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z/014/61/boo/oWboi/ool A205/A126 AUTHOR: K~e'c'iim, Zden;k, and Vokurka, Jaroslav, Engineers TITLE: More information on the MASER PERIODICAL: Sde'lovaci technika, no- 3, 1961, 102 - 103 TEXT- The article gives some information on the function of two-level, three-level, gas and solid-state masem The word "maser" is explained as acronym of the English-designation Microwave Amplification by Simulated Emission of Radia- tion. The maser is based on the fact that an atom (or molecule) has different energy levels of.electron spins. In thermal equilibrium, lower levels are much more populated than higher-energy levels. This equilibrium can be disturbed by excitation: electrons are absorbing energy and undergo transition to a higher energy level. The article is meant,_,to inform the readers of the Journal. In con- clusion the author states that the maser with its low noise level is very suitable for amplification of ultra-weak signals, such as those received from satellites, rockets, etc; for research into plasma and thermonuclear processes; as preampli- fier in microwave spectrometers; etc. Employed as an oscillator, the maser ge- nerates millimeter and infrared waves. The high stability of gas masers is used Card 1/2 z/614/61/000/003/001/001 More information on the MASER A205/A126 in frequency standards and atomic clocks. There are 5 figures and 3 non-Soviet- bloc references. The references to the English-language publications read as 1// follows: J. P. Gordon, H. J. Zeiger, C. H. Townes: The maser - New Type of Micro2ow- wave Amplifier, Frequency Standard and Spectrometer, Phys. Rev., 1955, vol. 99, p. 1264; J. R. Singer: Masers, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, 1959; D. C. Lainb Masers or Parametric Amplifiers, Electronic Technology, 1960 May, p 174. Card 2/2 000111 00 8, 0# A 00 00 002 00 Go o o 00a 000 0063 0ou u 0 0 orsoltoo0wotoolpio I - 1 ~14. he m Is Is #1 04 a Glushkova. Jko, anti 1- V V1,11e I'mir, Sts. 1, Ihi, i-wwitie% t4 Ilse wheat% Millurums 41111 11milcor-I I.F.xv mi.itta Were 11mTkillainl livillirl itirthmi Orticatril immkillm and Imilt-r c,indithics,i of optimal still insufficient .,if. llardt"Vol plAnts &TV Jist 111tiukhril wmily of rr%llir&Wm ml by the decream of optimal fluvisture. During dmight :-( litlls r"14tatim muf Consumption lower ill hardened than in control 14ants. osoi~turv "itent, the synthirsim and hydroly4s. in MillurumM21 hardened before sisiting than its the contra plauss. During an aralirr anti the ruli,i of syntlit,414 ists1wr in the kaveit &g hardened plants. ;Owt,filitt of Ow pf'"mi if tritpiratilut innim. un,lvv ommittiom of drmght. the lwfinv sowing trieldcA a higher crop. firukri, C.A. 35. 04V. 1.11VIIIATURIE CLASSWICATIGM XNQW- 1,11,111310. -,~7 .1, gat I A014.; Is to a 4 K a -- I- ~; x u a It 0 0 0140 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000*0900*04 00 .4110 &I. APP". Gorki RU411410- M21 and Cuffilim toy Or Irving 3 jlluv*~ -00 moksturr 4,f fly a hiiber in. .00 stif mr. su stance WOO the Intensification =0 44 ors. Sullitionce is 0 At oplitnal Coo prix-essirti coo were more intense drousht. hydrolysis to hydrislysis was 0 Owisis to the and "'*d"Xic 900 plant, hitdened i ~20 0 Is references. U. W. R. Ifenrt IS400 zoo 0: 1:100 cloo woo 0 0 stsa; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 1 -j 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :: 0 0 0 0 0 0 111 411 0 A A v it u 1) u is to III# tomillu OJ45 Ad z7 Al m lu It At It jud Is it At A S 9 A C. Of I A it r Q A I I V 9 W 114f k 4 The u&# of vu copper urasces of the Kta=y Vjbor*s phinc, k, 1 Ch imif 0 soidmilpit, 2S. 61M S) 4 IWO); I V.-IRIjilty, 5, IM1 of flustn"itr I,vvr Ihnakit Ito Icks. clauln,01 It' witl glatme I i III-% in it % tr%i -Imart -00 111414 it I aw AAK, I I. in. V. I- ml.,u t =k I*~ I I ha% IWO'll mv%% '-loll v it., I I"t I It. '11-1 Cu rcfttiitlg ItIfIlAcV.-C a. WC11 as rot the Arch. It-**c-tLs-,int.iii~it,~ii,rtiv,oj,., I.- VAIIAtiAl" in trint), And it-$ CIPAIWtAl. The Of Inignuliti. If- ".., LA. V-41611111414y, Nit -Mly Alta thiling follawtil by r0watinx The 4qx-ning, nium I.- 4-me fuliv lut6l. and the furmw Allowed (it c%%'1 VM 'healy it it i4 ttqilwtl Th.. "At, L., Idw" thicl- a sivAgisviite forick inide. h%Ihr^w,I in lum hv a hAlf Wirk W Ilm- -0 a IWI brick t4 IuAltj Trial, havr bren tuadr its citailtine the uwjgitt~iir %%alt ifiR 41114111 hficii% Anil tIMAIII. AM it WAS fUUnLJ that all Intri'tne(Ijite [Ayer 44 Clititiffitt %A. imart,-Ary, V miggrN1.4 ii,inic magnentite in ImAc qwtv limrith f,jrnac%~ A V C 10 IL t;s 0 AT it 11 it Q 11 1 34 IT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4~0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 Or it a It Is is it v 0 x L 00 A #I* too go I'lloe.1111t Om factforlis 4.01. 00 A of- *90 0# - 00 SO 1 00 -00 SO rralw-tivit A4dWfwm AwIkai"ft of awasawn-madmin =00 V. 1. Arkharoy vA X V. Vulenkov (Zamdabia Mbwulork '-7arks` Lab.),, 784).- . 41a ltuiil~n-J-X chroWatu deposit I P thick PMVWM ISO 0 sufficient protection to copper fmm the action of inercury Ii a 0 0 O.P. too 00 iro* 3100 0 ILA &CIALLOCK" WINATI001 CLAISIFICATIC41 tfoo saw All I I of 0 SO 11 1 x a I Am -1 1- v (1:::400,0690000000066 0010040644900000010*06400 0000*00000000000: 016000top-00040400900000 VOKURKA JAU", in%. 4===== Systems with carrier frequency for measurement by resistance strain gauges. Zpravodaj VZLU no.2:47-51 162. vi CZEVIIOSLIOVAYLA POLCAY, J., Prof. Dr; VOXUFj(A, Yj SULOVA, M. Second Interndr-mi-On. -Clinic of the Medical Faculty UJEP (11 vnitrni klinika lakarake fakulty UJF.P), Brno (for zv", Vnimi lakarstvi, go 7, 1963. pp 638-640 "The Sigiviflomos of tho 00110dign Reaction In Uloomtlxa Colitiff." ~3:'C'.' -0 Al:--i. A v Olm I KA I V 0 S (j 4 0 Mil Soc:ond Int-cm:il OL 1-1,1(,; I ty UJI1111' UjEVP (Ij. VIIJ L.L'rli lCli-,lik:l lelC~C- Uko f-UlUll. Brno 'l') 7 Praktic,,cy 'Li'o 19, 11,J63, 1 40 "T'lie Princilples ol' Conservative IfieutIent of Ulcerated 1101i is . 11 Dangerous dilatation of the colon in the course of ulcerative colitis., Ceek. gastroent. vyz. 17 no.5:300-304 JI 163. 1. 11 vnitrni kliaika lekarske fakulty UJErP v Brne, prednosta prof. dr. J. Poleak. (COLITIS, ULCERATIVE) (INTESTINAL PERFORATION) (FLATULENCE) POLCHAKp Lj prof.j VOKURKA9 V.; SKALOVAp M, Pathogenesis of ulcerative colitia. Sov. med. 24 no. 10:68-72 o 16o. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Iz 2-y terapevticheakoy kliniki medtainakogo fakulfteta Gosudaretvemogo universiteta Brno (za:. kafedroy - prof. I. Polchak). (COLON-DISEASES) POLCAK, J.; VOKURKA, V.; SKALOVA, M. Recent views on the etiology and pathogereals of uleemtive col-itia. Cas.lek.cesk 100 no.4:112-114 27 A 161. 1. II.interni klinika v Br-ne, prednosta -1rof. dr J. Poleak. (COLITIS ULCERATIVE atiol) KLABOCH, L., inz.; DUFEEK, Jaroslav, inz.; HARK, E., doe., ins.; REZNICEK, I;, inz.; ROD, F., ins.; DRDA,-J., inz.; MATOUSEK, B., inz.; KOUSALi P., inz.; IWDA, V.*. CAISP 0., inz.; NOVAK, S.; URBAN, S.; HANKE, M., inz,~.~ ~A ,V& ins.; FOGL,-J., inz.; HROMIR, M. inz.; SOLIN, J., SLEZAK, A., Ina.;' TITLBACH, Z., inz.; DREXLER, J., inz.; HORNA, 0., inz.; KUPEC, ~.,, Ina. Discussion on tensio4try. Zpravodaj VZLU no.2:37-46, 69-80 162. 1. Vyzkumny a zkusebni letecky ustav (for Dafek, Reznicek, Manda, C4s, Drexler-and Kupec)- 2, Statni vyzkumny ustkv tepelfte techniky (for Klaboch, R6d, Dr&,, Matousek, Titlbach).. 3. Ceske vysoke uceni technicke (forlajek, Solin). 4. Ustav pro vyzkum motorovych vozidel (for Hanks, Vokurka,.Fogl, Hromir). 5. Vyzkumny ustav matematickyeh stroju (for.Horna). 6. Moravan I n,p Otrokovice (for Kousal). 6, Mlktoteohna, Holesovice (for"Novak), 8. Zavody V.I.Lenina (for Urban). 9*, Svermovy zavady, Vyzkumny ustav (for Slez ak)i MICANEK, B.; _.lQp4n,V. Contribution to the etiopathogenesis of pyoderma gangraenosum. Ceek. derm. 39 no.2:137-141 Ap'64 1. Dermato-venerologicka klinika (prednostas prof. dr. Jofloracek), Il. interna klinika (prednostat. prof. dr. J.Polcak) lekarske j fakulty UJEvP v Dme. POLCHAY, VOKURKA Role of the Jffmmunological therry in ulcerative colitis. (Sofiia) 15 no.3:11-15 164. icpiti~,n.-, c-f 15 : 5/49- 5r.~2 e Ap 164. lni~ -ob "oune-tr7mych Akadom[l Modyezro.j 'a ?icrl' I f F'L i Ciol (klevown'-k: pror. dr. J. Polcalt). VOKURKA,V.dr.; VRUBEL,F.dr. Surgical problems of ulcerative colitis. Orv. hatil. 105 no.15t691-693 12 ApI64. 1. Orvostudomayi Egyetemo II. Belgyogyaszati Klinika es I. SebeszBti Klinika, Brno GSM MARTINU, Kamil; technicka spoluprace.: VOKMOVA, Alen& -1:-:'-'7..~-1. Investigations on eontacts in infectious hepatitis in families and population groups in Prague during 1958-60. Cesk. epidem. 10 no.6: 417-423 N 161. 1. Hygienicko-epidemiologicka stanice NV hlavniho.mesta Praby. (HEPATITIS INFECTIOUS transm) VOKURKOVA, I.; TOVAREK, J. Leucine amincpeptidas~, 4r, t~;e diagnonis of' dJEC-hSr,-B. Cas. lek. cesk. j03 no.36j:981-986 4 S 164, 1. 111 interni klinika University J.E. Purkyne v Brne (prednosta prof. dr. J. Pojer). VOKURKOVA, Iva, MUDr.; TOVARLK, Josef Serum leucine aminopeptidase in patients treated with pheno- thiazine derivatives and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. 7!ri-.rr,4- lek. 11 no.9:863-867 S t65. 1. 111. vnitrni klinika University J.E. Purkyne, Brno (pred- nosta prof. Dr. Jaroslav Pojer). 19MLYI-L-L 1 7 Work practl;-.esa cf the ni:7ureau cf anallysis." Ves. . svlazi 24 no.IW14 0 164, (~UPLA 17.12) 1. Zamestitell predsedatelya perviabnoy organizatsli flauchno- tekhnicheakogo obsh-:hest'la radioteklin"ki I elektroavyazi Imeni A.S. Popova Foltavskogo obla.311riogo upravleniya sv-yas'L, YOXMV, Hitrofan Pavlovich; NAUKOVA, I.A., red.; BOLISRAKOVA, L.A., [Twenty-five years of work with the same hard] 25 let raboty v odnom stade. Arkhangel'sk, Arkhangellskoe knishnoe ixd-vo, 1960. 37 P. (KIRA 14:2) 1. Brigadir opytnogo olenevodcheekogo stada Narlyan-Karskoy seliskokhozyaystvannoy opytnoy stantaii (for Yokxqev). (Reindeer) I'IIY'31(..q - lladi,-ItLo,~ -)f Radio Waves. Ltoe~l an(l A'js Jour Rof 71nur - Fizillm; No '(, 1959, 16119 Atithoi- _Vq~~izka,_ Jaroslav I, CVUI, Pra,,~ue, Czechosl.)vakia Title Disc Antenin Orig Pub Slaboln-.-uucly obzor, lo,56, i9, n,~, 3, 511-515 Abstract The author considers Cie dircc-bivity patterns of surface wavc disc antennas. By analyzL,-, tl,,e known expression for the directivity pattoras of traveling-wave antenaas, a relation was obtained for the optimmi dineasions of the antemia with a coustant surface wave. The effect of an- plitude Phase modulatioi, of the siirface wave on the directivity pattern of the is co-,siderQd. Ampli- tiAc ;.iodulation leads to a narrowinc, of ~he main lobe by Card 1/2 100 ABRAMOVICH, Vladimir Rafailovich- VOL A Ye .; SHOLEV, B.V., red.; MIMOVA, L.K., [Brass welding and soldering] Svarka i paika latuni. Izd.2., ispr. i dop. Leningrad, GoB.soiuznoe izd-vo sudostroit.mromyshl. 1959. 138 p. (MfRA 12:12) (Brass-Welding) VOL" A.B.; MHTEYN, M.K.; DIYAKOVA, M.K.; SUROVTSBVA, V-V- Conversion in the course of the catalytic hydrogenation of organic compounds having a quaternary carbon atom. Izv. AN SSSR.Otd. khim. nauk zio.12:2230-2233 D 160. (MIRA 13:12) 1. Institut goryuchikh iskopayemVkh AN SSSR. (EIvdrogenation) (Chemical bonds) S10621601000101210151020 B01 3/B054 AUTHORS: Vol'-Epshteyn, A. B.p D'yakova, M. K., and 31_irovts-~-va, V_V, TITLE: Conversion of Organic Compounds With Quaternary Carbon Atoms in Catalytic Hydrogenation PERIODICALt Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR_ Otdeleniye khimichoskikh nauk, 1960, no. 12, pp. 2230-2233 TEXT: The authors studied the catalytic hydrogenation of organic com- pounds on the example of 2-phenyl-2-hydroxy-phenyl propane, 2,2-dihydrcxy phenyl propane, and isooctane. The experiments were made in a rotating autoclave at a temperature of 2750C and an initial hydrogen proosure of 40 atm on a WS 2+NiS+Al 203catalyat. A table givea the compositJon of the hydrogenation products of 2-phenyl.-2-hydroxy-phenyl propane and 2,2-di- hydroxy-phenyl propane. On the basis of the results obtained, the authors set up the enclosed diagram for the presumable conversion mechanism of these compounds under given conditions (principal reaction on the left, side reaction on the right). Isooctane is not converted under given Card 1/3 Conversion of Organic Compounds With Quaternary S/062/60/000/012/013/020 Carbon Atoms in Catalytic Hydrogenation BO13/B054 conditions. The resulting product did not differ from the initial iso- octane. During the experiments, the authors made the following statementz;.. the stability of the carbon-carbon bond between aliphatic chain and benzene ring is considerably reduced under the action of the phenol hydroxyl in the ring (in para-position in the experiments), the reduction being strongest in the quaternary atom of the aliphatic chain, The reduc- tion is lower in the ternary atom, and it is assumed that in the case of a secondary bond between carbon atom and hydroxy-phenyl radical the stabilLty is reduced even less. This circumstance might be important to the accelera- tion of decomposition reactions of carbon and resin residues containing hydroxy-phenyl radicals in their destructive hydrogenation in the liquid phase. The authors mention A. V. Lozovoy, R. N. Tairlina, S. A. Sanyavin. and L. S. Sovetova. There are 1 figure, 1 table, and 8 references: 4 Soviet, 2 German, and 2 US~ ASSOCIATION: Institut geryuchikh Iskopayemykii Akademii nauk SSSR (Institute of Mineral Fuels of the Academy of Sciences USSR) SUBMITTED: July 6, 1959 Card 2/3 H. l3c H,C fio tij-C3 HC- .fic H,c HO~~H4-c> QH-.I [1H0 C~ 4 -c 3C H,C H,cl H3q IFOC> Hy-Qii- H,c OH s/o6 60100010,121-51-3102r, B01 3XB054 Card 3/3 SHOR, II.I.; VOL, B.G.; ZAWIM, G.A. New qualit7 criterion for photographic papers. Zhur.narac~-.i prikl.fot.i kin. 5 no.1:2P-33 Ja-F 160. (MIRA 13:5) 1. Fabrika. fotografichaskikh bumag, Leningrad. (Photograph7--Printing papers) SHOR , M.I.;~' VOL, B. G. Ssns~itizing p otographic LIZI no.3:179-187 '55. emulsions vithpotassium iodide. Trud7 0C2L 9: 8) 1. Kafedra tekhnologii proizvodetva kinofotonaterialov. (Photographic emulsions) - -)L, i~. ; V, I ' i z I ,"; . r . ~-; LJ-. _i ;4 -" , : '- tn- 1-1 1 11 '-- , 1"-)31~ , (7), 5 -"'1 A f, t, r A 00 04 sI A a 1. v 100410 P I YA-L-A- L-L-M.- ft AA PY R I Coptu LwA Anti-FrIatim Allom (-.T. O'nJin. AM L R. Puleboon (Moollow"ry lfo(4S).91 1011; j(%).3 211 C-lb... 1934.11111.11144).- tits 0-1.1.-r kwb4i alloy* with small additionat of nickel. Un. zinc. sonal pliavid-ro. am ho,ojov. griteous afaure thr M. fing point. but arptrate Into 4014.1,evo; forl,ess, the tnelting point to( volsiter with INSIV (1-111ter friv ing 6111t, M. rati-ly. With lorl.,r sublilhPnot. layers of (-Pl)lwr rout4ining k1lill Alit of =%intilnitlil voililrr arr If antanotta of nickel Am lort-nt. 14-1 id evenly dial rs. I .... .. I iine too a 1. - tioutaining 11), 211, 01114130%. 14-441 A1141% I hat tocks-I rAsara I lic I( , Ion 1~roonrt inciting point and estux-st equal distribution and finmosove of the le-1 -" Iros ticerva" the 8-oonatiturat. Up to J(P' of Itiael increaeft the = lout I&N-rr amounts oJecrtooss the hardneac 'line cosuarts unequal disitributi4m. illat) Uwqw U&I Moto .04 Causes 4kvrr&av harthir" and incr"Wo PL"tIcitY- l1boosphorus distributitin of the Itead. A Hat is girm of 18 cup Alloys which AVO probably sultsible for bearinstoo.-IS. If ~A ;If ASO-$ sitTALL(OMICAL UtC114TURE.CLAISIFOCA11019 ~011f.s it L --!r, .- " .$j.. to 4.4 to a I, goo Wuxi Itatt lie No (I I IQ 'A L t 0 1W to 01 6o' a 44 o a 0 o 0 * a o 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 41 49 0 * a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : 0 0 : : *so 0 40 0 0 to 0 0 0 40 0 0 0 0 Ole 40 0 0 r- 0 0 0 0 40 0 so 0000944 Aso coo A* 410 goo see 44 0 We * ate* v 31, i, . 1- . 111. 1. I-L "I"! Y, :,I, it tall a r--J, lj8- 114 -,ioli, i... J.". I I e . i_. VILA' i .;~ I V - - . L, :,:et,-j 1936, (11) , 16-24 10904000000 0009o0 0 oqs~(3904111100 go 00000000 lei,* 0000 :00*00000000 *fee A A L a P 0 PC a IF IV 01 &1 m Ts INA -ce Oil ..I to~ ts ..Ogg op It op :00 09 oAva uaqju!qtuoa auA~m aq.L q,-A-j 11,13M Put lt!~ -9-tu '81 u-!'Ml 1 tunjultunivog.tq jiddui) QI&JUA JO) OW pug wr 6 0' Mmus:)juvuj L.o tionitilmit R.qR izZ LDIJI g-6 WJJVV Jjqj p)jw3IpU; *41111 uij--,(Qleg v 4 4 . or 1 0 tel -Pqv "-) -I)C-'#* '(11) 1901-84t 'it Wit ':tvA".Vj Ttqj '239pam Game 'K Pug M%14 T SO Do of elm; -01 ti 11 n A a 4 1 1 1 VOL, V.A. .Amplifier for stroboscopie oscillographs. Radiotekhnika 10 no.10: 66-71 0 '55- (Oscillograph) (KLRA 9:1) . -. j I f T - --I "I C.,-.L- A I.t 17 I ~UTqM&pAjj, LAZARMO, S.p.; VOLv A.Te.; ROKU, V.G. High-strangth corrosion-resistant malleable alloy. TSvet.met-29 no.11:70-76 N 156,*, (HIBA 10:1) (Copper-a4uminum-zlckel allovs--Testing) PMSE I BOOK EXPLOIMkTION SOV3833 Vol, Abram Yevgen'yevich Stroyeniye i svoystva dvoynykh metallicheskikh sistem. t. 1: Fiziko-khimiche- skiye svoystva, elementov. Sistemy azota, aktiniya,, alyuminiyaj, ameritsiya., bariya, berilliya, bora (Structure and Properties of Binary Metallic Systems. Vol. 1: Physicochemical Properties of Elements. Systems of Nitrogen, Actinium, Aluminum, Americium, Barium, Beryllium, Boron) Moscow, Fizmatgiz, 1959- 755 P. 5,500 copies printed. Ed. (Title page): N. V. Ageyev, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR; Ed. (Tnaide book): I. Yu. Shklavskaya; Tech. Ed.: N. Ya. Hurashova; Editorial Boa-rd: N. V. Ageyev, Corresponding Member, Academy of Sciences USSR; N. Kb. Abrikosov, Doctor of Chemistry; I. I. Kornilov; Ye. M. Savitskiy; K. A. Osipov, Doctor of Technical Sciences; L. N. Guseva, Candidate of Chemistry; and M. S. Mirgalovskaya. PURPOSE: 7his book is intended for engineers and technicians in metallurgical and metalworking plants, scientific workers and students in schools of higher education, and scientific workers of scientific research institutes. CaKd~~. Structure and Properties of (Cont..) SOV3833 COVERAGE: 7his the first volume of a four volume work on the structure and properties of binary metallic systems. Volume I presents alphabetically information on binary metallic alloys of nitrogen, actinium, aluminum, amer- cium, barium, beryllium, and baron with all the elements in the periodic table except the noble gases. Information on the constitutional diagram, crystal structure, and the physical and chemical properties of each binary metallic system is given'. It includea data on the heat of alloyinE; mixing, surface tension, viscosity, boiling point, density, mechanical properties, specific beats heat conductivity, thermal expansion, electrical resistance, t4Wzuture coefficients thermoclac-bromotive force, maenetic properUes, and -c~rosion resistance in various agressive media. The metallurgical and physico- chemical analysis section of the Scientific Council of the Institut metal- lurgii imeni A. A. Baykova (Metallurgical Institute imeni A. A. Baykov) per- formed the work of reviewing the book. The author thanks Metallurgical Engineer I. K. Kagan. References accompany each chapter. VOL. -AbrA~a-j.9-YgQn 'ye-vich; AGEYEV,, N.V., red.; ABRIKOSOVI N.Kh.p doktor khim.nauk,, red.; KORNILOV,, I.I.,, doktor khim.nauk., red.; SAVITSKIY, Ye.M.., doktor khim.nauk., red.; OSIPGV., K.A., do-'-tor tekhn.nauk, red.; GUSEVA, L.N., kand.khim.nauk., red.; MIRG&WVSKAYA, M.S.;, kand.khim.nauk,, red.; SHKILVSKffA, I.Yu.; red.; MURASHOVA, N.Ya., [Structure and properties of binary metallic systems] Stroenie i svoistva dvoirWkh metallichaskikh aistem. Pod rukovodstvom N.V. Ageeva. Moslcva, Fizmatgiz. Vol.2. [Systems of vanadium; bismuth; hydrogen, tungsten, gadolinium, gallium, hafnium, germanium, holmium, dyBprosiump europium~ iron3 Sisteny vanadiJ.a,, vismutas vodoroda., vollframa, gadoliniia, galliia., gafniia,, germaniia., gollmiiaj, dispro- ziia, evropiia, zheleza. 1962. 982 p. OGRA 15:5) 1. Chlon-korrespondent AN SSSR (for Ageyev). (Alloys) (Systems (Chemistry)) (Phase rule and equilibrium) AUTHOR: Vol, L.A., Engineer. TITLE:- -71-t-t-3ng-keyways in the (Prigonka shponochnykh turbin) 114-'8-12/16 shafts and discs of steam turbines, pazov v valakh i diskakh pe.rorjkh PMIODICAL: "Energomashinostro-.Yeniye"(Power Machinery Construction) 1757, Vol.3, No.8, pp. 33~~34 (U.S.S.R.) ABSTRACT: In view of the strict requirements in respect of accuracy of size and alignment in the keyways on turbine shafts and discs it is not possible to finish them by machining without add-itional hand-fitting. Hand-fitting is unavoidable and the task of the technologists consists in reducing it to the minimum. This article is mainly concerned with the inspection procedures adopted to measure keyways and determine their alignment. The necessary procedures am illustrated and described in some detail for cases when there an one, two and three keyways on the shaft and disc. The method of fitting to correct errors detected is described briefly. Brief reference is mtde to the procedure to be adopted when four keyways are used. But it is pointed out that this is a particularly difficult case. There are 3 figures. AVAILAEM: Library of Congress Card 1/1 I ITTNIN, M.I., inzh.; VOL, L.A.,__inzh. Method for setting the stator of a large h7draulic turbine on a vertical hiring and turning, mill. Energ6mashinostroonie 4 nn.5:110-41 My 158. (MIRA 11:9) (Machine-ahop practice) VOL, L.A., inzh. Boring bolas for blade shanks Into runner bodies of large hydraulic turbines at tbo Kharkov Turbogenerator Plant. Energo- maRbinoRtroonie 4 M-7:40-43 Jl '58- (MIRA 11:10) (Hydraulic turbines) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/4266 Progressivnaya tekhnologlya I vysokoproizvoditellnyy in- strument; opyt KhTGZ imeni Kirova (Advanced Processing 'kov and Highly-Productive Tools; Experience of the Khar Turbogenerator Plant imeni Kirov) Moscow, Mashgiz, 1960. 155 P. 5,500 copies printed. Reviewer: P. Ye. Dudnik Engineer; Ed.: M. S. Soroka; Chief Ed. (Southern Division, Mashgiz): V. K. Serdyak, Engineer. PURPOSE: This booklet is intended for technical personnel and innovators. COVERAGE: The booklet discusseB the experience of innovators and technical personnel in introducing advanced proceases and machine tools at the KhTGZ imeni Kirov (Kharlkov Turbogenerator Plant) for the manufacture of steam turbine rotors, for tapping coarse threads, processing steam tur- bine blades. Experience in introducing artificial cool- ing for interference fits, and in mastering the manu- facture of welded ste&m-turbine rotors is described. The Advanced Processing (Ciont.) SOV/4266 booklet covers the advances in technology developed and introduced at the factory in the last few-years. No personalities are mentioned. No references are given. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Foreword Repin, M. N. Development in Turbine Manufacturing Processes at the Kharlkov Flant imeni Kirov 5 Rubinshteyn, S. Ye., and P. N. Pestushko. Some Special Features in the Ptocessing of Steam Turbine Rotors 13 Pestushko, P. N., and N.' 1. Bondarl. Machine Tapping of Large Diameter Internal Threads 49 Vol, L,_A, Fitting of Keyways in Steam Turbine Disks ad -�fiif-ts` 71 C &V & -. 6,A VOLIP L.M.; SKULOVICH, L.L. Modernization of the crucible electric furnace for melting aluminum and its alloys with Nichrome-band heatQrs. Blul. tekh.-ekon.inform. Gos. nauch.-issl. nauch. i tekh. inform. 18 no.6:36-37 Je 165. (MA 18:7) GAYWKOVt G.V. 11~-M- Production of cast vanadium* Izv.Sib.otd*An SSSR no.2:43-49 161. (KMA 14:3) 1. Ural'skiy filial AN SWhp $verdlovske (Vanadiums.-Metal,lurgy) -;V- YOL. TS.; KOVALEV, A. ' New techniques for leveling-, automobile-body surfaces. Ayt. trantsp. 36 no. 6:26-28 Je 158- (MIRA 11:7) (Solder and soldering) (Automobiles--Bodies) VOL, TS., insh.; KOTUAV, A., lnzh.; 141K&LICV, I., inzh. Gluing frictien facings. Avt.tranap. 37 no.4:24-28 AT) '59. (AIRA 12: 6) (Automobiles-Brakea) VOL, TS. M. Using the VS-10T adhesive for gluing friction facing with brake shoes and driven clutch disks of automobiles. Orbm. avt.transp. no-3:13-32 160,(XIRL 13S7) (Gluing) Vutomobiles-Brakes) 5/-~ 22 1/60/003/00-5. /'DO 9/0 -1 7 15,1100 Al (v- I/ A i 30 Z_~ ATIMORS Mikhalev, .'. I., A. MILE e B(_,,)T ivs-lorj giua for joining f-ri:tIon, 11P.Ings on brake shoe-r PERIODIVLL-, Ves7,nik mashlrlo_=~riyeniya, nc. 5, 1960, 40-42 TWg ; n fcnm e,. tton on a now glue. V5-,01 (de-ialop6d by Mi. V. Sobolevskly, Z. 0. lvaxova, et AI.) IB givA-r.. 'it is !:nb Itost of all ,-hat had been triad as, replacement for nonfe_-rous rive7z;a ~;bed for altac-hlrZ friction Linings to auto- mobile brake 3hoes, T-he :on31--ts of a sing-Le componer,,!, axA cazi *te sto-red for 6 months. The ral,ommended g1aing pro2edure is the foliowlng,, spread in a singie layer on 1--o'-h metal sarf-Af-ez ir, quanttty zorrespond~ng -,~) 200-2fz;0 g/m2, 0 held open ~n air for not lesa thar. 15 min at 20 x' 5 Mir, at 60-65', then joined and held %inder Dreseurs for 40 min a-~, 7-800. Linings so joined were tested on t-he brake shoes of the "MoEkvich'~ ca_-% The surfrv.:e of the !InLngs was grc-.ind, and that of th& 'trake shcA-s zinc! plazed. The a~rerage stZength of. gl,~,ed linings was 3,030 kg, comparing 7.~ only !,660 kg of rl-velsd. 0 Glue-a,-,tached linings were also t"ested at NAME-' on an stand at, 250 J and 90 kq/h Card 1/2 Heat-reslstwn-~ BC-.--oT !vS-~.0i', glue 3/122/60/000/005/009/017 A 16 1 /A!30 velocity and on a hIgh, numtez-, of The life of glut.1 llnl-ngs was 9.0-60% longer than of rlive*~ed, and no tfa-.-es on the br&ke drams were lett. by 'the linings. There are 3 fl&urea and 2 tatlas. Card 2/2 (I VOLp TS~. inzh. 1, ------ Drying of lacquer coatinga. Avt.tranap. 39 no.2:26-29 F 162. (KIRA 14t3) (Infrared raye-Industrial ap 31cations) (Automobiles-Painting VOL, TSalel' Moiseyevich; En4ANOV, S.Ya., red.; NIKOLAYRA, L.N., tekhn. I- riff~. - [Using plastics and adhesives in the roppir of motor vehicles) Primenenie plastmass i kleev pri remonte avtcnobilei. Moskva, 14auchno-tekhn. izd-vo M-va avtorobillnogo transp. i shossain-ykh dorog RSFSR, 1961. 119 p. (MIRA 14'.10) (Motor vehicles-.Maintenance and repair) (Adhesives) (Plastics) VOL, TS. M. Glued joints in brake units and clutch disks of motortrucks. Avt.prom. 28 no-10:36-38 0 162. (PURA 15:9) 1. Gosudarstvennyy institut po proyektirovaniyu avtoremontnykh avtotransportnykh predpriyatiy i sooruzheniy. (Motortrucks-Brakes) ~iember of the ;ociety On the Theory of St oboscopic Oscill' Ogravid rig 41 r ntroboskopicheskogo ostaillografirovani.,~U) iiadiotekhnika, ',~58, Vol. M, Nr 8, pp. 63. - 'lc, U -T Attempti are mi,de to put down i_ooreticitl foundtiL~untt for the stroboscopir method tf oscillographitig. exis'Ling conditions frequency characteristied rre for some stroboscopic oscillograph type, - Tlh~, scribed was elaborated for the purpcise of ficulties occurring in the work within the tinno-recon-A Three trazi6formev circuit~F described in hre g:v -i TheBe types were generalized and the ref-d tranafornr-r -6 repri,79entea by equivalent circt)ita. 4 lintpr and ,. -pi, trttnsformer tre investigated. Based on the given tiLe following Is found: 1) The stroboiec:', M. of oscilleFraphing makes it possible to record periodic processes of high signal voxiation vplo-_Lti-as viitn t4 Uprot width of hundreds of c!ycles) using ti,e "Sual n,- Theory of ~Aroboscopic Orcillographing circuits. This method in eppecis-My converj1pnt 4',.,r the impulse phenomena of' relatively low rtspetitict. when storage circuits can be utted. 2) The only higf~-f r ec 1: - t j -y building unit of the stroboscopic oscill-:~granh in tn'd pulse Sener;itor, the par-cieters of which detormine !i- width of the reproduced frequencies. 3) 0--~;ing tc th- r;&rr,:,?i chnracter of the band the amplification chitnnel of rhP PtrL)- boscopic oncillograph has a low level of b(lckprounl "'his Offel'S tile DOPsibility to use the apparatus for -A- ,--er,iing sirall signals. A) The principle of point-b~-roint reading of the signal makes it possible to meun~jre Thzw Ll;,:t- intervals of tile vignal with reltitively great accu-ac,/ 1~,, well %.a to elightly chunge the time settle factor o!' The oscillograin. Tt-us the atrobescopic mathod of make2 it pozzible to carry out measurement's within the nanc.- -second range in a number ofcases using a rolativoly 9 Vi apparatus. hcre ~tra gures, 1 table, and 8 refe-I---:ncr_-, 5 of' dhich aro oviet. On the Theory 'of Stroboscopic Oscillographing 1o8-13-8-10/12 SUBMITTED: October 31, 1956 (initially) and February 19, 1958 (after revision) 1. Oscillographs--Theory 2. Stroboscopes--Applications 3. Oscillographs--Equipment Card 3/3 801 S/1 08/60/OV&/05/007 B014/BO14 AUTHOR: Vol, V, A . Member of the Society TITLE: Linear Distortions in Rendering Continuous Signals Discrete PERIODICAL: Radiotekhnika, 1960, Vol. 15, No. 4, PP- 36 - 41 TEXT: The study described in the article under review is based on the assumption that the time necessary for rendering continuous signals discrete may be regarded as infinitely short. The circuit diagram shown in Fig. 1, which consists of a pulse source and a converter,-, is explained. The integral (2), which is univers- ally valid for the output voltage, is written down. Thus, the output signal de- pands on the original signal and the transconductance of the converter. Equation (3) represents the ratio between the output- and the input voltage for the case in which the original signal and the transconductance of the converter are con- stant in the "reading interval". Thus, the coefficient of linear distortion characterizes not only the changes in the output voltage with increasing frequency of the original signal, but also the drop of the output voltage with rising trans- conductance of the converter to its peak. For the purpose of calculating the coefficient of linear distortion expression (3) is expanded in series (4), and Card 1/2 If 8ol63 Linear Distortions in Rendering Continuous Signals Discrete ;5/106/60/01570,1/05/007 B014/BO14 finally, one obtains formula (8). If the transconductance S(t) of the converter is represented by a symmetric function, there is no phase distortion in the operat- ing frequency band. This is exemplified by the frequency characteristics obtained for four different S(t) functions (Fig. 4). After studying the case in which the formula describing the coefficient of linear distortion has a finite number of jumps, the author discusses the nonsymmetric function S(t). An amplitude-phase distortion occurs in this case. The author describes the case in which S(t) re- presents the changes in transmittance of scanning elements of a television system and summarizes the results obtained. Practically no phase distortion occurs in tubes in which the transmittance of scanning elements is determined by the current distribution in the beam. In the usual case in which the distribution of trans- mittance is nonsymmetric, amplitude-phase distortions occur. In conclusion, the author thanks Professor, 0. B. Lurlyeq Doctor of Technical Sciences, for his valuable advice. There are 4 figures and 8 Soviet references. SUBMITTED: April 6, 1959 Card 2/2 VOLt V. A., CAND TECH SC-,Iq "CERTAIN PROBLEMS OF THE STROBOSCOPIC METHOD OF TRANSMITTING PERIODIC ELECTRIC SIGNALS AND THEIR REPRODUCTION,'- LENINGRAD9 1961, (ACAD SCI USSR9 PHYS-FECH INST). (KLv 3-61f 214). 185 VOL . V.A. Effect of stroboscopic conversion of periodic signals on the signal to noise ratio. Radiotekhmika 17 no.10:3-10 0 162. (MIRAL 15:9) 1. DeystvitelInyy chlen Naigahno-tekhnichoskogo obshchestva radiotekhniki i elektrosvyazi imeni Popova. (Radio) AMUOR: ITITIZ: RIODICAL: S/108/62/017/010/001/002 D201/D308 Vol, V.A., Member of the Society (see Association) The effect of sanpling of periodic signals on the. SIN, ratio Radiotekhnika, v. 17, no..10, 1962, 3-10 T21M The author analyze's the -transmission of the nLixture of sit: fnal and. noise through a sampling arrangement and an L.P. fil- ter. The analysis .3hows that an improvement in the SIN ratio may be obtained in some cases 'already during the,sampling process itself, by the correct selection of both the duration and shape of the gat-. ing pulse. Further improvement may be.obeained if the sampling per-~j/ iod is less than the autocorrelation interval of the original Lnter-, val of the original signalp in*which case the time response of the .smoothing filter should be tm'ch-greater than the period of gating pulses. If the series of the autocorrelation coefficients of dis- crete values of noise converges at a slower rate than that of the same coefficients of the signal, filtering results in a worsening Card 1/3 ~ . I-. - I- - . .4. 31108VI52101.7101010011062 The effect of sampling D201/ r%308 of the S/N ratio. The above happens when there is rioi!-.e at the iryput of the sampler together with the signal, the fundamental fre- quencien of which are multiples of the gating pulse repetition fre- quencion. The increase in the S/14 ratio, which can oc obt,;ined aa a result of filtering of-the naln-ple pulses of the original voltage, is several times less than the ratio of the autocorrelation intervml of the original voltage to the sampling period. The increase can be achieved only 5iith proper matching 'of the timc*.- response duration of the filter to the autocorrelation periods between the signal samples. This increase is proportional to the transformation coef- ficient of the timc scale of the original signal ands to the ratio of the duration of the transformed section of the original signal to the period of gating pulses, and is inversely proporticnal to the number of independent values of the signal distributed along the transformed section of the signal. The results obtaiuEd are stated in conclusion to be valid not only for sampled (Stro-3oscopic) systems but also for any system utilizing the operation of sampling and filtering. 'Mere are 4.figures. Card 2/3 $tZ-- S/108/62/017/010/001/002 The effect of sampling D201/D308 ASSOCIATION: 14auclino-telchnicheskoye obshchestvo radiotelthniki i el-elttronvyazi im. A.S. Popova (Scientific and Tecluiical Society of Radio Engineer?lgf d Electri- Ab:n cal Communications im. A.S. Popov) stracter's A r~ote: Name of Association taken from first page-of journal-7 SUBMITTED: August 31, 1961 C, ~ra VOL, Yu.TS; SHISHAKOV, N.A. Equilibrium characteristics of the silver-oxygen system. Izv. AN SSSR. Ser. khim. no.11:1920-1923 ff 163. (~UA 17:1) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii All SSSR. VOL, Yu.74.1 SHISHAKOV, N.A. Nature of selective action of a silver catalyst in the reactions: of moderate oxidation. Izv.AN SSSR Otd.khim.nauk no.4:586-591 ' Ap 162. (MIRA 15:4) III Institut fizicheskoy khimii AN SSSR. (Silver oxides) (Catalysis) 00 A go 4 go 8 00 It 00 43 Ox 9 evo wes Negev 0 k s v soft A*0 "Opter'li Cb$WAAM of i t"Yfllv= "A tu #uw. 0 4w"P, OMkCW41V. ,IA., 1W.M. I "POOLU (1) - obtabW br. or Am sing fivm an Eton- !I-da~- 4 tbe. ebostent It" a I --- the INW& So be4ween Ives is ago =0* IF 128-- by hydm b jj" W ftermA coo see e s 4 7 in 6% . 1 go coo CUN006(OA~ c N N. w1ph u ?M '(111F lmlt&;;ft~ ;fee H! Z~m OH),, o l.wCUO-44(co, Ac val. 612). so tie ties CLAIMICAIDDIN 1 000 --4 Q" A# Oks Got A ' r;000- g 9 a fif 0 0 a I Ir 111 9 a a 3 6 b u a A* so at a it IN .1 .1 .1 1. .9 It a I 0 0 0 0 Wo 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 & 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0.10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 *Goose 0000606 00 oil 11 11 1 " . . . zo 00 A S, L -1 A-A- IF- A- -v CE 0 It? .. p lo-p "Dow$ , go t S. -tt, Sst t ..0 .0", 0 00 00 0 r ItIculus aspossin and Its a Conatiftmats. H fl ll -00 0 ure MW 0S 41 50(1937)-, cf. C. A. 31, 35311. -Thr -mltonin was -00 : o1dained ell btr by the ppin. from the sit. est. of hoy,c -0 j 0 A 'hestnut weds by ether of by the ffactional frk-cling of .1 ~Atdl. mAdn. of the saponin in %M% m1c. It wa, found that 0 cculu% mpunin does not form a %ingle cvmpd. and thAt all so r3culus =ponins are huilt on a nunsogar basi% cumnion to all the saportins. The In. p. of goculus sapmins 6 174 ' Kwulus %aponin cannot be acrtylittetl IxA-auw tat Zoo so jl ~ the process of atelylation it is hydrolymd. On warming 0 %hc ale. ,AAn. of the mputtin or priAmItogenin with 0% 13410 II,.SOj for I(X) bro. theie was obtained rwigenha which : 0*0 so j was wpd. from nun-hydrulyzed prompolienin by changing 06 the escigrnin into the K salt anti extrig. it with CIICI. roo 1 iand air. (11): 1). fly the acrtylation there wat obtsined 00 00 a the Av deriv. of estrigruln, the formula of which I% Cm. II.Oa(OAc)t- There was preitValsat the pheny1hydruiont- 5, 1 C-ix"in, the formula of wbk-h Is o 00 %o that the formula of twilvnin is Cuil.(Co),(Oll), anti It% mol.wt. is -'AJU.41$, V. D. Karpenku not 0 0 9 ------ C" 9 1- O' AT t;0 0 S L A I K -ITALLURGICAL UTCWA~~!~ CLASI ...... 6~v Is, 00 U AT 10 it K ,6 1 - a w, 0 ,41 0 : : :1 00 0 1 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 go[** 0 4 00 4 00 0 6 0 0 0 - - --- . * 0 o 0 * 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 I j 6 f 1 It 4 11 U is 14 1) 16 it 11 it n a A$ n 26 192 a I -, m of (x w u A C I 0e A C`A~Ivl 0 41 so 0 o 0 0 o 0 o * 0 o- v 11 0 1 it a x a At 41 1 as PO -00 Cmbelamwdlatry Gal As Jtv,moQw4" toil- adtUents. 1(i,1!xu 61+1 CAFAitil'it. 2 -Hipts. (in the wpn. of '127 Pon, 0 diffuent f9mms of i I tit hutw c!IS%tput are scribed. V. Ly. Karpenko j -00 i goo .00 to 0 ASO-SLI 611ALLUNGKAL OtERATLAt CLOSIFKAMN Ala.. r A 4 An L 1 4 IM 0 A, I It 04 q as 4 3 2 AV 9w .6 . tv to CAP 14 K a N a K " 11 it (41 HLO n 1 X4 0 00000000000#0900000*0 '1 0 0 00 see 0 so 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 49*00*0,0*0*00*0000000004100,00000000000000000*0, BAUER, Jaroslav, inz., kandidat technickich ved; IIRICHOVA, Renata, inz.; VOLAK Ivo- KOSKAK, Milan Pounibi2ities of industrial use of pyrope waste from the Obske stredohorl Mountains. Geol pruzkum 6 no. 6M2-11.3 Je 164. - I 1. Chair of Mineralogy) Higher.School of Chemical Technology, Prague; Motorpal National Enterprise, Prague. i Z/009/60/000/01/032/0:~8 E142/1;235 AUTHOR: None Given TITLE: New Books PERIODICAL: Chemick~ pAmysl, 1960, Nr 11 PP 38-40 ABSTRACT:The following books are reviewed: "Examples of Chemical and Engineering Calculations I/1" by A. Pila:6 I M. Ryba, Z Vola6k, V. Pecho~ and I. Koropecky; publisned by SNTL, Prague 1959; reviewedby J. *vit VUAnCh. "Technical Uses of Siliconegbl by V.--Bazant, V. Chyalov k' and J. Rathousk-y; published by SNTL, Prague, 1959; reviewed by J. Dvo~ak, Research Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry, "Chemical Analyses in the Polygraphic Industry" by J. Boreck~; published by SNTL, Prague, 1959; reviewed by S. Lankas. "Survey of Organic Chemistry" ("Pr6cis de Chimie Organique") by V. Grignard; published by Card 1/2 Masson a spol-, Paris, 1958; reviewed by V. Vesel~. Z/009/60/000/01/032/038 E142/E235 New Books "Macromolecular Substances" ("Hochpolymere - Herstellung, Eigenschaften und Anwendung als Kunststoffe") by K. Thinius; reviewed by V. Kamenfk, Research Institute Tor Macro lecular Chemistry. "Chemical Diary for 196011 published by SNTL, Prague, 1959 Card 2/2 VCIAK, Zdenek 0Trawport, phenmenag by R.B. Bird., W.E. Stewart and E.M. Lightfoot. Reviewed by Zdenek Volake Chem prum 12 no.8:455-456 Ag 162. 1. Vysoka skola chemicko-technologicka, Pardubice. VECEFA~ M.; VOLAKOVA, B.; KOZAKOVA, TUILECEK9 M. Identification of organic substances. Part 32: Identification and separation of aliphatic primary amines as 11-alkyl-3,5- dinitrobenzamide. CoU Cz Chem 25 no-5:1281-1286 My 160. 1. Forschungainstitut fur organische Synthasen, Pardubice- Rybitvi und Institut, fur analytische Chemia, Technische Hochschu-1e fur Chamie, Pardubice. VOLAKOVA, Blanka; KOZAK, Pavel; NOVAK, Vlastimil; BEHAREK, Vojtech; _11-1- JURECEK, Miroslav Analytic aspects of the oxidation of organic nitrogenous substances by chronic acid. Pt. 5. Sbor VSChT Pardubice no.1:75-88 163. 1. Chair of Analy-tical Chemistry, Higher School of Chemi- cal Technology, Pardubice. YOLAKOVAOII.; MIDASEN11.1 HABAREC,B,; VEMVAOD,j ZBYTOVSKY,B,; llOEEGrYjJ, Epidemic of myocarditis in newborm Infants caused by Coysackie Bl virus. Cesk. epidem. 13 no.2:88-95 8 Yq164 1. Mikrobiologicky ustav lek.fak.UJEvP., Brno; IL Patol.-anat. ustav lek.fak. UJEvP, Brno; I.Detska klinika lek. fak. UJEvP, Brno; OUNZ Boskovioe a KIMS v Bime. 19 .4: Czechoslovakia //Microbiology. Medical and Veterinary. F-6 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35656 A uthor --yaj2,~~ra Title Remarks on the Microbiology and Epidemiology of Diseases Caused by Salmonellosis Bareilly Orig Pub: Vnitrnj lekarstvi, 1956, 2, No. 6, 531-533 Abstract: Given are the results of the microbiological and serological research of the pathological materia-1 of persons sick with Salmonellosis caused by S.bareilly (12 persons who became sick during the 1953 outbreak and 42 sporadic cases who became sick during the course of 1954). In the acute stage of the disease S.bareilly were 1501ated from the feces of all the sick persons, from the urine of 4 cases, from the blood of 2, from the Card 112 Czechoslovakia /44icrobiology. medical and Veterinary. F-6 Abs Jour: Referat. Zh.-Biol., No. 9, 1957, 35656 contents of the duodenum of 7 cases. S.bareilly was isolated in 50% of the patients released from the hospital. C ard 2A VOIAMDVA, N.; JANDASXK, L., (Technical assistance: M. Svobodova, V. Dolezelova) A thermostable inhibitor of newly isolated influenza virus strains in guinea pig serum; preliminary report. Acts. virol. Xagl. Id-, Praha 3 no.2:109-112 Apr 59. 1. Institute of Microbiology and Faculty Hospital, Medical Faculty of the University, Brno. (INFIMZA VMWIM, inhib. by thermostable substance in gAinez pig serum) JANDASIK, L.;VOLAKOVA, N. (Technical assistance: V. Dolezelova, M. Svobodova) Some properties of the haemagglutination inhibitor of type A2 influenza vii-ases contained in the serum of normal guinea pigs. Acta virol. Engl. Ed., Praha 4 no.1:7-16 Ja 160 1. Institute of Microbiology, Medical Faculty, and Faculty Hospital, Brno University. (INFLUENZA VIOSIS immilnology) (H39KAGGIUTIRLTION) vtv - JAMC:-,i~. B. ~Tlll 1-7, j.: TIM07A, 0.; VC:3`7LT, Immusoloricn.1 rt2-.ro7 of in the C, ra,,Jor.3. J.h;~. opI4nm,,Pr!,ha 4 no.11:477-40-` 160- 1. Inotitute e rpi~nriclr7,--:r ana :11-r-obiolo 'ry in Prn::7v); :!-'cro- blolorical Dop-irtron", lchool, Brno Univornity', rl"Mo lloalth Dopnrtmonts In Briio nnd 03tra-va. (INYWzNZA izaciloic,7) MURGULESCU, I.Ga, acad.; VOLANSCHI, C. Refractometric properties of the binary mixtures of melted salts LIN03+ VaN03' and UN03+ KNO3. Studii cerc chin 7 no.4:475-480 1~9. (EKAI 9:7) 1. Centrul de cercetari chimice al. Academiei R.P.R., Sectie de chimie fizica, Bucuresti. (Refractometry) (Mixtures) (Salts) (Lithium nitrate) (Potassium nitrate) (Sodium nitrate) MURGULESGU.. I. G., acad.; VOLANSCHI C Refractometric properties of binary mixtures of the molten salts: LiNO3j-NaNO3 and LiNO3* KN03- Rov chimie 6 no.1;45-50 161, 1. Center for Chemical Research of the Academy of the R.P.R., Section for Physical Ghemistry, Bucharest. 2. Membre du Comite de redaction "Revue de chimie" (for Murgulescu). HURCAJLESCU, I. G.., acad.; VOLAMSCHI, C. Spectrophotometric study of malted salts. Absorption of the systa-1 potassium bichromate-potassium chromate. Studii cerc chim 9 no.3-1 4.13-418 161. 1. Gentrul de cercetari chimice al Academiei R.F.R.., Sectia do chimie-fizica, Bucuresti. 2. Membru al Comitetului de redactie "Studii si cercetari de chimiem (for Murgulescu). W RE, A 8 Phy'v f'Y Fn17C 1-3 1 ty and Ins, I brava Fesia of i hv atil 23 Dum, S; tre f3t CIURPEA~ Liliana; SAIIIINI, V.9m,; VOLANSCHI, C. Spectra of absorpti(.n of rnetal cety1s. SvldiL ccr,,- cn-'~ 13 ro.12%863~-872 D 164. 1. Labcratory of Physical Chemistry of the Bucharest~ UnIveralt.y. and the Center of' Physi:~id Chemistry Research, 13 Bd. RepuLilc-iL and 23 Dumbrava Rosie Street. CISMARU, D.i SIMON, Z.; VOLAN,'jGM, !., Infrared absorption spectra of bis:,ruth nitra-le ,4nd bls,:7zi~il ri-ra-, qev chimie flown 1) no.11:681-68.4 11 'b!,. 1. Institute of Physical (.hemistry, Buchareist, 23 Flumbrava Rosia! 3treet. CISMARU, D.; SIMON, Z.; 'VQ CHIP C. Spectrum of absorption in infrared of bismuth nitrate and bismutbyl nitrate. Studii cerc chin 13 no.11:729-732 N 164. 1. Physical Chemistry Research Center, Bucharest, 23 Dumbrava Rosie Street. STERESCU, VOLANSCHI, D.; VOICULET, N.; LECCA, Mioara Experimental studies on the reactivity of bypophysis, thyroid., and suprarenal glands in the primary stage of the postnatal ontogenesio; studies with p32# Studii cerc fiziol 6 no.2:273-283 161. 1. Institutul de fiziologio.normala si patologica "Prof. Dr. D. Danielopolu" al Academisi R.P.R. 2.Mzmbru al Comitetului de redactle, "Studil. si cercetari de fiziologie" (for Steresou). (PITUITARY BON) (THrROID GIAND) (ADRENAL GLANDS) (ONTOGENY) YUMANIA Humaaan(i Animal -Physiology- (Normal - ana -.Pat noiogical) T Digestion. Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biologiya, No 13, 1958, No. 6o427 Author :Ungher, J.; Volanse-hi, D. Inst :Rumanian Ac emy, Institifte of Neurology Title :The Appetite as a Reflection of Conditioned and Un- conditioned Excitation of the Alimentary Structure Orig Pub :Studii si certari neurol. Acad. RPR. Inst. neurol., 1957, 2, No 3, 339-343 Abstract :No abstract given Card 1/1 -Y RMUNIA/Himn and Animal Physiology - The Nervous System. V-10 Abe Jour : Ref Zhur - Biol., No 2, 1958, 9074 Author : J. Ungher and D. Volanschi Inst : - Title : The Manifestation of Motor Neurosis, Indu ed Experimentally During the Production of a Conditioned Response to Certain Specific Movements in.-Dogs with Damaged Motor Areas of the Cortex. Orig Pub : COMM- Acad- RPR, 1956, 6, No 7, 933-940 Abstract : At the beginning of the process of producing a conditioned motor reflex -- lifting a paw upon food stimalation-;in dogs wIth freedom, of movement, a disturbance In the valk was noted, as well as the'ffpearance of a motor reaction during eating. In dogs with a damaged sigmoid gyrus there phenomena 'were considerably more pronounced, a fact which is connected with exceeding the capacity of those structu- res of the motor analysor which remained intact. Card 1/1 UNGER, YujUngher Yu.]; VOLANSKIY, D.[Volanschi, Dj; CHURYA, E. [Ciurea, E.); APPELI, EjAppel,.S.-j Changes in higher nervous activity and the electrical activity of the brain in dogs in experimental lesion of the nonspecific nuclei of the optic thalamus. Nauch. trudy Inst. nevr. M1 SSSR no.1:382-394 160. (MIRA 15:7) 1. Institut nevrologii, imeni Pavlova Akademil Rumynskoy Narodnoy Respubliki, Bukharest. (NERVOUS SYSTEM) (OPTIC THALAMUS-SURGERK) (CONDITIONED RESPONSE) (ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAPHY) UNGHER11 J.; CIUREA, E.; VOLANSCIII, D. -- - Disorders of higher nervous activity and autonomic nervous manifestations in Gxper*--entally induced neurotic conditions in dogs. Rev. 3ci. med. 6 no.j/4:207-209 161. (NEUROMS experimental) (CEMERAL NERVOUS SYSMI physiology) (AUTIONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEV phyviology) v i NO UNGHER, J.; VOLANSCHI D.; CIUREA, E. Delayed response in normal dogs and in dogs with Oubcortical, lesions of the ascending unspecific reticular and thalamic projection u7stems. Active nerve SUP* 4 no.1:9-16 162, 1. Inst. of Neurology (I. P. Pavlov)p Fumnian AcadezW of Sciences (dir. prof. A. Kreindler) (REFLEX CONDITIONED) (THALAMUS pbyaiol) (BRAIII STEM physiol) VOLANSKA, If. The first ones. p. 6. CESKOSLOVEtSKY VOJAK. 01inisterstvo narodni obrany. Illavili politicka sprava) Praha, Czechoslovakia. Vol. 8, no. 16, Aug. 1959. Monthly list of East European Accessions (RELI) LC, Vol. 8, no. 10, Oct. 1959. Uncl. RJW,Nj;,/HLrjan and Physit-AoMr. The Nervous Syste;-i T-12 ,',bs Jour :Ref Zhur - Bi;.;I. j No 14, 1958, N-) 65734 I.uthor : unfslar J.) Vainescu S., StAcz. I.., Volan Inst : Title : Disturbances in Higher Ne-rvras :.ctivity and Hist--iorpholo- gical Changes in the Bnain Folluwin~,, Electroshock. Orij, Pub : Med. interna., 1956, 8, No 1, 41-48 ,',bstract: Previously estnblished conditioned reflexes as well as un- conditioned reflexes disappeared in dogs after electro- shock. Me unconditioned respinses were restored initially, and the conditIoned reflexes latar. Defensive rcflax,:~s ware restored earlier than food reflexes, while within the de- fensive reflex the respirrtoi-j co..-;,)onent was reestablished earlier than the uotor cmiponent. Prior to complet,~ nor.,.-,- nlization of hi.,~har nervjLLs activity periodic disturb~,nces were :Dbservod in the b--L-mce between excitatory and inhi- bitorj processes. Miltiple electrcshocks pruduced n~Dre prc- found chanr,es in hi,3her nervous activity, which laster for Card 1/2 RUWd4I;,/11u;.r.n and ;.nLKl Physiolo3y. Me Nervous Syste.*-i T-12 ;,bs Jour Raf Zhur - Biol., No 14, 1958, No 65734 several months. The iLpossibility of establishinr_, condi- tionod reflexes wcLs noted. Uhe anLmls 7nnifested signs of notor excit!~.tion or, conversely, i.-zrhed apathy and inhi- bition of nervous processes with the disappearance toward the conclusion of the cyperi.-.ients of conditioned cnd uncon- ditioned reflexes. In three dogs subjected to electrosh--ck seizures the nost pronounced chanL;ca were in the frintonariet-all frontT.l and superior parietal ari, in the region of the olfactory lobe, the hipp~ic%:.,pus and the suprnctrillosal Gyrus. Me ~;rcatast dru.,.age (.all the way to the death of neurons) was noted in layers IV and V. In the parietal rerion the number of satellite cells increased around those neurons which were in a stite of necr~jbiosis. In all the divisionsof the brain there were uanifestations of venous congestion and periv.~scular and pericellular edc-..n. In one dug the walls (if the s..nll vessels in the br, were thickened and pari- vascular Lr~liosis was observed.-I.I. Shroyt Card 2/2 116 SARAGEA, M.'-MBIS, A.; BERNTHAL, I.; VOLANSKI D. Changes in the tonus and motility of the gallbladder on stimilation of the reticular pontomesencephalic formation. Activ. nerv. sup. 3 no.4:389-398 161. 1. Chair of Pathopbysiolog7, Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute, Bucharest (Dir. Dr M. Saragea) (GALLBLADDER physiol) (BRAIN STEM physiol) UNGER) YU.; CHURYA, L.; VOULSKIY) D. Influence of a brain lesion on the bioelectricall reaction j-n r1h:,rth-mic- light stimulation. Fiziol. zhur. 47 no.6:704-710 Je 161. 15:1) 1. From the I.P.Pavlov Neurological Institute Rumanian People's Republic Academy, Bucuresti. (BRALL-WPUMS AND INJUIdES) (ELECThOB11CEPHALUG.APHY) (LIGHT-PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECT)