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VISKY, Karoly, Dr. Regulations concerning the packaging of goods for shipment. Kozleked kozI 18 no.6:85-97 F 162. SMWYI, Robert; VISKY, Karoly, dro Problems of psokag:Lng and the introduction of uniform, transportation of goods. Kozleked kozl 19 no.17:302-304 28 AP 363o VISKY, Karo2y, dr. - Correlations between standardization and industrial price system as reflected in statutory provisions. (To be contd.) Szabvany kozI 13 no.3:63-67 Mr 161. 1. Orazagos Arhivatal. -VISKY, Karoly, dr. ~qorrelations between standardization and industrial price system f as reflected in statutory provisions. (Conclusion) Szabvany kozI 13 no-4:84-88 Ap 161. 1. Orazagos Arhivatal. I-MMIMPOK74.170MR, ..... ia/NUC~,r Physics Instruments and Ibstallations. Methods of Measurement and Investigation C-2 Abst Journal i Roforat Zhur - Fizika, No 12, 1956t 33890 Author Ausslaender, J. S. and Visky. T. Institution None Title Histogram of Horizontal Projoction of Fission Fragments in Thick- Layer Photographic Emulsions as a Method of Determining Their Range Original Periodical s Studii si cercetari fiz., 1955, 6, No 4, 699-732 (Rumanian; resumes in Russian and French) Abstract Vith respect to the ranges of 2 fission fragments, the region to which the method suggested in this work can be applied is at least as extensive as the region of applicability of the method of effective length. The accuracies of the 2 methods are of the same order of magnitude. The method proposed by the author is such simpler as it does not presuppose a knowledge of either the chrinkage factor or the vertical projections. Furthermore, the Card 1/2 Rumania/Nuclear Physics - Instruments and Installations. Methods of Measurement and Investigation C-2 Abet Journal : Referat Zhur - Flzika, No 12, 1956, 33690 use of this method does not require the performance of operations that are difficult from the point of view of experimental accuracy, such as superimposing the Gauss curves on the histogram or deter- mining the point of flexure or its abscissa. card 2/2 82017 9/056j6O/O38/02/18/061 B0o6/BO11 AUTHORS: Bogachev, N. P., Bunyatov, S. A. Vishkil T., Merekov, YU.P., Sidorov, V. X., Yarba, V. A. F/ TITLE: Production of Charged %-Mesons in the Interaction of 9-Bev Protons With Photoemulsion Nuclei PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentalinoy i teoretioheskoy fiziki, 1960, Vol- 38, No. 2, PP 432-440 TEXT: The authors investigated the energy spectrum and the angular dis- tribution of pions arising in the interaction of 9-Bev protons with photo- emulsion nuclei. An emulsion chamber with 100 layers of the type HMMPM-F- (NIKFI-R) (thickness: 450P, area: 1000 cm2) was exposed to the inner proton beam of the proton synchrotron of the Laboratoriya vysokikh energiy OIYaI (High-energy Laboratory of the OIYaI). Such events were selected for analysis, in which 3 or more fast particles occurredo This selection permitted the separation of events in which several pions were produced. Among the 204 tracks selected for the analysis there were 78 with momenta L~/ Card 1/4 82017 Production of Charged x-Mesons in the 3/056J60/038/02/18/061 Interaction of 9-Bev Protons With Photo- B006/Boll emulsion Nuclei pp < 650 11ev/0 and 126 with pp > 650 MeV/o; ionization was determined by a method described in Ref. 12. Fig. 1 shows ionization as a function of pp. A table supplies data concerning the X-mesons produced in proton - nucleus collisions. The energy distribution is discussed next, Fig. 2 shows the empirical energy spectrum of particles with pp A-650 Nev/0 (which cor- responds to a pion energy of 540 Rev), and the curve calculated theoretical- ly according to data from Ref. 13 for the spectrum of pions originating from NN-collisions. Fig. 3 shows the angular distribution of fast pious (ionization J z4- 1.4 Jo ; J0 -ionization on the tracks of primary protons) in the laboratory system. Fig. 4 shows the pion energy as a function of the departure angle and Fig. 5 shows the angular distribution of fast protons 04 1-4 Joi. The results of investigation are finally summarized as follows: 1) The energy spectrum of charged pions originating from the z-eaction investigated here can be described by the empirical formula N(Ek) - Ek/(a + b a), where E denotes the kinetic energy ofpions in Xv. E; k -6 The coefficients were found to be a - 0.17 � 0.07, b - (1-2 + 1-4)-10 Card 2/4 82 1 Production of Charged n-Mesons in the 3/056/60/038 02 18/U61 Interaction of 9-Bev Protons With Photo- Boo6/Boii emulsion Nuclei a - 2.602 0.35 by the method of least squares. 