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VORONETSKAS, V. [voroneckas, -v.j The courageous people of Lithuania. Pozb.d6lo'7 no.!'7.-28 j-L 161. (IURA 16.1-1) 1. Nlachallnik Upravleniya pozharnoy o1chrany Utovskoy SSII,., .Villnyus. IVOROFr-T-SKMI VO[Voroneckaa, V.] ,Ahead of us are izpartant tasks. Pozh. dolo 9 nD,4*2 Ap 163s (MIRA.11614); 1. Machallnik Upravleniya pozhamoy okhrany Lita*!Skoy OSR. (Lithuania-Fires and fire prevantioO &BROSOV, Anton LavrentlyevIch; DOROZHKIN, N,A,p akedendki r0d.; VORONETSKAYA L S. red, (Virus diseases of potatoes and methods for healtby tubers) Virusnye bo-lezni kartofelia i:#ctody~ vyrashchivaniia zdcirovykh k3ubnei, Minsk, UrozAai,'1964, 198 P. 183. 51) 1. Akademiya nauk Beloruoskoy Sql (for Dorozhkin). IP!, I I Ul I I I" I IKI If A HIT4. I fT --------- -- -- ir=-- MUM, VOR.011ETSVVLA. Ye.V.; ROZZ11 A.M. De.nsity,. viBcositv, surface tenSiOn Of l3olution~o, and dif rusion coefficiento of oubstarzen-ibithe. 5ysl;.em vater uraiiyl nitrate nitric acid - tributuyl ~,-,Iwspibato. Ekstr.' toor,' rit! a no.2t1903- otp op ppo 208 62. (IURA .15:9) (Uranyl nitrate) (Nitric acid) (Butyl pjiosphz~te) 1! In ploof 114,11 Ift 111!?1 Avq I'M 1 0 it ti is u it W if M_'m a if _MA --- k-H 46-M 19 - _FFu41 a -44 up* "1". 13 41 _L_ 00 8 I'v=w CAM qa 3. .00 -42 00,3 st g IN* two u w if .0 44 1--- i1 4 1 ll~o IN 0 0, a p to 4 It tt 44w 4) 46 0 W 40 0 10'4p 114 If 41 0 4h 0 % 0 0 a oes 46 * o1 x "Ernerimental and Theoretical Investii-atiort of the Vibration of the Stator of an Induction Motor as the Source of Magnetic Noises." SW) 29 1(ar 51, Sci Res Inst, Ministry of the Electrical Industry USSR Dissertations presented for science and engineeri:W, degre vs in'Moscow during 1951. SO: Sum. No. 480, 9 HaY 55 VOTIOMSKIY-j6jmmmjW&didUt tekhaii~chefjkikh naii1c. .000000~m Natural freqwncy of vibratiow of the ctato~, Of' an4lternatizi&-currsnt motor, Veat,slectroprom. 27 no.7:52-57 JI '56. (KLRA 10:8) l.Kauchmo-iseled.ovat.~llc;l~-ly institut Ifinisters-tim sleictrotakhricheskor promyshlennosti. mo tore --Vi bra ti on) MUM lum AUTHORS: TITLE: PUB.DATA: ORIG.AGENCY: EDITORS: PURPOSE: Card 1/4 Call 11r: AF 1154201 Voronetskiy, B. B., Kucher, E. R. Magnetic Noise of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors (Magnitnyy shm trekhfaznykh'asinkhronnykh korotkozamknutykh elektrodvigateley) Gosudarstvennoye energeticheskoye izdatellstvo, Moscow-Leningrad, 1957, 56 pA, 8j500 copies None given. Astakhov N. V.; Tech.Ed.: Fridkin. ;A. m" The book is intended for engIneer designoars at electrical engineering plants,, and also'as a textbook for students of power engineering institutes. Call Ilr:. AF 1154201 Magnetic Noise of Three-Phaze Squirrel-Cage Induction Alotors (Cont.) COVFMGE: The book deals with the method of calculating the parameters on which dependithe magnetic noise of -three- phase equirrel-cage Induction motors,, and with the methods of investigating the magnetic noise of a.c. motors. The Scientific Research Institute'of the Ministry of Electrical Industry conducted a bearies of Investigations of magnetic noise on an experimental basis. Squirrel-cage Induction motors of an All-Union nationwide series were tested. On the basis of In- vestigations of electromagnetic, mechanical and acoustical properties of these motors, formulae were derived for the calculation of parametern on which the magnetic noise depends. Experimental faetors were , obtained making possible calculations of the intensity of noise in these motors. Some of the formulae were suggested in 1950 by Sinellnikov, Yo.M.,IDoator of Technical Sciences, Prof., (P-13)- Workt; of Urusov., N.D.) (p.18) and Timoshenko, S.P.JpAq) are mentioned and the A031-2 type motor characteristic is presented (P-37). There are 29 references, 18 or which are;USSR, 11 French, German,and English, and translations Into Russian. Card 2/4 f. 'Call 11r: AF 1154201 Magnetic Noise of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors (Cont.) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 3 2. Disturbing magnetic forces in the airgap of aithree.. phase.,squir.rel-cage Induction motor 6 3. Frequency chdracteridtics of the disturbing toirees, in the airgap and natural frequencies of otator6saillations in the motor 13 4. Resilient properties of the stator 22 5. Deformation of the stator under the impact of~ magnetic forces J 28 Card 3/4 Pall Hr:.AF 1154201 Magnetic Noise of Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors (cont.) Acoustic properties of three-phase squI.-rel-cage Induction motors 45 7. Example of computation of magnetic noise of th~e A052-6-type electric motot 51 Bibliography.,, 54 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 4/4 Fiji i1111"P'_ TV J !~.i11 :t I I 11! 1' ~!dI1~ I I'll I T I Mi N R1 110-9-7/23 AUTHOR: VoronetskLy,_~~--_, Candidate of Technical Sciences. T 54TIE: Calculation of the Natural erequency of 'Vibration of the Frame of a Direct-current Machine. (Ras'chet~chastot sob- stvennykh kolebaniy yarma mashin postoyannogo toka) FMIODICAL: Vestnik Zlekta~opromyshlennosti, 195?, V01428 No.9 pp 24 28 ~USSR).' ABSTRACT: This article is concerned with calculations of the natural frequencies of the stators of d.c. :machines. Considered as a vibrating body the stator of a d.c. machix'ie is.a hollow cyl- inder fixed at the feet or flanges. The.6oncentrated masses of the main and the interpoles are uniformly,,arrariged in and firmly fixed to the inside of the cylinder. The~stator is symmetrical about the three main axes and the problem~lof vibration can, therefore, usually be considered as a plane problem. Work carried out by Professor Nikolai at the All-Union Blectro- technical Institute (VEI) indicates that the lower part.of the frame between the fixing flanges has a very high na tural frequency of vibration and in calculating:!,the :natural frequenc- ies of the stator as a whole its flexibility x4ay be neglected. Thus, considered as an incomplete ring with firialy-fixed ends, the stator may have the three main modes of vibration sbwn in Erig.2. Vibrations of higher order than the fourth are negligible because of their very high frequencies. The natural frequencies Uardl/3 of vibration of the frame are'then calcul'al;ed:by Ritz's method, Ualculation. of the Natural Frequency of Vibration of the Frame of a Direct-current Machine. ignoring the mass of the poles. The simplifying assumDtions are stated. The determinatipn of the second and third.harmanics was considered (in 1935) by Professor Vikolai but some of his formu- lae ~.