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VIADIMIROV, Lev Aleksandrovich; DZHAVAKHISHVILI, A.H., red.; PAATASHVILI, & * , A.R., takhred. (History of the study of runoff characteristics in mountain regionsJ K iitorii isaledovenii vokonomrnostei stoka v gornykh oblastiekh. Tbilisi, Izd-vo Akad.nauk Gruzinakoi M, 1960. 145 p. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Rukovoditell otdols gidrologii i klimatologii Institute geografii im. Veklmshti Akademil nauk Gruzinskoy SSR (for Vladimirov). (Runoff) VLA.DDaROV, L. A. "On the Regularity of Surface Run-Off in Mmmtain Regions (in Georgia)" report to be submitted for the Intl-'Geographical Union., 10th Generhl Assembly and 19th Intl. Geographical Congress,, Stockholm, Sweden, 6-13 August 1960. JLADIMIROV Lev Aleksandrovich kand. geogr. nauk,* DZIWVAKHISHVILI, A.N., akademik, red.; FAITASHVILI.. Sh.F., red.izd-va; DZHAPARIDZE.9 N.A., [Mean annual runoff of the rivers of Georgia)Srednii godovoi stok redk Gruzii. Tbilisi, Akad. nauk Gruzinskoi SSR, 1962. 121 p. (MIRA 15-12) 1. Rukovoditell otdela gidrologii i klimatologii Instituta geografii im. Vakhushti Akademil- nauk Gruz.SSR (for Vladimirov). 2. Allcademiya nauk G-ruz. Mt (for Dzhaynkbiohvill), (Georgia-Runoff) VIADIMIROVS, 44. .. - - .11.1.1"-, -7 Karat waters of Abkhazia. Trudy ~nst. geog. AS Gruz. SSR -17: 169-176 162. (MIRA 16:7) (kbkhazia--L-xri3t) (Abldlazi&-Water~ Underground) VLADDUROV, L.A. Underground relationship tetween the Kelasuri aM Besleti Biwers. Trudy Inst. geog. AN Gruz. SSR 17:213-222 162. OCRA 16;7) (M#Wi Vp-lley--Vater.. Underf;round) (Best6ti Valley-Water, Underground) - VLAD1m-LROV)-'L-.A.. Glacial water supply of the Georgian rivers. Izv. AN SSSR. Ster. geog. no.5:60-64 S-0 163. (~ffRA 1611D) 1. Institut geografil AN GrazSSR. ARSEIL~'~!.', V. Ya.; VLADIKEROV, L. A.; DOROSHEMCO, G. G.; DUMOVA, A. A.; TDMON01r, A. N. v I "Concerning the question about Working up the Spectra of Ga- Rays and Fazt Neutrons Measured with the Help of Single Crystal Scintillation Spectrometers." report submitted for All-Union Conf on Nuclear Spectroscopy, Thilisi, 14-22 Feb 64. KWI (Moscow Engineering Physics Ins-;) VLADIMIROV, L.A. Hydrological regionalization of Georgia. Trudy InBt- 9009. AN Gruz. SSR 18,,,217-222 '64. (MIRA 17:6) TIKHONOVP A.N.; ARSEWN, V.Ya.; VLAIDIMIRCV, -L.A.; DOROSIIENKO, G.G., DUMOVA, A.A. I Processing of spectra of ganzrm quanta and fast nenltron3 MeIS'lrf-ld by Yreans of single-arystal scintillation spectrom-tars. Izv. AN SSSR.Ser. fiz. 29 n0.5:815-818 ~~y 165. (MIRA 18t5) :VIADIMIROV, L#A. Runoff replarities in the river basins of Abkhazia. Trudy inst. geog. AN Gruz. SSR 14:145-158 161. (,MIRA 18:5) VLADIMIROV, L.A.; APKIIA70A., 1.S.; S-,iENGIFI,IYA, R.G.; GIGINEYSHVILI, G.N. Itypscarietr.y of river Ui:il-in ir, Georgia. '-?Gob. AN Gruz. .173F, 2p, rr,-.4: IP25-430 Ap 162. OGRA 19:1) 1. AN Gruzinsloy S3P, histAtut geograVii Im. Vakhushti, Tbilisi. Subn. tted January *0, 1()(,1. VLADIMiROVA,.6A.--- ~ Hydrology and the regime of the rivers and springs of the Shaori. Lowland. Trudy Geog. ob-va Gruz. SSR 7:141-149 16.1 Karst waters of Mingrelia. Ibid.tl59-169 OGRA 18:5) :IT Methods for the con.T21ptir-m o?' we~tei- b~)"Iget In G-?'~rpioa. 3oob. All Gruz. S.32 347 no.3,-611-4-16 Mr tf,'17 1. Insbitut. geografli imeni Vakimzihti ~111 Gr,jzSit. Submtf,11~16, September 10, 1964. SHCHELKACHEV, V.N.; SARARSKIY, A.A.; VLAD1,14IROV, L.A. Solving special boundary problems of nons teady f luld f lov in an elastic bed using electronic computers. Izv. -.7s. uch6b. zav.; neft' i gaz 8 no.3:77-80 165. (MIRA 18:5) 1. Moskovs1dy institut neftekhimicheskoy i gazovoy promyshlennosti im. akadem!-.ka Gubkina i Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet im. M.V. Lomonosova. 63735 1,1210 S/056/601~0,38/004/OG --/04 8 A"# -4/100 13019[BO70 AUTHORSs AlItshuler. L. V., Kormer,, S. B., Brazhnik, M. I., Vladimirov, L. A., Speranskaya, M. P., Funtikov, A. I. V1 ill TITLE: The Isoentropic Compressibility of Alumintim.;/&ppers Lead$ and Ironvit High Pressures PERIODICAL: eksperimentallnoy I teoreticheakoy fiziki, 1060, Vol. 36, No. 4, PP. 1061-1073 TEM New methods of investigation of the properties of materials at high pressures depend on the application of shock waves. Two parameters are determined: th-3 velocity of propagation of the shock waves, and the particle velocity at the front, which enable the pressure and the density of the shock compression to be determined. Another Important kinematic parameter is the velocity of sound in the shock compressed materiul. Thin quantity characterizes the velocity of propagation of small disturbances in the compressed material. These small dis';urbances are weak shock waves and discharge waves, and are of importance in geophysical and other similar investigations. In the present paper, a method is suggested for Card 1/3 The Isoentropic Compressibility of Aluminum, Copper, Lead, and Iron at High Pressures 83715 ,/60/G31r,'/004/GOa/04 5 S/056 B019/BO70 the measurement of the velocity of sound in the front of strong ahock waves, and results of nvestigatiogs for aluminum, lead, and Iron for the pressures between 4-IJ and1-S--';-;9-,Atm are given. In the first section a method of measuring the velocity of sound is given which depends on measurement with the! discharge waves. In this method the decrease of pressure due to the superposition of the discharge and dilatation waves in the zone of the boundary of the sample in the form of a stepwise built cylinder is measured photochronographically. In the second section, elastic and plastic discharge waves are discussed, In the third part, a mathod of measurement is discussed in which the collision of a plate and a sample from a material of known dynamic adiabatios is studied. This method leads to an experimental determination of the trajectories of the shock waves, and to the measurement of the particle velocities at one or more points of these trajectories. In the fourth part, the data giver, in Tables 2, 3, 4, and 5 are discussed in detail. In the last two sections, the isoentropic compressibility of the metals, and the upper limit of "cold" compression are studied on the basis of the results obtained here; and an estimate of the thermal energy and the temperature is made. In the present paper, the existence of two sound velocities corresponding to the Card 2/3 The Isoentropic Compressibility of Aluminum, Copper, Lead, and Iron at High Pressures 83715 S/056/60/1,-"~/004,/i~rP-/'r)4P- B010,/B070 elastic and plastic states of matter are established. The velocities of sound, and the isoentropic comprensibilities in the above mentioned pres- sure range, the estimates of thermal energies; the temperature of shock compression; azid the Gr0rei::(.r, coefficients are Given in tabloa, Yu, M. Shustov in muntioned. The paper wa3 started in 1946 on the initiative of Act,domician Ya. B. Zolldovich. The Corresponding Member of the AS USSR Ye. I. Zababakhin is thanked for many Tialuable advices. K. K. Krupnikov, B. r. Ledenov, and A.-A. Bakanova are thanked for discussions. Professor V. A. T3ukerman and his colleagues 1. Sh. Mlodell and M. A. Kanunov helpe'3 in the constructional problems. Some data were obtained from V.I.Forodulin. N.S. Tenipir, A. 1% Kolesnikova L. N. Gorelova, and 7.1. S. Shvetsov belped in the experimental -,,ork. There are 10 fi,r;ures, 7 tables, and references: 5 Soviet and ' US. SUB'MITTED: October 7, 1959 (initially), January 3, 1960 (after revision) vl~ Cerd 3/3 VLADIrdW-Vx-.L,A,; SAMARSKY., A.A.; SHCHUKACHEV., V.11. (Moscow) "The solution of special boundary value- problems of the unsteady motion of an elastic fluid in a elastic layer with the aid of electronic computers" report presented at the 2nd All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanicsy Moscow., 29 January - 5 February 196h !A~Aft(, B.B.; .0 I ~ I r , :111. F-, 7 ~-- l4orlst-itiol-I!, g-,n f 4o~ 1 ltrl~- 1. 8 nr,,~ 19 -3 ( x -1 R t1t -- 7 ~ *1 ) LAPUF B,B. ABUTAI-iRIV, Unstead7 gas fIO-w a atratur, of variable depth. Aj: FZ. SSR. Ser. tekh. nauk 8 no.3:25-35 1641. (14110, 17:11) 1. Institut mekharJkl. vych.1slitelInym tsentrom All UzSSR. .YLADIMIROV, --- L.D, Organizing a phys4cs, I . -,studv rocm. Fiz. v shkole 2-11 -,10-4.,PC--,?4 Jl-Ag 163. ~N (MIRA 171l) 1. 2--ya srednyay-a shkola, floginsk. AUTHOR: Vladinirov, L.D., (Volinsk, IVirovskaya Oblast') 47-58-3-1.8/27 TlTL-I: From the Experience of Orj;anizino a 1-hysics Laboratory (1z oijyta orGunizatsii fizichesko6eo kabineta) kERIODICAL: Fizika v Shkole, 1958, Nr 3, PP 67-69 (US'JR) ABSTRACT: The author recalls how he set up a physics laboratory in 1955 with more than 50 experimental appliances prepared by the students themselves. ASSOUATIOD: 2-ya erednyaya shkola (The 2nd Secondary School),Nolinsk, Kirovskaya Oblast'. AVAILAIJLZs Library of Congress Card 1/1 1. Pbysics-Study and teaching 2. Physics laboratories-Organization VL&DIMIROVA, L.F. * --t- On the effect of crystalline carbox4Tolypiptidase on aarnosin. Biokhimiia, Moskva 15 no.4:380-383 July-Aug 1950. (CU4L 20:7) 1. Laboratory of Biological Chermiatry, Xcu;an' State 1!,-,dical Institute. I'Th,~ -ioloFical haracterictics of Blood and Blcod ided Fror oun-'~ Di)rin- ,,-he ;-ealin~: of Suo-.urati,.r: Car-el FA,Al "ci, r-.I-zan' State '.At-erirla.T7 Tnst Kazan 1, 1954. (n, -5) N. F. Paurnan, 10 7, Feb I SO: Stir.. No. 631, 26 Au~: 55 - SurveY or Scientific an~ Tnchnical Dln!~crta~ions Deftinded at US-l") III-her :~diicational Institutions (14) VLADIFIROV, L. I. PA 65T29 tMM/Comunications Apr 1948 Telegraphy "Let Us Matroduce, Order Tnto the Work or the Khar1kay and Rootov-on-the-Don Telegraph Departments,".L. I. Vladimirov, li Pp "Veat Svyazi- ?.lektro-Svyazt" No 4 (97) Decree No 75 or the Ministry of Onmyminicatims hae as Its objective the increase in the performance quality of comminications lines. Actual operation and results or this decree can be seen In the results achieved at the Xhar1kov and Rostov Telegraph Depart- ments. itriers improvements acewpliohed. FDB 65T29 ul,ull alwv) i,.I. Nuvesti poriadok v rcbote otieInn-ii Kn;ar"SI-cva i Ro% o put in order tim worii rX Lim Knuri.ov ;.n,, lto3tuv departmeuts7- T' i - I 4 kvc9tnik sviazi. kalekLrosviaz, 1-Ab, n~- 4, P. 