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88999 Circuit for the Use of a D. C. Operational S11191611000100110031013 Amplifier for the Multiplication of Variables 11019/Bo67 closed by square-topped pulses. With positive pulses the input resistor is earthed in the center. Thus# the transfer coefficient of the amplifier is zero, with negative pulses it is finite. If the reciprocal of the pulse duty factor of the square-topped pulses corresponds to the second multiplicand, the output voltage is equivalent to the product of input voltage and the reciprocal of the pulse duty factor. The conserva- tion of strict proportionality of the amplifier coefficient and the block diagram of a multiplication circuit shown in Fig. 2 are then discussed. The circuit is an electronic equivalent to a servosystem. It contains a group of operational amplifiers which are equivalent to the potentiometers of a servoeystem. It allows the multiplication of two arbitrary input voltages. Under the supervision of senior designer V. B. Ushakov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, a simulator was developed at the otdel elektricheskogo modelirovaniya NII Schetmasha (Branch for Electrical Simulation of the NII Schetmash). Aid. c. operational amplifier was used for the multiplication of a quantity which waij variable from zero to a certain positive value, by nine different quantities. This operational amplifier contained two transformation blocks of types I and II. The Card 2/4 OV777 Circuit for the Use of a D._C. Operational ~,';/119 6'1/oco/oo1/ob3/O13 Amplifier for the Multiplication of Variables 13019YB067 circuits of these typesare shown in Figs- 3 and 4. Type I is a d. c. amplifier with triode keys at the input circuit.. Type II consists of a direct current d. c. amplifier, a sawtooth gene:?ator and a Schmidt- trigger. In Fig. 2 type I corresponds to the amplifiers Y1'y2""'ynj type II to NO and BM. Engineers L. V. Achkasova, 11. F. Buahko, and T. L. Solovlyeva took part in the investi6atLons. The:re are 5 figures and 4 references: 3 Soviet and 1 US. P_ 31( PKC, 1. CTpyMpffAX CXeU8 YCRAMAX C 1?e:)tMeHHW4 X091~4?H1tXtXT0M nepeAAMR: R'io- corlpeninnellue OOP37:102 CaRm Card 3/4 88999 f Y, >- 7 N MIX: Of YJ Y, PKe. 2. 5'40X-CXCU9 CHCTeUbI nePtMH0IKe"ffX' T nepi=; C - 110MMIKuP 10,0,~HttHCHT. c;11191611000100110031013 11019/B067 Legend to Fig. 1: 1) U input f 2) R input; 3) UoutIlut; 4) electronic key. Legend to Fig. 2: E) Standard Voltage; Y1Py2Y':"yn operational amplifia,, BM-time modulators. NO-zero element. Card.4/4 Pt Ala fill, ft o VITZIMERG, I.M., kand.tekhn.aauk; GINZBURG, S.A., Imnd.tekhn.nauk; shteyn, Y.M., kand.tekhn.nauk Use of an electronic simulating device in calculating the efficiency of operation of power systems with hydroelectric power stations. Trudy VNIIN no.8:233-242 159. (MIRA 13:9) (4droaleotrie power stations) (Ilectric power) VITENURG) - Designing specialized electronic analog computers for controlling technological processes, PrIborosturoonie no.12.11-13 D 16L (M!R~ 14: 12) (Electronic analog conputers) 0 Ak- so A *0 00 o 00 '1 0,00,0 w 00'a 00's a-A-MAA Or mots 4 I-J- 14;A44." 0 samlas batw"a dw t*sWmbm cesedoste of an- a" MOM Md Isafts. M. L-Vim To&*. Phr. (U. IL a. R.) to tart-4own.. d.,U. I.- 84, IW.,-For do do. cediamn f Id CtIdO dw 04va- 9!4-zk-f- r " cow, - 0 mg T kadc 'no Vkho of 0 ~r limams whim the a led pumda cbmws imm -7 to +0.1 v. &ad tbm razy IWU wbro IM polentinJ rims to +OJ3 V. Al slow $U-sliva d#q u a Ll v t? ~0000*00000000000 0 0-9 0 0 0 ooo*oo*** .00 -00 see me* coo see 110 go* me* zoo 400 400 110* U00 too Is 9 sooto 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 itm I, . I; " h Ij I so it) I I t A Sp"Alk colsfiltrival of the quality of cuproug Ojjj~ 1,1i -00 fill, N11. I Vlovillw1g. j Ink. Pkm 0 . s. 1, R'I -00 1145 31(JIMPI. Ifir 44wirmy of & 11-41411Y vilpf"ird by Ill, ralit" pf F.. III the ICS1.414111'r 4JO4.tvnl .00 wlwn thr wnsTent Paw, in %tic unwantrij ill thAt in The -.00 flifevoism; 1.1th ,, 0 ill, rlli% ~at#.- iltAllltV% *Hh llic 0111146,41 -00 00 A Nit,-, imikAi.q ,I lit.. ..tlmk.thv 1, #b.. 0 n&. ~ *I. sit. The- ww &, j'flItkMtWIIAl -00 S bring thr arrs 4 Or in-lifict. I'lle rxpj#-j.,jj 00 P.Al A I,. jormicill '4 wllldff, and 'Ill- .4 thc l"'Ithms Zoo 100 Ilil -0-71 .00 00 -00 .00 00 '00 00 -00 00 .00 00 00 ;o 0 d) I All I It PW I W ~4 1 at 1 1 9 Oil , it it %!%13 A it 0 0 0 0 0 0 .4 A I 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 6 G * 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O's 0 0 0 0 IF it 0 PO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o- ji u n ii n Is !P Is A 11 W 1~ W P 11 11 1 P 11 .1 1. Z i AA 56 ,E It A I b i A f i-emimature Corumdents of "IfItium roceleire M. I - 00 ' -00 . S. S. R.) 9, 21M, 42, J, W 00 11191SI, The mailarier col IV rectifim mimrrd at a -00 00 8 .-mm, c. 41. in the right direction slowly ckvirramrs when '00 the temp. rims lrorn 8 to 'A)*. while the resi-Asnev k" OW 00 A wrong direction meamird at a coast. voltita tiftf 1- -*9 uvkpcn&nI of trtap. or depends an it in a 90 mannef. 71m, "'a"p. corit. fur the right direction i* 04 Ir %trougly affect V,I hy tto c. d. when it Is unall (IFtlow 11.2 -00 milliamp./arl. cm) Amd is coast. at highti c. d, The IPOKP 34 ifi C 1 d f C f r*O or . . . cquations dcrive u0 ml m (c ) , 96 we applicable to Se Frclificirs as well. 90 j zoo 00 96 zoo 60 zoo i7o 0 0=2 00 � 909 00 zoo 00 00 00 00 :_O 0 0 &IF $L A WALLOWAL LITINA1412t CLAStIFICATICA, C I 00 3 1,)u 91 -- AV .1) Is-I., IF W 411 K R a n tt It 1 .1,A11 j 1 .1, 0 a I W 14 -3 0 0060000000000000010* 0 7ti-luctatice of 'Cilas". 1.,01 P:O. 2) - . I.. ~tj, 'Jlucr...~ ll'~imn Cbristanlu for Code P,-Ia- s". *.. 0l . 1* p ~ o. 2 f m "I hvtontitlka i o. 2) J) 11) .. , 0 ", ) . 11.17o:~,of,rarrs for t!-,.,, ~~Orlr? -olwe --d ri Unt,r) ol :.o - 3 -vtonmtika I 1!-af 2p )1, 5, m __ - __._,-11 - ~ i. i - .~ , "u, . . "Efffect of Ut C~_-pacity )n '~Ie 'dor Anc T4 e of a Telephone Lled:,Y.ll ZS-ci it.s Ingt of IVISS - Min P.--om Sredst SUYS7i 5F Avto i Tele, 9, 5, 1948. _. _, &,#q~ ,,U?r~ilevich; BJMGMAN, P.Ta., risdaktor; MIKHAYLOVA, Ye.M., ,YlWjM . #Sy -i or (Computation for electromagnetic relays of automatic control and telecommunication systems] Raschat elektromagnitnykh rele dlia apparatury avtomatiki i aviazi. Moskva, Oon. energ. izd-vo. 1956. 