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KOZLOV,, V. V.; 1~,OLIFSON, T. I_,.-_IODKO, M. 0.; KOZLOVA, N. A..; TUBYANSKAYA, G. S. Nqph-thalene series. Part 27-2 Convarsions of naphthalenesul- fcmyl chlorides to dinaphthyl sulfones. Zhur. ob,. Ihim. 32 no.12:4077-1+079 D 162. (MIRA. :16: 1.) (Naphthalonesulfgnyl chloride) --(Sulfone) I)i2 USSR/Ifuzan and Animal Physiol,)L~j - Blood. BluoLIL C,0,1~~Ilatirms. T-4 Xos J-,ur RC- Zhxir - Biol., 110, 10, 195:3) LS" Author Vol'fson, T.I. ---------- Inst All-Union Society of Physiolo,:ists, Diochemistr, and Phorl"Icologists. Title The Mcclianics -of Fibrin,7,,,,-,,C*nas(2 Activity. OriG Ptfr) Tr. Vses. o-va fiziol., bioldiim. i farimalk,-dog)-v, J-95:615; 3, 113-1-1-4 - c-, cai-ised Iy fi- Abstract Studies were mdo of fibrino,.-On (F) chang brino--,enasc wit',lin the systen, of forments (aactive -Iobu- lin, preparation of fibrinagenaso.) and of sub~.trataa (fibri- noc~en solutions). DLtring the period of P chan',,;es (7-80 mnix',es), the ommints of residual 11 and of free, noino L~rolijy, did not increase. F disappearcd completely, while the total number of fo.obulins did not chanCe. Card 1/2 - 33 ~-WMMMWIWIM- MUM= USSR/Human ard Animal Physiology - Dlocd. Blood CoagLLlation. T-4 Abs Jour Ref Zhur - Diol., No 10, 19581, 45963 Before and after F disappearance, the lower limits of salted-out and Ila Globulins did not chan- (111-14)2SO4 , 2S04 C,e within the ferment-sulbstrata system. Aprarently., fibrinogennse catalyzes the transformation of F into another protein (or protains) of the globulin fraction without a deep protcolytic decomposition of F. -- A.D. Beloborodova Card 2/2 USSP/Raman and Animal Physiology. Blood. V Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol., No 6, 1958, 26816. Author V.S. Il'in, T.I. Vol'fson, Z.A. Chaplygina and K.P. Krayzmer---1-,----- Icst Title The 7nfluence of the Nervous System an the Activity of PLood Fibrinogenase. Orig Pub: Tr. Vse8. obsbestva, fiziol., biokhim. i farmakologov, 1956, 3, 117-118. Abstract: AaRve fibrinogenaue was not detected in the blood of 30 healthy individuals, but was found in the blood of 22 out of 40 surgical patients on the day pre- ceding a serious operation. In these same patients the active enzyme was found in only five cases a day after the operation. Analogous data was obtained Card 1/3 USSR/Hunan and Aninal Physiology. Blood. V Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Diol., No 6, 1958, 26816. in relation to 54 stomatological patients prior to oparation. Active fibrinogenase was detected in the blood of cats put to death rapidly by means of suffoc&tion, although the degree of activation of the enzynx-_ was less than in the blood of humans experlencing sudden death. Activation of fibrino- genaae in the blood of cats killed In the same way but in a state of profound anytal narcosis was noted in only 20~ of the experiments. Activation of fibrinogamase was not c~etected in these experi- ments in the blood of previously decerebrated cats. rr-hese data are indicative of the considerable im- portance of the central nervous system in the acti- vation of fibrinogenase in the bloot,. In 13 out of Card 2/3 USSR/HUM" and Ar-iml Physiology - Blood.q V Abs Jour: Ref. Zhur-Biol-, No 6, 1958, 26816. 16 experiments, injecting adrenalin intravenously into cats resulted in the activation of fibrinogenase in the blood. It is possible that adrenalin mnifeets an activating influence through the nervous system. Card : 3/3 KECHEYF'"'YAN, A.N.; VOPFSON, V.I. ~ Te.,Av drilling with Ho.7 bits in Baebk1ria. barenle m,E!6 ,'9 '64. (mmi, ---835) 1. Vsesoy-uznyy nauchn(>-issledovatellakiy institut Wrovoy takhniki. VOLIF3011, V.I.; GELIFGAT, Yn.A.; 05(LOV A V.--- CHETTIONSKI," Yc-.f--:. L Results of drilling welis witil, r1o,7 bits. Tridy VlTj-IBT 165 th~ t-c-pai-r c:,' (MIRA 'A KH-11Y I ~il 11 p i, f-! . -1 Vt )l I ': -.N ; I r. 1~ . ~. '111no-cu of hnllaw . -- --~- !I,?,- . - = I ~ . .. ~ -,.. 1. ~ - ~ _r, r; c . ~-~ I ~ - 17 2 - , -- ? 8. 't'14. (MI:,-RA 78-93) "~ VOLGIN. Vladimir Ivenovich; KULAGINA, T.I., red.; YODCLAGIIIA, S.D., . -- - -- ---. t6ikhn. red. - [Brachiopods from u~iper Carboniferous and lower Permian deposits of southern Iferganaj Brakhiopody verkhnekamennougolInykh i nizhnapermskikh otlozhenii IUzhnoi Fergany. Len:Lng-rad, Izd-vo Laningr.univ.. 1960. 20Z p. (NIBA 14:1) (Fergana-Brachiopoda, Fossil) VOLGIN, V.I. New species*of Brachicpoda from upper Faelozoic sediments in southern Yergana. Vest. LGU 15 no.18:29-37 160. (MIRA 13:9) (Yergaaa-Brachiopoda. Fossil) VOLIFSONI V.Ya. 4 Stationar7 comosition of a working vanadium oyida catalyst. rin.i kat. 6 no.3053-556' my-Ja 165* (MIRA 18:10) 1. Institut fizichatikoy khimli Immni Pisarzhevskogo AN Uk.rSSR. , I VOLIFSON, V,Yp,,,; GANYUK, L.N~ Use of e jec tron re sciaarv.--~~ I* or i~ tu -- r -ti- 14 ~ - -- ~-- Usp. khim. 34 "S 165". ~ I.M.1"RI, 1. Institut fizichaskoy khimii imani Plssrzhevskcg~,-, Aff Uk-rSSR. "AMA= - VOLIFSON-i V.Ya.1 GAWYUK, L.N. - . . .............- Vanadium catalysts for naphthalf..4ne oxidaticz. Kin. i kat. 6 no.2s 306-312 Mr-Ap 165. (MMA 18:7) 1. Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii imeni Pioarzhevskogo AN UkrSSR. Ava IMPM! in mggmq~vm VOLIFSON, V. Ya., Cand. Chem. Sci. (diss) "Aspects of Cata.lyzic Oxidation of Naphthalene." Moscow, 19-61, 14 pp. (Moscow ~;hem- Eng. Instit.) 