2) The mean total pion energy wa; Y - (0-70 + 0.2) Bev, the mean total energy of fast pions was (0.8 + 0 .2) Bev. 3) 7;he mean,numbers of fast pione and protons per event were iqual to 3.3 � 0.5 and 1'-0 + 0.5. 0.6 + 0.2 was obtained for the mean number of pions with energi-es lower tha7n 80 Mev. 4) The total enera emitted by pions (taking account of n -mesons) amounted to (45 � 10%. 5) The ratio of char ad x-mesons to X-mesono was 5.0 + 2.5 in the velocity range P - (0-5 - 0.81. 6) The resulting experimental Tata do not contra- diet the assumption that the interaction considered here can be regarded as a consequence of collisions. The authors finally thank Professor V. P. Dzhelepov and Professor Kh. Rhulubey for interest displayed as well as G. I. Bogorovskayaq L. F. Zakbarova K, D. Sverdlina, and D.A. Flyagina for their assistance, T. Vishki bhanks Professor I. Auslender and E. Frid- lender for their discussions. Furthermore, gratitude is expressed to N. N. Govorun for computations carried out on the "Ural" computer, and to V. A. Mes oheryakov for his aid. L. T. Baradzey, N, I. Kostanashvili, and 0. A. Shakhulasbvili are mentioned. There are 5 figures, 1 table, and 17 references: 9 Soviet, 1 Italian, 1 Indian, 3 English, and 3 American. Card 3/4 ~4r 9 Production of Charged x-Meoons in the 31056 60/03'8Wi/18/061 Interaction of 9-Bev Protons With Photo- B006YBOII emulsion Nuclei ASSOCIATION: Ob"yedinennyy institut yadernykh iseledovaniy lear Research) SUBMITTED- August 30, 1959 tir Card 4/4 VAN SHU-7V11 (Yang-Shu-f Sul; GRAMMTSKIY# I.M.; GRISHIN, V.G.; DALINAZHAV, No; L3181M, R*M.; NOM07IIOV, A*A.; PODGORMKIT, M.I.; STMITSOV, V.N. Inelastic interactions between 9 Bev protons and nucleons. Zhur. ekep. i teor. fig. 39 no.4:957-960 0 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. ObOyediuenny7 institut yadernykh issledovauiy. (Particles (Nuclear phyvics)) ,i6 VISKY I T, Statistics of e:;timates obtained for the free medium path in the selection case of small volume. Comunicarile AR 13 no.10:879-884 0 163. 1. Comunicare prezentata de E.M. Friedlander, membru corespondent al Academiei R.P.R. Vislapuu, I First experiences in rear-Ing calves by nursing. P-404 GAZ, WODA I TECHIFIKA SANITAFNA (Stowarzyazenie Haukowo-Techniczne InWierow I Technikow Sanitamych Orgrzewnictwa i Garownictwa) Warszawa, Poland Vo1*13, no.9, Sept. 1958 Monthly list of East Furopean Accession ( MI) LC, Vol.9, no.2, Feb. 1960 Uncl. VISLAVSKIY, M.N. -(Mi-nsk) Irreducible representations of finite metabellan p-groups. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mat no. 1:14-18 164. (MIRA 17:5) V~. n . VIS11"PiVSKIY, 14-111. ....... -- - .. lrre,~ c!ble representx;,tA.-12 ~:-' Absolutely I -I" - - - - . Part 1. Vestsi :"! BSSH. Ser. fiz.-tekh. nav. rc.. :2f-33 163. (,,1 IRA 17, : 121. ) VISLAVSKIY, M.N. (Yinsk) Absolutely irreducible representations of certain groups. Part 2. Izv.vys.ucheb.zav.; mat. no.6: 48-52 165. (vaRA 19:1) 1. Submitted AprII 29, 1964. VISUVAIS, N.A.; YANCHUKOVSKIYj, V.N. , Regularities In the distribution of comertia2 micatization in the Slyudyanka phlogopite deposit. Razved.i okh. nedr 29 no.1:2X-26 Ja 163. - (MIRA 16:2) lo Vostochno-Sibirskiy geologicheskiy institut ANSWR (for Vislavnykh). 2* Slyudywwkaya geologorazvedochWa-partiya (for Yanchukovskiy). - (Slytfdyanka region'-Phlo&pite) F. it . a U The theory of aviation. irrravle n-)c, 17A. IoF!. vocn. I-d-vo -)~,)rony Soiuza ';SR, 19'/7. 447 (0-70,14 AerodynaiC.cs - Study andtoachin-. 2. Aeroplanes. I. Vislenev, B. , -'t. e,u. II. Fycl:nov, VlQdir!,ir ed. :1 1- T 'r- VISLDNEV., V., and DMITRII VASITLIPrICH Teoriia avlatsii. It. ispr. izd. 11-losIcva, Voenizdnt, 1939. 383, 1 p., illus., diafrs. Title tr.: Theory of aviation. (The book may serve as a textbook for schools and combat units of the Red Amy Air Force.) TL570.K8 1939 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union., Library of Coneress, 1955. VISLENEY, K. Instruments of the great inventor. Radio no.5:10-11 My 154. WMA 7:5) 1. Uchenyy sakretarl muzeya. (Popov, Aleksauder Stepanovich, 1859-1906) BRONEVITSKIY, ZINOVIYEVAq U.Z.; MILYUGIN, A.M.; RASIN., B.I.; FEDORCFV, A.A.; FEDCROV, A.D.; FEDOTOVI, A.Ye.; VOLKHOMj, teklm. red. [Central Museum of Commmications named after A.S.Popav] TSentreltrqy muzei sviazi imeni A.S.Popova. Leningradp 1962. 234 P. (MIRA 15:n) 1. Russia,(1923- U.S.S.R.)Ministerstvo sviazi. (Leningrad-Communications museums) ITT ISDORCV, A.D.; VISIEIFV, 14.V.; BROIZVITSKIY, V.P. 03tudies of the history of radio engineering" by B.S. -Sotin and V.M. Rodionov and V.M. Titova. Reviewed by A.D. Fodorov, M.V. Violenov, V.P. Bronevitskii. Vent. aviazi 21 no*7:30-31 il 161. (110A 16:7) lo.Nachallnik TSentrallnogo muzeya avyazi imeni A.S. Popova (for Fedorov). 2. U&enyy Bakretarl TSentrallnogo =zeya svyazi imeni Popova, (for Vislene4). 3. Zaveduyushchiy radiootdelon, TSentrallnogo muzeya ovyazi imeni Popova, (for Bronevitakiy). (Radio) (Sotin, B.S.) (Rodionov, V.M.) (Titova., V.M.) BMWEY11, V.A.; VISaINVA, L.U.; YNLIII,, I.A. I--------- 31poxy resins and their use in ship repair. Trudy TSUIDUR no.25:3--30 '59. Omt. 1,?:8) (Rosins, Synthetic) (Ships-Raintenance and rejxtir) 5(3) sui/W-32-5-28/52 AUTHORS: Gavurina, R.K., Medved--va, P.A., Ywovskaya, Sh.G., Vislenev TITLE- The Folymerization of Styrene in I.I.e Pressnee of 1,11-Bishydr-o- peroxidedic~yclo.he.xylparo.xide ard C,-.) Naphthenate PMIODICAL: Zhurnal prikladnoy kiiimil', 1959, Vol 32, Nr 5, pp io86-logi (USSR) ABSTRACT: The work is a continuation- of ffk 2-7. The polymerization was measured by the dilatometrio and in ampoules. The concentra- tion of 1,1~l-bishydroperoxidedicycloh6yyil:eroxlde (HpC-1,11) was kept constant- at 0.8 mole/!, the cuantlt7j of cobalt naphtherate (C"4) -10-3 to 5.8-10-3 moie Coli. "Ine c7,periments were varied from 0 058 k, made at 25, 38.4 and 56.4c"". 'I'he introdu,3tlon led to a noticeable increase :fti the initfal rate of polymaz-ization R.. Figure 4 shows Ro as a Pinction of f2he square :,oot of the oobalt concentration, At the :Ln3rease of conversion the polymerization rate decreases, The minimum duration of the proc 'ess is observed at the highest concen- tration of CN. -Ti the polymerization ir ampoules a high polymeriza- tion rate is obse:~.ed even at a conversion of 90-85 weight %, in some cases at 100%. At high degrees of polymerization the addition of CN Card 1/.2 leads to a considerable in.Lreaze of the viscosity z~. comparison of S-,7/80-32-5-28/52 The Polymerization of Styrene In tte Presence of 1,lt-Bishydroperoxidedicyclohe7,fl.- peroxide and Cobalt Naphthenate 1-oxy-1 1 -hydroperoxidedi,~yclolieVlporoxide (11PC-1) and ItPC-1, i shows that the rate of the process decreases more rapidly with the first substance at increasing conversion. A conversion of 19 weight % is obtained with HPC-1 after 29 hours, with HPC-1,1' after 4 hours. For all temperatures R. Is higher for HPC-1,11, if no CN is added. The addition of CN shows clearer results, however, with HPC-1. HFC-1,1' ensures a higher converslon, if all other conditions are equal, There are: 8 sets of graphsp 4 tables and 4 references, I of which Is Soviet, 1 Germ.9n, 1 American and 1 japanese. SUBMITTED: March 24, 1958 Card 2/2 ORINBICRG. G.I., doktor mod. nauk; DORFMAN, G.V., inzhoneri VISIANNVA. M.G., pedagog - ... . - - - I.----T Tables of Russian words for a hearing test using an audiometer (with al-ary in Inglish]. Veat.ato-rim. 19 no-3:78-83 My-Je '57. (MIRA 10:10) 1, Iz akusttcheekoy laboratorii leningradskogo naacchno-isaledovatell.- skogo institute po bolezrqam ukha, gorla, nosa I rechl (dir. - prcf. I.A.Lopotko, nauchnyy rukovoditell - daystvitallnyy chlen AMN SSSR prof. V.I.Voyachak) (HUROG TESTS use of tables of Russian words for audiometric tests) VISLISENI,, Tu.; FUESMAM, Yu. Power and structure of all bicompact extensions of a perfectly regular space. Dokl. AN SSSR 165 noo2t258-260 N 165, (MIRA 18:11) 1. Jkt*mtiche#kiy inatitut Gosudarstvonnogo universiteta v Greyfovalide, Gervanskaya Deackraticheakaya Reeprublikap i Natematiobeakly institut *uet3koy Akademil. nauk v Berlins,, Germar,ekaya DemokmUcheekaya Respublika, Submitted Apri-I 8, 19650 VISILIT dotsent (Pollsha) Road and building machinery manufacture In the Folish People's Republic. Stroi.1 dor.mashinostr. 5 no.1:9-14 Ja 16o. (MIRA 13:5) (Poland--Road machinery) (Poland--Building machinery) VISLITSJI A,V., inzh., dotBent 9 Determining the operational reliability of new types of con- struction equipsient in the Polloh.Poople's Repuhlld Mekhostrol, 19 no.l2sl7-18 D 162. -1 iMIRA 15sl2) 1. InBtitut organizataii i mekbanizateii stroitellotva, Varshava. (Poland-Zonotruction squipmont) AN: P. W-M w9 M I mom m m 0 ~ m m ~ ~ ~ V-magakat-aw- GANUSHCHAK, N.I.; DOMBROVSKIY, A.V.; USLOBITSKAYA, O.A. Syntheses based on diene condensation. Part 1i I-Methyl-4- arylanthraquinones. Zhur. ob. khim. 3~ no.8t2532-2534 Ag 163. (MIRA 1.6-.11) 1. Chernovitskiy gosudarstvennyy universiteti VISLOBOKOV, A. and ANISNOV, S. "Certain Philosophical Problems of Cybernetics," Ko-munist, 1960, Uo. 2, Pages 108 - 118. VISIDBOKOV, A.: VIKTOROVA, T., redaktor; SAMSONNNKO, L. redaktor; MMUN, -------rM;-tVM1cheskiy redaktor. [Inseparability of matter and motion; popular sketch) 0 nerazryvnosti materil i dvizheniia; popyllarrAyt ocherk. Hoskya, Goo.izd-vo polit. lit-ry, 1955. 127 P. (HLRA 8:8) (Natter) (Hotion) SOV/124- 57-8-9727 Translation from, Referati%,nyy zhurnal. Mekhanika, 1957, Nir 8, p 155 (USSR) AUTHORS: Spiridonov, A. A., Vislobokov, V. P. TITLE: The Residual Stresses After Hardening by V,irious Methods (Ostatoch- nyye napryazheniya posle razlichnykh metodov uprochneniya) PERIODICAL: Sb. statey. Urallskiy politekhn. in - t ~ 1956, Nr 6 3, pp 15 - 20 ABSTRACT: The authors have determined the residual stresses in the surface layers of samples of grade-45 steel after hardening by the electric- spark triethod, centrifugal steel-ball forging, and hardening by both methods combined. The residual stresses were determined by the method of N. N. Davidenkov by means of successi,-e etching and meas urine of the deformations. The samples had the shape of rings with an outer diameter of 82. 5 mm, an inner diameter of 72~ 5 mm. and a width of 15 mm. The electric-spark treatment was accomplished by the f ol lowing method: C -- 100 [1 f, U =- 9 5 v, lk _- 10 a. ~"advance 5 m '/min, and s - 0.08 rrim./revolution, The centrifugal ball-forging treatment was accomplished by the following method: _~'advance ~ 34.6 m/min. vdisk 1~ 1432 m/min. interference ( 'negative allowance) Card 1/2 i -- 0.2 mm, feed s -- 0.04 mm./revolution. After electric-spark SOVII 24 - 57-8-9727 The Residual Stresses After Hardening by Various Methods hardening large tensile stresses occur in the surface layers attaining up to 380 kg/mm2 in a layer up to 25 ~i thick. Compression stresses occur after centrifugal ball-forging. In the experiments described in the paper under review the compres- sion stresses penetrated to a considerable depth and amounted to 70-80 kg/nimz at a depth of up to I mm (no deeper etching was done). A substantial reduction of the compression stresses was noted in a zone of from 50 to 100 ~L. Successive hard- ening by the electric-spark method and the steel-ball centrifugal- forging method led to the appearance of considerable compression stresses (of an order of magnitude of 70-75 kg/mmZ) in the surface layers, while a certain decrease in the magnitude of the compression stresses in a narrow zone 40 to 70 ~L from the surface was observed. L. M. Shkollnik Card ZIZ Tecill, i. Blul Mo tekh 64 VISLOCKY, B.; TRAVIIICEK, R. Attempted analysis of disorders associated with dislooations of the digestive tube following pneumonectomy. Ojesic. gastraent. vyz. 15 no#3s2l5-223 My 161. 1. Ustav klinicke a experimentalni. chirurgio, Praha-Krc. (FRUMONECTOMY compl) (GASTROENTEROLOGY) VITKOWSKY, Zdanek, MUDr.; VISLV' -K!", Boris. KUbr.; VUUMINOVA, Maria, KUDr.; PLACER, Zdanek. RlMt." Incomplete pancreatic fistula following gn8trectomy. Cask* gaBtroenter. 9 no.4:259-280 Dec 55, 1. Ustav pro klinickou a experimentalni chirurgii. Praha, redital doc. MUDr. B. Spacek Ustav pro vyzkum vyzivy lidu, Praha, redital doc. MUDr. J. Masek. (PANCREAS. fistula, incomplete, postgRetractomy) (FISTULA. pancreas, incomplete, postgastreetoaq) (STGKACH, surgery. postop. pancreatic fistuln, incomplete.) PFA~~ SMETANA, Josef; YJLJ~~K.YBorl! Sargical therap of bronchial asthma. Rozhl.chir.40 no.2-3: 185-189 Mr 161, 1. Ustay klinicke a experimentalni chirurgie, reditel prof.dr. B. Spacek. (ASTHMA surg) .VlSIPGU',',OIJ G.I.) inzh.; W.131NOVi"11, D.M., inzh.; ohLOVA, N.I., inzI,.; MMUNIfl, inzh.; KOMPAIIIIYETS, G.M., inzh.; KONDRATITEV, S.N., Inzh.; If)3HKIII'A, N.A., inzh. Nonmetallic inclusions in rails in various methods of deoxidi2iag steel. Stall 25 no.6:557-559 Je 165. (14IRA 18:6) 1. Niz)jnc-TahpIll--kJy metn'Llurgicheskiy kombinat. ,., VISIDGUZOV, ViH,, gornyy Inshener. -.1-1 ' The All-Union Institute for Boonomic Kinerale should be,.6-10 Ag 156. (Ore Research in Mechanical Processing of at the level of existing now tasks. (mW 9:10) dressing) SERGO, Yefim Yefimovich, kand. tekhn. nauk; Vj$10-Q~V ~V.M.-' retsenzent; MAMZHM, Ye.A., red.lzd-va; SABITOV, A., takhn. red. (washing ferrous metal oreo]Pmqrvka rud chernykh netallov. Moskva, Goagortekhizdat, 1963. 