'i-6). JW: SC, :Soviet Tramm A lzi:,rar ,Lortaticn ;md Comiumic2ticils, y of Gcngresq, Refcrtnce !jzpartrmnt, 4aSilingLcn, 19-52, Uncl2ssificd. 1. VLADIYJROV, L4 N.~ 2. USSR 6oo 4. Patteinmaking 7. New development in founding from fvsible patterns,, Lit. proizv., No. 12, 1952. 9. Monthl List of Russian Accessions, Libra-ry of Congress, APKII -1953, Uncl. VLADIMIROV, L.P.; SHUSTERWI, M, 1. - YONIKOVA, F.S. ; KOMAPOVA,, L, 1). Corrosion ani erosion resistance of chromium carbide alloys in multic-mponent aggresive media. Poroah. met. 4 no.6: 68-70 N-D 164. (M IRA IRO), 1. Kommunarskiy gorno-metallurgicheskly institut i Komnunarskiy koksokhimlebeskly zavod. PrC.L. r.. UAD-LXIROV-,~TP., kand.tekhr-.nauk; KONIKOVA, R.S., i. zh.- KOMAF,,C,',.'A, L.P., inzh. Lad-alkali gla~,s tube5 and their corrosl - resistance. Stek. i ker. :1 no.9:7-9 S 164, (MIRA 18:4) 1. Korvranarskiy gorno-metall-argicheskiy Institut (for Vladlmlrov). 2. Kommunarskiy koksokhImicheskly zavod (for Konikova, Komarova). CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 6 0 is a a jolfun"", .3 Is 4 1? is to a 1 13 Is Is IS I , ) I d ... '_j " I p 1--t-1 '&A W A a- r-A 1 1. L it I V 4 -06 00 00 of re*tad rd" %'WjyWA6_j)owt 19jo, No S, & I,,.- 41146 In the W11n. of Bessemer steel (tie ralb,bl'un"In it, it tuilt of I-rMn and I.jw,f -4110 was substituird for sliegelvisen. Many of the r2 S III,,% prj~iducrd weir brillf'. .00 04 =d did not pass the test The t)tittlcnm %as due not to the now Ifirthod of deoll dation. but to the fact that simultaneously with the intstiduction of The new droxidirry .04 a new grade of are, rich in P anel Mn. was feel into the furvac". To remedy this it i, -60 recommended todecrease the amt. of Fc-Aln udded and to Imithris the Period of the I'lats .00 in the converter. particularly when the pis iron lwnirrd hil-, the con%"Irr is too cold 00 4!- %I&%. Mn Sirtmissible in the rai6 is 0.7-0 111,70 when Ci's 0 .10 41 1M, ;Q 0 of the railt cart tie increa*d at the eiptirse of high" C Pot n r when the 11 In the pill is low. Ile Above This is j)(Aiil)lv w 11 front numerouO Chem 00 1 analyses, phys tests and micrt4rAphic examim of tail sumpt", I ables. curves. dia 0 grants amt phottimicrographs are siven, 00 j"q 0 00 so ~2;1` 00 ZO ID 1tW 0 0 f -.00 0 1 j t A .11ALL1,06KA toy IS.ILtil CLaSSIFKATIC" W I 4-YA Mi 1 0 Od 0 Aj T M= n It 0 0 UI; 0 9~ 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 L 0 So aw 11 11 14 11 1# 11 -6 1# 11 11n a m is m 4 A J1 u U m Is 16 p a ofG #1 4; u 60 41 E A. a 04 P A I I VI --I t I AA It 10 it a I A I I I a 1, -00 -00 -00 *0 go Zoo Voo WOO zoo to :Oo Ad eal"Atitt'14 cb-90 fc4 L. P- 'nW Won WTI' Lued in theTrauilmilial chalto,11 1,11jit o A 00 0 q 1~ 00 k".1118111 up it It"; Mao 144 the 1111w UWJ I'mr m6irltillit 1, A. a t-ult. tl~ 4&x AhOut ~kp,,j h1go, hill,wr than ill dill, l tr,l 11, big IV " litrfature (2."' 1. -NO WSW* diffiCidtir, writ encoxtilteml with th6 %lag during almmil 1511 years of opuration. AV. compa. of Wags is Mito 27, 3m, Cjq0 9 t(;. Ali(?, 4 4, Ao, ;17 471,';. 'I'll:% As in contradwtiots with the c"k-A inirk of Aki-ruian (Shwu u, Asseou IU6g No. 5, 2M), who showed that a ratio %fg0'Ca0 grealtr than 4044 (fur wv4ui %ibmtes) results in a very viscous slag. This contradiction can tv clarified mily through exptl work. S L. MADasky 00 :j G 00 00 S L A tfALLIFLKAL Will-T62t CLASSIFICAliCh 0 0 t -;;jj; too -'.a ; - q 7 -" , ; I I I- A T AA I S V 01 0 V N it AV At .4 1 Is #14 " . ir .. ly-it 0 * 00 00 0 00 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 as 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 0a q; a 0 004 0 0 9 0,4111 6 000 0 00 0 06 a 06 a 411 & w 'o 0 o e*S00000*0e**oo#ooo;;o 000009060006 10. 701""low -'01-,-40f. ~Moov, NI* ~0~140104 ~llfotllo 1.110 ~0-$* 10 "-,)Kms IC offs" ALBS 00%41 1 17 a. ~4-0- OTI-0-2 I C I W r 4q - - --- . . !, 4 Aul"Of mot 14AIV4#411 19 ~IM 04b I S Iowa It nfe lifeftUmfg. 10 141 60-M (M). ;;i pea 60: irs 00 so. 0e 0* 00 00- Ir G-5wlf -d"v Got W-i 00 K 'a 1L.A 'c' 'a 'a' off 0 000000 00000000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ole ~164 0 0 6 0 x V or 1 4 1 tj 11 64 11 11 11 k a x V js 011 Va Hs Jim an*@) Qua 4't 0 00 A a -L .6-AA-A 'I. a .0 Ofr(4 ;49 OL O'Kip'. I _jt~ A Aiii. A'A A iS J-IL~ '#.,Wfs 4--> poeviff,ts 1.19. -04 @all go 00 Oe 99 !so SAWWOW In"WeWon of s Kim L. P, Nlklimiruv and M. S. Spirodonov. (Metallurgist, Husals, 1037, vat. 12, No. 3, Mar., pp. 22-M), (In Ruislan). A detailed report Is presented of results obtained at the Kumetzk Works (Siberia) with a 1200-ton miter for homogenisi iron. Data am prewnted in graphical and tabular form juY M mainly with the degme of chemi(%I homogeneity of the welt. fit 141LO9LA110 OC AVIO0 L A 611ALLUR641L L Ji 01forK Walt, wan Ila 0 so see too use I or Im I Sj 4 3 0 V I I-A 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 goo go see z~* i 40 00 00 03 1 10 It Is 16 11 to Is a11 n a , I itU a Id aIII Ua n 41 w is N dL'O 004 L I a 0 ee 00 ara. %Pow~ bi-W& fWASM WM U)9n4ad-Aod B 00.3 Mira? Md L. 1~ Gartim&. No. ry;-TfF,% . reo w"stimpyt ~,S* output 4 thr -vt"WP;~ 0 0 - I I ohm mW if 0 ctintent iq 3a of the rvIrnerators. 