%.hja not sufficiently reliable. Equations .are then given for three orders of vibration of the frame and.'~~expr'essions, for the respective radial and tangential displacements in the form of series. These expressions are substituted';in the formulae for the kinetic energy of the ring to obtain t~e max.imum value of energy for each order of vibration* By t~4uating the expressions for the respective maximum energy values, a formula is obtained for the natural frequency of a frame in the form of an incomplete ring. -It is found that values of natural frequency calculated in this way (by means of eq.,(ro)) are somewhat higher than those determined experimentally, particularly for large machines. The mass of the windings, which are not rigidl,~ attached to the poles., and also the give of the bolts that~fixUe poles to the stator also have an effect but are n.ot taken into account in the present work. The method of allowing for the mass of the poles is explained. The displacement of the poles when the framed vibrates is considered for the usual arrangement of the poles and (;ard2/3the general piocedure is as before. The formulae derived were 1 110-9-7/23 Calculation of the Natural Frequency of Vibration of -the Frame of a Direct-current Machine. used to calculate the natural frequencies of the frames of machines series 11H (from nH-2-5 to 11H-290)~ bot].1 wi-',-.h and without allowing for the concentrated mass of the.D'oles;and the results showed that different correction factors are required to allow for the poles in machines of &ifferent,siz6~s. The oalculations were checked against test results. The frame was set vib3sting by mechanical shook and the harmonic compon~nts~of thesevibra- tions were analysed. Calculated and measured frequencies for several BiZeB of machines are plotted in Fig.6 and chow reasonable agreement between experiment and theory. There are 6 figures, 1 table and 4 roferencos,4 of which wew Slavic. ASSOCIATION: NII 3P SUMITTED; February 12, 1957. AVAILABIZz Library of CongresBo Vard 3/3 j~ v 0 8(3,5) PHASE I BOOK EXPLOITATION SOV/3185 Moscow. AviatsJ.onnyy institut Nekotoryye voprosy teorii raboty aviatsionn9kh el"ektrichez4kikh mashin; sbornik statey (Some Problems in the T .hIeory of~Operation of Aircraft Electric Machines; Collection ofArticles) Moscow, Oborongiz, 1959. 125 P. (Series: Its: Wud V~ 1.10) 3,15U yp copies printed. Ed.: A. I. Bertinov, Professor; Ed. of Pulblls4ing House: K. I; Grigorash; Tech. Ed.: V. P.~Rozhln; Mao agin Ed. A. S. Zaymovskaya, Engineer. PURPOSE: This book Is Intended for enginei;.-ring~al'~d'te'chni..ca1 work- ers and students taking-advanc4d courses in electrical machine construction. COVERAGE: The book contains several articles on.,the,theory and de- sign of special electrical machines, such as; ithree-winding, bilateral feed transformiers (phase discriminator),,induction motors with copper-plated ferromagnetic rotor,:~ ishielded' induction Card 1/5 Some Problems In the Theory (Cont.) SOV/~185 motors with copper-plated ferromagnetic rotor 6nd general purpose electrical machines for aircraft. In addition,, systems for the stabilization of the freqqency of aircraft inverted synchronous converters and their protectibn are studied. A purportedly new we~y of speed regulation of Induction motors is~alsb examined, References are given after each article, TABLE OF CONTENTS: Preface 0 .Beirtinov, A. I., and S. R. Mizyurin, Candidate f;Teclinlcal Sciences. Bilateral-feed Transformer as a Phase-sensing Device. 5 This article is divided into the following sections: Introduction 1. Operating principle of a bilateral-feed:transfoi-mer as a phase-sensing device 6 2. Differential coupling of two bilateral feed transformers 9 3. Dynamic operating regime for a bilateral-feed trans- former 12 Card 2/5 Some Problems in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/3185 Sineva, N. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences. CAlculation of Magnetic Fields of an Induc~lon Motor with Copper-~lated Ferro- magnetic Rotor 20 Bertinov,.A. I , and N. V. Sineva,, Candidates of Technical Sciences, Ele~trical Machines for Work In a Vacuum andi',In an Agressive Medium 27 This article is divided into the follovinig Bections:,; Characterisitics of shielded induction inatorsii 29 'Fundainentalsof the theory of a shielded Induc't ion, motor 32 Determining the constants of integration 36 Solutions: taking Into account the constants of, integration 37 Determination of losffes in the shield 38 Yoronetokly-,-B. B., Candidate of Technical SciencesI On the Frequencies of'Natural Vibrations of Certain Units of Electrical Machines for Aircraft 41.. This article is divided into the following; sections: Introduction 41 Card 3/5 !H1 T: Some Problems in the Theory (cont.) SCIV/3185 Induction motor stator 42 Yoke of a direct current machine for aircraft , 47 aircraft Bearing housings for electrical machines for' 6 ~ Conclusions 3 Dubenskiy, A. A., Candidate of Technical Sclences.~ Speed l ric Shafts t Regulation of Induction Motors in a System of Elec 64 The article is divided into the following sections: Introduction 64 System of synchronous shaft with wide-range,6f speed regulation 6 61 Study of system . 76 Conclusions Kklugin_~ R. N. , and S. R. Mizyurin, Candidates' of 'Toohn!%aal Sciences.- Stabilization of Frequency Of Inverted,pynchroinous Converters 77 article is divided into the following sections: The . Introduction ~ 77 with Inverted synchronous converters of the firsilgrou Card 4/5 Some Problems in the Theory (Cont.) SOV/3185 frequency-stabIlization accuracy less than +~2 percent 79 Inverted synchronons converters of the secopq group with frequency-stabilization accuracy of + 2 to O~5 percent 85 Inverted synchronous converters of fge third',group with frequency-stabilization accuracy of + 0.5 to,0.05 percent and higher 103 Conclusions 109 Moin, V. S., Engineer. Protection and Control Circuits of Aircraft Inverted Synchronous Converters ill Protecting an inverted synchronous converter~agaihst racing" Protecting a single-phase inverted synchronous convertej~ from short-circuiting and breaks. 115 Protecting a 3-phase inverted synchronous converter from -short-circuiting and breaks 116 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 5/5 ~AC/os 3/ 2/66 P sl 196/6 2/poo/906/0 ILI/Ola EJL94/El51*:i AUTHORS., Aleksandrov, V.S., Voronetskiy, B.B Portnoy, T.Z., and Tishchenko, N.A:- TITI:E.- The present state of development of~~;&uto'mated electric drives PILRIODICAL; Referativnyy zhurnal, Elektrotekhnika i:energetika, no.6, 1962, 1, abstract.6 K1. (VestrL. elektroprom- sti, ,Lpo. lo, 1961, 7-12) TEXT: Diagrams are given which show the.r6lative number:of, drives in various branches of the national economy of the USSR and expected developments are described. New single -armature rolling mill motors are being developed with outputs of 10000-12000 h.p. with high maximum output and.good dynamic characteristics. plercury-arc rectifiers are at~ipresent the wain type of controlled rectifiers for industrial dr3.Lye. It is L/ proposed to manufacture sealed single-anode, grid-ciontrolled mercury-are rectifiers for anode currents of 256-350 and 500 A, including rectifiers with series connected valvels arid:also modernised pumped.mercury-arc rectifiers for currents up to Card l/ 4 s/1q6/62/ooo/oo6/oii/oi8 The present state of development ..* 1~ E1911/El.54 :. 1000 A per anode. New static. control systems for drives types jf1jjj(UMP) and 'jj-'I~fj (UMP) with outputs lip to 30 k1f: based on magnetic amplifiers have been developed and introduced. Amplifiers.of up to 80 kVA per unit have been developed. A number of new designs of automati,:- electric po~wer generating sets of packaged design have been devclopf.-d,and'~inve:stigations are being made on industrial prototype cornpu'ter;contr.'ollers for automatic drives. Static systems with magnetici,amplifiers have been used in the development of various drive control systems for metallurgy, mining, machine tool manufacture, paper machines, and power station auxilliaries. An automatically controlled drive has been developed in the metallurgical industry for a now automatic conveyor for charging the furnace. Automatic control has been provided for air heaters, casting machines, the furnace-top loading system and wagon weighing machines. Ionic rectifiers with a total current of about I million amps have been provided for non-reversing rolling mills. lAn i0inic drive is being introduced for reversing rolling inillsInclilding the main drives of blooming and slabbing'mills.~ Exc~avators Card 2/4 The present state of development s/l.96/62/ooo/oo6/oll/618 E.194/E154 types -4 (EKG-4) have been modernised by utilizing for the main drive d.c. generators controlled by power,magnetic amplifiers, which have replaced three-winding,generators and increased the output of the excavators. Direct current automatic drives have been provided for diesel-electric installations type 117-A.)- (11DE) and have increased the output~of mine winding operations by a factor of 2-2.5 as compared with other installations. Ionic rectifiers have begun to 'be uned for mine winders; industrial prototypes have been develope&and construct,ed for high speed reversing equipment !,used! in conjunction with ionic drives of multi-rope winders. For machine tools there have been developed a series of d.c. drIves supplied from power magnetic amplifiers of o.6-8 kif output. Ferro-transistor programmed digital computer control of machine,~ Itools has been developed using step-by-otep motors and hydraulic amplifiers, A d.c. main drive system using silicon rectifi6rs of 50-100 k1V has been developed and partially introduced in WitAch the rotor speed is controlled by the field flux. An aut6matic-drive system with continuous programme control has been developed for Card 3/4 The pre3ent state of development ... S/196/62/000~06/oll/old Elqt*/El5h standard heavy horizontal milling machines, boiing mills, and lathes. A number of heavy machine tools are pl~ovid6d with. controlled ionic drives. A multi-motor drive ,kith multi- generator supply system and contactless tachog~~nerators has been developed for paper machines, and has suc6lessriilly passed industrial tests. An electrical drive system has been developed for a number of dry cargo',ships, river icebreakers, and tugs. Future developments in drives are indicated. CAbstractor,s note; Complete translation.) Card 4/4 S/094/62/000/00 VOO 1 /00 1 B19 VE If ~!.5 AUTHOR% Nr, r-onet-skly. S~B. Candidate of T'.11(j1*1i TITLEt The development prospects for indtiS1!.v,ia1 a, (i ~i t:, sr;i electric drives PERI.ODICALg Promyshlennayn enei-getik4larjll:)~3.~, 196;a~ t TEXTi There are two main trends In the develaIMP-0. of' ~~: I e'.` t:?. I, drives- (1) the creation of new sy'otems of dr'iv7'e that tjle latest achievements of science and (2) muderni ks;~a (A oil of d, increase the output of existing equipment,* A:~&o& exa,rlple 'Af modernization is the blooming mxll of the Xuzn4Askijr. metallurgicheskiy kombinat (Kuznetsk Metallur'ilcaL Cambkne). thp- 9 i /I output of which has been raisedby 41%,, In the drive ;)f excavator type Skir-it (EKG-4), magnetic amplifli.ers,bavi~ repla,:.ed L/ ampli.dynes and the output has been raised by n.41a'rly.20%*, The n increa Is'ed b~ usIng speed of paper making machines has bee contactless a.c. tachogenorators and magnetic c,ontrollers. The structure of capital investment in electrlcal~ariveii j.:9:a1ter-J-ng, In 1960, contactless automatic equipment, primarry p~ck-ips, logical elements, transistors, mercury are rectlifiers a:,td Card' l/ 4 iij :i2 S/094/62/000/00'.I/001/001 The development prospects E194/F.4j5 magnetic couplings and brakes comprIzed only.61~,~5% of 'th'!a cost; in 1980 this figure should be 30,~ ln',Ithe machine costs should diminish from 54 to 4094 and thp coios :4 contactor and swItching control equIpment. is ty' be from 39.5 to 300/6- D ~ c . an d a , c . dr1ving mo tor a of 1j'9 t o! 12 :;4W %4 L 1, 1, 'b i developed, Large ionic rectifier equipment: will bi-, ti~:Ild, particularly in connection with a,,c,, machines havinA f control, These systems are already being wtdoj~'Iv ukgid equipment should be developed f or 400 :/s for '~Wlj I ~.Ii 4 h'~r;~ I required standard serles of industrial static f~r-zLqu4jn.:;y' :t based on magnetic amplifiers, saturating choke;4". tbyr'af.-ron-, zt:rt-" power semiconductor rectifiers, f a c t 0 ry Man u z4 u i,;-. f The complex control units will be developect. In the 1) iir 1965, the replai-.ement of contact type re.lay,s wfth conut n is expected to result in an annual ei~onomy of 19 and save annually about 400 tons of iapper a -n (I ~1200 o 11:~ c1 At j Ifork in the abovementioned field:~ has star 1; -Ll d h 15, 411 n enough.. The process of miniaturizA.!tion w1ll development and programming is !still- 0 0..'i Card'2/4 S/094/6A,.,),OOd/QO!.,IO0i /00~. The development pro-.3pect-9 Etq4/F,4;V'j,; next few yearS such methods will be'applLed to i~i u: t ot~a I i .; n I F mills, automatic blast furnaces. automa tic con!rrol a,n(I prot i I of hydro-alternator-~transformer'unit;a and to The development of now automatic control syatemj~: LS :not yi... organized satisfactorily; in some branc-hes thp-~I,en Ls dup I -1,~ 3 t ). on whilst others are neglected. For exarnple,, mining ma~:Ki.n-:~r-~ j~ often based on induction motors which are inher4.n,.I~ . of unsuitable characteristics. Drives for indus~~",Jal:Aifting rinn transport equipment must be further developed. i~ Spe!1A.&I should be paid to electrical drives in the buiLding IjidU.-~try,- In the manufacture of building materials,:in light. Indtistry and In tih-- food industries,, Coordination work hats been c6mmencitd by th- Gosudarstvennyy komitet Soveta.Ministrov SSSR Pr 0 koordlr4a(sLl. nauchno-issledovatel~skikh rabot (State Commit;t~4i of! 1he CounAl of Ministers of the USSR for the Coordination of,;Sca~qntjfi--- Research Work), This alone cannot suffice andIt-he :tlme i.-~ for the creation in the electrical industry of numbfKr of rvjjeir, i; .and design organizations which should' be branch44 of! ;Hkiy lri,-fftll~, organization, the Vsesoyuznyy nauchno--,Issledov4j.4.-al'I' Card 3/4 S/094/~ 210010c, 3100 ljord The development prospects E194/F'435 avtomatizirovanno.go elektroprivoda (VNII ELektr~PPTIII.)LO (All-Union Scientific Research Institute. for A t~'t o ma f. i o no[ Electrical Drive) which should be based on -the:'T4K81of Elektroprivod VNIM1. Both the Central Instit'AiLe j)nd t:hi~ factories should be well provided w1th he Central organization should have adequate fa :Iti'x 1+;-~ fo( Ol'! manufa.~ture of prototypes, Card 4/4 8. 6 4 ACC NR' 5V0086 S RCR.COD X/00 VOW _-M6017706- 7- A inov~ e. AUTHOR: Be A. Voronats r1c Man HirAb Gromov, V. I.; Dr zhinirl.; Jr. 7KI'l., V k1a Iff, V r I Iriff, Nyo Pil~;: 1.9ai p 1:1 A 07p) V trov. G. No;, kue;akovj G:0 Sjla7yev~;E. F.;, 01101 r. I Syromyatnikov,__I-:L-; Tulip :V. its kin QW-0.* Yunvk~oykf. G. ORG%. -none TI TLE i Engineer 11. AO Tiahc).,ienko:(on his 6c~~ SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, 'no. 1,, 1966 8546 1 C 6ent -TOPIC TAGS: electric engineering perslonn~l, `ImetaAuriac~ t ~ha 6 lbAric: quip -Afanas? ABSTRACT: Nikola;r yeirich Tishchenko~ cmpieiedAhel A~artkb-~~ Elfictrotdchnical. Institute in 1930., after working as an: elbct~icieh iri~ja- ui! Alu~ja6arpl-anit 1froA of db~~e6tl lec~~ical i4234~26. He was active -In the. develbpmeht ch, prp%pe, e equi ~6r C v~ldurfng pment for rolLing mille and metallurgical Ho ~Vi'as, acti electrical nt dahmgO :' I VAGI inl.~restoring. equipmei by 016~: Ge, 43. 1 Me~ ~the *61.0 Pie i, Zor b J h do ontic and f6reip _w" active in-developing.electrical drlve~, eq~ipren metallurgical plant s , He, ha a been d6tive' in! 6ci V~ntir'.10 ~j, P" 61, Ing oV4r j- in such.v'aried f -e ields A's electric dkvej,~41. i b: re.1 5,RITty aiO It labor.- Origo art, has t 6 1%, 4 1 -productivi y. SUB CODE: 09.. 13, SUM MM nofte C rd :171 -1,,r1 7 U T U i I 1F ~~'--2224 .ACC NRs AT6013619 ~CURCZ Cor) ji/ol 5/'6~/000/0WC03 AUTHOR: Voronetskiyp B. B,,'(Candidate of, to ihn sf~.(W) idal rdie#i es Mo 1 j! ORG: none Overall mtomation of industrial. va:~ietieq qr dri TITLE. PPU14 ktrichesth y6;--'no4-,-9v~-,lq65 12'1-~~ -Ele -TOPIC TAGS*':aut~ -tic -ontrol s ai C er"hit Sys M) ima tem gorithni,~:c --Laplac'et ra'nsfoinl -author -d1sd!46 6.-, the:- J)roblijm6, of,-.- wwm -ABSTRACT: 6 ~01 ibroll "s .;ems -various type a -of - ow r r Ve.. S & _employed-in Industry*, The p r ob 16 iz s -0 cFM I -er -07 ! i Tru'c 03" Itrol byst ;41e! 'C'oi! pilatIO' lytie design of power-drive coi, wis ahai of the pertinent algorithms; . the determlila~iotd, 1, o' tlmix:"Ity~ --,Oriteria,-and--:the-maxlm,Llm H!-By~:Way+6f :optimlzatl~ -)ns, :an~'e m I pre s Mat'did ~'*f 'a rlper~, e~i, 1b sys~6ms xa p, art he-block agrams bare .3for the co uterized -co~atrol of,:~,eleetrl,'o -4.rive. 0a 60mtng Ap & The, analysis of isy'#telia. dynazl6b- a MYT2i I'l 181L o1i . a.lorrec~t;~.- i x clevices are oonsideredo I" ka 1 hU Phe . ~ro$la pflthd . Wntl. 461~;Of ~i multi-maehine digi 1yot ~!Tis; S -;Multi-motor t~i ~aaiomiL'tlc wissed aney- of 1 :A-and the expedi, emp oying for ~hla~puxi.-Po* thtimati. t e -ca apparatus o -~dlscretellaplaee ~trtinsforwtio4pll f,~t Z.+ --and Ln 'W- transforms :a pointed out. The!7'qt16Stj0ns , COW ii ;j4der ~d ~'thij, 1 Card 1/2 VEIC 621-3.0781 it and committees concerned with _d _d ier e one -fion, also secon ary and I g1 tica I ~ SUB CODE SUBM DANt 09 no: ard 1/1 _7 ACC_NRt J)03/cib 0/01)90 ID Al Sr Druzhinin. NI H -Ch-e I rnichkin Do So; ChIlik tl A ~65 A, V 11 ~7~6 1 7 ORG: none sor Vyacheqlav Sel'ne'noldch TuUti on .,is 41,oi TITLE: Prokes .90 -SOURCE: Elektrichestvo, no* 3 3.965 'iiee' 'a ~ersorixiel TOPIC TAGS:- mechanical. engineering personnel., ai~ctlici 1 11, ABSTRACT#i ryofe_s_sor Vo So TULIWwab born: in 114ov=.~er! ed 4: 61J t11 iri Spec lfx;Dm the Kharkov Engineering I~ stitute, iIii: 192~ Ized in the -application of el.ectric &Ives k6i Oie; jlmiiiln~l., 13~1u# 70 * IOU-.; Voltage apparatus. and _twre recenuly in auLoinitio'n''o, ii ft th6lioresoll I tim.8 he it partmcnt of is -the chairman -ofthe Do the Moscow Institute ot Hadio-43,6ctr~O~icsl an4 M qmcb idies.' He:' s -made --major contribilt-f-one-U b-rd~f-k~e- lpr- ~a r Rim. it, - 0 _I. ii 1 0 11ished works including a' teid;b6ok - on: t6 autlp'q; atib'$i aT fiir6 I~Ctif j~:1104e9ret3j In t-he mining lndustr7; he a2zo rtceived an. Oyard:~~n;1944 lij c0*1 h0lietion wiL the Donets BasinAevel3paerztiv. Ito now participabal'a; iii i ;~erih' I i!caunc 1 Gtr' dot, bf, -1 &W - M 1; 1 14- 4 -6 VD6 A. 4. ioil~,56 tAO99i~6 -kc-C - i 4 _R.__ -AP-6 0 a h 9 7 9 $/6 SOURd:C0 jmlpte 51 AUTHOR: Veshenevskiyt S. Vqrpnetski,~,,,~O. Gusvk6o'vo 44; 11 ovi. D. Iso I "T"'t $Aolov; 1 si~epwlov# I V','~ Maslennikov, L. V#; Pashkov, M' rov.. Turovskaya, P* G.; Khechumyan, A. Tse3m; Vo' S, V ORG: none ,TIT LE: Professor K. V, Urnov ktrichestvot no iSOURCE: Ele .3j, 1965, TOPIC.TAGS: scientific personnall:'academic pers6nne ~Jdied on '11 De~c6mb'er 1964- e ABSTRACT: IKonstantin Vas levicl7tirtt'i verioiab scigM*16t and O~e, illness f~~ tl~e 8i~ 14t G. polygraphi5t3. He was born in ~907 and graduat6a_ f r~iota _Ui6 itv Eb -6 in,19Z after - ch lie (continued-to W~; rk !,~j fh6 !!6o x a, ~Bleatrio e His outsitt t om 't Installations for the next 25 yvars mdihg~ c~6tribi 'i is a relat s ue kith th~s'e: 6f !- th6 ~ hi'j6r ed ~c "ional i cessfully the activities of 1aidustry institutions. -His name is closely linked to th6 dev''el opihe~tl ~ if dc6 tMl~tic polygiaphic Sed! 19Jnce 19,31 he machinery. He was imaginative creative and bold, id also en~4 tit' tW in teaching and scientific research worklat the'k,56ccmir ~, rl in e and r A' Moscow Polygraphi~ Institute whore he set,-up a eouTi6.;on~AIzj,64riC!I 4,Pes ands Automation of Polygraphic YhchirieOo HeAs t*auth:oio ok o~ i ~-30 jj~ontions and published works including one book. Havas a beieAf a Ir histp, a= of geat! knowledge, a goWcolleaoie and friend* Ori art. h6s S 7-11 05 SUM DAIS: ncitia SUB CODE. 1/3i Card Nk P U ---------- I CX NR1 06005030- ~~E c 2 92 iW66 /0 AUTHOR: Basharinl, A. V.1 Bystrov. A. H.; Veslyinevskiy.j +A~4"110" . ~" t V M : uzn ri N N. X Drozdov# ; 4W t Sandler,, A. S.; Sokolov,, M. H.; Chilikino 140 Gli ORG: none l -7 TIM: --Professor~~Gey Trifonovioh Gol ovan 7~ SOURCE: Elektrichest-,ro, no. 1,, 1~65,, 92; a TOPIC TAGS: electric eng;ineering electric'engineeAng!pers 7thel BSTRAM.- A-brief obituary contaLning the -foli bi Wa oAng: ition:' 0 Deceased-was a doctor of technical sciences,, at 0 ssor, vtmoi !pr fe it ol Blectrical Equipmeint for Industrial Enterl:rises) of~the 146scow, Power &I !JjUe u _ ' for the past 30 years,, and a staff Member since 1931 _Omp~ NII Ha~bih'~ C~ nT~ai Scientific-Re search Institute of Heavy Machine B uiiding).~.+ ri ~;B d 15 ~pn 4, at ~ge , 63, after a long and severe illness. 1n*1926j1aftrji:gr.,1ad f 'I - j: U11 d:b ical En ineerin Institute i El t di d Leningrad xn t6 t f a , r ec m. r ecease 3 v l yanov.,l e0,, g g I o c 0 substation within the Goz,fkiy GRES. At the, Ts1(IITKash,!Ub" joeau', the methods for computing the electric drive ot pre;ises~ dr ~fia=il ' w6rked out nh and other ' 't 0( machine tools with percussion loads. The monodraphlon thes0' ~1) h ' 3'k I I' a gaine4 q wide professional recognition. Deceasell'traindd gaverai.thkv~Ln& Vim ~za ine over 30 doctors and candidates of science. Helauthor d: ve I O-so. o' ~~ ; ! 'l l e iebt le warxei, i ncluding the textbooks_" oprivoda". (F=da Osnovy Elektr e n t a El f r. c. Drive !A i l Car ~&M! 32 At'--11-2-21--fl, MINIM A IF i i ii~fim-na I VOROITETSKIYP-B.B., kand. tekhn. nauk; GIRSHBERG, V.V.~ in2h.; MONET' --V.V. , inzh. Transistorized systems for automatic controi and P~otection of ower engineering and industrial systems.: Elektroteklinika, 36 no.4:1-6 Ap 165- '(14MA 18: 5) .V,ORONETSKIY, B,B., kand. tekhn. nauki SVYATOSLAVSKIT, V OAQP JAVJIIO Optimam modes of operation of the main drive ota bUomin 11. Elektzrichestvo no.7.24,-28 JI 164. WRIA 170-1) 1. VNIIE-lektroprivod. GALICHENKO* Me System for the automatic control of the dosing;a'~'consltltuonts in crusher rolls. Avtom. i p;ib. no,316-8 J1_81 164.! (MIRA 1813) 2!;576 3/l8TJ6l/0,10/0!O/C'O3/0O7 D05~/D113 AUTHORS: Deryuginp N.G., and Voronetakiyl-R.-VI TITLE: Restoration of blanking and synchronizing~'pulsqa in the video signal after magnetic recording PERIODICAL: Tekhnika kino i televideniya, no. 10, 1961, 36-41 TEXT: The authors describe a special device for restoting the blanking and synchronizing pulses in the composite video signal which have been reproduced from the magnetic tape. A bloc diagram of this devicei which is called a pulse-shaping amplifier, is shown in, Fig. 1. The peak~-to-peak amplitude of the input video signal should be not less than 0.3 V and of,'positive polarity. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the video signal at the amplifier output is 1.5 V of positive polarity across a 75-ohm load resistance~. The amplifier has 3 independent video outputs designed for operation withA 75-.ohm coaxial cable and 2 sync mixture outputs with a 5-V peak-tD-peak amplitude of signals acrocs a 75-ohm load resistance. Nonuniformity of the frequo*ncy teaponse of the am- plifier video channel is t 1 db in the 0-5 - 6 Mc banl7tidtb. Image resolut, ion of the 0249 test pattern. is 600 lines at the am-plifier,outntit. Tl~~i ridth Card 1/441 28578 S/W/61/000/010/003/007 Restoration of blanking and ... D053/ '113~~ of the line and frame blanking pulses can be regulated i~ithirL 10"t limits. The leading edges of line and frame pulses and of the s: _nc mixture corres- ponds to the POCT 7645-59 (GOST 7845-59) standard. Th6 supply is from.s. stabilized 150 and 250 V d-c source. A trial op-sration~~iof this pulse- shaping amplifier showed that it could eliminate Ponsid6rabld distortions of the blanking and synchronizing pulses without im-pairing',the TV-image quality, Such a device is necessary in a video recording unit and it can also be suc- cessfully employed in the final receiving points of lone,'-distance TV cable and radio-relay lines. There are 6 figures and 2 references: I Soviet-bloc and I non-Soviet-bloc. The reference to the English-language' Dublication reads as follows: R.M. Dolbly, The Video Processing A'j1if ie.r- in the Ampex Videotape Recorder, SMPTE, 1958, 67, No. 11, 726-729., ASSOCIATION; Gosudarstvennyy nauchno-4ssledovatellskiy Inatiltat Ministerstya svyazi SSSR (State Scientific Resbarch ln6t~tutq of thp Miniol;ry of Communications of the USSR) Card 2/4 14M AUTHOR: Voronetakiy, M.K., Senior Engineer TITLE: Ultrasonics Clean lal Wells of Paraffin Deposits (Ul1trazvuk ochishchayet slavazhiny ot parafina) PERIODICAL: Neftyanik.. 1959, Nr 2, p 22 (USSR) ABSTRACT: ' The author refers -to the article published in: Iteftyinik) 1957, 1Tr 12 on,a new method of minimizing paraffin'deposition in#e ptoduction pipe strings of an oil well. He istates that th Ie ultrasonic irz~thodj' described in the article P has been successfully applied in the No-7 oilfilpAd of the Nadvornaneft, Admi 'nistration, where an ultrasonic generator helped to keep oil well pipes clean. Instead of flushing the production pipe string with steeim every third day, it was found possible to flush it once in 10 days thanks 'to the installation of a supersonic generator. At first the generator use tried out at the w6l1headY but later it was stink to the bottm-hole of a wall 800 i1deep. , As a result the oil well operated for 9 days without being swabbed , an Id~ when' the shaft was in- spected on the tenth day, it was found clean. At the nekt Ins3netion, after five days, it was found that the valls of pr;oduction pipes were coated with paraffin wax. Nevertheless, the advantage of using, a sujxtrsonic~ &aerator for the pur- pose of keeping pipes clean Is evident. ASSOCIATION: Nefte-promysel Stanislavskoy oblast (01.1field. of the Stanislwr Region) Card Vl' k;:~ r. I ..Au fla:~a-t~'rj nc~t' -Ic 5 18:6) ~)oli a i -.,a f 11;'-d VORONMKIT. S.P., Itand. mod. nauk.; LMSHM, N.N., kmnd. ziod. rAuk. Use of ergan in obstetrical practice, Lkusb. I ~gin. ~PP no.6:97-99 1. Ix kafedry akiisheretva i ginekologii fro.2 (Unx. d.ots. T.TA.' Ykaliniclhe&to) KIyevjkogo. ordena Tradoviogo Xraoiiogo gimmeni meditoinakogo inatituta imeni ukad. A.A. Bogomol Itam (dir. dotni. 1.P. Alekseyenko). URGOT AMAIDIES, ther. uee arigotoxin prop. ergam in labor (I h~ig (IAM11 adjuvant ergotoxin prop. ergam (.Ihm LNUB3=, N.M.,; VOROMSKIY, S.P. [VOron4jtslkyj, S.p.], Lemon as a contraceptive. Pod., akush. i gin. 20 noVA:5q--!S0 158. (MIRL 13:1) 1. lafedra akushoretva i ginskologii No.2 (zav~. do~: s..i T.Ta. Zalini- cheuko) ll"vskogo ordene, Trudovqgo Krasnogo, 2na-weul:'meditsiueko9o Institute, im. aknod. A.A. Bogomol tsa (dirsictor,- dots. I.P. AlekoeyeabD). (LZMDN) (CON(;-3FTIOff--FRMvTI01F) :.. 1, .. t 1 ; . . i , !! j ~ 'I III'l llll!!:- '1 111,4111 iiii, 11,11 1: 111, : " I I I ; I I!; ?; ii ~ r " , I I Id ` d i I i I F . i : ji f V-1-1. :1-1.1- .1, ':1 I . . ; i i i , '' 1-41 ll['~Hfll~lll 11H ~ :l: I i i ~ :, i. ; I N , ; ;I m iia.~U 1,~- I~ILI-s 41111! ~ M I 1 1; It Lisill R IU-!IUIW . .! .1 - I z I 11,1111 IM:411 I At"11.1,44 plk-1463 RIIN; I I I I iN., A I A 11.11! 1 w; VORONEVICH B.M.; KUBAREV, A.T.; ITACINAY, V.F. Ultrasonic testing of 30KhGSI-V, steel over a pickled uarface. Defektoskop--*ia no.5:84 165. (K. ILA 19: 1) 1. Zlatoustovsl--iy metallurgicheskiy zavod i Chel~yabinakiy politekhnicheskiy institut. VGRONEVSKAYA., V.Ya. Crop rotations in Orel Province, Zemledelie ~5 noills38-40 (MIAA 17t2) N 163. 1. Orlovakaya goeudarotvennaya mel'mkdkhoz*a~OtvO*nA7a opy-tnaya stantsiya. IT 77'':1 I I f F'! . r, "Milmh 41TI., S/CWY, 92/628/005/002/009 B117 101, B %S: Voro 1. A., Mladenteeve., 0. 1 Aks~nova, A..V.p %UTIiOF and Gradoboyeva, R. A. TITLE: Spectroscopic analysis of the magnesium alloy' MA-11 (LIL-11) P-71110DICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 28, no. 5,,19,62, .:557-556 TEXT: The rare earths (Ce, It'd, Pr, La) as well as Zzilland 2r contained in the new heat-resistant magnesium alloy MA -11 (ML;-11) we're determined by spectrochemical'analysis. This methodf which is similar to that described by Sh. G. Yelamed, S. .I.-Polyakov, Lt. 0. Zemkova~(Zavodskaya laboratoriya. XXVI, 5, 554 (1960)), is based on the use of synthetic powder samples of known domposition. The rare earths~are completely removed before the spectrographic determination begins. A,photographic technique of spectroscopic analysis, based on the use:of solid standards, was devised. The apparatus used, consisted of an HCff,-28 USP-28) spectro- graph (slit width, 23 jt~ and an pr -3 (IG-3) generator- (burning time 20 sec, time of exposure 30 see for the determination of Zn, Zr, Ce, and La, and Card 1/2 S1032 ,/62/028/005/002/009. Spectroscopic analysis of the ... B1,17/B1011 a,W-13 (DFS-13) high-dispersion apparatus (slit Widt'h? 1~ p) for Nd and Pr determination (burninc time 20 see, time of exposuro'1:2-5 min), The -relative error of the analysis was + 3-5~16. The photogr~phic~method may facilitate the adoption of spectroscopic analysis by inaustry. Card 2/2 I ~-.= 1 11 .: I:" N, ~r I I I: I ii,I I -lit 1111RIll i LN 7Y, V.I. im-lo. 111,11 -nd DT-20V -z kcfr~. 32i!~ ME I m PH, P! IT !MMIT 1-1. Wiiii I H MIA, -=ONgPjSKIY, V.I. KOBERIUMIKO, I.A.; CHURWJOVA) I.S., red..; A, I.B... red. [Mechanization of sugar beet growing and-harvesting; a! survey] Mekhanizatsila vozdelyvaniia I uborki svekly; obzor. Moskva, 1962. 132 (Serooa W! Traktor- P. noe i sellskokhoziaistvennoe mashinostroenie) 1. Moscow. TSentrallq7 institut hpuchno-tekhnio6skoy! in.- formatsid. po avtomatizatsii i mashinosttoyeniyu.i; MUM. -pp .1 IN- FN MARPHOPE P! Q ti 111 T . Itl :1111 1:j: I I ; : 1 a . I ; :,. ; 1 - I I , ; : I , 7 ~ : I ii , : i , i I . I I ,, ;. ~ H I . : I. I il! ifl,li'li'l III, 1i ~- HP'll 1IT'ill WilIP111,11][13flililli ill I a I : : ; . . 1. 1 i ~ 1. Fji HF- - --- - ,,.A lF.1 vil-ir. crim Imulp"A I t7l';Ill 1'1~ - - 1,!-' 9 a i dli ~ i-i'll, I I!li i - :11,-ili'tT;'!~i:171T,-~'~,~illillitl.-.!i~.'I Millmilul rl I ~ "i im C! I! I. i i 1; " I it; J 1 1, J~ III: I.T. BONDAREHKO. M.G. [Bondarenko, H.H.1; VOROITURSKIT. Vjh [Voronozholkyip V.Ij; KITAITSIVA, Z.Po; rotWIT'll"~X6 '0 r IKMWKOT, 0.0.; UMINSKATA, To.D. [Kre min$ inzh.-Maklum.; PIVOVAR, S.G. Epivovar, V.I.; OYAFI- RMMO, G.l. [Olefirenko. H.A.], red.-, GUMCCO, 0.1. CHUenko, O,I,jt (New agricultural machines] Novi sillalkohospo'darelki mashyni. Kylv, Derzh.vyd-vo sillalkohospodaralkoi lit-ry M=O~ 1.959. 231 P. (MIRA 13.-4) (Agrimiltural 'Machinery) VOROHETSKIY V.V., kand. takhn. nauk;,ZHERVE, G.Ko, Irmh. W&M-w- Irev standard: Electric machines.; general technipal reiqmirements.- Vsst. alektroproxi. 27 no.8,67-71 Ag 156. (MMA 10:9) 1, Hauchno-issledaratel'skly institut HLIIIN cheskoy promyshlennosti (Voronstakiy). ~2.~ S.M. ,pv (for Zherve). (Electric m%chluiry). Ili H Hill. E 11 4l GAVRILOY,'f 7.F.; VORONEZESKAYA, I.A.; FEtftV3KAYA,, M.I. Spectral analysis of tungsten by the evaporation vathod. Trudy Ural. 162. (MIRA 1635) (Tungsten-Speotra) W."M T1 11TIM III.![ P4 I ui F III !.I f 11,14: 1111111 1' 111~; - ~1' [11 111;~ 'i'll P IN it VORONFIMSKIT. V.J. New machinery used In sugar best, growing. Trakt., i eel 1khozmash. no.11:24-26 It 159. 13:3) 1. GlavWy spetsialist GoeudaretTemogo nanoPno-takhaichaskogo komiteta Soveta ministrov USSR. (Sugar beets) (Agricultural machinery) 11!11,;: JI 1TAl H Iiii illl 11111111111 1! 111! 111 -J I P 111" 111tv 111 lill TINIll . . .1 A flu It i VOaOrAzIny, V.I. [Voroneulkyi, V.I.]; XUKTA, G.H. ["ta, it. X. New corn harvesting machinery, I%kh, oil', hoip. 9 6a 0. 1 re"6-28 A 158. 1, Golovnly spetsialist Derzhavnogo naukovo-takhnichnogo komItatu Radi Kiniatriv UM (for Voronezlkiy). 2. Golo~ndy inzheuer Ukraine'- koi mehinoviprobuvalinoi stanteii (fnr PlIcta)" (Corn (Maizo)~-Ilarvesting) 1~ 21 ; I I I- r.: A 1,;.a ; , - i I ! - -. - I q I - I z i ~ I ! . ! i TKACHEITKO, Aleksey Yefimovich; D.RMIKO, Sergey Aleksax4roviOu-11 VORONEZHSKIY, V.L., inzh... ratoenzent; PILIMM., YUI;.F.J, red.; Uib~TAYPOLISWA, M.S.., tekbn ~r6d. [Machines for the over-all mechanization of field crOp::cultiva- tioul Mashiny dlia komplekenoi mokheinizatsii rabot v~polevod- stve. Mosk7aj Gos. uauchno-tekhn.izd-vo mashinostrolt, 1i7'7. 1961. 128 p. W~R& 15t2j (Farm mechanization) ills Ill Ill 1111 ;jIj!!V RYAGUZOV, Alekean(Ir Nikolayevich; RYABKO. Kheriton Crrigorl7evioh; V A&Uw%w�w*wgP,Anzhener, retsenzent; SOROKA, M.S., reds kt or; Itallu Ty. -Ta.r., tekhnicheskly redaktor [Blectric are ~b..mdtallizatiou of bearlw) Vlektkodugovaia bimetal- lizatelLa podehtpnikov. Kiev, Goo,nauchno-tekbno: izd-vo mashino- stroite lit-ry, 19517. 98 p, (muu 10: 10) (Bearings (Hachinery)) (Hotel spraying) ... ll-....U~ , ~i -.1-1 "Ill", VORTIEMT, SE7,13 V. A. J "Effect of Qualitatively Different Feed on the Development ;arrJ Course of the Infection of Horses Suffering From Strangle~~?tf. Cnlhcl. 71et Sci, All-Union Experimental Veterinary Inst, Moscow, 1954a ~t (RZh~iol, No 5., Mar 55) SO: Sunu 11o. 670p 29 Sep 55-Surv6Y of locientific and Teclinicali Dissertations Defended at 11MR Higher Educational Insbitut,i ,ons (15) 'i f lip, iil-~ VOROUICII, H.V.; GOLDVIM, A.Ye. Using,the SP-Z phenol-formaldehyde resin in makimijg' org"' ici plaster~bourd~ Strolemate 5 no*3:26-27 Mr '5%1 OXIMiU2.5) l.-Glaynyy inzhener Moskovskogo zavods orgunichedlopy siflrlwy. ehtukaturki (for Voronivh),. Ifachal'Aik laboratoril~Moskbvskogo xavoda organicheakoy aukhoy shtukaturk-I (for:Gol-64~niu).'~ (Pluoter board) ((hMG and recinno 1,Synthotic) PETROV, N.P., kand. geol.-miner. nauk,# otv. red.; Y.09N kand. geol.-miner. naukj, red.; GORID 2 . )VOY 0 P.I.,!j and,~, geol-miner. nauk, red.; KENZIN, I.A., kand. gdol.*--mirjoz~. nauk, red.; MUSIN, It*A., kand. geol.-miner. ns:ukv red,4 SPEKTOR, L.Ye., red. (Geology and minerals of Uzbekist~an] Geologiia i 'P016MIT6 iskopaemye Uzbekistana. Tashk6ntpNaukap1964.!1 '199 !!p*~ (w~l 170) 1. Akademiya nauk Uzbekskoy SSR. Tashkent. Institut gecilogii i geofiziki. BOBOVS V.,- YANOVICH, R. (Leningrad); VAYNSIIMN, L. (KWL~Ikov)j KHMAINOVA., Kh.; KOCRVWV, T.; SHTERE72MAY G #I ' "rayjr~lrizhvner- ekonomist; LTUBCKMKIY A.; MALMOV V.-, norni '70chii (g. ff6rillisk)l VORONIGH, V.o normiro7abik; POPOV From the editorls mail. Sots. trud A no-P-127-13,611 161 1. Predeedatell byuro-okonomicheakogo arAliza Duh~~bin Rcgo mWapokonser7nogo kombinata (for Khusainovs.). ~ 2. Maw- ekly savod "AvtopriborN (for Kochurov). 3. Shajhta 11o,!I39., Dbr*stskly BAsseyU (for Shtereverya). 4. NachdlInik'otdola! Wslinioy, kirayevoy planovoy komisaii (for Lyubomirsliy). 5.~''~=estktell nachallnika Bereznikovskoy gorodakoy kofitar7 svy*%',i (for: fo;,&). Induatrial management) ~Wags payment isystems) 40 flj~H," BRIJ& MATSOKINA-VOR0111CH, T.M., kaz-,d. geol.-miner. naO:) OtIv. red.; nauk, red.; 191ATH, 11.1., VOiiON106J.A -mine. .,,,#and. geol. geol.-miner. nauk, red.; FECORCHUK, V.P.2 ~oktor~ geol.-miner. nauk., red.j KALABINA, M.G,j red.1 HTJR.ATUTOVA, M.R., red. (Problems of the methods of plotting the metallo6ienetio 4nd prognoutic mapo or Central Asial naterialul, Vopr4isy m4itadjkl sostavlonlia metallaganichiuakikh i prognoznykh Ivirt Srijdr1e.1 Azil.3 materialy. Tashkeaut, Nauka, 196,1+,, 274 P~ (MIRA l8t6) 1. Sredneaziatsko7e fjovesh.-haniye po metadike so~tavlehiya metal]-ogenichasklYn i prognoznykh kart. latp 196~,. 2. Xnl3,t,4.. tut geologil i geofiziki im. Kh.M.Abdullcyeva ANIAzbek6looy SSR (for Matsokina.-Voronich). 3. Glavnoyc upravl(inlye ijeo- logii i okhrarq nedr pri Sovetd Ministrov Uzbekskoy SSR (for Kalabina). 110PONICH, V.A. Exciatence of a tranoverse ort-bearing 1;?]k Tien Shan. Sov. geol, 7 no.6:11.6-3,20 Je 0, I.:ut 11 -1 1. Sredneaziatokly -10- gii i mineraltnogo syrlya. VOROIIIGII, V.A. '--"SS'Trsqc'9on the dintribution of complex metal sposito in the Karamzar Mmmtalnsv Usbogeolazhur, n0.2:5, 61 ~'59- N114k 12:8) :L. SAPUMS. (Xu-amusar Matmtainn-Ore deposits) VORONICH, V.A.-, Geological factors controlling ore deposition in Ale CMI-AtInskoye group complex ore deposits. Uch. zap, SAIGIMSa no.7jI07-1,15 162, (HIPI 17 12) 1. Sredneaziatskiy riali(ii.n(-,-il;~l)lEdovatal'E;k:Ly inistibixt gbologl.i i mine- rallnogo syrlya, Tashk!mt. I Pil I'l 1, ~1;1 11 1111,111111111' Illdi 111i l' I" III, 6 ;, dWill '11111 -4111 llifilliT 111141, IN 11CH III -'flli "Jill! I l:jJIfi jI HN,1111~11; . ........ -..- .............. ... . : 'I I I . I :. , : I .I I i . a i I ". ; ! f ! i , -, 1 : i i lhill 1! 11111 ) " ii 'kil 11 1.4T.11 1111,111111,111 ll[~ i:1 ; ; , I ; . - 1 1. ! , I I 'I ~ ., i I! IM ABDUIJAYV~ Kh.H.j akadem1k; DEMO, R I , ,y 4--p'01 IKOVOY' O.P.: KALUDIA, K.G.; IWAKHOV, A.A.; HATSOKINA, T.H."; KMCHQDZHAYXV. I.K.; RAXWBOV, F.Sh,.- TUMASHIVSKATA. 3,S#. red.lzd-~as, ObROKWATA, Z.?.,, [Principal featureo of magmatiom,and metallog6tij, in, 6o Chatkal- Kuraw mountain ranges) Oanovnye aherty magmatisma tl~ me'tallogenii ChaWilo-Kuraminskikh Cor. Pod obahchei red. gh.H.Abdu-Useva. Tashkant, lzd-vo Akad.nauk Uzbekskoi SM, 19580"288 P. (KIRA 11:7) 1. Akademiya nauk lfzbekekcy SSR (for Abdullevey) (ChatVal Hountain Rangei-Mineraloff). ~i (Irural:a Mountain Range-Kineraloa) - I I I ff . I I : t I ! ~ I N"ll I ~~ I ti 111,911 Mill ... 11 ......... 111111, . I . In I I 'I ~I I [I U I I I 11111 1: (Railroads--Management) AKIHOT- N-I-; TOLKOT, S.r.; XOIMTAWYA, M.A.; 1XIHOY5KA'ZA, R.I.; FLISKO, Tu-Tu. -, SWMOY, U.N.; STSPANOT, L.A.; EHORKIN-1 T.Ta,, #,,. TOROHI- red.; TIURWO, A.P., red.; MYA, (I.?.* tw 'r- e., a (International railroad transportation] )%zhdi1T1'arOdnyG 2helOZnO- doroshnye soobahchenlia. Pad red..M.P.Iforonlch6ve. Moskva, Goo. transp,zhel-dor,1zd-vo, 1959. 242 p. (KERA 13:2) (Railroads) Iwo, VOROHIC F,;--LIMCHEVJ, V.G. Further strengthening of cooperation,among the railroaddof . 3 no. :Li 19-83 161. socialist countries* Mel. dor, transp 4, 4! Q4M 14:4) 1. Nachallnik Upravlen4a mezbdunarodVkh tjoobshah~n4jr Ardaterstva putey soobahcheniya (fir Voronichov), 2, Xaahalln~W otdala Upravleniya mezhdunarodnykh soobahchei2iy Ministers va (t~y P~l soobohcheniya (forlikhachey). (Railroads-International aoojamtion)~ MOROZOV, V.I.; 42R V.A.; )CDrEDEV, G.I.; ..qNICBEV J1 M NAUDIN, Yu.V.; GARMAZA, KAHENETSKIY V.V.; BARASHKOV, V.D.; EMPARAPULO, V.Kh.; RAYEVSKIY, N.P.; !24ASHKOV, Yu.M.; GRISHIM, V.P.; SW'SLO,V, I.I.; RCMANENKO, Yu.M.; SAKHAROV, B.B. Innovations. Avtom. i prib. no.2:61-62 Ap-Je 165. (MIRA 18-7) plio.Le! coom, rtiltl,- ,dia "ants; PUT VORONIa", N.M. Organizing the production of machine-tool units anii automatic production lines at the S, Orshonikidze Nachine-Tool PlaInto Stan. i instr. 28 no.12:4 D 157. (ifIRA 10: 12) (Machine-tool Industrr) 7 7 02 611/000/004/001/007 BIONOiO3 AUTHORS: Bron, L. S., Voronichev, N. M. TITLE; Normalizatioii of main parameters of ma'ahine.'sets, and their units PERIODICAL: Standartizatsiya, no. 4, 1961, 7-15 TEXT; Machine sets made in recent years by various;'firms,'e.g., the stankostroitellnyy zavod imeni S. Ordzhonikidze (Ma!c'hine_:building Works imeni S. Ordzhonikidze),and other enterprises of the Mo0ovskiy gorodskiy ekonomicheskiy rayon (Moscow Municipal Economic r~jon),.Ryazanskiy, ekonomicheakiy rayon (Ryazan' Economic rayon)? Tullskiyi;ekonomicheskiy rayon (Tula Economic rayon), and Belorusskiy ekonomicheakiy rayon (Belorussia Economic rayon)f had different designs!and sizes although they had the same rated capacity. This involves great difficulties in the establishrient of production lines, etc. Therefore, it.will be necessary to set up unified machine-building standards con6'ining the parameters of unified machine sets. In setting up these standards IA should be considered that from time to time production lines have to:~e rearranged for different Card 1/3 S1028 B2 Normalization of main parameters of... B104 03 products. This asks for a reaoonable establishment ofijunotion measures for all parts. Also dimension and load series will hallvi; to'be sot up. In the first part of the present paper, the. authors disci BB typification and dimension series for power units. After detailed deliberat ,ions they find that the range of power tranamiiision for power units,6f medium and large dimensions should lie within 1000 -10000 kg- foroe. ~Wo Variants are considered for subdividing this range, one with five~iizesjvariant 1) and one with six sizes (variant II). Table I gives the firlst variant of main characteristics for power units. The intermediate vaiues of trans- mission forces were determined from the series R20/6 -,:1-7,3); thus, it was necessarwto establish the dimensions of power units al~,,cording to the series ~2 In variant II, the transmission forces were determined from the series R20/4 1.56), the dimensions from ,the;saries R10 1.25). Subsequently, the authors thoroughly deal with the assembly 0 machine sets from normalized units. Some examples illustirate the assembly of machines from,normalized automatic working uni .to, from non- automatic working units, and from worktables. The,MLthorai discuss the proper dimensions of clamping plates and bolts perai i.tting.:the inter- Card 2/3 3/02 61AOO/064~001/007 Normalization of main parameters of... B104YB203111 changeability of units. They consider the~:stability of',.~!machlne sets, suitable building heights, as well as sets with high dem~andslfor accuracy of machining. c"Ofi" radspin CMADDOro, Yuji 1 3. ;4 a 6 Table 1: Jjain characteristics of IJ the unit. 1) I power Legend: Size of the nower un it; 2) power transmission, kg-force; 3) bore diameter through steel, mm; 4) rated power of the electric motor, kw; 5) operation length. .Card 3/3 2)Y M CHAN11 DOAJ1901, Nee W law =0 1000a 3) yeAoxi"Ma ANSM4111 "'", no CIIA11 0 'VA (Toxh~ KO AA2 CmA*sux ronnok~ 25 '40 M [Go im 4)HOW11MIAl'up LAI CHAO$ rOAO- J 1 ,OIt) , 2,2 4 ' 13 2 2 13) i6.5 t (171 3 0) 1 ))AANXI: P160-fera zoo. 40 ADD I OD) 40W $00 me; sco Soo low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hil. 05 VORONICIIEV, N.Y.; KOROVIN, M.I. Workers of the macnine-tool.industry prepare for t.~he 22~1 emFress of the CP-'-'U. Stan.1 Instr. 32 11 QJ4 (MIRA '14:10 (Moscow-Machine-tool industry) (Automatloo) i!,1!., 4 1. 1111.1 1 11 11 di IUMA5 III a NOW6,111.g."I r i