143 P. (min 16:4) (Ore dressing) V I G C~ V 'rI AUTHORS: -VislOguzov, V.14. and Troitskiy, A.V.v Engineers 127-11-11/12 TITLE: Development of Domestic Technology of Ore Concentratior- (Raz- vitiye otechestvennoy tekhniki obogashcheniya rud) PERIODICAL: Cornyy Zhurnal, 1957, # 11, pp 73-77 (USSR) ABSTRACT: During World War II, large concentration enterprises were con- structed: the concentration-agglomeration combine in Vysokaya Gora, the ore-preparation combine in Bakaly, and two aEglomer- ation plants in Serovo and Chusovo. In 1952, the concentration- agglomeration plant of the "KMAruda" (Kursk Magnetic Anomaly ore) combine was put into operation for concentration of magnet- ite quartzites. At present, the second magnetic-concentration plant is being built and a flotation plant has been completed there. In 1955, a large concentration plant was constructed in Olenegorsk for the concentration of magnetite-hematite quartz- ites. In 1956, the South Mining-Concentration Combine was put into operation for the concentration of magnetite quartzites. During the Sixth 5-Year Plan, construction of the large con- centration plants of the Sokolov-Sarbay, Kachkanarp Korshunov and other combines will be completed. The problem of complex utilization of titanium-magnetites containing iron, vanadium, Card 1/3 titanium and cobalt has been solved, and a flotation concentrat- Development of Domestic Technology of Ore Concentration 127-11-11/12 ion method has been developed which permits to increase by 50% the extraction of titanium. Qualitative characteristics of concentration of the iron ores are: extraction amounts to 80 to 85%,'and iron content in concentrate amounts to 60%. Con- centration technology developed also in non-ferrous metallurgy. During World War II, the following concentration plknts were constructed: a molybdenium plant in Balkhash; lead-zinc plants in Tekeli, Belousovka, Berezovskiy; tungsten plants in Shakhto- minsk and Lyangar, etc. After World War II, the following con- centration plants have been put into operation: the Kadzhara.n copper-molybdenium plant, the Dzhezkazgan copper plant, the Altyn-Topkan lead-zinc plant, the Mirgalimsay lead plant, and a number of others. The total number of concentration plants operating now in the non-ferrous metallurgy exceeds 200. In- dividual plants have capacities of 30,000 tons of ore per day. All modern methods of concentration are now in use in the non- ferrous metallurgy plants: the collective and selective flot- ation with anion and cation reagentsq magnetic concentration in strong fields, electrostatic concentration, gravitational concentration in heavy suspensions, in hydrocyclons, in screw separatoreq etc. Qualitative characteristics are also very Card 2/3 high: more than 70% of metal is extracted from the ores con- Development of Domestic Technology of Concentration 127-11-11/12 taining a few hundredths of a useful mineral and 65 to-95% of metal is extracted from the lead-copper ores containing a few per cent of copper or lead. Heavy equipment for the con- centration plants is manufactured in the Uralmaahzavod and Irkutsk Heavy Machinery Plant. The article contains 6 photos and 1 table (of them 4 photos in a separatt insertion). AVAILABLEa Library of Congress Card 3/3 18(5) SOV/127-59-2-15/21 AUTHORS: Visloguzov V M., Engineer, and Sysolyatin, S.A., ?~jggjiweir- (UrLa__1!`~mekhanobrj Sverdlovsk) TITLE: On the Recovery of Titanium in the Dressing Process of the Titanium-Magnetite Ores of the Deposits at Kacbk narvom~, - (Izvlecheniye titana pri obogashchenii titano-magnetovykh rud Kachknarskogo mestorozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Gornyy zhurnal, 1959, Nr 2, pp 65-68 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The authors show how experiments, carried out in the Uralmekhanobr proved that it is possible to obtain titanium concentrate from the titanium-mag- netite iron-ore of Kachkanar, by applying the me- thod of stage enrichment. Only a certain quantity of the second-stage tailings containing ilmenite is processed. The gradual grinding of the ore went thru the following stages: 1 to 0 mm, 0.5 to 0 mm, 0.2 to 0 mm, 0.1 to 0 mm. The first separation supplies 2 kinds of dust: a) magnetite (ferro- vanadium); b) ilmenite tailings containing titanium. Card 1/3 A shaking table separated out the titanium concen- SOV/127-59-2-15/21 On the Recovery 6f Titanium in the Dressing Process of the Ti- tanium-Magnetite Ores of the Deposits at Kachkanar trate, which in its turn was lead into a separator having a 6,000 oersted - strong ma netic field. The final products were: Fe (63.09), TiO (24.8%) and V 0 (53.20%). The authors admit Thai the in- duBtrial level, the flotation method will probably be necessary to obtain high-grade titanium concen- trate. A flotation method suitable for ilmenite has been successfully developed in the Kusinskiy ore,- diressing plant.* .A flotation method suiiable for recovering titanium from poor titanium ores, was used in thisindustrial experiment; --I- '-i-, where 400 tons of ore from the 2nd locai deposit area were processed. The ore contained 1.88% rutile. The concentrate had 80% rutile. The refuse contain- ed only 0.25 to 0.30% rutile. F.K. Solomonova, a scientist working in the mineralogical laboratory Card 2/3 SOV/127-59-2-15/21 On the Recovery of Titanium in the Dressing Process of the Ti- tanium-Magnetite Ores of the Deposits at Kachkanar of the Uralmekhanobr, carried out these examina- tions of the ores at Kachkanar. There are 2 tables and 2 flow charts. ASSOCIATION: Uralmekhanobr/Sverdlovsk Card 3/3 VISLOGUZOV, V.M., inzh.; TROITSKIY, A*V., imh. Developwnt of Russian ore-dressing techniques. Gor. zhur. no.11: 73-77 N '57, (KM 10:12) (Ore dresaing) 137-58-6-11339 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 6, p lZ (USSR) AUTHOR: Visloguzov, V.M. TITLE: Flotation of the Kusin Ilmenites (Flotatsiya illmenita Kusin- skogo mcetorozhdeniya) PERIODICAL: Obogashcheniye rud, 1957, Nr 3, pp 3-8 ABSTRACT: A description is offered of an experiment in theintroduction and improvement of a flotation procedure to replac e gravitation- al flotation at the Kusin plant. The following optimum quantities of reactants is chosen for ilmenite flotation (kg/t): NaF 0.4, HZS04 0.6, tallol 1.6, kerosene (Diesel fuel) 1.5. Practice con- firmed the possibility of deriving a Ti concentrate of the follow- ing 0/6 content: TiO2 4Z.5-56, SiOZ Z-2.3, S 0.07, P. 0.008. The HZS04 and NaF should be 176 solutions. Agitation with the re- actants takes 18-20 min. Recovery increased from 46 to 7516. Extraction ii1creases further when thickeners and hydraulic classifiers are replaced by hydrocyclones for desliming the material before flotation. 1, Ores--Processing 2. Ores--Flotation A.Sh. Card 1/ 1 f- " VISLOGUZOV, V.M., gornVy inzh. rl~t~iion of Kusa deposit ilmenite. Gbog. rud 2 no. 3:3-9 157. (MIRA 11:8) (Kusa--Ilmenite) (Flotation) BOK, 1. 1. ; BARBOT de MARK, A, V~.~' GALIYEV, M. S. LI, A.B.; U)MONOVICH, T4.r,__YAKO'&NKO_P_ =..' ASSING, I.I.; KURMANGALIYEV, A.B.,~ SOKOL6V, S,L; GRI~LR*tlaVA,YO.F.; SEROV, N.P.- LEONOV, G.1'4,~ ZAKHAROV,, B.S.;'ZAGAYWVp V.I.; BOROVSKIY, V.14,; LITVINOVA, A.A.;IPOGfEBINSKIY, M.A.; NASONOVA, O.H.; KHAYDAROV9 R.M.; SUVOROVA,R.I., rad.; ALFFXDVA, P.F., takhn. red. (Ili Valley, its nature and resources] Iliiakaia dolina, es priroda i resuray. Pod obshcbe'4 red, M.I.Lomonovicha. Alma- Ata,, Izd-vo AN Kaz.SSR, 1963. 338 p. (MIRA 16:8) 1. Akademlya naulc Kazakhakoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Institut geolo- gicheskikh nauk. 2. Nauchrryye sotrudniki Instituta geologi- cheskikh nauk AN KazS4R (for Bok., Barbot do Marni, Visloguzova, Galiyev, Li, Lomonolvich, Yakovenko). 3, Institut pochvovedeniya AN KazSSR (for Assinvg, Nurmangaliyev, Sokolov, Borovskiy, Litvinova, PogrebAnoldy). 4. Institut botaniki AN KazSSR (for Grigorlyeva, Nasonova). 5. Institut zoologii. AN KazSSR (for Serov). 6. Kazakhakiy politekhnicheskiy institut (for Leonov). 7. Ministerstvo sellskogo khozyaystva KazSSR (for Zakharov). 8. Kazanskiy filial Inatituta "Gidroproyekt" im. S.Ya.Zhuka (for Khaydarov). (Ili Valley-Physical geography) 1,Sh.; MILMAYUR, Yu,F,-, PAPAKIN, Kh.M.1 M',R1~1NA, Zr.A., VT ~SLOTJZOVA, E.A., KULICHITSKAYA, Optl.mam apparent density of steel pouring stoppers made by the- atIff mud process. Ogneupory 30 no.6~9-14 165. ( 1-:.i RA 19 , 1 1. Vostoihnyy Institut ogneuporov (for Shvartsman, Mlkhaylovj. 2. Nt7hn(!-TagJl'skiy metallurglcheskJy kombinat lzr.~111 Lenina (for Papakin, Vydrina, Kumetsova, Vigloguzova, VISLOGUZOVA.. Notes on-.the expedition to regions of Khabarovsk Territor7 and to,tbq,:~quthern regions of Sakhalin, Trud7 Alma-4t. bot. sada 7t139;-U8 163. . I (MIRA 16tlO) TSITSIMA, S.I.; VISLOGUZOVA, H.V. Cultivation of medicinal plants in the Aljw-Ata Botanical Garden. Trudy ALma--At. bot. ogda 7;149-166 163. (KRA 16slO) VISLOUKH, L. A. PA jul 48 Rallroads, Ilectric "Problems of Ilectric Traction in the Scientific Technical Conference of the All-Union Scl-Re a Inat of Railroad Transportation, " L. A. WelovIch, Isngr, t p "Zlektrichostvo" No 7 SumarIzes seven papers road at conference on rallroaul electrification. IDB 15/49T21 VISLOVKH, L.A., inzh. T'ne 944 American electric locomotive (frda nRailway age,m no.19, 1960), Elek. i tepl tiaga 5 no.B:IX Ag 161. (MIRA 11+:9) i'United States-Electric locomotives) VISLOUKH, L.A., inzh. Electric traction on foreign r~ilroada. Zhel. dor. transp. 46 no.103-90 Ja 164. Off RA 17:8) nRTSOVBXIY, Iazarl--Hoisevevich; FRUSAKOV. Kendall Borisovich; -YJAWUXiL,,- nor, redaktor; XHITROV, P.A., takhnicheakiy redaktor L.A? (Kanual tiagovoi 175 P- (Blectric railroads--Substations) for traction substation attendants] Posobie dozhurnomu podstantaii. Xoskva, Goo.transp.,zhol-dori izd-yo. 1956. (MLRA 10:1) VISLOUKH, L.A. Permanent Commission of the International Railway Congrese. Association. M1 i put.khoz. 8 no.3:46 164- (KMA 1723) VISLOUKH, k.A.,,,-.inzh. Voltage Vogwlation in substations under load,) (frm RIA vie 431 II&ij#!AOj8Uj 1961). &Uk.i topl.tiaga b no.2:47 F 162 ~ (MIRA 15:2) (Electric railroads--Substations) VISLOUKH, L.A., inzh. International Railway Congress Association. Zlek. i tepl. tiaga no.6:47 Je 162. (MRA 1537) (Railroads-Congresses) VlSLOUKH, L.A.,, inzh. International Rai3way Congress Association. Avtom., telem. i aviaz' 6 no.6:45-46 Js 162. 04IRA 15:7) (Railroado-Signaling) (Railroads-Congresses) 4 -1t, . lrollvY ,V Die 3el-trclle-Y ELIS fOr 1) le.- tccess,.nns) Li. rary of Concress Eonthl.v Ust of ;,ussian I June 1953. I~IICL. t -- ---~I I Z-11b U ~.a:. " - T-- .m-i~ .- - Electric Wiring Eyperience in the use oP steel-al-,mAnum contact wires in poland. Elektrichestvo no. 1. 1952 Inzh. SOI Month List of Russian Accessions$ Librar7 of Congress., 1953, Uncl. VISLOUKH, L.A., inshener. Gas-turbine electric locomotive of the British railvays. glaktri- chestvo no.1:8849 Ja '54. (MI2A 7:2) (Great Britain--Jilectric locomotives) (Electric locomotivea-- Great Britain) AVATKOV. Aleksan4r Stepanovich,-; VISLOM,L.A., inzh.. red. : YERINA. G.P., tekhh. red. [Electrification of raif-roads using single-phase currents of industrial frequency] Elpirtrif Ike toile zhelsnykh dorog na odnofaznon. toke promyehlennot, chastoty. Itosirve, Goo. transp. zhol-dor. izd-vo, 1958. 294 p. (MIRA 11:10) (Mlectric railroads) VISIDMDI. L.I., inzh. jkOotification of British railroads on single-phane alternating ourrent. Ilek.i topl.tiaga.3 no.12:44 D 159. (KI-U 13:4) (Great Britaizip--Railroade-Iftectrification) VISLOM, L.A., inzhener. ----------------- liectric locomotive with i&aitron 'ectif Ler of the Pennsylvania Railroad (U.S.*.). 311ektrichestvo no.~:85-87 1; 153. Ou-uA 6:9) (U.S.A.--Xectric locomotives) (Blectric locomotives--U.S.A.) VISLOUKH, L.A., inzhener. Railroad electrification in northern France with 50 cycle. single-p*ase current (condenned from Revue Gen. des Chemins de fer, no.1, 1953,'tefort). Zlektricheetvo no.8:84-87 Ag '53. (KT-HA 6:8) (France--Xlectric railroads) (Electric railroads--France) VISLOUKHJ, L.A... Enge Electric Locomotives New electric locomotives using 50 hertz single phase current, Elektrichestvo no. 5. 1252. Monthly List of Russian Accessions Library of I~ongress, November 1952. UNCIASSIFIED. inzhener. Vibratory fatigue of multi-wire steel cables. [Abstract from AM Trans- actions v.69, p.1473, '50. J.C. Little and others.] Zlektrichestvo n0-5: 90-91 MY '53. (MY-RA 6:6) (Ilectric cables) VISLOUKH, L.A. inzhener (Moscow). - - , I Remarks on B.G. Lortki-ounidze's article "Riles concerning the protection of metallic underground ecraipment against corrosion b7 7agrant carrents.2 Elektrichestvo no-5:80-81 )tr 153. (xiRA 6:06) (Electric lines--Underground) (lortkiDanidze, B.G.) (h-lectro- lytic corrooion) 1. L. A., Eng. 2. USSR (600) 4. Electric Railroads - Substations 7. Standard traction substation, Elektrichestvo, No. n, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, February -1953. Unclassified. VISLObXHt L. A. Vailroads, Electric- Power Transmission, Electric "Wire Power Circuits for Railroads In the Next Five Years," Mj L, A. Vlsloukh, Transport Engr, 2 pp "Tekh Zbnleznykh Dorog" No I Discusses the system of auspension of electric linea, 1.ypee of contacts used for feeding power to trains, and the construction of some circuits, Insulators, and material in use as pover line poles. Deals mainly with the construction of the various Items and has no Information regarding the installation, repair and maintenance of the item mentioned. BS 28T40 VISLOUKH, L,A., inzhener. Radio Interference from electrified railroads (Abstract from M Balmen, no. 10 153; Tip-nl). Xlektrichestvo no.6:80 Je 15.3. (FT-RA 6:7) (Radio-Interferance) VISLOUKH) L. A.) Eng. Electric Currentsp Alternating - SLnFle-phase Equipment for supplytn a single-phase 50 hertz current to an experimental section of the French railroads. Elektrichestvo no. 01, 1957" Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. Unclassified. VIST,O";KH, T,. A. (-T;hg.) France-E,lectric Railroads Equipmant for supplying a singlephase 50 hertz c:-~rrent to an experitmetal section of the French railroads. Flektrichestvo No.-9, 1952. Monthly List of Rfissian Accessions, Library of Congress, December 1952. UNCLA~~'SIFIED. VIS14Mt_L.A., inzhener. Using 50 cycle single phase circuits for electric traction abroad. Blektrichestvo no.3:84-86 Nr 157. (MLRA 10:4) (Electric railroads) VLASOV. 1. 1.; VIOLOURHO L_._A. USSR (600) Xlectrie Railroads - Wires and wiring Measures against the wear of contact wires on electrified railroad sections. Trudy TSNII MPS, No. 7, 1947. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, October -195j, Uncl. 2 VrSLOUKH. L. A., Eng. Electric Railroads - France Equipment for supplying a single-phase 50 hertz current to an experimental section of the French failroads. Elektrichestvo no. 9, 1952. 0 Monthl- List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, Decemb,!r 1952. Unclassified. inzh.; VLABOV, I.I., kand.takhn. ALIMANOVp A.S., inzh.- Y,1�XjqU,~jW-,, nauk; RODZATEVSUTA, Tu,A.t inzh.; BILUM, I.A., inzh., red.; XHITROT, P.A.. [Prolonging the life of contact wires] Udlinenie aroka sluzhby kontaktnogo provoda. Pod obshchel red. I.A.Beliaeve. Kookva, Gos.transp.zhel-dor.izd-vo. 1958. 79 P. (KIRA 12:2) (Electric railroads--Wirse and wiring) -VISLOUKH, L.A., inzh. Electric rolling stock operating on various systems of current and voltage. Blek.i toPl-tiaga 3 n0-8:47-48 Ag 159. (Ilectric railroads) (14IRA 12:12) PROSOVSKIY, lazarl moisayevich; PRUSAKOV, Handel' Borisovich- VISLWKH, L.A., inzhaner, redaktor; KHITROV, P.A., takhnichaskiy [Manual for traction substation operators] Posobte deshurnomu, taigovoi podstaateii. Moskva, Goo. transpo shal-dor. izd-vo, 1956. 175 P. (MLRA 9:12) (Ilectric railroads-Substations) -VIST,OUKH, L.A., Inzbener. glectrification of ratlroads In Czechoslovakl&. Zhel. dor. transp. 38 no.9:86-88 S 156. (KT-RA 9:10) (Gsechoolovakia--Railroade--Blectrification) VISLOUKH, L.A., inshener. fltll'.~"-~' Faperimental high-speed runs an French railroads. Zhel.dor. tranap.37 no.10:85-90 0 153- (XLRA 9:1) (France--Railroads) VISLOUKH. L.A., inzh., LOMIGIN, N.A., kand.takhnonauk Blectrification of railroads in countries on five continents. Zh6l.dor.transp. 42 no-12t78-84 D 160 (MIRA 13:12) (Railroads-Electrification) VISLOUKB,.L.A.; PETROV, G.A.; SHCHEGLOVA, L.D., red.; BRUN, K.F., tekhn. red. [International electrotechnical vocabulary] Mezhdu- narodnyi elektrotekhnicheskii slovart. Moskva, Glav. red. i ostr. nauchno-tekhn. slovarei Fizmatgiza. Group 30. Electric traction] Elektricheskaia tiaga. 1963. 196 P. (MIRA 17:2) 1. International Ejectrotechnical Commission. ~,-TNWUI~. I~A., 1!!h. Activities of the Bureau for Testing and Research of the -- Internatteml Railroad Unidni-from 1958 to 1959. Test. TSNII MPS 19 no-5:63-64 160. OCM& 13 *- 8) (Failro&d societies) (Railroad research) POPOV, Tevgeniy Ivanovich, inzh.; RAKOV, V.A., inzh., retsenzent; VISLOUK4,-L.A., inzh., red.; SAVELIYZV, Te.Ta., red.izd-va; "ImfITIff'o V.3)., [Rolling stock of electric railroads] Podvizhnoi sostav elektrichaskikh zheleznykh dorog. Moskva. Gos.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo ruishinostroit.lit-ry, 1959. 162 p. (MIRA 13:2) (Electric railroads--Rolling stock) TISLOUKH. L,A~, -inzh. -- -- laprove the parts of contact systems. Illek. i tepl. tiaga no.12j 45 D 0579 (MIRA 11:1) (Mectric railroads--Wirse and wiring) VISLOUKH,L.A., inzhener Protecting elevated water tanks from rust. Tekh.zhel.dor.6 no-8:32 Ag'47- (HLRA 8:12) (Tanks) LIA., inzhoner. Examining radio interference from a 500 kv transmission line (Abstract from AM Transactions vol.70:251, 151; G.D.Linpert and others). Zlektri- chastvo no.6:78-79 Je 153. (KLRA 6:7) (Radio--Interference) (Zlectric lines) VISLOUKH,, L.A., inzhener. low 3.3 IV direct current traction substations of Moroccan railways. 4umas in Revue generale des cheodns de fer, P. 565, no.10, 1953). Slaktrichestyo no.5:92-93 My 154~ (KLRA 7:6) (Korocco--Bleotric railroads) VISLOUKH, L.A., inshenor. 0, " Teettng of wire and cable joints and connectors used in electric raiiroad networks. Trudy TMIII M no.88:84-110 153. (KLRA 76-7) (Slectrio railroads-Jquipmnt and supplies) VISLOUKHR L.A., inzh.; LON&GIN, N.A., kand.takhn.nauk Electrification of railroads in sociall to countries. Zhel.dor. transp. 41+ no,7:81-86 JI 162. (MMA 15:8) kCouinunist countries--Railroado--Electrification)