464 p. (HLRA 9:9) (Alectric relays) VTTC,,NDEIIG, M. I. PA 2,-rIj6 J= 107- ReWe "Tim-Ug Curves for Electromagmetio Relaye," M. 1. Vitenberg, 4 pp "Aytomat i Telemakh" Vol VIII, No I Ikplal the statement that the tima-lag of electro- magnetic relays can be definea graphically by cal- coUting the time-IM vith r6l'arence to a coeffi- cient On,* determined by the n,mber )f ampere turns. 22T46 L r Q if j _N t i A rf, f if,. ti 1 0 corflicientij of allicnitim rectiflers. NJ Vilk iiW,i I!, J. I e, it Ph -v,. Tl[T-T7 S. 14 . i tMT177-Tric rt-,iJaltev oil Sv itclifitrA jt it r. (11 in Ille light fliturli-in Ankly flvlrva~- 'Alit'It tit(, lellill. fl,(L~lrmvi 8 %%hilc thr Fv'Hallvi ill ill(: -limt Inva wrimg ilim -tind pt a tmi;l. i,nitilgl~ eillirf is iildvIR-1111clit 44 le"ll) Ot (kilvild, I'll it ill n cnitipimifid maniter. Tliv lemp. ew-ff. Im titc- Tight dimcliml I, NJ fj-)IjgJi, ~jljo (-I ",I It%. flit- i:. 'I , 'ALlIC,j) if jS %tjj,IJJ Illilliallip.1-1. rill.) and i,. vwl,t. tit higher C. it. I lit- eflualiuns (let ivid f(ir Cti.,O it vfirj,!j C. A 34, IS9 11) _~rc_ apRlicabic tii L~: rcc lifivrs A% wtT USSR/Yathematice - Relays, Pulse Circuits Jan/Feb 51 "The Release Timc of Relays Under Pulse Conditions of Operation," M. I. Vitenberg I-rL Nf "Avtomat i Yelemekh" Vol XII, No 1, pp 61-67 lkeleaie time of relays operating in calculates pulse conditions. Derives curves of release, time (type;jjo(~ relay) vs inserted resistance, and establAradd ampere turns for various dura- tions of magnetizing ;rulses. Derives curves of release time (for normal and slow relays of type 100) vs load for various pulse duratin-new 3 87T36 USSR/Matb_azatics iielays, (Contd) Jan/Feb 51 of magnetizing current. Finally, derives com- parative curves of release time for various types of relays; shows that it is more con- v6nient to use 4ormal relays with shortened coils instead of time-lag relays as series re- lays. Submitted 22 Oct 48; resubmitted 5 YAY 50 after revision. 187T36 J4 I r t"r v J. I erb. f-Mr7r.-Ilic rc~klaticv tit !~4- rvrlifi(f, mra,imd ;it it 'it Ott c. (I 1j):111 (firertititi shmily di-ttea,i livil cv K. flir temp. ri~i i from S to AW, whilt, Ific ret,fall in 11 wr(mg (firct-tinit mcamircil at .1 cofa%l. vollage villirl' i~ )I teml). tit mi it. iii n conillicaft (I mariner. 'nit. icnip. vocff. It,, the ris;ht dircution i~ sti-nugly afftcl(ll Ily thC C. d. MIL-11 if iS Mlj~jjj 11 milliallip./sq. rm.) awl i- cmist. at !Iigller c. (I. Tht- equations dciivv(I for Cu-0 rcelificr, (c!~. C. A, 34, ISMI) ~Fr. applicable to Trc fifluts ~zs %V01. J. 1. It VITINBERG, Moisey lzrailevichl ZELIGERI N.B,j prof## reteenzent; ARONOUCH-1 B.I., dots.p retsenzent- USSER2 A.S., red.; SOBOLEVA, p Ye.M.p teklm. red. [Design of electromagnetic relays for automatic control and com.- munication apparatusj Raschet e-lektr=agrLfLtrWkh rele dlia appara, tur7 avtomatiki i sviazi. Izd.2,p perer. i dop. Moskvaj, Pos. energ.izd-vo., 1961* 704 ps (MIRA 15:1) (Electric relays) 2 95!n S/12oi'61/000/004/001/034 E032/B514 AUTHORS: Val*dner, O.A. and..y~ ~4. TITLE: An electrical model of a linear accelerator PERIODICALt Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta, 1961, No.4, pp.25-26 TEXT; In view of the increasing number of electron accelera- tors which are either being built or are being designed, it is desirable to evolve methods for the preliminary calculation of the beam parameters. From this point of view the machines can be divided into two groups, namely, those with a working energy of less than 30 MeV and those above this energy. Design calcula- tions carried out at U40 10 (MIFI) showed that in order to ensure the necessary beam parameters all. the accelerators belonging to the second group can be discussed in terms of the same solution describing the electron dynamics during the acceleration process. The situation is different in the case of the first group, i.e. in the case of low energies. The electron dynamics in linear accelerators of this type can be described by the following equations: Card 1/#'~- P959t An electrical model of a linear S/120/6i/ooo/oo4/001/034 E032/E514 AQ) sin 9, (1) dt d = 2, [ 1 1 9 q) di OB 2 1/2 Y P-3F where (p is the phase angle of the particle relative to the wave and y,~ , A, p. and 0 3 are the dimensionless energy, linear coordinate, electric field amplitude, wave velocity and electron velocity, respectively. This equation can only be solved by numerical integration. It is, therefore, interesting to produce an electrical model for this set of equations. A model is particularly useful if the electron energy is to be adjustable, The search for acceptable solutions can be reduced to the selection of functions describing changes in the accelerating wave amplitude Card 2/4 -" r9591 An electrical model of a linenr ... s/i2o/61/0()0/004/001/034 E'032/E514 r,nd the pba.4e velocity nlong the accelerator. The present authors have developed special apparatus which can be used to inve,stigati, phase oscillations and the beam parameters for dirrerent forms of' A and P the stability of the beam parameters and thn capture into Re, acceleration process under dtff'erent working, conditions. The figure shows the circuit emp 1.oyed. In electrical modelling the integration time representm tho dimens ion less accelerator I~ngth. The functions a,, = P-j U) and a L(y) are generated by the non-linear B units 13111(BN21) an(] t3l+~~ (13N3). A detailed description of this circuit is not given except that 5,Y1 (SUI) is an adding amplifier and 0,13 (IUZ) is an integrating amplifier. The phase trajectories obtained with this apparatus can be inspected visually on the screen of a CRO or photographed. Acknowledgments are expresned to A. V. Shallnov, 1. K. Ogorodova and Yu. V. Ogorodov. There is I figure. SUBMITTED: December 13, 1960 Card 3/0 __2 VITBUBIRG, M.I, (Leningrad) Iffect of ambient temporature on the overheating of the windings and the heatiransfer coefficient of a rela7e Avtom. i telem. 21 no~3:384-392 Mr 160# (MIRA 13:6) (Zlectric relays) 9.2140 78iG6 SOV110 " -21--, -P-1-21 J -j AUTHORt Vitenberg, M. I (Waningrad) --- TITLEi - ------ Dependence of the Winding Overheat and the Heat Exchange Coefficient of a Relay on the Temperature of Surrounding Air PERIODICALt Avtomatilca i telemekhanik4 1960, Vol 21, Nr 3, pp 384-392 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The winding overheat and the heat exchange coefficient are investigated as functions of' the ambient temperature for t4ree types of Soviet relaysi type PMY (M4U), dimensions 211.7 x 38.5, x 41 mm, weight 70 9; type P3 C 10 (RES10), dimenoions 11.1 x 16.5 x 26 mm, welI71-it 6 [,,; and type PKII (RKN), dimensions 25.6 x 56.5 x 97 mm, weight 290 g. Curves are given showing the exces3 of winding temperature abovo the ambient temperatur(:; as function of the appliod power. This plot is obtained experimental.