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a V a V a V W V W v V V V W W ~"w, - - I- - z - z i 0- - - - - - 4 i 0 * W oaf w wN:406 a 0 10:0.; ; i ;J- S 0 7. 7, , W, w. lop - - E At a r-A 00 -1 a ?,g I III-Mme N.A.AVVUI*NSKII^xt)A.%'.Fmu~tT, 4J4 t" ('U"I MlitAlildy With Ch IfOln The air in tht Prrimencrof fit to formn JIsP(h and IftPO, its a few main .0 as The isant. of Pile is bckm 9% fA that of Jim and The mist. is (tre froin 11 aml At 20*. It takes days tocurnpirte this (rution. In this come litt rate t4 reactitio is inde-a 00 ri pendent of the pa"hil pressures of Pll~ It, and N. IMI is directly pr-4,ortitmal to the pressurie of L. MAD(INOXY j! 00 00 APO 11 L A to 0 T- -i-4 tt~ 0, AA A, 6,13 tt aft 11ORK001 0 00 0 me 0 .9 0 00 mil 4 0 0 a 04 a 0 4> 0 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 OS OU 0" '41 0-60 0 0 0 IN 0s0 a 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 14 It W 11 4 111 a x jq, I V uJdAhUmmool Aju Ad a jJ6 A A C C L-1, -A-A It r - . " It, I- - t a I I - 9 . A 1. 1 ~ A AA 0 (A 0 It I I 004 it# 0.0 j%V revis* -@,feel 1. -1. '-00 :0 0 Chomaw oquu hydruiubees. M. Cakulo4o;,41 0 W VIVel C IstaphRok' + 2114 CH. 9a- 4 ftanks: 00 R.) 2.716 irl. C A - V, IM - Me cukrit. cA the crilt.noy tif C11, &rut O%Q) 1 00 paphite wrtc irmbecked. The equation connecting W KAI anit Z* was cak-d. fur ibe traction C -1-2its ==2 C14 A tAW is given runnectirig Xp wul T for the fawtion 0 411 C + 211, == C14 The difference is shown between the cntros)y of graphite cakil POO 00 j from the beat ahweptioa occmding to tW 3rd beat theoreso and theconiti. cifectitUiticia 0 IV. Tomsk" d ImadVk7cloMm" itad othylbosteat. A. A. WntinitsKif. 1W =00 420-IL-The vapm teaskas of Cjll,Uc anif PhEt were deld. at upmit IMP. Slut at tile toiUM umpolof th; b),drocuboo. CIIA, BLANC ;10 Zee u 00 a 00 d :too &s0 zoo so 0 4 L A ANNIALUPWAL L11104401 CtASSOK411du 40 ices a al 0 o u ntTIPWAI Kit X a If it It if q 01 A I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ * 0 * 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 a 4 0 0 'fro 0 0:0 0 0 0 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 4 LLIJ-111-11-10 A. a- M.P1 4*1 "1 to 0 11, J J,- aCOZ01 aIII U. .0 1All 10, lira to(#$ 6.0 0 isso t ..r, ,f,.,# bl't I no~O_ 00 00, 0o, so f d's .46 92 V, IL 2bubms "d ' ))* J. C. A: no 3M.- OWN hOUVOUT ""d*n4lpr "ft MAI =dzv led AS a( a is ka=" tfA & " -- - 20V WM tIlS m Iri I & O~w I" PAU 4" a.. 4*0 9=/F - ismi - omqcc mr g 1% '!L'~- I , 00 OAN for ftzto+ sgalr& C4 t low/ I f - '60.106 ISAW - OM4 too fox nPr + Me 0 C4H"ft, UD&T WOO" O"t'a- nUe Is bydtarmited -9 t' AAS CA, tat tbas CA so Nee '00, 0114&L.0-CCA.L LfTf&&fW9 CkASIVICATIO Ib 0 1 jIA&4'j tj to lot, 4.1 oil, I 44-Ow '11 --To 0 00 A, 6 as a ja 1 0 0-0 o;: 00a 0 0 00 so 0 0 66 6 0 iRee~' 0 0 0 6 to 0 0 0 90 0 0 0 0 0 K-- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 9 0 9 0 '0t# 6 C 0 P 4 M A L 0 0 P9.4 I I w 00 0 0 4) SO 0 g : : ~o : : : : : : .1 A? 10 At *1 C, us ,or 0 e "3111310SIV12 011111 uidlojL 4jvld 2111 Pun(UN sdnoll ajq louollwlOJ4,M)Plf&3)0'"3q)ulpuw,g w3WjjqpHj JOJ A-x'b3Jj jww aU pw wlwp,lldia jqj uu Pull 111ij JO) optlua)ad aq PUN Aawlu& aql IN 11au n " W A 0 OP as" PA ipmwwa ivaq aq& P 01, low, 1-1#1-A- v 'AjJwjUaU j W oo se q .fmjj ma pal -dam oil &4 V 0, : M 10 9"J" "qlsugjN "A 41 UtA!= "&Aa - is - ( . " p wifivi pd - cf-0119, j ,W "" . . -s Uql~waj 3"N a l 40 on 00 " l PrApq - 1 ; r . l r go fiel, V 11AU1111111A Will PMW A , "Y + I 00 ir " *"$a 00 Jill f4mm"s M" lowls - sou"m loop"a; I* "Mobs W*U~ID I :: Iy go o Ir! r oo 09 00 imr its (4 w4 .,I J-1 10, * '- in ai V K T--1 -1 , a j , , 6 q 4 of ", " a a l." 0 I I " 110 " 410 0010 0 0 9 6 I A 1P 9 9 lb -1.. A * 0 a ~- * 4 41 i 0 A so 4 1 00 ow all so 4 *a a C. .4 so so .4 0 0 es . . I ~ . . . I . . . - . . - W-W 11 33 54 a Is p 30 a 6~ a 10 11 0 1 AA 0 4 -t" 7t.~~ t 0 .00 .00 RIM Ca. Y.. 1. 574114. M971WI. t1utz 0 =00 17 ZOO 405.1 ts*o ire L S I (W 0 1 Is 1M d"a 0 00 so a #11f I I I I P 1 0 a -if 4 to a n 00 141 Movilks of the rioutins tit CAWY drowbons, 1. Kincticso(bydro VY drocarbons with pilladium c&talyv 00 z I to too atumpherst and touspotratw A. A. Akhodihan, :_~n4 votwl AV. Frost. J. -c . w. Or.' (IM).--A %)stematic study *( the 1;: the WCUICIty ane, (virchAttimm at cat, begun by by di-t-genat Iom of C41 1. and I Of I of 167o Pol.."Itestal under normal 00 iThe walypt was prepol. and re 6;iZorlinshil anti 114torisny (C. A. fl. 21 09 20. IMI). The hydivxenatiori .9 of tin. pre"Ite and the analysis 1 Of z Wert carried on by the metbodd 00 1" Will). In the hkiffujortatim &I bit CrInd 00W i! was dried with C&CI, and bested cutitainer Ifii*"d with C.1 a to MU the catalyst. The unotbang 0 0 0 pitioduct were "Ierted at definite of 11 rants out from the xt ~pl It". 7- !101 109 The velixity 4171h and 11hNit In the ptcw. of 1aatm. tit 1, depeadent tit the fmirlial prosim of I (up to 2W") fj( Of "ial cut fit temps. (Zlk'VE 240* the V61city =ly related to, the panW ty of hvoftu;traA6P" 4 C.114 i Irmter l7wher the If prevssurc the Ph34e. o-.Iwo, a fat M, d A I$. I L 4 SCUMoNCK&I. LITIS&I 7 Uis &I No a I ar '9:000001,0"0410,10"O'e't 1040 000010041**Ooo a 1148111M)NIVI It 0 U hydroge"aw of d At"I Nevotrig. C. A. 17 ZVVY; lfox'o atwl Soc"", C~i A61n WIth J-: t ( h L i h t" ft of UOMUC *a ftm at pmasuir tY to t1%V4 W V. e vr A. 27, 40~1). T ph&W I,d.jI at:,11W ii directly pol.wortkmal to the Coolls I it= 1400 to $30 0. Pfc."Ure anti ifloremly propoetio" it) the 11 forvicure. ~, V. R. Zbarkova Colf,idoci not alect the v1+witv1,f livol-Ken2fir'"of Coils . S. R -) 4, 1168-779 at the magrs fA!' (room etIML 'rile tho'(111111 CfJeff. 44 C4114 feet of prrmte on hyd"jornationt op in 2WIV astrevi "ith the Affhenitiot $ reactirms was or,piati-ni. Wit st.nor 2W heocins a systorroalk" devi-AII'm Me 14 the pire"We I,v the dcorrca"l adumptitan of C411. or it. rtd high lira. Above '22118' the thetmal cueff. 6 less than I and the rrw - or . erh d by th hod - ZorlinAil, C. A. ' /tkon veliocity (I=ea&a with the imfeav of tcttlp. a ad PbM, itisde, Cha.. Mine reso!tlon jKlidn"S and P. (C. A. 21, puroke stout and procoduct at tad 0 at C-14 ports"" it In, anti at kjvw temps. Wis. At WSW hy(ftwirtiatim Is of CJI~. The than that 0 W)v 13 amorettosd 8 x1m.) (11nining CLASifficatooft -00 00 -00 -411451 800 see a** 7 go* 600 0*0 coo .600 ago* ISO 0 t Z- etc- 4j-0. -1 v 4" A I I (W 0 a a I it IM if 0 3 ISO A I ]KA 00000090*000000004 00 00 V1 : 0 a 0 0 0 0 4111 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 M -WW 0 it I 1 to A a 00 06 t 00 i 941 00 0013 600 90,2 *0 40 V 994P **,goo 0 0 ow-0--g-m-w- .1 d 1 4 f I I Lf 11 M Is W ROLKtiod elf kvm "kip" Used in dm "Wkesis de U. ISAW"O ad LU Isdow" O"Mous 5. Ischiwvt A. A. a dw 84dik7 ef t - a" V. t Tr. =- J !A (U. S. s 414(in Ceinnam 06) Q d. C. A. 31, WM-A Wl reducti- wisp. ol dw "GIVD-L-L" IIA16 9#0 1,Wf join.. FPO 21.90, Fog(I =4',0r Imh 0.10. UoO 0.41. 8 4 43 and P 0 1%V as coust. wasure sad vvi. voluctV, bas a A". to ontheim"yo(thecatallyst. Pre wal- velocity o(lbo 1J.11 "lixi. has a poe, inflUence an tin SWVfAy 0( the caWyst. The prcioure (withla 1-3W a(m.) bma only III& ats. 111fluem upon the activity cc tu catallyst. which am W --ftsfited dw Imease of the voL vdacity. A of tW wyt (a supwin Iscrem of the we& worked out, consisting c teef. fmm3w* &DAM" 'MVI this mWyu at 3(1061380&* 406 426',UsO*,473*aad lotcompled"Pa. Waur at each temp., and uWatAiniq go highest poWbk pwW prommue of U, and the but water vapor coo- dermtka. Furdw lnmtWlm Is required for an Im- primuskat of the MeLbw. A. A. Podeorar olive '77 6- - u xxv _06-it 4 ------ - & W 0 0 K 't m: a of I " T, -m , 0 0, 0 0 0 1 W a I a 4 3 6 v 0 0 o 0 0 o o .0 o V 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 lei 0 * 0 0 0 1- 0 0 0 00 0 Of 0 0 to tes I -10 f 4 0 * 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -00 -00 .00 0 :0t coo Vo 0 so* !Icoo see goo :see U00 feel boo 11M! LAIL -1L P-11 A. 004 'pop.* f nMWYMANIC3 Of 7a SUMM OF MU AWOM, IM A. A. and 1*104mo L. 2. R102j" AND wAma. - -Y" J& 37-41), A, rowlft. Gm. Gbouits conomtrotim of BM It the oquMbirius r is siatwo and in the aquemn alcoh*lic caad*wdo was computod for tavorstw* IL50 to wo &A 50 to 200 &tn. prossum. A&A 1 C., A6 A19.1LA TALLU*!KAL LIT111OW CLAWICATWO Zo solos* A1, am* 941 OJIMMi V-w . 11 -9 b &A 9 Ali 10 Li ~'' ' I T 0 it0d 0 1 1 1 ~ & 0- a w 0 0 *00.000::00*00000000 z: -o.1000;000 66*600066*0 1-00 ..00 *00 =00 0 coo coo: fee woo bee 400 0"T sit Ilse 0*0000000000*041040*0 $060006--9*06*06606 964", 00, 69A ego 00 9 Soarl eff aj 0 0 so ir ;l a 9 :0 0 001, 00, 1.111 . o:z KJAWC& 4" the mech"Lum *( catsjytlc lirtImpuatloci o(hytTlims. A.A.Xwediviski4R.R.11olprivirmirov. Atid llrmt. J. Gto. Chow. WS.S.11 1 10. 71 o'. 4111#Plpl;,Rh r , Ot" Fr. I. JiM.'J.-hia .I Ito, t.46 Owl 04%; gaw if IW prve"UN 4 imilAtile INNitil U. I wul if is di Ill, 111., rmnlw brifts to be Htkkfvd br cyclub-afir I- Wine lilkale he Id. mrialdons &V rrmicw. ne mull"T hat %t whimy imiwption thcory of ratz"s is nut sjn&AbL- In this mw, mit It It propowd that the re"an brtn,. bcnjmc ikliort*41 an the colitlyst mil It !10,=, In 14 catalyst. G. ht. Koklklmff LffjJl4TUMt CLAIWKA140 "IF 4nT 4-4,r- g1k4n At PO 11 'r I, It ita Ogg wil least Ita-4T U0,:6400060600640400000400 1:04111006io6*006000949 '"Al sonde noiffoloo 31 1 tol 0*0*00"9*060000009 000*00000000600000 r/1-00 J-00 .0.0 000 .0 o 00 .00 -06 00 4100 1100 3ro o goo ro 0 goo ::001 1900 coo coo too to -4 ..k aw_ All ve Kimeocksi'anot wedsaidem of the tootedam of A hyd n : Tt Cwt: Kfebmw Z"k%Y*4 *r*wC9ut bm*k mk* 1. 1 UA.. AK kAl IM olI ImAst ~m i . ~44"%Jod. ~. Gtoo. CAir". WA H-M ) W It-% IV 00 4114141-1. to IMP41410041 OVC1 NI NO, "o o 00 .114.14'.1st list, 11)). 1611. Im)'dr4 "VIli ill* 114 .46141r. 00 Dow limot. 4.1 foractio"t lose was imlowtv"I at 1.6=14.11selow o talks tit If to boragene. Incorm" of fracliom temp. coolow. -00 00 the fca"filln mte to paw lbrou4lk a usam.. the TwooAtkors 4 06 the lattcr bring dtiocadent on tlw activity of sbor orstsfM so jamplit uvrd and lairmlord wilbin ill* Ilivills of IM-170'. go (kiwally Woking in t1w r imm ad ap i W ben 00 Tallow presm" (0-W-0.8 aim. there&ct=tQiA=-n1; III PrIMwirtlow to 11 pirimmoure and is intlependent of beaune TOO so peculue; In the retim of low bessame premstwor. the dr. loornikocol 6 rtvvrwd. IV. Pecalimidso et imoseusey oo of ud"Ity *I aklW caftlyd Is belim* 4obligotmatiet. %0 00 AM. 4W O.-Aller a ch4av of 4qwating temp. duitne re 0 00 bearow bliffligoratitiom orror S1 the activity of Vi coota. 1T1.1 doles sw Imonsw castw5w Insually lot ormat" ill %0 slaw (upwwd at duiv ward) to a cinrW, value. On jAAL.9 chs"gont W contact tl"w or an Inindwilon of slesm Into the rrwOin mhd iho drree tit hydroso-A tkort Along". %o but aptm muns io the stantlud coonlitkiris the callityst %o irvv.,ti, to its exisittai activity iostantiT firstioviiinithr M ralodysli volth lwijsciw lyings Mir activity of the kiln lit mm, whereas trwoolnurni with 11 lunrames Its activity. lit cumm ftmtiwt with the vtan&tW irwlkm n64. 14,j a %0 wift-kally koris little ke-Is to) simmilarif catalyst activity. too Cullum woo, t Vo 0 ro 0 we. Air A t a tw a a 0 1 0 W 0 a 4 '1 1 91 "J" 41 _M~qp 0 00010*0000000*000000;;O:Ooooooo*oo*oooooosI 0 * 0 0-0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 VVEDETISEIY, ALE&SEY Termodixm-nicheskie raschety pTotsessov top.Livnoi prorW31ilennosti. Leningradf Gos. nauch. -telchn. izd-vo ne."tianoi i gorno-toplivnoi lit-ry, 19L9. 490 p. diagrs. Includes bibliographies. Thermodynamic CILICulations of the processes of fuel industry. DLC: TJ265.V9 SO: Manafacturing arid Mechanical Engineering in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 195.3- i j3n*da6ftftSj=mtLoJ MT2 unax !o1d,IE1&1 M 'e. ff, 1. The temp-wature cond, In th 'Morov toile. ALUI Chem, (1, 3q . Pp ~141111 wilt 1H. n mian).- I it mnventiorml Lilt. colimmis, operating an the emillerefirrvul prilelpfc, illiffer prmqlltc!3 P tip to RM kg.jmj- Cin., tit(!, tctitp. distribution along lite reaction itille b noillilliforill; wilh a 5-Int. ea.alvoit columns 13 min. tit diatil., 10-1-1i nivi. high, grain size tit it., file lemP, r-4: :AW"Ply from IM to 600-6150" uver all Initial 'u-poctit of I'll, rala- lyst zone equal apisirov. to 10"11.01 itn frogill :111d Illell fCfI to 520~5(Xll. Becatmeof Illiq lemp, Imelirilt, (13,! 11014 "11P. J4 unitiltable for kinetic studiti; 0 the prut-r-m. Calmq. by till,, equation A112 - K(T' - TO)OU - GeM, - 4) (10telc 41 - licat of reretion evolvol itiong lite ktigth al ut thc rej4don zone - T ami 7'9 - Icalli, of the gx, (511)*) and of the wail (11MY)')t resit.1i K - total coefl. of livat (taivilcr tcol the gas to (lie tva " 174,M0 1) - djam. of lbe raldrit volill. it -- (MM Ill.; G - wt. 9f gus; C - Pp. heat of tilt! cai), flividlill, thr ('11AYM Coltittin Into 10 Vol. ('14,111clits. of 0.6 lilt. V-01, altd com- ting for ench clemepit of Irngth .51, tilt, ;irit. AG (if Nil, ;'tned by Vvc%IcnsIAI'i% (toli) Ollisfic(l) 141111111-1 4G - C KIYA /?100 4- A) (where lj~ -1 vni. rite r( gjL% vircritig tilt- 70114- 0011tol; -y d. of NIIA; A w jwrcettf.1gs--(s1 Nits, ill (fit. K,14 arong 61), for IM, .301, tky), WWI ig./ticl.; rilt,, yidd that in oirdri, Io In'llire uniffirl"!1Y ur (,mp. tiver the ruici ion moe, it 1,,j ljcrt,.~-iry alld Ajffi-t cient to &-Atilytite the calbalyit itoitimiformly. Its tiar-i livill4tr, the cafaly.,d lau.0 be dild. in (lie first x,ginctiti (it, thr! reactioll Colullill. Practically, it WivI Shown that it I, .Olloligh to flij. lite Callilyst filliforlilly thrimigh fultilixt. of' rnlillf of 'all lite(( lifiltuhil; file thilil crillanced lie.-It vis- ; Wilb(( a mi:cf- (it b till. (12.5 ~.) cataly,.%t of grain size 1-2 torn wilh 25 "it. (ZLV g.) Cf Cis of rmin Mrx 1-1.5 mm fo(al llv;gllt alsolit IPA tile Nitip. teinalned collit, 0;~~ ihr 1,0101c 11:11Kth Within ss-b', mcipt un&r P - 800 where art itimnec of (lie rate of flnv r of tile 11, 4- N, mixt. from lr)Ol )./fir, cair.cil Oil, lesol). of tile g;jj to rj~& J)y 4(),;l 11114cr IM in 600, at f ~ 1,14) to IbOO, the tcolp. was! PrarAcalty 1111iforin. 111%trill of Cut Corillidtivirl gmlnsi Call 5W 11,4A Is,[ 111111clit Ivillf tile Katlic Olmh-rum-1. Imn. i of Or calnlyO lowvvi lite yield of Nils wi apthilt, the cm-1 mitiomil opciallimi imilcr comlillowi of lemp. drol? ssltmig~ f1w re;w1lolt mliffoll: 1vl1lt Is till. cavdyit + 65 ini. corun- 1 illill, (grain ~i/x 1-1,5 mitt.), tit r)(W, onder P - M),- NXI, RX) kgjqq. cin., at r - IrA) mid 7rA I-Air., the anit:1 nr NJ Is %xi 17,4, 22.2, 28.8 and 1a.0- 12.6, 16.6 Vol. %; 1, tilillor lite Faille Colstlitioll-1, with A fill. loldlid, Catalyst,; 18.7, TIA, 2M, I nnfi 11.4, 15S, 212.0 Vol. N. T. A. A xrom/ruois Fob 1947 "The=il CarACity of T~Yfto=bOnSj" A.A.Vvedeneklyi 4 pp "Haftyanoye Ehozyaystvo" Vol XXV, No 2 Scme rathemUeal discussion followed by two pages of tables 4T15 A oo 11M H A -P ostow as c l W R o am er a um c c re"thm ImM"' . d tb. t A + A Sc + ful *(I% I A SAW a TA The IV; 1 action tax (al cmemm Iberat"9104 ammixf v- ent f Th d t to 4 k fl 4 e . o u . w V e Pa a ma s per unit ow, r"?.. a of the - (n ')Xr/o~ tM vd i L th u0 + 00 . m ox e s % o % . P Iraylue the tuW p - 1% + is + # - q - rislir/t. 00 0111 L X - 1110 11111t. Of WAWSWO am + ne'. no spws 11 do val P . , "Icelty at a gim pdat Is v - vo/ft (wbtn as - swi "Wty at tin Inlet) mW the eamems. of A and 11, w 1 a'/* wW ml - nl/v. r"p. T]w mo. of mals of A toter- tag the v*L idmest pa ink ti= befog Wo. Ike no. of ' i I 1 o 4! a m- on vv maks lftv*! It. (W + d the react I., "O in's - W - .1. LO (a + J.)I/.u - I V 1 W ts k5rh; Is Its AW The alpecul" is deld, . (go, - #E)C(= + + gtv" 'w " Istecrated as f A + % !! C, fb~= cum: (1) -28. (3) N. Thm. St., A siuk~MZZ IS S 0 10. All; 4 ;.1 a a ~j ii ;rw 0 0 0 ego so's a 0.01004 000'.0 W 0 A 00 0 I 01 1 9 ad w a 9 a 4 3 a T lee lee 0 49 170 0 140 to 0 see too 00 00 00 dr j! 43 00 0 00 00 0 u :T,41 0 6 a 4 4 R 5 . . . . . . . . . . . "XIIA! amill a a 11 a-1 J.- v .1 M. C11 41-11-1. J.- 111- .11-4 - -1, al -L -L Specific beat of hydrocarbons. A. A. v'Ity'low AL, - 23. No, 2. 4-. lioll C. - a 4 bl* l, , P too 111ch IAVC' ~11. 11. At. With frivil, tisr vatile, 'd of. 6. alul 1 "41.- .A~J (for the Co ILIG IkI140111%. It 1111%A111. 14'. .11. for. I. oIA&.I L' 1-uleur, pwj~.10- rtle. 1.3-fRitA.41vile, i-qtroir. 'witytelle. artoldistfirthylacrtylvifir) amINAmittatic tiolful-N. 14-11telse, Cthylbeturne. 0., ON-. of t, l k A G r - o ue4 ra . t " ivirit". And metitylem). Vie C, vo .00 Al 11111 Aval I- m1rivill. "ill'iff Ow to $.it- Y lot 0. ImI4110I.. It'.. .101,441", I..u to. 40' ~ lot .0 1." 0 to COO so 4 SO ti, to 4101M.1011111,11CA 0. 1,1111114110111111 CL4UwK AIPUR lJoir, '949 i__44mw I .. I I . - - - . .. ~j art Still Plart 111111' 11111full, lit llloo ~5166 'lie's ~0611 *0~ 1010, 'So' 1o 0 00 00 00 004,411 696 10 0 41111, 0 0 0 0 0 0 411111 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 VV DE!13KIY, A. A. USSR/Chemistry- ~'Pbnz-ina F~!b 1.948 Chemistry- "Hydration "Studey of Kinetics and Mecl-anism of Reaction of the Hydration of Hydrocarbons. -V. Effect of Benzene Cyclosh6y'ane;tand Nitrogen on the Variations of thn Activity of a Nickel Catalyst During tho Hydration oil Benzene," A. A. Alchudzhnn, A. A. Vve;,-'.Ons~iy, Leningrad Inst of High Pressures, 7 pp I'Zhur Obshch Khim" Vol XVIII (JMX) , No 2 Prolong,ed treatment of a nickel eatalyst with lart,,a wriountn of borvnno ronulta in a loss of activity at 2300. Ful*- activity can be restored by prolonged treatnent of catalyst by hydrogeno Submit Ied 30 Jul 1946. PA, 68T.)9 VVED&NISIM, A. A. ,(- H yirocarbcns Feb 1948 USSR/Chemistr Chemistry- Hydra tion Study of the Kinetics and Mechanimn of Reaction of the Hydration of Hydrocarbons. VI. The Mechanlsm of the Catalytic Hydrntion on Nickel and Palladium," A. A. Alchudzhan, A, A, lrvadenakiy, A.V, Front, Lening-rod Inst of High Pronsilros, 7~ PP "Zhur Obshch Kh1m" Vol XVIII (LXXX), No 2 Studies; of speed of hydration of benzene on nickel. and change's of this specd with relation to various sta.aes Ln prccess of evaporation. Shows that in spite of decreaner, in activity when catalyst in processed by I)Qnzeno or cyclohonxnne, activity can be restored in both cases by treatment with hydrogen for Ion,, periods of timo. Submitted 30 Jul 1%6. PA 68T40 /memd.a,-try - Reactionep Xquilibrium Jun 49 Equill-brit-m of PeAtitlPnu Betreen 11.~rarmcarbpma. The 74uilibri& of 'the Reactions: E- _~C6&, t 3H2 -4-' 'so-C3 164b A. C !i~ 343 CIIV~:, + 3E6 lt-~ 1C 3.0 ':~ V"_ X. TMtareva, Len 4a I= t of %D ligh 1~-esaurea, 5 3/4 PP ~i6r obshch nimo vol xix, No 6 Mmoures the oonstants of equilibrium, of the W 4:je,tion of iso;ropylbenzeue an& gives a formula fi~r the relation of Ig of the tautperature- ~Awsures the constants equilibriim for the d 64AqT2~ IM/Chemistr7 Reactions, Equilibrium JIM ~49 (Contel) I~hydration of =-xylene and suggests an empirical ,Jweq=j% for dete~-ffliriil 16 Irp. Sul=itte& 3,4 Tan 48. ~7 m m 06 a 00 a 14"Im4rPamel" 44 tho deltylklase"Italt maitt"d at -00 akdm&. Tho -Mbrim ZCAWIJ " CH,Co", 00 + U4. AA FvWZd&WWJL&- P. Ya. lerannywy, alul V, A. ^0 0 Neiramova, 21or'. 004W KAJO. (1, (kil. clWill.) 19, Igo C, 109 1V- I RJUMM).-Iffilm MO. 41 the V41110. 11millills. 0 0 a 1Wlerm" 1141 %tW 211.60, (6v.) - 1X#A Slul 1.741A. Kf "tv. all - jmv~m Vill . "mAr 00 144 0 4 401, olio. p4j si 00 WW14,di'loolly pol"14*10, Is* )I,. c go + + om r JumaLm m &w tot utmill I., blow 00 -3 ~+ lumin r - mmi&i Fee we aneb Ali all. + 4mf r I omomm r, + omm m, P. it., :00 00 with thastsild-All - Meal.velthot." teen 464J'K Alle - 7M and Allen - WO cul./ur-A.. ='kv K, 00 11 00 ym-T B + 9m we r - onxtum r + (m,011111114011 goo Ill + UM. Thy 1wal of fmumt~m ul &OPI fellssit flw 7 Joe 0 I k"souts In the stalmWit Mate, 4c Qlmlsjljtf~ 00 1 1 k. 0 0 + tile (S") - AcOUS (jam). In Allis, - - Im. 14 A cal./. oak. and the few enagy AFm 'jdAW s-4.jjullsit; the Mmillad entropy of Acol9t. S,'. 11 ad./moleb ISO deVeg. The latter value is at ut=w-fth Parks and qD0 Hufman's Sm - 62.0 which correopmb to S* dec 10.07, &W h-mle to log k, vuluess incummimesst witgotIm"'T Id1vt peliquessitally, I** fi-F too lose too sell 1-j it o%* cod u 16 AT 10 AS A ~ I IF 1 0 JW1 I PW a a I I W 00, 0 f, it At *"" 4 ~ it N . R 1, lose 4. 0 0 *0 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 : 0 : 0,0 6 0 0 go 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 006,000.0 0 : 00 0 40~0--Oo *-0 0 0 00 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 q 0 0 0 a a Chow" otdVbA= In fWAWN bol k,drwm. u so im floods"I we.CAXA + jut sa u IL)k+ AK A I i-COIW(C. 'road li-CaLf 'Via A-VINPAWANAR N. , TAWArews ItA"18- Hl ). AGOW. Cum. UJ.S.R. IV Prelow" ImS-W 90)(W. C.A. 4J, 09W. a. J. C. Rention eqUilbdom of hydromW, as... X, Wit copc- ity of orphthalen tetrthydrounphthal ene I- docitiy- dro A. 1V al t 27 q- "'j- (whi t C .4 37. 4; 0 r-" I tht r~iw :V0 1,WO-K. the val- ues ft-r C1,111 ;gri:e with-the expTY. duta 4 Sle,~kthn mnd Pime'aal jcA. 42, 67LUO vrith tile :-,tgot drviafi4m of Id thc- ;Tu5H(-,t orte f" 0 `-, uttitg af VY.WENSKIY, A.Axs-"v trod. ; HOLDAVSKIYv BeLeg nauchnyy red.; BARKOVSKIT, -----_---Iw*-.7'veduishchiy rid.; ALMESBYEVA, K.A., red.; GADASKINA, N.Do, red.; BUMMITEVA, M.I.. red.; KAGANOYA, N.H., red.; KOBWJT, V.A., red.; LEVIN, S.Z., red.; POKOILSKIT, Y.N., red.; TBODOROVICH, V.P., red.; SHMULYAKOVSKIT, Ya.Z., red.; GINHAD'YEVA, ItH.1 (Collection of reports of scientific research carried out betvaen 1950 and 19571 . Sbornik referatov nauchno-issledovAtel'sicilch rabot, vypolnennykh v 1950-1957 rr,. Leningrad, Goo.nauchno-tekhn. izd-vo neft. i gorno-toplivnoi lit-r7p laningr.otd-nie, 1958, 158 il. (HIRA 12:9) 1. Ve,asoyuznyy nauchno-isoledovatellakly inatitut po pererabotke nefti. i polucheniyu iskaostvannogo zhidkogo topliva. (Petroleum research) 5,',4), 50) AUTHORt Vvedenskiy, A. A. SOV64-59-1-7/24 . TITLEt ...... ................................................... Thermodynamic Principles of the Synthosis of Monomers (Termodinamicheskiye osnovy ointoza monomerov) PHRIODICALs Khimicheskaya prooyshlennost', 1959, Nr 1, pp 28-36 (USSR) A33TRACT: The present paper contains detailed explanations of thermodynamic analyses of some important chemical reactions which can be regarded as a basis for the synthesis of monomers. The chapter on the production of olefin-diene and acetylene hydrocarbons containag besides the correspondiiit; considerations, tables on the degree of dehydrogenation in equilibrium (Table 1), on the temperature at which a given degree of the conversion paraffin dolefin + 11 2 is attained at the establishment of equilibrium and atmospheric pressure (Table 2), and the minimum temperatures required to obtain this conversion (Table'3), as well as on the equilibrium between n-butane, n-butenene and 1-3-butadiene (Table 4) (Ref 13), temperatures which are required to obtain a conversion of ethanol to 1-3-butadione (Table 5) (computed Card 1/3 according to data by Brickwedde, flef 15) and also for the Thermodynamic Principles of the Synthesis of SOY/64-59-1-7/24 Monomers conversion of cyclohexane in thermal cracking (Table 6) (ilef 15), as well as the equilibrium between hydrogen, methane, ethylene and acetylene at atmospheric pressure (Table 7). In the descriptions of the production processes and the first processing of aromatic hydrocarbons, which are divided into the chapters dehydrogenation of naphthene lVdrocarbons, cyclization of paraffins and &cetylene hydrocarbons, alkylation of benzene with olefins, d.ehydrogenation of alkyl benzenes and alkyl naphthalene, and i9omerization of alkyl benzenes, the following tables are given: degree of the dehydrogenation of naphthene hydrocarbons at atmospheric pressure (Table 8), equilibrium concentrations of benzene and toluene at hydrogen partial pressuresof 10, 50 and 100 atmospheres (Table 9) (Refs 4, 17), content of alkyl benzene in the equilibrium mixture (Table 10) (Ref 12), temperatures which are required for the conversion of ethyl benzene and isopropyl benzene (Table 11) Olef 13), the conversion of the ~-ethyl naphthalene to P -vinyl Card 2/3 taphthalene (according to data from Ref 18) (Table 12), Thermodynamic Principles of the Synthesis of SOV64-519-1-7124 Monomers the equilibrium concentrations in the isomerization of the alkyl benzenes C. ~Table 13) (Refs 4 19 , as well as of the alkyl benzenes C9 Table 14) (Refs 4: 19~, and on the content of isomers in the mixtures in equilibrium (Table 15) (Ref 20). The explanations of the isomexization ituelf contain data on the composition of the mixtures in equilibrium of butenene, pentenene and hexenene (Table 16) (Ref 12), of the mixture in the isomerization of allene into methyl acetate (Table 17) (Ref 21), and on the equilibrium concentration of the isomers of butine and pentine (Table 18) (Refs 4, 22). There are 1 figure, 18 tables, and 23 references, 14 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION: VNIIneftekhim (VNIIneftekhim) (All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Petroleum Chemistry) Card 3/3 120ST, Andrey Vladimirovich, prof. [decesseali Prinimali uchastiye: BMKAKIN, ORTAZNOY, T.M.-, DEKWIMA, M.I.: DINTSES. A.I.; DOBROURAVOY, R.K.; ZILUMOVA. Y.R.; ZHMO, A.Y.; IPATIYHY, Y.N.; KYTATKOYSXIY, D.A.; KCROBOV, V.Y.; MOCR. Y.G.; HHMTSQV, U.S.; RAKOVSKIT, A.Y.; RXMIZ, Te.K.; RMXOVSKIT, D.M.; RYS&OY, H.T.; SERORTAKOVA. Te.K.; STEPM10TICH, A.D.; STRIGALEVA, N.Y.; TATEVSKIT, Y.H.; TILICHRIET, M.D.; TRUM', A.G.: FROST, 0.1.; SHILYATRYA, L.T.; SHCHKKIN, Y.Y.. DOLGOPMOT, N.N.9,sontavitell; GERASIXOT, Ts,I.#.*,; SKVWOYA, I.Y.j red.; TOPCHITEVA, K.Y.; TASTRIBOY, Y.T., red.; XONURASHKOYA, SF.' red. izd-va: LAZAREVA, L.Y.,, r,*-Iected scientific works) Izbrannys nauchnye trudy. Xoskva. Wd-vo Mookouniv#9 1960@ 512 p, (MIRA 13:5) 1. Chlen-korrespondent AN SSBR (for Gerasimov). (Chemistry, Physical and theoretical) PUSE I BOOK KEPWITATION Vvod*nnkiy,.A).oksandr Alsksandrovich Termodinemichoskiye ranchety neftekhimichookikh lation of Petrochemical Processes) Leningradp Errata slip inserted, 3,000 copies printed, SOV/5143 protsessov (Thermodynamic Calcu- Gostoptekhizdat, 1960. 576 p. Executive Mot L. Yao Russkovo; Tech, Ed.t A. B. Ykehchurshinekaya PMWOSEt Thia book in Intended for technical permonnel In r*4~aroh and planning institutes, Industrial plant vorkshopop and laboratories. COVERAGEs Thio book presents the fundamentals of tomodynamic analytie and cal- oulations of chemical processes. The first eight chapters describe the theory and practice of calculations for heat capacity,, beat affectsp heat contentp and entropy ejad provide illustrations of the techniques and methods used. Chs. ii-XV111, roview Soviet and non-Soviet literature of experimental and theoreti- cal rsaean:h on equilibria in chemical reactionop and include thermodynamic analyses of the chemical reprocessing of petroleum and natural gases. Thia section also contains the results of calculations made by the author on the selection of optimum conditions for petrochemical processes producing semi- finished zaterials and monomers. A summary of the more reliable values of thermodyzwnio functions,, required for equilibrium calculations of chemical Thermodynamic Calculation of Petrochemical Processes SOV/5143 reactions and for thersiotachnical calculations of the apparatus, is included in Cho XIX. This volume in the 2d edition of the work which was originally published In 1949 under the title"lermodinamichaskiye raschety protooBsov toplivnoy prosyshlonnontL"(Thermodynamic Calculations of Processes of the Fuel Industry), The 2nd edition has been revised and onlargedl and contains six now chapters (`VIIj VIII# Xlp XV11,, XVIII, and XIX). The author thanks the Komiesiya po khisicbeekoy termodinamike (Comission on Chemical Themo- dynamics)# attached to the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR, the Chaimn of which in Academician ra. 1. G*rasimov. He also thanks M. S. Nemtn(n,, Frofesscr, arid Z. T,"Vvedenskaya. Each chapter is accompanied by references. TABLE OF CONTIXTSt Foreword 3 Ch. 1. Latent Heats. Heat Capacities 6 1. H*a*t) intrinsic energy, heat content 6 2. Latent heat of aggregate state change 7 ,3o "Vapor pressure curve. General equation 8 4. Heat capacity. Heat ca0acity of ideal pass. Heat capacity of gases and vapors. Molar and specific heat capacities 12 Ca~~ WSDLIN,.qKIX , AlWaLapdr Alekaandrevich; FOZDYSMAt V.A., red.; MIXINA, T.A.p teilm. red. [PlWoicochomical co-notanto of organic oompoundol Fisiko-kbimichashe konstanty organichookikh voodinonii. Leningradp Gos. nauabno-tokbn, izd-vo khim, 3-it-ryp 1961. 123 P, (MIRA,1417) (Organic compounda) (Thermodynamics) L 471 8_66_ - ___ FACC NR 4 S 1 AR6023332 OUIRCE AUTHOR: Vvedenskiv.*.A. A. I CODE! UR/0273/66/000/003/0002/0002 TITLE: Heat balance of a tractor engine SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dvigatelt vnutrennego sgoraniya, Abs. 3. 39. 12 REF SOURCE: DDkl. Mosk. in-ta inzh. s. -kh proiz-va, . 2, no. 2, 1965, 65-71 TOPIC TAGS: tractor engine, tractor engine heat balande, tractor internal combustion engine, engine heat balance ABSTRACT: The internal combustion engine of a piston tractor uses 20-401/6 of the heat energy introduced into the cylinders with the fuel. The remainder is lost on friction, on driving auxiliary mechanism, etc. The energy expended for useful work;, and in heat losses is characterized by the external heat balance or the heat balance on end losses. In determining -tne distribution of heat energy for useful work and heat loss inside the cylinders, internal or partial engine heat balance is computed. An example is given of the computation of the heat balance of an air-cooled tractor diesel engine. [Translation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13 1,11 pb UDC: 621. 436. 001. 1 040!!'_1-67 FDN -Acc-N-08 AR60264T4 SOURCE CODE: UR/02T3/66/ooo/oo4/0003/0003 AUTHOR: Vvedenskiz.6 A. A. ~ MEMM"VEM TITLE: Heat balance characteristics of a diesel cooling system SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dfigateli ~rnutrennego sgoraniya, 4.39-15 REP SOURCE: Dokl. Apsk. in-ta inzh. S.-kh. proiz-va, v. 2, no. 2, 1965, 73-81 TOPIC TAGS: engine cooling system, diesel engine, heat balance, air cooled engine ABSTRACT: The author describes an investigation of heat balance in the cooling sys- tem of a 4-cycle 4-cylinder air-cooled diesel. Heat distribution diagrams are given for nominal and economic diesel operating conditions and quantities are,jabulated which may be used as the basis for designing diesel air-cooling systems or engines under normal technical conditions and under optimum theor-e-t-rcal conditions. [Trans:.ation of abstract] SUB CODE: 13, 21 kh Cnrd 1/1 621.436-712 AUTHOR: Vvedenskiy, A. A. TITLE: Heat balance characteristics of n73765-/CY00-/0 0 8/00 2 Ii/002 4 an air-cooled diesel4emine SOURCE: Ref zh. Dvigateli vnutrennego sg6raniya., Abs. 8.39-195 REP SOURCE: D)kl, Moak,, in-ta inzh, a,-kh, proiz-va, v, 1, no. 2, 1964., 47-55 TOPIC TAGS: internal combustion engine, diesel en6ine, air cooled engine, heat measurement, A,.+ &I" 44.wk44-4 ABSTRACT: An air-cooled diesel with a toroid combustionmsharnber in the piston, with N.- 64.2 HP IMr?t -30.5kGm, Pej. 6.6.kG/c , 9e- 180 g/H11/h, is studied. To measure 6 heat balance the diesel was placed, in an iBothermic chamber and connected to an electric recording stand. The thermo balance characteristic was compiled for the three variable parameters: the rpm of the crankshaft, the load, and the temperature of the surrounding air. Moreover, besides the regular measurement for determination of the diesel efficiency indices, the following characters.__ istics were determined: degree of fivne, air consumption, consumption ofj 1 /2 I--- i i i-.- ! f --. I T o _CC /jsW(v0/rW --Jf-ACC-NP4 --AP6*09544------, ti'OURCB--CODgt---UR/0413/66/600/00510677/QO-7.i_--i--- INVEN TORt I Y& I ltuttevg V, 1,; Vveden#kLyp A, A. ORGI none TITL9's Apparatus for inventig4tLag and reRulatLng_Serosal parameters. .Class', 42, No, 119493 i SOURCEt IzobrotenLys# protayahlennyys obraxtsyg tovarnyye xnaki, no. S.'g 1966# 77 TOPIC TAM aerosol nephelometer, ABSTRACTs An A thor Certificate was issued for an apparatusp such as neiihelome'ter'q for example, for-studyLng and regulating the aeroeo2 paratieters and capable of photoelectric-regLetration. This apparatus is P!tovided with a cartridge cont&LnLng a filter disk with a capillary Card 1/2 UDCs 535.43607 40a~66 R. AP600 9544 FL&* 1. I Nephelamatercentral tube; 2 car- tridgel 3,- filter dL*c; 4 capillary tube Luba" and a Iona in order to perform nepholometric and ultramicroscopic meagurements, OrIg, art, bass I fioure. JAB) SUBilCOM 13/, SUBH DATEs 15Har63/ ATD PRESSI BLO 'Z LfS4, VVEI)ENSKIYP A.4.; PET11171, V.M. ljhemodynami~: fuw,,t!cns of allphat-Ic amJreB. Pr.-4.- 1, Zh--,.-. fli. Ulm. 39 na.69,1526-15Z7 Ja 16~, (MIRA 18x11) 1. Vsoooyuznyy nauchno-issledovatellskly ins'.1tut neftekhlndaheakikh protsessovo Sutmitted Sept. 21p 11;64. VASII,fV"!!F ~ 1;'ho-modynamtc functions of acet,11deirfdo and deuteroacetaldehyde. Zhw. fiz. khim, 39 no.W052-24053 Agr 165. (MIRA 1819) I. Institut neftekhimicheakikh prctfiessov, Leningrad, DANILOV, S.M., glav. red.; ZAKFW?DVA, A.I.p red.; ARBUZOV, A.Ye., red. i VVED-mlj`,~:Y k~A. red.; IMMS-DANILOVA, EX.,, red.; IOM, I.S.. re-J.,-'kA'Tj!2TJEVA, Ye.D., red.; LLITSDIYO, I.P., rrd.: MIS116FENKO, K.F.., red.; NEMTSEV, V.S., red.; ME PETRbV, AA.., red.; FRUDLIVA, R.Kh., red.; 6 JAKIII, red.; SHCHUNAREV, S.A., red.; YURIYEN, Yu.K., red. (Problems of-organ-ic synthesla] Problemy organicheskogo sintoza. Moskvap Nauka,- 1965. 323 1). (MIRA 18:8) L 1862-66 ACCESSION NR- AR5019474 UR/0273/65/000/607/0026/0026 '621.436:662.614 SOURCE: Ref. zh. Dvigatell vnutrennego .agorantya. Otdollnyy vypusk, Abe. 7.39.21ir- --- - ------- AUTHOR: Vvedensk TITLE- Heat balonce characteristics of a diesel exhaust system CITED SOURCE- Dokl. Mosk. In-ta Inzh. s.-kh. proiz-va, v. 1,, no. 2, 1964, 57-64 -TOPIC--TAGS:-- diesel engtnej -engine - exhaust-syste m heat balance,-- carbon carbon-- mcnioxide TRANSLATION: The method 1~rvsentcd for compiling a heat balance curve for the exhaust -.system of a dlesdl engine is simple.-sufficiently c _ac urate, and suitable for practical appli- cations. It does not require complex tind unusual tnWumentation or laborious calculations. Formulas for Mining the percentage content of CO in dry -Aseous products of combustion -and thd-frgcttoti--atlU-nbuttiedfdoI carbon-convertWgto.carbon black are accurate and their 'Wrnell the c-he mical heat of incomplete - notribuIsti-an products Is fg- no-red, particularly carbw black, as well as the lose of heat into the manifold. Card-.1/2 DANILOVt S.N.t 93--. rpd.: ARBUZOV, A.Ye.y red.; VVP~T=,-&A-p red.; VENU-S-DANIWVA, E.D., red.; ZAKWOVA, A.I., red.; IOFFE, I.S., red.; KAVERZITEVA, Ye.D.,, red.; LUTSENY-0, I.F., red.; MISHCHENKO.. K.P.., red.; NDITSOV, M.S., red.; PETROV, A.A., red.; FREYDLINA, R.Kh., red.; SHWYAKIN, M.M., red.; SHUKAREV, S.A., red.; YURIYEV.,Yu.K., red. [Biologically active compounds] Diologichooki aktivMe soodinenila. MoBkva,.Naukap 1965. 305 P- (MIRA 18:11) WEDENSKIY, A.A., starshly preApdavatell bwestlgating heat conduotivity of the oil cooler of air coolM diesel engines. Izv. TSXhA no.6sl%~194 f6l, (MIRA 16A) (Diesel engines-Xooling) (Oil coolers) inzh. Investigating the axial fan of an air-cooled tractor diesel. Izv. TSKU no,1:117-138 163* (KMA 16:7) (Tractors-Cooling) I , ?I VVEDENSKII, A.A.S inzh. Thermal conditions of oils in air-cooled diesel engines. Izv. TSKHA no.3:134-143 162o (MIRA 15t9) I(DisBel'ongineo-Lubrication) VVEDENSKIY, A.A.; YMSHKIN, M-L; GULYAKOVA, X.N.; KMAKINA, N.T. A=)nolysis of caproic and caprylic acids to nitriles, Khimpro=# no*J.:11-14 T& 162, (MTRA 15:1) (He=oic acid) (Reptanoic acid) (Nitri-les) t 054-72~67 F -fi P ( I %) (in PJA/;N7"/!W/Jyl MAVE ZCC-t FR-.Jdi6bZ92 -14 souRds ddbt-t Woo76/66/00/006/1372/13177 AUTHORt '~Vedenska&2&..A~Walitinovaq T. 11 GRUt Leningrad InAitute of Applied Chemistry (Ieningradskiy institut prikladnoy khind.iY TITM Thormodynamio functions of hydrazine and its riethyl derivatives SOURCEt Zhumalfizibheskoy khimli; v. 4ot no. 69 19669 1372-1377 TOPIC TAGSI hydrazinop unsymotrical dimethy1hydrazinep thermodynamic function IBSTRACT: The paper gives values of.the thermodynamic functions 9 Slop HQ-H81T and t in the 298-15000K range for Ipt- and 1,2-dimothy1hydrazines' ndtimethy3IWdra%InoP$-, calcitlatod. from reported molocnflar and spoc otfbapic-uata' v& all of the functions allf, dZO and log Kf for hydrazine, mothylhydratina and symmatriciLl and unsyroatripal dimothylbydrazine were calculated from experimental data on heats of combustionp%ob- tain'od by the authors and other 4-esearchors. A preliminary estimate of hoatof combustion of trimethylby*azinAvas made, and from this valuop &Hr, az?and log Xf were calculated for this compmind for the 298-15000K range. Orig. &A*' hAall 9 tablas.1 SUB COM 07/ SUBM DATSI 16klg65/ -ORIG REFS 002/ OTH REFS Olt I/t UDCt I.It =,ENSKIY, A. I. The C=mittee an Stalin Prizes (of the Coweil of )aj3lst,*rs LMR) in the tields of sciftnee and InventIms amuwas Ul*t the failadjAg scientific works, "Ilar sclem_ tiflu books, md textbooks hmi been submitted far caq~etitjon fo.- Stalin Prizes for the Wears 1952 and 1953- Wovvtsks" Maturao Mosew, go. 22-40,, 20 Fab - 3 Apr 1954) Nam Title, of Work Nominated Nikitina, Ye.Y. "Flora of the Kirgiz SSRIJ Kirgiz Affiliate of the Rozbenits, R.Yu- Knobchenko, L.I. Protopopov, G.D. Popova, L.I. Shiahkin, 3.K. Vvedenskiy, A.I. Academy of Sciences USSR SO: W-30604v 7 JiLly 1954 FIXITINA, Ye,V,; PRMTOPOPOV. G.F.; ROZHXVITS, R.Yu. [deceaead]; POPOVA, Kol.. KASHONMO, L.I.; SgIRNOV, L.A.; TKAGHINKO, V.I.; YAKUBOVA, P.A.; GOLOTIOVA. A.G.; ATDAROVA, P.A.; SHPOTA, ro.I.; SHZVCa]nW, D.A.; SHISHXIN,Boris Konatantiaovich, profensor, doktor biologicheakikh nauk, nauchnyy rodaktor; VVBMNSXIY A.I. nauchnyy redaktor; YEVRUSHINKO, G.A., professor, pl-WaTe-f-veffhyy redakt9r,-.KOVAL1V, V.Y., otvetatvannyy redaktor; BAREBRYAKOV, V.I., takhnicheskiy redaktor [The flora of Kirghiristan; classification of the plants of Kirghitistanj Ylora lCirgizakot =I opredelitell rastanit Kirgieskoi $SR. Sost. N.V.Nikitina i dr. Frunze. lzd-vo Akademii nauk Kirgizekol SSR, Yol.l. LPteridophyta, Gymnospers and Konocotyledons of the Angiouperms) Paporotnikoobraznys, golosemennye i odnodoll va iz pokrytossmannykh. 1952. 103 P. irol. 2- LGrasees and sedges) Zlaki I osolcovye, 1950- 315 P. VoIj. (Aroidae - Orchidaceae] Aroidnye Orkhidnye. 1951. 148 p. Vol.4. (Salicacaaa - Polygo-naceae] 1vovye 1953. 153 p. Vol. 5. [Families: Chanopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Por4uLacaceae, Gar7opbyllaceae) Samaistva: Karevye, Amarantovye, Fortulakovye, Ovozdichnyo. 1955. 185 P. Vole 6. (Tamil.iea: Ceratophyllaceas, Ranunculaceae, Berberidaceae, Papaveiraceaeo Capparidaceae, Cruciferae] Sameletva; Rogolietnlkovya, Liutikovye, Barbarisovye. Kakovye. Kapereovye, Erestotevetaye. 1955. 297 P.- (HIBA 9:10) 1. Chlen-korrespondent Akademit nauk SSSR (for Shishkin) I(Kirghizistan--Botany) IIORISOVA, A.G.; BOCHANTSIV, V.P.; BUTKOV, A.Ya., doteent.; VASILIKOVSKAYA, A.P.; VVJ=NSKIY A.I. dotsent; GOLODKOVSKITp V.L.; GONGWOV, N.Y. " -, *"- * '96 TO'76"Isem; to V, V.P., professor; XCROTKOVA, feeTs.; XOSTINA. X.F.; T KDRuSHEY, S.M. (deceased]; WHIP, H.K.; LINCHUSKIYeI.A.; HIRONOV, B.A. [deceased]; PAZIY, Y.K.; POTARKOVA, A.I.; PROTOPOPOV. G.7,,; SUMNEVICH, G.P. [deceased); MIAL"LOVA, I.P.; TUZIPCHUX, S.V.; KOROVIN, Te.P., professor, glavny7 redakAqr,;,ZAKIROV,.rX.Z.. professor. redalctor; SHIPUKHIN, A.Ya, redaktor ir-datelletva- [The ;Iora of Uzbekistan] Flora Uzbekistanat Glave red, I.P.lorovin. TashbInt, Izd-vo Almdemli nauk UsSSR. Vol.3. 1955. 825 p. (HLRA 9:10) 1. Deystvitellnyy chlen AN UzSSR (for lorovin) (Usbekistan-Botany) - NIKITIRA. Ye.V.; POPOVA, L.I.. AYDAROVA, R.A.; KASHCHNNKO, 1.I.; PROTOPOPOY, G.F.; UBUKXYZVA. A.U.; TKAGIMNIO, V.I.; KORMAVA, I.G.; OBOZOV, A.O.; GOLOVKOVA. A.G.; VOYINS nauchnyy redaktor; TSYBIRA, Ya.V., ~~ W 1~ h- tekhnich-3skiy r MW7-1 [Flora of the Kirghiz S.S.R.; guide to plants of the Kirghiz S.S.R.] Flora Kirgizakoi SSR; opredelitell rastenii Kirglzskoi SSR.. Frunze, Izd-vo AN Kirgizakot SSR. Vol-7- 1957. 642 p. (KIRA 10;9) (Arghizistan-Botany) A)'5 K' /1 /Oz , , ~~ USSR/General Biology ,ion, B-7 Abti Jour : Ref Zhur - Diolij No 7o 1958# 28615 Autbor : Vvedenskiy, A.I~ Inst Title Discussion of Species, Orig Pub Izvo AN UzSSR.. Ser. biol.., 1957, 11o 2, 41-48 Abstract In discussion uf species (S) the min subject is the theo- ry of S ii 7,'elf.' The concept of S will be arbitrary if the relationship of S to evolution is not shown. In the author's opinion,, it is incorrect to include in the con- cept of S such criteria as crosspollination ability or lack of it, methods of breeding and creation of intraspe- cies variations, duration of existence of S, or the con- capt of S as a form of existence of living matter. It J3 suggested that S be defined as a phenomenon of evolution, wE.ich :while being simultaneously the first and last link of the evolutionary process.. consists of a conjunction of Card 1/2 USSR/General Biology - Evolutions B-7 Abs Jour F'of Zhur - Biol... 110 7, 1958, 28615 generations, temporarily constant in their properties (features) due to internal or external isolationj while maintaining definite conditions of ontogenesis of indi- viduums included in its" It is emphasized that with the ai4 of a morphologo-cco- logo- geographical method, concrete S my clearly be ascertained in nature. Card 2/2 HOCHAiRSW, V.P.; BUTKOV, A.Ta.;JUDENZIT, A.I.; DROBOV, V.P. (deceased]; KOROVIN, Ye.P.. skademik; KOR0TKOVA_,_Ye_.Y~.; KUMTASW, S.S. [deceasedh LINCHNYSKIT, I.A.; NAM. P.N.; PAZIT, T.K.; PCIPOT, M.G. '[deceased); MUNOV, 7.N.; SUMMICH, G.P. [deceased]; 7AKMV, K.Z., glavnyy red.; KUZAFAROV, A.M., red.; CHERNUVSFATA, I.B., red.izd-va; SHOLINIKOVA, B.11h., red.izd-va; BARTSUA, V.P., CFlora of Usbakistan] Flora Uzbekistana. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Usbekskoi SM. VoIA, Red.toma A.I.Vvedenakii. Sost.V.P. Bochantsev i dz. 1959. 506 p. (MIRA 13:8) 1. AN UzSEa (for Korovin, Zakirov). 2. Uzbekskaya Akedemiya sellsko- khozynystvannykh nauk (for Zakirov). (Uzbekistan--Dicotyledons) BONDAPENKO., 0-1l.; VVrDl2lSKJ'YY-,A.I.p karj. fliol. MUX, 0tv, red.; rea, [Key for identification of the bighe plants of the r, Ka-"Alcalpak A. Opredalitel I vysshikh rastenii Karaltalpakii, Tashk;-,rty lzd-vo I'llauka" Uz3MR, 1964. 302 p. NIRA 18:3) NIKITINA, Ye.V.1- AYDAROVA, H.A.; DZWIAYEVA, V.I,',.; UBUKEYEVA, A.U.; ARMEVA, Z.S.,- SUDNITMA, I.G.; SULTANOVA, R.M.; GORMILOVA, N.V.; TKACF.EIIKO, V.I.; FILATOVA, N.S.; CFERNEVA, O.Y.; VYE L . nauchn. red.; VYKIIODTSF,*V, I.V.,. otv. red. , (Flora of the Kirghiz S.S.R.; a guide to the plarts of the KirhJ.z S.S.R.] Flora Kirgizakoi S!Rj opredelitell rastenil Kirgizakoi SM. Frunza, Illms Vol.11. 1965. 606 1). (11111A 18ill) RIXITIRA, Ye.V.; AYDAROVA, R.A.; KASHCHZXKO, L.I.; UBUK9WA, A.U.; POPOTA, L.I.; TXACEMIKO. V.1.; GOLOV1:OVA, A.G., SHPOTA, Te.I.; YIWOVA, H.S.; SHARASHOVA, V.S,;_TV1D1H51IT, A.I., nauchnyy red.; VYKHOIFZSZV, I.V., red.; [Flora. of the Kirghiz S.S.R.1 key to the plants of the Kirghiz S.S.R.) Flora Kirgizakoi SSR; opredelitell rastenii Kirgizekoi ;'So t:~-3J.11Wt1na i dr. A I-Jvedenskii. Yrunze, S~ff 13 0 0 Izd-vo Akad.nauk Kirgisokoi SSR. Vol.8, (The carrot, dogwood, winter- green, heath, primrose. leadwort, olive, gentian. dogbone, milkweed$ and morning-glory families) Samoistva: sontichnye, kizilovye,, grushan- kovye. vereakovye, pervotevetaye, avinchatkovyo, moslinovye. gore- chavkovye, kutrovye, lastovnevye, vliunkovya. 1959. 222 p. Vol.9. [The imint and nightshade families] Semeistvs: gubotsvetnys 1, pasle- novye. 1960. 213 P. (MIRA 13:7) (Kirghizistan-Dicotyledons) .-'MD=XIY,,A.L;-GRIGORIYEV, YU.S.; KNORRING, I.G.; MCHETOVICH, V.19; OVCHINNIKOV, P.H.; FILATOVA, I.F.1,CHUKAVINA, A.P.; WIELIP M.Ye., tekhn. red. (Flora of the Tajik S.S.R.IFI,ora Tadzhikskoi SSR. Glav. red. P.N.-Ofahinnikov. Moakva, Izd-vo AN SSSR. Vol.2.(Cyperaceae - Orchidaceae]Osokovye-Orkbidnye. 1963. 454 P. (MIRA-16:83 (Tajikistan-Monocotyledons) BONDARENKOJ, O.N.; BUTKOV, A.Ya.j VVEDENSKIY, A. .; KOVALEVSKAYA, S.S.; NABIUV, M.M,; CHERNEVA, O.V.;- NURAT.DINOVA, M.R., red.; GORIKOVAYA., Z.P., tekhn. red. (Flora of Uzbekidtan] Flora Uzbekistana. Tashkent, I2d-vo Akad. nauk UzSSR. Vol.6. 1962. 629 p. (MIRA 16:5) (Uzbekistan-Compositae) NIKITINAp Ye.V.; AYDAROVAt R.A.; UBUKEYEVAI A.U.; FIIATOVAj N.S.; .SUDIIITSYNAI 1.0,; TKACMIKOp Vol.; SILWSHOVA) V,S.; KASECMKO " L.I.; SHFMA., Ye.l.; Y-VPEV5XIX-,,-A.,j�j-_AauchMy red.; VYKHODTSEV,-I.V.'s otv. red.; SORONBAYEVA., N.V.,, red. izd-va; ANOKffINAj M.G., tekhn. red, (Flora of the Kirghiz S.S.R.; classification key of the plants of the'Urghiz S.S.R. ]Flora Kirgizskoi SSSR; opivdelitell ra- stenii Kirgizekoi SSSR. Soot. E.V.NikitJna i dr. Wauchn. red. A.I.Vvedonakii. Immy 'Izd-vo Akad,nauk Kirgizekoi SSR. Vol.10. (Familiest Cuscutaceaep Polemoniaceae, Boruginaceae, Verbenacoaep Scrophulariaceae, Bignoniaceae, Orobautbaceae, Lentibulariaceae, Plantaginaceaem Rubiaceaes Caprifoliaceae, Adoxacoaep Valerianaceae' Yorinaceae, Dipsacaceaev C-ucurbitaccae, Camparmlaceaes Lobe3iaceae) Semeistva: Povilikovyeo Siniukhovye.. Burachnikovyes Verbenovyeo Norichnikovyep Bignonievye, Zaras;i- khovyel Puzyrchatkovye, Podorozhnikovye, Harenovyep Zhimolostrye, Adoksovyep Valerianovyep Morinovyoo Vorsiankovyej Tykvonnyo, Kolokollchikovyo, Lobolievyo. 1962. 387 p. (M3RA 1519) (Kirghizistan-Dicotyledons) BONDARMIKOO O.N.; MTKOV, A.Ya.; )a~~~1-4-D--IODOVP V-P- [decaased); ZAYI.%V, K.Z.; KOVAIEVSY%AYA, S.S.; LINCHEVSKIY, I.A.; IIABIYEV, Y.M.; PAZIY, V.K.; ROMKOVA, 0.1.; CHM,'EVA, O.Y.; MiO11111, Ye.P., MUFAIROV, A.M., akad., red.; EYDELIMMI, A.S.,, red.; RAKHMOVA, M.D., red.; GORIKOVAYA, Z.P., tekhn. red. [Flora of Uzbelcisiau) Flora Uzbekistana. Tashkent, Izd-vo Akad. nauk Uzbekiskoi =. V01-5. 1961. 666 p. (MIRA 15:3) (Uzbekietan-Dicotyledono) RRLGIN, H.S., professor, zaveduyushahiy;-.V..VEWSXIY, A.N. Anatomicophysiological changes in the skin of dogs with unilateral decortica- tion. V*eot.ven.i derm. no.4:16-17 Jl-Ag 153. (MMA 6:9) I.Kafedra kozhnykh i venericheakikh bolezney Ivanovskogo meditsinskogo insti- tuta. (skin) (Brain) Vi"m 'UT, A~Oop professore' so 1, 11 amrami"'; IBook on the history of Russlan medicine ("At the sources of RusslAn madicine#* R&S.Kavatak7l, KoP.Balytak3d. Reviewed by A*O* Vvedonalkyl) Vianft AN UOR 86 no;2:73-75 7 155. (MM 8:4) (Iravetak7i, R.B.) (Balytak7i, X.P,) (Madicina-History) VVEDC1V1re+y4 " + P. WLIS-BOROX, V.I.; VVNIMISKAYA, A.V. Investigation of focal stresses of the Uait epleentral, zone. TrudrGeof.inst. no.25:113-123 134. (MIRA 7:12) (Xbait--Seismolof7) 1. VVEDENSKIY, ~, akademik; SHAUMYAN, L. Universe in alphabetic order. Nauka I zhiznl 30 no.3:55-39 Mr 163. (MIRA 16:5) 1. Glavnyy redaktor Bol'shoy sovetskoy entsiklopedii'(for Vvedenskiy). 2. Zamestitell glavnogarredaktora Bol'shoy sovetskoy OntsIA.30pe4ii (f or swain) . - (Encyclopedias and distionaries, Russian) IASTENSKIY, Boris Alekseyevich "An Approach to the Problem of the Propagation of Ultrashort Waves," Vestnik tooreticheskoy i experimentallnoy clektroteklmiki (Hezmld of Theoretical and Experimental Electrical Engineering), No. 12, and Vestnik, elektrotekhniki (Iferald of Electrical Engineering), 1930, No. 3. Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entslk1opediya, Vol. VII, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 A.1ekA-e~my1ch and Landsberg, G. S. "Modern Teachings Conceming Yagnetism," (Sovremennoe ucheniye o ragestizme),, 19A Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. VII, ~~sccw, 1949 VVE.TENSKIY, Boris Alekseyevich "Fizicheskiye yavleniya vkatcOnykh lampakh " (Physical Phenomena in Cathode Tubes), Fourth '.Edition, Moscow-Leningrad, 1932. Bollshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. VII, Moscow, 1949 VVEDEIBM, Boris Alekseyevich "Principles of' the Propagation of Radio Waves,"--sets forth Vvedenzkiy's work on the propagation of ultrushort waves, 1934. . "The Propagatilon of Ultrabhort Radio Waves,", 1934 Bollshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. W, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 'ArEDENSKIY,-Boris Aleks-eyqvIch "!Mhe Diffraction Propagation of Radio Waves," Zhurnal teldmicheskoy fiziki ('Toumal of Applied Physics),_1?3~, Vol. 6, No. i and II and 1937, Vol, 7, No. 16. Bollshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. VII, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 VVDI)ETISKIY, Boris Aleksyevich and A. G. Arenberg "The Propagation of Ultrashort Eadio Waves," 2nd Edition, Moscow, 1938 Bollshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. VII, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 VVEDEIEKIY. Bwis Alekseyevich "An Approach to the Problem of the Effect Points upon the Field of 'Ultraahort Radio This II, No. 1-2 7- 6, -Tc" - F,-~ - Bollshaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. of Altitutde of the Corresponding Waves and Phase Relationships in VII, 2nd ed.) Moscow, 1949 'r-.F ITj - -Cv- -r P.A. K o -.r I i -A* nn -I j v.vv -t.v t-orrc:~ -mid", I, 11 run I, It n,, n-, nrole F. K. V. i n faznwr' h rnotnor! en v ctr-,m vc1c. (Zhurnal f i:, i 1-1 , 191a, v. 11, nt,. 1-2 1-i lli~~vra! li,r) T! t1c ~r. : Tnf- rnin f,actor f-ind r-1,111pir of till r ~Clal!t,. uhl Lj.l.rarty t-P~: i~ eronaut Ica I '-ci,-:nce.., and Av i r~n i r, thr `ovit~t 'ri-lon, C'mIr-re.-r , 19~- WIFIVI""SKII, D. A. RT-13_45 CThe the 4-1, ht -gain factor and phwx., relationship -'n ME fiel-7 K vo;=s7a 0 o vli-ia,di vysoty :.-,m]j~tcri na pule 1I.K.V. -11 o fazo-r,,,:h- 5ootnosheniiak,h v atom Dole. Zhumal Teldmicheskoi F~izki, .11(1-2): 37-h3, 1)41 611 vo, I I ..ts 00 is oil 08 tho Mod d 9~11:11111 IN an ?hIP4111101110" an I%* Ft"acaUm of U*4-ftM UAW Wam 11 Is"p, jwrjft-kw 111411. Jiaj, 'u-1. U. US'N" 01*111TYM, 1,011, V.4 - -N-- SJJ. 1-10 41 - 511 1" lits-4411i I IOIN411-46 'fij dillf-sAlbe 4114%t the pn,!Mx4tb.." t') I.Mlkt vji~ tit All wAvvinigtho. Itut the rill4wo imposAwA .r...16 of the loss fk'tlg* VAFW% %lih OW %A%*lrf19'b iubd in the tjio, -4 UIUA *hull %*Avr% lwlf~fl- birtitalwis pirds,"Imuntly 1"Ptitvilint A UMIIWUAAIkAl 11110VAtIgAtilsift to piewnint in Ah" Ix4j; thfirairiktv and trimli-mit arc, lsk--ri Ot Act mint, And a "mula (Gj) is dirmcst list itsts:umg thst (wlql %bw its a virrtkAl f;rS1W1V1A(y -lift b"Jullu-It 111114 414*1 w4tt"t, #4 Ow s-A's' -it %I is- ,At 4,,s jj,IV is j.41shirivil, All lp %igh oil h ii-*,' $h, c4w M Iwid-O" 1-1. tudiiitt tiuht Alop Ior 4invird Its iit,l, I in a ,.tk by Ow authi-r. StrAling 464h IlUtfly diffrACts-111 I-011ACIS6. CISUM IW ittill Thi, f-AI'm Ant I wu nwln 4#4u full,diii air w- (A) 1-ing 14) the lwrwnce 4 fritActsas list %fit" ,zatistm,twitt of the twki Iwy%md thr N-fil-as istj! rithcr alliallcr #it Freater IMA it trifikibts .,~, all--til 'this vcmstrAJk;j* tht COPP1111M)MY Atill"i iwtsim, dur its that indomminate intriKimlitiss k-,". tri. .1 m-rift-ft. lot., list, f".1 11-1 IrItA, Own al.alrit im we- t1w 1. hl ih) Culivic un.finif-tolflY -41 1,041 .~ U. Aes ACRUOMIUlan "Present Inportance of Radio" Vast. Ak. Nauk SSSR, go. 90 1944. Report U-11.660, 24 Jado 1952# y VVE'Da-11-31141 RMIS A. S. Popov- izobretately radio. CA.S. Popov- the inventor o" radIp2.LektsHa -r,>- chitannida po tsiklu IT--monosovskle chteniia" v deka-~re 1945 g. I.bskva, 1948. 31 P. Cty CU 14H DLC: 31avic unclas3. Sovetsk-Le uchenye prodoizhalut delo A,3, Popova. ne Soviet scientists continue the work of A.2% llopov77. (Radio, 1948, no. 5, p. 4-5~- DI.C: TK540-R76 SO: S,viet Transportation and Communications, LB~ib rakhZ,Library of Congress, .ILS&__ _ Gf;"r-er~c7department , WashingtoE, 1951, Unclassified. VVE WM t RAIASHOIA, V. 1. , AcademlclanB Section on Scientific SolutIon of Problems in Electric Communications, Academy of Sciences, USSR. "Caloulation of 'Non-Reflecting Coating' in a Wave Guide.,, Iz. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Wel. Tekh..Nauk,, No. 7-8,, 1945. ,3utmitted 4 Jun 1945. Report U-1582, 6 Dee 1951, VVEDENSX1Y. B. A., ARENBERG, A. G. Academicians. Section on Scientific Solution of Problems in Electric Communicat Ions, AcadevW of Sciences, USSR; Military FlectrJcal Eng. (Red Banner) Acaderq of Comnunica- tions of the Red ArEys "Regular Radio Wave Guides." Iz. Ak. IIPuk SSSR, Otdel. Tekh Nauk, No. 9, 1945. Submitted 11 June 1945. VVEIrETSKM!) B. A. and AMIMPERG, G. A. "Electric and Magnetic Field CoLponents of Electromagnetic waves," Trudy I Voen Elektrotekh Akad 3vazi, No 11, 1945. Military Electrical Engineering (Red Banner) AcadenW of Com=ications imeni S. M. Budenniy (VKAS) VVRDENSKIY, Boria Alckoeyevich and Arenberg, A. G. "Radio Wave-Guides" (Radiovolnovody), part I, Mosccv-Lettingrad,J946. Bollchaya SovetBkaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. VII, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 WEDENSIE:dp B. A. Fisicheiskie onnovy radiolakatsii. jbysical principles of radar7. (Priroda., 1946, no. 3, p. 11-22, illus.), DLC: Q4.PS Ot grozootmetchika do radiolokatora. LIFrom storm indicator to radar7, (Radio, 1946, n0# 1, Pe 4-8)o DLCt TK540.R76 Padiolokatolia. ftada.O. (Za oboronu,, 1946, no. 7-8, p. 16). DLC: TK504-Z3 S03 �gZkpt Transportation and Comiunications, &ALbuogra_ , Ubrary of Congress,, phy Reference Departmentp Washingtonp 1952, Unclassified. VVDF,14SKIY, B. A. MONVOW "Radio Predictions and thei.r Practical Application to the Calculation of O.perating Frequencies," publishod in Russian periodical Izvestiya Akad. Nally. SSSR, Otdel. Tckh. flauk, Eo. 9, Sep 46-. (Vvedpnskiy is with the Section on the Scientific Solution of Pr6blems in Electricr,l Co--i~-wiicatlons, Adad. Sci., USSR; submitted article 15 Jun 45) SOs W-169, 15 Dee /+7 VVEDRISK~ B. A. Nashi raboty po rasprostraneniiu ultra-korotkikh voln. (In Akademiia Nauk SSSR. IUbilainyi sbornik posviashchennyi tridtsatiletiiu Velikoi oktaibrIskoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii. Moskva, 1947. Part II. p. 598-619, bibliography) Title tr4i Our research in ultrashort wave propagation. Q111-45 SO: Aeronautical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union, Library of Congress, 1955; VBM/Acad Sol Aug 1947 Amin metals "June Meetine of Department of Technical Solences" "Vest Akad Nauk SSSH" No 8 Academician B. A. Vvedenskly presided over the Jun ma7atIng of the Department of Technical Sciences. Firs article submitted. for reading vas by A. A. Boohvar on dependence of fire resistance of aluminum alloys upoa their structure and composition. Other artiolas submitted by M. P. Kootenko, and S. V. Sorensen, Ukrainian AcadeW of Sciences. 57T7 0 Develoyment Her 194T Radio Waves -. Proptgation "Thirty Years of Soviet Radio Ph7Mcs, B. A. Vveden- M. 1. Poncanrev, 17 pp Ovapekhillz Nauk" Vol,1=11., No 3 Ives blitcrical account of development of radio t4ahn I qUes,' particularly ridio pbysics, in Soviet thilm 4191nig -past 30'7eara. Briefly -discusses scisn-~, t1sta Vho:~'bave lwed.~actlve in f ollowing fields: on- ~111&tions vith luai~ed constants, vith distributecl 66b"4A lit R, ~electicmignetIc radlationo, and propW- ti~m Qf r;Aio.v&fes. Note-that these scientlite ~kvs, isen vwking tomeet Stalin's demands thet 'So viet 50T100 Vot)ro.,,-,,, ra,-prortranenita uIltral'k-rotkikii voln. 1114 P., -dlnt., I'lables. Titlfn tr. : Problems of nitra ~7 ort--a-vv SO t Aerpm- ulAml Sdcriccn Avlat.lon in the 6r)vJ(!t utflonLlYrarY of Conpretr, 14 A ti R VVEDENSKIY, Boris Alekseyevich and Arenberg, A. G. "Pibblems- of the Propagation of Ultrashort Waves," (Voprosy mprostran-eniya Part IL, MOSCOV %Ultrakontkikh voln), ' 1948.. Bol'shaya Sovetskaya Entsiklopediya, Vol. VII, 2nd ed., Moscow, 1949 9a 6 Pk )j1fi9T3 Wwk of SOFM I"U* IN the ram of pfumsum Uwemmd am& Wax". -11 10*4 .1-1 kc A ~ se I., Pit llof,favAphy. ini. Sli-ASI lovii'm 1.1"I of,.v at i"rOwflo"A cArrord odt fly .14.6slof ow"Iml donnittIm LGO x.$ V~Amaf "IA-6 andekst %%S%r&-ncfh,, Vvedertakiy, B. A., "Radio in the USSR." Symposium) "To Ioeif Viscarionovich Stalin, From the Academy of Sciences USSRy" Academy of Sciences USSR, 1949. USSR/Radio Mar/Apr 49 M-Wio "lave:sp 311f Mew BookWl p "Radio tekh 11 Illo 2 Reviews oJx books, inclurling "Radio En~~n,!,irlnu Eensurerniomts of Ctntlzeterl'laves If 0 1 3 B.A. Dobrckhotov "ProbItris of tht Propa--.Itlon of Ultra-short "laveoll .1 by ~. A. Vvecfenskiy- and A. G. Ai--.nb,-rLr,, aril "Yo,lim Papir Condcns~rtn,ll by V. T. Re; ne. PA 50/49T102 TA 45A9T? -7 USMI/Academy of Sciences Apr 49 *Session of the Department of Technical Sciences, Academy of Sctenceu~ Leningrad" 2 pp 'Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Otdol Tekh Nauk" No 4 Conference vas dedicated to hie'tory of Soviet Eoience and engineering. Aced B. A. Wedenskly noted ~mpor- tanoe of obmpillng history of great.-acoompliahhents of Soviet science and engineering. rA. A. AndronoT submitted a report, "I. A. Vya~negradekly and His Role In Establishing the Theory of Autowtio Regulation." 45/49n USSR/Radto - Ha7 hg lbmaio waives llropagiLtion Oscillations, Nonlinear "T~ogress of Soviet Radio Phyaics,' Acad. B. A. Vvedenekly, 2 pp "Radio" No-5 Most ccmplete treatment of a nwnbOr Of problems In vave propagation was given by Acad V. A. Folt (1945). Soviet scholars (Academiclans L. I. -Mandellebtam.- N. D. Papaileksi., N. M. Irylov, A. A. Andronov, Carr Mem N. N. Bogolyuboy, anti others) established a new region in theory of 44149TIO4 I I USM/jRadlo (Contd) May 49 o6c so-called- theory of nonlinear oscillations. G. A-.-Winbarg's work, "Selected Problems in the Nathemtical Theory of 31^-etr-tq-_. and Magnetic Phencmwm," Is an exiimple of the use of theoretical physics in solving proble" arising in radio engineering and related fields. ol~ tn MMY r sciences )es 1 7,2"pp ~i~ltiWt.SSSR,.Otdel'Tiekb'Naukn No 5 wooti Of 91 levAg 'ng" the -vept Otr Tvch scij 'Ollaving,ter4rte vare sul=itted: B. A. "iredesit., .~l OResults of',the -Scientific iesearch A~tlvltjj tMelit for 1048,* L. lk~'Nplw.matliod,for batermining the Best Dimensiond 'or. Bridge Zpans, W, P. A_nirreg~iar 2- _4_=~ ~ls 6ilons~iz '`.tha Mw&y of 711tration, and V. Z - 51/4?Te 6ii/"' ie~j of Sciences .(Contd) 49 'I.a.sov.ts.liCon talo,Z~ in Ahe Theo Iry of WEr6W7(b_d_s and'Shel2s. P,'. ;52/49,T12 US'WcAcadzw of z"ciemcco Scia'ace Jun hg "Vorks 19148 by AcrAdmAciam., ConecOunli., U=bernp asd 6ther ~citnt:Uric CoLUIvratorp of the Departmeft of ",cchnical rclcnceb~cc~4)lcto lAvQU' 3.2 pp ",It tl--t lla'& tump Owel '40141 liatik" NO InCludoa the bookat &o Ae Khriptiamvichp V. -0* Galfpcrin,, U* Do MMibaclichikovs, r-nd L& A. Sizonov's "App~Ued Gas Vfnamicap" pablivacd by Can At-.roh.Wrodpwrdtcs Imt; I. ChamWle,"Subaurfacc llydromechonics"i Do 11. Yurlye-vle "Vortcx Thcvry of Ailropcilmu'.11 publ-tsbcd. by IM Acronaut Ebr, Acad imoid -li&ovsldyj w4 B. I,. VvwcnsU- - and J., G. Arcmbicr6la "?rVolems in Ultrashort4mve Pro no" Adva~~m 0. T." Polivarle ftrticle; "n r El-cctri atc~- Aid (n5udovtroycni:rcj," No 1,* 1911,B). VMVISKV I, Boris Aleks I/, vich I Ir Radiotekhmika v SSSR. [Radio engineering in the USSRJ. (Radio, 1950, no. 5, p. 4-5). DM TK540.R76 SO: �22:k.-_t Transportation and Communications, & Bibljograph-v, Library of Congress, Reference Department, Washington, 1952, Unclassified. VVEDMIKIIj B. A. BO A's Vvedonskii,, academician& In memory'of Sorgai Ivanovich Vavilov, the outstanding scientist of the Stalin epoch, P. 324 &a Aced, of Sciangeo. Izve 4j SO: bo"101&4-91 + SoUncoo, No. 3 (March 1951) qtjA (USSR) Soo'-Lon on Technical