0 0 is U-1 aii fuel. YI a U I see to: 1 ;100 . J. nee ties , 11 r ;so ~ 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 411 0 0 0 0 0 0 $ A 4 0 0 s 0 so 0 so 00 ol ot so 1 0 0 4 oil a 4 0 0 0 9 0 o 0 0 0 so # * so so, A 9 A 00 If Ths dad" at an OPMA"Ah MAM UdM Oan" Ou"IL L 11. N'lailindrov. (Motallurg. 1938. No. 0. pp. 4048). (in _71ii14athor points out, that t1w rate of carbon oxidation may be used aa a basic factor in determining the duration of an open-hosirth malt. Using semi-theoreticid considerations, he con. structs curves relatintz the rate of carbon removal to the carbon and froo ferrous oziJo contents. Knowing the carbon content required in the finiAhed steel. as well as the initial carbon content, the ferrous oxide content can be adjusted to the value which will give thq desired final caibon content in the time in which it is pooltible to raise the temperature of the metal after melting to the tapping femptvaturv. Having wlectal the tvrreslAonding rarbon-content/ builing-duratl-ti curve, it Is pusisiblo by checking the eatbois at suitable Intolab to rWdate the rate of carbon removal and, con. sequently, the melthW Ume. In order to make this promm possible the carbon content of the tuetal immediately after melting should be oome particular optimum value, depending on the thermal capa%!ity of tho furna"'. L A 1111ALLOSICAL U7111147111141 CI-AIWICA110% U AV 00 Wr 01 r-r7,--r-r M L 1 0 Od 0 01 41 '1 W 69 5 iP IT it If It of it It 4Mia a I M 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 111 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 * 0 0 6 0 * 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s 0 000 0 a * 0: * 0 00 * ALAALA-AL A-M-11-9-411 0 0 0 0 * 0 9 * * 0 111 0 1 V goo see fee goo i0*0006 5 0*00000906 1 11 1 @so 41 0000# 0 0 4; 1 1 111$ - JjjJQ))m)*14 if to 17 * 90 1. A AA CC a Iktf.t - -0 *0 0 0 -00 00 -00 00 -00 00 eoutm Of the lument-marls "mat; with the 814 W control Congo. L. p. Visdinilrily. Aind8urt 13 1No 6 -The mr1w A14 1 -00 .00 00 00 a . . (ttiptiouscontrul C4 the melting pin" I epends 00 the fact that I willit"It the Iskire dl* t, A o i . f _. n~ n the Intensity ol boil- * p " %le 00 00 e Pr th, JR44vit In o i II the 11t*1 he vpbkhq%X dctd. by the ceactim i - ng I Curyu are prmnteti for the difftr- ,o anti C F b 0 . , riwevn dom an" ""O"oer"' IAI n In and mmunifortm. 0 00 W'h* C 'I In 'h r * 0 00 = j ;O 0 1, 0. ~t 11,11t A-211- X ;JOO 0 SO* -00 goo 0 400 ROO At's Vk A mitAtturult4i W1064019 (11141MAtivis '1r'1 VIA 0 ROM ITSAAL If rid 0 5 it 0 . - - . 41 00 0 o , P9 4 p " D 0 O 0 0 (is 00 0 0 0 Soo* ~ ~ * 0 Was- a 0 4 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 a V) '1 12 11 W il it 11 NO 11 AD 1 11 V J3 14 :1 16 "d " & - I I . .1 .. , Ara r.- -s. -LJ -r- a j -L. L- a- P r Q it I I 1--v t--L " ae W tr 0 -'V 0 , 00 00 the r, Congeetioa between ferrous oxide and carbon In ijuid both of the open-hearth furesce. L. 11. X14di- -00 - so nitfiov, TrisdISibirskillo Afthillsox. INiLeXaf. -Ifftallur ! 06 Mob Malimk) 1930. 411 pp,; Shist. R4041 Zh)lf- 00 No. ti-1,21. OCIMM.-The suitability (of St'henek'4 (cf. .00 C. A. IS, M)68~ method for the rapid dela. of FrO di-i- w4ved in steel Visa verified fly comparisots with analysis and partly by the of li uid steel by the O-Al method , q ' i b d on ase s Schcrick s method nictfuld of 1 extrartitin. the calen, of The virlarity ruints, of the reacti(m FeO + 00 Z5. C sz~t fie + Co. on the deln. fit fie Irtial vapor pressuie V 0 0 a. the! velocity const. of CO, sad on the prat tical 00 Irwit the amt. of the C constimed in the reaction. A de- tailed description of tLe elpti. put (ilwhilling curves) 0 I* gives. Hxpts. under plant operating co"fitious did not 0 * 0 verify the X%uniption Of Schenck used a, [lie lasis for Ills '00 00 method of indirect deto. cA FcO disvylved fit the liquid l h 4 at . A theoretical artalysii led to the caticluVion that 110 c(mist. values for the velocity cowt. and for the partial 9 ~ Prcmure of CO can be of,tained under Ptlictical elmili6imi. "u2e the latter WOU14 lead to an equil. mrldilies" fol tile 1 given system which is independent of the ternp. 