-Ly for the RMU-type rcl-iy Card 1/11 at various temperatures of surrounding air of up Dependence of the Winding Overheat and 78168 the Heat Exchange Coefficient of a Relay, SOV/103~-21-3-11;/21 on the Temperature of Surrounding Air to 11110 C. Based on this plot the genei,al ex- presoion for the temperature of overheating of relay winding is derived as function of the applied power and of the ambient temperaturei ,a = a, - cO, -i,- (b, - dOO) P. (4) Card 2//1t Here, P and 00 are power and ambient temperature, respectivelyl ao, b 0, c, and d are parameters given In curve form. Because of the dlfficul-.y of determining the parameters a 0, b0, c, and d for each type of relay, tqe winding overheat is determined as a function of various ambient temperatures at a constant value of applied power. Assuming that the initial ambient temperature eqtials 200 C, the following expi,ession I., jr L' jven for the Dependence of the Winding Overheat and '(81('8 the Heat Exchange Coefficient of' ai Rc-lav .21 W11 r, 11. /2 -1 on the Ternperatiure OOL' SUrl-OUrLding, AIr overheating,teiriperature n92 above the actual ambient temperature 002: ~q2::~ &1 (1 - 0,0019E'(002 -- 20)]. (7a) where ^51 is the initial temperature of overheating. In order to determine the dependence of tihe heat exchange coefficient of ',;he windinC on the temperature, a plot of average value--- of the i-leat exchange coefficient 1:3 made as a funct'Lon of' the temperature of the winding. Da.,-,ed on thin; ey- perimentally obtained plot and ao-.iLim1rq,' thz.,tt the initial external tcmperature equals 50 ti C" the following expression Cor the heat co-fficlent Card 3/4 Dependence of the Winding Overheat and 78168 the Heat Exchange Coefficient of a Relay QOV110'--21-~-l'' on the Temperature of Surrounding Ail, is given: (12;:z:: q, [I'd- 0,00306 (0, -.')0)1. whece q, and q 2 are IrdAlal and a,.-tiial coefficient, re3pectively. Two the use of the empirical equatlon:~ are 8 rlgilre:3; and 1 Soviet reference. SUBMITTED: November 30, 1959 Card 11/11 , ,T IT er 1.0 7THOR Vitenr 3 5 TITLE: nf; 'ion of the Flcatin:r of Electroma t i c Relay Wil-Ain,-'.3 (Opredoleniye obmv)t,~!- elet-tro, -1 a,~n it r -11:1 PERIODICAL: Avto-atika i Vol 1~, :.1- 111, PP 1036 - 1047 (USSAI) ADSTR".CT In e-ch individial ca-e, the c-x--ct v~-Iup- of tl-.o 7ic-~in Cr)efficl'unt of e.-A c~~,.n 'ue by by t*,-Ie !-")--t aut,-O:--- 0n1.-,, tl~e 0.9.10-3 to 1.4.10-3 'U/c.-:2'.oC. Thc -re~,ults of have. :;*-o-rn, ii~ tno '-J---t of me~~n ccelficiento of 'l-,at dissii--.tion for i-elaY2 t!..P,2c v.-.;lu-.-, invol,!e are t~~O.-Ofrjrc,- For coefficient i2 of a coni;j.d1(-,ra1,,ly L;roa~ur To -nver,t-i --te thin problera, mQasure-7,ents were carric(l. out on about 100 different eLectro-~a-ictic relays -,r,-)vidc-d Card 1/3 with an e:~terior rotor as 'aell u-S on 5 tYl,,C-s LI, , - ~ z Determination of ~' - o Z' e c t t 0 Efr: Y Wi n d i no of s~,,ch rciys of variou-c and on 3 lar.-le coreless coils. Based on t'.-.ece exi-(~ri:-.42nts it is olljwn t`:at the dc~;rec to w'ich th,- mcan coefficient of den-nds on t*-.e coolinG surf--.ce can be expre.,set! .-.rithin the limits from 1 < S 1: < 100 A,-M2 by for-ula (5) -and in 'he limits from 100 < S < 5000 CM 2 by fo=.ula (~-\, k Jj , res;,ectively. Two limiting (laces have bee- invest 4-: -,,~~ted . T~Ie ch---ract~~r-'StiC c,irves obt, showed t~-.,.t in computing it is most precine to conoiler az; cooii-P.6 surface t-e sum of thp cylindrical exterior and if,terior surfaces of the relay coils. S k - coolin.~,7 our---,,ce of tile coil in the calculAion. The conception of the specific tem-.,erature superelevation of the is introduced. Tiiio conception characterizoo ti-e relay desiGn from, thz~ st- '~dpoint of diocip-tion.." To determine the tomperature Ouperelevation of the viinding and the hcati-~; tt,,.-c constants a., a function of the cooling surface, and the and di--.ien,-ions Card 2/3 of the rolay, approx-Jr..'--te for,.-ulac ~Lre al--o given. Deter.%ination of the of ElectromagLetic Windin.-s There are 11 figures und 7 references, 6 of x!Aich are Soviet. SUB14ITTED: June 19, 1957 Card 3/3 VITEMBM,_tA;O,4L&uingrsd) Determining the heating of electromagnetic-roloy windings (with su=ary in English]. Avtom. i telem. ig no.iiao36-io47 N 158. (Electric relays) (MIRA 11:11) . VITENBERG, M. I. Vremia otpushkaniia rele pri impul'snom rezhime raboty. (Avtomati a i telemekhanika, 1951, v. 12, no. lp p. 61-67, diagrs., bibliograph4 Title tr.: Release time in pulse-operated relays. TJ213.A53 1951 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955. - VI-1 ~' N 6 r~ P~ G-1 ~f' I AUTHOR: Not Given. PA - 2021 TITLE: New Books. PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1957, Vol 12, ',Ilr 1, p 81 (U.S.S.R.) Received: 2 / 1957 Reviewed: 3 / 1957 ABSTRACT* M.I.VITEITBERG: Computation of electromagnetic relays for apparatus oY-KU-f-om-a-U`on and communication. Gosenergoizdat, M.L.1956, 464 pages, price 14-50 roublea. Theory and computation of the electromagnetic relays of parallel- and alternating current for apparatus of automation and communica- tion. Analytical and graphoanalytical methods of computations, con- structions, test data. The book is destined to be used by engineers and technical engineers. M.P.KAPLANOV, V.A.LEVIN: The automatic foundation of frequency, 2.en- larged edition. Gosenergoizdat, M.L. 1956, 200 pages, price 11-50 roubles. Description and classification. Computation formulae for construction. The book is for radio specialists and advanced university students. The Successes attained by Electrovaouum Engineering, edited by Profw G.A.TJAGUNOV, L.M.Gosenergoizd t, 1956, 256 pages, price 10.25 roubles. A collection of articles on thl types, computation methods, proper- Card 1/2 ties, and physical phenomena of some new types of electrovacuum de- New Books. PA - 2021 vices. For students, univer3ity professors, and engineers. F.V.MAJOROV: Electron Re,7ulators. 