150 copies (KL Supp 12-61, 25b). . . ROYTER, V.A.; KOB-NEYCMK. G.P.[Korniiehuk, H.P.1; V6L'M)N. V.TA.; ZHIGA.YLO, Ya.V.[Zhvhailo, IA,.V.] Kinetics of the oxidation of naphthalene in commercial layers of vanadium catalysts. Dop.AN URSR no-3:345-348 160. (MIRA, 119:7) 1. Inatitut fizichaskoy khimii im. L.V.Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR i Rubizhanskiy khimicheskiy kombinat. 2. Chlen-korrespondent AN USSR (for Royter). (Naphthalene) (Oxidation) VOLIPSON, V.Ya., KORNEYCEIUX, G.P., ROYTER, V.A. Characteristics of the catal7tic oxidation of naphthalieae.. Part I., Kinetics of oxidation of phthalic anhydride on a vanadlum oxide catalyst. Ukr. khim. zhur. 26 no-3:305-313 160. (XJ:RA l3t7) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii. AN USSR. (Phthalic anhydride) (Vanadium oxide) (Oxidation) B023/BO,60 AUTHORS: Vol If son, _V_,..Xa. Korneychuk, G. P., and Royter, V. A, TITLE: Characteristic Features of the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene. I. Kinetics of the Oxidation of Phthalic Anhydride on a Vanadium Oxide Catalyst PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vcl. 261, tio. 3; PP. 305?-313 TEXT: The-authors studied the kinetics of oxidation of phthalic anhydride. ch a coarse-crystalline vanadium oxide catalyst under conditions excluding the distortihg effect due to diffusion. The concomitant reactions were found to-obey the following kinetic equations: the reaction rate of maleic anhydride formation W 1 = ki.C phth-a /C prod' the reaction rate of intensive oxidation -of phthalic anhydride W2 = k2$ where ki, k 2 are the rate constahtsi C the total concentration of oxidation products of phthalic anhydrid.e prod in the reaction zone. The activation heat of the formation reaction of maleic anhydride was.calculated on the basis of the Arrhenius equatlon and- Card 1/4 Characteristic Featurea o,' the Catalytic Oxidation S/073/6qWC/00~~/C)1-., ly, of Naphthalene. 1. Kinetics of the Oxidation B02:5/IiO6O of Phthalic Anhydride on a Vanadium Oxide Catalyst was found to be E =' 58.12 kcal/mole. The factor B1 of the exponEtntial func:-* 11 tion was found to be B 1- 1.18-10 For the reaction of the intensive oxidation of phthalic anhydride E 2 40.92 kcal/mole and B2 = 2.45-10 A comparison between the authors' own results and the data offered by the literature showed that one of the factors ensuring the high selectivity of the catalytic process of producing phthalic anhydride from naphthalene is the high stability of phthalic anhydride toward oxidation (Ref. 4). The discrepancy between the partial reactions of phthalic anhydride and the reactions of its complete oxidation appears incomp:7ehensible at first. The zero order of the reaction of the intensive oxidation of phthali-, an-.-. hydride gives ground to the assumption of the catalyst surface being saturated by phthalic anhydride. The first order of the formation reacti on. of maleic anhydride from phthalic anhydride presuppose13 that there is no such saturation. This contradiction is disposed of when one assumes that,- first%r, the reaction of the intensive oxidation of phtkialic anhydride re,-~. quires the combination of a phthalic anhydride molecule cith oxygen,.whIla Card 2/4 Characteristic Features of the Catalytic Oxidation S107316o162610031CO6,41 1/7,7- of Naphthalene. I. Kinetics of the Oxidation B023/3o6o of Phthalic Anhydride on a Vanadium Oxide Catalyst the reaction of the partial oxidation requires th-e combination of two phthalic anhydride molecules with oxygen; that, secondly, the catalyst. surface is inhomogeneous and only its active centers are saturated -eiith- phthalic anhydride. The reaction of intensive oxidation taking place on these active centers is actually independent of the concentration of the product to be oxidized. 'At the same time, the rate of the rea.ctuion of partial oxidation of phthalic anhydride is certainly &2pendent upon its' concentration in the volume or at the less active placoo and is inivibitad by. the reaction products which render the access of pht-halic anl-..ydrid_o to the place of reaction more difficult. The discrepancy observed here hao been observed and dencribod a.roady earlier (Refo. 2, 3, and 6). Tbo attached ache'me nerves to illuatraLe-roactionn taking place In the o,'Cida-' tion of phthalic anhydride. There are 9 figures, 2 tables, and 7 refeten-- ces.' 6 Soviet and I US. ASSOCIATION: Inatitut fizicheskoy khimii AN USSR (Institute of Physical Chemistry of the AS Ukr!33R) SUBMITTED: June 7, 1959 Card 3/4 MCI 11 S1073160102610031006116111XX B023/BO60 co HC-CO 0. \0 + 4 (CO, + CO) H~O, HC-CO c0 \ , 1 0 8 (CO, + CO) + 2H.0. (2) co Card 4/4 T,()TSKAY,,I, Ye.F. of -,~nad'u-m 103 N--D 264. 4 Tz--.stittit, fLi;0.,-hc-kc-,y kh m e n VOLIFSON, V.Ya.; HIGAYLO, Ya.V.; TOTSKAYMP, Ye.F.; RAKSHA, V.V. Nature of the active component of vanadi-~zm oxide catalyst for n hthalene oxidation. Kin. i kat, 6 no.1:16,2-166 J&-F "4 apv -L - . z 0~'. (MI"h 18-6) 1. Instibit fi*,,,icheskoy khimii imeni Pisarzhavskogo AN UkrSSR. VOL'FSON, V-Ya.; KORNICYCRUK. G.P.; ROYTER, V.A.; Z11IGAYL0, 'ra.v. - Characteristics of the catalytic oxidation of naphthalene. PBrt 3: Kinetics of naphthalene oxidation in long beds of vanadiam catalysts. Ukr. khim. zhur. 26 no-5:588-593 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Institut fizicheskoy khimii im.L.V.Pisarzhevekogo AN USSR i Rubezhanskiy khimicheskiy kombinat. (Naphthalene) (Oxidation) Ong A, B023YB06,,, AUTHORS: Korneychuk, G. P. , Royt er, V. A. , S-QJ-LLaon,_ V. Ya. Zhigaylo, Ya.V. and Lyubiteleva, A.Z., TITLE: Characteristics of the Catalytic Oxidation of Naph**,haiere, 2. Investigations of the Oxidation of Naphthalene -.n Long Layers of Vanadium Catalysts PERIODICAL: Ukrainskiy khimicheskiy zhurnal, 1960, Vol.. 26, No~ 4 pp. 432-439 TEXT: The authors performed a comparative investigaticn between the combined charge suggested by them (it consists of a partly reduced va- nadium oxide catalyst and a coarse-crystalline vanadium pentcxide, R-.f-2) and the catalysts used in industry. Along with thi S 4nvestigaticn the efficiency ~Lnd selectivity of the naphthalene oxidation was studied on the basis of the productz obtained, and the temperature conditions prt- vailing albrig the layer were examined. By means of an enlarged plant and a commercial. reaction apparatus 'the authors obtained data proving that the combined charge of vanadium oxide catalysts is superi,-3v to the Card 1/3 Characterintics of the C~Ltal,'/tiC Oxidation 5/07 -51601026.1100,rilo - o/0--~/XY of Naphthalene. 2. Investigations of the B023/BO64 Oxidation of Naphthalene in Long Layers of Vanadium Catalysts commercial reaction apparatus of vanadium pentoxide. Under these cond,~-- tions the phthalic anhyd3'ide yield reached 80-85%. Under worse c!Z)ndit--,()ns of heat reduction and temperature balance in the commercial reaction apparatus the selectivity of the combined charge amounts to 76-78% (tha-t of the industrial being 69-70%). Thus, the naphthalene consumption is reduced by 25%. The efficiency of the catalysts did not decrease. Data were obtainEA on the efficiency and selectivity of the vanadium catalyst with respect; to phthalic- and male4- anhydride. The optimum experiment;-.11 conditions, the change of the naphthalene concentration, its oxidation products and. temperature were determined by taking samples along the layer of the vanadium catalysts. The authors found that at a E.-i-7en temperature and concentration of naphthalene in the gas mixture ar. o-.t--- mum flow rate exists, which warrants a maximum yield of' phthalic anhyd-1- de. It corrEsponds to the maximum velocity at which no naphthalene lea'.res the output of the plant. The method applied, in combination with the indicator method which serves to determine the naphthalene which has not entered into reaction, is suited for a quick and reliable eval--,-,,atiork ~~- f Card 2/3 Characteristics of the Gata-',itic Gycida- S/rU7716010261GQ41 1O/O'8/Y-X to tion of Naphthalene. 2. Investigations B023/BO64 of the Oxidation of Naphthalene in Long Layers of Vanadium Catalysts the efficiency and selectivity of naphthalene oxidation catalysts, and also for determining the kinetic laws. A.T. Beskrovnaya, L.S. Fallko-~'ich and T. A. Sidorovich took part in the investigations. The authora thanK S.T. Rashevskayal head of the Tsentralinaya za-,rodskaya laboratoriya of the Rubezhanskiy Xhimkombinat (central Works Laboratory of the Rubezhariskiy Chemical Kombinat) for her help in the experiments. There are 3 figures, 3 tables and 8 Soviet references. ASSOCIATION: Institut fizicheskoy 'khimii im. L.V. Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR anstitute of Physical Chemistry imeni L.V. Pisarzhevsk-iY of the Academy of Sciences, UkrSSR). Rubezhanskiy khimi- cheskiy koribinat (Rube%!1:njye Chemioul Komb-inat) SUBMITTED: July 7, 1959 Card 3/3 B004/1306.3 AUTHORS.i Vollfson, V. Ya., Korneychukq G. P., Royte-r, V. A- Zhigaylo, Ya. TITLEt Peculiarities of the Catalytic Oxidation of Naphthalene. 3. Kinetics of the Oxidation of Naphthal(-aE in Long Layers of Vani~dium Catalysts PERIODICALa Ukrai%skiy khimicheskiy zhurnalq 1960, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 588-595 TEXTs The purpose of the present work was t-o obtain data on the mechanism underlying the oxidation of naphthalene on vanadium catalysts under con- ditions comparable to those applied in industry. The following catalyats were used: 1) a commercial o~:ttalyst from molten V20c;; '4') a "combined mixture" with partly reduced V 0 Thio catalyat ha(I been f]Uggp the 2 5* , I_fjt(id by authors in Ref. 3; 3) tablets of the commercial vanadium-potassiumsulf ate-- silica gel catalyst (combined vanadium catalyst). Each experiment took 12-14 h. 2-3 h before the end of the experiment, sampleg were ta]-ken ealong Card 1/3 Peculiarities of the Catalytic Oxidation of S/073/60/026/'00-1/001/019 Naphthalene.~ 3. Kinetics of the Oxidation of B004/BO63 Naphthalene in Long LayeTs of Vanadium Catalysts the catalys" layer, which were used to study the variations irt conrentration of naphthaleneq naphthoquinonc-, maleic anhydride, CO ?, arid CO. It was ft-ti-rid that the pa'.rtial reactions occurring during the oxidation of rjaphthalene ort V20 5catalyl3tS obey the following kinetic equattonst 1) v k C (formation of phthalic anhydride); k, ~- 4,5-10-3_ 4. k CO*5 (formatlon i)f maloic Cn concentration of naphthalene. 2) V9 - 2' n I - anhydride); k - o.o665.10 -5 - 0-0835-10-5. 3) v :- k C2 (forma-ti-)n o-f 2 3 5 fl. naphthoquinone); k 54 -- 47-5 bstraster's noted Obvi-usly a inisprint]. 