0 s W. R, f1crin 'm 0 ' AIM~ILA 1 -- ~ 0* NITALLUP44CAL LITINA14JEF CLAMPICATICO t 8 Via- 0. ill. 00 t too U it AV W3 It' A An i. t 4 W 0 if 04 1) it it it X S 49 S 0' 10, 0, 0, 0, 9 0 * 0 . K. * 6 0 0 of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 4 'a o 0 99 9 9 0 * 0 0 & 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 9 0 a * 0 0 4 0 0 9 * 400 0 * 0 0 I 0 0 0 * 0 1. gjff~ ~~&Mj w W W w t 6 1 4 1 a 11 it 11 IS Ills 4 o a 11 14 v to W 1, k ' if v r. v i P W - A A 1, A 1 1 0 4 --A I- L. 4A " Cc cc a 11 ' " f is Cli f hatersonovity of liquid metal to 0"2-hodl* funwits with a deep both, 1~ P. 16,13doolim -111110 .00 and 1,11. Zotcnio, Itersyl: Praki. Met. 11".'~O. lo-11, ' .11.1 -7 (ISX39 i.-- All housh, brit7v%enrily in 11.1ohl trivial is 4.1~jrvrfl in indivififoll vfiu~. it 44 still 4 Pt'll-Cri r ifill'-frot 1111-1-. lillt 110111"All 11% a Irloll A she " ' list Avot at'le voli'llf soll-lf throwillox 1,14W. f 1 i z Under Mrsiflical niviting contilli'mi file 11011ce oil ; 0 41111 1~ i -ojgrnrhy in furnaces with deep baths is bullied fly file a Ui , -mine practical conditions o1 the prwe" no that of tile M thJ in mailer furnaces. A high" dc,gr~ of the hetcro- i h 4 sentr t e "Mlpn. fistiezired alwayt in tile Will. "lien fy h l"li l i h h i d l i f ( C 06 9 lp -3 -i -, e ant e cinu tost t n9 crase t e Ve oc ty o t splitcamiched vrFo. Numple-4 taken frorn vvifou% delillin of the both during a tin(ve intrnsivc Imnling f,howed a %nuill 0 0 devec of bettiogristrity. The practical hettropticity in ' the conspa. (if the both di,6ij,l*afrrtl at a nirdiuns intruoly 4, 900 : of Wing. The -itiffusion- i4emy of the ptorvvq ti true only (or *talk open -betarth loth%. Thi4runfitin-i the still- llf-itic," that The Illain frasocis for lit-tesiodcliteily age the exceptional Slowness of the diffusion process and the static %fate of the systrin metal-slax, Flever; references. W. R. ffrnsl t.1flINAllift IL& & I via. 0 $ it.. - oo .4 o- as( lifice') -a- t 7 U is to 10 As an, its "tin six KW A I if a 3. 0 - 0. 00 0 0 0 00000006000000 (1 000000*0**Oe *Oooo 00 0 0 0 0 64000 0 0-00 0 0 0 0& 00 VLADII',11!1'.*)V, L. 1'. "Complex Analysis of the Heterogeneity of the Properties of Machine-ronstruction Production." Cand Tech Sci, I,Ivov, Polytechnical Inst, xMinistry of Higher Eduration U3311, LIvov, 1954. (KL, No 7, Feb 55) SO: Sum.. No. 631, 26 Aug 55-Survey of Scientific and Technical Dissertations Defended at USSR Higher Educational Institutions (14) I:,' tifJr. 3uq:d f~., LLI'lly VLADIMIROV, L.P. h..- Own- Quantitative evaluation of heterogeneous properties of products by means of small samplings. Zav.leb. 22 no.8:955-958 Ag '56. 1 (Yr-RA 9:11) 1. LIvovskly politakhnicheakiy institut. (Production control) (Materials--Testing) ~.~M MNWIR 0-filgi i flirciffill ft;,p 41 Iq T"Mm"MI-R.- MR VLADINIFOV, L.P., kandidat takhnicheekikh nauk, dateent. -TRTT-sMal control of production operations, Test, mash* 36 no.9:67-69 s '56. MIA 9t10) 1. L'yovskly politekhnicbeekly Institut. (Production contrt%l) BIJKLER, Veniamin Osherovich; UZARINOV, Yuriy I-likhaylovich; RABINOVICH, Yuriy lzrailevich; ARGELEVICH, Naum Ellkhonovich; VLADVIRG7, L.P., red. ; GIFSE4AN, G.Kh.0 red. vkqwvvrV~- - [Adjustment of radio equipment] Regulirovka radlo- apparatury. Izd.2., peror. [By] V.O.Bukler i dr. Mo- skval Energilap 1964. 430 p. (MIRA 17:10) VLADNIHOvt L.P.; PORTiOY. L.Ya. Thermodynamic anal7sia of the desuhluration reaction 6uring the blowing of cast iron with gases. Izv. lrys. ucheb. Viv.,, chern. met. 7 no.9:29-34 164. (MIR-A 1?26) 1. Xommunarskiy gornometallurgiphaskly institut. VLADIMIROV, L.P.; KONIKOVA, R.S.; KORAROVA,, L.P. Resistance of polystyrol to aggressive media of coke am ccall, chemical production and to variou3 Plast. massy no.10: 57-58 165. (MIRA 18:10) L - 22511--66 _ EWE R),IEWT(m).Igwp(-i)/T.tgwA(h)WLC(m)-6/Lw" ACC NRs AP6014664 SOURCE CODE: UR/031-4/65/000/007/0033/0034: AUTHOR: V11adimirov L. P. (Candidate of technical sciences); Shusterman, H. (Engineer); Komarova, L._ (Engineer) Engin ORG: none TITIZ: Corrosion and erosion resistance of slagositalls in corrosive media SOURCE: Khimicheskoye i neftyanoye mashinostroyeniye, no- 7, 1965, 33-34 TOPIC TAGS: corrosion resistance, erosion, bend strength, high temperature strength, hardness, compressive strength, thermal expansion, slag, blast furnace, porcelaing glass, glass property V substance with a ABSTRACT: Slagooital Is a solidp opaque and microcrystallin 'glass base. -Ito bend strength and high-temEerature strengthitlat 1450 C Is three t ~tlmes higher than ordinary glass. Its hardness Is greatWr--than that of quartz. The high compressive strengtb,(161000 kg/cm2), resistance to corrosive media, law coefficient of thermal expansion, high hardness and vear resistance and low cost (35-60 rubles/ton) makes it possible to use slagositall as a structural and lining material In various branches of industry. This particular work by the authors delves into the corrosion and eroaion :resistance of slagositalls in corrosive media of the coke and chemical industry. Erosion resistance was determined in a slag-water pulp under conditions of ,hydraulic conveyance of granulated blast furnace slag. Slagositalle grade 109 and 109g and porcelain, produced by the Avtosteklo PlontL were erosion and corroo.ion..te,sted for-240,houre under varying conditlons.~ L 3951! ACC NR, Gas corrosion testing was carried out in an autoclave under an atmosphere of hydrogen sulfide. Ammonium sulfate, the mother liquor of the plant, was the primary corrosive agent. Regenerated, purified, and concentrated solutions were used. Dry hydrogen sulfide and a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and steam were also Used. These tests showed that there-is some weight loss in all cases with the greatest loss occurring, naturally, in the concentrated solution. Gas corrosion tested indicated very little loss of weight. Erosion tests of the materials in the slag pulp showed that both grades of slagositalls to undergo the same extent of uniform wear while the porcelain is not uite as good as the slagositaUs. Orig. art. has: 2 figures and 1 table. (JrRSj SUB CODE: 11, 20 SUBM DATEt none '2 vub kCO47BO-67- C_ MR: AP16023443 SOURCE CODE: UR/0369/66/002/003/0291/0294 AUTHOR: Vladimirov, L. P. ORG: Kommunar Mining and Metallurgical Institute (Kommunarskiy gornometallurgicheskiy institut) TITLE: Anisotr2pyof the corrosion properties of alloy steel 11% 1~ SOURCE: Fiziko-khimicheskaya mekhanika materialov, v. 2, no. 3, 1966, 291-294 TOPIC TAGS: chromium steel, alloy steel, corrosion rate, metal cutting, plane geometry/ kh17 chromium steel AIPSTRACT:* The corrosion properties of a metal performing in a given aggressive medium may differ markedly depending on the orientation of the cutting of specimens of rolled steel; this is not a inatter of theoretical interest alone, since, obviously, knowledge of the anisotro- py of these properties provides the key for the correct marking and cutting of rolled steel. To verify this, the authors performed a special experiment, using a round rod of rolled Kh17 ~' chromium steel of 50 mm diameter. A segment of this rod, of a length equal to its diameter, was cut up into radial, axial and tangential specimens differing from each other solely in the AC~C NR- AP6023443 difection of metal fibers (Fig. 1). Rolling a2da 2 ~M) Fig. 1. Cutting diagram for specimens taken from a rod of E30 steel I- radial; 2-axial; 3-tangential These specimens %ere then carefully measured, degreased and weighed and placed inside a bakelite-coated cup which, after being filled to 2/3 of its volume with a highly aggressive medium (mother liquor of the sulfate department of a low-temperature carbonization plant), was hermetically sealed and mounted in a rotating device so as to assure a vigorous circulation of the solution with respect to the specimens at a temperature of as much as 850C, for periods r_,A 2/3 AP6023443 of progressively increasing duration (up to 10 days), with periodic extraction, rising, drying and weighing of the specimens. Findings: The existence of the anisotropy of not only mecha- nical but also corrosion properties of alloy steel, depending on the orientation of fibers in the rolled metal, Is experimentally confirmed. Of the three variously oriented specimens of Khl7 steel the radial specimen proved to be the most susceptible to corrosion and the targzen- tial specimen, the least susceptible. Thus, the corrosion rate of the radial specimen is 1.3 times as high as that of the tangential specimens of the same steel wider completely identi- cal conditions of rupture. Fiber orientation proves to be a more op.-,ential factor than the difference in composition and density between the axial and peripheral zones of the rod so far as the increase in the corrosion resistance of steel is concerned. Orig. art. has: 3 figures. SUB CODE.: 13, U/ SUBM DATE: 23Aug65 Card 3/3 L- 07933-67 - ---KWT(m'/LWP( t)/E'rl ----IJP(, ~-ACC-Mi-A 1) 66/dbb/bo~/oolg/,jo P6007114 souitu c0 i~s I kUTHORS: Vladimirov,,L. P.; Shusterman, M. I.; Konikovap R. S.; Komar ova, L. P. ORG: Kommunarsk Kining-Metallurgical Inatituto (Kommunarokiy gorno-metallurgichen insti, t) TITI,tj Corrosion and erosion resistance or alloyod steels SOURCE: Metallovedeniye i~ tei~micheskaya obrabotka, metallovt no. 2p 19661 48-49 TOPIC TAGSi Bteel.alloy, cbrrosion'rebistaneop chromium containing alloy, molybdonum containing alloy, nickel containing* alloy > RRc-3 tinlJ CORRO~ ABS111UMN. A study was made of the*possibility of replacing costly and scarce steels rith cheaper varieties and still obtaining highly corrosion- and.erosion-reni4tant alloys. In this investigsUorx tests *ere conducted on chrome-nickel-copper,"chrome- nickel-titanium, and chrome-nickel-mo~jbdenum steels/ 16d - aIto-ei.a_1 Wi.t-reduced nickel content, bimetal/Ifrom steel St. 3up/bLnd OM13A'and for comparison purpogest steels St, 31 lktani~,m-7jind carbide-chromium alloys. Xt was' found,that not ono.of the tested materYAS ToxEbita absolute stability in tho mother liquor. at high or lowtemper6ture'. Alloy.M.demonatratod tho beat stability at high and low temperatures when co P, ined with a carbide-chromium-alloy with 15% Ni. Highly-alloyed chrome-nickel steels/bhowed.stability in heated mother liquor; particularly staRe were.ateers- Xh17N13M2Tg'and Xh25N151WA.,_The Card 1/2'. TMP. 440 1A A4A nA.fOA 401 A-7 L 07933-67 Test~zng tne res,,.~:tanre Tra s, ic-d;a r,lc.~354-56 164. _77---- L 20242-65 Ps-4/ Pu_4 MildliDlialwBI A T-/-dH ACCESSION UR: AP5001593 S/0226/64/000/00610068/0070 AUTHOR Vlad' mi rov L. P.; Shusterrian, M,_I.; K a R ova, L. TITLE: Corrosion and erosion resistance of c U~M_ca in !i~ a I I o y s multicoaponent aggressive media SOURC':i Parcghkovaya metalturgiva, no. 6. 1964, 68-70 TOPIC TACS: chromium carbide, chromium carbide alloy, alloy corrosioti, al to-, e ro!; ion I I ov Drone rt,,r, chrcmium car'~)ide at lov corros [on chro-niu,vi carbidt, all iv e-zi-n A T " A I-T r t )1 1 Cr a -1 '1 C 1he a P r e G & 1 v e 'I 1~ d 'I I e S L C ~1 1 -.1 t o r industry, alkali golurlons, and dry and :wr,_11LA h Y 0 r,.a ~a c . The alloy displayed a high corros%on resistance both at normal and clevnted temperattires (85-105C). Corrogton rates varied frort 0 t,~ 0. 022 9.!,2 . ~i r in ur revene rated a 11kPI L solution wfth pit over 12 a t 20C to 0.030 (0.037 mm/year) zfm2-hr in mother liquor wLth p!! - 1.1 Card 1/2 20242-65 ~CCKSSAQU HR: AP5001593 it 65C. The corron Lev: ra te La hydragen sul f ide at 105C was 0. 002 E) r U. 00 3 mm ~ Yea r. Thus. the corri:Bion rosistAnCe Of hromiun-carbide allov exceeds by aeveral t'MCS that Of stainless steel N 9 T -I n. d. r! ~I e n ~ I C,in u- m an,., B TBe c a us e o f t t i h t g, h h.i rdn e 5 g, I ra n ph , a n ! je i r I - eqf5ca-Irp. -.0 ail-'- -a--, sed for ve-iti lat i )n ~i ~i r ~ s IS I , V e 5 r e, I -, 0. 1 .1 .. I f t e ASSOCIATION , Kom-unarskiy gorno-met all -,.;:-gi cheskiy institut (Koununprair M-ining- I- U t lur ic 1 Liabituts) 1 Ko=unarskly k:)ksokhd_-_icI,.oakiy zay6ifL g 'Oreezical FlaFt-) SUMaTTMr 12Sep63 EN CL t 00 SUB CODE- U NO it--F SOV.- 00h CYTHERt 000 AYD PRESS: )163 Card 2/2 VLADIMIROV,,L.P., kand. tekhn. nauk; SHUSTERMAN, M.I.; KONIKOVA, R.S.; XOMARMA , L.P. Gorrosion and erosion resistance of VT-1 titanium alloys in multicomponent agressive media. Koks i khim. no.10:49-51 163o (MIRA 16:11) 1, Kommunarskiy gomometallurgichaskiy institut (for Vladimirov). 2. Kommunarskiy koksokhImicheskiy zavod (for Shusterman, Konikova, (Komarova). VLADDIIROV, Leonid Pavlovich; KOBUS, Yu.O., irl2h.,, red. vypuBka; WRIIOSTAYFOLISKNIA, 14.5,9 tekhn. red. V (Preventive control in induntrial production)Ptedupreditoll- nyi kontroll v proizvodstve. Moskva, I!aBhgiz,. 1962 135 (MIL 15:41 (Productlon control) VIADII-TMV L.P kan~.tekhn.nauk~ dotsent Extent and peri4dicity of *.a control. of high-production operating proces'~ss, Vzaiz$.i takh, izm.v- mashinostr.; mezhvuz.abor. noOrs286-293,1161. ~MIRA 24:8) (*ml cutti4-4buality control) (5) 30V/28-59-3-2/25 THOR: Vladimirov, L.P., CandIdate of Tachnical Sciences TLE: Evaluation of the Unifc)rmitr of Propcrties of Industri- 11 al Production (OtsenlM odnorodnosati svoystv promysh- lennoy produktsii) RIODICAL: Standartizatslya , 1959~ 11-r 3~ p_Y) 8 - 12 (USSR) ABSTRACT: Standards for industrial -,,:roducts often do not indi- cate the required degree of uniformity of properties of products or raw materils, and it is customary to give the quality characteristics of products. The author thinks that a method of quantitative evalua- tion of products uniformity i,,ius~ be developed, with figures that could be used for clear indications in standards and reflect the operation of rows of simi- lar machine tools or production 'Lines. lie appreci- ates the article by P.S. Livshits Z-Ref 2-7 who su's- gested using the known statistical characteristics Card 1/2 for the purpose, but does not consider as practical SOV/28-59-3-2/25 uation of the Uniformity of Propert--fes of Industrial Production r the formula suggested by P.S. Livoliits for the cal- culation of the uniformity factor,. There are 2 tables, 1 graph and 3 Soviet references. IATION: Llvovskiy politekhnicheskiy institut (L'vov Polytech- nical Institute) ard 2/2 V'LADImip,ov, 1'. P. v1s."Amirov, 11. P. (I,'Vov'). Use olp the Average M?thod In p, 13(5 Tmterchangea4lty, ACT!!~g and YAwurLng Methods in mchim JN.22-- 0 wGCOMIJ, Mob9ft.. l95tJ,, 253. PP- (SWZUik N=CbaO-tekh. ObObOb. MSUMetroite Inoy pxuWb3.ej=at L., obkwt pravleniya,, ka. 47). This coUection of articles deals with the to%cs disemsed at the 3rd Leningrad Sci, and Racineering Oonferenco on luterebangeability, accuracy and Impection YAthods in Machine-buildine ant Tnatruwnt-makinCj held 3.8-22 Mar 1957. VLADIMIROV. L.P. (LIvov) Applying the method of mean sampling in machine building. [Isd.] LOMTOMASH 47:139-143 158. (KRA 11:10) (Production control) (Sampling (Statistics)) 137-58-1-171.6 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1958, Nr 1, p 234 (USSR) AUTHOR: Vladimirov, L.P. ,TITLE: Inhomogeneity of the Properties of Axles Forged From the Same Heat (Neodnorodost' svoystv osey, otkovannykh iz metalla odnoy i toy zhe plavki) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap. L'vovsk. politekhn. in-t, 1956, Nr 43, pp 150-157 ABSTRACT: Variation in the mechanical properties ( pr,, (-I,- , 8 , ~J- ak) of locomotive axles (A) in a lot of 81 forged from stesel containing (in percent) 0.41 C, 0.58 Mn, 0.22 P, and 0.36 S, was investigated statistically. The heat had the following mechanical roperties (according to the rating sheet) : 01 = 5.82 kg/mm2, N= 22 percent, ak = 6.83 (average of 4 specimens) and 6.20 (minimum value). After forging, the A were subject to normalization and tempering. Investigations shTwed that the C7, of A fluctuated in the range of 53-60'kg/mm with a mean vatue of 57 kg/m.-n?- and an arith- metic average very similar thereto. Fluctuations in S and Y were even more significant and, measured percentagewise, were 36 and 43.5, respectively. The degree of inhomogeneity of the Card 1/2 properties of A in a single heat was greater than the degree of 137-58-1-172_6 Inhomogencity of the Properties of Axles Forged From the Same Heat nonuniformity of the properties of the blanks. The failure of the average valu of the mechanical properties of A to agree with the mean for the heat is thL -esult of the fact that the specimen taken during the heat was not repre- sentative, as it was taken from the top end of a billet from a bloom having elevated strength and reduced ductility characteristics, and did not character- ize the average properties of the bloom. It is proposed that GOST 4728-53 be re-examined insofar as it describes the selection of specimens for mechani- cal testings of metals. M.Sh. 1. Steel-Forgings-Properties 2. Steel-Forgings-Inspection Card ? /Z C I C'. -A . ' ,,, f, r 0 V' /. . j? A 137-1957-12-23418 Translation from: Referativnyy zhurnal, Metallurgiya, 1957, Nr 12. p 83 (USSR) AUTHOR: '~ladimirov. L, P. TITLE: An Investigation of the Non-uniformity of Ingots Cast From Metal of the Same Hea;b, (Issledovaniye neodnorodnosti slitkov, otli*~ykh iz metalla odnoy plavki) PERIODICAL: Nauchn. zap, L'vovsk. politekhn. in-t, 1956, Nr 43, pp 111-129 ABSTRACT: Nine heato of . kiUed carbon steel were studied in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing method of in- specti,ng the heat by means of samples taken from the head end of the first sound bloom of one of the ingots (1). The ternplets from the second, the central and the next to the lazt ingot (weigh- ing 6-8 t) were divided into two groups of samples. One group was studied in its raw condition, the other was investigated after it had been normalized. The investigation showed considerable fluctuations in the chemical composition and in the mechanical properties within a single , heat- -. Owing to the oxidizing action of FeO, the carbon content usually decreased in the course of the casting process. The Mn content is increased initially but then Card 112 diminishes with decreasing temperature. The Si content decreases 137-1957-12-23418 An Investigat'n of the Non-uniform. of Ingots Cast From Metal (cont. ) insignificantly, whereas the content of P increases (sometimes by 0.018 percent)through its reduction from the slag. The changes in the mechanical properties do not occur systematically, since they are the result of the combined influence of the C, Mn, Si, and P. Samples taken from the head portion of the 1, where the liquating alloys are concentrated, demonstrate greater hardness and decreased plasticity and are not representative of the prop- erties of the entire 1. The mechanical properties of the metal are somewhat equalized by the normalizing process. The method of evaltiating the : heat by selective testing of samples taken from the head portion of one ~ is not considered to be represent- ative. G.S. 1. Castings-Properties-Deviation 2. I'lletallurgicz:1 heats- Applications Card Z/Z E-;alusM~l cl Ms ~A al Ezzall Szvjertlv'ls. -I . ~J~ w KRESTOVNIKOV, Aleksandr NiRolayevich; VLAD1141ROV Leonid Pavlovich; GULYANITSKIY, Boris Stepanovich,--YrS-HER,'Alek-sa--ndr Yakovlevich; YEGOROV, A.M., red.; ARKHANGEL(SrAYA, 14I.S., red. izd-va; MIKHAYLOVA, V.V., tekbn. red. (Handbook on calculations of equilibrium of metallurgical reactional rapid methods] Spravochnik po raschetam ravnovesii metal-lurgicheskikh reaktsii; uskorennye metody. (By] A.N. Krestovnikov i dr. Moskva, Metallurgizdat, 1963. 416 p. (MIRA 16:7) (Metals-Thermodynamic properties) (Chemistry, Metallurgio--Handbooks, manuals, etc..) T, 10000," PW -1 A T r-L LE: 'Ea rde n i ng. j I ca ~i i- A, i, Z~ co :!-.,I e w" rc '~6 -Av S01-aCE -S-)v9qhc~'APfvt- po uprochneniYu detaley ma!,hin, 1962. Protspsay uprochneniya L 2, Hoso-ow, Tzd-vo Nauka, 1964, 27-32 TOPIC T-ACS: cast steel, austenitic steel, cast austenitic steel, ehase workipg, 7_ S ~ pe a , fi rig ~. t z ra S mp c-),i n f ca I -o r o v e r tv -- A-B ST RA CT .The term phase wark L'ag o a t er r -)e inechanical propert i e, or a metal or alloy by itrect or reverse -pha gf! -- t rans forna t ion.r