11. Goaenergoizdat, 1956, 492 pages, price 14.20 roubles. Elements and assemblies of electron regulators with uninterrupted and discrete effect as well as practical schemes. P.V.SLHAROV: Technology of apparatus construction. Vol 1. Special features of electro-apparatus construction. Technology of current- carrying parts and magnetic conductors. LI-L-Gosenergoizdat, 1956, 315 pages, price 7.85 roubles. Construction, technical production. ASSOCIATION: Not given. PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED: AVAILABLE: Library of Congress. Card 2/2 00 A AnsfqUcd omird -al 11~ 41 4.4-di- LZA-=gUac"id aftrosUlbess.2 : 24 ad . N. BuxT. fe c &NIMAN &Dd R, V (TWo. Org. Odm 1937 0*6 8, 400-M).j4 Is added to 10 S. (w rwo, 604,1 in M CA to oomplois di*AuU= sea NAM b A&bd summed"" is so 60 rod do swou" mew ~rrUEM"a 100~0. 'not *z" added to 80 0.0. of 9AGUM. oed foUowod by criaW ke wW a 1000% oxcva of (~ I x. 00 J MO, I@ a"W. 10 '0.0. oix ~ k00, 'd 2 g. Ow- of KI an added I ahL War, Is WSW (I C.C. 004 of Olx.KMnO, = 060143 g. of N& 4:4'.41kdtm. otabno-2: Ir M C.C. -of the OOW MAW= ses, I wM SIR sW R(3, and the NHj. **1 1 ~h is do6wobsiL go (1) &W ibWU*. Aa-'r wat"to w0 We. therefy- A I a. I L A AIT"LW"AL UTUATW2 CLUMCATION a 41 a S# I dpo T-00 .00 _00 ~99 000 .00 809 1.100 400 wee P too see woo see 4100 wee voo woo We 0 Ise. U a AT ;;Fwo -Ila-, 0 0 0 *1* 0 ale 0 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a Is If 4 r A --A v A -A A AL--.& 0 A F 0 9 1- t v I I re a a tka of 4,4'-slinltr~smllbsrur- y I UVI of Chtm, Isla. 41 IMI-I ' ' st it i kv - of h- -1 1 (A), I - 1 Ad, 4, SA), to 10 p - A Im,t r in - 1:1 pUrte djualu., add NAC(h 1111111 Ow man I. tup fougul 0 t 11 tuctmVitd. ausidd. thr will. t'sit 1. A.MIYffirc.4)(I 1100 to Wec. of tatht.. then crunbcd im an,[ A IOU% srxcr4~ if OA X KNInO.. Two min. 61ty ad.1 11) vc, ,1 -11' . 11 JUS l f KI d lif f OA N KS1 ) j 2 111 3 ". e . o A smn #. ., an la 11 , ),0142 a. o! N& zoo 111C Nit$ PUU11 contutil. Flout 11141 die C.&I'alAIT11 1 411.1 00 dinitiodibensy1distultonic acid cuuts ins. 11, C. A. of At 0 0 00 -00 io 0 0 ( zoo 00 ra voo FS lr* 0 4 1 9 Alf g it III to It . 1. st I a 8, As 1 4 11 n 4 1 0 0 000 004 00 0 0 0 9 a 0 0 0 0 it 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a o o 0 46 0 ejo o 0 000 go 0 0 so 0 o 00 0 IS!* 0 0 0 0 0 00000000 0000 0 J/ I I I a IIUIJWI its IIIio 01MIANNallixim a to an $is 11111 *pool I o t 4141magg 'J t c 11. .Plop 111 Ink I "? C.11offi. 4.4'-"h I tmme -2.2'-disiolfoak ' ' -00 add in a mdxtm with 4.4 -dWu*bib4as.T1-J,2 -dLwU0mk d' dd N 1 .06 a . buntoo . . man and k. V, Vitmixrog. 1juu. 6I.M. SW- 30, 1937. The stowne detiv. Is titrated 00, With Penumonswimote. .00 66 egg .00 zoo Ole, zoo of 00 A a S L A attALLOWAL LIT11544011 CLASSWKATPC- a 9 tso 0 L J,,A3 I itfc,yto ikv J*( -- L . '- - - - T .~ * j j j Eo u 4, .0 to i ; i , d 0 0 r f to x '61 0 4"d 0 Off 0 0 0000000 o 0 So 0 0 qL* IS S 0 Oo So Oo a* S 0 0 V Ol 0 0 Oo 0 do So Go GELICHINSKIY, M.L.; IEMAT, M.P.; RYAPOIOV, A.F.; TOUUV, K.K.; CHIZHOVA, A.N.; IMMGAYLOV V 0 ; VITENBM, V.I,- KELM, Ya.K.; KOLOSOV, S.N.; KMVITSKIY: B:K: LW;. Drum-pattern for erecting metal towers z2ade of enlarged blocks. Rate. i izobr. predl. v stroi. no.119:27-29 155. WaA 9:7) (Towers) ROI,WIOV9 M.A.; -,VITE4i3jg~GA Ya L. PerfoxT=ce of asynchronous motors in airplanes cirucits. Sam.elektr. no.1:3-20 160. (MIRA 14:3) (Airplanes--Eleotric equipment) VITMIMG# T4.1%, inshener. &~"W Three-phaso elsotric motor for work under difficult canditlons. Vast. alaktropron. 18 no.1-2:7-10 147. 1 (KUU 6:1z) 1. Zavod 'DinazoN in. S.R.Kirova. (Ilectrie motors, Indaction) VIIELELLG, Ya. L. WM/Ileotric *chinery Jun-Fab 1947 Motors Electric Motors Using Three-Phaso Current for Heavy Operating Conditions," Th L Vitenberfi,,, 3 Pp *Vestnik Blek Prom~ Vol XVIII, No 1-2 Cross-section diagmms, gmphs and tabular operating data ~A 1T64 PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4414 Samoletnoye elektrooborudovaniye; sborntk statey, No I (Air- craft Electric Equipment; Collection of Articles, No 1). Moscow, Oborongiz, 1960. 106 p. E.",ata slip inserted. 3,600 copies printed. General Ed.: A. F. Fedoseyev, Candidate of Technical Sciences; Ed. of Publishing House: K. L Grigorash; Tech. Ed.: V. P. Rozhin; Managing Ed.: A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers engaged in de- signing and operating aircraft electric equipment. It may also be of interest to those working In the electrical industry, and to teachers, instructom and students in electrical engineering schools of higher and secondary education. COVERAGE: The book is a collection of 9 articles dealing with problems in designing, calculating and operating aircraft electric equipment, and electric motors, regulators, in- struments, etc. The uspnof heat-resistant coatings and Card l/ 3 Aircraft Electric Equipment (Cont.) SOV/4414 electrio-insulating materials are discussed. No person- alities are mentioned. References follow the article by aomel'skaya and Yasin. TABIX OF CONTENTS: Romanov, M. A., and )L4,_L,__Xitenberg. Operation of In- duction Motors in Aircraft 3 Romanov, M. A. Voltage Regulation in Aircraft Generators, and its Effect on Weight and Size Ratios in Generators 21 Grigorlyev, G. V. Electric Starting Systems in Turbojet and Turboprop Engines Using Starter-Generators and Current Regulators 37 Gordon, A. V. Temperature ComDensation In D-C Electromag- netic Relays 53 Rozanov, A. V., and V, I. Kukhtenko. A Method for Construct- ing an Automatic Control System With Al1d0Bt Optimal Transient Conditions 63 Card 2/ 3 Aircraft Electric Equipment (Cont.) SOV/4414 Prusov, M. A., and A. V. Vershinkin. Instrument for Measuring Quantity of Electricity, Energy and Arcing Period 70 E.,cpe Gomellskaya, A. I., and D. R. Yasin. trience Gained in the Use of Chemical Nickelplating 79 Sayenko, A. D., and S. F. Shakay. Use of Epoxide Resins as Sealing and Impregnating Compounds 83 Ivanova, L. S., and A. P. Vasillyeva. Determination of Maximum Allowable Operational Temperatures for Glass Texto- lites 92 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress /ec Card 3/3 10-18-60 CHMQRZV. A.I.; HIKHELI, K.L.; KRONGAM, I.A.: VITMMRG, Ye.M.; BABUSIKINA, S.I., red.; KHORAS, L.I., red. (Packing materials for chemicals] TBra dlia khimicheskikh produktov. Moskva, takhniko-skon.isal., ig6o. 229 p. (MIRA 13:8) (Chemicals) (Packing for shipment) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION sov/4657 Cbekaarev, A. I., M. L. Mikhell, I. A. Krongaaz, ard Ye. M. Viteoerg ------------------ Tam dlya khImicheskikh produktov (containers for Chemical Products) Moacov, Nauchno-isel. in-t tekhniko-ekon. issled., 196o. 