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VOLKOV, S.D.# kand-ifiziko-matematicheskikh nauk Theor7 of fatigue strengtho prochno no,7:50-63 161; (MMA 14: W I (8trengit of ratorialo) 30378 8/572/61/000/007/001/006 10.140D D221/D302 AUTHM Volkov, S.D., Candidate of Physico Mithematical Sciences TITLEs On the theory of fatigue strength SOURCEs Raschety na prochnost' ; teoreticheakiye I eksperimentallny-le issledovanlya prochnosti mashinostroitelInykh konstruktaly. Sbornik statey. no, 7, 1961, 50 - 63 TEM The boundary jarfaces (if macroscopic destruction in three di- mensions (0. 1, 62, and t5 ) in the case of cyclic load are co'nsidered. The quasi-isotropi c medium A designated as 11 normal", if the stress components and the elasti c components of II type of deformations in any section of the macro-elementa ry volume are distributed according to normal law. The mean resistance to deatruction due to singularly applied load 18 a linear _9 '90 2 T . p p Card. 1/4 30374 B/572/61/000/007/001/006 On the theory of ... D221/D302 where-go is,the mean resistance of mi,zro-destruotion in the -region of elas- tic def8rmationsl Q is a constant cooffiolent of proportionality of the ma- ter' a! i -T 112 ( 6, C ) -, 6 1 '~' ~' 2 )0' 6. are the main macroseopio I- - 2 - I " 3 3 Stre5BeBJth4_.i,i the macroscopic yield limit of tangent stresses. In royc-111z ,loading) local. repeated plastic de,formations reduce the destru.:tion re- sistance of Il type. The alithor applics the above equation t-- the case of an average resistance to cyclic loading, and in particular, for - i-, . The section of the macro-element is the'n assumed as being 2a 2max divided into areas equal. to the average size of graJna, splitting t. e interactirg forces, with the resulting vectors of stresses, lype 11, Thia &114~vs the! plottlig of a curve giving the density of stress distribution. The dispersioh of resistance of different areas is then determined. Mathe- matical analysis prt-u-Ides the equat-Aloa for the probability of damage q. Ta- k4ng into ai~count the statistical ox1iterioe of macroscopic damage q -qc, the equati,on of the limit surface of fatigue macro -des true tion due tO Main StT9-- viiies of type I, is evolved. The 1.1-mit of type I fatigue for complex maerv- soopto stretsGs is.thea o5nsidered wt.ich results in Veler curves, The maorr_~- Card 2/4 30370 S/572/61/000/007/001/006 On the theory of D221/D302 scopic fatigue limit decreases with lazger amount of tests in the case of simple loading. For comparison of limit surfaces of dautage due to macro- fatigue with the experimental data as -dell as generalization of results, dimensionless quantities are introducel. The number of parameters determin- ed by results of fatigue tests is rationally reduced, when it is possible to assume 45 Se. W 45y, where 6y is the yield limit for single loading. Conse- quently the parameters can be determined by fatigue tests with single axis stress condition. In the case of a syntmetrical cycle of loading the asym- metry of limit surface is not revealeei, although the resistance of mater- ial on tension is usually lower than on compression. The pulsating cycle indicates, however, the actual form oz' limit surface of fatigue damage. Mathematical analysis proposed by the author Is in good agreement with pra- ctice. The functional relationship between theamplitude of average cycle stress and fatigue limit is designatel as the diagram of limit stresses, when only a single axis strain of type I is considered. The statistical criterion of strength allows deduction of the above diagram for any com- plex stress condition to be made. The equation obtained contains parameters that do not depend on the average cycle stress, and thereforef the curve 'Card 3/4 30370 113/572/61/000/007/001/006 On the theory of ... D221/D302 of limit stresses Is b straight line. Specific numerical.examples are also given. There are 21 figures and 8 Soviet-bloc references. OSTRCJUMOV, Vladimir Pavloviob; KARPUN3j Vaoiliy Alekoandroviohj MMISHEV~ A.V*j kand, tekbn. nauk, rate enzezt;~--VOUGY,-.5,D,-,,kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, red.; DUGINI, N.A.j t4*hns r4do (Increasing the dynamic strargth of springs) Povyohenia dinamicheskoi prochnosti prushb. Moskva, Goss naucbno-tekhn, izd-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry, 1961. no j. (MIRA 14s10) (Springs (Meolomism)) PHASE I BWK MCFWITATION SOV/4598 Volkov, Bergey Dmitrlyevich Statisticheskaya teorlys prochnosti (Statistical Theory of the Strength of Materi- als) Moscow, Masbgiz., 1960. 176 P- 5,000 copies printed. Reviewer: Ya. B. Fridman, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences; ftecutive Ed. (Ural Siberian Department', Mashgiz): T.M. ScKova, Engineer; Tech. Ed.: N.P. Yermakov. FURPO61; This book is Intended for me(ILanical engineers, metallograj*ers, and designers. COVERAGE, The book, deals with the development and implementation of the modern statistical theory of strength of mw:erials; it attempts to generalize special knowledge from statistics, mathematics., and properties of materials, ex2ounded. in current scientific literature, aa-i apply it to problems in machinery construe- tion. The following Soviet scientistsP who contributed to the statistical theo- ry of the strength of materialsi, are Mentioned: N.H. Afanaslyev, T.A. Kontorovs, Ya. 1. Frenkell, N.N. Daridenkov, P.O. Pashkov,' Vitman, Ye.M. Shevandin, B.B. Chechulin, P.A. Rebiader, S.V. Serensen, Ya. B. Fridmanj Card-174- Statistical Theory of the Strength (Coat.) BOVA 596 N.K. Snitkoj M.V. Yakutovich., V.A. Pairlov, Kolesnikov, F.P. Rybalko, V.D. Kitznetsov, L;I. Vasillyev, and Tu. I. Yagn. The author thanks Academicians Ylt. N. Rjootnov, and A.N. Kolmogorav. There are 135 references: lo6 soviet (including" 6 translations), 22 English, 5 German, 1 Dutch, and 1 French. TABIZ OF CONTOTS: Foreword 3 Ch. I. A Kicroscopically Heterogeneous K!dium 5 1. A-linearly elastic medium, microscopical-ly heterogeneous, 5 Stresses) deformations, and resistances in a microscopically heterogeneous medium 7 3. Potential energy of elastic deformations 13 4. Distribution of microscopic stresses and deformations 5. Distribution of elasticity constants in a quasi-isotropic medium 23 6. A qaasi-h.anogeneous medium 28 7. Elastic-plastic deformations in a normal isotropic medium 33 Ch. II. Boundar .v Sarfaces of Plasticity 47 .1. Boundary pFfaces of plasticity in plastic media 4T A VCLKOV$_,P_qrgey D#tr'yey~p4;_FR1DKAN, Ys.B.. prof-, doktor tekhn.nauk, retsenzent;. TSFIMAXOV, N.P. , t, (Statistical theory of the strength of materials] Statist iche skaia teoriia proohnosti. Moskva, Goo.nauchno-tekhn.isd-vo mashinostrolt. lit-ry. 1960. 175 p. (MIRA 13:7) (Strength of materials) Ila ul it -B'gjj'j*f U. I I it x -3 v "S. log v !loll j I P8 S, &., Jab A LS ol 11 PIP Ago I 4A ~ao 0 P6 Alt; u a- Aa fit In's I ASATUROVP A.A.; KOMAROVA, V.A.; RYBALKO, F.P.; VOLKOV, S.D. Moments af plastic microdeformations, F44z. met. i metallo7ed 17 no.5044-749 *j 164. 1. Urallskly politekhnicheskly instItut Imeni Kirova J Urallskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imcni Gorlkogo. AUTHORS: Volkov, S.G., Yakovlev, L.Ya. SOV/111-58-3-16/29 TITLE: The Communication Workers of Elektrostall (Svyazistki Elek- trostali) PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 3, pp 21 23 (USSR) ABSTRACT; The work of the female communication workers of the town Elektrostall is praised. Some of the key positions of the local post office ind telephone exchange are occupied by females, There are eight photos, AUTHORS: Valkov, S.C., Yakovlev, L.Ya. TITLE: r The Improvement of the Cultural and Political Level of Com- municotion Workers (Povysheniye kul,turnogo i politichenkogo urovnya svynzistov) PERIODT-ALt Vestnik svyazi, 1958, Nr 12, pp 28-29 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article deals thc, wor1r conducted by the man3gement of the 7th Post Office for increasing the cultural and politic-il. level of the employees. There are 2 photos. Card 1/1 VOLKOV, S.G.; YAKOVLEV, L.Ya. A well organized telecommunication department. Vest. sviazi ;-4 no,IOM-26 0 164, (MIRA 17j12) VOUMV, S.G.; YAXOVLEV, L.Ya. Improving the cultural and political standards of co=unication per- sonnel. Vest.svlazi 18 no.12:28-29 D 158. (MIRA 11:12) 1 (Telecommunication--Imployees) AUTHORS: Volkov, S.G., Yakovlev, L,Ya. TITLE: A Well-Organized Communication Enterprise in the Country (Kullturnoye predpriyatly-e avyazi na sele) PERIODICAL: Vestnik svyazi, 1959, 1~r 1, PP 30 - 34 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article describes in detail the installations and oper- ations of the communications center in Novo-Petrovskoye, a rural center in the Moscow Oblasti, The communications cen- ter is headed by V.I. 11eleshko. The telephone office at present derils with 300 automatic dials with ample room for more. The ST-35 apparatus permits telephone calls and te- legraphic communication with Moscow and other Soviet cities. Inter-area communications offices of the district each have 20 automatic dialn which includes the village councils, the sovkhozes and kolkhozes. Mlore of such inter-area offices are being establitihed. The Novo-Petrovskoye communications center also conte.Ins a 2-km radio rediffusion station with Card 1/2 about 4,500 individual and community subscribers. There SOV/111-59-1-2e/35 A Well-Organized Communication Enterprise in the Country are also 400 TV sets in the district. The mail processing system is described in detail. The center's party organi- zation consists of only 13 party members and is headed by the deputy office 'ioad [.0. Stuohilov. There are 10 photos. Card 2/2 SOY/111-50/-c-20/32 6M AUTHORS: Volkov, S.G.7 Ya'ko-ilev, L.Ya. ------------ TITLE: In the Interests of the Population PERIODICAL: VesLnik svyazi, 1959, Nr 5, pp 22-24 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The article contains a description of the Zhukovskiy post office and its communication facilities. Due to a considerable -royth of Zhukovskiy since 1953, telegrziph comnunications facilities have been automated. 1.1oscot and three othor city offices may be contacted usine,the high-speed equipment "ST-35"- An automatic telelhone exchange was built last year which ultimately have a capacity of 6000 numbers. The radio rebroadcasting station is equipped with two TU-5-3 units, having, a total power of 10 kw. There are about 7000 wire 'broadcast receivers in Zhuh-ovshiy which ,.re ser-,iced from the rebroadcasting station. Further, there are 4056 TV sets and 6687 L --munication facilities radio receiver-,, For all com Card 1/2 there is one common geiierator hall and one common In the Intereots of the Populaulon SOV/1111-,-'~-)-5-2-0/71-2 battery hall. The Zhukovskiy post office is headed by 1-J.U. Filippov. Th.) poot office -t.-.orkero often submit sugGestions for im--)rovements. About every third communication viork~r has submitted one suGgestion. Great attention is paid to pvoper training of the post office employees. There are 6 photoCraphs. Card 2/2 - YAKOVIEV,, L.Ya. ~ 9 --" Importance of educating the Feople. Vest.sviazi 21 no.10:20-22 0 161. (MM 14:10) (Postal service) L. Ya. ~,_,S.G.; YAKOVLFV, Not being a laggard. Vest. airiazi 25 no-4:21-22 A, 165. (14IRA 18:6) VOLKOV, S.G.; KIYASJWO, A.V. A leading radio center. Vest. sviazi 22 no.5:10-12 MY '62. (MIRA 15:5) (Moscow-Radio stations) L.Ya, Cultural communication establishment In the countrywide. Tests oviazi 19 no*1930-3w Ja '59. (MIRA 12:1) (Moscow Province-Commynication and traffic) VOLKOV, S.G,; YAKOVIZV, L.Ta. Cultural commmication office. Test.sviazi 18 no.1:24-27 JS '58- (KERA 11:1) (TelecommmLeation), (Postal service) VOLKOV, S.Ge Better service for the public; (experience of the Kiev long distance telephone station). Yest.svi&zi 15 no.,2t26-27 7155, (Kiev--Telephone stations) (KLU 893) VOLKOV, S.G.; YAKOVLEV, L-ya. Communlentions women of Filektrostal'. Yest.avlazi 18 no.3:21-23 Mr (MIRA 11:4) (Blektrostall--Teleconniiniention) (191ektrostall-Pootal service) I VOLKOT, S.G.; UKOYLIV. L.Ta. r During the electlos campa!:ga. Test. allail 17 n0-3:24-26 Mr 157. (Telecommmilcation) (mm 10:4) VOLKOV,,S.G.; YAKOVIXV, L.Ya. The mail is being transponed by air. Vest. sviazi 2L no.8tl6-19 Ag 1640 (MIRA 17:10) .1 VOIKOV.S.G. The practice of combined servicing of cable trunk lines and overhead communication systems. Vast-efiriazi 15 no.9:21-22 S'55- NLRA 8:12) (Electric lines) (Telecommumication) or VOIAGV, S.G. ~i YAKOVIEV, L.Ya. Ou air mail routes. Vest, sviazi 21 no,7.125-,27 JI 161, A (Ai-- mai.1IserTi:e) OUM 1647) VOLFOVY S.C.; KIYASHKO, A.V.; YAKGVLF.V, L.Ya. Radio center deoerving a high mark for its eng'-nnerlng excellence. Vest. sylaal 24 no.5s29-32 Pj 164. (MIRA 17t6) VOLKOV, S.G.; YAKGVLH;V, L.Ya. . - I ~...... Public intaraciZ aro ow, concmi, iviazi 25 no 11:2/v-27 N 165. (Mlla 18:12) RIF IN IF IN v Ill IN IN IN w IN a w 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 114 if $? 11 Ofn f -maAaXplill. an box b36, mom I ",3 mace A -AA, - i b- a- d_A_j -&- k-A-A. 9 too -A.0 4 1. -.a _L__J_,T"o 0 *00 -00 thimaill, With totteselited btamisidine to tho Pro The devskOm velocitY of "Ph .00 ductiom of 5=86PUrFudA 10 111- -4- F1:11spiUkIlt-V 21111 'A Ali c%n-,* "1 22 A`e up 1157 1932 1 j . tr . tm. . x4v.3 Prom. 1931. Nw 1. 1b, 17. ( t l f l u 1l. flac i1. ""t. t."I ON, Veit. 11,1.. f h.j,j live Ill-t MdValstokg moo loo : ago woo 0, Noe 06 w w moo ~ Ot L& allfALLURGIC&I. UTERATILMell CLAISOK.T 111-,, 1k -7- iiiiiJ -to 0-1 4#6 via 34,1 oilI$I I ftc a..All u I a, to 'S, F a ad 0 6 1 if III IA a 3 i-T a 99 9 0t a cat it K a 8 ol", 0 0 0 0 *1* 0 0 0 0 VOLKOVI S.I. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R, Coordinating work in languages and literature (at the joint conferences of the BUreaus of History and Philosophy and the Literature and Language Sections). Vest. An SSSR 22, No. 5. 1952. Nbnthly kW gt allgjjM Accessions Library of Congress October 1952. UNCULSSIFIED. (71~ V , ME MiicelIM160us Conforences, -d C hi 1/1 ub 124'- 33/40 Authors I -VO kov~ S. 1.~ Title: - The history of the Baltic nations Fariodical,~- i Nesta AN SSSH Is 117-119#1 .Tan 1955 act ~s- -iefs are presented on tt' Br a scientifie conferonoes.held in OctibberI954 in Tallinn (Eetonla)s at which the historical problems of the Baltic nations Lithuania, Latvia, Es-tonie, were discussed. ,,,.Institution s off as- .'Submitted t *of .0- VOLMV, IN -~,filiKr:VICH, "I., (tocoui;tIng vit-n pmetice ~n ujv~hlncj ~v:-- ccunting in enterpri~l~-j o 11-i'me- lieniem r-a proapr-, a ti4hkh. VOLKOV, S.I.; RAPOpORT, M.M.; RAKITIVA, Ye.D., red. (Calculating tochniquo and innchlnn occountIng) TokbnlkrA vycliis'lonil i mokhanizataiii uchota. 1.4,oDkva, lzd-vo "Kolos," 1964. 319 P. (MIRA 17:6) lVANOV, Yurly, LAS IN, A R [Planning and ac,~omtlrig Ing in =iichire Lions] Planirovenie i. uchet' ra ma--,hinoSCh#Ary'Kh kakh. 14oskva, Statirtika, lc~~4- Ek p. 1. Dir-l-tnr Pe."roy moskov,,ikey fabrid. schet, (for Lasliln). SOV/ 3o-58-6-44/45 AUTHOR: Volk Candidate of Historical Sciences TITLE: "40 Years of Soviet Science in Uzbekistan 1'40 let soyetskoy nauki v Uzbek1stane 11) PERIODICAL: Vestnik Akadexii nauk SSSR, 1958, Nr 6. PP- 144 145 (U98n) ABSTRACT: The author discussed the book by Kh.M.Abdullayev: "40 Years of Soviet Science in Uzbekibtan .11 which had been Dublished in Tashkent by the AS j -M%bek: SM, 1958. The book has 216 pagesp had a first edition of volumes; price: 5#8o Roubles. 1. Literature--USSR VOLKOV., S. M. 6764. Vor