocardial infArct in certain physiological and pathological conditions of the organism. Report NO-3 Effect of hypertension of the lesser circulption on the development of expnrimental myo- cardial infarct [with summary in InGlish]. Biuls'eksp. biol' i med. 44 no.11:28-33 N157 (MIRA 11:11) 1. Iz kafedry pntologichesl-oy anatomii I Moskovskago ordeua Unina meditsinskogo instituta imeni I.M. Sechenova. Predstavlena deystvitelln.vm chlenom ANN SSSR A.L. Yqasnlkovym. (MYOCARDIAL IUFARCT, e=erimental, eff. of hypertension of lesspr circ. on develop; (Rus) ) (HYPERTENSION, ex-uerirental, 1---Rr circ., eff. on develop. of myocardial infaret(Rus)) VINOGRADOT, S.A. y_ Zxperimental myocardial infarction in some physiological and pathological states. Resport-No.2: Affect of hypertension of greater circulation on thd experimental development of myocardial lafarction. Biul.eksp.biol. i med. 43 no.4:25-30 Ap 157. (9IRA 10:10) 1. Is kafedry patologiche8koy anatomii (zav. - chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. A.I.Strukov) I Moskovskogo meditsinakogo instituta. Predstavlena daystvitellnym chlenom AMN SSSR prof. A.L.Mysenikovym. (HYMTXNSION) (HEART--INFARCTION) ~,-VIXQGWOV St . j_ _A__j___~IA1MZHU11TSKVAj Ye*Ae Anatomic and electrocardiographic parallels in experimental temporary partial interruption of coronary circulation. Arkh. Pat. 22 ~o. 11:30-38 160. NIRA 14:1) (CORONARY HEART DISEASE) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY) VINOGRADOV, S.A. Interpolation Gf* power series ab.-,clutf.-ly comrs~-rging --r. *hf-~ tr~tm--ary of' the circle of convergence. Vest. LGIJ 20 no.700-1.4 165. (PURA 18-5) VINOGICADOV. S.A. Interpolal.ion an,l zercc:1 of Fower z;erlee with a ;f coefficients frorn I'). 11"oki. AN 351;1-1 1,00 ro.2:2F63-2(~6 -ja lr'j5. (jqJW, 18:2) 1. Leningradskiy ronurlarotvennyy uni-iorsitat Im. A.A. 7hdanova. Submitted JulY 3, 1P~,It'4. SAKOVICHP I.P. (Sirriferopoll, ul. Zhukovskogo, 20, kv.;I); prof. Ilorphologic changes in the verniforn. proceso In appendicitis. A I (-. lp,:l) V031. kh'-r. 92 no.4:6k)--64 lip -4 1. Iz faladltet:i~ry k.11IT-Urgicheskoy '-:!Ln*.,r-I (7av. - rrof. P.P. Tgarenko) i kai"edry prAclogiche-skoy P--atomli (zav. - prof. S.A. Vilrogradoir) Kv~mskogo meditsinskago instiltuta. 124-11-13248 TrbLnslation from: Referativnyy Zhurnal, Mekhanika, 1957, Nr 11, p 139 (USSR) AUTHORS: Riznichenko, Yu. V., Silayeva, 0. 1., Sharnina, 0. G., Myachkin, V.I., Glukhov, V. A., Y!-aao TITLE: Seismo-Acoustic Methods for the Study of Stress Conditions in Mountain Rocks on Samples and In Loco. (Seysmoakusticheskiye metody izucheniya napryazhennogo sostoyaniya gornykh porod na obraztsakh i v massive. ) PERIODICAL: Tr. Geofiz. in-ta A N SSSR, 1956, Nr 34 (161), pp--74-;163 ABSTRACT: The study surveys various methods for the investigation of stress conditions in mountain rocks. Principal attention is directed to the impulse method and the acoustic method. It is indicated that with an increase in pressure the modulus of elasticity grows faster than the density. Therefore, the speed of sound, which is proportional to the square root of the ratio of the modulus of elasticity and the density, increases with increasing pressure; more specifically, the speed of sound is proportional approximately to the one-sixth power of the Card 1/z pressure. It is noted, further, that the formation of cracks, at the 124-11-13248 Seismo-Acoustic Methods for the Study of Stress Conditions in Mountain Rocks on Samples and In Loco. (Continued) inception of failure of mountain rocks, is accompanied by a crackling noise. The study of the vibrations arising in the rock during failure is the basis of the acoustic method. A description of a laboratory set-up for the study of the velocity of sound in stressed rock samples is offered, also a description of model tests and observations in mines by means of the seismic impulse method. A survey is made of destructive compression tests on rocks. the apparatus and methodology for the study of the elastic impulses accompanying their failure, and corresponding observations in mines. Bibliography- 77 references. (G. 1. Pokrovskiy) Card 2/2 V 1 1-4 C, G7 RV, AUTHOR: Vinogr -adov, S. D. 49-6-5/21 TITLE: i~c si:~c 0~s`ervat'Ons in mine shafts of the Kizelovsk coal basin. (Akusticheskiye nablyudeniya v shalchtakh Kizelovskogo ugollnogo basseyna). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya-Akademii Nauk, Seriya Geofizicheskeyan (Bullefln of the Ac.Sc., Geophysics Series), 1957, No.6, pp. 744-755 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The results are described of the study of acoustic (elastic) impulses which occur as a result of rock pressure and were recorded on a magnetic tape and then evaluated in the laboratory. It was found that observation of the intensity of the acoustic phenomena is the most characteristic. Prior to major disturbances (tremors, shocks) an increase in the acoustic activity was observed in two cases ten to fifteen hours prior to the fracture and in three cases two to four hours prior to fracture. Thus, it was noted that acoustic phenomena can be observed which indicate major disturbances in the continuity. The author believes that there is no direct relation between the acoustic phenomena and the time of beginning of the disruption; there is only a correspondence between the acoustic phenomena and the general Card 113 instability of the rock. Major disturbances in the contin- uity (mine tremors) can be considered as a model of 49-6-5/21 Acoustic observations in mine shafts of the Kizelovsk coal basin. (Cont.) earthquakes and, therefore, observations in mine workings are of interest from the point of view of investigating the physical processes occurring during earthquakes. Work on investigation of rock pressure was begun in 1952 at the ophysics Institute, Ac.Sc. (Geofizicheskiy Institut AN S Y71utilising natural elastic impulses which occur in the massive as a result of rock pressure and also by observing the speed of propagation of artificial elastic impulses. Actual observations of acoustic phenomena in mine workings were carried out between 1952 and 1954 by Antsyferov, M.S. (9,10) in the Donbass in mines where the danger of sudden explosions ofcoal and gaE wds great. The work in this paper is restricted to the acoustic part of the study. The following characteristics of the impulses were studied: the frequency of repetitions, the intensity, the shape and the frequency spectrum. The frequency spectrum of elastic impulses was found to depend on their magnitude. Combination of acoustic observations with observations of the speed of propagation of elastic waves into a single seismo- Ce.rd 2/3 acoustic method will permit more accurate evaluation of the stress state of the rock. 49-6-5/21 Acoustic observations in mine shafts of the Kozelovsk coal bas.-*n. (Cont.) There are 14 figures and 13 references, 11 of which are Slavic. SUBMITTED: August 29, 1956. ASSOCIATION: Institute of Physics of the Earth 'Ac Sc.1 U.S.S.R. (Akademiya Nauk SSSR Institut Fiziki Zemlij. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Curd 3/3 SOV/49-59-2-15/25 AUTHOR: Vinogradov, 3, D. TITLE: Elastic Impulses in a Body Caused by Pressure (U ru---iye impullsy, voznikayushchiye v massive pod davleniyem3 11 PERIODICAL: Izvestiya kkademii naLLk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskava, 1959, Nr 2, pp 296-300 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The laboratory experiments were carried out by the Instit- ute of Physics of the Earth, Acade.V of Sciences USSR, under Yu. V. Riznichenko (Refs 1-3) on the determination of the acoustic and seismic characteristics of models of salt which were subjected to pressure. Similar experiments described in this work were carried out in the potassium mine in Kalush in the Stanisiav!:'~,mya obi&2 I,-tHoles were e-rilled in the potassium (6 in Fi- 1) into which a "cushion" (1) made of copper was inserted and the surrounding space filled with expanding plaster (7). Water or oil from the container 5 was pumped into the "cushion" by mey of the pump 4 and tube 2 The pressure of 180-200 kg/cm was produced in steps of 20 kv/c~2 which was measured with the manometer 3 The piezo-electric receiver 8 was placed in the potassium and its impulses were fixed on the magnetic tape recorder after being amplified. Two regions could be distinguished in the potassium: Card 1/~hat of the compression G and that of the concentration of '3'DV/49-59--2-15/25 Elastic Impulses in a Body Caused by Pres3urn tension P where fractures were formed. These regions C3 were de-Itermined "by means of a model made of a transparent; medium (Ref 4). where a p7ate activated by oprings replaced ti~1'3 "cushioa", The isalines representing _the tensions and4the points of intcrsection.; as obtained from the model, are ahown in Fig 4 (shaded a-rea s~iows the concentration of tensions). The distribution of -intensity of elast--;3 impulses W wit-'a time t for various 'Dressures P obtained during the experiments with the "cushion" is reDresented in Fig 2, from which the e uation and k - constants., (1) could be derirea ( c k 1K The photograph cf waves recorded by means o-r an oscillograph is 11 - group of impulses). shown in Fig a - sLngle impulse, The elasr-ic dEfcrmation dur-Ing the experiments was of the kind shown in Fig 5 (Ref 6) b~ the segraent BC which is defined by Eq (2) (Ref 7) and Eq (3). These ~'ould be verified when the expression (3) is compared with Eq (1). Therefore, it ran be stated that the expression dezcribes ouffic--dently tiie re- lation of the int?na-447,-Y (,-~f effects W and the Card 2/3 SOV/49-59-2-15/25 Elastic Impulsos in a Body Caused by Pressure speed of deformation de/dt . This was confirmed by the similar experiments carried out in a coal mine in the Kizelovskly coal field. The results of these are shown in Fig 6, where a - relation of the wave velocity V P and time, b - intensity W (continuous line), relation of dp/dt and time (dotted line). Appreciation is expressed to Yu. V. Riznichenko and V. I. Myachkin for valuable advice. There are 6 figures and 7 refer- ences, of which 5 are Soviet and 2 English~ ASSOCIATION: Akademiya nauk SSSR, Institut fiziki Zemli (Institute of Physics of the Earth, Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: December 27 1957. Card 3/3 S/049/59/000/12/015/027 ALITHOR.- Vinosradov, E131/E391 TITLE: On the Distribution of Fractures in Relation to the Energy Causing the Disintegration of Rocks PERIODICAL: Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Seriya geofizicheskaya, 1959, Nv 12, pp 1850 - 1852 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The distribution of the number of~ytar es as a function of their energy is usually analysed statistically and then utilised in determining the seismicity of variou regions. The author has attempted to elucidate whether this relationship applies also to disintegration of rockss/ by other means. The data were collected in one of the Kizelov coal mines and from rock samples by the modelling laboratory of the Institute of Physics of the Earth, Ac. Sc., USSR, under the guidance of Yu.V. Riznicb-enkp-,-with the collaboration of O.G. Shamina and A.G. Konstantinova. The relationship between the number of elastic pulses N (arising in disintegration of rocks) and their energy E in the system of coordinates (In N, In 9) was determined for the samples of rocks (Figure 1) and Zr coal in the Cardl/2 Uriskiy and Kalinin mines (Figure 2). It was found s/o49/59/000/12/015/027 E131YE391 On the Distribution of Fractures in Relation to the Energy Causing the Disintegration of Rocks statistically that the energy distribution of the number of fractures in each case was the same, irrespective of the type of disintegration: earthquake, mine-working or laboratory tests. There are 2 figures and 7 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 4 English. ASSOCIATION: Akademiya.nauk SSSR Institut fiz:Lki Zemli (Institute of Phys:ics of the Earth of the Ac*Sc._,_US~R) SUBMITTED: April 10, 1959 Card 2/2 SHMINA, O.G., seymolog- VINOGRADOV. S a.., seysmolog; SILAYEVA, 0.1.1 Seysmolog; BMS, V. -., sey'emolog; SHAMAYEVA, L.A.p sey=o- log,- RIZNICMKO, Yu.V.p red.; PANTAYEVA, V.A., red.; RYBUNA, V.P., tekhn. red. (Weak earthquakes] Slabye zemletriaseniia. Mo&vap Izd-vo ino- str. lit-ry, 1961. 533 p. NIRA 15:1) 1. Institut fiziki Zomli AN SSSR (for Shomina, Vinogradov, Silayevap Barlasq Shamayeva). (Easthquakes) YINOGRADOV, S.D. Experimental study of the distribution of the number of cracks in relation to the energy released durArg the destruction or rocks. Izv. All SSSR. Ser. geofiz. no.2:171-180 F 162. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Inatitut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. (Rocks-Testing) (Force and energy) VINOGRADOV, S.D. Acoustic observations of rock disifiUlkition in the Ann& Mine. (Czechoslovakia). Izv.AN SSSR.Ser.gootts. no.42501-512 Ap 163. (MIRA l6s4) 1. Institut fiziki Zemli AN SSSR. (Czechoslovakia-Rock bursts) vli;O~IOILOVY Sergoy Dmitriyovicl,; Yu.v., otv. red. [Ac-~,ustlc observatiom of rock-breaking proc-asses) AkL- sticheakie riabliudentia j.rot.,,c--f!ov razrusheniia gorrgkil porod. MoJ",a, Illauka, 1964. E2 p. (MIlU 17:8) 1. Chlen-kor.res~onderlt AL, =1 (for ."IfmAchanko). jearth's AUTHOR: Vinogradov, S. D. ORG: none TITLE: Observation of processes which take p ace in crushing of rock SOURCE: AN SSSR. Sovet po seysmologil, binamika zemnoy kory (Dynamics of the crust). Moscow, Izd-vo "Naukall, 1965, 33-39 TOPIC TAGS: acoustoelectric transduction, mining, engineering, ground shock ABSTRACT: Rock crushing processes were studied in the "Anna" mine in Przybram, Czechoslovakia fr 11 December 1961 to 15 March 1962. An acoustic system consist- Ing of a geophone, preamplifier, control oscillator, ca,j~omd tape recorder was us eA fdr registration of elastic pulse Be The geo2hone is electrodynamic transduc- er in which the voltage at the output is Proportional to vibrational velocity. The preamplifier was transistorized with an amplification factor of 900 and a passband of 70-8000 cps. A coaxial cable was used for connecting the output of the preampli fier to the input of the tape recorder. Graphs are given for the number of-pulses lCard 1/2 ij ~C~, L 15753-66 ACC NR: AT6001137 0 as a function of energy in logarithmic coordinates. An analysis of the pulse re- cordings shows no preference'for shape. Spectral analysis shows a reduction in frequency with an increase in pulse amplitude. Rather large changes were observed in the slope of graphs for the number of pulses as a func~tion of energy and in scattering and*recurrence intervals before mine shocks., It is suggested that these changes may be used for predicting mine percussionso Origo art.' has: 6 figures$ I table. SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 1OHay65/ ORIG REFS 009/ OTH REV: 000 Card 2/2 -Ty"- ACC NR% AT6032745 SOURCE CODE: UR/0000/66/ooo/ooo/0158/ol66- 1AUTHOR: Vinogradov, S. D.; Myachkin, V. 1, ORG: none !TITLE: seismoacoustic methods of investigating rock failure and stressi ,state a ISOU11CE: AN SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli. Gcoakustika; ispol'zovaniye zvuka i ulltrazvuka v seysmologii, seysmorazvedke i gornom dele (Geoacoustics; the use of sound and ultrasound in seismology, seismic 'prospecting, and mining). Moscow, Izd-vo Nauka, 1966, 158-166 TOPIC TAGS: rock failure, rock stress, seismic wave -M4'bti_QM, acoustic analysis, earthquake, mining engineeri'ng, elastic wave, ultrasonics ABSTRACT: Developments in seismic and acoustic methods of investigating'. rock failure and stress in connection with attempts to forecast mine disasters and earthquakes are described. The following achievements have been recorded in using the seismic method: 1) the IPA ultrasonic pulse device has now been put into general use in both laboratory ex- periments and in the field; 2) a method of ultrasonic parameter meas- urements of the seismic characteristics of rocks has been worked out; 3) a method of investigating the deDendence of the seismic charartoeris- Card 1/2 ACC NR: AT06032745 ties of elastic waves on artificially created pressure has been devel- loped; 4) it has been determined that a sharp increase followed by a decrease of elastic wave velocity occurs before rock failure. The acoustic method has yielded the following results: 1) noise and elastic 1pulse energy observations alone are not adeqiAate in providing all the !variable characteristics in the acoustic regime; 2) it has been estab- iliohed that the distribution of the number of pulaeo with reupect to energy obeys a static law that manifests itself when rock failure is inde- pendent of the scale of failure. The slope of the N(E) distribution curve does not have a universal constant value, but depends on the pro- Iperties of the rock and the rate of deformation. Orig. art. has: 7 Ifigures. SUB CODE: 08/ SUBM DATE: 28Mar66 2/2 ACC NR& Am6026782 Monograph_-___'________ ____U~/" Vinogradov, Sergey Dmitriyevich Acoustiaal observations of rockburst-processes (Akusticheskiye nablyudeniya protsesBov razrusheniya gornykh porod) Moscow, Izd-vo "Nauka," 1964. 83 p. Illus., biblio. 1100 copies printed. (At head of title: Akademiya nauk SSSR. Institut fiziki Zemli im. 0. YU. Shmidta) TOPIC TAGS: geology, acoustics, acoustic detection, frequency spectrum PURPOSE AND COVERAOE: The book describes the results of acoustical observations of rockburst conducted in the modeling laboratory of the Institute of the Physics of Earth, Academy of Sciences USSR and directly in the field and in mines. In the first case, mainly the energy and the frequency spectra of elastic impulses were investi- gated, while in the second case, attention was concentrated on the distribution of the number of pulses N with respect to energy E. In both instances, the methods and equipment used are discussed. Shaft observations were conducted with direct participation of V, As Terentyev and the aid of staff members of the Mining Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciencesi I. Shimane, 1. Mika, and V, Pill- nacheke Helpful In the preparation of material for manuscript were senior laboratory assistants R. No Berezovskiy and So As Timofeyevo cc UDC: -TA 1/3 552.12 ACC N% Am6026782 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cabridged]: Foreword -- 3 PART ONE: STUDY OF THE DEPENDENCE OF DISTRIBUTION N(E) ON THE PROPERTYj OF THE DISINTEGRATING MATERIAL AND THE DEFORMATION RATE Ch, 1. Review of the literature -- 5 Ch, 2. Equipment L~nd methods in conducting laboratory tests -- 23 Ch. 3. Results of tests on disintegration of rock samples with the same deformation rate -- 29 Ch. 4. Results of tests on disintegration of samples of rocks and model materials with different deformation rates -- 35 PART TWO: TEMPORAL VARIATIONS IN THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SEISMIC REGIME Ch. 5. Equipment and methods of mine observations -- 47 Ch. 6. Study of energy and frequency spectra of elastic pulses recorded in mine observations -- 59 Ch, 7. Change of statistical characteristics of the regime in time during the process of disintegration 69 card 2/ 3 ACC NRt Ai',16026782 Comparison and discussion of results -- 76 Conclusions -- 77 Bibliography -- 79 SUB CODE: OS,2.0/ SUBM DATE: 20Jun64/ ORIG REP; 0147/ OTH REF: 03 783.3 M VINOGRADOV., Svyatoslav Filipporvich Shestoy pyatiletniy plan razvitiya narodnogo khozy&Ystva SSSR- novyy krupnyy shag v stroitel'stve kommunizma (The sixth five-year plan for the development of the conomy of the U.S.S.R. - a major step toward the establish- ment of communism) MoskvaJq "Znaniye",. 1956. 47 P- illus. diagre... tables. (Vaesoyuznoye Obshchestvo po Rasprostraneniyu Politicheskikh i Nauchnykh Znaniy, seriay i. nr. 15) Bibliographical footnotes. VLADIMIRTSEY, V.S.; TIHOGRADOV, S.F., red. [Lot us speed up the development of technological progress] Uskorim tempy tekhnicheakogo progreass. Koskva, Gospolitizdat. 196o. 16 p. WRA 14:1) (Russia--Industries) TITENKOV, D.P., glavnyy vrach; IA)SKUTOV, D.P., samestitelf glavnogo vracha; VINOGRADOV, S.G vrach. KIRBITSKAYA, A.V., vrach; KCSSAKOVSKAYA, A.T., A.M.,'Yrach; BOWHOVICH, A.G., vrach; CHMATA, A.V., vrach; SAPUNOVA, Ye.A., medoestra. Overcome shortcomings in hospital construction. Gor.khox.Kosk. 2? no.11:4-5 N '53. (KLRA 6:11) 1. Mookovskaya 2-ya klinichaskaya infektoionnaya bolluitea. (Mosoow-Hospitals) 17(8) SOV/177-58-7-20/28 AUTHOR; Vinogradov, S.I., Colonel of the Medical Corps TITLE: A Method of Pneumatic Registration of Respiratory Movements Under Changing Atmospheric Pressure PERIODICAL: Voyenno-meditsinskiy zhurnal, 1958, 1Tr 7, pp 79-82 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The author suggests a system for registering respi- ratory movements applicable in chambers with changing barometric pressure. It consists of three fundamen- tal parts, fitted to a board and joint by rubber tubes: a corrugated tube-, the two ends of which are closed (for fixing at Ue chest or abdomen), a pneu- mographic capsule (Marey's capsule), and an attach- ment for equalizing the pressure of the interior of the capsule with the exterior pressure (Figure 1). The registration of the breathing is performed by the Card 112 capsule, the writing mechanism of which descends in SOV/177-58-7-20/28 I A Method of Pneumatic Registration of Respiratory Movements Under Changing Atmospheric Pressure consequence of pressure increase and raises when the pressure drops. There is 1 diagram and 2 graphs. Card 2/2 BUFJURIN, DR. 11. A. - BOROVSK.11Y, B. Ye. - VL-JOGRADOV, a. .1. - GUBANOV. V. I. GURMCH, I. S. - YERSHOV, S. K. - ZOIDTIWV. I. S. - KRUGLCV, N. G. FEDOROV, S. A. Automobiles - Design and Construction Experience with operating domestic automobiles in Leningrad an-' in Leningrad Province. Avt. trakt. prom. no. 2, 1953 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, June -1953. Unclassified. "The Crystal Structure 'of Th2Znl7 and I by Ye. S. Mak- J2Znl7I - -'-- E- _qroY.and S. I. Vinogradov, Kristallografiya, Vol 1, No Nov7bec By using the method of X-ray investigation of single crystals, a complete investigation of the crystal structures of Th2Znl7 and U2Znl7 bad been made. These compounds were found to belong to new structural types. H. Novotny's results pertaining to the existence and structure of ThZnq (see Metallforschung, Vol 1, No 1-2, 1946, PP 31-33) were found to be e r rono'imis SUIM. 1287 70-5-11/31 IM" ~ThORS: Bykov, V. r4. , Viinogradov, S. I., Levdik-, V. A. and Golovkin, V.S-. -TIE - U A Two-crystal Veutron Spectrometer (Dvukbkristal'nyy Neytronnyy spektroretr) PERIODICAL: Kristallogrefiya, 1957, Vol.2, No.5, pp. 634-638 (USSR) .4BSTRACT: The Soviet atomici3i le used for powy 6eneration will provide a flux of 2. 10 neutrons/sec cm which can be used for diffraction. A 5 m steel tube emerges through the shielding and provides a naturally collimated beam of 241 divergence. The integrated thermal neutron flux falling on the t).onochromator is 10 neutrons/em"-sec. The monochromatisation is by reflection from Itihe 200 -Jane of a lead crystal 135 x 55 x 20 mm. The half width of the reflected beam is usually 3?' corresponding to an energy uncertainty of 9%. There may also be 2.501o diffusely setttered ncutrrs. After monochromatisation the flux is about 10 neutronB/cm see. The lead crystal which is behind 80 cm of concrete can be moved in any required direction to direct the beam dovin the final collinator which is made of paraffin and boron carbide. The aDparatus is more properly called a diffractometer as the reflected intensities are measured on a boron trifluoride counter and recorded as in Uardl/2 X-ray diffractometry. The specimen counter distance is A Two-crystal Neutron Spectrometer. 70-5-11/31 20 - 100 cm. Angles can be measured on a 110 cm dia. circle to 2'. A specimen to counter rotation ratio of 1:2 is -)rovided. The counter has a diaweter of 2 cm and a. lonoth of,6? cm; it is filled to ?00 mmHg with BF3 enriched 4.7 X in B . A test crystal of KBr of dimensions 6 x 6 x 8 mm gave peak counts of 3 100/min (200 reflection) with a uniform backEround of about 100/min and very satisfactory resolution. An iron rod (8 mm dia.) which was polycrystalline, gave peaks of 200/rin with a background of 20/min.. Acknowledgments to A.K. Krasin, V.S. Lyashenko and L.S. Gudkov. There are 6 figures and 5 references, 2 of which are Sla,~ic. bUBIrlITTED: March 24, 1957. AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 2/2 AUTHORS: 'Bykov, V.11. and Vinogradov, S.I. - 70--3-3-8/36 TITLE: On the Question of the Distribution of the Atoms of Carbon in the Lattice of Austenite (K voprosu o raspolozhenii atomov ugleroda v reshetke austenita) PERIODICAL: Kristallografiya, 1958, Vol 3, 1qr 3, PP 304 - 307 (USSR) ABSTRACT: In the elementary cell of gamma iron there are two sorts of vacancies, 4 octahedral and 8 tetrahedral. The distribution of carbon atoms in these vacancies demands neutron diffraction techniques as the coherent scatt -' '_q~ing amplitudes for iron and carbon are b Fe ~ 0.96 X 10 -- cm and b C = 0.68 x 10-12 cm respectively. (b Mn ~ -0-37 X 10-12 Cm.) 'in austenite with the composition 1.5% 0, 35% Mn and 63.5% Fe was examined. A diffractogram. was made from a polycrystalline spec' en witg a two-crystal neutron spectrometer from G)= 63 to 52 . Intensities were measured and compared with values calculated for octahedral and tetrahedral location of the carbon atoms. It clearly showed that the C atoms were in octahedral positions statistically distributed with o-ordinates (0,0,1/2); (0,1/2,0); (1/2,0,0) and (1/2,1/2.1/2 Card 02 7 r- 70--3-3-8 -56 On the Question of the Distribution of the Ators of Carbon in the Lattice of Austenite A carboxi-free specimen with 35% Mn was examined as confirmation. Acknowledgments to Professors Ye.S. Makarov and B.G.Lyashchenko. There are 4 figures and 4 references, 3 of which are Soviet and 1 German. SUBMITTED: December 8, 1957 Card 2/2 ilinw- IN F,-m .6 lid&l U. 0 d .1 A~l l,d I 1.-c*s I rp 3.:j tg.. zij ---- - ------ - ----- ILZ* d VI t VINOGRADCUpS. I.., BYKOV, V. N., GOLOVKIN, V. S., LZVDIK,, V. A. wMe Problem of the Magnetic Structure of aromium.8 pqmr presented at the *mposim of the International Atomic Energy Agency on Pije Neutron Research in Physics, Vienna, 17-21 Oct 1960. V//v(,GR/11)ov) A U T,- 4'02 'j Balandin, A. A,, !~;aeulyants, G. Y., Po-'07, Ye: !,,62-2-10V21 Do.zbentcev, Yu. 1., Z. L. TITLE: The APFlica-tion of Radioactive Carbon for the I.,vQ:;ti(-atiGn of the Dehydration Mechanism of Ethyl Alcohol Over Aluminum Oxide (Primeneniye radiouEleroda dlya issledovaniya mekhan- izm-- det:idratsii otilovogo spirta nad okiolyu aly-aminiya). PEIRIODICAL: Izve3tiya All 303111 Otdoleit~reKhimicheakikh Nauk, 1958, Nr 2, pp. 233-235 (USSR)- The problem of the above-nentioned dehydration mechanism has lon 'r- been discusoed in publications. Various authors assume that the formation of ethylene talkes place over the staE;e of the formation of the dietbyl other. Others, however, think that ethylene and others form as a result of 2 independent parallel reactions. For the purpose of solvine this problem the authors performed the dehydration of ethylrne alcohol with adclition of diethyl ether. See formulae (2),(3),(4). As the final result of the performed reactions showed, alcohol, ether and ethylene possess a spicific radioactivity (Z;ee fi('-ure 1). The authors determined: the dehydration velocity Card 1/2 of etlayl alcohol and ether in ethalene as well as the common The Application of Rad-oactive Carbon for the Invetti;,-ation 062-2-1POP, of the Dehydration Mechanism of Ethyl Alcohol Over Alur-irum Oxide. conversion of alcohol and other over aluminum oxide at 3000 C. They found that ethylene forms in two different ways: directly from alcohol, and over other. There are 2 fiC-ures. 1 table, and 8 references, 6 of which are Slavic. LSSOCIATIOIT: Institute for Organic Chemistry Alt USSR Imeni IN.D. ZelinsKiy (Institut orpanicheskoy khimii imeni N.D. Zelins%ogo Akademii nauk SSSR). SUBJIZITTED: September 21, 1957 AVAILABLE- Library of Congress 1. Carbon Isotopes (Radioactive)-Applications 2. Ethanol- Delwdration 3. Aluninm oxide-Applications Card 2/2 L 20930-66 EVIT(m)/RP(e). ACC NRs AP6002574 ~N) SOURCE CODEt UR/0286/65/000/023/0062 62 /00 AUTHORSs Vinogradovp S. M.j Kikhinx G. Yaq ----------- 01~ ORGS none ArBenkovj Re Tq Savopuloy Lt As TITLEs Method for fabricating ceramic ring for hydroacountic apparatus* Glags 42, ~o. 176729 SOURGEj Byullsten' izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 23, 19659 62 TOPIC TAGS: ceramic product, ceramic material ABSTRA,CTt This Author Certificate presents a method for fabricating ceramic rings; for hydroacoustic apparatus, The rings are assembled from ceramic blanks in the I form of prism whose adjacent, surfaces are covered with an adhenive compound and subjected to polymerization. To produce prestressing of the rings., the corao-Lic blanks with the adhesive compound applied to their adjacent surfaces are mounted on a band and are centrifuged at a temperature no greater than 60C. SUB COM n/ - SUBM DATEs lWul64 -UDCv 621.314,631~666.727- VOC!4mvc-~l ~rAl' MERMOV, iM. I., and S. VI',,32;YJV- Parashiutizm; voprosy teorii i praktiki parashiutnogo dela. Pridisl. N. Evdoklmova. Moskva' Redaktsionno-izdatellskii otdel Aeroflota, 11036, 244 p., illus. Title tra : Parachutism; th,!oretical prf)blems and th,~ir application to parachutism. TL752*M-5 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation -in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955- ZHERBINt M.M., kand. tekhn. nauk; VDOVIZIKO, O.S.; VRIOGRADOVO S.M. Nywhradoir, S.M.); SLIVKO, V.1,.[S:Lyvko, V.11 1-nzh.; SHTEPAN.. Ya. G.[Shtepan, IA.Hal, otv. za vypusk; IDKTEVA, V.A. [Loktieva, V.A.], red. (Device for dryiiig corn on the cob with a gas and air stream] UstanovIca dlia aushinnia kukurudzy v kachanakh haropovitrimlym strumenem. Kyiv, Derzh. vyd-vo tekhn. lit-ry URSR, 1961, 36 p. (MIRA 150) 1. Ukrainalkyi naukovo-daslidnyi i proektnyi instytut derzh- planu URS11. 1961. (Corn Ofaize))-rrying' (Drying apparatus) VINOGRADOV, S.F., veterinarnyy vrach Removal of the placenta in cows. VeterInariia 39 no.Ilt6O-61 N 162. (MIRA 16%10) 1. Gzhatskiy zooveterinarnyy tekhnikum. M601"VI-8 yviUvogradov, S.F. ~al aura Vyszliel mateutiki, v pererabotke 1'. V. Futozova; 11--hebrIck dlia ucl&itell skikh vistituLor. Izd 10. Mbskva, Cee. uckieb.-Peragvg. izd.- vo 1948, 295z Short course in Eli-ber mathematics according to the revision of.7 V Kutozoo. Immediate source Library Congress accession list ,,,,VNOGRADOV, S.S., inzhener. - . Nxperience in repairing high-speed gear drives. Sudostroonle 22 no.4: 41-42 A '56. (MLRA 9:9) (GearZ (Ships--Maintenance and repair) VI~OG~V, ~,S-"nzhaner; GAVRISH. P.I., lnzbener. Statle and dynanle balancing of marine turbite nechaniess. Sudo- streents 21 nn.7:40-42 JI 157. (MM 10:8) (Tarbeimachines) (YALrine enginoe.-Ing) A A ZR: Vino-radov, S.S., 1;n6ineer. 122-3-17/23 TITI": The running-in, of po,;,erful ship rear transmis.rions aftar a major overhaul (Obkatka moshchnykh sudovyl:h zubckatykh peredach pii kapitallnom remonte) PERIODICAL: "Vestnik T.,lashino'stro-veniXet" (EnGinoerin~-- Journal), E.3 19571VITo.2, pp. 70 - 71 (U.S.S.R.) .5 L ABS-2RACT: The running-in und--r load in situ is recommended in pref- erence to the running-in with an abrasive paste mainly because Card 1/1the paste removes the work-hardened la-yer on the surface. AVAILABIB: Library of Congress 1. VINOGRADOV, S.S. 2. USSR (600) 4. Clay - Novo - Konstantinovka Region 7. Report on the detailed survey of the argillaceous soil deposits of the Novo-Konstantinovka area near the town of Kalinin. (Abstract). Izv. Glav. upr. geole ron. no. 2: 1947 9. Monthl List of Russi Accesvions, Library of Congress, March 120 ., Unclassified. jj)pGRADOV S.S.- LTUBIMOV, I.A., redaktor; nRANOVA, G.F., radaktor; X.V., takhnichaskiy readaktor. [Directions for applying the classification of resources to dolomite and magnesite deposits] Instrukteiia po primenenitu klassifikateli zapassy k mostorozhdaniiam dolemitoy i magne- zitov. Moskva, Gas. nauchno-takhn. isd-vo lit-rr po geologli i okhrane nedr, 1955. 50 P. (MLRA 9:6) 1.Ransia (1923- U.S.S.R.) Gosudarstyannaya konissiya po zapa"s poleznykh lskoWonfth. (Dolomite) (Maguesite) VINOGRADOV, S.S.; VEYKHER, A.A., nauchnyy red.; NEMANOVA, G.F., red. izd- --------MOVA, V.V. I tekhn. red. va.; (Industr7le require a as to the quality of rineral raw materials] Trebovantia prou7shlennosti. k kachestvu minerallnogo syrliaj spravoch- nik dlia geologov, lzd*2*, perer, Moskva Gos nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo ';ite] Dolomit. Nauchn. lit-ry po geologii i akhrane nedr No.20. tDolo red. A.A.Veikher. 1961. 36 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauOro-isoledovatellakiy institut minerallnogo syrlya. (Dolordte) VINQ ZUBAM, N.14., nauebmyy red.; YERSHOV, A.D., glav. red.; CHERNOSVITOV, Yu.L., zam. glav. red.j ShRANE21KOV, I.V., zam. glav. red.; GINZBURG, A.I., red.; ZVEREV, L.V., red.; FLUDUSOV, V.I., red.; SOLOVIYKV, D.V., red.; TROYANOV, A.T., red.; MUSHCHOV, N.A., red.; LYUBCHENKO, Ye.K., red. izd-va; EYKOVA, V.V,, tekbn,red, [Indu*try's requirpmmits:as to the quality of mineral raw matedAlo.] TreborV. ia priozyshlennosti k kaohestvu minerallnogo syrIia; spravochnik dlia geologove Izd*2., perer. Moskva, Gos. nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po geologii i okhrane nedr. No.10[Lime- stones]Izvestniaki. Nauch. red. N.N.Zubarev. 1961. 61 p. (MIRA 14:10) 1. Moscow. Vsesoyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskiy institut minera.11- nogo syrIya. (Limestone) VIIIUGRADOVA-Bargoy-SugQyevicli; YERSHOV, A.D., glavnyy red.; YM-YTiM, V.M.,, zameatitell glavnodo--iiia.; GRIGOROVICH, M.B., red.vypuBka; KRASNIKOV, V.I., red.; MIGIDUI, G.S., red.; SAAM-117, P.S., red.; SMIR11OV, V.I., red.; F.MWSHCHOV, N..14., red.; CHMMSVITIOV, Yu.L., red.; NEMANOVA, G.F., red.izd-va; BORISOV, A.S., [Dolomites] Dolomity. 1.'Ioskva; Goa.-nauunno-tekhn.izd-vo lit-ry PO geologii i okhrane nedr, 1961. 173 P. (Otsenka mestorozhdenii pri poiskakh i razvedkakh, no.17) WIRA 14:11) (Dolomite) VINOGRADOVO S.S.; MOLOKANOV, V.P.; TSARIKOV, N.M.; FRIZII, V.A. i i ,6 Progressive repair methods for whalers. Sudostroenie no. lls,+Z I I N f65 (MIM 19 1 ) 0 '65. (!-CRA 18:10) -y'l ri 1" Vf~ yay." I n :j -,e kt ivllywo Uvotsoss~- 'I otita. ":h v rc-ntcoriolo~--iche-l-cm r7'OJfyit,ql%1.1 700ru-.- Alml. 30: D3'OnAs, 1110- 32, 1949. VINOGR&DOV, S. V. AUTHOR: Kiril-lov, F.A. 49-3-15/16 TITLE: Conference of junior research workers, engineers and aspirants of the Institute of the Physics of the Earth, Ac. Sc., U.S.S.R. (Konferentsiya mladshikh nauchnykh sotrudnikov, inzhenerov i aspirantov Instituta Fiziki Zemli AN SSSR). PERIODICAL: "Izvestiya Akademii Nauk, Seri Geofizicheskaya (Bulletin of the AC. So., Geophysics Series), 1957, No. 3. pp 411-415 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: The conference was held on December 24-26, 1956 21 papers were read relating to work completed in 1955 and 1956. In this report the contents of the individual papers are briefly summarized. S. V. Vinogradov read a paper on acoustical obserialfo-nsin fcoal)- mine workings and he concluded that such acoustical observations are of interest from the point of view of investigating physical processes taking place in earthquake foci. PISKAREV, A.I.; KHOLDPOVA, A.A.; SHELAPUTIN, V.I.; NOSKOVA, G.L.; ALEKSEYEV, P.A.; DRACHEVA, T.A.; OLENEV, Yu.A.; FAVLOVA, I.A.; SELIVANOV, V.A.; -U!jOG4AP~V MIROLYUBDV, P.A.; RDVENSKIY, A.I.; SKOROKHODOV. A.A.; RYUTOV, D.G.i kand. tekhn. nauk, red.; CHICHKOV, N.V., red.; MEDRISH, D.M., tekhn. red. (Manual on the operation of cold storage warehouses] Spra- vochnik po ekspluatatsii kholodillnykh skladov. Moskva, Gostorgizdat, 1963. 175 P. (MIRA 16:7) 1. Sotrudniki Vsesoyuznogo nauchno-issledovatellskogo insti- tuta kholodillnoy promyshlennosti (for Piskarev, Kholopova, Shelaputin, Noskova, Alekseyev, Dracheva, Olenev, Pavlova). 2. Rosmyasorybtorg Ministerstva torglov1i RSFSR (for Selivanov, Vinogradov, Yirolyubov, Rovenskiy). 3. Gosudar- styennyy planovoy komitet Soveta blinistrov SSSR (for Skorokhodov). (Cold storage warehouses) 00000000000000900 400000000000*0*00 A L M, IS 6 PC IN I I W 001 SIT 004 004 00M OOX 000 *a* *OR ego Oes 000 002 000 0911 som 1 000 00- 00. 00. 0. 0*. ~ 0OW-1 o- IF 0 0 0 ft It 10 01 &10900000009000000 "tog 0 :::020 2~0000060090000060100 .0 a Los- .04. .40 f,;"i :4'i t= 49 ILMIT *qn SIN"" 'A I S 0 IN N I t\ WAII frig ftff SIR 00000 a 00 nee Ir 00 004 900 Poo 00 00 00 Poo r0i 400 W90 AKIMOTA, K.I.; BAZIMMOV, M.F.; BAKHVAWV, G.T.; BEZKWB3NKO, N.P.; BERMAN.S.I.; BOGDANOV, Ye.S.; BODYAKO, M.N.; BOTKO. GAGIN-TORN, Kj.; GLEK, T.F.; GOREY, K.V.; GRADUSOV. P.1.; GUSHCHINA.T.M.; TIMLIYANOV, A.K.; TZSIKOV, M.P.- ZDZTARSKIT, A.V.; ZAKHAROV, H.V.; ZAKHAROVA, M.I.: KARCHEVSKIT. V.I.; )CONAROV, A.M.; XORZHENKO, O.T.; LAYMM, V.I.; MALITSIV, M.V.; MILLZR, L.Te.; MILOVAWOV, A.I.: KIRONOV, B.S.; NIKONOROVA, N.A.; OLIKHOV, N.P.: OSIPOVA, T.V.; OSOKIN, N.Ye.; PERLIN, I.L.; PLAKSIN, I.N.: I!ROKCrIYEV. A.D.; RUKYANTS.XV, M.V.; SlVl=NKO, V.P.; SMMIN, P.I.; SMIRYAGIN, A.P.; SPABSKIT, A.G.; TITOV, P.S.: TURKOVSKATA, A.V.; SHAKHNAZAROY, A.K.; SHPICHrMSKIT, Te.S.; TURKSHTOVICH, N.A.; YUSHKOV, A.V.-. TANUSH]ff ICH. L.V. Sergei Ivanovich Gubkin. TSvet.met. 28 no.6:60-61 N-D '55. (MIRA 10:11) (Gubkin, Sergei Ivanovich, 1898-1955) 140,10) SJOV,'55-59-4-4/12 AUTHORS: Vinogradov, S.V., C 'r ndi :-tt, -if Technical S_-icnc( ; tir.- 16-v,'-- ., En6ineer. TITLEs Deformation of Underground Pipes Under Fbcternal-Load Appli- c..tion (Daform-itziya 1-odzemnykh trub pod vneahney nagruzkoy) PERIODICAL: Stroitel'stvo truboprovodov, IW.', N'r 4, Pi ..-15 (USSR) ABSTRACTs In order to determine the actual working conditions, to which underGround pipes are exposed, practical te3tS were carried out which uhowed the stability of the pipes -and the amount of deformation under various loa(13. Tests ifere carried out with 2 pipes, with 6 mm wall thickness, 2-84 m in diameter and 7.5 m long; one pipe was ribbed and the other smooth. The pipes scro of the welded type made from low-alloy steel of Crude NL-2, ribs u~d: 120 x 10 rrim made of channel iron- Nr 14-b. The pipes :ere-rlEced inuide a trench and the free space around was packed with earth previously removed from the ground. A frame of 160 x 160 cm rectan6-ular section Card 1/3 was fitted inside the pipes carryins 36 indicators for 'measur- -5n-4-4/12 5 1 Deformation of Under-round Pipes Under External Loud Application Ing the deform4tion of the pipes. Schematic DiaGram 1Tr 1 shogs the layout of the teutinC; inntallation uith t-le arrange- trent of the indic;itor~-_ Se.,.ticns 1, 2 1nd 3 refer to the ribbqd .-ipe ;ind s~)c:tions 4, 5 and G to the sm-ooth pipe. Jk terrace, 3 m ',ig% on 'Lop of the pipes, -aLj put up to act as load to be applied to tile pipes together with heavy m.-.chines. The article describes in detail the various ihaser, of the test and the amount of v2rtical and horizontal ieformations and revevse chan6oz re.-listered, aeperdin;,r u,.on the amount of load applied c4 removed in the be,-Inninj rlurinr. and -at the end of the test. In additicn to the 3 r, hii,,h terrace, +-mporary lo_--c1n.-,i9re upplietl b.,- a 1~-ton bulldozEr, loaded dumptrucks MAZ aith a load of 6.75 tons on tba rei-tr uxle and 42-ton excavator type E-IC04. Graph 11'r 3 shows the various levels of the terrace in the course of the test and the corresponding displacements of the surface of the pipe. In accordance with calculations the ri6idity of ribbed pipe is 360 times greater than that of smooth pipe; in reality, however, displacements of the curface of the smooth pipe were only 1.3 - 1-4 times greater than those of' the Cara 2/3 pipe, ihich is clue to the fact t-*- , 1' ----'1h-~I,*.r , ~u, - - ,c!OV,95-59-4-4/12 Deformation of Underground Pipe3 Under Hicte"nal Load Application the pipe on bo'th sides strengthens to a large extent theA%-"-~. resistance of the pipe, offering a combined resilience under changing load pressure from above. For this reason ribbed construction of pipes can be dispensed with. The amount of additional deformation of pipes caused by heavy machinery was insignificant as compared with the deformation obtained from the load of the 3m high terrace; such peak displacements' did not amount to more than 81/0o' of the total defor:iation. There are I schematic diagram, 1 graph and 1 photo. Card 3/3 VINOGRADOV, S.V., dotsent, kand.tekhn.nauk Stability of a circular arch and ring in an elastic medium. Bauch.zap. MIIVKH 21:386-396 159. (MIRL 13:8) (Arches) VINOGRADOV, S.V., kand.tekhn.nauk Thermal stresies in the circulation p1pelinez of the 240C State Regional Electric Power Plant. Elek. sta. 32 no.11:36-41 N 161. (MIRA 14:11) (Electric power plants) (Steampipes) SHPAGIN, Alsksey Ivanovich;,YINOGRLDOT, S.Y,, inzhener, retsenzant; IAKNDVMONSKIY, A.Y., inzhener, rateenzant; XLIXIIfD, redektor izdatell stva; MIVUYLOVA, V.V., tekhnichaeldy redaktor (Antifriction alloys] Antifriktsiowye eplavy. Moskva, Goo. nauchno- tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po charnot t tevetnoi metallurgii, 1956, 320 P. (Alloys) (MIRA 9: 11) Hw4book on gachine-Building (Cont.) BOV/3~0 lbra"Ohxl-k PO ftsb1nO*trO1t*l'nP materlalam v obety"kh tomakh, tom 21 Tevetwe Metally .14% M SplaVy (Handbook cn Machine-Bullding M%terials in 4 vols., Vol. 2, Non Ferrous metals end Alloys) Moscov, Maahglz, 1959, 63ft. Ch. VII. zinc, cadmium, and Their Alloys (Vinogradov, S. V., Engineer) 383 Zinc 383 Cadmiua 386 Zinc alloys 388 References 393 Ch. VIII. Precious Me" and Their Alloys (Rudaitskiy, A. A., Doctor of LThemical Sciences, Professor) 394 Introduction 394 Precious metals 394 Theiml properties 395 Electrical properties 397 Card 13k2 VINOGRADOV, S.V. ( skva) Stability of a ring in an elastic medilm. Stroi. mekh. i rasch. ooor. 4 no.2:21-24 162. (WRA 15:5) (Structures, Theory of) L 566',18 Pc-4/Pr-4 W KR: APS017836 UR/0286/65/000/011/0076/0076 678.673.002.02 AUTHOR: Korshak, V. V., Vinogradov, S. V.; Siling, S. A TITLE: A method for producing polyarylates which contain reactive groups. class 39, No. 17.15b5~5- SOURCE: ByulletenO izobreteniy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 11, 196S, 76 TOPIC TAGS: polymer, Friedel-Crafts catalyst ABSTRACT! This Author's Certificate introdui6es a method fo,- producing polyarylates which contain reactive groups. The process is simplified by heating thermoplastic linear polyarylates in the presence of a Friedel-Crafts catalyst at a high tempera- ture. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 20Jun64 NO REF SOV: 000 ard I it C M ENC L: 00 SUB CODE: Oct Cj OTHER! 000 USSR/Farm Animals Honey Bees.. Q-8 Abs Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 1, 1958, 2669 Author : T.V. Vinogradov Inst Title : Spring Feeding of Bee Families Orig Pub : Pchelovodstvo, 1957, No 4, 57 Abstract : Experiments were made with two types of additional protein feedings: su~Lr syrup with fibrin (obtainecl from animal blood) and syrup with powdered ant's eggs. This &dditio- nial feeding produced increased vitality, increased flights by the working bees, and an increase in the laying of eggs by the queen mothers. Card 1/1 VII i I GG it. 1r)C)Vt V. ; IT~ I icjv , "'. ; RL I Kl:-". 1 -1. More on the stage, Qyq V-m. ~ lof.-61j; - rJOr. ~: ~ ns -~ : - , 1 2 Jo 165. " If:-. I- - . I. i., ~.!. , i 1. Nachaltnik upravlentya organizataii truda i tekhniki b-ezcna;-m.----tA- Soveta narodnogo khozyiiy.9Lva RISFSH (for Vinograoiov " . 0 **Off* 0000 of of 600 Oers"VAIKoi 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Is 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ISO * 0 0 0 0 0 last I* I a 111:11MISIS trig wallabbanvas not union xymm4flU446440 A 11- L &,- A.-M a I 'I.A.-V-1. a - ME. a JAM a 1, A I A- k 0 -- I . . . . ' MI t- I 9 too 4.0 e 00 A t-1 a % ; ' mo P atel- - Off'Cluss A.0 a~.C-1111111 ~-d. Ztff so 0 dpOm In nwhimeft. M- 00 M. P. vwm --fov sad A. -00 0 -so : 0 lad. Pido&Ao$ VAPOW1004 Pown.. Somm 11011, 24 PP- -so wM and vkhout d for wd dry miter. 109- r OW 14- it t b -00 e "j. m o, "otter, nkfewsommit matm, Ira est. The dido dn to p~ Cd idUMINdA W" so e ll too WASU to imbomme as 00 a !-,. use no* 00,3 i;~ goo goo *0 00 coo goo III solo n1 z i It 1jer scu L1110414MIl (L'ImPKA11011 9 1 T I a 14 A mat TAL4 . ' . flow 411*100T we* tv144J -40 41aw 04( a IV so it! Al A S 11 IS It U o 0 v 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 4 * : : 0 is 0 0 0 111 IS 0 a 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 a 0 0 0 0 # 6 a 0 0 0 # I. ~ ~ I uss "j, "Xxp#-tol-. le. a ?A v a 0 a L S--JL. f_. it A IX so, It A-1- Ist too obc