230 p. 20000 copies printed. Sponsoring Agency: Gosudarstvennyy kowitet Soveta Kinistrov SSSR po khimii. Ed#: I. A. Krongauzi S. I. Babushkina, and L. 1. Rhoras. PUFdWE: This book is intended as a guide for all engineering, technical, and planning vorkers concerned with the packing and shipping of chemical products. COMME: The book discusses the design, manufacture, and utilization of all types of contatters for chemical products. It includes technical data of a nature to permit the proper choice of a container in a given situation. New types of containers developed in the Soviet Unionas vell as foreign experienceare described. The letter designations for Capd~ Containers for Chemical Products SOV/4657 all such containers are listed. No personalities are mentioned. There are 50 references: 20 Soviet, 19 English, and 11 German. TABLE OF COKMTS: Introduction 5 Metal Containers 1. Metal Urrels 2. Steel drms 39 3- Steel flasks 55 Large steel cans and canisters 64 Sinall steel cans 71 6. Steel cylinders 74 Wooden Containers 80 1. Wooden barrels 80 2. Pressed plyvood barrels 92 3- Now and improved kinds of barrels 917 C a r&-_2/5,, TEPLIT.",HY, B.M.; VIINUMip, Yu.h.., kand. toklin. nauk2 rutsenzent; LEYKIFA, T.--,,imed.; YUl-FIVA, G.N., red. (Dividing heads and their use] Delitelli7e golovki i rabota na nikh. Moskva., Nashinostroenie, 1964. 215 p. WIIG~ 17:0 T 'T S/121/61/000/008/006/oo6 D041/D113 AUTHORs None given TITLE: Dissertations PERIODICAL: Stanki i instrument, no. 8, 41-42 TEXTt V.P. Grechin presented the dissertation "Heat Resistance and Other Wear Resistance Factors of Cast Iron and Alloys During Sliding Friction" at the Institut mekhaniki Akademii nauk USSR (Institute of Mechanics of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainskaya SSR) in order to obtain a doctor's degree. The following dissertation were presented for a candidatets degreel IlInvestigation of Small-Module Gear-Shapers" by Yu.R. Vitenberg at the Leningradskiy institut tochnoy mekhaniki i optilt-i-(L-e-n-i-ng-r-a-&-Tns+i +lite of Precision Mechanics and Optics); "The Effect of the Structural and Techno- logical Factors of Spot-Welded and Seam-Welded Joints on the DJstribution of Stress Caused ty Load and on the Fatigue Strongth" by B.B. Zolotarev at the TsNII tekhnologii i mashinostroyeniya (TaNII of Technology and Machine Building); "Investigation of Screw-Nut Pairs Du::-ing Rolling and Sliding" by Kumar Basu Sushil at the Moskovskiy stankoint3trumentallnyy institut im. I.V. Stalina (Moscow Institute of Machine Tools and Instruments im. I.V. Card 1/2 S/121/61/000/008/006/006 Disaertations D041 D113 Stalin) "Investigation of the Surface Accuracy and Smocthness Obtained by Machining Hard and Brittle Materials Using the Ultra-Sound Vibrations Me- thod" by A.Ya. Vladimirov at the Leningradskiy '4.notitut tochnoy mekhaniki i optiki (Leningrad Institute of Precision Mechanics and Optics); "Effect of Some Technological Factors on the Surface Quality Obtained by Plane Grinding by Means of the Disc Periphery" by B.B. Troitskiy at the Moskivskiy stanko- instr-amentaltnyy institut imeni I.V. Stalina Tr.~+Jhtfp nf Mat-hinp Tools and Instruments im. I.V. Stalin)j "Investigation of the Automatic Syzicnronization of Gear Changing" by I.M. Khovarov at the Moskovski-y ordena Lenina I ordena Trudovogo Krasnogo Znameni Vyssheye tekhnicheskoy uchilish- che im. N.E. Baumana (Moscow "Order of Lenin and Order of the Red Banner of Labor'? Higher Technical School im. N.E. Bavian)j "Investigation of a Grind- Inx Process with an Oscillating Motion" by Tsfio Shih-Shen at the Moskovskiy avtomecha!i4_cheskiy institut (Moscow Automechanical Institute). Abstrac- ter's notet complete translatio ri. E Card 2/2 ... - Geometr.r of a ram machined by abrasive worms. Izv. v7e. ucheb. zav.; prib. no.2:113-118 159. (KIRA 13:2) 1.Seyero-zapadnI7 saochnyy politekhnicheakiy institut. Rekomendovana. kafedroy tekhnologli mashinostrovani7a. (Gear-cutting machines) VITENBERG9 YU. R.9 '~ ~LL_ OF SMALL- CANC) TECti Sc,l tI.,- I wl%"A-"!- MODULE GEAR-CUTTING INSTRUMENTS. LENIIIGRAD 60. .(MiN of : ~? HIONER AND SEC SPEC ED RSFSR. OPTICS), Mt 2-61, 207). LENINGRAD IN T APREC MECH AND -120- MMBERGt Yu.R. Investigating gear cuttero having a nonlinear relationship between the displaoement of the Initial contoru and the magnitude of the out-off layer. Izv.vyBuoheb.zav.; prib. 1,; no.61123-129 162. (MIU 15:12) 1. Severo-zapadnyy zaochn7y politekhnicheskiy institut. Reko- mendovana kafedroy tekhnologii mashinostrolreniya. (Gear cutting) _Rvimovioh; FIRUII, II.B.p red.; ALABYSIIEVA, VITENBM~U~A N.A., red.izd-va; BELOGUROVA, I.A., tekhn. red. (Grinding gear teeth with an abrasive worm] Zuboshlifo- vanie abrazivnym cherviakom. Leningrad, 1963. 25 P. (Leningradskii dor. nauchno-tekhnicheskc.i propagandy. Ob- man peredovym opytom. Seriia: Mekbanicheskaia obrabotka metallov, no.13) (MllU 17:1) VITENBIRG, Tu.R. Irregularities in profiles, their calculation and relation- ship with parameters of gear teeth slot%ing. Izv.vys.ucheb. zav.; prib. no.6:66-71 '58. (MIRA 12:12) 1. LenIngradskly maochny7 politekhnlcbeakly institut. (Gear cutting) LWKUTOV, Vasilly Vasillyevich; XUVBHINSKIT, Y.Y., kandidet takhnicheakikh nauk, rat sons a at; JMFPRR&J~ inzhener, retseatent; ILIBITSKIT, I.I., kandidat takhnicheakikh-nauk, redaktor; BARAYAMIOVA, G.A.. takholohashy redaktor Coear-outting machines] Zuboresaye stanki. Moskva. Goo. nauchno- tokha.izd-vo ushinostroit, lit-ry, 1957. 73 p. (Nauchno-popullarnata biblioteka raboebego stanochulks, no,26) (MW 10:8) (Gear-cutting machines) SOBOLEV, N.P.[deceased]; V1TV1BERG,.,1u.R.; SRAVLYUGA, N.I., kand. takhn. nauk, retsenzent; FIRUN, N,B., kand- tekhn. nauk, red.; CHFAS, M.A., red,izd-va, VARKWETSYATA, A.I., red. izd-va; BARDINA, A.4 tekhn. red, (Gear-cutting machines and tools used in the instrument industry] Zuboobrnbatyvaiuahchie Btanki i instrumenty v priborostroenii. Moskva, Mnahgiz, 1963. 306 p. (HaRA 16:10) (Instrument industry) (Gear-outting machines) VITEMURG, V.L.; DROZDIK, B.14, W4.6 ~,~ 4&. Cold brapkire, of barn. Kuu.-shtam.Droiry. 1 no.3:42-44 pq 15 9. (MIRA 1-11:10) (Hydraulic presoon) .VITAN13F,RGS, Guntic. GRANTS, 21marn; ROUNIMMA, H., red.; IMBRGA, A., re [Is the incidence of cancer increasing?] Tai samlimstiba ar vazi klust biezaka? Riga, LPSR Zinatnu akademijam izdevnieciba, 1961. 42 P. (MIRA 15:2) (LATVIA--CANM) 1 39387-65 ACCESSION NR: AR5004811 S/0044/64/000/011/B120/B120, SOURCE: PC, AT-'TH,OP,S Vit-en'k- T TITLE: Generalized transforination f(,rTrkul a3 in the methods of Lobachevskiy-Greffe and Lemer CITED SOURCE. Sb. Teor. i prykl. matem. Vyp. 2. L'Viv, L'vivs'k. un-t, 1963, 31-35 TOPIC TAGS: Laurent seria-S, transformation formula Aeritrn fnrmulas for the calculation of the coefficients of Lauren-series expanFion of the function6 h W - f (011j"L i)- JA))I. Cord ACCESSIDN NR: ,wh c r e n 1 W a nd t h e ai x I 393 C7 -6~ ACCESSION NR: A-F, 5 4 a 11 0 (Z) - The atimi I i ar,-, -series v (z Y s t f (z) and v (z) have a f-nTnSrV-1n r-n n,-? P. rc! P n rp r i no The r art--!i'~ -it se when ,!(z) zl~ (I arbitrar-i lrlteqer~ f (z) - 13 considered separately. N. Lyashcheriko. SUB CODE: RA EN--C L. OG Card 3/3 VITENIKO, 1.V., KOSTU1,11Y, A.14. Dl,iisicn and factorization of- Lr~-,,rrrtt Dokl- AN SSSR 162 rjo.l: 15-18 My 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Livovskiy gosudarstverunyy i,,nivc-rsit-et Im. Iv.Franko. Submitted November 20, 1964. VITENIKO, I.V.; YOSTOVSKIY, A.N. Determining the principal indices of Laurent series. Dokl. AN SSSR 155 no. 4:732-734 AP 164. (MIRA 17:5) 1. L',ovskiy gosudarstvennrj universitet In. lvana Franko. Prodetavleno akademikom A.A.Dorodnitsynyin. VITENKO, Vadim Aleksandrovich; POLYAK, Revera Yakovlavna; SEGAL', Z.G., vedushchiy red. (Northern Lugansk key well (Lugansk Province)] Severo-Luganskaia opornaia skvazhina (Luganskaia oblast'). Leningrad, Gostoptekhizdat, 1963. 135 P. (Vseaoiuznyi neftianoi nauchno-ionledovatellskii geologorazvedochnyi institut. Trudy, no.223). (MIRA 17s4) POLYAK, R.Ya.; T21--la-0- _,, V -.I, Mineralogical associations in Permian and Triassic sediments of the Chernigov salient. Trudy UkrEGRI no.1:122-124 159. (MIRA 12:12) (Ukraine-Mineralogy) VITENKOP V.A (Vitenko, V.0.); PWREBNYAKp V4A [Pohrobaiak, V.0.)j POLYAK' R.Ya. Sediments of the Moscovian stage of the north LuganBk key vsll- Geol.zhur. 21 no.3:87-93 161. (KM 14:7) 1. UkrNDGRI. (Novaaydar District-Geology, Stratigraphic) ,3/16q/6o/ooO/oo6/oo2/o2i A005/AO01. Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Geofizika, 1950, No. 6, p. 29, # 5751 AUTHOR: Vitenko, V. A. TITLE: The Main Feature of the Geologic Structure of the Chernigov Gravitational Maximum Region PERIODICAL: Tr. Vses. n.-i. geologorazved. neft. in-t, 1958, No. 12, pp. 140-152 TEXT: The geophysical research In the last years and deep drilling eludicated the geologic feature of the Chernigov region having a gravitational maximum. A volcanle-sedimentary stratum of 1,160 m thickness occurs above crystalline Pro-Cambrian rocks detected at the 2,747-m depth; this stratum pertains to the Middle and Upper Devonian. The overlying deposits occur, above the Devonian system. Magnetic anomalies associated with the gravitation maximum region and reaching 600f, and, partly, the maximum itself, are caused by t~e volcanic-sedimentary stratum having the maximum magnetic Intensity In the region. The principal gravitation effect is appearently caused by the nonuniform crystalline-base structure and its relief The author assumes that the CherTigov- maximum-region represents a protrusion of the relatively shallow sryst&ll_Jne-base Card 1/2 s/16q/6o/ooo/oo6/002,/021 A0051AC01 The Main Feature of the Geologic Structure of the Chermigov Grav.1tational Maxirwam Region limited in East and West by breaks. This protrusion acted the part of a dam, whioh hampered the donnection between the Dnepr-Donets depression central part and the Pripyat' graben. However, the Pripyat' graben was directly connected with the Dnepr-Donets depression In the course of lo43 periods and appears probably to be one.of its tectonic elements. T. N. Fedotova Translator's notez This is the full translation of the original Russian abstract. Card 2/Q VITERKO, Y.A Chernigov key well. Trudy VNIGNI no.242-5-52 160. (MM 13:7) (Chernigov Province-Petroleum geoloff) (Chenigov Province-Gas. Natural-Gleology) V.A. Basic features of geological structure in the region of Chernigov gravity maximum. Trudy MGXI no.12:140-152 (KRA (Chernigov region-Geology, StratigTaphic) the '58. 12:3) VITENKO, V.A.; FOLYAK, R.Ya. Lower Carboniferous sediments of the region of the Uorth-Luganck key wall@ Trudy UkrNIGRI no*3849-63 063. Lower-Triasaic sediments of the region of the North-Lugansk key we2l. Ibides64,67 (MIRA 180) BARAIIOV; I.G.; VITEIIKO, T.A.; ZAVIYALOV, V,14.; 14UR014TSEV, A.S. Possible reserves of oil and gas in the Dnieper-Donets Lowland, Geol. nefti i gaza 5 no.7:17-19 JI 961. (141PJ. 14; 9) 1. Ukrainskiy nauchno-issladovateliskiy goologorazvedochnyy institut. (Dnieper-Donets Lowland--Petroleum geology) (Dnieper-Donets Lowland--Gas, Natural-Geology) BAUBINIMIS, A. doe.; iUKMCIUTE, J., doe.; VITUSTEDIAS..G... doe.; Clinico-anatomical aspects in the d-iagmsis of myocardial inf&~ction, Sveik. apsaug. 9 no-1210-15 Ja'64. 1. Kauno Valot. medicinos institutas. Rektoriust prof. 3.9anuskeviciuBt VITENS S. G.A. (Kaunas) Some peculiarities of the effect of atropine on the heart. Klin.sed. 35 no.5:48-50 My 157. (MIRA 10:8) 1. Iz gospitallnoy torape-fticheakoy kli.niki (zav. kafedroy - dotsent Z.I.Yanuchkyavichus) Kaunasskogo maditeinskogo Institute (ATROPINE, off. on heart funct., EGG) (JURCTROCARDIOGRAPHY, off. of drugs on atropine) LASHAS, A.Y.; VITINSHTETWAS, G.. Evnlunting electric ballistocardiograrihic methods. no.3:27-33 Mr 158. Ned.prou.12 (KLRA li:4) 1. Knunaoskiy Dolitakhnicheekly inatitut i Uunasekly gosudnretvannyy moditainakiy inatitut. (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHT) USSR / Human and Animal Physioloey. Blood Circulation. T Abs Jour: Ref Zhur-Biol., No 9, 1956, 41285. Author : Januskevicius, Z.; Vitenhe~ nas, G. if Inst :Not Given. , ---a Title :Ballistocardiography and Its Clinical Significance. Orig Pub: Svelkatoo aspauga, 1957, No 6, 30-37. Abstract: No Abstract. Card 1/1 6o JANUSKEVICIUS, Z.; VITENSTEINAS, G.; SUMINAS, A., red.; VYSOMIRSKIS,C., tekhn. red.-.' (Practical electrocardiograp~q] Praktins alektrokardlogra- fija. Vilnius, Valstybine politines ir mokslines liters- turos leidykla, 1962. 134 P. (MIRA 16:5) (ELECTROCARDIOGRAM) MR 1-2~-~' ff~U 2~i,;'~;i i;Z7~3 17(197) SOV/177-58-3-9/29 AUTHOR: VitenshteynaB, G.A. TITLE: Some Observations on the Article by R.M. Bayevskiy "Ballistocardiography and the Possibility of Using It in Military Medicine" PBRIODICAL: Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Zhurnal, 1958, Nr 3, pp 41-42 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article by R M. Bayevskiy (Military Medical Jour- nal Nr 5, 1956) ;ouches on the very topical problem of the wide-spread introduction into practice of the me- thodology of direct ballistocardiography. This metho- dology is undoubtedly valuablE! because it supplements our diagnostic potential. Turning to the registration and analysis of ballistocardiography, it should be re- called that fatigue of a pationt, a full stomach, or trembing of the extremities, table or floor may pro- duce artefacts which complicate correct analysis of the ballistocardiogram. Therefore it is better to take the ballistocardiogram before the patient has .Card 1/3 eaten, after 15-30 minutes' rest, on a convenient L-1~ SOV/177-58-3-9/29 Some Observations on the Article by R.M. Bayevskiy "Ballistocardio- graphy and the Possibility of Using it in Military Medicine" table, in a warm room, etc. It must be assumed that the method proposed by Bayevskiy of taking the balli- cardiogram in the short period of 1 minute without giving the patient rest nay lead to inaccurate record- ings and may affect the artefacts. The expediency of recording the ballicardiogram without removitg heavy boots from the patient is also questionable. To save time the author recommends taking ballistocardiograms without electrocardiograms. However, when saving the time needed for attaching electrodes to the extremi- ties, the author will be unable to determine the dis- tances RI, RJ and RK to which he attributes diagnostic significance. The simplified mothod proposed by Bay- evskiy for taking ballistocardiograms, which stems from his desire to save the maximum amount of time, does not give a sufficiently full and accurate record and may mislead doctors and reduce the value of the method of ballistocardiography itself. The ballisto- Card 2/3 cardiograph developed by Bayevskiy essentially diffe uv`~ SOV/177-58-3-9/29 Some Observations on the Article by R.M. Bayevskiy "Ballistocardio- graphy and the Possibility of Using it in Military Medicine" little from the apparatus recommended by Academician V.V. Parin, V. Dok and Mandelbaum. Their apparatus is also portable, simple, and the data are recorded by means of an electrocardiograph. The support pro- posed by the author, with its right angles on which the feet are laid, seems to us inconvenient because under the force of gravity the -tissue of the extremi- ties will be pressed against the angles of the support, which may cause an involuntary contraction of the muscles. In our opinion, the leg should be supported by a well-stuffed oilcloth cylinder. In practice well-known and well-tested apparatus and methods should be used, while new apparatus can only be pro- posed for widespread use after thorough testing Card 3/3 YANUSHD,'VICMTUS, Z.I. [JanuYkevi"iuo,, M.3, prof.; VIM21SHTE ILkS, G.A. v [Vitensteinae, G.A.] Clinical sipnificance and classification of ballistocardiograms. Terap.arkh. 31 no.9131-36 S 159. (MIPJ, 12: 11) 1. Iz kafedry gospitalinoy torapii (sav. - prof. Z.I. Tanushknvichus) lCaunaeskogo mod itsinskogo instituta. (BALLIST-OCARDIOGRAPHY) YANUSUTAVICHUS, Z.I., prof. [Janugkovihs, Z..1 YITI':NSHTVNAS, G.A. 8. A___ _ -F --ba- A. 3 [Vitengtoinas, G.A.]; MITSKIS, A.M. [Micki . A.M. . di6Fmed, uk (raunas) A case of so-called visceral epilepsy iiimulating acute abdomen. 37 no.9tl46-147 S 159. (KIRA 12:12) 1. Iz kafedry goopitalluoy terapti (zav. prof. Z.1. Yanushk7avichus) i kabinets. elektroanteefalografii (zav. doteent A.M. Mitskis) Kaunas- ekDgo meditsinskogo institute. (ABDOKKN, ACUTI diagnosis) (VILIPSY, pathology) VITL?IS=,nIAS) G. A., and YANUSMVICius, Z. I. (Dr.) Concerning Clinical Significance and Classification of Ballistocardiography," re0orts submitted at Fifth Internationl Congress ct Medicine, (Internal). Philadelphia, Pa., April 24-26, 1958. 3rd TheraiZr Clinic, Kaunas 'led1cal Inst, Elth !",ER Chief YA1TU-.--7T-'X:ECEUS Asst 13. A. _01 ~~S . [Vitenstainas, G.A.) Munas) ~jm G.A -"dM*WA- - --Agl .,: . . . Classification of balliotocardiographic data. 16 no-1:95-98 Ja '58. (KIRA 11:3) 1. Is kefedry gospitallnoy terapti (sev.-prof. M-Tanushkyarichyno [Z.I.Ja=;kvvi6Ius1) Uunasekogo meditsiuskogo institutm. (BALLISTOCARDIOGRAPHY - claself. of data (Rup) VITENSHTRYNAS, G. A., Cand Med Sal - (diss) ItOn the problem oftlassification and diagnostic value of ballistocardiographic tk data in coronary sclerosis." Kaunas., 1958. 26 pp (Min of Health 0 Lithuanian SSR, Kaunas State Med Inst), 200 copies (KL, 35-58, log) -58- USSR/Ph-=iacology anO Toxicolony. Cx,lin-,;rgics V-5 Lbs Jour : Rc-f Zhur - No 10, 1958, No 4-1202 41uthor : Vitonshtcynaz G&A. Inst : Title : Certain Puculiariti-s of Atropine StLiulation of the Hcart Orig Pub : Klinich. 1957, 35, lb 5, 48-50 Abstract : In 50 patients with v~Drctativc disorders ~)f the cardiuvas- cular syst--.~u, thk~ followinf, changos :.)f EKG. wcr,! obsxv,!d. after I us. :,f atropin,2 was introduced subcutaneously; an incrcasu or a &:er,~asQ of thc! pulse rate, Galloping al:L,!r- ation of rhytlz,, cirange of the atri~.,vmtricular rhyth:-i t-) sinus rhytl-L,~i, disappoaram! o-.L' mitricular exturasystolos. In one patient, following the injection of xtropinQ, sy.~.-,- pta-,,s of coronary ipsufficioncy dcvQ1upcC..--F.G- Siv--.ghins'=,,-- Card 1/1 VITENSHT.EYNASS T. [Vitensteinas, T.J; hYAULEYKIS, 1. [Fiaulelkis, I.] Hemangiectatic hypertrophy (Klippel-Trenauna7-Weber syndrcme). Vest. dem. i ven. 38 no.7:69-72 Jl 164. (MIRA 18:4) 1. Kafedra gospitallnoy terapii (zav. .. chlen-korrespondent AMN SSSR prof. Z.Yanushkevichus (Januslcevicius, Z.] Kaunasskogo meditsinskogo instituta. 7 343. CERTAIN PECULIARITIES OF ATROPINE ACTION ON THE HEART (Russian text) . V i t e n s h t el n a a G . A . KLIN. MED. (Mosk.) 1957, 35/5 (48-50) Graphs'!T~~~~ Atropine was injected a. c. in a dose of I mg. in 50 patients tmder the age of 30 yr. with autonomic disturbances of cardiovascular function, and observations (pulse and ECG) were made during the following hour. Slowing of the pulse was observed in most cases, but at different speeds and in different ways. In some cases the frequency increased and in one an attack of angina pectoris occurred The use of atropine in cases of functional cardiovascular disturbances can only be based on a strictly individual assessment of the dosage. Vacek - Brno (11. 18) T 1.7-17, FJ, ACC NR, AP6032012 SOURCE CODE: UR/02143/66/ooo/oog/oo4l,/'O.'1;7 :'AUTHOR: Yanusbkevichus, Z. Vitensht~y.~La,-3,_~,I. _A_. Valuzhis, f. ORG: Kaunas Medical Institute, TaNIL (Kaunasakiy moditainskiy institut, TsINIL) iTITLE: Device for obtaining plionocardiograLm envelopes (PKG) SOURCE: Meditainskaya, promyshlennost' SSSR, no. 9, l966, hh-117 TOPIC TAGS: phonocardiogram, telemetry, phyBiolofrj, medical electronics, cardiac physiology, signal envelope, envelope re,:,rding, physiological data.,P#0,V0eYRb10GR8AY 411RCv1r, Dnovoir1c, 1..%o5rR(.jn1,Fxjj- Y; ABSTRACT: The frequency characteristics of most pen-writing recorder -systems (~lcio cpJ- present difficulties in recording phonocardlograms (FKG's), whose high-frequency co,-,i- 1 ponents are subject to distortion. To avoid these difficulties, the authors propose a! phase-rotation device with the followinir characteristics: 1) from the input signal the ! a circuit forms two output signals with a rcase differc-.nce of 900 for all frequency co,-,,-:: ponents; 2) output phase characteristics ire in logarithmic dependence on frequency; 3) amplitude-frequency characteristics are straight and parallel to the frequency axzs;. 4) working frequency ranges are fromM t0300 and from 60 to 900 cps; 5) the accuracy of phase rotation is '20. This system will record only the geometrical envelope of the PKG signal, which gives full information on the form, amplitude, and duration of sound signals and is sufficient for clinical analysis of PKG's. The idea of using envelopes in medical electronics is not new, and the drawbacks of envelope'record 4 g Card 1/2- uDc: 616.12-073_-~3~iQ_7_3_-96-71 :3 r~.- A, i - ACC NR' AP6032012 J ifor lv,.r-frequency processes have been described. 'Div authors compared, the.'r syste,-, i !against a conventional full-wave detector with equal charge and disrharge t'Ames in its i I ~smoothing filter. It was found that the detector diet not give envelopes as good 'Ls i !those obtained with the proposed instrument. Orig. axt. has: 3 formulas, 1 circuit dj~Aram,.,&nd 2 figurps. [DPI SUB CODE: o6/ SUL.. 05Apr66/ Ono REP; 004/ OTH RM 003/ ATD PRESS: 5092 ard 2 2 C VITZNSTBINAS, G.A. (Kaunas) Paradozal reaction to atropine In heart block. Klin. mod. 32 no.10s87 0 154. (MM 80) (HURT BIOCK, paradoxal reaction to atropine in) (ATROPINE, effects, paradoxal reaction in heart block) L~ th- N&Aik-Atiall of Cam ftan Ly chugunt, magalcm. (Rus- Trilwl'Aaia' 11-4 It, 1, Cd.AAO. ry, p. U-19. i:,d ~r-Aic ~t. of slAgs farnied un&r its,: of V.111tyas fluxes; '41cmi- :A Z~'u' i d div metAl. MiLrographs. VITWOU, A.A. (Khartkov) Hydromech cal cleaning of pipelines from incrustations and deposits* Vode i Ban. tekh. no.2:37-38 F 161. (MIRA 14:7) (Pipes, Deposits in) VITZNZOH A.S. (Moskva) "23P'"W"- 7-t Study of nerve processes on the basis of visual aftereffects in cases of lack of sleep. Zhur.vys.nerv.detat. 6 no.2:212-217 Mr-Ap 156. (HIRA 9:8) (01INTRAL NERVOUS SYSTIM, pbysiol. off. of lack of sleep, determ. by measurement of after- effect of visual light stimulation) (SLAW, physiol. off. of lack of sleep on CNS. determ. by measurement of after-effect of visual stimulation with light) (RIWIAX after-off. of visual stimulation with light in determ. of off. of lack of sleep) o UsSpAlunan Physiology Nervous System. Abi-Jour Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1967, 71174 Author Vitenz9g,,.'A.S. Title The Study of Nervous Processes in the Course of Subsequent Visual Reactions After Lack of Sleop. R-12 Orig Flub i Zh. Vyssh. nerv. Dayat-sti, 1956, 0, No 2, 212-217 Abstract i The influence of lack of sleep (2-6 hrs sleep) on the subsequent visual reaction (VR) differs depending on the individual v&ri- ant of VR in sufficient sleep, and -eflects the typological pe- culiarities of the nervous system o-l" the subjects. Four vari- ants are shown in the course of VR: 1) latent period (LP) 1-2 sec., duration of VR (DRV) 15-25 so,::; 2) LP 3-6 sea., DVR 8-15 sec; 3) 11 zoo, DVR 2-6 sec; 4) LP 3-6 sec., DVR 15-30 see. 2 In lack of sleep the VR of the 2nd type are the most depressed, a fact which reflects the weak nerv:~uz processes with prepon- derance of inhibition. LP booomes longer, VR shorter (to zero), the strength relations are damaged. A paradoxical phase was Card 1/131 - ill - USSR/ijuman and Animal Physiology - Nervous System,, R-12 Abo Jour 3 Refem t Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71174 noted in five tests and appeared at a low level, i.e., the VR decreased at all levels of excitation, but in strong excitants the decrease was larger than in weak ones. In the first and fourth types, representing strong ner,re processes with some pre- dominance of excitation, the lack of aleap has less influence on the VR. The strength relations are not always disturbed. The paradoxical phase appears at alow level, i,e., to strong irritants the VR decreases, to weak ones it inoroases. In the third type, (strofigly balanced nerve processes), the influen- ce of lack of sleep on VR is insignificant. Caffeeine (0.05- 0.2 gm) in lack of sleep can have on the VR of the lot and 2nd type a normalizing as well as depressing influence. The last probable arises from incorrect dosage of caffeine. The basis for the apparent changes in VR in lack of sleep is, accor- ding to the author, the lowering of the work capacity of the nerve elements of the visual analyzer. Cari 2/3 - 112 - USSR/Human and Animal Physioloey - Nervoue System. R-12 Abs Jour : Referat Zhur - Biologiya, No 16, 1957, 71174 (Prizarily cortical as the most reactive ones). Under these conditions even the moderately strong visual stimuli are sufficient for the development of a limiting defense inhibitions. Card 3/3 - 113 - ziec.2, P`-aivnhi~.M. July I Ej Ir 2986. VITENSON A. S. Physiological mcchanism o/ the tracing reactiom in the sig7)7-a-n-a-ry-se-r-(Rit5s-iati text) Z. vyssh. ncrv. dcjatcl. 1956, 6/2 (218-225) Tables 8 The sight-tracing reactions depend on the functional state of the cerebral cortex. During the increase' of the unconditional depression the latent period is prolonged and the tracing reaction diminishes and disappears. On stimul- ation of thc1cortex the sight-tracinf reactions increase. We may presume that. the sight-tracing reaction and th atcnt period arise as a consequence of the different phases of successive induction; the change of this state depends on the functional state of the cerebral cortex. Bajcr - Brno YMIISON, A-Be,kapitan ned.olushby Investignting aftor-Immtes. Voon-med.zhur. no.11:79-.90 N 157. (AFTER-IRAGES) (MIRA 11:4)