4) v4 ~ k4' nq (oxidation of naplithoquinorie); k4 ~ 2a47-10 Cnq - concentration of naphthoquinone. 5) 'V'5 --k5Cn(formation cf producla on account of intense oxidation); k 5 - i.10.10 3 .. 1-5'~fO-,I. The reactions occurring during oxidation on the combined vanadium catalyz-,t obey the fo*.'Alowing equations. 1) v6 =k:6(formation of ph-~haiic anhydride); Card 2/17 '9~ -- -- Peculiaritiea of the Catalytic Oxidation of S/07 5/60/026/005/00-,1D Naphthalene. 3. Kirieti.cs of tho Oxiclation -~>f B00006~)' Naphthalene in Long Layers of Vanadium Cafalys's 2-16 22.7-10- 8. 2) -v 7 -k7-Cn (formaticn of mal-~-ic anhydr-,de-); 0.144-10-.3. (oxidation of maloic; IC7 3) a = ke.C ma I 1"a 0-72-10-3; C ma = concentratIon of malei ,e anhydvide. 4) v 9 - 1-1 9'C (formation of naphthoquinone); k 9 ~- M-10-3. The dtfferences t,,7-tureer. the reaction constants obtained and the data of V. P. Ush~Akcva and I. Ia loffe are explained by the ddfferent specific surfaces, 11-~f th~., OafrfIysI'q u3ed here. There are 3 fioares. 2 tables, and 7 6 s)v4iel, anj I British. ASSOCIATIOM Institut fizicheskoy khimii im, L, V. Pisarzhevskogo AN USSR (Instit-Ite :)f Physical ChemistT-y lmenl L. V. Pisarzhevsk-;1i of the AS UkrSSR). Rubezhansk"zy khi-michesk--'y komb-.nat (Rubezhn-:~ye Chemical Kombinat) SUBMITTEDi June 7, 1959 Card 3/3 '--=-~"ir---AP6OO4186 EwA(i'% Ljp((.) Ds/JD/ SOURCE CODE: UR/uU7t5/66/04ujluuj/~-';e'(.L/u;~'(:) WW/JW1JGA1B1M1 .AUTH0R-. Vol'If3on, V. Ya. ORG: none TITLE:. Sixth Ukrainian Conference on Physical Chemisttl dedLcated-t6-0ib memory of Academician L. V. Pisarzhevskiy on his 90th thday SOURCE,. Zhurnal fizicheskoy khimii, v. 40, no. 1, 1966, 271~275 TOPIC TAGS: chemical conferencet electrolyte deposition, electrolyte, electrode ,potential, reaction mechanism, chemiluminescencel luminescence cluenchingp redox reaction., molecular spectroscopy, photochemistry, radiation chemistry, radiation polymerization, quantum chemistry, biochemistry ABSTRACT: The regular Ukrainian Conference on Physical Chemi-stry,- held -3-26 November 1964 in Kiev,'was dedicated to the memor of.Academician --'2 Z y L. V. Pisarzhevskiy on his 90th birthday. About 300 Ukrainian physical chemiE-ts attended the meetin s' Papers were presented onresearch in .-,ds of electrochemis-, mi the fie' - che cal reaction mechanisms, phatoch.em- ry istry, radiation chemistry, clu ntum chemistry, and quantum biology. E1ectroch6in1-.~;'U;?.-Tfie broad topics disciiiisbd werie p'r-op'ertiL:s of the el(!-'- Itions (24 papers), - electrode potential, kinetics of electrode proces 'S, ctrol-yte solu- :and ele-ctrolvtic deposition of metals. %Thermodynamic propertiesl and .electrical conductivity of aqueous and nonaqueous solutions of electrolytes were discussed in several papers. In a study of poly(vinyl ELICDhol) thii,,i ACC ,7 jilms, -A. Va. Gellfman and R. G. Luzan (Kharkov) established'a semi- conducting_ character of temperature dependence of electric conductivity.. During _tW6, s-e"Ssion on e lec trod e' pote ntia:l,- _V. I. Minenko, S. __LL%,anova, and 1. K.-Eallko (Kharkov) reported that the oxide z-fr*actory diaphragms in certain galvame cells act as membrane 4~lectriodes. Thb.-- teen other papqrs were noted at the same session. The session on the kinetics of electrode processes featured papers by: L. 1. Antropo J. and V. P. Chviruk (Kiev) on the kineticis c-f codepo- sition and dissolution* of sodium and zinc on anAT I lectrode with g gam e certain practical conclusions on preparation -purity alkalis; G. A. Yemellyanenko, G. G. Simulin, and Ye. N. Bayta C ~v-s K T ELva Wneprc-petr on electrolytic separation of certain metallic-highly dispersed-4)owd !rs and fine. crystalline.dense deposits;.A. I. Tsinman, V. S. Kuzub and L A. Sokolov. (Severodonetsk) on the steel co rrosion inhibjjkq&~~~ :'71'F- (NaF) in an oxidizing medium (in a transpassive region). ' Four Lp.ther papers were also noted. Two papeis &H electrochemical kinet ics w ere pr es ent6d.atthe general session: Yu. K. Delimarskiy (Kiev) - latest achieveipents in the field of the kinetics of electrode processes in Molten'and L.. I. Antropov (Kiev) - application of reduced 0-potentials scale to 'electroc 1 kinetics. ACC Four papers were noted at the session on electrolytic deposition ,-of metals, including papers by V. G. Prikhodchenko, and Ye. V. Leontovich- electrolytic deposition of indium ultratracesIand V. S. Galinker and A. 1. W1 Saprykin- electrolytic depositi~Jn of Pb-Sb and Cd-Zn alloys, The authors 7;%W~echn of both papers are associated with Kiev ic slituteO Mechanism of Chemical Reactions and Reactivity: A total of 13 papers were noted. A.A. Ponamarenkc B.IL.f2pov, L. M. Amelina, L. V. Gritsenko, and R. Ye. Shindell (Ivov) reporte.1 on the analytical app UoTn-of ch6milii-minescence quenching by various 4 [unspecified] organic compounds in the luminol-copper ammoniate-hydro- ~gen peroxide system. K. B. Yatsimirskiy (Kiev) discussed (in a general session) the mechanism of ci~talytic redox reactioniA with formation of charge transfer complexes; such reactions, in the authors' opinion, are accelerated by substances which promote orientation of the atomic orbitals of the catalyst and reagent, i.e., the charge transfer. Photochemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy: Eleven papers were noted. A. Ye. Lutskiy (Kharkov) reported electronic -vibrational spectra of monosubstituted benzenes. V. A. G-Trin', S Lebpdf-va, and Yu. N. Forostyan (Zaporozhlye) studied T-1- -ect of the nature of the substituent on -molecular spectra of phenyl and pyridyl radicals. M. S. Ashkinazi, "if. Ye. Karl?itskMa, I. A. Dolid.ze, and B. Ya. Dain (Kiev) established the formation of free radicalFin chloro- and pheophytin sensitized photooxidation of aromatic amines and Card 3 i3lfiUl -M- ACC NRs AP6004166 'determined the na~ture* of the free radicalsi..L. M. Kutsyna 1(Kharkov) - studied the solvent effect on absorption and fluorescence spectra of 1, 3,5- tr iphenylpyrazolon. 1. 1. Diltin , and 1. N. CherRjHk (Kiev) detected and explained stimulation of the fluorescence quenching'of chlorophyll. Radiation _Chemi~~r7: Most of the papers were devoted to the effect of radiation on poly- ,.mersP Yu. N. Nizellskiy, K. A. Kornev, A. A. Kachan, and L.. L. Chery (Kiev) s__ - 3LI)r;~i~n~c_ -yatsova tudied radiation copolymerizationlof c. I vi: 1 to viA "7 h 51.1 1 k. IS. acetat4jand subsequent saponification of the latter yl a c;7 Fdmei&o, et al. (Kiev) showed formation of the -CH2 CGINMCIFICH2 --I.-YP(! ,radicals, evolution Of H2 and CO, and decreasr in viscosity in radiation-- _tnduced Oegradation of poly -c- ca2roamide.1 IL. L. Nagornaya (Kharkov) revealed the dependence of radiation damage in plastic scintillatorAm the total -y-radiation dose and on the nature of radiation;'the y- rELdia.-' -tion damagg can be decreased by introducing two phosphors. Quantum . - ~Chemizqtry: These.papers also included those on EPR studies of free radicals. A total of 12 papers w-ere noted, several of which'reported neW-mathe- matical expressions for calculating integrals of the ligand field and total. energy of a system (Yu. A. Krual~yak), the state of ls-helium-like strue- tures, or dependence of the position of first absorption bands of very long pol ethine dyeslfin the chemical structure of the. nuclei G. Dyadyusha, Kiev). Card 4/5 ACC NR: AP6004186 Two papersvere noted on semiconducting polymers: V. V. and V. S. Kuts (Kiev) affirmed the existence of !he charge transfer complexes in the po ly(phenylac etylene) - oxygen or iod ine sys - tems at 20C in vacuum; and GI. F. Kventsell (Kiev) calculated the electron mobility in.semiconducting polymers. Plivsicochemical Problems of Molecular ,,%,616935. . The most noted of the three paveys lipted in this cateliory i4as the paper by V. M. Ga.,rday and'V, 1. Daniloy (Kiev) on the code of protein synthesis and Tisruire-in'evolution promotipgputations. [ATD MEW; '1~193-F] SUB CODE: 07 SMM DATE: none VOL --Y--(lAeningrad); STAROSKOLITSEV, V (Iotgansk); FEDIAYEV, S.: PXRXOV, L.; TONK0110GOV, 14. (Tashkent); FRUSOV, A.(Tzildom); 3EIDY, 3. (Orekho-i-o-Zuyevo); PETROV, V. News from everywhere. Sov.foto 20 no.8:44-45 Ag l6o (MIRA 13-8) 1. Zaveduyushchiy fotokinolaboratoriyey TSentrallnoy statsii yuny-kh tekhnikov imeni N.M.Shvernika (for Fedvavev). 2. Zaveduyushchiy fotolaboratoriyey pionerskogo lagerya Moskovskogo 7yeshego tel-chnicliesko o uchilishcha im. Baumana (for Perkov). ~;hotclgraphy) VOLIFSON, V-1c". Indl,-- -. 41- i o r, a f c r , am i n -~ r aita sa 1 r e -, c c -, i o n c f -, h e = L7- i I -ai-,- Ira-l--'7,-- I SMI 16z-'83-2-90 163. (~f"Rj" Jn-tranasal resection of the maxillary sinus. lbi(I..*3-91-192 1. Iz kafedry ukha., nosa i 90r19 (zav. - prof. G,,M.Starlkav) Smolenskogo gosudarstvennogo meditainskoga instituta. VOLIFS011, Yk.I.- SIBLASHM, S.S. Ferryboat -for conveying antomobiles and motortr-lickm. 3inl. tekh.-ekon.inform. no.5:73-74 159. (IMU 12:8) (Ferriee) - VOLIFSON, Ya.I., inzh.; STRASHUN, S.S., inzh. Universal Ir-rges for use on Siber4an ri7ers. Sudostroemile 25 no.4:10-11 Ap '59. (XI1U 12:6) (Barges) (Siberia--Inland navigation) VOLIFSON, Ya.I., inzh.; STRASHTM. S.S.. inzh. Motorship "39rofei Khabarov.n Sudostroanie 25 no.3:78 Mr '59. (MIRA L2:5) (liortorships) - ____ - M am __ MMWAMvxmm~ IIN-_ VOLIPSON, Ya.I. -ex;~';-~-___ 4. ,- New freight and passenger diesel-propelled ships for Siberian rivers. Biul. tekh.-ekon.inform. no.5:67-69 158. (MIRA 11:7) (Siberia--Ships) STRLSHUN, S.S.; VOLIFSOTI, Ya.I. Tank barges used! on Siberian rivers. Biul. teldi..-ekon. inform. no.4:77-78 '58. OUR-1. 11:6) (Siberia--Tank vessels) BOGOSLAVSKIY, A.L.; VOLIPSON, Ye.B. On the problem of malignangt periosteal osteoma. i rad. 34 no.4:70-72 J'l-Ag 159. (MIRA 12:12) 1. Iz rentgenovskogo otdeleniya (zav. - A.L. Bogoslavskiy) Gorodukoy onkologicheskoy bollnitsy (glavnyy vrach P.Ye. VakIchevich; vedushchiy onkolog - prof. F.M. Lampert [deceased]). (OSTEOMA case reports) o7lo 4f W 4 to a I t I le 11 12 11 u I$ IL Ir is ZZ a 24 ZS It V 29 PO I ID V V 11 M Id ly 1# 19 j L L I I Ak- 44 M 00 ITT -..0 cv'Nasll 00 00 90 vt 00 a 00 00 0 hOO8rVLs"z&dOu of AdnitmrT Cbe=icnl defense in distriCt 00 pitala. Z' Rvvi of 1wr"I'll-I Al"I cqUillment 00 fiw th pital, in dillicut "t Aft aft.alk': Ax'jjt'. 001 AA-4 -641 t'00 00 !'41 ASS.%LA OtTALLVrGICAL LITCRAT409 CLASSIPtCAPON Use U In AV M Is PC A, CS it n al 0 0 06 -41 6 *00000 60 0 w it 11 r) 4 is LA 11 to rt a ro, 17 D 16 Ais 17 b A 16 it u is J4 14 )s &I a if0 A A M f 4 It I I V V Y- IAA N CA W U A 00 00 Sanitary irequiremento f 'Of ifying the watot fom chemical tactode.. Z. Fr -00 Vol'fwm, 1, Chow. IM41. 00 (v S. R.) 17. No. 1(1 25 If. M. L. -0 * 0 .00 00 0 41 00 *0 j *0 00 M zoo ~00 72 IWO 0 0 I L a t7~LLUFCKA& L111W"t Ck4S$IFPLATIC% so It i I or w -MI A. % 0 fwa w be if- .2 0111. cog Wit Wss Win I 0 40 0 2. 4k 0 o dr 4, .100, r*o;o 0*0 40' 40, ; z r. a 00 . VOLIFSON, Z. G. PA 2CYr37 -USSR/mecLicine - Public Health Apirltray 154T- Medicine - Hygiene an& Sanitation "The Results of the Scientific Conference of' the Sanitary -Bygienic Institutes of the IRSFSP," Z. G. Vollfson, 3 PP "Sovetakoye Zd-ravookhraneniye" No 4 Gives titles and sometimes brief accounts of reportq~ read by varlons delegates. Yhinly valuable from the' standpoint of personnel an& Institutions. 20T3 VCLf Z. G. 217--l -.-TOJ L I3o: n-MBEMAM 19 ; -- r .. VOL;FSON, Z. G. 29224 Itogi Respublikanskoy nauchnoy sessii gigienicheskikh iastitutov i kafedr gigieny meditsinskikh institutov RSPSR (Moskva. 5-9 apr. 1949 g.) Gigiena i sanitariya, 1949, ko 8. s. 49-51 SO: Letopsit Zhurnallnykh Statey, Vol. 39, Moskva. 1949 176T74 U6SR/Medicine Hygiene and Sanitation BeP 50 Societies Medical "Scientific Stsaion.of Uygiene Institutes and the Chair of Hygiene of Medical Institutes of the RSFSR," Z. G. Vollfson "Gig i San!' No 9, pp 49-51 Outlines works presented,, questions discussed, &ad resolutions and conclusions dravn at meeting held in Moscow, 29 M~ty - 3 Jun 50, at.Cen Sanitation Inst imeni Erisman. Agenda covered problems in hygiene of air, water and soil, labor hygiene, occupatiomsLl dis- eases* food,. hyg~ene;o'~d hygiene of children and! in- fants. 276T74 0-0 Ell Public Health Results of the conference on*planning for scientific thematics at Sanitation and -TVgi-ne Institutes of RSFSR for 1952. Gig i san. no. 3, 1952 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessionsy Library of Congress, JL4gUat 19,52_1jqw, Uncl. VOLIFSON, Z.G.J. prof- (Moskva) Concerning D.F.Partsef's article "Hygenic evaluation cf a=- pollution in the area of gas service Nstations for the tanks of gas-fuelled automobileso Gig. sanit. 213 no.. 2, 89-90 163. (MIRA 17:2) - VOLIFSON., Z.-G., prof.; BARABOY, V.A.. "Sanitary protection of the atmospheric air from pollution" by N.M.Tomson. Reviewed by Z.G.VollfBon, V.A.Bara.bol, Gig. i sam. p 26 no.4:108-1-U Ap 161. (M'.E;-A 15 * 5). (AIR--POLLUTION) (TOMSON., N.M.) prof. Concerning the article of exhaust gases from 89-90 My 161. (AUTOMOBILE' by M.V,Aleksoeva, VAJG-au--ta1C--.,a,, nA atmdy aut-c-mobile traffic." G-Lg. i san. 26 no.5: (MIRA 15:4) EVAAUST GAS) (ALFKSFMFA, M.V.) (KHRUSTALEVA, V.A.) VOLIFSON) Z.G., prof.; TIRMTENBERG, I.M., dotsent "Textbook on hygiene" by R.D.Gabovich. Reviewed by Z.G.Vollfson. I.M.Trakhtenberg. Gig. i san. 26 no.8:1-17-119 Ag 161. (14I;tA 15:4) I (PUBLIC IMTH) (GABOVICH, R.1).) 1:1, VOLIFSON, Z.G. , prof.; KUSHAKOVSKIY, L.". , prof.; BARONIK, P.I. 11 prof ; ----FMIUUYUK, 1; A. , dotsont; SIDIAL I I D. D. , dotsent. "Hygiene textbook" (1st and 2nd editions] by V.A.Pokrovokii. . .. Reviewed by Z.G.*Vollfso4 and others. Gig. i sa,n. 26 no.ll-. 102-106 U 161. 1 (MIFA -14: --, I)- (HYGIENE) (POKHOVSKIII V.A.) M ( VOLIFSON, Z.G.j prof. . . Behind the automobile steering wheel. Zdorovle 6 no.10:30 0 160. - (=&.A 13: 9) (AUTMOBILE DRIVERS-DISEASES AND MIGIENE) . . VOLIPSON, Z,G, On the pages of "Gigiena I sanitariia" in 1959. Zhm7. -4 obiol.'- 1 4 mmin. 31 121 io%3.26-i2g o ,6o. (MIRA 13:12) PUBLIC NFALTH-PERIODICAT OLIFSON, Z.G.9 prof. Dampness and house fungi. Zdorovle 7 no. 2:31 F 161. (MIFM 14r2) (DAMPNESS IN BUILDINGS) (WOOD --- STAINING FUNGI) VOLIFSON, Z.G-.-, prof. Conference on problems in comw nity hygiene. Gig. i san. :24 no.-9: 87--89 S 159. . (MIRA 13: 1) (PUBLIC FMALTH) .. VOLIPSON, Z.G.; GABOVICH, R.D.; GORR, L.E. "Chronic carbon monoxide poisoning" ; a collection of papers from the Lvov Medical Institute. Reviewed by Z.G. Vollfson, R.D. Gabo- vich, L.N. Gorn. Gig. i san. 24 no.1:90-92 J& '59- (MYRA 12:2) (CARBON MONOXM--TOXICOLOGY) VOUISION1 Z I I. "Modification of the Technique of Laryngectomy aiming at Initial Cicatrization, of the T.-found." report submitted for the Seventh Intl. Congress of Otorhi-nolaryngology, Paris, 23-29 July lo.6m PA UT47 USM/Madioine - Prmchoscopv Irdy/Dec 1514T Modicine - Instrummts Mmsnogvardayets, a Bronoboscope 'Works," Prof Z. I. Volfsony Stalirqpmd~ 1 p "Vest Oto-rino-lar" No 6 Discusses the remarlmblib reconstruction of the K-raE-- nogvardayets bronchoscope works. In spite of this, however) there'are several faults which should be cor- rected. Most of these are In reference to the mmrer In which the instrument Is produced. Discusses thel assembling of a "vatnik" which is usually manufaottxed In two parts, and suggests that because of the f:re-. quent accidents this appliance be constructed in one, piece. TIC 34Z.-7 b1_)13auVSKIYY N.A., prof., red.; VOLIFKOV.ICII, N,.l., prof., red.; -VOLIFSONY Z.1., prof., red.; LIKHACFEV, A.G., prof., red.; TIZV5KIY-;-3_.I,-.,,r6d.; Y-rREOBRAZH'E7!SFXI, B.S., prof., red.; SAGALOVICH, B.P1., doktor med. nauk, red - SAKHAROV, P.P., prof., red.; UNDRITS, V.F., prof., red.*tdeceased] (Transactions of the First All-Russian Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists] Trudy pervogo Vserossiiskolro s'lezda otorinolaringologov. Moskva, Medgiz, 1963. 318 P. (MIRA 17:7) 1. Vserossiyskiy s"yezd otorinolaringologov. ist. Volgograd, 1962. 2. DeystvitelInyy chlen AMIJ SSSR (for Preobrazbenskiy). 3. Chlen-korrespondent At-Ui SSSR (for Undr~ts). 4. GlavrWy otarinolaringolog Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RSF&R (for Bobrovskiy'). VOLIFSON. X.I., professor. ll~ ~t,4- Cases of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract. Ve.,it.oto-rin. 15 no.4:85-86 JI-Ag '53. (MaA 6:9 ) 1. Kliniks, bolesney ukha, gorla i nos& StalingTadakogv medi.tainskogo institute.. 2. Stalingradskaya, oblastuaya klinichaskays bolluit3a. (Respiratory organe-lorsign bodies ) BOBROVSKIV-, N.A., prof., red.; VOLIFKOVIC.H, M.I., prof., red. (Saratov);j-"9L'.-'PSON., ?.I.., prof., red.; I~EEVSKIY, B.1%, red.; PREOBRAZEEESKUY, B.S., prof., red.; SAGALOVICH, B.M., doktor med. nauk, red.; SAKHAROV, P.P.J, Prof., red.; UNDRITS, V.F., prof., red. (deceased] [Transactions of the First All-Hussian Congress of Otorhinolaryngologists] Trudy Vserosaiyskogo sl'3,ezda otorinolaringologov. Moslcva, Medgiz., 1963. 518 P. (MIRA 18: 3) 1. Vserossiyskiy s"yezd otorinola-ringologov. Ist, Volgograd, 1962. 2. Deystvitellnyy ch-len PI-11 SSSR (for Preobrazheriskiy). 3. Chlen-korrespondent A1,11 SSSR (for Undrits). ACC NR: i-.M6035814 Monograph UR/ (A) Nilrontov, Boris Ivanovich; Kireyev, Vasily Vasillyevich'Kisilevich, Yevgeniy Mefod1yevich; Iosif Ar-turovich; Sadkovich, Yan Fedorovich; Golomolzin; Aikadiy Ivano vi ca; --, P-et. r6fikoAndrey Afanslyevich f Construction of 4derground structures (Stroitellstvo podzemnykh sooruzheniy) bloscov. Izd-vo "Nedra", 1966. 293 P. ilius., biblio. 2450 copies printed. TOPIC TAGS: (I 6,A-,N-Vj a-V 10 yk mining engineering FURPOSE AND COVEAWE: This book is intended for engineering and technical workers of construction, scientific-research, and design organizations studying the problems of building underground installations; it can also be used by workers of mine-constAiction organizations. In the book are discussed the baelc prob- lems of conduAing mining 'operations during the construction of underground in- stallations. There are 97 references, 72 of which are Soviet. TABLE OF CONITEWS~ [abridged] Ch. I. Basic methods of conducting mining operations during construction. of under- ground, chambers -- 9 Ch. II. Foreign 6xperience in conducting mining operations durIng construction of underground chambers -- 22 Ch. III. Dri3_1i4 boreholes and blast holes -- 55 Card 1/2 uDc: 623.igi.2+622 268.8 ACCNRS AM80358lC_-____ Ch. IV. Blastingioperations -- 83 Ch. V. Mechanizaiion of underground loading and transportation operations U& Ch. VI. Progressive methods of reinforcing mining excavations - 145 Ch. VII. Methods of excavating underground chambers in hard rocka -- 17.5 Ch. VIII. Excavation methods providing for chamber-wall reinforcement during the excavationiof a maosif -- 178 Ch. DC. Excavati4n methods by which chamber walls remain open during -excavation -- 224 Ch. X. Examples df calculations relative to work organization and the selection of equipment , 233 Ch. XI. Ventilat' and dust suppres9ion during the excavation of underaxound *n chambers -- 249 Ch. XII. Several 'problems of underground installation stability __ 280 REF: 029/ SUB CODE: 08, 13/ SUM DATE.- 03May66/ ORIG MW: 076/ Ccilrd 2/ 2 I langotherapy. Med. sestra, Moskva no.7:13-19 Jiay 1953. (CIXIR 25:1) 1. Klaypeda. m VOLIFTRUB, I.S. 27542- VOL'FTRUB, I.S.-Parnfinolechonic. Mod. Sestra, 1949, No. 8, S. 1(S-19. SO: Letopis'Zhurnal'nyki-I Statey, Vol. 47, 1948. RgARRx"An - - AMW~WMKIYI I--- WM84MMINM Ow 1419~ -- E~~Iiw ~ M 1. '70LIFTRT.TB, 1. S7. 2. ussF (6oo) 4. Hospitals - furniture, equipment, etc. 7- Portable tray for distributing medicins, Med. sestra No. 1, 1953- 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, May -1953. Unclassified. VoLIFTRUB, 1. 3. Nervous System - Diseases Case of chloroleukemia with disorders of the central nervous systeri., KI-in. med., 30, No. 1, 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -1953. Unclassified. VOLIFIRUB$ I. S. Tumors Case of chloroleukemia with disorders of the central nervous systerifl Klin. med- 30 No. 11 1952. 9. Monthly List of Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, -19534 Unclassified. I VOL I FnIm I T. S. Waxes - Therapeautic Use Ozocerite therapy.- Med. sestra., 11, 1951 9. Monthly List of. Russian Accessions, Library of Congress, March 1952_19~, Uncl. VOLIFT'RUB-. I.3. (g.Kla;ypeda). Hmd therap7. Ked.sestra, n0-7:13-19 Jl 053. (XIJU 6-7) (Barthe, Medical and surgical uses a.") VM TF'= S. , IT -0u USSR/Medicine - Paraffin Therapy Therapy Aug 49 PA 2/5arO "Paraffinotherapy.,nLt Col 1. S. Vollftrub, Med.Corps, Garrison Hosp, 3* pp". 49ed Sestra" No 8 An anhydrous paraffin vith a melting point of 5.2-550 Is used. It Is heated in a-double-boiler type of apparatus.. Gives d1rections for heating and appli- cation. It Is indicated in various diseases., amoz3g them neurltis, bursitis., arthritis, and hypertonia, Paraffiny left over from one treatment, can be resterilized and used again. Chief, Garrison Hosp: Lt Col Klinov, Med Corps. rDD 2/50TE17 - -,! ~) L- F-- r-!,--\'i If', , ;I , 'JOLFTHUR, 1. f. Tecthnic, dosage and method of ultra-violet ray therapy. Mod. sasitx-a, Moskva No. 6. June 50. p. 11-6 1, Lt. Col., Medical Corps. OV-1 19, 5, Nov,jp 1950 IC 63 Y_gL'FTRUB, I. S. Lechenie ozokeritom. Med. sestra. Moskva no. 11:24-27 Nov. 1951 (CLML 21:3) 1. Colonel, Medical Corps. V/ c' I - t- , - L, i-~ 1~ i --.~ , I- - i VOWFTRW 1, S. K tekhrdke prImemaUs penitaIllina. ffeemique of ImmiaMla app2leat,loo Md. sestra, 14oskva No. U Nov 50 p. 29-30,, 1. m C.L.M.L. Vol. 20, No. 2 Feb 1951. Sasso= s-u Ij 1~ tcMcwzidow of tfic~ kfiew. If" (-C(.,ccn y w Is OWY 11~- Olumil all - , ior calclikiiimg the C caftecdow Of -tlli~ o Ao,- ~whvtv w =cmss Pipe . " -rate o n~:ma_k- wra of' tim- tor-el h$ ~wcll of-reff rt.~.oMer"If a of htwizantal a- Ai~ cj( '-favity tic he -L. ida Ft EW-*VRAWW FAM W - C-_ VOLIFTSUN, I.B. Dependence of maximm flood discharges resulting fzom rains on precipitation and d1scharge before t,"e flood. Trud_v GGI no.91:58-115 161. (MIRA 14- EEO (Floods) VOLIFTSUN, I.B. Calculating losses of runoff from rain in a swill drainage basin. Trud~r GGI no.95:14-28 162. 04IRA 15-~6) (Runoff) VOLIFTSIM, I.B. Change In the formation of surface snow-watpor j-unrff as ;:, consequence of' afforestation. Trudy, GGI no.95:29-54 162. (MIRA 15-0 .-1 (Runoff) (Forest influences) W VOLIFTSUN, I.B. Dissertation: "Processes Governing the Formation of Rain Floods and Procedures for Computing Theri.1 Cand Tech Sci, State 1U7drologic.-&l T,-~S+j Leningrad, 1953. (Referativnyy Zhurnal GeoAgiya Geografiya, Moscowl . Aug 54) SO: SUM 393, 28 Feb 1955 VOL11FTSUN, I.B. Investigation of the formation of flash floods. Trudy GGI no.46: 5-47 '54. (MUU 8:11) (Floods) (Runoff) 1~ VOLIFTSUN 1.3,- ___ Analysis of the formation of M&-fimum flow resulting from rail. r,- falls and methods of calculating it. T=dy GGI no-76:5-55 16o. (MIRA 13:6) (Ranoff ) rim VOLIFTSUN I.B.; MSTOVSKIT, 0.1. Axperimental study of the tranBformation of smv-va',er --t,--oi'f by large depressions in the gullies of the Valday Hmirological Scientific Research Laboratory. Trudy GGI no-76.56-66 16o. (KIRA. 13: 6) (Runo ff F T- Subject USSR/Meteorology and Hydrology AID P - 1437 Card 1/1 Pub. 71-a - 11/23 Author Vollftsun, I. B., Kandidat of Tech. 'Sciences Title Computation of the cross section area of a pipe, connecting the upper water of a runoff with the well of an automatic recorder Periodical Met. i gidro., 1, 41-42, Ja - P 1955 Abstract A formula is suggested connecting the area of the surface of the well and the height of water intake in the well with the velocity of the rising level in the upper water, the difference in levels and the time. The author underlines the importance of a correct cross section area of the pipe in order to account for sudden rises in the runofff during floods. 3 Russian references Institution: Main Administration of the Hydrometeorological Service of the Council of Ministers of the USSR Submitted No date VOLIFTSUN, I.B.; KVASOV, D.D. Accurac.y in calculating the floy of vater by h7dromtric installations of flow observation stations. Trud7 C*I no.62: 94-1o6 157. (MIIIA 10:12) (stream measurements) VOLIFTSUNq I,B.- ezing characteristics of soils under forest stands and their' influence on lossoo from ourface runoff, Trudy GGI no.81:41~-54 - 16o. (MIRA 14:11) (Valdai Hills-Runoff) (Forest infg-uences) (Frozen ground) VOLIFTSUN. I.Bi._; KMTOVSKIY, 0.1. MeastrouB storm flood in the Valdai. Meteor. i gidrol. n0.1: 40-43 Ja 161. ()ami 14: 1) (Polomet' Valley-Floods) VQLIETM.,-L.H~~ Formation of a surface flow of snow waters in Kulitanay Province. Trudy GGI no.104:15-36 163. ('MIRA 16 s 7) - -. (Kustanay Province~-Runoff) SMIRNOV, K T. cVOL,'~TS ~ 3, _ _ Using the water balance methodi to calculate thq ixXIDS& of g-ro-,=.d waters into lakc-5. Trudy GGI n0.104.75-;16- 'Q'). (~~RA 16 17) (Kuetanay Provincei,:~-Lake.,-~) OPIC- TAGS OR Ew, 64 tjl IVANENKO, T'J.~ VOLGA, A.5, Chromat,ographle eetterminatlon of m- and p-dilso-propylb--nzan,~ hyercparoxides, Zav. lab. 30 no.7~797-"M 164. (MTRA 180) 1. Gromlenskf-y filial nauchno-i ss! edova tell skogo Iwititut poI4-me.--A.zats-'anny'-;ch p1astmass. VUWA, i.. I ,he man-projectile. p. 15. (Aripile Patriel, Vol. 3, No. 1. jun. 195?, bucuresti, Ruqpwiia.) SO: Monthly List of Fast Nuropean Accpfi8ionB (M.FALI Le. Vol.6, io. 8, Rue, 1957. Vncl. VOIGARI, L.G. . - . ~~ j- -, Adaptability of the nematode Thelandros tba Dinw1k, 1930 to the specific features of Its host's life cycle. :Dokl. Aff SSSR 124 no.6:1375-1376 F '59. (MIRA 12:3) l.Predstavleno akademikom K.I. Skrvabinym. Weynk,toa:34 -17 (4) AUTHOR- TITLE~_ PERIODI6AL~ ABSTRACT. C a rd Vol gar'. , L. G. SOY-/20..124-6-54/55 On- the Adai~J_ab4lity of 'he Nematode Thelandros tba Dinnik, .1930 -t,) the of Its Host Lif e Cycle (0 PT'isposcblyayemostli nematody Thelandros tba Dinnik, 1930 ,~_ cs:tb,_~nr).-at.1ya_1n zhiznennogo taikla khozyayev) D-k_-ad- 1 Akademii nauk SSSR,. '19599 Vol 124., Nr 6. pp 1375- 376 :,USSR! Th~ famale of the mentioned in the title was found in of tadroles f"930, Ref 1). The author found it in +h= Dan-,.~.!~e delta (1947-48) .`-n the same host. Tha Simultaneous disc-~,~---79-ry of males enabled the position Cif the speoies 'bed as Oxyuris", within the Thelandros (had been descri ape-lea. The m-ale -2.9 descr1bed and shown in a figure (Fig 1). The L'ema-es were irt a~-cordanoe with tho original description, however, were m;::r,3 variable morphologically. In some of the - ;c 7P z Lemal-a 'Larvae (,j.g 2) were found in addition tD eggs. Both 0 staf_;~_a :if de-relopmer.+ are described (Pigs 29 3). Thedevelopment cf ?ggs in the female does not take place uniformally, that is ~rz:,m the m-iddle seorlnns of the Fallopian tube Dnwards: