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WALKOWIAK, Maria Peptic ulcer in children. Fol. przegl. chir. 35 no.5:507-509 2, Z Oddzialu Chirurgiczno-Urazowego M. Szp. Dziec. Hr I v Va'rozavis CWynatort dr MJL Kooz1a. OPTIC UIZER MFMTIOII) DUCDENAL UILER) (NEPMITIS) ~ (SURGIMp OPERATIVE) KUCZLKSKI, Henryk;WALX(74IC7,p Miroslaw ioamerization of (+)-trans-1.2-epoxy-T,-menthane with powdered sodium. (j )-ois-p-manthene-l-M-01,-2. Rocz chamii 37 no.92 955-961 t63. 1, Katodra Chemii Organioznej lIp Politachn ikap Wroclavp i Natedra Chemii Organicznejt Uniwarsytetp Wrcclave FOUND WALKOWICZp hirooltv Dept. of Organic Chemistry No. 2p Wroclav Polytechnic (Katedra Chemii Organicmij 11 Politechniki Wroclavoldej) Vroclaw, Windomosci chemiczne, No 2, Fab 1966, pp 132-137 "Chemical changes In (-)-3,4-dibromocarane (dvubromokaran). On dorivatives of 696-dimethyldicyclo-[3,1001-hexana." (doetoril thesiB) WALKOWSKA, A. larestigati'ons on adaptation of Influenza virus B (Lee) in the mouse. Hed.doew.Microb. 2 no.2:295-297 1950. (CLML 20:6) 1. Summa47 of the repor' given at 10th Congress of the Polish Mi- crobiological and Itpidemiological, Society hold in Gdansk. Sept. 1949. (Warsaw.) PRZBSKTCKI. fe; UUOVMI 2. r-- - - Investigation on the i"mnIzation against influenza@ Mode doow. mikrob, 3 nool:61-76 1951. (CU4L 20:11) 11. Of the Ngdonal Institute of Hygiene in Warsaw. p XOZIMSKIV A.WooWALKOWSKA, A. Kodificatioft of Mart homWlutin&tLon inhibition reaction, ex- cluding nonap6cific lahlb1torm. Red. dosw. m1krob., Wares. no* 1:95-lo4 jan-mAr 1952'. (cm ;2:4j 1. Of the National Institute of Hygiene in Warsewe KOZINSIX, A*;WAZZOWSrA, 1. XM1i"d';fttU4 of Inhibition of Hirst's hemagglutint,tion rwtion (exclusion of -ittyplo inhibitors). Xed. dosw. mikrob.. Warts. 4 no. 3:383-384 1952. (01ML 23:3) 1' Suiiis&ry of work progress presented r4t Ilth Congress of Poliah Morobiologists hold in Krakow May 1951. 2. Warsaw. FRUSHYCKI, Yeliks; DQBROWOLSKA, Halina; WALKOWSKA. Blzbletag ZYCH, Zofla Antigento analysis of structure of strains Of IUMBUX& Tirus. Xed, doew, m1krob. 6 no.2:206-212 1954. 1. 7. Oddsialu 111rusologil. Panetwowego Zakladu Higiany, Kierownik: prof, dr F.Przesrqeki, (INFLUANZA VIRUSXS. i=mnology, *antiganic structure) WALKOWSKAg Ilsbieta Comparative studios on concentration of influenza antib W as. Had. doew, n1krob. 6 no.2$213-218 iq~k 1. 2 0(!dzlalu Wirusologit Panstwowego Zakladu Higierq, lierownik: prof. dr 7,Przeeqyckl. (INFLUXNZA, Immanologr, *serum antibodies in. immuzi, & not I-sun. subjecto, comparison) MISHT^I#KI, Yelike; SOBBOWOLSKA, Halinot; YBLTYNOWSKI, Antoni; STANCZTr. Regina; VALKOWSXA4-,X3shLpta.; ZYCH, Zofia,- (techniesny wopolydzial) CnPINSX1~-S*,Wist .1ana-13CRUISIA, Krystyna laboratory characteristics of the epidemic of influenza in 1953. Med, doeve mikrobe 6 no-3:241-251 1954. 1. Z Oddzialu Wirasologil Panstwovego Zakladu Higieny. Kierownik: prof* dr.F* Przeacycki. (II7LU3WZj,. apidemiology, Poland, statist. arialysis) PRZESKTCKI, Nlike; 29=bI.-AIIII U Halina-, ZYCH, Zofia; YI UUQJLA, AUI60DIL; ZdZiBlaV; ZANSKII Jerzy Vaccination against Influenza. Med.dosv. mikrob. 6 no.4:345-358 1954 1. 2 Panotvowago Zakladu Higlerq w Varezawie, OddzIaIu Wirusologli. Z Xrakovsklej Mytworni Surovic i Szczapionak w Krakovie. Z Mi*jaktoj StacjI Sanitarno-Apidemiologiesnej w Lodst. (INLUENZA, prevention and control, vacc.) (vAccins Aim wernmov, Influensa, results) WALKOWSKII L. The Insemination Station of the State Veterinary Institute in Trzesacz and its role in improving the health of cattle. p. 412. (MOICYAA wF-TfA1wutYjxA. Vol. 9" no. 9 bept. 1953) SOz Monthly List of East European Accessionsp L.C.p Vol. 3., No. 42 April, 195h JTASKOWSKI, L.1 WALKOWSKI, L. (Bydgoszcz) &parlmanta in deep freezing bull semen, Rocs nauk roln vat 70 no.IA3372-375 160. (EKAI 10: 9) (Bulls) (Semon) WALKOWSKI,_~ehpg" Preliminary observations on the inaemination of mdne, Zeozyty problemowe post nauk roln noo3l:169-171 161a 1. Zaklad Insominaoji i Zwalezemi lodn sci,, Instytut Weterynariij, Bydgoszcz. Kierownikl B~~. dro L. Jaokowski. WALIKOWSKY, Jolan ft Significance of trioxazin in the treatment of glaucoma. Szemeszot 100 no. 2010-113 Je 163. I.,Fovarosi Janos korhaz (igazgato: Tako Jozeef) szomeazeti osztalyanak (foorvow Grosz Istvan) kozlemenye. (GLAUCO.I.IA) (TRANQUILIZING AGEWS) v/ 4L ve, C~W L) V. 1, :4" .4 421.TIIA" WAI stn and A"Iylent supply 4~~ preUminary rstintale, for Oty jWkerise for MAjor Works. ,Xmkl&d wstlpnego CbIlcrMI'a do prolvittu glapstritnic V19k- Itych lakladow w tlen I aretylen". PrItillild OP111,21MCM1. Ne, I-C 1951 pp. 182--104. ~;r mcnthly oxyson rtquLrtmvnti will. In the ew cl & perfor. mance involvint 2M superficial nwlcrs of mitchtne eutlbgs, IL si- milar amount of manual cutting, 5M metars, of oxy-acetylene wel. qlng and YOW meters of preheating. and all*" for a mcan thick- ness of 15 Mrn' amount to 15.000 Mo. or to the equtvalent of 100 15-it- ties of oxygen per diem. Supply by motor transpirt or pile l1ne Re - muntrabillty of rmtlng a speclij oxygen factory at the works. Oxy. cen d3stribution rptem Inside the works. Adoption of liquid LzMn. which is more expensive than oxygen gas. Acetylene dern2nd - UM rn'. or at the rat* of IS rn' per hour. requiring 6 generators wkth an output of 7.3 m',U eacN plus 6 sets; pressure - 1.5 &tm Plan of the acetylene productirm plant, Acetylene distribuVon sy- stem. The use of dtmlved acetylene WAMUS, Itysiard, mgr inz. Woven nets a8 a Particular type of scattered reinforcement. A. Ins i bud 21 no,5tl7l-175 Mq 164. 1. Technical University, Lodz. WALM, Ryszard, mgr Inz. Extandibility of -4re-cloth reinforced concrets it ;!-,, Ligtit of previou.,j atudies. Inz i Inui 21 no.11:383-393 0 1(4. 1. Technical University, Lcdz. KUCZYNSKI, Wladyslaw, doe. dr; WALKUS, Ryszard, mgr inz. Introduction to the theory of ferroconcrete with diapersed reinforcements; "mattress" concrete. Inz i bud 20 no.5:145-149 My 163. 1. Politechnika, Lodz. . WALh'US,,.Fqv7.ard. (lodz) Hattr6eBes used as reinforcement of forroconcrate. Przegl budowl I bud mleozk 35 r.-o.11:613.-616 11,163. 1 KOWAISKly J.j JASTIIZEBSKI,.T.; rCWAISKI,W.; UATUASUK111.1 WALLpA. a~hwvior of creati-ne and crat:Lnllne in trp-tL--a patic-its erurfni; balnec-rehabilitation procedures. Chir.narzad. ruchu ortlop. pol. 29 no.14.13-16 164 1. Z Kliniki Grtopedyczne~ M ve Wroclawiii i z Oddzialu Ortopedyemego Szpitala Wnjowadzkiego we Wroclawlu (kic- rownik: J.Knvalak:'.) 4- DVOUCEK, Esp inz.; WALLA, -Toj ULICNY., F. Data for ialculation of insulators in polluted surroundings. Energetika, Cz 14 no.8075-378 Ag 164 1e Research Institute of Power Fingineerings Brno, DVORACEXI E., in2.; VALIA, -J.; ULICKY, F. Data for calculation of Insulators in polluted surroundings. Energetika Cz 14 no.8075-378 Ag 164 3. Research Institute of Power Engineering, Brno. WALIAp R. "With the Byes of A Party Worker",, P. 292, (KRIDIA VL45TIO No. 13, June 1954, Praha, Czechoslovakia) 301 Monthly List of East European Acceasions, (EEAL)p LCj Vol* 3p No. 12, Dec. 1954) Unel. VALLA f R. "Aviation in Pluleariall, 1. 439, (YRTDlA VIISTI, Vol. I, No. 19, Sivt- 191-54, Praha, Czechoslovakia) SOI Ifonthly List of Fast Eurolyan Accessions, (EEAL), LG, Vol. 4, "70.1, Jan. 10,55, Uncl. - --mm :1M.lVlZ;l ;~: ~ ~,- Z..~ a I -!~ I , li4-rl ~-NiXkr] - Rr-gt~,~f t-X tt 9, no. 9, ceC. 1944) -,).WI (Hutnicke !Agty. Irno. Vol. c~~ 5 30 . ~ALLA, VIXT OR. Zaklady prakticke metalografie oceli; prirucka pro praxi a ponucka k odbornemu skoleni. 2. rozs. vyd. Praha, ?race; vyd. ROH, 1954. 250 P. (V Kniznici Svazu zamestnancu hati a rudnych dolug sv. 3) SOURCES: EEAL LC Vol. 5 No. 10 Oct. 1950' WALLACE, A. B. . l.p"'j'l'%604'l#0'*f 'z ------- 1- 11 1 1 t -1 . Surgical treatment of trauma. Voj. sano pregl., Beogr. 13 no.1-2:5-7 Jan-Yeb 56. (WOUNDS M INJURIES, surgery. (Ser)) ,AWA%W&AK~14- - N Treatment of burns. Voj. san. vregl., Beogr. 13 no.3-4.- i 113-117 Mar-Apr 56. I (BURM, management (Ser)) G=TESI, Tamas, dr.; WALLACHER, Lajos, dr. Ulcerogenic tumor of the pancreas (Zollinger-ElIlBon syndrome). Orv. hatil. 1.03 no-24-*11)2-1134 27 -To 162. 1. Tolna megyei TanacB B41assa Janos Korbaz, Belgyogyaszati eB Kor- bonctani Oaztaly. ~ISLET CELL TUMORS case re orta) PEPTIC ULCER case reporM SZABO, Kroly, dr,; ILLFS, Erno., dr.;_WALLA0HER,,-Lajoss dr.; IUZCII, Gyulap dr. Concurrent benien and malignant turnors of the bronchi. 0r7. hatil. 103 no.28:1324,1328 15 J1~162. 1. Tolnn megyei Tanacs Balassa Janon Krohaza, Szekazard ca Jarasi TUdobetegCondozo Intezet, Paks. (BRONCHI neopl) wALLunis , v9 '~- -111Z~WMMA Investment planning In health services. Cook, nomoc. 18 no.6:120-123 Aug 1950. (GLKL 23:2) 1. Prague. W=t pmaaKr., J-t MMOUS J-9 NAUZKMSs V4p ZOM) Jos srmmkr 0 J'j W=,t 1.1 STICH, Z. Socializatim of modloine in ozoahoolmOda* Mravoto rovo 25s6, Juno 50. P. 165-6 0124L Igo 50 flows# 1950 ALBM, 13. ;kf~j,T,7Wj'Xlsv I for reconstruction and construction of new health centers. Oovk. Q*mOc- 19 no.1-2slO-13 J&A-Yab 1931. (qW 23j2) 0 1. Prague. WALLIM1B, TUAlvir, Ingo arch. Work er the department of hospital architecture of CTUT in Praha. Cook. nemoc. 22 no.5:93-94 72 Sept 54* lo Mine Strave (HOSPITAWO in Czech., works of technolo university, Praha) CSIKOS., Bela; FUTO, Istvan; EROS, Jozoef; SUMM-1 Jeno; EISLER, Janos, Dr.; YALLENSIZIN,-111haIV 10-MEMIKY, Laszlo; BALINT., Gabor; ASZTALCS, Peter; BEREDYI, laszlo,, ok.1.gepes=ernok; HORCRER., Frigyes Ramarke on the article "The most important problems of technical development and network electrical installations and tasks for the manufacturing industry related to this." Villamonsag 9 no.1/3:17-23 Ja-Mr 161. 1, Az Eromu Troszt villamos oaztalyanak vesetoke (for Csikos). 2, A Nehozipari Miniazteriun Villamosonorgisipari Igazgntisaganak. Szakoaztal:Vmzetojo (for Futo). 3. VERTEESZ Villamos Eromu Tervezo es ~zerelo Vallalat (for Eros). 4. Klement Gottwald Villarosgagi Gyar (for Szabady., Wallenstei6.. Rembeczkyp Balint Asz~alosy Horcher). 5. Budapeati Muszaki Egyatem (for Eisleri. (No cop.-rl;Lt'l I InvoultIcAl (Irnvtntl= In Ctr-,C.J, in trr' I-rvaUpta-~-,% Lf .., J. V-., L. 't;7- Of Qr .. tO S A7 - Aka-llzll --d- oad;.L~=* Cyr.;.r.Lv-,) rp -G!-373. 1. WX4-: AP>-%-LtU3 f0Z P'.-C:Q33!Zr Of C:&ru-'=te3 Lnl- TaW-ot cc2t!jm~l :.-i~!74, P2 z7,;-,eo. 4. IAI;')%It thd F";-Iz 4f Mr F!3to.-!o;nmp!i7l V. ?U:14, Of Provoza w 'in T, wy do. ( r7a!rt- Tet~A i - lx; ':t,'- :-, -- (.1~U-M:, us'tav 1. ~,T% LCn~-'j-1 -,.- S. *V-old TRDirr. .7.t C14'rin T. ex u WALIM., J. no academic degree indicated Cz- 5 P. department of phamaceuticil practice, pharmacoutical faculty of Coronius University (keedra lokarenskej prevadzky Farmaceutickaj fakulty UK), Bratislava Bratislava3 FarmaceuticV Obzor, No U-12, 1962, pp 5o6-507 "A Serious Error in Prescribing Scopolamine Eye Drops" WALLEER J of Phar;maceutical Distribution of the Phaniiaccutu-Ical Faculty UK (Katodra fariiaccutickoj prevadzky PLL',:,~,.,-IceuLJ-c1,--cj fak--ulty UX), Bratislava Brati-Ilava, F-nr;,-,aceuticky obzo , No 8, 1963, I)p 362-364 "On the Dosage of Undivided Po-wders." MLLESHAUSEN,, GYU-rA A riezogazdasagi tudomanyos kutatas es tajekoztatas segedkonyvei, Godollo,, Budapest) Hungary. 1957. 55 P. Mcothly List of East European Accessions (MAI),, LC. Vol* 8,, Nos 9j, September 1959 Unclo ~ ZAMECNIX, J.; WALLERSTHINOVA,E. The localization of '%he urinary bladder in radiation th-.rV.T;.7. Cesk. radiol. 19 no.2tl26-129 Mr 165. 1. Onkologicky ustav v Praze (reditelt MUDr. F. Vadura). W-ALLisip J.; TEJNECKY, J. "New method of overhauling tools." p. 1b. TEGIINICKA PRACA. (Rada vedeckych technickych spolocnosti pri Slovenskej akaderd-i vied). Bratislava, Czechoslovakiaj Vol. 7, No. 1, 1955. Monthly list of East European Accessions (EEAI),, LC, Vol& 8S lioO 62 August 1959, Uncla. L' 46807-66 FCC ACC. NR% AT6020514 SOURCE COM. CZ/2514/65/000/05110145/ol54 AUTHOR: Willis, G. ORG: Heinrich Hertz-Institut, -Berlin TITLX-, Features of the continuous emission of a plasma SOURCE: Ceskoslovenska akademie ved. Astronomicky ustav. Publikace, no. 51, 1985. 3rd Consultation on Solar Physics and Hydromagnetics, Tatranska Lomnica, IT-16 October 1964, 145-154 TOPIC TAGS: solar activity, solar radio emission, electron, electromagnetic wave, solar plasma,,; kinetic energy, magnetic energy, satellite I ABSTRACT:,'The author describes present shortcomings in the study of plasma an4 mentions reA~,ent measurements of plasma?"emission and new satellite observations df the ionosphere._/Cases where the rn-agnetoionic theory is not comprehensive enough! are mentioned.N1 Some conclusions are derived concerningtbe continuous radio emisgion., from the acti,'fe regions of the sun. Resonances of the harmonies of the gy Fofeequency.: 2 L 46807-66 ACC NR, AT6020,144 are maasured In plasma emissions, and resonances on ionogramB made from satellites are stuqied and interpreted theoretically. Previous works on the kinetic background of the;model are mentioned. The influence of magnetic fields on the continuous radio emission of solar active regions is discussed. To overcome the'. dis6:~epancy between the observed gyrobarmontes and their absence in the magneto-. ionic theory, that Is in the hydromagnetic approximation for a cold plasma, the thermal motion of the electrons must be Included in the calculation of the dielectric behavior of the magnetized plasma. Figures appearing in the original article Shaw how the curves for the refractive index must be modified In the simplest case of propagation perpendicular to the magnetic field. Two possible solutions are givqq. The author concludd, that the magnetic influence on the generation and propagatibn C rp- el ectromagnetic wavea- !A~,Mainly concentrated on the lower harmonics of the gy frequency. Radiation 'must then orginate at levels where the kinetic energy is fa~ lower than the magnefic energy. If this cannot be accepted, essential spectral peculiarities, explained by a kinetic dispersion relationship for electromagnetic waves must exist at higher harmonics. The levels are indicated beyond which the magnetolonic method can no longer be used. Orig. art. has: 4 figures and 7 formulas. [GC] SUB CODE: 03, 20, 22/ SUBM DATE: rione/ Card 2/2 7" 7' Distrs:. Wo Whis [a baw slaw get alk". 1 01 , I f JUA Wt- PrIt rber W4 195axian-gTish Surn. miry).-AC-cc allo of d ervot COMP-41. vvere etthed with.411. IINO I '. 1 1. 1 tuld sulmlsed In boiling 8 (C.A. $2, 27141). The wt. Intreat per unit arcap Or its 24UM, with tim for alloys contC. Cti 1-60 or 75-0017o.- Ii Imthrily W-175% ~cJ Cu, a gradual transkkin (two the Knear to the parai9lic law was obwxvW. Marking cipts. with Pt wire toodAug the sample atrf2ct, diam. OX turn... microseopic observations, anil chem. analysis showed that. the homogeneous smle is'a AgjS-Cu4 solid solo. a greater Ag content nearer tle "e/8 boundary. It Is formed in Outward metal difftWon. In Cu-Mi alloys, the rate of, sulficlization was rvuf!1'I,'- the same as in pure Cu, In agree.' meat with Wagner- !Auffe theory (Ilauffe. Oxidation ten Afd4Uex a. AldallegiepItalex. 1956 (C.A. 51. 49.01c)). A Lick of analogy bctwo tin O%IdQtI04 and sulfidization. stressed. Steckt- "%.)/036/60/005/004/001/002 A076/A126 AUTHORSi Mrovec, Stanislawl Walliooht Kryaty na and Werber, Toodor TITLE: Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction between sulphur and silver-zinc alloys I PERIODICALt ATohiwum hutniotwal v-5, no. 4, 1960, ~A23-344 TEXTt The authors investigate the kinetics of oulphurization of Ag-Zn alloys containing from 6.0 to 68.5% of zinc. Tho rate of the sul- phurization was measured by the balance method. Rate measurements were caTrie& out for ihe whole concentration range of the investigate& alloys at the temperature of 4440C. For four selected compositions the authors also investigated the relation between sulphurization rate and reaction temperature within the range of from 300 to 4440C. It waa stated that the sulphurization process of the low-percentage alloys (up tr, 26.1% at.Zn ) occurs according to the parabolic law. The values for the parabolic con- stants are given in Tables 1 and 2. It was found that witL the Increasing ,concentration of zinc in the alloy, the rate of sulphurization deoreases Card 1/6 P/O38J60/005/Oo4/ 1/002 Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction ... A076/A126 according to the relation given by Czerski, Mrowea and Werber in R erence 3 "Archiwum hutnictwa PAN, 3, 1959, 245", where k" A -BIT (17) where k" - parabolic constantp, A ana B - empirical constants, N cc.ncentra- tion of zinc in the alloy in molar fractions. Similar to the case df sul- phurization of Cu-Al and Cu-Zn alloys, several ranges of zinc concerLbra- tions in the alloy with different values of the empirical constants ,, and B in the 17, were found. The change in the values of the constants A i-nd B in Eq. 17 relates to a change of the energy of activation of the sull,,huriza- tion process. The values for the activation energy are given in Tabl. 3. The sulphurization process of alloys containing from 35.2 up to 8 5%~at.Zn occiirs according to the logarithmic law, but the sulphurization a;e racti- cally does not dopend on the concentration of zinc in the alloy. Theiscale formed on-low-percentage alloysp up to 26.1% at.Znj consists of two la~rers. The external one is homogeneous and consists of m - A92S, the internal,-~lay- er is a heterophase mixture of sulphides or.- A92S and Iq - ZnS. In~est~ga- Card 216 P/038/60/005/004/001/002 Kinetics and mechanism of the reaction ... A076/A126 tions -.arried out by the marking method proved that the "faarker" is always- on the boundary of both scale layers. Investigations concerning t] .of growth of the external scale layer have demonstrated, that the growth of this~layer and the growth of the whole scale occur according to the para- bolic law. The authors express their thanks to Professor, Doctor Lucjan Czerski uho guided and evaluated this work. There are 5 tables, 12 figures and 27 references: 16 Soviet-bloc and 11 non-Soviet-bloc. ASSOCIATION: Katedra Chemii G6r;iiczej Akademii G6rniezo-Hutniczej, Krek6w (Depa~rtment of Mining Chemistry, Academy of Mining and Metal- lurgy, Krak6w) SUBMITTED: October 9, 1959 Card I Poland C A 7, 1"G OR"I! J'hysiC4 Topoihf"ietr-j. Cmt%lpia. AB5, XUR. : RZIChUl., NO. 16 1959, NO 56442 14 AUDDA :Cteraki, L., Mroweic, S., W&llischawa, K., and R11-311 . :Rt given T IT :Ini:eetigation of the Mechanism of the Tarnishing of Silver in Liquid Sulfur ;Arch Ifutn, 3, No 1, 49-v,,a (1958) 0 A D 1 3 :The %uthora have npplied the gravimetric method to tho in,/eatigntion of the kdvetica of the tarnisbing of silver (9?.95% Ag) kn liquid aulfur at 220-.444-0. The quantity of Aj vhich reacts 10 a linear function of the time, indicating that the rat of tarninhing iti dotermined b-, the reetc- 4 tion at~ he liouid-colid interface. Th* onergy Kion , of active for tho resxtion in 15,500 kcal/mol at 220-300* and 5,250 kcal/mol at 300-444*. The compositio.i of the reaction product valriea elightl Weber, T. GAWjGU ~ Y AB,.13. JOUR. AUTH OR IMST. 12 IT L -.1 WRIG. ?UB. ASSTPACT I :1 q.'sical IAL pljoS. "'Cl", U.,,tjoaj .'f P! 0~na Topochavais-lury. Ava+.alynis. A"Miril. , No. 16) 1) 59, NO 56442 'of the allyar th %Lrh the nulfide laier into tile liquid sulfijr V. Froloy CARD'- 3/3 38 Distra 4E2c -7X96-tics of Buifurization of aluminum at higher tempers- tures. IL..~LaZ Nfrowtv, ~a~ Wall ischowa, Qnd Tenclor 'Werber (Akad. G6miczo-Ifutni ma, Krakbw, I,,,- -Expt3. were made to det. wlicchtr the known resistivity of Al aguinst sullurization Is due to the cxL fing AI,O~ layer or. to the formation of Alj%.\l lfuri2at[or: at 400 anti 444- tak" p1we acconling to a parmbolic law t) at 6CCM3 tO PMVt the 2nd alternative. A. Krqglewsk~- WALMIRg Jail, dr,j SATIA Kornellag dr, Treatment of glosoppyrosts with follIcu7Ar horxM* rogory, 020210 47 noo7s226-232 JuV 54* 1, Budayeati StomMologial. Iliniks. kosl4mnys (rgasgatoi Balogh laroly dro# east, taasr) (TONGM, Useavest slossopyrosis, thero, follicular hormone) (ASTROGINS, therapeutic use, glossopyrosis) RAmOTj Meg". dr.,; WALLMIR# XMil, dr.,; TaIOK, Iva, dr. Affect of light on adrenocortical func-t-ion. Oryo hetil. 96 no-32: 881-882 7 Aug 55- 1. A BudeLpesti Orvostudownyi Masten 1. Szomklinikajanak (igazgeto: Radaot Magda dr. egyet. taaar) kotlemenye. (LIGHT. effects. on adrenal cortex) (ADMMAL CORUX, physiology, eff. of light) RADNOT, M.; WALLNER, I.; TOROK, 1. Effects of light on adrenal cortsa function. Acts, med. hung. 9 no.3:231-236 1956. 1. 1. Augenklinik der Madiziniacben Universitat. Budapest. (BOSINOPHIL COUNT i off. of light. relatien to adrenal cortex funct. (Ger)) (LIGHT, off. on oosinopbil count, relation to adrenal cortex funct. (Ger)) RUNOT, M.01ALWAR. -A.; HONIG, M. ,Iffect of bydergine on blood aosinopenia produced by lIgwj Act& mad. hung. 12 no.3-4:341-343 1!1,58. 1. 1. Auganklinik der Medizinischen Universitat, Budapest. (ERGOT, ALYALOIDS, effects hydergine on lij)it-indmced esaino:?enla (Ger)) (MSINOPIIIL OOMM , eosinopeuJA, eff. of hydergine or, light-induced eosinopenia (Ger)) WALIM, Emil. dr.; RADNOT, KatAa, dr. t Treatment of thromboeii of the central veins of the retina. Orv.hetil. 101 no-38:1347-1351 18 S 1600:' 1. Budapesti Orvostudomanyl Zgyetem, 1. oz. Szemklinika (THROKBOSIS 4her.) (RETINA bloot supply) RADNOT, Magda; WALUIER, E.; HONIG, Maria Retinal functi-~n and the optico-vogetative uyste=. Ac'a Cl=r. Ac,-d. Sci. Hung. 2 nb.4:419-444 "al. l 1. 1 Ophthalmoilogische Klinik der 14odizinischen Universitat Budapest (vorstand: Pr.laf.-Magda Radnotj (RETINA pbyaioi) (AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM physiol) $fOPTIC NERVE physiol) WALLNER, B.; ~MEPENSI., Maria; RADNOT, Magda On the Offsot of light on katontorold exoration. Acta chlr. acad. Hung. 4 no.3:181-188 163. 1. 1 Augenklinik (Direktori Prof. Dr. Nagda Radnot) der Modizl,,nischen Univer"ititt BudapeBt. (LIGHT) (17-KETOSTEROIDS) (PERIODICITY) HONIG Mirli,; WA A F.; PURIM, Yagda Behavior of endogencus eosir-openJa in optic ner-;e dieeaFes. Acfii chir, Acad, Pei. Hung. 5 no.2tll~-12.5 164. 1. 1. Augenklinik (Diroktori Prof. Dr. Magon RRdnot) der Medizinischen Universitat., Budapest. -IlTX.'OTp 1.11agda, dr,.; WALITlifi, Dnil, dr. &dogenous eosinop-mia in eye diseanes. Oni. hetil. 106 ro.24: 11091-1112 13 Jo 165. 1. Budapestj Orvostlidmiany-i Eryitem, 'T. Szomkllnika (Igaz.- gato: Radnot, Magda, drja WALLNER _Ern , dr. ---0- The world's watoh produotion and the Soviet Union. Foldr kozl 8 no.2:214 160. WALLNER.-Erno, dr. Yugoslaviala electric powr production. Foldr kozl 8 no.2:215 160. WALLIER, Brno, dr. Frgress in the electrification of Franca's railrcad SyStO-M. Foldr kozl 8 no.2:215-216 160. VIALLN971, Erno, dr. II,,e construction of the connecting railroad line between the Spanish capital and the Atlantic harbors was finished in 1959. Foldr kozl 8 no.2:216 160. WALLNER Ern dr. ---- ~~L~ IrrqI3 contract vith the Soviet Union on technical cooperation. -*ftl,fx kozl 8 no.2:216 160. WALLNER, Ernop Dre I . The now regional apportiment of CasohoslovWda* Yoldr koal 9 nc.208- 11 200 161, WALUIERS Emos ;I*- ~kter power in the power econonq of Africa. Yoldr koz2 9 no.4:3?2 .373 16L, f . 1; 1~ , -4 .; , 1.1; -.6 WALLNER,, Frropdr. The Hilmend irrigation in Afghanistan. Foldr k021 10 n0.11107- 109 162. - -L _Srn*o__dr,,. nyugalmzott egyatemi docono) a f oldrajzt udo2an3rok - WULMI IrAdidatusa (Rudapent) Highway tunnels in the Western Alps. Term tud kozi 6 no.80-53- 356 Ag 162. 4 WALINER, E. Population- and settlement-geographic characteristics of Paks District. p. 419* FOLURARI ERTFSITO. (Magyar Tudomanyos Akademia. Foldrajztudomanyi. Kutatoesoport) Budapest, Hungary. V01- 7. no. 4. 1958. Monthly list of East Awopean Accessions (EUI), IC, Vol. 8, no. 7. July 1939 uncla., wALLNM; Ernop dre ---------- Foldrajzi ert 9 no.2j249-251 Tunn'els for cars in the western AlPs- (EW 10.'l) 160. (Switzerland--Tunnels) 41 WAIDMR, Brno, dr. ern France. FoldraJzi art 9 no.2: Oil and --tural gas fields in South 247-249 160. WALLNER9 Ernog dr. The huge.natural gas reserves of the Swiet Unicm. Foldrajzi ert 9 no.4:505-506 160. (EFAI 10:6) 1 1 (Russia--Oas, Natural) -.WALLNM,-YA=o.,_dr., a foldrajzi tudomanyok kan4idatusa. Aspects of the settlement of the city of Dunalfoldrir. Foldmjzi art 10 no.1:67-97 162. WALLNER, Emo, dr, Oil Pipelinee in Weetern 4nd Central Europe. Foldrajzi art 10 no.It 149-151 161. WALLTTER, Erno, Dr.,nyug.egyatemi docens, a foldrajatudomanyck kandidtAusa ---truTa-pest) Now Guinea (Irian). Term tud kozl 6 no.2t6648 F 162. .WALLRER, Erno, Dr Avalanche catastrophe In Peru. Term tud kozl 5 (93) no.3:116 mr t62. IWALLISR, Brno, dr. A new oil field in Canadalo Yukon. Foldr kosl 8 no.2:2-16 160. WALLVER, Erno dr, Brazil's now Capital. Poldr %ozl 8 no*2:216-219 160. . .19 ! 0. WALLNER Ern dr , nyugalmazott egyatemi docona,, a foldrajztudmanyok !~~tMatu;af (Budapest) Crude oil and natural gas deposits in the Sahara and douthern Franco Term tud kozl 5 no.3;105-3.08 Mr 161. P WALLIMR, E=o dr.. Oyugalmzott egyetemi docens, a foldrajztudomanyok tusa (Budapest) cuba. Ter'm*tud kosl 5 no-5:216-220 My 161. 101, --WALLNM,.,frnov dr,t nyug&lmazott egyoteai docaug a foldrajztudomarqok kandidatusa (Budapeot) Venezuela. Term tud kozl 7 no.1:24-218 Ja 163. WAIL=, Brno, dr* Cuba. Foldr kozl 3.1 no.1:51-57 163o WALNERP E , dr., nyugalmazott, 09,letemi docenss, a foldrajztudomanyok rao ki~iclidatusa (Budapest) Peru. Term tud kozl 8 no.4il69-173 Ap 164. WALLNER, Erno, dr., nyugalmazott egyetemi docons, a foldrajztudorAnyok ta-ndidatusa (Budapest' Peru. Ft. 2. Term tud kozl 8 uo.7:312-314 JI 164. .,WAW.Mj Ernof dr. E"Onoxic 31f$ Of JaPan. Foldr kozl 12 no.3s245-264 t64. ~;JIILICII, Erno, dr, The n lll"r.'boan rr,,girm. Fo-,ir k..Jz, 3~ . 'J 4 4 - 3Y, 9 r~ 1 _ -'.. 6 ',IALlkj;; 1,- 'd. r, i aldrif: (Toformations into cor-,nidcration while com, -.ittn[-- cors%ra,~tions of electric- :-)ow*r stu-.ttons in ' D'. p.37 ', i,-- M ~, 'T L'", !< , , ': ., .A (Ifinisterstwo Ener,-ety i) 6'..,dinorrod Irol. 10, no. 1, Jan./Feb. 19A ~r So. F*4ist E,iro,)ean Acc~.sslnns lAst . o1. r , 1,10, 9 Septerltfr 11)56 KUNCZ, E.1 BAIAJTHY" B.1 "L.Ro.- -1 On the relation betveen the olinical,, alectroencephalogmpble and pathological findings in the aenile psychiatric disease picture. Acts. med. acad. sci. Fawg. 21 no.1979-98 165. 1. AlAellung fuer Neurologie und Psychiatrie (Chafarzt: Dr. L.Angyal), Robert Karoly-Krankenhaus, Budapest, und Gesund- heitedienst der ungarischen Volksames, Budapest. WAISA, Robert, Dr, Blectroencepl.'alographic changes in subacute panencephalites. Ideg. eseale 12 no.2:50-69 Yeb 59. 16' A Magyar Ilephadsereg %esseegWI Szolgalatanak koslemetWe, (INCZPHALITIS, dlag. leukoencephalitis, subacute# = (Hun (ELBOTHOENCWHAIWPAPHY, In Tarious d1s, loukoencephalitiol, subacuts (Hun)) WALSA, Robert, dre On th~ diagnolitic value of hypsa-rhythmic electroencephalography. Gy-qrmekgyog.vassat 11 no.11:321-328 N 16o. 1. A Magyar Wephadeereg Egesseeguai Szolgalata. (EUCTROUCEPHALOGRAPHY) (BRAIN din) MAGYAR, Istvan, dr.; WALS1. Robert, dr. Epileptic EEG manifestations In schizoid psychoses (epilepsy - schizophrenia). Ideg. ssemle 13 no-11:33.1-340 N 160. 1. A Magyar NephAd3oreg Egesxeegq71 Szolgalatanak kozlemanys. (SCHIZOPMUIA diag) (EPIIXPST di&g) (ELECTRON RAWGRANU) yWA,_.Aqllqrt,_jr. ; SZIKSZAY, Marta, dr. . Clinical features of epilepsy and the problem of its classification. Orv.hatil. 102 no.11:481-494 1,! Mr 161. 1. A Magyar Rephadsereg EgeszoegugYi Szolgalata. (F.PII;Epsy) WAIZA, nobert, dr.1 YJMOS, Maria, dr. ExperiencO3 duri the ACTH treatment of childhood epileptic manifestatione. Iwith special reference to infantile spa= characterized by hypoarrhythymia). Orv. hetil. 103 no-3511652- 1656 2 3 162. 1. Ilephadserog Egeszsegugyi Szolgalate as a Forarosi Korhasp Gyarmekboloaztalya. (EP31ZPSy) (HYPSARRYTM4IA) (CORTIGOTROPW) Gi4r,ARY .4AISA, Robert, Dr; Health Service Of the People.'s Army (Nephadsereg '--Egcsz3er.ugyi Szolgalata). "The Role of Electroencephalorraphy in Clinical Diagnosis." Budapest, Or-vosi Heti , Vol 104, 1:o 17, 28 Apr 63. pages 769-779. EtLi-ia R Abstract: The author discus.3es in -reat detail the use of EE)G in the diagnosi of various diseases. The article is a sum-nary of work done in this field with veri extensive bibliography. 8 Eastern European, 110 Western refereneca. WALSA, Robert, dr. ----* ------- The epileptic in the co*mnity. Orv. batil, 104 no.30:2353- 2359 15 D '63o 1. Nephadsereg Egeszsegugyi Szolgalata. (EPILEPSY) (SOGIAL MICINE) GIAC114TO, mikloso dr.; MAGYAR, Istvan, dr.; WAISA. Robert, Or. Use of muscle relaxants in electroshock therapy. Orv. hetil. 106 no.46:2168-2171 14 N 165. 1. Magyar Nephadeareg Eges2segugyi Szolgalata, IV ---0 WAISZTEIN. Z.. inz. gornik; HAN, F., inz. gorn.; BAJER, Richal, mgr., inz. Abutment support in the col2ieries of the Karaganda Coal Basin. Przegl gorn 17 no,n.'588-594 N 161, 1. Rediktor Wydawnlctwa fl.Orzoglad Gorniczy" (for Bajor).