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YAVI-*f,,[.; No; MMAIAMP", N.- 11 .1 t& TrIe effpt;t of heat cm 4-~.c a:~t4-at -if oil. Itud, cerce". m4,i. in*,~-,--,,- 5 164, ---------------- .... k 33631-66 ,AjX NRs AP6025046 SOURCE CODE: CZ/00117/65/054/008/0363/0367 AUTHOR: VisInUl Bohus (Engineer) 0 ORG: Research and Development Infititilte of Rotary Electrical MachJjiery, Brno (V#fRG;FY a -vyvojovy ustav elektrickych stroju tocivych) TITLE: Measurement of the losses of Schrage commutator motors SOURCE: Elektrotechnicky obzor, V- 54, no. 8, 1965,, 365-367 TOPIC TAGS% electronic commutator# electric motor, electric measurement ABSTRACT: The article describes a method for determining the losses arising in a Schrage commutator motor. The determination of the losses independent of the load is dealt with in greater detail. This paper was presented by Engireer Doctor V. Pek. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. '(Based on author's Eng. abet.) fims] SUB CODE: 09 / SUBM DATE: 01Jun64 / ORIG fW: 003 / OTH MY: 001 Cwd F. ye. "Inv t An, I ,~-acterL21 ~,-o-ert;e!: f C, 1 t 7, ,.- C013iol, No 6, ::ar 55) SO: S~---'71- No. 670, 29 Sep 55--.3urvey c~f Scl-,Alfic anJ Tecim`c.31 Dissertitims Defended a It TTSS.'~ Hi7her Educatlonal Instituticns WAVX* G. P-a MALWAs B. P. iwd V03MDVO IL 9- o$ Ift NW462M at -=au in vatorumw md'alm VWL- UP 2o 200# 20 USSRITIraloGy - Human and Animal Viruses* E Abs Jour : Hof Zhur Diol., No lo 1959, 561 Author : Visitiu, A.F. Inst : -- Title : Survival of Grippe Virus in External Media. OrIg Pub : Tr. Kishinevsk. med. iu-ta, 1957, 6, 129-134 Abstract : N3 abstract. Card 1/1 visiTsxiY,N (g. Rostov-na-Dony) ~~ ~~&,- On the sites of heroic battles. Voon.znan. 31 no.5M My '55. (Military education) (~~ 8:9) Pharmacology and Toxicology CZ ECHOSLOVAKIA j 4 oKAc, A.; Central State Veterinary Institute (Ustred- Statn Veterinarni Ustav), Ivanovice na Hane; Chair of Analy- tical Chemistry, Faculty of Ilatural Sciences, J.Ev. Purkyne University (Katedra Analyticke Chemio Prirodoved.ecko Falculty UJEvr); Brno. "Spectrophotometric Determination of Thiomersal Using 2,6-Dibromo- quitionechlorimide." Prague, Coslcoslovenska Parmacie, Vol 15, No 7, Sep 66, PP 356-359 Abstract Ckuthorst English summary rnodified_7: Thiomersal and Ehios cylic, acid react with a chloroform solution of 2,6-di- bromoquinone chlorimide producing a pink compound with an ab- sorption max. at 485-490 nm. The sample is acidified to contain 1-5% HC1 and thiomer3al extracted by chloroform. A chloro- form solution of the reagent is added,and after 30-60 minutes, extinction is measured. Within the range of 0.1 to 1.1 mg/100 ml of chloroform the reaction follows the Lambert-Baer law. The nathod may also be used in dwater solution., and the results are reproducible with a 0.5 mg, accuracy. The results change when the sample is stored. 5 Figures, 2 Tables, 6 Western' 1 Japanese, 1/1 1 Chinese reference. (Manuscript received 2 kar 66). CZECHOSLOVAKIA VISICA J.- 0191C, A.; Central State Votorinary liastituto (U3tred- -'n-IFi'La67!jVetdrinarni Ustav), Ivanovicc na llano,- DepartMent of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Natural 3ciencos, j.E. Puricyne, University (Katedra Analyticke Chcriie Prirodovedocke FaIculty UJEvP),, Brno,, "Determination of Thiomorsal in Biological Propr-rations." 0 Prague, Ceskoslovenska Farmacio., Vol 16, No 1, Jan 6T, PP 29-33 Abstract /luthorst English sun-mary modified 7- Catalytio effect of HE _cor~p_ounds 6n the decomposition of not'Essium ferrocyanate in the presence of 1,10-phonathrolino in a citrate buffer solu- tion was investigated. Tho resultin,r-l co-m--lex is used foz- photo- metric determination of Hr, compounds. Preparation of a calilb- ration curve for ~he doterm-ination of thiomeroal is dercribed. Thiomersal is separated fror. proteins by extraction usinZ ethyl acetate. The method describ6a is raproduciblo and Cives an ac- curacy of + 1 mg/j. Common an-.~iseptics and thio-salicylic acid do not int~3rfere with the determination. 6 Figixnes, 2 Tables, 8 Weatern, 1 Czech, 1 Polish, I Yugoslav referen-ae. (~.-anus- cript received 11 Feb 66). VISKANTAS, K. Furazalldone in the prevention and therapy of pustpartam infectious diseatoo. Sweik. Apsaug. no.4:42-46 164. 1* Lietti*oo re3publikine Kauno klinine ligonine (Vyr. gygytojas- doe. P. Jasinskas). HATVIYEVA. Rakel;.j;LqPAI,-XYZe; 7ORSMAN, Kheliga; RANTAIMN, Astrid; SALMI, Khillya; TERVORRII, Lidiya; KHEGLUND, Lempi; IWV.I, Mariya; IXMPININ, Khanna; RUKHXANXN, Iryullikki; MANNIIA, An"ya; PUTTOWN, Xatri. For the common good. Rabotnites, 36 no.8:22 Ag '58. (Min Iltq) (ItuBsia-Description and travel) MOLNAYP Laszlof okleveles banyamernok; POTHORKIK, Jozsef; LASSAN, Jozsef, banyamernok; BEPCSEIfYI, Lajos, banyanernok; tna~-Yl, Fer-enc, banyamernok; FENYES, Gyula, banyamernok; SULT, Tilor, banyamernok; ZSUFFA, Miklos, banyamernok; JAMBRIGH, Gyula, banyamernok; REVFALVI, Janos, banyamernok; SZEWEY, Zoltan, banys rnok; BOCSI, Otto, banyamernok; SCHAFFER, Peter, banyatechnikus; SZTERMEN, Jozsef, banyamernok, muszaki fejlesztesi csoportbeli foeloado; MAGYARYY, Karoly, gepeszmernok; SANDOR, Gasper, banyamernok; VISKARDI-,,.1-4!!Z-],,O.,,.Xepeszmernok; GORDOS, Pal, gepeszmernoi7= Ferenc, gepeszmernok; ALMASIM Geza, gepeszmernok; AJTAY, Zoltan, dr., banyamernok; MARrOS, Ferenc, dr.,, banyamernok Conference on technical development in Salgotarjan, Bany lap 97 no.10:720-722 0 164. 10Nograd Goal Minig Trust (for Pothornik, Lassan and *r- csenyi). 2. Nagybatnoy Colliery (for Szebenyi, Fenyes, Molnar, Sult and Chmell). 3. Mizserfa Colliery (for Zsuffa and Jambrich). 4. Matranovak Colliery (for Revfalvi, Szendrey and Bocqi). 5. Kanyas Colliery (for Schaffer., Sztermen and Magyarfy). 6. Zagyva Colliery (for Sandor, Viskardi and GordO,3). 7. Director, Yining Research Institute, Budapest (for Ajtay). 13. Department Chief, Mining Research Institute, Budapest (for Ma:7tos). DEVYATOVA, E.I.; LOSEVA, E.I.; CIIMNOV, A.A., doktor gool.-min. nauk.. prof., otv. red.[deceased]; VARSMOFIYEVA, V.A.., red.; VISKE, G.S., red. rst-p+jgraDhy and paleogeography of the Quaternary o.-' the Me- ze.1 Basin]Stratigrafiia i paleogeografiia chetvertich- nogo, perioaa v bassoine r. Mozent. Loningrad, Nauka., 1964. 104 P. WIRA 17:9) VISKELETY, Tibor, dr.; CSKR, Imra, dr. ------- L-- Role of occupational hazards in the development of disorders of the epiRe. Ory.hatil. 102 no-35tl645-1648 27 Ag 161. 1. Budapesti Orwostudomanyl Eg7atem, Orthopasdiai Klinika. (SPINE die) (OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES) c A Glue. 16&wf, SAW Slaw. Husq. 139.700, July 1.5, fill!). AnimAl wastei are treated with dil, avidi. sim"I he 24 Ito * IKAW and iscutratitrif to (,join a %41t III it h pic. WcAn it ewZ. h.g., (1) Milk . littic-Irratril leathet v%.I-tr 6 Wolivil Wit Waleor, Irrol .11 -ith Unit tats.. AgAill 144-hril With WAtrr, jrtutt4l with 7.5 11m), und 12-5 1. wiatcr, ws%bed with *Atrr, tbi? ~Awr prr~d oul. the n34*o storml for 24 hims. in 30 its. II.Nth AnJ 45 1. *Alri, beal"I In,firrctly with 4tra"I. Ilse rM3,ii. fitlurikvi, And Mill. finely lxned. Cact)t 41.1) 111, kg. le'silk-f WA.Ir I. lrt~f trmn Ct, licit"I Itith '-'.% kg. amcr, 1,* .14 his. *&III 7 kg. ONUA. II.Nth in 177 1. wAic-r, tkxktl b ~ Indirect Medin bw 10 15 "liff.. And n~utrAIIzrI with A.A K. pated. litne. 1.1vin FiliAly *.V* I-- I,'. I IL . : , 'Ir )l: c C., -. c - - -1. r ~ " 1, f., (-, c', ri f ,_, t 1, -, ; '. , 1 - - 1 i -,,;a t I " r! i - ~ t 1, -: ~- 1 , u -:'- ~~ ! I - " .1 1, ~ '--, --,. " . p - - " -~ 2 (Gn') Vol. (I I'C. 10, 1~,--'4, SC: y List of Fast Yuropear Acc,7issinns ("EAL) , Lrp Vc"] - 4, ll:c; - "I Varrh 1955, "Uncl. VISKI, L. Exposure by flashlight in macrophotography. p. 18. (Kep Fs Hangtechnika. Vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 1957. Budapest, Hungary.: SO: Monthly List of East European Accessions (EEAL) LC, Vol. 6, no. 10, October 1957. Uncl. .110-0-1- W... Ilia,6-WW-W~ LEZGARY/Options - 1-hotogrephy Abs Jour t Rof Zhur -- Fizike, 11c 8, 1958, No 19426 Author tY-LOW L"Ole-, Inst tNot given Title :Illumination Upon Exposure with Flash Bulbs. 1< Crig Fub IXop-os,)rangtechn., 1957, 3, No 1, 18-20 Abstract The author indicates the features of the calculRtien of the exposure, particularly in color photography. A procedure for macrophotogrephy with flash bulbs is examined. Several tables are compiled, fpcilitating tho calculation and taking into account the influence of the relption between the dis- tanco tn the object and the focal distance, end also of the position of the source of light, perticulerly the lateral position of the source, giving oblique illumination. Also considered is the influence of the reflector and a teble is gi*on for-cilculating this influence. Card 1/1 -37 _LUa,_La.qzlo I Misleading stereoscopic effects. Kep hang 9 no.1:24-27 F 163. VISKI, Laszlo The present and future of stereoscopic film. UP hang 5 no.3:91-94 Je 159. 1~1! - V.ISKI, Laszlo, az allw-,cs Jogtudomanyok Icandid-itusa, tudo,:L-anyos ~ - I ~ nunkatars. Problems relating to the Soviet cri:-Anal law in tile period of constructing Communism. Magy tud 70 no.8:555-557 Ag 1163. 1. magyar rudor,=yos Akadomta Allam-cs Jogrudouin7l Intozetc. 97 Nits AP6001954 SOURCE CODE: HU/0018/65/017/001/0051/0053 AUTHOR: Uhlarik, Sandor-Ukharik, Sh.; Kovacsp Laszlo-Kovach, L.; Vip4o ~ 49 9 F7- Vishkio Sh.; Szontagh, Ferenc-Sontago F. ORG: Obstetrical and Gynecological Clinic, Medical University of Sz do Szeged -IL, (Szegedi Orvostudomanyi Egyetem. Szuleszeti es Nogyogyaszati Klinikaja TITLE: Changes in the ICSH content of the pituitary and in the genital cycle of female rate as a result of loading with the oral contraceptive, lynestrenol SOURCE: Kiserletes Orvostudomany, v. 17, no. 1, 1965, 51-58 TOPIC TAGS: biochemistry, gland, experiment animal, biologic reproduction, drug effect, pharmacology, urology, endocrinology, hormone, drug ABSTRACT: -The effective ovulation-inhibiting dose of Lynestrenol is 4 mg daily over a 20 day period. This dose decreases he weight and PAS-positivity of the pituitary moderately, and its ICSH .t ,content greatly. The weight and histological appearance of the ovaries is also indicative of a decreased gonadotropin, mostly of absent IGSH, secretion. Tfie direct ge3tagenic and estrogenic effects of the compound are siwmated-~ 'in the uterus and on the cervical mucosa. The adrenal3 showed no Significant changes. The effect was reversible and a.rabound-affectcould not be observed. Ori'.'art'.-has: *6 figures and 4 tabies. fjFPRs7 9 SUB CODE: SUBM DATE: 12)4ar64 /. ORIG REF: 001 / OTH REF: 010 Y4LRI, A.; SELYAKOV, X.; V yKO, II.; DUK11GALTER, B.; VORON,KOV, I.; SPERARSKIY, 11. Improvemont of planning in tho meat induotry. ind. SSSR 32 no-4:33-37 161. (14iju 14: 9) 1. Astrakhanskiy myasokombinat (for Yelin). 2. Kazgipromyas- omolprom (for Selyakov). 3. Rharikovskiy myasokombinat (fo;r Viskin). 4. Laninskiy myasokombinat (Nomerovskiy sovnarkhoz) (for Bukhgalter). 5. Novgorodskiy myasokombinat (for Toronizov). 6. buryatskiy soynarkhoz (for Speranskiy), (Meat industry) Ij ) Shortoortiqgs In standards for cattle and mat, Kias, Ind, SSR 28 no.507 157. (KMA lltl) 1, Shartkovokly my"okombinat. (cattle trade) VISKINg S. New system of processing raw hides. MiasAnd.SSSR 32 no.6:34 ,61. (MIRA 15:2) 1. Kharlkovskiy myasokombinat. (Hides and skins) L 13647-63 FCS (f Wa]~S Jrl. CUP) ACCESSIM IM- AP3003156 AUDIOR: Fam .Zul Xhlyen; Viskov, A. S,,,* .7hpinell, V. S. Venevtsay, Yu. M. TITLE! ' Abrupt change in p robability of the Monsbauer effect at the phase transition in ferroelectrics SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. :1 teor. fiziki, v. 44, no. 6, 1963, 2182-2183 TOPIC TAGS: Mossbauer effect, phase transitims in ferroelectrics, first order transition, resonance gawa-ray absmptlon, anomalous changes ABSTRACT, An attempt was made to detect ancma-lous changes of the parameters for resonanc*ga~~ray absorption (such as probability of recoilless resonance absorption or shift of resonance energy) accompanying a ferroelectric phazee trounsition in the series of solid solutions of bismuth ferrite in stronti= stannate. The Sn sup 119* contained in tin oxide wen used as a saarce. An abrupt changge in the probability for recoilless resonance absorption(f') Was observed and was attributed to the transition of the solid solution from the paraelectric to the ferroelectric state; this was confirmed by x-ray photcgraphD. The widths of the transition regions reach sizeable values end increase with the strontium stannate content. The phenomenon is explained from the thermodynamic point of view as being due to a. discontinuous decrease in the part of theinternal ,Card 1/2 L 13847-63 ~2 Acmsiov mR.- Ap3oo3is6 energy associated with the thermal motion of the lattle. Orig, art. has: 2 figures and 1 formula, ----Institut- yedernay fiziki Moskovsko ud- AS=IATION: Ws erstvermago univeriteta,- II&Iko-Jetbimicheskly institut IM.L-&, Ya. Kft~~na Institute of thiclear ftsics of Macov-State Univers v hyalcochemical Institute SUEMTM: 2%4463 ACQ: 23jul63 ENCL.: 00 S~M CODE; 00 NO W7 SOVO. 004 MM: 000 Card 2/2 L 31171-66 EWT(l)/EWT(m)/T/EWP(t) IJP(c) JD/GG ACC MR; AP6006823 SOURCE CODE: UR/0181/661008/002/0416/0423 AUTHOR: Visk2v. A. S.; Venevtsev, Yu. N. :ORG: Pbysicochmical Scientific Research-Institute Im. b. Y&. Karpov., Moscow- (Nauchno-issledovatel'skiy fiziko-khimicheskiy institut) TITLE: Calculating the gradients of the intracrystalline field in-barium titanate ferroelectric and in model crystals based an this salt -2-7 'SOURCE: rizika tverdogo tela, V. no. 2, 1966, 416-423 JOPIC TAGS: barium titanate, crystal theory, ferroelectric crystal ~ABSTRACT: A method based on the ion model is proposed for calculating the gradients jof the intracrystalline field YE which act on the ions in the tetragonal modifica- tion of ferroelectric barium titanate. The structural coefficients used in calcu- lating the gradients were taken from experimental data in the literature. Curves ,,are given showing the difference in lattice parameters (c-a) as a fwiction of tem- iperature. The effect which temperature has on spontaneous polarization, the intra- !crystalline field and the gradients of the field is analyzed for the same modifi- I I _Z_ [Card 1/2 ------ L, 31171-66 ACC MR: AP6006623 cation of barium titanate. The gradients are studied as a function of charge and polarizability of A and B cations in AB03 crystals of the BaT103 type. The pro- posed method gives results which agree satisfactorily with the experimental data in the literature. The Ion model is found to be highly effective for evaluating electric field Intensities and gradients In ferroelectrics which are basically met- al oxides. The results of this paper may be useful for Interpreting experimental data on the Mdssbauer effect and nuclear quadrupole resonance in isanorphic barium titanate compounds as well as in solid solutions with a perovskite structure. The authors thank G. S. Zhdanov and V. N L useful consultation and interest: 2__nbUw for in the work. Orig. art. has: 6 figures, 2 tablest 2 formulas. SUB CODE: 20/ StMN DATE: 2$AprGS/ Card 212,~C ORIG IMF: 008/ M IMF: 010 VERUTSEV, Yu. N.; ZHDAFOV, G. S.; ROGINSKAYA, Yu. Ye.; FEDUIOV, :3. A., IVA110VA, V. V.; CHFAILVA, V. Ad .. ) . r,.j ,. A, .' . ; VJ~ F MHEV A BONDAPENKO, V. S.; 1ADY7111111"KIT, P. B. Some solid solutions on the basis of the forroelectric- rint,iferromfigne tic BJFoO . Izv. AN 02,13R. Sor. f,[L,. 28 rio. 4: 68)-690 Ap 164. .3 (MBIA 17:5) ACCESSION NR: AP4012566 S/0056/64/046/001/0383 0386 AUTHORE: Mitrofanov, K. P.; Vis'Kov, A. S.; Driker, G. Ya.,- Plot- nikovao M., V.; Fam, Zui Xhiyen;-V-ene-vts'ev, Yu. N.,- Sbpinel', V. S. TITLE: Change in resonance absorption spectra of 23.8-keV gamma .i rays of Sn-119 during phase transitions in the system BiFeO 3 Sr(Sn 0j, 1/3Mn2/3 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teoret. fiz.,.v. 46, no. 1, 1964, 383-386 TOPIC TAGS: resonance absorption, Mossbauer effect, recoilless resonance absorption, ferroelectric,antiferromagnetic compound, ferroelectricity, ferro antiferromagnetism, group 11 stannate, resonance absorption maximum, resonance absorption jump, Mossbauer effect jump, magnetic hyperfine splitting It-ABSTRACT: This4s a continuation of an earlier investigation by some of the autliors (ZhETF v. 44, 2182, 1963) and is aimed at im- Card ACCESSX15N NR: AP4012566 proving the earlier results and. finding the reason for the abrupt F change in the re'llative counting rate at the absorption maximum L The material used has properties similar to that of the earlier in- vestigation, and the addition of manganese made the samples practic- ally single-phase and closer to equilibrium. 7be test procedure is briefly described. The results indicate that the jump in the value I of the Mossbauer effect in solid solutions based on BiFeO 3 is the re-, sult of magnetid hyperfine splitting (but is not caused by change in the probability of the effect), and is related to an antiferromag- netic phase transition. This conclusion is supported by magnetic I results. Orig. art. has:-3 figures. ASSOCIATION: Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Nuclear Physics Institute, Moscow State University); Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut-Im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physicod'hemical In- stitute) i SUBMITTED: 27Sep63:. DATE ACQs 261~eb64 ENCLs 02 !Card 2/$ ','-;7, 'T4 V. Of 17- ~Y-P3 -.~th reooz,t oresented at the Syrpcsi= or, "-Forroelec-Lricity --.-d Lenin-rad, Y.) VaY 5 June 1963- MITROFANOV, K.P.; VX5KOVj A.S.; DRIKER, G.Ya.; PLOTNIKOVA, M.V.; FAY, ZUI KHIYEN; "k.' -811PINELI 9 VEIIEVTSEV., Yu. ; V.S. Changes in the resonance absorption spectra of 23.8 Kev. gamma rays from SnI19 during phase transitions in the system BiFeO -Sr(SnL~3 Mn 2/3 )0 3* Zbur. eksper. i teor. fiz. 46 no.1:383-386 ' a'64. (MIRA 17-.2) 1. Institut yadernoy fiziki Moskovskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta i Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut, imeni Karpova. FC-s-,4 f ; /E;u:o 4&--1-T -RD sn;7 T~:- / A S Ii T L' L 1364,~ ~6 ACCESSION INTI: A?3~3-13.7 ALITIHOR: Fem 7AU Kniyert; ~bpinell, V. S.; ViskovP A. S - V~nevl_aev, Yu. Is,;. TIM: Resonance absorption of Gezmla quanTa Ln barium strontium, and calcium stannates SOURCE: Zhurnal eksper. i teor, Mikip v. ", no. 6, 1963, 1889-1895 TOPIC TAGS: resonance absorption of photons, recoilles absorption, barium staxriate, strontium stannate, calcium stexuiate, dielectric properties ABSTRACT: The parameters of resonance absorption of the 23.8-keV Gmmra quanla mn I itted by Sn sup 119* were measvired over the terTerature range from 78 io 1020 *K for the stannates of barrium, strontium, and cal2ium, which all hanure a perovskite structure. This is a continuation of a similar investigation made on tin oxide (ZhETF V. 44, 393, 1963), and is aimed at checking the possible difference in the distribution of internal fields in the stEmnates and in the perovskite ferro-and antiferroelectrics, for which purpose study of the ga=a-ray resonance absorption properties yields independent information on the field gradients end position of the tin ions. The temperature dependences of the probability for recoilless absorption and of the position of the resonance were Cardl/2 --------- L 13643-63 ACCEWION HH: AF3003117 studied. All compounds displayed a similex- characteristic variation of the width with the teaTereture. The temerature variation of the unit cau size of bari= and strontium otannate was studied in the tavTcrature Intervales 0,93 - 893 and 293 - 843 OK, respectively. The effects of atcmic-mass and parameter differences of the unit cell on the measured quantities are discussed, as well as a possible mechanism for the change in the width and shape of the absorption spectrum, with the nonmonotonic variation of the width with temperature being attributable to a definite relation betueen the nondiagonal and diagonal elements of the dynamic quadrupole interactiono "The authors express their gratitude to Prof. G. s. Zhdanov and to G. A. Pykov, fcr participating in the formulation of the problem and for a discussion of the results, and to V. N. Iyubimov for Interest in the w k. Orig. art. has: 5 f Igures and 1 formu2r- ASSOCIATION: Mskovskiy gosudarstvrenny*y unlvwsitet (Yoscow State University Fizikokhimicheskiy institut im. L. Ya. Karpova (Physicochemical Institute) mimamm: 27Feb63 DATE AcQ: 23jul63 ENCL: 00 SUB CODE: 00 NO REF SOV: 015 mm: oo6 Card 2/P- L h263-66 DIP (e)/EPA (,q) -2/DIT(m. )/?.Ip( )JEpA w rj~ t up ACC NR' AP-5024548 Ult/0070/65/010/005/06,111~0,649- 548.736:537.226 AUTHOR: Viskov. A. S.; 'V~Cnevstov,_YU, Kh(Il i f, G . 6. /51 trticture and magnetic and electric properties of solid solutions In the Steni DiFeO - "Sr(Snl/31 s y An2 03" 3 SOURCE: Kristallograflya, v. 10, no. 5, 1965, 644-649 TOPIC TAGS; solid solution, Neel temperature, Curie point, antiferromagnette material, spontaneous magnetization, bismuth compound, Iron compound, strontium compound, tin compound, manganese compound ABSTRACT: The samples were prepared by the usual ceramic process from M203, Sn02, SrC03, Fc2O3, and Mn02 (firing at 75 - 1100C at 4 - 6 hr and again at 820 - 1600C for I - 2 hr), After each firing, the phase composition of the samples was checked by x-ray diffraction. The latter showed that the system BiFeO3 - "Sr(Snl/3Mn2/j)03" contains a broad single-phase region of solid solutions based on BiFeO.3 up to 77. 5 mole% "Sr(Snl/3A1n2/ .3)03. " Analysis of the splitting of the principal x-ray lines and calculations of tl-,e tinit coll parameters at room temperature showed that the solid solutions in this system exist in four modifications: rhomboliedral, cubic, psendocuble 1, and pseudocubic H. 'nle Neel temperatures TN of the various samples were determined from the temperature de- pendence of spontaneous magnetization. Below TN, the solid solutions are antiferromagnetics with a weak ferromagnetism. It was found that in the system studied there Is a wide region of CoM 1/2 NRI AP5024548 solid solutions in which a magnetic and an electric dipole structure exist over a wide tampera- ture range. No distinct coi relation was noted between these structures, and no special effort is made to elucidate It. "We thank Yu ,3Le. R 4, comments. " Orig. art. has: 4 figures. _Q hjAkjy fer valuable suggestions and ASSOCIATION: Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut Im. L. Ya. Karpova ical SUBMITTED: 10Jun64 ENCL.- 00 SUB CODE: SS, EIVI NO PEF SOV: 010 OTHER: 003 , , -I _i M U 4.W A 1~ *, -: 1, . - . N I; 7, ~c . 1. VIVEVTSUf Yu.ts.,- ROGUISKAYA, Yu.Ye.- VISK07 A.S.; r7l'NOVA, i~hTT, A.G.; RHAS HPOL I SK17, Yu. Ya. - 5 h'V;4iT7X,. e. r. V-Py TEVMOVSKrl, A. Yu.; Z11DANOV, G.S! New lead-containing porovijkl~e ncmpo%4~ds of complex -,omros',- -Lim. Dokl. AN SSSR 158 S-0 4,1 (MIRA 1'7:8) Fiziko-kHnicheskly inatitut imnil L. Is. Karpova. h-e,3- atavleno akadem:Dkom V.V. Belc,,,rym. FAM ZUI KHIYENj VIfmOv-,-k%1 BFu9m, 0 V.S.; VENEMEV, Yu.N. Ab apt change of thr probalAlity of the Mossbauer effect dmring a phaae tranaition-ivr'forroolectric subatances. Zhur. ekep. i teor. fix. 44 no.612-192-2183 Je 163. (MIRA l6s6) 1. Institut yadernoy fisiki Noskovskogo gosudaretv-ennogo usiverniteta i Fisiko-kbimichookiy iuBtitut im. L.ra. "ora. (Nomebauer effect) L 12096-66 EWT FARCC NR- AP6000531 t)/E'dP(b) IJP(c) JD SOURCE CODE: UR/0070/65/010/00 AUTHOR: Viskov, A.S.; Venevtsev, Yu.N.; ~hd~pov S.; O!j!kiyenko. L,D, ORG: PkiLes -Chemistry Institute im. L,-.Ya. Karpov (Fiziko-khimicheskly Institut) TITLE: The study of new lead-containing perovskites SOURCE: Kristallografiya, V. 10, no. 6, 1965, 862-868 TOPIC TAGS: perovskite mineral, x-ray diffraction analysis, ferroclectric material, antiferroelectricity, mineralogy, mineral, inorganic chemistry ABSTRACT: The authors reported earlier (Dokl. AN SSSR, 158, 1, 86, 1964) on the synthesis of a large number of new lead-bontaining perovskites, The present article describes the production conditions, methods for x-ray and dielectric studies and the results of such studlei carried out on samples with a starting composition of Pb(LI 1/3 I+Nbl/3 5 +',v 1/3 6+)03; 3 6+) 3+_ 2+ 4+ 1/25+ )0 . 0 where B Fe, La; Pb(B B where Pb(L11/41+13 1/4 +Wl/2 3P . 1/4 Mnl/4 B2+=Co, N1, Zn, Mg, andCd, B 5+ = Nib, Ta, and W. In addition, magnetic measurements were carried out In the -170 to 350 - 400C temperature range for samples with compositions Pb(B,/42+M,,,/44+Nbl/2 5+ )03, where B2+ = Co and Ni, and Pb(Bl/4 2+ Mn,/4 4+,Ar 1/2 5+)03 1/2 UDC-, 648.736:537.226. 1 L 12o96-& ACC NR- AP60009-31 24- where B = Co, Ni, and Mg. All synthesized samples had the perovskite-type structure and exhibited either ferroclectric or antiferroclectrio dielectric properties. Some of them, such as Pb(BI/42+ Mn 1/44+Nb /25+)0, with BZ+ = Co and Ni, and Pb(Ni 1/4 2+ Mn1/4 4+ Tal/2 5+ )03 exhibit, In addition. ferromagnetic properties. The authors thank Yu. Ye. Roginskava for valuable advice during the discussion of inagnetle properties. OrIg. art. has: 2 fiWes and 1 table. SUB CODE: 07, 11 SUBM DATE: 16Oct64 ORIG REM 007 OTH REF- 001 2~2 Card L 7820--66 EV;T t)/E-*i,'P(z)/Elit,(b)/'~~iiA(c) DIAA~,/IJP(c) _-ZE-C -NR.- CCDE! UR/0048/GS/029,/011/2029/2033 Pzjo2alla jD C- 7 AU'n[OR: Mitrof anov,K. P. Viskcrv 5.; PlotnikovallicV.; Venevtgav yu.I.Pi. ,_P1 ORG: none TITIZ: Resonance absorption of gamma rayf muth ferrite'- internal fields in bis rtrontium stanno-manganite system erroclectric-nntiferromagnotic solid solutions Lloport, Fourth All-Union Conference on Ferro-electricity hold at Rostov-on-the Don 2-16 September 1964 SOURCE: AN SSSR. Izvestiya. Seriy~ fizicheskaya, v. 29, no. 11, 1965, 2029-2033 7, TOPIC TAGS: forroclectric material R-la-t1fen, solid s:)lution, bismuth, fcr~;-W-e cs-e, tIn strontium, Ylossbnucr effect, chemi , mnngaif cal ':= ding, magnetic field, Curio point, lice 1 temperature ADSTRACT: The mngnetic field strength at the positions of the Fe and Sn ions in BiFcO3 - Sr(SnMn2/ .1/303 solid solution* was investigaIN with the' aid of the MoUsbauer effect. The nowiered s 'olid solutions,(,,enriched in Sn and FC57, were prepared from polycrystn~liiv- viaterinIs by the usual double air-honting ceramic technique. It wan verified b 'v x-ray studies that the invoitigated natcrials vicre single pht!jc solid nolutions ix, zquilibrium. These solid solutions exhibit forroelectric ard antiferro- magnetic propoities; the ferroelectric Curio point nnd the heal point decrease with increasing manganito content and are below room temperature when the manganite con- L 792'C~-66 ACC NR: AP5028113 centration is greater than 37 and 55 mole %, respectively. The resonance absorption of Fo57m and SnlI9M 7 rays by solid solutions containing 100, 90, 70, and 50 mole per- cent BiFeO3 was invostignted at temperatures from 77 to 8500IC; the experimental - __ tech- __I__ n iq ue--has - been- d ed u Tibed-o 1~&ewharo -by -K. P.M It rufanov -, -I V. III ar ionova, and V.S.Shpinel'i (Pribory i teldinikn oksporimentn, No. 3, 49 (19G3); No. 3, 60 (1956)). E-clow the Neel point the Iron absorption line was clearly resolved into six components, which are ascribed to Zeeman splitting. Above the Neal point the Iron absorption line was a doublet with a separation of 0.4 mm~scc; this splitting is ascribed to quadrupole interaction. The tin absorption w=t broad and could not W resolved into separate components. This broadening is ascribed to superposition of many Zeeman patterns with different splitting, and effective maLgnetic fields were derived from the absorption contours. The magnetic field at the iron nuclei decreased with increasing tempera- ture and vanished at the Ncel point, which was found to be 650 t VK for pure DiFeO3; the magnotic field extrapolated to OOK was close to 500 We and decreased only slightly In the presence of manganite. The effective magnetic field at the tin nuclei, extra- polated to OOK, Increased with increasing BiFeO3 concentration; it was about 300 k0s for large BiFeO3 concentrations and extrapolated to zero at a BiFeO3 concentration of 27 mole %. The significance of the results is discussed briefly. rt is known that the field at the Iron nucleus Is duo mainly to the Influence of the electron shell of the iron*ion, and it is said to be obvious that the effective magnetic field at the tin nucleus is proportional to the magnitude of the indirect exchange interaction duo to polarization of the electron shell of the dia=gnstic Lon. Th(d tin absorption line -L-T~32Q~-% ACC NRI AP5MI13 !was not displaced with re5pect to the SnO2 scurCe; this shows that the Sn-O bOrKIS In f I I !the solutions are highly (635-7M ionic. Sp---cinl nen-nurerents at 54011K on sanples cort-, tnining 40 and 70 role % BiFeO3 showed that the I!;c*;-,eric shilt and degree oi ionizn- ition of the tin reinained unchanged on trnrisition from the pnraelectric to the forro- lelectric state. This result casts doubt on the hypothesL-i of H.D.Megnw (Acta 'Crystallogr., 5, 739 (1952); 7, 187 (1954)) that the bond chnracter changcs at a ferroclectric transition. It is concluded that the Ugsabaur effect provides a xisoful tool for the investigation of internal fields and bond characters in ferroelectric and ~ferromagnotic materials. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CCDE: SS,EU,NP SU13M 'IDA#: " 00/ GRIG. MW: 008 OM REF: 004 d ;jaeb maH mw~ Ag -,,Wtq SOURCE COVEs U~FO~ DIAAP AUTHORSt Mitrofanov,, K. P.1 Viskoyp A*, S, I Venevt4iev, Tu. H.1 Sbpinel", V. a.; PlotnikovaL -11-V. OROs none Ll MISS Method for measuring t!Neraturs~Aclass 42, No, 176W SOURCHs Byulleten' isobreteaiy i tovarnykh znakov, no. 22, 1965, 67 TOPIC TAGSt temperature meas uroment, gamma ray absorption L ABSTRACT: This Author Certificate presents a method for measuring teVeraturejo based on the discontinuous change of the effect of resonance gamma-ray absorption with a /9' phase transition in the absorber. To increase the accuracy of measurements, -1-5-er166 of absorbers with different phase transition temperatures is placed in direct thermal contact with the investigated sample. The absorbers are exposed to radiation from a resonance source of gamma-rays and the absorption effect, is recorded with detectors. SUB CODEs 20/ SUBM DATEv 14Apr64 S6 "I VISKOV,-,A.S.; VENEVTSEV, Yu.N.; ZIIDANOV, G.S. New ferroelectric substances with the structure of perovskite and pyrochlore. Dokl. AN SSSR 162 no.2023-325 My 165. (MIRA 180) 1. Fiziko-khimicheskiy institut im. L.Ya.Karpova. Submitted December 2t 1964. L 24372-66 EWT(1)/EWTW/EPF(n)-2 IJP(c) JD/JG 7 ACC NR. AF6o 5/6f,1270-2167 AUTHOR: Sklyarevskiy$ V. V.; Lukashevicb, I. I.; Romanov, V. P.; Filipporv, N. I.; Venevtsev, Yu. NO; V1 kov, A. S. ORG: none TITLE: Mossbauer effect in the ferroelectric FbjF Nb :?a/-- 1/2) 03 SOURCE: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoretichesVoy ilzi]X. Piolma v redaktaiyu. Prilozheniyep V- 3, no- 5, 1966, 212-216 TOPIC TAGS: ferroelectric material, Mossbauer spectrum, miltiplet splitting, critical point, phase transition, Curie point, electron spin ABSTRACT: The purpose of the investlGation was to check on the presence of a minimum e of the probability of the'Nossbauer ejZept pn.~Sn~11!, in the investigated compound, W similar to that obsevred for Ba(TiSn)03 (with different Ti/Sn ratios) by V. A. Bokov et al. (FTT v. T, 1886, i96~ and elsewhere). It was also desired to check on other singularities in the behavior of the quadrupole splitting and of the position of the symmetry center of the Mossbauer spectrum observed near the temperature Tc of the ferroclectric phase transition. To this end, the authors investigated the variation of the parameter of the Mossbauer absorption spectrum of Fe571 nuclei of the ferro- electric in question at the phase transition temperature (T - 1.14C). The absorbers 5703 (60J Fe"). 7he source was were made by the usual ceramic technology# using F02 C057 in stainless steel. The apparatus for the Mossbauer spectra is described by the authors elsewhere (PTS No. 4,. 43,, 1964)o The restate confim the exlgtonce of the Card L G'4372-66 kCC_Nk'___AP6Ol643T singularities in the vicinity of the Curie point Tc = 214C and a minimum In the Mossbauer- effect probability. These singularities are apparently connected with the fact that an anomalous decrease in the frequency of one of the transverse optical branches of the lattice takes place on approaching the ferroelectric transition point in crystals with perovskite structure. The decrease in the quadrupole splitting with increase of temperature to Tc is connected with a decrease in the spontaneous polari- zation. The asymetry of the quadrupole- splitting line, which has*a minimum near Te and reverses sign) can be due either to anisotropy of the Mossbauer- effect probabilit-, or to relaxation of the electron spins in a ferromagnet. It is concluded that an investigation of the temperature variation of the asymmetry can give important in- formation on the dynamics of the realignment of the crystal structure during the ferroelectric transition. The authors thank F. Ye. Chukreyev and V. L Man1ko for the computer programming., YU. _Me Kagan, A* Me AfarAgwyev, Be N. Samoilov. and Be I. Verkin for discussionsp K. P. Aleshin for producing the electronic part of the Moss- baue7spectrometerp -L Bo Filippo-y- for help with the experimentso and L. Is YAze.- kevich and Be Me Kabanova for help viththe nessurements. Orig. art. has: 2 figures BUD Cox: 20/ 8M. DAM: 1Tj&n66/ MM MWt 030/ OTH RIFt 005 CWd VISKOV, O.V.; PROIGIOROV, N.V. (Mos--ow) Probability of' a loas of call3 in heawj traffic. Teor, veroiat, i ee prim. 9 no-1:99-104 164. (MMA 17.74) VISKOV, O.V. (Moscow) Two asymptotic formilap in the theory of queues. Teor. veroiat. i ee prim. 9 no.l.il77-178 064. (MIRA 17t4) VISKOV, O.V.; SHIRYAYEV, A.N. Control systems that lead to optimwq steady-state conditions, Trudy Mat. inst. 71235-45 164. (MIIA 18:2) RMIKOV, O.A., mayorj VISYOV, O.V~ Influence of control on the capacity of R qneaing system with rejections. Mor. abor. 47 no.9233-31 S 164. (19RA 18M A, ~1~77,-,A rl' ft 2~~ F~b 1-:~:� ormulas and tabli~. --Mk- in ,Cole ERCL -0.0- A JrZ A 011 An 4x,., i~ ~ )- . ~i - ACC=SIOV Pt AT5004331 I.- u.4il !,-r24~ --r r whe ne r ay .-z -,tz ;1,-. 4 Ir 1~ F J Jif it'.J ki-i6~ N A ` it -l'. MUM Ir L ~0 il VA IK) R FY 30",' ~r, . G. BOOS, V. V. VISKOV, L. I. DOWN, Ye. V..KOLaK=- S, Zh. S. TAKIBAYEV Tne calculations of the integral multiplicity for Mu-meson and nucleon compor.:..- production duet to the different energiea of primaries obtained at the top C, "he atmosphere with different zenith angles. repor-, submitted for the 8th Intl. Conf. on Cosmic Phys (IUPAP),, Jaipur Indird, 2-14 Dee 1S63 ACCMION NRi APhO16035 S/0052/64/009/ool/0099/0104 AbTHGHS: Vi.skov,, 0. V. (Moscow); Prokhorov, Yti. V._'(_M_05*coW) TITLE: -'X-0 bability of loss of a call in heavy traffic SOURCE: Teoriya veroyatnostey i yeye primeneniya,, v. 9,, no. 1# 19640 99-104 TOPIC TAGS: loss of call, heavy traffic queue, massive service, asymptotic formula,-system with rejection, Erlang formula, Poisson traffic ABSTRACT: Exact solutions of many problems in massive service are often very complex. However, by proper choice of a certain parameterj one may obtain trans- parent asymptotic formulas under the assumption that this parameter tends to zero (or infinity). An example of this is the behavior of a queue with large loads. The authors eive another example of this type. They show that under broad assump- tions for heavy traffic entering a system with rejections and not very rigid requirements on the quality of service, the probability of loss of a cal.1 can be computed in the first approximation by Erlang's formulaj i.e., as if the traffic were Poisson. On the other hand, such computation can lead to serious errors if the probability of loss of a call must be very small, i.e.,, if the quality of Card 1/2 ACCESSIOU NR.- AP4016035 service must be high. Orig. art. has: 35 fozTLulas. ASSOCIATION: none SUBMITTED: 18Jun63 DATE AMs l9Mar64 SUB CODE: MM NO REF SOV: 002 13NCL: 00 OTHER: 003 Card 2/2 DATSEV~r P. (Rybinsk!;(K ~ Mmunix, P S ; BOGDANOV) T. (Syktyvkar, SFMGINO S. (Vorkuta) I. (pos.Rovda, Murmanskaya obl.); XONGSIMIK0.9 A. (Arkhangeltak); Komi ASSR); VISKOV, V. (Chelyabinsk); I"-,--, Are otationary fire oncapo laddoro nocoosary? Pozh.dolo 8 no.6126 Je 162.. WIRA 15:6) (Fire escapes) VISKOV, V.S. - am- - -- Observations of the meteor streaz of Tp-Coronids. Siul.VADO no.11:24-25 152. (MM 6:6) 1, Stalingradekoye otdoleniye Vossoyuznogo astronomo-goodezicheekogo ob- shohostva, (Meteors) d I L 11 1 n 6rT. i c n t aniijuat of energT I t!on% tc ~-r4, , -, rr p! -T.~ifio-na is rmglecta-a- - - - - .. . - ~ ~~ I.. --, - ? A ~ : ? g n Ll (-. , I I - . 1 1, , . 41 , -;,- rJA nF f f VISKOVA, L.A. Late Cretaceous Bryozoa of the genus Meliceritites of the middle Volga Valley. Paleont. zhur. no.3t49-518 165. (MIRA 18:9) 1. Paloontologicheskiy institut AN SSSR. VISKOVA, L.A. New Late Carboniferous fenestella in the Usa Basin. Paleont.zhur. no.4:86-92 '61. (MU, 15:3) 1. Institut geolo U i razrabotki goryuchikh iskopayemykh AN S55R. fGornaya Shoriya--Fenestellidae, Fossil) KUDRYAVTSEV,, Ye.V.j, doktor tekhn. naukp red.; IONOV, V.P., kand. fiz.- mat. naukp red.- VISKOVA, M., red.; DOTSENKO, V., tekhn, red.; IOVLEVA, Ns., D~obile plasma] Dvizhuahchaiasia plazma; abornik perevodov. Mc- skva,, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ryp 1961, 612 pe (MIRA 15:1) (Plasm (Ionized gases)) -__yI4_XQYA,-U~,inzh. Atomic rockets. Tekl~.mol. 2P no.1:37 '60. (MIRA 13:5) (Huclear rockets) 67f 4i SOV/29-60-1-22/25 AUTHOR: Vigkova, W, Engineer TITLE: Atomic Rockets PERIODICAL: Tekhnika molod'd'zhi,, 1960, Nr 1, pp 37-38 (USSR) ABSTRACIT: In this article the authoress deals with the possibility of utilizing nuclear poviir in practice for the purpose of driving rockets, and describes several types of such driving systems 'A-3, (see figure on colored -.1'nsert). Irr I is a rocket engine of the heat exchanger type, The fuel is pumped into the active zone of the rea-.,tor by meana of centrifugal pumps,where it evaporates, is heated to a certain temperature, and is ejected frcm the nozzle at supersonic veloc."ty. The useful loads which, in future,, will also ccmprise the crew, may be stored in the bow of the mijsile befnre the fuel containers, which at the same timp a!-,1, as a rad iati -.-n shield. Ur II. The homogeneous mix- t,,Ira -)f fissile maer-.ri-il ttnd fuel enters the chamber, where the fuel heatEid b~ the fi,;isioti product and is then ejected fro:a the n-;zzle. Ti%o d d vantage ;:)f such an engine is the ~aot that, t'-~gether -a1Jt-.A '-he fuel, a considerable part of ca.rd n,~t .' 1' i -.~ed .'; 5-~ LI-r; m-iterfal is ejected. Nr III is Aion-:c Rockets 67,541 SOV29-.60-1..22/25 baaed or t1lie uttlizatlcn (it -3lectric and magnetic fields, Whic.h a1-_-,_,1.,~ra-.e the or charged particles to very high The a3celcr:itor is fed with the electric energy gonerated by the rea~,tor --r by the turbogenerator. 1Tr IV oper- ates according 'V-,- a thertromechanical cycle: The pump 5 -rum_os ille fuel fro-m the container through the reactor under pros.-jure, Here -;t evapor-ates,. is heated to about 2500 0 , and pressed into the hilg~--reqsuia chamber. The shock tubelis still filled with 1,.~wl,pres_-ura ga3 originating from the preceding C,ycle. The compressed gas penetrating through the valve 11 compresses and heats t1--e gas in the shock tube* thus producing a power-u'A shcck wa-,(9, 7alve 11 closes and valve 12 opens. The ga,-- flows from the nozzle at high speed. As soon as the '-e.mperature of Zhe outfloving gas amounts to only one third or one quarter cf the maximum temperature in the shock tube, valve 12 closes and -alve 13 opens. Pump 5 then pumps the re- sidues from the shock tube into the ceoler. This cycle is repeated withoui Intefruption. IT.- V is a system with light- C,afd 2/3 arc heating. The Diel is transfcrmed into plasma in the light V V( R~ckoqts 30V/29-60-1-22/25 aro ard f-ko-as thro-,,gh th,? n!~zzle In the cathode. Direct con- tir-ac,uj heating of the fuel. in the light arc may produce a con!itar+ tral-..,ve fc~rce with a apecific momentum, which is IC dimes as gr~-at ~s t-at of the modern rockets driven by I , 4 - %I chomical funla. Calcul~--tions shcw that the weight of rockets driven by D-)wer may be reduced to 1/10 to 1/15 of that of an crdlnary r,;:kat, and to 113 to 1/5 of the weight of a rrcket driver by mear13 of no7el fuele.~ 7he authoress recommends readers wishi-,g. -1~ cttai,n more exa,;t information on the applies- ti.,,~n rf rol,,'.i.e-ir pc-wA.r fcr driving rockets to read the book Bh-ja~xd arj F,, da Lauer "Rocket With Atomic Engine", by the Pub'.ishinw Ifoulie for Foreign Literaturej T!,.are Ptre 5 IIF 0 ~ \00,0, a,%g0 ti CD V., ~6 09 0 d 0 0 VA 0 d0 0 A 0 0 0 CD Alok 0 V, 0 LO t1 IP4 CD M 'c' C." er r" C) -,/ 0 0 vl' er CO up Yj VCD 0 0 OiA3 iA CD ti VA 11 VA Lo eA :$ :-./ 01 vp ol 0 c 00 ;v lp Lo 0 0 ;~f 0 LO co jr 0 0 Y3 , Q 0 0 ti (p 0 A d 0 v 0%1% A (P A vp ID 0, w 0 -A e CP d ~000 0 0 00 cr% 0 bQ - :,gqql Q to Q,, b 0, "00 o. C) a C', op 6 "(5-41 -3r?, Op sot c g All '0 a,,. , - 60 60, lj~ t Poo eel Ole IP, 0 4 t r,~ )PI t - th -202 08 etYC Co 0 cr i~ 01po .76 t -"b to a 0 . 0 -ecl, do 0,7 '0 4 6,9 lot 10 1) t~ '4 ~*o .z.,, 1%, 42 f.", & it. 10 ~p Q~Q "y0 Z;l hj, -1 4 t,. Oft .9 6 ~4-14,9 ~4.2 0 Oj)QZ2bQ ted 011d, o4o 49 h 0 It IPQ ~, , :., P.,Ii~ t &V 04 0the C-le ZP. P1 9LIQ 0 ot 02 11 120 t.~ L e e-7,9 6~- t -u tIJ7 he f Zi oe 4 -Ij~ C, 6 014 -"L-0 ope, ' pe,~j ~ r `70, o 1 ~h "'d, t e* r ?-h -15000 1112,1 0 0 .t.0 0,90 CT 011 r ZI 7 e hr. 4z. OJZ k t C ho6ec, Z~ -"",k - 0 CIL, aho 01ja he 'Ibe 4(j the t -see Qk tob the Pze "'g 47 too 4.00 th Ile. ~tL% Qbo O.Po P02, uj~t e0? 1-. 11 PZ. e 71 e -~~zj 14 t 4.9 12 t f ' 48 Olt, ~P t x 0 .P Q').-e 0 0 t,~. 04. the zzz~p -Y., 1 0122 710,2 C-t,,,7 &Z. pcooze5 t6 the J, 040 Q-. f- e 0.1 fl - ~ e4 oho tbI he 4 2'h1 ~P'114 Ck j -'-cl 0 a c 11be ~;,C-I he th e -to the R'h t jI ch t Atomlc Rockets 67641 SOV/29-60-1..22/25 based or the utilizatic~ri uf .-,leotric and magnetic fields, rihich aroelerate the "=3 cr charged particles to very higk velocities. The aGeelerator is fed with the electric energy gonerated by the roa-.;T.()r -r by the turbogenerator. ITr IV opek- ates arcording to a pecaliar thermomechanical cycle: The pump 5 PuLnPs the fuel frz~m U-4r- container through the reactor under presoure.. Here it e-iapcrates, is heated to about 2500 0 , and pressed into the high-j;ressurs. chamber. The shock tubelis still filled with low-pressurs gas originating from the preceding cycle. The compressed gas penetrating through the valve 11 compresses and heats t',-P- g-aa in the shock tube, thus producing a powerfvil shock wave, Valve 11 closes and valve 12 opens. The gas flows from the nozzle at high speed. As soon as the temperature of the outflowing gas amounts to only one third or one quarter of the r-aximum temperature In the shock tube, valve 12 closes and valve 1~1 opens. Pump 5 then pumps the re- sid,aes from the shock tube into the cooler. This cycle is repeated without inteZruption. Ur V is a system with light- Cai,A 2/3 arc heating. The filel is transformed into plasma in the light IL! V( F, 7141 Atomic Rocketa SOV/29.,60-1-22/25 are and flows throagh the nozzle in the cathode. Direct con- tinuous heating of the fuel. in the light are may produce a constant tractive force with a specific momentum, which is 15 times as great as that of the modern rockets driven by chemical fuels,, Calculations show that the weight of rockets driven by nuclear power may be reduced to 1/10 to 1/15 of that of an ordinary rocket, and to 1/3 to 1/5 of the weight of a rocket driven by means of novel fuels. The authoress recommends readers wishing to cbtain more exact information on the applica- tion of nuclear power for driving rockets to read the book by R~ BaSBard and R. de Lauer "Rocket With Atomic Engine", published by the Publishing House for Foreign Literature, Moscow, in 1960. There are 5 figures.. Card 3/3 BOROTIJEOT4, R.F. Ctranslatorj; DUBROVSKIY, G.B.Ctranalatorl; OKHOTIN, A.S. Etranolatorh PEDYASH, R.N. (translator]; MASLAKOVETS, Tu.P.. Prof., doktor fiz.--mat.nauk, red.; SOASHIM, T.K., kand.fix.-mat.nauk, red.; VISKOVA, N.V., red.; SMIRWOVA, N.I., [Semiconductor transformers of radiant energy) Poluprovodnikovye proobrazovateli energii isluchanii; abornik statei. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr.lit-ry, 1959* 407 Pe (MIRA 12:4) (Semiconductors) (Photoelectricity) TBAREV, B.,~. prof red.; VISKOVA, M.Y., red.; IOVLVsVA, N.A., tokhn'.red. [O.xide-coated cathodes; a collection of papers delivered at the International Congress commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the Invention of the oxide-coated cathode] Oksidnyi katod; sbornik trudov Hezbdunarodnogo kongressa, posvieshchannogo platidesisti- letiiu otlrrytiia okeidnogo katoda. Pod red. B.H.TSareva. Moskva. Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1957. 480 p. (MIRA 11:3) 1. Congr;s international du conquantenaire do la cathode a oxydes. Paris. 1955. (Cathodes) (Zlectron tubes) ORLOV) V.V., kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red. j TSYPIN, S.G.) kand, fiz.--mat, nauk.. red.; KAZANSKIY Yu.A .[translatorl; KUKHTEVIC11, V.I. [translatorl; mATUSEVICH' Ye.S. (tra'wlatorl, EIKOLAYSHVILI, Sh.S. Itranslatorl; SI- NITSYH, B.I. [translator]; YUS, S.V. [tranalatorj;__Y~I~~OY-A,-X.V., red.; RYBKINAy V.P., tekhn.ied. (Protection of transportation units having nuclear engines; translated articlesl Zashchita transportnykh ustanovok s iadernym dvigatelem; sbornik perevodov. Moskva, Izd-vo inostr. lit-ry, 1961. 619 p. (MIRA 14:12) (Badiation-protection) (Nuclear reactors-Saf,-ty measures) BORISOV, F.I.9 kand. tekhn. naukp red.; VISKOVAp M.V.p .red.; REZOUKHOVA9 Aorjop takhno redo (Inertial navigation; collection of translated articles] Problamy inertsiallnoi navigataii; sbormik statei. Moskvap I7,d-vo inostro lit-ryt 1961. 237 P. (MIRA 14:6) (Inertial navigation) VISKOVATAU, A.F., felldsher Work of the health Itation at the Chardzhou q~iilt plant. Zdrav. (KIRA V: 11) Turk. 3 no.3:41-43 My-Je 159- 1. ZdravpiuiJct Chardxhoumkoy vatnoy fabriki. (cH&UZHOU--INMSTRIAL HYGIENE) KARCHFITKO, I.I.; VISKOVATOV, I.G. [Viskovatov, I.H.] Results of three years' field tests with Jerusalem artichoke and sunflower h7brids. Trudy Inst. gen. i sel. AN URSR 5:11-20 '58. (Jerusalem artichoke) (Sunflowers) (MIRk 11:9) VISI".01'-TOV, Vladimir. Amurskaia zhelemets. doroga. ZAmur railway/-- S.*Feterblirg, 1908. Cover-title, 12 p. Cst-11 CST SOI Soviet TrarsrY)rtation Arjd Communi cations, A Bibliograrhy, Library of Congress Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. VISKOVATOV, YU.I. Measures for the sanitary protection of the Dniester River within the boundaries of the Moldavian S.S.R. Zdravookhranenie 4 no. 2:45-47 My~-Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Iz Respublikanskoy sanapidetantaii (glavnyy vrach A.A. Kovalev) Mi,histerstva zdravookhraneniya Moldavskoy SSR. (DNIESTER RIVER-WATER-POLLUTION) VISKOVATTT, M.P. growing in Chardzhou Province and climtIc conditions affecting Its geographical distribution and specialization. Uch. zsp.Chard.ros.pad.innt. no.2:121-132 157. (MIRA 12:8) (Chard%hou Provinca--Clinate) (Chardzhou Province--Cotton growing) VISKOVSK7, r., V. Ukazatel poverstnykh razetoianii i kratchaishikh putel mezhdu zheliezno40rozhnyzi i parokhodnymi stantaitami. (Index of distances (in verst) between railroad and steamship stations). 8 kartami zhelieznyk# dorog Evropeiskol i Aziaskoi Rossli. (Odessa, Avtor, 1895). 188, 150 p. DLC: RE3134.V5 SO& Soviet TrAnsportation and Communications. A Bibliographv, Library of Congress, Reference Deaprt;e-nt. ia'-sbin-'gton, 1952, Unclassified. SMIRNOV) Ye.I., general-polkovnik med. sluzhby, glav. red.; VISKOVSKIY. S,V., Prof., polkovnik med. sluzhby, red. raz&-la (deceased]; TWDORI, M.I., knrid. med. nauk, polkovnik med. sluzhby, poin. red.; T-4ACHEV, P.G,p knnd. med. nauk, podpolkovnik med. slushby, pom. red.; GABERLAND, M.I., tekhn. red. [Experience of Soviet medicine during the Great Patriotic War, 1941-19451 Opyt sovetskoi meditsyny v Velikoi ote- chestvennoi voine, 1941-1945 gg. Moskva, Medgiz. Vol.31. 1955. 315 p. (?G RA 16: 7) (WORLD WAR 1939-1945-MEDICAL AND SANITARY AFFAIRS) - - - --.T- -- -- ---- I -- - - VISVOVSKIi, F. V. I UkazatelP pover5tnykh razstoianii i knatchaishikh putel mez~dli zheiezn0d0-")zhny:ai i parnkhodnyipi stantsliAMI. Z-Index of dlstanceB (in verst) ard short*3t v-.14e3 b,ntwean rAllvvid and shipping stalAnns2.S kartaml zhellmznykh dorog Evropelskol I. Aziatskoi RosslL. fbdessa, Avtor, 1895,7. 188, 150 P. DLC: lIE313.V5 SO: Soviet Transportation and Communications, A 'Bibliogrpphy, Library of Congress, Reference Department) 7'lashington, 1952., Unclassified. u ARMiIPOV, A.Ya.; ALTAYFVA, N.V.; BAYBULATOVA, Z.K.; )Lt GOLFNKOVA, M.P.; KRAVCHENKO, M.F.; KUPRINt P.M.; LEVIN, A.I.; POLISTER, L.A.; SEMOV, V.N.; SYRNEV, I.P.; USHKO, K.A.; SHOLOKHOV, V.V.; Prinimali uchastiye: RODIONOVA, M.K.; CHELITSOV, Yu.G.; KUZNETSOV, Yu.Ya., kand. geograf. nauk, nauchnyy red. [Geology and oil and gas potentials of the south of the U.S.S.R.; Kara-Bogaz-Gol (Gulf) region (eastern part of the Middle Caspian oil- and gas-'bearing basin).] Geologila i neftegazonosnost' iuga SSSR; Prikarabozazle (vostochnaia chest' Srednekaspilskogo nefte- gazonosnogo basseina). Leningrad, Nedra, 1964. 300 p. (Trudy Nauchno-issledovatellskoy laboratorii geologicheskikh kriteriyev oteenki perspektiv neftegazonosnosti no.12). KHOROSH,, V.A.; BOYKO,, M.Ye.; KOSSOVSKIY., L.D.~ SHVYRKV,, M-3-; KOPYTIN, F.I.; RUSAROV, I.I.; Frini--Ii uchastiye: KMUNOVICH, V.A.; HUSHMA., LLYe.; FJAWOVA, A.F.; _Y;�KULI0VAj r.U.; *LCJKHIBA A. I - , H. Determining the optimal conditions for blooming mill operations. Stall 23 se-4:338-340 Ap tV. (MIRA 16:4~ 1. Chelyabinskiy metallurgicheskiy zavod. (Rolling mius) Distr: 4E2c~j)/4E3b ,V Paraformaldehgda. an M M ftrincovim, 14 PO 0 vM " e I -613 F, Rah Ap. an proce ure am described tar the polymerization of aq. 48.2% HCHO in the presence of 0.16% NaOll or other alk. catalysts with continuous stirring carried stepwise. A product h coutc. 80.1% polymer is obtained. L, J. Urbknek--- 11,2) VISKUPIC, M. Practices of the West Slovak Electric Works in reducing breakage on high- and low-voltage lines. p. 588. TECHNICKA FRACA, Bratislava, Vol. 6, no. 10, Oct. 1954. SO; Monthly List of East European Accessions, (EEAL), LC. Vol. 5, No. 6# June 1956, Uncl. IIISKUPIC, M, ------------- "Operation and performance of transformers." p. 24. TECHNlCKA PFACA. (Rada vedeckych technickych spolocnosti pri Slovenskej akaderdi vied). BratislavaS Czechoslovakiaq Vol. 7,, No. 1, 1955. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEki), 1,C, Vol. 8s No. 8. August 1959. Uncla. 0, 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 11 .11ND )*Z?A?f sit vu M a is v Is 0 4 v J a 6 A A Y I 91 a At 40 ace L AJ -- , I zt.t A--- _ -00 cattijaso coolant of blood lymph of 00 0 animals. Am Ked ex%fAi ovitAiwobv 't1 tax bort!"I 01111A .00 0 the method of KuTultatra in dtfibrinlietl lvi"ph The so a uWalved: ht-itted cattle 272. olivel, !W. l,k! U0. hor~.KM, stakey 117l Suttee 47, duck 311 siul hen 41 Fits. oxvicra in Hill cc. lintioc, S. de 1-inilv so -u -00 so r 000 = 0 so 41 GOO go 0 1 so 1 goo I" zoo goo see nos &$-111,A 'ITALL;,PGKAL LITIFOATUNI CLASSIFICATION -02.11, C.. a( 1111111NE 6 Ii-stIa" C.- all --- - go u a AV -0 it A a -9 u $1 cc IT It Is 0 4 9 1 IT " j KAZ a IAnI I Od IF IF to 411 Is 0 & * 0 * 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 a a a 6 - * 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 o 0 0 0 4 0 0 a 170 ;1 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 is VISKY, F.. Principles of organization and working methodolog-r of the Institution for Mining Research in the Rumanian People's Reputlic. p. 46. (Revista Minelor, Vol. R, No. 1, Jan. 1957, Bucuresti, Rumania) SO: Monthly List of iast Duropean Accessions Lc. 7o1. 6, No, 11, Aue 1957. Uncl. ar. 1-) 53 1 C !,r;rl,.,,IIY List Of -ast